.s TEETH. ttLIeIOUtMETALIC, OR MINERAL XSCOR- RUPT2QLB TZZTJi. It has for many years been a gVeat desideratum among European' and American-Dentists," to manufacture Teeth from incorruptible materials which should imitate the natural living’ Teeth, Many have devoted years to unsuccessful-ex periments, and others have succeeded in' manu facturing teeth of materials similar to the porce lain ware, but generally they have am opaque white appearance, by which they nre eas\fy,dis> tinguishedfrom the human teeth..,,; - ; C.'.-’t After long and tedious experiments, the subj, seriber has succeeded in manufacturing teeth of materials entirely incorruptible, and perfectly in imitation of human teeth. They have a .scmi transparency, nnd are made of various sizes apd shades.' - 1 ' ’ / In cases where absorption of the aveolar-pro-, sets, or other causes may render it necessary, he', will ’ cast of the same materials attached to the teethj artificial gums, which shall imitate the gum and supply the loss of substance.- . It is entirely impossible for these teeth to •hange their color, or cause fetid breath... He will-insert them from one to entire sets, in such manner that they will make articulation Qf the voice perfect, and materially assist in masti cation! and so that they cannot be distinguished frsm the most beautiful,natural living teeth by tlie most scrutinizing observer, He also performs all the various operations in. Denial Surgery, according to the late scientific i mprovemcnls in the art. P. H. KNApP, Surgeon Dentist. N. W. corner of Charles 8c Fayette streets, Haltimorc, OOMMOM SCHOOL'S' OF CARLISLE. IT has been resolved that the Board of School Directors of lhe~B6rohgh of Carlisle will hereafter meet on the first Monday of .each month irt the Town Hal) at nine o’clock winter, and eight o’clock in the summer,/for the admission of scholars into thepublic schools,' and the transaction ofp other business; Teach ers, parents and scholars, will therefore take notice, that the next .meeting of the Board will be on Monday the 4th day of February nfext, and On tne first Monday of each month following, and that these will be the only opportunities af forded tor presenting bills and admitting schol ars. , v Teachers are informed that the ,12th Rule of the published regulations i»f. the Board, which permits a Teacher at his or hei discretion, to allow a scholar to attend school, until the next meeting of the. Bodrd y \i<xs reference exclusively to hew scholars , who have hot been at any school in the borough for the preceding 'six months , and of this fact it will be expected that the Teacher will require hill and satisfactory evi dence. By order of the Board. J J; HAMILTON, Secretary. 1 January 31, 1889. . _ 3t TO DRUGGISTS. A Drue Store situated in a town in one of the most fertile sections of Pennsylvania, is offered ,for salt. To a person of moderate capital, there are hut few more'tlfeSirable A House and Lap will be rented to the purchaser, it fe qmred, and posacssiorifthereof Riven at any time. , , Par, further particulars enqiiire.of the Editors ; of the Volanteer.- - Jarinarvjl, 18S0 Anew liincof Freight Cars FROM BARAXSBXmo TO PHIL ADELPHIA. THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, re spectfully acquaints his friends and the pub lic, that he has put into operation on the HAR RISBURG, LANCASTER, and COLUM®!S' KAIL ROAD, a lin'e of new DOUBLE CARS, which will run regularly between Harrisburg & Philadelphia, by which Goods and .Produce of .aU-dclcnp'libns.wlll be forwarded with care and despatch, at the lowest rates of freight. , ■ - Goods will be received at the W AREHOUSE of THOMAS J. MAXWELL. N. E. confer of Broad and Vine streets, Philadelphia, and for warded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chaiubersburg, and intermediate places, and by the subscriber, OWEKM’CABE, Harrisburg, Jan. 31,1839. , v , _ OAFISH. SALT AND PL ASTER, CON STANTLY ON HAND. Cash paid for almost all kinds of country produce. DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the name of Moore and Biddle is this day dissolved by mutual-'consehf. All business of the firm will be settled by John Moore, JOHN MOORE, . EDWARD M. BIDDLE. - Carlisle, January 31 f 1839. JWicnisisx Aiv»er. Burr Manufactur The subscriber wishes.; to infqrni:-li's. friends and jhe public that-he continues the manufactu ring of all kinds of machinery for Woolen'Fac ♦ories, together with , FRENCH BURR NIXZ.X> STONES, at hisold stand in New Cumbevl'aod, all of which lie will warrant.to.be.made in the best work manlike manner ' and of .the best materials, and sell at the lowest prices, upon accommodating terms. ...... ° A constant supply of Cards will be kept on hands, and old machines repaired. ..... - ■ ABR’M ly June 21,.1838. ■ ' , TO XMBNTISTS» < Ther'subscriber furnishes Dentists with his ''celebrated Mineral Incorruptible Teeth, which have been spoken of in the highest terms of cotn raendation. bwaU who liav'e usefl tliem andiTjy’: numerous mefppf profound chemical knowledge' who have examined them- Als». Human 'lheth, .Gold-FoU, Tin do., tu*c. Bcc. including every title of material used in Dental Surgery. Teethv • gold,'fife, sent by mail to any part of the Union ordered. ; F. H. KNAPP, May 01, 1838. Surgeon Dentist,.Baltimore . pamctt stoves. ASPWOW assortment of : fancy Franklin intended for coal'dr Wood. Also, a vanety of Cook'ihj^Stovea of the nxost.economical and approved .kind, Woad :st9.'S,s,anfl .other [castingaAor sale-etthef fiiiiafied or m the plates, very cheapfor cash or approved csuntryproduce. ■ i r - r . r - JTi PIEIS, Foeriho AiTHUDltljir: Oak Grove Furnace, Odt?'4J,lB38 f ( ' xfr vf: '-A :R DrsKnm. meads for the liberal, patronage. wluch-he has •ceived, ’andgivernotice that; ht'wiircontinuc _ o ■/ obi Job Printing Neatly; snd expeditiously exticu '•.^itß.3Latthis office. ?*■ r v ■; , :.r -;f.U CHANGE OF AGE**W:'i For MorrlsoiPs 'Universal Modiclflcs; p; v ; Horatio shepherd MOAT-,iatc sole _Agent hi the United States, having been uisnu&seri by-the.Brltlsh c CellcgC} o£ Healthy Dr. George Taylor. rioW of of - Nc’w York, hjis been appointed Sole General Agent fjy gia Delegate to the United States. The said George Taylor has appointed A. D. Olmstcad, of Montrose, .Susquehanna couqty, Pennsylvania, Sole General Agent for thc ■states of and Delaw';\Ye, 'and counties east of the Allegheny Mountains, Penn sylvania; and George C. Hiintl, Surgeon of Allentown,Lehigh county. Pa.’, General' gent'fof fpur counties in the stale'of Neft York 7! ancNeven in the state of New Jersey, to wit:— 1 Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland,': Glouces ter, and Salem, in the state.of Jersey*;Genncssec, Livingston, Monroe* and | Steuben, in the stale of New York. V | Hereafter, no person can or will vend the ge nuine Hygeian Medicines within the said dis tricts, ekeept by the authority of the said A.D; Olmstcad and George Ci>>Hah(l. All former, agencies within said districts .having terminated by ( the removal of H. S. Aloat, who is now offer ing forsale under the firm of, Moat isf Pelham; Medicines of their own manufacture, which will readily be detected, as such will hot -have* the sipnauirc'of A. D. .OlmsteadfG. C»£land, or Olmstcad Ist Hand, on the cover of each box or package. ~ ' . Xbeacading principles of the llygcinn or Mor isonian,thcoiy ot Disease, arc too favorably and generally known to require a minute explanation 1 in this advertisement.: .. These medicines cure all diseases which ad mit of a cure, and many heretofore deemed in curable. f ’ ’ They may be given with safety to the weak est patient, and under every circumstance and stage of human suffering, and to children of the most lender age. : , Nonc.offered for sale within the aforesaid dis tricts arVgcmiinc, unless each, box or' package’ have a fac simile of James Morrison’s signature,' with a sac simile of the signature df George Tay lor, and also the written signature of A. D. Olth ■stead,C. Hand, or Olmstead ts* Hand, with the written signature of Sole Agents, when ap pointed. • * ; , ' The Pills are of tw‘o Muds—-No. J and No. 2, sold in boxes \tfth at 25 and 50;CentS; smd rt packagcs at $1 and $3. Each packet con 1 ’ tains a proportion of about.two to One of , No, 2. The Powders are in separate boxes—price 25 cents. 4 . No cliernicnl apothecary or‘druggist is ever employed to sell these medicines. 1 ■ Respectable persons complying with tKc r&- qmsitionsrequired may be appointed agents On liberal terms. Office ami General Dc/iot , .Vo. 5 South Front . street, Philadelphia. T 'A. D OLMSTEAD,. General Agent, For S 3 counties, Pa.; the states of. ■ - Maryland and Delaware. G. C. HAND, General Agent* Fqr-5 counties, N. Y., and 7 comities, N. J. The public~la hereby notified that we have united our business, and hereafter it will be con-' ducted under the firm of Olmstead & Hand. . All orders directed to Olmstead & Hand, No. Philadelphia, will receive promptattejition./^ f..’.. . OLMSTEAD Sc HAND. *’* The above medicine is for sale by • ' .. CHARLES OGILBY, Agent for Carlisle. Sept 20,1838; - - Tt.- TO BRIDGE BUILDERS P. GOOD’S IMPROVEMENT IN BRIDGES. h .-IRANCIS GOOD, of the township of New i/ London, in the,county of Chester, and state SJtPennsylvania,. obtained letters patent fur an improved plan of erecting Bridges'over streams of water. The plan combines strength and per manency, with economy, so much so as not to re quire, in some situationsv more than brie half the expense tqOrect a Bridge on this plan, and when’ built would not.be liable to be injured by a fresh et, or rise in the streams the Bridge being con structed and secured .in-‘such a manner, that if the water should rise so high as to run over the top.of itrthe Bridge would remain firm and se-, cure. The plan has been submitted to a num ber of scientific men, who all pronounce it a great improvement. One on this, plan lias been erected oyer a branch of Whiteclay creek.,in of Londongrove, which received the approbation of a Jury .appointed by the court, to view the panic. ;The subscriber having ‘pur chased dfthd? states of,'Pennsylvania west of the Susquehanna,'New HapipshircVVer m#nf, New Jersey,.Eastern Shore of Maryland, North and South Caifolinh,; Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missonrifamd the territories of Wisconsin and Florida, will sell single, township, county, or state rights, to ariyperson or persons, and will give every ex planation that may. be necessary, at his place of residence, Kirk’s Mills , Lancaster county, Penn sylvania, or to the Editors ,of the Volunteer, Carlisle, Pa.. .... '. .. :-l[ ■' ■ FRANCIS G. FELL; - September 20, 1838; ■'~f •' ’ - ' We, the Commissioners Df-,Chcster county, haying, crected.a Bridge on the mojlel of Francis Gopd’s patcnt, are decidcdlv of the? opinion that it is a very valuable improvement; especial Ivfor building over. smfdLstreams, being>much'less expensive in their construction. : r- . ' -R 1 Leiois,< V. a.-. :i L . IV. Passmore, . ’ .'- ■■' .—;. -Jo/niHeitleri. JnneiliVlfiSS; ' • ■ Commissfonei’si 1 i P MO MILE TON IC JND * Jlj PkittLr APERIENT i>/£ts. - TgENJ-AMIN BQWN, corner of Shipnen ahd MM ycorge streets,Philadelphia, was affected tor- seven y ehrs witti-extreme nervousness, by which he was notable td-write- his name; His symptoms were eruscatidnildaily Spasmodic pain jn the head,'.loss' qf appetite; 1 palpitation Of'tlie' heart,' giddiness and dlmneßs'of siglif, also .ina tylity, ofvpngaging In vigoror courage;-sickness of-the stomach, im paired appetite, coldness and weakness'of-the extremities, emaciation and .extreme -debility, disturbed rejt,’, a of. pyessnte'anftiweigKt pn theffetomaclf after eating, great mental' despon dency, severe flying pains in'the chest,backhand .side.-costivebess andon dislike for -society ’ahd conversation. . HJr.B.'-has made trial of voriorfl medicines now bterothe-pubiici'but toncreffect;- until; observing W V pubUcSpaper. some'eorea performed by .Camomile Tonic and Family Aperient.Tilla, he. was ittdu> t?-R ve t t» em » trlal » pf.whichJtieja ; any; tini* •f distressing disease.V VV «. ■ -’Pn cure, ,S.e vmOstt rOspOctfiilly to'the'above'm&tidn pei ; ' ty??pflfe»SS§* f 99 r n9r f p.f:,aimi’0D ami I Pggfeestryets.,, fcMMmros&S ■Vide other medical adveniaements",—'- ■ ,**' : •/ **s,' 0M r-i the purpose olremoving a general ftre -■tUwitteg thatprebailsl against the Ho.nabeo'pa tlnc.practicc of medicine, as well as to give a quktns 'ia the ttnfpandi'd re/iorte of- some infer. ested 'individuals ‘concealing"it, the subscriber thinks it necessary to present to fho: public-the following voluntary certificates of. cures perfor med by him, from pefsuns’of'respectability, long known in the borough of Carlisle. Persons sim ilarly afflicted majehavetheir corn/iteinls aswcll as their : firejadices. removed; by.calling bn F. EHRMAN, Homoebpathic Physician, E. Main street,: Carlisle. ■' : , ; December 2r, 1838. ,V , 'r the old practice ’’ °f Medicine'fairly established. TfIWIIOMjTJIAYCOSCEItS. CJOMETIME the last of.Au'gust, A. D. 1837, ' £5 I smail protuberance appeared on my face near my left eye: 1 thought it was what is allied a.blind boil,arid treated it accordingly. Several dayspftep ; it first appeared, it was examined byl a pliyai.cian of this,place, who pronounced it a CANCER, and directed me to apply a lunar caustici which I did lor two or three weeks, but found no Help from it. .1 also applied otherrem edicit to no better-effqct,.after wliich I~was-dU reeled to use caustic potash, but all to no pur pose. The last proposed remedy created a-sore about the. size of a quarter of a.dollar, and a co pious discharge.. It ‘Was again examined by a medical doctor, andthriught by him; to.be suffi ciently burned by the caustic, and he advised me to apply some healing salve. I did so, and as .it healed, thecancer was more visible than at first) and by the time the sore war healed, or nearly so—for, it never was fully healed from its first appearance, until healed in the way hereafter stated.. " At this'time there was a head appeared on the surface, about the size of a five penny bit, Wifh ri shooting pain and a.crawling sensation in *1- - ... '.■ . ; , „ Having been acquainted forscveralyears with Mr, Asa F. Smith, generally known in this neigh borhood, Uytlie name ot the Indian Doctor, and having seen him during the time I was applying the remedies above stated, I asked his opinion. He said, he feared they would not effect a cure; that-lie had;cui'ed'many, and was perfectly ac quainted with them in’all their stages and vari ety. After I had found those remedies which I :hafl, been .using, ineffectual, I applied to the said Mr. Smith; lie applied a plaster, with a small quantity of powder, much larger than the tumor, which was exceedingly‘painful. He gave me a phial of the powder, and the composition of the plaster, with 'directions.how to use them.— It wilt be observed that the plaster was only for the purpose ot.sticking and keeping the air from’ the wound—the powder was intended to have effect on the cancer—and an effect it had, in deed, fur it burned siipilar to red hot iron. The application of which -1-continued for about 38 days, during which time my sufferings.were'ex treme, beyond description. Indeed, ft how ap pears astonishing to me how I bore up under it so' long. In the course of this application, there were several .pieces of this cancer taken oiit) hut aftef taking out a piece in one place and then going to another for the same purpose, by the time I had succeeded in taking that tint another .one appeared in the place whence the former one had been removed, until I had taken out throc piccoo in the same place tn succession, and mope util I appeared in sufferings I had endured from the application of the said powder I was induced to cease using it. The day on which I ceased the application of it I'was nilormed that Ur. Frederick Ehrman professed to be skilled in the cure of cancers; this was sometime in December 1837, to the best of my recollection, I called on the doctor that evening. The next day he called to sub me, and gave me medicine, which was used inwardly.— He would not allow any outward application, excepting dry lint— and to my. astonishment, there was no" further discharge from tliti Wound, morg than barely saturated the small quantity of lint, which was only sufficient to cover it.'After I had taken his prescription for three, or four days, l.found by the sensation in the other side of my face, that it was as.highly charged with -the cancer as was the side I had made the ap plication of the powder Ip, aforesaid, and that it had also got down over my under'jaw into tfie glands .of my neck, 1 also, found a. cancerous, sensation on the inside of my right arm. between the wrist and elbow, and another in the fleshy part oi my right thigh, arid also irt other parts of iriy body. - The sensation was so well known by me. Having experienced so much of it, I could not have been mistaken. After taking Dr, Ehr man’s prescription two or thrce.day.s, I,observed a change in all those -affected parts-, above na nifd, and more particularly in the.wpund which .was opened, by the former application, which now began to heal. I think it was not more than two or three weeks from’the time Dr. sEhrman made the first application until my face wis healed completely over, arid Hits' continued so ever since, and appears to be sound. . From the foregoing facts I fecl.it ji duty I owe to Ur. Ehrir.an arid-fb the public at Targe, to cei tify that he fully removed the cancer from mv SYSTEM, by his prescription, and that he not only cured me pf thecaricer, but has par tially removed a disposition which .1 had long felt of a dyspepticaffectiori, arid'also some urin ary obstruction,"Vo thatT feel. morel whole and .sound in body than l have forseveral years past. (Given under my-harid at Carlisle, county of Cum; herland, and state of Pennsylvania; the IStlrday of August r A,‘D.lB3B. ; A CASE OF DYSPEPSIA of 20 years standing prdcticc. ~,,. . . I dff.ceriify that 1 have been ifflicted withdya pepsia for the time above mentioned, and fer tile last five years-uery severely , attended ,withe burning,.aching andbeatiiigin the stomach, and occasionally, with stitchesand vomiting. I could not relish strong diet of,any kind, ana was gen erally of a costive 'habit/ my long ill n?ss, il employed mW/differeiit physicians, -at different times, in lhe hope of getting - some, re lief, if not entirely cured i but all was in vain.— At length I heard'oTdifferent astonishing cures performed by:Dr. Frederick .Ehrman, Homoe opathic Physician, and I. employed him as the tenth, : but-' without .ihuch hope.lHe gave/me medicine nnd - continued it four or five weeks, when I feU-greatrqliqf, and in a very ahort time arterwards l was completely cured, and for nearly'a yearsincel have enjoyed igood state'ofhealth,VvithouttheleaSt«ViTiptbmoftliat disagteeabie ,complaint: therefore recommend .to'thbse afflictedwTtbmm ilar.or other complaints, ;tb make early appliba tionto Dr. Ehrnaah, whose medicine is not only butjseldom in Affording relief.'' Moreover, the Doctor’s charge is uncommonly Witness mV signature at'Caflfsle; the first,day of November 1838. ■ J ■ ‘C. MOORE,' Hanoyer st: , " .v-,. .. T.O - ’ '' I'dbcertify-with'pleaSure.'thatDr. Frederick Ehrman/HomaeopnthiP Physician, of Carlisle, cured me of the following complairtts,, to wit- In tfihhatiliihi 6f.185?,1 was afflicted withra vie* lent attack of dysentery,* and X dpplied to and was attended by one of our moat sminent- m«v tc o n Iphysiciansjvith but little success. Somethin , I after ! vJas afflicted with what is generally ter med' inflammatory rheumatism , and the pains 1 suffered Were excruciating, particularly in mi joints, A I was' attended by the same eminent , physician; s .btitf'So ' acute;, wefe my '.pains, thai , laudanum was copiously administered to lull mi. and ease myisufferings-i-itafforded biit a'teinpn rary relief: my joints were swelled ami stiff, nij right arm and hand were powerless—l coulo not move a finger. 1 had the white swelling in my right knee, andmyankle joint was swelled ahd stiff-' I Had a'cotigh with purulent expecto ration, accompanied with the dysentery. Infaci I- was left by the different diseases, and the treat ment prescribed, a living skeleton, almost with out ainy hope of relief. One of my neighbors who, visited mi about this time, advised me to call on Dr. Frederick Ehrman, andTdid 50,.0n the principle that a drowning man would eatth at strawsi or’,, in other words, I was willing to try anu thing to get relief from the miseries I wasjaboriiig under, and contrary to'my’expet tationi'as well jii all \d!tb sslvr me, Isdo'rt'found a general-relief—my paliis removed, and my flesh and health increased 1 by . Dr. Ehrman’s treat ment,-a’nd from thattime I elijoyed'and now en joy a better state of health thaij .before 1 was af flicted. Ido therefore, with confidence recom mend to those’suffering under similar afflictions, to,call upon Dr. Ehrman, in Carlisle, (the soon er the better, alter, they becorriferifflicted) under a firm belief that-lhey will he snnn relieved and restored to their,usual.if..noVbetter.health, than before they were afflicted, without theuse ofthe lancet, or’the disagreeable and painful operation nt blistering or un-ommon restriction of diet.— His niedicine is pleasant but-pdwcrfuj, and is always attended with beneficialconsequenr.es.— Given under mv hand at Carlisle the 15th dav of November, A. D. 1838., E. ZERMAN. In,the fall, of the year 1837,1 was afflicted with a bad cold, which bi*oughton a severe cough.— Forabqut.twp .months it increased more and more, tried every, means to get relief. I then employed one of.mii* most eminent physi cians, but;still got worse and worse* at length I. wns'cohfined to bed, and every rtiovement of mv. body brought on the cough so severely that I thought I raust.dic, I cannot describe the stif. ferihgs I felt from th 6 pain in my breast, fltirthe quantity of putrid matter I .discharged when c«ughtrtg—it appeared that my .whole inside would be spit out.’ I was reduced to a skeleton. About this time some of my fricqds came to see me and related some cores of similar complaints performed by Ehrman, and strongly urged me to give him atrial. I had them before, and consented, without any hope howcv er.ofjecdVering'. , .But, contrary-to the, expec tation of my ffu nds, as well as myself. I wasjhy his treatment, soon.able to leave my bed and.at-r tend.to my business as usual, which I believe I never would have done, but fqr his medical treat-, ment; and my strength speedily returned. From lime.Lhave-enjoyed -belter.-health. thanLl ha'd'Vlonc for several years before. Nqw,-I would £ay to those similarly afflicted,and to the public qt large, that my firm belief is, if it had not been for the treatment of Dr. Frederick Ehrman, on thcHnmneopathic principle of medical practice, I would now have been numbered with the 'dead , instead of giving tins information for the benefit of the public, which 1 consider it my duty to do. Given under mv hand .at Carlisle, the 7th dav of December, 1838. JOHN CORNMAN. £i»co«»o»e'*'oww, D. C. June 28, 1838. TO DR; WM. EVANS—Respited friend: I am truly gratified that .1 can return my sincere thanks to you, who have been the cause of my being restored to fierfect health. For five months past 1 have been laboring under a severe Chronic Inflammatory Rheumatism, attended with debility, loss of appetite, lowness of spirits Bcc. Having frequently heard of the truly ex cellent quality of your Camomile Pills, Tat last determined to make trial of them; although not without considerable opposition from my physi- Tnalrhnd farmlyT At“last 'determina tion they argeed to the trial* and'upon using the third package ! .was altogether; restored to health. How can I express my gratitude and sincere regard for such a saviopr of human Frames? My case was altogether hopeless, and I must confess myself surprised at the extraor-. dinary result* -No people were ever more bless ed than we are with such many quack advertisements which appear in the pa pers which 1 received from ybur city, deterred me from using 5 your pills before I did, l ean truly, say that no medicine in the known world has had sucji aneficial e!rect,be.as. your Camo mile and Aperient Pills. v What makes the cure more extraordinary is that ! than forty years : 6f age, and fbKthe four years could just move about, and-only at ’short" intervals. I am at present entirelyirecpycred,- and my hopes are’that you may. long and prosperous life. If I am .spared, I jvill almost certainly, come to Philadelphia to see you. ' If 'my. name ahd. letter'wjU’be of any service to you* you are, at perfect liberty to make use of them, and all 1 can 'do'to aid you will be done with unbounded.pleasure. .• ... • Your most truly l gratelul and humble seyv't,'. 1 William Johnson. Sept 6, 1838.’. / . ... * MORE PROOFS of the efficacy of Dr. W. Evans’ Camomile .Tonic and Family A peVieiit Pills/—Mr. Joshua'Swain, Cape May county, N. J., effectually restored to health from the following; distressing symptoms:-r:Exti;eme debility,' attended, with- constant-pain in the side, back apd-limbs', dimness of sight; sickness at the stomach, impaired appetite; dif ficulty of breathing; great pressure and weight at the stomach after eatingfdepressioii dispirits,' coldness and weakness of the extremities;-flying pains in the chest; custiveness, and other symp-‘ toms not necessary to enumerate. Mrs. Swain, wife of. -the,, aforesaid. Mr. Swain, lias also,been restored-to health by the above invaluable medi cines. Hersymptoms were—-nervousness, head ache, pain in the sideVjbss of appetite, (listurhcd rest, eructations,'.See.'; s |£fce public are hereby informed that their motiyes'foiMpakihglliis dec laration are, that others afflicted with like symp toms may receive information tof, -and be cured by the same inestimable medicine., - . For sale at the/Herald Office, Carlisle;, Sept'6,*lB3B.C ; ‘ ' / JACOB.SQUIER, IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. WM.EVANS’ .Camomile Pills have proyedtbbethehaostusefulmqdicine now before the public, in eradicating all the diseases cdnnectcd witKthcfemafe.sex; One of the mbit dangerous epochs,toTbrnalesis at tile change of life,‘And it is.then that they require a medicine, which will so invigocate their mind.and strength en • their constitutions, -as may enable them to withstand the shpdtc.-—Ladies who are,in a deli cate statc,_are/6Ren troubled.With/sickness, such as ybjniting. heart bnrn, head'aolie, r toolh aclu', hysterics, and other troublesome symptoms,from which tliey’-winTind lllemselves relieved; by ta king Dr, Evans' Camomile Pills, which remove disurders'in the. head,.'invigorate tlie.niind; strengthen the hpdy, improve the memory, anti enliven-the imagination. Remembering,always tp keep the bowels open with Evans’ Family A . perient Anti-bibous Pills. For saleat.the ; a ,- ■ ■ IIKRALi>OKFicE, Carlisle.:uul b\, ,K .‘i Cfl. Shippehsburg. Carlisle, Sept 6, lfi3B. OCtt t &V‘ 4 ~ CURED I^ol* TO Til E l* L B LIC. ' THfi TRUE RICHES OF LIFE IS HE ALT H. We health, and the ability to. labor is the wealth of the great mass of the people in this as in most, other countries. 7b preserve, therefore t that health by NAT URAL means, is a grand moral and political scheme , to JulJil which requires our utmost, attention. ; - T HE unparalleled reputation which Peters*] .Pills have acquired as a Medical Restorative, is the most unquestionable proof that can be gi vcn.of their immense importance to the afflicted; in almost every class of diseases. The number of letters received from patients recoveringthro*' their means is reallv prodigious, and the-.com plairits which they nave cured arc almost as va ried as-they_are numerous. But still, therefore some in which they arc more especially benefi cial than in others; and among those may be namcd.the too often fatal complaints of the sto mach and bowels; such as Chollp, Flatulence,* and Indigestion, for which they are not only a certain but an immediate cure. It is well known that from the disarrangement of the stomach and bowels;* arise nine tenths of all the'irmladies of adult and declining life; that this is the foundation of Flatulency,. Spasmodic Pains, Indißeslidh,Vtfoof-Apetite &c.i find that those in their, turn give birth to "Dropsy, Liver Complant, Consumption, and habitual lowness of spirits; therefore Peters* Pills being the very best medicine which has ever been discovered for the incipient diseases of the intestines, are necessarily the surest preventives of those dread ful, and also general disorders, which embitter mature life, and drag so many millions to un timely graves.' .... ' speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing to'lmnself that has not been conceded by the public. He is noncedy quack of unknown spec titator, vHio comes before th*e world a 3 Ill’s own lytrald and witness, but is placed in'a responsi bility of,situation by the patronage which he has enjoycd.for years, and which is increasing to an extent unprecedented in the annals of medicine, that makes him carqful to arrest nothing which is not bqrhe put by the most infalible proof, and hence he does not fqar to be put to the test in any which he has promised respecting his Pills, Dr. Peters is most happy to be able to state, on the authority of a great numbeY of regular physicians, that wherever his Vegetable Pills have beer, introduced, they Have almost super ceded the adoption of mercurial experiments, 1 for their peculiar faculty in sweetening the blood, I and stimulating it to expel all nbxtpinMuices, and in giving strength and’tone to the nerves, pre vents disease from acquiring that strength which must be got under, if at all, by dangerous reme died 1 r Prepared by JOS. PRIESTLY PE'tERS. M. D. 129 Liberty street, ‘New York. Each dox contains 40‘ pills; price 50 cents. These celebrated Pills are sold by allthenrin-- | cipal Druggists in Baltimore.Plulndelphiu?\\&sh ington city, and throughout the the Canadas,'Texas, Mexico, and tjie West liv dies, and by ' ■ / . JOHN-J -MYERS; Carlisle,- J v SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Dn. S.-WILSON &. Co., Shippensburg, GF.O. GARLIN, ChainluTsburg, ' LEWIS DENIG. Do.' ALEX’R SPEER, Mcrcer.sburg,,,. . P. W. LITTLE, Do. December 6, 1838, 3v / iw 3 / ifh T7AOKS Sc THEIR EESTRI/c -IIVE NOSTRUMS.—The united jtesii nnmy of j>hysicians throughout the Uniicdifitates has fujly proved the fact that Peters’ Vegetable ! Pills are the only true Vegetable Pills which will stand the test of aualy.zation? hence the/prop.rie tor would moist earnestly urge them to/he notice of those who have been in the habit of using, as. the destruclheand irri tating quack pills so generally, adveitisgd, and which are at best but slow consumers if the vital functions, and murderous agents, \ e to the most is true, most of the'hl produce a purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief; but in mosCcascs they injure the digestive or gans, and an' habitual resort to them must ter minate in confirmed dyspepsia. . j It is true that cathartic arid aperient medicines ' are often required, but the nicest discrimination 1 should always be observed .n the selection; and,,! if this be done, nothing injurious can result from I their use. To produce this much desired result, Dr. Pe ters ha!s made it his’study for several years and feels proud : to stty he has succeeded at length far beyond his expectations.—The object of his pills is to §uj)ercede the necessity of a frequent re course to injurious purgatives, and to offer a me dicine safe, certain, tyd-plear.ant-in its operation. Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, M, D. No. 129 Liberty street, Ne w York. Each box con tains 40 pills. Pricei.so cents. For sale by J. iJ. Myers, and S. Elliott, Carlisle, and Samuel Wilson & Co, Shippensburg., . _ Dec. 6. Peters’ Vegctallile Pills, MORE than three millions of boxes of these celebrated pills have been sold in the U. .States since January, 1835. ■ ' .. ■ . Hundreds and thousands bless the. day they became acquainted with Peters’ Vegetable Pills, width hi 'consequence of their extraordinary goodness, have attained/a popularity unprece dented in the history of medicine. - When takcnaccording-to-the directions ac companying them, they are highly beneficial in the prevention and dire of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Headach, Jaundice,' Astlima', Dropsy.-Rheuma tism,Enlargement of the Spleen; Files,-Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heart Burn, Nansen, Furred Tongue, Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient.Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hab itual Costiveness, Loss of Apetite, Bloiched-or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases .of Torpor of the Bowels; .where a cathartic or an. aperient is needed.' They are exceedingly mild in |heir ppcrntion;<produciDg neither nausea, griping nor debility. / ' - ■ The efficacy of these Pills is so well -known, and,their use so general, that further comment is considered unnecessary, Dec. 6. MSemlache, Sick nntl JlVii'ens. tif HOSE whohavesuffeTedr and are weary pf suffering frbm thestf.distressing complaints, will find in Peters’:Vegetable Pills a remedy at once certain, and immediate in its effects.' In they .stand unrivalled t-many have ,beeh,cjired in a fejyweeks after having suffered undefathis dreadfijl complaint for years. ■ In habitual Costiveness they"are decidedly su perior to any Vegetable Pills ever yet discover-- ed, and besides this they are recommended by all the eminentjuid leading members of the me- Hic.alJFacn|ty.— * : - .* ■ - I For .sale as above. ... V ' Dec, 6. : AC'ATA-liOGl^ : OF;li,E'ASblVS for Using. Dr.felcrs’Celebrated -Vegetable ■ . . 1; Because they.arc ‘ exceedingly -popular, Which provcsthem rQbe.eXcepdingtvgood'.-/ '. , • 2. _ Because Jfiey/are’cdiiiposed ■of simples Which liav(rthE''pbvverko'do good in'an immense number of cases, wlOjqutTossesjihg; the means to do injury in any. t —‘ ■ i : 3 Because; Hect are not a quackmcdicinelbut I the'scientific compound of a regular physician, who has made His professionthe stildy of his life. , 4' Because they are. not unpleasant tt> take nor. distressing to.retain',:while they]art mosteffect iye to operate., ' , i 5 Because they are recortr trended ns standard* medicine by the regular faculty. 6: Because by kecping.tlte system in n natural state of action, they; cure almost every disease w Hich is incidental, to the human frame.. ' " . ”^ aUse they areclienp and pbrtafile;, and : will retain all'tlieir yirtne.vin-ihll vigor.- in ‘ any climate; and for atiy length o’ftime. 1., vd dsaw' j “feciuse, •nntwithslahding their ’simplicity] and mildnqss, they aye 6ne;of the speediest puty vt i mcdicincsv-hich hasyet been discbvVned,* 9 Because they are ah: unfailing remedy. 'fpV procuring a good appetite. ’ : X.' 10 Bedause in cases of spleen or despondency, by their hdnlthy influence oh the excited -stntif of the body, they liave a most happy effect,, in aiming, and Invigorating the niiiid. " . . 11 Because they effect their, cures without' tlie usual attendants of other pills, sickness and griping*.'" - ; 12 Because as well as,being an unrivalled purifier of,the general system, they area sover eign remedy for sick head-ache, 13 Because they differ Irom the majority of medicines, in the fact that the more they are known the'more they are opproVed. 14 Because as their application creates no debility in the system, they may he taken with, nut producing any hindrance to business or the usual pursuits of every day life. 15 Because when oner, introduced into a fam r ily, ora village, they almost' immediiiteiy take the precedence of all other medicines in general complaints. 16 Because a number of the wonderful cures they have effected, can be substantiated without any undue means being resorted to, to procure invalid testimonies. 17 Because their composition is such, Hint they are equally applicable to the usual diseases of warm, cold, or temperate climates. 18 Because two or three, are in general suf ficient for a.dose—so that, as is the case with the generality of patent medicines—the patient is not compelled to mfike a meal',of them. 19 Because each individual pill is put tip un der the immediate superintendence of the' pf-n- • prietor, so that no mistake in the composittoiv.or quantity can possibly occur through the Care lessness of a less interested,agent. 29 Because they purify the frame without debilitating the system. .21 Because; notwithstanding their immense popularity, no person has ever ventured to raise against them the breath of censure, which would not have been Ibe case, if envy could have dis covered in (hem a single flaw to cavil at 22 Because—(and this fact is of the utmost importance)—ladies in a certain, situation may take them, (not more than two or three at a time however!).withouLin-the slightest degree incurring' the hazard of abortion. .Were the virtues of-Peters’ inestimable pills, confined to this desirable end alone, it would give them, a decided advantage over the medicines of all com petitors, ns in_nn cases is there more danger to me apprehended, or for which so few have been discover.edi-as the one referred.to." 23 Because while they are so efficient in their operations with adults they may at the same time be administered to.chtfdmi and c.ven tn, infants, in small quantities, palf a pill for instance, with qnt tli&.slightcst danger. . 24 Because their virtues are acknowledged tostand pre-eminent, for their soothing-influence upon .young Indies .vhile suffering frehr the usual changes of life, as directed by the laws of Na- Dec. 6. MEIXSELL’S DOTCJSLB lifting pump. TlHssnbscribrrs having purchased the pat cut n K ht of Meixsell’s Double Lifting Pump : '«u' f f 3 ,J un i u t.-eCc.-VI i ffl iiit <u 11- lies, "hereby Rive notice that they are now prel (Pat-et to finish and put up at the shortest notice, the above mentioned / VAMJABMB PUMP. and at sn reasonable a rate that almost any per son will be able to procure one. Firm the knowledge the subscribers have of the great util ity of the Pump, which is 'constructed on the I P rlnc, pt c of the fire engine, they hazard nothing I in saying that at will fully come tin to public.ex pectation. The.ptihlic are requested to call at the def,ol adjoining Mr. Aughinbaugh’s Hole fin Carlisle, where one ot the pumps can be seen in full operation, m the course .of a few davs JAMES FERdUSON, Landhbunr A. YOUNG, Carlisle. A March IS, 1838. Z.IVER COIWCPDAINT, Ciircd by Dr, Ji r m. J'.vanu' Chamomile Tonic . . arid'yj/ierieht Pills, MRS. l.\ I LE, Mount .toy, Lancaster co. ’ Pa, completely restored to health, by Dr. isvaus Chamomile rills; Her symptoms were, great pain in her right side, could not lie on her lelt without an aggravation of the pain, dtslurbed rest, extreme debility, pains in the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart,* gitkliness and dimness of sight, lirtigor, with other.symp toms indicating great derangement in the fuitc- Aipns r of the liver.’ Miss.Lytle, daughter of the aforesaid Mrs. Lytle, lias alsb.bcen restored to perfect health, by the same invaluable medicine. Her symptoms were extreme nervousness, at tended with severe pain in her side; sickness~on~ the stomach, .eruettons, &c. Mrs. Lytle has the pleasure of informing the public, tbat.nu .mertais cases similarto her oym, (in her vicini ty) have been restored, to health by the same invaluable;medicine.,,: General Office for the sale of Dr. Wim Evans’ Chamomile Tomr/Pills, is at No. 19 North Eighth st. Philadelphia. a few doors above Market. _ . r . r Interesting 'case of Dyspepsia' —ood Hypoconclriacism, Cured by . JDt\ Evans* Chamomile Tonic and 'Family.Jifieriejn Pills. . , . n^ rSv of Mount Joy, Lancaster co. was .affected for 7 years with the abbve distressing symptoms of which she.was conhined.to hfcftibgtl tor 9 were, depression* of spirits,/sickness stomach,, head ache, impaired weight atr the stomach after eating, great mental, despon dency, back and:skles, costiveness, emaciation, coldness and weakness of'the'-extrcmities, a/dislike for society or con versation, involuntary sighing and weebirig, and langor and lassitude upon the least fcxercise Mrs. Goocl wasin the most, desperate situation,' •and-could obtain no relief until she' was : mTviscd by her neighbors, fo make frial of Dr..Evans’ Chamomile Pills, of which she is happy to state that she is now enjoying all the blessings of per feet health. Persons desirous; of further infor mation will be satisfied of every particular of her astonishing ciire, by apply mfc at 19, North Eighth’ V v^delphia.vor.at.her, - *. I heabpye medicine is .for-sale.,by,' .1, V'"'., „ :';•••• •V.^p®ES« %Sumgardner/,YiirlQ. , sept . ■ I. -Agcn*. .. Chajlees and Mouslin De.Saii tii~" A At' t " - , JnMd'&Co’t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers