American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 25, 1839, Image 1

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vournos as, tore«;
Terms ef Publication.
Tho AmortdanVolnntcor
Is published every Thursday morning, in the
white frame bulldidg, (rear of the court house, )
at T-ao Dollars pet annum, payable half yearly
in advance, or twodollars and fifty cents if not
paid within the year, .
NerSubscription taken for a less term than six
months, and no discontinuance permitted until
all arrearages are paid. A 'failure to notify a
discontinuance at me expiration oD-a term, will
be considered a new engagement.
Advertitementa v/WX be thankfully received,
and published at the rate of 21 00 per square
lor three insertions, and 25 cts. for each subse
quent insertion. Those not specifically ordered
will be inserted till : forbid.
Handbills, Hanks, Cards, lie. neatly executed
at short notice,' and at moderate prices.
The follbwing Gentlemen iwill please act as
agents for this papert 9ubscr!pt!onsi*eceived,and
money paid to either of these individuals will be
acknowledged by tls,
John Moors. Esq. Newville.'
Joseph M. Means, Esq. Hopewell township.
John Wunderlich, Esq. Shippensburg.
David Clever, Esq. Lee’s X Roads.
John MeHaffv, Dickinson township,
Abraham Hamilton,, ogestown.
George F. Cain, Esq. Mechanicsburg.
Frederick Wonderlich, ~ do.
James Elliott, Esq. Springfield.
Daniel Krtsher, Esq. Churchtown.
Jacob Lononecker, E.Pennsboro’ township;
George Ernest, Cedar Spring, Alien tp-
Ejstate_pf_Jj)hn Mahon , deceased,
ALL persons indebted to the* estate of John
Mahon, Newton township, deceas
ed, are respectfully, requested, to • call with the
subscriber and settle their respective -accounts;
and all those who have claims and demands a*
gainst the estate will present them legally au
thenticated for settlement.
Executrix of said deceased,
.^S°uUiamptqn to\vnship, March 21,_1839*. 6t
Estate of Joseph Walter , deceased .
TATOTICE is hereby given to all persona in- debted to the Estate bt Joseph Walter, late
of Silver Spring township Cumberland County,
dec’d., to make payment as soon as possible to
the subscribers residing in said township, and
those having claims against said deceased will
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment, ■ -
ylchn in istratora.
fit* .
March 21, 1839.
»riHE subscriber respectfully informs the in-
X habitants of Carlisle, and the public gener
ally, that he still resides at his Old Stand, in
North ttandver street, opposite Mr. E. Bullock’s
Chair Manufactory, where he continues to carry
on the; ,«
I Cabinet Making Itnsiness,
In all its various branches. He has lately fur
nished himself with a new and
Ac. to accommodate all those who may favor,
him with a cal). He.retilrns his sincere thanks
to'his friends and custodiers tor the liberal en
couragement bestowed on him, 8c solicits a con
tinuance of their patronage. He flatters himself
that by strict attention to business and a disposi
tion to please, to merit and receive a share of
public patronage;. ,
N. B. One or Two Journeymen Cabinet-Ma
kers whom liberal wages .will be giyen.
An apprentice will be taken to learn the above
business, if well recommended.
Carlisle, December 6, 1838.—tf.
Wo. 08 Sooth Fom-th st. Philadelphia!
■Ohm daily, for the transaction of business from
9 A- M. toSP. M, :
BEPOSITES.of money received, for which
tHFfollowing rateof interest will beallowed:
1 year 6 per cent, per annum, -
6 mos. 6 " ■ ,“'
3 «• .4 rt . •« 1
On business deposiles.tobe drawn at the plea
sure of the depositor, no interest will be allowed.
Uncurrent notes of solvent Banka, in every
part of the Uhited.-States, will be received as
■pedal deposites, oil such terms as may be a
treed on in each particular case. ....
By order of the Board.
, , J. DESSAA, Cashier.
Philadelphia, Dec. 19,-1838. ; ■ : ly
. vo at froth psxz.asez.fhza.
THE subscriber has made arrangements with
Messrs. Humphreys, Dutill & Co Walnut?
itreet wharf, Philadelphia, to run a daily line of
ITnlon Canal boats to and from that place; to this
ine la connected a line of cars to run on the Cum
irrland Valley rail, way to Carlisle,. Chambers
iurg, and all intermediate places; thus affording
he necessary of rail way and,canal’
eansportation. to all persons along the route.
It is confidently believed that this airarigement
rill materially advantage those who-may prefer
he Union canal, and every assurance is given
bat the utmost despa:tcH will he afforded, and
t the lowest rate of freight.
v . beo.w.utog.
Hanuborg, April 4,1839. Sta
ifall their variety, among which is the choicest
ucumber kinds, a smalt Jot of ftower seeds, to
chad at the store of .. ’ !f
Carlisle, April 4, 1839. .
fMIHE enrolled inhabitants subject to militia
■ duty residing within the bounds of, the Ist
Brigade, 11th Division, P. M, (being Cumber
land and Perry counties.) Will parade in compa
nies under their respective commanding officers
on the first Monday in May next, (being the 6th
day of May, 1830,) and the Regiments and Bat
talions will parade for review and Inspection
trainings as follows, viz;
The Ist Battalion 86th Regiment Militia and
the 3d Battalion Cumberland Volunteers, on
Monday the 13th day of May.
The 3d Battalion 86th Regiment 'Militia and
the Ist Battalion-Cumberland Volunteers, on
Tuesday the 14th of May. 5
The Ist Battalion 2-Jd Regiment Militia on
Wednesday the 15th of May. '
The 2d Battalion 23d Regiment Militia, on
Thursday the 16th of May.
The Ist Regiment Cumberland Volunteers, on
Friday the 17th Of May.
The Ist Battalion 39th Regiment Militia, on
Monday the 20th of May..
The 2d Battalion 39th Regiment Militia, on
1 uesday the 21st of. May.
The 2d Battalion 113th Regiment Militia, on
Thursday the 23d of May;
The Ist Battalion Perry County Volunteers,
on Friday the 24th of Mav.
The Ist Battalion JIStK Regiment Militia, on
Saturday the 25th of May. "
Commanding officers of Regiments or inde
pendent Battalions, will designate their respect
iye places of parade and will give at least fifteen
days publje notice thereof. Volunteer Compa
nies or'Troona not attached to any Regiment or
Battalion of Volunteers will parade with the Mi
litia Battalion in the bounds of which they re
side. • -
. Adjutants and Commanding Officers of Com
panies.or Trqops will make their, thc
undersigned on the day of their respective Regi
mental or Battalion parades. Pieces of Artillery
must be in the field for inspection.
Brigade Im/iector, Ut B. 11 th D. P. Jlf.
Brigade Inspector’s Offi ;e, ?
Carlisle, March 28,1839. J
THE subscriber returns thanks to his
former customers for past favors, and res
pectfully informs the public that he has remo
a few doors west of the Volunteer office* in
Church alley, where' he»will constantly keep on
hand a supply of Candles and Soap, which, he’
of on accommodating terms to all
who may favor him with their custom.
The highest price will be given for Tallow,
Soap Fat and Ashes.
Carlisle, April 11, 1839. r 3t -
THE. subscriber, thankful for past favors,
hereby gives notice that he has removed
His Tailoring’ Establishment
to-South Hanover street, next door, co the more'
nf .William OamlJ Drcit,ui*9
hotel. He trusts by strict attention to business,
to merit a continuance of public patronage.
Carlisle, April 11* 1839., ” * 3t
THANKFUL for past favors, respectfully in
form the citizens of Garlisle nnd the public
generally, that they haveTemoved their
Clock A Watch Making Establishment
to No. 9 Harper’s Bow, where ail work in their
line of business will be thankfully received and
promptly attended to.
Carlisle, April 11,4839. 3t
A stray gray horse supposed to be about nine
years old and blind of both eyes, came to the
premises of the subscriber living in Wcstpenns
bornugii township, Cumberland county, about
the 21st of last March. The owner is requested
to come and prove property, pav charges and
take him away, or he will be disposed of accord
ing to law. - .
