AMERICAN VOLUNTEER. BY SANDERSQN & CORN,MAN, ' A\. a i CARLISLE i THURSDAY, MARCH «1, «S3l>. To a Correspondent. — “Judex” must have been harshly handled by the Justices of the Peace —otherwise he would not suspect them of so much partiality. He maybe excused, for ••No man e’er Mt the hotter draw. With B°°d opinion of the Lavy. 1 ' This essay is too caustic for our columns —at least we think so, and we are to be the judge in tfiis matter. r ICpThosc of our readers who are troubled with the military mania, are respectfully re ferred to the Brigadier General’s order in another column. "None but such as can look .on blood and carnage with composure” will answer the purpose. Most of our rea ders will no doubt agree with us.that “dis •rytion’s the better part of valor” in this as in every thing else^for “He that fights and runs away, May live to fight another day; But he that is in battle slain. Will never rise to fight again.” Borough Elation . —The (following gen tlemen were elected on Friday last, Borough officers for the ensuing year, viz: Chief Burgess —Dr. George D. Fouled Assistant Burgess— James Bell, Town Council—3 amks H. Graham, Esq. Col. CharlesM’Clure, George W. Sheaf- TBR, JoHK MeLL, MICIIAEL HoLCOMB. Eaq. Jacob Buev, JacodSvPSist, Charles Bell, Esq. and Jacob Weaver. Town Clcrh-r- PitiLir Quigley. School Directors. — James Hamilton and Keinnick Anoney, Esqrs. Constables—Viu.hi\is Stroiim and John Parkinson. Fallen Greatness. —-The name of Ex-Go vernor Ritner was presented to the' good people of West Pennsborough township (a mongst whom he shortly intends ‘pitcliing his tent’) on Friday lost, for the office of Constable —when lo and behold 1 ‘ like the Frenchman’s horse, “he run one d—in great way behind 1” So much for the popularity of Joseph Ritner among the loyal anti-ma sons of West Pennsborough—a township in which he spent a considerable portion of his youth and 'manhood. So completely dis- f anted have his liege sulgccts in that strong :deral township become with their quondam chicftan, that he cannot now be elected to the office of Constable! Alas, how are the mighty fallen! Such a specimen of the mu tability of earthly things, when applied to hit old master, is enough to start afresh the fountain of tears in our friend T—--y’seyes! Xcw Hampshire. —The elections winch took-place in this State on Tuesday week, have resulted gloriously for tlie Democratic Party. -The Governor, Congressmen, As sembly men, &c. are burs by,the unprece dented majority of about 6000 votes. So much for the “Granite” State. One Thou sand Cheers for New Hampshire.' Among the different periodicals we re: ceiye, none comes to.’hand-more welcome than the t'Lddy's Book,” published in Phil adelphia—and the "Lady's Companion published in New York. They are both ad mirable in execution, and contain much to interest every one, whether male or female, ■whd is ifond of good reading.- We cheerful ly recommend them to . our .subscribers gen erally. The subscription price of each’ is 85 OO per annum. While upon the subject .of periodicals, we must not forget the “La dy's Garland'' and “Lady's Amaranth,” both excellent works of the kind and fur nished to subscribers at the low rate of 8100 per annum. Also, t\\e“ Gentleman's-Ma gazine," undeservedly popular work,-and rendered more interesting than usual'on ac count of the “Sporting” Intelligence which has beenrecently added to the work. The - subscription price of this periodical is 83 per annum.. " We would take great plfeasure in forward ing the namesfof a few subscribers to either or all qf the above mentioned works. ' Texas* —Affairs in this new Republic arc represented to be in a quiet and prosperous condition.. The depredations of the savages had .ceased, and. for the present no apprehen sion was felt from danger in that quarter.— Nothing has recently occurred on the East aarri border, .to interrupt the good under standing that had grown up between the Msyinan federalists and theT c sans. . Title majority for 'Col. PaiuPNs; the demo, cratlc Senator olcctcd in the tycomlng dis-. trict, on. the ,sth ins(. is said to be over'29oo votes.,- The '“Buckshot & Bali,” party were literally annihilated. Col. P. has taken His seat in the Senate. Florida. —The Indians-still continue to. make depredations. The TallalmsseeFlori dian of the 16th ult. states, that oh the.pre vious Monday the house of a Mr. White,-10 miles from thatplnce,,was attacked, and two men killed and Me and Mrs. White both severely wounded, On the Thursday pre vious, the Indians plundered the house of a Mr. Stokes of $lOOO, and then set fire to the building—the family had made their es cape. On-the 15th ult. an attack was made on the house of Mr. Pcndarvis,. about 12 miles from Tallahassee, and nearly the whole family inhumanly butchered. A gentleman who visited the scene the next day thus de scribes it: .“I have just viewed the scene of outrage, and found Mr. and Mrs. Pendarvis and two children murdered. She (Mrs. P.) inhu manly butchered and mangled, lying in the yard—a female child nearly eaten up by the hogs^—the old man and his eldest son burh ed up in thc building. which was fired after, being plundered. Five, children (the two eldest girls, one boy and two small children) have been picked up in the woods unhurt;— Great alarm is "felt by the neighboring peo ple, and something ought to be done at once to check the vile savages,” Foreign Items. — England. —The third session..of the first Parliament of Queen Vic toria, was opened onthe sth of February.-r The Queen arrived at the House of Lords a bout 2 o’clock, which circumstance was ah - nou need by a discharge of cannon. The fo reign embassadors wore the full costumcs'.of the countries tliey represented.” After the were gone through with, her Majesty, in a clear and distinct voice, read the Speech from the throne. The speech is very unpopular with the liberal party,-on account of no allusidn having been made to the much agitated Corn Law. (fUes tion, which had already been brought up for discussion in the House of Commons, and to the issue of which gll eyes were directed.— Numerous meetings were being held through out the Kingdom on that question, and much esciteqient prevailed. France. —The -dissolution of 1 the Cham bers is vehemently attacked in the opposi tion papers, and the rescript of the King is treated as tantamount in outrage to the edict which cost Charles X his throne.. The Harrisburg Chronicle and other kin dred prints talk largely about mobs and-re bellion—just upon the principle that a felon would cry out "stop thief”- —to draw suspi cion of guilt from himself. The people have no faith in the hypocritical tears shed by such knavish politicians. Anumbcr of apostate federalists and mon grels, at Harrisburg, styling themselves the State Committee, have had the barefaced ef frontery, to request the friends of “Harrison and Webster” in “the several counties of Pennsylvania, to appoint 133 delegates to meet at me Court House, at Harrisburg, on the 22d oKMay next, for the purpose of nom inating ah electoral ticket to" support the candidates (or President and Vice President of the U,. States, (settled bythc Jintimason ■ ic National Convention, which was held last November, at Philadelphia,) at the election in 1840:—and,- as usual,-nickname-them selves, the “ Democratic State Convention.” O tempora, O Mores! : , . 7%e Infamous Six. —The following arc the names of six members of Congress who voted- against the passage of the law providing for the defence of our beloved country, in case invasion, vizr Crans ton, of Rhode Island; Davies, of Pennsylva nia; Qiddings, of Ohio; Maxwell, of New Jersey; Stratton, of New Jersey; & WISE, one ofthe murderers of Gilley, of Virginia. There should be a whip put ini every honest man’s hand; to “lash the rascals naked round the world.” , . Production of Pain.—ln the House of Representatives of this State, on the 6th, Mr.- T. g,_Smith, from the Committee to,!whom the application of James P. Espy Tor aid in experimenting uppnhis theory ofproducing rain had been, referred, reported in favor of giving Mr. Espy $25,000, should he cause it to min in time. of drought, over, a territory of five.thousand square miles; and.sso,ooo, should he cause it to rain under like circum stances, over a 1 territory of ten thousand square miles, or in sufficient .quantities to keep the river Ohio navigable, during, the summer, season, from Pittsburg to the Miss issippi. , Three commissioners to be.appoin-. ted by the Governor to superintend the ex periments, •' . Public 'Printer*f—- On the 28th ultimo, Blair and Rivns (editors of the Globe,) were re-elected Printers to the Senate, ifor the. next CongressT. : , .7, -, .' , 7 . _ Flour in Baltimore, $r 