sS: fe St JEXCIt&Jy'GJE BJMJVK AND . . BAVISTGS INSTITUTION, No. 00 Sonth Fourth st. Philadelphia. CAPITA!;2SO.OOO DOLLARS. Often daily for the transaction of business from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. DEPOSITES of money, received, lor which the following rateof interest w.illbeallovved: 1 year 6 percent, per annum, 6 mos. 6 •• " 3 *• 4 “ « • On business deposites, lobe drawn at the plea sure of the depositor, no interest will be allowed. Uncuirent notes of solvent Banks, in every part ‘of the United States, will be received as special deposites, on such terms as may be a greed on in each particular case. By order of the Board, J.DESSAA , Cashier. Philadelphia, Dec. 19, 1838. ly DR. I. C. LOOMIS, DENTIST. INTENDS residing permanently in Carlisle, and would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of the place and vicinity. He has taken rooms at Col. Ferree's Hotel, where he may be found at all hours. Persons requesting it wilf be waited upon at their residences; . CDr. 'Oeorgt, D, Foulke, • Deference,— - < Rev. Fhos. C. J /lornton, C Dr. David .Y. Mahon. Carlisle. Dec. 6, 1838. A VALUABLE TAN YARD - POR'RBNT, AT HARPER'S FERRY. VA. THE subscribers will lease for one or more year?* their valuable Tan Yard, with ail Us appendages. It is one of the best locations in Virginia for carrying on the business on an extensive scale, as there is abundant room and the materials are ample. A numberof the Vats -r.ttve-under cover, and all the buildings are moat suitable kind—besides the grinding of Bark (wh'ich can be got convenient and at fair prices,), is done,by water power. Any quantity ot Hides can be procured ifi the neighborhood, as there is no other tannery with iirseveral miles.of the placer—and there is a!s*o every facility lor getting hides from the cities, and sending them to market when tanned, eith er by rail road or canal. There is, likewise, a demand at this place for a large quantity of Leather annually by the Government. Possession will be given immediately." ~ .HUGH GILLEECE 8c CO. Harper's Ferr£, Feb, 7, 1839. eowtf CARD. DR. JOhFj! MYERS, . fNFOKMS his friends and the public, that he has resumed the duties of his profession, and •will give his undivided attention to the practice ofits several branches. His office is in the stone house adjoining his drugstore arid one door from the Post Office, Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1&39. • 3m CABINET MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber respectfully informs the in habitants of Carlisle) and the public .gener ally,'that he still resides at his Old Stand, in North Hanover street, opposite Mr. E. Bullock's Chair Manufactory, where he continues to carry on the ■ Cabinet Business, in all its various branches. He has lately fur nished himself with a new and SPLENDID HEAJRSE, Ice. to accommodate all those who may favor him with a call. He returns his sincere thanks to his friends and customers tor the liberal, en couragement bestowed on him, & solicits.a con tinuance of their patronage. He Batters himself that by strict attention to business and a disposi tion to-please, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. N. B. One or Two Journeymen Cabinet Ma kefs wanted,to whomliberal wages willlje givenT An apprcntice will,be taken tolearn the above business, if well recommended. CIODFREID HAAG. Cat-lisle, December 6, 1838.—tf. ♦ : /Interesting Cure - T FERFORMED by Dr. H. Swayne’s Com pound Syrup of PrUnus Virginians. or Wild mferry. —Having made use of this invaluable wiyrup in niy family, which entirely cured my s&mid, .. The,.-aymptoms were Wheezing and uf P.hlegm,-lifficulty of breathing,atten ded with constant congh, spasms, convulsions, Scc, of whiphihad given up allhoppsolitsre • cpyery, unfilxl whs-advised to make a trial of .-ihisinvojuahle.