American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 20, 1839, Image 4

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No. 66 South FoartU st. Philadelphia.
—Often 'daily for the transaction of business from
- . . 9A. M. IoS P, M. '
_ -M-kEPOSITES of money received, for which
iPche followingrateof interest will bealiowcd;
1 year 6 percent, per annum,
6 mos. 6 •« “
3 *• 4 ** 44 ■
On business deposites,.lobe drawn at the plea
sure of the depositor, no interest will be allowed.
On current nntcs of’ solvent Banks, every
part of the United States, will be received as
special deposites, on such terms as may be a
greed on in each particular case.
, By order of the Board,
„ ■ , J.-DESSAA, Cashier .
Philadelphia, Dec.-19, 1838. ly
INTENDS residing permanently in Carlisle,
arid would respectfully offer, his professional
services to the citizens of the place and vicinity.
He has-taken rooms at Col. Ferree’s Hotel,
where he may be found at all hours.
Persons requesting jt.will he waited upon at
their residences. - . „
■,, ” ' C Dr. Georgs D, Foulke ,
■ Reference ,— < Rev i Thos. C. Thornton,
(_Dr: David JV. Mahan,
Carlisle. Dec. 6, 1838.
. .. POE. E.EITT, _
subscribers will lease for one or more
B ’-.years their valuable Tan Yard, with all
its appendages. It is;dne of the best locations
in Virginia for carrying on the business on an
: extensive scale, as there is abundant room and
■ the materials areLample.' A number of the Vats
are under .cover, and all the buildings are ot the
: most suitable kind-<-besides the grinding of Bark
' (which can be got convenient and at fair prices,)
... is done by water power. . ;
t- ’ Any quantity .01 Hides can be procured m the.
neighborhood, is there is ho other’tannery with
■“ in several miles of the place—and there is also’
every facility for getting hides from, the cities,
.and sending.them to market when tanned, eith
.’’ er by rail road or canal. There is, likewise, a
- demand at tHis place for a large quantity of
Leather annually by the Government.,
' Possession will he given immediately. -
' For.further particulars enquire of.
. ‘ Harper’s Ferr#, Feb, 7, 1839.’ eowtf
KIFORMS his friends and the-public, that he
has resumed the duties ofhisprofession, and
■ vriirgive'his undivided attentipn tOShe 1 practice
of its several branches.
His office is in the stone house adjoining" his
drug store and one donr from the Post Office,
Carlisle, Feb. 28. 1839. 3m,,
/' T
:rjnaS subscriber respecttully informs the In
• .JL habitants of Carlisle, and the public gcner
; ; ally, that he .still resides at his Old Stpnd. m
,■; 'North Hanover street, opposite Mr. E. Bullock’s
•... Chair Manufactory, where he codtinues, to carry
on the r'','
v rsab(mt JflaMng Itnsmcss,
In all its various branches. He has lately fur
nished himself with anew and
■ to accommodate' all those who may favor I
• ■' Ifim with a call. -: He returns his sincere thanks I
Vf to his friends atid customers tor the liberal* en
; couragement bestowed on him. Sc solicits a con- i
■ ; t-" tinuance of their patronage. He flatters himself
. " thalby strict attention tobiisiness and adtsposi-
to pleaSe,~ta merit and receivearshareof
~. ;: publicpatronage. -
-V;" - U. B. One or Two Journeymen Cabinet Ma-,
.'■ 1: whom liberal wages will be given.
Ah apprentice will be taken tp; learn the above
• " business,.if well recommended.
Carlisle, December 6, 1838.—tf.T
jfc PERFORMED by Dr. H. Swayne’s Coni-;
; P pound Syrup ot Primus Virginiana, or Wild
, ' Cherry.—Having made use of this invaluable
• Syrup in my family, which entirely cured my
.The' symptoms were- Wheezing and
Choking; of Phlegm difficulty of breathing,alien
r' -r ded with constant cough, spasms, convulsions,
given up all hopes of its re
. . coVery, until I was advised to make a trial of
' : thisVmvaluable medicine. After seeing- the
- wonderful effects it had child, -I. con-,
jv;",. eluded tomake the same trial upon myself,’
'Sy ' which entirely relieved me of a cough that I was
i with for many, years. Any. person
'• 'Wishing to see me can call at my house in Beach
r-V-' r “eet, above the Market, Kensington,
, : H- John Wilccox,
Ph.l^,p W a.Decr, 18 38.
. t lie ayCHc medicine is for sale by
’ :' >-j. j. MYERS & Co.. Carlisle. ’
of Scroggs~,.‘deccased t
NO CE, .
rpHB subscriberhavingufcen oat Letters of
* he , of < MOSES
SCROGGS dec d, late of Newton; .'.township,•
Cumberlanu countyi liereby givesnotice to all
. persons indebted to said estate by bond, note or
and those, haying claims will present thewbron
erly. authenticated for-settlement- - t - .
Residing in Newton township," Dumb; co:
May 30,1839; ' . ;. ■ . et
.. ose. . .. „ ' -'i'.”
1 v • 'll&l«BS|* , >Wef’or fennew!
_ • tsWitfevßTai‘cU>2S, i^e^^oods.Gra.
■■ ’ anti'other fancy. Sprli
8." , Goods, {broale cheap at the noi* store ot.
■i, - OLD 1 * CO.; 1
Commission Merchants,
S. IV. corner Broad'V Vjrie-sts. P/nladet/ihia,
ARE prepared to receive arid effect sales o’
all produce, merchandize, Bcc. which may
be entrusted to their care. Liberal advances
will be made.on consignments until sales are ef
fected. - .
Produce and merchandize left at the Ware
house of Messrs. Murray &. Fleming, Carlisle,
shall receive prompt attention, arid all riierchari
dize,&c. left with us“will be forwarded to Car
lisle, Chambersburg, and all .intermediate pla
cell on the mil road, with care and despatch, at
the lowest rates of freight.
April 4, 1839., . ' ■ 3m
ffIHE books of Dr. Theodore Myers dec’d.,
JLhave been placed in the.hands of Jacob
Sq.uier, Esq. toy settlement. Those having
claims against, or those indebted to said deceas;
ed t are requested to callimraediately for settle
S. a; MYERS,
Administratrix of said deceased,
Carlisle, April 11, 183?.—3m0. ~
1) ESPF.CTFULLV informs the ladies and
Hit, gentlemen of Carlisle and its vicinity that
he-sets Artificial-Teeth in the- most approved
manner. He also scales, plugs and -separates
teeth to arrest decay.' , .■ ~ J
Dr. N. prepares a tooth powder, which whi
tens the teeth, wjthbut injuring the enamel, col
ors the gums a fine red and refreshes the mouth.
The tooth-ache will be cured, in most cases,
without extraction; and an odontalgic wash is
-prepared for healing, safe gums and fasten the
teeth. ~
Ladies and gentlemen are requested to call
and examine his collection of Porcelain or In
corruptible teeth,which will never .decay or
change color, and are free from all unpleasant
odour, durable and well adapted for chewing,
which will be inserted in the best manner and
at fair prices. ~ ~ ' ' -
All persons washing Jsr. N. to call -at their
dwellings will please to leave a line at Ids resi
dence, No. rHarpor’s Kow, when he will punc
tually attend to every call in the line of his pro
fession. From a long and successful practice,
he hopes to -give general satisfaction.
Carlisle, April 11,1839.
TTWTILL practice in the several Courts o
d|»,;'Cumberlapd, Perry and Juniata. Office
iirt .Wain,street^,Carlisle, a few doors west of the
Post Office..
. :March2lj 1839. - ~ tf
&S 9& -|Bfe|.celJMST. -AW»
Burr Manufacturer.
The subscriber wishes , to inform his friends
and jhe public that he continues the manufactu
ring ofau kinds of machinery for Woolen Fac
tories, together with'
erbnoh burr mill stones,
at hisold stand in New Cumberland, all of which
he'will warrant to lie made in the best work-,
and of the best materials,-and
sell at the lowest prices, upon accommodating
terms* - , '
A constant supply of Cards will be kept on
hands, and bid machines repaired. ~ '
June 21.1838... • ' -- ly
A new liisie of Freight Cars
. K.; ■ ABBZiPHIA.
THE subscriber, grateful for-past favors, re
spectfully, acquaints, hisfriends and the pub-
that he,has put into operation bn-the HAR
RAIL ROAD, a line of new DOUBLE CARS,
which'yiili run regularly between Harrisburg &
Ph\ladeVpbia,.by..which Goods and Produce of
all descriptions will be fqfwarded' wilh careand
’despatch; at,the lowest.ratea.of.freight. C.
Goods will tse received at the WAREHOUSE
of THOMAS I. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of
Broad and Vine streets,' Philadelphia, and for
warded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, .Chambersburg,
and intermediate places. and by thb subscriber,
' ’ -■ OWENM’CABE../
Harrisburg, Jah.'Sl, 1839. -. /
ST ANTLY ON H AND. ' Cash paid for almrft
all kinds of country prbdtfCeiyv-, , /
- .POST 0PP105.,... .
Carlisle, Pa. May i, :iBS9.
Arrival and Defiarlure of Maiifj
■ Arrives. - doses.
Eastern . daily about 10 m. . 7/p.m.
«. <> “ 5 p. m. lla. m.
Western •• , «« -is m. la.ra.
Southern " " 10,m. fp. m,
, Mechanics Vg.";, -■.. -.-'• JOtn. i7",
Kewvillo “ ■.“12 m. JO at m.
Estaleof Bavid Hlppehammer, decerned.
N O TIC E. ■■■ I :
fiHHE public, will talce notice that lelter/of ad-
A ministration have this day been issned to
thesubscriberon the estate of Tlavid dlippe
hammer r |ateof the borough of : Carlisld Cum-'
bemud county. All who have claim/ or de
mands against, the' estate qfsaid dectpenlare
requested to male the game known to/tbe sub.
scnber without delay, arid all who are/indebted
tosaid estate are required Jto tail andTseftle "the
r r
- ■ AResidenceiCarlisle.
forjale by
1 1,' . For Morrison’s Universal Mcdlclm
Horatio shepherd moatt
Agent in the. United States, hayi
dismissed by the British College of I*i
George Taylor now of the city of a'
has been appointed Sole General Ag/r
. gia Delegate to the United-Stales, u
• The said GeorgeTayloi- has app/i
1 Olmstead, of Montrose'; Siisqueh/i
; Pennsylvania, Sole General Ageh«<
of- Maryland and .Delaware,- amy'
counties east of the Allegheny Mon
sylvania, and George C. Hand, Sii
of Allentown, Lehigh county, Pal
gent for four counties in the sta tf
and seven in the state of New Jci
ißurlington, Cape May, Curab/i
tier, Monmouth and Salem, in/!
Jersey! Gennesse.e, Livings?)
rrnpvl Steuben, in the state of New'Jt
. . . _ JH Hsreaflery'ho person can o/v
1 his is to certiyy, tjipt I P.- ySuiiie Hygeian Medicines /itl
Howd’s Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Wd. ' " n ,. ..-• „„ t v; or l v
Wheels, in the place of a Reaction
the Direct Wheel does not flood the tad
much by three inches as the reaction did, f ,, „
that I can grind seven bushels with the di& un cr the flfiW
action wheel an hour,- and drive two j; u^’ s c q " n t ''^ |
stones, where I could not grind four bushchu j. j , detected a su/l
the same time with the reaction and d rive^“^ r “ c $1
run of stones. pETER p AHNESTO c K &stead-W Hand, onjt/f
EphratS tp. tan.-co. Oct. 1838. ; finding' principl
bian theory of Disef
Uraliy known to rcJ
sis advertisementJ
\ese medicines cua
« a cure, and ms>)\
ey may be gi/en.with safety to.the weak.
Sticnt, and uni'r every circumstance mid
if humtln saleringland to children of the
lender age-/ 1
|e offered M sale within thcaforesaid dis 1
gre genuind unlesstach box or package
BfaC-similefif JamesjMorrison’s signature,
WacsimHoltUie George Tay-'
ifl also thewritten signature of A. D. Orni
sh;. C. Ha/d, or Olntetead Vf Hand, with
t lf, cell signature of Sole Agents, wlicn ap
wills arl of two Itinos—No. l and No. ■2,
sqjoxes Jith-envelopifc, at 25 and 50 cents!
!aiftagcs It $1 and $3. Each , packet con
tafi-onoijiibn of unotft two to one of No 2.
Tp-'dcri are in sepanile boxes—*-price 25
. J|mieil apothecary or druggist is ever
erm tc/sell tliese medicines. , - ,
Rallle persons coiiqilying with ‘the re
quHrmuired .may be appointed agents on
Qjll CjCncral Dcjio:,V r o. 5 South J'ront
Irplladelhiiia. - - l • ,
.ID. C)LMSTEAD, (General- Agent,
|- 33 counties,’ Pa.-, fle states of
8 Maryland ajrJ Delaware.
I _G.;c; HAND, General Agent,
'Bounties, N. Y., aniy counties, N. J.
I'hi c is hereby notiltid that we have
"'business, and’herearcrit willbc con
ictlsv the firm of Olmstiad & Hand.
A® directed to Olmstfid & Hand, No.
soup strebtVPhiladelpp'a, will receive
’mSition.’' ’
To Milters S MamifacOes.
THEpublic are iriformed.that the,si||er
has bought - the, right' of' the abowfcr
wheel, for the State • &.
sidercd by those having thenrin use, aljf
the most important improvements that \B r
been introduced. Persons desirous of seifc
wheel, .can do so, by calling at the foujtf
DAVID COCKLEY, Lancaster. - 'l*
nexed. certificates have been ,given as. aS
testimonial of its value; they will speak foiffl
selves. All communications addressed |
siibcriber in Lancaster, Pa„ will be
tended to.
April 11, 1839.
. AlloWay, May S, 1838.
This may-certify, that 1 have been engage
in putting ih'S. B. Howd’s cast iron direct a
tion Water Wheel, both in the State of JSev
York and in Michigan, and can give it as mj
decided opinion that with 8 feet head or under,']
rightly put in, it will do more business with the]
same water than any other water wheel which 1
I have yet had any experience in, and in .refer
ence to back water, is second-best to none that
I have yet tried. In. reference to guarding a
gainst ice; there can better-operation, and
it is very easy to be kept in repair.
_ STEPHEN AILES, Millwright.
■ Ailoway, September 3, 1838.
This may certify' that ! have had in my Mill
one of Mr. Howd’s direct water wheels , for the
space Of one year., It is a'five feet- wheel,' and
I have had a re-actiori in the same place—l have
also had Wheeler’s Union Wheel, yet I think
Mr. Mowd’s will do more business with less wa
ter than any oilier I have tried. It does well
in back water. I have had from ,sto 6 feet
head. I think we could do as much work with
half the water as we used to do~ with the under
shoot wheel, which has also been in 1 operation
in ray mill. LAWRENCE RILEY.
‘ Lyons, September 3, .1838. _ S 1
This may certify, that we have used one of S.
Howd’s patent water Wheels since December
last, by the side of a' re-action wheel, and we
think that Howd’s will do double the -business,
with the same water that the reractiou- wheel
wid do Or very near, We never have but three -■
feet head, and Can grim!, with that eight bushels „„
per hour. We are subject jo baclt-water. 1 his (] UI
wheel will-do as good business under back wa- -j
"tcY as - the re-action, and we recommend- it to j Sl
the attention and prc
THE tmbacribcr-respectfully informs tbepub- fll/
lie that 6he continues to-oleanse- Clothes of
grehseilMßiris, See. in the best manner andwitl).- f
out injurihg the cloth'.- She wiTTalso attend to L
DYEING ' -fl
all kinds of Yarns, Cloths, Silks, See. See. any Jf
color which may be desired, on the most accom- Jl’c
mqdating terms and with despatch. /npi
Her residence is a few doors east of Mr. A.of wi
Richards! store. Centre Square, Carlisle. ’ /man
' 3m*
April 25,. 1838,
PERSONS whose nerves have been |inj/ed
by calomel, or excessive grief, great I<P of
blood, tile suppression of accustomed dischages
or cutaneous eruptions, intemperate habio or
other causes which tend to relax and enovate
the nervous System; will find a friend to.aothe
and comfort,in EVANS’ CAMOMILE PLLS.
Those afflicted with Epilepsy or Fallingplck
ness, Palsy, Serious Apoplexy, and orgiic af
fections of the heart, nausea, vomiting,
the side, breasMhnjjs, head, stonlqchy back,
will find themseWeSrimrnediatcly reliwed, by
PILLS. Dr. Evans does not prctendic say that
jn all debilitated arid,impaired ( coiififutions —■
in nervous diseases hf all kinds, paqfqularly of
the digestive organs, and in incipidt consump
tion, whether at the lungs or live, they will
cure. That dreadful disease, emsum/ition,
might have been checked in its commencement,
and disappointed ,i>f its prey all okr the land,
it tlie first , symptoms of nervous debility had
been .’chunteracwd by the' danpmile Flower
chemically prepared, together iithmanyother
diseases, where other remedia have , proved
fatal.— L /.■' _
How nanny persons do we daty find-tortured
with that drewful disease, Sijk Headache. ,If
they, would oay make trial oj this invaluable
medicine, thVy would percci/e that; life is a
- -pleasure amjmot a source of nlisery and abhor
rence. In nervous
persons agynst the abstraction.of blood, either
• hr lecches/cupping, or thcimployment of the
linnet. ■ l/rastic purgatives; in delicate habits
pre almost equally improper!' .Those are prac
jticcs too often resorted to in such cases, but they !
Lj seldom fail to prove highly injurious.; Certifi
i cates.of cures are .daily received which.add suf
ficient testimony of the great efficacy of this in
valuable'Medicine; in relieving' afflicted mam
kind. For sale by
'' : . J.Myers UPq., Carlisle,'
• Delimit {S' Bunigardncr, York.
May 23,1839; . Agents,
' Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia.
IS there no cure for that distressing'’disease?
ik the echplfonn thousands.- Read the many
certificates of cures performed by Dr. Wm. E
vans’ Camomile Tonic anoSßarnily Aperient
Pills,. The following cef rnqst certainly
convince every person of the-great efficacy of
IhisTinvnhiahleaivedicine.. : , ,v ' -
Dr„Wti. Evans— DearSin—lcannever bo
grateful enough foV the cure I have received by
the useof your invaluabie'mefiicine (G AjtoMiiir:
Pili.s,) ’T, was for five years very seriously
troubled with Dyspepsia, which paused aner-.
Vous sensation throughout my system—so much
that t sometimes shook as if I had been afflicted
.with jpalsy;. durihg„all .this.time X took many
medicines, but none.would cure me,- ,Atr last ’
my-physiciah gave me up; hut- fortunate , /', on
day as I was speaking to a friend onj>6 subjeq
he, told me that Dr, Wm.
Pills were the only medicine - cup
me. of which I purchased > w V e ‘ ! f n d th? rcs/U,
is that X am now enjoyii>r^. e " e Y be<aUh I , .Any;
person .wjshing-to 'hopef
N0.,265 North E*® Philadelphia, jv;
3rj^ih«n^medtcineisfersateV.'- ?:
Tinted A. D.
Jniia' county,
Tor the states
thirty three
untains, Penn
jrgeon Dentist,
/, General A-.
/of New York,
;rsey, to wifi—
/rland, Glouces
me state of New
in, Monroe and
,ork. /-
/will vend the ge
pthin the said dis
y of the said A. D.
land. • All former
i having terminated
lat, who is now ofief
/ of Moat & Pelham,
/nuiacturc, which will
jh will-not-have the
intend, Gi C; Hand, or
re cover of each box or
is of the 115'peiari or Mor
le, are too favorably ami
tire a minute explanation
air diseases wliich_nd
l heretofore deemed in-
Lt> & HAND,
felt for Carlisle,
'U<|mctlicine is for s:V
-Iff. GOOD’4' ■ !
:p %sm:ent IN fUIDGES. I
'of the to\fesli!p of New ;
the county of O-hntcr, and state .
lettersbntent-for an '
ovcxllpf erecting BndgcSover streams
U er » Iplan combines stragth and per
-ncy fconomy, so much b as'not torc
- w*, in situations, more thlione half the
expense to| a Briilge on this jmn, ami shen
built \voul&> liable to be Injured by a fresh
et, or rise UUjcam; the Bridge being con
structed am iu « e d .in such a iranner, that if
theywatcr s wdsc so high a s'to pa oyer th’e
top of it, th^ e ' :W ou!d remain firm and se
cure. 1 lias been submittal to a. hum?
her of scieftWn, who air pronounce it a
great improfh One on this ram-hasbeen
erected oveM aa cU of Whitccfey creek, in
the townshifflQ n( iongvove, which received
the approbat« a j ur y appointed!)/ the court
to view the s||The subscriber owing pur
chased the ri Bf the;’states of mh&ylvania
west of theSuß^ na> New Hammhirc, Vet"
mont, New Jefe^tern.Shore.o^MLuryland.-
Novth and Sm» ro ii nQj Indiana,Kentucky,
Michigan, Louisiana, MwSnuri,"and
the territories Wisconsin and Florida, will
sell single, tmjh county, or statfeiights, to
any person or pL am i will give tperyex
p/ahation that rap necessary, at.huplace of
residence, Kirf&fa Lancaster couny, JRftm
sylpania, of. of- the |>luntecr.
Carlisle,'Pd* ' \ r: . j ~
September 20fc >v, - ’!' . ■
We, the Coinf
having ereCted al
Good's patent, ah ii
it is.a very valuali
jbui/fting oyer sml ißi
expensive in their
trier's Of
;e on the ylVodel o|r
lldedly of the opil
provenfent, espe
frenmft'being m
Uruofion. -r ~.r’
I. {Elijah Lcwit,
\ / Passnb-ei
\f - Jqbn Beitler\
iPßPsii!! f
e efficacy lif Dr.
le Pills. I .
, Dec: 19, IBS.
intown, ,1 jfefullj
ty ofaddingfe feu
o, your celejatei
iriy alreadyljivei
ears ago, I yfs at
for several Beat
in its; worst sfcjet
A thing that |ip
no relief, till I
tment. Froal.
testimonials vttcl
faint hopcsßia
re altbgethef Ist
:,and’it iaßcaipl
aired. ; Indceah
mld : pQa3ibly,l|y
[of the. benefit!
(feme df/spbligll
Ht nJLwho may
lices against I
jhat thejr.niaj
I restoration'. ■
h, though I
Iwillinglg gw/
be desired.
|rs, ,
June 11. 1838.
Jrllck ,
ile Pills, ami '
era, I would.warmly ci
iKging-orr their cxiatena
of that scourge of the hurni
to lay asld? their parly prj
geivp ii speedy and peftnan
i'-r I still.resideiH Gernrmnl
?iuentjy visit tlippUy. ,and v
urther information that mi
'• , Ever gratefully
ics.j .
,late Sole,
ring been
;alth. Dr.
yew York,
(at and Hy-
JS W. gj*
vcn'of.their•immenseimporti ncetotheamictedi i
in almost every class-of disc* ics, The niimber •
of letters received from pntie ts recovering thro* P 5
their means is really prodigifus, and the com
plaints which they have cuwi are almost as ya- p)
ried as they are numerous. But still there are
some In which they are mbi especially behefi- ca
•cial than in others; and i nong those may be ■
pamed the too often fatal c mpluints of the sto- w
mach and bowels, such as. iholicj Flatulence, S r
and Indigestion, for whic they are not only a
certain but an immediate*c re. P u
It is w6ll known that froi the disarrangement eip
of the stomach and bowels, arise nine tenths of 1
all the maladieSvOf adult at 1 declining life; that roc
this is the foundation of Fh lulency, Spasmodic kno .-*k
Pains, Indigestion, Loss of, Ipfctile &c., and If jaui
those in their turn give bir h to Dropsy, Liver aemn*th
Complant, Consumption, anil habitual lowness of out prjn
spirits; therefore Peters' ifUls being the- very US !J^ I lip
best medicine Which has ever been'discovered 15
for the incipient-diseases of the intestines, are l^* or Y
necessarily the surest preventives of those dread- P^ e l
ful, and also general embitter Co^]P‘ a _ l j
mature.lifej.and dragon many .millions tp_un- B
timely graves.
In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing ?ny until
lo .himself that has not been conceded by the ,n va|in*
public, ..;.Heis no needy quack or unknown spec- -it *5
ulatoyi who comes hefore.the world as his own they an
herald and.witness, but is placed in responsi- I '£ ar J
billty of situation by the patronage which he has *9*
enjoyed for years, and which is increasing to an ncienMj
extent unprecedented in the annals of,medicine,
that makes' him caVeful;toavihst-nothing. \vhich-M5 JJv?
is not borne, out by tlje
. hence he does not feartobe puttothc test-ih-any. per the
thing which he has promised respecting his Pills,., pnetor
-Dr/jPcfersTs most happy to be able to state, Quantif
on the' aulhority of algreat number of regal#* lessne?
physicians, that wherever his Vegetable. Pills*
have been introduced, they.have almost, super- debim
ceded the adoption of mercurial (experiments, 21
for their peculiar faculty in sweetening the blood, populai
and stimulating it to expel all nqxious juices, and a ß a roS|
in giving.strength and lode lathe nerves, prer not hat
vents disease trom acquiring tnat strengthjivhich co ££ r( l,
must begotunder, if at all,* by dangerous reme- : 2 - f'
dies. ' € , >n>P“'P
Prepared by JOS..PRIESTLY PETERS, M. .tnUe-fn,
D. 129 Liberty street. New. York. Each box timefeV
contains 40 pifls; price SO cents. l " cll, Et t
These celebrated Pills are sold by all the prin- virtJ" *
Cipal Druggists in Baltimore,Philadelphia,Wash tips l ri “?‘
ington city, and throughout the United Slates, deci|an v ;
the C!unanas,-Toxlis J -Mcxic<i, and the West In- ,P etl P ? 3
dies, and by > . ... “Ffel
• JOHK’L MYEKS7Carlisle, ’ disjjedj
, T . SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Do. . , ; Sides'
S. WILSON & Co., Sliippcnsburg, op»o*'
GEO.'CxAHLIN, Chambersburg, be*
. LEWIS. DEN IG. Do. in
ALEX'>R SPEEU, Mcrcersburg, *
December 6, $3B.
ftj TIVE NOSTRUMS. —The united test!-,
mony of physicijns throughout the United States
has fully, prove! the fact that Peters’ Vegetable
Pills are the unit true Vegetable Pills which will
stand the testpf/analyzalioni hence the proprim
tor would mostearnestly urge them to the untie/
of those-who h!fe betti in the habit of using,]!
cathartics or- aperients, the destructive and ill
tating quack pits so generally advertised, J
which are at hat but slow consumcrs of the \ I
functions, and'purdeTOus agents, even to ;
moat hale. It is true’,' most of them produ a
purgative effccl and sometimes transient roj hi
but in most cas i.theyi injure the' digestive; -i
gans, and an 1 ibitUaj resort t 6 them muslt 'I
minate in confijned dtspepsia. ’ ; /
It is true tha satharfic and.jipcrieht medic i
are often requaid, bntithe nicest diacrimina ’
sliouldglwaysle observed .pthe selection;; I
if this be donrfnbthinglnjuribus can rcsult fl
their use. I " V ;
.■ To produclthis much desired result, Di -•
ters has mao it .Ida stum for several y ean 1
feels proud 4 say he haasucceeded at leng >
beyond bis JpectationsA The object of hh ’ super(|;le_the„neMlsity_,qf|;a_fieqiiei;
course to injrious purgatives; and to.effer
dicine safe|cftain,aml pleasant in its opet
Prepare*)/ Jos. Priestly Peters, M. II
129 Libert/stfeet, New, Ylrfc. Each hoi
tains 40 .pip. i Price SO cekts. For sal el
J. Myers, Jnd S. Elliott, Carlisle, and V
Wilson BflPd Shippensburj'. Df (
“TPMs’ Tcgeloble Pill/
Iffi than three mill! ms of boxeap
lebrated pills haye-peen sold iff'
ice January, 18jS. . I
(eds-and.thousands- pless_theJw
acquainted with JPetm’- V£getV a
V consequence of tjielr cxt#U
.■ have attained a rippularitr¥r
v tjie Jdstory of medicine, .
taken.according tci the dill. 8 ?'
entton and cure of Bilious I|A. ‘
e, Dyspepsia, Live! Com# °' C , K
i, Jaundice, Asthma Drojf -Vj a '
lahgemenf of. -the Spleen, °, ■
Obstructions, Heijrt B«J* Isen ’
i'onguo. Distension of tb«*V, a8 d
incipient Diarrhoea! Fill f* aC) '
tiveness, Lbsg.6f’Apfetit*!- or
ompiexion', ami in all q|* or P°v
wcisv where a cathartii/fP?*? 6 ?-
1.. They are exceedjnlf? ‘heir
i, producing neither haiP'dS 1101,
■ -I;'-'. j
Ificacy. of these Pills y
1 use so general, that
ired Unnecessary.
ion that ? e J
allvfor,,"' 1
VU less
e ileadache, /Sick aU' VOUSA
IiJjtHOSE who havfc-sufrerrf. f r .y , of
»‘JL suffeririß from thesedbre/o^P'^ 1 ”' 5 ’
ftill findiin Pttcn,' Vegeld&_ O" ed 7 at
'Mnfee ccrtalaandiimmediaiJ if Unwrrx
fperior to ani Vegetablejiljaf* „
'ed, ahd.besies this they? arf ln ' r'l,. e ■ -
all the aminft tnnd leadps fs.- e mC ' ■
dical Faculty ■ i» r- , ,
Eor sale ayibove. ■~" c ‘ .
7ib rjimng:
i vt: Becaus
l-S, Bccaus
Ihichliave i
limber of ci
I do injury I
Because they arc not a quaA medicine.bnt;
scientific compound of a reginat,physician,
b has made his profession the life,
i Because they are not unpleasant to take hbr'
ressirig to retain, while theyare. ortost
loop crate. f
I Because they are recommended as standard
■cine by the. regular faculty. . J
(Because by keeping the system in a natural
lof action, they cure almost eVery, disease
li is incidental to the human frame.
lecause they are cheap and portable,,and
itaiii all their Virtues in full vigor, in any
!d for any length of time,
se,’ notwithstanding their simplicity
is, they are one of the speediest pur
clues wpich-has yet been discovered,
se they Sre an unfailing remedy for
good appetite.
use in cases of spleen or despondency,
althy inlltieiice on" the excited state of
hey hate a most -happy effect, iii
id invige -atirtg the mind,
use the effect their cures without
itendant of'other pills, sickness-and
iusc as rell as being ao‘‘ unrivalled
the general system, they are a sover
ly foiisiw head-ache./
mse yW differ Iroro'the majority of
•in t« fact that the more they are
mort hey, are approved.
use i their application creates no
he s item./they may be taken with
sg ai ' .hitiA'an.ce to business, or the
its ofpverjday life. , ;
Sin <|ce introduced into a fans
eyllmost immediately take
allSther medicines \n genera/
mfer of the wonrierfuj cures
, £i be substantiated without
lelg resorted to,, to procure
•f . , i
if composition is such, that
ificable to the usual diseases
Operate climates.
ly tf
I if
ftAf 1 "? EXAMINE :por
fXipbscribers, thankful for
tlisfhod of informing the pi
Jilßtinue the building of Thra
ivi (fie Power, at their old stal
iJCarlisle, where Farmers ail
Itftimes be supplied. They
[Jerable improvement on the'
nfnet and have also attached a'
ih for durability and simpleness l
ps surpassed by none. ' •
faring all manner of confidence iij
lity of the above mentioned macliil
I willing.thnt Farmers shall test tl
Iking the purchase. -
Persons wishing to purchase of ej
achine will please make applicat
iblic house of John Onrnman, Carli
'■May 3,1838.
'CHERRY.—This medicine is offenjffto the
public as an effectual remedy in all' affections in
dicative ol Pulmonary diseases, britti iijtheir re
cent and moreadvanced stages; aijch aiMl/ima,
Pulmonary Coneumfition, recent orAchrdnic
coughs, hoarseness, hooping eshgh, wheezing,
and difficulty of breathing, .spitting of blood,
night, sweats, Bcc. This retnedy'is .highly usc
ful to persons whose nerves have- been injured
f- by-calomel opcxcessive grief.-greal-tossmf blood,-
.’. the suppression -of acchstomcd .discharges, or
cutaneous eruptions, intemperate habits,or oth-,
er causes which tend to renovate Or.lreTax the
nervous system. ‘ How many personsdp we daily
; behold approaching to an untmicly grave, wrest
ed in' the. bloom of youth from' their’ dear - rela
tives and friends, afflicted with-that common and
destructive ravager, called Consumption which
soon wastes the miserable sufferer until they be- '
comebeyond the power of human skilhlf such'
sufferers would only make a trial df-Ijß&vavne’s
invaluable medicine, they wnuld aoomfiml them- •
selves more henefilied than by gulphm£the va
rious ineffective remedies with which’ our pa-
Eers daily abound. This sj’riip immediately -
egins to heal the ulcerated lungs, stopping pro- ‘
fuse night sweats, mitigating: the-distressing
cough, and at the same time inducing avhealthy
and. natural-cxpectoration alsn relieving the
shortness of breath and pain'e chest, which
haryass the sufferer on the slightest exercise',
and-fmally the hectic flush in the palid and er
maciated cheek,iwjll- soon begin to vanisht-and
the sufferer-will here perceive himself snatched--
from a premature grave intp thefenjoymephagain
of comfortable health. ...
. Oiserw—The .above medicine'is for '-sale at ,
the Medical Office, N 0,19 North Eighth Street,
Philadelphia, where all.orders rhust beaddress- .
ed. To avoid rmposition the Proprietnr’srhame
is impressed in the .botdds; likewise his signa
ture is attached to-the labeis on. the botlles,—
Price $1 per botlleT dr. six bottles for $5.
For sale by ' A - J. J. MYERS a Co.,Carlisle,
I known,
; moment
)cc. 6.
TB Sway fa’*Compound'
■ %.Sur»/l ofPruma. Viririmana or WildCKfa* ,
forioughs aridcoldsnow allays, jrri
thephlegm to.raisefree andg&yfinnsthtna,
pulmonary, consumption.,, resent and-phrenic
coughs.'wheesingnndchokingor phlcgmnioarse- . ■
ness; difTicultv or breatliing, croup/spitting of
blood, See. The syrup is warranted to effect a •
permanent cure, if taken, accordingtodirefclfons ■
which Accompany tlie houles. For sale'at the
drugstore of : • J. J.Mters & Co;
Jinßljr popular,
Inglygoocl.' ■ ■
Ised of simples
Id in animmcnse
ising the means
ecl'vor three, ar§ in general suf
ta*£— jfthat, ns is the ease with
JrA pKDt medicines—the patient
lommtoJnaKc n iheal of them,
ptll is pot.Up tin
_* infMipe£plci)dence-of-thepre
*t thc or
iy~m Pfly occur through'
iss jleslerested agentw
B|se w pbrify the frame without
#iae, withstanding their immense
foo Pjrf has ever ventured to. rhisc'
fo thq>lth of censure, which would
pen tlntli—if envy could have dis*
thermi .‘•le flaw In cavil at.
ause *T[., ni |his fact is of the" utmost
e )“'f! les Jit certain 'Situation may
(aß‘,n){l than* .two _or_thr< e at a:
r e.rlr dh*! in the ‘slightest degree
he|«2anjf abortion. Were the
>c ii 4 P* !^s » confined to
efd aloil would.give them a
ifo cases Ithere niorc danger to
id, or fe\V have '“been
[the one to. ; .
2 while so efficient ih their
w,, :'£ i u l hesametime
childnljrtid even to infants,
ill nfbties, half a for instance, with
e slp est danger. I
fljse their virtues
oj Xeminent, for thei
yol ladies while snffj
j as directed b;
ire acknowledged
isnothirig influence
ingfrom the muni
jltlie.larts of Na
\ Dcqi 6.
I OftSElrES.'
ist favors,take
Vlic that they
ywj’T Machines
y, in Leather
I others can
rave made a
\poiver and
>f construe-
i the supe
|e;&c. they
em beforcT
m an