American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 21, 1839, Image 3
TRUSTEES SALE. Will be offered at public sale in the bor ough of Newville, .hm Thursdayrthe \4th day 6f March, 1838, the following real es tate and personal property, vizi . lot no. aa.. ’ situate in the borough of. Newville, having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE .&'KITCH EN, a Blacksmith shop,' and one half of an cxcellerft 'i.vell of on 'the west by lot No. 23, owned by. Milligan, on the nortji by Cove alley,,on the east by lot No. 25, owned, by W.m; McCaridlish’s heirs, and oh the south"by Slain street, containing 60 feet in front and 180 feet in depth. , The personal property consists of 7 Thrashing Machines and Horse Phwers, 10 Clover Machines, ■ “ 1 first fate Turning Lathe with the neces sary tools for turning. _ r 1 do. do. horse power for.turning lathe. a elegant Carriages, 6 elegant Buggys, lined with fine cloth and 'well finished, , 3 neat Dearborn; Wagons, X large Broad Wagon, new, 1 second-handed Barouche, 1 ,1 . ,i„ Gig, 4 setts of elegant white and yellow mounted Harness, * , _ A number of riding Bridles and Martingals,' A large lot of Breechbands, Cruppers, Col- Bllnd-Brid'es, Back-Bands, Belly- Bands and Halters; ■ 2-setts of Smith Tools, 1 sett of Coachsmith Tools, and 5 setts of Carpenters’ Tools, 1 machine for bending tire, A quantity of plough irons, and other iron, assorted, a large lot of old iron and scraps, A large lot of plank, scantling, boards, &c. of various kinds and descriptions. .1 elegant new fashioned Cooking Stove, Household and Kitchen Furniture of various kinds, with a great many other articles not mentioned. The above articles will be offered on the above mentioned day,and terms of saje made known and attendance given by the Trus tees of William B. Milligan. *"• ALEX’R M. KERB, 1 JACOB MVEHS, [ Trustees. SCOTT COYLE, J Feb. 21, 1359. St To the Heirs and Legal Representatives of ' EVE WOLF, late of Monroe township, — deceased . . ... —. c. - TAKE NOTICE that I will hold an In quisition on a writ of Partition and Val uation on the premises late Of EVE WOLF, deceased, on Monday the 18th day of March, -1839, at ten o’clock, A. M. where all inter ested may attend. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff'. Sheriff’s Office, ) . Carlisle, Feb. 21, 1839. 5 4t TO. OUR CREDITORS. Take notice that we have applied to the judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, for the benefit of the insolvent laws of, Pennsylvania, and they have appointed Monday the Bth day of A pril rtext, for the hearing of us and ourcred itors at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, when and where you may attend if you think proper. - -JOSEPH KAUFMAN, ABRAHAM BILLINdS, ' JOHN ALEXANDER. JOHN YOUNG,/ JOHN KERNS, JOHNJPRIMESSER, jesse h. Johnson. • THOMAS OLIVER, JACOB ZEIGi February 21, 1839> " ‘ STATEMENT 1 the receipts and expenditures of South ■ B Middleton School District by the Dik-ctnls oTViid District, from June Ist 1836 to June Ist 18S8 ■ ' WM. graham..hsq. treasurer. DR. To whole amount of Ipntls from-sundry’ " 53?06 12$ To cash, V , 18 31i CR. By amount paid for tuition, 82647 83 * By chbU for building school house at ' Webhcrt’sand ground. By do. at Wolf’s By do at Wise's Klepper’s By do. for cdntingenciesi By cashto balance ■■ $3756 12} Wethe Auditors of South Middleton township, having examined the accounts and vouchers of William GrahSm, Esq, Treasurer of said Dis trict from the Ist day of. June 1835,, to die Ist June 1838, incluslve.’do report'and certify that we find a balance due the district by said treas urer, eighteen dollars and thirty-one nnd : a half cents ns above stated.- Given under our hands this 16th February 1839. ■■■ •- • • ' i ■‘ — - . JOHN STUART, .JOHN'PETEK'S. , JACOB MUISELMAN, " ‘ . . • Auditors. ■ Attest—Lßvr Bobk, Clerk. . / ~ NOTICE. WHEKEAS George W. Crabb did on the Bth day of January last, execute to the subscriber a deed of assignment of all his effects, including his bonks and accounts,-tor the benefit oof his creditors. Notice is hereby given to all indebted to the said George ' bond, note or book account, to call on the sub scriber and make payment without delay. O . WILLIAM M. PORI'EB, Assignee. Carlisle, Feb.2ty 1839.,3.t_ . EstaXe of Robert McGlaughlin, deceased,. NOTICE S 3 hereby given that letters testamentary' on the will and testament of Robert McGlaugb: , late of the borough of Newjille, deceased, Have'been issued to toe subscriber, by tbeV- Heg ister of- Cumberland onunty—lie, therefore re quests those -Indebted' to said decedent; to call on him at his residence in the raid borough of New-- villej and and payment without delay—and those hdvinij,cluims against snitl 'cs' tateitd present them duly authenticated fur set tleraent. i .• u . • , . « -/h • WILLIAM BABft. Exeeutor. IfewviMe, ?ebi 21,4E(39. • ; -ft IHssolutipnvfCo-jfarlnership. THE co-purtm'rahip heretofore existing be tween .the subscri befa under the.firmhf John H. Weaver,Bc Co. was dissolvetlmi theZlh Inst, by .mutual chiisein—all persons indebted to the late firm wifi please call with JohnU. Weaver, in whose hands die book .accounts, notes, due bills, Sec, are left for collection, and to whom payment must be made. ■ JOHN H WEAVER, ANDREW RICHARDS. Carlisle, Feb. 14, 1839.' .'' _ - • N. B.—Tire public,are respectfully informed that ’the subscriber continues to do business at the old stand. JOHN H, WEAVER- • TURNPIKE ELECTION; THE Stockholders of-the Harrisburg* Carlisle ami Chiunbeisburg Turnpike Road Compa ny, are hereby notified* that In pursuance ot an act of the Legislature, an election will be held at the house of M*ij« Jacob Uehrar, in the bor ough of Carlisle, on Mondaythe fourth dav of M irrh, 1839. then ami there to elect THREE -MANAGERS for said company. JOHN IRWINi President. February 14,1839. ■ To the heirs and legal representatives of JOHN D. WJiLTENBEJiOEn, late of the Borough of Newville , dec*d. TAKE NOTICE that I will hold an Inquisition on a writ of Parti tion and Valuation, on the premises late of John I). Waltcnherger, decM., on Friday the Blh day nfMirch 1839, at 11 o’clock A. M., where all interested luay attend. JOHN MYERS. Sheriff. * Sheriffs Office, Carlisle, Feb. 12, 1859. 5 To the heirs and legal representatives of SAMUEL’NEIBIO, late of Frankford township deceased. TAKE NOTICE that 1 wilLhoJd an Inquisition on a.writ of Parti tion ami Valuaiinn, on the premises late ofSam nel Ncid* r, dec’d.,, cm Tuesday the 12lh dav of March 1839,' at 10 o’clock A. M., Where all in terested may attend. • JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. * Sheriffs Office, } Carlisle, Feb. 12, 1859. 5 ATTENTION INEANTRTr'' . You are ordered to parade on usual grnund. on FRIDAY the 22d instant, at 10 (Polock, A. M-i I in winter uniform, with arms and hi! accoutrements in good order, i If By order of the Capt. Uy THOMPSON SPOTS WOOD, O.S. -AJL. - Feb. 1-1, 1839. - ■ - N. il. The Medal will be shot for on that A VALUABLE TAN YARD • T OB, RENT. AT HARPER’S FERRY, VA. THE subscribers will lca?e for one or more years, their valuable Tan Yard, with all it* appendages. It Is one of the best locations in Virginia for carrying on the business on an extensive scale, as there is" übuifdant room and the rivateriala-are ample. A number of the Vkts are under cover, and-all lhe buildings are ot the most suitable the grindirig of Hark (which can be got convenient and at fair prices,) is dune by water power. Any quantity ol Hides can be procured in the neighborhood,jprthere isno other tannery with in several miles of the place—and.there is also every facility tor getting hides from the cities, and sending them to market when tanned, eltli* erby rail road or canal.'. There is. likewise, a demand at lids place for a large quantity of Leather annually by the Government. "Possession will be given immediately. For further particulars enquire of ~ , HUGH GILLEECE 6c CO. ffaVper*a Ferry*, Feh, 7, 1839. cowtf Estate of John Sheaffer, deceased. ' NOTICE. ' ■RT ETTEKS of Administration have been is -8 d-siied to the subscriber on the estate of John .tuieuffer, late of EastJ’ennsborough township, deceased. All persons having claims against said estatelyill present them for adjustment and those who are indebted ace requested to make immediate payment. JACOB SHEAFFEh. Adm’r. East Pennsbornugh township, ? February 7, 1839. 5 fit* CUMBERLAND GREENS! ■ You are ordered to fflr iparade at the public ant (iff liouse of Mr. JohhCorn- man, in Carlisle, tin Friday the 27(1 of Feb ruary at 10 o’clock. A.. mjujj which time an adjourn ed court of appeal will be held where all those interested may attend.. . A. LAMBEHTON, Capt. r February 7, 1839. , , - 1 219 75 138 0U .215 00 444 00 73 23 $37j7 81 18 3IJ CHEAPER THAN EVER! THE subscribers beg leave toinform the pub lic in gerieral that they have associated themselves under the firm of Slieaffer &' Shultz, for the purpose ol conducting the mercantile but silicas at this place, where we intend constantly keeping on hands a large ami g eneral assortment of ÜBy Goods, Gbockbies, &c. We in vite all td.give us a rail. ‘ • GEOKGE SHEAFFEfI, JOSEPH SHULTZ. ' Mount itock, Feb. 7, 1839.. . 3t. N. B. All those knowing themselves indebted to trie cah make payment at the store, as the books are left there. ' . .. ' ■ > ■ geo. sheaEfeE. ATTENTION MILLERS ! HENRY has invented a self-tightening Bush for Merchtmt Mills tin- .which lielias-a patent. It,is supefior to any tiling of tlie kind evsr invented, and can be seen 'in operational Mih jnhn Agnew’s" mill, inlhe Borough of Carlisle. Millers would, do well to callnnd examine for themselves. February 7,1839—3 t. , . ATTENTION ARTILLERY! .*1 You are ordered to parade on , l ; your usual ground onFRIDAY the ■ - Mr- 22rid of February instant; at 10 d’-- clock, A. M., completely equipt, I with arms in good.'firing order; ' "1Y By order of Oapt. Biddle. if 7.7 JOHN Jl. JtERNAN, O; S. - .JJL.' -February 7/ 4899; ■ ; ATTENTION HH* t 9R-!»f ** i -t nt n t ttx * ", Of the Receipts of Cumberland County* By -the Commissioners of s«d from the ist day of January to the Slat day of: Uecemlifcr, .AV D. 1838, inclusive. ’ WILIJAM S. RAMSEY, ESR., TREASURER. To balancedue county, received from former treasurer 6 503 591 _ Balance' of tax outstanding on the Ist Jan. 1838 4872 681 Amount of taxes assessed for 1838 , .19105 46 Cash received on loan from J* Stuart, Esq. 300 00 D„ do Robert Armstrong 500 00 Dd do ' . ' Joseph Clark 665 00 Do for an estray from David Hume, Esq. -10 00 Fees due.countyfrpm delinquent collectors 13 37 Do. received on unseated lands, &ci, . 10'05 Do. (verdicts) received in the Quarter. Sessions 4 00 Amount of A. Erb’s note due Feb. 1838, received SO 00 Fees refunded on Coroner’s Inqdest 7 85 ~ — , Schedule of outstanding Taxes, Due county per return of Treasurer, 31st Deceniber•, 1838, subject to exonerations, tyc. with' the'amount assessed /or 1838, viz: DR. Collectors. Wiljiam Woodsf Martin Dunlap J. Montgomery* Nicholas Urichj P.'Messersmith (Jeo. Kinsinger Daniel Bhavb*n DanieKLcckey Robert Clark H.D.Daelhonsen David Mnrtlnij: Adam R< Iglef John Lehn Towns/ii/ia, Isfc Dickinson - 1 Silver, Spring i Allen ’ Carlisle Dickinson E. Pennsborb* Frank ford. Honcw.ell ' * -Mifflin 1... Monroe Mechnnic.sbnrg K. Middleton •? Newton Newville * South Middleton Southampton ' Silver Spring Shippettab*g bni Do. township W. Peniaboib* fieorge Ewing* John Johnston William Monre* William Tritt*. John Saxton}: Thomas Spencer John Rnrnn* J. Beltzhoover *J9tO5 46 «63ir roj ■Thie County by the following persons, Viz M. Holcomb, Esq. late Sheriff for fines and Jury fees for 1837 , $lO5, 15} J. Myers, Esq. Sh’ff, for jury fees for 1837 44 06 J. tpbach, as keeper of penitentiary for 1837 56 49J M. Bovle for chats 36 29 R. Miles do 22 15 The County stands indebted for balance of loan to W. Bentz, $2OOO 00 •„ To balance dues county by Treasurer," •The balance due county by W. S. Ramsey, Esq., late Treasurer, since paid to his successor in full. tSince paid in full. > . {Since paid on account—William Tritt 8235 William Moore 100 George Ewing ■> 180 David .Martin 265 James 175 .John Saxton 1_ 125 CUMBERLAND COUNTY, ss. •_ JVe the Commissioners of Cumberland cpunty, do cer tify that the above and foregoing exhibits a true and cor rect statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of said county, for the term above stated,)as also of the Taxes assessed for the use of the countyJ together with the ag gregate of fees and exonerations allowed.during the said term —and also, the amount of the several taxes outstanding and in the,hands of the respective-Collectors, ns above stated,' according to the best of our knowledge and judgment. , Witness our hands and seal of office, at'Carlisle, the 7th day of January, A. D. 18S9. ~~ ~ _____ JAMES WILLIS, . V ~ ROBERT C. STERRETT, yComihisaioner}. JOHN CORNMAN, J Attest— John Irwin,' Clerk, „ • - A»D 1 horse boWer. call aho zxahWb ran ravsttivssi The subscribers, thankfulfor past.favors,take this method of Informing that they still continue the building of Thrashing Machines 4 AifiitiPi' iiiyni'iAi'Aiiv r 1 ; ■ —‘ and Horst Power* at their old stand,lnLouther CABINET MANUFACTORY. ; : FARMERS’ HOTEL THE_ subscriber respectfully informs the in- / a High street a Jew doors east of the Court improvement- bn thb poster arid habitauts.of Carlisle, and the public gener* •»>,.,.* ' »kn attachefl s ally, that he still .resides at his Old Stand, in - . Hou'Cy . .• • ; North Hanover street, opposite Mr. E. Bullock's Cl AH Xi 2 ST. B, CliOy Chair Manufactory, where he continues to carry ThesabscriberhaVingleastd the above named br none!‘ mP Eisofconstfue ; on the ; _ ■■■,.. establishment from Mr. Sitnoh H underlies, and *' S a vi n Jali manner of confidence in the sbjje- j ttbinet . Jl taking Business j having provided.himself with,e*emhing.ttMes- riorUy'ofthe Stove mentioned machine, fee. they in all its various' branches. He has latelyfuf-f ln Se are willing that farmers shall tat them before nished himself with a new and ■ Wm StfSvSl ‘ P ' Waiting the purchase; - ' . J. hose who may favor him with a call. Persons wishing to piirchaSe or examine the SPLENDID IIBiRSE, ... THE OBBRARSI, machine will pleasenpike application, at the fefc to accommodate ail those who may tutor will receive his special attention. 4 These will bfe shop, or to I. Agent, .atM«cfarlane s him with a pall. He returns bis sincere thanks kept constantly provided with the best of LIQ- hotclf near the C™rt House, . to‘lils~friends and customerslpr the liberal en- .UORS; NfiVIUS 8e MIICHBUj. courageinent bestowed on him,j Ac .solicits a con* . * —THE XiARDEK. , ii ' • • tinuance of their patronage. He flatters himself wilt at rill, abundantly supplied With all' • mf■■■ mi p TAUlful DDIIDCDTV that by strict attention to business and a dispose the delicacies’ whichtheseason aiid-mfffketcan- fALUAvLfc I Ufsfi « tiUlllff I T tiort tb : pferisiEf; td- : merit'arid'receiveashareof affoVd; . JPOS SALS' ' . c im"ineiSnf'^i^eb'oW.ihih^rf? W 'ls ‘ ; .POST. jßSSS!Sawfe^.ftfiff Carlisle* Pa. Nov. TRB3B^^ lisle . : Aprils. ° f Arrival and hefiarture o/Maili. N. B. Thecarsrurt P“ tth^kQv^e^W ,s n v above property is vifellri tilattd for pu bl i c “ JrrH* ■ i Closee. menb at 6 and 1! o’clock. A. M. and at 3 and 7 business of any kmd. and wUl.bu.noid fewf as I Fastom daily. abobt 12 ni' > r -m. *> C -P^ , P ‘. M ’ ■ ■ . ■' am on removing to lTie: Eastern ,y D . m 10 a m.-' Kn n mrc Arf c pnT tThliiS : ' payrrients Wi|il Be made' easy to suit fiat'chasers, wanin' ■ ‘ v••••• ie m JOa'm . '5OO BITSIgISIiS,PQTA,T€*B«b» ; . Possession cap Whern' • «Ki «• 18 m.‘ yn.‘ m; TUST'received from Belfast<Maine) and-for be hadoif life first of April tielct; For further ShanLVg «• “ 12m. J sa^® t partiou/arsappff ANUS NewvlUe *' "12 m. Iff a. m. Musser Potatoes; V OWEN McCAßfc. . .rKANCIb McßlAv* Vs wewytHo - . Ri.LAMBERTCiN.P; M..-_; Harri*urgi Nov. W ? 1838. . ; ; : Car Wei Sept 2f, 1838. MTATKJIEW Amt of du • ; filieatea, Am'nt out • standing s 902 45 729 62 349 79$ 138 84 386 97 461 74$ 687 05$ 1837 1838 31820 84’ 1396-97$ •JB»r 744 1787 04$ • 519,28 j , 411 16 420 90 1357.83 246 73 1497 95$ 946 -37 160 43$ 1835 SO 3073 954 1829 87$ 385 25 173 80 1430 00 . 381 W 246 36$ 352 37 1390 13 431 95$ 454 87$ 103 80 8264 Hi John Raum By cash paid on Commiisionera ’ orders; fyc. viz: For tuition and stationary for poor children, 9 49S Grand and Traverse Jurofs pay, • _ 9244 Auditors for settling accounts fori 637, ' 45 Witnesses fees in criminal prosecutions, 475 1 Justices* do "do 59 Constables’ do do 113 Printing for county, . , Constables for making quarterly returns. Repairs and incidental expenses of public buildings, in cluding Court Crier’s fees, stationary for office, &c. John Miller for road damages,'. Inquests on dead bodies, • ; E. State Penitentiary for support of convicts. Sundries famished- county jail and penitentiary, Bridge over Yellow Breeches creek at Lisburn, in full. Assessors’ pay for 1838, , Taxes refunded,' Expenses of General Election, John Myers,Esq. Sh’ff,‘for support of prisoner s.fcc.l 838, Joseph Lobach.Esq. salary as Keeper of Penitentiary, Directors of Poor, - for support of paupers.&c. R. M’Cune, Esq. salary as Director of the Poor for 1838, David Emminger, Esq. do dq do. A. Waggoner, Esq. ’’do do do Jacob Zug, Esq. pay as Commissioner, in full, James Willis, Esq. pay as do- for 1838, ‘ Robert'Cr Sterrett. Esq. d°> d 0... John Cornman, Esq. do from 12th TSTovem. td 31st December, 1838, John,lrwib,'EiJq; ’salary,asXlerk to Commissioners; James H. Graham, Esq. salary as Attorney to, do. T. Craighead, j r. Esq. fees as Clerk of Quar. Sess. &c. S. D. Adair, Esq. fees as ( Deputy Attorney General, George Fleming, Esq. Prothonotary’s fees, • ■ ' ■ Doctor Stadiger, fpr, apprehending horse thief, _ W. Bentz, on attount Of loan with mterest, Hoti.'John Staaff, do , do " Robert Armstrong, do .do Joseph Clark, do' do J. H. Graham, Esq-, fees iri case of writ of error, Viewers of Roads and Bridges, Foyorders, ' ’ Whole amount paid out, 817037 50 By commissions, allowed Treasurer, ... 9? Exonerations allowed Collectors, 545 31 Fees do do . ' , 1053 34 Balance of taxes due by Collectors, per schedule on . debit aide. \ 6Si7 70i Balance in hands of Treasurer, Ol 81093 15$ We the Auditors of Cumberland eounty, having examined the several'accounts and vouchers of William S. Ramsey, Esq. Trea surer of said county, from the Ist day of January to the_ 31st day, of December, A. D. 1838, inclusive, "do report and certify that we find a balance due said’county by said Treasurer, of one thousand and ninety-three dollars and fifteen and a half cents as above stated.- •Given under our hands at Carlisle, the 26th Janiiary.A. D. 1839. •WILLIAM!, LUSK,, 1 GEO. M. GRAHAM, )■ Auditor); JOHN CLBNDENIN, J f, “ THRASHING MACHINES VALUASLa'. PJVOPHB.T’Jr FOR SALE. . The subscriber-will sell; on tVtdnudaij iht iiOth of Fibruary modj . A TRAOT OF XiAND, , situate in Simile township; Perry county,- con taining, 19 acres,- more oi leu, having thereon erected an elegant •, ■ : FACTORY (NOT EQUALLED.* *«tttTCO*KTV.) fIBSMB ~ (k : also, a ORtST Mitt; - ..On the uiost improved plan. ■ The other buildings are,- a large, two .story FRAMF HOUSfi, good half Bam, and. other necessary 'buildlngsi There is - also a- SAW MILL-on the Property; propelled;by Buffalo creek, oh wnifcfi the other machinety is erected, which is a never falling, stre'atfl. sufficient to pro pel a Flutter Wheeled Saw Mill till July; togeth; cr with all theothertnachinery; An indisputa ble title Will be given; and tsfmS riiade known on the day of kale. €R, 132 86 326 664 73 00 52 64 268 96 SOI 56 666 66 5f2 GO 51 00 235 56 1084 67 FRANCIS ENGLISH; Saville townihip, Perry county,'? January 24, 1389. ( - 5 FiiOuit & feed stored The subscriber respectfully informahis friends and the public in. general, that he has open eda.-FI.OUH and FEED. STORE at his oid stand, (comer, of L'otfth'er, and Bedford,) where he intends keeping for sale WHEAT ANH RYE FT.OUR by the barrel or smaller quantity. Buckwheat and Corn Meal, Cho/i and Bran, Corn, liye Oalti all of which he intends keeping constantly, on hand; and hojieS to feceivc a (hare, of the public patronage. . .. . Hehas also -o f-Sjirinfa Wheat for seed, which he offers for sale. . . ~_,.iOHK PROCTER. Carlisle, lan. 24, 1639.. tf 200 00' 6000 00 30 00 SO 00 SO 00 93 00 120 00 _JP5_O,O_ 28 50 260 00 ' 50 00 IX9 24 53 00 15 75 P. S.—He Wilt continues to harry on the Sil ver /Plating at.the old stand, and has constantly oh hand n good dSs.ottftitnt of plated Siddlery. such a$ Stirrups, Bitts; Harnefestmohming and; . Plating fpr Coach' Makers donts. in the best manner and with despatch. 'J.P. X FORRENft , THAT targe and coritltiodioas white housei situate in High Street, in the borough of Carlisle, opposite the. Post Office; Having extend sive hack buildings tjiefeto attached,.at present 1 in the occupancy of Capt. Edward St Biddlaj calculated for any kind of Business; Possessibti given on the lst Of Aptil next,. For terms ap-' ply to ... ISAAC TODD. ■Agent of t. L. Todd. - 34 40 1165 00 303 25 511'65. 691 60 ’ 7 50 95 45 10 79 Jan. 34, 183$, Estate of Janies Bredin t deteased-. •NOTICE.'. ALL persons indebted to the estate of the Tate James Bredin; dec’d; of- Carlisle, are respectfully requested to call with the subscri ber and settle their respective accounts, on or, before the first day of April next,- and those persons who' have claims and demands against the eslite.wiU present them legally authentica ted fof'settlement ... .. ’ . AKNA BREDIN, Adm'x. .Carlisle,. Jahi 34,1839. . fit •24953 85 J 1093 15i •26047* 01 Estate of Afathiat Voung. dtceased. _ .... . . NOTXOfii Jf ETTERS of Administration having been,. H A granted to the subscriber Residing in Mon-' roe township, CumbeHand county, on the estate of iiathias Young; late of said township, dec’d— this is therefore to notify ail jjersons indebted to said estate; to make payments immediately, and thosehaying-Ciaimswill-present-thenvwithout dclav properly authenticated for settlement. '' / , ENOCH VOUNG; Mtu’r. ' January if, 1839. 6t . SAVIWOS lirstflSUTiOlTt Nti. 66 South Fourth Philadelphia* CAPITAL 250,000 DOLLARS. Often dalW for iHettansactloniif business Worn §jt. M. to 3P. At.- ■ ' DEPCteItES of money received! for which . the following rateof interest will be allowed: 1 year 6 per cent;, per ahniifn, ‘,6‘mos. 6 ** ** 3 “ ,4;' . « ' “ ' On business depogliesitobe drawn at the plea sure of the depositor; no interestwillbo allowed. Uncurrent notes of solvent Banks,,in every part of the'. United Statespwill lie received as Special depositesi'-oti Such terms as may. be a greed on in each particular case. By order bf the Board, .■ ~ VIIDESSAA, Cashier. Philadelphia. Dec. 19, 1838. - ly , DR. J. C. LOOMIS* DENTIST. INTENDS residing permanently in Carlisle!* ■ Bam] would respectfully offer his professional' services to the citlienS of the place and vicinity.-' He has-taken robins at C.ol; "Ferree's Hotel; where he may he fotind at all hours. Persons 1 requesting ft Will be waited ugon at their residences, , ; , SGeorgt D, Foulke, , Theodore Myers, That. C. Thornton ; David At Mahon . v ■ , ■ ■■■ ■ ■ - ; HOUSE AND LOT FOR RENT. FTtHE rfent for one . JL'.or more years the While Weath - »SSJ i g|lfB erboaHed House .and lot of ground, gBl B i 886 sittiate |n South Hanover street.andSSEfi&gH fpriiierly occupied by the. Rev. D; : McKinley. Possession will be riven on the Ist of April next. . JOHN AGNEVV. ■ Carlisler Jan.. 10,1839. .. 'tf a first rate terac teases; ■. FOR furtherpnrticuhiia scrlbers at .Oak'Grove Furnace, Perry C ° Unty ' K THypiHivi. s i January 10, I8o9; ' • ' „ 5t ; - ■; (o>‘Lancaster Intelligencer/and ‘Keystone/ Insert3liroesandchatge thlsomcc. ... .■ Cldvqt see& for Sale. ; ioo or 01.0vca SEEJ> . ’vUST rwM'-€S.froin.Ohio r -a^d-for- sale-^-at #■ the Warehouse of m thehor-. Sgh of Carlisle.' a^lafge Qbafttity of o«y ; &edi .. i peMmber SO, : l?3«. i.H-*:' ji < NEW EXCIiWOJ} JB.M® AND f