American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, March 21, 1839, Image 1

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, VOIiTTME 26, NO 36.
.qrcbo 1 " ■
Terms of Publication.
' Tbo American Volunteer ,
Is published every Thursday morning, in the
white frame building, (rear of the court house,)
at' Two !Dollars per annum, payable half yearly
in advance* or two dollars and fifty cents if not
Jiaid within the year.
No subscription taken for a less term than six
inbpths, and no permitted until
till arrearages are pai,l. A. failure to notify a
discontinuance at the expiration of a term, will
ijc considered a-new engagement.
Advertisements will be thankfully received,,
hnd published at the'rate of gl 00 per square
lor three insertions, and 25 cts. for each subse
quent insertion. Those not specifically ordered
Vvill be inserted till forbid. ■ ™
Handbills, Blanks,.Cards, iic. neatly,execute's'
at short notice,, and at moderate prices.
AQ-ewts Norths voLTjji tee a
The following- Gtfntlemcn will please act as
agents for this paper! subscript ions received, and
hinney paid t 6 either oftlieseindividualswillbe
Acknowledged by us,. _
John Moore, Esq. NcwviVle;
Joseph M.'Means, Esq. Hopewell township.
John Wunderlich, Esq. Shippensburg.
David Clever. Esq; Lee’s (*1 Roads.
John Mehaffy, Dickinson township.
AmtAirAUpH a milton, — ogcslown. :
George F. Cain, Esq. Mcchanicsburg.
Frederick Wonderlich, . do.—
J ames Elliott, Esq. Springfield.
Daniel Esq. Ghnrchtown.
v Jacod Longneckeh, E.Pennsboro’ township.
j. reku,
from the duties of his late
office~as Judge, proposes to resume the
practice of Law at Carlisle, Penrtsyivania.
He tenders his servipcs to ALL who may
think it th.eir interest to employ him.
His offifce is in his own house, opposite the
College Campus. i 4
The Law .school under his care will be contift*
tied—and he firipes to be able to bestow upon it
more uninterruped attention.
- Carlisle, Feb. 28,1830. 6t
By-virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me di
rected, issued out of the Court oFCommon Pleasi
of Cumberland.county, will be exposed to public
sale at the Court house in the borough or Car
lisle, on Saturday the 30/A day of March , 1839,
at ten o’clock, A. M. the following described
Real Estate, to wit;
All the interest of Jesse Kil
gore in a tract of land situate in Newton town
ship, containing one hundred and twelve ncros,
more or less, adjoining lands of Samu’fel M’Cune,
Jacob Swoyer, William Smith and others, hav
ing thereon erected a- two“story Log“ House,
Log Barn.and Stone Qrainary.
Also, all the interest of Jesse
Kilgore in eighteen .acres ; of Mountain Land,
more or less, situate in Hopewell’township, ad
joining lands of Jacob Haun, Jesse Kilgore’s heirs
and others.
Also, a lot of Mountain Land,
situate in Mifffjn township, containing six acres,
more oV less, adjoining lands of Robert M’Far
lane, William Qreassey and others. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Jesse Aif
gore. And to be sold by me, , - „ .
JQjJN MYERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office, >
Carlisle. Feb. 28.X839. $ 5t
Sheri/T’s Sales.
“By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas
to me directed, issued out of the Court of Com
pton Fleas of Cumberland County, will be Ex-
Ijosed tp Public Sale attlje Court House in the
lorough of Carlisleon Saturday the 30 th r f
Marcfy, 1839, at ten o’clock, A., M, the following
described Real Estate, to wit:
The Undivided fifth part of a
i Tract of Land sUuate in North MiddlelTThTowlT
' ship, Cumberland county, bounded by lands oi
John Jacobs, Philip Zeigler, Adam* Kunkle;
Jocob Smith, & others, containing one hundred
—and-seventeen acres,-more oricss having thcrd*
on erected a small Log House and Bam and othsr
out houses, Seized and Takenin Execution as the
Property pi —L
Also, a tract of, mountain hind
situate in the tpwnship ri >Curn
berland county, containing twetVchundred'acres,
more or less. Adjoining landsof James Clark, esq.
Coi\rod Cleve, Moore 8c Biddle, and others,—
Seized and taken in Execution as the property of
James OUvei *, : * ' - •
"And to' be sold by me. .
JOHN MVERS, Sheriff.
' Sheriff's Office," T' *
Carlisle, Feb, 28, J 839. S
: ':PROOLA&a.TI6IT, 6
TETKTHEREAS the Hon. John Rees, the
vV'*’. then President Judge of the Court “of
Common PJeas of the counties of Cumberland,
.Juniata and Perry, end the Hpn. .John Stuart
and John Lefevre, Judges of the said Court-of
Common Pleas of .the county .of Cumberland!
have issued their precept bearing date the 21st
day,pf January, 1839, and' to me directed, for
holding a' ■. Court'/of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter
’ Sessions of the Peace, at Carlisle on the second
“ Monday.of April, 183?,(being day,)fat
.10 o’clock in the forenoon. • - e
to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace,, and Con
stables' of the said countybf Cumberland, that
they he then and,tb?re in ■ their proper person
tvith lheir Records, Inquisitions, Examinations
and other Remembrances,.,to do thosethings
which to their offices respectively eppertnin.—
And those-who are bound by recognizances to
. prosecute against the prisoners thatare.or then
" may be,- in the Jail of Jppnaberland county* tube
then and there to prosecute“against them as shall
bejust-. ,j ! - j.'i-i;
Dated, at Carlisle, the 7th'day of March,
.1839, and the 63 year-of-American Independ
ence, ’
JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
THE subscriber respectlully informs the in
habitantsVof Carlisle, and the putflic gener
ally, that he still resides at his Old Stands in
North Hanover street, opposite Mr. E. Bullock’s
Chair Manufactory, where he continues to carry
on the
Cabinet Waiting Business,
in all its various branches. He has lately fur
nished himself with a new and
Bcc. to accomitfbdate all fhose who may favor
him with a call. He returns his sincere thanks
to'his friends and customers tor the liberal en
couragement bestowed on him, 6c solicits a con
tinuance of their patronage. He flatters himself
that by strict attention to business and a disposi
tion to please, to merit and receive a share of
public patronage.
N. B. One or Two Journeymen Cabinet Ma
kers wanted,to whom liberal wages will be given.
An apprentice will be taken to learn the above
business, if well recommended.
Carlisle,lE>ecember 6, 1838.—tf.
The subscribers, thankful for past favors', take
this method of-informing the public thut-they
still continue the Thrashing Machines
and Horse Power , at their old stand, in Lnuther
street, Carlisle, where Farmers and others can
at all times be supplied. They have made a
considerable improvement on the power and
machine, and have, also attached a "
which for durability and simpleness of construe-'
tion is surpassed by none.
Having all manner of confidence in the supe :
riorlty of the above mentioned machine, Btc. they
are willing that Farmers shall test them before
making the purchase. . ,
. wishing to purchase or examine the
machine- will f lease-make application- at the*'
shop,orto*l. Lawshe. Agent, at Macfarlane’s
hotel, near the Court House, Carlisle.
MayB t 3858. , .. . • .
In High street a east of the Court
The subscriber having leased the above named,
establishment from Mr. Simon H undcrlich , and
having provided himself with every thing neces
sary, Is now enabled to accommodate traymlers
and others in a style tjtiat Will not fail. to please
hose who may favor liirft with a call. • '
will receive his special attention. These will he
kedt constantly provided with the best of LIQ
will at all times be abundantly supplied
the delicacies which the season and market cltn>
afford, and no exertions will be wanting toplease
the palate ot the most fastidious.
are commodious and secure, and a careful and
attentive hostler will be always in attendance.
ffj”BOARDERS will be taken by the week,
month, or year, on the most reasonable terms.
A strict attention to business and an anxious
desire to please.wili. he trusts, ensure him a rea
sonable share of public patronage.-
Carlisle, April s, 1838.
N. B. The cars run past the above establish*
mcnt. at 6 and ll o’clock, A. M. and at 2 and 7
o'clock, P. M. ' J. H.,
No- 66 South Fourth st» Fhiade phi a«
■Open daily for the: transaction of business from
/ A. M. to 3 P. M. ‘
DEPtSsiTES of money received, jor which
the following rate of interest will be allowed:
1 year 6 per cent; per arinuril,
6 ihos. 6
8 **- 4 tt ,
On business de(Dositcs, tohe drawn at the plea
sure of the depositor*, no interest will be allowed.
Uncurreht notes of solvent Banks, in every
part of the United States, will be received as
special deposited, oh such terms as may be -a
gteedon in each particular case.
By "order of the Board; ” T
. , J. DESSAA, Cashier .
Philadelphia* Dec. 19, 1838. : • iy ; .
from 15 to 20 active ifoimg men
■ fjtSdShUtkiis' - who arc good ridersand
- drivers, ill be enlisted
Horae now at
this is the most desira
ble corps of anyin the armyi young men out of
employment cannot do better than join it; Ap
ply to ; S. RINGGOLD, ■
~ Cafitain cotntnanding.Light Artillery, .
• Carlisle^gUrracksi
February .28, 1830. ; ®t
Carlisle, Pa; Nov. 1, IS3B,
Arrival and Departure of. Mails. -
-■ ’• Arrives, - ■ Closes',
Eastern daily; about 12 m, 7p. m;
“ ' 1 -• “ fp. m.; TOa/m.
Western : *• 12 ra. 10 a.m.
Southern “ “ 12 mi 7p, m,:
Mechanicsb’g “V ' V 12 m,,,.. ■ 7p. m,-
Newvillg ; " 12 m. ~10 a.m.
F. 11. KSAPP.
Surgeon Dentistand Manufacturer' Of'the Sili
. Metallic or Mineral Incorruptible Teeth, N
; W. corner ofCharlesandFayettc strccts.Bal
. tint ore. .: u ... May 81, lifts. •
‘;",»T ■ . ■ ’
By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias
to me directed issued "out of the Court, of
Common Pleas of Cumberland County, will
be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court
House, in the borough of 1 Carlisle,"on Satur
day the 3,oth of March 1839, at 10 o’clock
A. M. the following described real estate to
All that messuage,plantation and
tract of land, situate in the township of South
Middleton in tha County of Cumberland,
boundeda,and described as follows,’ to wit!—
Beginning at an ash oak tree on mountain
creek, thence by lands of the heirs of Charles'
McClure dec’d., South' fourteen and a half
degrees, East thirty three perches to a post,
thence across said creek by land of John
McClure & the heirs of Joseph Knox dec’d.,
(called the Paper Mill tract,) South seventy
five degrees and a half, west thirty perches
to mountain stone, thence along the Han
over & Carlisle Turnpike Road, north nine
and a half degrees, west fifteen perches and
two tenths to lime stone, thence by the satne
land of McClure and Knox’s heirs, south
eighty-nine degrees, west fifty-five perches
and, seven tenthsJo a white-oak, thence by
the same land north one and a half degrees,
east, forty-four perches and Seven tenths to
a post, thence by the same land, south eigh
ty-two and three fourth of a degree, west
fifty-three perches and five tenths to a post,
thence by the same land north nine degrees,
west, twenty-five perches and six tenths to
a-post, thence by land of, William Moore’s
heirs north~fiffy'-five degrees,' east seven ty
eightjicrchcs to a black oak, thence across
said Turnpike by the same land north forty
three degrees, east one. hundred- and; five
perches to a Spanish oak, thence by land of
the heirs of Philip Rpichtcr dec’d., south
fifty-four degrees, and one fourth east, thir
ty-three perches and Seven tenths to a bjack'
oak, thence by the same land north thirty
two degrees, east twenty-one perches and
seven tenth to a stone heap, thence by land
formerly of Jacob Job, south sixty three and
a half degrees, east twenty-six perches and
seven tenth to a hole on the bank" of moun
tain creek, thence up said creek by its sev
eral courses and distances to the place of
beginning, containing one hundred & eight
acres-eighty and allowances,
together with all and singular the buildings,
woods, water courses, rights, privileges and
nppurtenances.whatsoever thereuntouclong
ing,- or in any way appertaining: having'
thereon erected a story Log House aria'
(jvo one story Log Houses, and a large
Brick Bank Barn. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the property of William jidrber
jr. arid Sampson mullin.
A Tract or Parcel of Land, situate and
lyin" in the township of Dickinson, bounded
as'follows, to wit: Beginning at a post thence
by John Zeigler’s land north one degree and
three -fourths, east one hundred and ’nine
perches to a black oak tree, north sixty-four
and one-fourth degrees.wcst twelve perches
and six-tenths Jp a dead' white oak tree,
thence .by .land rif Samuel We'akly,- north
forty-nine and three-fourths degrees, west
sixty-two and two-tenths perches to a Span
ish oak tree, north e,ighty-three and one
half degrees, .West twenty perches to a post,
thence by Adam Keensey’s lane south two
and one half degrees, one hundred and thir
ty five perches to a post, thence by land of
Mr. Free, south eighty-five’ degrees, east
fourteen perches to a post, thence south three
aniLone-half degrees, west twenty-nirie per
ches to a post, thence; again by John, Zieg
ler, south eighty-four degrees, east nine
per.chesTCa white oak tree.i north eighty
one'and one-half degrees,, east sixty perches
to a post and place of beginning—containing
sixty-nine acres and one hundred and twen
ty perches, strict measure, together with the
appurtenances thereunto' belonging. Seized'
and taken in executLon._aa_the property of
John Cronister, dic'd.
And to be sold by me, ■
i JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office,
Carlisle, Fcb. 28, 1839. J , •’ 5t ‘
| Shei'ifiPs Sales. '., ‘ '
By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni
Exponas to nie directed, issued out of, the
Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland
County, will be exposed to Public Sale; at
the Court House, in the borough of Carlisle,
on Saturday_thi fifA of April A. D.' 18S9,
at 10 o’clock A. M. the following described
real estate; to will •
v—iA. lot of ground situate itr the
borough of Carlisle, containing sixty feet in
breadth, and - !20 feet in depth, niore or l?6s,
adjoining lots of William Alexander on the
east, Nathan Woods oh the south, John. Ag
fiew oh the west, andLoutlier street ontne
north, having thereon fefccted a two story
Stone House, a two story Stone Back Bdild-.
ing, arid a one ahd alialf story Log ftous'e.
Seized .andtakeniri execution as : the
ty of Francis McManus; T .;; •’, ■,. J
Also, a tract of, woodland)
date.lit North Middleton townships contain
ing forty acres, more or less. adjommg lands
of Jamea Lambertpri. Jamca Given, andithe
Perry-toiiiity liner Seized: hnd taken in
(Goopdr.') ’W .-•>; >v u
And to be sold by me, . ; ; j ' i.V
JOHN MYERS,- Sheriff;.
. •Sherifns.Olfice,V , !?V . '
Carlisle March 7, iflS9. 5 :v :■ : 1. .St
J6b Printing
Executed at this, office;:..j.
Sllttetitan ©olUutccr.
Court of lnqnii l !/>
' x ' (Concluded.)
N. B. It will be seen that these remark's
arc addressed to the Court pf Inquiry, for
which they were intended when written; but
the court declined to receive them or to hear
a verbal defence, as also, the court refused
to let them : accompany the proceedings,
consequently I ask' the favor of Major Ar
mor to receive them and to cause them to
accompany the proceedings, which ho was
good enough to do. . \V. F.
