American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 18, 1839, Image 3

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’ - An American Mother and her. three
Daughters Murdered by Pirates.
A foreign journal received by the recent
■arrival at New .York, under date of Athens,
January 7th, furnishes the details ■of one of
the most revolting instances of piracy and
murder, to be met with in the calender of
It js stated that on the 10th of November
last the Turkish schooner,. Clierkaj Schergf
(The Prophet’s Mantle) anchored in the
Bay of Patras, its crew consisted of Captain
Said, of Youriai and nine others. The ves
sel carried, besides eight passengers, a Ger
man antiquary,.M. Hundschift Mr. & Mrs.
Davidson, of Carolina, with their threee
■daughters, and two young Turks-. Abdallah
and Hussien, twin sons -of the Aga of Kars.
The cargo consisted of Cashmere shawls,
Oriental trinkets, Circassian embroidery,
and other valuable articles., On the evening
of the 12th the crew and passengers returned
op board, and on the 13 th at dawn the ves
■ sel was to sail, The Patras fishermen per
ceived by the schooner’s lights that she was
sailing, though they did not hear die cus- j
tomery signal-gun fire.
Some hours after, when the sUn was ahoVe,|
- the horizon, a few fishermen, spreading their
nets on the shore, descried a man struggling
amidst the waves.. Two of them rowed to
his assistance', and arrived in/time to save
him. He was a youth dresseiih the Turk
ish costuihe. His condition wis horrible; 1
he was fainting. and the blood was gushing
from a large recent wound,ln his head. He
was conveyed speechless to a cabin, where
every attention was paid him. The fisher
men, conjecturing that other persons might
have been wrecked, proceeded with their
boatsdn'various directions. They shortly
espied the carcase of a vessel, which was
soon thrown on the coast. It was the Cher
kaj Schergf.. The scene she presented was
horrible: on the deck, which was streaming
with blood,, lay the atrociously ,mangled
corpses of the captain and eleven other
r> Below in one of the cabins, were extended
lifeless bodies of Mrs. Davidson and her
three daughters; the state of their corpses
revealed that the most infamous violence had
preceded their dreadful wounds. The ship’s
mast and oars had been demolished with
axes, and her whole-cargo plundered. The
occurrence was forthwith reported to the
' Governor of Patras, and the poor youth
saved- by the fishermen was-carried to an
hospital. Every attempt at discovering the
perpetrators of this atrocious carnage was at
. first fruitless. All that was ascertained was,
that, on the evening before the schooner was
to have sailed, a.brig, which appeared to be’
from. the Island of Samos,.-had beat about
the Bay of Patras. Two days after the
dead bodies of two more of the crew Were
found bn the shore.. At length the young
■ Abdullah whom the fisherman had-ooyed re-,
coveredrenouglHo'rftclirreihii following: I
The schooner had scarcely loft the Bay of ]
Patras—the ' sea Was . catm>: the .'passengers
and a part of the crew had retired to the
cabins—wlftn a fearful tumult was suddenly
heard. Fifteen ruffians, armed with daggers
and yataghans, had boarded the vessel, and,
before any resistance could be. attempted,
massacred or threw overboard every soUl On
deck. Abdallah had beheld the death of his
brother, and he was making himself a des
perate defence, when the cut of a yataghan
-cast him. into the sea, Abdallah added, that
on the day he : arrived at Patras he had been
with his brother; and the captain into a coffee
house,’and that he thought he had seen there
two men whom he had since seen- again on
the awful night of Nov. 12th.' The youth
farther stated that the captain had long talked
before the two tnenof the richness; ofhis cargo,
"and that, next day, op the owner of the coffee
house being.asked who those two strangers
were, he had replied that they were old .sol
diers of Hydra, living quietly atther homes.
Thecoffee-housekeeperwas thenquestiohed.
at first he denied;; all, hut subsequently a
vowed that the’Gyp men had'tconversed with
Abdallah'and the.’captain, .adding that he
knew nothing ofwliat they might have done.
