American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, March 14, 1839, Image 2

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    commanding .'an independent battalion of
Sir, I have (lie honor to be,'
: v Your obedient servant,
- , W.FOULK.
1 Lieut. Colonel, (ft.
(Remainder next week.)
To Correspondents.—'The. production of
"J. H. J.” to the ladies of Carlisle, is of too
lulling a character to gain admission. The
request of the author in the last verse would
more than make the ladies blushs
we do not think that its publication would
add any thing to the author’s reputation as
a poetical writer.
“D. B. C-” next week.
A New Post Office has been established
at "Cedar Spring,'! Allen township, Cum
berland county, aud John Drawbauoh, Esq.
appointed Post Master.,,
are indebted to the Hon. James
Buchanan, for a pamphlet copy of his mas
terly and overwhelming speech) against Mr.
Crittenden’s Sedition Bill, recently introdu
ced into the Senate of’the United States.—
The Baltimore Republican speaking of it
says, "Thc'manly and republican sentiments
which are to be found in this admirable eflort
will meet with a hearty concurrence on the
part of every genuinerepublican- in the coun
tay. The Alien and Sedition. Laws, secured’
the overthrdvTof the old Federal party; and
if we are not verymuch mistaken, this recent
infamous attempt (of the Federalists) to man
acle-the freemen of the country, will ensure
the everlasting condemnation ofits unprin
cipled authors.” We shall endeavor to find
room for this admirable speech hereafter.
Appropriation Bill, —Mr. Heston, from
the committee on Roads, Bridges, and In- 1
land Navigation, reported to the House of
Representatives, on Monday last, the follow
ing General Appropriation Bill, viz:
To avoid inclined plane.
Commencing reservoirs, &c
S ibstitute T. rails, &c. 407,000
Engines and ropes, 144,000
Repairs, 1,125,763
Repairs required this season, ■ 100,000
Outstanding claims, 300,000
Damages, Commissioners pay, Sic. 80,000
North Branch, ■ 970,000
Sinnetnahohing extension,
Erie extension, w
Allegheny Feeder,
Wisconisco Canal,
Survey of the West Branch, 12,000
Pennsylvania & Ohio Canal Comp. 50,000
Chambersburg & Pittsburg survey, ' 12,000
Construction of said road, " 300,000
Monongahela Navigation Comp. 50,000
Bald Eagle & Spring creek navi-
Union Canal,
Bristol Tow Steamboat Company,
"Philadelphia Reporter.” -This useful pe
riodical is published monthly in Philatjelphlar
> et the low rate of 81 00 per annum, and is
devoted principally to giving a full and ac
curate list, of all the counterfeit notes in cir
culation firokin banks, fraudulent institutions
a bank note table, comprisingalist of all the
solvent banka in the United States, prices of
stocks, &c. ' The Prices' Current will also
•be given—together with the current news of
the-day. To Merchants, Mechanics, Farm
ers', and the business community generally,
the "Reporter’* will be a valuable acquisition
—as it will ejiablc all who are engaged in
business to guard against the reception of any
, portion of the immense amount o f spurious
paper, trash with which the country is literally
flooded. Subscriptions will be, taken at this
office. . '
{C7*Judge Ei.DRTnhaR been nominated hy
the Governor to supply the vacancy iujthe Clli
Judicial District,.occasioned by, the death.of
Judge Siiippbn who expired hi his residence,
in. Meadvillc, on Saturday the 2d inst.—
v This is said to be a- most excellent appoint
ment; ' - '
Sioarlwoul Committee.—Vm rep.orta. (a
majority and, 'minority one;) were mad^
by this celebrated,committee—both of which,
were laid on the tabic Without reading.—
This -course - roust huye, beenexceedingly
galling to the ruffian Wise and his federal
fco-jadjiitorg. ‘ -V;
: Fedetal ConilstcncyWrb* Northeastern:
Boundary BUI.— The rppohents of the Nutinii
al Admihistiiition evince by their conduct that
profession means one thing and/irflctfceanothet.
