American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 11, 1839, Image 1

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    * -iv w.
VOLUME 26, WO 39.
Tetnus of publication.
, Tho AmoritoaA iTftluhtoor
Is published'eyety.,.TJ)urtday 'Hnor'nihß, in the
white frame build pf the court- house,)
at Two Dollars (ter, annum, payable half yearly
in advance, 6r;twb;duUara and fifty cents if not
paid within the yestt.--. , .1 :
■'Nusiibscriptitfn taken for a less term than six
months, and rtb .discontinuance permitted Until
roll ftrrearagcsare paid. ' A.: failure .to notify, a;
discontinuance at tire expiration of a term, will
he considered a new engagement, .
Advertisements will be- .thankfully deceived,
and pubiished'at.the rate of gl 00 per square
40. r three insertions, anil 25 cts. for each subse
quent Those not specifically oi’dered
will be inserted till forbid.' ■
Handbills, Blanks , Carda.ttc. neatly executed
at abort notice,, mpdemo prices.
AaßrtTS? (JK !ri^aiV , OlitFM'iEEß.
The following Gentlemen will please-not-ns
\ agents for this paper) sub'scriptionsrcceivbd.and
money paid to either oftbesu individuals will be
acknowledged by tis. ■ - ;
John Moore, Esq. Ncwvillc;.
Josefh M. MTeans, Esq. Hopewell township.
John WuiiDEULicH.Esq. Shippensburg.
DAvtn CLkvErt, Esq. Lee’s ><. Roads.
John Merakfv, Dickinson township.
Abraham Hamilton, dgestown.
t George-F.. Cain, Esq. Mecliamcsbiirg.;
Frederick do.
James Elliott, Esq. Springfield.
Daniel.KrvSiieh, Esq.iChurchtown.
Jacob Longnecker, E.Pennsboro’ township.
BEING relieved from the duties of his late
office us Judge,*, proposes to .resume the
practice of Law at'Carlisle, Pennsylvania.'*
He tenders his services to ALL who may
think it t|ieir interest to employ-hint.
Fils office is in his own house, opposite the
'Collcge.Campus. .' - - r .
The Law School under His care will be contin
ued^—and he hopes to be able to bestow upon it
more unintemiped attention,.'
Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1839. . 6t
Estate of John Mahon , deceased,
ALL persons indebted to the estate -of John
Mahon, hue of Newton township, deceas
ed, arc respectfully 'ro.questcd'ito call with*fhe
subscriber* and settle, their respective accounts?
npd all those who have claims and demands a
gamst the, estate will present them legally au*s
thenticated for settlement.
-. * ‘ Executrix oj said deceased.
Southampton township, March 21, 1839. 6t
Esldlcdf Joseph Waller, deceased.
- Notice.
‘‘WTQTIOIJis Hereby given to all persons in-
to thc~fiftttfte*of Joseph Walter,' late
o? Silver Spring township. Cumberland County,
dec*d., to make paytaeht as soon as possible to
the subscribers, residing in said township, and
those having claims against said deceased will
present them properly authenticated for settler
jldministratora .
March 21, 183£.
THfc subscriberlfespecHully. informs the in
habitants of Carlisle, and the public gener
ally, that he still resides at his Old Stand, in
North Hanover street, opposite Mr. E. Bullock’s
Chair Manufactory, where he continues to carry
on the
nbin et •linking Business,
in all its various branches. He has lately fur
nished himself with a new and.
Bcc. to" accommodate all those .who may favor
him with a call. He returns his sincere thanks
to'his friends and j customersitor the liberal 'en
couragement bestowed on him, & solicits a con
tinuance oftheirpatrp'nage.. fc He flatter* himself.
by Strict attention to business and a disposi
tion to please* to merit and. deceive a share of
Tpublic . •: r \
N. JJ..,One;of Two Journeyman
kers wanted,to wbprniiberal wages,willjbe p;iyen'*
An apprentice wiU bp taken to leafb the above
business, if Wetlrdcoftitnendec).
: ' i GO DFREIb I HAAG.';
.Carlisle,Dece’ihberfi, 1838.—tf. ; !• • - '
v;!. r .'V. • OXnd I! .) I- '-1
No. 66 Sti6tb st.