-' Notwithstanding this declaration, he was
imprisoned, when-his wife, alarmed 'at the
consequences’ which her' husband’s conceal
mient might ehtail. ' dißtlosed the facl that
t|ie two suspicious individuals were. George
Diomadi and Alexander Gloukos, two of the
■ most formidable pirates of Samos,, and that
. their stronghold Was near the-. Cavern' of
'Philotetes; The woman protested th'afher
husband Was guiltless, and that his only re
lations with them were: those of a friendship
formed while serving together in the Greek
Insurrection. ,
! Upon theaecircumstancesbeingcommum
:ated to the Governor ofSamqS, he hastened
■vith 300 infantry and GO horse to the Cav
:m of, Philctetes,.which, he, caused to be
unrounded. ■■ He in person, with 50 picked
den, entered the den.—Scarcely had he en
ered'into its : dark vaults! when he, had : to
ustain' a discharge.of musketry! After a
anguinary:struggle, which; pbSCurityrfen
efed still more horrible,'the fire of the pi
ite band was silenced', Fifteen of them had
een slain, ond only captured, and the re
lamder'had'es' andpioerhiirh which,
-ie goyehiqpmot having detected it, had; not
iewtyatchedand guamedi.,'Young Abdallah
I'beingcotitrdhted with.the.priaoner, identi
•d him as one of the two men he had met at:
»tras.—Aftet;thuch :; fc4sitation,.the coffee--
use keeper avowed that'the viltiim wiis ho
her Glpqlcos, the; Ijenteh-'
t of'^thebrigcommanded by ’Ueorge
idmadi.;' , v ' ■
SSTo foreign hews of- iraportahcc since our
fc'-- The news bf ; the first in
, disputed
1 created some sensation; but it is suppo
tbetsubaeguenttohvemehts -will' eftectu-
Mjnieit thhpublic mind; ; ' '• j :
in Baltimore, $7" 00.
Quit?, a curiosity may be seen at the Phil
adelphia Exchahge.ltis a remarkably fine
specimen of a flying fish,' taken on of
the brig Pennsylvania, lately from Malaga to
this port. The vessel was sailing at the time,
at the rate of six miles per hour. ' Suddenly
the Captain saw one of his menknOcked down
against a cask, and heard him cry out lustily
for help. •On hastening to,his assistance, he
was found to be bruised in • the face, from
which'blopd was trickling. • The cause of "the
disaster was. Soon .after ascertained to be a
ifemarkably large flying-fish, which was pick
ed up dead, and with the loss of an eye, which
had been knocked out by its contact’ with a
sail, through which the fish had passed, and
afterwards with the face of the unlucky sair
lor. This flying-fish, is certainly the finest
specimen of the kind we have lever seen.—
We learn it is the intention of Capt. Vcacock
to allow it to remain at the Exchange for a
few days, and then to present to the Phila-.
delphia Museum.— lnquirer.
Vfn Mechanicsburg, oh Thursday the 11th
inst. Alfred. -Ewing, youngest son of George
Sarah Cain, aged 2 years 4 months &
todays'. "f ,
"Sleep on sweet child and take thy rest.
Beneath the heavy clay.
And rise to be forever blest.
In one eternal day.” - ’
najiVfaJVG or
The Trustees of the Carlisle Female Sera
iniity! have engaged Mad’lle Victoria he St.
Omerp to give instructions in Pencil and
Craym Drawing and Painting in India
Ink aotl Water. Colors. Mad’lle de St O
mer was a pupil of, the Royal drawing school
of Paris, and obtained the second prize med
al of that institution. v -
Application may be made to her at the
rooms of her sister, Mrs. .Brown, teacher in
the French ,'and Music department of the
seminary,- at ’ the’ residence of Mr. Charles
Barnitz, South Hanover street, Carlisle.
Price of instruction per quarter, $6 00
By order of the Board, ’
JOHN REED, President.
Carlisle, April 15, 1839. 3t* *
Notice is hereby given that the account
of Jacob Rupp, 1 Assignee of Lewis Zearino,
has been presented to the Court bl Common
Pleas of Cumberland county, for confirma
tion and allowance, and said Court have ap
pointed the SOth day of April ihst. for its
consideration, and rule oh all concerned to
shew cause why it shall not be confirmed
and allowed. .
