Poor Hohsc Statement for tlie ycaplB3§. David Enimiuger* Abraham Waggoner and John I)uiilap, Egqulres, Directors of the’Poor and of the House of of Cumberland :county,- in .account with said county,, from the •1,.V ist day of January to the:3lst day of Dccembet r i 8 3 8) inclusive, viz;' ■ nn. - , • ’.cr • . r . To amount due institution at settlement in 1837, hyj. Loll- Bypurcbasembricyarid fordecd fori 4 acres and'two % r ■ don, Esq. Treasurer, . . $l7 72$ , . perches of land, I ■ $ 180,89 Do. received of Franklin county for Support of paupers,. 432. 04 FuneraLexpenscafor out-door paupers, ‘ , 44 50 Do. do of. York county for , do ITP 00 PlaSlcr ajid potatocs, 1 .199. 87^ Do. do of Perry county for do 83.13'i Blaoksihith, work,, 50 .66' Do. do ■ of Philadelphia city for do ‘ 35 25 Medical attendance for out door paupor«i 36 25 Do., do of Lancaster county for dO : . 30 00 Beef,,' ~ ‘ Do. do for-damage done to sheep, - , . .75 00 S(ioemaking'ahd .hatting, I? - * ,99t Do. do 'of A. Ramsey .and R. Snodgrass, Esq's, for - Support of.out door paupers ‘ ' T 49 401 blank indentures, &c.- 1 . 16 57a Printing.,,,. .... . , ' .. _"49 00 'o •of Isaac Angncy for support of R, Robinson, ,25 00 Tailoring and.Weavlng, ' ! ■' ' ■ 89 311 t of R. Snodgrass, in part, for support of 'A. Justice and constable fees, ~ • _ IS6 481 M’Cartncy, 12 00 . Groceries, merchand ize, drugs, hardware, cloathing, i of Miss Massy for support of E. Handson, '.' 500 , bedding and part improvements, of A. Blair, D. Shrom, J. Slirom & B. Klutz, Farming utensils, tools and coopering, for hides and skins, 114 36 Leather, . of D. Rcisinger and others for lard & tallow, 83 771 Suridrys for kitchen and house, expenses in waggon erdeck! paupers’and pension of M. Mitchell, 42 29s ihg settling with other,counties, and,postage, for Siberian apples and cider press hire, 714 M. Fishbur \teward arid matron salary, hirelings Do. Dp. Do.j Uo or Blue._ 'pi do for flaxseed and fish nets, do for working on public roads, do for fines,,shoemakingand old iron, do for onions dnd red beets, do for hauling, &c. do,, from County Treasury, Stock on Farm Ist January, 1839. .5 head of horses, 26 head of homed cattle, S breeding sows,'s3 shoats, 29 sheep. Farming Utensils. —2 nar row wheeled wagons, 1 wagon bed, 1 pair wood ladders, 2 pair hay ladders, 1 dearborn and harness.l cart with gears, 3 ploughs, 3 harrows, 1 roller, 7 wheelbarrows, 1 winnow ing mill, 1 scoop, 3 log chains, 6 set.of wagon, goers,. 4. set of plough geers, 2 shovel' hiurbws, 2 flax brakes, 2 sct. carpenter tools, 1 set butchering tools; and a Variety' of axes, shovels, spades, grubbing hoes, digging irons, single trees, double trees, scythes., cradles, forks, rakes, &c. TohaTahce due county by Treasurer, JAMES LOUDON, Esq. Treasurer of the Poor House and.Housi the said. Institution from the Ist day of Januar To amount due at last settlement, - 17 72f ' To amount received from county Treasurer, 6000 00 Amount received of M. Fishburn steward from differ ent sources as exhibited in the foregoing statement. To bilance due Institution, Schedule showing procccds’of farm tn 1838. * ' 725 bushels of wheat, 135 of corn, 755 of oats,. 