NOTICE. To Wholesale Sealers and/SetaUers of: Foreign Merchandize. THE Treasurer of CumbeiifthdCoanty, in ac cordance with the act of Assembly publish es the following “List of Wholesale Dealers and -Retailers of Foreign Merchandize',’’ within the said county for the current year, commencing on the Ist May 1,839, as classified and- returned to him by the Associate Judges and Commissioners of said county. Those who have commenced business and whose names are not classified, as well as those who arc bound to pay any fraction al part of a license, arc required to have them selves registered agreeably to law, without de lay, or otherwise the law will be enforced, Such as are designated by a * have taken out their license, and those who have not, ar? requi red to do so on or before the first day of June next, after which day suit wdl be instituted, without respect to persons, against all delin quents. . • JVames. Residence, John Drawbaugh, -Allen Issac Loyd, “ Asa While, •• Jacob Baxtesser, ’’ Daniel Shelly - ■’ Marlin G. Rupp •Alexander Cathcart Crull & Barton John Sonrbcck “ •Arnold & Co. * Carlisle W. S. Roland & Co, “ G.W. Sheaffcr 8c Cp. " John P.Lyne 8c Co. " Jacob Sener Hamilton 8c Grier. “ Win, Leonard Jehii Snyder Jacob Wolf James Liggett Crawford Foster John Harper " George’Heckman “ Samuel Elliblt •• J. H. Weaver ,& Co. ‘ 1 Charles Ogilby. • “ George \V. Hitncr , “ ‘George W. Crabb " Weinck Bentz- •* 'William Gouhi “ Charles Barriitz “ ■Jolni'J. Myers “• George Cart 44 Mrs. Brandt 44 William Weljb ,• ■ " James Loudon " N. Wilson Woods “ 7. 12 50 Charles. W. Weaver “ 8 10 00 Charles Barnitz . 44 - . -8 . 10 00 John Falter i< . 8 10 00 Jacob Faust “ 8 10 00 Andrew G. Miller Dickinson 8 10 00 Thomas C. Miller “ 8 10 00 M.’P.ScJ.A.Ege.Agts. 11 8. „ 10 00 George Martin 44 ,8 10 00 Jacob Runp E. Pennsboro’’ 8 10 00 ■ John 11.' Zearing “ 8 10 00 George'Mater •* 8 10 00 - Philip Kulihs 7/opcwell 8 10 00" Games I.cibey' 8 10 00 Jgmes H.Palterson Milßin 8, 10 00 Robert Sturgeon Mooroe 7 12 50 Daniel Jvrvsber “ 8 10 00 C. W. &P. A: Ahl 44 7 12 50 Peter Livingcr , ' “ 8• , ID 00 Martin Miley Mechanicsb’g 7 12 50 W. S. astirigs “ 8 10 OO Adam Reigel " 8 15 00 H. &C.l.eas “ 7 12 50 Dorsheimer&Crpmlich ll 8 lo 00 John Coover 44 7 12 50' 'VVilliam BarrSc Co. Neryville 7 12 50 Gilmore & Sentman “ 8. 10 00 Davidson & Johnston 41 ~8 10 00 Scott Coyle . 7 12 50 Jamison" Hennr.n & Co “ 8 10 00 William Brattin 1 “ 8 10 00 Andrew J.. North 1 •• • 8 10 00 7/eni*y Burkholder N. Middleton S 10 00 David Cbrhnian “ 8 10 00 Moore Sc Biddle Newton ‘8 10 00 James Kyle 44 3 10 00 Stough IS"-Brewster “ 8 10 00 Andrew Henry *• 8, 10 00, James Reed , 44 . 8 10 00 J. (i W> Mateer Silver Spring 8 10 00 Hamilton itf Groft 44 8 10 00 W. T. Loudon' - 44 8 10 00 James Givin’ S, Middleton 8 10-00 Mathew Moore 44 : 8 10.00 Wm. Weakley ' 44 . 8 ,10 00 ,’•Wilson Fleming “. 8 10 00 •Henry-Rich, ,4 ■ 8 ■; 10 00 Mrs, Sanderson Shippcnsburg 8 10 00 •Artz£#Co. ,<• 8 10 00 David Nevin•' 7 12 50 John Braqkenridgo , •* 8 - 10 00 Samucl.wilson —“ 8 10 00 Jonathan Peal 8 10 00 Wra. Snodgrass . 44 7 12 50 •Heck &f Co. - 44 8 ' 10 CO GeorgC Clark.' ' 44 .8 10 00 ’J.ScD, K. Wunderlich 44 '' 7 12 50 Whi; Russel .V S“ , ■ 8 10 00 •Edward Scull V ■ 1 ' s lo 00 'Stephen Culbertson “ ■/ 12 50 J. Itf M. Mateer Southampton 8 10 00 rJosiahHood . W.Pensboro’S 10 00 GeorgeSbafer “ ■ 8 . -10 00 .John Kinder ~-V : << 8' 10 00 John,Hetrick -Frartkford 8 ■•’ 10 00 J.. Williams , - 8 10 00 ';■■■ snodgrass, Treasurerof Ciunber'and County, Treasurer’s Office, > Carlisle, Mny9,1839.- J ■ P ... B. Tavern Licenses granted at the last. Court of Quarter Sessions £?c. are now ready for’ delivery; any person neglecting to take out his or her.license, will be reported to the next. Court of Quarter Sessions £fc. , . R. S. .■’ ■ . Treasurer. . CARD. DR. JOHyjT. MYERS,. .TJNFORMS his friends and. the public, that he : jt has resumedthe duties of his profession, and will give' his undivided attention to the practice, ef its severalbranches. . • Hisofiice is in the. stone house adjoining his dntSstore'imd one done from the Post Office,: Carlisle, Febi. 28, 1889. . : 3m At si meeting of the Cumber ilth VsSP, it was' «nmotion,.Rcsolved,ThattheLaddersof tins company'shall not'he used but by permission- of the company, and all persons shall be prohibited from Using ttye semc,'(without such permission,) under a penalty of Five Dollars. - ; ; GEO. D. FOUI.KE, Prn’t. Attest—P. Quigley, Sef’y. y - .STRAY-COW. , V' V Strayed away from the subscriber, residing near Alexander's Mill, on the 3d ins L-a red and white spotted. Cow, nearly fresh -milch, with a smalt bell on. Any. information respecting *aid Cow will be thankfully received, ', -, DANIEL WILANTT. May 33, 1839. FOjRWAHDING & COMMISSION mu: jnq, , OARtISTiE, CUMBE ELND C OUNTY, HAVE erected a Warehouse on the HAIL ROAD, at the west end of High strent, mrectly opposite Dickinson College, where they can at all times receive and forward merchan dize and produce to 'Philadelphia, Chambers, burg and all intermediate places, having placed Cars on the road which will rim regularly be tween Carlisle and Philadelphia, by which Goods arid Produce of all descriptions will be forwarded with care and despatch. Goods will be received at the Warehouse of Joseph 5* Lewis, jr. & Co., corner of Broad arid Vine streets, Philadelphia, and forwarded to Carlisle, - Chambersburg,. and all intermediate places. ■ Carlisle, April 4, 1839. . ' 3m License. glO 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 - 10 00 12 50 10 00 10 00 IS 00 10 00 IS 00 12 SO 12 SO 12 SO J2.5C 10 00 . 10-00- 10 00 JOSEPH S. LEWIS, JR. & CO Commission «&.Forwardmg- Merchants* S, IF. corner Broad & Finesti. Philadel/ihia, ARE prepared to receive and effect sales o all produce, merchandize,. &c,. which may be entrusted to their care. Liberal advance? will be -made on consignments until sales arc ef fected. Produce and merchandize left at the Ware house of Messrs. Murray & Fleming, Carlisle, shall receive prompt attention,.and all merfchan iilzer&c. left with us \vil( be for warded to Car lisle, Chambersbufg, and all, intermediate pla ces, on the rail road, with care and despatch, at the lowest rates of freight. April 4. 1839. ~ 3m 10 00 THE bonks of Dr. Theodore Myers dcc’d., have been’ placed in the hands of Jacob Squicr, Esq. for settlement. Those’ having claims against, Or.those indebted to said deceas ed, arc requested to call immediately for settle ment. . . ■ - S. A. MYERS; 'Administratrix of said deceased. ' Carlisle, April 11, 1839.—3m0.' ' DU. 3. G. S3EPP, ' SURCEONEBNT-IST, I TJB ESPECTFULLY informs thc-laclics-and i Bu; gentlemen of Carlisle and its vicinity that he sets Artificial'Teeth irt the most approved manner. He also plugs. and separates teeth to arrest decay.: .. ' T , Dr. N. prepares a tooth powder, which whi-’i tens the teeth,.-without injuring the enamel, cob' ors the guriteafum remand[.refreshesthe mouth. The tootli-achc will be cured, in most cases, without extraction; and an odontalgic wash "is prepared for healing sore gums ami fasten th,c teeth. ‘ r - Ladies and gentlemen arc requested to call and examine his collection of Porcelain or In corruptible cccth, which will never decay, dr change color, and are frc’c'frd'mi all unplcjVs ( nVi v t odour, dilrahle and w*ell adapted for chewing, which will be inserted in the best manner and at fair prices. , All persmVs wishing Dr. N. .t]icir_ lcav6'a line at Ins resi dence; No. 7 Harper’s How, when he will punc tually attend to every call in the line of his pro fession. .From a long and,successful,practice, he hopes to give general.sati&facti.oh Carlisle* April H, 1839. CHARLES ES’CJI»U^P, ' ' .'ATTORNEY AT;'E^WvV : WILL practice in the Courts o Cumberland, Perry ami Juniata, Oflice in Main street, Carlisle, a few doors west of the Post Office. March 21, 1839. • tf THE THOROUGH BREB HORSE, “PETER PARLEY.” fr jSk Will stand the ensuing sea at Carlisle, on the terms set iSI) forth in the handbills. ’ ™' -»-* t- Peter Parley is of the very first racing hlood. He was got by 'Oscar'—his dam‘Betsey Wilkes’ was hy the celebrated ’Sir Archie’—his grand dam by ‘Bedford’—his great grand dam by ‘Dare Devil’—his g. g. grand dam by ‘Lamplighter’—his g. g. g. grand dam by Syms’ ‘VVildair.l The above pedigree is ■authentic as will be seen by a reference to the American Turf Register. For further particulars apply to • w JOSEPH HERSHE, Groom. Car/isle,. April 4,1839. -3m FOjtGEtfEN; RANTED. GOOD REFINERS wanted immediate ly ly at Dickinson Forge. Apply to" ' 3 . ’ A,,G. EGE, .May 2,1839.' ' ■ •" , . tf AUDITOR’S'NOTICE. The Audi fees appointed by the . Orphans’ CpurpbfiCumberland. County, to "marshal' the assttsofihe estate oif George-Claudy, late o Newton township, dcc’d,, in the bands of Jacob Gilbert, his administrator, will meet for that purpose at the house of JamesSponslcr, in.New burg., Hopewell'townsbip, on Saturday thh' Bth day of June next, at ten o’clock, A. M- where all concerned will attend tbcirclaims. DAVID S. RUNSHA, AB’M. SMITH M’KINNEY,- ROBERT C. KILGORE' . . Auditors, May 9,1839. ■ ” " , ;■■; EpsTjbffi'ioa,.. , Carlisle, Pa. May 1-1839. Arrival anti Defiarture of Mails > ,- ; ; jlrrivesi Closes (Eastern- ■ -tlaily - about 10m.- 7p.m, - “ . - “ 5 p.m. 11a.m. Western, ‘':l2 m. 9 a. m Southern . ‘‘-iPm- —rprnrr Meqhanicsb’g “ p‘ “ 10 m. 7p. m, NewVille' -ISm, ; , 9a. m, ; R. 'EAMBERTON.P. M. 1J EAD THIS!- -DKSivayne's Compound SM,Syru/i of PrunusVirginiana orlf'ifd C/ier ryi—rThis is decidedly one of the best remqdies fgrcoughs and colds now in us'c—it 'aUayS irri tation of.the lungs, loosens'the cough, causing -the phlegm’ahd, .easy;" in asthma, pulmonary .consumption, resent and chronic cbugiis.wheezingand choking of phlegm,hoarsg-' ness, .difficulty of.breathing, croup, spitting of syrup is warranted to effect a permanent cure, if taken according to directions which accoropany- the bottles. - For sale at the rug store of - . . J. J. MyV.ns Ee Co. POWDER ' By the Keg, &.C. received.‘and for sale at-the store of . : ■ ";' V ' _ ’JOHN GRAY, Agdnt. * NOTICE. Sm* H) (M jy , tingnishedfrom the human teeth.,* After long and tedious expcnftionts t ’the\ : ?uT)V scrihor lias succeeded in- manutacUifmjy'te'clh of materials entirely incorruptible, and perfectly iti imitation of human-teeth. They have a semi transparency, and arc made of-various sizes and shades. In cases where absorption of the areolar pro cess, or other causes may render it necessary, lie will cast of the same materials attached to the teeth, artificial gums, which shall imitate till? gum’and supply the loss of substance; It is entirely impossible for these teeth to or cause foetid breathy He will insert them from one to entire sets, in such manner that they will make articulation of the voice perfect, and rnatcrialy assist in masti cation, and sothat they cannot be distinguished from the most beautiful natural: iving teeth by the most scrutinizing observer. ‘ ... He also performs al th&.various operations in Dental Surgery, according to the ate scientific improvements in the art. . J?, H. -KNAPP* Surgeon Dentist, Nl W. corner of Chares Sc Fayette streets, • Batimorc. A tocw Hinc of Freight-Cars rtiom HARRISBURG TQ SH2L ADELPHIA. THE subscriber, gratefnl Jpivijast'.favors, re spectfully acquaints bis friends lin'd the pub lic, that lie has put into,operatioh' on the HAR IIISBURG, LANCASTER, and COLUMBIA RAILROAD, a line of new DOUBLE CARS, which will run regularly between Harrisburg & Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of all descriptions will be forwarded with care anti despatch, at the lowest rates of freight. : Goods will be received pt the WAREHOUSE of THOMAS - !., RJAXWELL, N.'.E. corner of Broad and ,Vine streets, Philadelphia, and for warded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chanibersbnrg, and intermediate places, and by the subscriber, OWEN M’CABE. 1 Harrisburg, lan. 31,1839. •- ' ITT-FISH. SALT: AND PLASTER; CON-, STANTLYQN HAND. Gash paid for almost all kinds.of count>;y produce^ - , v'.:MA.CIUNiST;-AiVi> Burr Maiiufacturer. The subscriber lns'friends • and ibe public that he continues the manufactu ring of all kinds of-machinery 1 for WnoleTrFac tories, together .with : ' ...r - .' ; FRENCH BURR KtitL STONES, at hisoldstandipNewCunffierlan’d; all of which he will warrant to be 1 made in the host .work manlike 1 manner and of.theiesYmateriala/anil sell at the Jowest-prices, upon accommodating terms. . . 1 - A constant supply of Cards will be kept pn hands.-and bid machines repaired. ’. , • y,: • ABR’M MEtLINGER; , June 21,'1838. , : i ly , ■ PAWQT- STORES. A SP.E.V/)///assortment of fancy Franklin /« and Parlor S/bves, .intended for coal or wood.'; A,lso, a variety of Coating Stoves of the most, econpfnicajr.and approved .kind.- Wood stoves and 011161*, Castings for sale cither finished Or in the platcsi very cheap for cash or approved country produce. ■ . - . : ■ ‘ _r ■■ '.. 7 Pi-eis, FoEniNo. & Thupiom. ” Oak Grove Furnace* Oct. tf . "| CHANGE OP AGENTS -• ' For Morrison's Universal Medicines. •■gXORATIO SHEPHERD MO AT. late Sole fit B Agent in thcUnlred.States - , having been dismissed by the British College of Health. Dr. George Taylor, now of the city of. New York, has been appointed Sole General Agent and Ily gia Delegate to the United States. ' ■ The said George Taylor has appointed A. D. Olmstead, of Montrose, .Susquehanna county. Pennsylvania, Sole General Agent for the states of Maryland and Delaware, and thirty three counties cast of the Allegheny Mountains, Penn* syivania; and George C. Hand, Surgeon Dentist, of AllentoWn, Letigh county, Piu, General A gerit for four counties in die state of New York, and seven in the state of New Jersey, to wit:— Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland, Glouces ter, Monmouth and Salem* in the state of New Jersey? Gennessce, Livingston, Monroe and. Stcnben, in the state of New York. Hereafter, no person can on will vend the ge-‘ ; nuinc Hygeian Medicines within the said dis tricts, except by the authority of the said A.D. Olmstead and George C.’ Hand. ' All former ! agencies within said districts having terminated by the removal of H, S. Moat, who isnowoffer . ing for sale under the.firm of Moat If -Pelham. Medicines of their own manufacture, which will | readily be detepted, ns such will not have the : signature of jl. D. Ohmtcad t G. C,JJand t or Olmstead if Hand, on the cover of each box or package. ’ The leading llygcian nr Mor- Isoniantlieoi y ot Disease, are too favorably and generally known to require a minute explanation in this advertisement. . These medicines cure all diseases which ad mit of a. cure,, and many hcrctofoi e_deeiUCd_in-- cuvabltT. They may be given with safety to the weak, j est patient, and under every-circumstance and stage of human suffering, and to children of the i most*tender age. ' ' None offered for sale within the,aforesaid dis tiicts arc genuine, unless each box or package liavc a fac simile of James Morrison’s signature, with a sac-similc of the signature of George Tay /or, and also the written signature of A. D. Olm stead, G. C. Hand, or Olmstead If Hand, with | the written signature of’Sole Agents, when ap. | | pointed. j soTd in boxes wflh'chvelnpcs, at 25 and 50 cents; i amTpackages at $1 and $3-. Each ‘ packet con- J tains a-propot'tiou.ofabout two to one of No 2. ! The P.owdc'rs are in ■ separate boxes—price 25 j Cents. . - . _ , ■ - -I No chemical apothecary or druggist is ever employed to sell; these medicines',- l *’ • •• Uespcctablc'persons,cmnplyinir 'vith- the re quisitions vcf}inye\ljn;iy be appointed; agents on /ihora/terms. - ’ Ojfic&and (lencr'ahDcfiOtJ\ r o . 5 Someth -front, street, Phitadef/ihia.. ~ v-:“ , A. D..OLMSTEAD, General Agent,. . vFor 33 .qquntics, Pa.; ,tlvc.statesX>f, ; ? - 'Maryland and Delaware,' ’ i / O. Cf.HAND,-General A^ent, - comitievK. .V;,- and Z counties, N.. J, The public is hereby, .notified have united our business, and'hmvaftcr-it will be con ducted under the firm of Olmstcad 8? Hand. All Orders directed to OlmsteadBc Hand, Nn. 5 south Front street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention. i :Vr , ■ OLMSTEAD.& HAND. The above medicine is for sale tfv , ■ CHAULESOOILBY, Agent* for Carlisle. Sept 20, 1833. ly - ®S&s;D€f S 3 -.“StyaiiSMSaSlV, P. C-OOD’S saapp.b-irßKisi'j'r m bsisdges> FRANCIS G00D,.-of the township of New I.'jndonTirTfhc county of Chester, and state olFennsyl vania, obtained letters patent, for an improved plan, of erecting Bridges over streairi? atrc'ngth and-per’ •hi.a'ncncy with economy,-'‘so much so as not to re* .tjuirc, in some situations, more than one halftjuj expense to erect a Bridge on this plan, and when built would not be liable to he injured byja fresh et, or rise in the stream; the .Bridge being con structed and secured in subh a manner, that if the’ \Vntcr should rise so high\us to ruiv..ovcr the top oT it, the Bridge would remain firm and se cure. The plan has been submitted to a*num ber of scientific men, who all pronounce it a great improvement. One on tills plan has been erc.cted over a branch of-WhUeclay creek, in the township of Lomlnngrove, which received the approbation of a Jilry appointed by tip' court tQ,vjewahe_siuh / e._LT.he-.suh.scnl)er-Jia\Jug._piip* chased the rights of the states of -Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna, New Hampshire, Ver” mont, New Jersey, Eastern Shore of Maryland, North.nml South Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri* and the territories of Wisconsin, and Florida, will sell single, towpshipi county, or state rights, to any person or persons, anti will give' every, .ex planation that may be necessary,' at his place of residence, Kirk's Milts* Lancaster county* Penn-, sulvania* or to the Editors of the Volunteer, Carlisle,' Pa. • . . * FUAtTCIS G. FELL, , 'September 20, 18S8. Wei the Commissioners of Chester county, having erected a Bridge.bp the model of Francis Good’s patent, are decidedly of the opinion that; it is a very valuahleimprovcmehti CspeciaUy for bui/ding over small streams, being, much less expensive in their construction.* ■ ■ Klijah Lewis* ■ «/. IVi Passmore, .• John Pettier* June 11,1838. ■ . .Commissioners. JEX£iaj3Jy&JE.JSMW£i:: ’ ■ - AND • __4,„ ■ , "SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. 66 South Fourth st. 'Philadelphia. CAPITAL. 230,000 DOLLARS. O/icn daily for the iransaclionof business from 9 V*. M, to 3 I’. M, . • - - . BEPOSITES of money receivedj lor which' tlie folloAvrng rate oynterest,will be allowed: 1 year 6 percent, per annum/' : ; ' • 6 mo3* 6 ■ “ ■ . 3 “ A “ M ; On.busiuessdeposiiesftobe sure Of the deppsitor/no interest will be allowed.' Uncurrent notes .of .solvent Banks, in every part'd! the -United.. States* willbe-received'as special deposites, on such terms as-, may,; bpj at. greed on in each particular case. ■vßy order of the Board, > . . J. DESSAAi Cashiei'. , • Philadelphia, Deer 19,1838. V : .“/'ly v- 2 DR. I. C. LOOMIS, DENTIST. TTNTENDS rqsiding.permanentiy in .Carlisle.'. H and would'rcsjpecttully;pffer;his professional services'to the citizens; ofthe place and vicinity; He lms taken foams at Col. Ferree’s Hbtelj where heiiiay be'found lit all hours., r.. Person'} requesting it will be jvaited tipon at their residences.. •,.- ' , r .J, ■' :ly .. ■ >. CDr. George D..Rouike, ' : , Reference; — < Rev. Thp3.\C.'7horntoii^ : CDr. David Sf, Mahon. . Carlisle. Ddo, 6) 1838, ’ .. |gE;!gER-S ? Wi;3|^| THE TRUE RICHES OF LIFE IS : H E A li T-H-‘ U r c know that health, and the ability to labor, is the wealth of the great mass 6/ the fieo/de in this as in most other* countries'. To preserve, ( therefore % that health by J\ r A7 URAL means, is . a grand moral and fiolitical scheme, to JuIJH which requires our utmost attention, THE unparalleled reputation which Peters* Plllshave acquired as a Medical Restorative, is the most unquestionable proof that can he gi . yen of their immense importance tothcafilicted, . in almost every class c/diseascs. The number . of letters received from patients recovering thro* 1 their.means is really,prodigious, and the' com ' Jphiints.which they have cured are almost as va * Tied as they'nrc jmmerons. Hut still there are . some in which they are more especially benefi cial than in 'others; and among may be . named the too often fatal complaints of the sto -1 ranch and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence, . and Indigestion, for .which they are pot only a certain but an immediate cure.' 1 ,It is well known that from the disarrangement . of the.stoniach ami bowels, ariscninc tenths of • all the maladies of adult and declining life? that . this is the foundation of Flatulency, Spasmodic Pains, Indigestion, Loss of Apctitc Sec., apd that those in their turn give birth to Dropsy,, Liver Complant, Consumption, and habitual lowness of , spirits; therefore Peters* Pills being the verv best medicine which has ever been discovered , for the incipient diseases of ,the intestines, are necessarily the surcst.prcvcntivcs of those dread fui, and also general dUordcrs, which -embitter mature life, and draw so many millions'to un timely-graves.. . - , . . . In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogat»Vnolliing Id himself that has not been conceded by the public. He is no needy quack or unknown spec ulator, who comps before the world as his own I herald and witness, but is-placed in a responsi bility of situation by the'palrnnagc. which he lias 1 enjoyed for years, and which is increasing to an I extent unprecedented in the annals of medicine, t that makes him careful to arrest nothing winch j is not borne out by the most infallhle proof, and jhence lie docs hot. fear to ho put to the test in any 7 PirFir ! . Dr. Peters is most happy to he able to state, lon the authority of a great hiimhtr'or regular ; physicians, that wherever his Vegetable Pills j have been introduced, they have almost anper ) ceded the 'adoption *of mcrcuriUl experiments, , for their pcculiar htcuUy in-sweetening the blood, and stimulating it to expel all noxious’ juices, and in giC-itig strength and'tone to the nerves, pre vents ‘djsease-fronvacqumpg that strength wliich got under,, if at all, hydangerous rbtnc -1 .*Pj'o paved by,JO B. PRIESTLY PETERS, M> T). 129 Liberty street', New Wrk. ; Each box! contains 40 pills; price 50 cents These .celebrated Pills are sold by all.the prin .cipal'Druggists in HaUhnorc, Philadelphia, Wash | ington citv, and throughout the United Slates, the Canadas, Texas, Mexico, and the West In-! dies, and hv' • 1 JOHN J. MYERS; Carhslr. SAMUEL ELMO FT, l>n. S. WILSON h Co., Shippenshnvg, GEO. GARUN, Chamlx-rsburg, LEWIS DENIG, • Do. ALEX'U SHEER*.Mcvceiwhurg, ’ P, W. LITTLE, Do,\‘ . I):cembei’6, 1838. . 3y &AOirs\Si ..rCH333a 333S*?JlTTt7- :riVE NOS TRUMS.—The turned u-sti many of physicians throughout the United States -lias.fully proved the fact that Piters’ Vegetable' Pills arc the onTy'trng Vegetable Pills which will* stand the test of .anulyzation; hence the prr.prie-' > tor-would most earnestly urge the hi tu the notice * of those who have been in the habit of using, as I cathartics.or aperients, flic'destructive andd^ri-1 tating,quack.pills so generally advertised, and 1 which are at-nest but slow, consumers of the vital ! functions, and murderous agents,-gven to the 1 moat hale. It is .true; mo-.tOl them produce a 1 purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief; 5 hut in most cases they .injure the’ digestive or- ' pans,'and an habitual resort to lliem must ter minate in confirmed dyspepsia. ' •«. It is true that cathartic and aperient medicines are oftei> required; but the nicest discrimination t should.always by observed ,n the selection;, nag,' if this be done, nothing injurious can’result frem , their use. ‘ - • , To produce this much Dr. Pe- several-years and, feels proud to say lie has succeeded at length for . beyond his expectations. The object of hispills is to supercede the necessity { of a frequent re-_ course to-injurious purgatives,' and to offer a me dicine safe, certain , and pleasant inits.opcratinn. ; Prepared .hy-Tos. .Priestly Peters, RL D. No. 129 Liberty street. New Each box con tains 40 pills. . Price 50 cents,- For, sale by J. J. Myers* andS. Elliott, Carlisle, and Samuel Wilson 8c Co, Shippcnsburg.' Dec.. 6. Pcjcvs’ VcgclalbSc PißSs, MORE than three millions of boxes of these celebrated pills have been‘sold in the U. States since January, 1835. , ' Hundreds and thousands bless the day. they became acquainted With Peters’ Vegetable Pills , which Ah" ehhscquehceof their extraordihary goodness, .have attained a' popularity improper denteddu the ; history_of medicincl . . ■ .When taken according to the directions ac companying then), they are highly beneficial in the prevention and cure of Bilious Fever, Feycr and Ague, Dyspepsia,’ Liver Complaints, Sick ’ Headach, Jaundice, Asthma, - Dropsy, "Rheuma tism, Enlargement of.’the Spleen, Piles, .Chplip, Female Obstructions, -Hesu t ' Burn, .Napsep, 1 . Furred Tongue, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels,'lncipient Diarrhoea, 'Flatulence, Hab itual Costiveness,'Loss.of Apetite, Blotched; or SallbwXomplexion, ant) in all cases, of Torpor, of the Bowels,-where a-cathartic-or tin aperient; is needed. Thejeare exceedingly mild in' their operation, producing neither nausea, gripinguor debility. . ' .I , .w. , - . The efficacy of these'Pills is so well known, and their use so general, that further, comment, is considered-unnecessary.■ -Dec. fi. Headache, Sink fttitl JVewotis. fjpHOSB wlip h:\ye suffered, and are weary of J/ suffering froiq these distressing complaints, will findjn jPefers’ Vegetable: Pills a remedy at once certain.and immediate in its effects. ■ Inthey, stand.urtvlvalledi many have been cuied in,a few’,weeks.after Having suffered under tliis dseadful complaint '.for; years.;.’ . lu iiabitual Costivericss they are decidedly su perior to any Vegetable Pills ever yeFdisCover ed,and besides this they are recommended by aU'the eminent and leading members bf.the me dicaf Faculty.. ■ - , Fpr sale as above; , Dec. 6.'- AG ATAI.OGftrpEOFK EASONS, For using. Dr. Petcra'Celcbraled. Vegetable ' >• : 'Pills-,'; >■ J.-V; ■- Because' they are-exceedingly Vpopulaiy, which jiroyes them to lie exceedingly gopdi‘< - '■> ~;2; -' BecauBe .they- are cojpposed; of- sitppies whichlftve Ifce power,to do.good, in an iiVinuiise riumberotcasesr without possessing 'the means to do injury hi ■arty. ••••!. -’V v . 1 . 3 'Because they are not a quack medicine.but he scientific compound of a, regular physician, 'who has made his profession thfc study of his life. ,4 Because they arc not unpleasantto take nor distressing to retain, .triple they are most effect ive to operate. . 5 Because they are recommended asstandard medicine by the regular faculty. 6 Because by keeping the system in A natural state of action, they .cure almost every disease which is incidental to the human frame. Because they are cheap and portable, and will retain all their virtues in full vigor, in any climate; and for any length of time. 8 Because, notwithstanding their simplicity and mildness, they are one of the speediest-pur gative mcdicines,;Which hasyet been discovered. ' 9 Because they are an unfailing remedy for procuring a good appetite. r 10 Because in cases of spleen or. despondency, by their healthy influence on the excited state of the body, they have a most happy effect, in calming, and invigorating the mind. 11 Because they effect their cures without thq usual attendants of other pills, sickness and gri pings. t 12 Because as well as being an unrivalled purifier of the general system, they are a sover eign remedy for sick head-ache. 13 Because'they differ (rom the majority of medicines, in the fact, that the more they are known the more they are approved. . 24 Because as. their application -creates no debility in the system, they may be taken .with, out producing qny hindrance to 'business or the usual pursuits of every day life. , IS Because when once introduced into a fam ily,, pr a village, they, almost, immi tal e the precedence of all other medicines in genet rl complaints. .' 1G Because a number of the wonderful cures they have effected, can he substantiated’witlu ut any undue means being resulted to, 'to procure invalid testimonies. - 17 Becausc'Oicir compo.sUfnn is fucli, tl at they arc equally applicable to the'usual disrates of wnrnr», r ct)Ul,-ni* temperate climate*. ‘ ' 18 Because two nr three, arc in mineral suf fleient for a dose-so that,, as l is the rase_with lliC generality of patent mc-dinnes—the patient Is not compelled to make ame a}'of them. 39 Because each individual pill is put Up un der the immediate"superintendence of the pro mistake bribe composition rr quantity can possibly occur through the carc lessnevs of a less interested agent, Because they purify the frame without debilitating the system. 21 Because, notwithstanding their Immense popularity, no person lias ever ventured to raise against them the breath ofernsure, which would -net have been the case,, if envy v could have dis covr it.l in 111 em a* flaw to cash at. 22* Because—(and this fact is of the utmost importance)—hidies in a efrtain skuaiiin may take them, (not more than' twro"rr tlm eat a time howevciltiftvhhout in- the slightest degrte incurring of ahotticn. Were tbe virtues.-of Peters* inestimable pills, confined to lhi.sdesirable end-alone, it,would give thorn a decided advantage over tbe medicine s of all qo m petitors, avin no cases is P th< re mere dargt rto be a'ppVehriided, er for which so few-bnve been discovered, as the one leferred to. 23 Becaii«e while they are so Tfliciei.t in their operations with adults they may at .the same time he administered to chjldrni and e'en to Infant*, In small quantities, half a pill for instance, with out th.e slightest dangtr. 2-f Because their virtues- are -acknowledged' tn stand pre-eminent, for their soothing it upon young ladies while suffering frnvrthe tonal changbs of life, ns directed by the laws of >*r> ture. . Dec. 6. ■THRASHSaNG RIACHINIES ■ - i-*. . ' AX,D J EOStSE. POWER ' A X }}>t: &‘A'*U ,V U FOTt \roVIiSELVESI 'Tlu- thankful for past favors,take tins method wing the public jhat 11. t-y still tfnntinuo the building of Afttc/ih.cs ami Horae Power, at Jheir old stand, in Lumber street, Carlisle, where Farmers and others can at all times-he .supplied. They have made a considerable imprnveinont on the power and machine, and have also attaclud a* CLOVER TOUASIiEKr^.,, .which for durability and simpleness of con&i'i uc linn is surpassed by none. Having'ail manner of confidence in the snj e riorily of the puiUitmed machine, &x. tlu y are willing that banners shall teat them beftre making the purchase. Pbrsons wjslTing to purchase Or - examine the machine 'will please make application at the public house of John Cornman, Carlisle. KEV.IUS & MITCHELL.. SK ...a- -May.3, 3833 A VALUABLE TAN YARD TOP. PEN.T. '• .AT HAT PEA'S PEPPY, VA. fWJHE subscribers-will lease for one or more 3 years, their valuable Tan Yard, with all its appendages'.-; It is one of'the best locations In Virginia for carrying on the, business on an extensive scale, as there is abundant room and the materials are. ample, A number of the Vats are undercover, and all the buildings are ot the most suitable kind—besides the grinding of Bark (which can be got convehientumd at fair prices,) is done by water power. • ' ' Anyquantity ot.TlidesGan be procured in the Ticigliborhoo.dr as there isiio'other tannery with in several mileaof the place—and there is also every facility fey’getting-hides'from the cities, and sending them to market when tanned, eith er by rail road.or canal. There is, likewise, a. demand*at*_thfs place large quantity- of Leather annually by the Government, Possession will v be given immediately. For further particulars enquire of HUGH GILLEECE & CO. : Feb, 7,T839r ~ eowtf TO. DENTISTS. -The subscriber furnishes Uenjtists with his celebrated Mineral Incorruptible Teeth, which haye'hecnsgoken of in the highest terms of com .mendation'.by all who have used them and by numerous men of profound chemical knowledge whohavccxaminedtlfcm. K\%a,Human Teeth, Gold Foil, Tin do., ts'cl-Scc. including.every ar ticle of material used in Dental Surgery. -Teeth,' gold. £#c, sent’ by mail to any payt-ofi the Union ■when ordered. : F. H.'KNAPJJ,, . May 31, 1838. ; Surgeon-Dentist, Baltimore Estate of Eavid deceased. rriHß publlcwill take übticethatlettcrsofad-- iJh.f minisiratiph : Have this day beenlssuei to the subscribehon the estate of: David Hippe- - hammer, hitp of thediorcugh Qf. Carlisle,- Cum berland county. All who -have claims .or de mands .agaiusV:tlvfe_estatepfs'aid -decedent are , tqThe.'sub. spnbeh without all w hoi ate indebted V to said estate arc rcquired[tocall arid settle the:; - same immcdiatelvl v : ::', HUGH GAULtAGHER, - - liesidtncci Cartiiilci, April 22.1859. -T - ' ] Satin, Bambazccn, ftlnin-and figured Stocks, for sale by . ' Arnold & Co,