lawed; recalled almost immediately, and pla ced at the head of the army sent out to oppose him; then (in April 1829,)made Secretary of War and Cummander-in-Chicf of the army; in that capacity repelling and conquering the ill-digested Spanish invasion under Barradas; soon after, driven from office with the Pres- Went Guerrero; again in arms, driving Bus tamenta from power; then succeeding to the Presidency of the Republic, and, whilst pres ident, ip.the midst of a successful military career, beaten, captured, and held prisoner by the Texans; released by them, repairing to Washington, and sent home in a public vessel of the U. S. there coldly and repul sively received; retiring to his farm for two years; called from it to head an army to re sist the invasion of the Mexican territory by the forces of France; in agallant sally, losing his leg, and almost his life; and hey, presto! by another sudden revolution of things, again President, and in effect Dictator of the Mex ican Republic!” MARRIED! On the 21 st ult. by the. Rev. HenryAurand, Mr. Samuel Oilier, to Miss Catharine Bear, both of Westpennsborough township i' On Thursday last by the same, Mr .Philip S trine,' of Ohio, to Miss Elizabeth Eshelman, of Silver Spring township. 4 On Thursday last by the same, Mr. John Xeisle;/, I .umber Merchant of Dauphin Co. to Mias Rebecca, youngest daughter of Mr. JohnHeikes. DIED; i Suddenly, on the sth inst. Mr. Tf'Vliarn Duncan, of Suuthampton township, v At Mercersburg, Franklin county, on the 20th ult. JaneD. Lane,, eldest sister of the Hon. James’ Buchanan, and late the wife of Elliot T. Lane, of that place, i On Saturday everting last, in this Borough, of a protracted illness, Mr. John Wightman, printer, in the 42d year of his age. . In this Borough, on the 22d ult. Mrs. Mary Speck, consort of Dr. Joseph Speck, aged about'4s years. 3WA CTEI> THE CORREi Per bbl. Flour, superfine, R've Finoi*, (torn Meal, . Wheat, live, Corn, Oats, Cloversecd, Flaxseed, Plaster, Whiskey Pork, Beef,; Leather, sole r>*\ Ilhper MILITARIST NO The members of. the Ist Battalion Cumber* land Volunteers and others*, arc respectfully in vited to attend a meeting at the public house of Maj. Jacob Hehrar, on Saturday evening next, Co take consideration the subjectmf lender, jug the services of the Battalion to the President of the United. Stales. l3u rrgucst. W. FOU'LK, U. Col. Commd’g. R. A. Nodlk, Adjutant. March 11, 1839. M) SHOE 800 MANUPACTORIT. THE subscribers respectfully inform the citi zens of Carlisle ami its vicinity, that they have purchase*!] the entire stock of John Thomp son, and intend to carry on the • ‘ SOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, at the old stand In West -High sL, next doog to the'Pdst Office, where'they are prepared to manufacture to or der all kjnds of 800 TS and SHOES, ot the best materials and in a workman-like manner. They will regularly receive and strictly fol low up the latest citv* fashions. ' . They hope by strict attention to business to merit and receive a libera) share of public pa tronage. MILLER & MALOY. Carlisle* Afarch 14, 1839. if CARP. DR. JOHBTJ. MYERS, FJFpHMS his friends ahd.the pubhc, that he has resumed the duties of his profession, and will give his undivided attention to the practice of its several branches. :Hi» office is in the stone house adjoining his drug Store and one door from the Post Office. Carlisle, Feb.. 28., 1839, . .. Sm LAW ftTOTXCS. . j. iREEn, ■ BEING relieved from the duties of his late office'ns'Judge, proposes to resume the practice of Law at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He tenders his-services to. ALL who may think it their interest-,to employ .him. , \ Hit office, is in his own house,’ opposite the • College Campus. .Lt , ’ ... ; . The Law school under his care, will be contin ued—and he hopes to-be able to bestow upon it morelnninterroped attention.. ~ , : '.Carlisle, Feb. 28,1839.- 6t . '-NrOtice,' . ’ .... .. The creditors of Samuel Redett, deceased; late of Shippensburg, will take' notice that the subscriber has been appointed an Audi tor by, ti>e Orphan?’ Court of Cumberland counts, to detUe' and adjust the rates and nroportioqs of the.assets in thehands of Ba- Kenower, Administrator de bonis non, jot said deceased, to and amongat said cred itors—and that he will Wat hiS'office in the borough of Carlisle for skid purpose on Mon day the 32d of April. ' ' aay “ - ; HUGH gaullacher. Carlisle, March /j IBSp. . 4t the provisions.of the 2d section of tile act of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth, entitled, “An act to establish a gen e’ral system of Common Schools,” passed the Ist day of April 1834, I hereby give notice to all the citizens in the several School Districts in the county of Cumberland, to meet in their respec tive townships and boroughs, at the places where t hey hold their elections for Supervisors, Town .Council, and Com tables, on the Third Friday and \sth day of -I torch inrt. then and there .elect two citizens of each School District,~fo serve three years as-School Directors of said Districts respectively! which elections are to be conduct ed and held in the same mannec as elections for Supervisors and Constables arc by law held and conducted. ' WHEREAS the Hnn. John Reed, the then President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the counties of,Cumberland* Jum-ua and Perry, and the Hon. John Stuart and John Lefevre, Judgea of the said Court of Common Pleas of the county of Cumberland, have Issued their precept bearing date the 2 1st day nf January, 1839, add to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer am! Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at Carlisle on the second Monday of April, 1839, (being the Bth day,) at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Con stables of the stycl county of Cumberland, that they he then and there in their proper person with their Records, Inquisitions, 'Examinations and other .'Remembrances, to do those things which to tfieir offices respectively appertain.— And those who are, bnutid by recognizances to pio ty, will receive Proposals at the house of John Cornmiin innkeeper, in the Borough of Carlisle, on Friday the 12th of April next, between 9 o’clock in the forenoUn and 2 o’- clock in the afternoon, for the erection of a good and substantial Wooden Bridge, across .the Conodoguinet Creek at the place where the state road from Landisburg to Carlisle, by way of . Waggoner’s Gap said cre e k,J n t hc_ toon ship of North Middleton, of the following dimensions, to wit: To contain in length from one abutment to the other ISO feet, & 16 leet wide in the clear, the abutments to be about ten feet thick each j or more if required in a splaying direction, i with a regular slope, and tp'be eleven feet , high from the bottom of the creek, from i whence a wooden arch is to be started and I to extend across said creek from one abut [ meht to the other if practicable; if not, there I shall be two spans of 95 feet long, each sup ported on good and substantial stone abut ments & piers, the floor to be double floored I with two inch plank, the upper floor oak and •the lower pine; the sides and gable ends to be sufficiently high to admit covered and hay wagons to pass through the same, say twelve and a half feet in the clear, to be closely weatherboarded and painted red, the whole to be well roofed'with good white pine shingles; the whole of the wood work to be well secured with iron bolts, ready cycs&c. From the back of the abutment the filling shall consist of earth and stone, and to be Well supported with wing walls three feet high above the filling on ’each side, and to extend in that manner on the two extreme sides of the bridge until the filling and wall ihg shall meet the road with an ascent and descent not exceeding five degrees