American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 13, 1839, Image 3

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    'Extract of a Utter to the Editors,
“Harrisburg, June 10,
“A resolution was passed in the. Senate
to-day, fixing the final adjournment-of the
Legislature for the 25th inst. just two weeks
later than the time first agreed upon by the
House. Amendments were offered "in the
Jlouse, fixing the 18th. and 20th—but the
majority, fearful that the Senatewould hot
jagree to cither of the amendments, voted for
the day designated by that body. Thus,
you perceive, that the federal Senate, in op
position to the wish of,the popular branch of
the Legislature, has procrastinated the ses
sion to an unnecessary length, at an expense
•. of about $lO,OO0 —and all to embarrass the
administration, and afford Thaddeus Stevens
an opportunity of indulging his spite against
the republican members 'of the House for e
, jecting him from his seat,
’ “A- message was received from the Gov
ernor, informing the House that the “Repair
Fund” was entirely exhausted, and if some
provision was n.otniade to supply the defi
ciency the public works may necessarily be
“His Excellency also, in answer to the
resolution of Senate calling upon him for
the reasons why he has not yet paid the con
tractors, &c. on the Gettysburg-rail-road,
sent in a message to that" body.stating, in
substance,-that.thc-Executivebeing,a sepa
rate branch of th'ergovernmcnt, Would not
consider it proper or right to call on the Le
. gislature for the reasons which influenced
'their , acts, and he sawmo good and sufficient
~ reason why they should call upon him; but,
hc.would inform the Senate, that the loan.
- authorized for that purpose, is directed in
the resolution to be'paid in six months from
the time it was taken, and that ho provision
,' is yet made for its repayment, &c. &c.
“The bill relative to the election of coun
ty officers, &c. is not yet finally disposed of.
Some difference of opinion exists between'
the two houses,, and also between members
of each house, relative to the details of the
' bill—it will, however, be carried without
much difficulty.
“No improvement bill has yet been passed,
and it is a matter of doubt whether or not
any will be carried this session.
“The committees to examine the conduct
-of the late and prevent, hoard of Canal Com
missioners -arc -still in-session every day—
• and flaming reports may shortly be expect
ed, particularly from the committee of the
House, who have the'toe board under then
care. Astounding disclosures of corruption
and fraud during the late gubernatorial cam
paign are being made daily, and, unless !
am greatly mistaken, such scenes of villainy
.will be developed, as will bring the blush of
shame-to many who did not dream of hav
ing their infamous conduct brought to light
by a committee of honest men.
“Nothing has yet been done in the Senate,
in relation to the repoi;t of the comniitfte in
the case of Geh. Miller. It is thoughf that
it'wiil be called up in a day or two.”
'By a'inference to the subjoined corres
pondence, it will be observed -that the dem
ocratic citizens of Cumberland county, as a
manifestation of “their High respect and re
gard for the fearless and intrepid course of
Col. A. V. Parsons,” of the Senate, tender
ed him a public difmer; which, owing to the
urgency of official dutios, he has been com
pelled to decline.
’f hp course pursued by Col. P. during the
period that he has occupied a seat on
the/ floor of the Senate, has won for him a
pnmd reputation with the democratic party
of Pfimrsy 1 vania; and the testimony now of
fered of the estimation in which he is held
by the democrats of “Old Mother Cumber*
land,” must be to him a source of high gra
tification. He has however, richly merited
' their good opinion, find will receive not only
the thanks of the
: pleoLCu mb.erl.and ,b
of every republican in the State.
Carlisle, May 27", 1839. '
Sir:;—The undersigned democratic citi
”zens of the countyof-Cumberland,-admiring
your fearless and intrepid course in the Se
nate of Pennsylvania; in'defence of liberal
principles, would, .as-a mark of’their high
respect and regard, solicit your acceptance
of a public dinner, to be given in the Borough
of Carlisle at such time as your convenience
JhayWsgesC ~ ~
v ery triply your ob’t, servt’s.
’ Ramsey Jacob Baughman
. 'g i, 'fn, Joseph Lobach
J Behrar
BAhJiwrt ffSey Snyder Bupley
Gttdrge Beetera W Foulk
JoHd Hamilton ' Robert Lusk
Jiio Irwin , .. Michael. Holcomb
John Agnetv Samuel; Crop jr
I M Allen' : RAngney
HUghGaullagHer Henry D Daclhouaen
William Gould '. Lewis Hyer,
Lhoibas Craighead Robert Moore
'ohn.Myers William Moudy
' H Grphara Robert Lambertoir
Jdward Shower Charles Bell
W Eby Martin Dunlap
phn Siuaff .. Saml Woodburn
reorge M’FOefy Isaac Todd
Vm Z Ahgney John Moore
leorge FCain '■ George Mathews
V 8 Allen Samuel Gould*
!>hn Co«-
Cornman .
„ To Cot. Anson V. Parsons.
- Senate Chamber, Hahrisbdro,
- ,:77- May 30, 1839.'
Gentiemen:— Your "favor dated die S7tii :
Jt., was received yesterday,, soliciting my
:eptance of a public dinner, tel be given in,
7 Borough of Carlisle, ,Be;assured, gcn :
the prgeritahd imperioua pfficial duties
eh; deyolye ujSQti' rly
iny attenthm that'l ihojild
decline-your kind invitation. The very
fluttering'hotice you have been pleased to
lake of my course in the Senate of Pennsyl
vania “in defence of liberal principles,” will
ever be recollected by me with the most
pleasing emotions.
"When a contest of the bitterest cast, un
rivalled in excitement and unparalleled in
malignity, had been carried on by the late
party in power, for more than six months—
struggling as in the gasp of death to retain
that power, which had been given them by a
minority of the people—was terminated at
the ballot box in the triumphant success of
honest, but indignant freemen, every patriot
and true’ hearted Pennsylvanian supposed
the conflict was ended. Although the de
mocratic party had witnessed the most pro
fligate waste in the expenditure of money by
the, federal parly-in endeavoring tb contam
inate and corrupt the minds of the citizens
of Pennsylvania, although on the election
ground and at the polls thetsame party had
been guilty of frauds the) most gross and
vile, which the mind oPTnan, filled with
deep and black designs could invent—-yet,
defeat was the consequence of their iniquity
and victory the reward of our firmness and
The history of more than sixty years in
this republic, justified us in indulging the
-sanguine hope that the mnjority of numbersi
Would rule as it ever had Alone/ Blit no!
the votes were scarcely counted before the
startlingdpctrinc wasunblushingly proclaim
ed to the world, by the first officer under the
late executive, that the majority should not
■rule, and the freemen of this enlightened
and democratic Commonwealth were called
upon to “treat.the election of-tlie. 9thof Oc
tober last as,though it had never been.”—
Republicans were unwilling to believe that
any men within the State could be sunk so
low in the scale of moral degradation, as
even to make the bold effort Of putting such
treasonable principles into practice; and not
till the dark clouds.of infamy, which ob
scured the rays of the sun in'the political
horizon of Pennsylvania on the 4th of De
cember last, come o’er their vision, were
their senses convinced of the sad reality.
It was for the first time revealed on that
memorable day, to the astonished world that
in the-democratic. State Pennsylvania, the
majority must -yield to the minority— that
the ballot box might be trampled under foot,
and the votes thrown to the four winds of
Amid the gaze of democrats, did the late
Secretary of the Commonwealth, Thaddeus
Stevens, arid the Speaker of the Senate,-
boldly attempt to put these vile doctrines
into practical operation. In this hour of
danger, when they threatened to overturn
the principles and form of our government,
and destroy the liberties of the country, the
honest yeomanry arose in the majesty of
their strength and stayed .the hands of-the
destroyers, who would Jtave plunged .pup
iu •■civil -Warranilyit'renfcUe'cl? tilt?
peaceful land with blood. '
It was after the close of those scenes that
I entered the Senate.of Pennsylvania—a high
sense of duty demanded that I should raise
my feeble voice in defence of the principles
whioh, for more than half a century, have
guided and sustained the party to which,!,
have the honor to belong^and impelled
in my official station to endeavor to, expose
to the world, the base designs and
acts of those who had made this attack upon,
the liberties of the country and her republi
can institutions. It seemed to me that si
lence at such a time was treason. If what
I have thus said and dope meets the appro
bation of my constituents, and that of the
democratic party of Pennsylvania, it is tljc
highest honor 1 desire; it consoles me with
the pleasing reflection, that the duty which
I owed to society has bee'n faithfully dis
Accept, gentlerrien, individual!