-medicine. Afteiv seeing -the ■wonderful effc cts it had upon- my Child* I con cluded to make the same trial, upon .myself, . which entirely relieved meofacough thatpwas afflicted with for many years. Any person wishing to,see me can call at my house tndieaclj street, above the,Market, Kensington. John Wuxcos. . Philadelphia, Dec >V 1838. The above medicine is for sale by 1. J. MYERS & Co., Carlisle. JEstaie o/Moses Scroggs, deceased. NOTICE. THE subscriber having taken cut Letters of Administration .on the' estate, of MOSES SCROGGS, dec’d, late of Newton township, Cumberland county, hereby gives notice to all Sersons indebted to said estate by bond, note' or dok account, to make payment immediately, and those having claims will present them prdp t;rly authenticated for settlement / ALEXANDER SCROGGS, . Residing in Newton township/Cumb. co. May 30,1839. ' 6t ; FOR SALE. A Jot Western Hams, ■ One hew.TUlberry, Two sets brass mounted Harness, Two.gotid young Horses,-suitable for farmers' use- Also, a great variety pt Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Ve, . : : HAMILTON 8c GRIER. Cdrii#le,Mdrch,?ft;lB39. ; Shawls, „ , ,Blond and other fancy Spring '-..Gdods,for«ri«Chedp at thehewstprect;-. Vv ? \ ARNOLD-deGO- * FOR.WARDING &. COMMISSION w; HOTJSS. ■■ ■ MURRAY & FLEMING, CARLISLE, CUMBEIUiND COUNTV, HAVE erected a Warehouse on the RAIL ROAD, at the west end of High strent, i directly opposite Dickinson College, where they can at all times receive, and. forward'merchan dize and produce to Philadelphia, Chambers burg and all, intermediate places, having placed Cars on the road which will run regularly be tween Carlisle and Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of all descriptions will be forwarded with care and despatch. " Goods will be received at the Warehouse of Joseph S. Lewis,‘jr- & Co., corner of Broad and Vine streets, Philadelphia, and forwarded to Carlisle, Chambersburg, and all intermediate places. Carlisle, April 4, 1839. 3m JOSEPH S. LEWIS, JR. & CO. Commission . - - . . Satin, Bambeiecn, plain'end figured Stocks,' for sate by s - r " - Arnold V. Co; , *Wt *** **** 4 tt y( n n 11tv IMPORTANT ( CHANGE OP AGENTS To tjflillers A* Manufactureys* For Morrison’s Universal Mcdiciucs. pAw;i'g~tMpnftw | Bn~nTPpw|w ~ Btf ORATIO SHEPHERD MOAT,lateSole “S WISSStSf ' M the United States, having been ACTION IVA/lER WHEEL* dismissed by the British College of Health. Dr. THE, public are informed that the subscriber George Taylor now of the city of New York, has bought the right of the above has been appointed Sole General Agent and fly wheel, for the State of Pennsylvania. Itiscom Delegate to the United States, sidered by those having them in use; as bnc of The said George Taylor has apppihted A. D. the most important improvements that has ever Olmstead, of Montrose. Susquehanna county j been introduced. Persons desirous of seeing the Pennsylvania, Sole General Agent for the states wheel, cpn do so. by calling at the found-y of 0 f Maryland and Delaware, and. thirty three DAVID CO.CKLEY, Lancaster.. The an- counties east of the Allegheny Mountains,Penn ncxed certificates have, been given as a ilight sylvaniaTamrGcorgc C. Hand, Surgeon Dentist, testimonial of its value; they will speak for them- 0 f Allentown, Lehigh county. Pa., General A selves. .All communications addressed 1b the g C ht for four counties in \he state of New York, suberiber in Lancaster, Pa., will be promptly at- ‘ an d seven in the state of New Jersey, to wit:— ".ended to. ' Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland, Glouces- MICHAEL M MATH. ter, Monmouth and Salem, in the state pf New ly Jerseyi Gennessce, Livingston, Monroe and Steuben, in the state of New York. Hereafter, no person catf-or will vend the ge nuine Hygcian Medicines within the said dis tricts, except by the authority of the said A.D. Olmstead and'George C. Hand. All former agencies within said districts having terminated by the removal of H. S. Moat, who is now offer ing for sale under the firm of Moat Pelham, Medicines of their own manufacture, w.hich will readily be detected, ns such will not have the signature, of A» D % Olmstead, G. C* //and, or Olmstead & iland/qn the cover of. each box or package. ~j. , . . # . The leading .principles of the Ilygeian or Mor isoninn thcoty of Disease, are too favorably ami generally known to require a minute explanation in this advertisement. • * . I These medicines cure all diseases'whiolr ad mit of a cure, and many heretofore deemed in curable. . - They may he given with safety to the weak est patient, and under every circumstance and stage of human suffering, and to children of the most tender age. None offered for sale within the aforesaid dis tricts are genuine, unless each box or package have a fac simile of James Morrison’s signature,, with a sac simile of the signature of George Tay /or, and also the written signature of A. D. Olm stead, G. C. Hand, or Olmstead b* Hand, with the yritten signature of Sole Agents, when ap pointed. ’ . ' * The Pills are of two kinds—No. 1 and No- 3, sold in boxes with envelopes, at 25 and 50 cents? and packages at $1 and 83. Each packet con tains a pfopqrtion of about two to one of No 2. The Powders arc in separate boxes—ptice 25 cents, , No chemical apothecary or druggist is ever employed to sell these medicines. Respectable, persons complying with the re quisitions required appointed agents on /ibera/ terms. . , -...0j/ict.(irjci General Dejiot , Aa, 5 South Front street. Philadclfihia.: ‘ A. D. OLMSTEAD, General Agent, For 33 counties, Pa.; the slates of April 11, 1839. r fCopy.] This is to certify, that 1 have put in .one of Howd*s Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Water Wheels, in the place of a Reaction Wheel,‘that the Direct Wheel does not flood the tail race as much by three inches as the reaction did, and tliat I can grind seven bushels with the direct action wheel an hour, and drive two run of stones, where I could not grind four bmb els in .the.same time With the reaction and drive one run of stones. ' * ' : ( PETER FAHNESTOCK. • Ephrata tp, Lan. co. Obt.TB3B; Allowy, May 5, 1838. This niay_cerlify; that been engaged In putting in S7B. Howd’s cast iron “direct ac tinri Water Wheel, both in the State of New York, and in Michigan,.jijyl. can give it as my decided opinion that with 8 feet'head or under, rightly put in, it will do more business with the same water than any other water wheel which I have yet had any experience* in, and in refer ence to back water, is second best to none that I have yet tried. In reference to guarding a gainst ice; there can be no.better operation,and It is very easy t". be Jeept in repair. STEPHEN AILES, Millwright. -Alloway, September 3, 1838. This may certify - that I have had in my Mill one of Mr.» Howd’s dfrectwater wheels for the space of one year. If is a five feet wheel, and 1 have had a rc-action in the same place—l have also had Wheeler’s Union Wheel, yet I think Mr. Howcl'a will do more business With less wa ter than any other I have tried. It does well in back water. I have had from sto 6 feel head. I think we could do as much work .with half the water ns we used to (lo with the under shoot wheel, which has also been in operation In mv mill. LAWRENCE RILEY.'* “ Lyons, September 3;'l 838;“" This may certify, that we liavc used one of S. Howd’s patent water Wheels since December last,,by the side of o a re-action wheel, and we think that Howd’s will do double, the business, with the same water that 4 the rc nctiou wheel wifi door very near. We never have but three feet head, and can.grind with that eight bushels per hour. We are subject lo back-water. This wheel will do as good business under back wai ter ns the re-action, wc-recommend it to the attention and patronage of the public. SIMON BURTF, MILES S. LEACH/ DYEING & SCOURING. THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub r,u .liwikm CM/.tiiog nf grease, stains, &c. in the best manner and with out injuring the cloth'. She will also attend to DTBIMG all kinds of Yarns, Cloths, Silks, &c. &c. any color which may be desired, on the most accom modating terms and with despatch. Her residence is a few doors cast of Mr, A. •Richards’ store, Centre Square,,Carlisle. JANE McMURRAY.i April 25, 1838, . ' ly 3m* LIFE AND HEALTH. PERSONS whose nerves have been (injured by calomel, or excessive grief, great loss of blood, the suppression of accustomed discharges or cutaneous eruptions, intemperate habits, dr other causes which tend to relax and enervate the nervous system, will find a friend to soothe and