American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 20, 1839, Image 1

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    ■Vfr Xf-S-
In putilished hursdayv
••" white frame huilulrig, (T.ear. oH
- ■vx'fTwo
.in advance, or two dollars ahd.i
•; paid iNjthinthe yedr. 1
- - Jtfo subscription tatejl fofia it
it -’months, and no disciiiitiiinapoe;
' all arrearages are.paid.- ;rj(VW,aU
: discontimian' the expirftion
r: be engaganneni
'. • Mvertisemejiti.ytiU
r and;puli!jslieai'at
tor three insertions. and-?? Jts.
'quertt-insertipn. r<rhose npMp.t
■ - ’ w$U befinserted till forbidg. ..
Handbills, Blanks, CartHm
nptice,-and hi J®|WW
» ' The following Gentl^fen;.'w*ll',t>lea
' ag6fits for this pVer,'sa|crip_t.onsrece vt,
. .money paitlto'erther- oMesoi ild.V,idual B tv.
Jo s ep nM.M e an town|
-■ -- '-Jons WraD k nnic n. j|fl •. ’JP£ nsl) " v s|
iV, l)Xvrij,Ci.EVßßi Ksqkjee s X Hoads. |
" JbhN Mehafpv. Dickon township. . |
- .. . iAfihvcitxM HaMll-Toift.odestownj • .J
• ■ Oeougef - Cain.
.Frederick Wondbimch; .-•do.-,, A
Vvv- . .James Ei.UotT. Esq||iringfield., >»
Daniel (Crysiieß, EK-ChurchtowniJ
, Jacob LoNGNECKßß.i , cnnaboro*to#Pr
• - George Ernest, AUg •-
Remaining ™ MiLP&fficc at & s «b
f Pa. May
... .-please say advme&m-- ;:,. v;f, .A
■ Atoms William $. "WjDanielPsq.,
-MVnbW BenjamjpA .-I M-p 'r 'Z ■.:
Anderson James;? • • ■
Asknith Wm, • ,|f ? . '
■ -B" it. MitWillO llEsq,
...Brown ThomasiS.-.;.; -
; Brown Susanna!’. Saliva Rjert S •■
Bender Samuel;' ■ . M'ttJainf L
. Black Jane. B--
Brenneman M^ er JrHSjCfrV e s S* •
. Baldwin John: . I '£ lbeth M| ss
' Bell Ann or#ah .. M.lfjSarah RBsa
, Bowman Dr :V- , ■"!!§■ in .-.
. Buner Danirfß .'MUfcyld .
Bender Magn .: SjSs^S 6 „ ■
1 Brown Aii^ iss .
Barbour B|td■ a !? es
! ( ‘Ball Eli ? altlv V M.f|nd y
•, Bass Hobf A&M'V.
BuffingtbfAnneM t'U.Sbcrt
SJSSS T N ? «f'
Burk. I.Ji ! , . N.icsl^b
Bolt Josph ’ |
Bretts Jpob ■ oconn^
- Carmo|Eli7.abethMPhiUipfc;k .■
Carterlhnrlcs Pemler^.^y
Clark ihu Q P?ff§ A.i,.
Cart Claries y t- '.
Corr Seven ; Barklsaa. ,
’ , Cart yUliam . fi
ll) ScawtJghlvt :
Dtfedli Abraliain SchcurerJL; n .
- BewelJacob C Swisher S| ..
DugaUTimothy. , |, wller M ,
’i o nls James SlonackepyLi,
Sit»p Dam«-.^
M Mary Irtish-, Shilling Jafk -
Benjamin Sailor Gcoql*
■ Smith JaneiJ..
: . ■Fongf.tJol.n ' , Salomon ot|»
, Fallfr John ;
/ Fisnjr Gcorgc • . StewaytSar|a
_•3:b: ’ . V Stnrd' John 1 1,
; i GUjm Samuel • S m-art Sab^
lA'-’ Gajgewer Allcn W Shafer John , |
5,/' |^‘ ckl « ? ra L{
■ aA; :i j i;: h- ' -‘Sppttswobd Jin
'> T Wewthbrn Jolm- Smith Georgd
mlcomb Michael Esq ; ■ \ .