elevation from the road to said bridge; the wood work to be built of sound and substantial timber; the stone work of, large good stone, lime and sand mortar we 1 I pointed. The jparty con tracting to give such security as Hie Com missioners may require for the faithful per formance of the workmanship, and perma nency of said bridge. Proposals to be accompanied with a plan. Should none of the proposals meet the ap probation of the Commissioners they will on the same day, between-2 & 5 o’clock in the afternoon, expose the said bridge to public sale, and sell the same to the lowest and best bidder .RHEI WEEKL' Carlisle. 2,7 25 5 25 4 00 • 1 50- I 00 1 00 Baft 7 25 5 50 4 00 1 70 1 00 I -PM fa. ' 8 00 5 00 4 0(1 1 68 1 00 40 16 00 1 12 0 00 44 40 15 00 1 62 4 25 4 7 16 00 1 42 0 00 3 25 TIC JAMES WILLIS, ■) „ . ROBT. C; STERRETT, I L ? mmis - JOHN CORNMAN, J stoners " Attest —John Irwin, Clerk. ..Marchr. 1839. By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas to me directed, issued out of the Court of: Common Pleas of Cumberland County, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, in the borobgh of Carlisle, on Saturday the 6tk of April Jl, D. 1839, at. 10 o’clock A. M. the following described ■real estate, to wit; " A lot of ground situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing sixty feet in breadth,, and 120 feet in depth, more or less, adjoining lots of \>'illiam Alexander on’the east, Nathan: Woods on the south, "John Ag new on the west, and Louther streetron the north,’having thereon .Ejected a two story Stone House, at wo story Stone Back Build ing, and a one and a half story Log House. Seized and taken in execution ns tlie proper ty of Francis McManus. ■- ■■ Also, a-tract of woodland, sit uate in North Middleton township,- contain ing forty acres, 1 more or less, adjoining lands of James Lambeyton, James Given, and the Perry county line. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Johri Clonimain, (Cooper,) - ‘Add to be sold bymer ‘ JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. . -Sheriff’s Office, ? ; Carlisle March V, 1839. S St PROCLAMATION. School Directors. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, March,.lB39 , PROCLAMATION. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. 3NTOT2CEI SherifT’s Sales. txi c an NO TIC B. , DELINQUENT COLLECTORS are hereby notified that unless a final settlement of their duplicates is made on or before the Bth day of April next,, measures will then be taken to compel payment. By order of the Commissioners, . ROBERT SNODGRASS; Treasurer of Cumberland county. Treasurer’s Office, J Carlisle, March 7, 18S9. J St N. B.—Tavern Licenses granted at' the last court are .now ready for-delivery. Mary Black, > Alias Subpoena sur By her brother and i Divorce; in the Court next friend, Thos. (of Common Pleas of Fraily, ? CumbeVland co,, No. vs. \l7 of January Term, John Black, j 1839. Return having been made by the Sheriff in this case, that the defendant John Black was not to be found in his bailiwick; now to wit, 16th January, 1839, the said Court or dered and decreed that publication should be made by me requiring the said defendant to be and appear in the Court aforesaid, at Carlisle bn Monday the Bth day. of April next, to answer to the complaint of the said Mary Black, &c. Whereupon I do hereby give notice and require the said John Black to be and appear at Carlisle as aforesaid, on the day aforesaid, to answer the complaint of the said Mary Black, aforesaid, &c. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, J Carlisle, March 7, 1839.5 5t • Dissolution of Partnership. The co-partnership heretofore existing in the iron business, under the firm of Henry G. Mosser & Co. was dissolved on the 19th day of January last, by mutual consent. All. persons indebted, as well as those having claims, will call on Henry G. Mosser, in whose hands the books and accounts are left, and who is authorized to make payments. HENRY G. MOSSER, DANIEL KOCH, JACOB WEAVER, • Liberty Forge, near Lisburn, .Cum. co. March 7, 1839. 