• TBBTSS. MIL ICIO US METALtCy OR MINERAL INCOR RUPTIBLE TEETH.. It hns for nvmy years bebn a great desideratum among- European .and Amerlcap Dentists, to manufacture Teeth from incorruptible materials which should imitate the natural living Teeth, Many have devoted years to unsuccessful ex periments, and others have succeeded in. manu facturing teeth of materials similar to the porce lain ware. but generally they have an opaque white appearance, by whichthcy are easily dis tinguished from the human teeth, . After long and tedious experiments, the sub scriber has succeeded in manufacturing''teeth of materials entirely incorruptible, and perfectly in imitation of human teeth. They have a semi transparency, and are madc.of various sizes and shades. In cases where absorption nf the areolar pro cess, or other causes may render if necessary, he will cast of the same materials attached to the teeth, artificial gums, which shall imitate the gum and supply the? loss of substance. It is entirely impossible for these teeth to change their color,.or cause foetid breath. He will insert them from one to entire sets, in such manner thatthev will make articulation ofi the voice perfect, and materially assist’in masti cation, and so that they cannot be distinguished from the most beautiful natural living by the most Scrutinizing observer. He.also performs all the various operations in Dental Surgery; according to the late scientific improvements in the art. F. H. TC'Yyjrr, Surgon Pcjj/ht. N. W. corner of Charles Sc Fayette streets, Baltimore. OOMSION SCHOOLS OF CARLISLE. * Sl' has been resolved that Hie Hoard of School Directors of the Borough- of Carlisle-will hereafter meet on th Monday of each vtonth in ‘the Town Hall at nine o’clock in the and,eight o’clock in the summer, for (nentfiii/is'/oK'or schiflars into the public schools, anti .the transaction of nther'businesa. Teach ers, parehts'nnd scholars, will therefore take notice,, that the next meeting of the Board will be on Monday, the.4th diy of February- next, and on tne'first "Mondayof each mouth following, and that these will be the only opportunities af forded for presenting bills and admitting schol ars.- -' ■ ;' ? ■ I Teachers arc informed that the 12th Hale of the published regulations of the B.aanp, which permits a I eacfhcr at his or hei discretion, to ullqw a scholar to attend school, until tfit' nc.vl jnsctinir of the Board, has reference exclusively to new scholars , who have not hern at aivv school incite borousfi .for -the- fimetUng *Lc months, and of this fact it will he expected that ojie .Teacher will rtarpiire full anti satisfactory cvb deuce. By order of the 15 >ard. - •T. 11A MI LTO N, Secretan;, January 31, 1833. • 3t' TO DSIUq«ISTS.- A Drug Store situated in a town in ode of the mnst fertile sections of Pennsylvania, is olTered for sale. , Ton person of moderate capital, there aye. hut fe.w more desirable situations. -A House and Tot will he rented to the purchaser, » re quired, and possession thereof given at anv lime. I‘or furtherjiarticulars enquire of the Kditoia. ot the Volunteer. January 31," 1839. . 7t A new lihac of FVcigM €avs FSOSfIC HAB.R.T.SBUG.a- TO s»'H3X- ja.SSEjf.PHEA, T-1E subscriljcr, gr.jtefnl for past fivors, re spectfully acquaints liisfriends and the pub lic, that.he has put into operation on the HAR RISBURG, LANCASTER, and COLUMBIA RAIL RO A.D, a line of new DOUBLE CARS, which will.run regularly between Harrisburg Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of all descriptions will be forwarded witli care and despatch, nt the lowest rates of freight. ’ Goods will hc rondvl-d atthdAV \HEIIOU3E nf-THOM AS J. MAXWEU,, N. K. corner nf Broad and Vine streets, Philadelphia, and for warded to H irrlsburg, Carlisle, Clnmhershnrg, and intermediate places’, and hv’lhe snbm.rih-r - . OWEN M’CAIiE,’ Harrisburg, Jan. 31, 1839. IIT-FISH, .SALT AND PLASTER, CON-' RTANTLY ON HAND. Casli paid for almost all kinds of country produce. ’ ' •BISSOI.UTIO^. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the name nfAloore and Biddle is this' day dissolved by mutual consent. , All business of the firm will be settled by John Moore. " JOHN-’MOORR.-’- r;,-o • „ - EDWARD M. BIDDLE-' “ Carlisle, January 21, iS39. . JttA. aaswisT \ Burr Mamifactor c3 \ *1 he subscriber wishes t'i inform his ami jhe public that he coiitiimes the m ring ol till Jkimls of machinery for Woolen l ? uc tones, together with ~ FRENCH BtFRR WISJUIi STONES, at his old standi n New Cumberland, all of which he will warrant tn be m ade iii the host work manlike manner atid of the best materials; and sell at the lowest upon accommodatinV terms. A tonUant supply of Cards will be kept'ci handstand old machines,repaired; ABll’M. MELUNGER. June 21, 1838 ... ' TO w The subscriber famishes* Dentists with his celebrated Mincrai Incorruptible Teeth, which have been sp ; >kcn of in the highest terms of com iittem!attou by all who have used them and'by numerous men of profound chemical knowledge who have examined them. Also, Human Teeth, ■ Jf, Foil ,*Tin do,, £s*c v &c. including” every ar* -ticle bf ,material ais;’d in,Dental Surgery. TeetU -gold».