American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, March 14, 1839, Image 4

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    „ . teeth.
It h*s for many years been a'grcat desideratum
among European.and American to
manufacture'Teeth from incWrruptible mntcriaU
which should imitate the;natural livtaJsrV e . L *t) , »
-—Many have devoted years to unsuccessful ex
periments, and others have succeeded ip manu
facturing teeth of materials simitar to the porce
lain ware,-' but generally they have an opaque
white’appearance, by which they, arc easily dis
tinguished from the human teeth.
After long and tedious experiments, the suV
sariber has succeeded in manufacturing teeth of
materials entirely incorruptible, and perfectly in
imitation of human teeth. They have a semi
transparency, and arc made of various sizes and
shades *
In cases where absorption of the avcolar pro
cess, or other causes may render it necessary, he
will cast of the same materials attached to the
Ueili, artificial gums, which shall imitate the
g«m and supply the loss of substance.
It is entirely impossible for .these teeth to
•hange.their color, or cause fcctid breath.
He will insert them from one to entire sets, in
such manner that they will make articulation of
the voice perfect, and materially assist in masti
«ation; and so that they Cannot be distinguished
from the mast beautiful natural living teeth
Ihe most scrutinizing observer.
He also performs all the various operations in
Dental Surgery, according to the-late scientific
improvements in the art.
r • F. H..KHAPP* Surgeon Dentist.
K. W. corner of Charles 8c Fayette streets,
A.Drug Store situated in a town in one of the
most fertile sections of Pennsylvania, is offered
for sale*. Toa person of moderat'ecapital, there
are but few more desirable situations. A House
and Lot will be rented t* the purchaser, if re
quired, and possession thereof given at anv time.
For further particulars enquire of the Editors
•f thb Volunteer. /
January 31, 1830. '> 7t.
■ A new, liiuc of freight Cars .
The subscriber, grateful for past favors, re
spectfully acquaints his friends and the pub
lic, that be has put into operation on the HAR
RAIL ROAD, a line,of new DOUBLE CARS,
which will run regularly between Harrtsbiifg■&
Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of
«!1 descriptions will be forwardcd'wilji care and
despatch, at the lowest rates of freight.
Goods will be received at the WAREHOUSE
of TfJOMAS J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of
Broad arid Vine streets, Philadelphia, and for
warded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chanibcrsburg,
and intermediate places, and bv the subscriber.
Harrisburg, Jan. 31, 1839,
STANTLYON HAND. Cash paid for almost
all kinds of country produce.
Burr Manufacturer.
The subscriber' wishes to inform his friends
and jhe publicthat he 1 continues the manufactu
ring of all-kindiof-machinery-for Woojen Fac*
tones, together with
at his old stand in New Cumberland, allof which
he w»H warrant to he rjinde in the best work
manlike manner - and of the best materials, and
•ell at tne lowest prices, upon accommodating
A of Cards will be kept on
hands, and old machines repaired.
June 21, 1838. ly
P OR-8.8H5,
THE subscribers will lease for orie «r more
years, their valuable'X'an Yard, with all
its appendages, -itis one of the.,best locations
In Virginia for. .carrying on the- business on ah
extensive scale, as there is abundant room and
Ike materials are ample. A number of the Vats
are undercover, Uqd all the buildings arc,of the
iridst suitable kind—besides the grinding of Bark
(which can. be; got convcnient-ahd atfairipncesi)'
i» done by water power. *. *
Any quantity ot Hides can be procured in. the
neighborhood, as there is no other tanperv with
in several miles of the place-mid is" also
every facility lor getting hides from the cities,
and sending them td”market when tanned, eith
er by rail road or canal. There is, likewise, a
demand at this place for a large quantity of
Leather annually by the Government,
Possession will be given. immediately.
L For further particulars enquire nf
Harper’s Ferrjh Feb, 7. 1839. eowtf
■ DENTIST; 1 -. .
INTENDS .residin'!!perMnnently'in Carlisle’,*
and would respectfully offer liis professional
services tq the citjzens of the. place and vicinity..
Hq has taken rooips at Col. Ferree’s Hotel,,
wherehe may be found at all hours.’, '
_ Persons requesting it will be waited’upon, at
their residences. .1, to. -r
j-Dr. Qeorgt I). Taupe,
Reference,— \® r ’ ™eodoreMyers.’: ..
i J Rev. Thus, Q..Thornton,-
■' „ ■’V . Of. Mahon.
Carlisle.,Dec. 1,835.. ‘' ’
Clover Seed for Sale.
100 BTrSHiEis br dI.bVER SEED
Jasr.receivedfrom andrrfor sale .at
the Warehouse oF.jhe Buhscriherin the bor
ough of Carlisle. Also a large quantity of Tim-
...... TO DEiVTISTS, ;
MUhMt!S b M !:iber , f S rnishe * Dentists w'ltii' his
eelcbrated Mineral Incorru/uihle Teeth, which
have been spoken of in the highest terras of com
mendation by all who havfe used them and by
numerous men of profound cliemicaf khowledKe
who have examined them.. Also. Hitman ‘iWtk
Gold Foil Tin do., tfc. Sec. inelu"“f Tyelyff
tide of material used in Dental Sureorv.' Teeth
.gold, tie., sent'by mail to any part of tire Union
when ordered. ' ' F.. H.KNAPP'
I May 31, 1838. Surgeoh
paitst ,s. ©ttSs*':
A' SPEATDID fafiCy -FtaiiliUh
’ and Parlor SooeaFlntendedfor' coafpr
wood. Also,.a variety of Cooking*~S!oves of’ tho
most economical and appi*dved L '- ltiiVd ; .' ; 'i Wood
_ stoves and other castings for sale either finished
6r]in thd plates, very cheap for cash of approved
•ountry - ' ?o nsno vjli
Oak Grove-Furnace, Out, 4,1858, tf
*■ For MoVrlsou’s Uulvxrsal liXqdiclUosi .
