American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 27, 1839, Image 3

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\\ Au\ijiii,i it;‘/i s,
tC/“We understand that the Commence
ment exercises of Dickinson College will
take place at 10 o’clock on Thursday, July
11th. David Paul Brown, Esq. of Philadel
phia,-will deliver the oration before the
Literary Societies on the day previously,
Jjily 10th; at ll o’clock.
•Democratic Celebration. —Wo hope as
many of our'country friends as possibly can,
will attend the Democratic Republican Cel
ebration on Thursday next. The Commit
tee of Arrangement will be amply prepared
to accommodate handsomely all who may
nee proper to attend —and we think one day
—and so fitting a one too—spent for the
good of the country, .is but a small sacrifice
required in so righteous a cause. ,Wo hope
therefore our democratic friends will attend,
and'not onjy partako of the good cheer which
will bo provided'by the excellent caterer se
lectedfor that purpose—but will also come>
prepared to make known their sentiments on
tlid prominent political topics of the day!
|cy We received a letter a few days sinefe
from Gen. Miller, in reply to the resolutions
in.the Herald, in whichhc states’distinctly
that He was the friend of th'e Cumberland
Volunteers throughout, and opposed by his
speech and vote a motion which was made in
the Senate to cut them off entirely. He
says' he had. then, and still has the highest
opinion of thcBctroops--but as he went upon
the principle of.paying all according to the
time they were in service, he could not con
scientiously,according to the testimony of
the commanding General, whisk lie says will
he found on page 60 7 of the Journal of the
House of Representatives, [the sanm that
we published two weeks ago,] vote them
more pay than what the oath of their com
mander made them entitled to. If the evi
dence had been the same as was in the case
of the Philadelphians, the General says he
would most cheerfully have voted our men
as much pay as the others—but- as it was
not,'(Gen. Alexander-swearing* positively
before the Committee, that he discharged
"them from service on the Saturday evening
of their return to Carlisle,) the blame must
rest on other shoulders than either his own,
or those of Messrs. Woodburn and Gorgas.
For proof of all which, he refers the Cum
berland troops to the Journal of the House
. of Representatives.
' r |Cj"Having we believe, fully satisfied the
community> ineur remarks, &c, two weeks
ago, as tp where the blame ought to rest for
the distinction made by the Legislature in
the bill for the payment of the troops, we
Lave bo disposition to continue'lhe control
. wersy, although we have facts and documents
now in our possession, which go not only to
prove what we v then stated,. but also, much
more that would be exceedingly grating to
feelings of the Chieftah who commanded
troops during the
*war. .But we forbear for the present, not
withstanding the base attack made upon us
and MesBrB,;Miller, Gorges &
the unprincipled scape-grace who penned
tlie resolutions, &c. in the last week’s Herald.
..■tVphavc always been; and are still.' friend
ly to our- Volunteer companies, and would
go ary length to advance their interests and
prosperity—we are therefore extremely sor
ry for their own sake and the .honorable po
sition they have always Jierelofore sustained
in the community, that they have permitted
such a malignant reptile, in human form,
■whose fatal touch deals destruction to every
project he undertake?, to pawn a string of
such resolutions "upon the public as the sen
timents of so worthyand respectable a body
«f men. Wcre it necessary, we could pre
sent-such a picture of the. vileness of this
creaturej. as would make every member of
«ur Volunteer • companies spurn , him from
■ their presence—but it would be useless and
unprofitable, as his deeds of villainy and
‘ ■erime are becoming notorious in this com-
poison carries its own anti
' „_> and however much our worthy
been misled for a sea
son; the pubheanv- ~ .
t completely unmasked I . lera,d p h " e
prime moverin this ‘ the
We therefore drop the subject.
been an unpleasant one to us, and sincere^
trust that nothing farther may transpire
which would again render it necessary, to
«tuhark in sohnpUasant a controversy, i-
The Democratic principle.- —lt is no
ble -in its origin, says a cotemporary, for it
Is born of tbc Christian region. It is
exalted in its purposes, for it seeks the
greatestgood of all mankind. The founda-
tion of Justice, it is no respecter of per
sons—but its protecting wing, like the dew
of heaven, falls equally upon all. It dis
tinguishes not between the prince and -the
peasant —for it is no worshipper of titles.