They have made long and dolt ful lamentations
about the 'Union of the purse and sword* in the
hands of,the Executive, and have asserted time
and again that President Van Buren has sought
to unite in hi* own person the entire control o:
the tevenue with the military force o! the coun
try. These charges have been rung so long and
so loudly upon the public car, that at length’the
honest and unsuspecting portion of the commu
nity were almost induced to believe that there
was something real and them.—
Well, what is the real state of the case? Let us
look for a moment at the conduct of these braw
lers, in reference to the difficulties on ourNonh
eastern Boundary. Here, although the contin
gency is remote which would require the use of
such means, at least Co the extent authorised in
the Bill passed by Congress, their fearful fore
bodings in relation to the ambitious dcsigtfs of
Mr. Van Buren have all vanished like a sluulow,
and in their stead has been substituted the most
unlimited confidence!. That our readers may
understand the force ot these remarks,' we re
spectfully refer them to the Bill in question,
which will be found in another part of this pa
per. By reference thereto it will be perceived
that the President, for.the time being, is clothed
with n\most dictatorial'\iu\vera, vi»: to raise an
army of fifty thousand men, to arm and equip
the whole naval force o / the-United States, and
to borrow ten millions of dollars and appropriate
it in such a way as he sees proper! This Bill
passed the House with hut six dissenting voices
aud;ihe Senate unanimously—* ancl yet Mr. Van
Quren is the dangerous Executive who, for'the
last two years, if the federalists are to be believ
ed, has been grasping at the possession of *tAe
purse and the sword!* ' Tell It not in Gath!~
Publish'it not in Askelon! Such ghn-ihg and'
palpable inconsistency can only be account
ed for on the principle, that when the federal
ists assert one thing they mean another— in oth
er words, that, although for electioneering pur
pose* they have raised the hue andcr) r of Exec
utive usurpation, they have full confidence in the
patriotism and integrity of the President, abd by
their sanction of the above mentlnned hlll have
given the lie to all their .former professions.
That President Vim Bui'rn 'will "use the vast
power committed to his trust so as not, to abuse
it, we have not a doubt—indeed, we very much
question whether, if a contingency should arise,
he would feel disposed to exert the'power con
ferred upon him to. the full extent. We arc
rather inclined to the opinion tint, father thou
carry out the provisions of the l)ill to the utmost
limit, he would prefer convening the new Con
gress at the earliest practicable moment. In all
his public acts he has manifested'the most pro
found regard tor the rights and interests of tli“
people, anti it) his administration of-the govern
ment has strictly adhered to the Constitution and
Laws of his country. That he will continue so
toad minister the govcrnment.his political friends
have no doubtt—and by their sanction oftlie n
bove mentioned Bltl. hys evidence
that they have the fullest donfidence in his abil
ity, integrity nnd patriotism. We congratulate
llie country that we have such a pilot to guide
the ship of State at this important crisis.
The State Loan — Governor's Message. —By a
combination among the huge Banking insti
tutions of our Commonwealth, it appears that
the Loan of .200,000, authorised by the Act
of the 26th of January last, has not been taken.
If any thing were yet wanting to convince the
people of the dangerous tendency of the United
States Bank and the institutions dependant upon
its controlling : influence, this base' attempt to
sink the credit of the Commonwealth, must be
sufficient. .
We admire the bold and unflinching attitude
assumed by the Governor, tin this subject, and'
invite for the Special Meisage ah attentive pe
rusal, The people of Pennsylvania will behold
with pleasure the production of a Chief Magis
trate, whose Roman firmness and incorruptible
integrity is sufficient for the occasion, nnd who,
to use his own language, will never permit the
Banks, while the executive power remains in
hisiiands, to control either the political or fiscal,
operationsof the government. '
The Veto Message. —We recommend this first
message of the kind issued by Gov. Porter, to
the attention'o.f our readers. The Legislature;
’by a resolution adopted on the 18lh of February,
agreed to suspend operations upon the Gettys
burg rail road oh'and after the Ist of the present
month, which received the Executive sanction..
another resolution was got up and
smuggled‘ through both' Houses,' extending the
time for'the suspension, to the Ist of May—and
‘this is the resolution which is now disapproved
by the Governor; Public opinion has emphati
cally condemned that useless. undertaking,, and
.the Executive is but carrying out the will of the
people by, withholding his signature.
