mxcnjiJv&E E.I.VK ANJD EAVINC-S INSTITUTION,: No. 66 South Fourth st. Philadelphia. CAPITAL 250,000 DOLLARS. Often daily for the transaction of businessfrom - 9 A* M. to 3 P. M ' DEPOSJTES of money received, lor which the following rate of interest will beallowcd 1 year 6 percent, per annum, 6 mos. 6 •• “ 3 «» 4 (i , »* On business deposUes, lobe drawn at the plea sure of the depositor, no interest will be allowed. Unoiirrent notes of solvent Banks,' in 1 every part of the United States, will’be received as special deposites, on such terms as may be a greed on in each'particular case. By order of the Board, J. DESSAA, Cashier, Philadelphia, Dec. 19, 1838. ly DR. I. G. LOOMIS, DENTIST. INTENDS residingnermanently in Carlisle, and would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of the place and vicinity. He has taken rooms at Col. Ferree’s Hotel, where he may be found at all hours. ■ Persons requesting it will be waited upon at their residences. C Dr. George D. Foulke, Reference,— < Rev. Thos. C. Thornton, C Dr. David jY. Mahon. Carlisle. Dec. 6, 1838, A VALUABLE TAN YARD POR REMtf, . - AT HARPER’S FERRY, VA. THE subscribers will lease for one. or .more years, their valuable Tan Yard, with all its appendages. It is one of the best locations in Virginia-for carrying bn the business on an extensive scale, as there is abundant rriom and the materials are ample. A number !of the Vats are undef cover, and all the buildings are ot the most suitable kind—besides the grinding of Bark (which can be got convenient and at fair prices,) is done by water power. Any quantity of Hides can be procured in the neighborhood*,as thesis uo with iirseveral miles of the platfe—and there i's also every facility for getting hides from the cities, and sending.them to marlcefe when eith er b)*Tail road .or canal; There is, likewise, a demand at this place for a large quantity of Leather annually by the Government. ' Possession will be given immediately.. For further particulars enquire of HUGH GILLEECE & CO. Harper's Ferry, Feb,/, 1839. eowtf Interesting Cure PERFORMED by Dr. H, Swayne’s Com pound-Syrup otrrunus Virginiana, or Wild made use of this" invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirely cured my child. The symptoms were Wheezing and Choking of Phlegm,difficulty qf breathing,atten ded with constant cough, spasms, convulsions, &c. of which I had given up all hopes of its re covery, until I was advised to make a trial of this invaluable. medicine*.. After seeing, the wonderful effects it hacl ppon my chile}* .1 ...con-' eluded to make the same trial upon mvself, which entirely relieved me of a cough that 1 was afflicted with for many years. Any person wishing to see me can call at my house in Beach rtreet* above the Market, jCen^ington. Philadelphia, Dec 7. 1838. The above medicine is for sale h y J. J. MYERS & Co., Carlisle. Estate of Moses Scroggs, deceased. NOTICE. THE subscriber having taken out -Letters of Administration on the estate of MOSES SCROGGS, dcc’d, late, of Newton township, Cumberland county, heVeby gives notice, to-all persons indebted to said estate by bond, note or book’ account, to make payment immediately, and those having claims-wllf present them prop erly authenticated fir settlement-' • Alexander scroggs. Residipg in Newton township, Cumb. co. May 30,1839. 6t FOR SMiE. AJot of prime Western Hams, ■One new Tillbcrry, Two Sets brass mounted Harness, Two good young Horses, suitable for farmers’ use. Also, a great variety ol Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Gc. . HAMILTON 8c GRIER, Carlisle, March 25, 1839. . WILLIAM MOUDY, HAS taken that well ‘—, known tavern stands in me east end of High Street, Carlisle, sign of Commodore Perry, late - ng) ly kept by Mr. \yilliam Strohm, where he shall be vißSwßnlHrWflw: 3SJ happy at all times to ac commodate Waggoners, Travellers and with all things needful to their comfort and convenience. l —Hrh-2Jar-shalLbec6nsfantly~stipplicd wltlrth'c choicest of Liquors, and his Table with the best themarketswill afford.