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Court :
It certainly is- the prlvilegc and doty of
every citizen, and more particularly every
officer, to preserve untarnished that which
is the boast of an American, viz: his honor
and standing in society, and in the corps in
which he serves: had not this been fully and
sensibly impressed on my mind, you certain
ly would; not have had the labor of this in
quiry. ...But’the testimony discloses the im
portant facts, that from'the year 1812 up
until the winter of 18S8 and 1839, while in
various'situations both in the army of the
United States & tire Volunteer cprps, every
duty assigned me has been performed with
fidelity and with that promptness necessary
to the faithful execution of a soldier’s trust;
and how for the ftrstlimc in my life', I have
been told that it was for the want of confi
dence I have been passed by in military de
tail;' and' that charge made not through the
legitimate .channel in which all charges
should be performed, but from the idle rii
mor of political opponents. Witness after
witness has. UCmi called before you, aqd not
>onc single act liaa bceh proven against nic
to impair -my standing as an officer. The
whole charges against me seem to have o
riginated in the nervous and excited ima
gination of the Major General, instigatedby
.persona, politically opposed to the. actions of
a certain cOtnmittee of safety,-so charitably
termed by the Major General “a traitorous
body.” ;lt appears from the tcstimony. that
1 have been charged with every thing repre
sented to you. at the first session of this
court, viz: that I had beep charged With be
ing guilty of joinings mob some time in De
cember last ;atHamsburg, and . that I was
■ Otherwise engaged inriotoUs conduct intend
monwealth , of Pennsylvania, and that in
consequence .thereof, three companies of the
Battalidnl.haVc the honor to cotnmand, were
Saraded and marched Odt of the limits of the
lattalion without myAgency, I being then
in tlie command Of that Battalion and per
sonally present. Now not one word has
been proven to support their charges, and I
defy the world to prove,them.true’.
Some of the witnesses speak Of the exist
ence of a mob at Harrisburg in the early part
of December last. Whether there was a
mob of not is a matter of opinion depending
on thepolitical principles of the witness; but
if there was a mob, the; testimony clears me
of anyagency in it, nor was I engaged in
any riotous or other disorderly conduct.—
The Major General admits this'himself;,but
oh,! he says,.! was O'member of the commit
tee of safety; so I ’ was, and here was the
whole of. my offensive conduct. Hence tlieJ
charge that I belonged to a. mob, and this is j
the only fact that the-Major General andthe
other witnesses, laboring under excited po
litical feelings and party bias, have-been a
ble to prove; and that too I never denied,
no—-on the contrary, I that I-.was
a member of that committee. All other tes
timony, except that Which is highly compli
mentary, consists of idle rumors & dreams.
But the-Major General says that Committee
was' “a traitorous body}” where is the evi- The most ot theif sayings and
doings are 'before you jn evidence, and the
whole, as well ns the iniquitous acts of the
last State administration, 7 ' ate before the
world and will be a matter for the historian.
I dread not their decision nor that of poster
ity,, with regard to tlie character that will be
awarded to that committee. The’design of
the committee of safely, I assert, was patri
otic, not/traitorousi It was to preOent trea
sorii This I well know; and so.does alf the
thembers thereof, and so docs a majority of
the good people of this commonwealth; and
surely ;toeif Opinion, is entitled to as much
credit, if hot more; than the -Major General
liiipselfi...; . ■
The Major-General asserts that there was
an; attempt by“a ;iw Ttion of it parly” to ob
tain: what they called theif rights by revolu
tion and violence.- This, is emphatically
trpe ; _The| late commander, in chief .and a
portion of h isi political - friends and: advisers
did attempt to establish what they’ Called
their rights by revolution, and violence;, 1
attfcihpt .to trample oh the con
stitution and laws,’ The committee of safe
ty wasorganizedto sustain the constitution
andthclawsj. Their designs and intentions
were to give th'feir fellow citizens throughout
the State, notice of ..the treasonable’conduct
of: ffa portion v of 'd party ” ;: How fair the
committee’ was.’instrumental in preventing
“a.portion<of dipdrtyft front trampling on
the constitationandlaits’isfof toe world to
judge, 1 .:- Suffice it to saythat “dportionof u
party ” withdtoTcdffimabdbrdn chief. Major
Brigadiet; Generals; & aflvousahd
Volunteers; had; to sditehdorto the dmnip-";
otent power of opinibn.L j.The port
which toe committee acted; was entirely pa
cific and patriotic. 1-,-as a member of that
,body, did dothing id disqualify toe;froin toe
exercise of command. Tlibre is I
dence that I world have disobeyed bfoers; |
but, had 1 been in the execution, of hiy com- |
mand, had a certain stateof; things arisen, I
had the commander ilk chief; through his I
Major, General, to gramy and sjlh'Serve the i
design oV".a portion a/aparty” attempted i
to trample bn the constitution aridlawS, and i
shed the blood of his fellow citizens, and i
that the execution of his orders were neces- -
saty to accomplish that object, a- sulcpln 1
question would "have presented itself to me
and- other officers ana soldiers, how far. we
were hburid to obey such orders.., Histoi-y,
in the language of a distinguished statesman,
points but the part which the patriot sojdicr
ought to act under sUch circumstances. But
again, if my connection with the committee
of safety disqualified mo from the .exercise
of my command in the opinion, of the coin
riVdriacr'jp-'chief arid thcMajor Generalfivtly"
was I not pul under hrrest rind a Cofirt mar
tial ordered to try me? When rumor with
her slanderous tongue, and tlie excited im
agination of my superior in command; sus
pected my patriotisrii and.doubted my obe- ,
orders, then,- according to-every
principle of military law and discipline, they
ought to have given me a hearing in order
that the trutli might appear. But this did
not suit “a portion of a party ” Who Wanted
to obtain what they called..their rights by
revolution 7 and violence. They knew full
well that on on investigation, that body
termed "traitoroua ,, by the Major General
would liave.b'ccn proyed to the world a pa
triotic .instrument to resist'tyranny and the
designs of traitorous occupants u nworthy the
chief places in-the State. I certainly am at
-a -losS ,to know any warrant, nor has any
been shown, for detailing troops by a com
mander in chief through a Major General,
passing by the officer jn command, of the
Regiment or Battalion to Which Companies
belong, when that officer was present and iq
command of the Regiment or Battalion. I
concede the right of Captains as such over
their companies, but.l deny the justice or
. tlie rights of a superior officer detailing troops
- in the manner General'Alexander has-dorie
in-the case I complain of, and I,feel assured
you will concur with me in saying, thalgGe
• neral Alexander knew at the time his'con
duct was not that .usual between gentlemen
> anil officers acquainted witlKtheir duty and
their rights as Soldiers & gentlemen;. Hence
- his disposition, as appears by his own testi
> rriony, toplace the disrespect shown to me
■ on the ground of misconduct' in liny being
connected'wmvtne~cotmTrittctr or safety.—
1 The undeviating rule between officers corn
s' manding and their subalterns, i& correctly
i laid down by Major Armor, to whose testi
■ riiony I refer yon..
i The whole testimohy most clearly shows,
• that so Ion» as the witnesses confined tliem
> selves to_ facts within their own knowledge
t not one single thing is proven against- me'.—
No, oh the contrary, highly Complimentary.
■ Even General A., who appears to be my ac
t cuser, and who appears to be so desirous for
i a pretext for his conduct, is J ,cotripellcd to
; say in his testimony (sec theorist of it) that
- he never knew any thing himself calculated
: to injure my standing as an officer and a
soldier, or that would Warrant his treatment
■to me.' He attempts'to justify his conduct
■ because GoVv R;- and himself agreed that 1
was not a fit person; to comriiaml trbops .ta
-1 ken to Harrisburg for the purpose they were
“ intended. Perhaps it was so: because, had
Gov. R. or any body else ordered 'me to dp
1 an act in violation of the laws anil the con
stitution, they might have found that'l was
not tlie man to do so, and they perhaps might
have been-the first putin custody;lt ap-1
pears that General A. got his order front,the
Governor for the companies.ihus designated;
yet that was no justification for his passing
me and in his orderingthcCaptains.-becausc
I was present in Carlisle When the orders
were given and. General. A: Knew it because
he saw me Soon aften Still he had the hard
ihood although pale and troubling, to speak
to me, :but would not even tell mewhat was
going on; although, we had been, associates
for years as military mepi AVas this
tlie cbhduct.of a liigh minded Major Gencr
al of.,a soldier? ' No, I think not.; .Had I
merited-fas h'e.tvbtild have you belifete) the
treatment I received, it was his duty to have
arrested m£; arid .then he-inighthave.liad the
way clear to reap laurels in the cause unop
posed, bV my mighty power-as. a, triilitary
man." The General in liis testimony denies
that he dictated to Gov: Ritner in making
thh aelettioh of three companies andthen in
the veiy next sentence gives liis reasons for
speaking of them’to the Governor. ■ - Aston
ishing! How-did the Governor-know any
thing about the;c.otnpanies in the Battalion?
I doubt vrheth'er he knew any. companies that
were attached to it, until about , that time—
ffiefi tfrlid informed him but General Alex
ander? ’ In fact,.„l believe General A. was
fhe. pririie mover of the Hiijitary being taken
to Harrisburg at rill.- Another antOhg the ma
ny inconsistencies I see-, in the General’s tes
timony, is the,attempt he madc to prove [>y a
half gheet of the Keystone that I was pres-,
erit at a'meeting of thfe Committee of. safety
.on tlie Sth ofDecCmher last, at 8 o’clock in
the morning) wheti, as ! gbod luck Would'have
itr a liyitig witnete-proves to you I was-sick
in bed at the very tripe- ( How my name got
on the paper alluded to' is easy accOlirited
for: it Was, I believe;..thfc first mcetlrig of
that committee;, all die onem
hcra helorigirig iff it were handed, in, amf so.
recorded. ,'GefieraV Alexander dcmes'pbsi-;
tiyelythat theexcitcriient at HarriSbuigwaS
a political-one,- but in his-tcSUmoriy admits
the "fact, which I thought every old woman
in the country whit kneWj that that was the
cause of the Quixotic campaign;• And I ap
peal to the: court and to alT.disihtercsted
persons present, ifcVhr the}’ saw a political '
feeling tnbre fulljr shown than tvas shown
before this court. Witness the Conduct of
several of the witnesses; Gch’lt,Alexander
in lieu of coining forward fts a .citizen sold
ier, took occasion,: which was not required
by ant order or regulation); to come forward
in a Major General’s military'array—per
haps, to give dignity to his .'sayings apd do
ings! I deem if useless to’ coipmcnt any
longer tm the strati gc testimony and conduct
of. my indirect accuser; To 'me, he has
placed himself in ati unenviable situation
and I Charge,him with conduct Unbecoming
an officer, neglect of duty, - and Contempt &
and disrespect to. a Junior: should he' feel a
crievcd by these; Charges being made; let
hint obtain a court of Inquiry or a court
itiartial,. and I pledge myself to prosecute
them; although he flinched from prosecut
ing me, and when I demanded redress of
him for the injury 1 knew he, had done
me, he refiistd to give, it to m#, a copy of
.which demand ana his reply Is hereunto
just annexed. As to Win. M; Henderson,"
he appeared so afraid of implicating his Ge
neral, that he was not willing to do liimscif
the honor of saying he was his Aid-de-camp,-
until a'second-question brought it out of him.
Dr;,Creigh, wishing; I suppose; to make a
flash, and to shew his learning'in the law.
declined swearing, because as bethought the
court was not properly organized, asking
time to make his prCtcst, -&c; Oh my !
In this defence, gentlemen, I feel that 1 have
been protecting thC military ranfc l.have the
honor to hold from unjuSt assertions, and
that I have been as in duty bound protect
ing my followers from the upjust odjum
which might at Some future day have been
heaped upon thefn; Asformy bwn pant 1
feel that conscious rectitude which no man
nor sef of men can take from me; and, in
conclusion I feel conscious that. tnrf>(ighout
lifc.l have done,-as far as I havc been able,
my duty'to my follow man, to my beloved
country,'.and:to my God!. : - ■
—All of-which, is respectfully submitted, by
Carlisle, Feb. loth, 1859, ' . .;
For tht Pofuntcen
Forget mEe Wot.
In life’s bright sunshine when I chase
The butterfly from Spot to spot,'
Whfeh ftowrets! Strew lifers luring '*
Then may I fcay forget mt not.
Whefi.carc and bustle round are oast,
Fancy's unsullied dreams to blot,
I*ll hurry o'er the long gone pasf,*
And say again forget me not.
*AVKcn pain aSsails With liverish fagt;
When pulse beats high and brow is hot;
When droping from Hfie’s varied stage,
• Then dearest friend forget me not;
And when Consigned at last to dust,
„ Wilt tiiy tear moist life church yard plot,
There ho proud sculptured monumental bust,
But on a grave stone carved "foigct me not; 1 '
I). B. C.
a tAet of S6m£ Importance
In, the year 183 5 or 6; I purchased a small
parcel of cocoons; which were kept through
the summer and winter foilewing, to the next
season, about a.year; I supposed thechrysalis
of each had been stifled,.but to my astonish
ment, from tliattcry parcel, a miller, cainc
out from one of the cocoons the nest, year.
And now the present year, 1838,' aftof the
firft crop <lf wbrins in succession-hUd spun
their cocoons, a small number of eggsTiad
been kept in a tin pail, suspended'ifi a well’
so as to rest Upon the water; at the side of
the pitmp, the top of the pail secured by a
tin covpr and cloth saturated .with becs ; wax
and tallow; and thiis kept, s 8 as to bring for
ward (be worms in .pat-cels’, as the foliage
should increase, gnd the shelves or hurdles
be emptied to bring out another parcel .for
hatching: Some of these eggs were hatched
and sjiun fheif Cocdonsin September, so few
in nifmber, however/’that they were left in
the cocoonery until within a few days, when,
it was discovered that the millets were com
ing out even as lateaS the 16th bf November,
1838, having rehiaihed in • the cocoonery a
bout eight weeks beforcany symptomVof the
appearance of a miller, and the cocoons havs
ing been removed, to a place where a Tire i
kept; have, now. a fresh; crop of fine looking
eggs;. Some few days bast the weather has,
beeii Severely told. The above pm thud of
keeping eggs lias succeeded better, even than
on fcafecS of ice, the latter haying' failed to
hatth late id the season: :
, .Further experiments are worth the-lrial,-
not only to keep back 'the hatcjiipg-of.cggs,'
biit .also the late production of the millers.— 1
If these two conditions can be effected,, why
may not, worms be fed even lb the comihgof
rest? Tnmyncxf Imay tpll yon h'otv leaves’
have been preserved" to feed worms beforcthe.
frost has destroyed the foliage in the field.. ■
The Jews.ilibmng from 'Palestine.- —Tho ;
New York Evening Slat sn^s:—“ \V i (hin a‘
few years great numbers' nave gone 'thitfier
- —they amoiint iiow to above 40,CK)0, and are
incfcasiitg irt'multitiide by large anneal ad
ditions."lh; the-first days of last uionth-a<
large number of Israelites from'the.States of 1
MnrbccOj arrived at Marseilles, iti order;to:
embark there for the coast of Syria,, and pro- s I
cccd thence on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. ■
Mississippi.—K bill til ab'qiish'
riicnt r for ■ debt 'has ’ passed both braucb4» *fj
the legislature of tins Slate; ■■• M