NOTICE. V-il-OHN J. MYERS has this day taken SAM UEL W. HAVEKSTICK into full and equal partnership in his Drug, Book ana Sta tionary Score , They will do business under the firm of John J. Myers & Co. Carlisle, March 18, 1839. 3t Public Sale. Will be sold at the stable of the subscribers, corner of North Hanover and Louther streets, Carlisle, on Saturday the 23d of March,' Bones. 4 broad wheeled road Wagons. with aiyhe fixtures complete, 24 sets Horse Gears,' nearly new. Wagoners’ Beds, wagon Saddles, Halters, See. Also, one Sussex Cow, and one. Canadian family Poney. ■ Sale'vrill commence at 10 o’clock, when due attendance and a reasonable credit will be given by - HAMILTON Sc GRIER. March 91.1839. __ Estate of Jacob Fried, deceased. NOTICE; •WTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Jacob. Fried, late of Allen township, Cumberland county, de ceased, have been issued by the Register of said county to the subscriber who resides in the'said township. Allpersons having claims ordemands against the estate of-the said decedent are re quested to make known the same without delay, and those indebted to, make payment to . JOHN MATEER, Administrator. March 21, 1839. 6t* Estate of John Blessings sen. deceased* NOTICE, *■* ETTERS of Administration on the estate B i of John Blessing, sen. late of East Penns bmough township* Cumberland county, decease ed, having been issued to the subscriber residing In said township* This is therefore to notify all persons in any way indebted to said estate, to make payment immediately, and. those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement without any delay. DAVID HUME, Administrator. March 21, 1832. 6t Estate of John Mahon, deceased . NOTICE. AliL persons indebted to the estate of John Mahon, late of Newton township, deceas ed, are respectfully requested to call with the subscriber and settle their respective accounts; and all those who have claims and demands a* gainst the estate will present them legally au thenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH MAHON, , .. _ Executrix of said deceased ; Southampton township, March 21, 1839. 6t Estate of Joseph Walter, deceased. Notice. is hereby given to all persons in- JV debted to the Estate of Joseph Waiter, late /Sot Silver Spring township Cumberland County, tjec’d., to make soon as passible to the subscribers residing in said township, and those having claims against said deceased will present them properly authenticated for settle ment. ' DANIEL WALTER, JACOB WALTER, Administrators* March 21, 1839. 6t» ASSIGNEE NOTICE. WHEREAS. Jacob Slyder of the borough of Mechanicsburgi did in January last, execute to the subscriber a deed of assignment of all' his effects, including books and accounts for the benefit of his creditors. Notice is here by given to all those indebted, to the said Jacob Slyder, in any manner, to call on the suhscriber and make payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated. JOHN RUPP, Assignee, March 21, 1838. 4t CHARLES M’CLURB, ATTORNS? AT LAW, WILL practice in the several Courts of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata. Office Ifi South Hanover street, Carlisle, lately occu pied by Judge Hepburn. - March 21,1839. , tf : ‘WHO’LL BE AJSQLDIERr Volunteers of the Ist Brigade, 11th [vision, F.St Your country having experienced two wars •with Great Britain for the malntainance of her -rights,_the necessity-may shortly arise to enter into a third. Your commanding General earn estly'recommends to the Volunteer lUgithents and Battalions, Independent-Companies and such as are attached to. Militia Regiments, to recruit their proper strength and volunteer their servi ces to the .President of the U. States for the term of one year—and should your services be requir -ed and accepted; -wounds and a glorious death shall be your greatest honor. ' As the sons and grandsons of your revolutionary sires and of the 'late war, 1 trust you are ever ready to defend with your lives the soil which was watered by the blood of your forefathers. The haughty Britons are wide awake, whilst we are compara tively asleep. ’ Let our motto be—‘‘God and our country—Let Tyrants Beware.?’ ; WILLIAM CLARK, Brig. Gen. Head Quarteri, Clarkt Perry Pa. Edwaud Akmor, Brig. Maj. Brig. Major’s Office, ? Carlisle, March 31,1839.5 BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. r nHE subscribers respectfully inform the citi- I sensof Carlisle and its vicinity, that they have purchased t been tire stock of John Thomp son, and intend to Carry on the : .■* SOOT A.ND SSOS MANUFACTURING BUSINESS, in all its various, branches, at the Old : stand in If est High et., next dtfat. fO’the Poet Office, where they are prepared to manufacture to or- Vier all kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, of the best materials and in a workman-like manner. They will regularly receive and strictly fol io w op the latest city fashions. They hope by strict attention to business to merit and receive a liberal share of public pa, tr ' >D ‘‘ ge ’ : , MILLER & MALOV. Carlisle, March U, 1839, ‘ > tf lib* op oAUsaa For tried at Jtpril Term , 1839, First Week, commencing the Bth Jlpril. Duncan, adm’r fee, vs Moore’s adm’rs Moore et al v» Weakly et al Clark vs Wise Church, Burv’g, tec. vs Cart Harlin, etal x»» Moore, et al Clippiueer vs Moore ■' Same T - vs Patton Churcn, surv’g, fee. vs McCluhc Lamb/ vs Duplap Kutz ( vs Corntnan List of Causes for trial at 2 d week of Jlpril Term, commencing 15 th Ftprxl. M. ,Ege cx’rs vs McClure adm’x Himes vs Keller Bank vs Ege et al Cook and Wife vs Scroggs ex’rs Woodbum vs Noble Meixell vs Diljer Bullock ,vs Martin et al Pierce vs Waples C. V. Rail Road Vs Meily Same ' vs Kevin Dobbs cx’rs vs Eby surv’g, fee, Thompson vs Davis C • V. Rail Road vs Moore Same xuHolcomb Dysert v«|Dysert Lee < vs Anderson Hursh . vs Smith.. h' vc adm’r vs Eby, surv’g, See Rcdettadm*r vs Moored McCune vs Mahon Edenbaugh - vs Atherton Leeper vs Herron etal Martin . vs Wilson Crotzer vs Casey Slough vs Moore et al Goodhcart vs Huston adm’r Phillips for use vs Same ' Melxell \ ‘ vs Dtller Welsh vs Moore Moore ] vs Johns CARP. DR.JOHfj.MTTERS, rIgORMS his friends and the public, that he has resumed the duties of his profession, and will give his undivided attention to the practice of its several branches. -. His office is in the stone house adjoining his drugstore and one door from the Post Office. - Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1839. Sm To the Heirs and Legal Representatives of JOSEPH SHROM, late of tht borough of Carlisle, deceased. fIIAKE NOTICE that I will hold an In quisition on a writ .of Partition and Valuation on tire premises late of JOSEPH SHROM, sen. deceased, on Wednesday the, 27th'day of March 1859, tit ten o’clock, "A. M. where all interested may attend. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, ) Carlisle; Feb. 21, 1839. y 5t NOTICE To Bridge Builders. ' The Commissioners of Cumberland Coun ty, will receive Proposals at the house of JolifrCornman innkeeper, in the BOrough of Carlisle, on Friday the 12th of April next, between 9 o’clock in the forenoon and 2 o’- clock in the afternoon, for the erection of a good and substantial Wooden Bridge, across the Conodoguinet Creek at the place where the state road from Landisbnrg to Carlisle, by way of Waggoner’s Gap crosses said creek, in the township of North Middleton, of the following dimensions, to wit: To contain in length from one abutment to the other 190 feet, & 16 feet wide in the clear, the abutments to be about ten feet thick each or more if required in a splaying direction, with a regular slope, and to be eleven feet high from the bottom of the creek, from whence a wooden arch is to be started and