Of the'Borough, of Carlisle, showing the amount of Small Notes issued and redeemed, and the To whole amount of small notes issued at different times. Debt due F. Watts, for money advanced for redemption of small notes, Debt due Carlisle Bank, Balance in favor of Thomas Trimble, Treasurer, The account of Archibald Ramsey, Treasurer of the Borough of Carlisle, in the year 1837, ex hibiting his receipts and expenditures. To balance against him on settlement, April 7, 18 Sr, . Amount of taxes for the year 1838, (John Reighter, Collector,) Proceeds of loan from Carlisle Bank, Cash-received for Licenses to sell country produce. Proceeds of Hay Scales; ' ' Stall rent on account of new Market House, ' . 'The sum received on account of sales of old marked house, Cash for a 64 lb, weight, Stall rent from old market house,. Balance due borough by account on settlement with administrator, 24th March, 1838,., N. B. The Council of 1837 paid the Carlisle Bank two notes, each one thousand dollars, out of the proceeds of the borough issues, one of which notes was a loan by the Council oi 1836; the other a loan by the Council of 1837, on account-of a new market house. The account of Thomas Trimble, Treasurer of the Borough of Carlisle, exniwilng his Receipts and Expenditures since his appointment in Dee. 1837, as the successor of A. Ramsey, dec’d. Dr. . ' Cr. 7 00, 13 75 24 00 34 00 2 00 17 50 47 50 23 00 10 64J 2 60 11 48 20 00 • 20 311 1 50 10 00 To amount of taxes authorized to be collected for the year 1888,-(John Pe ters collector,) * To amount of. new borough notes received from President of Council for re demption of old worn out notes. To amount of money received from John Hays, administrator of A. Ramsey, late Treasurer, on account of balance due from said Treasurer on settle ment, - To cash received from Sarah'Bolander, Eliza LeybUni, John Sellers, Hanna Sanno, James Liigget, and John Proctor, for license to keep provision stores, To cash received from David James, Jacob Garyer and Simon Sholley, for licenses for keeping oyster houses, Cash from Isabella Wormley for license for a provision store; Cash from E. Weise for a license for one year, To cash received from John Reichter, late collector of borough tax. To cash from Chief Burgess Snodgrass for licenses, &c. (Dash from John Reichter, late collector. To cash received from T. D. Hampton for John Reichter, To cash received for stall rent in Market House from John Kozer, Thomas Brown, John Wynkoop, John Baehr, George Heckman, Charles Murry, James Hoffer, Samuel Gould, Samuel Shulenberger, John Zeigler, &Hod zen Henderson* ... To cash received from Robert McClan balance against him on settlement in the Spring of 1838, as street commissioner, To cash received from M. Dipple, clerk of the market house, and keeper .of the hay-scales—the balance against him on settlement in the Spring of 1838, , Cash from ft. Snodgrass, amount of judgment against Michael Beltzhoover . for Weighing hay, .... To cash received from M. Dipple in July, 1838, for weighing hay, - Cash received from'J. W, Nichols for circUa license, Do from Michael Matthews for chaips sold, CaSHTrom Chief tiUfgessTdFliCense to BUclcley, Hopkins fifCbTfoFexhibV tiort, , . . Cash from Jacob Kissinger for stall rent; ’ Cash from Antonio Migaso for license to exhibit, , 1 Cash” from Burgess for license to Hi Dooey to exhibit d paihtinh; Cash front Si Moore, . Do. from Frederick Danieis,.for license to exhibit, Do. from Mr. Garret for license to hold a concert. Cash received from Michael Dipple, clerk of the market ahd keeper of the hay scales, ■ . . _ Money received from Stewart Moore dh accoiiiit of sale