comfort,in EVANS’ CAMOMILE PJLLS. Those afflicted with Epilepsy or Falling Sick ness, .Palsy, Serious Apoplexy, and organic af fections ot the heart, nausea, vomiting, pains in .the side, breast,.limbs, head, stomach or back, will find themselves immediately relieved, by using EVANS’ CAMOMILE and APERIENT PILLS. Dr. Evans does pot pretend to say that in all debilitated and impaired Constitutions— innervousdiseasesof-alf kinds,.particularly.of the digestive organs, and in incipient consump tion, whether pt the lungs', or liver, they ’will cure. That dreadful disease, Consumption, might have been checked in its commencement, and disappointed of its prey all over the land, if the first-symptoms.of nervous debility, liad been counteracted by the Camomile Flower chcnrically prepared, together with many other diseases,- where other remedies have proved fatal. , ' - "Kiow many persons do we daily find tortured with that dreadful disease, Sick Headache. ’lf they would only make trial of this invaluable medicine, they .'would that life is a pleasure and not a source of misery andjtbhor pence. In. conclusion I would warn nervous : persons against the abstraction of blood, eitper by leeches, cupping, or the employment of the lahcet. Drastic purgatives in delicate habits . .ate almost equally improper. Those are prac tices too often resorted to in such cases, but they seldom fail to prove highly injurious. Certifi cates of cures are daily received which add suf ficient testimony of (he great efficacy of this in ' valuable Medicine,-in relieving .afflicted man ’ kind. . For sale by ' , , - . ' J. J. Jlfyers id Co., Carlisle, , . Demutt isf Bumgardher, York. May 23, 1839. " Agents. Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia. 13 there no cureforjthat distressing disease? is the echo Irom thousands. 'Kcad'the many certificates of cures performed by Dr. Wm". E vans’ Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, The following certificate must certainly convince every person of the great efficacy ol this invaluable medicine.' ‘ Dr. Wm. Evans— Dear Sir:— l can never be grateful enough for the cure I have received by the use of yourinvaliiable Camomile Pills,) . X. was for five years very seriously troubled with Dysp, psia, which caused -a ner vous sensation throughout my system—so much that I sometimes shook as if I had been afflicted with palsy; during all this time I took many .medicines, but none would core me. At last; my physician gaveir.e up; but fortunately;one day as I was speaking to a friend on the.subject lie’told me. that Dr. Who. Evansf, Camomile Pills were the only medicine that would cure me, of which ! purchased some, ancj the result is-lhat X am now enjoyingperfe'et health,- Any person wishing to see me can call at my house,- No. 365 North Front Street, Philadelphia/,' Henkv L. Campbell. The above medicine is.for sale by . , ; ' > J. J. Mtkhi ScCo,.Carlisle, , Maryland anil if,'l:nviire,.. G. C. HAND, General Agent,,-, For S counties, N. Y., anil 7 counties, N. J. The public is hereby notified that we have unitcd.our business, and hereafter it will be con ducted under the firm of Olriistead U Hand, ' All orders directed to Olmstead & Hand. No. 5 south Front street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention OLMSTEAD & HAND. The above medicine is for sale by CHARLES OGILBY, Agent for Carlisle Sept 80, 1838.x'- . 1> TO BR.EDGH BUILDERS. p. aooD’s' IMPROVEMENT IN BRIDGES. a GOOD, of the towhship of .New JP London, in the county of Chester, and slate olPennsyl vanin, obtained' letters patent for an improved plan of erecting Bridges over streams of water. The plan combines strength and per manency with economy* so much so as not tore quire, in some situations, more than one halfthe expense to erect a Bridgedn this plan, and when built would not be liable to be injured by a fresh et, or rise in the stieam; the Bridge being con structed and secured in such a manner, that if the water should rise so high as to run over the top of it, the Bridge would remain firm and se cure. The plan has been submitted to a num ber of scientific men, who all pronounce it a great