25. i t a n (nttt t t t* Will you oblige an old democratic warri or, Messrs. Editors, who has. been fighting in the ranks for about five and twenty years, andneverbnce thought of promotion', by let ting him speak his thoughts through the col umns of the. American volunteer, as through a speaking trumpet; for I wish the substance, if not the Sound of my sentiments, to be heard at, around, and within the capitol of the Nation, as well as that of every State in the Union, on the two following subjects, to wit: Public,Defalcations, and Executive Appointments. —To be brief—“ Rotation in office” WAS, is, amf still OUGHT TO BE! a fundamental principle'of Democracy, and I am sorry it has so long been laid on the shelf at the several Head Quarters of our country; because, it not only keeps pure the body politic v but preserves it from the con taminating influence oftemptation; as much so, in my opinion, as a cathartic would the natural .body from disease. It is a sound maxim, though of British origin t I believe, that “old officers become corrupt”—and, whatever yoU may think, Messrs. Editors, / think, it has been, sufficiently proven by the numerous defalcations that yearly take place, in consequence of the long tenure in office of those who have proved delinquents. If rotation had been, resorted to, in time, the chance of becoming a defaulter would have been destroyed; at least, to any great amount; and the evil haying been discovered _in. its incipient stage could, and doubtless would have been corrected. Where is the error? Perhaps the people are as much in the fault as the defaulters; because they permit their servants (all public officers are public serv ants) not only to assume, but to exercise the authority of piasters. You may rely upon . it, Messrs. Editors, that so long as this re mains to be the case, (no odds what may be 'the cognomen of the party in power) solong’ shall We have public defaulters; and so far will “the people be. their own worst ene mies.” "Oifithc- score of Execub'v.e 1 shall also be brief;, because I dont like to read lone essays myself, much less to write them. I commence by approving the senti ment, that “to the victors belong the spoils” —if parties must exist—and I would say that, the Executive who disregards that sen timent, ought to have the rotatory principle applied to him as soon as possible. If he will divide the family, let him be the/irstto fall.— The Executive that does hot further the interests of that-party that-elevates-him, does more to destroy it, than a host of open enemies —they can be guarded against; but an internal foe, in the garb of a friend, is worse than a legion. Not only the present Executive of the U. States, but his prede cessors, its well ah the'Executives of several of the different States, (not excepting Penn sylvania)' have been suspected of on this subject.. "Tohctonthe'prlnclple or rmaingxnzvtc lor to comfort the uan;titsAed,~is~calcUlatcd in my opinion, to damp" the ardor of loyal citizens, and cause them to desert their for mer. standard or chief, in case of another contest, rather than risque the disgrace of defeat by an enemyi and the lossof an ex pected reward by one who ought to*be their friend. An Executive who would act a gainst the party that puts Him in power, would be something like the horses & mules that Major Jack Downing had hitched to each end of the big wagon —who, pulling different ways, rent asunder the machine that might, with prudent and proper man agement, have lasted for ages. , If you think proper, to print .this. Messra. Printers, you may, when I next come to town, probably you will hear,again from DICK DEMPSEY. PENN’A. X.ECtISX.ATtmE. JHarrisburg, MacchJ.3. In the House, Mr. Gorgas from the com mittee on'Agriculture, reported a bill to en courage the cultivation of the Mulberry tree. Mr.'Butlet, from the'cdmmittee on Edu cation, reported a‘bill, to provide for the ed ucation of teachers of public schools. , Mr. Gorges, from the committee oh public buildings,- reported a bill for the erection of suitable buildinga.for the use of the Execu tive of this Commonwealth. On motion of Mr. Sturdevaht, the petitions for a repeal of the law taxing aliens, were -referred to the members of the city & coun ty: ’■ - ' Mr. Ryan reported a bill supplementary to an act, providing for the establishment of a Board of Health in the city of Philadel phia, increasing-.the power of the board'to suppress nuisances. Mr. Helffenstein reported a bill relative to the establishment of a'Board of Wardens. The.-bill provides for the addition of -three members, to be selected annually, from the districts of Moyameneing, Spring Garden, and Kensington. j* •The resolution offered by Mr. T. S.Smith, calling upon the Governor for- information relative to alleged bank combinations;came up on second reading, and was negatived by a vote 0f35 yeas, to 54 nays. The bill from the Senate, authorising the Governor to-subscribe 2000 shares of stock to the Franklin rail road, passed the House. In the afternoon, the bill providing for the election of Mayor in Philadelphia, by the people, was taken up and passed through the House, withoutopposition, This bill changes the mode of electing the Mayor on- Iv. It provides that in case no one : candi date shall receive a majority of the votes the election shall devolve on the Councils in joint meeting,—they must elect, however, one of the two highest returned; A bill authorising the Governor to appoint a.board of Wordens for the river. Schuylkill, also passed through third reading. The .bill incorporating .the'. Good Intent Hose Company,: of Philadelphia, together with several .other local;bills were passed; and-tlie House adjourned. ' ’ The Speaker laid before the Senate, the For the Volunteer.' Annual report of the President and Mana gers of the House of Refuge. Mr. Michler from the coihmittee on cor porations, reported a bill from the House, to incorporate the, Anthracite Iron Company, with an amendment. Also a bill from the House, relative [to the, Luken’s Valley rail road company, in Dauphin, county. - Mr. Paul, from .the committee on educa tion, reported a bill to incorporate the Wilkesbarre. Female Seminary. The bill entitled a supplement to an act, to incorporate the Lukcn’s Valley rail road company, was taken up and passed. Mr. Fraley, (city) from the committee on corporations, reported a bill, entitled an act to incorporate the Lackawanna and Susque hanna Rail Road company. Mr. Fraily, (Schuylkill) reported a bill to incorporate die Kittanning Fire Company, in Armstrong county. Mr. Sterrett moved that the rule which requires executive nominations to lay on the table ten days, be dispensed with, and that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the nomination by the Governor, of Nathan iel B. Eldred, as President Judge of the 6th Judicial District, composed of the counties of Erie, Crawford and Venango. The mo tion was agreed to. _ Mr. Pearson moved that the Senate ad vise and consent to the nomination, which was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Miller, (cjtjO„frQ>n the committee bn revenue, reported a bill from the House, au thorising the Governor to borrow on tempo rary loan, the sum of 975, 000.. . The bill was then taken up, and" passed committee of the whole, and the several readings'., , The Senate again took up,, in committee of the whole, on motion of Mr. Fraley, (city) - the bill for the payment of the troops but before any action was had on the bill, the committee rose, and have leave to set again to-morrow. The Senate resolved itself into committee 'til the wholc/on motion of Mr. Caldwell, on the bill providing for the repair of the public buildings, and for the improvements of the public grounds. , The bill provides for the planting of orna mental trees, &c. • Mr. Penrose moved to amend, by insert! ng the Moms Multicaulis tree. This ’called forth quite a humorous debate. Mr. Caldwell suggested to the Sneaker, so to modify his’amendment as to make it read hickory, as this.was.a trce.under whpse.shade the honorable Speaker formerly delighted to repose, and the nuts of which he was once very fond of'cracking! Mr. Penrose could not see why the Senator should prefer the hickory, was be cause it reminded him of youthful/lagelalions He wpuld even prefer the slippery elm to the hickory, as that represented the great head of the party (meaning, Mr. Van Buren) to wWch-tnc-Senator.TJclongs. ‘ Mr. Caldwell thought the slippery elm might be another point ot view. The honorable Speaker sometimes. crawls out of the window. If this tree were placed near the window, his descent might be ren dered more easy. ' , Mr. Penrose supposed the Senator alluded to his fortunate escape from the hands of an infuriated mob. If so, the Senator, from Schuylkill, (Mr. Frally) might derive equal benefit with- himself, from the planting of this tree; as that Senator made good his re treat at the same time. ’ Mr. Fraily (Schuylkill) said he did not get out through the Window because he appre hended any danger from the people assembled in the lobbies, but because he could get out more conveniently thaft he could by forcing his way through the crowd at the door. The committee rose, and the bill passed the Senate. ' The resolution offered by Mr. Williams, making certain inquiries of the' Governor, relative to alleged batik combinations,..was taken up, and after considerable discussion, passed-the Senate-— ; yeasls,-nays.l4.__ The bill making an appropriation to the Western Penitentiary passed the Senate. The bill from the House, authorising the Governor to’ borrow on temporary loan, the sum of 75,000 dollars, was taken up and passed. - The bill to erect a-new District Court in the counties of Erie, Crawford and Venango, passed the Senate. ’ A message was received from the Gover nor,- nominating Almon H. Read, Esq., as President Judgq of the 18th Judicial District, composed of-tfie counties of Warren, Jeffer son, Potter.and-McKean. •The bill to incorporate the Susquehanna and Lockawanna Rail Road Company, was taken’'up and passed ' ■ ; '~" The bill for the erection of a free bridge over the Schuylkill, was taken up in committee of the whole, Mr. Coplan in the Chair. - After some discussion, the committee rose, and will sit again to-morrow. Adjourned. The news from the frontier byyesterday’s mail is decidedly of a more pacific charac ter, at least there is not so much “ fire and tow” in the' communications of letter wri ters/ though theife; has nothing occurred which, to our mind. altcrs in, the least the position of affairs. , The occupation of Mars Hill, by, order of Sir John Harvey, is contra-: dieted., Sir John Caldwell arrived at Augus ta, as - a special messenger ftom - Sir John Harvey to-Gov. Fairfield—-his despatches, it a request that the Brit ish may establish a road directly from the mouth of the-Aroostpok to Madawaska, and so on to Canada, yielding tothem the terri tory south of the St. Johns, river, and about half of the disputed tract north of it. for which we are .to have. the . free navigation, of the St. Johns. This, however, was not cre dited., The Governor had not yet Written his anticipated iniessage, A Bangor corres pondent of the Boston • Centinel, -under date of_Maj;ch 9th,’says: ■. : / ‘ -S. ~ Pennsylvanian. FROM MAINE. Several gentlemen have just come in from Houlton, among them E. L. Hamlin, late Land Agent.—-He represents the statfe of things in the provinces as most deployable. The.settlers upon the river are all fleeing to Frederickton and other places for safety, abandoning their homes and every,thing else. —These people have made it their principal business for years to cut timber on our ter ritory, and this interruption proves ruinous to them, as well as to a large'pprtion of the people of Woodstock, Frederickton, and St. Johns City.—— Baltimore Sun. FROM THE EAST. The intelligence from Maine received by the mails this morning confirms the news which was published yesterday. Sir John Caldwell-and several other gen tlemen from the Province of New Bruns wick, arrived at Augusta on Saturday even ing, they brought the communication from Sir John Harvey to- Governor Fairfield, in forming the Governor that Sir John was willing to abide by the memorandum re commended by Mr. Fox, the British Minis ter at Washington, and. proposing to enter into negotiations to carry it into effect. The following extract which we copy from the Boston Daily Advertiser gives the gen-, eral purport of Governor Fairfield’s Mes sage. . “Under'these circumstances, the question now recurs, shall we withdraw our forces a grceably to the recommendation contained in the Memoranda signed'by Mr. Fox and the Secretary of State—and leave the future protection of the timber to the concurrent action and agreement of the Governments of Maine and New Brunswick? . Under a full sense of the responsibility resting upon me, I have no hesitation in saying, that we ought not. I admit that the General Government has nobly responded to our call—and with a promptness’ and efficiency beyond all praise, lias made preparations to discharge its con stitutional obligations to this State. Much •is’due-from as on this account,' to the Union.’ But the duty of Maine to herself remains unchanged. The property, for the protec tion of which we sent an armed posse, un der the Land Agent and Sheriff, remains still exposed, and the threat of expulsion from the territory and,of invasion,, which we sent our military force to repel, still remains pending over us, while Bntislv'ffoops, it is understood, are daily concentrating near the line with the apparent purpose of carrying the avowed design of the Lieutenant Gover nor of New Brunswick into effect. “Under these circumstances I would re commend that when we are fully satified, either by the declarations of the Lt. Gover nor of the Province of New Brunswick, or otherwise, that he lias abandoned all idea of occupying the disputed territory with a mil itary force, and of attempting an expulsion of our party, that then the Governor be au thorized to withdraw our military fdree, leaving the land agent with a sufficient posse, armed or unarmed as the case may require, sufficient to carry into effect your original design, that of driving out or arresting the trespassers and preserving and protecting the timber from their depredations. “From such an act of jurisdiction—an at tempt so right and proper in itself as this, and so imperatively called for by the cir cumstances of the case, we'should not be driven by any power on earth.” FROM MAINE The following from the Boston Atlas of Saturday last, contains the latest intelligence from the capital of Maine, and from the dis puted district:. State House, Augusta, ? Thursday, March 14, 1839. 5 Our border troubles are assuming a more quiet aspect. Notwithstanding our Gover nor is somewhat belligerent in some parts of Iris - recent message,~nis actsareofa raorer peaceful character. -The, detachment of troops from the, Somerset that were ordered to muster at Skowhegan, have been dismissed. A part of thejorce under the command of Col. Jarvis, at the Aroos took, have also been, discharged, and there is but little doubt that the detachments now here from Oxford and Cumberland will be discharged jin a few days. The timber that has been cut by trespassers on the waters of the Aroostook, will probably be protected— but there seems tone no movement, on the part ot our Executive to stop the timber that has been cut on the waters of the St. Johns. Here, 1 learn, the principal trespasses have been committed—and if Sir JonnJHarvey and the Provincial. Government of New Brunswick, have succeeded in frightening the authorities of Maine from interfering with their operations in that part of the dis puted territory, they will be. perfectly satis fied. • If I am correctly ipformed, the timber, cut on. the waters of the St. Johns, in, the dispu ted territory-this season, is worth more than half a million of dollars. Tire only move ments that have been -made to stop these depredations has been the sending of a small party oh to the Pish River, who drove off some eight or ten teams, and then although' they meet with no resistance, they return to at the Aroostook. • • • • * Our Legislature this morning has been en gaged principally in - private business. No report will be made to day by the,North Eastern Boundary Committee, to whom the Governor’s. Message was . referred. That committee have not yet had a meeting on-the subject.. • ' THE PUBLIC .WORKS. A message was received from the Gover nor yesterday by both branches of the Leg islature, transmitting a report of the Canal Commissioners, with accompanying docu mentsr showing the actual condition of the finished lines uf canal and rail road, and the amount of money , which is absolutely nec essary to put them in'good. order and repair. Shortly after the organization of the canal board, the report states, that engineers of the highest standing.and most extensive experi ence, were appointed to make an examination of the several divisions of canal and rail road, and to estimate the amount which would be required tb^ 'restore them to a sound ■ and efficient business doing slate.' The follow ing are the estimates of the engineers, yiz; Colombia rail road 9 51,242 00 Eastern Division 56,887 00 Susquehanna division 74,570 00 Juniata division , 176,000 00 Portage rail road 48,500 00 Western division 83,034 00 Beaver division 47*880 00 French creekdivision , 236*500 00 West branch division 102*555 00 North branch division 178*224 00 Delaware division 70*359 00 Total amount, 81,125,761 00 ‘To these .estimates’ the board say ‘may be added the following items of expenditures on the Columbia and Portage rail roads, required to put them in a fit condition for public use, as will appear by reference to-the reports of the engineers, viz: 8551,231 00 Making altogether. $ 1,676,993 00 To this startling sum will hate to be added outstanding debts, not yet ascertained, which the board say they have taken steps to know, and will as early' as possible lay before the legislature. . The board very properly remark that the question before the legislature is wot the ‘iiegligence.incompelency or wilful misman agement that has produced this state of things, but it is to provide a remedy, which for the honor and interest Of the state they hope will be ample and speedy. That question has been determined by the people already, and this expose will only confirm them in the o pinion which they expressed on.the &d Toes day of October last, that Governor Ritner and his officers were totally, incompetent to dis charge thefir duty to the state, and wilfully Wrotftolhedntenjsts of the people. Harrisburg Bejiojrter. Three Sisters Drowned. —We learn from the Paris CMb.) Sentinel, thata sad accident oocu rredto three daughters of Mrs. Vannoy; residing in Shelby county, a few days since. They were attempting to cross . the North Fork of Salt River, when the ice gave way, and one of them fell through into the water. The second, seeing her perilous situation, endeavored to . assist her, and in doing so, was drawn after her. The third not inti midated by the fate of .her sisters generously resolved to offer an assisting hand, and, sad to tell, shared their fate. The eldest sister was about 18 years’of age.—Their bodies were not recovered.-— Pomson. MARP.I3DS ' On Thursday last, by the Rey.Jfenry Au rand, Mr. TbAn Baker, of South Middleton township, to Miss Ann Brocht, of-North Middleton township. v On Tuesday evening last, by the same, at Shepherdstown, Mr. William Colter, to Miss Margaret Brown, all of this county, v lij Leesburg, Won Monday evening the 4tK inst., by the Rev. Samuel Keppler, Mr. J. Heaton Chamblin, to Miss Octavia, daugh ter of Mr. John T. Keppler, of this borough. > On the 28th ult. by the Rev. D. P. Roseiy miller, Mr. Christian Whahlt, to Miss Ann Ciiesneix, both of Dickinson township. On the sth inst. by the same, Mr. William Muck, to Miss Maroaret Moore, both of Stoughstown. ■ . i * On the 7th inst., by the same, Mr. Abra ham Claudt,’ to Miss* Rachel Kissinger, both of Dickinson township. DIED: ' Near ;Wilksbarre, Luzerne Pa. bn the SrtK ult. the Hon. Bavinßeynolds, one Of the Associate Judges of the Courts of Mifßincounty. ; At his • \denro " v At.his residence in_ Freedom. township, Adamscounty, on the 9th inst. after a long and painful illness, Mr. John Harper, in the 72nd year of his age, and for many years a.citizen of Cumberland county. THE CORREI Per bbl. Carlitle. S 6 rs 5 25 4 00 1 50- i oo 1 00 .. -Ml ■l6 00 1 12 0 00 44 10 10 23 00 Flour, superfine, Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Wheat,, Rye, Cprn, Oats, Cloyerseed, Flaxseed,' Plaster, Whiskey . Pork, ■> Beef, Leather, sole Do. upper hide Six Cents Re RUNAWAY from the subscriber,'ln Dick inson, township, sometime in November last, an indented mulatto boy, named JAMES RICHARDSON PARKS, about 16 :years of age. He took with him when he- went away a variety of clothing not now recollected. Who ever takes up said boy and returns him to me, shall receive the above reward, but no charges will be paid. - SAMUEL WOODBURN. 31* March ai, 1839. Dissolution of Go-partnership.. /■tIHE subscribers trading under the firm of D. & B. ERB, have this day dissolved co partnership) I 'and hereby notify aU persons in debted to-said firm, to cotne forward and make payment, and those who have .claims to present 1 , them before the first day of April next, or their accounts will be pot in the hands of a proper person for collection. ! . DANIEL ERB. ; BENJAMIN ERB. Wormleyshorj, February 3i, 1839. ~ ATTENTION.— The members of the “George Washington Artillery” are required to meet at their armory. onFriday evening next at 7 o’clock, on business of importance, . Marehi2X, 1839. .. , B.'CROP, Captain. WEEKLY. 25 S 25 ard.