105 of potatoes, 2£ of tunothy seed. Is of cloyerseed, Q, of flaxseed, 9 of turnips, 10 of beets, 8 of parsnips, 125 of winter apples, 36 of onions, 2 of seed onions,- 2 of peas, 185 of.dryed apples, I 3 of dryed peaches, 120 gallons of apple butter, 52 loads of hay, 10 of.cornfoddcr, 525 heads of-cabbage, 550 cucumber nickels, 19 barfels'of good and water cider, | ofan-acrc of flax. . y . Beef, pork, mutton and 'vial, fattened and killed on farm in 1838 34 beeves, weight 117T3 lbs. 46 hogs, weight 6413 lbs. 23 sheep, weight 1043 lbs. 16 calves. Weight 848 lbs. whole amoubt weigli 200 77 lbs. • - There was also made and manufactured in the House and Shop 267 yards of tow & flax linen, 51J yards of bagging, 90 yards of fianne.l 31? yards of ruggs, 198 shirts and chemise, 75 calico frocks, 67 pair of summer pantaloons, 102 pair of knitted'stockings, 65 pair of footed stockings, 9 petticoats, 65 sheets 56 aprons, 18 chaff bags, 45 caps, 131 feather pillow slips and bolsters, 3190 dipped and moulded candles, 37 comforts. MICHAEL FISHBURN, Steward. ( MARGARET FISHBURN, Matron. The Directors of the Poor, S,-c. of said County annex the following exhibit of extra labor, fyc. performed by the Steward, Matron and Paupers, from the Ist day of January, to the 31si day of December 1838, as follows, viz: < • Filled up and leveled-one acre of a pond 12 inches deep for meadow, made a flowerhouse and toolhouse, 2 cabbing in the hospitals for close stools, 20 coffins,, 9 large and 20 small benches J. pannel door, 7 small windows, made and nailed 44 pannel of palling fence, made 3 small and 1 large gates, made 1 rack to feed sheep, made ! wheelbarrow, wheel, made 1 small library case, made 22 spitting boxes, made 18-pot lids, made 2,rakes, glaized theToor House pnd Dwelling, cut 80 loads of wood, made 700 new rails,.made 10 hickory brooms, and a variety of other articles made & repaired, made 3 roundabouts, made 40 pair woolen pantaloons,,made 29 vests, boiled 30 barrels soft soap, made 143 Ibs. hurd spap, colored all'the wool and yarn. The number of paupers in the Institution Ist January 1838; (of which; 17 were colored,) Whole number admitted up to the 31st of December 1838 inclusive, (of which 29 were colored'and 9 out door paupers admitted at short periods, ’ , leaking the whole number through the year, Of yhich 20 died,-3 chiklren bound out, 192 discharged and runaway. Leaving the number of paupers in the house Ist January 1839, Out door paupers supported at public expense tlifough the year. Whole number supported Ist January 1839, WE the Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employment of Cumberland courtly, certify the above and foregoing statement to contain a just and' true exhibit of; the affairs of the Institution, during the period above stated according to the best of our know ledge. Given under our hands this Ist day 6f January 1839., . DAVID, emminger; 1 ABRAHAM WAGGONER. yDirectoh. JOHN DUNLAP, J Ur. 11. Kbangh. F six cbotb Reward. statement ■ ■' ■ ■ , a £ . Runaway from-the-SUbscriber t ov ... SUBOfiON SBNTZSTt Bl residing in the borough-of.; Me- Common School Appropriation, Will return to- Carlisle .about the 20th of ■ ■ on. the 23th_ult. an : TTItUE- frprrthe'State to the different districts the present month, and .may be consulted indentedapprenticetothefi/nct-.VBJFof Cumberland.county, for the school-year professionally at Col. Ferree’s Hotel. as u-. -business, -named ioio. sual, for a short time; - LOWMAN.Said Aden. “ ■ March 7, 1839. " V« : 3t runaway had on when he left a- blue frock Carlisle, ;: ; - : , " ~ T: ~ A ' mT ,-V. ■- EMtPennsborbngh 1 , Auditor’s Notice, Fnti»kfo«l, r • ’ * mu•» • . es high and stpop: shouldered. All : • The undersigned haying been appointed are cautioned againt harboring said boy.— Mechanicaburg, Auditor by the Orphans?.Court of Cumber- Any person returning hits" to meaball land county, to marshal aud -diatribute die ceive the above rewardrbut no-additional- ofthe estate of AndrtW, BQden,,EBq.,-charges.- : : THOMAS HARRISF . 