It is as much the friend of the poor as of
Die. rich, and is not less the protector of the
oppressed than the enemy of the oppressor.
It acknowledges no tyranny over the mind
or body of man. It is the foe of dchpqtism
in every shape, and is the friend of freeoctrrr
every where— it is freedom itself ! It
knows no bounds—for, like .charity, it is
universal in its motives, and seeks to dis
pense its blessings in every dime. Tyrants
quake at its approach, and quail before its
frown. ' Thrones tremble at its touch, as if
smote by the glance of destiny. Supersti
tion fliesTrom it like the early dew from the
rising sun. The rubbish-of ages—all- the
refined' systems of despotism, crumble to
atoms at its presence. It,has no deceit. Jt
assumes no artificial or unreal-character. It
wears no' borrowed or stolen livery. It has
no trifling lts object is not “ empty
showbut the freedom and happiness of
men. Of heaven it is heavenly, and free
from wordlypassions and worldly pride. It
is the offspring of light—the living witness of
man’s regeneration—and will live forever.
PLE. Reader,-what think you—is it not
worthy of your ardent and zealous affec
tion? Cherish it as you do the heart’s blood
of your system, and the Republic is safe.
Anti-masonry, say's the Pennsylvanian,
which for years has been defunct and almost
forgotten in every other State in the Union,
has, until lately, regarded
itS “snug harbor,” where if could securely
plot all manner of mischief. But within the
past year, it has be£n so awfully kicked and
cuffed both by friends and foes evdn here,.
that -it will be compelled shortly to bid the
world a "good night.” If seems that af the
recent Convention at Chambersburg, the an-
ti-masonic influence received what it doubt
less regards ns most scurvy treatment. The
Convention recommended Henry Clay to
the federal National Convention, as the first
choice of the opposition in Pennsylvania; a
gainst whichJPenrose, Dickey and others of
that stamp—the renegades adopted and used
by Ritner and Stevens—struggled with all
their power, in the hope that another State
Convention would be called, in which the
Harrisonites might have a majority. Fail
ing in this, Dickty moved to insert the name
of Harrison in the resolutions in the place of
that of Henry Clay, and being again foiled,
lie bluntly charged the Whigs with an in
tentto pack the aforesaid National Conven
tion: tlie anti masons in tura, were them
selves accused of treacherous designs, and
finally Penrose, JJickey, and seventeen fol
lowers, gave in a protest and retired. Whe
ther Penrose went out by way of the win
dow or the ddbr, is not stated; but this is
clear, that the allianceTbetween the two par
ties is njiw dissolved forever. The friends
of Henry Clay have formally proclaimed
their independence. , What course will the
Harrisonites pursue? Arc they prepared to
play “second'fiddle” now, after having led
the band so long? Are they content to be
thus pulfed ouTwitli as littlc ceremony as
one would extinguish a farthing rush-light?
A little time will determine. ‘
Inland Navigation. —The following are
the yeas, and nays in the House of Repre
sentatives, on tlie passage of the “act to pro
vide for the repairh of the several lines of
Canal and Rail Road belonging to the State.”
By reference
that the democratic members io'a''rriah voted
for it, while the federal members, in' order
to bring ruln and distress upou the State,
as uniformly opposed this all important and
necessary measure. It is an easy matter
for the people to judge who are, and who are
not patrioti.
Yeas— Messrs. Anderson, Andrews, Bar
stow, Brittain, Brodhead, Bruner, Butler,
Carpenter,Chautller,Cole,Coolbauglv, Cris
pin, Dare,'DouglassV Evans, Fcgley, Field,
Flennikcn, Foster, Gorgas, Hamlin, Hegins,
Helffenstein, Heston, Hill, of Berks, Hoge,
James, Jones, Kerr, Longaker, Love, I.oy,
M’Elwee, M’Kinstry, Mortimer, Nesbitt,
Park, Penrose, Pray, Smith of Franklin,
Snowden, Slrohecker, Sturdevant, Wood
burn, Work, Yost, Hopkins—s 3.