- Acareful-and attentive hostler will always be at hand to wait upon those who may need his services. In short, nothing shallbe wanting to render general satisfaction to all who may favor custom, Ciarlis/e, May 2, 1839. , 3mo. OTW GOODS. JUST received arid now opening at the store tjf the subscribers r cprner of- Hanover. and 1-.outlier streets, Carlisle! ageneralassortmerttbf SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Spring Chintzes, Calicoes;, Ginghams, Lawns, Muslindclaines, Challies, Veils, Bonnets, Rib bons, Cadet Cloths,' Cassimeres, and fine Sati nets. Also, a first rate -assortment of Domes tics, such as brown and bleached Muslins, Tick ings, Table Cloths, with a-great variety of stuffs for Gentlemen's Summer wear, sucli as Summer Cloth, French Velvet, Drillings and plain Lin ens of all kinds. Velvet Cords, Beaverteens and Nankeens—Stocks, Cravats, Breasts and Col lars,GloVes and VESI'XNGS, Aladagooclas sortment of . ~ Qneenswarc and Groceries, ' of which will be sold low and on accommo terms. The public are respectfully ih vlt™i^ v Qall and examine, before making their , they will be sure to get bargains: ■ ... T ' HAMILTON & GRIER., : ri OfflO gooi] Plate . 'j . 5 mediately at Oak - Grove ?W^ ™* coubty, to whom 'constant employ m boK™ 1 ' given and good wages paid., Apply to : 9® ; PuEa. FoERiNa & TnuDiuu. (Oak Grove, May 30, 1839. 2m FORWARDING & OOIVIIVIISSSON ■ 1 HOUSE. MUlv lIVG, , CARLISLE, CUMBERLND COUNTV, HAVE erected a Warehouse oh the RAIL ROAD, at the west end- of High strent, directly opposite Dickinson College, where they can at all times receive and forward merchan dize and produce to Philadelphia, Chambers burg and all intermediate places, having placed Cars on the road which will run regularly be tween Carlisle and Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of all descriptions will be forwarded with care and despatch. Goods will bp received at the Warehouse of Joseph S. Lewis, ir. St Co., corner of Broad and Vine streets, Philadelphia, and forwarded to Carlisle, Chambe'rsburg, and all intermediate places. Carlisle, April 4, 1839. s m Joseph s. lewis, jb. & co. Commission dtForwarding' Merchants, •S. IF. cornir Broad & Fine alt . Philadelphia, ARE prepared to receive and effect sales o all produce, merchandize, Etc. which may be entrusted to their care. Liberal advances will be made on consignments until sales.are ef fected. Produce and merchandize left at the Ware house of Messrs. Murray K Fleming, Carlisle, shpll receive prompt attention, and all merchan dize, &c. left with us will be forwarded to Car lisle, Cbambersburg, and all intermediate pla ces, on the rail road, with care and despatch, at the lowest rates of freight. • April 4, 3839. 3m* THE books of Dr. Theodore Myers dec’d., have been placed in the hands of Jacoj) Squier, J Esq'.‘ for- settlemeiVf. . Those having claims against, or those indebted to said deceas ed, are requested to call immediately for settle ment. •Administratrix: of said deceased, Carlisle,- April 1- - ESPFjCTFULLY informs the ladies .and gentlemen of Ciirlisle and itVvicinity that he sets Artificial Teeth in the most approved manner. He also scales, plug? and separates teeth to arrest decay., Dr. N. prepares a tqnth ppwder, which whi tens the teeth, without injuring the enamel, col ors the gums a fin* red end refreshestHe mouth. The tooth-ache will he cur£d,. in most cases, without extraction; and an odontalgic wash is prepared for healing sore gums and. fasten the teeth. * Ladies and gentlemen are. requested to call and examine his collection of Porcelain or In corruptible teeth, which >vill -never -decay—or changexolor* and arc free from all unpleasant odour, durable and well adapted for chewing, iwhjcluwilfbc inserted in the best manner ami at fair prices. AH persons wishing Dr. N. to call at their dwellings will please to leave a line at his resi dence, No. 7 Harper's Row, when he will punc tually attend to every call in the line of his pro fession. From a long and successful practice, he hopes to give general .satisfaction. * -Carlisle, April 31, 3839. 3m* John Willcox. ATTORNEY AT LAW, , WILL practice in the several Courts o Cumbeilaiul, Perry anil Juniata. Office in Main street, Carlisle, a few doors west of the Post Office. March 21,1839. - -If 1 ITIACaifNIST A TOD ' 1 Burr Manufacturer. The subscriber wishes to inform his friends and jhc public that he continues the manufactu ring of all kinds of machinery for Woolen Fac tories, toget]ier with FRENCH BIJRH MILL STONES. abiiisoldstand in New Cumberland, all.of which he will warrant to be made in the best work? manlike manner and of the best materials, and seilatthc lowest prices, upon accommodating terms. A constant supply mf.Cards will be ,kept on hands, and old machinesrepaired .’ ABR’M MELLINGER. Juno 21.1838. , ly A new Line of Freight Cars FROM HARRISBURG TO FHIL- AD LFBIA. THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, re spectfully acquaints hisfricnds and the pub lic. that he has put into operation on the HAR RISBURG, LANCASTER, and COLUMBIA RAIL ROAD, a line of new DOUBLE CARS, which will run regularly .between Harrisburg,Bc Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of all .descriptions will he forwarded with enre and despatch, at 1 ; Goodk will he received at the WAREHOUSE of THOMAS J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of Broad and Vine streets, Philadelphia, ami for jvarded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambersbarg, and intermediate places,, arid by the subscriber? OWEN M’CABK. Harrisburg,'Jan, 51,1839. itT-FISH, SALT AND PLASTER, CON ST ANTLYON HAND, Cash paid for almost all kinds of country produce. post oPpica,.. Carlisle, Pa. May f, i 839. ■ Arrival and Departure of Mails. Arrives. Closes. Eastern daily about 10 m. 7 p.m. “ “ . “ S p. m. 11a.m. Western 4 * ii 12 m. 9a:m. Southern “ , <> 10m.— 7p. m, Mechanicsb|g “ 10 m. - 7p. m, •Newville - < —« “ 12 m. ' 9 a.m. T 1 H. EAMBEWION, P. M. Esta Ce-of David Hippehammer, deceased. NOTICE, THE public will take notice that letters.of ad ministration have this day, been issued to the. subscriber on the estate of David Hippe hammer, late of the borough of 'Cum berlgnd county. All who have slaims or de mands against the estate ofsaid decedent are requested to make the same, known to the sub scriber without delay, and allavho are indebted to said estate are req'uired {to call and settle the same immediately. ' HUGH GAULEAGTIEU, ' Carlisle; April 23. 1839.' . ’ . ' forVs- Bambaacen.p and figured Stocks, Arnold & Co. NOTICE. S. A. MYERS, DR. J. C. NEIT, BtJROBON DENTIST, jj# * Agents.— Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia. fS there no cure for that distressing disease? is the echo Irom thousands. Read the many certificatcsdf cures performed by Dr. Wm. E vhns’ Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, ~The following certificate must certainly convince every person of the great efficacy ol this invaluable medicine. - iDi;. Wm. Evans— Dear Sir:—l can never be grateful enorfgh for the cure I have received by the use of yourinvaluable medicine (Camomile Pills,) . I-was for five- years very seriously troubled with.Dyap, psia, which caused a ner vous sensation throughout my system—So much that I sometimes shook as if I had been afflicted with palsy; during all .this time X took many medicines, but none would cure me. At last, my physician gave me up; but fortunately'one day ns I was speaking to a friend on .the subject he told me that Dr. Wm. Evans’ Camomile Pills were the only-medicine that would cure me, of which I purchased Some, and the result is that lam now enjoying .perfect health, Any person wishing to see me can call at my house, No. 365 North Front street, Philadelphia. . ' ■ ‘Henry L. Campbell. The above medicineis for sale by J. J.Mvehs 8c Co. Carlisle. ( CHANGE OP AGENTS I For Morrison’s Universal Mcdlclucs. ' Horatio shepherd MoAiMateSoic Agent in the United States, having been dismissed by the British College ofHealth, Dr. George Taylor now.of the city of New York, has been appointed Sole General Agent, and Hy