' ATamc.—Gon’l. ScoTTTeached Portland,
Maine,, on the sth Inst, and was expected to
address the citizens on the next day. There
appears to be some considerable dissatisfac
tion manifested, by the people at the message
of.the President. A'fixe.d determiiVation'to
oppose'the attempts of the Governor of New
Brunswick at exclusive jurisdiction, appears
to pervade, the! entire State. Troops; are
marching from all ’quarters to the' disputed
territory in order to carry'out the wishes of
tlie‘ Governorarid .legislature of
yhe.Governdr Brphswick is also,ac
tively engaged in raising troops to march to
the ,-territory; At our latest advices from
the east, no collision had yet taken place;
but it would appear; frbm' the preparations
op both, sides, that hostilities'? cannot much
lohger be delayed.' ‘ i -,. . V '
jUpoVt gays, that Mr, ■Wqdjmnßvhas been
appoinJcdUy the President special -Minister
to Englafiil, and that Mr. Cambreuko.'is to
take his place at the Heid of the Treasury
Department; • ! ■;' ■
Kit'd i. etic an tt t e e t.
i |C7 > The conduct of Guv. Porter in remo
ving from office'.those who were politically
opposed to him, meets with general approba
tion by the democracy of the Union. It is
an example'set. to the administration at
Washington, which we trust will ,be speed
ily followed, up by the President and the
Heads of Departments, until there shall not
a vestige'of federalism remain, The Presi
dent owes it to himself, to the character of
his administration, and to the unanimous
wish of the democracy of the whole Union,
to cleanse the Augean Stall of the filth and
stain of federalism which has been increas
ing among the subordinates in the different
departments for- the last quarter of a century.
• Two weeksago.we-gave a table by reference
which it will be perceived that notwithstand-’
ing the democrats have controlled the Gen
eral Administration for the last thirty-eight
years, with but a single exception, they have
had the smallest share of the 'loaves & fish
es’ at the disposal of the powers that be.—
Is this right? Is it proper? If it-is neces
sary for the welfare of the country, (and we
firmly believe- it toj-he so) that -the Chief
Magistrate & Headifof Departments .should
be of-the-democratic faith—is it not equally
necessary that the subordinates, .who arc to
carry out the views and wishes of,their su
periors, should be of the'same stamp? Most
certainly it is. What would, be. thought of
a mechanic who had a particular work to
perform, if he would knowingly employ a
set of hands who, instead of conducting it in
the manner the instructions called for, would
" pursue an entirely different course and com
plete it contrary to his known and express
ed will;'and in such a way, too, as to injure
him in his business, and lower him iii the es
timation of the publlc upon whom he depend
ed for the support of himself ahddiis family?
• Would he not be looked upon in the light of
a maniac? And is not the General Govern
ment, by retaining the host of federal office
holtjecs in power, pursuing the same sui
- ciasl--policy toward themselves and their
friends, that would charafcterize the hiimble
rae'chanic in his daily avocation?. Nay more
—are the President and Heads of Depart
ments hot- cherishing an adder in-their- bo
soms which will sting them to death at the
first opportunity? The fact is—the people
demand a change in the policy of the admin
istration in this respect. The democracy of
the country have had too long to contend for
the shadow, whilst their enemies have run a
way with the* substance--- arid it behooves
those who are more immediately interested
in the matter, to TeTraccrtneir steps TfiTfliTs
particular, and show thrir adherence to the
popular will by removing every individual
from office whose principles are contrary to
the spirit of our republican institutions.—
The people every where are beginning to
move in this matter, and the administration
cannot,, and > must not, turn a deaf ear to
their remonstrances.
As we said in the outset, Gov. Porter has,
by.his policy in this particular, gained ..for
himself the applause and approbation of the
whole country—and if the National Admin
istration take the hint from so worthy an ex
emplar, the next election will sh'ow that they
have more strongly than ever attached'the
people to their fortunes; but if they do not,
they may find when it is too late, that the
demands of the popular will are not to be
treated with slight and disrespect.
|C3“The whole of the French Ministers
on the 22d of January placed their resigna
tions in the hands of the King, in conse
quence of finding their majority in the
Chamber pf. Deputies insufficient. On the
following day His Majesty confided to Mar
shal Sdult the construction of a new Minis
try . ,
, The Officers and members of this assqei
ation, in view of the benefits and advantages
that'would result <o the citizens and youth of
from the establishment-of a well
selected public library, have determined to
amend the Constitution of the society so as
to place the library entirely under the control
of Trustees, to be'elected annually:—-also to
dispense With the eXerciseß of dcbating and
dec) aiming heretofore practised by the .mem
bers, and to reorganize the association sim
ply on the plan of a public library; accessible
to all who may feel disposed to avail them
selves, of its benefits, and the following prin
ciples and conditionsir,
All persons under the agepf twenty-one
years, whose/parents or guardians shall be
come responsible to the.trustees.for the pre
servation and safe return of the books, snail
be - eligible as members, and entitled to the
privilege of taking out books/rce o/' charge.
And afl persons above the ageof twenty-one
years whose ' semi' ahmial contributions a
mount to fifty cents, ’and.upwards; shall be
entitled to' the privilege ofmembership, and
of takirig'out books under Suitable restric
tions for their preservation and return. The
library now contains about four hundred vol
umns,__andms it is intended to appropriate
the semiannual contributions to the purchase
of the’ most’ recent travels and other new and
interesting works, it is thoujghttliat. an am?
pie remuneration-will be aflorded contribu
tors in the use of the library foy the. small
semi annual contributioUrnow,solicited. ", ]
\Vfidn £ it is cdnstdcred thal it is only by
means of well Selected circulating -libraries
that the deyelopebenfs and improvements of
We jilrbSeiit day, arid mads-uccessilile tb.the
greater number of our citizens, especially
the.young, it is hoped that thc plan now pro
posed will meet the 0,-probation of the ci
tizens) and that they will assist in carrying
it into effect. That they will have an op
portunity of so doing, a committee of the
trustees will wait upon them immediately for
their signatures.' ■
Ctovernor’s Message.
LOAN, &c.
To the Senate fy House of Representatives of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
Gentlemen:— ln pursuance 'of the act of
thc.general assembly of this commonwealth,
passed the 26th January last, entitled “an
act-authorizing a loan” notice was
given by the Secretary of the,commonwealth
on'lhe 4th day of February last, that propo
sal® would be received at his office, until two
olclpck P. M., of Tuesday (he fifth day of
Maixh 1839, for loaning one- million two
hundred tßSfisand dollars to the common
wealth lo.r.the purposes set forth,in said act,
reimbursable at any time after twenty years
from the first day of July nSxt, and bearing
an interest not exceeding five per cent per
annum, payable sCini-annually. A copy of
whicli noti’ce is herewith communicated;
I regret to say that no proposals have been
received in pursuance of this invitation, and
this too at a time when, it, ip conceded that
money is not scarce, and the credit of the
State is unimpaired, .
How long the representatives of a free
people will submit to a state of things man
ifestly brought about'by a combination a
mong the institutions of their own creation,
it is for the legislature to determine, but
there is certainly a manifest impropriety in
perniitling.the monied resources of the com
monwealth to be used to her own injury.—
She owns of the capital stock of the bank of
Pennsylvania, 57"50 shares at 8400, amount
ing at their par value to 81,500,000
5233 shares in the’Philadelphia
Bank at 8100
TOB shares in the Farmers and
Mechanics bank at 850 ,
Amounting in tlie whole to 32,108,7001
And which are believed to be worth a con
siderable advance. Every day’s experience ;
strengthens me in (he opinion long since
formed that ill connection should bedissol-;
ved between .the commonwealth and the'
banks in which she holds stock, and thus re- '
Have her from the humiliating attitudes shod
occupies of being the holder of three fifths of'
the whole capital stock in one of said banks
and unable to control the direction of a sin
gle dollar of its loans. Believirg firmly that i
such a divorce will be beneficial to theinte-
rests of the commonwealth, I earnestly re- 1
commend the immediate passage of a law
.I i-i g 11,0 1 o of- tlio bunk; stock. bold |
by the commonwealth ns aforesaid.
This administration has been but little ov-1
er a month in power, and has been obliged l
to ask loatW to pay off engagements widen it ■
had no hand in contracting, and finds itself |
embarrassed in its outset for want of means i
to meet the engagements of the common- 1
wealth. So far as it has the ability, its ex--
extions will continue to be steadily directed
to discharge the public liabilities, and main
tain’ unsullied the public faith. Ifjn its ef
forts so to do, difficulties are interposed by
attempts at combination among monied men
and monied institutions, they most assured 4
ly will discover, that so long ns the execu
tive power remains in the hands in which it
is now placed, they shall never control eith
er its political or fiscal operations; but that
tin/great commonwealth must, arid will rise
superior to all such attempts.
All experience goes to show that the evils
anticipated, by many of the best and most
sagacious statesmen, from the grants of cor
porate powers to monied institutibris have
been more than realized, and should admon
ish us to -be cautious in continuing to make
such unrestricted grants.
With no desire to create distrust or alarm,
I cannot but feel that it is jhe misuse and a-,
buse of the powers thus committed to such
.institutions that have more than once led to
the embarrassments in the monetary con
cerns of the country. I cannot close this
communication without appealing to; the le
gislature, and calling upon them by every
principle of patriotism, to take such action
in this matter as will enable the state to vin
dicate her character and credit, and to take
immediate measures for separating the state
from Jill connection with a set of institutions
that have so repeatedly disappointed the just
expectations of the public, and on which no
reliance can be placed when'the exigencies
of the state 1 may require a call upon ; them.
- Executive Chamber,.?
: March. 7, 1839: ' S
Gettysburg HailHoad—Veto message
of the Governor.
To the Senate. House of Representatives of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
■ • Gentlemen:— lt will always be. with re
luctance that! shall feel myself constrained
to refuse the Executive assent to any matter
of legislation which has passed the represen
tative and senatorial branches' of. the legis
lature. I' would hot, however, be in the
line.'of duty to approve of a measure, in the
justice or expediency of whiphl cannot con
cur. After mature reflection and delibera
tion, Tjhave decided that 1 cannot approve
ijie resolution entitled, ‘‘Resolution relative
to the Gettysburg rail road,” presented to
me on the 27th ultimo, and, I accordingly
return it ' td ;r thß' - Senate in which .it origina
ted with the, fondwihg“reasous for so doing.
The constitution provides that, “no mon
ey shall be .“drawn from thetreasury but in
consequence ofTappropriations "made by
lawi” To. preserve this salutary provision
in its spirit, we, should never permit that to
be done indirectly which it prohibits from
doing directly; Hence we nave the
constant care and attention of the legislature
to' prevent the Canal Commissioners from
■incurring debts beyond the appropriations
from time to time made. This would be al
together, nugatory if, when a distinct and
specific amount is appropriated, the Canal
Commissioners by continuing the contract
ors at work after (he. appropriation to the
object is exhausted,, could involve (he state
in further responsibilities without the sanc
tion of a legislative enactment. -
By the actof the, 18th February, 1836, in
corporating, the bank of the United States,
the 9th section;of which authorizes the Ca
nal Commissioners to survey and locate the
road in question, arid to putnot less Ilian SO
nor more than 30 miles thereof under con
tract, the sum of two-hundredthousand dol
lars is specifically appropriated to this work,
and the 12th section expressly provides that,
"the Canal Commissioners shall not be au
thorized to incur any debt on the faith of
the Commonwealth, m any way or manner
beyond the appropriation aforesaid,” &c.—
Here the original act by which this road was
introduced into the public improvements of
the state, without previous survey or exam
ination, and with nothing to recommend it
to public favor but the influence which its
friends could bring in support of an act of
legislation, since repeatedly and constantly
disapproved by the people, prohibits the ex
penditure of money upon it beyond the spe
cific appropriation.
Ou the 19th of December, 1837, an act
passed both branches of the legislature, ap
propriating forty.-five thousand dollars to
wards the construction of the Gettysburg
rail road,to be applied in payment of work ac
tually done, prior to the Ist day of January,
(then) next, and directing (lip Canal Com
missioners to give nolice_to (he contractors
to suspend their work fipon said road, from
and after the said Ist day of January. By
a course wholly unexpected, and which, for
the character-ami reputation of the common
wealth, it is hoped will never he considered
a fit example for imitation, this Ist day of
January 18S8, was made in point of law to
mean the ! stof-Jariiiary, 1839,j\\vl\hus the
intention of the legislature, solemnly express 4
ed by both branches, was for a time frustra
By theactofthe 14th April, 1838, the fur
ther sum of one hundred and ninety-five
thousond dollars was appropriated to this rail
road, tobc applied to the work already under
contract, imd the resolution which had pre
viously passed the legislature as before stated,
and which became a la w bii the 9th of Janu
ary, 1838, was repealed. But by the 6th
section of this act, it is provided, that “the
canal commissioners shall not be authorized
to incur any debt bn ('the faith of)'thc com
monwealth in any way or manner beyond the
appropriation shall be applied to any other
than the several specific purposes to which it
is appropriated 'by the preceding sections of
this net, nor shall any contracts be entered
into for any new lines of canal, or rail-road,
not mentioned in this act, or for any exten- j
sion of the lines herein named, beyond the ;
limits prescribed by this act.” It was there- j
fore the duty of the canal commissioners to
have stopped the work on the road the mo
ment the specific appropriation thereto was
exhausted. But it appears this was not done,
and, the subject was brought to the attention
of the legislature in the previous part of the
present-session. By a resolution passed by
both houses and approved on the 19th of Feb
ruary, last, past, it was declared that from
and after the Ist day of March, 1839, the
work on the Gettysburg rail road should be i
suspended, and a temporary loan of one |
hundred and fifty thousand dollars was au- 1
thorized for the purpose of paying the con
tractors on said road for work done,’or that
might be done previous to that day including j
the retained per cenfage, the accounts of the j
contractors to be settled by the Auditor Gen
eral and State Treasurer, in the usual man-!
ner, according to law. In ten days after!
approving this resolution, 1 am called upon :
to approve another resolution, providing the'
contractors on this road shall be. permitted
to continue their work, until-thc first day of
May, next, unless they should sooner be paid
the amount drie them.- What circumstances
have transpired to change’the determination
expressed in the resolution of the 19th of
February, I have , not been informed, and
being gather the- reasons for adopting
the resolution, now returned to your body,
from its language, I infer that they consist in
the tact of the funds not being torthcoming
on the first of March, to pay the contractors
this amount claimed to be due them, and,
therefore, the state is to incur a Anther debt
rin pursuing this work already suspended. -
Whilst the" commonwealth ris bound' to
meetall-her lawful engagements, persona en
tering into contracts with her through her
agents are bound to asccrtain,and'Kripw the
extent of the authority law to such
agents. In the present instances the contrac
tors were bound to,know the amount of tbe
appropriations' made, and' that’it-was unlaw
ful for the canal commissioners to expend any
further sums, dr to involve the state beyond
such amounts.
If they continue, .the work afterwards it
was at their own risk,- and to, permit thejn
now to go bn, in the embarrassed state of the
public treasury, and increase the expenditure
on a work which a committee of your body,
after a personal examination,deolaredtohave
been begun in folly, and the prosccution of
which would be tnadnessr would, not in my
judgment be promoting the interests of the
commonwealth, but would be a useless waste
of the public money, and a legislative recog
nition and sanction of acts done in positive
violation of eii&ting laws. ... - v . .
Again expressing the sincere regret I feel
in being constrained by a conscientious sense
of duty, to disagree .with the'represchfatives
of the people in this matter, I return the res
olution to. the seha.te-for their further action
thereOn, according to tlie Gonatitution of the
taw for the Defence of the Visited
: States.
An Act giving; fothe President of the Uni
ted States additional power for'the defence
, of the United States', ib certain Cases, a-
gainst invasion, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of
Representatives of /fie United-States of Ame
rica in Congress assembled. That the Pre
sident of the United States be, and hehere
by is, authorized td resist any attempt on
the part of Great Britain to enforce by arms,
her claim to exclusive jurisdiction over that
part of the State of Maine which is "in dis
pute between the United States and Great
Britain} and, for that purpose, toempldvthe
naval and military forces of the U. States
and, such portions of the militia as he may
deem it advisable to call into service.
Sec. 2. find be it further enacted. That
the militia, when called into the service of
the-United.States by virtue of this act, or of
the act entitled, “An act to provide for call
ing forth the militia to execute the laws of
the Union, suppress insurrections, repel in
vasion, and to repeal the act now in force
for those purposes,” may, if in the opinion
of'the President of the United States the
public interest require it,_be compelled to
serve for, a; term not exceeding six'months
after the arrival at their place of rendezvous,
in any one year, unless sooner discharged.
Sec. 3- find be it further enacted. That
in the evt;nt of actual invasion of the Terri
tory of the United Statcg_by any Foreign
Power, or of imminent danger of such inva
sion discovered, in his opinion, to exist, be
fore Congress can be convened to act upon
the subject, the President be, and he is here
by, authorized, if he deem the same expedi
ent, to accept the services of any number of
volunteers,.not exceeding fifty thousand, in
the manner provided for in an act entitled,
“An act authorizing the President of the U.
States to accept the services of volunteers,
and to raise an additional regiment of drag
oons, dr mounted rifiemen,” approvedTilay
23, 1856. , "
; Sec. 4, And be it further enacted. That,
in the event of either of the contingencies pro
vided for in this act. the President of the U.
States shall be authorized to complete the
public armed vessels now authorized by law
and, to equip, man, and employ, in actual
service, all the naval, force of the U. S. and
to build, purchase, or charter, .arm, equip,
and man such ,vessels and steam boats on’the
Northern lakes and rivers whose ’ waters
communicate, with the U.-S tales ;and-G teat
Britain, as he shall deem necessary
tect the United States from invasion from
that quarter.-
S,ec. 5. And be it further enacted. That
the’ sum of ten millions of dollars is hereby
appropriated and placed at his disposal for
the purpose of executing the provisions of the
act) to provide for which the Secretary ofthe
Treasury is authorized to borrow money on
the credit of the United States, arid to cause
to be issued certificates of stock, signed by
;the Register ofthe Treasury, for the sum
1 to be borrowed, or any part thereof; and the
; same to be sold upon the best terms-that
! may be offered after public notice for propo
sals for the same; Provided, That no engage
ment or .contract shall be entered into which
shall preclude the United States from reim
bursing any sum or sums thus borrowed after
the expiration of five years from the first of
January next; and that the rate of interest
shall not excecd five per cent., payablcsemi
Sec. 6. And be it further- enacted. That
the sum of eighteen thousand dollars behind
j the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any
money in the Treasury not otherwise appro-,
1 printed, for outfit and salary ofa special min-
I ister to Crept, Britain: ‘Provided, The Pres
(ident of the United States shall cx
j pediterit to appoint the same. : /
Sec,.7. And be it further enacted. That in
(the event of either of the contingencies pro-
I yided for in, the first and third , sections of
I this act; the President of the U. : States shall
i be authorized to apply a part not exceeding
j ® 1,000,000 of the appropriation made in this
‘act to repairing or drming fortifications along
I the seabord and frontier.
Sec, 8. And be it further ■ enacted ; That
.whenever militia or volunteers arc called into
the service of the United States they shall
have the organization of the Army of the U.
States, and shall receive the same pay and
allowances.! _ _ , •
i Sic. 9. Arid be itfurther eriacled, T\\kt the
several provisions of this act shall: be in force
until the end of sixty days after the meeting
of the first session of the next Congress, and
no longer.
Speaker of the House of Representatives
v t WM. R. KING,
President pro... tern. of the Senate.
Approved . March 3,1839- '
By the news'froth the south,it will be ob
Mexico.: this-agC, jhas .probably
witnessed in, his . own person, so many .and
-varied changes.; The National Intelligencer
givestheaTmexedbrief history efhislifc.-
•How eventful has been.hiß carecr. Who
will . say that truth 'is riot stnihger than
fiction. ■ --
; .'‘AntdniojLope? de Santa; Anna is Again
President of tlie Republic of Mexico. -. What
a has bis been!, Firstdistin'
guishing himself ini public life',, (in .1821)as
the supporter of Iturbide; then inarms against
himjant! chiefly instrumental in his fall, and
in procuring theadoption of the Federal Con
stitution; in a year afterwards, attempting and
failing to obtain that! tie and powerof Protec
tor of the Republic; then Tor five years livrng
in retirement, out of ; public employ; re-ap
pearing in 1838,fdh c the ntwfi of Pedraza’s
election, to the Presidency, yaisblg the .stan
dard in'favor of his opp6hent,’'Gucroro; thcn
defeated, dri*eii : to thb tnottnltfliis, and ont-