improvement. One on this plan lias been erected over a branch of Whitcclay creek, in the township of Londongrove, winch received the approbation of a Jury appointed by the court to view the same. The subscriber having pur chased the rights of the 'states of Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna, New Hampshire, Ver mont, New Jersey, Eastern. Shore of Maryland, North and South Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, and lhe-lerriiuric.s- .of_jV.isconsin_and ..Florida,.will sell single, towpship, county, or state rights, to any person or. persons, and will give every ex p/analion that may be necessary, at his plade of residence, JCirk’a Mills,-Lancaster county, Penn sylvania, or to the Editors of the Volunteer, Carlisle, I’a, September 20, 1838 FRANCIS G.FELL. We, the Commissioners of Chester county, having erected a Bridge on the model of Francis Good’s patent, are decidedly of the opinion that it is a very valuable improvement, especially for bui/dirigover small "streams, being much less expensive in their construction. Klijah Lelvis, - J. IV. Passmore, John Pettier, ■ June 11, 1838.' DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSIA!! m/STORE testimonials of the efficacy of Dr. Itß Wm. Evans’ Camomile Bills. ' P/iiladel/iMa, Dec. 19,1838. Sir:—Being on a visit to Philadelphia, from my native village of Germantown; 1 joyfully avail myself of the opportunity of adding at few words of recommendation to’ your celebrated Pills, to the abundant testimony already given in their favor. About four years ago, 1 was at-, tacked with Dyspepsia; and .for several, years suffered from that complaint in its worsfstages. Notwithstanding I tried every thing that came before the public, X obtained no relief, till I ac cidentally saw-your advertisement. From the numerous and respectable testimonials which accompanied it, I had some faint hopes that your medicine might not prove altogether use less in my own case. I tried it;-and iris-scarcely necessary toadd was shortly cured. Indecdthe' success was greater than I could possibly 1 have anticipated from even the warmest recommen dations. As a small return for the benefit you have bestowed, I send you this acknowledgment of my thanks and the deep sense of obligation under, which I feel myself toward you. Having implicit.confidence in the efficacy of your Cam omile Pills, and -feeling it due to my fellow suf ferers, I would warmly entreat all who may be dragging on tbeir existence under the influence of that Scourge of the.human family;Dyspepsia, to lay aside their early-prejudices against such remedies, and- apply to you, that they may-reV ceive aspeedy and permanent restoration. - I still.reside in though I fre- Jiuently visitihe city, and will Willingjg give any urther information that may be desired.. ■p Evcp’Crzitcfully yoursi ” ■ . t. b. Williams. H E A li T H. JVe know that health, and the ability to labor is the wealth of the great mass Of the people in this as in -moat other countries. To preserve , .therefore, that health by NATURAL means, is a grand-moral and political scheme , to Juf/il which requires our utmost Attention. THE unparalleled reputation which Peters* Pills have acquired as a Medical Restorative, is the most unquestionable proof that can be gl ven of their immense importance to the afilictedi in almost every class of diseases. The number of letters received from patients recovering thro* their means is really prodigious, .and the com* plaints which they, have cured are almost as va* ried as they are numerous. But still there are some in which they are more especially benefit cial than in others; and among those may be named the too often fatal complaints of the sto mach and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence, and Indigestion, for which they arc not only a certain but an immediate cure. - ‘ , . It is well known that from the disarrangement of the stomach and bowels, arise nine tenths of all the maladies of adult and declining life; that this is the foundalioivof Flatulency, Spasmodic Pains, Indigestion, .Loss .of Apctitckc., and that those in their turn give birth to