American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 09, 1839, Image 1

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VOX-UIWE 26, NO 43.
k wdciiag—
Terms of Publication*
The American Volunteer
Is published every Thursday morning, in the
white frame building, (rear of the court house,)
at Tioo Dollars per annum, payable half yearly
In advance* or two dollars and nlty cents if not
paid within the year* -
. No subscription taken for a leas term than six
months* and no discontinuance permitted until
all arrearages are paid. A failure to notify a
discontinuance at the expiration of a term, will
be considered a new engagement.
Advertisement* will be thankfully received,
and published at the rate of.glOO per square
tor three insertions, and 25 cts. f;r each subse
quent Insertion. Those hot specifically ordered
will he inserted till forbid.
ffindbills, Blanks, Cards, lie. neatly executed
at short notice, and at moderate prices.
Tile fallowing Gentlemen will plcnsc act as
agents for this paperi suhscriptinnsrecel vetl.niitl
m’mev hiiil tp,.--itl)er of these individuals will be
acknmvlerWilßy us.
John MoohE. Esq. Newville.
Joseph M'Meahb Esq. Hopewell township.
John VVITHDERLICHi Esq- Shippenaburg.
David (’.lever. Esq. Lee’s Rnatls.
John Vlkhaffy. Dickinson township.
Abraham Hunirw. ngestown
George F. Cain, E>q \Ochamcsburg.
Frederick Wunderlich. tin.
Jastej Elliott. Esq. Sorinefield.
Daniel Krtshrr. Esq. Churchtown.
Jacob LoNGNF.cker. E Pennsbdro’township.
Gporgk Ernes-., Ceil or Spring. Allen tr-
TIE subscriber respectfully informs the in
ti ij)itHfiis of Carlisle, and tliejuiMifc gener
ally. that he still resifftS ViTliis OM Stand, \h‘
North Hanover street,.oppositeMr. E. Bullocks
ClVtir-M mufuciory, where he.cohtinues to earn
oh (tie
Cabinet Making Business ,
in all it* various branches. He has lately "fur
nished himself with a new and
Sec. to accommodate all those who may tavoi
hTTii with a call. He returns his sincere thank'
to his friends and customers tor the liberal en
t coiiragement bestowed on him, & solicits a con
tinuance of their patron ige. Heflatter* himself
that by strict attention *o business and a dlsposi
,tion to please, to merit and receive a share of
habile patronage. ,
N. B. One. or Two Journeymen Cabinet Ma
kers wanted,to whom libenil wages will he given.
An .apprentice will be taken to learn the above
business, if well recommended.
Carlisle, December 6. 1838.—if.
TStOm 00 South Fourth'st. Philadelphia.
Onrn daily for the transaction of business from
‘ 9A. if. to 3 H M. r
DEPOSITES nf mnmy received. (or which
ie following ratenf interest willbeallowedi
1 year 6 percent, per annum,
6 mas;.6 • •* . 41
. 3 •• 4 “ , ,
' On business depnsites.lobe drawn at the plea
sure of the depositor, no interest will be allowed.
Uocurrent notes of solvent Bulks, in every
part of the United States, .vill be received as
special deposites, on such terms as may be a
greed on in each particular case.
By order of the Board.
J. DKSSSAA, Cashier.
Philadelphia, Dec. 19. 1838. ly
Til is subscriber has made arrangements with
Messrs, Humphreys, Dulill 8c Co Walnut
street wharf, Philadelphia, to run a daily line of
Union Canal boats to and from that place; to this
line is connected a line of cars to run on the Cum
berland Valley rail wiy tn Carlisle, Cliainhera
burg, and all intermediate places, thus affording
the necessary _f utilities of rail way, and canal
tr msportation, to all persons along the route,
It is coafi iently believed that this airangement
will n aerially advantage those who may prefer
the-Ouidii canalr-and-every-assurance-is-given
that the utmost despatch will he afforded, and
at the lowest rate nf freight,
Harrisburg, April 4, 1839. 2m.
In all their varietyi ampin; which is the choicest
cucumber kinds, a small hit of fl iwer seeds, to
be had at the store of
, JOHN GRAY. Agent.
Carlisle. Apr* 4. 183 9;
IVTEMDS residm< perm inently in Carlisle,
111 would,-respectfully off r his professional
services to the citizens of the place anil vicinity.
H - his taken roams at Col. Ferree.’a-Hotel,
where he may be found Hi all hours.
