American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 09, 1839, Image 2
AMERICAN VOLUNTEIRr - BY SANDERSON & COUNMAN lii, CARLISLE: TKCTRSDAV, MAY O, 1830. , ICj^We invite the attention of our readers in the Borough to the communication in to days the signature of “C. B. P.” Tlie evil complained of by the writer is a growing one in this community, and unites some plan is adopted to-put a stop to it, our public squares and alleys will soon become os notorious for debauchery as the celebrated "Five Points” in the city of New York.— This vice with that of'Gambling is sending many of owr young men, and some of bur old ones too, headlong to the d 1, and it is high time that the virtuous and moral part of the community should take some meas ures to arrest the growing evils. JCr’We refer our readers to an article on our first page, copied from the Keystone, over the signature of ‘‘o. P. Q.” It is an able production, and is a' conclusive reply to the hypocritical, cant and s/an£,disembbgacd by Charles B. Penrose in-his’ ,, Addre'ss'to to the Freemen of Pennsylvania.” . The honorable ” Speaker may attempt to explain his conduct and apologize for his hegira from the Senate Chamber in the month .of December, from now until doomsday, but it will avail him nothings with the people.— Every attempt at justification will only re coil upon-Jiis own head, and sink hiS char acter as a publicTnan still lower in the es timation of the people. fcJ'Wc had intended some remarks on the proceedings of the federal antimasonic dinner party at Paul’s, published in the Her ald of last week; but as the subject is taken up by a correspondent, who is fully compe tent to the task, we think any tiling from us would be entirely superfluous. We mistake the character and abilities of “Senex,” if he docs not make some of the prominent oppo sition leaders wince before he is done with them. ’ . ' School Tax,—At a meeting of the citi zens of the. Borough, held at the Court House on Tuesday last, the sum of $lBOO additional tax, to be lavied for school pur poses the ensuing year, was carried by a large majority. The vote stood as follows, viz: For $lBOO 122 votes. For different sums, varying from $5O to $2lOO 5 Against any tax 5 Sight. —A meeting‘was recently held at Baltimore of the Butchers of that city, at which they resolved that after the 2d inSt. they would not charge more than from 10 to 12 cents per 'pound for the best pieces of beef, and if not able to procure cattle at a proportionable price, they would vacate.their stalls, and assign'thcir reasons for this course. Had’nt our butchers better do likewise? |C7=*Bcth branches of the. Legislature as sembled at Harrisburgnn Tuesday last.— No quorum was formed in either house the ' ‘ _ |C7*NicnoLAs Biddle and his family, and Abhahau Van Bdren, second son of the President, and lady, are passengers in the Great Western, which sailed from N. York for England, qn Monday the 29th tilt. Standard Weight 6/Orain.~ The follow ing, which we clip from one of our exchanges, is important to farmers and millers:- A law was passed at the last session,of the legislature, regulating the standard weight of grain,.which we apprehend many of-our fanners and:millers are unacquainted with. By weight is undoubtedly the most correct way to arrive at the value of grain—and sellers as'well as purchasers are interested in having this standard observed. If the measure is used, the farmer has an opportu nity of imposing upon his customer with dry grain—and if the grain should be clean, the Imrchaser gets more'weight than the law sl ows, and in fact has the.better of the farmer. The act of March 10, 1835, says:—“The several kinds of grain hereafter mentioned, which are now usually bought and sold by measure, shall from and after the passing'oi tiiis act,- be regulated according to the follow ing standard-weight per bushel; to wit: the' weight of each bushel of Wheat shall be 60 pounds, of each bushel of. Bye or Corn 58 pounds, pf each bushel of Barley 47 pounds, of each bifshel of Buckwheat dS pounds.and of each bushel of Oats' S 2 pounds: provided, that ' frothing- in this "act contained -'shall 'be' construed so. as' to prevent- any peraoklor persona from selling and buying-the several' kiods of gr&iiTaforesaid by .tneaBura.'. : “The galled jadc^winces.”