T rnHtr.f’.Hhin Jtf.rmmn*
pfotreo Is hereby given that the account of
George Brittain, Trustee of Thomas Elliot,
his been presented to the Court of Common
Pleas of CUinbcrland county; for confirma
tion and allowance, and said Court have ap
pointed the SOth day of April inafr. for . its
consideration, and rule on all concerned to
appear and shew cause why it shall not be
confirmed and allowed.
Prothonotary’s Office, ? .
Carlisle, April 8, 1839. 5
At their New Store in Mechanicsburg,
Have just received and are, how opening a
large and splendid assortment of entirely
NEW GOODS, to which they respectfully
invite the; attention of those who are-desi
roiis <jf purchasing new. and cheap goods!— :
Their ..stock consists in part of Muslins;
Tickings, Drillings, Summer Stripes, Mix
tures and all kinds of goods suitable for gen
tlemen’s wear, bide, black, brown and green
Linen Drills,,Hempen Cords. Honey Comb
Ribbs, Victonnes; Gambogetln and Newark
Stripes, _a; large aßaortment of SUMMER
VESTINGS, (Marseilles, Silk. Satin, Vel
vet, Plain and, Figured,)’Lawns,, Challies,
Chintzes! ’ Bombazecns, Linen Cambric
Handkerchiefs, Fancy Silk, Gauze, Blond
and Hernai
Swiss; Mull and Jaconet'Muslins; l plain,
figured and cross-bar’d Corded Skirtsi &c.
together with a geheral 'assdrtmeht of; ;
Groceries, Hardware <Si Oodarwarc.
Their gooda liave been selected with'care in
thn.citiea of New Fork arid, Philadelphia, &
at the lowest prices, and inmfienhg.them to
the public they feel confident in saying that
for quality and cheapness they cannot be
surpassed by any other establishment in the
state. .' fc3“C6untiy produce will b'e taken
in exchange for goods. ' ' , April 18, r !
• Respectfully informs the citizens of Car
lisle & its Vifilnity that'she will <S'co«r Gen
tlemen’* Clothing and JJye wool-, yarn, and
Ladies dresses,, any color which they may
desire, Hcrrhsidenceisin ; East Street,, a
few doors South of the Rail! • Road Bridge,;
where all orders in her line of business will
be thankfully receiVedandpromptly attend-'
ed to. ' /; \
,^Cwl|d,ih , Aptil^id < ifcs6.'.v‘ V. ; ■ st. -
:... r ;:, !l
’ ■ B general- meeting of the taxable inhabi
tants ofthe Borough of Carlisle, will be held
agreeably to d resolution of the; Board of
School Birectors of said Bistrici/at the Court
ffouse. bh Tuesday thejth ddf next,
at two O' Clock P. M: which meeting shall be
duly organized, and
much and what additionalsukshallbe raised
the ensuing year.,etgreeablyio iheseueraladts
establishing common schools ; - : w.=!'?’• -V -
J ' v ’■ Jakes
Carlisle, April 18, 1839. ‘.*
A v
Prothonotary’s Office, \
Carlisle, April 8, 1859. $
$ t can ennt t t
Js now opening a splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer .
GOOD S, ' ;
At the south-east corner of Market Square, well
known as Bredin's Corner, and recent
ly occupied by Geo. IV- Crobb,
Blue, Black, Blue Black, Invisible Green, Ada
lade and Brown ; ' ' -
Ribbed, Striped and Plain a
splendid assortment of Blacklßlue-biack,Green,
Mause, Fawn, ■ Slate, Gro de Naple, Gro de
Swa, Gro de Sein, and Kess Italian SILKS;
Florence assorted colors,'together with n splen
did assortment of Raigues, Figured Silks, a va
riety of Prints and Chintzes, new style Lawns,
Mouslindelaines, Ginghams, Painted, Cross-bar
red, Striped, lacohett Bt Cambric Muslin, a fine
assortment of _ i'Z. ■
a superior assortment of Veils 'and Handker
chiefs, a general-assortment of Summer, figured
and plain Satin
Summer Cloths, Sattincts, plain and striped
-Linens, I risli.Linens,Velvet Cords, Beaverteehs,
Checks, Cotton Drillings, Tickings, &c.
A general assortment of Leghorn, Tuscan,
and colored Nun Bonnets, Palmlcaf and Leg
horn Hats. ' . .. .
AgeHeTaTassor ttxven to f Gnuz e, Ma nt ua ,Tdve
and Satin Ribbons, a splendid assortment of
Hosiery and Cloves.
• • •'.anobsiiiss: :
Rio, Porto Rico, Java and Sumatra Coffees, Su
gar, Sugarhouse and Orleans Molasses, Young
Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas, and Soap.
His present stock of Goodshave been selected
withjmuch care,’and will be sold at s«Ch fences
as will not fail to give satisfaction to those wish-,
ing to purchase. He is very thankful for past
favors, and hopes by strict attended
and a disposition to please to merit and' receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
. Carlisle, April 18, 1839. * - tf
JUST received and npw opening at the stor’A
of the subscribers, corner of Hanover and
Loutli-qr streets, Carlisle, a general assortment of
Spring Chintzes", Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns,
Muslindelaines, Challies, Veilsi Bonnets,’
bons, Cadet Cloths, Cassiroeres, and fine Sad
nets. Also, a first.rato assortment of Domes
tics. as brown and bleached Muslins, Tick
ings, Table Cloths, wfthh great variety of stuff*
for GeriUemen's Summer Wear,-Such as Summer
•Cloth, French Velvet, Drillings and plain Lin
ens of.allkinds, Velvet Cords, Beavertecns and
Nankeens—Stocks, Cravats, Breasts and Col
lars, Gloves and VES TINGS. Also a good as
QneCtistvcirc and Groceries,
all of which will be sold low and on accommo
dating terms. The public are respectfully in
vited to call and examine before making thelr
purchases, and thc£_wi_U_b^^ur®
Carlisle, April 18,1839. - . r ■ -' ’
c :* -*• ■new-' . r ,. ■' v-v •
C 6 ■£'j& HK 1 N G
subscriber having just arrived from the
.east with some of the best workmen that
could be procured, is now prepared to finish
work in the most fashionable style and of the
best materials. He will manufacture any thing
in that line of business, such as
j. dAas, OOAOHBS, ; ciac,
b? every description. He has now in his employ
probably one of the best Spring Makers and
Coach Smiths that is now in the state. His
charges shall be moderate and his‘work will all.
bewarranted. • :
Repairing done in the neatest manner and with
despatch. •.
The subscriber humbly,solicits the patronage
of the public, for which .he'wl//tender bis most'
sincere thanks.
Car/is/e. \pr\l 18, 1839. . i i tf
THE subscriber j-iturrta thanks to hia friends
and former customers ftirpastfavors,' and
Would respectfully - inform the public that he
continues' to carry on the Fulling Mill of Mr.-J.
Burkholder, in South Middleton township, three
and a half miles soutli east of Carlisle, where he
will manufacture 1 ‘ - '• > ' : ■■
.OIIOTHS, , . /;
OassimerosiOassinettp, Biankeits, decs
. VVOOL will be purchased at the market price, or on the shares to manufacture blank
ets. - Wool Carding will also be attended to ns
usual, . The mill is in good order, being suppli
ed .with the best. Cards and apparatus.
He pledges himself to do work in the best
mannelvand hopes to receive a liberal share'bf
public patronage. ° -■
' ' : : ’ BENJAMIN ELLIS.- -
ApVll 18, 1859.
Hie Fil-st Battalion 6f
Cumberland Volunteers*
are ordered'to parade on Tuesday the
14th day of May, in ; the -borough r of
Carlisle, at 10 o’clock, A. -Mr- prop,
erly equipped for drill 'arid inspec
tion. , . . */. -r.'
By order of the commatidlng officer,
April 18, 1839.
amount RoCk rlndepehderit Light
. . Infthfry! .
'[ You, are' ordered to parade'at
Newville on Saturday the 4th,
,-7fM| , day of May nextraHO o’clockV
iS A. ; - hi.;., :The: members, are , re
t : quired'ro'applar' in complete u
■- Wx S niform with arms in good oi;der.