__ - - l i y L myliigh
est respects, and believe me to te very sin
To James Woodbufn, William R. Gor
gaSr William S. Ramsey, Robert Snodgrass,
Pisq’rs.j. and other democratic citizens of
Cumberland county. ... .
The New Orleans True American of May
STs i7Has "f lie Tollowing by a late arrival frpm
Vera Cruz. . ’’ -
Col. Bee, Minister, from Texas,Hadboen
refused permission to land at Vela GruZ,
L it'll lie was finally allowed to do so. -
. l The city of. Tampico whs besiegedbythe
government troops under Bustamente, who
was at Altemira, 20 miles distant.. His cav
alry had advanced within a quarter of a mile
of Tampico drove in the pickets,,after cap
turing 10 or 12 men. The only troops m
Tampico were the militia of the town. Gen.
llrrea had arrived and was expected to bp
joined by 300 men, the remnant Of those
who had escaped after the conflict hear Pue-,
bla, under Mexia. If they should arrive in
time, the force increased td IOOO.
The city was strongly fortified*; and it is
probable that from the temper displayed by
the, people* thatthey willmakga-tnoat obsti
nate defence. finds was
completely prostrated ’and no intercourse
whatever .maintained with the ihtenbr.-
Even marketing Was almost entirely cut off.
Theforcignconsulshad sent outab agent to
wait on General Arista, who before the ar
rival of Bustamente was in command, to
learn his intentions in relation to foreigners
[and their psnerty in Tampico; His answer
was* that as far as he could possibly protect
the persons and property of foreigners, it was
both.his duty and'(lis-wish to-do so, to the
utmost; extent,., but as the city would prob
ably be taken by .assault, and inthe contest
both bombs and cannon would be' used, he*
could not answer for the consequences and
therefore advised foreigners,to remove with
their effects out of the city. But'as there
was a very large amount of property in the
city- and no means of transportation/ they
Your, ob’t. serv’t,, *
H£o * v& oxi 1 4 « ofitttt * * t♦
couldjiot possibly follow this advice. Be
sides the supreme government had by a de
cree confiscated goods that had been entered
at the port of Tampico, and were found in
the interior. The utmost alarm prevailed
at Tampico among the foreigners, and every
effort had been made with the American
senior naval officer there' to order the Wood
bury into’ the river for their protection; but
as the schooner was not under the orders, he
declined doing it.
There was lying off the port of Tampicrf
the U. S. ship Warren, the British sloop of
war Combs, and a French gun brig. The
best understanding prevailed among the
officers of these different .vessels for themu
tual protection of the foreign interests,.and
no doubt every thing in their power will be
done to render assistance, but as the vessels
themselves are lying nine miles from the
city, with a very bad bar between it and
them, it is feared that when the critical mo
ment shall arrive, requiring their assistance,
they will be unabld to render it.
The general opinion among the best in
formed people is, that upon the fall of Tam
pico, Santa Anna will be declared Dictator,
and that his plan is to. close all,.the Mexican
ports against foreign commerce, with the
.exception of Vera Cruz.
Bustamcntc had issued a proclamation,
inviting the people to their duty to the gov
ernment party,'which, if they did, the coun
try would have ho oilier enemy to contend
with than Texas. 1
6C7*The Court of Enquiry in the case of
Commodore Elliott, has adjourned over to
the 27th iiisf.
... D233D: ■
I DIED,. On Friday the SOth ult. in -Dick
inson township, of a lingering disease, Mrs.