of bid market-house, Cash received front S. Moore, as fines as collected. Cash received from James Goffer and Charlfes Murray for stall rent. Cash Robert McClan on settlement, it being the Valance of money advSppi fdr expenditures oh streets and lanes, Cash received from John Noble & Co. for stall rent; - 1 ’ To amount of order bn Savings Society, V*' * 4 Balance in favor of accountant. Fl YiM'UL CONDITION ALSO THE EXISTING DEBTS OF SAID BO] balance unredeemed and outstanding or Iqst. 9 500 00 3,500 00 4 454 H&'f* *t? t* #tt e ll* LOUGH AND THE AMOUNT OF HER ASSETS. Dr. 912,389 00 By the amount of Small Notes redeemed and destroyed by burning by the Council at different times. Money due borough yet to be collected. Balance of loan to Moore & Biddle,. 91,000 00 Balance from estate of A. Ramsey, late Treasurer, ■ • • 115 25 , Balance due from John Reighter and bail, late Collector, 277 16 Balance due from John Peters, present Collector, 113 674 On Deposiie in the Saving Fund Society, , 854.98 Balance outstanding on account of sales of Market house, 25 85 3,004 451 $15;293. 45il Dr. 9 64 14| 2,000 00 989 50 SO 00 43 87' 97 00 18 25 3 20 21 00 Paid Isaac Angney election expenses for 1837, Do James W. Hoyt, Clerk to Cpuncil, Do Jason W. Eby, Assistant CUrk-to'Sigm small notes. Do Robert-Graham on account of Market House, Do George M. Phillips for printing. - "'Do • Sanderson and Cornman for printing, . Do . Michael Dipple on account of salary. Do B. Hendel for winding town Clock, Do R. Miles on. account of salary as High Constable, Do Jojm Agnew for cleaning spring, Do Robert, M’Clan to make improvements as street commissioner. Do John Germany, street commissioner to pay hands Do J. Morrison for working on street, _ Do F. Watts for money advanced in purchase 6f small notes,- . Do Commission allowed Accountant on his disbursements. Credit by balance of taxes in hands of John Reighter, Collector, T 3,256 96| 2,737 94 519 02$ Paid Abel Keeney for lamp for Tdwn Hall ' M. Dipple a quarters salary as clerk of Markets Sanderson & Cornman for printing ordinances, &c. Union Fire Company D. Reisinger for candles. James W. Hoyt on account of salary as Clerk to Council F. Watts Esq. for money advanced to E. Morris for notes Abel Keeney for Lamps for Market house' Richard Miles balance of salary &c. John Gillen for services as high Constable James Loudon for books and stationery Thomas- Trimble on account of salary as clerk to council Stewart Moore, on account of salary as high constable* John Corniany street Commissioner ■ , ' , ■ B. Hen del for winding town clock William Line Esq. assignee of Samuel Neidig on account of debt due said ' Neidig,. Cumberland'Fire Company, . Stewart Moore expenses of Borough election for 1888, Robert McClan street Commissioner on account of improvements, Mary Brandt for oil as per bill of M. Hippie Thomas Tnmble a quarters salary and for making Borough duplicate,- Stewart Moore’ a quarters salary and expenses for whitewashing and cleaning Town hall, • John Irwin for copy of triennial assessment, V " ’ , , John, Agnew for cleaning Leiart spring. Amount of .torn notes redeemed and delivered over to council at two dif; fereht times, ' - Amount Of cash-deposited 7 in saving society for redemption of Borough . .notes,..., ° Samuel Wetzel for a Crain for market house, * Jacob Sener for chains for square, ' Geo. M; Phillips for jprinting, Robert McClan for repairs to lapes, : John Hamwood for cleaning public square, Carlisle Bank back interest and discount on note; _ Sating society for redemption of small notes, " ■ / The Union fire company; The Cumberland fire company, Credit Tor counterfeit