TEETH. - illlftoas HSTdLtCy'OR MIUEEAE tNCOE. BVPIJBLE TEETH. 1- r~... It ha» for .many, years been a great desideratum among. European and A'tnerlcnh. Uentiats, to manufacture Teelhfrom incorruptible niiitemls which should imitate the natural living Teeth, ' Many have devpted'years to unsuccessful ex- and others nave succeeded in Diana-. Ucturirtg teeth of materials similar to the porce lain ware, but .generally they have an opaque white appearance, by which they are easily dis tinguished from the, human teeth. After long and tedious experiments, the sub scriber has succeeded in manulactuting teeth of materials entirely incorruptible, and perfectly in imitation of human teeth.- They have a semi transparency,' and are made of various iiizes and •hades. In cases where absorption of the nveolnr pro-, •ess, or other causes may render it necessary* he will cast of th,e .wine materials attached to the teeth, artificial giims, which shall imitate the D»m and supply the loss of substance. : It is entirely Impossible for these teeth to •hange their color, or cause fostid Meath. He will insert them from one, to entire sets, in ; •nch manner that they will make articiilation.qf the voice perfect, and materially assist in masti cation, and so that they cannot he distinguished from the'most beautiful natural living teeth by the most scrutinizing observer. He also performs all the various operations in Dental Surgery, according to the late scientific Improvements in the art. F. H. KNAPP, flurgeop Dentist. yt. \V. corner of Charles & Fayette streets, Balti move. OOUMON SOHO OF C'A.RT>I3IjE. Jr lifts been resolved that the Board of School Directors of the 'Borough of Carlisle will hereafter meet on the first Monday .of each month in the Town Half at nine o*clock m .the winter, nnd eight o’clock in -the sunamer, lor the admission of scholars into the public schools, And the transaction. of other business. '1 each «rs, parents and scholars, will therefore take notice, that the next meeting of the Board will be on Monday the* 4th day of February next;* and‘on tne first Monday of each month following, and that these will be the only opportunities af forded for presenting bills and admitting schol ars. ‘ ' Teachers arc informed that the 12th Buie of tha published regulations of the Board, which • permittfi Teacher at hls or hev discretion,-to allow a scholar tp- attend school, until the next meeting of the Board % has reference exclusively to new scholars , who have,not been at in the borough for the' preceding six'Months, and of this fact it will be expected that the Teacher will require full and satisfactory evi dence. By order of the Board. J. HAMILTON, Secretary. .January 81, 1839. * 31 TO miUOGISTS. A Drug Store situated in a town in one of the most fertile sections of Pennsylvania, is offered fat sale. To a person of moderate capital, there arc butfew_morr A House and Lot’will be rented to the purchaser., if paired, aod possession thereof given at anv time. For further particulars enquire;of the Editors of Maryland and Delaware, and thirty three counties cast of the Allegheny Mountains, Penn sylvania; and George C. rland, Surgeon Dentist,, of Allentown, Lehigh cdunty, Pa.*, General A gent for four counties ihlhc state of New York, and seven in the state of New Jersey, to witr— Burlington,rCape May,- Cumberland,'Glouces ter, Monmouth and Salem, in the state qf New Jersey; Gennesscc, Livingston, Monroe-and Steuben* in the state of Ne\V York. __ Hereafter, no person can or will vend the ge nuine Hygeian Medicines withiri the said,dis tricts,- except byhhe authority, of .the said A.D. Olmstead and George C. Hand. All former agencies within .said districts havingj.terminnted by the removal of H Moat, who is now offer ing for sale under the firm” of Moat ts* Pelhanvr Medicines own manufacture, which-Will readily be detected, as such will not have-the sic nature of Jd. Ip. Olmstead , G- C\ Hand, or Olmstead I?. Hand, on the cover of each box or package. ' r The leading principles of the Hygeian or Mor isonian theory ot Disease, are too favorably and generally known.to require a minute explanation in this .advertisement. These medicines cure sill diseases which ad mit of a cure, and many heretofore deemed in-. curable. LC They tyiay be given with safety to the weak est patient, and under every circumstance nnd stage of human suffering, and tqjdnldrcn of the most tender age^ None offered for sale within the aforesaid dis ti ids,arc genuine, unless'each-box or package Ijave a fac simile of James Morrison's signature, with a sac simile of the signature of. George Tay loivand also the written signature of A. D. Olm stead, G. C. Hand, orOlmstead If Hand, with the written signature of Sole Agents, when ap pointed. ' The Pills are of two kinds—No. 1 inti No. 2, sold in boxes with envelopes, at 25 and SO cents; and packages'at St and S 3. Each packet con tains a proportion of about two to one of No 2," The Powders .are in separate boxes—price 25 cents. ' Nochemicahnpnthecaryqihtlrliggist is ever employed to sell these medicines. Respectable persons complying with the re quisitions required may be appointed agents on liberal terms. Office arid Gencrdl Depot', JVo. 5 South Front street, Philadelphia. A. D. OLMSTEAD, General ABent, For 33 counties, Pa. t the states.of; Maryland and Delaware. - - G. C, HAND, General, Agent, ■ For 5 counties, N; V., and /'counties, N.'JV The public is hereby notified 'that we have .united our business, and hereafter it will be con ducted under the firm of Olmstead £i Hand. All orders directed to Qjmstcad 8c Hand, No. 5 south Front street, Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention. _ ■ . OLMSTEAD 8c HAND. . The abovefmedicine is.for sale by * - . CH ARLES OGILBY, Agent for Carlisle. . Sept 20.-1838. : ■ - ■rfriyTjf -im TO BRIPOS BUILDERS ' ff. ©OOD’S ■ , ITOPROVEIWENT IN BRIDGES. FRANCIS GOOD, of the township of New London, in the county of Chester, and state ot Pennsylvania, obtained letters patent for an improved plan of erecting Bridges over streams of water. The plan combines strength and per manency with economy, so much so as not to re quire, in some situations, more than one half the expense to erect a Bridge on this plan, and 'when built would not be liable to be injured by afresh et, or rise in the stream; the Bridge being con structed and. secured in. such a manner, that if the wafer should rise so high at to run oyer the top of if,'the Bridge would remain firm and se cure. The plan has been submitted to a num ber of scientific men, who nil pronounce it a great improvement. " One oh this plan has been erected over a branch of Whitcclay creek, in the township of Londongrovc, which received the approbation of a Jury appointed by the court to view the same. The subscriber having pur chased the rights of the states of Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna, New,Hampshire," Ver mont, New Jersey, Eastern Shore of Maryland, Nqrthjnnd South Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, Michighn;p>iississippi, LouisianaCMissonri, and the territories of . Wisconsin and Florida, will sell single, township, county, or stnteinghts, Jo; any person of persons, and will ..gi.vA.Atery.leX:, jjlunation fiv.it may be necessary, at his place of residence, Kirk’s Milts , Lancaster county, Penn sylvania, or to the Editors of the Volunteer, Carlisle, Pat FRANCIS G. FELL, September 20, 1838.. ' , . ' We, tilc Commissioners nf ChesTorcbunty, hating erected a Bridge t on the model ofFrancis Good’s patent, are'decidedly of the opinion that it is a very valuable improvement, especially for building over small streams,.beingmuchiess expensive in their cpnstruction., : , , KUjah Leivig, ■ , ( Jt.JV. JPassmore, . ...... John Bcitler, . ■ •' .June 11, 1838. Commissioners.: Interesting Case Cured, fir DR. IVU. EPAV?’'CAMOMILE TONIC AND FA M 1 Lr APEDIE NT PILLS H fcENJAMItrBOWN, corner of Shipped and’ 0 George streets, Philadelphia, was affected tor seven years with' extreme; nervousness, by which he Wps not able to wfite/his name. His symptoms Were eruscation, daily spasmodic pain in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of .the .heart, giddiness and dimness Of sight,' also ina bility