Elizabeth Dunlap, consort ot the .late Wm.
Dunlap, aged about 54 years. '1 ,
f On Monday morning the 13th ult. Mr.
Jacob Myers, of South Middleton township,
in the 59th year of his age.
. lit. Hev. Bishop Kenriek
will preach in the Catholic church, on Tuesday
the 13th of June, at the hour of ten' o’clock in
the iqmioun.
THE. ynng men of West-Pennsborough ani
the a«’j nning townships .will meet _lh
public house of \Villiam Irvine, in Smokeytown
on Saturday the 22d hist, al l one o’clock, f«
the purpose of'fbi'niiiig a volunteer company.
June 13, 3839,
Having resigned her situation in the common
schools,lias opened on her own account a select
school, not exceeding thirty * the house
formerly occupied Dy Mr. Janrc&~Bredin v and
now occupied by Mr. Andrew Richards, where
she will be htTfipy to receive the children of any
who may feel disposed to patronize her. For
terms apply either at her own residence in Han
over street, at anytime heUycen school hours,
o; at ti c srhool room from 9 to 12 A. M. or from
2 to 5 P. M.
June 13. 1839. r
"■rMESERTEp from Carlisle Barracks, on the
HLF nitrlit of the 4th inst. JONATHAN
VV ORTZ S. u Dragoon Recruit in the U. S.
Army, aged 22 years, S feet? inches high, gray
eyes, dark hair, ruddy complexion—horn in
Cumberland county, Pennsylvania— by occupa
tion a farmer. Enlisted 22d April 1839, at
Harrisburg, for the period of i ycarsi The a.
hove reward will he paid to any person deliver
ing the said deserter to the commanding officer
at Carlisle Barracks.
: _iL_s..nix._
- Cnpt. Sc Ass’t. Qr, Master.
Dated at Carlisle Harracks,'?
June 6, 1859. y 3t
THE subscriber IhankfuHor past favors, res
pectfully informs the. public that lie has on
hand a large assortment of ready made clothing
at his establishment, a few "doors, west of the
Post Offices in Main'street,'Carlisle, which he
j)ffers,l'Qf_sale on_very_ntocle£ate-terms. •He al
so continues, to carry on the Tailoring business,
and will always begrateful for a share of public'
patronage. d ■
June 13,1839. tf
* Estate of A. Harsh, sen. deceased.
THE subscribers having taken out letterk of
administration, on, the estate of Abraham
Hursh; deceased, late of Allen township, Cum
berland county; hereby give libtice to all persons
indebted to said estate to make payment imme
diately, and those having claims will present
t)iem properly authenticated for settlement.
, Jidm'rs, residing in Alien tovinshi/i.
June 13,1839. ’ N 6t
■Estate of Jacob Myets, deceased:
LETTERS of Administration on tile estate
of Jacob Myers, late of South Middleton
township, Cumberlahd county,' have been issued
to tbe'subscribcr residing in the same township:
All persons ini any way indebted to said estate
will mate payment,~anrtTtliose having-claims
will present them, properly Authenticated, lol;
settlement, - r /
June 13,1839. 6t , ,
/'IAME to the residence of the subscriber in
VYormleysburg, East Pennsborough town
ship, Cumberland county, on the 25th day o!
May last—he is a dark bay, about 16 hahds high,
has a small white-spot on his forehead, and his
shoulder was sore of the collar wheif he dame.
The owner is requestedto come forward, prove
property, p'ay charges,and take hilfi away, oth
erwise he will be dealt with according to law.
June 15, 1839. 31
THEsubscribcr will sell at private sale, a val.
liable tract ofland, situate in Newton town
ship, Cumberland county, about a half mile west
of Stnughstown, on the turnpike leading to
Chaipbersburg, adjoining s tnuds of John Stoueh
and Bamuel Browneller, cnntammg S I X T Y
BIGHT agues, of first rate LIME
STONE LAND, about fifteen acres of which
are covered with thriving Young Timber; the
remainder is under good fence ano inahigh state
of cultivation, having thereon erected a
There is also on the premises a thriving young
itfijiie orchard .
Any person wishing to View theprcmises will
call with the subscriber, residing in Frankfort!
township, about one mile north of Alter** mill,'
and a short distance from Hetrick's store.
2 n.
Jane 13,1833.
CAME to the public house of the subscriber
In Silver Spring township,, on the SOthult.
a Sijrrel Mure, about It years old, betwe.n 36
and IT hands high, with a sta~r on the forehead
and rough /shod before. The owner is requested
to* come, fdrward,j)rtJve property, pay charges
and talie her away, or she will be disposed ot as
thejaw directs.
-.June.l3,-1833. „ ——- S
FOUR teachers (three male and one female)
are wSnted'to lake charge of the schools of
the Mechanicsburg District, Cumberland cothi
ty, Pa. Proposals will be received by the Pres
idem of the Board,, from teachers whomny wish
a;in wjiiclnhey will state the salary per
month, for which they will teach. The recep
tion of proposals will close on the 4th of July
next Immediately after which a selection of the
teaclieivwiU be made by the board. Schools
,to commence on the first of November following.
It is expected that satisfactory evidence will
be given as to moral character and qualifications.
Gkorge F. Cain - , Sec’y.
Mechanicsburg, June 6,• 1839. 4t
Remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle ,
Pa. May 31sf, 1839. Enquirers will
please say advertised .
Lyter Jacob ,
Adams 'William Lyon Datjiel A Es<[
Aarnold Benjamin M
Anderson James Moreland Simon
■Asknith Win May Frederick .
B . i Miller WilliamH Esq
Brown Thomas Miller James
Brown Susannah • Mathews Robert S
Bender Samuel Miller Joints 1/
Black Jane Morrison William
Brenneman Melchcr Murray Charles G
Baldwin John C Miller Elizabeth Miss
Bell Ann or Sarah M’Manus Sarah Miss
Bowman Dr Minnick John
Buner Daniel B Miller David"
Bender Martin, ‘ Murray,G onrgn
Brown Ann bliss M’Ginnis John Col
Barbour David' M’Clune James
Ball Elizabeth V M’Cabe Emily
Bass Robert M’Alpin S A
Bailie Daniel M’Carter John
Buffington Anne M’Cune Robert
Burkholder Jacob N
Bancker Abraham ,Y North A J
Burk Levi "•• Nicsley Jaamb
Bott Joseph ; O
Bretts Jacob ; Oconnor Mr
C. ! P
Carmony Elizabeth Ki Phil lips Patrick
Carter Charles t Pendergrass Mary
Clark John C G’ostley Charles A
Cart Charles Picket Ephraim
Corr Steven ParkTsaac A
Cart William . -, S
• D ' Seawnght Gilbert
Difedoll Abraham Schcurcr "Benjamin
Dewey Jacob G Swishei- Susan ,
Dugan Timothy j , Swiler David H
Donley James. Slohaekcr Susannah
T)uncan Sophia Sipe.Daniel ” i
Downsßennqtt 2 Smiley David
■ E Speck Matilda
Elliott Mary Miss Shilling Jacob
Ebersole Benjamin Sailor George
Eagan Ann i Smith Jane
F • Shimllc Joseph
Fought John Salomon Otto
Fuller John Sieg Jacob s
Fisher George ■ Stewart Sarah B
G ■; Stmd John *
Gutshall Teter . Shultz Harriet
Gleim Samuel, Shugart Sabina
Gangewer Allen M Slialer John
Gutshall John ■ Stricklcr Francis %
Gibson William ... Shrom Frances
H Spo'ttswood James
Hawthorn John Smith Gfprgh, ’
Holcomb Michael Esq • .. T,
Housnet Mary TempleWni ,
Humprey Dinah TizzardHannali
Holcomb Eliza : - W :-
Hemmiriger -John EsqWcise William:
Hurshy John Warden WilHani
Hershcy Joseph Welsh Robert Esq "
Hackman George 2 Wert Martin'
Heckman Mariai- . "Wincobpe Mathew ■
HincklciJohnY: 1 ' Wallace William
Hoch George Nicholas Weary Samuel
• i \.J' Welsh Wilson 4
Johnston. Jdlin'lL Weaver Charles
> K "jjl Wilsoti James (Stei-
Keigly Catherine"!;?;- >etts,Gap)" ‘
Kuhns George“ W’orrelJainea .
King Catherine-.; - Walters John'.
[ Kelly. Isabella ■ ■Wood Sarah A 2
Klinepeter Jacoli L i Wulker Jamcs.
Kufz Samuel V. ’ ;Wcavei; Jacqb-'A
Krafte M Mia •'‘T, • jr,
- ,!■ .:L . : .. ■" Samuel
Lahnion Jacob ... Z
Lewis John ". :■ " "Zug Elizabeth Miss
Locke'rt Jane
U. I.AMBERtON. P. lit
By the Keg, Sec. received and. for sale at the
store ol -■ "
. -u JOHN GRAY, Agent,
■ : For Sale, .- :
A set of firstratePUMP MAKERS’ TOOI.S
Enquire of the Editors of the Volunteer.■ i
31 ;
The> subscriber, fcspcct|hlly informs liis
friends and the public generally that he lias
taken that well known tavern stand at the
West end of High s.treet, in Carlisle, for
merly kept by Mr. Henry Rhoads, and that
he is how prepared to accommodate Drovers,
Waggoners, Travellers, and dll otliers who
may,favor him with a call, in the very best
Ills Table will be constantly furnished
with the best the country can produce. His
Bar is supplied With the choicest liquors,
and his Stable which is large and convenient, in charge of a careful and-attentive
He flatters himsel/ that, from his experi
ence as an Innkeeper, he will be able to
render general satisfaction.
Carlisle, May 2, 1839. . ■ tf .
The subscriber respectfully informs the
citizens of Carlisle* and its vicinity, that he
ha.s commenced the BAKING business, at
his residence in Hanover street, next door
to Allen’s Hotel, where he will constantly
have on hand Fresh Bread, Cakes, and
Beer. . ' •
Carlisle, May 2,18 SD.
JVotiee to Creditors.
TAKE NOTICE that the subscribers have
been appointed Auditors to-marshal tlte as
sets of the estate of David Neiswangcr, among
the'ereditors, and that we will mett for that
purpose at the house of John.llbover, in Meehan
-icsburgv-oh Saturday the Jti of f August m-xr,'.- .-it
10 o'clork, A. M. where all persons having
claims will present them for settlement!
’ MICH't. HOOVER, i.iadilo!s.
subscriber ofiVrs at-private-SHleithcr-fnl-n
i. lowing described valuable real estate, 'situate
in Allen tqwnship, Cumberland county,-contain?
ing 114 acres,'more or less, of patented ladd’, (£
lion I 90 acres of which are cleared and In a high
state of.cultivation, and the residue covered with
thriving timber. The improvements are n
And Doublc lipg* Earn.
two Apple Orchards, one of which is of choice
fruit, a itever lailing spring of water, ai)d a foun
tain pump at the door—also, a Tenant fiouse.
The above mentioned tract is nearly, nil lime
stone land, of a good quality, and is in a healthy
neighborhood—within two miles* of Mechanics
hnrtf aiyl ♦ »*« 0.—w—i.,,,.! yalley Will l\uaO,
about one mile from,Shepherd,stown.
An indisputable title will be given. For terms
apply to the subscriber near the premises.
May 30, 1859, tf .
Estate of Nancy Weaver, dcc’d.
KOTI-C E . " ',. v
TH-E public will take.iicfticc that I.cttcrs of
.Administration havethisdny been iwued to
the subscriber, on the estate of Nancv .Weaver*
lute of Monroe, township, Cumberland county.
AH who have claims against said deceased' arc
make'the same known to the sub
scriber, residing in Dillsburg, without delay,
and nil who areindebted to said estate are re
quired to call and settle the same.