small notes taken in ihibtake. Credit for balance of duplicate in hands of Johp Peters yet Unaccounted . fob • ■ - - ■ By artibiint Of small hoteS received from collector which waft this dayde , stroyeed by council, ... ; ' Do. Michael Hippie 3 'quarters saiary as clerk of Market; , : V Ho. Stewart Moore high constable 3 quarters salary, Dot for load of wood and cuttlng the sarae for council, Stewart Moore for fcollecting money due on old Market hoitse, For cleaning market square, ’ Do. Robert McClan street Commissioner salary* .; DO. Abel KeeUey fot spouting, - . r .. Geo;.W. Crqbb for printing, .. .... - " ' - Do. Thomas Trimble 3 quarters salaryasclerk, ... . Do; Robert Graham dri account of balance due. him for building market - . house ahd extra work arolirid market house,"' ,V' Amount of exonerations to John Peters Collector, > -- ■ r- 7 Commission to collector Peters, .Allowance to collector for serving iiotices, - / : ‘ Do; Robert Graham balance in full, - Do. William Line assignee of Samuel Neidig balance of his claim in full, . ' -Commission to accountant, 91500 00 524 00 403 79 14 00 6 00 2 00 3 0B“ 162 DO 21 91 4S 00 205 50 62 sr. 7 37i 24 sri r 4i 12 SO 10 00 3 00 5 00 4 50 11 00 6 00 1 60 4 00 1 00 125 l3i 53 83i 2 00 15 50 20 83 . 40.00 177 56 3.473 074 4 451 •3,477 52i 4 Examined andpassed April S, 1839 by .. > , ,! : ■ ' r HUGH GAULLAGHEB. T r ‘ GEO. D. FOULKB, I Coouttee of ; WMi M. PGRTBB, J Accounts o Balance against the borough. Balance due by accountant, Cr. 11,217’ 18 2,386 21 13,603 S9i 1.690 06* 8X5,393 45| Cr. 9 10 50 131 00 1,360 00 "43 00 12 50 2 7 50 10 00 _ S 3 62' 40 00 80 00 7 00 1 09i 148 00 .49 Bri 693 00 2,737 94 : . 529 02| , $3,256 96i 250 00 34 00 10 62 40 00 6 25 18 50 523 61i 350 00 75 10 08 10 00 i 5 00 3 60 101 25 1'24 00 34 00 34 00 4 50 113 IS7* 179 90 41 25. 60 00 ? 00 2 64 ... 75 25 00 3 00 29 50 •57 50 600 00 68 95 1 fl 55; .5 do , 82 681 ift 59 . 80 221 •3,477,521 ! ttST OF UETTBRS Remaining in thc Poit Offlcb Ht.Mechtinici burg, Pa; April tst. 1839; , ~ Josephßlack : PollJtMiller . Henry Bun . . Mary.Markly Willmm Bennett Mary ENeabit Margaret Bee GeorgbPollinger Jacob Cobver David.H Flame John'Close' J Palmer' ' H Deafenbaueh , Jacob Palpier John Dornbdch James Purdy.. Geo W Dougherty Henry Rich Mary Duey- : George Rupert Elizabeth Eberly Andrew Stork ", John Eberly 2 - George Stoanapring Abr’in Eshelman Elizabeth R Smith 2 Elizabeth’Earnest John Stewart William Fagan David Sanderson Christian Fulmer William Smithcy John Gerhard George Schbyeye Augustus Gobreght James Sullivan David Gosweiler John Smith John Hoovier ' George-Swart Mr Hall (mason) , Peter Thrush John Kairns 0 Matey Vansent Henry Landis Samuel. Westheifer’.. John J Kingcr 0.. Jacob Williams JohnManing£ . ■ _ . V : GEORGE F. CAIN, P. M, LIST OF LETTERS Rentaining.in the Post Office at. Carlisle, "• Pot Jipril Ist, 18S9V Enquirers wil please say advertised. ’ , , A , helm John Allen Americusj Lion Susan Anderson James Lea Thomas Adams Richard Low Daniel B Lamison Conrad Barnhart Margaret .. Lindsay John Burkholder John 2 Leidigh Henry Bosserman E 2 'm ■ Boyers Jacob 2 Main William sr Brown Jacob ■ Myers Jno (carpenter' BarbourWilham MornaonWilliam Bosler Thomas Mateer J & W Blackburn George 3 Martin Jas ■ Brown Ann Moore David Moore William Mecleming Joseph Minick John Moore Sarah M Miller David . Martin Thomas H Miissclman George McCluiie Robert Mclntire Elizabeth M McNeal Sally .McGowen John McClihtick Robert' McElroy .Edward . McCabe Elizabeth ilfcCabe Jane Ann • ilfcd/ullen Hetty il/cfeibbin, Robert n- ; Nets George ' «/«Mplv - P Patten. J W Esq Pierce D Esq Piper Gapt Joseph ■' Perkihs Capt David Q Quigley Andrew •R , , Robinson Jane Eliza Rupert Henry Reed John Robinson Lewis Carothers Mary Chippell Margaret Camp John Cart George W Culbertson J Cbndit Amos W Carney Barney- Cautley William Cramar John - D Dickson John Demey Martain Diller Joseph D Groft Isaac Dunbar William 2 E Egen James ■ Earley Nancy Q«kor4 ObnraJ -X> v ■-.-r Elies Margaret Elliott John Feighl John Foursht John Fluke F , Fehl John Fisher Samuel Fishburn John 2 Fisher Mark Freeling Ellen Falor John Foster Henry G Sriyder Rachel Goodyear John ■ SentmanSaml L Graham Robert Sterret Robert C GarncrHiram— Stubs Jane — Galbraith Samuel or ? Sterrett David T Fasten- $ Singiscr Joseph Gilmor John C Stewart A/argaret Gross Samuel Schwartz Catharine J Gobles Nathan Schwert David Golden Jeffrey . StchmanJacob Goetz John Shuart Wm • Goodman J R Rev Spotlstfood Esther .... H--. Smith George B HartzelJohn Smith 71/ra John M Holsaple John Spore David. Hilton-George Shoemaker William Hartline George Shireman Mr • Hannan John t Snider Fcter Henery David . Stoner David Heagy Weams , Smith Charts Holmes Elizabeth. . Sanders Benjamin HoomerOanl Shaffer Mr Holmes Margaret , Smallwood Ellen ■ Hocker Adam Smith Jane Heckmajn Maria v T Hinkle John . Thompson Ellen Hoover Frederick ? - Towle Samuel r or Jacob Reinhold 3 \ Hass Peter ’'•••. Dlerich Elizabeth Hall Samuel 2 W,. ■ Heppchamer Ged. ? . Webbert Henry-' ■.■Wise*".’",' ’ 5 . Walters johh; ; I& J Weakley Isaac : IrwinHenryorWm? Williamson,Thomas * Wise ’ ; J Willithmen Catharine Judick Joseph Woodruff A P Johcit Eliza Williams Samuel' • ■ ,K ; Weaver Philip Kelley John , Wise George. Kelley Isabella Woods jane [ King Bernard ; Wetzel joint sen Kissinger JEsq . .. , V. I ~ Ychgat Gemgb Kaufman' Conrad . Yonas Jacob •...' Kissinger George sr .. •■ Z • Kelly Patrick Zell Peter Kaufman Jane Zicg Jacob. ■r’i Zearinc peter Lilly Richard . • .Zeller. Lydia, , 1 , R.LAmbertonp.m 23 00 7 50 60 00 ; J 8» DUKUFADAIR, ■ ■AS hiiopce m South Hanover street) two EJIL Bouth ottheoffice receiitlyoccupied : '.Cartisle, r April ,4,1839. 1 , a fc • i Nahkeens!! ; nndlndla Nankeens for s*leloxy-l>y April 4. :* vimdld Register’s Notice. SEdisTEu’a Office, ? ale, March SO,, J®39 tJ s: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, -to all Legatees; Creditors and other pefsons'con cerned; that' the following accounts bavd been filed in this bmcb for examination, by the accountants therein bathed'; and will be firesented to the Orphans’ Courtbf Cumber and county, fob confirmation and allowance on 7 \ieiday the. 30th day of. JipHl, ; Jl. D, 1839, viz: . 1 The administration account-of Isaab Ad damsrAdministrator of Harkhcss Addams* deceased; filed by-Hetty tratrix. of said Isaac; ' _ . . , : ■' The administration'account of John Da? vidaorii Administrator of. John. Bbyed,' de ceased;. . . ■ The administfatibn account of Henry Ja-< cobs, Administrator Of William Beisillhc, deceased.' r/ The adrainistrationaccouhtpf John Snpvc ly. Executor of: Jacob Abrahams, deceased. The administration account of Alexander Sharp, Administrator of William M.-Sharp; deceased; “ .. • The.adminigtrallonaccountdf Alexander Sharp, Administratbr of Andrew Sharp, de ; ceased:’, ; '/The administration accountof John Sliflpp, Administrator of Jacob Neidig, dccpascd. The administration account of-JohniLine, Administratorof David;■ Neiswanger, de ceased. ;• • t. . - - < .'-The administration.accountof Jacob ( -G. Dooey, Administrator ofStephen XoshJ de ceased. , ■; : The administration account-,of Wiiliain Galbraith, Administrator of Joseph Galbraith; deceased* , , ■ ...I- . - ■ The administration account -of JoHn’Miis ser and Jacob Eckart, Administrators of Ja* cob Musser,,deceased. , : lieb, Administrator of Catharine ChristUcb, deceased; . , .The administration account.-of .George Bcelman arid Joint Beclnian, Administrate i j of Jacob Beelman, deceased: ~ in J. The administration account of David Mar ■ tin andjlenry Bitner, Executors of Thomas Martin, deceased: ' The supplemental ad ministration actoi; n' of John Houser and John Myers, Adminis istratofs pf John Leidig, deceased. ■ ■ The administration accountof Henry Brcneman, Administrator, of MartilTßrene- 1 man, deceased. - ; r ;:r ; ':r ~ . The ' administration account of Andrew Gross. Administrator of Henry Gross,"dc ceascd. - The administration account-of John K'. Longneckcr, Administrator of Henry Gong nbeker, deceased. . ' , ..V ISAAC ANGNEY, Register*. . THE THOROUGH BRED HORSE, ' I;; ‘‘PBTSP, PA.P,L3ST.’? - A A-L Will stnhdHhc ensuing sea. w8W«BBHF s — nt Carlisle; onlhe’tcrms set im • fln?I .forth in the handbills, v, Peter Parley is',of tb£, very nrot r a. c * ,, S bldbd., He was got by ‘Oscar*—hi* dam 'Betsey Wilkes* tfas by the.fcclebratcd 'Sir AYchie —his grand da 171 by ‘Bedford’—Lis. gre;* grand dam by ;Darc Dcvil'-his g. &. .grand dam by g, g. g. grand dam Wildair, I'hc above pedigree is authentic as will be seed by a reference to tho American'Turf Register. For further particulars applv to 1 JOSEPH.HEItSHE; Grooni., Carlisle, April 4, 1839. ‘ ' sni ronwAiuDiNG & ooiyuvnssiouf - - ;■ HOtTSS. : MURRAY & FI.EMING, ! CAHI-lsi,Ki CUSIBEiiLAXIi COUNTVj HAVE tM-ccled a'Warehouse no the. KAIL KQAD, at the west end, of flicrh str-nt' directly opposite nickinson Colle K ei \vliere t^ev can at all tunes I‘ec.ei hi; arid forward riierrh.n dize ahd produce to Philadelphia, Chambers, burc and all. intermediate placed,'having placet! Cars on the road Whir,h will Vuu repilarly he* tween Carlisle and Philadelphia, hy whir.il Goods and"Produce' nf' all descriptions will be forwarded with canhand despaio.li. , - Goods will be receivcd nCtlic Warehouse i f Joseph S. Lewis, ir. Sc Co;, corner of Broad and Vine streets, Philadelphia and fonvarded (•' Carlisle; Chambetabhi'g. and hll intih'ihcdiaU' pi aces i • ’ V--. v.• ■’ ’ 3839. JOSEPH S. LEMS, JR, & t'O, Commission diFArWardia; IVTcrchantSu' & .IK corner Broad &. /fine stt. Philadelphia, ■ -A RE prepared to receive labd'effectVsalesf.of /A all produce, merchandizc,-&c. winch-may be entrusted, to .theirtare. .< Liberal', advances will be made.on.consigrimcuts until sales ai’C"-tf. fected; , . , ;. * r : - • '■ ••■■■ ■;jv' : ■ :: Produce and merchandize'left al'the house of. Messrs, Murray & Fiemin^ l , e’aHisle, - shall receive prompt attention, arid rill icerchan niVe, &c.'left with t us will be for Warded ;to'Car lisle, Cliambersburgi arid alb intermediate- pig-' ’ ces t on tile rail rond; with care and despatch, rib the lowest rates bflrclght. ' - ■■; April4,‘lB3s. vi b • ' Sm OF tKTTEIiS. REMAINING in-thc Post Office- at Dick inson, Pa; 30th March;- 1839/- nensonSarah-A. Eliz’lh NofrUEli -‘•'■v Blakeley George ; Frier-Win-' ' * "tKi Brussman Peter : Swigert George-. ; ; ■ Caw Peter ■ : Swigert-Joseph- Coover-Adam ” ; Thoroas 'Hetty --. •; ' Meyers Benjatnin • ' WJlUanisoti'JoheSolv ' :M’Cormick George - WiiliamsGeorgeD'' T Nagle Barton, ‘ t ' ■ A'..G:MIET,ERiP.;IVf, HOSIERY. ; " Ladies are invited, to. call aml ses tlic finC .as sortment of bleached, unbleachqtj find .open worked Cotton : : colnred, f>n salc.by, n >. .'.v;.;,)-; ■ Coe " n ONNE'rst s oNXE^sth:_ ■■■ : Leghorn,-Oriental; Bi-aid; tflorence mid Straw Bonnets, at the store ot " - 3m •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers