American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 14, 1839, Image 4

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ItUITIIikB tret it.
It haa for many years been a groat desideratum
among European : and American Dentistsv'to
manufacture Tcptlv from incorruptible materials
•which should imitate the .natural living i’ecth.
Many hayc devoted years to unsuccessful .cxr,
periments, anil others liayt succeeded in manu
facturing teeth ofiVnatcrials similar to the porcc
laia ware, but generally they have an. opaque
white appearance, by which they .arc easily dis
tinguished from the human teeth.
After longahtf tedious experimentsythe sub
scriber has succeeded in manufacturing teeth of
materials entirely incorruptible, and perfectly in
imitation of human teeth. They have a semi
transparcucy, and are made of various sizes and
shades. , .
In cases Where absorption of the aveolar pro
cessi or other causes may render it necessary, ho
will cast of- the siimc materials attached to the
teeth, artificial gums, which shall imitate the
gum and auppiy-tho loss of substance.
It is entirely impossible for these teeth ,to
change their color, or cause fcctid breath.
He will insert them from one to entire sets, in
such manner that they will make articulation of
the voice perfect, and materially assist in masti
cation, and so that they cannot be distinguished
from the most beautiful natural living teeth by
the most scrutinizing observer.
He also performs all the various operations in
Dental Surgery, according to the late sgjjjjtific
Improvements in the art.
• ■ F. H. K.VyII J I’, Surgeon Dentist.
N. W. corner of Charles 8c Fayette streets,
fT has been resolved that the Board of School
Directors of the Borough of Carlisle will
hereafter meet on the first Monday of each
month in the Town Hall afnin'e o’clock in the
winter, and eight o’clock in the summer, for
the admission of scholars into the public schools,
and the transaction of other business. Teach
ers, parents and scholars," will therefore.take
notice, that the next meeting of the Board will
be on Monday the 4th day of" February next,
and on tne first Monday of each month following,
and that these will be the only opportunities af
forded for presenting bills and admitting schol
ars. >•
Teachers are informed that the 13th Rule of
the published.regulationa of the Board, which
permits a Teacher at his or her discretion, to
allow a scholar to attend school, until the next
meeting of the Boards has reference exclusively
to new schoiars, who have not been at any school
in the borough for the firetedlng nix months,
and of this fact it will be expected that the
Teacher will require full and satisfactory evi
dence. By order of the Briard.
January 31, 1839. 3t
—A-Drug-Store situated in a town in one of the
most fertile sections of Pennsylvania, is njTcrcd
for sale’i To a per,son of moderate capital, there
are but few more desirable situations. A House
and Lot will be rented to the purchaser, it re
quired, and possession thereof given at any time.
For-further particulars enquireof the Editors
of the Volunteer.
January 31, 1839. 7t.
A. new Line of Freight Cars
THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, re
spectfully acquaints his friends and the pub
lic, that he has put into operation on the HAR
HAIL ROAD, a line of new DOUBLE CARS,
which will nnrregularly between Harrisburg 6c
Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of
all descriptions will be forwarded with care and
despatch,-a t-the4oweat-ratc.s-of-lreight,
Goods will be received at the WAREHOUSE
of THOMAS J. MAXWELL, N. E. corner of
ilroad and Vine streets, Philadelphia, and for
warded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, Charabersburg,
and intermediate places, and by the subscriber,
Harrisburg, Jan. 31, 1839. •
STANTLY ON HAND. Cash paid for almost
all kinds of country produce.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers, under the name of Moore and
Biddle U.this day dissolved by .mutual consent.
All business of f tfie firm will be settled by John
Moore.. ■ «
----- - - . EDWAILD.M.J3IDDLE.
Carlisle, January 21, 1839.
Burr Manufactur 6
The subscriber wishes, : tq inform ills; friend l ;
niul )he public (hat he continues the manufactu
ring of all Kinds of machineryfor Woolen Fac
tories, together Asjth " '
at his old stand in New Cumberland,all of which
he will warrant to'Be fmadC; in" the best work
manlike manner and of materials, and;
sell at the lowest prices, upp^abcomipodatihg 1
terms - .' ■ “ " \'y-‘
A.constant supply of Cards will be kept on
hands; and old machines repaired i , '
June 21, 1838
The subscriber furnishes Dentist's; ‘with his
celebrated Mineral Incorruptible Teeth , which
have been spoken of in the highest terms of coirt—
mendation by all wlio jiave yscid them and by
numerous men of profipund chemical knowledge
■who have examined,tl).em. /Als>, Human
Gold Foil f ‘tTih ‘Ccc’. including every ar*
ticleof material used in DentalSurgeiy,. Tcetju
gold, £sf C : sent by mail to any part of the Union
when ordered. F.*Hl KNAPP,V
■ • M. ?i y *3l, 1838. ' Surgeon Dentist, .Baltimore;
otovbs. ■
A^^syß^*^ 6rtm -Slt- 0 f ft>S<Sy Franklin
and'l arlor Stoves, intended for.coal or
.wood.. Also, a variety of CookinaStoves of the
most ecohomical-and;.approyecl-kind. 7-Wood
stores and other castings lor sale either finishod
or in the plates, very cheap foy.caah or approved
•country produce.-
PtEis, Fobbing. & TuDDmai.’
