' 'AMBRrOAX VOIXXTEKR. BY SANDERSON & CORNMAN •v V.*V /,/ . . ,‘¥- CARLISLE: THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1830. -Governor’s Message. This interesting —.State -paper, on the subject of the- Repair fund, Public improvements, &c.,. will be found in this week’s Volunteer,and is worthy the source from which it emanated. We in vite for it a careful perusal. |C7"our : correspondent "Punchinello” handles the resolutions of- the federal meet ing, at CoK Ferree’s On Saturday week,- without gloves! .' We invite for the commu nication the attention of our readers. Destructive Hail storm.— On Thursday afternoon last, about 3 o’clock, this borough and its vicinity.waff-visited with one of the most destructive hail storms winch-has oc curred within the jnemory -of the. oldest in habitants. A considerable number of-buil dings have been more or less injured—such '.' aq gable ends blown down, chhnnies un topped, roofs blown off, and the windows facing to the west, the-direction of -the-storm, in nearly every house in town, broken and destroyed—in the County Hall alone, about 250 panes of glass were broken. Besides the:-damage, done, to houses, a number. of barns and'Stables were more or less injured, - a great many fruit and ornamental trees 7 .blown”down, and ike gardens literally de stroyed. The greatest loss, however,.is the grain in the vicinity of the town, (including wheat, rye, oats, and corn,) which is- almost entirely destroyed.’ . Fortunately, the fury of, the storm (which was truly terrific,) did not "continue .more than five or six minutes, or there is no cafi dilating what the devastation would have been; The principal sufferers are the Messrs. Noble and Watts, whose grain crops west of town are cut to pieces; and Mr. Francis Noble, arid J. Duey, whose Crops on the north and north west of the borough are almost entirely destroyed. In the borough, those who suffered most are Mr. Johnson Moore, "whose fine large house, nearly opposite .the college is almost an entire wreck; Mr. W. - lieonard, the gable end of whose large brick house was blown down, Mr. Abel' Keeny’ 8 house also suffered severely from the fall o Mi 1 . Leonard’s! the- two houses adjoining each-others .a amall house.belonging .to Dr. Foulke, at the west end of Pomfret street,, had the roof, entirely taken off and blown the distancc/.of half a .square;. and- -the gable end of .Mrs. - Weber’s brick house, in Pom- fre|'Btreet, nearly opposite Beetcm’s hotel. : WaS injured so as to cause it to be re-built. JpSulit is" unnecessary to particularizethe : ‘town, after the storm abated, presented ’ ;,i scene of devastation, as we trust, we may neyer again witness: houses jtfnroofe'd,walls ; .and chimnies blown down,-Stables destroyed, • 'windows broken, fences’ laying down, trees " prostrate, gardens ruined, &c.. Sic, ; ’ .The storm, from what we can learn, spent ■ ifs fnry .principally irk the bounds of the bo ■ . rough;- asi-no material damage ■ has-been-done over a mile in any direction out of town. The hive has swarm’d. —The opposition convention, which metin Chambersburg last weak to nominate candidates. for .President anttyice President, to the number of .about ; 75 delegates in all, had a real ‘ flare • up.’ (the federalists,), to the nam- Ciav- men, - , an to noniinate him, 'nolens vo fens—atHbe head ofthis-faction was Jo seph.B. IngentnjJ, 0 f Philadelphia; and the. . antiinasona, to of about 20, were vheaded by Charles : fe p e nrose and John , Jlickey, and'were equairyxletermincd in the support of IIAHRisoN-—the c(fFrequence was, that the hive swarmcdj.and thp hcj V colony . left the convention ■ with tticit qui; K „ j,eci Mr. Penrose at their head;' 1 'V, -The two factions are now completely at ■ loggerheads, neither;willingto make.anycon- i . ■ cessions-^and; botjj,embittered -and ’’hostile and being 6«; ; f ' eafch other, they are a beautifur *•*the decency-and all the ' been their ;boaBt, and? - tyith whieh a,; ~ ~ ■. , y: j ,v. J attemptea to mislead <•• and deceive the • t . : ■ ’ ’ ' .The : ‘conduct of .the . has^h!