gia Delegate to the United States. *» le said George .Taylor has appointed A, D. Ulmstead, of Montrose, Susquehanna county, 1 ennsylvahia, Sole General Agent for the states or Maryland and Delaware, and thirty three counties cast of the Allegheny Mountains, Penn sylvania? and George C. Hand, Surgeon ot Allentown, L.ebigh county, Pa., General .A gent for four counties in ihc statb of New York, and seven in the state-of New Jersey, to wit:— Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland, Glouces ter, Monmouth .and Salem, in the state of New Jersey i Gennessce, Livingston, Monroe and Steuben, in the state of New York. Hereafter, no person can"or will vend the ge nuine Hygeian Medicine? within the said dis tricts, except by the authority of the said A.D. Olmstead And George C. Hand. All former agencies within said districts having terminated by the removalof 11. S. - Moat, who is now offer ing for sale under the firm of Moat & Pelham, Medicines of their own manufacture, which will readily be detected, as such will not have the sip nature D. Olmstead , G. C. Hand, or Olmstead fir.'!l and, on the cover of each box or package. The lending principles of the Hygcian or Mor isonian them y of Disease,' are too favorably and generally known to'rcquire a minute explanation in this advertisement. , These medicines cure all diseases which ad mit of a cure, and many heretofore deemed in curable. They may lie given with safety to the weak est patient, and under every circumstance and stage of human suffering, and to children of the, most tender age. None offered For sale within the aforesaid dis tiicts arc genuine, unless each box or package have a fac simile of James Morrison's signature, with asac simile of the signature of GeorgeTay-- /or, and also the written signature of A. D. Olm* stead, G. C. Hand, or Olrhstead Hand, wjtli the written signature of Sole Agents, when ap pointed. ■The Pills arc.of two.kihds—Nb. 1 No. 2, sold in boxes with envelopes, at 25 and-50 cents; and packages at $1 and 83." packet con tains a proportion of about two to one of Kn 2. The Powders are in separate boxes—price 25' cents, ‘ No chemical apothecary or druggist is ever cmploycd'to sell these medicines. • i Respectably persons complying .with thc'rc buisitimis required may be appointed agents on qbera/ terms. < \ Office hud General DcJiot t No, 5 South Front ilfcct, Philadrl/ihta. \ “A. D. OLMSTEAD, General Agent, \ For 33 counties, Pa.; the states of * \ Maryland and Delaware, \ G. C. HAND, General Agent, ~ VFor 5 counties, N. Y-raml 7 J. .Tie public is hereby notified that we'have nniW our business, and hereafter irwill ducid under the firm of Olmstead & Hand. Aionlers directed to OlmsteadBc Hand, No. 5 Front street, Philadelphia, will receive promtt attention., \ OLMSTEAD 8c HAND. Thcmovc medicine is for sale by CmRLES OGILBY, Agent for Carlisle. Sept to, 1838. ly TO BUILDERS. \ P. GOOD’S in bridges. F-*A>tlS GOOD, of the township of New J-ondji, in the county of Chester, nml state ol I'cniisylinia, obtained letters.patent for an improved mn of erecting Bridges over streams of water. uic plan combines strength a riel .per manency \\% .economy, so much, so as not to re quire, in soft situations, more than one liaUthe expense to Act a Bridge on this plan, and when built would it be liabiy to be injured by a fresh ,ct, or l c stream; the Bridge being con structed and toured in such a manner, that if the water shnij rise so \)igh an to run over the top of it, the Udge would remain firm and se cure. The pfo has been submitted to.a num ber of scicntin men, who all pronounce it a great improverfot. .One on this plan has been erected over aWch of ‘Whiteclay creek, in the township Oljondongrovc, which received the apnrol)ation|a Jury appointed by the court to view the sumdi The subscriber having -pur chAscd therightifthe states of Pennsylvania west of Hampshire, Vcj* mont. New JersefEastdm Shore of Maryland, North and South trolina, Indiana, Kentucky; Michigan, Mississib] t Louisiana, Missouri* a,nd the territories ol (isconsjn