Oak Groye FurfTace, Oct.' 4,' 1838.':
,Dr* KnafiH, Dentist, returns his thanUs.tojxia
riemls for the liberal: patronage, which'4ic has
eceiyecl,' and gives notice that he wit! continue
p visit Carlisle! annually, ~ ; T- * '
Job Printing ?
Neatly aryl expeditiously exccii
; 1 ted at this office; ' ?
; For Morrison’s Universal Medicines* [*
itS. Agent in the United States, Having been,
dismissed by v the British •,College of Health,
George Taylor now cf the'-'city of New York,
iias been appointed Sole Genera! Agent-und Hy
gia Delegate to the Ignited Stated.
The said George Taylor has appointed A. D.
Olmstead* of Montrose, Susquehanna county,
(Pennsylvania, Sole General. Agent foi\the s states
of. Mary land and Delaware,-and thirty-three
xpuntics cast of the Allegheny Mountains, Pehn-
Isylvania* and George C. Hand, Surgeon Dentist,
of Allentown, Lehigh county,-Pa., General A
gcrit for four counties in the state of Neip York*;
and seven in the state of New Jersey, ip wit:— r
Burlington, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucesr.
ter, Monmouth and S:\lcm, in the state pf Nt^w ;
Jersey'* Genncsscc, Livingston, Mdnfoei and*
Steuben, in the state of New York. 1
Hereafter, no person can or will vend the ge
nuine Hygeian Medicines within the said dis-
except by the authonty T of : the said A. D.
Olmstead and George C, Hand. All former
‘agcncicswithin said districts terminated
by the removal of H. S. RftSat,' who is now offer
ing for sale under the firm of Moat ts* Pelham,
Medicines of their own manufacture, which will.
readVly be detectc(l 4 7as such, will not . have., the
siynuuire of Ji. D. Olmstead , G. C. Hand t or
Olmstead if Hand, oh the cover of .each box dr
. The leading principles of the Hygeian or Mor
isomah theoiy ot Disease, arc too favorably and
generally known to require a minute explanation
m this' advertisement. • ‘ .
These medicines cure all. diseases which' ad
mit of a cure, and many heretofore deemed in
'xhey may be given with safety to the weak
est patient, and under every circumstance and
stage of human ‘suffering, and to childrliitfof the
most tender age. .1 ' «, •
None offered for sale witmtt the aforesaid dis
tricts are genuine, unless each box or'package
have a fac simile of JamesQtorrison's signature*
with a sac simile of the signature of George Tay
lor, and also the written signature of A. D. Olm
stead, G, C. Hand, or Olmstead W Hand, with
the written signature of Sole Agents, when ap
pointed. , ‘
The Pills are df twokindsr-No. 1 andNo, 2,
sold in boxes with envelopes, at~2sand sf)cehts?
and packages at $1 and $3. Each packet Con
tains a proportion of about two to one of Nqj2. .
The Powders are in separate b6xes-~pricc 25
cents. ' '•
•Having been acquainted for several years with
Mr. Asa F:Sinith» generally known in this neigh*
borhood, by the naipe ot the Indian Doc/ory and
having seen, him during the time 1 was applying
the remedies above stated, I asked his opinion.
He said* he feared they would not effect a cure;
that he had cured-many, and was» perfectly ac
quainted with them in all their stages and vari
ety.’ After I had found those remedies which I
had been using, ineffectual, I applied to the said
Mr. Smith; he applied a plaster, with a small
.quantity of poVyderV much larger than the tumor,
which was exceedingly painful He gave me
a phial of tiic' powder, and the composition of
the ydth directions how to use- them.—
It will be observed that the plaster was only for
the purpose of sticking and keeping the air trqm
the wound—the powder was-intended-to have,
cffccUon the cancer—and ~an effect it bad, in
deed,-for it burned slmilarto rctHnitiron. -The
application of which I continued, for about 58
days, duping which time my sufferings were ex
treme, beyond description. Indeed," Jt w.ory ap
pears astonishing to me-how-I-bore up under it
so long. Jn- the course of-this application, there
were several pieces of this cancer taken out; but
after taking out a piece in one place and then
going to another for the same purpose, by the
time I had succeeded in taking,that nut jmpthcr
one appeared ih the place whence the former
one had been removed, until I had taken out
three pieces in the same place in succession, find
more still appeared in the saime place. By the’
___ ---- rL - Tr - B mww 0 sufferinviß I hnd cmlurcd-frort) tlie'StppUcatlon nri
TO the said powder I was induced to cease using It.