3t N. B.—The business is continued at the the same place, by H. G. Mosserand Jacob Weaver. , LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle , Pa. March Ist, 1839., Enquirers tvill please say advertised . £L Laman Easter Abrahams Elias Lucid Wjn Alter Jacob /'Lechler Mary Anderson Thomas Esq 3MC Abrahams Sarab - -Monroe Margaret Aurand Maria L Millar Samuel . B My ers George - - Baker William Morrison Mary Butcher Joseph MalltAgcr Levi Bitzer Samuel Mcssersmith Phillip Barnhart John • _ Miller-William HS Blosicr Henry Marinin Richard BeltzhooverGeorgeoiO Moore John (of.Wm) Andrew Gross 3 Myers Nancy Bosserman E 2 Mncl'elle Susan Brown Julian Mitchell Win Brown William . Mounts Adam Bell Sarah Matson Peter Baker Jacob Main Catharine Beelmnn Jacob Me Reetem James McGough James Bailey Susan Mclntire Elizabeth M I O * McGinly Edws rd Carothers Armstrong McCormick George Crall Wnror Samuel JT Carothers John N Human Henry Cairns Hariet p C raver Mary Parker Rev Joseph Cairns Harriet Patten Joseph W . Caloeu Frederick Pool l)avid Crothers John Park Jsaa A Cormony John Phillips A H D Porter Robert D Davidson John W R Daron DanF „ Royer Thiapa Dunning Ephraim T Ream John 2 JQ RowenCharlcs Eckhort Jacob Rowncy William Ernest George —Riclor-Mary Ebersole Btfnjamin , Rhoads Rev John # Ensminger Samuel., ? Hugh Peter Everly Hcnery S Jp .Shaffer John Fulton Jane Sterrett David Fields Elizabeth Steel Mary Frieze Michael Stevens George T Fields Sarah Sheaffer David G _ Seitz Joseph Guycr Casper B Spottswond-Harrict Gray John Stewart Elizabeth .Goodyear Abraham 2 Stehman Jacob (look! Christian Seller John ... Gorrell Aim Sellers Johann Graham Isaac Stinacker Jacob H U , Horr Andrew Uhler Elizabeth Hershe Jacob Ulrich Nicholas HofFer Daniel Uhler Sarah Holbert Joseph Underwood Mr (Editor) Hogendobler Joseph "XT Hunter Thomas H Venasdlen Isaac Hawley .Andrew • ■; 1 W Harder. John Wincgop H .3 . Windemnker Jacob , Johnston John H * Weibley J C ' Jackson Mary Ann Walker Eliza K Wood worth' Francis M Kenyon Sami M Wortzbaugher William Kelley Robert Wernz Charles . , Kern George. 'Williamson H Kuntz William Weaver Jacob 2 Keller William ■ Williamson Col James J KnisleyvFredk Weitsbach John KofTman Charlott Wert David Xi Williams Josiah Light Henry or Mr ?—WolfDaniel- ■- —- Breniser 5 .Weaver James ■ Lechlar Henry JB Leonhart Daniel Zeiglcr Samuel R. LAmBERTON tVM. Estate of Robert McGlaughlin, deceased. NOTICES IS hereby'given that letters testamentary on the will and testament of Robert McGlaugh lin/late of the'borbngH of-Newville, deceased,' have been issued to the subscriber by the Reg ister of Cumberland county—he therefore re quests those indebted to’said decedent, to call on him at his residence in the said borough of New ville, and make settlemant and payment without delay—and those having claims against said es tate to present them duly authenticated (or set tlement. : - WILLIAM BARR, ,Exeeufer. Kewville, Feb. 21, 1839, fit Poor House Statement for the year ISSS. David Emminger, Abraham Waggoner and John Dunlap, Esquires, Directors of the Poor und.of the House of Employment of Cumberland county, in account with said county, frofti the , Ist, day of January to the 31st day of lB3B, inclusive, viz; j j - CR - To amount duo institution at settlement in 1837, by J. Lou- By purcliase money and .for deed for 14 acres and two don, Esq. Treasurer, 8 17 72J perches of land, 8 120 89 Do. received of Franklin county for support of paupers, 482 04 Funeral expenses for out-door paupers, • - 44 30 Do. do of York county for' do 175 00 . Plaster and potatoes, “ 199 87! Do. 'do of Perry county for do 83 134 Blacksmith work, 50 66 Do. do of Philadelphia"city for do 35 25 Medical attendance for out door paupers, 26 25 Do. do of Lancaster county for • ' 30 00 Beef, 17 764 Do. do for damage done to sheep, 75 00 Shoemaking and hatting, 104 994 Do. do of A-. Ramsey and R. Snodgrass, Esqs. for Support of out door paupers • 149 404 blank indentures, &c. 16 57J Printing, 49 00 of Isaac Angney forsupport of R. Robinson, 25 00 Tailoring and Weaving, 89 314 of R. Snodgrass, in part, for support of A. Justice and constable tees, 136.484 M’Cartncy, 12 00 Groceries, merchandize, drugs, hardware, cloathing, of Miss Massy for support of E. Handson, 500 bedding and part improvements, of A. Blair, D. Shrom, J. Shroin & B. Kutz, Farming utensils, tools and-coopering, for hides and skins, 114 36 Leather, of D. Rcisinger and others for lard & tallow, 83 774 Sundrys for kitchen and house, expenses in waggon of dec’ll paupers and pension of M. Mitchell, 42 294 ing & settling with other counties, and postage, for'Sibenan apples and cider press hire, 714 M. Pishburn, Steward and matron salary, hirelings, for flaxseed and fish nets, 9 124 butchering, farming, clerking &c. tor one year, for working on public roads, 19 50 Treasurer’s salary, James-Loudon E^q. for fines, shoemaking and old iron, 14 014 Attorneys fees, for onions and red beets, " 3 124 Director R. M’Cunc Esq., for extra-services for one for hauling, &, c * ' 8 284 year, _ from County Treasury, 6000 00 Director D. Emminger Esq., for extra services for one year, Director Abraham Waggoner Esq., for extra services for one year, . ’ 21 00 Dr. J. Baughman for one year fiftwry, 130 00 Firewood and coal, W ' ' 45 45 Stock, . / 804 65 * Grain and grinding, 999-594 Munster stove, 48 25- Road taxes, 15 .00 Materials, improvements and post and rail fences, r 340- 014 Do. Do, Slock on Farm Ist January, 1839. 5 head of horses, 26 head of horned cattle, 5 .breeding sows, 53 shoats, 29 sheep. Farming Utensils.—2 nar row wheeled wagons, 1 wagon bed, 1 pair wood ladders, 2 pair hay ladders, 1 dearborn and harness,! cart with gears, 3 ploughs, 3 harrows, 1 roller, 7 wheelbarrows, 1 winnow ing mill, 1 scoop, 3 log chains, 6 set of wagon geers, 4 set of plough geers, 2 shovel harrows, 2 flaxhrakes, 2 set carpenter tools, 1 set butchering tools, and a variety of axes, shovels. Spades, grubbing hoes,-digging irons, single trees, double trees, scythes, cradles, forks, rakes, &c. To balance due county, by Treasurer, JAMES LOUDON, Esq'. Treasurer of the Poor House and Hous the said Institution from the Ist day ofjanua To amount due at last settlement, 1 7 To amount received from county Treasurer, 6000 00 Amount received of M. Fishburn steward from differ ent sources a? exhibited in the foregoing statement, - - i-) To balance duc'lnstitution, ' Schedule showing proceeds of farm in 1838. , ; 725 bushels of wheat. 135 of corn, 735 of oats, 105 of potatoes. 2i of timothy seed, li of cloverseed, 8' I°o of beets, 8 of parsnips, 135 of winter apples, 36 of onions, 2 of seed onions, 2 of peas. !8i of dryed apples, 11 of dryed UO gallons of apple butter, 52 loads of hay, 10 of cornfodder. 525 heads of cabbage, 550 cucumber pickels. 19 barrels of good and water ciuer, f or un aert: or flax* ■■ ■ ■ - • See/, pork, mutton and veal, fattened and killed on farm in 1838. ~ 24 beeves, .weight 11773 lbs. 46 hogs, weight 6413 lbs. 23 sheep, weight 1043 lbs. 16 calves, weight 848 lbs. whole amount weight 20077 lbs. ; ? . There was also made and manufactured in the House taid Shop 267 yards of tow & flax linen, 51 i yards of bagging. 90 yards of flannc.l 31i yards of ruggs. 