of engaging in. any thing that, demanded vigor or courage;.sickriess'-of therstomach, im paired appetite; cpldness; and 1 weakness oT.the extremities,, emaciation arid,.extreme disturbed,rest, a sense of pressure and weight on the stomach.after eating,. great mental: despon dericy.jSeveve-flymg pams in the chest, back and side, coStiyeness unit a dislike/for society: and conversation., MiV'B, has made trial-,of.vorions medicines now befpvP-thc public, butto.noeffect,: until, observing -in rn nublictpapen aomeCurcs performed hy Dr. William; Kyans’s Camomile Tonic aridFatnily Aperient Pills, he was indu ced to give them a trial,- of whichhe is any time happy to state that they effectually cured/ him of the ab6we distressingdisease.' , Persons who doubt the above .cure, rireimost respeptfully,directed to the aijoyernrentlonf per son, ; at'the'Nprtliwest;corricf-pf' Shrpppo.nnd: Gjeprgeritreetsi : . I ;' ‘ BkKjamiN IJoWk. ; W* Kfeins?, Camomile Pills: aredoily troubled-w|th that distressing disease,ff/cfr JHtadac/tek.vihich. destroys the peace and happiness of-thousands, can be.effectually cured by using -Dr,.Evans’ Camomile Tonic and Family L Aperfeht Fills,— Vide olhrir raedicaradvErtisecnenta: , ' . . ; * 'iit if?* TO THK 'B>IT¥iT.TJ' physicians with'but little success.. Sometime F_ J:,. . aftcrlwa3';afflicted wiihwlftt teii- OR the purpose of removing a general jin v m £d7»SaWmarortf'We«ma«sm, and the pains I yud/cfrlhatprevails againstniiC'Hbrnoeopa- su ff ere( J particularly in: njy thic.practic.e of mcdicinej 33 wel!;aa ,tq(give a IdiHts. ’.I 'wiis’atlehded by the same.eminent quietua to. the unfounded of .spmc in(e r« physician, .and ;sQ r noutc wdref/tny; pains,‘ lHat ™( ei : concerning it, the. j sul?scribei’ laudanum .was copiously administered to lull me thinks it necessary to present.to.the;.pubhc the an( ] ease my su[ferings^k : affprdeclbut a tempos follo\yii>g .voluntary. certificates, Qt cures perfor- j. ul .y relief; my joints were swelled and stiff, my med byhiiri,Trom persons ofrespecUbility, lqus Vight arm * and hand were powcrltfss-1: could known in the borougli.ot Carlisle. Pewonssim- not-moveiU finger. I had the white swelling In • dar y afflicted may have their eom/tlamtans well m^;r knee, and my-nnklc joint was. swelled /v^UIS* eC ki^* lC r' ~ °tv* • and stiff. I had a cough with purulent cxpecto- EHRM AN.Homoeopnthic Physician, E. Mam ril tlon, accompanied with the dysentery. In fact street, Carlisle. . ■.,.. _ I. was left M the different diseases, and the treat ;l)epenibei!tS7,lB3B. • , mcnt'prescribcd, a living skeleton, aim'6st ; wit)i-. ; out any hope of ,relief. One ‘of hiy neighbors JS, i U iVI I' hh. " who] visited me about-this time, advised me to 'rr •’ ' V-,.* '• ■ call on,Dr. Frederick Elirman, and I did so, on Of the Homctopatliic,jOver ink old practice the principle that a drowning nun: would ditch ~ of Medicine l fairly established, at'-straWs; or, in other words, I was willing to; Tn WHOM IT MAT MIfOERN try any thing to get relief from the miseries I tv tlt/ifi Ji JL ulii. 1 W as laboring under, and contrary to my expec- the last of August,' A, D. 1837, truion, as well as all who saw me, I soon found a JSn small protuberance appeared on my face general relief—my pains removed, and my flesh near my left eye: I thought it was what is called and health increased by Dr, Ehrman-’s treat a blind bod,and treated itaccordingly, Several ment, and from that time I enjoyed and.now en day s after it first appeared, it was examined by. joy, !) hetter stale of health than before ! was af a physician of this place,; who it a’dieted. I do therefore, with Confidence recoin- CANCER, and directed me to apply d lunar mend to those suffering under similar afflictions, caustic, -which I did tpr two or three .weeks, but to call upon Dr. Elirman, in Carlisie. : (the toon found lio help from it. I also applied other rem- e r the better, alter they become afflicted) under edies to no better effect, after which 1 was di- a firm belief that they will be soon relieved and reeled to Use caustic jiotasb,.but all to no pur- restored to their usual if not better health, than pose. The last proposed remedy created asore before they were afflicted, without the use ofthe about the size ora. quarter of a dollar, and a co- lancet, or tire disagreeable and paintul operation pious discharge. It . was again examined by aot blistering or uncommon restriction of diet.— medical dbetoo, and thought by him to be suffi- His medicine is pleasant but powerful, and is cicntly burned liy the caustic, and lie advised me always attended with beneficial consequences.— to apply some healing salve. 1 did so, and ns it Given under mv hand at Carlisle the 15th dav'of healed, the r.ancer was more visible than at first; November, A. 1). 1838. E. ZERMAN. and by the time.the sore war healed, or nearly so—for it never was fully healed from its first appearance, until healed in the way hereafter stated. At this time there was a head appeared on-the surface,' about the size of a five penny bit, with a shooting pain and a,crawling sensation in .it, | Having been acquainted for several years with Mr. Asa F.Srnith; generally known in this.neigh borhood, by the name of the Indian Doctor, and | havirig seen him during the time 1 was .applying I the remedies above stated, I asked Ids opinion. Me said, he feared they would not effect a curer ; that h'o£3yad cured many, and was perfectly ac j qualnted.Vlvith them in all their stages and vari ety, Afterl pad found those remedies which I had been using, ineffectual, I applied to thc*said j Mr. Smith;.he applied a plaster*-with..a small 1 quantity ofpowdeis much larger than,the tumor, which was exceedingly painful. He gave- me a phhd of the powder, and Ihe composition of the plaster, with directions how to use them.— It will be observed that the plaster was only for the purpose of stacking and keeping the air from the wound—thfc powder was intended to have effect on the carTcer==und”an effdet it had, in** similar to red hot ironr The application of which I.continued, for days, ry,,.ah'd''X I hpphed> , )» and was" attenoca-hy • ohe of odr : most ' eminent CURED In the fall of the year 1837",1 was afflicted with a bad cqld, which brought on a severe cough.— I For about two months it increased more and 1 iriore, though I tried every means to get relief.! I then employed one of bur most eminent physi- 1 cians, but still got worse and' Worse; at length I ' was confined to bed, and every movement of my body brought on the cough so severely that 11 thought! must die. I cannot describe the snf-j ferings I felt From the pain in my breast, nor the quantity of putrid matter. I discharged when coughing—it appeared that my whole inside' would be spit out. 1 was rcduccd to a skeleton, j About this time some of my friends came to ace | me and related some cures of similar complaints | performed by-Ur. Ehrfnan, and strongly urged me to give him a trial. I bad beard of them before, and consented, without any hope liowcv-- er of recovering. But, contrary to the expec tation nf mvfrhmls, as well as myself, I was,by his treatment, sonu ablcto leave my bed and at tendto my business as usual, which I believe I. never. Would have done, but for his medical .treat- J mcnli and my strength speedily-returned—From,.! that lime! have enjoyed better health than I had done for several years hcfore:—Nmv, 1 would ' say to those similarly afflicted, and, to the public i at large, that mv firm belief is, if it had not been for the treatment of Ur. Frederick Elirman, on ] the Homoeopathic principle of medical practice, j I would now have been numbered with the dead,, instead of giving tills information for the benefit of the public, which I consider it my duty to do. Given under my band at Carlisle, the "th day of December, 1838. ■ JOHN CORNMAN; ■’ Geokcbtowx.D. C. June 28, 1858. Tour, wm." Evans.—Uespecrcdjyiend: I am truly gratified that I.can feturh my sincere thanks to you, who have been the cause of my bein§; restored to /inject health.' For five months past I have been laboring under a severe Chronic Inflammatory Rheumatism, attended with debility, loss of appetite, lowness of spirits See-- Having frequently hoard of the.truly ex cellent quality of your Camomile Pills, I at last determined to make trial of thcmjjilthdugh not without considerable opposition;fr.pm my physi cian and family. At last seeing my determina tion they argeed to. the: trial; and upon using the third package I .was -altogether restored to health. How can I express my gratitude and sincere rcgartl for such a saviour of .human frames? My case was altogether,hopeless, and I mast confess mvaelt' surprised at the- extraor dinary result. No people were evermore bless ed than we are with such remedies. The many quack advertisements which', appear jn the pa pers which 1 received From your city, deterred me from using'your pills before I did. leap truly say that no medicine in the known world" has had such aneficial effect be as your Camo mile and Aperient Pills. What makes Hie cure more extraordinary is that I am tnpro than forty years of age, and for-the last four years could just move about, and only at short intervals. I am af'present entirely recovered, and my hopes are that you may enjoy a long and prosperous life. -If I am spared, I will almost certainly come to Philadelphia to sec you. —lf my "name and lettcr will be of any service to you, you are fit perfect liberty to make use of them,"and all I can do to aid you will be done with unbounded pleasure. Youy most truly grateful and humble serv’t, ■ " r ~ WTi-i.iam Johnson. Sept 6, 1838. j. ':.. , ; , ; TO THE PUBLiIC. MOREPROOFSnf the efficacy ofDr.W. -Evans’ Camomile .Tonic and Family A penelit Pills,—Mr. Joshua;Swain, hCape May. county, E, J,, effectually, restored, to health from, the. following distressing Symp.toms:---Extreroe debility, attended,witli cdhstantpainfritlie side, back-and limbs,-gtddiHeSs-and dimriess;pf, sight; sickness at the stomach,’ impaired .appetite; dif ficulty, of great pressure aud weight at-the stomach after eating; depression of spirits,- coldness and .weakness .of the extremities; Hying pains in the chest;coßdvcncss. and pH'.er, symp toms not necessary to enumerate. , Mfs. Swain, wife of the aforesaid' Mr; Dw^aihi-Has also been restored to health by the above invaluable meefi cines. Her symptoms were—nervousness, head' ache, pain in the side, loss of ,appetite; disturbed rest, eructatloni,!:BceS>XJie ‘.public, ate hereby informed that their motives for making this dec- Inration are, that others, afflicted with like symp toms may receTve information of, Jah'd he cured by the same.inestimable.medicine. r * For, sale at the. Herald .Office, Carlisle. : ■ ' Sept 6, 1838. • . JACOB SbIUIER, IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. ■flJl’m EVANS’ Camomile Pills have, iy.iwwedr to be the most useful medicine now betore the public, in eradicating ajf the diseases connected with the female sex. One~of the most, dangerous epochs-to females is at the, change of lifer and it is them that they require a which'.will so invigorate their mind,and strehgthr: en'.their, constitutions, as may enable 'them,to withstand the shock. , Ladies who arc in ii deli cate'.sfate, aye often troubled with sickpessj such ns yp'mfting.hcart burn. head ache,, tooth' ache, hysterics, and other troublesome symptoms-,from which’,they will find themselves velieycd.uyta. kinjfDr. Evans’Camomile JPtlls, .which,, remove 'disjifdeys in the'heady'invigorate, the;,niihtl. strengthen the body, imprnve r the raemqryii and 'e.nlfVfih.the imagination. Remhmberiiig always to keep tlicbowels open with Evans’ Family A'- perient Ahti-btUous Pills., For ; sale at the.! ■ V •_ Hen AlpO FFinE,'Car 1 islc and by . ... 's; Wn,ioK & Co. Shippen^burg.', ’ • Carlisle, Sept 6,' 1838. v » i ” ' JVe kr'tovj that health, and the ability to 'tabor is the wealth of the great mass of the / leo/ile in :thisas in most other countries, 'fa: fircservc, therefore, that health by NATURAL means , is a grand moral and flolilicat scheme, ,to,fu(fil which required our utmost attention . ’• " THE'uaparalVeled' reputation which Peters* Pills have acquired as a MedicafßestOralive, is the most u'nqueatihnablc proof.that, can he gi ven of their immense importance to the afflicted,, in almost gyery class of diseases. The number' of lettVfs received from patients recovering thro’ i their niehrtsjs really .prpdiglous, and the com plaints which thby.hbyp, cured are almost as va ried via they are numerous. ■ But still there are some In Whichiliey arc more especially, benefit cial than in others; ■ and among those may be I named the top often fatal complaints of the sto mach and bowcls, such as Cholic, Flatulence, and Indigestion, for which they are not only n certain but ah immediate cure! It is frell known that from thedrsarrarigemerit of the stomach and bowels*-arise nine tenths of all the maladies of adult and declining life;,tha(g this is the foundation of flatulency. Spasmodic Pains, Indigestion, Losshf'Apeiite &c., and that those'imthelr tunvgive birth toiDropsy, .Liver Complarit,.Consumption, and habitual lowness of spirits; therefore. Peters* Pills being the very which has ever been discovered for the incident diseases of the intestines* are necessarily the surest preventives of those dread ful, and also general disorders, which embitter, mature life, and drag so many millions to un-. Umelygraves. *. ' • In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing to himself that has . not been conceded by the' public.-* He is ho h6cdy quack or unknown spec ulator, who comes'hefore the world as his oWh herald and witness, but is placed in a responsy bility 6f ahua.lioruby the patronage wliich hehas cnjoyed v forycars,.antl which is increasing to an extent unprecedented in the annals df~medicmc, that makes him careful to arrest nothing which is not borne.out by the most infalible proof* and hence he docs not fear to be put to the test in any thing whichhe has promised respecting his Pills. Dr. Peters is most happy to be able to state, on the authority of a great number of regular physicians, that wherever Ins Vegetable Pills have been introduced, they have almost super ceded the adoption of mercurial experiments, for their peculiar-faculty in sweetening the blood, -and stimulating it to expel all noxious juices, 4ml in giving strength, and. tone to the nerves; prer vents disease from acquiring that strength which, must lie got linger, if at all, by dangerous reme-. dies/ ~ Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M. D. 129 Liberty street, New.. p Yqrk. .Each box contains 40 pills; price SO cents. _ I ThesC'celebrated Pills are sqld.by all the prm i yipal Druggists in Baltimore,Philadelphia,Wash 1 ington city, and throughout the United Slates, . the Camillas, Texas, Mexico, and the West In, ; dies, and by . . . JOHN J. MYERS, Carlisle*, "SAMUEL"” ELLIOTT; “Do; S. WILSON & Co., Sliippensburg, ,*• 1 GEO. GARLIN, Chamhersburg, LEWIS DENIG, • Do. ALEX’R SPEER, Mercersburg, ‘ P. W. LITTLE, Do. , "" Ilcccmbcr 0,-1838. ly . HACKS &. THEIR DESTHtTO- NOSTRUMS.—The united testi mony of physicians throughout the United States has fully proved the fact that Peters’ Vegetable Pills are the only true Vegetable Pills which will stand the test of nnalyzalion; hence the proprie tor would most earnestly urge them to the notice of those who have been in the 1 habit of using, as cathartics nr aperients, the destructive rind irri tating quack pills so generally- advertised, mid which areitt-best but slow consumers of the vital functions, find murderous agents, even to the moat hale."' It is true, most of them produce a purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief; but in most cases they injure the digestive or gans, and an habitual rcsort to them must ter minate in confirmed dyspepsia, ■ It is true that cathartic and aperient medicines are often reqqired, hut the nicest discrimination should alwpys be observed,.n the selection;-and, [if this be dope, nothing injurious can result from their use. ' " " To prodqco'this much de si red result, Dr. Pe ters has made it his study fqEstseraLyear.s and feels proud to say he has.sueceedcd at length far beyond hj-S expectations. The object of his pills is to supercede the necessity oy a frequent re ourse to injurious purgatlvesf'and to offer a me dicine safe, certain, and pleasant in its operation. Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, M. D, No. J 29 Liberty_street L Nc vylYnrki—■ Each-bqX-Con tains 40 pills. Price SO cents, For sale, by J. J. Myers, and S.’ Elliott, Carlisle, and Samuel -Wilson.Bc Co.,Sliippensburg. Dec. G. Peters’ ycgetalbilc Pills, MORE than three millions of boxes of these celebrated .plllk have been sold in the U, States since January, 1535. ;Huhdreds arid thousands bless the day they became; acquainted with Peters' Vegetable Pills, . whiAh id consequence of tliclr extraordinary jmodneA have Attained a popularity unprecc delifSniin the-liistorySof,medicine. < *• , taken according to.the. directions tic qqjnpapying them, tjjdy are highlybeneficial in tlie.pVevcntloiVand cure of Bilious* Fever, Fever and:Ague.Dyspepsia.Xivei- Complaints, Sick Hendach, Jaundice,-Asthma, Dropsy, Rheuma tism, Enlargement of,the Spleen, Piles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heart -Bum, ,Nansen, Furred Tongue, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hab itual Costiveness, Loss of Apetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases ofTorpor of the BowelsVwhere' a cathartic or ari~iperient is needed.,. They.are exceedingly mild in,their operation;; producing neitherjiausea, griping ndr debility. ■ . - s The efficacy ofthese.rills is- SO well kuown, and their use so general, that further comment is considered 'unnecessary.- , Dcc. 6." Headache, Sick and J^lervotts. suffered, I J,' these distressing complaints, ■will find in,Paters’ Pegetdblq Pith a'remedy, at ionce certain, and itrimediate'ih'its cfle{:ts. ; ° •’• ‘ 1 Iri'Uj/s/ie/wia'thdy stand nnrivalledlinttnyhave ■been ctvrcd in.Oewwecksafter.hftvirigaunertd imderlhis dreadful complaint for years... i ,; In habitual Cpslivcnyss are decidefily «)- perioy tP pay 'Vegetable Fills, ever reconiinerided by ;alt tire'iWirientnnff leading members of the me-' -dical Faculty. l ; For sale as above. Jaca3;ajlo(^ For using, Dr. Peters' Celebrated, Vegetable. '-' ' ' 1. \Rqcansq:".tl'cy exceedingly papulae, which nrovqs'them to bexxceedijiglygnod’. 2.. Because. they . are7cqmposcd,of ( Bipiples whlcii‘litivethepowef tcr'dri ijobdiohni njvrtfcnsc nmrtber oFcasefcy Without -posseßSihg 'tbe : means l •to doinjary in any, " - ; , Because.thcy-are'uot ai quackmcdicincjbut the scientific ;compbumi,qf aj regulaipphysiciaii, \yho has made bis profession the study of his,life. 4: Because they are nolluppleasi)nt to fake nor distressing t'6 retain, while they are most effect ive to;oporalc.'rj ■ !'< ;v>is 5 Because.they ore recommended as standard medlcifm by the.rcgula'r faculty. 6 Because by keeping-the system in a natural state of action, they cure -almost: every disease which is incidental to the human'- frame. ■ Because they are clieapand- portable, and will retain all their virtues in flill vigor, in any climate; and for any letigth of time. ‘ 8 Because, notwithstanding their simplicity and mildness, they arc one of the speediest purl gative medicines which has yet been discovered; 9 Because,they are,an unfailing remedy for procuring a good appetite.,, ’' 10 ! "Because in cases ofkplcen or despondency,- by their healthy influence on the excited state of the body,’they have n.most -happy effect, in aiming, and invigorating the mind .-, , 11 Because they effect their cures vritluut the usual attendants of other pills, sickness and griping?. “-19' Because' as• well as being an Unrivalled' purifier oftliei general system! they are a sover eign rcmedy for sick head-ache. ;: " ,13 . Because they differ,lrom the majority of medicines, in the fact that the, more they are known the more they are approved. ' 14 -Because as' their application creates rirt debilityin the system, they'may be taken with; out producing any hindrance to-business Or the usual pursuits of.eyery day life;, Because whej) once introduced into a fam ily,.or a village, they almost immediately take the pnjpcdence of all other medicines In general complaints.i. 16 Because a number of.the wonderful cures they,have effected, can be substantiated without any undue means being resorted to, to procure invalid testimonies. 17 Because their composition is such, ,that they arc equally applicsiblfc to the usual diseases of warm, cold,, or temperate climates. . 18 ; Because two or three, are in general suf ficient for a dose—so that, as is the case , with the generality of patent medicines—the patient is not compelled to make a ipcaf of them, . 'l9' Because each individual pSIHS putiUp un- 1 der the immediate supeihitendencc of~the pro prietor, so that no mistake in the composition or quantity can possibly occur through the care lessness of a less interested agent. 20 Because they purify the frame without debilitating the system. , 21 Because, notwithstanding their immense popularity, no person has ever ventured to raise against them thc„breath of censure, which would not have been the case,-if envy could have- dis covered in them a single flaw to cavil at t 22 Because—(and ibis faqt is of-the utmost importance)-—ladies in a certain situation may take them, (not more than ti three tit a tj.meJioW-eYcil)-.withplit in the degree incurring the hazard of aborl re the vii'ttfcs'"of- Peters''inestimable ined tb this desirable/'end-alone, it ivo hem a 7 decided advantage over the mec I) com petitors, as in no cases is there iger to he apprehended, or.for Which j been discovered, ns th'c one referred 23'* 'Bccavise whilc*t,hey are n their operations with adults they tnny .. ictimc be administered'to children and cv£n to infants, * in small quantities*-halfa pill-for instQnccvwith- ' out the .slightest danger. 24 Because their virtues arc acknowledged to stand pre-eminent, for their soothing influence upon young Indies while suffering from the usual changes of life, as directed by the laws of Na ture. Dec. 6. MEIXSELL’S DOUBLE LIFTING- PUMP. THE subscribers having purchased the pat ent right of Meixsell’s DoubloLiftingPump lor Cumberland, Perry, Juniata &. Mifflin coun ties, hereby give notice that they are now pret pared to finish ancl'pul up at the shortest notice the above mentioned ¥AtUABLE PUMP, and at so reasonable a. rate that almost, atjy per son will be able to procure one. From the knowledge the subscribers haVc'of-thc great mil itjr oftbe Pump, which is constructed on lire principle nf the fire engine, they Ivaznrd nothing in saying that it will fully come up to pnblic ex pectation. TJhc public are requested to call at the dr fiat adjoining Mr. Aughinbaugh’s Hotel in Carlisle, where one.of the pumps can be seen in full operation in the course of a few davs, JAMES FERGUSON, Landisburcc- A, YOUNG, Carlisle. * " March IS, 1838. , £XVER COMPI.AIKT, Cured hy Dr. IVm, Evans' Chamomile Tonic ~ - MRS/iLYTEE, Mount Joy,. Lancaster co. Pq-, completely restored to health, by Dr. Evans’ Chamomile Pills. Her symptoms were, v great pain inher right side, could not lie oh her ‘ left withou t an aggravation of the pain, disturbed rest. Extreme debility, pains in the head, loss of . appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness and dimness of sight; langor, with* other symp toms indicating grent derangement in the func .lions-of: the liver. -. Miss Lytle, daughter of the aforesaid, Mrs. I Ly tie, has. also been restored to perfect healtli. hy.the saipe inyaluable medmina-, - Her symptoms .were extreme nervousness, at tended with severe, pain in her side, sickness on the Stomach, cructions, Bcc. Mrs. Lytle has tl)e pleasure of informing the public, that nu merous bases similar to herown, (in her ty) have been restored to health by the saiqc invaluable medicine. General Office for the sale of Dr. Wm. Evans’Chamomile Tonic Pills, is at No. 19 North Eighth st. Philadelphia, a few. doors above Market, Interesting case of Dyspepsia and Hypocondriacism, Cured )by :Chainomile: Tonic and ' ‘ .Family JlfteriehfPilft.'"' ' ■Mrs. Good, ofMountJoy,’Lancastcr cn- was years w Uh.the, ahoy c distressing sjWnptoms 6f which’she. was coijflfhed to'herded tor'^.'months,j'Hersyitfptilms Were,, depression of sidkWeß4~artne'St '; ■ »nv\i _ ii;:;; !■’ DeniuHWFiimgardiier, .“York. Sept 6. 18.18.’ . ..hir.ir.h o'-Afeeiite"• ; Dec. .6. , ' Chttlhcs qnd • "Otitic assortment very loWr'nt ■ .Arnold Si Co’t.