American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 04, 1839, Image 3

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On Thursday Inst, by theßev. Henry
Aurand, Mr. John Moddorf, of North Miil
dleton township to il/iss Mary Shambach.oi
Frankford township. . , .
. Communicated.
1 DIED—In Silver Spring township, on the
&3d instant, after a short but painful,
Mrs. Margaret Stouffiet, -in tne 39th year of
her age, leaving anaffectionate husband and
a large family of children, and an extensive
connection of friends and relativesto mourn
this sudden and unexpected bereavement.
The deceased filled up the measure of her
suffering in this vale of tears with a great
degree'of fortitude and christiah resignation.
To those whp'attended her during her ill
ness, she expressed a full, sincere and en
tire, confidence in the merits of a crucified
Redeemer, and the hope of a blissful immor
tality beyond . the grave, beseeching those
who were, weeping over her, to weep not for
her for she was going where there was rich
provisions made, for her, and whererthere
was no, trouble, sorrow, sickness-or death,
that this world afforded- her no more- pleas
ure; her affections were weaned from it and
her whole desire was to depart with
Christ, which is far better; Thus she calm
ly, sunk to rest without a struggle or a sigh,
to rise no more until the heavens shall pass
away and the earth be no longer.
-• Ami we have parted! tlmu art gone;
Thy yveary spirit breathM itself tn sleep—.
. Si» p.-ifcc'lully: it seemed a sin lo we.ep.
Jit those fond watchers, who :«round the stood,
And felt even then, that find was greatly goal
Like stars that struggle through the shades i
N . night
Thine. : fcyes one moment caught a gloriojis lighi
tq tliee in that dread hour ’twas given
know on earth what faith believes in heaven
*1 hen like tried breezes did'st th« u sink to rest,
Nor one, one pang the awful change confess’d.
Death stole in softness oVr t.hy lovely face.
And touch'd eaclvfeatvjre with ant*w.borti^race;
All—rail, in good time, who placed us here,
To liver tn Jove, lo die—to disappear*
Shall come*and make their quiet hed with thee,
Beneath the shadow of that spreading treej
With thee tO fclet ptlmmgb'Dcatb’s long dream*
' less night.
With thee to rise up,and bless the morning light,
' \ U, W. H.
E. Pennsboro', March srth, 1839.
Remaining in the Post Office at Newville,
• April Ist, 18S9.
John Boner Samuel Ickes 1
Jefferson Bales, Elizabeth Irvine
David Baker Wm Johnston, Esq
Samuel Bear John Kile
Archibald Bricker il/ary Kindi
David Brand Mr. Kerr
William Brown 2 ’ Andrew il/cElwain
Dr. H. S. Coleman jane A/cDaniel
Esther Campbell Henry A/iller
- John Dier John jWuasert
John Darron jolm A/axwell
John Davidson, Esq 2 jane jl/cguin
Charles Good' William Ruth
.n,Rebecca .Givler Mr.
''■'. David Gamber Win Shimp
. James Greenwood Benjamin Salsbury
r.. . johh Greenwood Ann M. Sterret
-rSkniuel Hughes Sarah Thompson
' J. Hahn6h2 Wra Thompson of At
Peter Hershey Sarah Wilson
James Hanna William Watson
Dr. J. R. Irvitie iames Wallace
Just received at the store oi Arnold & Co. a
fresh assortment ot durable Spring Goods,
which they offer very law. April 4.
Umbrellas and Farnsdis,
Silk-, Scotch, Gingham and Cotton Umbrellas.
Also, plain and figured Parasol., tor sah cheap,
by Arnold IS Co.
Silk Hiindjcercliiefs, Shawls,
lllond and Silk Scarfs and other fancy Spring
Goods, for sale cheap at the new store ol ,
April 4.
subscriber has made arrangement)! with
B .Messrs, Huoiphreys,'l)utiU &Co -Walnut
sttvtt wharf, Philadelphia, to'run a daily tine of
. Union Canal boats to and IVoio th it place; to this
line is connected a line of cars to run on theCuniv
berland Valley'rail w: y to Carlisle, Chainhers
burg, and all intermediate places, thus affording
the necessary -.facilities oi rail way and canal
transportation, to all persons along the route.
I: is Confidently Relieved thaMhis airangement
will matemljy advantage'those wlio may prefer
the Union canal, arid every assurance is given
chat the utmost' despatch 'will be afforded, and
at tlie lowest rale of freight.
Harrisburg. April 4.‘ 1839. 2m
By the Keg, See. received and for sale at the
store of ‘ ■■■•
JOHN 'GUAY. Agent.
- Carlisle. April 4, 1839. .
In all their variety, among which is the choicest
cucumber kinds, a small lot of flower seeds, to
J»e had at the store of - .- > 1
r JOHN GRAY; Agent.
Carlisle.'April 4,1839..
' A supply of Caadlescan bebad at any time
by-applying at the factory of ': •
. - ' ' JOHN GRAY, Agent.
• ..Carlisle, April 4, 1839.
■ Remainingln: thfe Post Office at Stoiighstdwn,
* • Pa. Aprillat, 1839..
Chenovyeit Catharine M ntgouiery James Esq
Graham Elizabeth . : Musaer Daniel
■Hendrick's William SiighelmanGeorge
" Hoach John Jr. -
: ... • joSn stoucSh, p, m.
/^ : .v. For Sale, ! V;
Enquire of the Editors of the Voluhteer.
>"•’3- 'c y
Carothcrs Mary
Chipped Margaret
Camp John
Cart George W
Culbertson J
Cohdit.Amos W_
Carney Barney
Cautley William
Cramar John
Dickson John
Demey Martain
Diller Joseph
U Groft Isaac
Dunbar. William 2
Egen James
Earley Nancy
fielccft Oonnid I>r
Elies Margaret
Elliott John
Feighl John
Foursht John
Fluke F '
Fehl John
Fisher Samuel
Fishburn John Z ■
Fisher Mark
Freeling Ellen
Falor John
Foster Henry
G Snyder Rachel
Goodyear John Sentman Sami L
Graham Robert . Sterret Robert C
Garner Hiram Stubs Vane
Galbraith Samuel or? Sterrett ‘David
.. T Paxton J Singiser Joseph
Gilmor John C Stewart Margaret
Gross Samuel . . Schwartz Catharine J
Gobles Nathan Schwert David
Golden Jeffrey Stehman Jacob
Goetz John ' Shuart.Wm
Goodman J R Rev Spottswood Esther
H Smith George. B
.Hartzel John Smith' JUra John M
Holsaple John Spore David'
Hilton George Snoemaker William
Hartline George ' Shireman Mt,
Hannah John Snider Peter '
Henery David .Stoner David
Heagy Weams ' . Smith Charls
Hoimes Elizabeth Sanders Benjamin
HoomerDanl Shaffer Mr ■
HolmeS Margaret Smallwood Ellen
Hocker Adam , Smith Janh
Heckman Maria ... T ■
Hinkle John >. Thompson Ellen
Hoover Frederick ? Towle Samuel
or Jacob Reinhold $ ■ " ■, U
Hass Peter Ulerich Elizabeth
Hall Samuel 2 , W,
Heppehamer Geo. } Webbert Henry
Wise $ Walters John
- I& J . Weakley Isaac
Irwin Henry or Wm ? Williamson Thomas
Wise , 5 Willithtneti Catharine
Jhdick Joseph ■ ‘ Woodruff A P
Jones Eliza. Williams Samuel ...
K’ Weaver Philip
Kelley Joliii - .Wise George ■
Kelley Isabella Woods jane^
King Bernard Wetzel john sen .
Kissinger JEsq ■ ‘V '
Kinsirtger George . YengSt George ;
Kaufman Conrad Yonasiacob
Kissinger George sr ' Z
Kelly, Patrick Zell Peter
Kaufman Jane ZiegJacob ‘
_ ... ,L. ' Zearihg Peter
LillyTlichard ■ ■', Zetler Lydia ..
R. Lamberton P. M.
In .1 iechanieaburg.
HJI AS hisoffice inSouth Hanoycy street! two
JLM'jloOra finuth of the office recently occupied
l>>; Judge Hepburn, and nearty opposite Alleys,
formerly Macfarlane’g hotel.
Carlisle, Apri14,1839. , 7
Remaining ft) the Post Office at Mechanics-!