1 ate of the borough of m . March 7,1839. ,■ '' * St ‘ North.Mlddletwt,: - the hands of John I»ebn,Administrator pFX" ■■ ■. ■■■ . —. South Middleton, said estate, wilF meet for tiiat;puirbseatthe . . CANDEESh Silver Spring, . j , , present their claims. ; ", .‘' • / ' --- *:-'»■*- '■* ~.••• , $3914-83 *-.1910? JRWINj Auditor. ; FLOUR is selling - By Older of the Commissioners; •“- j ' ■■■ - ■••• -1 ■■ ; ; March.r|lBs9. ■'isu_.jrn, steward ai ..utrdn t, . igs, , butchering, farming, clerking &c.' for one year. Treasurer's salary, James Loudon Esq.; . Attorneys fees, V,’ V-’ Director It. M’Ciine Esq., for extra services for one .year, Director D. Emminger Esq., for extra services for one year, Director Abraham Waggoner Esq., for extra services for obe.year, * <•' , Dr. J. Baughman for one year salary, Firewood and coal. Stocky Grain and grinding, Munster stove. Bead taxes, ’ ' Materials','improvements and post and rail fences, 9 12jS 19 50 14 01| ' 3 IZi 8 28J 6000 00 ■ ' 6153 631 Balance due county Ist Jan. 1839. by Treasurer, , 1054 71 97208 34| 1054 71 bf Employment of said County, in account with the Directors bj ’ to the 5 Vst of December iSSB, inclusive, viz: , By cash paid-on Directors orders as stated above, 6153,631 Balance due Institution by Treasurer, r . 1054 71 1190 62, 7208 34| 1054 71 WE the Auditors of Cumberland county db certify, that having examined the account? and vouchers, of .the Directors of the Poor add'House ofEmplpyment of said county.from the Ist day of Jan uary to the'Slst of' December, 1838, inclusive,-do-find a balance due said .county .by the Directors of said Institution of one hundred and fifty-four 'dollars and seventy-one cents; and we also certify that we find a balatice due by James Loudon Treasurer of said In- during ?aldtbrm, to the Directors-therepf, amounting to one" thousand’ and fifty-four dollars and seventy-one cenfSi all- of which is particularly sot forth in the above Stated accounts. Given under Our hands this 26th day of Janliafy 1839. WILLIAM LUSK. . 1 ■■ •' : - , GEORGE M. GRAHAM, I Auditors. JOHN. CLENDENIN, J 1703 86; 109 70; , 101 78; ! **£*c*pU‘S'- Arfcr* Litton l itrcofc . - :" ' ' 'xupTihtE 'teeth / f ’ r : It has for m‘any‘ yeaH been a great dcsidei’jUiirn’ among European an£ Amerlc in to W *Vr - i-dait|itfc e; fl l • l^eth, i\T;uiy Jiaye years to’ unsuccessful ex peruneilty, succeeded in /mahu- Jacthrihg teeth qf inatcrlals similar to tlic porce lain ware** bqt, generally they have an opaque white appearanfec/hy which they arc easily dis tinguished from the luiman teeth. ■ j* ' After long and 1 tedious experiments, the sub scriber has succeeded in manufacturing teelVof materials entirely incomiptihle, and perfectly in imitation of jVtfmatt:*tebJ)J.'...‘They • have a semi transpai:epcy,:and various-sizes mid - - 1 • ■■■ •- ‘ In dflges where absorption of the aveolar pro cess, «>r other caiises may render it necessary,'he will cast of the same-materials attached to the teeth, artificial imitate the gttm andsupply the loss’ of substance. It is entirely impossible for these, teeth to •hahgc their color, or cause fectid bleat h. lie will insert them from one to entire in such manner that they will make articulation of the voice perfect, ann materially assist in masti •atioiu'and so that thev cannot hr distinguished from the most beautiful natural living teeth by Ihe most scriltmizmg'ohserver. * He also performs all tlv* \arions operations In Dental Fhirgerv, according to the late scientific Improvements in the art: F. H. KVAPP. Surgeon D^ntht. N. W. corner of.Charlcs& Faycttc-streets, .■ \' •/ : .... Ualtimore. 150 68 600 00 40 00 •.5.00 21 00 28 50 TO DIUJGGISTS. A Drug Store situated in.a town in one of the, most fertile sections of Pennsylvania, lor sale. To a person of'tandemte'cnpttnhthere *re hqt fewmnre desirable situations. A H aise and will be rented to the purchaser, if re quired, and-possession-therrof-given at anv- time. For further particulars enquire of the Editors of the Volunteer January-31, 1839.. , ...... 7t. A. new Cine pf Preiglit Cars FROM HARRISBTTRO TO PHIL ADELPHIA. THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, re spectfully. acqualnts-his friends and the pub lic, that he has put on the HAR RISBURG, LANCASTER, and COLUMBIA RAIL ROAD, a line of new DOUBLE CARS, which will-ruaregularly: between Harrisburg & Philadefphia, by which Gopds and Produce of nil descriptions will be forwarded with-carc arid despatch, at the lowest rates of hvighf*. 21 00 130 00 45 45 804 651 999 ,59i 48 25 15 QO 340 OU 7208 34$ Goods will be received att-be W A REHOUSE of. THOMAS J. MAXWELL. N. E: corner u( Broad apd Vine streetf?, _Philad(‘lph'm, and for warded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambersburg, and intermediate places, and bv.tbe subscriber, r -.-OWEN M»CABE. Harrisburg, Jan. 31, 1839. SALT AND PLASTER. CON- 1 STANTLYON HAND, Cash paid for almost, all kinds of country produce. 7208 341 i?IiCIIIIVIST MD Burr Manufacturer. The subscriber wishes to inform his> friends and the public that he continues the manufactu ring of all kinds of .machinery for. Woolen. Fac tories, together with ,jf Aairoa suzui nnss ST9NESV at hisoldsiandin New Cumberland, all of which he will warrant to belmade in th> best work mailikc manner anti of the best materials, and sell at the lowest prices, up m accommod aing terms. A constant supply of Cards will be kept.on hands, and oUrinac.hinus repaired . - . ABR’M MELLINGRR. June 21, 1838. V v A VALUABLE TAIV YARD POP, H3KTT, , AT HARPER'S FERRY, VJI. THE subscri >ers, willJe-tSi* for one or more years their v=ilu iblt* Tin Y ml, with all its appendages. It Is one of. tin* best '-locations in Virginia for carrying on the business on an extensive scalp, as there is abundant room and the materials .are ample. A number of thc.Vats are undefc.ippver, and all the buildings are of the, most suitable kind—besides the grinding of Bark (which can he got convenient and at fair prices,) is done by water power. Any quantity of Hides can be procured in the neighborhood, as there is no other tannery with* in several miles ind.therd ; is hlsd for getting hides fpom_ the cities, and sending them to murlcet when tanned, -eith cpby rail road or canal. There is, likewise,-a oemand at this place, for a large quantity of Leather annually by the Government. 110 226 . 336 120 S Possession will be given immediately. For further particulars enquire of HUGH GILLEECE 8c CO. Harper's Ferfy t -Fe!>. 7 1839. ; eowtf .123 OR. I. G. LOOMIS, DENTIST. - INTENDS. lysidiu.rpvrrny.'K'iitlV in'C- irli*hv and wdulq 'xespHcffunv off. r-liis prnf-sCiomil services t<\ih'e cifizeosof the place and:vi .imtv. He has t-ikeiy .nmnis atC-M. F yive’s H >tel, wherq,he may. be. found a-.all linurs. Persons‘requesting it.will be waited upon at their residences. V = \ r Or- Georgt D. Foulke , 1 Reference ' J Theodore Myers, nejerence,— < Rcv rAos c T / wrntorlt ' .. V Dr. David JVt Mahon. ■ Carlisle. Dec. 6, 1838. .. Closer Seed, for Sale. IOOBVSBSZ.S of, oxvovsa sued ; WUSErecei ved from Ohio,, and, for Jsalc at QW theWareliouse of tliesubscrer intht. hor : .)ugh of Carlisle.Also a large quantity of Tim athy Seed. . ■ ■ : HENRY RHOADS;. December 20/1938,“- ... ' . , tf. to Dentists. #273 8S -; <-505 92 ;V :328-JSB 293 ,28 18S 39 132 07 80 92 The subscriber furnishes Dentists, with his celebrated Mineral Iricorrtifitible'Teeth, which* have b.een spojten'ofln the highest terms Of coni* mendatioh'by all who have used them tfhd by numerous men of profpurtd chemical knowledge who have examined them.;. Also, Human ’Vcelh , Gold Foil, Tin do., £3*c. Bcc. including every af tide of material used iij Dental Surgery. Tfeeth, gold, £*c. sent by mhll'toahy part of the Union when ordered. ; .