to extend across said creek from one abut ment to the other if practicable; if not, there shall be two spans of 95 feet long, each sup ported on good and substantial stone abut ments & piers, thefloor to bedouble floored' with two inch plank, the Upper floor oak'and the lower pine; and gable ends to be sufficiently high to admit, covered and Hay wagohs topaasthrough the Bame, say twelve and a half feet in the clear, to be closely weatherboarded and painted red, the whole to be well roofed with goodwhite pine shingles; the whole of the wood work to be well secured with iron bolts, ready eyes Sic. Front the back of the abutment the filling (shall consist of earth and stone, and .to be well supported with vying walls .three feet high above ;the filling on each side, and to extend in that manner oh the two extreme sides of the bridge until'the filling and wall ing shall meet the road with an ascent and descent not exceeding five degrees elevation frorq the road to said bridge; the wood work to be built of sound and substantial timber;, the stone work of large good stone, lime and sand mortar well pointed. The party'con tracting to give such security as the Com missioners may require foi- the faithful per formance'of the workmanship and perma nency of said bridge. Proposals to be accompanied with a plan. Should none of the proposals meet the ap probation of the Commissioners they will on the same day, between 2 & 5 o’clock in the afternoon, expose the said bridge to public sale, and sell the same to the lowest and best bidder. JAMES WILLIS, 1 „ . ROBT. C. STERRETT, I JOHN CORNMAN, J nonerg - Attest—Joan IftWlN, Clerk. v March f, 18S9. , ' , Notice. The creditors of Samuel ttcdett, deceased, late of Shippensburg, will take notice that the subscnlmr has iKen appointed an Audi tor by the Orphans’ Court of Cumberland county, to settle and adjust the rates and proportions of the assets in the hands of Da vid Kenotver, Administrator de bonis non, of said deceased, to and amongst said, cred itors—-and that he will be at his office in the borough of .Carliale for said purpose on Mon day the 22d of April. HUGH GALLAGHER. Carlisle. March r, l 839^'"^ % can a fun it* v* NOTICE. DELINQUENT COLLECTORS are hereby notified that unless a final settlement of their duplicates is made on or before the Bth day' of April next, measures will then be taken to compel payment. By order Of the Commissioners, ROBERT SNODGRASS, Treasurer of'Cumberland county. Treasurer’s .Office; ? 7, 1839. 5 N. B.—Tavern' Licenses granted at the last court are now ready for delivery. Mary Black, Alias Subpoena sur By her brother and J Divorce, in the Court next friend, Thos. fof Common Fleas of Fraily, f Cumberland co., No. vs. 117. of January Term, John Black. JIBS 9. Return having been made by thc Sheriff in this case, that the defendant John Black was not to be found in his bailiwick; now to wit, 16th January, 1839, the said Court or dered and decreed that publication should be made by me requiring the said defendant to be and appear in the Court aforesaid, at Carlisle on Monday the Bth day of April next, to answer to the complaint of the said Mary Black, &c. ( - Whereupon.l do hereby give notice and require the said John Black to be and appear at Carlisle as aforesaid, on the day aforesaid, to answer the complaint of the said Mary Black, aforesaid, &c. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, ? Carlisle,- March 7, 1839.5 5t Dissolution of Partnership. The co-partnership heretoforc e existing in the iron business, under the firm of Henry (G. Mosser & Co. was dissolved on the 19th day of'January last, by mutual consent. All persons indebted, as well as those having claims,'will call on Henry G. Mosser, in whose hands the books and accounts ace left, and who is authorized to make payments. HENRY G 2 MOSSER, DANIEL KOCH. JACOB WEAVER, "Liberty Forge, near Lisbitm, 'Cum. co. March 7, 1839. 