Wj“ i An adjourned court. of appeal
- '• ' v 1 56 held on said day by the
where all interested are-
WILL 'practice in-the several Courts of
Cumberland, Perry and Juniata. Office
in Main street, Carlisle, a few doors west of the
Post Ofil9e. .: r . ■ '■
March2l, 1839." <- k - - i - tf : '
.constant employment and liberal wages
will be giVen. Apply to the subscriber residing
in Roxbury, seven miles cast of Carlisle, on the
Trihdle Spring road.. \. ; P ■ - H' 1
April 11. 1839. 3t
ITAKEthismethod of returning my sincere
Sc thanks to the public for the liberal encour
agement which 1 have- received from them for
the last five years,, for in that time I have fur
nished marks for more thin five hundred gravest
and I have now become ft perfebt judge of mar-,
ble and-also the workmanship. Feeling desirous
to continue the business I would state to those
wishing to purchase Marble Monuments, Tomb,
Head and'Foot Stones of tlie best white, niarble
and is cheap as the city can afford; and without
paying any commission to agents, to please call
with the undersigned next door to Mr. Bcctem’s
Hotel. The stones will be delivered at the place
appointed by the purchaser.
Carlisle, April It, 1839. 3t'
N. B. Persons who have engaged Grave Stones
of me pi lor to this ,ydll take care that they pay
no one without my order or consent. J. H.
ir Carlisle Artillery.
Fj '■TTOU are ordered to parade on your
|CK |-,JI usual grouncj.copipletely equipt,
Bn I in summer Uniform; on Monday the 6lh
iff and Tuesday tile, 14th of May next..
Xlf - JOHN R, KERNAN, O.S. r
JL N. B.—No member will be received
|( °n parade who is not provided with a
1 - new cap and uniform according to the
late’ regulation of the company.
Carlisle, April !!, 18S9. ‘ “*'■ 1 •' ‘ ‘ .
First Begiment of Cumberland.
Parade at Newville on Friday the 17th May
next, at 10 o'clock.completely equipt for inspec
April 11,1839,
Take notice thrit.we have applied to the Judge#
of thb Court of Comirnorv Pleas qf Gumbcrlahd
county, for tliebenefit of the Insolvent; Laws' of
this,Commonwealth,; ahd.-thiy hVvfe appointed
Tuesday the 30th day of April For the hearing
of us and our creditors, when and where you
may attend if you think proper.
william b. Milligan,
April 11,1839.
Carlisle, Pa. Novi 1, 1838.
Arrival and Departure of'Mails.
• , Arrives'. 'Close*.
Eastern-'’ 'daily about 12 m. '7p> in.
m.> Ijf a'; m;
Western... .*• ,1?,In; ■, ;10 a.; m.
Southern . . •• ISfm. 7p. m,
MechanVcsb’g *•l3 m, "■ \-7 p. m,
Newville i ,j2in. 10 a.m.
R. lamberton.p.MT
.TyAS- , his°lßce4n‘So u th-Handvei’6treetrtwo
JDL, doors south',of,the officte recently occupied
by Judge'.'Helibufn, and.neariy opposite Allen’s,
fofmerlyMacfarlkne’s hotel. ' . - '
Carlisle, Aprils, 1 1839/- ' ’ St
... Estate] of Jacob Fried, deceased.' '
is hereby,given' that letters,of Ad*
J.s|niiiriislratiOh ontlu; catale-bf Jacrib- Fried,.
late of Allen township, Cumberland bounty, de
ceased,,;haye been, issued by„ the .Register !of said
'co' the subscriber, r^hp.resides in the sait 1
township. AM persons haying claims oy
against theestnte of the. said .dededeh’t are re
quesled to WakeknoWn the saihe’without delay,
and those indebted to tnakepaymeht to .
;. JOHN MATEEB,. •Administrator.
March,2l, 1839. J ■■■;
/;■ ;/.V 1 - ' ■
U NTENDS-residing permanently in Carlisle,
J|.and wpuld respecttully offer his professional
servicesto thecitiiensofthe placeandyicinity.
He has taken rooms at Col. Ferree’s Hotel,
where he : ptay be found at all liours. -.; ■«
„ Persons, requesting it will be waited upon at
theirrcMdebces. ; 1
ii.v 1 ■' ;i CDfi George D'.-jPditlke,
■; < Refitence,— < Rev.Thas. Ci. Thornton,
■ ■■ - CDr.DavidJf. Mahon.