Often daily’.for- the transaction of business from
3 I‘. 'M*,,. 1
otmoney Received, for which
tlicfAllowiiig WReof inttrist Will be allowed:
per niiniiiti,’ ; -
.6 ihfisi B' ■>■*•■■•* ••• ' *' ;
./. a.' ••'. 4’ ■■ ; “V: . “ om-o ,u,
On busihcas'd.eßdsUeß.tobe drawn attheplea
sure of the depositor, no interest wjAbeallowed.
UncurfenVnpfes'dl solvent Haiik.K,,in. every
paj-t lto' : U'nifda‘‘Sptes,,wilVije r&eivecPasj
special deposited,'biisucli terms as may be. a-;
grecd.on breach " I
By orfletof thafibard,K - i'.. "" -r
a , > i -. < y J..'DE£SS AA, JDashier, i
- ‘Philadelphia, iDec; 19; 1838.’ 1 '' 'ly ...I
■ r'" QAftti.
;dr. jostsr 'j. m-st’ers.
INFORMS hid Tridhds and the public, that he;
has resumed the Unties of His
■wilt~ffie attentiobJmlhailflAetirj.!
' .of its shyeraV branches. '*•
dree store and .one door from'the Post-Omcci
-WffildiFMi.iß.'tMPr <r 'V. >, '■ ■■ 3nl
To Bridge Builders; ;
The Commissioners of Cumberland;Coun
ty, will receive Proposals at the liouse qf
JolmlDornmah innkeeper, in the Borough of
Carlisle, on Friday the 12th of April next,
Between 9 o’clock in the forenoon and 2 o’-
clock in the afternoon, for the erection of a
good and subs,tantialfVVdoden. Bridge, across
the, Conodogttinct’Crfeek'at Ahcplace, .where
the'State road from
by way of Waggoner’s Gap crosses 'said
creek, in,the township of North Middleton,
of the following dimensions; to'wit: ‘To
contain in length from one abutment to the
other 190 feet,- &16 feet Wide in the. clear,
the be hbouttenfeet thick each
or more if required-in a splaying-direction,
with a regular slope, and to be eleven-feet
high -from-the-bottom-bf the- creek-,- -from
Whence a wooden arch is tfi be Started; and
to extend across said creek from one abut
ment to, the other impracticable; if not, there
shall be two spans of 95 feet long, each sup
ported on good and substantial stone abut
ments & piers, the floor tb be doublefloored
with'two inch plank-, the upperlibor oak and
the lower pine; tlie sides and gable ends to
be sufficiently high to admit covered and
hay wagons to pass through the same, say
twelve and a half feet in tho clear,
closely Weatherboarded and painted red, the
whole to be Well roofed with good white pine
shingles; the whole of the Wood work to be
well secured with iron bolts, ready eyes &c.
From tog back of the abutment the filling
■shalkcpniiist of earth’and stone, and to~be
well supported with wing walls three feet
high above the filling on each .side, and to
extend in that manner oii the two extreme
sides of thcoridgd untilflie fillingiind wall
ing shall meet the road with an ascent 'arid
descent not exceeding five’degrees elevation
from the road to said bridge; the wood work
to be built of sound and substantial timber;
the stone work of large good stone, lime and
sand mortar well pointed. The jiarty con
tracting-to give such security as the Com r
missioners may require for the faithful per
formance of tho workmanship and perma
nency of Said-bridge. .
•Proposals to be accompanied with a plan.
Should none of- the proposals meet the ap
probation of-the Commissioners they will on
the same day, between 2 & 5 o’clock in the
afternoon, expose the said bridge to public
sale, and sell the to the lowest and
best bidder.
■ JAMES WILIAS. 1 Cotnmis-
Attest— John lnwiN% Clerk.
Marc’nZ, 1839. '
WILL make sales of trees and
cuttings of the genuine Chinese
Moms Multicaulis, Moms Expansa, Al
pine, Hroussa, Canton and other jsp&gzs*
ties, deliverable to purchasers immediately, or
at such period in the spring as is convenient to
them, and will enter into contracts accordingly.
Prices and teVms For the Trees and Cuttings will
b(£fsf*warded to all- who may apply for them by
mail, as well as prices of Silk Worm Eggs, 1 Mul
berry Seeds, Bcc. ‘ The Multicaulus Trees are
remarkably vigorous, and as we first imported
the genuine trees, purchasers are'sure of obtain
ing the true kind. It is from this cause andfrom
the great attended paid by them,’ trees
they have sold have given universal satisfaction.
