BY G. SANDERSON Ei GORNMYNQ volume AS, Jero as. ■t* ; '^**r*ri*m**m****t* j rettiis tit Jpubtictitibn. TO^AWSHte’^VOltihtcCr Is published cVery Thursday tridfhlng; in the white frame building; (rear 6f the cbUrt house*) ht Two Dollarb per'anmihvipayable half:yehrly in advance, or two dollars and fifty,cents if not paid within the year. NVsubscription taken fora less term than six. months, arid no disfctmljriuanCc permitted until all arrearages are ■ A; failure to notify a discontinuance'at tlie expiration of a term, will be considered anew engagement. jidvertisements will be thankfully received, and published at-.the rate of gl 00 per square tor three insertions, and 25 Cts. for each, subse quent-insertion. Those not specifically ordered will be inserted till forbid. ; Y Handbills, Blanks, Cards, &c. neatly executed, at short notice, and at moderate prices. agents Po'a. tbs y oiLtrwTtEß. The following Gehtlenieh will please act as agents for this paptr; subscriptions received, and money paid to cither,of theseindividualswillbe acknowledgedby hs, ‘ John Moore. Esq. Newvilie. Joseph M. Means, Esq. Hopewell township. John Wunderlich, Esq; Shippenshurg. David ClEveß. Esq. Lee’s (*) Roads. John MehaffV, Dickinson township. iAoRAHAM Hamilton, ogestnwn. GeorgE F. Cain, Esq. Mechanicshurg. ■ Frederick Wonderlich, do. James Elliott; Esq. Springfield. Daniel Krysher, Esq. Clmrchtown. Jacob Longnecker, E.Pennsboro’township. . STATEMENT OF the receipts and expenditures, of South Middleton School District hy tire Directors' ot said District, from June lat 1836 to June Ist 1838. . - • WM. DU. To whole amount of funds from sundry _ sources, cash, - . ' C/?. . ' By amount paid for . ..$2647 83 By cash for building school house 4 ’at Wehbert’s and ground. By co. at V/olf*s By do at Wi>f6*s By Klepper’s By'do. fdr contingencies, By cash to balance . $S7$6 12J We the'Audltbrs ofSouUi'Mldfireton township, haying exammed-the accounts and vouchers of William Graham, Esq, Treasurer of said Dls* trict from the Ist day of June 1836, to the Ist JunejB3B; inchisivc, do report and certify that we find a hTdahctTflu’e the district by said treas urer, eighteen dollars and thirty-one and. a half cents as above stated. GiVcn under our hands this I6th February 1839. . , j6hk.stua.rt, , JOHN PETERS,. . Jacob MmsiiLMAN. Attest-rLEvi Burk, Clerk, ASSIGNEE XOTICIK. . . WHEREAS George AV. Crabbdid on the Bth day of January last, execute ,to the subscriber a deed of atfsigritnent of all his effects, including his books and accounts, tor the benefit of his.creditpfsT/ -Notice is hereby, given, to alj. those the said George W. Crabb, by bond, note or book.account, to call on the .sub scriber and make payment without delay. .. 4 WILLIAM M. PORTER, Assignee. Carlisle; Feb. 21, 1839: . - • 3t SHERIFF'S, sales; By virtue of a writ,of Fieri .-Facias, to me di rected, issued out of the Court of .Common Pleas of Cumberland county, w f Lll bC.etfposetrtb public Kale at the Court- hmise in ; ilid borough 1 l nf 'Car. iisle, on Saturday the ZOth day of March, 1839, .at ten o'clock..A. M. the following! described Uekl Estate* to wit;, - .t, ~ l r- ] K \ All .th.e.i interest.of Jessp Kil gore in a tract of land situatein . town ship, containing one hundred and twelve acres, , more or (ess, adjoining ]andsi>f_Samuel-M?Cune, -•Jacob"Swdyeri‘WniVam Smith and others, hav ing thereon erected a two .story Log Hoiisb, weatherboarded; Logßhrn and Stone Gi^iinary, AlaOj aU tUie 1 interest of Jes&e Kilgote in eighteen Nacres of Mountain Lam), • mote or less, situate fn Hopewell township, ad joining lands of Haun; Jesse Kilgores heirs and others* 1 Vi,'. ' ; Also, a lot of Mountain, land, situate in Mifflin township, containing six ‘actek, more or less> adjoining; lands of Robert M'Fav- Imie, William Greassey and others. ■ Sfeizedaml taken in execution as the property of Jesse, Al gore. . .And to be sold by me, ‘ ' ■ : •' ' JOHN .MYERS, Sheriff. • - " SheriffVOffice, : • >• • 1 1 Carlisle; Feb. 38, 1839. 5 St ; iSliewtf!’* i Saties. ■ "By virtud ofsuudi'y wcitsof Venditioni Exponas to me directed, issued-putof the Court of Com-. mori'Pleas of'Cumberlaod.Goijnty, will be Ex- Eosed to EublicSalekt the Court House in the prough of Carlisle, on Saturday ,the. ZWh of March,. 1839, at ’ten o’clopk, A. M, thefolldwing described Real*Estate, tb wit: "_ ” “ ; ; The Undivided fifth ptirt of a Thactof fad'd situate in ‘North Middleton'town'-' ■ship,j(;uh)berlaml' : coujity. bounded-by. landsol Johh Jacobs, Philip t -Zijigler, JVdnm,, Kunkle, ToCi'ib Smith; fe'bthdW, coflthihirig oneTiundred , and -seventeen-acres, more orkashavirig there pnerccteda small fog Hopse ; and Bftrnand other out houses. Seized and Takcn in Execution as the Property of Ahraham McClintock. •' ln ‘' !i ' d ; i .AlBbv a‘ tract of muuiitainJahd eituftte in 1 the- towbsHip'bf/Soh'thaihpfbhi'Ch'm.: berlaridcouhty.containmg twelvehutlrtred acPek,. -moreoifless,) Adjoining: |andsbfiJames.C|arkVeßq/ Cohrod Cleve, Moore Cjcßiddle,, and. Others, SeizedandlakeainExeculioaastlieprrtpeftyof %hea;Oimr:' •’ • •••• : :'i 'Add to be'- sold-by me.' 1: ■' ’:: > u JOHN MYERS; Shirm -a Sheriff's Office, o! • I :>■. I; -.XT. '' ■ Weatly: arijd'.exjpleditious e^ecu- i : iisfw CABINET MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the in habitants of Carlisle, and the public gener : al\yj_that he still r.esklesjij: his in. North Hanover street, opposite Mr. E. Bullock’s Chair Manufactory, where he continues to cavry on the Cabinet Junking Business, in all its various branches. He has lately fur nished himself with a hew and • SPLKNDID HE VRSE, &c. to accommodate all those Mho may favor him with a call. He returns his sincere thanks to'his friends and. customers tor the liberal en* couragemerit bestowed on him, & solicits a con tinuance Of their patronage. Heflatters himself that by strict attention to business and a disposi tion to please, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. N. B. One pv Two Journeymen Cabinet Ma kers wanted,to whom liberal wages will begivem An apprentice will be taken to learn the above business, if well recommended. GODFftETD HAAG. Carlisle, December 6, 1838.—tf. j THRASHING MACHINES CALL AND EXAMINE FOli VOUESEL VEs! The subscribers; thankful for past favors, take this method of informing the public that they still continue the budding of Thrashing Machines and Horse'Power* at their old stand, in Leather street, Carlisle, where Fanfnerk awl-others can at all limes be supplied. They have made a considerable improvement, on the power and machine, and have also attached a * , jsrse 124 18 3U CLOY"Eft THRASHER. which for durability and simpleness of construc tion is surpassed by none. Having all ipanher of confidence in the supe riority of the above mentioned machine, &c. they are willing that Farmers shall test them before 1 ■making-the purchase. _ ' •Persons-wishing to purchasc“nr-' examine the machine*>vsU f lease-malce application .at the 'shop,'dr'tcPK'Latyshe. Agent, at Macfarlahe’s hotel, near the. Court House, Carlisle. NEVIUS & MITCHELL. May 3, 1838. 219 75 138 00 215 00 444-.00 T 3 23 $37j7 81 18 31, . . FARMERS’ HOfEL In High stYeef a Jew doars east of the Court , Ho'use , * '■"OirRLIBU, The subscriber having leased the above named establishment from Mr. Simon ll.vnderiich, and haying provided himself.with every thing neces sary, is now enabled t to accommodate travellers and.bth.ers in aj\tyle thatjvvJll not full to please hbSe who may favor him With H call. THE BAR AND CELLARS will receive his special attention. These will he kept constantly provided with the best of LIQ UORS. • • ■ THE LARDER will at all times fie abundantly supplied with all Chpvdelicacies which the season and market can afford, and no.exertions will be wanting to please tlic palate, ot tfie most fastidious. THE STABLES are commodious and secure, and a careful and attentive hostlpr willbc,always in attendance. (Ej-BOARDERS will be taken,by the week, month, or year, on the most reasonableTtrihs. A strict attention to business and an anxious desire to please,will, he trusts; ensure him a rea sonable share of public patronage. . JACOB REUUAR. Carlisle, April. 5,,1838. K. B. The past the above establish ment, at 6 and i t padlock, A. M. and at 2 ahdT o’clock, P. M. : J.R. Auditors. JEXCttdtjy&jE njijfjc ' . ;U._i I.SSD..,’. . "BA7IM&S. INSTITUTION, No. 66 South Fourth st. Phiado £hia. ,/A PITA f, 250,000 DOLLARS. o fieri daily, for the transaction of business from ~ 9A. M.JO 3r. M. 'i ■j .^TiPOSITES' of money received, for whiph interest.wjllbealloWed: 1 year 6 percent* per antiuM : , ' ‘ .’ :.6m05.,6 .1“ ' *t r. ,3 ** 4 , . . m, - . - i On busincssdenpsUes,,lohedrswn.atthepjea sure of the dfepositov, ndinterest wjll f be allowed. •• Unciii l l'enthintes'or solvent Banks, in 1 evbry -part of ? the United States, will be-received as deposited on such terms? us* ttitiy be ft- S^ed.oain; each-particular case;;. 4 ~ _ t * J. DESSAAv ! Cff»/rier. . Philadelphia, Dec, 19, 1838.: ' ' ly'.-J JPi’oih lif to 2(i activeyotni ff men i ■ j. .managerndnt of horses, wl'Q ant} : Horse'drllHierti' how’at _____ _R m Carlisle tliis is thc most deaira ule corps or any in the army, young fnen ofit of employment cannpf'do better than'join i& "Ap ply to , r, S: RINGGOLD, r :l Cafieain conimanding LightytTliileryt ■ 28,1^9, ’ : - ; .s6(3s OFiPfoai ■ ■ Pa. sfpy. 'l,'/1838:'. irfgtfpaf dnd iPefiarture of. Mails.. -•Wi?Sr-I-iV: j: iin. 4 .^ia*>P». : }.-!rir dotes. Eastern . dady : about 12, ni. ;, ; f.a.mj “ '* :.4in. 10a.m. Western , «• ■ »>■-12 iri.‘ ' 'lO a. tn. Southern s . "ua ’a!; ": 13 m. ■ ; 7.p‘. m , Mechanicsb’g ,;V ,12 m.. .fiml ni NewviJle ,«12 ; m,10a,m. R, y. m; ~ : : F. H. KNAPI*.: Sareeop.pentist.andManufacturer of the Slli Metallic of Mineral Incorruptible Teeth, N , W. cornef pf Chprlea andFayetfe’ itfeVflj; Bal titaofeJ' - -- -;S May 31, 1838. AND HORSE POWER. “NOT BOUND TO SWEAR IN THE WORDS OP ANY MASTER,??—Horace. CARUISIJE, Pa. THURSDAY* MARCH 14, 1839. SHERIFF’S' SALES. By virtue of sundry writsofLevari ’Facias to toe directed issued.out of the -Court of Common Pleas of Cutobe’rland County, will be exposed to Public Salto tot the'Court House, in the borough of Carlisle,’ onSatur day (he 30th of March 1859,.at 10 o’clock A. M. the following described real estate to .wit; All that messtmgcNplantation arid tract' of land, situate in the township of South Middleton, in the County of Cumberland, bounded and described as follows, to wit:— Beginning at an ash oak tree on mountain creek, thence by lauds of the heirs of Charles McClure dec’d., South fourteen and a half degrees. East thirty three perches to a post, thence across said creek by land of John McClure & the heirs of Joseph Knox dec’d., (called the Paper Mill tract,) South seventy five degrees and a half, west. thirty perches to mountain, stoge, thence along the Han over & Carlisle Turnpike Hoad, north nine and a half degrees, west fifteen perches and two tenths to lime stone,.thence by the same land of McClure and Knox’s, heirs, south e >ghty-nine degrees, west fifty-five perches and seven tenths to a' white oak, thence by the same land north,one and a half degrees, east, forty-four perches and seven tenths to a post, thence by the same land, south eigh ty-two and three fourth of a degree, west fifty-three perches And five tenths to a post, thence by the same land north nine degrefcs, west, twenty-five perches and six tenths to a post, thence by land of William Moore’s heirs north fifty-five degrees, east seventy-; eight perches to a black oak, thence, across said. Turnpike by'the same land north forty three degrees, east one hundred and five perches to a Spanish oak, thence'by land of the heirs of Philip Rcichtcr dec’d,, south fifty-four dcgrees„and, one fourth east, thir ty-three porches and seven tenths to a black oak, thence by. the same land north thirty two degrees, cgst,twenty-one pefehes and seven tenth to a. stone'heap, thence by land formerly of Jacob Job, south sixty-three and 'a hdlf degrees, cast twenty-six ptoclies and seVcn tenth- to a hole on the bank of muuii tain creek, thence up said creek by its sev eral courses and distances to the place of beginning, containing one hundred &.eight acres & eigh/y-fiye perches and allowances, together with all and singular the buildings, woods, water, courgesr-nghrsf-pmileges and appurtenances; whntsqoyerJherciuiWo belong ing, .or in any way appertaining: haying thereon erected a two story Xog House anu. two one story Log, Houses, and .a. large Brick Bailk Barn. Seized and taken in ex ecution as the property, of fp'iltiarfi JB'drbir Jr. and Sampson Mutlin. . ' ALSO. J 1 Tract or Parcel of Land, situate and lying in the township of Dickinson, bounded ah follows* to wit: Beginning at a post thence by John Zciglor’s land north one degree and three-fourths, east one hundred and nine perches to a black oak tree,-north sixty-four and one-fourth degrees, west twelve perches . and six-tenths to a dead white oak dree, thence by land of Samuel Weakly, nortlr forty-nine and three-fourths degrees, west sixty-two and two-tenths .perches-to ilspan-' ish oak tree, north, eighty-three and one half degrees, west twenty perches to a post, thence by Adam Kechsey’s lane south two and one half degrees, one.'hundred .and thir ty five perches to a post, thence by land of Mr. Free, south eighty-five degrees, .cast" fourteen percljes to ki post, thence south three add one-half degrees, westtwentv-ninc per ches to a post, thence again by John Zieg ler, smith eighty-four degrees, east nine perches to, a.white oak Tree, -north eighty one apd one-half degrees, east sixty perches to a post and place of beginning—cont aining, sixty-nine acres and one hundred,and twen ty perches, strict.measure, together witK the, appurtenahces tiiereimto belonging. ! Seized arid taken ih execution as the. property of John .CroHisterf dec’dy . • ;• A'pdto be sold.'by;me,'-V* ‘ ' . . JOHN MYERS, ShcAk : SlierifF’s l Office,-.,., .. ”, Carlisle, Fett, '2B,' 18S9. y' * ~ To the Heirs:and Legal RepresentatiOcs' of JOSEPH SHnOMJate of the borough f Carlisle, . ■ -VKF NOTICE that I will hold an Jn 'quisitio'd 6n a wnt : of Partitiotf; and: Yaluatimionthe premises late of JOSEPH SHROM, sen. deCeSSedi on Wedtiesdaythe. Srth-day of-MarcH-1889,.at teH : o , cfock, A. M. where all interested Thay attend.' :r ■ ' e'e JOHIJ MYERS, 'SheAm Sheriff’s Office, ; Carlisle, F«b:,3l, 1839.'.5 , „ ,st “v To-the Heirs and Zegdlißepresntalives of , .r®??? W Monroe township, NpTICE liold an lit # ■ qdisiii' a. writ of Partition anilYal- ,6a 6n iylbndiiy. ffie, i SffidajrofMarifhi’ ISSlj.’at. ten .d’clqick, A.,M, ; ,\vhere ali inter ested 1 may attend*... , ■,,,. Sheriff's,Office, . j ■ Carlisle,,Feffi 21,18jb. j.- !■. iAt , 2DOLLARSRBWARD. ; sYas Idst J oh instant, :on the roAd bet^dfen/;the‘'Trin'd|e Leidfe’s ’OnmbfeVland'eddnty, an : ffidffia!vipncdSlLyEß : AyATGH; : :w!tlia v dtcel'’ib'ffin,'a Iftebi'!^.aiid i |ea): .’ AVhbivdr fiu'tfi/’Watch, kboVfe reWard; i 'i ; <"! 1 . ttOBER’T^IETRICK;. ' •;* Allen toWnaiiip, Feb.‘2l,'lb’3ffi‘“ ~ fUtmtic. 91 nici’fcan © olun tcec. CTBtteBRATION ; Of Birth Day. The citizens of Mectmnicsburg mot at. the house of Frederick Wondcriich, on Friday the 22d of February 1839; for the purpose of celebrating Washington’s birth day—af terpartaking of'a.sumptuous by .Mr.: Wonderlich in his usual elegant style, NATHANIEL WHISLER , was ap pointed President; Lieut. if-icon Ejiminoer, Jacob EbNsfiAßtiEß, Lewis Krider, 'V. Pre sidents; and John Bdiverjnastcr, Lwut. M ner Korns, Michael Lcidigh and Tsaac'Mil iSecretaries. After an address was dc, liyetcd-by Mr. J; C. Weibly, the following toasts wore drunk: 1, .The day we celebrate. - 2. General George Washingtoni. First in war,'first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen. 3, The President ofthe United States. 4. The Governor of Pennsylvania. 5. The compatriots ofthe immprtal Wash irigfon, 6. Andrew Jackson, the second Washing ton of-America. ■ 7. The army and navy of the U. States. - 8., Col. Charles M’Clure, our talented re - preseptative in the Congress of the United States.- .... , , . 9. James Buchanan, the star of the Key stonp State. f ■ 10. A divorce of Bank and State," and a constitutional treasury in its stead. ,11, fllte.Vice President of the'U. States. 12, The "immortal fifty-six” of the 4th of December last. . . 13. Francis R. Shunk, .the talented Sec retary of the Common wealth, a Wise choice. VOLUNTEER TOASTS, By Nathaniel Whislcr. The appointment of Francis B. Shunk Secretary of-the Com monwealth,,meets the approbation of the de mocracy of Pennsylvania.' —By-John Bowcrmastc’r: The day we ccle bratcriin Wasltiiigtoii:;—l Let this day he i’emembered from the Oldest man to the youngest boy. , .- -By David Grorpleighi David Rv Porter: The choice of the freemen, of Pennsylvania with -all the, slanders ofthe Peg. Beatty, Slonebraker.and Tliad. - By George F; Cain. The “sober second thought” ofthc~people of the 14 th seriato'rl iri district of Pennsylvania: They know tncu- .rignta,:.. and'"Knowing, -will : maintain ."them. ; ' , , By Licuf. Abney ; Old Hickory: for Hie'rrihn who breasted the sffal-m arid withstood the blast of an aristocratic power, his sun Will set as it has shone, in a blaze of glory, By George D. Boyers.—The yeomanry of Pennsylvania: Let them remeriiber that they are the free born sons of America, and will not be enslaved. ’.' ' By Jno. Boh-erniaster. Maj. Jacob Relvrar, The true and hpble commander of theseebnd battalion .of Cumberland Volunteers—-may succeed.iniall hismndfertakingß. , By S*. Rgpley. the Key stone of the Union: Always ready and willing to niaintaiKTier nghts against buckshot &ball. What think yoifjbsey. By J; Tiylor. - May the- democracy of Pennsylvania always he-as v.ictorious'.as it tvas at the last genefali,election. - By JcDorslieimer. 1). ,R. Porter: The choice of the 1 freemen of Pennsylvania. By Wm. pigley. The another of-Wash ing: May all -American mothers profit , by. her example.... - , , - , i By -Janre?“Mußenv' nf February-1/32: Theßirth da'y of th’e fa ther of his cOui/itfy.' . i ’ . ... J i ;By Ji.Ci Weibley. 1-i May onrevehingde yptjqns be aSiOUcmprningjrede.ctiohgi f By Henry A. Mackey. The memory, of our beloved Washington the founder rind conservator of rour-independcnce:-. ‘May his virtues. ho imitated sa K ßis* glory'-a'dmired,' millions jfef, cijtbusi-r astic joy the hi.rtjl' of Washirigtbri'.' ’ By JaboK Giifijlfk': ' Cliarjes p. yPerifpse,, atby windb#,t.\yelve tlibrri' biisheS, arid, byev ,'a seyen'fdpt 'picjtet courage as Kb hadwtUeri '..lip atfvbcatbd Bit' Tbhg miljjurybat V TBj' Jacob Miller^,' late;lUd4jtabas !^W4nty&^r«ie, '.{niin9rM Washington. r\y ' By mocracy. when called' into; gctual! jßenifce for. of-the the rack fodder or rip fodder. 1 ”. :‘’’r \ .- r ■ - ,B.v; ; ibbnibr£:‘bf Hori a piri tiered' jia^d arid curbed , for iriies rif ‘ Ijberly,'. And! ‘cqpal brickler;. Japj(son£.,;' s MjM. mp t .■ awed Dyinflrieiiiie ahd : uhWiberibyjiain.,’ > ■ fattier .'of our belovetTcbunfry, msythia day i be celebrated in memory of him, how. and forever. By Wm. Dean. The militia of the Uni ted States, the pride and bulwark of the re public. . - By' Wm. Miller. George Washington: A hero in war, a statesman in peace', and a lover of freedom. Earth cannot boast of a nobler name—his fame has spread through out the civilized world and his name is reg istered among* the benefactors of mankind. :By D. Sponsler. May the commonwealth of Pennsylvania produce some medicine that will, relieve, the heart sunken Ex-Governor, from .the cowardly panic with-which he was struck, when.Penrose.and Stevens jumped out of the window: : ■ By. John Emminger. May the trowel of friendship be worn bright, by spreading the cement of brotherly affection. By Wm. Houser.- iThe Ladies: We ad mire them because of their beauty, respect ‘them because of their virtue', a'dor.e them be cause of their, intelligence, and love them because we can’t help it: ■ By Henry Longsdorff. General George Washington: He never turrted his back to the enemy, nor jumped out of the back win dow. _ . • By Wm. Limmen. Thomas Jefferson: The consummate statesman, and the inflex ible friend ofJus country. . -By, David Diviney. May the American flag, and the ship that bears it, float and sink together. By John BacKer. Bucks County: Al-' though set down in count by Burrowes for Ritner, shook off the shackles of ahtimason ry And returned to, her first love democracy. By John.T. Ayres. , -The Congress of’76 who made Washington commander-in-chief of the army: They knew, bn Whom to rely. By G,, G., Wlntmer.' George Washing ton, the father of our free and independent country. , By Jacob Emminger. The democracy of. Cumberland: . .Always ready to.put down a rebellious faction, particularly such ns we liad at the close of Ritner’s administration. By Michael Lcidig. ; Washington, the/a fher of his . country: A man in the hold of battle—a man in the cabinet—a,man in the house .of death—ra man in of.bjiss —> a irian in the breast of every democrat. —By Isaac Miller, George Washington: May he be remembered for his bravery-—yes bravest of the brave. Braced on his armour and.redeemed liberty ,- By Jno. Phillips. Washington, thou friend and father of my .yonth, under whose heroic banner .1 first gained renown in the.ficld of fame,'iyljeri .eomblitting for the rights and liberties of frijin, , ■ !i. • " . 'By the Company. Our Host and Hostess, will accept ‘our thanks for the ample provi sion, and their polite attention. , , As the editor of the Herald &. Expositor, in a piece published in that paper of this week, has thought proper to animadvert oh thp cause,and proceedings of,a late Courtof Inquiry, I.have thought it : my_- duty today: before the public facts in the case, to enable judge w/io.hasbeenin.the fault, and by which,facts I,am Satisfied it,will beseentliat the blanie rests with others, not on those the man of the Expositor. would seem to hove the. people to believe was in fault. Suffice it, to say that the proper officer, Gen. W. Clark,' 1 on receiving and.reading, the; records' of the court, as taken down by it'from witnesses op oath, waspleased to,issue an order.declaring Col, Foulk clear of all.blamc, and at the same time" complimenting him very highly,; I will therefore thank yojLto.give the substance of Ihese .gheets a place in your columns. , ■ ' .VVe'ry.Respectfully, ’ ... ' V EDWARD AUMOR, • . x : , ' .:JBrigaileMajqr,. March 1859./-5, c . ■, ~ . ’ CariAs!.*:, Sec. 14th 1838. . ~ entering ! in 'regard' to the propriety, or as to- 5 y ou to givie orders, direct'to Captainq in,,a Battal- - ion tinder llte actual and immediate.command of it Xien^.'^djpj^^his. Jitiowiedge.g 1,<16 W butin/i-, 1 I have the honor to cohimandy and 'iirconse nuqnce haying “done sd.and I feeling ddcply aggn6ved ; thereby, r'thus apply,for redressinThe particular 1 matters Ofollehcc are iyonr'recent'-.dicect i.orddrs ? <6 Captains Riddle,Cropyand;Moudy,or tO:their Lieu tenants, to assemble their respeGtivecoinpan oe®' TO.i^M». 16th AvTtbpuf passing; said-orders' throughniy hands no tice thereof,nhdby yotf takidgcfiarge df said • companies whcnsojparaded; and -j causing tlietntohQitakcnnntofjtheliKutsiof Battalion without giying. pics.notice thereof, f being-then and,there|b6j(j. risys. command ~df the Battalion to ,\iijiiclt.'shid L Cqmpanies',bc- Idriged.'' itlii'rbforC notonlyShtiilt deptfend: thatredresswhichisdue my w6flrided feel jingfe andithe rtiilita'ry rank'‘the'konbr Ih-t kvlmil ;=;! ; ,;.r ’ I Respectfully- yo.ur; obedient sepyan t> : ‘ < i w.foulk, "L't/Colii Cbmd-'g Ist Batiipuniy Voh . • Ist Brigade, 11th Division,'P. M, Td.Major Gcn. Samuel Alexander, Commhndihg lldi'-DirPa.' Mi-' :,, 'i h ,i~gt .c-m.i i})' . . ~:Su;fxl hayq.just recedyed„thc9,ngh jhdiP.ost Office, your, letter of which you complain ol my giving brders'tb. For the American Volunteer i Cahi.isle, March 2d 1839. Gentlemen. [AT. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. NEW SERIES—VOI.. 3, N0.39' companies of-the Battalion which you com mand, marching them, J&c. Without giving notice to you«>—that you are aggrieved there by and. "not only ask but demand that re dress which is due your wounded feelings and the military rank you have the honor to hold.” I reject any such ‘ demand ’ as totally inad missible. If the disposition and spirit which from many tilings that are now, past, you ought to led towards mp,- had induced you to call on me bn this subject,.in the manner that has been usual between us until recent ly—or if you had adopted the course proper tor an. officer seeking redress from a superi or, to ask me for explanation as to the wrong which you suppose, I should have extended to-you the same ffankness'tliat 1 have'Slways done. You have not .done, so, and I shall ■not-reply to jr ‘‘demandi”- ■Rc'spectfully.your ob’t. serv’ti SAM’L. ALEXANDER," ■ - Maj. Gen.’Uth DnOK AI. Lieut. Col. W. Foulk.r , . . *-r . T ~ . v • ; ' ; CATttisLE;:Jari, X?S9. - t Sirs—ln Consequence of reports Imvi'ng been put in circulation ihjuriousho mychar ■acter as an officer, -three companies of the Battalion I have the honored; command, when ordered to parade, were.taken out.of the limits of t\ie battalion without my agen cy. I therefore hereby