3t N. B.—The business is continued at the the same place, by H. G. Mosser and Jacob Weaver. ' „ ' ' LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle, , Pa. March Is/, 1839. Enquirers will please say advertised. A Lamart Easter Abrahams Elias Ladd Wm Alter Jacob Lechler Mary Anderson Thomas Esq UK . Abrahams Sarah Monroe Margaret Aurand Maria L Millar Samuel Myers George Baker William Morrison Mary Botcher Joseph Mallinger Levi Bitzer Samuel Messersmlth Phillip Barnhart John Miller William H 3 Biosier. Henry Martain Richard Beltzhoover George or J Moore John (of Wm) Andrew Gross 3 My era Nancy Bosserman E 2 Mucfelie Susan Brown Julian Mitchell Wm Brown William Mounts Adam Bell Sarah Matson Peter Baker Jacob Main Catharine Beelman Jacob , 3Utd Beetem James McGough James Bailey Susan Mclntirc Elizabeth M O McGinly Edward Carothers Armstrong McCormick George Crall Wm or Samuel Mf Carothers John N Numan Hehry Cairns Hariet P | Graver Mary Parker Rev'Joseph | Cairns Barnet Patten Joseph W Caloeu Frederick Pool David Crothers John Park Isaa A Cormony John- Phillips A H 1} - Porter Robert D Davidson John W R Daron Danl 1 Royer Thiana Dunning Ephraim T Ream John 3 S Rowen Charles - Eckhoft Jacob Rowney William "Ernest George Rictor Mary Ebersole Benjamin Rhoads Rev John Ensmin'ger Samuel Rugh Peter Everly Henery S • - •’p Shaffer John Pulton Jane Stcrrett David Fields Elizabeth Steel Mary . Frieze Michael Stevens George T Fields Sarah - Sheaffer David O’ Seitk Joseph, Guyer Casper B Spottswood Harriet Gray John . Stewart Elizabeth Goodyear Abraham 2 Stehman Jacob Goold Christian Seller John Gorrell Ann Sellers Johann Graham Isaac . Stinacker Jacob a tr Horr Andrew Uhfler Elizabeth Hershe Jacob Ulrich Nicholas Hoffer Daniel Uhler Sarah , Holbert Joseph Underwood Mr (Editor) Hogendobler Joseph ' > ■ V Hunter Thomas H Venasdlen Isaac Hawley Andrew Harder John Wincoop H S' • Windemaker Jacob Johnston John H, Weibley J c Jackson Mary Ann Walker Eliza B’ .Woodjyorth Francis M Kenyon Sami M Wortzhaugher William Kelley Robert .. Wernz Charles Kern George Williamson H Kuntz William Weaver Jacob 2 ■ Keller William ' Williamson Col James Knisley Fredk Weitsbach John Kdffman Charlott Wert David Xi. Williams Josiah Light Henry or Mr ? Wolf Daniel Breniser J Weaver James Lechlar Henry . 21 Leonhart Daniel Zeigler Samuel R. LAMBBRTON P. M. Eitale of Robert Me Olttugfdin, deceased. NOTICE giVentliat lettera testamentary on P the will and'testament of Robert McGlaugh lln, late of the borough of Newville, deceased, have been issued to the subscriber by the Reg ister ot Cumberland oounty—he therefore re quests those Indebted to said decedent, to Call on him at his residence In the said borough ofNew ville, and make settlemant and payment without, delay—ahd those having claims against said es tate to present them duly authenticated for set-, tlement., WILLIAM-BARR, Executor,. "NewviireVFeb. 21, 1839. 7 ; - . Poop House Statement for the year 1838. David Emminger, Abraham Waggoner and John Dunlap, Esquires, Directors of the Poor and offthe House of Employment of Cumberland county, in account with said county, from the Ist day of January to the 3lst day of December, 1838, inclusiye, viz; t)R. . CR. To amount due institution' at settlement in 1837, by ]. Lou- *■ By purchase money ahd for deed for 14 acres and two don, Esq. Treasurer, 9 17 7ii perches of land, 9 1,20 89 Do. received of Franklin county, for support of paupers, 432 04 Funeral expenses for out-door paupers, ' 44 50 Do. do- of York county for do 175 00 Piaster ana potatoes, 190 87 Do. do of Perry county for do 83 131 Blacksmith work, 50 66 Do., do of Philadelphia city_ for do 35 S 5 Medical attendance for out door paupers, , 26 25 Do. do of Lancaster county for do SO 00 Beef, _ 17 761 Do. do for damage done to sheep, 75 00 