and'Florida, will sell single, townsll courtty, or state rights, to any person nr. persA, and will give every ex* may I necessary, at his placeTf residence, A irk 8 /»M, Lancaster county, Penn sylvania, or to thclditors of the Volunteer. I Carlisle , Pa, I * _ September SO, 1831 ’UANCIS GrFELL. We, the Commissii having erected a Bridi Good’s patent, are dcc\ it is a very valuableifnfi bui/ding-over small sti\ expensive in their consl\ ers nf Chester tfonnty, [mi thcmotlel of*Francis cl lv of the opinion that bveTncnt, especially for (ms, being much less •clion. aJt-h C7tfiBT' 2 * * IV. Passmore, r ohn Beitier , Commissioners, June 1d,.1838. ; DYSPEPSIA! MORE testimonials o\ Wm. Evans’ Camo Philade!/i\ Sir:—Being on a visit tol my native village of Gera jivail myself of the opportul words of recommendation I . Pills, to theabundant test ion in their favor. About four \\ tacked with Dyspepsia, and I suffered from that complaint! NotyitllSfanding I tried evci'jl 1 I obtained' rt cidentajljfesaw your advertised numefbuss’and respectable tq accompanied it, I had some 4 your medicine might not prove! less in my own case. I tried if, a necessary to add was shortly curl success was greater than I couldl anticipated from even the warm* dations.; As a small return for 111 have bestowed, I send you this act of my thanks and the deep sensei under which I feel myself toward \ implicit confidence In the efficacy 1 omile Pills, and feeling it due to”nri ferers, f would warmly entreat all I dragging on their existence, undei' tl of that scourge 6f the human family! to lay aside their,early prejudices al remedies, and apply to you,' that til ccive a speedy and. permanent reston I still reside in Germantown, thoi ouently visit the city, and will willingi further-information that may he-desii Ever gratefully, yours.' • T. B. WILI TH® TRUE RICHES OF LIFE IS heal T Hy We know ■ that health, and the ability to labor is the wealth of the great mass of the /ico/ile in this as in most, other countries. 7b fi reserve, therefore, that health by JVA7 URAL, means, is a grand moral and fiolilical .scheme, to fulfil which requires our utmost attention. THE unparalleled reputation, .which Peters’ Pills have acquired as a Medical Restorative, is the most unquestionable proof that can be gi ven of their immense importance to tfic afflicted, in almost every class of The number of letters received from patients recovering thro’ their means is really prodigious, and. the com plaints which they have cured are almost as va ried ns they arc numerous. Hut still there are some in which they are more especially benefi cial than in others; and among those may be named the too often fatal complaints of the sto 'mnch and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence, and Indigestion, for, which they are not only a certain but an immediate cure. It is well known that from the disarrangement of the stomach and bowels,tirisc nine tenths of all the maladies of adult and declining life; that this is the foundation of Flatulency, Spasmodic Pains, Indigestion, Loss of Apctite &c;, arid that j those in their turn give birth to Dropsy, Liver Complant, Consumption, and habitual lowness of spirits; therefore Peters*' Pills being the very best medicine which has ever been discovered for the incipient diseases of the intestines, are necessarily the surest preventives of those dread ful, and also general disorders, which embitter mature life, and drag so many millions to un timely graves. ‘ , I, In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing to. hjmself that has not been conceded by the public. - He is no needy quack nr unknown spec ulator, who comes before the world as his own herald and witness, but is placed in a responsi bility of situation by the patronage which he has enjoyed for years, and which is increasing to an extent unprecedented in the annals of medicine, that him careful to arrest nothing which is not borne out by the most infaliblc proof, and hence, he does not fear to be put to the lest in any thing which he