Nays— Messrs. Barnard, Beaty, .Caroth
ers, Cassel, Correy, Cox, Crabb, J.Cunning
ham, T. S. Cunningham, Biller, Fisher,
-Funk, Grata,-'B. G.,Herr,- J; Herr, Hindi -
man, Hutchins, Kendig, Kintzle, Konig
macher, M’Claran, M’Oowell Montelius,
Morton, Morrison, Femiiman, Ramsey,
Richardson,- Sheriff, G.R. -Smith.T. S.
Smith, Sprott, Watts,. Way, Zelin—3s.
JCf Judga Bcttke of Harrisburg has re
signed his commission as President Judge of
.the 10th Judicial ‘district. James M. Porter,
TtUbvof Easton, has been nominated to fill
Carlisle, at 85,25,
: ■ "v- .
p ( un % i tt*
JO 0- President Van Buren’s letter to the
Democratic General Committee of the city
of New York, willbo found below. By it;
the reader will perceive a disposition on the
part of the President, io avoid all public
parade during his journey to the north;—
We admire his determination, and, cannot
help drawing”the attention of ouf;readers to
the striking contrast in the conduct of the
"availables"’ of the federal party —we mean
their Websters, their Claj-s, and - their Har
risons. The one" is anxious to appear, as he
really is, the plain republican President of a
republican people—the others ape after the"
pomn aind ceremony of the bloated" aristoc
-raerew-pf Europe, and expect by feasting,
drinking, &c. to recommend themselves to'
the mass Of the people. How grossly they
arc deceived in their calculations, the past
history of parties will abundantly exemplify.
But to the letter: ~
Washington, June 14, 1839.
Dear Sir—l have received your letter," in
which, on behalf of the Democratic General
Committee, you’-ask to be informed of the
probable period ..of my arrivalat New York,
with a view to a public expression of regard
for myself and approbation of my official
Intending to travel by private conveyance, I
I cannot with certainty name the day on I
which I shall .reach there, but I hope to do
so by thejSrstnf July. The interchange of
personal civilities with my fellow, citizens
in the course of my journey, will afford me
the most lively gratification, and' the pnly
sentiment in regard to it- that I desire to ex
press is the hope that it may be attended
with the least formality that is consistent
with entire respect to thp wishes of my
friends. „ -
As your letter leads me to believe that the
Committee design to invito me to a public
dinner, and as I have been apprized that
-similar kindness is contemplated in other
places, I trust 1 shall be pardoned if ,I,ex
press, in advance of more formal offers, the
obligation I shall feel myself under to dc
-clinesuch-compliments. -, f
I am not insensible of the ap’parenl indel
icacy of thus anticipating the intentions of
my friends; but I fc.el that irt so' doing, I
may. safely throw myself Upoirtheir indul
gence. I- need not assure them that I can
never be unmindful.of any manifestations of
their regard or confidence.
Do me the favor to make these sentiments
known to the Committee, and'fo accept for
yourself my thanks for the obliging manner
in which you have conveyed their request.
- 1 am, Sir, very respectfully,
Vour friend and obedient serv’t,'
ECfyPresident Van Buren is now on Ins
way to his native state. lie arrived in
Harrisburg,on last and took his
departure on Monday morning. During his
short stay, he was visited by great numbers
jj|" his fellow citizens-—amongst the rest by
the members of the Legislature generally,
and by Gov. Porter. He travels in a pri
vate manner, and refuses to accept of any
public dinners, &c.
Hail Storms. —The present season lias
been unusually productive of hail storms.—
From all parts of the country we have ac
counts of them. The Charleston Courier of
Monday week, states that a hail storm, ac
companied by a tremendous gust of wind,- 1
passed through-the vicinity of lidisto, on the
Sd inst., almost entirely destroying the crops
over'which it passed. "The had was seen
the next morning in-banks, which measured
from 2 feet to 2 feet 4 inches deep. The
planters who. suffered are said to be plough
ing up their crops and planting over. ■
The great number of hail storms has
doubtless materially contributed to produce
the . unusual coolness of the- weather/ for
which the present season has been somewhat
ECpSince the affair in-the Chambersburg
Contention, some of tiie Federalists here are
cursing Penrose “up hill a'nd down dale” for
'real up-to-the-hub anti-masons are furious
at the conduct of the majority of that body,
wul- swear, lustily that they will neither
“touch, taste, nor handle” the great whig
orator 1 This is a*,“family jar,” however—
and does not concern the Democrats, as
they can easily beat their opponents whether
they contend in a body or in detached par
ties.- The feud is interesting, as in the bit
terness of the two factions towards-each
other, their true character is made known to
the world, and enables honest men- to get a
sight of thedotal. lack of principle and utter
recklessness of character which characterize
the opposition to Mr. Van Buren.