. Carlisle.^Dec. 6, 1838. ... -
~AlQt,of.pntpq Western ljatns, : ~r r i
' r "—T-j ‘ Tt
- Two setibraSs mnunted Harness, '"
- 'Twp/OTod'young ; Hor3esi ; Sult(ißlefor farmers*
use.'- Also. a great Variety b! Jy/y Gto'da, - Gro
eeriest: --.'l .'i'.-jisiny
:/ - , ' HAMILTON &-.GRIER.
CarljslejvMarehse. J.S??.;:! ■
ifMw sPßwe GdblWr ;
Just received at the store ol Amold-Sc. Co. a
fresh i 'assbrtment; ot; desirable’-’Spring Goods,
which they offer very loiit. - -.-—April 4.
—ltalian; Luitstnng,GroS'de-najp7
.Grosde’Swiss,-Gros-de-Paris ami'a large assort
ment oflieht and fancy; colored Silks; plain and
figlifed, offered low, by ' ‘ r lmold (s’ Co.
Job Printing neatly executed _af’this office'.
THE. subscriber, thankful for, past j favors;
hereby gives notice Umt-he has removed
’ HikTailcmlngEstablisliinolit
to South Hanover street, next door to the store
of William Gould and nearly, opposite Beetem’s
hotel,; He trusts by strict attention to business,
to meritVcdntinuntice of. public patronage. ,
Henry s. rittek.
Carlisle, April 11, 1839. . i 3t
THANKFUL for past favors, respectfully in
form the citizens of Carlisle and the public
generally, that they have removed their
Clock it Watch making Establishment
to Jfp;.9 Harper’s Row, where all work in their
line of business will be thankfully received and
prdrdptiy attended to. ‘ ■
Carlisle, April 11, 1839. ' >
BR.II. EBAtrdll, will be absent from. Car
lisle until about Ihe 10th of July next,’at
Which time lie expects'to return and wait upon
those who mhy favor him with a call, as usual.
April 11,1839. tf
RESPECTFULLY informs the.ladies and
gentlemen of Carlisle and its vicinity that
he-sets-Artiftcial Teeth in the tftost approved
jnanqer*. ;He also scales, plugs and separates
teeth to Arrest decay.
• Dr. N. prepares a tooth powder, which whi
tens the teeth j without injuring the enamel, col
ors the gums a fine red and refreshesthe mouth.*
L/adlcp and gentlemeh. arc! requested to call
and his cbUedtlin bfc'Horcdain or In
corruptible cceth, which will never decay or
change color, and arc free from .nil unpleasant
odour, durable and well adapted for\chewing,
which will be inserted in the best manner and
at fair prices. ' f
. .Allpersons tb call. at,.their
i dwellings wilfpleosc to leave a line at his hesi
idghce,No. 7Harper’s Row, when hcwillpunc
tudll)'.attend to every call in the line oTJiis pro.
fession. Trom a long and successful practice,
I hfehopcs to give general satisfaction
April 11,<1839
To Jflillers & •JfSannfacturcrp.
HOWO'S improved direct
Tfhas Sought the right of the above water
wheel, forthc State of TPennsylyania.
sidcred hythosehaving them in use, as one of
the most important improvements that has evey
been introduced. Personsdesirbusofseeingthe
wheel,- can do so, by calling - at' the foundry of
John B. Hall 5c Co., Williamsport. The an
nexed certificates have been given as a slight
testimonial of its value; they will Speak for them
selves. Address the subscriber in Lancaster, Pa.
: April 11, 1839. ly
J. KELSO, Adjutant,
. rcbrvlj ~ . • to cerbjyV that I have hut in one'of
HowhPs Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Water
Wheels, iff the place of a Reaction Wheel; that
the-Direct Wheel deep not flood lhc tail-raceas
onich;by three inches as the reaction did, and
that I can grind seven bushels with .the, direct
action wheel an ’hour, and drive two ruri’ of
Stones, where 1 cohid not grind four bushels in
the %'amc time with the reaction and-drive dne I
ran bi stones.
I .Ephrala tp. Lan. co. Oct. 1838.
THE books of Dr. Theodore Myers dec’d.;
have been'placed in;the hands, of;'Jacob
Squier, Esq. ;.Those.-JJaying
claim against,' or those Indebted to said deceas
ed, are requested call immediately for.seltlc
ment. 1 . ...
A stray gray, horse- supposed-to be aboutninc
years old .and blind of uotli'eycsj came to the
premises of the subscriber living-in Wcstpcnns-
Borough township, county, about
the Slst of lasrMarch. ■ The owner is requested:
(ojcome an<| prove property, pay charges ?hd
take him away,, or he will be disposed ofaccord;:
Inc to law.. ""
: ; kpril 11, 1839.
,| The first Battallioh 86tli Regiment
"A I Pennsylvania Militia, will parade, at,
i MV Mechanicsburg, on Monday the-lSth;
' j(W|)L and the second Battalion at Carlisle, ‘eh
Kan Tuesday'theHth'bfMaynext; aa.X i;
Fin" Battalions to he formed at 10 o’cidtk,
- A ‘“* 1 “ f.EWIS HYeR;
wjf Col. Comd’g.,B6th Reg. P. U. -
: g«=sfc» April 11, 1859. ; V',:';.-. i-'-V.
ripHE public will take notice that letters of ad*.
X ministration on the estate of Jacob Williams,
IMeolNorth Middleton township deceased, have
ibR-day been issued to the subscribers who re
qtiisfc allipersons having claims or demands.a
gaipattheestateofthesaiddeceaent, to make
(mown,the same to them without delay, and all
: .Who are.iiidebted lb said estate to call and settle
■the sartiertrlthout delay.
" Residing In N. Middleton township.'
Residing in] Newton township.
■ April 8, 1839. 6t
To the Heirs and/Legal Representatives, of
. MICHAEL QUIGLEY, late of the Bor
ough of Carlisle, deceased;
TIAKE;NOriCE that ! will hold an lnquisr
-tion on a writ of Partition or Valuation, on 1
the premises late of Michael Quigley, dec’d, on
Vlonday the 29th day of April,lB39,at 10 o’clock
A. M.- where all interested may attend. ■
. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office, ?
Carlisle, April 11, 1839. 5
The tooth-ache will be cured, in most cases,-
without extraction; odontalgic wash is
prepared, for healing .sore gums and fasten the;:
teeth.*' • ” ' v ‘ ■ 1 - v s. t.*):
THE' subscriber returns thanks to his friends
former customers for past favors, and res
pectfully informs the public that he has remo
a few doors west of the Volunteer office, in
Church alley, where hq will constantly,lcycp on
hand n supply of Candles arid Snap, which lie
will dispose of on accommodating terms to all
who may favor him with their custom.
The highest price will be given fur Tallow,
Soap Fat and Ashes.
• - : ■ ; GEORGE REISINGER- „■
Carlisle, April J1,,1639.;., v .„ ■/ . 3t.. ,
■ • ■ S. A. MYERS,'
Administratrix of said deceased.
Carlisle, April U,-J839,—3m0.-
L v i, .WANTED,
Six miles south-west of Carlisle, to whom
constant eippluyment and libefaV wages will ’
be' given by ' A. G.EGE.
April 18,1839.
Register’s Notice,
;■"i '• 60u1839. S
Legatees, Creditors and other persons con
cerned, that the following accounts have
|)een'filed.; in this ;ofiice'for examination, by
the accountants therein named; and will bo
presented to the Orphans’. Court of .Cumber
land county, for confirmation and allowance
pn 'Tuesday the 50th day of .1).
- Thd administration account of Isaac Air
dams. Administrator of Harkness Addams,
deceased, filed by Hetty Addams, Adminis
tratrix of said Isaac.
The administration account, of John Da
vidson, Administrator of John Boyed, de
The administration aCtoUnt.of Henry Ja
cobs;. Administrator of William Beistlinc,
The administration acc'ountof John Snevc
ly„.Executor of Jacob Abrahams, deceased.
The administration account of Alexander
Sharp, Administrator of William M. Sharp,
:C afclbbuiit of Alexander
Sharp, Administrator of Andrew Sharp, de
The administration account of John Shopp,
Administrator of Jacob Neidig, deceased.
The administration account of JolmXinc,
Adfainisttatof of
’ceased; - • '• tv; •
: J&Sob C.
ceased. . ~ _ '-^l%
'®? 'William
ofJ,h£eph (plbra.ith,
deceasedt >v> , *l’ <£. ’J v
The administration account of John Mu s
ser and Jacob Eckart, Administrators of Ja-'
cob Musscr, deceased.
The administration account of Jacob Christ
lieb, Administrator of Cat har ine Christ Ueb,
deceased. - ..■O'
; The administration'account of George
Bcelman and'John Beelnian, Administrators
nf Jacob’Beelnton,;dec6asedr '
.. The administration account of Sgvrd M'ar
tiii and : Henry Bitner,'Executors bf,Thomas
: Martifa, deceased.' .
‘ The suppleihcnfal administration account
of John Houser and John Myers; Adminis
istrators ofJotin.Leidig, deceased. ’
The administration account of Henry
Aj.urniatrutdr-of Martin Brene
man, deceased. ■
,r XTie n ( j l .ew
Gross, Administrator of Penny Gross, ut
heased.v 'lt : : ‘■. ■ '. i'-i-'l-fl
The administration account of John K
Lpngnecker, Administrator of Henry Long
neckcr, deceascd. • - .
, ISAAC ANGNEV, Jiegister.
'3m? b
K -“©STEP.■ PARtBT.”
1 stood the ensuing sca
at Carlisle, on the terms set
; forth in tH’e handbills. .. .T
Peter Parley; jd, of the very
first .racing blood. He'was-got by '*Oscar’*v*hi»
dam ‘Betsey, Wilkes* Ayasby the
Ai*chie*—hi3 grand dam by ‘Bedford
grand dam by‘-Dare Devil*~hisg.~ g. grand
idam by 4 Xiambliglitcr g;, g. g..grand dafh
by, Syrns* ‘Wildair;* 'l'he ahoye' -pedigree'.i»
auihentip as >vi!l be seen by a reference'to thu
American Xurf ftcgistcr. ’ '
il Fok' farther Particulars.appt^nv'* :: : '
. '. , • JOSEPH Groornr ■:
Carlisle,April4, 1839.. r :jl - S(f»v .
HOAB.nt the west end of High street,
directly opjj’osjte'Dicfcinson iJbllege ( ‘rwfiei ; (i r lhey ’
'ctjnrit all times receive alitTt/brwtfrtf ftierctiab
dize~antfproduce:to-EJiilarielphirf, ; t>lnirtibeK-‘
burg and all intermediate iilaccs,
Cars on the .road ivbicli will .rum;reCTlarlyjj)c-
I ; tweei» jCarlisl?'! and,' • Philadelphia,,-. by : ; vehiclr
wili hc
forwarded tvitfixare arid'dfckpatfcbj,' ‘’ «,
Goods will be received al’the; 1 Vydffclinustr '6f .
Joieph S. Lewis/jr. & Co;, fcornef of Broad and
Carlisle, Chambersburg,* arid hll-mterinfidiaVe
places.'' : " ' ':l~" .'4
:&:JiV<esrn^lilrpuk-Sf^Y^t'ltUitl^Uade^rhta w
•j Ar-REpiiparea iff.rtccire andcßect-safes ftf
. tyhietr tnjy
be entrusted to their care. Liberal adralfces
will be' made on consignments untiLsalcs arc cf-
-fected.— ”, , .
. Frodli’cc arid ihcrchahdize'leftnt-thcWarc
house of Messrs. Murray fe Fleming,,Carlisle,
shall deceive prompt attention, anti all merchan
dize, Bcc. left with us will be forwarded to Cat-
lisle, Chambersburg, and all intermediate pla
ces, on the rail road, with care and despatch, at
the lowest rates-of freight. - j
April 4. 1839 - 1
REMAINING in the Post Office at Dick,
insoit, Ph* 30th March, 3659.
Benson Sarah A. Elishh Norris Eli
Blakeley Gcmge Prier W
m Peter Swigcrt George'
Carl Peter Bwigert 'Joseph'
Coaver Adam, - Thomas Hrtty
I Meyers Benjamin ' Williamson Jn’htsrh
M’Cnrmidv George - Williams George
N,ag)e.Bafton,_JVl. M
Register’s Office,
.j, "• T -tw.
, 5m
A. p-MILLEIJdCiftr.