• F. H.KtfAPP* May 31; 1838 Surgeon. Dentist, lialtimpre 19163 .199 40 188 3b : ' 91J 40 . .929 83 299.10 . 238 89 .192 28 ■ 18 12 - 197 46 257 OS PANaY ; STOVSSS.,- ' ■ C A SPENDfO assortment of fancy Franklin and Parlor Stoxics. ’.intended for coal or wood-. Also, ai variety of. Cooking Stoves of the; most economical .and; approved kind. -Wood stoves and other pastings tor sale either-finished pr in the plates, very cheap for cash or approved eountry produce. -■ ; r iL . ; _. ■ . , , PIEIS, FoBHINO & TjIPDIDJf. : Oak Grove FurriaceJ.Qct. 4,1838, tf.. -- •TEETH. 1 ‘.'JTHE TRtnfe RICHES OF lilFElsi ■ MEAT. TH. .. JVe know tjiat health, and the ability to labor is the wealth of (he tfreat in das jof the. profile in ifiis as in'most' other, countries. - r Vb preserve , that healfH hy ;AOf,7 URAL means, is a grand'hiorbl'Opd f political scheme, to JtiJil •umiih requires bur (itmost atteiition. T BE,unparalleled reputation which Peters* Pills have acquired as a Medical Restorative, Vs the most unqnestibnablcprohf that can be gi ven of their to the afflicted, jn alniost-eyery class of-diseases. :Thonumber~ of Idtterfc received, from pKticrits recovering thro* theif nieftriS is rcrtlly prodigious, *'ahd the com plaints which they have cured nfe'almost as.va ried as they are numerous. But still there are some in which they are more especially benefi cial than mothers; and among those may be named the too often fatal complaints of the sto mach and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence, and Indigestion, for which they are not only a certain but an immediate cure. It is well known that from the disnrrancement I of the stomach and bowels, arise nine tenths ot all the maladies of adult and declining life.; that this is the foundation of FI -tulency, Spasmodic Pains, Indigestion, Loss * f Apatite &c., and that those in their turn’give birth to Dropsy, Liver Oanphmt, Consu'iipli'ii, an'’ habitual lowness of spirit^;.therefore Peters’ PilN being the vert' best medicine which has ever been discovered for the incipient diseases of the intestines, rrri neeessarily the surest preventives of those dread, fnl, anti also general disorders, Which embitter mature life, and drag so many 'millions to un timely graves.- -y* In speaking thus Dr. Pctewarrogates nothing to himself that has not been conceded by the public He is no needy quack.or unknown spec ulator, who*comes befofe the world as his own herald and-witness*-bht-isplace’d-iti-a- respomi-- bility nf situation by the patronage which he lias enjoyed for years, and which is increasing to f)n extent unprecedented it] lhe annals-of medicine, that makes him careful to arrest nothing winch is not borne out by the most intnlibh®f)roof, and hence he docs not fear to be put to the test in any thing which lie has promised respecting his Pills. Dr. Peters is most happy to be able to state, on the authority-of a great number of regular physicians, that wherever his Vegetable Pills have been introduced, they have almost super-' ceded the. adoption of mercurial experiments, for their peculiar 1 acuity m »weeU*mng,\Vie-bioo(i, and stimulating it* to expel all noxious juices, and in giving strength and tpne to the nerves, pre vents disease from acquiring that strength which must be got under, if at all, by dangerous reme dies. - Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. Dl. 129" Liberty ‘Street, New York. - Each box contains 40 pills; price 50 cents. These celebrated Pills are sold by all the prin cipal Druggists in Baltimore,Philadelphia,Wasli ington city, and throughout,, the United Slates, the Canadas, Ttfxas,--Mexico, and the West In dies, and by JOHN J. MYERS, Carlisle, SAMUEL. ELLIOTT, Do. ■S. WILSON & C 0.., Shippehsburg, GEO. GARLIN. Chambersburg, -LEWIS DEN Hi. Do. * ALEX’R SPEER, Mercersburg, Pi W. LITTLE, Do. D-cember 6, 1838. 