Special election '.—At the election in Adams
county on the 14th inst; tho-jsgte stood, for
Stevens, 1561—for M’Divit,Ao96. It is
worthy of remark that at the last October
election, jvhen,, a full democratic vote was
given, M’Divit received 1685 votes just 124
more than Stevens received at. the .special
election ! No wonder that Stevens declines
being'a candidate next fall.
—A new paper has recently been started in
Harrisburg, entitled the "State Capitol Ga
zette.” It sets out on the Democratic
principle, and promises a hearty and zeal
ous support to the National and State ad
ministrations. a
Although the Seminole war has several
times been announced as ended, yet more,
murders arc uniformly the first fruits of the
peace. This, it appears, has turned out to
be the case with General Macomb’s late ar
rangement, as several murders have since
been committed by the Indians, and the in
habitants of Florida" appear to have become
desperate-on-the subject. —The Baltimore
American says:
Verbal information from Tallahassee states
that the greatest possible excitement exists
in the Territory of Florida, and that the in
habitants have determined to take the war
into their own hands. Hundreds of volun
teers were offering their services to Gov.
Cail, who was expected to take the field on
the'loth inst. The Territorial Government
had offered a reward of 8200 for every In
dian taken or killed. We wait with some
anxiety for further particulars;
Tile Crops. —The Cincinnati Post says:
“Akcounts continue to pour in from all
quartets of the promise of the great abun
dance the coming harvest, in every variety
of production. The press Jjas completely
cheated oil’ the croakers this season. We
do' not! hear of one of them. We notice
some accounts of there remaining from the
last yea'?s crop, wheat enough to last anoth
er ycur.\
, Virginia Election. —The federalists, with
their acqistomed regard for truth, have
boasted ijiat the recent elections in the
•Old Dominion’ showed a decided majority
ill their favor of the popular vole. To show
the utter falsity of this story-, we subjoin a
tabic of the, majorities of the late Congres
sional election, taken from the Richmond
Enquirer, vith-the accompanying remarks
of the vetenin editor,''whose statements can
always be rdied on. Here it is:
' Congressional majorities.
Ur.puni.icA}. _ ’ AViiig.
Holleman, ( 144 Hill, (say) 220
Rives, 1 152 Goggin, 150
Dromgoole, \ 308 Taliaferro, 72
Coles, | flOl Botls. 208
Banks, ■' I 889 Mercer, 423
Lucas,' 1 4
Samuels, i 025'
i 742
\l ,024
Johnson 437, an!
taking in Shinn
1 5,377 1,073
Districts when there was no party opposi-
t lion.
Jones ("returns tccivcd AVise (707)
'from only one qunty.)
Samuels (D.) 186 —Steele (D.) 1201.
James Garlad 783
G. AV. Hopliis 471
Sub- Treasury , ale Rights', Anti-Clay.
Hunter 94
The result is, |iat in sixteen Districts,
the majority excels 4,300. In some of I
these Districts the'eat is not very accurate." i
Thus, if Mr. Merer falls short of the Whig
vote, Hill considerbly exceeds it. Goggin ,
has received a htvicr majority than; he
would have attaint! under other circum
stances—Coles, a ftuch smaller one. In
the other five Distrits, there was no direct
party issue. Jonesl District is decidedly
Democratic. Wiscfirid no opposition; but
intelligent observershoubt whether he might
not have been bcatort. Garland’s and Hop
kins’s are no tests, Vf the former, Amherst
and Albemarle may h debateable counties;
but in Nelson, .FluVna, and Louisa, the
Van Buren ticket willin' outrun Mr. Clay’s.