N. B.—Fhiit and Ornamental Trees,
and Seeds can be .supplied to any extent.
Flushing, near New Yofk', \
March 22, 1839 . 5
WHEREAS, Jacob Slyder of fhe borough
of Mcchanicsburg, did in January last,-
eXecute to the subscriber a deed of assignment
of all his effects, including books and accounts
for the benefit of his creditors. Notice is here
by given to all those indebted to the said Jacob
Slyder, in.aiiy manner, to call on thesuhscriher
and make payment! and those haying claims
will present them properly authenticated.
JOHN RUPP, Assignee. ,
■ March 21, 18381*’ 4c >■
JProm I H to 20 active yimngnicn
Accustomed, to the
lanagement of horses,
ho are good riders and
•ivers. will beenlisted
i fill a company of
lone jlrtittery. now at
Carlisle Barracks- As
as is the,most jdesira
■my.young mepfour of
•nplqymeat cum.u. tier than join it. ' Ap
ply t0.,-. , S. UINIiGOI.Di;
Captain commanding Light,ylrtiliery,
Carlisle Barracks.
Febtuary ,28.1839. jet
Call and esalnino for yourselves.
TAKES, this method, of informing lire friends
and.the pubUogenerally.thathe: still con
tinues to carry.on; at his old' stand in. East High
street, Carlisle, the manufactureof: .■ 'd.
Tomb atones, Head dtFoot Stones, &c.
whererhe SUalliSt’all tlrtlcs bc ready to supply
customers at the shortest notice amrdn the most
accommodating term's. . Having employed Mr.;
WiliiAjt GHegg of this borough; my, agent fori
thcsale ol' the above mentioned articles, any. or
ders fprujaliedhy-hiih promptly attended
all orders heretofore, given for avert are
how ready Vd he filled tip. I.''■ 1 .' '■ —V
. Carlisle, March 28,/1839, r i3f... ,
’’ 'N. : 8.-i-Having discharged ’John
from my employ, till persons indebted for tomb
qtorieb, ffpj
-are paying him any money for
the same,'W;ther,dfceipt;tiicreof avill hht be ac J
this office, j ' r ' > •'..v.i.“t
“ not bound, .to )BWE’Au':in tJie ! WORDS op •,iNy.vß^s®^
•’■■ ■ V rv -■ / '■■■!■ KlUar!tieVolunteer.
Oh! how.can hedclay to meet
■ The',yirjvs Tip'spledged to ipes.
' Can Wm’fy, lose its Wanted sweet, ,
Or love constancy? ' 1 V
They say he has another fair—
But oh! be can’t forget:
I’m sure he would not wish’me heave
One sigh of.deepregret.
'. ' I'ltdtiW hc Would riot sefe me weep,
: ffor drdp a single teafs ‘
I’m sufe w.odnd his bosom deep,
'When! arti all fus’carc.
■ Oh! never, meveivcan they tell r
That lie is insincere; ,
(; This throbbing .heart, it knows; too well
That still to Aim I’m dear.
Cariisicv22th March, 1839
From the Pawtucket Gazette.
-It'is a spiteceof regret tosee in this coiin-.
try so little attention paid to ngriculturo.—
■With a .climate of almost eyery variety) a
'soil.of almost boundless extent, rind in point’
of richness and fruitfulness-surpassed by
yioh’e nnder heavep'.and able men eriough-to
cultivate it; yet we annually import from
the populous kingdoms of the old world,
-ship.'.load after, ship load; -of-grriin and hay.
This is a singular fact, but not less true
than singular. , j
In these degenerate days it is considered
■more fashionablc by our youhg’Tnen to mea
sure tape bytlie yard,' and molasses by the
gallon, to tinker in' a jeweller’s shop, or
stick type in a printing office, to sit'behind
the counter of a hank, dr learn to shave
notes- in a broker’s office, to presefibe phy
sic, or, practice law, than it is to* cultivate
the soil. Hence the sons of our fanUers, as
soon as they are capable of
ideas; become restless and wish to leave the
farm and paternal roof, and rush into some
city or town, there, as they fondly imagine,
to become rich and happy. They detect not
their error until it is too late to retrace their
steps; the.Hubicon is passed, and they must
go on. Hundreds of them might perhaps,re
turn were it not for “pride, err|ng pride;”
but when they are about to.embai'E on.their
last-interview..with.. their half .woeping sister
or sympathizing cousin, with the pomposity,
and "consequential air of a corporal , in minia
ture, they make it known in words with
the fate of youqg fortune hunters, that their
countenances will not he again seen by a
country lass, till their pockets are filled
with the world’s wealth, and their heads
with the world’s wisdom. ' 1
The consequence of all this is, thqt al
most every branch of,business in our cities
and large towns is crowded with practition
ers, and censes, in a great degree, to be eith
er honorable or profitable. Only a very few
ever rise to eminene'e, but how many inflre
drag out a wretched existence, and go down
to the grave “unwept, unhonored, and un
sung!” and not a few are followed to the
tomb by the cursors and malediction of those
whom they have injured.