HORAiUO SHEiniERL)\MOA r, late Sole
Agent in,the United; States,, h iving .liei»
dismissed by'the'Britlsh College of HeaUlu Dr.
George ThyloV now of the :city-of New York',
11113 been appointed Sole general Ageqt and Hy
gia Dblegatc to the United Stiitbsl' Ji ' ' ;
The s.iid George Taylor has appointed A. D.
Olmslead, of Mpntrhse, Susquehanna county,
Pennsylvania, Sole General Agent for the states
of. Maryland nnch'Delaware,; and .thirty three
countics.-east of'the Allegheny. Mmliitalns, Penn
sylvania; Bnil George C. Hand, Surgeon Dentisv
of Alfentbwp, Lehigh county, Pa., Cenc»;d A
gent for four counties in She state of New York,
and seven in the state of New Jersey, to wit:—
BUrlington, Cape May, Cumberland, Glouces
ter, Monmouth and Salem, in the state of New
Jersey* Gcnncsscc, Livingston, Monroe and
Steuben, in the state of New York.
•Hereafter, no person can or will vend the ge
nuine Hygeian Medicines within the ssji.ddis-.
tricts, except by the authority of the said A.D.
Olmstead and George C. Hand. All former
agencies within said districts -having terminated
by the removal of H. S. Mont, who is now offers
ing for sale under the firm of Moat if Pelham*
Medicines of their own manufacture, which will
readily be detected, as such will not have the
signature of A. D. Olmstead, G> C. Hand, or
Olmstead & Hand, on the coVer of each box or
package. 1
The lending principles of the Hygeian or Mor
isoman theory ot Disease!, arc too favorably and
generally known to require a minhte explanation
in this advertisement.
These medicines cure all diseases which ad
mit of a cure,*and many heretofore deemed in
curable. ’ y
They may be given with safely to the weak
est patient, and under every circumstance and
stage of human suffering, and to the
most tender hgg’. • , I /
None offcred'fbrsale within the aforesaid dis
tricts are genuine, unless each box' Or -package
have a fyc simile of Janies Morrison’s, signature;
with a sac simile of the .signature of George Tay
lor, and also the \vritten signature of. A. D. Olm
stead, G. C. Hand, nr Olmstead & Hand, with
the written signature of Sole Agents, \vhcn ap
pointed. . u
The Pills are 6f two kinds—No. 1 Mid No. ■%.
sold in boxes with envelopes, al’2s and 50 cents;
and packages at $1 and 33; • Each packet' con
tains a proportion of abodt tw6 to one of No 2.
The Powders are in separate boxes—price 25
cents. • ' !
Nn chemical apothecary nr druggist is ever
employed to sell these medicines.
Respectably persons complying with the re
quisitions required may be appointed agents on
(liberal terms. . . , - _
" Office and General Dejiot , Ab. 5 South Front
street, P/iifo'del/i/ird. 1
A. D OLMSTEAD, General Agent,
For 33 comities, Favrtbc-sMttes-tif- 1 --—
Maryland and Delaware. •
~ ” • . G. CTHAND, General Agent, -
For 5 counties, N. Y., and 7 counties, N.J.
The public is hereby notified that wc have
united our business, and hereafter it will be con
ducted under the firmiof Olmstead & Hand.
All orders directed to Olmstead & Hand, No.
S south Front street, Philadelphia, will receive
prompt attention. - ....
’ The above medicine is frir sale by
. CHARLES OGILUY, Agent forGarlislc.
Sept2o,’lB3Br ' J ,
, ff. GOOD’S "
iwrpno'irEracENT iw brisoes.
GOOD, of the township of New
London, in tlib county of Chester, And state
otrcnnsylvanin, obtained / letters patent for. an
improved plan of erecting Bridges.oyer streams,
of water. The plan combines strength and per
manency with economy, so much so as not to re
quire, in some situations, more than one half the
expense to erect a Bridge on this plan, and when
built would not be liable to be injured by a fresh
et, or rise in the stream? the Bridge being con
structed and secured in such a manner, that if
the water should rise so high as to run oyer the
top.of it, the;Bridge would remain ‘firm anti se
cure. The 'plati Jigs been subihltted to a dum
ber of scientific men; who all pronounce it a
great improvement. One on this plan has been
erected overi a branch of \yhitcclay creek, in
the township of Lpndpngrovc,. which received
the, approbation of a Jury appointed by the court
to view the same. -The feuospribdr having pur
chased the fights of the states ofuTennsylvahia
west of the Susquehanna, New Hampshire, Vcr ’
mont, New Jersey. Eastern Shore of Maryland,
North and SouifkCarolina, Indiana, Kentucky,
Michigan,* Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri,’ and
the territories of and Florida, will
sell single, township* county, of state rights, to
any person or - will
planation that may be necessary, at his place of
residence, Kirk's Mills, Lancaster county, Penn
sylvania, or' to the Editors of the Volunteer,
Carlisle , Pa. ■ ;
September 20, JB3B.
■ 'We, .the Copimisstonersnf Chester county,
haring erected nßriilge on the pmdel of Francis
.■Good’s patertti'afe oecidedlv pf the 1 opinion thftt
;it is.a very valuable improvement, ’especially for
building' over-’ small: streams, being much leas
bxpensive.tnthqir construction. ,
;,.'■/ ,'■ .- ■ v Klijab Ijemis,
. j ' J.V T . V '
!i ;ju'nW 11; 1838:
Interesting Case,Cured,
BENJAMIN BO WN,corner ofShippcn and
George streets, Philadelphia, was affected
ftft'seven ' years-with' extreme, nervousness,-by.
whicti he was not able to write his name.' Ills
inlhehead, Ibssof appetite, 'palpitation of‘the
heart; .giddiness and dimnessOf sight, also ina
bility pf- Engaging -in : any,thing (.hat.dehianded
Ififtop OT courage; slekpwi pf; jmfc stoni£cliV.Jm.
P,qil-ed npp£{itc; cbldnesydHai.w6aknesaof‘the
e^remities,e'mac.iatlpn , ''nh3- : fexti'emefdebility,
disturbed Vesti ti sertSeof on
the.Btomach?aftbi<dsLting;rgreJit .WientaV'dSispou
.dency, seypra.uyiing Mips ip tl}e,cf)(:sa,bapk.a,tu!
-side, Bnd.,a, dislike, fpyspb'ety; and
conversation. ; mrjßr ha>,mhac‘tHhf:of' Vorioiis
rtiedidnes'ndw before nublic.h'utto hoeffect.
nhtlli-'pbs.eiivinghitii pdblic7paperi'Som'«;blireß
■performed by JJr.T ,Waiiah*iiEivahs’s:Gamoipile
Torticand Family; Aperient-Pjlls, lie was ipdn
fiod.;lbgiYc them a trial,.of wiiipU lip i 5 afayjtlmc
tijat'.tljcy.efiecthally cubed’ him
of the above diStt-es'smg'cHsease. .r.-Jf.i; f ..
Persons who doubt th 6 above*dure,-Arp boost
respectfully directedtotheabovementionper
son, at the Shippen and
george streets.,... Bekiamim Bow,^
HTIKMAEES’ wnoaredaily troubled with, that
S ich Headacl iH'WWch
.earaomilp Tonic ani-I&jpjlycAß&l'eo.t
Vide other medical advertisements; ■
f PUBIjIC* * , physicians, AyUh^but--.little success. Sometime
FOB the purpose.of removing n general fire- a ,: a 8 s »ffl»cted with what is generally ter
jtidicc that prevails against.the* Hqmueopa ,TH fV y i JteMWutory rheumatism, and the pains I
! ih»V practice of medicine, us w.elK as ;to give a were vxCnic.aiing, particnlaily in my
quietus to the unfounded re/iorta of some inter- h' , s .‘ . * was attended" !>y the-same eminent
- eated'> individuals concerning It, the subscriber Physician, and so acute wore' my pains, that
tiilhjts;it necessary to present to the public Mu* ,a udanum VV:ls copiously administered to lull me
.fallowing vhluntnry'certilicatcs of cures perfer- *l, C}IS /: ‘J'-V sufferings—it afforded hut ateinpo
med by him, from persons of respectability, lo.e' r ! 1, 7 joints were swelled and stiff, my theljHfougHmV. Carlisle. Person* sim’ 9 n> »v arm and. hand were powerless—l could
il irly nfßfeted mayJiaye.theij:cb.w///«/7j/a us well n(lt ‘ n ? ove , u swelling in
as their jlrejudicca removed, by >• callinu on F f n»y knee, and my ankle joint was swelled
KHIIMAN, Homoeopathic Physician. £. Main ;,n< ! " nfr ' ? lrul ? C ? U S , ‘ witl ‘ pfarotemexpecto-
Mn-et, Carlisle ■ ■■ • ‘ ■’ ■ raUom accompanied with the dysentery.; In fuel
■ December 27, 1838. ' '• - 1 was left by life dilTeiviit diseases, and tlie treat
i, . , ■ merit prescribed, a living skeleton, almost witb-
TB> t |T mar TTjj fl-TT out any hope of relief. One of my nentbbors
Jtfc. A U 'JLvJ. -HT'AiL whn visited .me about this time, ndvisfd me to
Of Hip TJnrnnnnnih;* , .. Dr. Frederick Ehrinan, mid I did so, on
•* r ,J. 1 ’. °V or e<e. old, practice the principle thru a drowning man mould catch
Medicine Jairly established. at straws; or, in other words, I was ivillim: to
TO;WHOM ITMAYCOVCERN. try any Mag to ? et relief from the miseries I
'i , ; ‘ • ~ . wnslaboniig uhdey, and contrary to my rxpcc
* ILHME the lust of August, A. D.163T, tatinn, as well as all who saw the, I soon found a
a Hm , ; P lot ubcrance appeared on my tace general relief—my pnina removed, and my flesh
! U aV; HJ 5 ! e i l e *'fl * Ahougbf it was whatiscalled and health increased by Dr. Ehrman*s treat
a ilmd boil, smd treated it accordingly. Several me nt, and from that time<l enjoyed and now cn
days after it first apj eared,.it was examined by j„ v a belter state of health than'before-1 was af-
pronounced it a flicted. Ido therefore, with confidence recoin-
CANCER, and directed me to apply a lunar mend totbose suffering under similar afflictions,
caustic , which I did tor two or three weeks, but to call upon Dr Khrman, in Carlisle, (the soon
ound. no help tr<nn it. I also applied other rein- er the better, niter they become afflicted) undeV
edics to no better. effect, utter winch J was di- firm belief that they will be soon relieved and
lected tniiif caustic potash, but all to no pur- restored to their usual if not better health, than
R°' sp * - ast P rn P oS s C d Remedy created a sore lu-fore they Were afflicted, without the use of the
about the size of, a quarter of a dollar, and a co- fanert, nr the disagreeable ;md paintul operation
pmuH discharge. It was ngnih examined by a nt blistering or un-nnimon restriction of diet.—
medical doctor, and thought by him tu be sufli- His medicine is- pleasant but powerful,, and is
ciendy the caustic, and he advised me ;d\vays attended with beneficial conscquenres.—
to apply sonic I clul so,-and as it Given.under mv hand fit Carlisle the Isih day of
the cancer was morc.visibleihan at first; November. A. 'D. 1538. E. ZEftMAW.