-Persins rei|tiesting it will be waited upon at
their residences'.' ■
CDr. U'orgt D. Poulke,
' Reference , — < >{rv Thou C_ Thornton,
(flr. David J\f, Mahon'. .
Carlisle. Dec. §, ia3B.
Carlisle, I’a. Nov | , 1838.
Arrival and De/iarture qf AJaile ,
Arrive «, Closes.
Eastern daily aboutiam. 7 p.m.
■ur~- > ** 7,p.'ro._. 10a.m.
■Western *• ** Ji m. 10 a. m.
Southern •• *a m. 7>. m,
Mechanlcjb’g " 7-p. m.
~New»illo"-— — 11 — “—l2 m. -■ —10 a. m.
Prinfiitg neatly exeeuted at tkh ttfbtk
fM'qHE enrolled inhabitants subject to militia
M duty residing within the bounds of the Ist
Brigade,-! Ith Division, P. M. (being Cumber
land and Perry counties.) will parade in’ compa
nies under.thelr.respective
on the first Monday in May next, (being the 6th
day of May, 1839,) and the Regiments and Bat
taliqns will parade for review and Inspection
trainings as follows, viz:
The Ist Battalion 86th Regiment Militia and
the 2d Battalion Cumberland Volunteers, on
Monday the 13th dav of May.
The 2d Battalirih 86ch Regiment Militia and
the Ist Battalion Cumberland Volunteers, on
Tuesday .the 14tli of May.
The Ist Battalion 2Jd Regiment Militia on
Wednesday the 15th of May. ...
The 2d Battalion 23d Regiment Militia, on
Thursday the 16th of May.
The Ist Regiment Cumberland Volunteers, on
l7th of Mav.
The Ist Battalion 39ih Regiment Militia, on
Monday the 20th of May.
The*2d Battalion 39th Regiment Militia, on,
Tuesday the 2l**t of May.
- -The 2d Battalion‘ll3th Regiment on
Thursday the 23d of May.
The.lst Battalion Perry County Volunteers,
on Friday the 1 241 h of Mav.
The Ist Battalion 113th Regiment Militia, on
Saturday lhe’2slh of May. ....
Commanding officers of Regiments or inde
pendent Battalions, will designate i heir respect
ive places of parade and will cive at least-fifteen
days public .notice thereof.. Volunteer Compa
nies nr’Trotjm not attached in any Regiment * r
Battalion of Volunteers will partul* uith the Mi
litia Battalion in the bounds of which they re
side. .
Adjutants and Commanding Officers of Com
panies or Troops will make their rer'aniVfoVfre
nodersiuned «-n the day of their,.respective
mental or Battalion pirades. Pieces of Artillery
must be in the field for inspecii'n. -
Brigade Tnafirctor . Ist B 11 th D- F, M.
Brigade 7. ~
0 iHisle, March 28, 1839. > »
subscribers will lease lor *’t»e or more
B - years, their valuable Ton- Yard, all
■.I •> appendages. It is one ot the best locations
a Virginia for carrying on the business on an
—xtensive scale, as there i’s abundant • room and
he materials are ample. A number of the Vats’
ire. tin ier cover, and all the buildinns are «*l tin*
oost suitable kind—besides tiie grinding ♦ fßark
(which can he got convenient and at fair prices,)
dnne by vyater power.
Anv quantity ot Hides can he procured in the
>e.ighb'»rhond_, as there -is no other tannery with
in several mi.les-of the-place— md.there is also
every facility for getting bides from the cities,
and sending them’ to market when tanned, eith
er by rail mad or canal. There is. likewise.- »
demand*t-thfs place for, a large quantity.**
Leather annually by the Government.
Possession will he given immediately.
For further particulars enquire of
Harper’s Fern', Feb, 7. 1839. eowtf
iThe, subscriber. furnishes Dentists with hrs
celebrated /Vf ititral Inc o) r fiifitibie I'cetTi, which
have been spoken of in the highest terms of com.
meiulation by all who have used them and by
numermis men of profound chemical knowledge
who have examined them. Also, Human JTret/i,
(»old FoiltTrin do., fScc. including every ar
ticle of material us d in Dental Surgery. Teeth,
ghld, &c. sent by mail to any part nf the Union
when ordered. F. H. KNAPP,
May 31, 1838. Surgeon Dentist, lialtiimTt-
FIRST Biltilion 23d Regiment Pennsylva
nia Militia,parade at M* nnl R« ck on Wed*
nesday the 15th and the SECOND H-»ltali«m at
Shippehfcburg on Thursday the 16. h day of >l-iv
next. Battalhm to he formed at 1(1 o’clock, a. m.
By order of Chesmit. C'*h Conul’g,
HENRY B. HEBUCK, Adjutant*
April Ir. 1839.
FJrst Regiment of Cumberland
.Parade at Newville oil Friday the 17th Mav
next, at 10 o’clock,compfetelyeqnipt for inspec
tion. “
J. KELSO, Adjutant.
April Hi 1839. ' ...
For Sale,
A set of first rate PUMP MAKERS’ TOOLS
Enquire of the E 'itora of the yidunlcer.
AprH 4, 1839 ■ -
By the Keg, &c. received and for sale at the
store ot
Carlisle, April 4,1839.
“Silk Haiidkerelijiefs, Shawls,
Blond and SUN Scarfs ami other fancy. Spring
Goods, for sale cheap at the new store "I'
April 4, In .\lrc/uinicsburff.
A supply of O indies can he bad at any time
by applying at the factory < f
Carlisle, Aprill4. 183,9. ' -
Cims.dt'-PaiiN nn»l nlarce assort
merit of Itelit and fancy colored Silks, plain and
figured, offered low by. : , Arnold & Co;
Nankeens! Nankeens!!
Georgia and India Nankeens for sale low by
April 4‘ ... . • Arnold & Co.
. Just received at tlieTstofe ol Arnold & Co, a
fresh assortment ot desirable Spring Goods,
which they lew. ■ April 4.
" Pa. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1839.
Domestic Attachment.
WHEREAS in pursuance of.«n act of the-
General Assembly of the Commonwealth
«l Pennsylvania, an Attachment hath been gran
ted by the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace in
and for the county of Cumberland,at the Instance
of John Wunderlich and PeterS. Aiiz, trading
[lately] under the firm of 'Wunderlich & Arta,
against Robert Stockton of said county, whereon
cfertain goods, chattels and effects, of the said
Robert Stockton have been attached, and ate
now in the custody of Benjamin Reynolds and
Carey until they shall bc.disposed of ac
cording to law. Notice is therefore hereby gi
ven to the creditors of.the said Robert Stockton,
to appear at the office of the subscriber, in the
borough of Shippenshurg, on Friday the 31st
day of May next, at 2 o'clock. P. M. then and
there to discover and make proof of their de
mands, agreeably to the directions of said aci^
of Assembly. ’
Shlppensbnrir, April 25. 3t
KETTRNS his shirt*re thhnks «•> the public
fur the encnuiaßtment heretofore receiv
ed, ami respectfully infnrms the citizens of Car
lisle, flint he has removed Iris shop fo the well
known Eatine Room nnd Oystef Cellar, two
doors south of W. S. Allen’s hotel.
His wsteni of Hair Cutting is superior lO'any.
Barber’s in the borough. r
Woollen Cloths Srotired in first rate style,
d»*ne immediat* Iv at request.
Rv strict .attention to business nnd an earnest
desire to please. be hopes to receive a libelal
share of public patron* pp,
Carlisle, April 25, 1839.
I HAVE vtcvutetln supply of Macomb’s 8c
Caper's Military Discipline. sufficient to
fuinUii all the Full .Officers ami Volunteer
Captains in the Briuhde, and some of the Militia
Captains. These bonks can be had by those en
titled to receive them, on application at my of
fice. W FOULK.
Brig. Inspector, Ist Brig. l.Uh Div. P. M.
Brigade Inspector’s Offic- , ?
Carlisle. Apt it 25. 1839 5 ,
fiirlisle l.iglit lulniitry!
YOU Hie ordered to pa/ade on.
votir usual ground,ct/nplefeU
-equipped, in summer uniform, on
Mondav the 6tn and Tuesday tin
14ib of Mas next.
V. spun swoon, o. s.
N. ll. An :i(ij unitd Ct.iirl of A|>-
will be held om Mondity tiu
bill. T. S.
April 25, 18*9.
YOU are ordered -to parade t the public
house i»f Jacob Trego, on the Walnut Bn
t>>m Rnad on Monday the 6th day of C M iv mxc,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. -A Court of Appeal wi/
he held at tlie same time and place. Y<>n wil/
nl* . parade at Mount Rock for re\h»w and in
spectinn on Wednesdat the 15th - of May, with
arms »ml accoutrements in gor'd ord» r
Rv order of Capt. MILLER.
Aprd 25 1839. ....
d Carlisle Artillery.
J3\ "WTOU are ordeiv<llo.parade y cyn your
|nSn| J[ usual completely equipl,
I gul iii Mnmuer uniform, oii Monday the 6ih
111 and Tuesday the 14th t ! Mav next
J| N. B.~‘No member will he received
V| on parade who is not provided with a
new ra p a ,, ( ) uniform according to the
late regulation of the company.
Carlisle. April 11.1859.
Tne first Biitallion <i6ih Regiment
fPeiiiisylvmiia Militia, will pinole at
Mi'chmicsliurp. an Monday the J3ih.
anil the seronil B'attaliim at Carlisle, nil
Tuesday the 14th ofMay next. .
Butalions to be formed at 10 o’clock.
Cot. Comd’g. 86ill Reg. P. M.
' April li, 1839. . -
Tluv First-Battaliim ol‘
nre ordered to parade on Tursday the
14th day of Mav, in the b'irnuKh of
Carlisle, at-10 o’clock, A. M. prop*,
ecly equipped for drill und Inspec*
Byorder of the-commandlns officer,
r. a. N«>uhis "
April IS. 1839
Estate i/ Dauid Hippehammer, deceased.
N O T I C B.
THE public-will take notice 111 .t letters of ad.
ministration have this-d ay hern issued' to
the.subscriber bn the estate of David Hipp -
hauimer, late iif the borough of Carlisle, Cum
herlaii'l county. All who have claims or de
mands against the estate of said decedent are
requested to make the same known to the sub
scriber without .delay, and all who are indebted
to said estate are required to call and settle the
same immediately..' , •
Jiesidenee, Carlisle: ■
April 53.1839. : 6t :
A /arse snpp/y of Evan's 'nmomi/e Pi//s, just
received and fur safe at the office «f the Herald
and Mei/uHttor, ' May 3, 10®-
How oft I’ll muse o’er this lov’d ‘gift.
In distant, future years
E’en though I bathe the wither’d thing .
In mem’ry’s dewy, tears; ~ ,
When thou hast left this peaceful spot,
' In other climes to roam.
To seek for Pleasure, Wealth or Fame,
, Far from thy childhood’s home.
And when thou’st reach’d the dizzy height
Of wild Ambition’s dream;
Have proudly won the Laurel wreath,
Anti bask in Fortune’s beam.
Ah! while you rove through pillar’d halls.
Where-all. id passing fair,
’Mid princely pomp, and gems, and gold.
And forms of beauty rare.
No spell will metn’ry round thee fling,
No thought of golden hours.
Passed with the friends of yqpthful love
Within these lowly'bow’rs;
But gay will be thy sportive gleam;
And'bright tfiybfeaming eye.
While the lovM ines'of earlier years,
- All, all forgot’en lie.
Forgotten! yes, the whisper’d tone .
That breathes.a last.farewell,
Will toll of all my fondest hopes
The low.sad fun’ral.knell;
For well l knbw'my name thou’lt cast
Deep in Oblivion’s sea, \
While I may weep o’er this lov’d gift.
And think bright one on thee.
• < Sarah.
Sir: In the communicatioii which I .took
the liberty of addressing to you, a week ago,
1 promised at a day not far distant, to re
sume 'the‘task of exposing to the public eye
numerous other misrepresentations and per
versions contained in your "address to the
people ”—and leisure moment now pre
sents itself, I embrace it for the purpose of
fidfiling to some extent ‘the promise thus
Held out. I can readily conceive, however,
that my efforts to place ydur of&qial conduct
in itßVtrue light before the
snsjpi;:"m- soSvc degree, the mist in which
'tnursophistryso assiduously seeks to en
shroud events which should be clear, as the
noonday sun—will be regarded as part and
parcel of that “inhuman persecution” of
which you so bitterly complain, and that
you will class me too among the “hireling
ruffians” who, not content with thirsting for
the “gallant Biddle blood” which courses so
freely through your veins, "have also glutted
their rancorous appetite by “feeding on the
vitals of the constitution”! _ Not, ho'wever,
having the fear of denunciations such as
these, before my eyes, but being moved and
instigated thereto by a sacred regard for the
cause of truth and public justice, 1 proceed
to pursue you still further through the mesh
es of perversion .and falsehood, into which
your evil disposition continues incessantly to
lead you.
In order, sir, that our mutual position may
be distinctly understood, and that vve may
know precisely the ground wc occupy, per
mit me briefly to recapitulate the premises
assumed in the firstuportion of your letter
and my rejoinders upon them respectively.
It will assuredly serve, in an eminent de
gree, folceep in view an uninterrupted chain
of the matter at issue, and prove highly ser their adjustment.
1. You have declared, in emphatic lan
guage, that your conduct during the memor
able occurrences of December was “govern
ed by a regard for the constitution & laws.”
1 have demonstrated, and this 100, 1 flatter
myself, conclusively, tliat it was in open dis
regarded violation of both.
2. You have argued strenuously and with
apparent earnestness, that your decisions,
upon the several esses of contested seats in
the Senate were “consistent and impartial.'”
I have reminded the public that in one in
stance. (that of Messrs. Eyre and Frow) you
rendered a verdict ADVERSE TO THE
CLAIMANTS because they cherished par
ty attachments different from yourself while
in another instance- (that of Messrs. Hanna
and Wagner) presenting precisely the-same
state of facts without a shadow of variation,
your decision was FAVORABJfiJi TO THE
CLAIM ANTS,-simply because you recig
nized-in them, men of your own party predi
lectionsr—thus fastening upop you unanswer
ably the-imputations ofiNcoNSiBTENOv and
partiality! ’
■S. You have represented the respectable
gentlemen who at the commencement of the
session constituted a committee of-safety as
“men of broken and desperate fortunes, jbr
dissolute'habitsand. of profligate and aban
doned characters.”. Having Shared in the
councils of that committee, I felt it. due to
my respected colleagues, to vindicate their
reputation frora aspersions so malignant and
Unfounded, and, as'a-sUfficient refutation of
your .calumnies, .!, have pointed to a Work
man, a Muhlenberg, a Johnson, a Beaumon
ts, a Bucher, a Diller and ofhers, either of
whom, I hazard nothing-in-declaring, would
regard it as a degradation to be placed upon
g level- with ; their tradueen**either of whom,
I hazard still /fiti it saying* feel a deeper,
more abiding interest in the welfare of ojir
republican, institutions than ha who so
ly spells to impugn their patrwtiem; ■
T 'You slre ordered
top ir ideat theC »r*
lisle Sprites on M ■>
tiv tin- 6th and it
'! ii link* on Tu«'sda>
»e 14th of May, jo
10 o’clock* A. M.
completely equip ,
in Mimmer uniform.
By order,of
A. Lambkrtoit
Aprils. 18.39,
For the Volunteer.
From the Keystone,
To Cbarles 8., Penrose,
4. You have portrayed the various ad- ,
dresses emanating from that body as “crazy 1
and inflamatory,” I have referred to the
documents themselves, as undeniable proof !
that your description is a false one. Know
ing the extreme caution which prevailed in ;
the deliberations of that committee—dis- !
tinctly recollecting the moderate tone with I
which its various appeals were uniformly 1
couched, ! could have no hesitation in con- '
farming your associations, as they deserved '
with, an unequivocal denial—and I here
challenge to the proof. Adduce a solitary
extract that would merit the application of
terms such found in your vocabulary
and so unscrupulously uttured—or stand
branded as a wilful, deliberate perverter of
the truthl
5. You have further in effect assured ns,
that “riot and rebellion” stalked abroad in
the streets of Harrisburg at mid-day, until
the arrival of the’ troops ordered hither by
Governor Ritner—but that- no sooner had
these planted a foot in Harrisburg, than
{ieace and order was restored; thus evident-'
y seeking to convey the impression, that it
was fe<tr—ye» tear of the military^—that
produced theVuspicious change. In answer
to this, I have.reminded you of that which
every citizen then in Harrisburg will corro
borate, that profound pence and order reign
ed within her .borders three or four days
BEFORE the arrival gf the trqops —and
that, so far from finding them an object of
terror, the "rebels were rejoiced to find in
them men who‘shared deeply and largely in
their sympathies and.wrongs.”
6. You have last, but not least, reiterated
the oft repeated, 'stale assertion, that the
“Loco Focos aimed at a defeat of the a
mendments, and that for this purpose Gov
ernor Porter was conveyed to Harrisburg,
in order that he might be inaugurated under
the old constitution”! In reply, I have ex
posed the fallacy of this unworthy position
—unworthybecauseitiainexcusably. false
and known to be so by those who assuifie it
—by refefring to the undeniable fact.'thatit
was the. Democrats who bore the burthen of
sustaining these amendments, both in con
vention and at the ballot-boxes—and also to
the reason which prompted the friends of the
Governor elect to induce his conveyance to
the seat of government at that period—which
was'neither more nor less, than-that it was
a matter of general speculation how the ex
secretary and yourself, in the plenitude of
your wisdom would eventually dispose of
the .momentous question in relation to the
amendments—an«r a determination on their
part to provide against every possible con
“ These, sir, among others, are the proini
' nent misrepresentations brought to view in
my last letter. My object in once more ar
raying them before you, like so many speak
ing witnesses of yqur,guilt, is, that the pub
lic may fully comprehend the character of
the issue drawn between us, which is the
more particularly essential as the conclusion
of your dignified tffurt in no considerable
degree blends them with subjects, to which
I Shull now brieflv advert.
The lackadisical effusion heralded to an
astounded community through the medium
of the renowned organ, which you, above all
others, was instrumental in seducing from
the path of principle and duty—has excited
in the minds of those who judge men by
their actions none other than sentiments of
profound contempt for the affectation— the
HYPociilsY, which has evidently prompted it.
Your ‘•melancholy forebodings for the peo
ple’s welfare and the prosperity of her insti
tutions”—have ceased to tickle the ears. Of
of those ,who have such innumerable evi
dences that these are measures of which you,'
at least, would constitute an unsafe guar
dian. §iri you doubtless pride yourself up
on the reputation of a Skilful .and experi
enced statesman—but, permit me, without
any desire to wound your vanity, to remark,
that you are illy suited to assist in the steer
ing.of the ship op state triumphantly thro’
the shades and 'quicksands which so often
threaten to engiilph them!
The dangers which your distempered
brain affects to have discovered,’lie in a
different quarter from: the one you have
with such "melancholy earnestness” de
picted. So long as the PEOPLK remain
watchful and jealous of their rights, when
sought to be invaded By faithless, currUpt
rulers, the citadel stands undis
turbed, unshaken; So far froth'affording
ground for apprehension’a ml alarm.the oc
currence's of December and the' demonstra
tions of public opinion which have reached
us SINCE that period “from every hill and
valley of the Commonwealth,” should in
spire every real patriot with unshaken con
fidence in the impregnable strength and du
rability of our - institutions. / Affording, as
they do, indisputable testimony, that the
yeomanry of the “Keystone” State aceail
wavs watchful of their dearest rights and in
terests; Had their course been different
from What it has Been—had -they-restedJn
supine indifference after, a discarded secre
tary had. unblUshihglyproclaimed the dia
bolical purpijse of. setting,at defiance their
will, although' it had reached.him J in thun
der-tones irom the Waters of .the Delaware
to those.of Lakh : tiiey received
coldly and uhconoernedly the intelligence,
that the faithless presiding’officer of the Se
nate was- ready.and anxious to consnmate
this heaven-daringrintentioh. th'en Sir, your
''wlctpcbolti forebodings” might have been
uttered witicsomb appearance o&teslity'.
. AI&ISWELL! Thwcitadcl ot free
dornhM defied gndtflumphantly overcome
an efffirt,wffichjJ&fhe honor of human na
turejltrtst. againtte riSpWro;
NSW SERIES—VOR. 3, 80. «7
A deep-laid and well-marked CONSPIRA
CY to consign the reigns of government in
to the hands of those whom the public voice
had disdainfully rejected—-to introduce men
iitto our public councils who never had been
chosen—a conspiracy to continue a MI
NORITY in power, after the MAJORITY
had legally declared its will at .the ballot
boxes—a conspiracy, in which you sir, was
the chief offender—has been frustrated, and
the seal of public condemnation placed upon
those who were privy to its conception and
sought, by means the most unhallowed, to
effect its consummation. “The portentous'
clouds of evil” are dispersed, and the sun of
I safety and security sheds abroad her beiiig-
I nant rays, to animate and cheer the votariea
at the shrine of freedom 1 ‘ TRUTH has tri-'
umphed i— I JUSTICE is supreme I—The de
vices of the wicked have failed, and the ef
forts of the Just are crowned with success!
Is there aught in this, that should be calcu
lated to insure a sincere friend of this coun
try with “melancholy- forebodings.” . Are
these such topics of reflection* as nave a
melancholy tendency to awaken in the breast
of a true disciple of republicanism "emotions
of deep sind solemn concern?” No! The
eye of the Patriot Will now and evermore
dwell upon them in happy contemplation as
the most cheering evidence, that our'repub
lic and her institutions are destined to live.
and- afford a protection to the free, while,
“the earth beard a plant, or the sea rolls,-a
wave !” None but a misanthrope— bnb’
thwarted in-hi*Unholy purposes-bjr the in
tegrity of others—will discover' in them
aught of lamentationjpr_pf grief. ‘
, But the PRESS—that sacred palladium
of our civil and religious rights. Which is al
ways the first to awaken the public mind to
a'sense of danger, when traitors take'the
field—that “shield and buckler” on the side
of liberty—this, it would seem, has incurred
your royal displeasure, and without a spark
of charity you pronounce it "a common sew
er of filth, whose prinse, alone can kill.”, I
am induced to the belief, that your estimate
of the character of the public press has been
drawn from some of the leading journals in
the” service' of the party Jo which you,for
ibetghly reasons, became a sudden convert;
indeed it is not improbable, that the very
journals, which have ushered your manifes-;
to, containing phis malignant calumny, upon
tfiein (for your denunciation is indiscrimi
' ha/e)into existence, is the source of your
' most “sage and logical conclusion.” Whije
I denounce your description of the public
press, in the aggregate, as unfounded, cal
umnious,,vile, 1 am willing to concede, that,
applied to some particular hebdomadels on
your side of the house, it is correct. If the
party press of our day is degraded, pray
what has so much served to make it so, as
the filthy publications promulgated against
the democratic candidate,in the course of
' the late gubernatorial contest? When men
were to be found in, the ranks of your party,
ready and eager to dive into the polluted re
cesses of brothels, and court for* yea pur
chase with money the prejudiced statements
of its degraded inmates, in order that they
might be spread before the public eye in the
same columns which contain yoiir "melan
choly forebodings”—wheh the .miry pools of
the west were ransacked for a sturgeon,
‘.‘festering in the infamy of years,” and a fish
so stale was dished to the public taste bv the
' same caterers that have served yoiir palata
ble mixture—is it matter of surprise, that
the reputation of the press should
If if be an evil, you sir,, should esteem it:
four duty to assist in,effecting its correc
’ tion. “Charity should l begin at ’ home”—
and, if you entertain aught of this Sacred
■ -sentiment towards the press, exeffcise your
influence with the conductors of those jour
nals who seem to have taken your reputa
tion in especial keeping, notwithstanding
you so ungratefully spurn the offering, r 7
My remarks have, however, been, drawn
to an extent, which has-already transcend
ed the limits 1 had assigned them, I close
my present cojnmunieation, in the sincerely
cherished hope, that the “melancholy, eara
cstness’ftvhidh seems to haVe scized posses
sion of your soul will soon vanish, and that
the cheerful confidence of the patriot wilt
supersede it. Repent of the past—ask for
giveness of ybnr manifold transgressions—
"sin no more”—and, in the tide of time,-by
the aid of providence* this heaviness of heart,,
this oppressive sense of guilt, may yield..
I may hereafter take occasion to examine
cursorilyyour-contintied prctensions to </e
-mocracy, and investigate the grounds-upon
whichyou still profess attachment to its bal-.
lowed creed;' Doubtlessitwill'still,further
serve to satisfy the public* whether “your
humble efforts‘have accomplished any thing
for the benefit of the people”—or whether,
on the Contrary, your career as a politician
has been fascinating, inconsistent, unprofit
able (except to yourself,) and characterized
by a reckless disregaid of the obligations of
truth, dutv and public justice.
„ -Yours," &Ci
it is stated in the Romance, Intelligence?
that on the 22d of December, a man- namhd
'John Davy, had djed in Hampshire county,
Virginia, at the age of one hundred and three
year', one month and eighteen days. The
deceased' came to . America ias a drummer
under Gen. ; Wolf, and was in the great bat
tle fought at Quebec, between the: British
and^French.—He served also in the Ameri*
can Army 1 during the wee of the revolutions
; The Albany Ad vettisfernoliceß the mar*
'riage of Mr.Nibtodc.toMisa Ellen/Wish.
ThertV one man inthii Vorld got hit vrish»
any'wayyttl «n fl* it
b. p. Q.