lias promised respecting his Pills. Dr. Peters is most happy to be able to state,' on- the authority of-a great number of regular 1 physicians, that wherever his Vegetable Pills have been introduced, they’ have almost super ceded the adoption of mercurial j experiments, for their peculiar faculty in sweetening the blood, and stimulating it to expel all noxious juices, and in givMug strength and tone to the nerves, pre svent's disease from acquiring that strength which must be got under, if at.all, by dangerous reme dies. - . Prepared by IQS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. D. 129 Liberty street, New York. Each box contains 40 pills; price 50 cents'. These celebrated* Hillsaresold by-all thfe prin cipal Druggists in Ualtirnore,Philaddphia,VVash ington city, and throughout the United- Slates, -the Canadas, Mexico,-and the West In dies, and by r - JOHN 3. MYERS, Carlisle, SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Do. S. WILSON 8t Co,, Shippensburg, GEO. GARUN, Chambersburg, DEWISDENIG, - Do. ALEX-’R SPEER, Mercersburg, P. W. LITTLE, Do. I) .comber 6, 1838. '• 3y jTk UAOKS &. THEIR EESTRXTO- NOS TKUMS.—The.lgnited testi mony of physicians throughout the United States has fully proved the fact that Peters’ Vegetable Pills are the only true Vegetable Pills which will stand the test of analyzation; hence the proprie tor would most earnestly urge them to the notice of those Who have been in the habit, of using, as cathartics or aperients, the destructive and,ini ‘ating quack pills so generally advertised, and which are at best but slow consumers of the vital functions, and murderous agents, even to the! most hale. <• It is true', most of them product'a purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief; hut in most&ases they injure the digestive or gans, and an habitual rcKoit to them must ter minate in confirmed dyspepsia. ” It is true that cathartic apd aperient mcdicinrs. arc often required’! but the nicest discrimination should always be observed ,n the selection; and, if this be done, nothing injurious can result from their use*>. To produce this much desired result, Dr. Pe ters has made it his study for several years and feels proud to say he has succeeded at length far beyond his expectations. 'The object of bis pills is to supercede, the necessity of a frequent re course to injurious purgatives, and to offer a me dicine safe, cemmland pleasant in its operation. Prepared, byJfiMPriestly Peters, M, D, No; 129 Liberty stnKNcw York. Each* box con tains 40 pills'. ‘*rnce 50 cents. For sale by .!.- J. Myers, and S. Elliott, Carlisle, and Samuel Wilson Sc Co. Shippensburg. ' Dec. 6. -Peters’ Vegetable Plllsi 1 TB/MTORE than three millions of-boxes of these- IV H celebrated pills have been sold in the U. States January, 1835. Hundreds and thousands hloss the day they became acquainted with PNcrs’ Vegetable Pills, which" in consequence of their extraordinary goodness, have attained a popularity.unprece dented iirthe history of medicine. Whea taken according to- Lhc directions ac companying them, they are highly beneficial in the prevention and cure of Bilious Fever, "Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints,-Sick Headach, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheuma tism, Enlargementdf the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heart Burn, Nausen,: Furred-Tongue, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, . Flatulence, Hab itual Costivcncss, Loss of Apetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility. . . . 