American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 09, 1839, Image 3

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    .JLadies! Companion.
Jl new Volume commences with the 'May
number, which wilibe printed with
beautiful new type.
. The Ladies’ Companion, established in
May, 1834—a popular and highly esteemed,
magazine of General Literature and the Fine
Arts; embellished with gorgeous and costly,
engravings on Steel, and the Quarterly Fash
ions; and also with Fashionable and Popular
Music,' arranged for the Piano-Forte, Harp,
rand Guitar. >
Since the publication of the number for
November, the demand for the Ladies’ Com
panion has been unprecedented and beyond
the most sanguine anticipations. At the
commencement of the volume an additional
number of copicsjsyerc printed, which was
considered at the time adequate to satisfy
all the orders which might be received, and
leave a- considerable number on hand for
subsequent calls. The publisher is more
than gratified in stating that, the whole of an
edition of six thousand Jive hundred copies,
Was completely exhausted before the issuing
of the third number of the volume;,and, con
sequently, he was compelled to icprint a Se
cond Edition of two thousand copies, making
the circulation of the Ladies’ Companion
eight thousand Jive hundred, at the termin
ation of-the.tenth volume.
In consequence of this great and unparal
leled.increase of new subscribers, he has de
termined to commence the new volume for
the ensuingyear, with thirteen thousand: ho
ping that lie will thus be enabled to supply
all the additional demands for the Ladies’
Companion, as well as those disappointed in
commencing with the tenth volume. The
proprietor feels grateful for lhaf encourage
ment which has been so lavishly bestowed
upon his magazine, and at the same lime he
begs to assure the readers of the
Companion, thafit is 1 hirdetermined
tion to meet it with a corresponding liberal ■
ity to merit its continuance. The work will
printed on the finest paper, smoothly press
ed, and neatly stitched in a handsome cover.
The Ladies’ Companion contains a former
quantity of reading than any other magazine
lissucd inHhis country, and its subscription
priceiis' only three dollars a year, while the
great combination of talent secured for the
’ coming year will render it unequalled by a
jiy other periodical.
prepared by Mr. A. Dick, ’ ornament the
work—one of which accompanies each num
ber. These plates are entirely new, and are
engraved at a heavy expense by one of the
best artists in America, expressly for the
magazine. The designs are selected with a
view of interesting the general reader, and
enhancing the value of the work, for its su
perio'r pictoral embellishments. It is with
pride the proprietor announces that the La-
dies’ Companion is the only magazine pub
lished, in which new and* elegant steel
'panying other.monthly periodicals, are gen
erally first worn out in annuals.
In addition to the engravings above men
tioned, a correct plate of (he QUARTERLY
FASHIONS FOR LADIES, will appear in
the June, September, December, and March
numbers, independent of the usual embel
lishment. It is the determination of the pro
prietor, that these Fashion Plates shall ap
pear in a style hitherto unknown.
undergo no change, as it will remain under
the charge of the same Editors as heretofore.
Articles from the pens of the most, distin
guished writers, will appear in the forthcom
ing numbers, among which may be enumer
ated the following:—Mrs. Emma C. Embu
ry, Lydia H. Sigourney*, Frances S. Osgood,
Seba Smith, Jane E. Locke, 11. F. Harring
ton, Anri S. Stephens, Mrs. Ellet; Miss 11.
F. Gould, Charlotte Cushman, A. D. Wood
bridge, F, H. Whipple, Mary Emily Jack
son, Henry AV. Herbert, author of “Crom
well,’? &c., Professor Ingraham, author of
“Burton,” “Captain Kyd,” &c.. Professor
Longfellow, author of‘,‘Outre ,\ler,” Wmi
E. Burton, Chief Justice Mellen, John Neal,
Park Benjamin, Grenville Mellen, N. C.
Brooks, Edward Maturin, George P. IVlorris,
Robert Hamilton, Isaac C. Pray, William
Comsfock, Hiram B. Dennis, Rev.'J. H.
Clinch, James Brooks, Albert Pike, F. A.
Durivage, Jonas 8., Phillips, Henry F. Har
rington, together with several others, with
whom negociations arc pending. They will
hereafter be announced.
• Mbs. Ann S. Stephens, “1 ■ '
William W. Snowden, [■ Editors.
Henry F. Harrington, J " ,
the Ladies’ Companion has ever commanded
a large share of attention, and has been look
ed upon with no little interest by its readers,
and more especially the, Ladies, whom the
.publisher is anxious to please. It will con
tinue to be a subject of more than usual care
to him, and to the Professor under whose
supervision it is placed, to make that portion
of the magazine deserving of the counten
ance of every lover of music.
ivery department ah equally careful super
vision will be strictly-exercised by the Edi
;ors,and-all appropriate expenditures will
le liberally bestowed, as it is the design of
he publisher, with the aid of his coritribu
ors and the advice of his friends_to make
he Ladies’ Campanian distinguished for the - ,
jeauty and accuracy of its typography—the
mriety and high tone of its literary-articles
—the quality and value of its music —arid
hepnequalled splendor ni its PICTORIAL
SM9BLLISHMENTS. and the .accuracy
The proprietor pledges himself to uselall
onorable means to maintain the.superiority
■hich the Ladies’ Companion has obtained,
or-five years he has steadily -pursued a
lurse of improvcmerit. and he flatters him
•lf. that his present facilities are such. as . to
.ve the Ladies’ Companion eminent advarir
gea over all bther-'publications.
rl'Om - the foregoing it will "be perceived
that the Ladica’,G6mpanlon embraces every
department within the . range of Belles-
Lettres, and thcFiNE Arts; and lib exer
tions or expense Will be deemed too great to
render the work equal to any other extant.
.The flattering ami general testimonials of
nearly every contemporary journal in the
United States, and in fact, many on the oth
er side of the Atlantic, have strongly assert
ed the undeniable claims of the Ladies’ Com
panion to the support of the public general
ly. There is no work that gives Us readers
such a great returnfoi their money.
Terms-—Three 33dllars a year,
In advance—or Four Dollars during the
year. No subscription taken for less than
one year. Letters must be post paid, oth
erwise the postage is deducted, and credit
given only for the balance.
109 Fulton street, New-York.
Remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle,
Pa. May Ist, 1839.. Enquirers will
please say advertised.
A ' Mordorf Abraham
Atchley Catharine Moore Williams
Ahn Robert . Myers William G
Aughinbaugh Polly Mountz Adam
Abrahams Hannah Miller James
Anderson James Martin Paul
Allen Charles G- Mana John -.
B M oor David
Brenner George Mason Rcbaca A
Reelings Elizabeth Milmerr Jacob
Bosscrman E Miers Jeremiah
Beaty Nancy Myers Moses
Bradley Thomas Mixiel John
Brenner George Miles William
Hloscr John Moore Fiancous
Brindlc George Morrison Margaret
ilrown Miss Ann Miller David
Bitzer Jlenry ' Miller Mary
Boileau Sarah Me
Baker Jacob McDonald Thomas
Bevins Christian McCartney Catharine.
C McCartney John
Clay John C McNcal-Daniol 2
Culbertson Jos ' McLaughlin Peter
Cndl-Samuel Mclloes Peter -
Campbell William ? McCord Alexanders
or Fanny 5 McMillan Michael
CavisJane N .
Craighead John W Neidich Saimlcl
Culp Margaret Near Dr L L
Chambers Thos O
Clark Jacob O’Conner Francis 2
Dltelbough Samuel Parsen Sam.uel
'Hilton-David or ? Patton Maria
Abraham y Parkinson Sarah
Devcnney Dennis R
Douglass Nancy Ramsey Sarah
E Robbins George W i
Erben Henry Rcssler Rebecca
Eckcr Elizabeth Richardson Mary
Evans Wijliam Rcssler Sarah
Kiseschmilfl T.nuis Rinehart John
Early Martin S
E Shu ff Jacob or'Jacob }
Fields Sara Joyce y
Fishbourn John Stevens George T
Fcrgison John Strann Alfred
Fleming Wilson Simon George sen
Foiilk Joseph -Sannoe Fritrit
Fisher Margaret Smith Jacob
Fehl John Stuart Sarah B
G Swisher Mary Ann
Grubb "William 2 Sampson Mary A
Green Hariet Steen James
Galbraith T M • Snowden..Dr J W
Guy Sarah Ann Slofhower Peter
Green Benjamin Solamler John
Grier John 1 Stehnian Jacob
Gangewer Allen M Smith Esq ,
it Steine Eliza
’Hoflhcr Catharine Spencer Win
Hoover Henry T
Heckman Maria Turner David
Hummer Daniel Thompson David
Hershey Jacob U
Hufiert Johnathan Updegraff Susan
llickernell Sarah Uhler Sarah
Hartman Christian V
Hutchins Frederick Vanott Cornelius
Henwood Win W
Haverstick David Wallace James W
Holler Jacob Welsh Robert
Haskell E K Wallace William H
I & J Wright J P
Invin Armstrong Weaver Jacob
Irvin Henry Wunderlich Samuel
JonesJohn.B Westall Jacob
Jackson Mary A Wise Henryk
Jacobs Abraham Wolf Adam
... R Watson Uev Mr
Kinsihger George Wonderly John
: Karns Sarah Wise Wdliam
Kutz Benjamin Y
Kaufman Benjamin Yingst George •
.Jj ‘ ‘ Yonas Jacob
Leman Jacob Yung Matietta
Long John Young John.
Lookus John Z
M Zeigler George
The Auditors appointed by the Orphans’
Court of Cumberland County, to marshal
the assets of the estate of George Claudy, late of
Newton township, dec’d,, in the hands of Jacob
Gilbert, his administrator, will meet for that
purpose at the house of James Sponsler. in New.
burg V Hopewell township, on Saturday the Bth
day of June next, at ten o’clock, A. M. where
all concerned will attend Eltpreaent their claims.
' May 9,1839,
—Applications for teaching a primary school in
the Honintfu of Carlisle, for the space of three
mouths, from the 14th instant,-will ■ be received
until Saturday jeveniog'iiext, by the subscribers,
a committee of the school directors. ;" - f *
h * - J. HAMILTON,
•r- ■> ;-: R. ANGNEY. .
May 7; 1849. . . ■ ■ ’ ' -
JUST and for sale, a lot of superfine
Family F/our, . ■ ffaniilton & Grier, ■
8 1 o ( un tic x*
To Wholesale Dealers and Retailers
of Foreign merchandize.
THE Treasurer of Cumberland County, in ac
cordance with the act of Assembly publish
es the following “List of Wholesale Dealers and
Hetnilers of Foreign Merchandize, 0 within the;
said county for the current Vear, commencing on
the Ist May 1839, as classified and returned to
him by the Associate Judges and Commissioners
of said county. Those who have commenced
business md whose names are not classified, as
well as those who are bound to pay any tractiqn
al part of a license, are required to have them
selves registered agreeably to- law, without de
lay, or otherwise the law will be enforced,
Such as are designated by a • have taken oat
their license, and those who hnvemot, are requi
red to do so cm or before.the first day of June 1 '
next* after which day suit will be instituted,
without respect to persons, against all delin
Aames. Residence. Class. License.
John Drawbaugh, Allen ft OO
Issue Loyd, •* 8 10 00
Asa W hile, “ 8 4 10 00
Jacob Baxtesser, ** 8 10 00
Daniel Shelly “ 8 10 00
Martin G. Hupp ** 8 10 00
•Alexander Calhcart %i 7 12 30
Crull & Barton 8 10 00
John Sourbec.k ■ ** 3 'JO 00
'*Arnold'& Co. Carlisle 6 15 00
W. S. Roland & Co. 44 8 10 00
G. Sheaffer 6c Co. 44 6 15 00
1 John P. Lyne 6c Co. 14 7 12 50
Jacob Sener “ 7 12 50
Hamilton & Grier 44 7 12 50
Wm- Leonard- “ 7 12 50
John Snyder 44 8 10 00
Jacob Wolf 41 8 10 00
Janies Liggett 4 * ,8 10 00
Crawford Foster • 44 8 . 10 00
John Harper 44 8 10 CO
George.Heckman 44 8 10 00
Samuel Elliott 44 7 1 2 50
J. H. Weaver 6c Co, 44 6 15 00
Charles Ogilby 44 7 ,12 50
.George W'. Tiitncr 44 8 10 00
■George W. Crabb 44 8 10 00
Weinck Heinz " 8 , 10 00
William Gould • 44 - 8 10 00
Charles Barnitz - 44 8 • 10 00
John J. Myers “ 7 12 50
George Cart 44 ’ 8 10 00
Mrs. Brandt 44 8 10 00
William Webb 4 * .8 10 00
JAnTcVftoufrnn , 44 8 • 10 00
N. Wilson Woods* 44 . 7 12 50
Charles W. Weaver 4,c 8 10 00
Charles Barnitz •*. 8 10 00
JohnF.dler 14 £ 10 00
Jacob Fan >t , 44 -8 10 00
Andrew G. Miller Dickinson .8 10 00
Thomas C. Miller ' 8 10 00
M.P.6cJ.A.Ege.Agls. 4 * 8 *lO.OO
George Mailin 44 ,8 JO 00
Jacob Kui p E Pennsboro* 8 10 00
John H. Zcaring • 44 > 8 -' 1 10 00
George Muter " 8. 10 00
Philip Kuhns Hopewell 8 10 00
•James Leibcy 44 8 10 00
J.uiu sH. Patterson Mifflin 8 10 00
Kobell Sturgeon Monroe 7 12 50
I) »niel Krvsher “ 8 10 00
C. \V. 6cP. A: AUI 44 7 12 50
Peter■ Livjugtr “ _ 8 - 10 00
M ii-tin Miley * Mcchantcsb’g 7 12 50
W.'S. Hastings “ 8 10 00
Adam Reigel “ 6 15 00
H. 6c C. Leas 4 * 7 -12 50
Dorsln-imerßcCromllcli* 4 « iv ou
John Coover 44 y j.o 50
William Barr'St Co. Newvillc 7 12 50
Gilmore 6c Sentman 44 8 10 00
Davidson & Johnston 41 8 JO 00
Scott Covlti “ ' 7 12 50
Jamison Xlennr.n & Co 4 < 8 10 00
William Brallin 44 8 10 00
Andrew J. North “ 8 10 00
Henry Burkholder N. Middleton 8 10 00
1) ivid Cornnian 44 8 10„ 00
M inre fc Bidille Newton 8 l 6 CO
James Kvle 44 3 .'TO 00
Stongh Brewster 44 8 10 00
Andrew Henry 44 8 10 00
James Heed 44 ' b 10 00
J.'&f W. Mateer Silver Spring 8 10 00
Hamilton Lf Graft 44 8 10 00
W. T. L- udiin 44 8' 10 00
James Gb in S. -Middleton 8 10 00
Mathew Moore 44 3 10 DO
Wm. Weakley __ 44 8 10‘00
•Wilson Firming 44 8 10 CO
•Henry Rich 44 8 4 10 00
Mrs Sam Urson Sliippcnsburg 8 10 00
•Artz&fCo, ■ 44 8 ” ' 10 00
David Nevin * 44 7 12 50
John Brarkenridgc- 44 8 10 00
Samuel Wilson 44 8 10 00
Jonathan Peal 44 *8 10 CO
Wm. Snodgrass 44 . 7 12 50
• Heck & Co. 44 8 10 (0
Georg** Clark “ - 8 10 60
J.ScD.K. Wunderlich 44 7 12 50
Wm. Russel *. *• 8 10 00
•Edward Scull 44 8 10 00
•Stephen Culbertson 7 ' 12 50
J. tsf M, Mateer "'"''Southampton 8 10 00
Joslah Hond > W, 8 10 00
George Shafer 44 8 10 00
J dm Kvider 14 8 10 00
John Hetrick Frankford 8 10 00
J. Williams • , 8 ' 10 00
Treasurer of Cumberland County,
Treasurer's Office, >
Carlisle, May 9, 1839. >
N. 8.. Tavern Licenses granted at tlie Tasl
Court of Quai'ter'Sessions &c. ore now ready foi
delivery; any person neglecting lo.takeoirt his
or her lipense, will be reported to the nioct Court
of Quarter. Sessions &fc. R. S.
* "■* Treasurer.
THE subscriber returns thanks to his friends
and former customers forpast favors,, and
would respectfully inform the public that he
continues to carry on the Fulling Mill of Mr. J,
Burkholder, in South Middleton township, three
and a half miles south east of Carlisle, where he
will manufacture ' “
CLOTHS,' - ' '
Cassimores, Casslnetts, Blanltots, £ic,
WOOL, will be purchased at the market. price,
for cash, or on the shares to manufacture blank
ets, Wool Carding willidsobe attended to as
usual.. The mill is ip good order, being suppli
ed with the best Cards and Apparatus. •'
He pledges himself to do work, in thejiesl
manner, and hopes io receive it liberal, share.of
public patronage. •
April 18. 1839. : gt
FIFORMS his friends and the public, that he
has resumed theduties of his profession, and
wjll'give.hia undivided attention to the practice
of its several ,branches. ■ '
His office is iri.the stone house- adjoining his
drug store and one door from the Post Office.' :
Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1839. 3m
la now opening a splendid assortment of.
Spring and Summer
At the south-east corner of Market Square, well
known as Uredin's Earner, and recent
l\j occupied bij Geo. IV. Cvabb ,
Blue, Black, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Ada-
lade and BFown
Ribbed, Striked and Plain CASSIIWERES; a
splendid assortment of Black, Blue-black,Green,
Manse, Fawn, Mate, Gro de Naple, Gfo de
•Swa, Gvd de-Sein, and Hess Italian SILKS;
Florence assorted colors,-together with a splen
did assortment of Raigues, Figured Silks, a va
riety of PHnls and Chintzes, new style Lawns,
Mouslindelainrs, Ginghams, Painted,-Gross-bar
red, Rlripcd, Jaconett h Cambric Muslin, a fine
assortment of
a superior assortment ot Veils and Handker
chiefs, a general assortment of Summer, figured
and plain Satin
Summer Cloths, Satiincts, plain -and striped
Linens, Irish Linens.Velvct Cords, Beavertcens,
Checks, Cotton Diillingst Tickings, See,.
A general assortment of Leghorn, Tuscan,
and colored Nun Bonnets, Palmleaf and Leg
horn Hats.
A general assortment of Gauze, Mantua, Love
and Satin Rlhhnns, a splendid assortment of
Hosiery and (‘loves. + ..
Rio, Porto Rico, Java and Sumatra Coffees; Su
eur, Sugarbcuse and Oilmans Molasses, Young
llv son, Imperial and Black Teas, and Soap..
His pves'ent slock ot Goods have been selected
. tare, and will he sold at such pi teds
■as will not fail to give satisfaction to those wish
ing to purchase. He is very thankful for past
favors, and hopes bv snicl attention to business,
and a disposition to please to merit and recci\e
a liberal shave’of public patronage.
Carlisle, April 38 v 1859. . tf
"O*US I received and now opening at the store
Ojr. ot the subscribers, corner of Hanover ahd
Loiilher streets, Carlisle, a general assortment of
Spring Chintzes, Calicoes, (Binghams, Lawns,
Mu>Jindelaipes,.Challitis,_Veils, Bonnets, -Ril>.
jhons, Cadet Cloths, i assimeres, and fine Sati
nets. Also, a first rate assortment of Domes
tjcs.-such.UK.hrmvn and bleached Muslins', Tick
ings, 'Table Clntns, with a great variety of stuffs
for (ien tie men’s Summer wear, such ns Summer
Cloth, Fremh Velvet, Drillings and plain Lin
ens ot all kinds, Velvet Cords, Beaverteens and
Nankeens—Slocks, Cravats, Breasts and Col
lars, Gloves ami V-FS TINGS, Also a good as
sortment of
Qaeettstrare and Groceries,
all nf which will be sold, low and on accommo
dating-terms. The public are respectfully in.
viicd m'cillran'd 'examine"before making their
purchases, and thev will he sure to get bargains.
Carlisle, April 18, 1R39.
subscriber having just arrived from the
.B " east with some nfthe best workmen that
could be* procured, is how prepared to finish
work in the most fashionable style and of the
best materials. He will manufacture any thing
m that line of business, such as
of every description. IK* hasnow in his cmplov
probably one of the best Spring .M liters and
Coach ■Smiths tlpit is now in the state. |)rs
charges shall be moderate and his work will all
be warranted. '
Repairing done in the neatest manner and will
The subscriber humbly solicits the patronage
of the public, fur which he wi lt tender his most
sincere thanks. _ '
C.u7is/c, Vprl/’ l fi, 1839. t:
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron
THE* subscriber. hereby informs the public
that he has commenced the above mentioned
business, in all its various branches, at the old
stand, recently occupied by Fridley 8c Lyne, in
Lnuther street, a few doors east of Lyonardjs,
store, whtrehe-will"tit all times'b’e ready to ac
commodate his friends and customers at
shortest notice and on the most accommodating
terms. - . , . .. . v
The highest hrice mill 6c given for old cOhher,
fiesuter and lead: ,
Carlisle, J/iril.23, 1839 : -
HAS taken that well cn
known tavern stand . ] _ i.iuirxilß-.
m me east end of High s.
•Street, Carlisle; sign '•
Commodore Perry ,
U* kept byMr. William
Strohni, where he shall be
happy at all times to ac- if* •
commodate Waggoners, '.
Travellers anjV others, with all things needful to
their comfort and convenience;
H's Bar shall be constantly supplied with the
choicest of Liquors, and with the best
themarkets will afford. ' Acarefnl and atteifcive
hostler-will alwaj-s be nthand to wait upon those
•«*d his services. In short, nothing
shall be wanting to render general satisfaction to
all. who may favor the house with their enstom.
, Cavlis/e, May 2, 1839. : , 3mo.
; ' WANTED, - /
Six miles south-west of Carlisle, to whom
constant employment and liberal wages will
be given bv - f : ■ ' A, G-. BGE. r
April 18,1839. ; . ; '
Commission dtForwarding' Merchants*
S. IV. carrier Broad &f* Vine sla, P/iila^lel/diia,
ARE prepared to receive and effect sales of
all produce, merchandize, Stc. which may
be entrusted ty their care. Liberal advances
will be made on consignments until sales arc ef
Produce and merchandize left at the Ware
house of Messrs. Murray & Fleming, Carlisle,
shall receive prompt attention, and all merchan
dize, Bcc. left with us will be forwarded to Car
lisle, Chambersburg, and all intermediate pla
ces, oh the rail''road, with care and despatch, at
the lowest rates of freight..
April 4, 1839. Sm
THE books of Dr. Theodore Myers dec*d. r
have been placed in the hands of Jacob
Sqnier, Esq. for settlement. Those bavins
.claims against, or those indebted to said deceas
ed,-are requested to call immediately for settle
‘ S. A. MYERS,
Administratrix of said deceased,
Carlisle,'April 11,, 18J39. —3moi
Dll. H. EBAUGII, will be absent from Car
lisle until about the 10th of July next, at
which time he expects to return and wait upon
those who msiv-favoV-him-with-a calVaa-usual
April 11, 1839,
ESPtfC'I■ FU LLYJofonns theJMies.aiid
gentlemen of Carlisle and its vicinity that
he sets Artificial Teeth in the most approved
manner. He.also scales, plugs and separates
teeth to arrest decay.
Div N. prepares a tooth powder, which whi
tens the teeth, without injin ing the enamel, col
ors .the gums a fine red and refreshes the mouth.
The tooth-ache will he cured, in most cases,
without extraction; and an odontalgic wash is
prepared for healing sore gums and fasten the
Ladies anti gentlemen arc requested to call
run min o'hiu ooWnrlinn of Poroctftin QT In
corruptible teeth, which will never decay or
change color, and.are Tree from, all unpleasant
odour* durable and well adapted for chewing,
which will be inserted in the best manner and
at fair prices.
All persons wishing Dr. N. to Call at their
dwellings will please to leave a line at his resi
dence. No.’7 Harper's Row, when he will punc
tually attend to every call in the line of his pro.
Tension. From a long and successful practice*
he hopes to give general satisfaction
Carlisle, April 11, 1839
THE public will take notice that letters of nd
ministration’on the estate Jacob Williams,
bheol North Middleton township deceased, have
tliis day been issued to the who re-‘
quest all persons having claims or demands a
gainst the estate of-the said decedent,, make
knout) the same to them without delay, and all
who are indebted to said estate to call and settle
tlie same without delnv. .
•Residing in N. Middleton township.
Residing in Newton township.
April 8, 1839. tit
WILL practice in the several Courts o
Cumhciland, Pen y and Juniata. Office
in Main street, Carlisle, a tew doors west of .the
Post Office.
March 21, 1859. If
/jjK. * l tt7"OU are ordered
JL to parade inNew
' v,,u 0,1 M °nday the 6IU
Friday the iWh of
next al 1 0 o *cIock,
of'Appeal will he held
on-the 6ihi of May at the house of Col. Wm. H,
■Wpodburp." ■■■■ ROBERT BLEAN, Capt.
April Jl, 183 ft. s - tp
' A lot of prime Western Hams,-
One new Tillberry,—~ -——
Two sets brass mounted Harness,
Two good young Horses, suitable for farmers'
use. ■ Also, a great variety ot Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, fife.
Carlisle, March 23, 1839.
& ffiffri. Will stand the ensuing sea
at Carlisle, on the terms set
iHw nTyfforth in the handbills;
'4L*JJ(jSsdWU Peter Parley js of the very
first ractyg blood. He was got by
dam 'Betsey Wilkes’ was by the celebrated 'Sir
Archie*—his grand dam by 'Bedford*—his great
grand ‘Dare g. ’g>. grand
dam by 'Lamplighter*—his g. grand dam
by Syms* *Wildair,* I'.he
authentic as' \vill,be seen by a reference to the
American Turf Hegrster.
For further particulars npptv to
Carlisle, Agril 4»;1_839. ••' 4- ..'3m.
CJIX GOOD UDFINDUS wan tccl im mediate-
K? ly at DickinsonEoi-ge. .': .- -
• A.G.EGE.
Mny 2, 1839. , / .. V;.if
.. -TO TBS'LADIES i- '
, Xads,i^isrßPr.'
Respectfully informs th{ Ladies-of, Cur*- -,
lisle and its vicinity, that she is now open- '
ing in Harper’s Row, No. T, where she keeps
an extensive assortment of SRRING MIL*„
LINERY, tthich has been 'aelectedvipfe*'
care, and will, be disposed of on themokc
reasonable terms. .
’She is prepared to repair in the neatest
manner and at kinds
of Silks, Straw arid Braid Bonnets, riccord---
ing to the latest fashions. ', ' ‘ ’.
, May 3, I§S9. . . Sf* ■
GOIiDEN 8.41.1 i-,
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally that he has
taken that well known tavern stand at the
West end of High street; in Carlisle, for
merly Kept'by Mr. Henry Rhoads, and that
he is now prepared to accommodate Drovers .
Waggoners, Travellers, and all others who
may favor him with a call, in the very best
His , Tahte will be constantly furnished
with the best the country can produce. His-
Bar is supplied with the choicest liquors,
and Ids Stable which is large and convenient,
will be in charge of a careful'and-attentive,
He flatters himself that, from his experi
ence as an Innkeeper, he will be able to
render general satisfaction,
Carlisle, May 2, 18§§r - tf
The subscriber respectfully informs the
citizens of Carlisle, and its vicinity, that he
has commenced the BAKING business, at
his residence in Hanover street, next door
to’Allen’s Hotel, where he will constantly
have on hand Fresh Dread, Cakes,, and
; Beer.
• r-r- = -JOSEPH* MERIC LEr
Carlisle, May 2, 1839.
The best place forllargains in Toivn! is at
the Store of
Who have just returned from the city, and
would now respectfully announce to their
customers that they are prepared to accom
modate them with, all Kinds of desirable
Spring & Summer Goods at less prides than
they can be purchased elsewhere. • They
have just opened
1 Case of Fine Straw Bonnets,
1 do do Leghorn do.
50 Pieces Blue Lowell drills,
I ado Vmbrellas,
50 Parasolsr,
500 Corded Skirts,
Painted Lawns and Jaconetts,
Mousline de Laincs and Challies, -
Fancy Silk and Gauze Shawls,
W Lite and Colored Cotton Hose,
Silk, Linen and Cotton Gloves,
Gauze and Mantua Ribbons,
Black Silk Velvet,
Gum Elastic Suspenders, &c. &c.
May 2, 1839.
5 m*
j ' ASSXOS,E> & CO.
i At their Neiv Store in Mechanicshurg,
t Have just receiveil and are now opening a
large and splendid assortment of entirely
NEW GOODS, to which they respectfully
invite the attention of those who are* desi
rous of purchasing new and cheap gpods.— •'
Their stock consists, in part of Muslins, '
Tickings, Drillings, Summer Stripes, Mix-’
lures and all kinds of goods suitable forigen
tlcmcn’s wear, blue, black, brown and green 1
Linen Drills, HcinpenCords, Honey Comb ■
Bibbs’, Victorines, Gambogetts and Newark
Stripes, a large assortment of SUMMER.
VESTINGS, (Marseilles, Silk, Satin, Vel
vet, Plain and Lawns, Challies,
Chintzes, TBombazcens, Linen Cambria
llandkerphiefs. Fancy Silk, Gauze, Blond
and ■ Hcrnai Dress Handkerchiefs,; India,
Swiss, Mull and Jaconet Muslins, plain, .
figured and cross-bar.’d Corded Skirts, &c. *•
together with a-general assoHmeftt.of '
Groceries, Hardware, & Ocdatvare, -:
Their goods have been selected with care iri
the cities of Newr York and Philadelphia,
at the lowest prices, and in offering.them to
the public they feel confident in saying that;
for quality and cheapness they cannotbe ‘.
surpassed by any other establishment in the
state. fCT'Oouutry produce will he taken'/
in exchange for goods. . .. April ,18/-. !
Springfield Light I n fan try!
. ~ Vou arc oideml ui parade nt
[Vi Springfield on Monday the 6tb, .
nd in Ncvvvillc oh Friday, the j
1 ~<h of May next, completely c- ■
J& ji. oaipt in suminer unifdrm. ; .
Eife-T By order of the Carrt. •
JOHN REl)l)lCK, d. S,
N. B. Jfo member xfill be ad-, ,
tnitted on parade who Is notimi- ■
formed according'to the latere*-—""'
gulatlon of the company. ,
April, 18, 1859/ ';■ .
! PfIJH E subscriber- respectfull* inlonns thejTub- ;
| i *ic that she cbminueVt* cleanse Clothe* of
; R'rease, stains, See. in the best" manner and with*
out injuring the clothe She Will attend to
■■•.. >•■ >p?S2-yrg j. : r '... 7:.;
alVM»dB^^ 6 ™S"^toiW : "6SS^sßte;- v Sifc" ; nny ’
color which m ay v ho deMrt-ti. on tlie mnataccoui*-'
modalii iH-term* and
i ;Her residence is, a few dporscastof Mr. .A, '-'
Richards r
: April 2J,16j8 r :