Could those who are about to embark on
the rough sea of lijb be taught wisdom with
out experience,7npw different would they
shape their course. But they are like .the
child who wished to go to the show anil was
refused permission by its parents.
“You used to ko,” was the plea of the child.
"“Yes, my dear but we have seen the folly of it.”
..“Well, I want to see the folly of it- too.”
Arid a young man may be told by old ; peo
ple, tlie folly of certain, acts, but, like;the
child, “he wants to see the folly of them
The life of the farther is better calculated
than any other to secure happiness to him
who performs its duties. He is not subject
'to p'f fortuhewhich
slumber from file fevered .pillow of the tra-
speculator.; and gambler. The winter’s
storm disturbs.not,his peace,'forTheJibs no
ship to be wrecked by the waves; a- fell in
the price of merchandize'ifiects him ntit,,nor
is it of importance to him wKether thebinks
discount or not. 1 He is elevated above the
rangier pf thexityjindependence islus shield
and buckler; in the spring he sows, his seed;
and if .God’prospers the. labor of die hus
bandman, an.athple harvest will be the re :
ward of his tail; ' ■■-■’ : ..... ’
Nor do we think it necessary for those
who! live by .tilling the soil-to leave their own
New England.... purjand,needs nothing but
propercultiyatioV to yield sufficient
jy to sktisfy all oUr reasonable desires. At
prtseht it isTieglected. . Wo know tliat in
the far west'labor is lessiequired to raise
tlie same amount of produce but- there are
disfflvanteges to he encountereil there which
more thanoifset this, single
Besides;; man is supposed ;to be bound by
ties creditable to his nature to the Scenes, of
his ; childhood,.'ail’d the tdihbsdf his falhera.
These, ties, shopld ijot be ruthlessly seVcretl.
The first arid principalreaaonurgeilbythe
savage .against: removing to a new place of
abode, that/ he' lyill have to leave the
ashes'of hls fota.fetaers tehjnd him. Should
this noble pririciple .bfe leas’ active in the
brb'astof tjjhrijof the savage?
There are a thousand objects: around.'the
place of. our nativity eyerdear to memory,
Th’e’Westmay possess niuclrtoi^ctfmniend
it—its mountains,'rlverB’,''riiid ' ’
b’Mi Vv£.»•
•• c •' l ana“nee; • • ■;- i ' ; '
t' r?-
;' t ’ father's ! (!66r’ 55
i';;asdearer tii - n i, ;. ■.
, ’TlicVc ’ arc other,corifidelattbns' which
should bind’ in tb.this “onr native I laflil.’V--
The' pilgrims, landed Here, and consecrated
tliO'Boil' to civil and.religions liberty. If, as
ipany'think,'.innov^made pd ,tHe
rights',of'individuals;' letUsdiideavbr;46 ljjqr
rect the evil, butnbt'to dcsc'rtthe'hbnib .of
our ancestors. ; NeW ! En‘^ladd'will'evet'lie
celebrated for the part she a'ctedin our re
volutionary struggie,.atid her sbns'may ever
feel-proud under'all circumstances, to point
to her as their hoWie; 1.
... ‘ ‘Land of tlicforcst and the rocV,,
. Of clear blue like andmighty river.
Of mnuutain TCared aloft-to monk ’
• ‘The storm’s Career, the lightning’s shock,
;My own green land.forever. : i’
■ “Oi hev'cr niay a' son. of Ihirie, ’ . ' ■'
■ ■,Whete'er l his’ warideriitg steps incline,
:,.r forge tthe sky that beamed above 1 “■
r Hia childhood like a dream.of love.’? .
' Death 'of General. Ripley-
'/li'bec’omea bur melancholy-’duty-to an
nounce 'tlie'.de'cedse at Ins plantatibri'-iridhis
parish; On'.fhe' gnd bF’tliis'mOnth; bfGericriil
EljEAZlStl W. "RIPLEY; after'a 1 - ,
'(lorried By, vtriucs, rind 1 associated ttifli some
•bf the-inoSt .distirigriishcd events riecbi-ded in
i 'fheriritlbrial history. The patriot,‘the stdtcs
man, tiieli'cro id rio : more; , but his memory is the affections ofhia. country -
i uteri; ,'arid will “be cherished as identified
with' the natibrial character, arid! consecra
ted by the tioblest impulses pf patriotism.
.-Gen.-Ripleyjyas T born nt.Haribver, 'in the
State of Nc'V'KSnpsliire, .in thb year 1782.
His Ripley ./was-,
professorof Diyinityiri Dartmouth Gbllcge;
.&hismrtterriril graridfathev; the Rev; Elehzcr
i WHcelock,. was the founder of thktycriera
• blc arid useful .inrtitutiori, arid, was alike
eminent asa divine arid'philarifrbplst. Pro
: fessor Ripley was accidently-killed ihj'erirly
~ life, leaving,alargc' famliytb flic carcrif his
afflictedyvid6w r 'jvho applied -herself to the
education of‘her tlrilurcn with a mother’s
ardent affection, aid'bd by' a mind , 'higlily
cultivated rind improved; 'At the age of 18
Gen. Ripley receiyc'd'from, Dartmouth Col
lege, at the .'time of his, graduation, the high
est honors of the institution, and immediate
ly commenced the study of the law, and
subsequently entcrcd’upon -the active duties
of his profession at Waterville, at tliat peri
od within th’e jurisdiction of Massachusetts.
jEtk t|ie, year 1 he was returned as a mem
ber of the’ Legislature of that’State; arid' in
vne year iox Jr," preside pvyi
the of the House pflßjpfes.cri-.
; upph djefrimlfig
vacated by tile appoiritirieilt of, the Hop- Jo-.
seph Story to a. ,scat Upon the, beriehof die
Supreme Court of the‘United States. . ;
Having Vcmoved Ids place of residerice to
Portland, he \yas elected in ISIS to repre
sent the conjoined counties of Cumberland,
arid Oxford, in the,State I ;Senate. > The diffi
culties which, existed between this, country
and Great Britain, haying -finally produced
an open rupture, he received in March 1812,
an appointment in the army of the United
States; blit prior to entering upon its duties,
betook his seat'for a limited, time, in, the
legislature, arid exerted great influence in
enecting an adjustment of tlie difficulties
that existed at that period in relation to - the
irioneyed institutious of rihc. state. .'Jo de
lineate the conspicuous .part, which he per
formed during the war, would require us. to
Write the history of the campaigns upon the
northern frontier, ,and to; enter into particu
lars which would , become lob,prolix for the
space to which' wriarirc necessarily. limited.
They are ctribbdied iri the histoky of pgr own
country; and after ages’.Will offer up the tri
bute of admiration andgratitiide. to the ’me
mory "bf Ins 4 name, 4 whose military. genius
conceived, and whose personal.cfforts con
trihufed.eb ( puch to.the, success bf that bril-1
liarit and'daririg achievement which render
ed -the battle bf Niagara sonloribiis to the
American arms, and crowned, thejbrave sol- '
TChe most gratifying tqkb.ns.of esteem >veie |
tendered to him: arid upon the .reduction of
,tlie ! ariny at. the return of .peace,-.he was re
tained in the service with the 1 rarikof Major
General—-and; was actively employed, ,in ad-:!
ditibritb liis otlieu duties, in planning arid
superintending, theconstruction: of.the num
fetbiis 'fortifications ripbn bur pbutlf- western !
frbhtie'r./ ,v.., r
’arid isf his profcsrion
in jtfip ’Shite Of Lo’uisiiiria with idistitiguisheii
;HC'Wasjiftertya'rdii 4 elected ty.rg*
pfescrifthis arid, iri the
‘and. iri".leSd andiXSSfigWiis
’fbtrirried.asri/ihbittjlfet; pfCoiigreya Troiri vlie
ill hehlOv prebiuded His candidate
jabt, c Syith'His feelings
.the; hrirWasihgarid protracted at
teriding tlid aitetrtplt at, ap .adjestmerit' of-liis
riiilitary accoilnts. ririd upoHyvhitli a'most
Ifr.lils.* Eiv-'
or. by, ; ,a'jriry.ef j 111
',ai by;thb;brufaj
and dnjy.Bdrinridef the Faitning;
ills'niiVh! r
the Wburi’ds roceiVpd’ in ' the gemceyprhis
the 4 , a'-kind-rin^
m 9
U 10 V,
I ,
i'srs:' *
kindred aMU'siMsUify iiupneilt shiss(scwe of
one, who wgs .open’ tp'we’,'warmest symp?-;
ties of our nature, “ivgll, tM
.teav.df sorrow oyer lief cliamplonj
arid’this rriemory 'rif .{lie gallant
Ripley, 'will ericmrc ria’ long as’the brightest
pages' of American history, and the recollec
tion of tlie.hpripra due^and’awarded to ,th’e
' V i',. ,
‘ JtVom the Augusta' (Georgia) Mirroh •
A friend of ; mine has recCntjyreturned
from an excursion into of this
state. H'e.tcnsmethat while,in thccounty
of——, he's tray ed into the Court house, and
'was'present ,at .the. arraignment-of a man, by
the name, of Henry - pay.'who.was charged
wife.* :w»sa
pJe.little'man,.and his ivife.-wha waa preßr
eht.wasa perfect BehemotutTheindict
ment being read, the jprisonerjr.iyas asked to
,say whetlier.he was guilty, .pr (hot guilty
He ariswereil, ‘tthiere’a ;a- mighty chance of
lawyer’s lies in-ilie papers; but some part is
.true;. I-did strike the old ladybgt -she fit
me '.She.cap.swear equal; to
of anything, and ficr kicks are aw full
I recqh -what you,say,about the devil moving
me’jk tolerable correijti oeeing, ap, )iow she
.moyed. ihe., 'lhayetoldyou all I know about
thc ciroumstance. Mister. Igin Squire Jones
therea five dollar'bill, and fallow he’Utalk
it out for mp.’.’.
Squire Jones .tlicrccin rose, ? and ;said)ie
had alaw-poiut.twraiss in tips caee.Ayhiphhe
thought; conclusive. .. It yas an
rule-oflaw, Prat ni an and-wife were;
and he should.Uke to know, how could
‘.be punished for wbipping himself; ho should'
Could say to that. The .Solicitor, General
answered that he though this brother: Jones
had carriedthc piaxinva trifle,too fan-men
had often been punished for: beating; their
wives. 'lf a man should kill .his wife, it
would not be~Wuqide.. ;Hero Squire Jones
defied the Solicitor-General'
to to thut cfifecti The
Solicitor ; (Scherah looked ,over. Greenland
Lumpkin’s Geogia Justice for.some minutes,
and, then observed that ho,could nqt find an
autliority .just-then, but he was, sure he had
seen the principle,somewhere, and ho-called
on the Judge to sustain him. " In thc.enthu
siasm of die, counsel on tins .point, they for
got, to oifer ahy evidence as to the-guilt or
innocence of. Day in thepre.misea,.. . . , :
The Judge being likewise obvious to this
. the.mthatinanand wife were, one; and were
t\vo> ,If-- the wife ran ill debt or .; abused, a
. neighbor, orknocked down or.dragged out a.
feilow-bitizen, and. wife-were one;
Iflhehugband did nny ofthese things, then i
man and-wife were two. Hq remarked that. 1
in either event, the man was legally bpilnd
to suffer,'and, therefore, corne as it would,.
Day was undoubtedly guilty.- He.saidhe
would not decide the question whether, if a
.man;kill his wife, it -was,murder or auitide.
He was not prepared - to. express an opinion
upon that point, It.was a very dellcateone;
and he had no idea of committing.himself.—
(Some one in the room here observed he was
mighty foiid of committing others..) ■, Hethen
called up the bailiff,-n-tremendoiis looking
cracker; wearing a broad brim white hat with
crape, (1 never saw a man south of latitude
33, that did hot wear a white hat with crape,)
arid proceeded to admonish him that the jury
Were Very much in the habit.of-corning in
.drunk with ithhir verditts, nrid£Jhat« .if It
happenedlh this case, he would,,discharge
the prlsorier and put His punishment upon
him' (the bailiff.) . The bailiff, giving.‘h .sig: j
ni'ficailt glance at .'the ' Judge, replied that
otherpeOple besides the jury came into court j
drunk; jhat some people thopghf other ;peo
pie drunk, 1 when some. pchple were drunk |
thcinselves.'Thc jury then retired-and so fifferidi . j
The, nest day .he returned and found that- j
lers in sldfu qiio, except: that Pay and his
.wjfe.hnd made-up. and were. ..discussing to
gether the (merits of aVcold foy|,.a .quart of
beer, - and now and then'interchangingkiss'es,
despite, of the frowns andbecksofthe officers;
The, Judge, clqrk QiiJ. shcriffhad heen up all
night, and’ ip'bked wolfish, and the bailiff was
-9*? dhflf.: of <he.
jury,.fpom/ and, his countenance ,exprehgfid J
that liehad swallofyed the cehcqrifrated yen-,
orii.ofa,thousand,wild cats...Thc-mostaw 1
tfiejury 'i wepe/roMinglikejUohS
crying like like
cats—neighing like hQfscs,' 1 &ci t . ,T,
-' .'iAt. the
■3oof of the!jury'room between-^
and the bailiff, wherguppti the latter, nutting'
his white hat onesided,on his head, came.-into
th'e chuf.t'rdomaniladdresaed^
v *Mr.' Toiiri Jakes says the jury. i; canTt/agree
about Jjiis; .here man. and, ifi you jieep fnim
iie’lf lickyoujbh sightit* V The Juilgeappcal--
ed. id the: Bar if ,thiB>vas. dotai contempt'of
'eonyt, nnd "Green ehd‘'^u^bl^iiy,6wm«l
d.was finally
UccTded' that,it was a!ihfe ( ai gdefressed.
ivhipiuui .‘‘off sights’ an‘d fiot'pn ffie bench.
op pebjlialegislafiiQn)
a cdHtempi.qf, courti ; This being settled,
die'Ju.dgo difepted ffie bailiff : to say to jCom
3F •Inw.o'tMd •• there, j-Uiroughi ef etnity. J. Tiro;
ip ait iff reflre tl air it ’sq did niy; fricndjbutia j
gives itashisopTmoh.fronithbfraniedf,
m Avkiclriie-lett all partiesi':that“ j
aAu,%3BEjia! stUL piere.',;”: V
1 new & &o. 43
i 6 <
. 7%e decision in Dr. T.W,. Thjoi'a case.—
daytt'Oniirig, before Judges King/Bandall,
and-Jonesv-., Judge ;KaDaj J -,'the de
must be brought before aether tribunal, in
asmuch as' hO had , notmade out his case,
which appeared accompariiedby strong in
dications of fraud; and thepourt,..conse
quently, did not; in their opinipn, think him,
entitled to’the behOfit ’of: .thtj Irisol’yeOt laws.
Judge King then< concluded; by; jemarking
that .he gave no; reason for rejecting the; pe
titioner’s application, for fear of,prejudic
ing the' public mind-, and ordered rhe'priso
per to, enter bail the aum ~of slQiW)p to
Answer before the;"pourt of Criminal Ses
sions!.' Mtessrai Hirst and Lee.'the oppasitig
counsels/contended' that®XO,OOd was ari in
sufficient security, andLthat the court ought
to demand bail at the- least, in the sum of
by stating that ten-.fliousaridjwasjtho; highest
amount of bail, rcqniredin a caso ; qf;murder,
and that,, therefore, the aroouritrequired, in
this case was fully sufficient. Id’default he
Was comfnitted.—/ > Aj7i ledger! »
We learn from, the Public -liedger,. that
the Grand Jury for the Court ofj.Griininhl
Sessions, have returned, a bill of indict
ment'against Thomas W. Dybtti for fraud
ulent insolvency. . The charges arc set forth
in-the following counts:, V
“1. Colluding arid contriving with T.'B.
&' C; W. Dyott, to' conccal 'goeds’, value
$1 00,000. , - '^
2. Fraudulently conveying. toT. B. & C.
W. Pyott, goods, value 850,000;
3. Colluding and contriving with T. W.
Dyott,-Jr. to- conceal, gooda, ySue } $50,000.
~. 4,'.'Fra.odulently centring to.'T.. AV.
Dyritt. jt. goods, ;,, 5 ,, _, .
■ j. Colluding nnd-.c'dtttriviiigVvimiM. B;
Dyott, fo conccal goodp.;Valuc~33b.OOO.
6.' Colluding and contiriving 1 with ; W;
Wells, to secrete $B4O in WoftoyiV " .....
‘‘ ‘f. Fraudulently bonveying'to Julja Dy-'
ott, furniture, value $lOOO. ~. - ; . lt
yaluesso,boo. . • , , . ",
9; Coriceating $300,000. in igoney.,, ; '
. 10. Concealing. sloo, money.
11., Concealing slP,pod in money. . ’
,All with the expectation toreceivo future
benefit to himself, and withinlcritto dcfrarid
his creditors.’* ' ,
By thc Dromo, Capt. How, arrivcdjeß
. today; From Havana, no have received.a file
i' of the .fl!arip de ld Havana, to the .18th in
stant; From tho paper-ofthatdate, wo
translate the following important news: '
... ‘‘By letters from Vera Cruii.of "ths 10 th
Slarcni We learn that "a treaty,has.been con
cluded between Don EdWard. <!c Gprostcza
and General Victoria, : on tKe part of /ftlexi
fcb, and Admiral Baudin.onfiie .part of
France; , the British minister, ‘.Mr; P4ckeh
. bain, acting, as mediator, ,pf,‘tho"fol{tfWing
. ', ' \
.. Ist. There,elmll be an Armistice of 15 days
\ 2nd. The Mexicans shall pay'®6oo,oClft
in periods of 2, 4 and 6 months. I • .
V Srd'. Ihdemnificatibn for the eipeuses of
the war and'.tpthe expelled Frenchjnon, be finally, h nation ini friend
ship With the turd contracting'parties-' . ; .;
..','4'th. The Castle of St. J. Juilua. aliall bc
delivered tip to the Mexicans, as ‘sobn as'it
ahall be known that.the treaty bps beepra Congrew.”
~ Tjfj!; same letters say that there was nd
dohbfthe treaty would be.immediately rati- <
fied.‘"M; Gprosteza had set off to the city
of . Mexico, any difficulties..that
•might present, themselves; I 'ln the m,can :
time, the , discharge 'of all vessels, of all
classes “and nations; was allowed. Vera
Cruz.will Again receive, within her vyalls.the
persons. Who have emigrated, and on the 11th
will. ‘open:; to' the ,merchants their .former
places of business.", ... ‘ '
: ‘The above intelligencets .confirmed by
Captain How,: who states’. iHatthe, Biitisn
frigate Meda,: Commodore . "and
the, British sloop of. War.,Bacevflprse, had
Arrived. at. Havana from "Vera• Cruz, with
letters to! the cteib efTcct. -and would/pro
ceed iuimcdlatcly to -England,.' "I
•; The-Mexicans; a!t,.yera.Cruz r \vMegmncli
-pleased yyith the treaty,. ahd, publie raioic-
consequence, thereof topic-place oil
tlie evcnings .of the 9th.and ipthi ’
,; We are assured that the. whole Mexican.
population approved oftthc treaty .that, was
made hr November,' which formcd.the haais
of-tlie one now adopted)
■ of 111^-
hbis, has been engaged ’/of several; .ybajgjjn
upph earth as a.mateqalTorjjon-
Str.uciing.libußes,andhas.succcededfsn cjgpri
plftelr. .asito: .erect seycrat
capable of resisting the snflueh(&„df:tlvfai*,
mosphereand the action of the .heat, (Witli
roofs, partitions, doors, $ wiudqifhcbtnptocg
and has fitted lib one of them aa if fedd.Wp
for. his own family. ■.' The, dwptier
hasdong been felt as'onebi the greatestjn-^
conveniencesTdf:tha^V,cster^Tprairie|i. ; .-4t
Mrs Pdlter, who
name, has found thij,
tliose fertifo plmna«i|li'nfi^^P.PSEi l^ l . oll
witlf still greater ramdify. , The, ja
estimated ot
brick.,, Evan’ ISS&pa
for huilding arc found mpje abundanuy,the
earthen raaterial&Wy *
effect, for fcKMSajyl fpr man jothpr pppMsea.
Mr.-Eotter lias taken opt a patjMtfpir liqt. in
vention . —ProxMimc Journal .
■ , v. f .. , ; •