most respectfully apply for-a Court of Inquiry, to inquire into all'the matters connected the vs with. , Sir, I have the honor jo be, 1 . Your ob’t. serv’t, t W. FOULK,: - . Lieut^Col, To'Brigadier Gen. Wm, Clark, V ~ ’ commanding Ist Brig, lltlr ; " IHv. P. M. - , By the following order from Bfig.;Gen. Wm. Clark, of: the'fst Brig. 11th DiV. T*. M.,,a court of inquiry was convened at the public; house of Major-Jacob Rchrar, in-the borough of Carlisle.'; Carlisle, January' s, 1859. Sir:—At the request of Lieut, Col. ,W. djoulk of the Ist.BM^ County Volunteers, ydu arc dfreetfed td-de ' tail a court df inquiry,-to consist of 1 three commissioned officers - as, members -mf -said court, and one commissioned to act as Recorder, which-court will .conycfre ,-in the borough of Carlisle. You are hereby further directed to 'dfetail two-non-commis sioned officers, tp-attend said epurt as-Or derlies, and you will -from'time to time-give such orders in relation to the organization of saidrcmlrt as the nature of. the case’ may require. ■ ■ ■ • (Signed,)-- >,.r -- WILLIAM,CLARK, . , Brigadier General.' To Maj. Edward Armor; Brigi ' ,Major, Ist Bat. llth'DiVi B. ■ ■ - , M. . - - > The court convened, the n hove order. Present, Colonel Lewis flyer, President; Major Jacob Rehrar and Major Thomas Craighead, Members; Jacob Baugh man, Recorder. The court being organized arid sworn according to law, proceeded-to ; business. The following , communiaatum was handed in by Col. Foul(« p. Gentlemen—As this; pourt lias boon,or deyed at my request to inquire into certain Charges and allegations made against my character, by some or per haps .Unknown to as no ohef ’lias come forward to lay the charge* before yob, I deem it my duty, injusticeto the military rank- I have the honor to hold, to slate .to you, that I expect,able, to prove that I -,WX e - hecn charged with joining a nioh ln the month of December last pasj at; Harris - burg for the purpose of dissolving th'e goV erninent of the State of Pennsylvania, l and thatl’ was otherwise improperly engaged so as to render myself iiuteei's,_and tljat in consequence thereof three .. companies of the Xst c ;Battaliob of Cumberland Volirpteqrs, were ordered to parade.and were. taken-ihc.linpts of Mf, HfeflaUfjjt Antlip.itt 'my : /agCncy.; X .being Xpert" hncl'there ‘ih. .tips, .actual * command/ of : saii3 ; BSttan6nj't IhcrcfoVe TCtfuCst.tfiht jjiu maket agencrnl-' ihqOir'y as t 6 Xfic chaigfes and.'allegationstuade, -as well ns tbthc re :pprts respecting the, satoe.- Ki fact.r J ..wish the .cqurftomake a geueralhiquiry .and' re* Respcclfull-V, , . . . FDULR; "if ' ! . Lieut. CoU'XS6BM2CinnT> : i v Vi)F;- } Cariisle,Feb.iB, lirß i'-'-tr 1 .: o';J”i!S3 l4 L-,:, v ilrfr •; r GAR^IS^, i ljiS9j( t [Sir:—Tlic court Me the priyiledge of adare|9ihetl\em, or ev en to permlt'-me dress, in defence of the *base’ and- unjust tliarges: which lia d b ecu al 1 egc tl .igai n st; me, I have ttvask the favor- of .you tohvfcceiVe those sheets and tt> cause them to'apcpip pany the proceedipgshof that coUrt which I 81^fflSteS4/^ I S 3 .h. e Qn handedi f? v , a .rf?> n g-to .thc command,ing r l|'ose sheets have been iiaslily’ prcpairedHvlucH, I hbpe'tViH he a sufficient imperfedtioiis-they cohlhlft. : i i Very reipecffiillji .’.‘lb > v !,,.,r S#rV>k r ,j , ..... , W. FOULS, , ; --i-...,.]. . IvoUt.Gpl.'&C. E. 'X|wpr, BngvJMaj,^^Cariial'e^;"^ v . ;i I fespectfully prcseni to you •the 'followhigremarksfih'tffeftnicMt-tlie base, malignant'and unjlisteltargea alleged against me,, as the caUse-Jocdwiijii - * / Lng me et my rlghts as Lieutenant Colondi ... w 1 1 !■: tu