1 ly XTACKS & "thexr destrxto- FIVE NOSTRUMS.—The united testi ohm.) of physicians throughout the United States has tally proVid the fact that PeU-rs* Vegetable Pills nrctfie only true Vegetable Pills which will ••land the lest of anal) zation; lienee tlte proprie tor would most earnestly qrge them to the notice of those who have been in the habit of using, as cathartics or aperients, the destructive and irri tating quslr.k pills so generally’ advertised, and which are at host hutsdow consumers of the vital functions,' and murderous agents, even to the most hale. 'lt is * true, most of them produce a purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief? hut in most cases they injure Die digestive or gans, and ah habitual resort to them must ter minate in confirmed dyspepsia. It is true that cathartic and aperient medicines re often required, but i t he incest discrimination should observed .n the selection; and, if this be done, nothing injurious can result from their use. To produce this much,desired result, Dr. Pe ters has made it his study for several years and feels pmucl to say he has succeeded at'length far bevoiul his expectations. The object of his pills is to supercede the necessity of a .frequent re course to injurious purgatives, and td offer a me dicine safe, certain, .ihd pleasant’in'’its opt ration 'Piepared bv Jo*. Priestly, Pet rs, M. T). No. 129 Liberty’ street, N< w York. ,E ich box 'con tains 40 pills.* Prior 50 rents: "For sale by J. J. Myers, and S. Elli-4lj Carlisle,. and S.ahpu l Wilson & Co. Shippmshuvgv Dec. 6. Peter?’ Vegetable Pills, M) ; RE than'three millions nf-boxes of these cHebratdd;pi]ls have been sold in the U. iv . ■> since January, 1835. * . , v Huii(lreds..md thousands bh-'jis the day they became acquainted with Peters) Vegetable Fills, which' in consequence of ’ tlu ir- 'extraordinary goodness, haye .attained a- popularity .unprece dented in the history of im dieine. When taken according to the'directions, ac companying. them, they .are highly beneficial in the prevention' and cute of Bilious,Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver’Complaints, Sick Headachy Jaundice, Ast ) hma, ,Dn)psy.‘.-Rheuma tism, Enlargement of the. Spleen,.Piles, Cholic, Female’ Obstructions, Heart Burn, Nausea/ Furred Tongue,-Distension of the Stomach and Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hab itual Costivencss, Loss of Apetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion,, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels, where a cathartic or ah aperient is needed. ‘ Thty'are.exceedingly.mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility./ f . : / .. 7 The efficacy 6f these Pills is so well knowhi and theii’iise.so general, tljiit furthcr'comment is considered unnecessary.*. / 6, Headache, Sick and JVavvous. TrlOSii who have suffered, and are weary of ■suffering from these distressing" complaints, wilr.find.in Peters’ Vegetable Pills a remedy at hmee .certain, and.immediate in its effects. In Dys/if/isia they stand unrivalled, many have been.curbd ih a'few weeks after having suffered •under this dreadful complaintdbr: years; " ' • In habitual Costiveness they are decidedly su perior to any Vegetable Pills ever yet discover ed, and besidgs this they are recommended by. ail the eminent and leading members of the me tdical Faculty. ’ . . For) sale as. above. • Dec~6. ' iA CATALQGtrfcpF fiMSOIfS. For using Dr.