April 11, 1839. 3t»
To the Heirs and Legal Representatives of
MICHAEL QUJOLET, late of the Bor
•- ough of Carlisle, deceased:
TAKE NO FICE that X will hold an Inquisi
tion oh a writ of Partition or Valuation, on
the premises late of Michael Quigley, dec’d, on
Monday the 29th day of April,lB39,at 10 ©'’clock
A. M, where all interestedmav attend. —
bu JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s JJIBce, . 7
Carlisle, Aprilll; 1839. S 3t
I TAKE this method of returning my sincere
8c thanks .to the public for the liberal encour
agement which I have received from thtpi for
theTast five years; for in that time I have fur
nished marks for more than five hundred gravest
and! have now become a perfect judge of mar
ble and also the workmanship. Feeling desirous
to continue the bilsiness I. would state to those
wishing to purchase Marble Monumehta. Tomb.
Head and Foot Stones of the best white marble
and as cheap as the city can afford, and without
paying any commission to agents, to please call
with the undersigned next door to Mr. Beetem’s
Hotel. The stones will be delivered at the place
appointed by the purchase!*.
Carlisle. April 11,1839, 3t
N. 8.. Persons who have engaged Grave Stones
of m.e. pf jor to this will take tare that: they pay
no one without my order or consent. " ‘j, H.
1 m constant employment and liberal wages
will be.given. Apply to the subscriber residing
ib Roxbury, seven miles east of Garlisleron the
Tnndle Spring road,
April U, 1839.
Tate notice that we have applied to the Judges
of the-Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland
county, for the benefited the Insolvent Laws of
this Commonwealth,, and their have appointed
Tuesday the 30th day of ApniforthehearinK
of as and ,onr. creditors, when and where you
mayJaUendifyou think proper. ,
April U, 1839. ■ ■ 3t
. The administration account of John fc
Lohgnecker, Administrator of Henry L'ohg
necker, deceased. .
Notice is hereby giyen ’that the account
of Jacob Rupp, Assignee of Lewis Bearing,
lias been presented to the Court of Common
Pleas of Cumberland county, for confirma
tion and allowance, and said Court have ap
pointed the of April inst. for its
consideration; and rule on all concerned to
shedr cause why it shall not be confirmed
and allowed.
Trusteeship •Uccount.
Notice is hereby given that the account of
George Brittain, Trustee of Thomas Euiot,
Fleas of Cumberland county, for confirma
tion and allqwartce. and said Codrthaveap
pointed the SOthday of April inst. fop its
consideration, and rule on all concerned to
appear and shew cause why it shall not be
confirmed'and allowed. -
attormst AT I»AW,
BAS bis office in South Hanover street] two
doorsaouth pflhe office recently ocfmpied
dee, Hepburn,and nearly. opposite Allen’s.'
fdrOierly Macfarlane’s hotel.
Carlisle, April, i, 1839. 3t
For the Volunteer.
To Amelia. -
If ’twas to please thee I would wear
A nodding plume and gay cockade,
And think myself the finest there
Of all the lads upon parade.
If ’twas to please thee, I would go .
At masquerade with only thee.
And think myself the happiest beau,
I’m sure none happier there could be.
If'twas to please thee, I would wear
The ring thou gav’st me t’other day,
' And deem the relic precious/rare,
Of all the gems that deck the gay.
If’twas to please-theelM would try,
" In ev’ry thing'thou could’st command,
E’en perils, hardships, I’d defy
Them all, to gain thy lovely hand.
And then index'd, I wouldße bleat
With such a treasure bright and gay,
’Twould calm the tempest in my breast
_ And drive commotion far away.
Carlisle Barracks, April fj, 1839./
Register’s Notice*
/ Register’s Office, ?
Carlisle, March SO, 18S9. 5
Legatees,.Creditors and other persona, con
cerned, that the following' accounts have
been filed in this office for examination, by
the accountants therein named, and will be
presented to the Orphans’ Court of Cumber
land county, for confirmation and allowance
on Tuesday the 50th day of April, A, D .
1839, viz:
The administration account of Isaac Atf
dams. Administrator of Harkness Addams,
deceased, filed by Hetty AddamsrAdminis
tratrix of said, Isaac. ' ■
, The administration account of John Da
vidson, Administrator of John Boyed, de
The administration account of Henry Ja
cobs, Administrator of William Beistliue,
deceased. ■'
The administration accountof John Sneve r
ly, Executor of Jacob Abrahams, deceased.
The administration account of Alexander
Sharp, Administrator of William M. Sharp,
Tlio administration account of* AloxnnJ««-
Sharp, Administrator of Andrewr Sharp, de
The administration account of John Bhopp,
Administrator of Jacob Neiilig, deceased.
, The administration account of John Line,
Administrator of David . Neiswanger, de
The administration account of Jacob C.
Dooey, Administrator of Stephen Losh, de
The _ administration account of William
Galbraith,Administrator of Joseph Galbraith,
The administration account of John Mus
ser and Jacob Eckart, Administrators of Ja-,
cob Musser, deceased.
The administration account of Jacob Christ
lieb, Administrator of Catharine Christlieb,’
The administration account of George
Beelman and John Beelman, Administrators
of Jacob Beelman, deceased.
_ The administration account of David Mar
tin and Henry. Bitner, Executors of Thomas
Martin, deceased., ■ 3. .
. The supplemental administration .accoitint
of John Houser and John Myers, Adminis
istratorg of John Leidig.deceaaed.
/ The administration account of Henry
Brcneman, Administrator of Martin Brene
jtian.deceased. — ;
L . The administration account of Andrew
Gross, Administrator of Henry Gross, de
ceased.’ • .
Assignee account.
Prothbnotary’s Office,
Carlisle. April 8, 1839-5
Prothdnotary’s Office. ?
Carlisle, April 8, 1839.5
Speech of Jtlr. Pars Ons,
On the Bill to provide for the pay, emolu
ments, ohd perquesites. of the troops re
cently' iritlie service of the Commonwealth.
In Senate, March 1839. —1 n reply to Mr.
Penrose, and othets.
Mr. Parsons addressed the Senate as fol
Mr. Chairman:— When 1 took my seat on
this floor, as a Senator of Pennsylvania, and
took that oath which, every Senator is (requir
ed by the constitution to take, and became
a member of this dignified and honorable
body, I supposed that this body assembled
for some purposes known and recognized by
the laws of the land: I thought we came here
to deliberate and decide upon what laws
were necessary for the general good of the
community, I'did not imagine that this
Senate chamber was to be converted into an
amphitheatre, where gladiators were to en
ter the lists to exhibit their skill in arms or
in personal assaults, for the amusement or
f ratification of those who may be lookers on.
had supposed that when men received
such , educations as to fit them for seats on
this floor, and when they come forward fo
.participate in debate, they would confine
themselves to such rules as were necessary
for the well governing of a deliberative body.
I had supposed that wjien we came to dis
cuss Subjects where there was a difference
of opinion, that we would beconfined in our
remarks to those 'subjects' alone.
Unfortunately, however, 1 find that this is
not the case. So far from adhering to those
rules and regulations—so far from attending
to any matter which may be under eonsid-.
Oration—-so far even from observing the or
dinary courtesies of gentlemanly intercourse, 1
all the transactions of private life are brought 1
up and reviewed before the Senate and the
public. If itaffords-satihfactioh to cbnduct
the debate in' this way; I ani'ready to meet
it; and-if this is the order of the day, I will
only say .“when I am in Rome I will do as
Romans do.”. Still I ■ hope in the remarks
which I may have to make, that I will not
follow the example of scurrility set by the
Speaker of the Senate. I hope I may so far
preserve the character due to the gentleman,
as to conduct my defence with some polite
ness of phrase; but if I should, in the course
of my remarks, treat the Speaker with much
severity, he must recollect that he brought it
upon himself. I had thought that those rules
which should govern gentleman of education
down by-, writers on rhetoric, would have
been recognized here:, yet we see them all
violated and departed -from. It was said by
one of the best English writers on rhetoric,
that no man should ever speak of himself;
yet we find gentlemen rising up here -and
pronouncing their own eulogies, and giving
their own histories. If this is the order of
the day, then the committee will pardon me,
if I in some measure depart from it.
[Here Mr. Parsons’replied .to MryEwing
—a subject so Small as to be deemed only'
worthy of excisibn.l '
I had not, for the short period ! Was to
continue here, intended making , any speech
or public remarks on this floor, on the sub
ject under consideration; but the committee
knows full well the manner in which I was
drawn into this debate. They know tliat
this controversy• was never sought-by-me,
and that I pever would have raised my voice
on the subject, if I had not been compelled
to dp it in self defence. I was called upon
by die-' Senator from the’ city (Mr. Fraley)
to give my views with regard to certain' re-
which were adopted at a public
meeting in Lycoming, and which had found
their way into the public prints: I did re
ply to the gehtlematt, and attempted,to sus
liitions, and ingoing so the conduct of tho
honorable Speaker was brought directly in
question. He says the attack made upon
him was rude. If so tjie fault was his own,
for it contained nothing but the truth. He
says too, that the attack was made upon him
here in the Sefaate, and he replies to it as'
sooh as, flie charges are made. If,’sir, he
considers this an attack, it was made more
than thpeb months ago; for it has been that
length of time, since these resolutions were
adopted, and why did the Spbaker sleep un
der this attack so long? Why did he re
main silent until I was called upon by one
of his political friends to sustain these reso
lutions on the floor of the Senate? The task,
I admiti was an unpleasant one, hut howev
er unpleasant, it was forced upon .me, and I
will never shrink from duty, let the discharge
of it affect whom it may:*, r .. v
The Se’dator from Washington, too; has
told yoU that these - resolutions contained
charges against the late Executive; and he
jrose to pronounce a eulogy on Joseph Rit
[ner! He. has appealed to mp triumphantly
to know ifT Will lay aside the protection of
the Senate Chamber to make those charges:
In reply td this, I Say to the Semrtdt;
that those resolutions have bcenbeforis the
public eye for more than thrhd dioiithS;—
They were adopted on the ifitH of Decem
ber, and published in the papers at Harriß
hiirg oa the 25tH of that month.' and they
haye-been Under the. eye and observation of
file late Executive ever since: He retired
from office on the lSth of January. Then
why has •he not' arraigned me; as a man •of
honor he was bound to do, if the charges
were of such a character as gentlemen would 1
ranresent them to be,, mid whrhas he not
Called rae before a court of jusuce. for what
I may have said against him in those resolu
tions, when I was a- private,citizen? It is
- unnecessary, then,. for me to lay.aside thej
projection of the Senate chamber,
made no assertions except what were con
tained in those resolutions.
[* lr - ?• herfe, in replying to Mr; Fraley,
of the city, took tip a figure of that gehtle
• man, in which democracy was called a dis
ease, and carried it out by introducing many
• witty, connections and arraying the wliole in
one picture. Mr. P. was himself the afllict
i ed patient and the federal Senators, were,
; many of them, striving to cure him of his
democracy. The related experience and
i prescriptions of each were recapitulated,
. but after a thorough trial of all their reme
dies, on mutual consultation, his case was
pronounced desperate by all except the
; Speaker, who asserted that he was cured of
: the same disease-in the winter of 183'6, by
juici-silver and goWen-tincture administer
ed in large doses by the agents of Doctor
Nicholas, of the Marble palace in Chesnut
street. He, however, expressed fears that
the patient might have too much honor and
decency to take the medicine.] ‘
The Committee of Safety, too, has been
assailed by the gentleman from Allegheny
and by the Speaker; I have but little to
remark oil this subject. I-will say, howev-.
er,. that if that committee.was guilty of trea
son, it was a treason which was sustained by
the people; I believe, the organization ofj
that committee and 'its' acts, to have been 1
productive of much good. It WaS formed by
that assemblage of people who were
tlie'seat of~g6vernment, and they exerted!