^,,. ire willing to^l^: f ; hnd or and without ignominy .We admire the courage which, for has brought theni up to.the sticking, point—and if they per-, severe, they will eventually regain a char acter for independence and manliness which they lost in their' association with anti-ma sonry. V' >■ The Franklin Telegraph gives, the follow ing version of the affair: WHIG CONVENTION. The above - convention" composed of 75 delegates, representing-a little over one half of the counties'in the State, assembled here on Thursday last, and was temporarily or ganized by electing Jbhnßinns, Esq. Pres ident, and a gentleman from Northampton and one from Lehigh Secretaries. C. B. Pen rose who was receiving his $4 00 per day from the State, and also acting as a delegate, submitted a preamble of about 20 whereases followed by two resolutions, the tenorand effect of which would have caused a disso lution of the body had they been’adopted.— They were, however, rejected by a vote of about two to one. Wm. M. Watts, Esq. an anti-masonic member of the Legislature from Erie, although not appointed, desired to rep resent his.county, but he was rejected -by a vote of 50 to 25. (We will not undertake to state particularly what occurred for we did nbt attend, and conseqUently weTtaveTo re ly on others for information.) But we were informed, that'Mr... J. R._lngerspll submitted a preamble .and resqlutions recommending Hi Clay for the next presidential candidate. This, the window hopper, C. B. Penrose, opposed, but was voted down 52 to 20, whereupon after consulting Dickey & Fore, brother traitors, he submitted j, he brought with him,'and left the convention. It is said that J. R, Ingersoll, Mr. Clarkson, and John M. Scott, ESq’s. spoke with elo quence and fervor in opposition to the views of Penrose, who was assisted by" Power, of Crawford'. This man we have been inform ed, said the farmers were so ignorant,that; they could not comprehend what statesman meant, but they all knew what soldier meant, I and were plcased-with thedrum, and for this reason he was for Harrison and not for Clay. ' The city-men and'-himself, he said, andqth _ers who had better opportunities' for educa tion, knew how to appreciate Clay ’s services, but the farmers did not know enough to do so. What a compliment to the agricultural com munity. .It is the old federal slang that the ■mass of the people are too ignorant to under stand-the science of government. , . ■ JC3“The special election in Adams conn ty, on. Friday last, resulted in the election , of Thaddeus Stevens by the meagre of 465 votes—we say rij eagre, because his [ majority is reduced over 1006 votes since: the October election. This shows a most un- 1 preccdcnted change, and'is convincing proof that the spell is broken, and that this arch intriguer is no longer able to lead the peo ple captive at his will. ‘ Tile majority in that county for Ritner wasT773, and at the spe cial election for Senator, Macfarlane’s was) 750^—now, Stevens, after drumming up all his forces by riding the county, delivering inflammatory, harangues, abusing the Legis lature ancl the Governor, and every body who would not bow the knee to his image, and when the democrats were comparatively indifferent as to the result and did not turn i out much more than half their strength, is c-J lectedby only 465 votes! This decision of the people sounds,the death knell to Stevens’ hopes, and if jie ventures upon the course next October, we hazard very little in pre dicting his complete and entire overthrow, I The democrats of Adams have done nobly, I aU thihgs'considered, and this first:demon.- stration of their strength; or. rather Stevens’ weakness cannot fail to invigorate them for the inore iinportant contest next October.- One more effort on their part, and the whole, county will be completely revolutionized. • . frS“The recent election in, Adams comity has established "beyond cavil the charge of fraud made against Stevens and his adjuncts at the.last general, election- .StevensVma jority then, at Millers town district alone," was oVer'looo— note ,-itjs only 465 in tire whole county! • The federal party ought to be ashamed’P.f this desperado, when they re flect on his Conduct and ; the" means resorted to by him td!b'6l|ter up the sinking fortunes of the imbecile Ritner . ■ Ladies’ Companion. —We have received the" June No. of.tjiisivaluable periodical. -It contains a variety of the very 'best literary reading, and is embellished: with, a steel en graving illustrative of one of Burns’ songs, "Now Wesllin Wins,” and a platb'bf.’sum mer fashions, with several pages of mbsic. It deserves the patronage of the literary por tion; of the community. ■ Gentleman’s 'Magazine. —This work for June is upon our "table. : It is embellished with a splendid steel engraving of . the Khi .noceros in his native wilds, 'riie ieading "matter of which'.this No." is made up is of the verybestkind, and detracts nothing from the j Imputation of'Mr.lßiirtbn, its talented edit- . for the amusement of the of affidavit-nun'mode their; Gettysburg Star p feiiowsi; :they. wdl doubtlcss acl^ hc same kind of aiid gepff. ■•^ ;^ l ' , :’ ;; ""-" */-.../• ■■•* ■ '.**#*;— ••■-'■ ■-■•'•*-. ~ ;. .. -J-'} '■; * THE NEXT CONGRESS. \ ~ We give below a classification of I bers of Congress, ns faras the elections been held, and" also an- estimkte as t States where yet elected ALREADY , ‘ | Demoo a/a; Dedcraltt 6 2 1 S • 0 2 - 3 2 10 ‘ 0 . 6 19 21 0 6» 17 11 11 8 l’ 0 " 1 0 3 0 2 6^ 10 0 3 0 9 8 .1 12 9 - ;it- ’ Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Cunnecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Ohio Michigan Delaware Illinois Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Georgia South Carolina Virginia • *ln the above estimate it will be perceiv ed that we have classed the entire' delega tidn'from" New Jersey with the federalists, though there scarcely can be a doubt but that the five democratic members, who were deafly elected by the people, will get their seats without any difficulty. In that case, the list will stand 95 democrats to 84 fed eralists. We have 7 "also'given them 11 in Pennsylvania—although it is believed that Mr. Xngersoll will get his seat. The following estimate we put down for the elections that Are yet to be held: ESTIMATED. •: Democrats. Federalists, Rhode Island 0 2 Kentucky 4 9 I Norlh Carolina 9 4. - 1 Maryland „ ,’ 4 e 4 ' (Tennessee ‘ 6 ~ ' "‘ 7 Indiana 3 ' 4' Mississippi 2 , 0 Alabama 4 1 If we are correct in the above estimated result of the elections that are yet to take place, and it is certainly a very liberal cal culation, for the federalists, the democratic . majority in the next Congress, (House of ] Representatives) without New- Jersey, will ’tbe 2—and with it-12! As a sentinel upon ' the watch tower we proclaim—“all is'welt” j— and the banner of Democracy still floats proudly in the breeze, untattered and un torn by the storms it has had to encounter. Federalism is dead and buried every where, and can never rise again so long as the people prove true to themselves. ■ ' SCT’ltis amusing, says the Baltimore Re publican, to witness the dying groans of the Federal editors and their correspondents. Since hope has deserted them, and there remains no longer any possibility of succee ding with any of their numerous candidates for the presidency, depair has seized upon them, and in all their movements they ex hibit the “throes and convulsions” of an ■expiping struggle.”"What but despair could induce a party to resort to, fraud, forgery and. falsehood to sustain its rotten cause Jf the'claims of the federal candidate's could be sustained upon principles, we should no be disgusted with their present modcofwa' Tare, -which consists in falsehoods" ahd'sld ders. But their cause is that of the wlcltd and abandoned,' and therefore they dare/ot avow their principles in open day, andfd vocate their doctrines candidly and pdlic lyfbut are forced" to themean andcon-r temptiblc subterfuge- of cheating, lyig and deceiving, in order merely, to keepy/p ap pearances of success, and, ; if pbssple, to mislead the honest portion of-thec/muni ty, and thereby strengthen thei/amking cause'. . , - rejoice that .the- friends/the Ad ministration have conducted tlfi.r warfare upon different ground. W/rejoice that they have "fought the good fight-”-.upon, principle—that with truth ft' their guide, and •' the good of; the. cou/ry, them polar star, they haye manfully;s/taincd our wor-= thy chief magistrate, a 4 .preserved him pure and untouched froi/the pollution with which it was attempte/to overwhelm.him. , “ Bet the bn; let them forge and fabricate, distort /nd mutilate; let them Hyena-like, as has heretofore been their custom, sacrilegious/ invade the. mansions pf the dead—let tletn'ransack- their brains for new tales, of .sender defamation — the friends of M/tin Van Bufen; scorning such an unmanl/such a brutal Course,- will “ pursue the /en tenor, of tlieir way,” chcered in th/ coursq by the rectitude of their owriconiuct and j»nd':Ae'cOT&^-^ttt«r'ltt6oM - _wM.cpni' tinue to beciowned with auCcesa j;:., ■ Presiderit of the United States will sewiut on his northern tour in a , few days./die will take ittarrisburg. otrhjs ; way, and is expected to arrive there about the aret of July. Suitable preparations are bei&' inUde to receive .him. . f.. 'ITi» a3J ohftlve ,35th. ; Dn. Dyott. —The Philadelphia Courier lias the following, amonj remarks, in refcrenccto the/raudi dufct of this' celebrated “Free Da .After enumerating tl)6 differen the indictment, on all of which the him guilty, the Courier says:,' . '•a.“Thus-‘Dr. Dyott/the.Bankef,’goes to [the penitentiary. He W-an old mm, prdba- Mily of 60, and his head, is whitens snow.— |3ut if we pity him for his fate, Ait us think if the widows whom he pluridyed of their file all, one of whom lie woulonat return a |ri dollar bill to,to pay the exposes of bury ; her only child. Think of the orphans, hso small inheritance he rumesaly seized, lil of the industrious tnechipics, whom he pped of all they had ever Ore was one case of a Bakr who had been [king eight years to get ogether 83000, ri which to buy the prerapes that he was spying, and who had actmulated $2700 Se amount, and the venfnext year would ft had t)ic balance--but jlyott, underpre fe of payinghimlOpeipentum, swindled Ifiut of every cent'--foor women, who I ifiearned something P their needles— I lajrs, who have savc/a hundred dollars byir hard toils—haw been' preyed upon ari hotted out of .theijittle all. And this w»l)od -!' Manual /'Oboi^BankingA’— swting in small sun), from the poor and th(Mgent;,to the anwnt of over 370,000; amßo'f tHe public -f large, as shown by the over 3400,0°- EcSevcns do cites being a candidate in tliKl. He wa run so close the" last time,|t.he is afihd to venture another . t ' %-i k- if , . ■ Th«:imbers|rg papers, in speaking of the wittwal ofPcnrose and his satellites, from .tttonveftion; neglect to tell, us •wliethiMy retied by the way of thp win dow oi|t/oor./Could’iit (Air.friend of the Telcgr||ive juc desired |lbrmation? 90 . ' Extracts lejcr to'thc Ea .Haibisbobo, Jbna “Thc|W, on Thursij consideraft la -resolution 4 Cox; pro)ij for the immq of the Biiburrowi'il by thej from thAS. Bank ami Mai for the jpse fiS is alleged q breach ijj canal near Hu) most,prdiy of disposingon of thermo at least in makij The rcsulutio animatcdjmssion, and was 1 ferfed icH Committee oh I System. |mo provision will made, blether the whole so, claimed nose Banks will be State Den extremely imprd memberaaking that so mucl actuallyTfessary to repair should.lf Bj, and no more. “A gpfaal of very impo tlon isA’cfe be done. Tin passedJlp'ws of 100 bills sii nienciyentphe extra session, except perhi a dozen, are a upol/y thefJnatc—that body| min/, as:it |uld appear, tos[S in jteless dil|ssion, to the,.life putic busing | 1 „ /The impr&mentbill was ui ' edition in th&enate to-day, | • jfing disposed?. I i / “On Fridayfehe bill to incr® [ fries of judgesr-i3 passed > n th r As amended, itfiovidcs an incij Jto the Judges ofjhe Supreme (| to the Preside!}; Judges of ®500.t0 those of|llegheny-£Dua those of all othai counties, and Associate Judged . t —“Tho fate of lfe bill to incot York and Harrisßj-g Hail Koadj la-very doubtful, frhis bill prop cate a road, from Aik-to intersect berland Valley Hapßoad at Hat An attempt was nitie to carry it\ 'the'Housey but-its|pnBideration 1 ported indefinitely-4 resolution \ wards offered for afre-considejan nmlibn‘to~postpohe b\ lost by a considerabll majority. | “The bill from' thillouse,'.appr $400,000 to wideninathe Union C passed the Senate anj how awaits tion of the Governor}. ■ Hot ~the Volunteer . Editor:; Permit me th columns of your paper to take a “ bj glance” of a few of me resolutions at the “ Whig meetin ” offhe 13 th] the house of Colonel. >eorge;Ferfee embodied several reas >ns,. why Mar Buren is not entitled to the suppoS honest people. V 1 “ Ist. Beeauk we Motv of no.sohU wfiich entitles him to the gratitude m fidence of the Mmericdn. people ! ! -'’’l '■ Such unparalleled ignorance,.scare! rits a sober reply. Wlienthe “ federl now the " tVnigs,” din all in their pc perplex and paralyse the American g mentdurihg the last war.by.withholdh nlies, discouraging enlisting with, then Taf army; discouraging the militia Ural giving Our enemy aidjanjT comfort by J matiori'p-who their . vindicated the rigl the oppressed & the wronged, inspired! bosoni with a determination as manful own,'and gave increased firmness topafl resolution ? Martin-Van Buren-; mid fate of American Union depended ] tli/conduct of New York, which, tbtht miry of every patriot bosom, was seen, tp ftr nearly two ybars in the doubtful set Suspense, who then. in bppDsition to] .British arms fit’Karlford conventiomsts, ned. the scale and preserved the Union t Van Buren! : These conquests wop by it , lectual and moral energiesaloneventUle'l to the gratitude bTfiis countrymen,'./The afu'rday (■ other, ;n uld •^ofvey.. «on, iiing n ffi- C .he «|TB" *aj :Is Jars have“been made at the' it", ftcce are no, funds appropriated; by Jtlv | 0 m . e ® t- * l4 mUBt ; therefore. hb manifeste'th t without a speedy appropriation." the Contin uance of operations on our public: -J&lirovE pients, is extremely precaribns. tons derived from our - canals and rait&mds ate ’ to pay the interest d»e publib debt incurred^ in their constrigpb,” NS one dollar of the income can be applied torepairs; at^fSebs’iShl I the "SS 4 , by lh ° lc S i^latWp:i the iise of: the public, remainder of this.year; -must depend upon j chance, or a I bridges, aqueducts ordamsget o.ut of order! ;' or be earned away.the treasury is without mcansVto repair them. The consfitution S, rU M^ t y .. 5- '^ scljr { orb ida ; lliat -money shall,vbo drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law” —and I know of no mode of obtainina the " “• it be by re-aLm* bung' the trampling this - loot. .To both of these cxpEdients tJiere are v strong objections; and I % 5 1 ery American citizen; a right oV w hi c h they : cannot be deprived, as a condition of hold" , ini'offlcc-~- without the most flagrant exhi-. i bition of despotic power., “ I love not Ce l sarless but Rome the more.” . If fhe con • conformity of opinion, as was sancfionedby ■ Washington, is a justification of the pro ■ scription, or justify, the executive, in remov • ing-sUch' officers, which indirectly add to,its • patropage, I asfc ,! Would not such a course i be less dangerobs, less tyranicah' tlmnfo disqualify from ever holding any otßce in • the United States,- any office-holder,- who — r by “thought, word or deed” should inter fere with ejections? Would not such-a I 3S dangerous, less tyranica! than i the officers'of the general go e right of citizenship, the right and make those who are- enti^j.S A •• r. na M° t na l Jiffai rs, aliens ■to ;tlie- >"4 is sufch a obetrine that Martin abhors,- and is such, which ey locrat denounces, because such. o tlij spirit, as well as a direct ' the Otter of the, American con d notionly unconstitutional. but it.is inconsistent with the fiist-' • » a potufar government, width tends to prevent Sje improvement of pub lic opinion, and to in pair, (hat unity pi~in ferest and feeling i pit should exist in every -well-regulated con Ilmen, “ has broiftit into conflict with the Ifreedom.of election,.&c., &c.,” even was truth, it is a bri-of a system of which fee is not the onlyjitlim. . I plead, (his, not 1 ' Jy way of justififition,—nf palliation ’ but - bat it may serve | show them ...the “ beam 1 their own'eye.’ Sir the present.Mes.srs.Ed' brs, I shall waivdurther notice of the, res ile of the reso|U6ns, which when time Vmits, shall bcfiuly considered by your Idicnt seii’antS \ • | | . PUNCHINELLO. ~ IUMSMI .erffeTMEETiKO. ’ ” v " brsuant'iii ijjift a large and respecfa lumber of W Republicans Irlisle and « ywyy met at tbe-pub- * vise flllen,. on_Saturil»y ■ last,- ln w ler the' -purpose of preparfry .fcangemenfs for-dho on °>l’c erring anniversary of Jcnceg t>n Motion, Mn JOHN was $ e, ‘ to W 'Chair, and Simon '.mcugSfl- apnjnted Secretary, diorig ft • :an s ;hcj mI, l]ie dc mVf tpsle and tllili* a pub) [heylng named iCmkf of Arran' app&b-committ other P?" that ms MeJamas W. All! i, Jpfflsnpple, John kmafob Wolf, Wil liaiif “gney. and Thhl On nj_. ’eso/That these procecl iv if cers » and publish! / JOHN MR] sj]jS'cc’y,. jOjOommittee of Ana i|ueP '>>eet at tlie publiq'il .oilcahei 1 , on, to-uiorrov enf early candle light.' / Three of the j It cd b „ re< 65.980 G e evi SB.O 75 wa. i.Eoi:si.ATi 19.450 00.000 7.500 S' 1.950 a J J4.4Q0 5.900 1.151 ocratic. republican [cinjtjr will cele linner, &c. and ntlemen const!- fluent,' with pow and transact he necessary, il> Joseph Lb [rannon,: Geo: i It. Gregg, is H. Skiles. lings be, sign- 0 Ch’n. [ement ere use of Mr. I (Friday) embers. I? .10, [tli being ronT'the' tions to c merits. m use. cse- ( a.;*T iwbteslP^'' rise of ■ vision -