'The efficacy of these Pills is So well known, and their use so general, that further comment is considered unnecessary. Dec. ' ISPEPSIA.iI le efficacy of Dr lie Pills. Dec. 19, 1838. hiladclphia; from itown, I joyfully V of adding a few l your celebrated given rs ago," 1 was at r several years Its worst stages, ling that came lelief, till I ac it. From the Vnonials which It hopes that together use lit is scarcely I Indeed the ossibly have Irccommen weuefit" you Wledgmeht \obligation l; Having your Ca m suf p may be' linflucnce yspepsia, list' such \may re- Headache, Sick and J\Tervous. , THOSE who have suffered, and are weary of suffering from these distressing complaints, will find in Peters' Vegetable Mills, af ifemedy at once certain, and immediate in its effects. In JJys/ie/isia they stand unrlvalledt many have been cured in a few weeks after having suffered under this, dreadful complaint for years. In habitual Costiveness they are-depidedly su perior to any Vegetable Pills ever yet discover ed, and besides this they are recommended by all the eminent and leading members of the me dical faculty. For salens above. A CATALOGUE OP REASONS, For using Dr. Peters' 1 Celebrated Vegetable PILLS. H: 1. Because they- are exceedingly rsfipular, which proves them to be exceedingly good. 3- Because they are composed of simples which have the power to do animmehse number of cases, without possessing the means to do injury in any. ■ , / i -I fre : [ivc'any 3 Because they arc not a quack medicine.but the scientific compound of a regular physician who has made his profession the study of his life* 4 Because they are nodunplcnsant to take nor distressing to retain, while Uieyjue most effect ive to operate. , , , ..., 5 Because they arc recommended as standard medicine by.the regular faculty. 6 Because by keeping the system in a natural state of action, they cure almost every disease which is incidental to the human frame, ... H e <- aus e they are cheap and portable, and will retain all their virtues in-full vigor, in any climate; and for any length of time. 8 Because, notwithstanding their simplicity and mildness, they are one of-the speediest pur gntivc medicines which hasyelrbecn discovered. y Because they are an unfailing remedy for procuring a good appetite. ' - ... 10 . in cases of spleen or despondency, by their healthy influence on the excited state of the body, they have a most happy effect, in calming, and invigorating the mind. 11 Because they effect their cures without the usual attendants of other pills, sickness and grlpings. 12 Because as well as being an unrivalled purifier of the general svstem, they arc a sover eign remedy for sick head-ache. •13 Because they differ from the majority of medicines, in the fact that the more they arc known the more they are approved-. 14V* Because as their application creates no debility in the system, iheymav-'ietaken with out producing any hindrance to business or'the usual pursuits of every day life. 15 Because when once introduced into a fam. ■ily, or a village, they almost immediately lake tho precedence of ull other medicines in.ccnera/ complaints. 16 Because a number of the wonderful cures they have effected, can hesubstantiated without any undue means being resorted to, to procure invalid testimonies. -17_Bccause their composition is such, that they arc equally applicable to the usual diseases of warm, cold, or temperate climates. T 8 Because two or three, are in general suf ficient for a dose—so that, as is the case with the generality of patent medicines—the patient is not compelled to make a meal of them. 19 Because each individual pill is put up un der,the immediate superintendence of the pro prietor, so dipt ho mistake i,u the corn position or quantity can possibly occur'through the care lessness of a less interested agent." * ■ - 20 Because they purilj the Irame -without debilitating the system. 21 Because, notwithstanding their immense popularity, no person however vrntufed to raise against them tilt* breath of censure, which would not have been the case, if envy could have dis covered in them a single flaw to cavil at 22 Because—(and this fact is of the'utmost importance)—ladies in a crrtain situation may take them, (not more than two or time at a time however!) without in the slightest degree incurring the hazard of abortion, ' Were the virtues of Pctcr.s'fne.stimnhle pills,, confined to this desirable end alone, it would give them a decided ad vantage over the medicines of all com petitors, as in no cases is there more danger to lie apprehended, or.for which so.few have been., discovered, as the one referred to. 23 Because while they are so cflicientin tludr nperations with adults they may at the same time r he adminis'ered to children and even to infants, in small quantities, half a pill for instance, with out the slightest clanger. 