£jfc. sent by mail to any part of the Union rtrderctl - ‘ F: li. KNAPP, May 3.1, 183.8. 4 Surgeon Dentist, Baltimore iFANdY Svol73S.’ •' A. SF ., E iY D / D nssnrtiiieiit: of fancy franklin . and 1 arlor ,Stovai, Intended-For coni or wootK Also, a variety of Cool-ia?:-Stovea of the ipost economical and-approved kind,, Wood stoves and other castings For sale either finished or in the plates, vary cheap for cash or approved country'produce.. ■ 11 • Pr.Eis, ForniMa & Tiiuimi.ir. Oak Grove Furnace, Oct. 4, 1838-., ti .-O'*- Knnfift, Dentist, i-ctm-ns his thunks to.his ' rieiKls for the lihe.raf patronage which he has eceivetl, And gives notice that lie wit} continue t o yisitCaidisle* cinnuaWi/. : • Job Printing ■ >■ Neatly and expeditiously execu ted at this ofllee'. CHANGE OP AGBNTS For Morrison's Universal Medicines. Horatio shepherd moat, bite Sole Agent in the United States, having been dismissed by the British College of Health, Ur. George Taylor now of the city-of New York, has been appointed Sole General Agent and Uy gia Delegate to the United States. TJte said George Taylorhas appointed A. U. Olmstead, of Montrose, Susquehanna comity, Pennsylvania, Sole General Agent for the states ot Maryland and Delaware, and thirty three counties east of the Allegheny Mountains, Penn sylvania! amkGeorge C. Hand, Surgeon Dentist, ■it Allentown, Lehigh county, Pa,, General -A gent for four counties in the state of New York, and seven in tile state of New Jersey, to wit:— Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland, Glouces ter, Monmouth and Salem, in the state of New Jersey; ■ Gcnncssec, Livingston, Monroe and Steuben, in the .state of New York. Hereafter, no person can nr will vend the ge nuine Hygeian Medicines within the said dis tricts, except by tlie authority of the said A.D. Olmstead and George C. Hand. All former agencies within said districts having terminated by .lhe removal of H. S. Moat,, who is now offer ing for sale under the firm of Moat S3 1 Pelham, Medicines of their own manuiacturc, which will readily he detected, ns such will not have the signature of A. D.‘ Ohmtead, G. C. Hand, or Olmstead Cf Hand, on the cover of each hpx or package. -The leading principles of the itygcian or Mdr tsoman theory ot Disease, are too favorably iind generally known to require a minute explanation in this advertisement. * if These medicines cure all diseases which- ad mit of a cure, and many heretofore deemed in curable. They may he given with safety to the w'cak cst patient, and under every circumstance and stagcpfhnmr.n suffering, and to children of the most tender age.’ , None offered lor sale wkthin the aforesaid dis tricts are genuine, unless each box' or package hare a fie simile of James Morrison's signature, with a sac simile of the signature of George Tay ior, Mid-also the written signature of A, 1). Oliii stea'd, G, C.-etJand, or'Olmstead W Hand, with the written signature ofSule Agents, when ap pointed. Ti.ie Pills are of two kinds—No. 1 raid No. 2, sold in'boxes with envelopes, at 23 and 50 cents; and packages at SI and SI. Each packet con tains a proportion nf about two to one of No 2. The Powders are in separate boxes—price 25 cents. Nn'chcmical apntiiccarv or druggist is ever employed to sell these medicines. Respectably, persons complying with the rc quisitionsrequired may be appointed agents on hheral terms. Office and (icnrral Depot, jVo. 3 South Front' street, Philadel/ihht, A, D OLMSPEAD, General Agent, , ,I'or 33 counties, Pa.i the states of Maryland'and Delaware, J „ R, C. H AND, General Agent, For 5 counties, N. V„ and " counties, N. ,T. Tlie ptddic is hereby notified that we have united olir business, and hereafterlt will he enn dncted'nnder the firm of Olmstrad ii Hand. AH orders directed to Olmstrad & Hand, No. 5 south'Front street, Philadelphia, wilLfccelve prompt attention, • ' OLMSTRAD & HAND. 1 ho above medicine is for sale hv CHAULLS OOILBV, Agent for Carlisle, Sept 20T 1838. ■ -■ lv ’ TO BTraSiDBRS T. GOOD’S , srwrPHovjsmektt ist saiasEs. GOOD, ot the township of New -EE Jdjjulpn, hi the county of Chester, and state of I ennsylvania, obtained letters patent fur an improved plan of.erecting Bridges over streams of water. The plan combines strength-mid per. iitiinency with eennomy, so niuchso-as not tore quire, in some situations, more than one lialfthc expense to erect a Bridge oh this plan, and when built would not he liable to bc’injuved by a-fresh et, or rise in the sticam; the Bridge being coni s rucled and secured in. such a manner, that if the water should rise so-high ns to run over the tap ol it, thiTßridge would remain firm and se cure. The jilan, has been submitted to ami in of scientific men, who rtll pronounce it a great improvement. One on this plan has been erected over a branch of. Wliitcchiy creek, in the township of Londphtjrove, which received the approbation of h'Jury.appointed by the court to view tile same. Ihe subscriber having pur-1 chased the rights of the states of Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna, New Hampshire, Vcr' imnt, New Jersey, Eastern Shore of Maryland ' North ami South Carolina, IntlVailq, KenUickv! j Michigan, Mississippi, .Louisiana, Missouri, aiid I Jjjpjerritorics of Wisconsin and Florida, will I sell' single, township, pountv, or state rights, to ! any person or persons, and will give every ex- S phiiiatioirthat may be neties-saryV at hisTilacE'Eri residence, A irk’s fcaacasfrr coutijii, Penn- J vulvttnia, nr tef,, the Editors of fhe Volunteer Carlisle, l\i. . ' ‘ ’-j c . FRANCIS G..FKLL, Siqilember do, ISJd. We, the Commissioners of Chester county* huvuis,erected a Hridge on the model of Francis Vjoou s patent, arc dccidedlv of the opinion that •itns-a'verrraluable improvement, cspeciallv for buildint* over small siVeams, bclrig much less expensive in-lheir construction. JfAijah Lewis, . J. IV Passmore, John Beit lev. Commissioners.. June 11. 1838, I nteresting Case Cured, or ur. n'M. route jno •V. FA MI L V, j 1 P Efl mNT PILLS, TTBENJ AMIN 150WN, corner of Shipp™ and George streets. Philadebihi.r. was affected tor seven years withcxtfemc nervousness, by wlucli he was not able to write his name Ilis symptomswerc eruscation, daily spasmodic pain in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation' of the heart, guldincssjind dimness of sight, also ina bdity of engaging In any thing that demanded vigor nr courage; sickness of the stomach, im paired appetite, coldness and weakness of the extremities, emaciation .and extreme debility, disturbed rest, a sense of .pressure and weight on the stomach,after eating, great mental despon dency. severe flying pains in the chest, back and side, cbstiveness and a dislike for society anti conversation. Mr. 15. has made trial of- vorious medicines now belore the public. but to no effect, until, observing in a public .paper some cures performed by Dr, William Evans’s Camomile Tome an ( l Eamily Aperient Pills, he' was indu ced to give them a trial, of wl,ich be is hny time happy they effectually cured him of the above distressmg.Biscase; v *'M' ’ t '■ Persons who.doubt tii6 above cure,'arc. most respectfully directed to the above mention per son, at the Northwest corner of ShipTn and George streets, ■’ . . BF.sum»C™ nr^vS^]S aris ’ Camomile Pills. i-T d&rtlsW rfil° arcd ?, i . l y fßutilediwith that tfcstroi'sthe n£?i !ieas , e .’ SlcKHUadme, which •&e r Camomile Tonic am) FnmilyAperim di vide other medical,advertisements. . - tx% ta n in’ttS TO' THE EUBEKJ. the purpose of removing a #„, cr „i M? judice that prevails against the- Homoeopa thic piaclice of medicine; as’ well as' io rive a (juiftus to the unfounded reflom of' some ■;»fcr 'thhlc ' VK Ui concerning it, the subscriber' thinks it necessary to present to the public the follm-iivg voluntary certificates of cares perfor med by him, rom persons of respectability, loo known in the •borough of Carlisle. iVrspiis situ’ darly aniielet) may have their com/ilainlsn s well jhmMA.K J u‘ CeS rem ?V cl !r'>y calling™ V. S tn-i { tfchiHis| l e° mQenpilt ” C 1 h J’ sidan - 1L Main December 27, -1838^—— TRIUMPH Of the TTotnatopttlhic,' oner the old practice oj Medicine fairly established. TO WHOM IT MAY COUCE?!!^ SIOM IiTIME the last of August, A. D.'IHT 11 small protuberance appeared on niy face 1 "ear my left eye; 1 thought it was what is called! a blind boil, and treated it accordingly. Stiver d ; days after it first appeared,-it was examined by: ° I'* 1 ? place, who prnnnunced it a t. AIvC.EK, and directed me to apply „ lunar ennstte, which I'did I or two or three weeks, bull toiiiul no help Irom it. lalsb applied other rcin-i edies to no belter tlicet, after which 1 wasdi-' reettd to me caustic potash, but Ml to no pur pose. The last proposed remedy created a sore about (he size of a'fpiarter Ufa dollar, and a co pious discharge. It was again examined by a medical doctor, and thought by him' to be siifii cienlly burned by the kanstir, and lie advised me 1 to apply some healing salve. 1 did so. and as ill healed, the cancer was mere visible than at first; and by the time the sore war healed, nr nearly -so—for it never was fully healed from its fit si appearance, until healed in the way hereafter stated. At this time there was a head appeared on the surface, about the .size of a live penny bit, with a shooting pain and a crawling sensation inj Having been acquainted for several venrs with J cxnplnyccl one of our most eminent physi- Mr. Asa F.Smith, generally known in'diis neigh- but still got worse arid worse'; at length I norhnud, by the nam.c of the Indian Doctor, luul' was foufiiUMl to bed, and every movement of niy having seen him during the timoi was applvinV )( 'dv brought on tire cough so, severely that I the remedies.above stated, 1* asked Ids opinion.