\A.f '-’lBusriet Mary ‘ v
, BinahJ * ;■' llahnal|
ifer 'X®rs#|obn: fe|f S'feSi
s* r ß e . 2
; ; Wmcoope^l^het
» , : “James' ~..
fef"' \ J ’' Walters John , .
f : l r "’ .•■-'■• W.op4 : Sarah A 3
5*' ,v ’ Walker James y
i, v V. - Weayer^Jacpb
7 ; Yokcrm Samuel,> ; -
■ZugElizabeth MisP
acob' r
C DENTISTRY •'./v:' ;■ :?i
,1839. ', ; V^-"'^-:-~^!>l
v Foi‘ : Sale v : -\^/- : ::>v
S£tW^ al V c r 3oftl » e^olUnleer “ r
.iQ-gi. inony . jstrintround?;
j|ome thou must learn of unbelieving then.
Whose'deep philosophy,has mastered art, _ J
With alUhy sl^ill'makes-such p simple flower-
fairlblue-Kull, lUijt amid the crags -
Looks up in beauty, smiling to;the sun!
.Thoii can’st not! v Then p.erhaps thou cah*6t un-
make. ■ . 7
Here is an atoi|, which thy art declares
•To be the smallest part'oi: matter known; /j.'
(Atomson atoi|s~ piled, compose the- world;
T;jake thisj-aiidp’er it exercise thy power;: ;;;
Thou lobk’st abashed! ~
•T&y&baai&kjwlin .viunl'.Noy-, answer .pie'i-i
If the mean dutbe qf-immorteVmoaid, ; .
Why, what wito.tq the soul denicjt ■
Its immoi-talityV - ’ Blasphemihg ihan! V .
.Go hide thy.Apipiy. head!. In sackcloth weep,
Aiid pi‘ay thy maybe by. grace illumed!'
In tlie ycftr|SoB; ; renjoyEd tlienever-to
be-forgottoh gdtification of a,paddle up (lie
Hudson,.ori liard the first steamboat that
•moved on the inters of any-river. Among
.the voyagers-riS a man, I had -known for
someycais preious, by the name of Jabez
Doolittle.., HUyas an industrious and in,-
i gchious steetafonilinj aridiwirc;
but^.his'great ffccess jayinyvire-ivork; es
pecially m, mating “fat-Traps;” and for this
fast and best ijention in that line, .he had
just secured, dgiterit; and with a spectmen
of his work,- hems then on a journey through
the j3tnte of Nv York, for the purpose pf
disposing of wmhe called “county rights?”
or, in other wpls, to, sell the.privilege of
catching rats, fording to. his patent'trap.
It was a very arious trap, as simplp-as it
was ingenious; Sinost ingenious things are,
after they are pah tod. It was an oblong
wire box, divjdjinto two compartments; a
.rat entered oriitvhere the bait was hung,
which, he;rio,sjlpr Touched, tlujvthe door ,
at which hc.cntH fell. His only apparent'
escape Wgsdiy alfinel-shaped hole.into an
other.apartirienis passing Which, he moved ;
another ivwCy ySi instantly re-sefflie trap; i
and thus; rii,t ay rat was furnished- tho- 1
means of-I‘follofe in the foot-steps Of his t
illustrious predfeaor, s ? until the trap was -
Tull. Thus it watot simply ,a-tfap to catch. 1
a rat, but a tfap9 which rats trapped rat’s; 1
ad infinitum*- :■ ft • , ‘ ' £
: This tvap,' at tlime whichTidluderab- i
aolutely dividedgattention of the passelm t
gers; and for inypt; it interested ,me quite, t
as muclv as didtfateam-engine; because, S
perhaps, I could’tfc easily comprehend its ii
myBtery. steam.-engine was .a
GreS.’the Not so, j
however, to; Jabeßbolittle.l found-him |
studying the engttvith great avidity and j
perseverenccf '3ns|ch that the engineer i
evidently beeatnepned, and declined an-. I
swering any- murefctiotTs.- , •-
, “Why you neat snap off so tarnal.
short,’’* said Jabczbody would think you
had’nt got a patenfl your machine. If ’-1/
ican’t meddloA-ithflon the water, as nigh'
'as'lean calculate,fjbc upju you.onland/
one pf these days'.’H.
These pfeinWs.'*
tw Jabei-issuaTrffl
i wed- by the oflgind
-. t 6 have got his s|
‘’Well,” said
I that mighty mam
fed; “if that crltta
sn, a body. cbuld |
Ikori- I’ve got a fl
n taking mo asidft
and, Ipst some op
fieri and there aa
Vofound secrecyJS
Won go by steahij
V, then he’d givel
|iled theHdea; ,'fi
tat trap; arid saw
\ twinkling gray
yery’dihO-of his |
itiori'.and inveni
iclusiori thatif
Avith hot "(atci
this mountain 'top?
God,; -' ■■
‘.rctchcd'sccrie, . .
the eager sight !-
,-aried map .. ■■
mead;,and vale,
, waving wild;
'armor's toil,
t a leaflet grows;,
beauty lies; -
;h just conceptions
, dark in soul!"',
Does change main*
Frohtiie Knickerbocker..
i fell on rnj ear ns
lie .cngineroctm, fo
who seemed dvlilenj
7., wliat do you ililij
?” “Why,” he ij
d’ntgot Trtcdupj
lore ahoutit;,bul
notion on it;’? a|
1 looking carelesfl
line' in cohfiddrm
•e he was two ys(
whenl* Chougl
fc.a poijifed' i
re a channel d
(X could .not I
Ver'did attei
4 should heai
: dreain^,oi'l
lieir dreams,’ pj
I'aEf' 1 “locofdco
loats mult
iteam wag
ve” wasj
When,; a
of the ll
ked “pS
ft' nmkfl
Mnot- 1
.RMSIiE, Pj»* . TH'
< ‘\yiy
e-rwhat notion?,” I
VsayS hd l ,-“lhi;t steam wagon!
. . vsp.ellago; but it has pretty
starved itj'rfutj’.’ and sure-enough, K
look as.iftie had been on, the anxious,
.as: he_use<sq”fiay.when things puzzled
“I'havVfced up,” said lie, “plaguei
all/thie flhctirqD', land old stove pipe]
mill-wheel»apd trammel heads .ml
parts,-butTvi; succeeded; and for Set l
some of tlicalate ’folks about here mJ)
got a pepp tlough the key-hole, n#<
1 trouble ' me. \JqnVl come to get a IP
I’ve a,witness;
firstlacf.only man I. cvcJjh
the notion lo;lt fact” continue®'
think the niostitibus part of,this
is, that as J etlflon’t know any Jpo
here who -has bM able to guess lII’
■about. / They aßthbw it ua an injbn
but some %thVaglHfigjfla<§ aol
say a .di, s till.evy';Jrtl <if ilatt!,'.tli»S ir l
think it is a but IF" si
another tune
long past the' stageV)afches,”.adf‘l 6 V
■ Tins brought us tahe door offlld cl
boarded," .dingy,tdbi; pne-stJP u dd
with a \yindow cjr tTOm’ the r»hek
holes and efteks alVbcofullgfibd •
bid rags, .‘and oyerdhYoorhff uni
ing, yyas-n^^inyn|^[iC'^r o .
mittahieJ r This sai
runs’,” v TherojH stood,KdcnK the
to; .of all. previous- cdiMpti]rat:.t
chuvps, coi
stood atbunnit; oras in|ul»yron
with refermce tola mdjAMiit bu
more impottijt inventionsH
“Where cat’ CMiccptfbn wifc vchly.
A.ray of -and sidi
Star-like aigul/.iintil they gi dto a t
Ami thcreiVitooil, “(he coni aledft
of all prcvjfis inventive get “The
-Locomotiy/’ ... .. j
An unvoted, unpolislilumidd
overshapeypiass, of doubljjited s
iron, and pipe*l" trur
heads, vahisbtews,. and vnl all
braccdopb r firmly-made tiaing w
“It’sjjiurious critter tSklat,* 1
Jabez.-M' ypuMl like it Sr whei
see;it motion,” ft.
Ilewiy .this time ighimitpjan l
charoojftyhich lie bad -.'gtß’mnde
bbileriM'filled the{bijeri’f«he,' ■
I stopj|ayorking yesferd®m it
leakctgqirop since. fftwlton bil
the cbffj'first rate.”
Suifwpgh, the boiler sqfcay cvi
of yWedT. water?? : wheily plsiiii
crankaid piston Was in jtion.y ;*
■ ; “itVks slick, don’t iß.saidW
Tcplied,,“it dijmovelj
“®iean v said be, tliiJivellina,,.
doiiaSyefwell I dont, Pin they Aijl
MMf. patent. You le,” lie- Udei
croefc down, “that tiiiniel-head.Viei
cog wheel? IVbll, tbatAoi
bf.®>. s l yet;, when-I ijp that iiittqjai
byjfflrank; it fits; yc#ee, 'on the tVi]
traV|g'wheel; and/dlr the hull sect
wittfc, as nigh as.l ja calculate, an
i|;rdhan chain . liaSnin,’ an d a dan
ol But it.-womuo to give -it ay
git thV patentM’liorp, is
t,” he continum “that I han’tcoi
but r .that; is almple mattery-ana
he'shortest map- of sfoppin’ op heUA
notion - is; .tegee how’,fast F ean
•'work, withof smashing all to bits,!
s; dope by scjpwiug (lownthisup
; and I’H Sby ydu-T-^—r”
ith that,- hellambcrcd. up .-.on the.
a turning dfew in one haml.imd
soap-fat in- |e othcr,.and conimen
ving downjfhc -valves,- and oiling
i-rod.and c|nk-joints;and tlic mo
le mystenofe mass, ipereased, and
cl anuz. f, 1 y -'
ligli about prfcction, nipt it?”
■ vyuu. .amazed; inconteniplating the,nb
jeforc me, whicl I confess I could not
understand; ambience, with.the.great- j
adinessj permit liil my mine) to bear off
nher matters -ir re 'comprehensible;'to
(future, which is lways : more- clear than
(present,' under s nilar circumstances.-
reded not for the very best reason in tlie
(Id, because. I up erstoqd not the conipli
fcd/descrfpfion tl it\ Jabez jyas'.givirig of
(still nior.e.cohipl :atcd ihventibn. All I
ew. Vvas that ther wa’s a machine on four
11 braced, wheels
feting coglvylieef jr- :-to: be,
to wn, ;)ylmnyii\wqald move off
(at.; : ope' : ihquld bfcmc,
I downed
r ;Thdtcnipta-.‘
roughs the; ;
frhilb' Jaboz/p'as-;at, work, andy'catchmg (lie
the buzzing poisb bf-the js
[Bps op laky master.’’— Horace.
30, 1839;
chine, with Jabez on the top of it, wftfi'a
whiz and rapidity of a 1 flushed partridge.—
The 1 side of the old' building-presc&ted the
-resistance of . wet-paper,... One crush,, apd.
the "first locomotive” was ushered into this
breathing world., I hurried to the opening,
.and had- just time to clambel- to the fop of
i the fence to catch the last glimpse of. my
! fast departing friend. True to Ins purpose,
t I saw him alternately screwing down the
o valves, and oiling the piston-rod and crank
il joints; evidently determined that,, although
t, he'had started off a little unexpectedly,'he
iu would redeem the pledge- he had given,
:d which'was, that when it did go; it would
‘I “go . a lectio-slower than a streak of chain
ati- lightnin.’ and a darn’d leetle too!” r
>Ut "Like a cloud in the dim distance floating, .
?m ej.ikc an arrow,-* he flew away!: — :
of But a moment, and he was here; in a.mb
>w; merit ho was-there; arid now where is he?—
me or rather where is hc-nof?' But that for the
i to present, is s‘neither here nor tließT.”'
ling ... • • ... .. • • • •
---My-task-is done;'-:All: Lno\V.askns>'that
although some doubt and mystery hung over
the first invention.of-h steamboat—rin which
doubt however,-1 fqFbne do npt participate
none.-whateyer may exist in regard tojtlie
origin of (lie locomotive branch of the great
steam family}' and that; irt. all ; future' time,
this fragmen t pf liiatory,may ■‘ena -
ble the latest posterity :to;retrace, by “back
track”';Smd “turn; 6ut, s, .'through the long
rai l road jine pf illuscious ancestors, the first
immortal progenitor, ‘vaitez
-Doolittle,JSsfl. nigh-Wallingford ,■ Connecti
cut;”;:-- ■ •. ,
; GEKpEIi A.E,- BTGTO.Br.;!
■ The second cbntiuentaiCongress met at
Philadelphia on tfio 10th of May,,1775.
As military opposition against Great Britain
was now resblyed-uppn by the colonies, and
had actually commenced, it became nccess
ary to fix upon a ; proper, person_to conduct
tTiat Tim person, unanimously,
selected by Congress was Georob Wasiiinq
ton, a member, of .’their body from Yirgiiiia.
The honor of having suggested,and advo
cated the choice,p£-- this illustrious rn'an, is
fjusßy ascrihedto thc elder. President Adams,
I at thattirao a member of the continental con-:
gross.;. The. army was at this time, at Cam
bridge, Massachusetts, .under'6en»Ward.~
As ycj, it had not been adopted by the coiih-'
betciJjisidcred an ho,
ip :had towards; this
■as if’was' perceived
the success pftlje- American people, intheir
struggle ' for liberty. might depend. • The
Southern and middle.states-, warm and rapid
In-their'zeal,-for the:fnost part were jealous
of NeW England, because they felt-that the
real . physical force was here. What then
was ’to be,done? All New. England adored
Geh. Ward; hchadbeen in the French war,
and had-come out leader with laurels.' He
was a scholar and:gentleman., All the quali
fications seemed to-cluster in him, and it was
confidently believed, the army cbuld'not re
ceive any command erdyer him.. . What tlien.
was'to be done? Difficulties thickenfed* at
.evpry-.step'. . The. struggle was to hi? long,
and bloody; ‘ Without union all was lost..—
Hflioh was sirengtht -• The country: and the
Oyholecou h st come in. One pulsation I
wist broak. through the hearts/. The'. cause
Vas. one, and the/arm must he one. The
lembers /talkcdi debated - , and
decisive step; had not been, taken;—
hMr.Adamscametotns conclusion,
manner of developing it Was 'nearly!
'WSi,. He was walking one , morning |
■dngress Hall, apparently in r deep
when his’ cousin; Samuel Adams,
to him aiid said, What is the tpp
iU thift mbrmng,cousin?V ‘Oh the
i army,’ he replied, ‘l am deter
lat to dp about thp/army at - Cam-,
; cpntlnwody''‘l-nm7detefmined to
taU this morning, and’ enter into
pf the state‘of the colonies,' in
w the’ absolute. nbed'.Of’witirig
stops; My whole aimwillbe
greSs .to'appoint a'day for a-;
iy,aS. tlie 1 egal army of-the
of North America; and then
iction of a commander-in
' Samuel Adams, .‘Hike
mt on . whom 1 have you'
Hder?V T’jl teillypu;
ijf VirginiaV a '.member
lied SamucV/Adams,
'db; neye£;jpeve^. , .
.said.;John ;;Adama|
flip ,b'Soiifhevif-,ah;l:
;n you'
itity of
er .the
c “Pi
mg one
go into
a full>
j doptilig thi
[to, hint', at
that, cousin
fisOd as r this
this: house,’
'lt' must, do, it's.hi
‘and for these n
middleiSlates' are.
‘the cause/ and.thci
they see’that jSevr
ical ipower; in her'dii
result. Epg|.
1 and co min and er,Svi t.h :
appoint a coitimander, vote supplies; and
proceedto business.—After bis speech,-some
objected, and some'feared; .His warmth
mpunted'withtho.occasion,.and to, all .these
doubts and hesitations he replied, ‘Gentle
men, if this . Congress, will not adopt this
army, before ten moons have set. Ne w Eng
land-will have a pongress of her own, which
will adopt it, and she, 'she will undertake to
struggle alone; yes, with a strong prm and a
clcar conscience, will front the foe alone.?—:
This had the desired effect. They, saw New'
England, was not paying, and.'was .not to be
played with; they agreed to appoint a day;..
The day was fixed. .It capm. Mr. Adams
went, took the floor, urged the measure, and,
after debate, it passed. , Tim next thing was
to .get a' lawful commander for this ' lawful
army, with supplies, &c. All looked'to Mr.
Adams on this occasion and he was ready.
He. took the floor and went into a minute
delineation of the character, of Gen. Ward ,
bestowing on him the epithets which can be
long to no one else.—Atthe end of this eu-'
chosep.'. He thijwwent into a 'delineation
of the characfcr of a commander-in-chief,
such,as required by the peculiar sitUa
tidn' of,the; .colonies at' this juncture; and
after ho had,, prcsented.the cjUalifications in
hisstrongest language, and given his reasons
for the nomination he was about to make,-he
know. these qualifies:-,
tj'ons are high,- ,but we air know they aro
needful at this., crisis, in this, chief.—Does
any one say they are not to bc.obta.ined in
tlie couhtry ? I*reply, they arc; they reside
in one of our own bodyiand he is, the person
whom J ■ nominate-^GEoROE.
of yirginia.”: ' • 1 .
j. who sat on McAdams’ right
hand, was looking him intently in the facC, to
watch the the flame he was about to announce;
and flot expecting it, would be hifl own, he
Sprurig jrom his seat the moflmnt;
and rushed into an adjoining,'quick
as thought tnoved by a shock.of.elcctricity.'.L
< : Mr.- Adains had-asßed-his cousin Samuil
to ipoye for an adjojJrnment:-as'soonas’ the
nomination was ,made, in order,to„ give-the
time to ’ They did ,de
libcrateand the result is-before the .world;,'
Gen.. Washington, ’, in vhis reply to the
President; in Congress,’who announced to
him ins’appointment, after '
ter .'.updnitfte mpmehtous duty assigned .him’,
added;, ‘Bdl lest some unlucky event should
if ihay^teychfembfeddiy eveVy gchflemairin
ijljy declare, ; witlv the
to tbe ; ci)uimaftd' I amjionbred-witlii - V
: ’ ‘As to pay' air, I bdg leave to assure'the
Congress, that as no pecuniary consideration
.could.have; tempted me to accept thisiardu
pus employment at the expense of ; ; niy do
mestic,caseand,happiness,"l do not wish tb
make any profit, fromdt. I will keep ah ex
act accountpf my expenses.. ,‘Those ~1 doubt
not .they, will discharge,,and that. is ’; ail I
desire.’* j ’. >v
' A specialcommission whs drawniupahd
to him, as commander-in-chief of
the American forces; on presenting it,.Con
gress unanimously this 'resolution;'
•That they would maintain arid assist him,
and.iulhere" to him! with their lives.and their
.fortunes; in the , American, liberty.’
-■ Following the appointment of. General
Wttslunglon; yva's the- appointment of four
majmv Artemus\yard,'f)haS.:Lee,
Plulip Schuyler, and Isreal Putnam, and. 8
brigade .’generals, Seth Pomeroy, Jlichard
Joseph Spencer, John Thomas, John Sulli
yah; and Nathaniel Greene;-'
". pThe whole sum winch,, in the the’
war, passed though his, hands,! ahiouhted only
to 14,479"pnuntls'stealing.;’,After“Gch7lWiVsh-i
'ihgton’s elevation to the presidency; hecphtihueij;
to.sehd to thecomplrollcrsdf'thc treasiiryUiVafi?,
miaf account, of the, expenses, whiclr imphre
yehrj, amounted ’to thirty.' ihousahd.dollarl^';
move thmi tweatyftveTfhou,shiS^)hatfetUje^ek^
: : A whole fatoily,
pears Mr. Sharp* sh6emakcr,;;sent'oyer the
ior 'some'salts,!
dren, who becan)e
them, to AyasTdand ta
and by;powerful
acid reserablca
should 'be fplased
caseftW) actionwaalin
's ' '
&mMffl'cr w *' *
v^eek4'n : |[i;a^o^^i^l
4[an!a;^’ iih
HEW series—vox.. 4. wo i.
•' POMPEII, '-< Tv .■
Pompeiils hot a rdiil .'that is; not a fedhhy ■y.
ment of crumbling arid mouldering decay; it’v
is onlVa forsaken city. That the inhabi-'
tants had time, to dy, and bearwith them ’
the greatdr part'of -their possessionsils, sufii
ciently evident; bht a few perished; and
they are brought to nur notice ,in a : j manner
that renders their date .more imprcssive'-altd,
affccting. ■■ /V‘,l
Here ju .tliisrvilla, (his skeleton handh/
f rasping coins, and jewels, and < his ;c^ilij v ,;T
ey,) was found-the perished roaster,.stncftd:;' :
e_n in Ms. flight; and a slayc. behind him-joth?
silver and bronze vases; then flew the shneitl ■
ing fainily_.bel6w; to a subterranean phs“;\r,
and there perished,,slowly, perhaps,' seven-' 7
teen of them, and handinaids/and
faifhfujservants.' ' ’ ' 77- . ‘ 7'”X' : 7S7 7'
Here is a sadder things—in ajjitlicJ-cjrcucv ';;
lar rooted seat'by the .wayside^a'.kinil/of;.
traveller’s resting /place or; a ■ spot'- V* lici'?>-
friends would- walk, {and sit; chatting-itt jihlf- /
shade, here was found the skeletpri of a
■hrid twqroHildrcn lay by
qrnamcnts Were Fotind' on all.' :
waited' for her lord -she loved,, or . for <hbV;v/\
handmaid, or-perhaps ;the car was'to returtf'
and take her. , : . ■
-' Hear; agaih; .here a ;pertlco was found,;;
some miser, flying; with his heavy, strong •
hoard—thp'guide'teljs you/it-Watty''
a priest of Isis; and here, iii ihe' temple,;\yns >:;
rqund;6theV skeletons
guar.d-or worship her revered' imagc;,;'and -'■
lastly, ,in aprigon.or guard house were found
skeletons -fastened and secured in rocks. {
However, any attempt to describe Pom ■ ./
peii. cofncs not within;;the c r onipas3 of my
plan or ability. T ,
quarian with a silent anp tliankful-attcnfibn.'; ;
\Ve arc, taken by'him, into the forum of atr -y
cienf Romans, theirtempies,'Schools,.thca‘ 5
tres—led along their, streets,' intrqduced;in;' ■
.to their houses, and .sh'own,tire: distributio£ : v
and use of, thei£apartmenfs, the laying/but*'
bf-the’ gardens; we .see
pi aces of feasting, and: that .of, reppsev v SU't' 7
r: You" stand before' lherf;shbps, : and'{put;“'
yourhand bn their little counters of mar ...
ble,,.bne whereof has the stain of a goblet’s V
bottom,, and .where you lcan, rhundredsso.?’KV
men have’ leaned, in .their times, to take n,.: '
drink', perhaps' of vinegar ,& water, a draughiy
common among them and most' grateful
thedhifsty. You walk along the -i'
■way,- and- mark.
•worn {wheel.track; 'aftdyy&qAu -^^^^
stepping stones;' and^>the.tbgajyyd-u;;y
stop at ttie'open spofs/
and'cross," and look -for. tii^4^haelB.>{h4‘'r;
tome crowding with' thd^ltf •
venient wells." ■ ~ ' /■"////■/'
, The bakeyhouse,.lhe winc-shops, and 5 fhlr/;
.cqokls-shopl exactly,
T-.hayeiLseeh ip
stbyeg.ahd large vessels for
parlfagTpod, grei
city. /You
tenipieß,' : yo.u-:cnfcr
walk /up,-, between - its-.'Corinthian': cplumjnv,
anddopk fvith ttir
bunal; Sand . think' abrattl^j^p^rfciocroi^t.
ypu goln'to this *•
vine-yardtothonoblc{®philheatrc, 7 ;rthd
pending'to'; i|». ge*.
Sveiy’thing the <•.
ahji Impressidns thlfigifft. and [
<Yojk Journal 6f the. s3.inst.,
altemptcdtb imk e >'hbpptV
;reached{hai^d;'' ’’
: s&Ai commeinichd!^&t(i>^tSi> /
but, fano .;eflecfj;ns“‘
Bteeii; feet
5 ;