In Hopkins’s district.We Van Huron .ticket
will beat 8 or 10 to 1 Hunter was re-e
-i lected bythe assisting'otca of the Admin
j istration party; and in Samuels’s- district,
! our majoritywill be frtn 2to 3,000. It is
the strongest Democriic district in the
whole .Sommonwealth,Embracing the great
counties of Uockinghan and Shenandoah,
wliich .constitute the teiifi legion of the Re
public! I
In a Word, we are as of Virginia in
ifetOj as weare of-enjoyin the blessed beam
of the sun during the nexjp’eek. We shall
carry her by from eighty ten thousand—,
sonic calculators say -mbe, —No-man,-in
factyof the slightest to candor
but admits the tact.' Repblican or Whig,
.makes little odds. The Whig press may
bluster and brag—but' wthave conversed
with many, honest Whigs, aul we have nev
er heard a dissenting- opjritn. The last e
lection confirms it. The cuse.of Mr. Van
' Buren is bright and brightdfcig, —Everyday
will -strengthen it-—if foylp other'reason,
than that it brings us nekreand nearer to
the.true issue—Clay or VanUureu? a Fed
eralist or a Republican? A friend to the
"Republican-Democratic St aft Right: school
of Virginia, or a tatitudinoußconstruction
ist, a Bank man,-a Tariff mat &c. &c. &c.
Heads up, thehj • The skies Be bright—the
truth must prevail. The gram principles of
Virginia will still triumph inl'h-ginia—and
will prove the canons of ppliQal faith else
where. r
: June 22.
Sudden Death. —A man noted Andrew
Slack, went to.bed on night, at
his residence on the Hookstowr road, per
fectly well and hearty, after ha|hg driven a
stage about forty miles that day,and when
his wife woke up the next morning, lound
him a corpse; he is supposed to owe died in
a-fit of apoplexy. Mr. S.' was s teady and
attentive mans and been in thegmiploy of
Messrs. Stockton, Falls & Co., Ir the last
ten or fifteen years as a stage drive, between
tliis city and Carlisle, Pa. —Balthore Sun.
Jtolcilionin o#?cc.—Under this head the
, Washington Metropolis "indulges in the fol;
lowing apposite remarks, and so far as our
cofemporary has went we agree with him to
the letter. But in connexion with Mr. Hag
ncr, he might have called public attention to
another individual, (well known in this
quarter as formerly having held office un
der a federal State administration some
eighteen years ago,) who is now, and has
been for many years, employed as a princi
pal ' clerk in one of the Departments at
Washington. This same individual is pro
verbial (or his bitter hostility to the present
National Administration—to its measures
and its men—and to none more so than the
Head of the Department in which he is em
ployed—and when he occasionally "visits
this borough, he is not backward in making
known his sentiments, however offensive
they may be to those democrats who hear
him. But to the article from the Metropolis:
“There is one thing which we do and one
thing we do no(understand-AVe can clear
ly understand - whyJMr—Skinncr, Postmas
ter of Baltimore, MrJ Jones, Postmaster of
Washington, and Mr. Craig, Surveyor of
New York, were removed. "It was on the
principle of rotation, and a very proper one
it "is. Men who hold profitable offices,
ought not to have life estates in them., All
the above gentlemen, we understand, pro
fessed to belong to the Democratic party;"
and Mr. Van Buren, we believe, entertain
ed no doubt whatever on the subject, so that j
their removal was purely on the principle of j
rotation in office. ,
“There is one thing, however; that we
cannot understand—and that is, why if is
that Mr. Hao.ner,’an avowed opponent of
the. Administration, is allowed, to hold on.
He has been in office for thirty years, anti
realized the sum of $90,000; besides, he has
under him seven relatives—sons and broth
ers-in-law—all federalists, whose salaries
would swell the above.amount to $250,000,
the patronage bestoti-ed on one wjiigfiimily 11
while otir friends must be turned ou.toh the
principle of rotation in office.”
Charles B. Penrose. —The character of
this famous disorganizer , is beginning to be
pretty well understood by all parties. Hear
what the “American Star,” a federal paper,
published at AA'est Chester, says in reference
to his conduct at the Chambcrsburg Conven
tion: . . v-
“From (he opinion we had formed of.the
character of this reckless politician, we were
prepared to expect any outrage on decency
and.good manners, which his artful selfish
ness could devise; and, hence, were not sur
prised at the impudence of his motion, nor
the pretended fervor of his address, He
was met in jlielffebale, however, by Joseph
R. Ingersoll, Esq. who is his superior on any
occasion where talents are required.”
EO”It is stated on what is considered
good authorjtVjJhat D.iMei. Weiistur has
declined. I|a|HHp candidate for the Vice'
W. appears to have more
sense thanagne of his federal admirers, ami
prefers 1 earwig the coast clear to thegljemo
cratic candidates whom no
can by any possibility defeat. T|t| prior
antimasons will have to fish aboujtppf anoth
er to keep or else
they will be obliged ‘fb witlwraw entirely
from the contest, suggest the
names of T/id(hlcu£jWevens and Chafles 11.
Penrose, would answer ad
mirably to planPtl fiddle to old “gran-
ICfJohn Andrew Shulzc—my Joe John
—appears somewhat restive in the anti-mar
sonic traces. ‘ He wrote a letter to thef
Chambersburg Convention, in, which hit
seemed inclined to discard all cunnexioj i
with the Stevens and Penrose clique ; comy ■
quently, in order to please the poor imbeci, 1
he was nominated a Senatorial delegates’ j
the federaf Natirinal-CoiVvontioirwhiclrifO -j
be held at Harrisburg,in December next
•ICT’Tlie Democrats of the Ualtimor
trict haveplacedihhomlnatiun as the!
didates for Congress, Messrs. James
hole and Solomon Hillen, and havcj
confidence in' their triumphant ele
The federalists have nominated M(
P. Kennedy, (the late member) and
Puts, with defeat staring them [ulf
face. 1
A public dinner was tendered |e Hon.
James Buchanan, during his recel visit to
Harrisburg, by the democratic npbers of
the Legislature, which he respefully de
clined. He was visited, howey, during
his stay, by great numbers of lislcmocra
tic friends, all anxious to pay tlf respects
to the distinguished statesmarnho is the
boast of Pennsylvania anil thefide of the
Union. I / '
If the charges of cri
Stevens are true, ami
Court will hardly lie, tf
majority of the peoph
cause to blush for the!
week. Tlieir vote is a
endorsement of all thj
and private,-which ha:
him. "What a, reflect
The murderer pf Cillcy, Mr. Graves, is
a candidate for re-elcctipn to Congress iii
Kentucky! If the perpetration of cool ahd
deliberate murder is a passport to federal
favor and honor, he undoubtedly .deserves
the support and comfort of all the members
of "all the decency” party iir his' district.
So thinks the Trenton Emporium—and so
thinks every man who has any regard for
the precepts of the Bible.
■ The Perry Forester has been revived un
der the title of the “Perry Freeman,” and
is pledged to the support of Harrison and
Webster —rather an up-hill business, we
should, suppose, in that sterling democratic
The number of troops now'in the encamp
ment at Trenton, is said to be over 1000,
and more are daily arriving. The . whole
are under the command of Brigadier Gene
ral F.ustis. v
The Committee rtf Arrangement met ac J
cording to notice at the public house of Mr.
Geo. Slicaffer, in Carlisle, on Friday even
ing last, the 21st inst. and after appointing
Josern Lohacii, Esq. Chairman, and Win*
Z. Angney , Secretary, the following pro
ceedings were adopted: v,
Hcsolved, That the following gentlemen
compose the Toast Committee and the sev
eral committees of invitation, Viz;
Toast CommUteei
Jas. 11. Graham Esq'. Hugh GaullagherEsq.
Dr. Jacob Haughman Col. C. Stevenson
Saml.Woodburn Esq. Edward Showers
Robt.G.Sterrett, Esd.-Maj. Jacob Rehrar
Maj. Edward Armor George Wise Esq;
John Breitenbach Robert Snodgrass Esq,
Isaac Lehny 1 George Beelem Esq.
Committee of invitation to the Country.
Col. Chas. McClurl John Myers Esq.
John Irwin Esq. -1 John Hamilton
Jason W, Eby Esq. Isaac,Angney Esq
Michael Holcomb/isq.Gen. Willis Foulk
Col. George M’Feely Isaac Todd Esq.
William Gould j William Pinks
Peter Overdecr i S.-Wunderlich Esq.
!l ard Committees td'procure Subscribers.
North ICasl South East.
Henry J. Kelly/ Capt. James Martin
William Trout/ .Henry S. Ritter .
Peter Spahr / ■ Stewart Moore
Alex. S. Lyitc j
North fJ'jst,
John R. Kcrn/n
Ephraim Cortman William Crop
Robert M’Cl/n Sr. ‘ Jonathan Curt
Peter Weibl/y Joseph Sites
Resolved; I hat Mr. George Heckman be
employed to furnish the dinner, &c. at fifty
cents per npn/nml that the celebration will
be held at rimderlich’s (formerly Holmes’)
Grove, on/-half mile east of the borough,
near the Uiilroad.
Resolvj/l, That these proceedings be sign
ed by thethairman and Setretary, and pub
lished. /
/ ■ Jos. Lodacii, Chairman.
Ifsn.Z. Angney, Secretary. _ "
ICwf/'c Toast Committee will meet at
the puiic house of Mr. George Beetem, on
Saturd/y evening next, (29th inst.) at early
Thidiffcrent Ward Committees, & Com
mittefof Invitation, will meet at the public
hous/of Mr. John Cornman, on the same
Apunctual attendance is requested.
Sfemocratic Electing.
a large ami respectable meeting of the
iocratic citizens of the borough of Me-
Inicsburg, convened'pursuant to public
ice, on Saturday evening the 15th inst,ria«s&
the public house of Frederick WondejSHß
ii. Ou inolion. Dr. A,-H. VAN H
/as called to-the chair; S. Riipley,
Id Vice President;'and (I'm. IV. I)afe,-S&BKj
fetary. The object of the meeting
reen stated by the chair, on motion of P.
iloman Steck, a Committee of six consisting
'of Messrs. Stock, I. Newton Hyers, Freder
ick Wondertich, James Mullen, Wesley J.
Boden, and George Ilarner, were appointed
to draft a preamble and resolutions expres
sive of the sense oLthe meeting, who after.
having retired a few'minutes reported the
following: -
Whereas, The ahniversaryiof bur Nation
al .Independence is fast approaching, and,
whereas, it is not only customary, but pro
per, to express by suitable demonstrations
the feelings handed down toils by our fore
fathers, and whereas, we consider it ourdtf
ty to.hand further to posterity this celebra
tion of the triumph of the cause of freedom
over that of tyranny and oppression; there
fore, we the dembcratic'citizens.of Mechan
icsburg and vicinity, do resolve,?- •
-That we. will celebrate it by partaking of
a dinner at such-suitable place as the com
mittee of arrangement may select.
Resolved; That a committee of six be' ap
pointed. to a committee of arrange
ment.- : i
•s. J.
in ithe
Resolved, That said committee procure a
competent person to deliver an address suit
able for the occasion, and one to read the
declaration of independence.
Resolved, That a'committee of three be *
appointed to prepare the regular toasts. ’
The committee of arrangement arc; N..
Whisler, S. Rupley, I. N. Dyers, George
F. Cain, Esq. Capt. Jacob Dorsheimer and .
Dr. A. H. Van Hoff.
iC b/iight against
/he '/cords , of the
fcn Meed have the
(in /dams County
I co»uct on Friday
liryd approval—an
/crtncs', both public
!eil preferred against
/or a moral people !
- Committee to prepare regulartoastsiAVm.
W. Dale, S. Rupley and P. R. Stock. ■'
Resolved, That the proceedings of this
meeting be published in the, American Vol
unteer and Iron Gray, .
, On motion, adjourned. ’
, , A. H. VAN HOFF, President.;
.V■ S. Ruplev, Vice President.. .
Wm. TP'. Jsate, Secretary...
John Main
South ff'est-.
Win.. Anderson