themselves to preserve the peace,, and pre
vent all acts of-violence. Some of those
persons then here assembled, may have been
somewhat turbulent, but the people had as
sembled here with a view of pursuing a so
ber and course. They came
here to see that the legislature should be or
ganized according to law; and when we re
fer to the extraordinary proclamations and
publications of the friends' of the late'Exec
utiye, it was enough to rouse every man to
action. When they saw the proclamations
which had been sent forth—when they saw
their legally elected representatives reject
ed—when they saw the returns of elections
withheld,, and -spurious returns sent in, on
.which spurious representatives were to be
admitted, and when, they saw it attempted
to organize the legislature, as if by previous
concert-and previous combination, was it
any wonder that the people assembled here
to protect their rights? But when the peo
ple came here, it was found necessary that
r. witouta i»i,i».wp V4 >, wuo u, xjouUiA Oi«U
operations and regulate their conduct. This
committee was appointed with that view,
and well did they perform their duty. No
lives were lost, nor was any human being
injured. Although the Commonwealth was
agitated: although the great excitement pre
vaded; although the governor had proclaim
ed that an infuriated mob had possession of
the Capitol; although the people then here
assembled were denounced as butchers, bul
lies, traitors, and dog keepers, and every
other epithet was applied to them by their
accusers, still no violence or tumult occur
Was if not surprising that such tinier and
decorum prevailed, and could it be account
ed for in any other way than that'the com
mittee of safety had great influence upon
-the people thenhere assembled? The Sen
ator from Allegheny'may. read'the proceed
ings of this committee, tie may read their
addresses to the public; review their con
duct; contrast it with the Idte executive, hhd
I tvill leave it to an intelligent public to de
cide whether he or the committee of safety
were right in relation to this matter; If the
members of the committee of safety were
guilty qf treason* as the Senator has Charged
unon them, let film prosecute them in a court
of justice; liot-tb be screened or
exculpited-inanypatHicular.— ; —:
Tshould occupy tab", much of the time of
the committee if I Were to answer all the
various argumhehts Which have fallen from'
the. gentleman from Mercer, who contended
for a particular kind of organization of the
Senate. I. say I cannot subscriber to’ the
■ gentleman’s doctrine because it wOuld de
prive the people of ode of their dearest eights;
When the bMlqt .box isdestrpyed, when the
election is treated as if it had riot "Occurred*
and When it is attempted ih violation of'ali
law, to fill the legislature with men who
were not elected ’ by a majority of votes;
when such a state of things exists; 1 hold
thafcevery citizen of the Commonwealth has
a right to express Ills Opinion, "and to frown
with indignation upon such conduct. Ike
Senator .from Mercer has said that the peo
ple of this country were fast leading on to
, anarchy and misrule; but what portion of the
people was it who were fast leading on to
anarchy and misrule? If when the opinions
of the., people were expressed, through the
ballot hox,'.whCn thejr Have glVeh their votes
and elefctcd their representatives to assem
ble Ot the metropolis of the State to pass
laws fdr their benefit? If when this is done
ah attempt waamade todeny those who.had
been elected by the people thoir aeats,\ ahd
tor place in them those who never were elect
ed; '' I ask whether that is hpt leadirig o.n to
anarchy ahd riiisriile? Ido hot charge that
Senator .with attempting tq produce anarchy
and misrule in. the otganizatioh of the legis
lature because he Baa dlsaVowe'd it; but Ihe-
Heve there were'some of the Senator’s friends
whh entertained' vefy different-view's. -
Tf the public had believed what the Sena
tor Ifym Mercer npwsays,"there Would have
been no dlsterbance, no agitation and qo ex
citement; But unfortunately these things
are'not credited bythe people, ariditwi!)
require higher evidence than that presented.
the public view to satisfy them bf it. I
shall pass by many of the remarks of gentlc
meJl because I have not time now to answer,
because I may have an opportunity of
doing so hereafter. I shall now make a few
observations in reply to the Speaker of the
.< ¥ was remßr ked by Horne Tnokc, that ..
“when a public debater was unable to an
swer arguments and resorted to personali
ties, it was the dernier resort of mearmess,”
and it was said bVan able writer on Historic
that "no tnan who could mCet and answer
arguments would resort to ridicule.” lap
peal then to Senators to say whether it is
not evidence that the arguments against the"”
Speaker were not such as he could not an
swer, and consequently he attempted to
meet them by ridicule? In this discussion
I do. not wish to forget the character of tile
gentleman, and I know how incapable I am
of following,the Speaker in the course he
has.seen proper to piirsUe. His gross per
sonalities—his egotism—his plunges into the
depths of scurrility are matters in which I
am not skilled, and therefore the Speaker
has a great advantage over me. In this kind
of exercise I cannot embark, and shall not
rob the Speaker of any of , the honors which'
he may derive from it. ■
The Speaker has told you wiio his forefa
thers were; what blood flowed in his. veins,
and given you the whole history of his fami
ly.' I rejoice to hear this of the Senator'
from Cumberland, X rejoice that he has
laid before the Senate the history .Of his an
cestors, else I should have been forced to
say with Pope—’ ,
”His ancient but ignoble blood.
Had errp.t through scoundrels ever since the
flood.” : "':
1 an> glad that the gentleniart is the son of
a soldier of the revolution; and I shall not
here say .aught against the reputation of his
honored father; The history of the gentle
man’s descent has Set my mind right, lind l
I have-no doubt it will have its effect on the
public mind.
Yet ihhat can enable'*, naves, sots or cowards, ■
Alas! Not dll the blood oflall the Howards,
The Speaker has attempted to cast a stig
ma upon me because 1 came from the wilus
of Lycoming county. Sure ! did coin'd from
that remote county, but under the constitu
tion and laws of this State, I believe she is
entitled tp be represented on this floor, and”
while I fiere, as her representa
tive, I hope’.tny course will be that of-an
honest man. 1 hope that my constituents
u =v<tr have cause . to charge me with
corruption and bribery: For 1 hold that
ip BIt,BE would strip the dead
Would rob the orphan ofl his crust of bread•
volost Injustice, egu[ty anti right
That man mould steal rhe aged widow’s mile—
Pillage the palace of the King of Kings,
And clip the gilding from an Angel’s wings.”
I hope that my constituents will never
pave occasion to say this of me, while I have
the honor of a scat on fhis floor. I hope my
course of conduct may be sUch; that my con,
stituents will neVer have any cause for siiclvV
suspicions: The Speaker of the Senate has
the Senator from Lycoming is a
Colonel In the militia; I do not * deny, it,
and if it will do the gentleman any good, I
will inform him that I received my commis
sion from Joseph Ritncr. But I ask the
Speaker if he never had any aspirations af
ter military honors, I will ask him if he'did
hot run for the office of Brigadier General
in his own county, and the people thinking .
him unworthy, did not elect him? The on
ly difference then; between us is, that I was
elected and he was not. Well did the ihil-
Uia of Cumberland understand the charac-- ■
ter of the man; and well did they know that,
he was unfitted for military honors & titles*
and well did they know that When the hour
of danger came, when that courage Should
terize a military man, he would be fo’u'nd
deserting His post, like the man which he
himself so beautifully described consoling
himself with.the reflection that
"He who flights arid ruris'away ■V ■ X
May live la flightanother day,” ±
I’hey knew that- found creep
ing out at the back window When the - hour'
of -dangfer But-says 'the Senator >T
was advised to do so; Mos,t hdmifablwes- ’
clise! -
The Speaker of the Senate had attempted
to be, witty in the course of his
He said that tlie Senator -from Lycoming
was to be the historiaiuof the Buckshot war,
and he had appointed his friend frpin'Alle
gheny to be my biographer, and when the
works were written; he proposed to, haVc
them farefaced by likenesses of the Senator
from tiyedming and the Senator'from Alle
gheny; "and bound up' in the same Volume; ;
when they would go down to .posterity arid
be as, celebrated as’ fJiilliVfcr’s novels and
Baron Munchauson: This is all very well;
| and I wish to have ahpther picture introdu
ced to complete this work. .1 would have
this'Hall drawn byorie of the first American
Artists; with the golden eagles which hang
over yoiir head and with all itssplendid
paintings add decorations; arid I would have
it to represent” the scene which occurred
here'dn the 4th of December. I would lirayfe .
the people as they stood in yonder galleries '
and lobbies; ori that' memorable occasion;'
represented with a phrSeijlar' delineation iff
their coririteriaricej-I- would have the 'indig
nant looks and theeyea of the people Bash-’
ingripon the-oCcupant of thatchair,'ashe
theri sat there pale and trembling. I would -
dso have represerited-the Senators in- their —
seats, with their different expressions of
countenance then exhibited-, IHvpuld have
also that back wiridow welt described, shyiv-