198 shirts and chemise, 75 calico, frocks, 67 pair of summer pantaloons, 102 pair of knitted stockings, 65 pair of footed stockings, 9 petticoats, 65 sheets 56 aprons, 18 chaff bags, 4% caps. 131 feather pillow slips and bolsters, 3190 dipped and moulded candles, 37 comforts. * 6 1 K ■ MICHAEL FISHBURN, Steward. / MARGARET FIBHBURN, Matron. The Directors of the Poor, $-c. of said County annex the following exhibit of extra tabor, fyc. performed by the Steward, Matron and Paupers, from the Ist day of January-, to the Slst day of December 1838, as follows, viz: _ . - Filled up and leveled one acre of a pond 12 inches deep for meadow, made a flowerhotfSe and toolhouse, 2- cabbitis in the hospitals for close stools, 20 coffins, 9 large and 20 small benches 1 pannel door, 7 small windows, made and nailed 44 pannel of pailing fence, made 3 small and 1 large gates, made 1 rack to feed sheep, made 1 wheelbarrow wheel, made 1 small library case, made 22 spitting boxes, made 18 pot lids, made 2 rakes, glaized the Poor House and Dwelling,' cut 80 loads of wood, made 700 now rails, made 10 hickory' brooms, and a variety of other articles made & repaired, made 3-roundabouts, made 40 pair woolen pantaloons, made. 29 vests, boiled 30 barrels soft soap, made 143 lbs. hard soap, colored all the wool and yarn. The number of paupers in the Institution lst January 1838, (of which 17 were colored,) Whole number admitted up to the 31st of December 1838 inclusive, (of'which 29 were colored and 9 out door paupers admitted at short periods, Making the whole number through the year, Of which 2Qjlied, 3 children bound out, 192 discharged and runaway, Leaving the number of paupers in ihehouse Ist January 1839, Out door paupers supported at public expense through the year, Whole number supported Ist January 1839, ksx . WE the Directors of the Door and of the House, of “Employment of Cumberland county, certify the above and foregoing statement to contain a just and true exhibit of the affairs of the Institution, during the period above stated according to the best of ouf -know ledge. Given under our hands this Ist day of January 1839. DAVID EMMINGER. 1 - ABRAHAM WAGGONER, Directors. JOHN DUNLAP. J Hr H Rhaiiffh SIX CENTS REWARD* STATEMENT M.lli pailgn, —, ■' Runaway from the subscribe? ' STOOEON DENTIST. Raiding in the borough of Me- CommOn Sohool Appropriation. Will return to Carlisle about the 20th of jV chataicsbUrg, on the «stfi f|UEtain the Slate to the different district, the present month, and tiiaybe consulted 71* indented apprentice to the -BtocA- JLPofCumbcrland county, for the school year professionally at Col. Fcrrce’s Hotel, as u- smithing business', named E- * , . ■ hual, for a'abort time.; LOWMAN. Said' AHern - , 9V*# March T, 1839. - 3t runaway had bn when he left a blue frock D; c kj nson| 328 88 '• ■ ~' ——- coat, drab pantd and a gond black fur hat— Bast pennabonnigh, 29328 AlldltrtrV Auaiior S es high and stoop shouldered. All persons eo 82 Theunderaigiied having been appointed arecatltinned againt harboring said boy.'*— Mifflin 19163 Auditor by the Orphans’.Court of Curiiber- Any person returning him to mo shall je- Monroe, 199 40 land county, to-Marthal and distribute the celve the above rewarai but no additionai- Newton, ■•'.'* 188 3d assets of the estate of Andrew Bodeh, Esd., charges. . ./THOMAS HARRIS. ' Newvilte, ■ ; late of the bdroilgh of Carlisle, deceased, m March 7, iBs&. -3t ■ North Middlelpn, ■ '3.83 the hands of John JLehn, Administrator of —— —.. . ..." ; |?“ l e h r^'^ ton - : - rr;- ssa 89 said estate, will meet for that purpose at the CANDLES. Shippensbui-g borough, ■ J92f28 public house of Major Jacob Rehrar, in said wMifei d.i>WHv.H. toe an hand a..fcw boxes- Shippenslmig township, : 38/13 borough, on ;Thursday .the 28tb of March X’prime Caaffleis which they willsell loir. ', Southampton, , . . JS&JB instant, tvhenand wherethecreditora of .... \ttAau.TO» & Grieb. West Peansboroogh, ■, ■ Ssf : Q2 said deceased, are required to UtttjaJ and March ?* , '' /' 83914 as present their claims. ;/ ~— ..‘ M 5 .1 ’ . ... . Rv order of the Commissioners. : JOHN IRWINi Editor. .. CARD.—JtmoE Reed willdehver a lec- J ... .JOIIKIRWIK. Clerk. March 7, 1839. ‘ f 3t ; tare in the Srioon Balance due county Ist Jan. 1839 by Treasurer, 97208 34? 1054 71 of Employment of 'said County, in account with the Directors.