-Peici'P Celebrated Vegctdble hi-. ■ PULS, • , , It. - , Because-they are" excgtidingly! popular, which proves them to be exceedingly gcccl. . / . , ,2; Because'-they of sjmplts. Vhich.haye th.e ppwei;.to;cJp mod in an immense number of cases, means *td tfo injury In any,) vwf. -5-- ,K.,.'..i.;..hy 3 Because they are. not a quack medicine, but the scientific compound of a .reßU.hiq.phi sician, who lias rnh'de lifs profession'tlie Mndy of his life. 4r-' Bccaiise-they are rioi.hiiplcnisiiilt'tbtake nor distressing to iictain, while thhy aye rtiost effect-, i.ve to nperktei . . 5 Bycause they ahe reOortimeiidcd as standard .medicine by t)ie regular faculty. '6 'Bechuse by keeping the system in a natural state cif action, they cure , alrhest i'vin disease ;whrdjh is incidental to the human frame. r Because they are cheap and p"i table. aq,d will retain all their virtues in lull' vigor, in any ■•o" l n C; and fo ' “X l cn ßth.'«f.tjme. , Because, notwithstanding their simplicity and mildness, they .are nm- of the sin ediesl pur- o ,ic . h h «*yet hern discgv ercd. 9 Because ihfey are an unfailing Remedy for prpctirmg a gdud appeilte. . ; . 10 Because in,cases of spleen or despondency, hy their healthy influence on the excited state of the body, they hiiVc a most happy ,fp c , ; n calming, and invigorating the mind. ’ i'll.-Because they effect their cures -without the usual attendants of other pills, sickness and gripings, -■ 13 Because as well as being an unrivalled purifier of the general system,' they are a stiver eipn remedy for sirk head ache. 13 Because they diff r from the majority of medicines, in tile fact that the more they art known the more they are approved. 14 Because as their application creates on debtlitv in the system. On \ n.av he i..ki o with, "lit producing any hindrance' to hiiOm-ss or the usual pursuits of everv dav life. 15 Because when once introdiirod into a fnm ilv, nr II village, thev almost iiiirm dia'telv t.-iki lln- precedence of all ntlu r medicines in, general complaints. 16 Because a number of tho wonderful cures they have • Betted, ran be substantiated without tny undue means being resorted to, to procure invalid testimonies, 17 Because theif’Vnmpnsitinn is such, that they, arc equally applicable to the usual diseases -of-warm, cold, or-temperate elimatesT - 18 Because two or Ihree, arc in gene Val suf ficient for a dose—so that, as is the ras'c with the generality of patent medicines—the patient is not compelled to make a meal of tjn m. 19 Because each individual pill is put up un der the immediate superintendence of the l 'pn,- prietor, so that no mistake in the composition 1 or quantity can possibly oernr through the care lessness of a leks interested agent. •20 Because they purilj the frame without , di-UMitating the sysu-ni. -1 -Because, notwithstanding their immense popularity, no person has ever ventured tn raise against them the breath of censure, w hirh would not have been the case, rf dhvy could have dis cnv( red-ill Ilium a simile flaw to cavil at 22- Because—(ami this fart is of the utmost —ladies in a n Main situation may 'take them, (not more than two or ihr, eat a time however!) without in the slightest degree incurring the hazard ’,of abortion. Were the , virtues of. Peters’ inestimable pi.lls, confined to this desirable end alone, it would give them a derided advantage over the medicines of all com petitors, as in tin cases is there more danger to he apprehended, on for which so few have been ns the one referred to. 23 . Because while they tire so efficient in their operations with adults they may.at the saute time be administered to children and even to infants, in small quantities, half a pill for instance, with out tiie slightest danger. 