Shoemaking and hatting, ' 104 991- Do. do of A. Ramsey ,and R. Snodgrass, Esqs. for . Support of out door paupers 140 401 ' blank, indentures, &c. ... _ 16 571 Printing, 4© 00 of Isaac Angney for support of R. Robinson, 25 00 Tailoring and Weaving, 89 311 of R. Snodgrass, in part, for support of A. Justice and constable ices, ' 166 481 • M’Cartney, 12 00 Groceries, merchandize, drugs, hardware, cloathing, of Miss Massy for support of E. Handson, 500 bedding and part improvements,' of A. Blair, D. Shrom.J. Shrom & B. Kutz, Farming utensils, tools and coopering, far hides and skins, 114 36 Leather, do of D. Reisinger and others for lard & tallow, 83 771 Sundrys for kitchen and house, expenses in waggon do of dec’d paupers and pension of M. Mitchell, 42 291 ing & settling with other counties, and postage, do for Siberian apples and cider press hire, 714 M. Fisnburn, steward and matron salary, hirelings, do for flaxseed and fish nets, 9 121 butchering, farming, clerking &c. for one year, do for working on public roads, 19 50 Treasurer’s salary, James Loudon Esq. do . v for fines, shoemaking and old iron, 14 011 Attorneys fees, _ do for onions and red beets, S 121 Director R. M’CUne Esq., for extra services for ons do for hauling, &c. 8 28| year, do from County Treasury, 6000 00 Director D. Emminger Esq., for extra services for one year, Director Abraham Waggoner Esq., for extra scrvices for one year, Dr. J. Baughman for one year salary. Firewood and coal, StOCk, Grain and grinding, Munster stove, Road taxes. Materials, improvements and post and rail fences. Do. Do. Do. do, Do.J do Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Slock on Farm Ij< January, 1839. 5 head of horses, 26 head of horned cattle, 5 breeding sows, 53 shoats, 29 sheep. Farming Utensils.— 2 nar row wheeled wagons, X wagon bed, 1 pair wood ladders, 2 pair hay ladders, 1 dearborn and harness,!, cart with gears, 3 ploughs, 3 harrows, 1 roller, 7 wheelbarrows, 1 winnow ing min, 1 scoop, 3 log chains, 6 set of wagon geers, 4 set of plough geers, 2 shovel harrows, 2 flax Drakes, 2 set carpenter tools, 1 set butchering tools, and a variety of axes, shovels, spades, grubbing hoes, diming irons, single trees, double trees, scythes, cradles, forks, rakes, &c. To balance due county by Treasurer, JAMES LOUDON, Esq. Treasurer of the Poor House and Hpuse the said Institution from the-lst day of January To amount due at last settlement, 17 To amount received from county Treasurer, _ 6000 00 Amount received of M. Fishburn steward from differ , entsources as exhibited in the foregoing statement, 1190 '62 A To balance due Institution, Schedule showing proceeds of farm in 1838. ' , , . t , . 725 bushels of wheat, 135- otcorn, 735 of oats 105 of potatoes. 24 of bfnShy seed, 14 of 6' of 120 of beets Bof narsnins 125 of winter apples, 36 of onions, 2of seed onions, 2of peas, 184 of dryed app‘es> 14 o» dryea peaches, gallons of appfo butter, 52 loads of hay, P lO of cornfodder, 525 heads of cabbage, 550 cucumber pickets, 19 barrels of good and water cider, i of an acre of flax. Beef, pork, mutton and veal, fattened and killed on farm in 1858* 24 weight 11773 lbs. 46 hogs, v/eight 6413 lbs. 23 sheep, weight 1043 lbs. 16 calves, weight 843 lbs. whole anwnl weight There was also ntade and manufactured in the Hbtise and Shop 267 yards of tow & flax linen, 511 yartfd of bagging, 90 yards of flanhe.l 31$ yards ofruggs, 198 shirts and chemise, 75 calico frocks, 67 pair of summer pantaloons, 102 pair of knitted stockings, 65 pair of footed stockings, 9 petticoats, 65 sheets 56 aprons, 18 chaft bags, 45 caps, 13.1 feather pillow slips and bolsters, 3190 dipped and moulded candles, 87 comforts. _ . MICHAEL FISHBURN* Steward . MARGARET FISHBURN, Matron. The Directors of the Poor, £c. of said County annex the following exhibit of extra tabor, &c. performed by the Steward, Matron