• • The day bn which I ceaset} the application of it
F■ vOOD S I informed that Dr. Frederick Ehrman
f improvement xn bridges, I’profcssed to be skilled in the cure of cancers:!
ANCIS GOOD, of the township oflNew . this was sometime in D< cember 1837, to the best
/ London, in the county of Chester,'and state ;°f m y recollection. . 1 called on the doctor that;
ot Pennsylvania, obtained letters patent for an’■ ovenin fc*. Ihe next day he called to see me, anA
improved plan- of-ercoting-Bridges over streams ' K av ® mc-medicine, which-wa& uscd-in-wardly .—-
of water. The plan combines strength and per- :He would not allow any outward application,
manency with economy, so much so as not to re- excepting dry lint —and jo my astonishment,
quire, in some situations, more than one half the there was no turther discharge from the wounds
ITl^ve ' t han-ljai’e!y-BaturiH^d-Hie-smail-quant»lvmf;
built would not be liable to be injured by a fresh- hnt. which was only sufficient to-cover it. After
et, or rise in the stiearni the Bridge being con- I had taken his prescription, for three or tour
structed and secured in such a manner,'that if days, 1 found by the. sensation in the other side
the water should rise so high as to run over the my f ace * that it was as highly charged withi
top of it, the Bridge would remain firm and se- the cancer as was the side I had made the ap
cure. . Thq plan has-been submitted to a num- plication or the powder to, aforesaid, and that it
ber of scientific men, wlio'all pronounce it a had,also got downover my jaw into the
great improvement. One on this plan has been glands of my nerk, 1 also found $ cancerous
erected over a branch of Whiteclay creek, in station op the inside of my right arm, between
the township of Londongrove, which received .th® wrist_and elbow,, and another in the fleshy
the approbation of. a Jury appointed by the court mjLXight thighr-and also in other parts of
to view the same. The subscriber .having pur- my Body, The sensation was so well known by
chased the rights'of the ■•states, of * Pennsylvania me * having experienced so much of it, I could
west of the Susquehanna, New Hampshire, Ver not haye been mistaken. After taking Dr. Ehr
mont. New Jersey,. Eastern. Shore of Maryland, man's prescription two or three days, I observed
North and South Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, a change in nil those affected parts, above na-
Michigan, Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, and med, aR d more particularly in the wound which
the territories of Wisconsin and Florida, will B 8 9pe«® d J3y-Alxe_former- upplication, which
sell single, township, county, or state rights, to now began to heal. I think it was not more than
any person or persons, and will give every ex- two or three weeks front the time Dr. Ehrman
plunation* that may be necessary, at his place of made the first application until, my face was
residence, Kirk’s Mills, Lancaster county, Fenn- healed completely over, and has continued 90
st/lvania, or to the Editors of the Volunteer, ever since, and appears to he sound.
Carlisle, Fa, From the foregoing facts I feci it a duty I owe
- . FRANCIS G. FELL, to Dr. Ehrman and to the public at darge, to
lB3B, .. V: ccitify that he -fully removed fHE cancer
system, by his firescrifition, and that
he not only cured me of the cancer, hut has par
tially removed a disposition which I had long
felt of a dyspeptic affection*-arid, also some urin
ary ohstructibnV-sh.thai.X, feel- more whole and
sound in body than I.hayefor several years past.
Given undey myharid atCarlislc, county of Cum
berland, and statc of Pennsylvania; the 13th day
of Augiist'AvD.;lB3B
No chemical apothecary or dniggist'is ever
employed to sell these medicines.
Respectable persons complying with the re
quisitions required may be appointed agents on
liberal terms.'
Office and. General Dc/iot ~A'o, 5 South Front
street > PhiUidcllihia.
A. D OLMSTEAD, General Agent,
_, -_J.'pr-33 counties, l?a.;.ths states-of.
Maryland and Delaware.
G. C. HAND, General Agent,
For S-countics, N. Y„,and 7 counties, >l. J,
The publicjs hereby notified that we’have
united our business, and hereafter it will be con*
ducTedlihdcr the firm of Olmstead & Hand.
All orders directed to Olmstead 8c Hand,-No'.
5 south I ? ront street, Philadelphia, will receive
rtrompt attention. y ~ •
- - - - OLMSTEAD 8c HAND.
The above medicine is for sale by
CHARLES OGILBY, Agent for Carlisle.
Sept 20,1838. ly
We, the Commissioners of .Chester county,
having erected a Bridge on the model of Francis
Good’s patent . are decidedly of the opinion that
it is a very valuable improvement, especially for
building over smallistreams,'-'being-much less
expensive in their construction. ‘. . -
. • i UlijahXdviia, ..
J ■ J. IV. Passmore,'
■Johnßeifler, ■. ...
June.lf, 1638;. ’ Commissioners.
Interesting Case Cured,
nr pa. wm- Bvans' camomile ionic asp
BENJAMIN BOWN, corner of Sbippen and
'George strectrfrPhiladelphia, was affected
for., seven ,_yßars -with'' extreme nervousness)'by
winch lie was not able to write his rtame; His
symptoms daily spasmodic pain,
in the head, loss'qf appetite, palpitation of the
heart; giddifiess and dimness of sight', also -ina
bility of engagmg'inony tping that demanded.
yigoco'r-cdiirageV sickness of; the stomach, ina
paired' appetite,, coldness and weakness of the
extremities extreme;"'dcbility,'
disturbed rest, a seiise of pressure and weight on
the stomach' after eating,, great .mental despon
dency. severe flying pain's in tlfedh’est, back arid
sidc.-costivenessiand’ a dislike for society and
conversation. Mr. B. has.made trialsof voricus
medicines now before the publicj but tdmi effect,
until, observing in ri:public paper: shmtScureS
performed by Pr;';'William Evans’s
Tpnic and Family .Aperient Pills,, he was indu ;
qed toigiye them atrial, of which lie is anytime
happy testate .tljaptffey'effectually Cured-him
df'tne above' distressing disease. V ;• y ' V. ; ; l
Persons wlip dpabt the above.'cW^arebmost 1
rcspectTully directed'fo the above 'mention per-
.corner -of. Spiippen. and
George streets. V.:„ Benjamin BbwV. ..
who,are.daily: troubled with that
Pi disqaßes Sick Headache which
destroys the peace and happiness of- thousands,
dan be ; effectually snred, f bya,sirig; Dr. Evans’
Camomile Tonic and Family .Aperient PiJls,
Vide other medical advertisements."; ■; v ,
i|) $ * ca tt »ft t 1 tv.
the piir'pose (jf removing ;a £«iero//irir
'Wpiijtdife that preViuls iigaiiist the Hoaioeopa-
TFiic practlce of medfcme/as' well as" to" give a
guietu*t£ihk unfounded reports of .some inter
ested' individuals dDnceVmng 'itv the 1 subscriber necessary l(y present to the public the
following -voluntary certificates of cures perfor
med by him, 1 from petsphsof,respectability, long
known in the borough of,Carlisle. P6fsbnssim
flatly afflicted may. have their complaints as .well
as their prejudices removed, by;; palling’on F.
EHRMAN, Homoeopathic Physician, E; Mum
street, Carlisle.
December 37, 1838. li'.-.'i’. '
Of thp JloincQopdiJiic, over fjw old practice
of Medicine Jnirli/ 'pfablished,
Q4QMKTIME the Id&t oF August, A. D. 1837,
small pr6tuberarice appeared on my face
my left eye:. I thought it was what is called
a blind boil, and treated it accordingly. Several
days after it first api-earedi it was examined by
a physician of this place, who pronounced it a
CANCER, and directed me to apply a lunar
caustic , which I did tor two or three weeks, but
found .no help from it. I also applied other rem
edies to qo better effect,;after which I, was di
rected to use caustic potash, but all to no pur
pose. ;,The last proposed remedy created a sore
about the size of a.quarter of a dollar, and a co
pious discharge. 'lt.was again examined by a
nrtedical doctor, and thought by him to be suffi
ciently burned by the caustic, and he advised trie
to apply .some heaUng'sulve. - I did sh, and as it
healed, the cander was more visible than at first}
aqdby the time the war healed, or nearly
it.never was''fully healed from its first?
appearance, until ,way"hcreafter
stated. At thisVimc theVe was a head appeared
onthe surface,, abojijt the size of a five penny bit,
with a shooting pain apd a crawling sensation in
lit./. . • ; .
of 20 years standing cured-by Homoeopathic
. . , , ' practice. "”" ■’
I dp-ccrtify thflt X have been afflicted with dys
pepsin for the mentioned, and for the
last fivp years .very .severely, attended With .a
burning, aching and beating tn the stomach, and
occasionally tyitji stitches mid.vofhitirig. I could
not relish strqng diet oi.any.kind, and was.gen
erally'of a cdstiveHia'biK-During'my long ill
ness, Jemployed nine different’ physicians, at
different times,-in thehope of getting- some re
lief, if not entirely cured; but all was in' vain.’—
At length.l heard of different astonishing cures
performed by JJK Frederick. Ehrnian, Homoe
opathic-Physician, an d. I-e mp I nyfed him~ as the
tenth, but without much -hope.:- He gave me
some pleasant medicine and continued it.four or
five weeks, when ! felt great relief, and In a Ve’f>
short time artertyards 1 was cejnpletely cured,
and fdr ne'arly.'ji year since I have enjoyed a good
state’ of health, without the leak! symptom of that
disagreeable complaint- returning! ts,l would
therefore recommend to thdse afflicted with sim
ilarogothcr.cnmplai.nts, to paake early applica
tion to Dr. Ehrrnan, whose 'medicine isnot only
pleasant to.the taatfe. but scldom or never -fails
in affording relief- - ■ Moreover, ; the 'Doctor’s
charge is uncommonly iriid^fe;' % <Wltftess~qiy
signature at Carlisle! the first day of ' November
IS^B. ; ; ■ .G, MOORE.-Hanover st:
. , . TO THE PUBLIC..; • ..
: 186 certify with-pleasure, ; thaf DivFrctiericl;
Ehrman, Homoeopntliic.'Phvsieinni of Carlisle.'
eqred me ortlie following,complaints,, to witr—
'lndite antUijin’ofl.B37' , ,l was afflicted with ft yin;
was attended by one of- our most eminent
(physicians, with
‘iiftpr j was afflicted with' what Is generally te>
mtid •injldmmdtory rheumatism , and the pains
suffered were'excruciating, particularly in nr
joints. • I was attended by the Same eminei
physician#* and so-"acute, were* th
IdOd&minvwas copiously administered to lull m>
and ease mysufferingsr—it dffordedjbut atfcmp*-
rary relief: my joints were swelled and stiff, im
right arm and hand were powerless—l coul
not move a finger. I had the white swelling in
my rijjht knec.-and-my ankle joint was swelle*;
and ,sliff.- witli purulent expecto
ration, accompanied with the dysentery . In fact
I was-left byihp different diseases,.and the treat
ment prescribed, a living skeleton, 1 alnrast >vith
but'any hope of relief; Olid of my neighbors
who visited me about this time, advised md to
cull on Dr.: Frederick Ehrman,ftnd.l did so, on
tfie principle.that a ; drowning man would catch
at straws; or, in other words, I was willingtto
get relief from' the miseries I
was laboring 'under, and contrary to my expec
tation, ae wellssallwhosaw me, Isoonfounda
general relief-r-my pains removed, and my. fl£sh
and health'increased ( by, Dr. Ehrman*s treat
ment, and from that time I enjoyed .and .now en
joy ri better state of health than before I whs af
flicted. Ido thereF6re.<with confidence recom
mend to those suffering under similar afflictions,
to call upon Dr. Ehrman, in Qarlisle..(the soon
er the better, after they become afflicted) under
a firm belief that they will be soon relieved and
restored to their, usual if not better healthy than
before they were afflicted, without the use of the
lancet , or the disagreeablerind painful operation
of blistering or uncommon restriction of diet.—-
His medicine is pleasant biit powerful, arid is
always attended with beneficial consequences.—
i Given under my hand at Carlisle thcTSth day of
November, A. D. 1838. E. ZERMAN.
ft*#* :.
In the fall of the year 1837,1 was afflicted with,
a bad cold, which brought on a severe cough.—
For about two months it increased more and
more, though I tried every means to get relief.
I then employed one of our most eminent physi
cians, got worse and worse} at length I
was confined to bed, and every movement of my.
body brought on the cough so severely that I
thought I must die. I cannot describe the suf
ferings I felt from the pain in my'breast, por the
quantity of putrid matter I discharged when,
coughing—it appeared that my whole inside
would be spit out. | was reduced to a skeleton.
About this time sonrffe of my friends came to see
me and related some cures of similar complaints
performed by Dr. Ehrman, and strongly urged
me to give him a trial. I had heard of them
before, and consented, without any hope.howev
er of recovering. But. contrary to the expec
tation of my frunds, as well as myself, I was,by
his treatment, soon able to leave my, bed and at
tend to my business astisual, which I believe I
never would have done, but for his medical treat
ment* -and my strcngth-specdilv-i'ctuf ncd.From
that time I have enjoyed better health than I
had done for several years before. Now, I would
sav to those similarly .afflicted,and to the.public
at-large, that my firm belief is* if it hndjnot been,
for the treatment of Dr. Frederick Ehrman, on
the Homoeopathicprinciple~nf medicaiprartiqu,
I would now have been nnmbered'wUh the dead,
instead of giving this information for the benefit
of the public, which I consider it my duty to do,
ry ven under mv hand at Carlisle, tl»o 7th dav of
])ecember._lB3B., JOHN COUNMAN.
Georgetown, D.C. Junc-28, 18^,8.
VVIV*. -BVwN&‘—rH<enpcctc*Mxici»Ur
' A 1 urn truly gratified that I can my.
sincere thanks to you, who have brenjuUe cause
of my being restored to perfect health. For five
months past I have been laboring under a severe
Chronic’lnflammatory Rheumatism, attended
! with debility, loss of appetite, lowness of spirits
;Btc. Having frequently heard of the truly, ex
jcell.ent quality of your Camomile Pills, I at last,
determined to make trial of them; although not
without considerable opposition from my physi
cian and family. At last seeing my detevmina
tion argeed to the trial; uul unon using the
third package.! was altogether restored to
health. .How can I express 'my, gratitude and
sincere regard for such a saviour of human
frames? My case hopeless, and
ll must confess myself surprised at the extraor
dinary result. No people were ever more bless
ed than we arc with such remedies. The many
quack advertisements which appear in the pa
pers which 1 i%fceived from your cityfCdeterred ;
me from using your pills before I did, , I can
truly say that no medicine in the known world
has had suph aneficial effect he. as your Gamo
mile, and Aperient Pills. . What makes the cure
more extraordinary*is that !am more’than forty
years of.’ age, and, for the last four.years could
just move about, and onlyatlshort intervals. I
am at present .entirely recovered, and iriy hopes
are_that_you rpay- enjoy-a- long -and- prosperous
life. /Jf I am spared, I ..will almost certainly
cojnf* to Philadelphia to sec you. >. ’ *
If my name and’letter will be of any service
to you, you are at perfect liberty to mqke use of
them, and, all I cad da to!aid you will be done
with unbounded pleasure., _
Your most truly grateful and humble serv’t, -
William Johnson,
Sept 6, 1838. > v
MORE P.IXO.OF!i,ot the efficacy of Dr. W.
Evans’Camomile. Tonic and Family A
peiient Pills —Mr. Joshua Swain, Cape May
county, N. J., effectually restored trihealth frorti
the following distressing
withxoristant'.paih.i.n tlie side,
back and limbs, giddiness arid dimness of sight;
sickness at the stoiriach, impaired appetite; dif
ficulty of breathing; great, pressure’and weight
at tlie stomach after eating; depression of spirits,
coldness and weakness of thetextremities; flying
pains in the chest; costiveness,,and other symp
toms not necessary to enumerate. Mrs. Swain,
wife of the aforesaid Mr.’ Swain. jias also been
restored the above invaluable medi
cines. Her symptoms were—neryppsness, head
.ache, pain in the side, loss of appetite, disturbed
rest, eructations,-See.i are hereby
informed that their motives for "making this dec
laration are, thatothers afflicted with like symp
toriis may receive information of, and be cured
by the same inestimable medicine, >
For sale at the Herald Office,’Carlisle..
■ Sept 6, 1838. ' -
DR. WM. EVANS’. Camomile Pills have
proved to bb the most useful medicine now
belore the public, in eradicating all the diseases
connected with the female sex. : One of the most
dangerous epochs to femalbs is at the change ol
life, and it is then tjiat they require a medicine,
which will so invigorate their mind.and strength
en^eir-con' may-enable them t.:
withstand theshoek- ■ Lndieswhoare in a deli
cate state, are oft'eiv troubled with sickness, such
as vomiting, heart burn, head ache, tooth aclii .
hysterics, and other troublesome symptoms,fnm
which they will find.themselves relieved, by ta
kingDi". Evan*’ Camomile Pills, which remov
disorders in the head, invigorate, tlie mini!
strengthen the body, improve the memory, an,
■ hitven the imagination.' Remembering alwa
•n.keep the with Evans’ Family A ;
nerient Anti-bilious Pills. the .
; . n i " . Herald Office; Carlisleandb
.. ’ ■’ - ;S; WfgSoif KCb. Shippensburg..
L Carlisle, Sept 6 f 1838. '
—TVe know that healthy and the ability to labor
iathc wealth of the great mass of. the people in
this r fnos£-other, countries. To preserve ,
therefore, that health by NATXJHAL. means y is
a grand mortal and political scheme, to JuJil
wnith our utmost attention,
THE unparalleled reputation which Peters*
Pills have acquired asa,Medical Restorative,
is the most unquestionable proof that can be gi
ven of their immense importance to the afflicted,
in almost every class bf diseases* The number
of letters received from patients recovering thro*
their means is really prodigious, and the com
plaints which they nave cured are almost as va
ried as they are numerous. .But still there are
some in which they are more especially benefi
cial than in others; and among those may be
named the too often fatal confpTalnts of the sto
mach and bowels, such as Cholic,-Flatulence,
and Indigestion, for which they arc not only a
certain but ari immediate cure.
It is well known that from the disarrangement
of the stomach and bowels, arise nine tenths of
all the maladies of adult and declining life* that
this is the foundation of Flatulency, Spasmodic
Pains, Indigeslioh, Loss of Apetite &c.,,aml that
those in their turn give birth to* pi;opsy, Liver
Complant, Consumption, and habitual lowness of
spirits; therefore Peters* Pills being the very
best medicine which* has ever been discovered
for the incipient diseases of the intestines, are
the surest preventives of those dread
ful, andjuso general disorders, which embitter'
mature life, and drag so many 'millions to un
timely graves.
In speaking thus Dr. Fcters arrogates nothing
to himself that has not been conceded "by the
public. He is no needy quack or unknown spec
ulator, who comes before tfie* world as his own
herald and witness, but is placed in a responsi-.
bility of situation by the patronage which he has
enjoyed for years, and which is increasing to an
extent unprecedented in the annals of medicine,
that makes him careful to arrest nothing which
is'not borne out by the most infalibie proof,- and
hence he docs not fear to be put to the test in any
thing which he has promised respecting his Pills.
Dr. Peters is most happy to be able to state,
on the authority of a great number of regular
physicians, that wherever his Vegetable Pills
have/bcen introduced, they have almost super
ceded the adoption of mercurial experiments,
for/their peculiar faculty in sweetening the 1 b!ood,
and stimulating it to cxpel all noxious juices, and
in giving strength and-tone to the nerves, pre
vents disease from acquiring that strength which
must he got under, if at all, by dangerous ’•erne
dies- . . ~ 1 • . ~
Prepared by lOS. PRIESTLY PETERS, M.
D. 129 Liberty street, New York. Each box
contains 40'pllTs; price 50’cehts.
-_Theae-celebrated Pills are sold by all the prin
cipal Druggists in Baltimore,Philadelphia,Wash
ington city., and. throughout the United Stales”,;
the Canadas, Texas, Mexico, and the West 1m 1
dicsj'nnd by”-, ’- • ---- -
• J(IHK J. MYERS, Carlisle,
S. WILSON 8c Co., Shippensburg,
GEO. GARLlN,'Chambersburg, ;
ALEX’RSPEER, Mcrcersburg,
-December 6, 1836. ly
HVE,NOr»TUUMS.— The muted u-svi
irnmj of physicians throughout the United States (
Ims fully proved the fact that Pt ters* Vegetable 1 ivA&JiiJksEljXj'S
Pills nre the only true Vegetable TOlls which will * BOTTT9T,TB T ■cVr**/"*®'
,tnn<l.the test of anah.zation; hence the proprit- ■ " liS , ®
t'T would most Ofirncstlyurgetheui tu the notice j '-0 ’ _ ‘ M1 1 )s > clI s , h.iving j'lux.hest d the pat
of those wltt> have been in the habit of using, ns -a °| Meix-seil ,s Uotihlr Lilting Pump
cathartics'nr aperients, the destructive find irri-1 VJ *' lll ‘i 1 al V’ * err)*, Juniata,& Mifflin ci un
tating quack pi its so generally advertised, and j 1 c *’ , rl r > V. [I 1 ' 1 ymtice that they are now. lire*
which arc at best bw.slmy consumers ot the vital j ‘‘', tn . tim . and nut up at the shortest notice
functions, and murderous agents, even to the 1 a e mentioned
most hale. It is true, most ol them produce a VAHiUAIiIMLE .PUSH®
purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief; and at so reasonable a rate that almost any per
but in most dases they injure the or- son will be able to procure one. Finn, the
gans, and an habitual resort to them mW ter- knowledge the subscribers have of the great mil
nunarain confirmed dyspepsia. ity ol the Pump, which is constructed onthe
It is true that cathartic and aperient medicines ! principle of the fire engine, they hazard nothing
re often required, but the nicest discrimination !„ saying that it will fully come up to public ex
should always be observed ,n the selection; and,: pectation. The public are requested to call at
i this be done, nothing injurious can res'filt fronomhe dr/,ot adjoining Mr. Aughinbai.gli’s Hotel in
their use. - ~ . _ ' Carlisle, where one ot the pumps can ire sden in
1 o produce this much desired result, Dr. Pe- full operation in the course of a few davf
ters has,made it his study for several-years and, .JAMES FEIiCIUSON. /.ane’AAnre-.
feels proud to say he has succeeded at length fur A. YOUNG Carlisle *
bevond his expectations*. The object of his pills March 15, 1838 *
is to snpercedc the necessity of a frequent re
course to injurious purßalives, and to offer a me
dicine safercertnmr n nd pleasant in its’npt.ration,
. Prepared bv Jos. Priestly Pet* rs, M, D. No.
129 Liberty street, New York., Each box con
tains 40 pills. Price 50 cents, For sale by J.
J. and S. Elliott, Carlisle, and Samuel
Wilson & Co, Shipjiensburg. Dec. 6
Peters’ Vegetable Pills.
MOKE than three millions of boxes of these
celebrated pills have been sol’d in the 'U.
bi,iu-& since January, 1835:
■ Hundreds'and thousands bless the day they
became acquainted with Peters 9 Vegetable PUIs r
which in consequence of-their extraordinary
goodness, have attained a popularity unprece
dented in the history of medicine.