— Our remarks two weeks ago relative to the. Herald’s de fence of duelling appear to have had Jtheir intended effect,-if we.may judge from the tone of that paper last week. But, like SB guilty culprits, the editor attempts to sneak out of the dilemma in which'we placed him, by charging us with' “garbling'’' his remarks on that subject. Now, this wc-dcny, and oft’eras proof the Herald’s own admission in its bungling attempt to fasten the charge of disengenuousness upon us. “Since we penned that article,” says the editor, “we have reflected more deeply upon the matter, hnd fnowjbelicve that there are no circum stances which can either palliate or justify a resort to deadly weapons.” If this admiss ion don’t fix the charge of having on a for mer occasion “countenanced” the foul prac tice, then we are at a loss to conceive what the editor meant. \Ve are~ glad however, that he now shows some signs of contrition, and trust that hereafter he will leave it to other hands to defend the character of a professed duellist and murderer. The term “convicted libeller, ” which is again made use of by the editor, has been rung upon our ears-so. often by the same contemptible scribbler, that we can now let it pass by us “as the idle wind which we re gard not.” Did the charge come from any other-quarter, we might possibly furnish an opportunity to a Court of Justice to say whether or not the .writer should he—placed in a situation of was the anxious desire of the Herald junto ive should be-ih exclusive possession. But we pity the vetty malignant creature whose name yet stands at the head o‘f that paper, and shall leave him rave on in his character of scavenger for all the filth and uncleanness which flows from the kitchens ol his unprincipled mas ters.; 'jf'J Herald Junto ate out full blast against Gen. JVliller—from which we infer that his speech in the senate has had it? in tended effect. The wounded pigeon is al ways known by its fluttering—and the bit terness exhibited in the article in question, sufficiently exposes its paternity. But it won’t do, gentlemen. The drippings of Penrose’s kitchen may be liberally bespatt ered upon the devoted head of our distin guished democratic Senator—his lagueys may attempt to ridicule this fearless cham pion of the rights of the people—and the scunilous Jilth sheet under their control may heap all manner of abuse upon him, and, true to its character, may,thrca(en to com pel him to “avow” or disavow certain ex , prcsaiona.or a. cliaUengc tHII - Say all this may be brought to bear against him, and yet he will continue to occupy the proud position he now does in the eyes’of the pub lic,the bold unflinching representative of the people--unmoved by calumny and regardless of all their threats against his life. These miscreants have mistaken their man, if they think to. frighten Gen. Miller into silence, and they will bitterly regret their temerity if they make an attempt against his person. |t/“Penrose’s Herald denies that Gen. Miller wrote out his own speech, and says that it never was delivered in the Senate. Will the veritable editor tell us who did write it for him? and will he also inform us whether all regular speeches, even those de livered by the “talented” speaker, are pub lished precisely as they were delivered? Is the editor so ignorant as not to know that the speeches, as taken down by the reporters, arc always submitted to the authors for their correction and improvement ? That Gen. Miller’s speech is published verbatim et literatim, as delivered,will not be contended; b.ut that the substance'ot his remarks are correctly andtiuly given, we have not a doubt. All who are intimately acquainted with the General, know him to be possessed of a strong and vigorous intellect, and, al though not a. lawyer, (which is no serious, objection,) is capable of expressing his ideas in a clear and forcible manner, and with precision and accuracy. tT’The case of Judge Darlington of Chester county, which was pending in the Supreme Court, has been dismissed in con sequence of the death of that gentlemani (CT’The latest intelligence from South America is, that a battle had. been fought near Lima, between ■ the Chilian and Peru vian armies, eaclf 6000 strong, which re sulted in the loss of about 1500 killed and wounded on each side, and the defeat of the Peruvians under Santa Cruz. John Murtaugh.- —The Chambersburg Whig says:—“This individual, who had been an inmate of our prison for the last twelve months, under sentence of death, departed this life on the night of the ' Ist inst. A short time after receiving his sentence; he labored under mental derangement, which continued until his death. On account of it, he had been respited four -or five times by the' Governors.” V • CARLISLE MARKET. ; Flour, $7:25; Reef, 12i cents; Butter, 25 cts. Eggs.l2l; Hara,-15 cts. V'- • ‘T'f w» t v % c fX n 0 ( n tt 1 1 11 For (he Volunteer. -The Hltner Pr&Uc. “Oh would some power the Riflie gle us, To sec ourscls as uhers see osj It would-frae mony a blunder free us,' And i/k» foolish notion.” 1 ’ . « Messrs. Editors: —This is emphatically, the age of wonders, and one.of the'most spe cious-instances of deception 1 with which the community is. from. tiiAc to time hoodwinked by reckless and infuriated partisans, is to be found in the Herald of last week, in its silly attempt to cover an almost'cntire failure, liy publishingthe proceedings of the few feder al' antimasonic patriots who dcvodro'djthe Uitner dinner at Paul’s the week previous, as those of a "large” meeting, tfhat the community, generally, may rightly appre ciate the merits of that spirited affair,'l pro pose taking up the Jlddress, Speech, and Toasts drank upon the. occasion, and expose thesebantlings of falsehood and hypocrisy in their naked and undisguised deformity, so that their authors may receive that credit from the public for their performances to which they are so justly entitled. And if any of the prominent worthies concerned in that truly ludicrous affair shall feel sensitive Under, the lash which shall be applied in this and the succeeding numbers, (for, with your permission, I intend to follow this up with several more communications on the same subject,) they will bear in mind that they, themfielyes, have futnishedthc material, and if the rod has been provided to nl.asli the rascals naked round the world,” it is no fault of mine, and cannot be charged to my account. With these introductory remarks, I ,shall now proceed to notice and dissect the very learned and eloquent address reported by the very astute anA-erudite chairman, whose qualifications were not of that kind which ffi</“recommend him to the voters of the 13th Congressional District” at the last general election—the. ignorant country boors think ing, no doubt, that it is not every lawyer who is best calculated for a statesman, nor every- patrician by birth and feeling, that is capable of 'representing' the Fanners and 'Mechanics. -Uytyked upon by our would-be nobility ns the pfeheietns of the land. , This learned patrician, after applying the ordinary q'uantity.-of "soft sniveler ” to the 1" troubled min'd of Joseph Ritner, and after' the'usual How,of hypocritical tears about! “the influence of teichcd men in-the coun- j' cits of the General Government,’! concludes' the-first paragraph of his very able address.) by felling his gaping auditory (hat the coin- ' mittce “begins to feel that our[thcir] sup-, plications for right [officethey mean,] must be to the throne of power in -1 stead of to the unbiassed judgments of a free people”—thus displaying in bold relief the! cloven foot of federalism, and tire unwilling- j ness of the scrub aristocracy to abide by the j decision of a majority of the people. The idea, however, of appealing to revolution to; .putJown tlm people, the ‘bone and sinew’! of the land, whose “unbiassed Judgment” has sounded in (ones deep and loud, the funeral knell of federal antiinasonry, is the extreme of absurdity, and is worthy the au thorship of/this unique production. The Knight of La Blanche could scarcely have i occupied a more ludicrous position in hisl attack upon the Windmills, than would these I modern Don Quixotes in their contemplated attack upon the liberties of the people. The learned committee commence the se cond paragraph of their elaborate essay, by stating that so long as "wisdom, virtue and patriotism characterized the government of the country, we [they ] were taught to be lieve, that power emanated from the people; but now MONEY is the source of power, j (the writer must have been dreaming of Jianks, Shaving Shops, Shin Plasters, fyc. ipc. when he made this candid admission!)' and public officers, are made the. instruments to give it a conupting influence, [a sore thrust, by the way, at the bid cx-Governori if we reflect upon the Conduct of the public officers- during the late gubernatorial con test; for it is notorious that the public mon ey was expended with a lavish hand ami the Commonwealth reduced to a state of bank ruptcy, in order to smother the popular will and perpetuate the