24. Because their virtues are arknnwledgecl to stand pre-eminent, for their soothing ioflnenre upon young ladies while suffering fi r m the usual changes of life, as directed by the laws of Ka- Uire. . THRASHING MACHINES HORSE POWER CALL Ah'U EXAMISE FOR rOU/iSF.LVEs! The subscribers, thankful for pas! Favors .in he this method of informing the public, that tin y still continue the building of T/iroshhit; A/ac/ihira and Horse Power, at their old stand/in Lumber street, Carlisle, where Farmers and others can at all times be supplied. They have made a considerable improvement mi the power and machine, and have also attached a CLOVEJI THRASHER. jyltvch for durability and simpleness of construc tion is surpassed hy none.. Having all manner ofcoufidcnce in the supe riority of the above mentioned machine, fife, thev are c willing that Farmers shall teal them before making the purchase. Persons wishing to purchase or examine the machine will please make application at the public housed John Cornman, Carlisle. ... NEVIUS & MITCHELL. ■ May o, 1 SoB. ■- ts* Dll. SWAYNE’S COMPOUND SYRS#?* OF PRUNyS VIRGINIANA.OR WILBEp -CHERRY—I los medicine is ({TV-led to tho-eee public as an effectual remedy in all afTcctinns ill- -' clicalive of j Pulmonary diseases , both in their re cent and moreadvanced sttigestsuch as Jlsthma, ■ -Pulmonary -Qonsumfttipn\ recent~or~"chronic " coughs, hoarseness, hodpingJcough, wheezing, and difficulty of breathing, spitting of blood, night sweats, &c. This remedy is,highly use ful to persons whose nerves have been injun d by calomel or excessive grief, great loss of bleed, the suppression of accustomed- discharges, or cutaneous eruptions, intemperate habits', or oth er causes which tend to renovate or relax the nervous system. How many nersonsdo we daily behold approaching to an untimely grave,wrest- . cd in the bloom of youth from their dear rela tives and friends, afflicted with that'common and destructive ravafeer, -called Consumption -which - soon wastes tile miserable sufferer nntilthey-be come beyond the poweroflutman skill; If such sufferers would only make a trial of Dr.Swayne’s Invaluable medicine, they would soon find them selves more benefitted than hy gulphing the va rious ineffective remedies with which our pa- Sers daily abound. This syrup immediately egins to heal the ulcerated lungs, stoppingpro fuse'night sweats,- mitigating the distressing coughjmidmt thesanwrtime inducing a healthy and natural expectoration also relieving the -shortness ofbreath and pain-in the chest, .which -hal-rass the sufferer on. the-slightcat exercise,- and finally the hectic flush in the palid and, e maciated cheek, will soon begin to yahish, and the sufferer will here perceive himself snatched from a premature grave into the enjoyment'again of comfortable health. Obsert'e—l The abpv&snedic.]ne is for sale: at—. xh? Medical Office, JJp. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, where all orders must be address ed. To avoid imposition the Proprietor’s najpc Is Impressed in the bottlef;_likuwise his sigiia-o tuire is attached to the labels on the bottles;- Price $1 per bottle, or six bottle's for g5 * For sale by J. J. MYERS’# Co„Carlisle, -Ifc J> SAD Swaync'sCovifiaund J!/*— I his is decidedly one of the best remedies for coughs and colds pp.w in.use—it allays irri tation of the lungs, loosens the cough, causing the phlegm to raise free and easy? in asthma, pulmonary consumption, -resent and chronic coughsjwhccaing and choking of phlegm,hoarse ness, difficulty of. breathing, croup; spittiiig of blond; &c, The‘syrup Is- warranted to effect a permanent cure* if taken according to directions which accompany the bottles. For Sale at the drug store of 3. j, Mtem & C or . Dec. 6, AND