; ; ■ burg. Pa, April lety 1839;
Joseph -Black ,■ • Polly Miller
Henry Bup Mary Markly
William 1 Bennett -Mary E Nesbit
Margaret Bee. . .George Pollinger
Jacob Copver David HPlaine
John Close _ J-Palmer 1
H, Deafenbaugh Jacob Palmer
John Dprnbach. James Purdy
Geo W Dougherty Henry Rich .
Mary Duey George Rupert ' *
El izabeth Eberly Andrew Stork
John Eberly 2 George Stoanspring
Abr’m Rshelman. Elizabeth R Smith 2
Elizabeth Earnest John Stewart
William Fagan David Sanderson
Christian Fulmer .. William Smithey
John Gerhard George Schoyeye
Augustus Oobreght James Sullivan
David Gosweiler John Smith
John Hoover George Swart
Mr Hall (mason) Peter Thrush
John KairnS 2 Matey Vansent
Henry Landis Samuel Westheifer
John J Kinger Jacob Williams
Remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle,
Pa. April Ist, XBS9. Enquirers unit
" please say advertised.
A Lehn John
Allen Americuß Lion Susan
Anderson James. Lea Thomas
Adams Richard Low Daniel
• ~B Lamison Conrad
Barnhart Margaret Lindsay John
Burkholder John 2 Leidigh Henry
Bosserman E 2 . M
Boyers Jacob 2 Main William sr
Brown Jacob M jersJno (carpenter'
Brant Isaac Metzgar dolin'
Barbour William Mornson William
Boslcr'Tbomas- --"'Mateer J& W
Blackburn George 3 Martin Jas
Brown Ann Moore David
Moore William
Mecleming Joseph
Minick John
Moore Sarah M v
Miller, David
Martin Thoipas H
Musselman George
McClune Robert
Mclntire Elizabeth M
McNeal Sally
McGowen John,,
McClintick Robert
McElroy Edward
MfcOabe Elizabeth
i&cCilbe Jane Ann
A/cMillen Hetty
A/cKibbin Robert
Neis George
Wogtc /uacph
Patten J W Esq
Pierce D Esq
Piper Capt Joseph
Perkins Capt David
Quigley Andrew
Robinson Jane Eliza
Rupert Henry
Reed John
Robinson Lewis
Nankeens! Nankeens!!
•ghvandludia Nankeens for sale low- by
Ob. •
4&-Q t GSfewtxt tat* 12 qfft ft 111 x*
Register’s Notice.
Register’s Office, ?
Carlisle, March 30, 1839. J
Legatees, Creditors and other persons .con
cerned, that the following accounts have
been filed in this office for examination, by
the accountants therein named, and will be
presented to the Orphans’ Court of Cumber
land county, for confirmation and allowance
on Tuesday the SOth day pf Jlpril, A. JJ.
1839, vizs .
The administration account of Isaac Ad
dams. Administrator of Harkness Addams,
deceased, Hetty Addams, Adminis-,
tratrix of said Isjac.
The administration account of John Da
vidson, Administrator of John Boyed, de
The administration account of Henry Ja
cobs, Administrator of William Beistline,
The administration accountof John Sneve
ly. Executor of Jacob Abrahams, deceased.
The administration account of Alexander
Sharp, Administrator of William M. Sharp,
The administration account of Alexander
Sharp, Administrator of Andrew Sharp, de
The administration account of John Shopp,
Administrator of Jacob Neidig, deceased.
The administratiomaccount of John Lind 1 ,
Administrator of David Neiswanger, de
The administration account of Jacob' C,
Dooey, Administrator of Steplien Losh, de
The administration account of William
Galbraith, Administrator of Joseph Galbraith,-
The administration account of John Mus
ser and Jacob Eckart, Administrators of Ja
coljt Musser, deceased.
The ad ministration account of Jacob Christ
lieb, Administrator of Catharine Christlieb,
deceased. '
‘ The administration account of George
Beelman and John'Beelman, Administrators
of Jacob Beelman, deceased.
The administration account of David Mar
tin and Henry Bitner, Executors of Thomas’
Martin, deceased.
The supplemental administration account
of John Houser and John Myers, Adminis
istrntors of John Leidig, deceased.
The administration account of Henry
Breneman, Administrator of Martin Brene
man, deceased. - 7
The administration account of Andrew
Gross, Administrator of Henry Gross, de
The administration accpunt of John K.
Longnecker, Administrator of Henry Long
necker, deceased.
VHX3 VSXAnoTreutK " ~
■ ft Will stand the ensuing sea.
at Carlisle, on the terms set
1 s fnrlhin the handbills.
Peter Parley is of tiie very
first racing blood. He was got by ‘Oscar’—bis
dam ‘Betsey Wilkes’ was by the celebrated ‘Sir
Archie’—his grand dam by ‘Bedford’—his great
grand dam by ‘D.ireADevil’—his g. g. grand
dam hy g. g. g. grand dam
hy Syms WiMair. Ihe above pedigree is
authentic as will he seen by a reference to the
Ani'erican.Tnrf Register.
For further particulars apply to
Carlisle, April 4; 1839. 3 m
f . ■ .bouse.
HAVE erected a Warehouse on the RAIL
'ROAD, nt the west end of High strent,
umxtly opposite Dickinson College, where they
can at all times receive and forward merchan
dise and produce to Philadelphia, Chambers
burg and all intermediate places, having placed
Cars on the road which will run regularly be
tween Carlisle and Philadelphia, by which
Goods and Prodlice of all descriptions will be
forwarded with careand despatch. ■
Goods wi|l be received at the. Warehouse of
Joseph S. Lewis, jr. U Co., comer of Broad and
Vine streets, Philadelphia, arid forwarded to
Carlisle, Chambersburg, and all intermediate
Carlisle, April 4,1839. 3m
Commission dtoForoarding Merchants,
s. W. comer Broad Ci Fine ait. Philadelphia,
lk RE prepared tp receive and effect sales of
JMI. all produce, merchandize, Ac, which may
be entrusted to their: care. Liberal advances made on consignments until sales are ef
fected. . .. ~ --
Produce.- end'.-merchandize left at the Ware
house of Messrs. Murray & Fleming, Carlisle,
shall receive prompt attention, and all merchan
dize, &c. left will be forwarded to Car
lisle, Clmmbersburg, and all intermediate pla
ces, on the rail road, with cafe and despatch, at
the lowest,ratea pf freight.-
April 4. 1839. ' t -v 3 m
list Of* LfiTTERS
'■J® EMAINING in the Host Office ■at Dick
■£, tNsoir,'Ha. 30th March, 1839. Vi-**
Benson Sarah AJEliaHh Norris Eli
Blakeley. George • Hrier Wm
Hrussman Heter Swigert George *"
Cail Heter . Swigert Joseph. .
Coover Adam -Thomas Hetty .
Meyers Benjamin Williamson Johesoh
M Cormick George , Williams George
Nagle Barton; M. M -• ■
. liadiei are invited to callahd seetheline as
sortment;of bleached! unblbached and open
workedJ3ottonHose-<-white and colored, for
sale by o Arnold & Co:
.Leghorn,Oriental, Braid, Florence and Straw
Boanctfj at the :;f t • •
Commencing on, Monday the Blh day.
Alien—V obert Brison.
Carlisle —William Roney, John Thompson,John
Underwood, Nathan W. Woods.
Dickinson— lsaac Brandt, Jonathan Kissinger
Hopewell— John Laughlin *
*Methanicsburg—Joseph Black, Jacob Gorges
M’f/ltn —William Blean, Joseph -North
ASti/on—James W Allen, Isaac Koons, John
Silver Spring—Thomas Bell
borough— Jacob Culp,Henry Car-
Southampton— Daniel Croft, Adam Duke, John
fPeitPenntborough —John Bricker, John' Me-
Keehan, jr./JosephTrego
TRAVERSE JURY— first Week.
.Alien* —Adam Eichleberger, Samuel Eckles,
John R Longnecker, James Neal, John Orr,
Jacob S’viler, George Thomas
Carlisle —Jacob Due?, Jacob S Faust, William
" ■ "McPherson, Rudesil Nalcher, Alex. Woods
Dickinson— John Corbet, David Glenn, William
East Pennsborough— Jacob S Haldeman, Wil
liam Miller, Adam Seirer, John Snavely
Frankford — Abraham Bauman.
Hapevitll —Joseph M Means
Mechanicsburg —John Hoover, Isaac Kinsey
Monroe— . Michael G Belshoover, Henry Bitner,
Geo Brindle, Samuel Gibler, Jacob Strock
Mifflin —John High
Newville —Samuel Ahl, Samuel Cook, Scott
Coyle "
Newton— Jacob Gilbert, Alexander P Kelso,
Robert C Kilgore, Samuel Wild
North Middleton —John Wolf
South Middleton— Frederick Brechbill
Sblpfiehsbitrg iorpi/g-/i—David Criswell, Henry
Davis, sen J
Southampton— JohnKilzmilierTsen
West Pennsborotigh—John Bear, William Boyd,
' John Fishburn, Robert Graham. John Hoa
gy, George McKeehan (of R.) Peter Wilt
TRAVERSE JURY- —Second Week.
Allen— William Bjooks, jr., John Balsley, John
C Dunlap, James H Lamb, Samuel Miller
Car/is/e—Charles BeR, .Ctytij.lev.,BOTaVt3V^(.y^
liSm Crop, Abel. Keeney; James Ligget,
Charles Murray, Hubert Moore, jr
Dickinson —Peter Camp, John Fishburn, Thos.
Lee. Isaac Lshnny, John PefFer, sen. 1 , Sam
uel Woods, William Woods, Samuel Wood
burn, John Weakley.
East Pitmsborougb— Jacob Clark, John Erford
/fo/ictrcfr—John T Green, Jacob Nickey, James
Sharp ’ ' 1
Monroe— George Brandt, Jnqob Morret
Mifflin —James M’Ethenny, Samuel M’Cormick,
Win Mathers •'
Mechanictburg— Henry Lease, Jacob Miller
JVetuvitle— William Barr, George Klink, Wm
Nraton— John Shar p,' Joseph Waggoner
South .Middleton —David Ebersoie, Alexander,
Gregg, James Mehaffcy, Jacob Strickler
Sbippensb&rg borough —Jnhn Bender
“ township —Jolin Duncan
Silver Spring— Jacob Harman
Southampton —Adam Reese
West Peimsborough —Emanuel KindlghjGeorge
Miller, Raul Randolph ■
JL trading in the mercantile business, Under the
firm of C. vV. Bc P. A. Ahl, is this day dissolved
by mutual consent—-all persons therefore having
Unsettled accounts wilt please call with C. W.
Ahl, In whose hands the books are left for col
lection, and settle the same.
C. W.BcP. A. AHL.
Churchtown, March S 3, 1839.
The business will be continued by P. A." Ahl,
who has removed the stock of goods to the store
mom formerly occupied by Samuel Hyer.—
Thankful for past favors and solicits a continu
ance of public patronage. P. A. AHL.
Estate of Jacob Fried, deceased.
.-NO T I C’E.'
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration on the estate, of, Jacob Fried,
late of Allen township, Cumberland county, de
ceased, have been issued by the Register of said
county to the subscriber who resides in tlieisaid
township. AH.persnris having claims ordemuids
against the estate of the said decedpnt,are're:
quested to make known the same without delay,
and those Indebted to make payment to\
> — : JOHN MATEER, Administrator.
March 21. 1839. . ,
FIFORMS his friends and the public, that he
has resumed the duties of his profession, and
will give his undivided attention,to the practice
of its several, branches.
. .His office is hi the stone house, adjoining his
drugstore and one door from the Post Office.
. Carlisle, Feb; 28, 1839. Sm
Six Cents Reward.
RUNAWAY from the subscriber, in Dick
inson township,' sometime in November
last, an indented mulatto boy, named JAMES
RICHA PARKS, about 16 years of
age; He took'with him when he went away a
variety of clothing not now recollected. Who
ever jakesup said boy arid;returnb him to me,
shallTeceivc the . above reivardi but no’ charges
will bepaid, - '. *
March 21, 1839. St*
TtTTILL: practice- irt the- several Cobrts of
WW‘ Cumberland, Perry and Juniata. Office
in South Hanover street, Carlisle, lately occu
pied by Judge Hepburn;
March 21, 1839. if
Estate of John Blessing,-, sen,’ deceased:
IT , ETTERS of Administration on. the, estate
JLd of John Blessing, seji. late of East Penns
bmpughtownship, Cumberland county, decease
ed. haying been issued toi the subscriber residing
>iij said township:.. This is therefore to notify all
persons in any way indebted to said estate,, to
make payment imtnediately, and those having
claims will present them properlyauthcntlcated
for settlement without any delay.; i r . .
. DAVID HXJME.Mminhtrator.'
March SI, 1832. "6t
Satin, BaitlbaeeeD. plain and- figured-Stocks,
for sale by, ' - 1 Arnold Co.
'■ Italian, Luibtring,Gros>de>nap,
Gros-de-Swiss, an da la?ge assort-*
iriehf of light and,fancy 'coloredSincs.plaia and
figiiijs), tmcriM Ww by; : V Idfkimsf. C*. ‘:
TWO shott homed Durham BULLS. Price
g4O each.. Enquire of Capt. James M'Man
iman,' agent for the owner, living near Carlisle
Iron Works. ,
March 28, 1839.
Call and exatnino fur yam-selTes.,
TAKES this method of informing his friends
and the public generally, that he still con-;
tinues to carry on, at his old stand in East High
street, Carlisle, the manufacture of
Tomb Stones, Hoad diFootStonos, dec.
where he shdll at all times be ready to "supply
customers at the shortest notice and on the most
accommodating terms. Having employed Mr.
William Gregg of this borough, my agent for
the sale of the above mentioned articles, any or
ders furnished by him will be promptly attended
to—also all orders heretofore given for work are
now ready to be filled up.
Cnrlisle. March 28,1839. ' 3t -
N. B.—Having discharged John Hatfield
from my employ, all persons indebted, for tomb
stones, monuments, head and foot stones, tie, Sic,
are cautioned against paying him any money for
the same, as.the receipt thereof will not be" ac
knowledged by me. J. W. KELLY.
(O’Perry Democrat inserts times and charge
this office.
'WTETILL make sales of trees and
»f cuttings of the genuine Chinese CSJgSja
Morus Multicanlis, Monts Expansa; Al- • wWSt
pine,.Broussa, Canton and other
ties, dctiverableto purchasers immediately, or
at such period in tlie spring as is. conv.enient._to
them, and will enterauto cohtracts accordingly.
Prices and tet ms for the Trees and Cuttings will
be forwarded to nil who may apply for them, by
mail, as. well ns prices of Silk Worm Eggs, Mul
berry Seeds, &c. The Multicaulus Trees are
remarkably vigorous, and as we first Imported
the genuine trees, purchasers are sure of obtain,
ing the true kind. It is from this cause andfrbm
the great attehtiod paid by them, that the Ireeir
N.' B.—Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Plants,
and Seeds can be supplied to any exteht.
Flushing, near-New York, > ♦
March 23,1839. 5 • f
enrolled inhabitants subject to 'militia
■ duty residing within the bounds of the Ist
Brigade,. 11th.Division,-?. M. (being Cumber
land and Perry counties.) will parade in compa,-
pies under their respective commanding officer!
on theifitst Monday in May next, (being the Bth
day of May, 1839,) and the Regiments and Bat
talions will parade for review and inspection
trainings as follows,'' viz t , '
The Ist Battalion 86th Regiment Militia and
the 3d Battalion Cumberland Volunteers, on
Monday the 13th day of May,
The 3d Battalion 86th Regiment Militia and
the Ist Battalion Cnmberiand Volunteers, on
Tuesday the 14th of May. ’
The Ist Battalion 23d Regiment Militia on
Wednesday the 15th of May-
The 3d Battalion 33d Regiment Militia, on
Thursday the 16th of May. ,
The Ist.Regiment Cumberland Volunteers, on
■Regiment Militia, on
Monday the 30th of May.
The 2d Battalion 39th Regiment Militia, on
Tuesday the 21st of May.: .
.The 2d Battalion 113th Regiment Militia, on
Thursday the 23d of May.
, The Ist Battalion Perry County Volunteers,
on Friday the 24th of May. '
The Ist Battalion-113th Regiment Militia, oh
Saturday the 33th of May.'
Commanding officers of Regiments or inde
aendentßattalions; will designate their respect
ive places of parade and will give at least fifteen
■days public notice thereof. Volunteer Compa
nies or Troops not attached to any Regiment or
Battalion of Volunteers will parade with the Mi
litia Battalion in the bounds of which they re
side, ,
Adjutants and Commanding Officers of Com
panies or Troops will make their returns to the
undersigned on the day of their respective Regi
mental or Battalion parades. Pieces of Artillery
■bust be ib the field for inspection, '
i- . W; FOULK,
Brigade Inspector, I*/ B. 11th D. P, JIT,
' Brigade Inspector’s Office. >
Carlisle, March 28,1839. J
Dissolution of Co-partnership..
THE subscribers trading under the .firtn of
D. & B. BKB, have this day dissolved co
partnership,-and hereby notify ail persons in
debted, to said firm, to come forward arid make
payment, and those who have claims to present
them before the first day of April next. Or their
accounts will be put in the hands of a proper
person for .collection. .. ~, . .
Wormleyshurg, February. 25, 1839.
For trial at April Term, 1839, First Week,
commencing the Sift April.-
Dqncah, adna’r Zcc. vs Moore’s adm’rs
Moore ct nl. ' 'vs Weakly et al
Clark . . vs Wise d
Church, surv’g; Ac. r» Cart v
.Harlin; etnl. v vs Moore, et al 1
Clippinger ‘ " vs Moore
Same . . ,v» Patton . •
Church, surv’g,. Zee; vs McClure" _ • '
Lamb - vs Dunlap. . «
Kutz r vs Corhmarf
Lxit of Causes for trial at $4 week of April
, , Temx, commencing 15tli April,
M. Ege ex’rs . vs McClure adm’x
Uinles •„ Vs Keller V
Bank . ... vs Egcct at
Cook and Wife . vt Scrogga eA’rS
Woodburb . vs Noble
Meixell vs Diller ~ ■ .
Bullock -i . vs Martin et al
Pierce ; . vs Waples
C. V. Rail Road vs Meil/
Same ... . vs Kevin ,
Dobbs ex’rs tis Eby surv’g.&ti
■Thompson .. v.s Davis . . •
C.V. Kail Road va Moore’ .
Same. veHoicomb 1 . ■
Dysert rsJDysert
Eee. .. vs Andersob
HjirsH .. vs Smith. ...
Loveadm’r ys Eby.Jurv’g, tcc
Redett-adm’r '-vs Moore - ■ • ■
McCune -os Mahon
Edenbaugh vs Atherton ,
Lceper . -va Herron etal
Martin -r» Wilson -
Crbiier - » . •trsßasey , .
Stough : :.vs, Moored al. s ....:
.■ i>s Huston admV
Phillips lor use _'ya Same ..-Vo,
MeixeU*'.. i rw.Oilfcr,/.' T
Welsh', ■ ys Moore'
ISiSSh . vVJtflint -:'V -...vy:-
Wo. 66 South Fourth Bt. Philadelphia.
Open dally, fir t7ie iranedclion ofbusinesa from
...9 A. M, lo 2 V. Al, .
DEPOSITED pfmoney received, lor which
the followingrateof interest Will beaiiowed:
. ,1- year,s pprcent. per .annum;- ,
6 mos. 6 ,<• ”
t 3.. *■' 4..
On business depositee to bo dfawp nt the plea
sure ofthe deptmitor.Jiu interest allowed.
Uncurfent notes of solvent.:Banhs, in every
part ofthe States, will be received as
special dieposites, on such terms' ns may I be a
greed on in each particular tasei-
By order of the Board, , ,
, J.DIiSSAA, Cathier%
Philadelphia-, Dec. 19, 1838/ . . iy
THE subscriber rcspectlullyliiforn.i'thc'ir.
habitants of Carlisle, and the’public gent
ally, that he still resides at his Old S:and, m
NorthHtjnoverstreet, opposite Mr. In. Bullock's
Chair Manufactory, where he continues to carry
on tile . . .
atin et .Waking SSvtsinessy
in nil its various brandies'. He lias'inldy lur
liished himself with a new and ...
&c. to accommodate all those who may favor
him with u call#, He returns his sincere thanks
to hii friends and customers tor the liberal e«-
coUragemeht bestpivfcd on him, S: solicits a cons
timianCe of their patronage. Heflaiter« himself
that by strict attention to business and a disposi
tion, to please, to merit and receive a share 7 of
:puhli'c patronage;. , . ,
Atf'apprentice will be to learn the above
business, if well recommended.
Carlisle, December 6, 1838i—tf. .. *
The subscribers, ihiCnkful for post fawn*, t i. c
this method of informing, the public t';
still continue thc.building of *JViraihivg
and Horse Power* at their olei stand, in !#• utlt"v
street,Carlisle, where Farmo s nun
at all Itihes be supplied. T rey 1,. v
considerable improvement c u .■
machine, and have also qtt jehtd a
ctofEii Thrash ■' t?
which for durability and simpleness, w , ■
tion ia surpassed by none.
Having all irtanndr of confidence in the-sap-,
rlority of the above mentioned machine, fir., tn.y
are willing that Farmers shall'M2 ihtmbefore
making the purchase.
, Pcr&oUawishing to purchase, or examine the
machine will please make application at the
shop.ortol; Lawshc, Agent, at Macfarlattc'a
hotel,nearthc Conrt.House, Carlisle;
May 3, 1838. •>.
in High street a Jetd door* east of the Court
' House ,
Thesnbscriber having leased the above named
establishment from Jfr. Simon If underlie,’i, find
having provided himself with every thing, neces
sity, is now enabled to accommodate travellers
and others in a style that will not 'fail to please
hose who may favor him tVith a call. «
Will receive Ilia special attention. Tliesev.illbe
kegtconstantly provided Ivkh the best of LIQ-
will atall times be abundantly supplied with all
the delicacies which the season ami market can
afford, and no exertions wanting to please
the palateof the most fastidious. -'/
arc commodious and secure, and a. careful _,ard
Attentive hostler will he always in
(C/’BOAKIJERS will be taken by the week,
month. or year, on the most reasonable tev.irs.
• A strict attention to business and ah niVxious
desire to please;will;he trusts,. ‘ensure hhu n rea
sonable snore of public patronage.
•‘Carlisle, April s, IS3S;-. “
N.- B. The cars run past i*»e above "csUhlMv
ment,at 6 and 11 o’clock, A. M. and at 2 and 7
o'clock, P. M. ~ ...
/gw-. ' Accustomed to- the
'management *nf horn k.
dt-ivers, wililst; c-i lhit^ti
TVW^*iHS>^'*TW > is'the-Tnostr dtrha
ble corps of-Uny in the army", young ineu-out ci
employment confect do better tbnh join it*. Ap
ply to .* .. -■ . ;.. . S. KIKGGOLD..
CafitaiH tohtwahdihif JJg/it sh t'Uh ry,
Carliiie>J2(: Greets ,
Feb Wary £B, issV
Carlisle, Pa^lfow j ,:A S3B>
Jitrival iind De/iarture ofM a it s . f *
' ... Arrives,. - : ‘closes.
Eastern ’ daily o about 13 hi . .7 p. 'nu
“ ,7p- hi.. JOaj.m,
Western . ;• . .•• Ifc.m... 10a. m .
Southern',- ••13 m.. -7p. tri,
Mechanicsb’g •• •• jj m. '7 pt
Newville ,l , , •■ 12 m.; : JOa; m .
Estate of JRobert McGlaugfilin,'deceased.
TS hereby given that .■letters testaipmtary on
■ the will and testameht of Robert McGlnuuh
bn. late of the: borough Of. JJew-ViUe,„decVased
have been issued to the subscriber by the R f c ’
isterot Cumberland ootinly—lib therefore re
quests those indebted to' said de fcediint, to call C n
biro at his restdencc in the saicl borriiph r.l -Kew
fvillei V
thMdhavinßxlaithii aainjiit sh-d cs
.taTeiOprejeht thehi.'duly iuthbntihated! fed ~ c u
tlemcm. , , ' - . . *?r
. \KcWviHe, Feb. Si, WSff.-- ;
(. J ur d