Dropsy, Liver Complant, Consumption, and habitual lowness of spirits; therefore Peters* Pills being the vc*ry best medicine which, has ever been discovered for-the -incipient diseases, of..the. intestines,_arc necessarily the surest preventives nf those dread ful, and also general disorders, which embitter mature life; and drag so many millions to un timely graves. In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing to himself that has not been conceded by the public. Hcis no needy quack orunknnwn spec ulator. who comes before the world as his own herald and witness, but is placed in a responsi bility of situation by the patronage which he has enjoyed for years; and which is increasing to an extent unprecedented in the annals of medicine, .that makes him careful to arrest nothing which' is not home nutby tile most mfaVible and, hence he'does hot fear to be put to the lest in'any thing which he has promised respecting his Pills. Dr. Peters is most happy to be ablest© state, on the authority of a great number of regular physicians, that wherever his. Vegetable Pills have been introduced,, they have almost super ceded the adoption of .mercurial experiments; for their peculiar laculty in Sweetening the blood, and stiriuilating it to expel all noxious juices, and in giving strength and tone to ihe nerves, pre vents disease trom acquiring that strength which must be got under,.if at all, by dangerous remc -dies.— -:--- . •. * - -- . -• Prepared by 70S: PRIESTLY PETERS. M. D. 129 Liberty street, New York. Each box contains 40 pills; price 50 cents.* These celebrated Pills arc sold by allthe prin cipal Druggists in Baltimore,Philadelphia,Wash ington city, and throughout the United Slates, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico, and the West In dies, and by JOHN J. MYERS. Carlisle. SAMUEL'ELLIOTT. Do. . S. WILSON & Co., Shippensburg, GEO. GAULIN, Chambersburg, LEWIS DENIG, Do, ALEX’U SPEER, Merccrsburg, P. W. LITTLE. Do, ■December 6, 1858. ly dTfeuAra:a cl thbia nafirpnxrc- TIVENOSTUUMS. —The united testi mony of physicians throughout the United States has fully fact that Peters’ Vegetable PilliUirc the only true Vegetable Pills which will stand the test ol analyzation? hence the proprie tor would most earnestly urge them to the notice of those who have been in the habit of using, as cathartics or aperients/ the destructive and irri tating quack pills so generally advertised, and which are at best but slow consumers nf the vital functions, and murderous agents, even to the most hale. It is true, most of them produce a purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief? but in most eases they injure the digestive or* gans, pnd an habitual resort to them must ter minate in confirmed dyspepsia. f It is true that cathartic and aperient medicines arc often required, but the nicest discrimination should always be observed ,n the selection; and, if this be done, nothing injurious can result froth their use. . t • . To produce this much desired result, Dri Tee ters has made it his study for several years and feels proud to say he lias succeeded at length far beyond his expectations. The object of his pills is to supercede the necessity of a frequ£i)t, re course to injurious purgatives, apd to offer a me dicine safe, certain, and pleasant in its operation. —Prepared •by-JosV-P-iiestly--Peters,--Mr-Di~Nor 129 Liberty street. New- York, Each box-con tains 40 pills. .Price 50 cents. For sale by J. J. Myers, and S, Elliott, Carlisle, and Samuel Wilson & Co. Shippensburg. Dec. 6. Pders’ VcßetaWc Pills. MORE than three Bullions of boxes of these celebrated pills have bectfsold in the U, . since January, 1835. Hundreds and thousands, bless the day .they became acquainted with Peters' Vegetable Pills, which in consequence of their-extraordinary goodness; have attained a popularity unprece dente'din the history of medicine. When taken according \a the directions ac? companying them, they are highly beneficial in the prevention and cure of Bilious .Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headach, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheuma tism, Enlargement of the Spleen,' Piles, Cholic,' female Obstructions, Heart Burn, Hausen, Furred Tongue, Distension of the Stomach -arid Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence,- Hab itual Costiveness, Loss of Apetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor ofthe Bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in, their operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility. • , : . • i The efficacy of thesq Pills is so well khowri, and their use so gtneral, that further comment is considered .unnecessary;' , Dec. 6. . Headache, Sick anti JMercotts. THOSE who have suffered,' ami are weary -of suffering from these distressing-complaints, will find in Pelerp Vegetable Pills a remedy at once certain,' and.iarimediate in its effects. In Vysfie/ijsla they stand unHyalledi many have been cured in a few weeks after having suffered under this dreadful complaint for years., 1 ,_, In habitual Costivenesa-thev are decidedly su'- perior to any Vegetable Pi)ls ever yet discover ed, and belles this they aye recoidbiendcd by all the eminent and leading membeiTof the me dical Faculty. For sale as above. Dec. fi. A CATALOGUE rtF REASONS. For using Dr. Peters' Celebrated Vegetable ' PILLS, --v.. f. •" 1. Because they: are exceedingly popular, which proves them,to be exceedingly good. 2 ; . Because they are composed of simples which have the power'to do good in an immense number of cases. without posaessihg the means to do injury in any, • ; ' .V . - 3 Because they are not.,a quack medicine,but the scientific compound of a regular physician, w&o has made his profession the study of his life. Because they are not unpleasant to nor distressing to-retain, while, they, are mospcffect* ive to operate. , '•5 Because lhey areYepomtnendcd as standard medicine by the regular faculty. ' 6 Because by keeping the system in a natural state of action, they cure alrnpst, every disease which is incidental to the human frame’. 7 Because they are cheap and portable, and will retain all their virtues in full vigor, in any climate; and for any length of time. 8 Because, notwithstanding their simplicity - and.mildness, of the speediest pur* gative medicines which has yet been discovered. 9 Bccause.they are an unfailing .remedy for procuring a good appetite, 10 Because in cases of spleen or despondency, by their healthy Influence, on the excited state of the body, they have a most happy effect, in calming, and invigorating the mind. IT Because-they effect their-cures without the usual attendants of other pills, sickness and gripings. . 32 Because ns well ns being an unrivalled purifier of the general system, they are a eign remedy for sick hend-nchc. 13 Because they differ Ironr the majority of medicines, in the fact that the more they are known the more they are approved. 14 Because as their application'creates no debility in the system, they may be taken with- , out producing any .hindrance-to business or the usual pursuits of every day life. . 15 Because when onccintrotluced into a fam ily, or village, they almost immediately, take the precedence ih'gcheraZ complaints. . . 16- Because a number of the-wonderful cures they have effected, can be substantiated without any undue means being resorted, to, to procure invalid testimonies. , ® 17 • Because composition is such, that they are equally applicable to the usual diseases of warm, cold, or temperate climates. 18 Because two or three, are in general suf ficiept,'for a dose—so‘that, as is the case with the generality of patent medicines—the patient is not compelled tomakc' a i/feal of them. 19 Because each individual pill is put iip un-r der the immediate superintendence of the/pTo prietorrso that no or quantity .ran possibly . occur through the care lessness of a less interested agent. 20 Because they purity-the frame without debilitalingjjie system ’ 21 Because, notwithstanding their immense popularity, no person has ever ventured to raise against them the breath of censure, which would not have been the case, if envy.could have dis covered in them a single flaw to cavil at. 22. this fact is of the utmost importance)—ladies-in a certain situation may take them, (not more than two dr three"at ? .a time however!) without in the slightest‘degree incurring the hazard of ahoiliun. Weie the virtues of Peters* inestimable pills, confined to this desirable end alone,' it would give them a decided ad vantage over the medicines of all com petitors, as in no cases is the re more danger to jbe apprehended, or for which so few have been .discovered, as the one referred to. * 23 Because while they are so (flic’ient in their operations with adults they may at the same time be administered to children and cicn to infants, in small quantities, half a pill for instance, with out the slightest danger, 24 Because their virtues are acknowledged to stand pre-eminent, for their soothing influence upon .young ladies while suffering fn-m the usual changes of life,'ns directed by tile laws of Nl turc. „ ' Dec. 6. THRASHING MACHINES AND HORSE ROWER CALL ANO EXAMINE FOR TOVRSELVEs! The subscribers, thankful for past favors, take ting methoft of informing the public that they sllll continue the building of Thrashing Machines and Horse Power , at ihuir old stand,'’in Louthtr street, Carlisle, where Farmers and others can at all limes be supplied. They have 'made a considerable, improvement on the power ami machine, and have also attached a* CLOVEJR, THRASHER. which for durability and simpleness of constiue tion is surpassed by none. Having all manner of confidence in the snpc riority of the, above mentioned machine, Ike. the y are willing that Farmers shall test them heft re making the purchase. , ' Persons wishing to piurchase or examine the machine will please make application at the public house ol John C'-nnunaa, Carlisle. NEVIUS & MITCHELL. . May 3,1838. ~ TfcU.SWAYNE'fiCOMPOHNH-SYKUP m W OF I’RUNUS VIRGINIANA.on WILD CHERRY.—This medicine is offered to, the public as an effectual remedy in all affections in dicative ot Pulmonary both in their rc cent andmore advanced stages-such as rfsthlna-. Pulmonary Corisuyn/ition,_ recent oip chronic coughs, hoarseness, hooping cough, wheezing, and difficulty of breathing, spitting of bleed, night sweats, .Etc, This remedy is 1 highly use ful to persons whose nerves have been injured by calomel or excessive grief; great loss of blood, the suppression of. accustomed discharges,, or cutaneous eruptions, intemperate hahi* or causes which lend to renovate nervous system. How many per r 'or'2k behold approaching to an untivss: sons cd in the bloom of youth frgjro’ejy;- ' lives and friends, destructive Coufe, t r< ’ ,a soon wastes tire miserable sufferer until they'fij?. Come beyond the power of human skill. If-such sufferers would only make a trial of Dr.Swnyne’s invaluable medicine, they would soon firid them selves more henefitled than by gulphing the va riousi ineffective remedies with which our pa pers daily abound'.' This sy'riip immediately begins to heal the ulcerated lungs, stopping pro fuse night sweats, mitigating. the distressing cough, and at the same’ time inducing a healthy and natural expectoration also relieving the shortness of breath and pain in the chest, which harraas the sufferer on ! the slightest exercise, and finally the hectic flush, in the palid; and . maciated. cheek, will soon begin to vanish, ant the sufferer will here perceive himseltshmohH from apremalure gravdiatothe enjoymenVsgUll of comfortable health. - Ohrrrvr —The above medicine is'for- sale a the Medical Office, No. 19 North E'fihth strect Philadelphia, where all order? must be address ed. To avoid Imposition the Proprietnr’snnnh is impressed in the bottles; likewise his signa tore is attached to the labels’on the bottles,— Pcicb $1 per boltic.-or six bottles for $5, For sale by YERS a Co.,Carlisle - I* BAD THIS! —Dr. Sway ne'e Cornflour, . mm.Svru/iofPruntts Virginiana or Wild Che. ry .—This ia decidedly one of the best retnedb ; for coughs and colds now jtf use—it allays Itrj tationnfthelubgs.doosenathev cough, ;,causir the phlegm't.o ; raiae free and casy;itl asthm, puimnnaiY-!con6umptiort.:Te§entand coughsiwheeidnganachokmgof phlcgttf,hoan ness, blood, CTrupla■ wklTa,nted : to effecl )pcrmanentcufe,iftahenpccordingtptiirectio —