May-17,-1839. 6t
IfUST received and forsaleat my landingncar
9J 9 tire Steam Mill, on the Canal, 500 tons of
Red Ash Pines Grove Coal,
known at-the present time: It will be sold in
lots to suit puythnsers. '
quantity of LUMBER, of dif
ferent kinds' and qualities: superior' .Shingles?
Piaster-. Salt by the barrel, '&c. nil of> whipfi
articles wiH'be-dispoaed of at the most reasona
ble prices.
Harrisburg, June 6,1836. srn
To Veil He the sum of, Fifteen Hundred Dollars,
- lo defray the.incidental esefenses of the- Bor
ough of Carlisle: . _
rgloE people of Carlisle, by, their Town Couri
oil,' hereby, ordain that the sum of fifteen
hundred dollars, clear of thq.expense til collec
tion, Reassessed, levied andraised in
of the charter of incorporation, from and upon
the inhabitants of the borough of Carl isle for the
year 1839, to be qpplied tq defray the expenses
of said borough meetsdeh appropriations
ns The Council hkye. madei or shall to
dipe mahej for ; ind ensuing year for borough
purposes’ ‘ " ~ ” VT’ '.-
Pnssed in Town Council the 18th day of May,
A, 1). 1839. 1...’-'.' . .
JACOB WEAVER; Brest, firo. tem.
Jacob SqutEit, Clerk. , - . ,
IX GOOD RECITERS wanted immediate
ly at DickiusbirEofge. Ajrply to -ms :.i:
■ ■ , 1 A. G. EGE. ,
May 2,1839. | tf
8 OR 10 good Plate Moulders are wanted im
mediately at Oak Grove Furnace; Perry
county, to whom constant employment will_be
given and good wages paid..' APBllit
. Oak Gfove, May SO, 1839 i ; ■ ‘ 2m ,
•IK ti mjl mu t*. ,•
fcTOU are ordered tp parade’ oh your
Jt, usual ground on Saturday the 15th
ot June jnst. at 2 o’clock, P. M..ih sum
mer uniform,, properly equipped for
, ‘V By order of the Captain.
; J. R. KERN AN. O. S.
June G,.1839. ■
JUST received and for sale, n Ipt of superfine.
Family F/our; ffdmltlon iit'.Orier,:'^
Is now opening a splendid assortment of
, Spring and. Summer
GO OX> S/ ..
ytl the south-east corner of Market Square, welt
known as Bredin's Corner 1 , and recent- •
ly occupied by Geo, IV. Crabb,
coMtmsiNG iit PAST '
Blue, Black, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Acla-
lade and Brown ■ ' ’
.Ribbed, .StrmcVTand • AJSSIMERES;.; a
splendid assortment of IMack ,I3lue-black,GreeH>
Mausc/ Fawn, Slate, Gro dc .Grib tie.
Swa, Gro dc Sein, and Hess -1 tulian .‘SILKS:
Florence assorted colors, together with a splen
did assortment of Ralguqs, Figured Silks, a'va
riety ol Prints and Chintzes, new style l.awnsj
Mouslindelaines, Ginghams, Painted, Cross-bar
red, fiti iped, Jaconett 6t Cambric Muslin, a fine
assortment of
a superior assortment ot Veils and Handker
chiefs, n general ussortmentof Summer, figured
and plain Satin . .
Summer Cloths,- Sallinets, - plain---ami .striped
Linens, Irish Linens.Vclvet Cords, be.'ucr.tccnsj
Checks, Cotton Drillings, Tickings, &c.
A general assortmen lof Leghorn, Tuscan,
'aml-coTorccl’Kuh 'Bonnets, Palmfcar ami Leg
.horn Hals, ' It
general assortment of Gauze, Mantua, tore
and Satin Ribbons, a splcndid'ussorthiciit of
Hosiery and Cloves; i’..
. ■ OROOftR-lfiSa'
Rioy.Povto Hico, Java and’Sumatra Coffers, Sn
par, Sugarhouse nhd'Oylcans Molasses, Voting
Hyson, Imperial .and Black Teas, and Soapy
His present stock of-Gottds have J)cen'selected
with much care, and will be sold at such prices
us will not fail togivo satisfaction to those wish
ing tn purchase. lie is very thariktulTnr’past
,favors, and hopes by strict attention to Business,
an‘d a disposition to please to merit and. receive
a liberal share nf pnhbepatronpgc!.'-. • - 1,
'-Carlisle, April-18, IB3o r ’ " -4f
.‘BrUST received ftrtd how'opeiiim? at £lie store
9P of the .subscribers, corner of •Hanover raid
Leather streets, Carlisle, u gcmcral assortment of
Spring, Calicoes,. Ginghams, 'Lawns,.
Aluslindelahus, ‘Challies,. Veils, - Bonnet,;,Uib
• bnns, Cadet Clcahs,:
nets. Also, *v first rate assortment of gomes'-
tics, such as brown and bleached Muslins,'Tick
ings. Table” Clntiify with a great variety of,stnfP*
for Gentlemen's Summer wear, such as Summer
.Cloth, I'rcnrh Velvet, Drillings and plain.
fos oi all kinds/ Velvet Cords,- Heavcrteens and
-IjJanheens—Slocks, Cravats,.Breasts nod Col
lars, Gloves' and ‘Also a good as*"
sortment of ‘ *,
Qiteensieare anti Groceries,,
all of-\vhicji will be sold low and on accnmmrr
dating The public are. respectfully in
vited to c ill and examine before making their
purchases, and they will be sure to get bargains.
:"NT?AV r"':” : ~
c o ii;cn m Aii h e
THE subscriber hyving'just derived from the '
cast with sninc of the best workmen-that
.could he .procured, is now prepared, to'fiiijsh’.
work in the most fashionable style and of the
best materials. .He trill manufacture any thing
in that line of business, such as'
of every description. He has now in his employ
probably one of the best Spring Makers and
Coach Smiths that h now jn the stale. His
charges shall be moderate'Shcrhis work will all
be warranted, , ‘ ‘
Repairing clone in the neatest manner and Willi "
despatch* ...
1 he subscriber humbly solicits the patronage
of the.publicVfor wliich he wUi tender Imamost
sincere thunks. . - ■ , • . ■
: frf,d;k a. Kennedy, ,
Car/is/c, \pri/ JB, 1839. . tf
<T Copper, 'Ji’in ami Slfeet iro/tz
rpHE subscriber liereby'infbrmB®ifie'piibiid
JL that lie has commenced the above mentioned
business, in dibits various brandies, at .the bid
.stand t ;recent>y,pccupiedibjs.Eiidleyl&'-liyuc, iri
Emitter street, 1 a few defers cast of Eeonard’s
store; tvbtrelie >vill at dll times be rcadv to at;
cpmmodale liisfriendsand customcis'at thej.
sbortdst notice and on the must accommodating
terms. ..... '*>^1 ’’r •/ t.
77;e highest price will pc, given fur dd copper',
pewter and lead. ' - - ’ ; < '
Carlisle, dpril-25, -1839, * ■
■ -WltiiilAM MOUI&Y, ’
MAS taken that welt j—
known tavern slant] : :
in tut; cast end of High .
Street, sign; " g ’ »'
Commodore Perry ,
ly kept by Mi-. ~
Stroll m.'Vherc lie shall be yffjfflfflfffl
happy* at all ne
ccimnotlato Waggoners, Tt
Travellers anti others, with all to
their comfort and convenience. ’ : r
iTs Bar shall be constantly suppilcii the
choicest of Liguors, apt) Ips /'«iyi'.,with thcliest
the markets will aflitrt); .
hostler,will iipqn those
who may need 'nothing
"shall he wanting to tgWepgebefalaaiikrdctibn to
all who mav faVrir the’JfiUie'.tStKfiirtTr ciistoni.
Carlisle,-&tshib/ ; .
' _ -iv --v t,.' ' .
■i k_. wanted; - - ■ ■
. ./-vA^r- ,
by.. A. Q.ftOJES. iiii