and by the tipie the sore war healed, or nearly
so—for It ncvt?r was fully hcaled from its first
appearancGvufitil healed in the way hereafter
.stated,.! At this time there was a head appeared
on the surface, about the size of a five,penny bit,
with a shooting pain and a crawling sensation in
Having been acquainted for several years with'
Mr. Asa F. Smith, generallyknown in this neigh
borhood, by the name ol the Indian Doctor, ami
haviqg seen him during tire lime I was applying
the remedies above stated, Tasked his opinion.
He said, he feared-thoy-wniild-not-efFect-a cure;
that he* had cured many, and was perfectly ac
quainted wit’n them in all their stages and vari
, ety. Alter I had found those remedies which I
had been using, ineffectual, Tapplied to the said :
Mr. Smith; he applied a plaster, with a small
quantity of powder, much larger thaivtlie tumor, i
which was exceedingly painful. He .gave me,
a phial of the powder, and the composition ofj
the plaster, with directions diow to use them.'—:
It will be'observed that the plaster was only for:
tffc purpose o Satickivg and keeping the air from!
the wound—the powder was intended to have’j
effect on the cancer—and an effect it had, in-|
Heehl, for it burned sirhilar to red hot iron. The'
application of- w-liioh-I-continued- {Vir—about 58-
days, during which time my sufferings were ex
treme, beyond description. Indeed, it noiv ap
pears astonishing to me how I bore up under it
so long. In the course of this application, there
were several pieces of this cancer tftkch out; hut!
after taking out a piece in oi\e place and then!
going to another .for the same purpose, by thei
time I had succeeded in taking that out another!
one appeared in the place wlienrc the former'
•otic'had been removed, until 1 bad taken outt
OVve'4 places in the same place in succession, and
rrtore'Htill appeared in the same place. 'By. ; the
1 hml vniV<ir^«\-tVa>n
the said powder I was induced in cease using it.
The day on which I ceased the application of il
I Was informed that Dr. Frederick Ehrman,
pmfe'sacd to be skilled in the tuit nf cancers:!
'this was sometime in 1) re in her 18.1 T, to the best;
l of my recollection. I called hn the doctor that,
i evening* The next day he called to see me-, and.
1 gavy me, medicine, which was used inwardly.— 1
He w/Vuld not glTow any out\\>(trd t application, j
excepting dry ‘lint—* and to my astonishment, |
theyc was no further discharge from the wound, |
niore than barely saturated the small quantity of
Unt,.wljich.was..only.sufficient to coyer it. After
I-hud takeh his, prescription for three or four
days, I found by the sensation in. the, other’ sidei
of my’ ftjee, that it was (is highly charged with!
I the chnccr as was the side!l hud made the ap.J
i plication of the powderJtOi aforesaid, and thatit
had also got down over my under jaw hlto the
glands of my neck'. , I also'found a.'cancerous
sensation on the inside of niy right arm, between
the wrist and el!io\V, and another in the fleshy
part gl my right thigh v and also in other parts of
myliody. 1 The.sensation was so well known hr
me,:haying,experienced so much of it, .1 could
not have been mistaken. After taking Dr. RhV-i
man's prescription two nr three days, T'nbserved
a change in all those affected parts-, above, na
juctl/uud mo¥e particularly in the wouml.’whjclf
w'jts opened by the which
now began to. heal, I think, it washnt more than
two pr three weeksfroutthetime- Dr; Ejirman
‘roa’tfe tliV'first” application until my’iface • was
•healed completely .over, ? and has continued so
ever since, and appears to be sound.
_ Eromthe foregoing facts 1 feel U a duty I owe
to Dr. Ehrman and to the public at large, to
cei tify. that he fuli.v removed the cancer
F,i\om MV,SYSTEM; by, bis/irexcrifrlion, apd-tlmt
he not only cured me ‘of the capec’v, tidt’hasj' p ir :
.tlhUy'-rc thrived a disposition which I hhtr Iririg
felt of a dyspeptic affection,’hnd.also sofne urin
ary, obstruction, so that, t fdelimore .whole alul
soijnd in ; body;lhun 1 have jor.stwe'ral years past.
Givep uf»<Jer f my jiiTmTitf Carlisle", cfTmUv’oTCum",
•beiiljth/i; and Pennsylvania, the'lSth day
of Augiist lB3B
John lieitler.
of . 20 years standing cured by Homceopalhic
■ I do certify that I have been afflicted with dya
pepsia Tor the time above mentioned, and for the
last five years very severely, attended with a
burning, aclinic £uid.beating-in the stomach, and
occasionally with stitche»and vomiting. I could
not relishstrong diet of. any kind-, and was gen
crally habit. During- my long ill
ness, I employed nine different physicians, at
different tiirieS. in thehdpe df getting' some re
iief; if notientirely cured; but all was in' vain
performed (jy Dr; Frederick Ehrman,'. Homoe
opathic Physician, and lemployedTiim 'as the
tenth , butr without muchhope.,' l He;gave hie
same pleasant medicine and continued it fdur n t
five weeks, when I felt great relief, and in a verv
short time afterwards I.wai Completely cured',
and forndarly w,year sincellyive etijofed a good
,state of health, without tfic least symptom pf that
disagreeable -complaint, returning; rap'. Would
thefefofe rexommena to thosaafflicted with silk
liarxiiyaher co:iTplaints, to make early , aniilica
jaeMunt lo the. taste, .but'seldbm or' never fails
ih "affording relief; M6>e6yb'i;l'''tli(l :; D‘dctfif’s
■ chhrgeaslincommonly mnderiitfe. - Withess' mv
signature at Carlisle, the ficst day? qf November
'lB3B. - :i ■-• f ; C. MOURp. llanovcr at:
. ..
teUrnihrt;-Hofirrnt;op:\t|firi I’hyiicmn^nf'CArlistc.
cured me of the jollowinjjfc'oWnlaintv ioAvlf-O.
IntheautumiCcif 183>f iMufTafflictcd with a vio.
lens attack of. dysentery, and: I;nppl!ed tfcrnnd
was attended by one„of our moat eminent
m> * c an c u n t tix .
In the fall of the year 1857, I was afflicted with
a had cold,- which brought on a ..severe cough.—
For about two months it increased more and
more, though I tried every means to get relief.
I then employed one of our most eminent physi
cians, hut still got worse ami worst*; at length I
was confined-to lied, and every movement of my
body brought on the cough so severely that I
thought Tmust die. I cannot describe the ' suf
.feriiigs v|)H)i3 ui m.v..hw?ast,.nor.ihc
quantity of putrid matter I discharged when
coughing—it appeared that mv whole inside
would be spit out. 1 was reduced-to a skeleton.
! About this time some of my friends raffle to sec
me and related some cures of similar complaints
■ performed by Di\ Ehrman; and stromrlv urged
'me to. give him atrial* I had heard of them
■ before, ymd consented, without any hope howev
!er of recovering. Hut, contrary to the expec
tation of mv ffunds, as well as myself, I was,by
j bis treatment, soon able to leave my bed and at*
jtend to mv business,as ustnii, which I believe 1
1 never would have done, but Or Lis medical treat
! menT; and my strength spccdilv returned. From
illiut.time lJigYe_enjay.e(U:.bvitev_.Jie:dth. than I
■had done for several years before.' Now, J would
sav to those similarly afflicted, and to the public
at large, that my firm belief is, if it had not been
fol* iht’Treatment of Dr. ‘Frederick F.hrman, on
the 1 Jnivwoopathic principle of medical practice,
I would now have been mimberedrwith the dead
instead of giving this information for the benefit
of the public* which I consider it my duty to do.
Given under mv hand IU Carlisle., the 7tb day of
December, 1833. - JOHN COUNMAN..
1 G’kduc’icf own, V). C.'Junc 28, 1838.
TO Dll. VVJVt. -UttANrt. U«*p*>oU><l £n«ud:
I am truly gratified I cun return 'my
sincere th inks to you, who have been the Cause
of my being restored t o/irrfrcl health. I'm - five
! months past 1 have been l.ih-irii.g umlur-.i severe
■Chronic Inllimmalory Rheumatism, attended
with debility, loss of appetite, lowness of .spirits
See. Hiving frequently heard of the truly ex
cellent rpi ility of your 0 unomile Pills, 1 at last
detent,lined to mike trial of them; although not
without considerable opposition from my physi
cian'and family. At last seeing my determina
tion they argeed to the trial; and upon using -the
third package, I was altogether restored to
health. How can rl express my gratitude and
sincere regard for J ’such a saviour flf human
frames? My case was d together-hopeless, and
i I must confess mvself surprised at the extraor
dinary result. Jfo'pcpple were evermore bless
ed thaawc are with such remedies. The many
quack advertisements which appear in the pa
pers which I received from your city, deterged
me from using your pills before I did. .lean
trulv say that no medicine in the known world
has had such ancficial effect be as your Camo
mile and Aperient Pills. What makes the cure
more extraordinary is that I arn more than forty
vears of age, and for the last four years could
just move about,: and only at short, intervals. I
.anrKit present entirelv-recovered, and my hopes
are that vdii may enjoy a lorn; and prosperous
life. If 1 am spared, 1 will almost certainly
come to Philadelphia to see ynu.__ .
If" my name’amr letter will be of any service
to von,- you arc at perfect liberty,to make use of
them, and all-J can do to aid you will,be long
with unbounded pleasure.
Your most truly grateful and humble serv’t,-
...v . William Johnson.
Scpttfiflfi&S. ’ * ’ 1 . -
MORE PROOFS of the efficacy of pr. W.
Evans* Camomile Tonic and Family A-
Pills,—_MivJoshua Swain, • Cape Miiy
county, N. J./eiTectualli Inrcd tohbalth from
the following distrcKsing <fy
debility, attended with constant pain inibelside,
back and limbs,'giddiness and dimness of sight;
sickness at the stomach, impaired appetitfcj dif
ficulty of breathing; great pressure’and‘wbij'lu
at the stomach after eating; depression of spirits,
coldness and weakness of tlie.e'xth’mUiea; flying
pains in the-chest; cosUvenese, and other symp
toms not to enumerate*- 1 Mrs. Swain,
wife of the aforesaid';Mr. Swain, has also been
restored to health by the above invaluable medi
cines. Eiersymptbrns \yere —nervonsness.liead
ache, pain ip the Vide, loss of appetite, 1 disturbed
rtfst, eructations; Bcc. ’The public are hereby
informed-that theif'mbfives for Malctng this dec
laration are, that others afflicted withlike'Bymp
tqms may 'receive information bf, and .be cured
by the same inestimable mqdiciiie.- «{ ■*'
.’For sale nc the Herald Office,- C&i*lisle; r ~ '
Sept 6,‘1838;’
DIL WM. ( EVANS’ Gallon mile'
proVed'to’bethe'inostuseful medicine now
belore the public, in eradicatihgall the diseases
eonncpted with'the Onfe'of the most
to females is at the change of
l*fe,uncl it is, then .t.Uat>they require.a medicine,
which will so in vigora!e their inihd,and sfrehgt h -
eu their consti^uUjDpSj ; enable them'to
.shock, .Ladies ,w.l)o ; are in a deli
cate, often trpul>\ejd w.ith.sicjvness, such
as ypmiting, heart burn* ;tbolli jtche,
hysterics, and other troublesome symptoms, from
find tpems'&Wes relieved* ,by 3 ta-'
hing.Or. G am o m il e Pi 1 !s$ ,whi c h re move
in. the; head»; the mind,
fitreng^heiV;tKe.i)ndy, lipproyejthe>,m.6mory >v and
enhyeu the imagination. - H.e.menibering..atynys:
perient Anti-bilious Fills. For sale at th,e ,v. ~i -
STWilsoji &50.-Shippensbatg«
Carlisle, Sept 6, 1838. . ’ * . 1
IVc knonu that health* and the ability to labor
is the ’wealth of the great mass of the .people in
this as in most other countries. 7b fu&serpc*
therefore , that health by NAT UHAL means,'fir
a grand, moral and political scheme, to fulfil
luhith-rctjuires our utmost attention .
THE unparalleled reputation which Peters*
Pills have acquired as a Medical Restorative,
is the most unquestionable proof that can be Ri
ven of their immense importancetothc afflicted,
in almost every class of diseases. The'number
of letters received from patients recovering thro*
their means is really prodigious, and the com
plaints which they have cured are almost as va.
ried as they «re numerous. But still there are
some in.which,they.are more especially benefi-'
cial than in others} and among those may be
named the too often fatal complaints of the'slo
mach and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence,
and Indigestion, for which they arc not only a
certain but an irtimccliate,cure.
It is well known that from the disarrangement
of the stnnvach and bowels, arise nine tenths of
all the.mahulies of adult and declining life; that
this is the foundation of Flatulency, Spasmodic
Pains, Indigestion, Loss of A petite &c.; and that
those In their turn give birth to Dropsy, Liver
ComplnntsEonsumption, and habitual lowness of
spirits; therefore Peters* Pills being the very
best medicine which has ever been
for the incipient diseases of the intestines, are
i-necessarily the surest preventives of tfyise dread.
1 ful, and also general disorders, which embitter,
mature life, and drag so many millions to un
timely graves. —* : .
In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing
to himself that has not been conceded by the
public. He is no needy quack or unknown spec
ulator, who comcsjiefore the world as nis own
herald and witness, hut is placed in a responsi
bility of situation by the patronage which he has
enjoyed for years, and which is increasing. to an
extent unprecedented in the annals of medicine,
that makes him careful to arrest nothing which
is not borne out by-the most infalible proof, and*
.hence Jv* docs not fear to be put to’tbc lest in any
thing which lie has promised respecting his Pills.
Dr. Petersis most-happy to be able to sfcntc,
on the authority of. a great number of regular
physicians, that wherever bis. Vegetable Pills
have been introduced,, they have almost .super
ceded the adoption of merrtmn) experiments,
for their peculiar faculty in sweetening the blood,
.and stimulating it to expel all noxious juices, ,»hd
in giving strength and tone lo.'tho- nerves, pre
vents disease from acquiring thatstrength which
must be got under, if at all, by dangerous reme
dies. . . . -
D. 129 'Liberty street, New York,, Each box
k _
These celebrated PdU are sold by all the prin
cipal Druggists in tbil ti more, Phil ad elphia,\V ash
ington city, and throughout the United Slates,
the Canadas, Texas, Mexico, and the West In
dies, and bv
JOHN J. MYERS, Carlisle,
S. WILSON & Co., Shippcnsbnrg,
GEO. GARLIN, Cb’iVmbcrsburg,
ALEX’H SPEER, Mercersburg, &
j p.-whittle; do.
December 6,, 1838. - ti \ ly
IIVE NOSI RUMS.-—The united testi
mony of physicmns-throughnuLihe United States
has tally proved the face that Peters’ Vegetable
Pills are the only true Vegetable Pills which will
stand the test qf anahzalion; hence the proprie
tor would most earnestly urge them to the notice
of those whir have been in the habit of using, as
.cathartics or aperients, the destructive and irri
tating quack pills so g&qerally advertised, ami
which are. at best but slow.consumers of the vital
functions, and murderous agents, even to the
most lialc. It** is true,"most of them'‘produce a
purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief;
.but in most cases they injure the digestive or
gans, and an habitual resort to them must ter
minate in confirmed dyspepsia. „ -
It is true that cathartic and aperient medicines
arc often required, but the nicest discrimination
should always he observed ,n the selection; and,
if.this be.done, nothing injurious can result from
their use. ’
To produce this much desired, result, Dr. Pe
ters has nfade it his study for several years and
Teels pmud fa say l\e has succeeded at length far
bevomt his expectations.'' The object of his pills
is to snperccde the necessity of a frequent re
curse i 6 injurious purgatives, and to.clier a me
dicine safe, certain,‘and pleaSant-in its operation.
Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, D. No.
tains 40‘pills. Trice 50 cehtV. Fpr sale hv J.
J. Mygr.4, hnd.S. Elliott,' CaHiiUe; fanft r Snrniicl
Wilson & Co. Shippensburg. ' ‘ , iDcc.'C.-
I • Peters’ Vegetable Pills;
Mi )RE than tUree.iiiillioiis ot boxes of these
cekbroteiljjiU;, have, been sold, JLj;
; .''Since JaiiiirtVyV 180.5. " : ■■
i. Hundreds lintftlidusnnds bless fife, day they
1 became acqiuiintfcd with Veters' Vegetable, Pills,
which iii.-cmiscquence nf their extraordinary
..goodness, have attaihccLih jpopuliiiSty unprece
dented in tKehistorJof medicine;, ■;
When taken according, to. the .directions ac
companying them, they are highly beneficial in
the prevention and cure of Bilious Fever, Fever
and Ague. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints,' Sick
Headach,;Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy; Rheuma
tism, Enlargement Of the Spleen. Piles, Cholic,
Female Obstructions, .Heart, Burn, Nansen,
Furfed;Tongue, Distension of the Stotnach and
Bowels; Incipient‘Diclrfhoed; Flatulence,' Hab
,Uual Costivdness, Loss of: Apetile,' Blotched dr
;Sallqw-Comp!n*inn,;and,in all paSgS’qf Torpor
of the Bywels, inhere at cathartic qi; an -aperient
is, needqd; Thejare.exceedingly roiid.iri'.their
,operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor
debility. ‘ 'o' ' I'd"
The efficacy of these Pills is so .well known,
jf.qd their,use so general,.that, further comment
is considered unnecessary. . Dec. 6.
Jfeadwclivy SicFc anti JV&rvou r s,
who have Suffered* and are of
sumTjng frnm these dislressmg:-complamt6,
; will : fiml ; m Peters? Vegetable. Pilla airemedyjat
pnoe certain, a,o.d its effects.,::-;, ,
V ,sbpy stand unrivalled},many have
beeh cured in a few. weeks,after having suffered
under jhis dreadful coihplafntforVchre.' ; •-
In habitUuhCOstlVenesrt tUey Su
perior to any-VegctableFins ever yet
this they -ai;e..recommended by
dical^a^Tt^ 1 ” r jA e^^. er <9 f me-
F-otraalphs above; i sw* 6n>‘:
4 OHf;K®lAiSCftr^..
■ : «~ v ■ ptlls: ~ T
1. Because popular,
whicli nrqvM,thaijuto good.• ■. •
2; ■‘Because "they arei composed. -of simples
which have the power■
number of cases. \WthDUt the-«iVaiis
to do injury in any.' . "
3 Became they are riot a quack TriedicW.hut
thescieritific compound o'f a regular physician,
who has made his profession the study of his life.’
4 Because they arc not unpleasant to take'rior
distressing to retain, while they, are most effect
ive to operate. ,
5 Because they are redorn'mended as standard
medicine by the regular faculty.
6 Because by keeping the system in a natural
state of action, they cure almost every disease
u ,nc 'dcntal to the human frame. ,
...mi _ 5 c . :| uSe ‘hey are cheap and portable, and
~1 r ?* a,n all their virtues in full vigor,' in any
ciimalt; and for any length nftW.
. J.f? a ' ,Se » their*simplicity
.mcl mildness, they are one of the speediest pur
gattvc mcdicmes which has yet been discovered.
9 Because they are an unfailing remedy for
procuring a good appetite. b '
10 Because in cases of spleen nr desporideney, .
by their healthy influcnce-on the excited state
the body, they have a most happy eflFect in
aiming, and.invigorating the mind. ’ /
11 Because they effect their cure's without
the usual attendants of other pills, sickness arid
gripmgs. -
19 Because as well as being an 'unrivalled \
purifier of the genera) svsterri, they are a sovtr- |
cign remedy for sick head ache. /
13 Because they differ from the majority of
medicines, in the fact that the more they arc
known the more they are approved.
14 Because as their application creates no
dehilitv in the system, they may he taken with
out producing any hindrance to business or the
usual pursuits of every day life. •
15 Because when once introduced into a fam
tly, nr n village, they almost immediately take
the precedence of all bther medicines in general
complaints. • ■ .
16 Because a number of the wondeVful cures
they have effected, can he substantiated wfrhmir .. ‘
any undue means being resorted to, to procure
invalid testimonies.
' W Because their composition is such, that
they are equtflly applicable to'the usual diseases
rtf warm, colp, or temperate climates.
18 Because two or three, arc in general suf
ficient for a dose—so that, as is the case with
the generality of patent medicines—the patient
is not compelled to make a meal of them.
19 Because each individual pill is put up un
der the immediate superintendence of the pro
pvictor, so that no mistake in the composition cr
quantify can possibly occur, through the care
lessness, of a less interested agent...
-20 Because they purify the frame without
debilitating the system!
21 Because.* notwithstanding ‘their Immense
popularity/nn person has ever ventured to-,raise
against them tile breath of censure, which would
not have been the case, ifenvy could"' have dis
covered in them a sinvle flaw to cavil ,tt
22 “
a a Because—(and this fact is of" the utniost
importance)—lndies in a certain situation may
take them, (not more than t>vo or three at a
time howeveH) without in the slightest degree
incurring the hazard, of abortion; , Were .the.
virtues of I’etc is’..i ueM i main e pills, confined to
this drsirnhle end aldhe, it would give them a
decided advantage over the medicines of all com
petitors, ns in no Cascs is there more danger to
he apprehended, or for which so few have, been
discovered, as tne one referred pi.
23 Because while they are so i fficient in their
operations with adults tjicy may at the same time
Ire administered to children and even to infants,
in small quantities, Hjdf a pill for instance, with
out the slightest danger. >.
24 Because their virtues are nchnnwleilged
to stand pre-eminent-, for their soothing influence
upon young ladies wjtile suffering from the usual
changes of life, as directed by the laws of Nn
tule - - Dec. 6.
Cured hy Dr. IVm. Evans' Chamomile Tonic
and Aperient Pills.
MUS. L\ I LR, Mount Joy, Lancaster co.
l a, completely restored to health, by Dr.
Lvttiis Chamomile rills. Her symptoms were,
pain in her right side, could not lie on her
left without an aggravation of the pain, disturbed
iest. Extrertid debility, pains in the head, loss
ol appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness
and dimness of sight, langor, with other symp
toms indicating great derangement .in the func
tions of the liver. Miss Lytle, daughter of the
-aforesaid Mrs. Lytle. has also been r< sloied to
perfect health, by the.same invalua.hlc medicine.
Her symptoms were extreme nervousness, at
tended with severe pain in her side, sickness fln
the stomach, emotions,,.&c. Mrs. Lytle has
the pleasure, of informing the public,.that nu
merous cases similar to’her own, (in'her vicini
ty) have been restored to health by the same
invaluable mddicmc. General Office for the
sale of Dr. Wm. Evans* Chamomile Tonic Pills,
is at No. 19 North Eighth st,. Philadelphia, a
tew Market.,
and Hyi^Qcpndriacism,
Cured: by JDr. JEvdna* Chamomile Tonic and
.• Tamilu jl/ier(e?rt Pills.
Mrs. Good, ofMpuntjoy, ;Lancaster f co. -was
iiflectpd for 7 years with the above distressing
.symptoms of which she was confiined to her bed
Her,symptoms were, depression
j)t spirits,, sickness at the. stomach, head ache,
impaired appetite, great pressure and weight at
the stomach after rating, great mental despon
dency, flying patmfin the chest, back and aides,
costiveneas^emacmtion,-coldness and weakness
of the extremities, 1 Irdisllke for society or con
versation, involuntary sighing and weeping, and
langor aiid -lassitude-upoiT the least exercise.—
Mrs. Good was in life most desperate Situation,
and conid obtain no relief until she was advised
•by her neighbors to make trial of Dr. Evans’
Chamomile Pills, of which .ishe'is happy to state
that she is now enjoying all the blessings of per
feet health. /Personsdesirous of further infor
mation will be satisfied of every*partlcular other
astonishing care, by applying at 19 Korth Eighth
street, Philadelphia, op at her residence.
The nbovemedicine is for-saleby ■ J
* ' Ipiald Office, Carlisle,
- DemuuCXßumg-ardncr, York. .
• ■ Septs, 18.18. ■ : ■ : Agents.'
NEW V; ; V ■
THE subscriber respectfully inforhnshis friends
and the'public in general, that’liehnsipen
eda FLOUR and FEED STORE at his old
stnnd, (conier ofliputher dnd Bedford,) where’
he ihtendsTieepihg for sale '
by snialjer quantity; Suchahcat
and Corn MeakQho/i fbfißran, Corn, Rye IS
oaiB\ all of whlcirhe intends keeping constantly
-tm.handjtuid hojies toireceive'a' sbare’'bfi the
public patronage, ‘i- .i- t
-Hp h ,aa also cm .hqndafenv bushels, of.
offers forsale.l ~.
:jphn<Procter: j
• "Carlisle, Jan. £#JtBSp.‘ • s ■■-, tf J " 1
-P. S.,—Jje s'tiif
■VerlHatifitr at tile old stfifid, 1 and’has constantly
-on hand; a-pimd-asEorthuiiit' h( i plated'.-Saddlery.
such j u3SlirrupSi,;Bitts;;;Harriee,STWriounlins-and, Flatingfor,Coach Makers done
sh the besVtfiannCr and w«b'd.esj}htcbi
~&ialiefa'uiti sldusjih £s|
A' fine assortment-very low*' hi '■ ■’ ■ - “I
Arnolds Co’e.