- I must die. I cannot describe tire suf. He siid, lit! feared'they would ijotellVct a cure; ’ferings I felt from the pain iu tnv breast, nor the that he had cured many, and was perfectly ac- quantity of putrid matter I discharged when quainter! with Ihciu in all their stages and vsvv^|f'D.Vy,kh>''—it appeared pint mv whole, inside i ty. After I had found those remedies winch I \ wrmhTbe'spif otrt, } was reduced to a skeleton, had been using, ineffectual, I applied to the said Aly-ait this lime some of my friends came to sec Mr. Smith; he applied a - plaster, with a .small m(> ‘and related some cures of similar complaints quantity of,powder, touch laigerthan thetumor, ! performed hy Dr. Khrman. and strongly urged which was exceedingly painful. He gave nn*i mc ‘ to K |V( -'- him a trial. .I hud heard of them a phial ot the powder, and the composition <;f-before, and consented, without any hope-bower* the plaster, with directions how to use them. —i ( ‘ r of recovering. lint, contrary to the cxpec- It will he observed that the piaster was only for tati-ui of my frh mis, as well as myself, I was,hy the purpose of sticking ami keeping the air irom, his (realmrut, soon able to leave my bed and at* the wound —the powder was intended to •havcr lt ’ l) d to my business as usual, which I believe 1 e ff'et on Iju* cancer—and an effect it had, in- -i novc*r would have done, but for his medical treat deed, for it burned similar to red hofiron. Thei nient;and my strength speedily returned,- From application of which I_.Continued for about od that time I have enjoyed better health than I oays, during which lime my sufferings wcre ex-^ ! :i "d ffoHe for sTjvoVal'Vearsbefore. - Now, I would’ treme, beyond description. Indeed, it noiv aj)- ! sav to those similarly afllirtcd.nnd to the public {jears astonishing to me how Hhnre up under itfat I *rge, tint my firm belief is, ifithad not been so long. In tile course of this application, there-for the treatment of Dr. Frederick Fhrman, on were several pieces of this cancer taken out; hut! the I lonveopathic principle of medical‘prael ice, afte-r taking nut-n-picGc in -one place r aud-lluoyl- numbered wUhthc dead, going to another for the same purpose, be ihc;> n ste.ul of giving tins information for the. benefit lime I had succeeded \\\ taking that out another) the public? which I consider it my duty to do. one appeared in the place whciVcc the former' f*iven under mv hand at Carlisle, the 7th’dav of one had been removed, until 1 had token outiDecember, 1858. JOHN COUNMAN. three pieces in the same place iu succession, and 1 * - mfU’e still appeared in tlic same place.’ By the 'Huncruiq«.il'Hn<l‘omluved Crom'tne"appllcntTnti-or( the said powder 1 was induced to cease using it. j I he day on whjch I ceased the application nl‘ it- 1 I was informed that Dr. Frederick Khrman professed to he skilled-in the ctn-e of cancers:! tins was'sometime in Decemlicr 183', to the heat oi my recollection. 1 called on.the doctor that evening. The next day lie called to sec me, and ttave me medicine, which was used inwardly.— He would not allow any outward application, excepting dry lint —and -to my astonishment, tltprc was no further discharge front the wound, move than barely saturated the small tpiniitity of lint, which was only sufficient to cover it. After I had taken his prescription for three or four days, 1 found by the sensation in the other side of my face, that it was ns highly charged with the cancer as was the side I had made the ap. plication of the powder to, aforesaid, and that it had also got down over my under jaw into the glands of my neck. 1 also found a cancerous sensation on.the inside of my right nrrtv. between the wiist and elbmv, and another in the flesh v pan ot my right thigh, mid also in other parts of my bodj-. The sensation was so well known by me, having experienced so much of it, I ronld not have been mistaken. After taking Dr. Ehr mun's prescription two or three days, I observed a change in all those affected parts,' above na med, and more.particularly in the wound which was opened by the former application, winch now began to heal. I think it was not more titan two or three weeks from the time Dr, Ehrman madcmluHirst- applicationnmtfi— my'lm-ETwas healed completely oyer, and has continued so ever since, and appears'to he sound. , From the foregoing facts.l feel it n doty I owe to Dr. Khrman ami to the .pnb|ic at large, to ceuify that he fui.i.y niiHOVKif' Tint canci- ii i- itOM MV. sv STEFA hy Itiwjircsai/iiion, and that lie not only cured me»qf the cancer, but has par tially removed a disposition -which I had long felt of a dyspeptic affection, and also some urin ary obstruction, so Unit I feel more whole and sound in body-than I bavcTor several y ears past. Given under my hand at Carlisle, county of Cum berland, and state of Pennsylvania, the IStli dsv of August A, D. 1838.- A O ASB 03? DYSPEPSIA 20 years standing cured by IlomwopciUth praciitOv I do certify thrill have been afflicted witlulys [K'piiia lor the time above mentioned, and for the last five 'years very severely, attended .with a burning, aching and beating in the stomach, and occasionally with stitches and vomiting, I could not relish strong diet of any kind, and was gen erally of a costive habit, - During my -long ill * employed nine different physicians, o' d'flerent times, in the hope of getting some re lief, if not entirely cured; but nil was in vain— At length I Heard of different astonishing'cures performed.by Dr. Frederick .Ehrman, Homoe opathic Physician, and I employed him as the tenth, but without much hope. lie gave me Some pleasant medicine and continued it four or five weeks, when I fell great relief, and in a very short time a terwards 1 was Icomplctely cured am for nearly a year sineg a good state ofheaklu withouttheledst symptombftliat disagreeable Complaint returning; I w O AId therefore recommend to those afflicted witlrkiin ilar.qr other complaints, to make early^dpnii ca . tion to Dr. Ehrman, whose medicine isgiot tfnlv pleasant to the tastp, Wit seldom or never fails in .affording relief. Moreover, tlie“ Doctor’s charge is uncommonly moderate. Witness mv signature at Carlisle, the first dav of November 1858. ; C, MOORE. Hanover™: VVT(3 THE PUBLIC.' - _I dp,certify; \yitli pleasure,' that l)i\ Frederick Ehrman. Physician, of Carlisle cured me of the Inflowing- complaints, to wit- In theauiumn of 18371 was:afflicted witlra vio letifattttck of dyaentenj, and T applied to and Was attended, by ione of our most eminent physicians with lint little success. Sometime I after I was aiiiictad-witli What is generally . ter-’ iujl-itumatory y/icuniatism t and the pains 1 | bn(lcrcd were excruciating, particularly .in in y I ***;. * was attended by .the same eminent ITHP TTIITP UTPHK'Q ni? rTm tr, physician, and so acute were my pains, {hat L KIOHLS QF LILE IS laudanum was copiously administered to lull me ‘ HEAET' IS . -T that,,cam, and the ability to labor .’Sm^a^ngei-'^hm^ my riPht 1; nee, uml my ankle joint wi/lwcHell ,herr J or f' that health by NATURAL means, in and stiff. 1 hod a conk with purulent eweeto “ 1 m ?- ml °" rf aUtxcai "heme,, to Jnlfil ration, accompanied with the dysentery, fn fuel nrmV ~ c V u,rcs ° u r attention . • I was left by the dilfereiitdiseases, ami the treat- Tp n u . n P ava,lcle . d reputation -' v , l 'l ch Peers', meat prescribed/a’living skeleton, almost with- s have acquired as a medical Restorative, nut any hope of-relief. One of my neighbors 'f j he f " ,os . t l ” l< l uestlo n nl) le proof tliat can lie gi who visited me about this time, advisrd’me to cl|,lf 'hen- immense importance to the afflicted, ra11..0„ Dr. Frederick Elfrman, and I did sh on ■>«« every class o( diseases. The number the principle that a drowning- man -Mould catch ?hin ,^ 5 .,^l C -'' Vl ' C i P?. tl ? nts recovering tlirp’- at straw,' or, in other words, 1 was w I log to e . n f mc! ! n . s areally prodigionsi and the corn try am, Muff in get relief from the miserkVl V- T ?s 'V 1 '" 1 ' 1 l,ave cured arc almost as va- I was laboring under, and contrary to my cxpcc- 1™ a . ! L t ar e "“tnei’ous. Hut still there are I union, as well jis all who saw nic?l soon foundti h? C ,)l' w llc 1 tl,e >’ a, ' e a 'nre- especially benefi gencral relief—my pains removed, and my flesh “‘l,‘l‘l’ otl ‘ e, ' S! r anr ) among t,los '- - may he •land health increa'scd by Dri EhVmaii’s treat- too often fatal complaints of the sto i incut, and from that time I enjoyed and now on- ,aac h and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence, I joy a heifer stale of health' thiinAeforc I was af- 1 fo ' - which they arc not only a dieted. Ido therefore, with confidence recom- "i '-" 1 l,u , ? n ,mrn '; d,:,t r c cul p -. ; mend to those sulTrring under similar afflictions of M' 9 7“ k " ow ", t ! ,at fl ’ nm ll . le disarrangement |to call upon Ur Elirman, in Carlisle (the soon- ‘Tu *’ f j ,E "".' c of : evtlir better; after, they become afflicted) under in ft U f T?rv c, i a firm belief that they will besom, relieved and ll f, ‘ V,,nv , “ P '9'“ , ™?y. Spasmodic I restored to their usual if not hotter health, than. !/ ? *• kirtifcestKm. Loss of Apetite Sec., and that' | before they were afflicted, without the use oftiie rmnlni't'rL r' ° ■ >ll ’ t , h . to , .Pfapsy, Liver lancet, or the disagreeable and painful operation C „ F ' Consumption, and habitual lowness of :ol a//./er/» W or uncommon rest Action of l diet ™ *>!!» being thr very His medicine is pleasant hut powerful, and is T mc^ ,c . m . c "kich kas CN ’ cr kern discovered always nttrnded wltlfbeneficial consequences.— d ’f n^ C 'P, lCnt ‘ lseasts of !’ >c lat estincs, are Uiven under mv hand at Carlisle the If,th dav „f 5 * I,C surest preventives of those dread- November, A. D. 1838. E. ZERMAN hd, and also general disorders, which embitter mature life, and drag so .many .millions to un timely graves. In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing lo hims'clf that has not been conceded by the public. He is no needy quack ovuiiknown spec ulator, who climes before the world as his own herald and witness, but is placed in a respnnsi ■ hility of situation-by the patronage which he has enjoyed for years, and which is increasing to an I extent linprcrcdcntcd in the annals of medicine.' i that makes him careful to arrest nothing which i is not borne out by the most inlalihlc proof, and , hence he does not fear to he put to the test in any I tiling Which he lias promised respecting his Pills, j . Dr. Peters is most happy to be able to state, ! on the aulhorify of a great number of regular I physicians, that whcrever’his Vegetable' Pills have heel 1 , introduced, they have almost super reded the adoption of ‘'mercurial experiments, for tlieir peculiar (acuity in sweetening the blood, ami 'Stimulating it to expel all noxious juices, and in giving strength and lone to the nerves, pre vents disease Iron, acquiring that strength which must he got under, if-at all, T,y,dangerous reme dies. ~ ■ . ; CURED In the fall of the year 1837, I was afflicted with a bad cold, which,brought nn a severe cough.* Kor*about two mt>iUhs..ilj',incrcas f (.’d more and more, though I tried every m.cans to get relief. Gkoiightown, D.’.C. June 28, 1838. , To OH. WOT'. BVANS.—Kcspcctccl-.friciul; I urn truly gratified Unit I can return my ..(sincere thanks to you, svlm have been the cause aof my Ik ing rcstoreil to /trrfert health. par live months past I have been iaborir.it; uucler a severe Chronic. Inllummatory Rheumatism, attended ’with debility; Inss nf appetite, lowness of spirits &c. Having frequently lieanl of the truly ex cellent quality of your Camomile Pills, I at last determiijVd to make trial of them; althnui;h not without cnnsiilerable-oppotihion from my physi chut and family. At last seeing my determina tie.n thtiy argued to the trial; and upon using the third package I was altogether restored to health. How can I express my gratitude ami sincere record for such a saviour of human frames? My'casc was altogether hopeless, and I must confess myself surprised at .(lie extraor din iry result. No people were evermore blcss ed Ilian wc are with such remedies. The many,, quack advertisements which appear in the pa pers which 1 received from your city, deterred me from using your pills before Idid. lean trtdv say that no mcdicioc in the known world has had such aaeficial effect be as your Camo mile and Aperient Pills. What makes the cure more extraordinary is that l am more than forty I years of. age, and for the Igst four years could ! just move ohjmt, and only at short intervals. 1 am ,af-prescht_entirely recovered," and mv hopes j are that you may enjoy a long and prosperous! life. If Prim spared, I will almost certainly ! come to Philadelphia to sec you.' - J —lf-my••ham'e r Tiwl“U i ttidv“w’iiri)o of any service j do you, you are at perfect liberty to malic use of them, and all I can do to aid "you will be done with unbounded pleasure. Vour most truly gratelul and humble serv’t; Wiuiaji Johnson. Sept 6, 1838. MORE FROOFS-of the'efficacy nf Dr. W. Evans* Camomile Tonic-'and Family A pcnynt Fills.—Mr, Joshua Swain, Cape May county, !N. J M c/Fectual)y restored to health from the following distressing symptoms;—Extreme debility, attended with constant pain in the side, back and lypbH, giddiness,rind dimness of sight; sickness at tlie stomach, impaired appetite;, dif ficulty of breathing; : gveat pressure and weight, at the stomach after eating; depression of spirits, coldness and weakness of the extremities; flying, pains in\the chest; cosUvcness, and other symp. toms nrttMiecessary to cimmcratCi jjr S . Swain, jvlte of the aforesaid has also been restored to health by invaluable medi cines. Hcrsymptnms were-—nervousness, head ache, pain in the side, loss of appetite, disturbed rest, eructations, &c. -.The public are hereby informed,that their motives for making this dec laration -are, that others afflicted with like symp. toms.may receive jntormation of, and be cured by the same inestimable mVdicine, • JACOB SQUIER. For sale nt-the Herald-Offices Caflislei Sept 6, 1838. .. IMPOKTAiVT TO FEMALES. PR. WiVL- EVANS 5 Camomile Pills have ■ proved to be thc'mhst.useful medicine now ..before the.piiblic»_iii_ci!adi l cu , llnK tiU..tlic diseases connected wi th the female sex. One of the most dangcrons epochs.io females is at the change of ,jde,iind it is then that they require a 'medicine* which will so invigorate their mind,and strength en their constitutions, as may enable them to Withstand the shock. Ladies who arc in a deli cate-state, are ofteirtroublcd with sickness, such as vomithtg, heart burn, head ache, tooth hftht% hysterics, and other troublesome symptom?,from which they will find themselves relieved, by ta king Dr. Lvans* Camomile Pills, which remove disorders in the, •head, invigorate the ..mind; strengthen the body, improve' the memory, and enliven the Imagination,, .Remembering always to keepithe bowels open'wlth Jivans* Family A perient Anti-bilious Pills. For sale at the - * ! lleb A LD’.OrFicK', Carlisle and by ~ - - S.,\Vn.sos & Co. Shippcnsburg. Carlisle, Sept 6, 1838. , *• ‘ r TO THE, TEIBEBC. , .Prepared by IOS. PRIESTLY PETERS,-*!— D. 129 .Liberty street. New Vorli. Elicit box contains 40 pills; price 50 cents. - , ■ . These celehraled-Ptlls aresold hv all theprin eipal Druggists in naltimorc.Philadelphiii, Wash ington city, ami throughout the United States, tile Canadas, Texas,Mexico; amUlut West In dies, and bv JOHN J. MYERS, Carlisle, , " SAMUEL ELLIOTT, DO. S. WILSON Sc Co.‘, Sldppgnsburg, 1 GEO. CIARLIN, CUamhcrsburg, ' , LEWIS DENICi, Do. ALEX’H SPEER, Mcrcersburg, P. W. LITTLE, Do. December 6, IS3B. 1 y & THEIR DESTRUO ! 11\ E NOSTRUMS.—The united lesti ' ninny of physicians throughout the United States j has hilly proved (he fact that Peters’ Vegetable , I ills nrc the only true Vegetable Pills which will i stand the test of anulyzation; hence the proprie tor would most earnestly urge them pi the notice of those who have been in the habit of using, as cathartics or aperients, the destructive and irri tating quack pills so generally advertised, npd winch are at best butslow consumers of the vital functions, and murderous agents, even to ,the most hale. If is true, most ol them produce a purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief; hut in most cases they injure the digestive or gans, and an habitual resort to them must tcr .minate in confirmed dyspepsia. It is true that cathartic and aperient medicines areoften required, but the nicest discrimination I should always he observed m the selection; and, if this be done,'nothing injurious can result from their use. To produce this much desired result), Dr. Pe ters lias made it his study for several years and feels proud to say he has succeeded at length far beyond his expectations. 'The object of his pills is to supercede the necessity of a frequent re course to injurious purgative's, and to offer a me dicine safe, certain, and.pleasant in its operation. Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, M. D. No. 129 Liberty street. New York.'- Each’ box con tamsdO pdfs, Price 50'cents. For sale byj. .1, Myers, and S. Elliott, Carlisle, and Samuel Wilson 8c Co. Shippcnsburg. Dec. 6. - ‘ - -(H Peters’ Vegetable Pills, MORE than three millions of boxes of these celebrated pills have been sold in the U. States since January,.lB3S. Hundreds and thousands bless the dav they became acquainted with Peters' Vegetable Pills, which in consequence of their extraordinary goodness, have attained a popularity unprece dented iu the history of medicine. When taken according to the directions ac-' companying them, they are highly beneficial in the prevention and cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headach, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy. Rheuma tism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Files,, Cholic, Female ,Obstructions, Heart Burn, Nansen, Furred Tongue, Distension of the Stomach .and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence,- Hab itual Gostivenoss, Loss of Apetite, Blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient is needed. ■ They are exceedingly mild in. their operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility. - - . - - ■ The efficacy of these Pills is so well known, and their use so general, that further comment is considered-unnecessary. . Dec, 6. Headache, Sick find. JVTewous, THOSE who hav6 suffered, and arc weary, of suffering from these distressing complaints, will find in Peters' Vegetable Pills a remedy at once certain,'and immediate in its effects. I - h\ Hys/ie/isia they stand unrivalleds many have been cured in.a few weeks after having suffered under this dreadful complaint for years. ' . In habitual Costivcness they are decidedly su perior to any Vegetable Pills ever yet- discover ed, and besides this they are recommended by all the eminent and leading members of the me dical Faculty. For,sale as above. A CATALOGUE OF REASONS. For uaing Dr. Peters* Celebrated Vegetable PILLS. 1, Because they arc exceedingly popular, which proves them to be!exceedingly gnid. .2. Because they are composed simples which have the power to do good in animmeuse number of possessing the means to do injury in any, • - k, I ® ec «“» e ‘hey a tjuatk medicine, but .] the scientific compound of a regular physician who has made his profession the study of hislif?’ 4 Because they are not unpleasant to take nor distressing to retain, while they, are most effect ive to operate. - ■ .. -Llir 5 Because they-nrefecommendcd'as standard n ’r 'o nc; t,lc regular faculty. ' state nf ncdnn b M kce - ping ' ! V sys?emn na "ira! ’ whh hIT' ’ lh Sy cun- almost every disease ! 7 L V“!' ,cl(l ':: i,: ' l to the human frame. ■ will retain nil a r -e ch<fn P :,n<l portable, and vigo., in any - and uulXe U ::^;;ey W ’^rt?,,e ,Cl> procuring a good appedt" U " fallln e remedy for H Because they effect their cures without grijiinps. attcnt^lnts other pills, sickness and r because as well as being an Unrivalled purifier of the general system, they are a sover eign remedy for sick head-ache. _ 13 Because they differ from the majority of .medicines, in the fact j hat _thc more they arc— knosvn the more they are approved. ' ,J.Tr.- r T C as t,K ’ ir - applijsstinn ereates no debility in lli£ system, tlu>y mav be taken with out.producing any hindrance, to business or the usual pursuits of every day life 15 Because when once introduced into a Cun, • or a village, they almost take complaih C ts! :nCC ‘ ° t,lcr OK-dicincs ' 10 Because a number of the svnnrtcrful cures they have effected, can be substantiated without : an) undue-means hemg resorted to, to procure invalid testimonies. 1 ’ 10 pmcuie 17 Because their composition ,is such, Hint they arc equally applicable to the usual diseases of w.itOT, cold, nr temperate climates 18 Because two dr three, are in in ner d s.,f ' mTv ■ l< ; l 'r! ]ns r~?!’ ,is ' is •!'= case with the giny.dity.of patent medicine s— llic patient ,s " n , t eninpelle?!. to make a meal of them P ' m B .‘-c»»>e each individual pill is pm ~p tin-'- del the immediate superintendence of the pre mnmiu-'r- 1 ,<lt lir ',. n ' ls,ill!l ' ’•! l! >e composition or. " u> c.u. possibly occur through the care- Ilsmicss of a less intcrcstfd npriu 20 . Because they purify the frame without' debilitating the fiystem., 21' Because, not withs’tnnding- their immense popularity, no person has eve, ventured ™ r-dse not bat. 1 b" 1 ,T ,rcal ' l .ofcensiire, which would covered C?St ’! ' f n nry cmM hl "' u ‘Hs -00 i them.a single flaw to cavil at. im;;V.anrr t 'tT'i (nn ' r!l,,i: ' f ‘ ,Ct . is " f tlle »Hnmt V ia , dl lcsllla certain situation may -take, them, (not more than two or Ihrec'at a time however!; without j n the slightest degree incurring the hazard of abortion.- Were the ra'- ~1; ' B '’ f , I , ,Ctel Y V' estlm: ' - tins desirable end alone, it would-give them a decided advantage over the medicines of all com petitors, ns ini no cases-is there more danger to he apprehended, or for which so few have been discovered, as the one referred to 23 Because vvliTlc they lire so efficient in their [operations with adults they may at the same time be administered to ehddren and even to infants. . in smnll quantities, half a pill fur instance, with ' out Hu* slightest danger. 24 Because their' virtues are acknowledged- ' to stand pre-eminent, for ,their smithing influence upon young ladies while suffering from the usual changes of life, as dieccted hy the laws of 'Na- Ulrc - Dec, 6, MSSSSELL’S -DOTJSLSI i:3TTIKO PITMP. ' nip , s " 1 ? !,cr i l i‘i ~s ,U 1V "’K Purchased the pat cm njjh t o Meixscll’s Doable Lifting P,L D cs C IT^V ’ 1 erry ’ Juni!ltil & Mifflin.cm, n P - ' ■n-r,l > r ?° tICe that tl,tv arc now prcj VAUUASSKE PUMP am! at so reasonable a rate that almost any per on will be able to prorate one knowledge the subscribers have of the Jr" t mil | L°dnle of th':V' VlliC '’- h ','he pimc.iplc ot thefire engine, t)icv hazard nnthimr Si™ Thf*". 1 r'" y Come '” p lo!>uhlic '** In,?'; 1 ! "• pnbbc arc requested to call at tlu c rfiot adjoining; Mr. Aughinbaugh’.s Hole) in Carlisle, where one of the pumps can be seen in lull operation in the ronrsk of a few days MarchV?B38 NQ ’ C “\ , IiIVER CO2VE?XiikIII T, Cured bj7)r, ll'm. -Kvam' Chamomile Tonic find .d/terlenl Tills. MRS. LY ILE, Mount,1ay, Lancaster co. Pa, completely restored to health, by Ur. m-it’aS anl | 0,11 l e • Hei ' symptoms were, hft wi.hon. ICI I,g " Sld<- ’ cm,kl 110 t ,!e 011 her rest P v^ 1 lm ‘'Esrayanon of the pain, disturbed test. Lxtieme debility, pains in the head, Inks of appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness mms imir'r ° s, K ht -langor, with other symp r,? l g Brent derangement in the fin,c tions of the liver. Ahss Lytle, daughter of thr- /-'V'’’ llas also been restored to pci iect health, by the same invaluable medicine. Her symptoms were,extreme nervousness, at ended with severe pain her side, sickness bn the s omach, mictions, &c. , Mrs. Lytle has the pleasure of, informing the public, that nu inerous cases similar to her own, (in- her v,’dot ty) have been restored to health by; the same invaluable medicine. General Office for the salt of Dr. Mm. Evans. Chamomile Tonic Pills’ is at No. 19 North . Eighth st. Philadelphia, a few dpors above Market 1 Interesting case of„ Dyspepsia and Hjpocondriacism, Cured by Dr. _ Evans’ Chamomile 7'onic and . family A/ierient. Pills. ' M P unt , J °y. Lancaster co: was aßected for 7 years with the above distressing fw 9^mwrths f W M Ch slle i was chnfinitd to her bed Of •• , symptoms were, depression hL-dre i s,ck " css nt ‘he stomach, head aclie; , Pr> r tlte ’ Krcat Pressure and weight at dencv°flvf' artC - ,, e ? tinB * Brcat ™ntal despon dency, flj mg pains in the-chest, back and sides entitles, a dtshke for scciety'.or'con raneor s ' shi,,K and weeping, and a!,S ' tlK ? c np°n the least exercise.— Mis. tsood was in the most- desperate situation bv 's n ■ b , , t in n ° Krss pL™ "f IB n h o rs t /' rt,al{e fifil of Hr. Evans’. Chamomile Hills, of which she is happy testate <’ t iw' E il? n ° n cn Jayntß all .the.blcssings of per feet health. Persons desirous of further infer-. be srit ,' sfictl Qf cvt,, y particular of her astonishing cure, by. apply ingat J 9 North Eighth, street, Philadelphia, or at her residence. ' i nc.aoove medicine i»-forKa]&-by - : ■ffetald Office, Carlisle, ■ . Demutt ip Bumgardner. Ymk.- /Sept 6, 18.18. v ■ .. lAgenUi.. -• . Chalices and Mouslin De Sail (s. A fine assortment ycry low, at ■ v Dec, 6, Arnold & Co’s.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers