American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, June 13, 1839, Image 2

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Thursday; junk i 3, ibsd.
The Democratic Republican citizens of
the Borough of Carlisle and its vicinity, are
i equested; to meet at the'public house of
JPm. S. Mien, on Saturday evening next,
(tlie 15th atearly.candle light, to
make the necessary.arrangements for cele
brating the ensuing anniversary of Independ
ence. A general attendance is requested. - '
June 13, 1839. '■ >
JO”A pair of silver Spectacles were lost,
on the Trindle Spring road, between -Kitz
millerls old stand and Carlisle, on Saturday
evening last. The finder shall be rewarded
by leavlng'them at this office.
. ~;The papers, &c. belonging to the Deputy
Surveyor, and which have -been-heretofore
kept in the Register’s office, have been remo
ved by Mr. Lusk to his residence in Mifflin
township, near the Fountain of Health Post
Office, where we understand the Surveyor’s
office is to be kept for the future. . .
Col. Parsons. —ln another column Will
be found the correspondence between a
number of the democratic citizens of this
county and this distinguished Republican
Senator, with the'prefatory remarks of the
Keystone—to all of which 1 we invite the at
tention of our The mark of respect
tendered Col. Parsogs, by inviting him to a
public dinner, was in consideration of his
exalted talents and eminent public services
during his brief career in the Senate; and
we have to regret, in common with the uni
ted democracy of Cumberland County, the
existence of the cause which compelled him
to decline tile invitation” r -
Pay of the Troops agaln—Tno oum
berland and Philadelphia Volunteers.—
It is not from any desire on our part to keep
alive the excitement relative to this subject,
nor yet from a disposition to show clearly
and conclusively to every reflecting mind
where, and upon whom, the blame of mak
ing a distinction in the pay actually rests,
but sheerly from a sense of duty we owe to
ourselves and to the democratic portion of the
Legislature, that we revert to this unpleasant'
controversy. If, in the few remarks we
make, the feelings'of any individual may
happen to be wounded, he will have to re
collect that-in an excitement gotten up, by
himself for the purpose of creating a wrong the community, the “saddle
ought to be-placed on the right horse;”- and
if, as we firmly believe, we shall succeed in
this point, the necessity for further contro
versy is immediately at an end, Bufto the
subject at issue.
For the unfair distinction made in the
payment of the troops, the Cumberland
Volunteers .should lay a large portion of
' the blamp somewhere else than on itfc
Legislature. They can justly charge it to
the account of those who mustered them in
to, and mustered them out of the service.—
The-Philadelphians were, at the request'of
Gov. Rither, hot discharged finally for about,
two weeks after they returned to the city—
-whilst our men, who had done quite as.much
at Harrisburg,, were discharged as
-sdorids they’returned home~\iDß-Genera.\
Alexander’s' oath, and others, before the
committee of the Legislature. That the
testimony of the commanding' General was
the sole cause of the distinction, we have
not a doubt. We had -an opportunity of
conversing with several members of the Le-
on the subject, since the passage
■or-the: bill, and they all concurred in that
•opinion; indccd. they one and all'said that,
having the testimony of the General before
“ them, who swears'positively to“the fact of
... hhving ■ “dismissed his men out of the ser-
vice” on the Saturday evening of their re
, turn to Carlisle, they could not conscienti-
ously vote them as much, pay as,.the Phila
delphia Volunteers, who, it.was proven be-,
fore thecommittee, .were retained in the ser
vice by order of the Governor and command
ing General for a period of fifteen days df-
ter thiy retur/iedfrom llarrisburg.
That our troops -were- treated bad ly there
can be no doubt, and that..they : ,feel them-,
selves sorely aggrieved isriOt’amatter of as
•tonishment at all—in fact; .there is but: one
opinion oh.thatsubject in this community..
But that ab attempt should bemadefrom a
•certain qnartor to inflame the minds of the
*nen against rather the
democratic portion of it,) for it cannot be
concealed that this ig the real'object of the
principal movers who are themselves solely
to blame,) is passing strange indeed! The
originators of this new political movement
pay but a poor compliment to the intelli
gence of the young men who compose Our
volunteer companies, if they expeet to suc
ceed in gulling them in this manner. The
attempt is too barefaced and palpable to es
cape detection, and must only recoil upon
the heads of its authors.
'But we do not intend to be prolix on the'
subject.. Our intention when we.commen-'
ced this article was merely to lift the veil
and expose the deformity of those who would,
to hide their own bungling and mismanage
ment, and also to effect a political object,
not hesitate to resort to any means, if so be
they could have revenge on the democratic
party and screen themselves from well meri
ted censure, and reproach. To make appa
rent the real cause of the distinction in the
p*ay of the troops, and to substantiate our.
position as above stated, we subjoin the oath
of Gen. Alexander before the committee.—
To the Volunteers of the First Battalion, we
say—read it carefully over and over- again,
and then ask yourselves the question, who
is most to blame 9 the Legislature who acted
upon the facts stated in the oath, or the
ponent hilnself in connexioh with Governor
Hither?” Here" it it, and then judge
for yourselves:
General Samuel Alexander., sworn. .
1 received an order from the Governor, on
IGth of December In writing, an orderwhich
is annexed agreeably to my order, the troops
under my command to the number of 92 of
ficers and men, mustered'at Carl isle on 16th
December, and at Harrisburg same day,
with the exception, a few that came down
with the second line of cars; they were quar l
[ tered aMbe-Arsenal, perform-'
ed by them was guarding the same; the troops
remained at duty in Harrisburg until the
Saturday following their arrival, making
seven-days in .all, they were then marched
to Carlisle and DISMISSED OUT OF
SERVICE. I was in actual command of
the troops whilst in Harrisburg, and dismis
sed them in person on their return home,
gave all the orders, and attended to all the
details of the command. I was not in uni-'
form, but had it with me, and wore my sword
when 1 issued orders, my principal reason
for not wearing my inform, was an order
from the Governor, directing me to make as
little display as possible, to avoid unneces
sary excitement; I marchcd 'fiiy troops into
town with only one drum beating, and
through the most unfrequented streets. On
the day I left Harrisburg, the Governor sta
ted to me, that the adjutant
check nf Col Pleusoiitou’s, for ®SOO, and
directed me to receive it and pay it out as
far ns it would go, preferring the men to the
officers, 1 made some inquiry as to - what it
was supposed the pay ought to be, and paid
a number of the men $2 95 per man, for
privates, the non-commissioned officers re
ceived something more, but ihe.precise sum
Ido not recollect . At the time the,Govern
or directed me to receive the check, he re
quested me to state to the troops that he
thought the legal pay too low, arid that he
would ask the legislature to make a reason
able additional, allowance, and to assure
them that they should receive the same pay
as tl»e troops of the first division. I paid
some of the men, for nine days service, two
days rations and clothing. ’ When I paid
the inen, I by no means considered
was, a payment in full, but told them that I
would get as much more,for them as Icould,
at* all events, as much as the-Philadelphia
troops received; I stated to them distinctly,
that their signing the receipt for the money
paid them, shomd 'not be considered as in
the least compromitting,their._claim.for.fur
ther compensation. lam perfectly satisfied
that I was mistaken in the amount of month
ly pay and clothing; I find it to be more than
I at first thought it—the troops whilst here
received their rations from and at the ex
pense of the State; no term, of service was
snecified by the Governor, nor had I any
idea how long the. troops would bo detained
here,- until, the evening before their peturn
home. I did riot keep a horse whilst here.
If is entirely immaterial by the militia laws
of this State, and the daws that govern the.
U. S. army, whether an officer issues his or
ders in uniform or citizens dress. . The de
tachment consisted of three companies’ of
Cumberland county volunteers, a part of
the first battalion of Cumberland county
volunteers, of which I airi Ist major; the
companies Were under the commarid of their j
respective captains, and I commanded the
whole as 'Major General,- three of iny ’staff
accompanied me 7 they remained with me
whilst here, with the exception of one who
\Vas sick at home'for two or three days. '
Sworn and subscrlbed', chair-,
man of the militia committee of the House
of Representatives. James Wooddobn.
By way of contrast we.also.publish a part
of the deposition of Col. Pleasonton, relative'
to the services &c, of the Philadelpliia troops,
and we wish our readers-to mark the differ
ence. It really appears to us so'plain; that
'he.who runs may read,’ and be fully safis-1
fied.-at once where the blame of the distinc
tion in the'pay should rest: •" ’ .
... Colonel A.:J. Pleasonton, sworn.
•tjuestion;"• State) sir, if you please; what
you know in' relation to the recent service of
the volunteer troops of tlie Ist division/ P.
M. at Harrisburg and elsewhere?
■ “Answer. As tlie commanding officer of
the Ist Regimsnt of volunteer arullery, be
longing to that division, T was directed by a
division order, dated I tbink. Deccmber 6th;
t# * t i A#
1838, of Major General R. Patterson, to as
semble my rcglment.on;, Saturday the. Bth of i
Dec., 1838, at 7 o’clock, A. M. to march to
Harrisburg, jn pursuance of a requisition by
the Governor of this Commonwealth) on Ge
neral- Patterson, for the volunteersof the Ist
division, P. M. The Governor’s requisition
was dated December sth, 1838. I gave the
.necessary orders to my command-,, which
were punctually obeyed. The tro&ps were
detained in Philadelphia by accident, until'
11 o’clock. A, M., on Saturday the Bth De
cember, when they left that city in the train
of cars for Harrisburg. They arrived at
Lancaster, after extreme exposure to the
cold in the cars, after 10 o’clock that night.
The night was passed there, and the next'
morning,'thetroops were again.put in mo
tion for the Capitol, where they arrived at
half past 4 o’clock, P. M. the. same day—
(the 9th December, were
assigned them at Harrisburg, the same after
noon. The troops performed the usual gar
rison duty, viz: drill, gUard duty, police of
quarters, inspection, &c., while they remain
ed at Harrisburg. The second brigade of
the Ist division, P. M. was .ordered-to re
turn to Philadelphia on the 14th December.
They left here, I think, on that. day. By
the order of the Governor of the Common
wealth, they were directed, when they left
here, to.hold themselves in readiness after j
-theif? return to Philadelphia for-further ser
vice, Should it he necessary. It was parti
cularly required that they should not be mus
tered out of service until further orders, —
The first brigade of the same division con
tinued in service-at’Harrisburg until Sun
day, December 16th, .1838, when it cotq
menoed its return to Philadelphia, by the
order of i he Governor of the Common wealth.
They arrived in Philadelphia on Monday]
the 17th December at evening twilight. )t \
was directed by the. Governor that the whole
of the’volunteers of .the Ist Division, who
had. been here, On duty, should hold them
selves in readiness to march back to Harris
burg at an hour’s notice, should they be re
not be. Mustered out of ser
They were accordingly so continued in-ser
vice, ip Philadelphia, performing their sev
eral military duties until the first day of
January 1839,. on which day they were by
order of the Governor; mustered and dis
charged from service.”. '
When will the Legislature adjourn? isa
question that is frequently asked by our old
farmers when they'come to town.' The in
terrogatory, we believe, is one that cannot
easily be answered—as in the Senate, where
the federalists have still the majority, every
resolution for a final adjournment is voted
down without ceremony by a strict party
vote. Our democratic friends in the House
pusseil a- resolution some three weeks ago to
adjourn oi\.the run inst. T^-rsuay,j
which time, it was believed, all the public
business of importance could have easily
been attended to—but every attempt by the
democratic members of the Senate to get the
action of that body upon, the resolution has
been heretofore defeated.’ We were present
on Friday last, when a motion to consider
the resolution for a final adjournment was
offered by Mr. Carpenter, of Westmoreland:
the measure was ably advocated by Messrs.
Carpenter, Regers, Parsons and Brown—
and vehemently opposed by Messrs. Ewing,
Frailey, (city) Bell, Pearson and Williams:
the first named urged the adjournment as a
measure of economy and ns demanded by
the people—the latter appeared to bo more
actuated by a disposition to bring odium up
on the administration, than to transact the
business of the people and adjourn with as
little delay .as possible. After a somewhat
exciting debate of upwards of. two hours, the
vote on Mr. Carpenter's’ motion was taken,
and stood Yeas 15—Nays 17—every feder
al Senator (Mr. Case excepted,) voting a
Legislature expediting the public business
and preparing early.adjournment—
the other, although the smallest branch, im
measurably behind with their legislation, frit
tering away the time of the Senate on use
less and unnecessary.gubjeefs, and positive
ly, refusing to fix upon any time whatever
for a final adjournment.
■/-. Wd hope and trust that the House will fix
upon another day certain, and adhere to it
—and if the Senate .continues to prove re
fractory and refuses to concur, we are of o
pinion the Executive ought to interpose the
authority vested- in the constitution,
and prorogue the Legislature. : There is
nothing-would' be more satisfactory to the
farmers and tax payers of the Common
wealth, and the Governor could not do. a
more popular act: the people from one encl
of the State to the other would respond a
hearty arhen, and say “ well done good and
faithful servant,” *
. P. S. Since the above was in type, we Have
learnc J thnt both Hpuaes have agreed toad.
joiirp oh Tuesday the 25th ihst., this being
the earliest day at .which the Senate wpuld
consent to the,,final adjournment. ’
\ Cold Comforifor the Jlniies. —The Har
rison electors don’t stick. The subjoined
from thcßeading Democratic Press, tells of
a ? ‘screw loose” in :animportant part of that
pie~bald machinery: ... ’ , ?
"Our estimable fellow citizen, Joseph H.'
Spayd, Esq. has requested his name to be
Withdrawn from the Harrison and Webster
electoral ticket.’’. : • 1
■n -W ? t-f * if*
On jDtV.—lt is rumored in Harrisburg that
Penrose will resign his seat in the Senate at
the end of the present session. One reason
assigned is, that his physicians recommend
it as being absolutely necessary to restore
the almost suspended animation consequent
upon the nauseous medicine administered
some tin or twelve weeks ago by the Ly
coming doctor—the Parson’s medicine being
considered at times rather more unpalatable
than even the physician’s! Another reason
assigned is, that the Cumberland Valley
Rail-road Company is expected to have the
privilege granted by the Legislature of in
creasing its stock to a large amount, and
that the honorable speaker is to go out to
Europe as f,he Company’s agent for effecting
a loan.
These reports may possibly have some
foundation—but until such a desirable event
takes place, we must remain incredulous. —
The man, if we judge his character rightly,
js too fond of office and power to let gj his
hold; so long as the people permit him to
cling to it. We shall, only believe it when
wo see his resignation— not before.
EcyThe special election in Adams county
will take place on tb-morrow: Judging fronT
the-favorable accounts received from that
quarter in reference to the spirit and zeal
with which our democratic friends embark
in the contest, we -should surmise “that; if
Thaddeus is elected at all, it will be “by.
Ihe skin of his teeth.” The “Tape Woi m”
will, not be so prolific now as it was last Oc
tober. Stevens knows this—hence the .ex
traordinary- exertions he is making to be
elected: riding the cOunty.holding meetings,
making speeches, &c. &c. appears to be the
order of the day with this unprincipled dem
agogue. ■ ’
The following gratifying result of the
■ warmly contested election in this Staunch
vepublicnn commonwealth, we copy from the
“Globe,” and may be relied on as strictly
correct; the, vaporing and boasting and lying
of the federal press to the contrary notwith
standing. It will be seen” that the ordeal
through .which the “unterrified” democracy
of our sister State has had to pass, was se
vere in the extreme. Inch by inch had. the. be waged on this battle field of the
J Union—but the sovereign people have tri
, umphed'—gloriously triumphed over a cor
rupt and-powerful combination of Federal.
Whigoery and Conservative'Bank Arisj.
'TOCHACY. -Tlrn country for the
election in Virginia has rendered it
j morally certain that there wilf be a decided
j democratic majority in the next House of
Representatives. It is the death knell, too,
to all the high .blown hopes and air built
castles of that frniforand apostate, William
C. Rives, who, with his compeers, Nathan
iel P. Tallmadoe and , Samuel M’Kean,
are doomed to fret away the brief period of
their existence in unavailing regret at their
own base redfeancy to the wishes of their
constituents. , •
It will be seen that w<e have carried 12
out of the 21 members of Congress—(being
a gain of 2,) and have a.majorjty of 2 on
joint ballot in the Legislature. (Last year
we were 26 votes in the minority on joint
ballot.) This is truly ‘glory enough-for one
day,’ and should be hailed with delight by
every democrat in the Union. A thousand
cheers; say we,-for the unyielding republic
anism of Vold .yirginny”! But for the table:
Dent. Fed. Con. Imfirac. fV’gs*
66 55 2 11
18 11 ■&' 0
Total 84, 66
This gives the Democratic party a sound
majority .in the House of- Delegates against
the tri-colored party of Rives Whigs & Con*-
servatives and ‘.Tmpracticables.” The di
vision of parties stands thus: , f-
Democrats supporting the
the Senate, 18'
do. ' 66
Rives whigs & Conservatives in Sen. 14
Do. do. in House, 57
Impracticable & State Rights whigs, ■ 11—82
Democratic majority, ■ 2
The Congressional delegation will stand
as follows:
Democrats.; Federalists,
John W. Jones,- Henry A. Wise,
JoelHolleman, ' John Hill,
Francis El Rives, .- John M. Botts, ,
Geo. C. Dfoingoole, C. F.'Me'rcer,-
Linn Banks, Wm. L. Goggin,
Walter Cole's, . J, Taliaferro,——6
William Lucas, Sub Treasury-, An- ■
Robert Craig, ti-Clay, State
Lewis Steinrod, Rights Whig. ,
G. 8.. Samuel,. R. M. T. Hunter—-I
Andrew Beirnc, , r Conservatives. J-.
J. Johnson, — —-12 James Garland,
G. W. Hopkins, 2'
. ■ . 12 . . - ' .
•"‘lmpracticable Whigs” are those who
arp pledged to .their constituents against vo
ting for William G. Rives,, under - any cir
cumstances. \ ;.
ICyFor the following important synopsis
of foreign intelligence we are indebted to tlic
Harrisburg Reporter: "
■ Several packet ships from England, have
arrived at New York. The Burgundy, arri
ved on Friday. She brought intelligence of
the resignation of the Melbourne ministry,
caused by ministry being’ left in a minority
of 5, upon the Jamaica labor question, i. c.
whether the late slaves should be forced to
labor or not. The government being in favor 1
of the negroes workingi Sir Robert Peel
. was_charged with the formation of a new
ministry. He named the following:
Duke of Wellington, President of the
Council: Lord Lyndhurst, Chancellors;
Lord Ellenborough,' privy seal; Earl Aber
deen, foreign affairs; Sir, James Graham,
secretary of the navy; Lord Stanley, colon
ies; Sir Henry Harding, secretary at war;
Mr. Colbourne, home department; Sir Robt.
Pool, chancellor exchequer.
On Saturday, the Great Western arrived
with a large number of passengers, among
whom was John Vanßuren, son of the presi
dent, and bringing out news 10 days-later.
From it-we learn that the above ministry
held office for 48 hours ! The cause of this
sudden giving up of the ‘‘ spoils, ”■ was the
request made to the Queen to dismiss the
’ foliowing ladies of her household, and put
tory ladies in their seats : '
The Duchess of Sutherland, sister of Lord
Morpeth; 'the Marchioness of Normandy,
wile of the secretary of the colonies; March
ioness af Bredalbrane, wife of a whig Mar
quis,"and mbdea Peer by the whigs; Mar
chioness of Tavistock, a wife of the eldest
son of the Dukvof Bedford, and- sister-in
law of Lord John Russell:, the Countess of
Burlington, sister mf Lord Morpeth; Lady,
Portmah, wife of a whig Peer, made’.a. Peer
by the Melbourne ministry; Lady Littleton',"
widow of a whig Peer, and sister of Earl
Spencer; Countess of Charlemonl, wife of an
Irish-Radical Peer; Lady Gardner, daughter
of a whig Peer, and .wife of a whig partisan;
Lady C. BarringtoUv. daughter of the whig
Earl Grey; Lady Ci Copley; daughter of the
whig Earl of Yarborough, and wife of a whig
Baronet, and half a dozen other ladies of the
same stamp. . ’ .
The old ministry Were then recalled, with
Lord Melbourne and Lord John Russel at
their head, and thus the matter really stood
at the departure of the ship. The following
rumored changes are in contemplation;
Lord Normanby, Premfer, .
Lord Durham, Foreign Affairs.
Lord llowick, Home Department,
Paulett Thompson, Chancellor Exchequer,
Lord John Russell goes to the upper
house. Shaw Lefcver is to be the new
speaker; the tbries will support Mr. Goul
bour'n; the question was to be tested on the
27th of May,' after the adjournment, and if
the torics. succeeded, Lord Melbourne in
iepdeir to dissolve Parliament. It is also
Said- fn ho tatfVi into
the new cabinet, ana placed at the head of a
board of education;
The greatest excitement pervades all
classes in The Queen has issued i
a proclamation.fjorbidding.the meeting of4he
CnAß who de
mand redress of grievances with arms in
their hands. The military have dispersed
several of their meetings.
LvFrance, affairs are in a still worse.con
difion. The trois jours, were attempted to
be renewed, but the citizen king, was too
quick for the populace. He has seen what
npne of the crowned heads of Europe have, :
the world, and has had some experience in 1
its ways both at home, and in America, and
therefore occasionally thinks a little for him- i
self, which may account for his always being
able to head the feverish spirit of “the grand 1
nation.!’ ' ’ - ■ <
The following extract, gives an account of
the uproar: .
On Sunday afternoon, the 12th of May,
between 300 and 400 men, attired in work
man’s dress frocks and caps, collected in the
Rue St. Denis, and followed by a crowd,
went to-a gun shop.broke down the doors
and took 150 sporting pieces, and then di
vided. One portion attacked the Palais de
Guard, and lost several killed! The officer
commanding'the Palace of Justice and 'two
soldiers were killed. The military post of
the Palace du Chatelet, and the Hotel de
Ville, defended by National Guards were
surprised by the other two parties, and taken
possession of: The omnibuses they met with
were turned overand erected into barricades.
A detachment of horse- municipals attacked
the insurgents and forced them to abandon
the place, hot until some lives were lost, and
the Municipal Guard then occupied the Ho
tel de Ville, and the Quays between the;
Port ah Change and the Port au Bias. '
The National Guard, and two regiments
of the line assembled on the'Palace'du Gar;
rousel, fat thc Tuireries 'PalaceJ at S p. in.
The gates of the garden in front anil also in
Court of the Louvre were instantly~cloBed.
There seemedat this time much hesitancy
in the National; Guard: to' respond'to the
rappel. In the cro wd, - near the Pont Neuf,
A man and woniau held aloft, two busts of
Napoleon, -and cried; Vive PEmperetir and,
viye Napoleon; In Rue St. Dennis, though
hot over a'hundred insurgents were present,
they tore up the pavements with . amazing
speed, and threw chairs, furniture, &c. from
the houses with an agility which showed that
they were no inexperienced hands at barri
cade making murmuring as they ..worked,
.‘‘A bas! Louis Phillippe.” In the cabarets,
[drinking shops,] they were seen talking
very cozily with several soldiers of the line. I
in' the House,
Up to Wednesday morning, the 15th, a
telegraphic despatch by Calais announces
that order whs perfectly restored; The ru
mors of insurrection at Lyons and elsewhere
were unfounded. ‘
The movement, to whatever source attrib
utable, [.and curious suspicions, are afloat,]
effected'an abject long desired. by stimula
ting the high contracting parties around the
foreign News.
Court'to the immediate formation of a Min
istry, which consists of ■ „ -
Soult, Secretary of Foreign Af
fairs and President of the Council; M.Teste
Keeper of the Seals; General Schneider!
War Minister; Admiral Duperre, Minister
of Mannc; Mi Duchatel, Home Minister; E.
Cumn Gridame, 1 Commerce Minister; M
Dufanre, Minister of Public Works; M.Vjl!
leman. Minister of Public Instruction; M
Passy, Minister of Finance. '
In Spain, they are cutting the throats of
one another, as usual. The Queen will, it
is presumed, eventually be able to maintain
the government. A
Trouble in the IVxgwam. —We learn that
the federal anti-masonic meeting held at
Fcrree’s Hotel on Saturday last, for the '
purpose of appointing delegates to the Cham
bersburg Convention, turned out to be quite
a rf.uproarious affair. The two factions, one
advocating Harrison and the other Clay, de
nounced each other in unmeasured terms, &
the Chairman, (Mr. Penrose,) it is said, had
a difficult job of it to preserve anything like
order, although the meeting was any thing;,*
but large and imposing. One thing is very'
certain—the. Crisis in the Opposition party is
rapidly approaching, and if, like the Kil
kenny cats, the rival factions do not entire
ly devour each other, their feuds and broils
will render, them completely powerless in
the Presidential campaign.
■■ °ui' readers may-judge that The meeting ~
was a very slim affair, when we inform them
that three brothers-in-law.wexQ selected as
delegates to the Contention. If any other
materials had .been at hand, one family woulti
hardly have reaped nil the honors arisingqat
of the nomination. The delegatesare Messrs
Penrose, Watts, and E. M. Biddfe.
tC7"The Federal State Convention is to
m.eet at Chambersburg this day .'for the'
purpose of forming, or adopting on electo
ral ticket in opposition to Mr. Van Burch.
Whether they will actually cut loose their
acquaintance-with Thaddcus. Stevens, anil
■form a ticket of their own—or c \vliether they
will swallow the pie-bald “dish prepared for
them by that arch intriguer, remains to be
keen. -If the federalists now set up for them
selves, they..will "evince more independence
than their conduct for the last few years has
warranted the public in believing; they will
at least show that they have no longer any
disposition to be cable-towed by an unprin
cipled demagogue, who has done more to
destroy their party in Pennsylvania since he
has dield the apron-strings, than all their
misconduct for the-last thirty years. But,
It is useless to moralize—the “proof of the
pudding is in the eating,” and we shall hot
attempt to say what they will do, until we
have the evidence. What they ought to do,'
is another question; and it will, we opine,
require some considerable degree of moral
courage to bring them up to the sticking
More Dvotizino.— Tiie “Exchange Sa
vings Bank,”"of Philadelphia, has shut up
shop. In an advertisement published in
several, of the papers, the President and
Cashier, kind souls, inform the creditors of
the institution, that they believe they will
be able to realize sufficient to liquidate all
demands within six months I “This is but
another excuse for defrauding the innocent
and unsuspecting out of every dollar this
shaving shop owes them.
“Straws,show” &c The United States
Gazette, one of the leading federal papers,
(and by the way a decided Clay paper,) thus
discourses of Thadde'us Stevens’ principal
organ: (The Examiner advocates the nom
■ ination of Harrison.) : r -rr
“The Lancaster Examiner, a rabid anti
masonic paper, denominates the Baltimore
Chronicle, and United States Gazette, “pre- ’
tended whig papers.” What is Jhat to the
Examiner—neither rdf these papers- ever i
pretended to be anti-masoniej'and. whatever
either may have done to Help anti-masons
into power, they never, gorged at the public
crib as a- reward for such workrnoravowed
theinselves of so disreputable a party.”
■ |C7*The Federal and'Antl-maaonic prints
are'pummeling each' other in real earnest a
bout themost “available” candidate forthc
next Presidency.. It is; however, a family
quarrel, and must be, left to themselves' to
settle; but it goes to verify the truth of tbo
adage, that “when rogues fall out, -honest
men will gel their due”—while they are dis
puting about the shadow, the dehocrats will
runaway with the substance. '"r
-Another “Astounding Disclosure.”—~*tho *
report of the Auditor General, made'in obe
dience to a call of the House, shows Elisha
Harding, jr. superintendent under Govern
or Ritner, on the North Branch Canalade-- -
faulier to the amount of $17,530 591' This/
we believe, is more money than Gov. Porter
found in the treasury when hecameinto of-_ •
lice. Harding was ' dismissed in February
last, and has ever since steadily refused to;
render any account. Such is the', way the
Commonwealth was .robbed ‘under- the''late ‘
“Reform” administration. •'
No Eastern papersreceived byvTueaday ‘ •
evening’s mail; This., when it occurs, is a ,
sore drawback Jipop, us» j'