felgn v of federalism in Pennsylvania!] and this is shameless! y,as serted to be the doctrine ofthe dominant [democratic] party :in tlie Senate of the U. States.” [’Tisyb/se—and I challenge the authors of this base and malicious slander to produce a single instance in which a demo cratic Senator ever avowed such a doctrine.] Again, these' veritable committee men re mark—“we [they] have just cause of alarm when we find that the expenses of the Gen-, eral Government have increased since the administration of Mr. Adams, from twelve to upwards of thirty millions a year.” This also is false, and'the trulh-lovingcqmmittee must have known it at the time they author ised the pubHcation of the unqualifiediasscv tion; The well established principle of law is, that an individual is always presumed to be innocent until he is proven guilty. Let them, then, come on with their proof, on the strength of . which they have made such a sweeping declaration,, and J pledge myself to meet them at the bar of public opinion, and prove the . assertion destitute of any 'foundation in fact,- . The balance'of the paragraph is taken up with a tissue of hypocritical cant, about cor ruption, lawless desperadoes, mobs, riots, &c. which is unworthy of notice. The concluding paragraph, which is an appropriate interlude to the foregoing, is inade up of fulsome-adulation to. the poor imbecile who lately, figured as Governor of the Commonwealth; but as this communica tion is. already a greater Jength than at. first intended, I shall forbear making any further remarks-at jthis time.. In niy -next, (with your permission,) 1 shall take up the speech of the-ex-governor and apply-the I dissecting knife to ; this unshapen bantling of antima sonic humbuggery. :, ’ ■'•:, SJSNEX. Newvillc.'May 6, 1839. \ ; For the Volunteer. Messrs. Editors:— l have long thought that, something should be done to depress and banish one of the mo§|„ glaring and un godly vices, of our town; and as 1 am at a loss to imagine what course most effectual should be taken, I have concluded to sub mit it for your consideration. That we should endeavor to cultivate vir tue and bani'slrvice'it is riot worth my while tb show; ;and though we may not be able to enter the midnight haunts of wickedness and crime, yet I think we have, oratleastshould have, laws to banish that which is carried on in open day. Hut to the point, if you are in the habit of walking our streets, the public sqiiafe par ticularly, during twilight and eveniilg, you cannot avoid seeing the evil to which I re fer. At one corner may be seen a concourse of girls,- bearing the attire and conduct of enticers, and at another a company of yoTths and young men, void of understanding. The latter are easily enticed, without much fair speech, and soon the alleys, the private lanes, and, I might add, houses of ill fame are their, favorite retreats. If this course of conduct stopped here it might be tolerated; but one | concourse is scarcely gone ere another ap ! pears. Yea, degrading as it is to our town, ! they continue prowling ami sometimes stop ping, the street walks until a, late hour of (night, and in too many cases the dawn of day tells a pitiful talc. I have often wondered from whence these girls came, and what were their occupations (luring; but, now, from observation, I have concluded that a majority of them arc the hired girls of our citizens. Now, Messrs. Editors, if this be a fact, and I cannot doubt it, arc not such citizei-s to blalne? Xhey must either be in the hab it of suffering (heir back doors to remain un | bolted until a late hour of the night; or else | j they permit (heir hired girls to pass the j [ night elsewhere. I believe that, in too many j leases, both is the fact; and I would ask if' (his course should be toleratedwith impuni~ ty?• In many such instances our most worthy ' citizens arc, emphatically, the enconragers of these vices; and I appeal to them, to say, if they are not neglecting their duty, not ( only to (hose who are placed under them, but toMheir God? " |’ This neglect, oh the part of our citizens; ; appears to be theifountain head from whence | most, if not all, tbf/tlic'Sc evils emanate. Let ' our citizens-look to this; fact;' let (liem sce to having the doors and windows of their dwel i lings fastejied,ati a .proper hour—their do mestics in their chambers at the regular time for retiring—and the present aspect of things will soon change. Then our evening walks of recreation, pleasure, and meditation shall cease to present scenes of horror and dis gust. Then our virtuous citizens and Chris tian young ladies shall be permitted to re tire from the hoiKe of worship without in sult. Then the galleries ul our churches shall cease to be turned into places for sgutnttng', tvihlcihg, and ' laughing. Then "in fine, the prowling* of (his class Of animals shall be confined to-places not known to those of virtuous habits and Christian spirits. Then, it is evident that if private citizens attend to their duties, as such; (here is but one step more to be taken to effectually re store us to that sterling virtue and perfect order of days gone by. Let bur public offi cers be on the alert; let them remember the duties which they owe to themselves and us; and even labor to banish an evil which bids, fair to prostitute and stigmatize the fair fame of innocence and youth. • * * M essrs. Editors, I ft cl while on. this' sub ject, the ill famed haunts of debauchery and crime, formerly confined to a few sons of infamy are now being increased; and as the unsuspecting youth .walks* thoughtlessly a long he too often finds himself in the midst of those whose touch may poison his very vitals. But, bcMeving as : I do, that a word to (he wise is sufficient, I shall close these remarks by requesting, for them, a place in your col umns. Yours, &c. Carlisle, May 2, 1839. COUNTERFEITS. Counterfeit notes of the denomination of $5 on the Franklin Bank of Washington Pa. are in circulation. They are dated Nov. 1, 1836, & made payable to R. Wylie, ‘The names of the Casbicr-and R. "Wylie are en graved. The signature of Alexander Reed, President, is a bad imitation, particularily the letter A, which slopes too much, and.too close atthebottom.—The head or cross piece on the handle of the,spade on the boy’s shoulder is put to one side—the ruled lines under the Cashier and President’s names, are so'faint as to lie barely perceptible. In the genuine notes these lines are .very plain.” The Braoanza Murder.— jGomelius Wil helm and Joseph Van Bruggcn, were tried in New York, for the murder upon .the high seas, of Amel F. Turley, master of the, brig Bfaganza, of Philadelpliia, and the jury on. Wednesday, brought in a verdict of guilty ', .The piracy and murder, for which they were tried, it will be.recollected, was perpetrated on the Bth of August, 1838, and the muti neers, after allowing the owner, Mr.'Delhi, his.wife. and the wife of the captain, to be put adrift-in theJong boat, sailed for the coast of Holland, where they were wrecked, and “suspicions being excited from the ac counts of the piracy which had reached Emb den, one of .the Hanseatic towns, they were arrested byAhe American consul, and sent to the United States for trial* Baltimore Sun. Bobbing a man of his Wife and Money: —A man named Abraham Wolfe, was yes terday arrested and committed' charged-withj eloping,’in_-October last; with the wife of jbhn O’Conner, of Detroit, and aiding her to carry off 8 700 belonging to },bV husband; THE DEBTS OF THE STATES. . A valuable table upon Ibis subject, as pre pared by Mr. Flagg, the late Comptroller of New York; was recently published in the Albany Argus. We subjoin its results, and may state that"where the returns front'the financial officer of any Statedid not afford all the information which was desired, the State laws Jtave been ..examined to ascertain the extent of the authorised loans. Maine $554,976 00 Massachusetts 4,200,000 00 New York 18,262,406 84 Pennsylvania 27,306,870 00 Maryland 11,492,980 73 Virginia 6,662,089 00 South Carolina 5,753,670 12 Alabama 10,800,000 00 Louisiana 23,735,000 00 Tennessee 7,148,166 66 Kentuckey 7,360,000 00 Ohio . 6,101,000 00 Indiana 11,890,000 00 Illinois . 11.600,000 00 Missouri 2,500,000 00 Mississippi 7,000,000 00 Arkansas 3,000,000 00 Michigan 5,340,000 00 $170,806,179 35 If to the above be added the amount deposited by the United Slates in the Treasuries of the several States for safe keeping, 28,101,644 97 It makes the aggregate debt of all the State*, existing and author ized, , $198,907,824 452 The objects for which (he above loans were authorized are thus classified in a sec ond table. ■ . banking $52,640,000 For canals ‘ 00,201,551 For rail roads- 42,871,084 For turnpikes & McAdamized -roads 6,518,958 For miscellaneous objects 8,474,683 A third fable shows the amount of Stock issued, and authorised to be issued by the above- States in each period of live years, from 1820,t0 1835, and froin 1835 to 1838, which was as follows*- From 1820!:to ;, 1825-, ... 182a’to 1830, “ -418f50 to 1835, " 1835 to 1838. (say 83 _ years) ' ”• ' 108,223 808 About four millions and a half of dollars issued by New York from 1820 to 1825, and I embraced in this last tabic, have been re deemed. —Virginia has a war debt of 5345,- 139,17, contracted t previous to 1820, and South' Carolina a revolutionary debt of $193,- 770,12, which arc noHncludcd. ' Some interesting notes accompany this statement, for which we regret we cannot 'find .space in bur columns. With regard to New is mentioned, that she com menced stock in 1817, for (he construction of the Erie .and Champlain, canals. The sum of $600,000 was issuetf prior to 1820— The laws of 1817 created a board of com missioners of-the canal fund, consisting of the state officers,i and placed under the man agement of the bbard specific revenues which were pledged, for the payment of the money borrowed. Thcrfe has been derived from the auxiliary funds tints set apart, since the first organization of the'canal fund,.the sum of )j!5,824,761; which exceeds by $276,000 the whole amount paid for interest on all the money borrowed for the Erie & Champlain canals for 12 years! from 1817 to 1838. From 1821 to 1 338,. canals have yielded in tolls $15,088,375,97. The result is that (he whole original debt isprovided for, and exccpt about 2s millions, has becn-paid off and stock cancelled. The laws author ising. money to be borrowed previous to 1825, contained the following provision, viz:—“that it shall not be lawful for the commissioners of the canal fund to . make loans under this act, beyond such amount as for. the payment of the interest thereof, the canal'fund, at the time, shall be.deemed am ple and sufficient,” ‘ C. B. P. i" : in 1825, the financial policy in .l egat'd to the moneys borrowed. was-chiinged, and the loans from that time to thdpfesenl.havcbeen authorized without setting apart specific funds for the payment of interest. In qach case,, however, the. payment of interest is made a charge on the Treasury; and provis ion hap been made to borrow from the “Erie and Champlain canal fund td meet this de-* mand on the Treasury; In 1837 - , afler the suspension of specie payments, this State paid the interest on its whole debt in coin, and redeemed about one million of the stock due in ISSrby paying SlO9 in New York city paper for each Sl-00 of stock redeemed.- For 6 years from 1833 to 18S9, the revenue from the tolls of the canal Sr after defraying all expenses of repairs, and paying interest oil the whole amount of the outstanding •debts, has yielded an average surplus of sl69,ooo'per annum. This surplus will sustain a debt .of 12 millions of dollars. ’ The stocks issued by ’ New York are transferable in the city ot New York, either by the owner in persons or by a power of attorney. The original certificate in all cases to be produced-when the transfer is made. ■ ' ' ■ The aggregate valuation of real and per sonal estate in 18S7 was $627,554,784. . In’ relation to .Pennsylvania, the. interest on lief stocks is.paid'at the' Bank of Penn sylvania, in Philadelphia, tvhere theatock is transferable.—The fol|owingrevenucs are set apart for the payment of interest on the stock loans, viz—canal- andrail,. dividends on turnpike & bridge stock, auc tion duties, collateral inheritances,- county rates and levies, tax on- personal; property and estates; whenever the revenues -arising , from the above - sources is not sufficient for the payment of the interest on the slock loans, the deficiency is taken oat of. the Treasury proper. The acts of assembly di recting the loans to he made, direct also that the Governor shall borrow on the credit of the commonwealth, and such lund or funds as-haviTbccn or shall be created, for seen ring the punctual payment of the interest and the reimbursement of the principal. The aggregate valuation of real and per sonal estate in 1835, was $294,509,187". Libel Suit. —'We understand that in the case at Allentown, of the Commonwealth vs. G. A. Sage, for a libel on David R. Porter, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty against the defendant, on Friday last. . The affida vit makers, the.Stonebreakers and company, with the exception of Peggy Beaty, were present in force, and had an opportunity of saying all they had to say, as every indul gence as to'thcTihtfbduction"of testimony was extended to the defendant, the usual techn icalities being waived on the occasion. The jury was made up of men of both parties, and the judges were all of opposition politics.— The prosecution was conducted with great ability by G. W. Barton, Esq. and John S. Gibbons, Esq.;—Brown for the defendant. The award of the Court has not yet been, pronounced.— Pennsylvanian. Sentence of Dr. Chauncey. —We learn that Dr; Chauncey, convicted of murder in the “second degree. for killing Eliza Sowers, was yesterday sentenced by Judge King, to five years imprisonment.— lb. GOV. POTITEIKS APPOINTMENTS, The cabinet consists of Messrs. Shunk, Johnson, Klingensmith, Sallidy and Espy. Messrs. Clarke, Hublcy and Packer, are the Canal Commissioners;- and- Messrs. Bull, Shaeffer, ami McCreary, are the appraisers of damages. All of these officers are judi ciously chosen from the ancient stock of original most of them been well tried in the public service; arc all safe and competent- repositories of power, and have the interest and honor of the commonwealth at heart. SI 70.806,267 We arc happy to observe that Gov, Porter, in his selections, lias ndt lost sight of the worthy and patriotic Germans, but has giv en them that representation in all places of h the highest confidence mid responsibility,do tyhicli thcy are entitled by their talents. tlielr. ■wealth, their numbers, and their integrity. Messrs. Shunk, Klingensmith, Sallidy, Hiib | ley and Shaffer, all belong,to this excellent | class of citizens, and are sO well known for j their capacity and Uprightness, that their intimate connection with the administration, cannot but hc-gralifying to the noble hearted german population who gave the democratic majorities in Pennsylvania to Jefferson, Sny der, Madison, Jackson, Van Burenand Por ter, and'who have everbeen foremost ill-sus taining free and democratic principles. Keystone. - SI 2,750,728 ■ - 13,679,689 40.062,769 $174,696,994 IVo-man Jhirnt to Death. —The West Chester Village Record says:—“A woman named Jefleris, near this Borough Was burnt to death on the 23d ult. while in a state of The particulars as we learn them from arifmthentic source, are as follows: She was sitting near the fire and it commu nicated to her clothes, and in a moment she was'iri a blaze; almost helpless from the cf fects of liquor she was just able to throw herself on a bed near by, where she was found ,by a colored man who was attracted to the place by the smoke and’the cries of her children. She lived but a few hourss— Jufnl Explosion. — We learn that on Wednesday evening last, about dusk, the store and dwelling house of Mr. Rush. in. Hancock, was much damaged, if not entire ly demolished, by the explosion of a half keg of powder iri the store room. There were 14 persons in the house at the time, all of whom, except tiro, were more or less inju red—seven seriously. An endorsement on the People’s Line waybill says it is thpughf that four of the persons injured will'hardly; recover. ' The powder was undcg.the counter, and it is.supposcd!a spark from'a candle or lamp had fallen into it. —-llatrerslown Mail. There was a-duel-at Helena, Ark., on the 12th.ult. between a Mr. Fisk and a Mr. Bushwell, the first a dotitor and the last a tailor, at the first shot, the tailorls ball whist led through the doctor’s hair, and the doctor’s cut off a pair 'of the tailor’s fingers.. The parties separated, well satisfied with them selves and with each other. • What the, one lost in hair and ,the other in fingers was more than trebly made up in. honor. A man named John Grazy, at Zarand, in Transylvania, recently fell upon a scythe and was killed. He was in his 120th year, and left a son 100 years old and a grandson 80. , . Rev. Mr. Sfrole will deliver a lecture in the "Equal Rights' Saloon” on ’Tuesday evening next (14th) at 7i o?blockJ The public are invited to attend.- CAUTION. Whereas, my wife Elizabeth , has left my bed and board without any just-cauSe* I forwam all persons from harboring or trust*- ing her on my account,- as I shall not pay any debts contracted by her, ' GEORGR WILSON. Carlisle, May 7, 1839. 3t ' DIVIDEND. _ CARUSIiE BAISK, May r, 18S9. The Board of Directors of this' institution have to-day declared a dividend of Sj pcr cent for the last six months, [on the capitals stock paid in. . (The same will be payable ■ to -the stockholders or their legal represent tativea bn or after the 17th inst./. _ \V; S; COBEAN,-.Ca*Awr, V; - \ . i," V «■ /■ DichnelPs Detector. A CARD. V