1 24 Because their virtues are acknowledged to stand pre-eminent, for their soothing influence upon young ladies while suffering from the usual changes of life, as directed by the laws of Nu "ire. Dec. 6. LIVER COMPLAINT, Cured by Dr.' I I'm. IC-uans’ Chamomile Tonic amt ji/icricut Pills. MRS. LY I Lh, Mount Joy, Lancaster co. completely restored to health,, by Dr. Irwins Chamomile Pills,’ Her symptoms were* great pain in her uight sich, could not lie oh her left without an aggravation of the pain, disturbed rest. Extreme debility, pains irt the head, loss or appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and. dimness of sight, langor, with other syn.p tnms indicating great derangement in the June* tions of the liver. Miss Ly tie, chiughti rof the aforesaid Mrs. Lytle, has also been restored to perfect health, by the same im aliiahlc medicine. Her symptoms were extreme nervousness, at tended with severe pain in hnr si.de, sickness on. eruptions, &c. Mrs. Lytle has the pleasure of mfofming the'public, that nu merous cases similar to her own; (inkier vicini ty) have been restored to health by the same invaluable medicine. General Office for the sale of Dr. Wni. livens’ OhamopuleTonic Pills, isn't No. 19 North Eighth st. Philadelphia, a few doors above Market.- In tending* case of Dyspepsia • H.vp« c °ndriacisni,' Guyed t>y i)r. livcinn’ ('/niinarujir Tuj.ic and - Fanii/y Jfcrient Fills. . Mrs. Good, _of Mount Joy, Lancaster co. was affected tor 7 years -Willi Hie ahfivc distressing sy.ifiptimis of which/she was cohtiined to her bed tor. 9 nionthß.i- Her syniptiims were, depression spirits, sickness afthe stomach, headache, impaired greappressuie and weight at the stomach after eating, greaf mental despon dency,'ffyifig pain's hn liic'cliest, bark and sides, cnstiveness, emaciation, -cnldnck, dnd weakness of-the extremities, a-dislike for society or con versaljorr. involuntary sighing and weeping, and langov and. lassitude.upon the least exercise Mrs. Good was in the most desperate situation, and could obtain no relicf until she was advised by her neighbors to hiake trial of Dr! Evans’ Chamomile Pills, of which she is happy instate that she .ishow enjoying all the blessings tect health.. Persons desirous of, further infor mation will be satisfied of.every particular of her astonishing cure, bv applying at 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, or afher residence. The above medicine is for sale by > , ■ ■ Herald Office, Carlisle, - ‘ , Demutt Bunlgardaer, York. Sept 6.-.1838.: ~ ■. /Agents.’ <■ NEW FLOUR; & FEJfcBK S^OilE. T‘*M s litfQrmsUfefrfends. and, the'dnblic in' generaldhat'he has open ed a FLOUR and fEED : STORE; at his' old stand, (corner of Lonther. and'Bedford;) where' he intends keeping for sale , u 2 . , * . WHEAT ASD RYE EtOURJ by thif barrel, dr' smaller ga unity, Buckni/ieat and. Corn Mcal. Choji and Bran, Corn, Rye. ■ &-' Oats;'all ,of which he intends keeping; Constantly on handVarid hopes'to receive a share' of the ‘ public patrdriage'.' He has aisb dnvhhnd a few bushels of I skririir ,. HWea* for seed, which he offers for sale'' 45 >. , jOHlk. PROCTER. V C]arhslc,.Jan. 34, 1839. - t f » ! P-S;— He still continues to carry-on the\ Sil-i.,:. ver Plating at the old stand,, and,has constantly P