wolild feel as’ repugnant to the adopti(V either, as I do myself. ! ' I will-not undertake to fix upon t|- luount needed for repairs prior to the sna of die nest legislature on the™ Tuesday- of January, 1840. The wP* •dilapidations of time," accident and hye to be provided for as well as preparati™ I be made for .numerous repairs duiipe •coming spring. Much is. lost botli4 mo and expense by postponing thc-dav pop- j aration until it is too late. From of the canal commissioners, their cp ers > ! your committees and other sources,; can ■ readily determine this question, an,: ?P' -Wiodate your- appropriation to th üb‘lc u b‘ lc wants, and the public expectation? -I have already'observed that the*® on our public improvements are all f° the payment of the interest on public debt. It should not be lbrgott£i at by failing to keep these improvement^ l ' shite ■ of efficient repair, this interest fll 18 J 6 ” - parded—the credit of the state m l e seri ously affected—and-the future Vi °f our 1 'improvements themselves m deC lm P a h'- ed. For .if through tht inat lac y of -means to repair our-pufirc 6 9 « they .-.should cease-tobe capable tf dcmj'e busi . ness of the public, it itust itevijj happen, that much of’ the bnsness upC' em will pass offintoothcr cjianelsnevtobere gainedi This would m a no true Pennsylvanian cold emulate with out feelings of the deWt/imoFatioii and regret. lam certain is l rft- which no - patriot VillJcontributeo-pb#. .. . MU. STEVENSON, _ _ If any tiling 'couldddwie regret'it A gentleman of this city has furnished the would occasion,-'it wouh bastriking factj annexed account of ari occurrence which re thit we are in the mids|if p, prosperity | fleets great lustre on the benignity of the and advancing glory, windrCn a shadow | British’ Queen and the active benevolence of to obscure the bright pati|e usjMb, MiV Stevenson.- The circumstances shew Our sjstemjif pubUc4h#nftiSßurm- the high personal estimation in which .Mr, ly established, liostilitjflyielded its j Stcvenson'is hcld by tlic young and popular ■> ground, and there is nytiity in the sovereign of England.— Globe. commonwealth that doefttectly-or in-j - “Some time during the the last year, " directly share and acknjpdlhe benefits alias Ifayid Deal, son oi Mr. Ba it is.conferring on.all seoasve near and prid Deal of Ship.pohsburg, Penn, a promising the remote.. ,Under.tl\£BWc*lancc3, it youth of 19, visited Buffalo, in the State ot .■would be to the people plsc&onwealtli \ ‘New Turk, where lie was persuaded to en : to>lhe‘ people of 'lhu‘| er %, and of, list with a comply of volunteers to join the foreign nations, a sub c t°f «|ishment, ’ Patriots in tlie.invasion of Youn": that this system, so^fi^hlvilhQahtages,} Deal, with sevc*i| others was soon captured in the "full tide of sU-' e! | a ' cjriment”] by of British Lancers, was tried should be suddenly w 3 t' } p~^ l ufinishecl i and sentenced tiWleath. Ills situation, was portions remain uinished | made known to liis fricriils, by whose cn parts he abandonedtu uuidentvillfofft Treaty Sir' George Arthur was .induced to means'to keep thenv^r c P a U a t afe'when suspend the execution of the sentence! for a • every man in and inf of thiegislyh a d- time, and the young man Was sent to'Eng niits that such-.a-cofeb 19 atirectriance land and committed to prispn, there' to await with true wisdom aJ soundolici . the approval of the sentence passed npon Ipm I make these augistions w.i a fthope., in Canada, and its fmal.exechfion. Theßev. and I will add a #>ng belioho, V they Mr.Cookman, Judge McLdm aqd Dr Sew will meet the entp concurred B P, j e g. e u f w lio were infonned.of.ithe situation of islature —tndUhf although? thi 19U al young Deal, and the distress of his family, ’. course of.cvctits : -s session ml bejbricf nddrcssd letters to Mr. Stevenson, setting duration, it will'mt fail to majuuppro- forth the circumstances of the case, and re vision for thesc'i"P nl ' tant IMt - e rs. questing his influence with'the authorities of ' I most and moieaC-fly the British Government, to sjve, if possible, solicit the Icgliature to bestow. thq; n - the young man’s life. Mr. Stevenson made terests to which ty every effort in his official capacity, but in . tude entitles fbm. and to pursue)efer ce Vain; when he applied to the Queen, and re to them, thipath of duty pony O uW huested his release as a personal, favor, uppn sound wisdof, and due regard foj e ihiclv she promptly granted i free pardon, and expectations of the people. ahd the young man is now, On his passage Nothing fit'fhe paramount imptneedi hl me . And thus ah aged falser and mother, ; this suijeetto the public at largeA pa Vij a large circle of othcvfamily connect ticularily fi that numerous and cntrisijgViSg, are made to rejoice injtlie restoration class of mr fellow citizens wAhafe If! favorite boy; whop we Hope; will learn ■ thousands of I fautary lesson from the consequences of ' in the operation of our ph; iiV r Jisjndiscrctimi, and long lile to thank Mr. provemehs. has induced me call yoU teo Itefehson for his exertions;., tion to itjgain before you adjourn. \ ,j e ss Queen VictoHa fokthe exercise of . Beingf’esponsible for tlie perfornia. d|L r fclemency.” - ’. t the dutiis devolving on the Kxecim j |c'_j , ' ' have feltto be ah essential part of to make this communication,, and IVye the’mater in your hands to be dispostjf t'ink proper: resting satisfied t|f *ri/ cause the transportation on/ r hiprpvements be ’ suspended j Eadequate appropriations, the ves| jwlllJiot.be,-. justly „chacgC a hle.,|oy T °* DAVID R. PORTER Executive Chamber, June 10, 1839. g \ THE . Baltimore J}larkjt, JukelA, 1839. Cfltlle. — Sales hav() been nide since our t report, of beeves, for slaujhtcr, at 99 50 ) per 100 lba., andon an avenge of ,99 75. re hogs remain at fast week’in-ices.SQ 50. Melt. —-Potomac hnd Susqqhanna shad B'ellingati3p<|''bbl.:Herrtes/5 3r3. i Flour. —The market is veryfull, arid" the Hnand small; saWs,from storefeof Howard Jjeet, on Wednesday, were m|e at 96 25 ' fiszir which shows a.decline ife-ices froin ®P ■ ~ yi in the wcjk. The wngfi price we Oil d»e‘ ' [Sales -«ra'«Hi%hinna' at the-Sedate ofydus State, the fol o A small lot of at U !ffMiTif«^/TiiaWhe^Govprno r re j to report to (he Senate tlie loan a« r t ,. ansp i re d aA 25 per thorifed to pay the contrac ors.onthe , tysburg rad road, had been taken, and if »^^-j4 on d^H» o 81 ,s| and a theroasonwhjit wns notj‘ lkc "- nn^--4::OQ d Marflandwjiiteat.tliesafe,price. - ■\/"TKe'^oltft( o iryaB'conMderedran4=?gree4»-^~- t jj i --^—, 0 j .brdmaiylfirib.o to—and on the Bth, the Governor.sent Th% re(J Cheats at soaljiSales following Message, to, the Senate: - , j e Corn at}B3.-iB4 cts.; sale bffellow . To the Senate of Pennsylvania: _ 4 te> \Sales'of Ryo at 91 Qsal |We _ln reply to your resolution of ,fhe 6th inst, t r j d d a so cts. ",V- I have to infprm the Senate,-that in compu- er- _Lg a^s have been made aus 50 anoe sV.ith,the ‘'resolution; to, suspend the g V I •V -work ohihe”Gettysburg rail road, ’ prompt foreign we have ho tftsac ■ measurerwere taken to ascertain the whole ts a i e i la v e jj eep ma de of: Windy, . amount of clgims on the line, on estimates, hhijQ c\.]arid bbls. : at 42 cts.ll’he or for retained per ceritage; also- for salaries w& ce is sr cts, exclusti - o fi of officers arid agents, for labor or any other ,th&—JV • .4.1 .purpose;” and That during the present-wepk ,Q 1 I - I the reports of the officers charged witli that fyaJeliia Market, June 15. \ duty have been received. _ - MR— Pennsylvania supele These are,all the material facts, touching Flo% a g S per bbl.;“ Middling % thesubject of your inquiry, which it as with- RyeSL gTslCom Meal 4 00. ■ | in the power of the Executive to communi- bSpa ,\\ieat $1 40a 143 per l cate to the Senate. • They-fully answer the Rye ftrri, yellow,-94a96-J call made on me by the resolution, unless. Oats a, n ar (X- aOaSS ,cts. .. in requiring mie to state, "whyThe.,delay: in r- 75 pi procuring the money-ond paying the con- seed, lfc 4 . Tilothyseed2 tractors has taken place,” the-Senate mten- . r-r/iflLg ro mVagoris S7a: . ded to require" me to communicate, the rea- gal.- frq.g ggigl ; son dr motives by which I have Been governed; ■—" in relation to this business. : If such was the design of the Senate, I must; decline To ' comply with its requisition. Being an bennentand co-ordinate branch of The gov-. ernment.T do riot recognize its right to make such demand, and also because the time and manner of advertising for ' and procuring loans are duties belonging exclusively to the ' Executive, in which the: two Houses.of the Legislature have neither responsibility, nor ’ share. Claiming to understand arid respect the rights of the Senatev. f shall studiously avoid. any infringement,.upon ; .-thera:a ( V! claiming also to understand the rights/od) duties of the Executive,.under the Con/th tion, I shall take especial care that?“ le y shall not be InVaded, and will maintajr“ iem tothe utmost if my abilities. Independence .and harmony of action only can bo'P rcser ‘ ved by strictly observing; the " ridts of all departments of the government, yui.s course I shall pursue at all times, withoif deviation. , The' resolution for suspending the said work authorizes the > Governopto negotiate a temporary loan for the sufi of 150,000 dollars, to be rfcpaid within six months, for' the purpose of paying the contractors and others. This loin,'if negotiated before the month of July, will fall due before the next meeting of the bgislature, and up to the present time no {revision has been made for its redemption.; I have waited with - much solicitude for sone legislative action on the subject of proviting for the repayment of this money at thi end of six months from the time the loan'may be negotiated; for it certainly could ii(t be the-intention of any one that the Executive should be required to promise to pay,'hat amount of money, and to pledge the fipth of the commonwealth therfor, whenheknew that'no. legislative provision was nude for its" repayment. — Whenever this'provision shall be made the matter shall be taken into consideration. ' DAVID R. PORTER. Executive Chamber, ? June 8, 1839,. ■ S' • :D3teD's ■ ■ Ijast.atcralingc kIGHEAi, consort thth Middleton, kher age.\: .■ Oft, Mrfl.l Craigl the 5£ Siik,‘S Umbrellas' figuredPai li Cling Irgeassor.t' S aale by; .. . Seel f nntttx* ’ iITERARY NOTICE. ; , A T a meeting of the aluntlni of Dickinson 'at the chapel, mi the 17th day of ■July,' 1831, it was resolved to revive the former alumni astociation of said College. Every grad uate is debited a member of the association.—, Messrs. Junes Hamilton, Thomas V. MnnrCJ John Zug.’f. Reed, Samuel, Alexander 8c Thoi : mas. Buwiian, -Lwere_ appointed la Standing; Committee*! to prepare business and make al|i necessary ajrangeiiients for a future meeting, tpj I be held at tin same place on Wednesday the 110th day of lily, 1839, (being the day befoije : commencemAt’,) and to give public notice thefs '"NOTICE - - ° f -i J ! t e ,? 0m V itte , e young men. of West Pennsborougli and Carlisle, June% 1839. _- - fej une 13 . 1839>: iiAJNY - BARGAINS! BARGAINS!!' THE subscribed having lately stock of goodsVwndil by J. H: \VeayeiV SABAH E. K. OBEAKT. Havm S resigned her situation in the common lisle, consisting ot a lirgeand general assoiW hobl^^as op * ned on her ownaccoum a select ot seasonaoie y. Kjschool, not exceeding thirty scholars.in thchouse. * yCfvOIJSj ' ' - f' formerly occupied by JVIr. James' Brcdin, and GROCERIES, mEENSWJIREi now occupied by Mr. Andrew Richards, where .. .Cl 1 f.«•, iT ,xj she wtll be happy to receive the children of any Also, a general assortwnt of Hatters Fpi w l lo .jiiay.feel disposed to patronize her. For 1 mornings all ni with they will selW apply cither at her own residence in Han most accommodating rcros. ij over strefit, at any time between school hours, " 1 iV a ilrr\r'i>ci or at" the School room from 9t012A. M. or from ■ ;11. ANDEH| 2to 5 F.'M. -■ 1 Hr JBefeREBCKJ'T ■ ■ - ’• '■ C. B. PENROSE, , MRS. L: BIDDLE, W. M. BIDDLE, REV. P. H. GUEENLEAF, GEO. A. LYON. June-20,-1539 v .l \ FRESH SUMfIU Arnold t? co.areVi assortment of GfcodsVi wear. The public aie rejbi -Call. : - ~f— —\- m/ITILBOUUNE lYi meves. suitable/ sale low at j C A'VPT-b'MS "IS UlllfliliY- sons, that no fislfmgor buyingf^ 1- ®' alter be permitted onfthe lands w tn; s 9 rl ' bers, on the Letart Spring* east otCail.t)!?. Inv will be ’enforced iigainsf anyuiidl P C1 ’’ sin who may hereafter lie dctecrcMp 1 ’ °‘ the above pursuits within our bouw Rl ?y person giving such information-t)s|( ac \ t ? the,conviction or such offenders sflr ‘ l reward of §5. (even under our hjf 15l “ day of June, 1839.------ -h ■ ; Samuel Ki , ; Jacob Kri| • . ...-.J:.... JDAviDEtq i CnnisTiAK-, | . CIIRISTIAff ZER < Jacob EhS f - JIENRY lii and • 'RTUST rccdred some splendid* Jv*' - figured : l 6ios-de-Nups inks, which bt offered at unustf> v ¥’ June 20., . - ft? &\9 : , ■ noticj® . NO funeral'expenses of (mt«t’ :nl P c, i' v be alluded after tins datV ss un 4[^ e ‘ 01 relief from.i Justice of the s f or a tor be obtnihrJ at or before ! t(i/-' ra '* ,Ht *\ng that the imlivdiial is poor, means to buy-him or her—aj? * nysicVn will he pari for ntorc than Jo sll * un * ess V an order froa one of the \ D. EMMINGjj- A. WAGOONjtf''^ o ™- J,'DUNLAP# ♦Time 20,1339. v . Wf LOAMS’ RAILROAD AmlWlN©, f OOMPj** In the Cmnties'of Daupt l 'l Schuylkill. NOTICE IS GIVEN Tfl/VI lli pursuance ofet of Assembly, iucoiiinriitini; the Vv> s Valley ifail read and Mining coriipan the counties, of Duiiliin aid-Sclisvlkill * will be opened tor the company, undeiMll:direction ,of,oiwiOTCef.Jhe,coiii., itiiSsinnjf/s named in the jtfrom the 4tli day of Jiily-nitil the 10th day'ly inclusive, from. IQ o’clqA, A. M. until £ck, P. M., at TlieiJotel of GeprgeHe in Harrisburg. of Josepfibertson in Cham? ibith bersouftr — -rr- —— Tneftoteljtf WillianpUlen in Carlisle. AndiSfom.the Bth upp 14th diW of July, in dusty, from the bouton o’clock, A. M , until 2'i'clnck P. M. fie Philadelphia & c/muisc in the city nf jpleiphia. "arid'at. the hotel p Thomas McCf in the borough of York.] | Thaatßount hf.cacf doling on whichtfS I of suTicribing, amVthi red tjuhe President* sons c lawful age m* own ’pines or the naj i * ■- |v • ml |Ja, r.;: '•■■■' • I w ,| Li uneab,lB39.® Ssafi-'S5^ ■: a: I. their Ne; lust receive Icflnsislihg lempanCo im i 7 sti l/L’ subscriber i OTut one rnile j nnkSof the Con iMay Inst, a Bj J.— supposed td finer.isdesire |»yKcaanrttat (lof accordini ngillnea iSlr'::Ga wegfeip.l ; Gijittt plum.tf lam U'G o. licsbui*] me 19,183; iir'j iEK GQOj list «-ceivin6pf. vitable fora*' 1 Secifully ifi t 0 Ife.- |TwSd SuTrtn&V - ;■ ■ Samuel fr. Jacob Hii ; Jonatiia§* g » i ' ’ Ulrich'S' !in bborstaribb; btobsitb; CENTRE AND END TABLES, Stands*' &c. &c., ami will be thankful to all who may please to patronise him." ,His terms shall he as moderate as the nature of thc NDLUNtEEB, '.wilh | ahoui thf ee years old. • The i call, proye pay Uh atfay orhe wIU beißispff !av?r T-O ~Sr- '*r RE MUSSEXMAN.fen; ;; f ADVERTISEMENT. \tilcmhefa of the Society of Equal High Is ftE HEREBY NOTIFIED |A.T ilie Treasurer has been instructed j f to notify the members, that unless all i, irages and quarterly contributions are fully previous to the 4th of July, next, the ac i tswjll be placed in the hands of n Magis-' for collection." ■ 7 . R. CAMERON, Treasurer. jnc 19th, 1839. Sts. A CARD. June 13, 1839. ' . STRAY MARE. ipiAME to the. public house,of .the. subscriber in Silver Spring township, on theSOthult. a Sorrel. Mare, about 11 years old, between 16 andl/Miamls high,-with-a-star-on*the forehead and rough shod before. The owner Is requested to come forward, prove property, pay, charges and ,taUft_her away,.or she wiU.be.diaposedot.as the law directs. , MICHAEL LEIDIG, Sen. , June .13, 1832... ** 3t CABINS? MAKING sirsiirasß..: ; THE subscriber wishes, 1 respectfully, to in form the inhabitants of Carlisle and the public in general, that.haying received a regu lar course of instruction in the above business, he has just returned from the city ol Philadel phia, with a complete assortment of tlie best MAHOGANY, and other necessary-materials, andis now pre-' pared to manufacture in the iftost fashionable and substantia] manner. May 23, 1839 N. B Two JOURNEYMEN wanted 10 POIXARS REWARD. [RESERVED from Carlisle Barracks, on the night of the 4th inst. JONATHAN vVp R T ZS, a Dragoon Recruit in the U. S. Aihy.'hscd 22 years, s*feet9 inches high, gray ey4,*dan£ hair, rudely complexion—born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania—by occupa. tioila-farmer. Enlisted 22d April 1839, at HarUlmrg, for. the period of 5 years. The. a hoveUnvard wirThe paid to any person deliver* mg tl\ shifNcSerter to the commanding officer at CaipdQ. Barracks £ , r. s. nix, p— — Sit Carlisle Barracks,? \une 6, iBS9. -\ S • * 31 IXitec [GAP HEADS' K2ABE clothing.— Tiber tliariltful itr past favors, res linfbnris the, public that he Jias on Assortment of yeiijly. made'clothing hment, a few tloprs west. of. the \Main.street, Carlisle, which he In very.moderataterms, He al tearry on the Tailoring business; \ be grateful for ahhare of public 'WILLIAM M’PJiERSON. \ .if TME sobi pectfiill] hand alargd, at his establi' Host Office, h offers for sale so continues t< and will ahva; patronagei June Estate of A, Hursh, sen. deceased. \ THE subscribers-having taken out letters yf administration on'the, estate of Abrahan Hursh,, deceased, latc uf Allen township, Cpmi berland.county ,‘hereby give notice to all indebted to said estate to make payment imme diately, and those having claims,-will present them properly authenticated for settlement. ' - ABRAHAM HURSH. . ;. CHRISTIAN HURSH. Mm’rs, residing in Mien township. June. 13,1839," 6t , Estate of Jacob Myers, deceased. • NO T 1 C 3. ■' "j. ETTERS®j^ r dmiriistraticri on the estate B A of Jacob Mjjfffs, late of South, Middleton towd3ldp.,.Corfqei'land county, have been issued to the subscriber residing: in thesametownship: All,persons lb ahy ! 'iyay i indebted to -.said estate will make, payment,, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, tor setilemenh ■ 1 ' ’ v ‘:i . - JOHN MYERS, Adm’r. 6t - rJunei^lSsk 1 "' ASTRAYHORSB AMEto the residence of the subscri,ber_in. JLy 'VormleysbUi-g, Bast Pehnsborough town- V'p> county, on the 25th day_ o! lay last—hvU a darS bay; about 16. bands high, 14s a small v, “‘>.Bpot on his forehead, and his slWlder was co iiar when" he came. Tie owner is requestci to come forward; prove prlpertVi pay^haj'ges.ane. take him away, oth erwise he \vil|be deult with u, cort linK to 'law, ■ ■V- • : * John long^eckek. - ; -.. •-v ••• .3^ GOLDE^BALL HOTEL, WEST HIGH STREET CARLISLE. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has taken M* t well known tavern stand at the West ctto of . High street, in Carlisle,, for-, merly kept by Mr. Henry Rhoads, and that ■he is now prepared to accommodate Drovers, Waggoners, Travellers, aud all others who may favor him with.a call, in the very best manner.- - • ; His Table will" be constantly furnished with thebest the country can produce. His Bar is supplied with the choicest liquors, and his Stable which is large and convenient, will be in charge of a careful and attentive ostler. . •’ He .flatters himself that, from his experi ence .as an Innkeeper,' he will bo able to tender general satisfaction. GEORGESHAFFER. Carlisle, May 2, 1839, . tf BAKERY! The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Carlisle, and Up vicinity, that he has comriienced the' BAKING business, at his residence, in Hanover street, next door to Allen’s Hotel, where he , will constantly have on hand Fresh Bread, Cakes, and. Beer. • JOSEPH MERICLE, Carlisle, May 2, 1839. :l Notice to Creditors. TAKE NOTICE that the subscribers have been appointed Auditors to mayshal thc as sets of the estate of David Neiswaugcr, among the creditors, and that we .will meet for, that purpose at the house of John Hoover, in Meehan icsburg, on Saturday the 3d of August next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. where all personshaving claims will present them for settlement. JOHN COOVER, ■) . . MIGHT HOOVER, Auditors. HENRY-LEAS, - h ■ " ITAHJABLE FARJVI FOR SALE. y riHE subscriber offers at private sale the fnl ' I lowing described valuable real estate, situate in'Allen to wnship, Cumberland county, contaht ing 114 acres, mort. or less, of patented land, a bom 90 acres of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation-, and the residue covered with thriving timber. The improvements are a ’ TWO STORV - STOMB HOITS3, AndDpuble Log Barn* two Apple Orchards, one of which is of choice fruit, a never lading spring of water? and a foun tain pump at the door—also, a Tenant House, The above mentioned tract is nearly all lime stone laud, of a good quality! and is in a healthy neighborhood—‘within, two miles' of Mechanics burg and the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, and abfirft one mile from Shepherdstnwn. An indisputable title will be given. For terms apply to the subscriber near the premises. JAMES GRAHAM. May 50, 1839, * tf Estate of Nancy Weaver, dec’d; i IOTICE. ;/ :|: THE public will take notice that Letters‘of Administration have this.day been issued to the subscriber, on the estate of Nancy Weaver, late of Monroe township, CSmberland county. All who have claims against said deceased are requested to make the same known to tliesub scriber, residing in Dillsburg, without delay, and all who arc indebted to said estate aye-re quired to call and settle-tbe same. LEVXiW. WEAVER. May 17, 1839. • V-k 6t COAIs! COAIs! JUST received anti forsaleat my lahdihgnear the Steam Mill, on the Canal, 500 tons of Red Asli Pine Grove. Coal, •warrnnted^tO“be‘-the" , lsESt"TiVti6ljFof“t]ie'inn3 known At the present time: It will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Also—a large quantity of LUMBER of difc fcrcnt kinds and qualities; superior Shingtoi P/astcn Salt by the barrel, &c.'.nil of'which isposed 6£at the most reasona- articles \vil ble prices. . CHARLES L. BERGHAUS. Harrisburg, June 6, 1839, 5m VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! . .... P.OR SALS. ■ THE subscriber will sell at private sale, a val uable tract ufjand, situateiiiNewjfpn town ship, Cumberland county, about.a half mile west of Stbughstown, on - the turnpike leading to Chambersburg, adjoining lands olTbhn Stousjh and Samuel Browneller, containing SIX TY BIGHT ACRES, of first fate LIME: STONE LAND, about fifteen facrer-of which are covered with thriving Young Timber; the remainder is under good fence and ]n a high state of cultivation, having thbi-foherected a S -Twosiony XiOCs HOUSE, AND-NEW LOG BARN. isq'on the premises a thriving young ■H.' _ a wishing to view, the premises will : subscriber, residing in Frankfqrd bout one! mile north of Altcr’s mill, listance from Hetrick’s store. i SAMUEL MARQUART. 339. • ... 3m. A TEACHERS WANTED. teachers (three male and one female) I-B *4*e wanted to take charge of the schools of. theMfcchanicsbuvg District, Cumberland epuw’ ty* : ra, Proposals will be receiyedby the Pres ide!* of the Hoard, from teachers who may wish a sitaatKm,in which they will state the salary per Ijnonw, for which they will7teach.recep tion otprohosals will close on of July nextfrninediately after which.s selection pi the teachers will J be made.byj the - h oard,_ : . School a to comfiehceon ihe^«w^NoVembmoiiowin&- It ia &pected that satisfactory evidence will . • Gt£Oß;iE-F..CAIK, SecV. /r " June.6;,lB3». ' By.tw Keg,’ &c.rs*^. " ANDREW RICHARDS, h now ppcning.asplenQidizsoriritent of Spring aiid jgummcr ~ , , ■ M tKesoutk-eqsl,corner of-Market 'Stfuarejviell /cnown.aaßredin'a Cofn&rdrid recent ly .accufiicd by Gea. fV. Crabbf IN PART ! ' : , BliJe,-Black',-Blue, BlackjlnyisibleGrecri/Ada ' ,la,de-and Bi;pw»'. ; '"'s,' .'■dfi&T3rao%/>V ■' Ribbed, Striped and PIain'.C.ISSIMERES! -d , splendid assortment ofUlack,Bluc-blaqk,Green, Mause, Fawn, Slate, Grd de Napte. Gro de Swa, Gro de Sain, andeliess Italian' SitKSf - Florence assorted colors, together with a splen did assortment of Raigues, Figured Silks.'a va riety of Prints and Chintzes, new styles l.awns, Mouslindelaines, Ginghams, Painted,Cross-bar red, Striped, Jaconctt & Cambric Muslin, a fine assortment of ' CALico^k 0 ;: ■ a superior assortment pi Veils and Handkgr-' chiefs, a general assortmentof Summer, figured and plain Satin ... .1 ’ . VESTINGS,. ;- ; Summer Cloths, Sattinßs, pluin and striped Linens, Irish Linens, Velsß Cords, Beaverteehs, Checks, Cotton Drillings, Pickings, &c. ‘ A general assortment of Leghorn, TiiScari, and colored Nun Bonnets, Palmleaf and Leg horn Hats. 1 A.general assortment of Gauze, Mantua, Lava and'Satin Ribbons, a splendid assortment of Hosiery and- Cloves: .&ROdBRIBBj- : - : - ; liio, Porto llico, Java and Sumatra-Coflees, Su gar, Sugarhouse and Orleans Molasses, Young.. Hyson; Imperial and Black Teas, and Soap. His present stock of Goodshave been selected ■ with much care,, and will be sold at such.prrces" as will not fail to Rive-satisfaction to those wish ing to purchase.—He is very thankful -for past favors, and hopes by strict attention to business, and a disposition to please to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Carlisle, April 18i 1839, NSW &OOBS. JUST received and now opening ar the.store' of the subscribers, corner’of Handvtraml Louther streets, Carlisle, a general assortment of SPRING &-S.IDMJMISB- GOODS* - Spring Chintzes, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Mualmdclaines, Challies, Veils, Bonnets,, Rib- , bons,.Cadet.Cloths, fmeSati- nets. Also,,a'first rate assortment of Domes tics, such.as brown and bleached Muslins, Tick ings, Table Cloths, with a great variety of stuffs foe Gentlemens Summer wear, such as Summer Cloth, French Velvet; Drilllngs.and plain T,in---~- ens kinds, Vclvet‘Coi‘ds, llcavertecns and - Nankeens—Stocks, Cravats, Breasts and Col lars, Gloves and VESTINGS. Also agootl asj sortmentof . .. Queemivarc ami Groceries, all of which will be sold low and on accomn'o. dating terms. The public are respectfully in vited to call anti examine before making their purchases, and they will lie sure to get bargains. , ; ' HAMILTON & GUIEIL Carlisle, April 18,1839. . - • NEW ooa c h m a sjLrm EST.HESI,mSSrfIES%'T, \ IN CARLISLE, PA. \ riTIHE subscriber having just arrived from th\ • H east with some of the best .workmen M cuulil be procured, is now ; prepared •,to=fiiiish\ s work in the most fashionable style and of the \ ,■'! best materials. ’He will manufacture any.thing y / in that line of business, such as* , * . :: .. COACHES, SUtKITS &G AE&MSAG Eg, of every description^.. He has nowrin his probably one of the best Spring Hakcps'and ' : , Coach Smith’s that is . now in the state. • ' His charges shall be moderate and hisavork wiir.’aU; ; be warranted. ’ , Repairing done in theneatest manner and with despatch; ■ ■’ V-; i, , ■ The subscriber humbly solicits the’patrcnnge ” of the public, for which he'wi/f tender' his'.mosfc - sincere thanks.. : "S.f ' . ■ FREO’K A. KENNEDY. Car/is/e, \pri/ }8,i839. _t6.'o.. MANUFACTORY. fjnHE subscriber hereby the public--’- X that he has commenced the above mentioned ■ .. businessman nil its various branches, at thp.old stand, recently occupied by l''ridtey& I.y ne, cn ■ • Louther street, a few 'doors east of /Lcpnhrd's store, whtrehe will at all times be rcady toac-; commodate his friends and customers-at'the’ shortest notice and on the most accommodating terms.- ■ -r- ;V. . ' • • The highest fincesslllbegitienfar cldcoMi'ri - ficmler and lead, ■ ’ vrL ALEXANDER S. L**®- Carlisle, Jfiril 25, 1839: • ’ ■ - V - H tnown tavern stand"' jwMariMfc,' . in llic east- end of, - JBSSf£fsS& ■fiSyj - Street, Carlisle," t,vs" Commodore Perdh. , '2J Ty kept bv William Strohm, ? > ie shall be MfflTOrJEig'lW: J® -happy avail times to ac-, comm*®® 46 Waggoners,' Travellers and others, withal! thingsneedful,t£>,' _: VlrfSr comfort’and convenience. 1 ■•, H's Marshall he const an tly : Euppliod.with tu_C: choicest of Liquors, and liiv7'oA/e.vt ithAie - the markets will afifOrd. - atteijt> | hostler will alway s be at handlo who play need his st^yices-In^ 1 shall be wanting torehder ali who.may V - ’Jg|P ift’- i mammmmislm . v- -v.-w'-V--!-•U' 1 .'?;" jvEw^eooßs^" rJ(j ;o »f Jtscoflpi