• When taken according to the directions ac
companying them, they are highly beneficial in
the prevention and cure of Bilious Fever* Fevw
and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick
Headach, Jaundice,'Asthma,; Dropsy, Rheuma
tism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic,
Female Obstructions, Heart * Bum, Nausen,
Furred Tongue, Distension of, the Stdmach and
Bowels', Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, ’Hab->
itual Costiveness, Loss of : Apetite, Blotched or
Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor
of.the Bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient
is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their
operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor
The efficacy of these Pills is so well 'known,
and their use so general, that further comment
is considered unnecessary. ‘ Deg. 6, •
Headache , Sick and JV&i^pus.
THOSE who have suffered, andare weary of
_ suffering from ,these*distressihg complaints,
wili.find in Peters 9 .Vegetable Pills. 3. .remedy at
once certain, and immediaty in its .effects.. •
In Dysfiefisiq they unrivalled ;raany have
been cured in/aTew.Weekslafter having suffered
under this dreadful complaint for years.
In habitual Costiveness they are decidedly su
perior to any Vegetable Pills ever yet discover
ed,'and besides this they are’recommended by
all the eminent andJleading members of the me
licalFaculty,' . -TC_,
For sale as above.
rFor using Dr. Peters' 1 Celebrated Vegetable
’ PJLfiS. ■ ' ■
I.Because they are exceedingly popular,
; hich proves them to be exceedingly good.
. 3. .Because .they are .composed of simples
' which have the poweirto do good in np immense.
■Umber of cases, without possessing the means
to do injury in any. j -
"3 Because they are not a quack roedidii'e,bu<
the scientific compound of a regular, physician,
who has made profession the study of his life!
4 . Because they are, not unpleasant to take nor
distressing 1 to retain, while they are most effect
ive to operate.
5- Because they are recommended as standard
medicine by the regular faculty. : ;»
' 6 Because by keeping jhe system in a natural
state of action, they cure almost every disease
which is incidental to the human frame.
7 Because they arc cheap arid portable, and
will retain nil their virtues in full vigor, in any
climate; and for any length of time.
8 Because, notwithstanding their simplicity
and mildness, .thyy are one of the speediest pur
gative medicines which.hasycibeeh discovered.
9 Because they are an unfailing remedy for
procuring a good appetite.
10 Because in cases of spleen nr despondency,
by their healthy influence on the excited state of
the body,-they— have-a— most—happy-rffe^—
almingyand invigorating the mind.
11 Because they effect, their cures without
the usual attendants of other pills, sickness and
gripings. #
' 12 Because as well as being an unrivalled
purifier of the general system, they are a sover
eign remedy for sick hend-.aciic*
13 Because they differ IrortV the majority of
medicines, in the fact that the more they are
known the more they are approved, .
14 Because as their application creates Ho
debilitv in the system, .they may He taken with
out producing any hindrance to or the
usual pursuits of every day life. /
15 Because when once introduced Ihth a fam r
ily, or a village, they almost immediately take
the precedence of all other medicines in general
16 Because a number of the wonderful cures,
they have effected, can be substantiated without
any undue means being resorted to, to procure
17 Because their composition is such, tha£
they applicable to the usual diseases
of warm, cold, or tentfiVrate climates.
18 BecausejJLjvo or three, are in general suf
ficient for a that, as Js the case with
the generality of patent medicines—the patient
is not compelled to make a meal of them.
Because each, individual pill is put up un-‘
der the immediate superintendence of the pro
prietor, so that no mistake* or
quantity can possibly occur through the care
lessness of a less interested .agent.
20 Because they puril) the irame without
debilitating the system, *
21 Because, notwithstanding their Immense
popularity, no person has ever ventured to raise
against them the breath of censure, which typnld
not have been the case, if enyy could have dis
covered in thrm*a sinrle flaw to cavil at
22 Because—(and this fact is of the utmost
importance)—ladies in a_certajij sstuatiqn_n>ny_,
take ,tlu ; m, (rmti more than two or three at a '
time however!) without in .the slightest degree
incurring the hazard of abortion” ‘Were the
virtues of Peters* inestimable pills confined to
this desirable end alone, It would give tin m a
decidecl advantage over the medicines of all com
petitors, as in no cases is there more danger to
■be apprehended, or-fpr. which so few-have -been
discovered, as the-one referred to. *
23 Because while, they are so efficient in their
operations with-adults they may at th" same time
he administered to children and'evert to infants,
1 in small quantities, half a pjll for instance, with
( out the slightest danger. -
24 Because their virtues are acknowledged
tn stand pre-eminent, for their soothing influence
upon young ladies while suffering from the usual
changes of life, as directed by the laws of Na
ture. Dec. 6.
Cured by Dr, ( lVm. Kvans* Chamomile Tonic
and Ajierteht Pills.. "
MKS. LY ILE,- Mount Joy,* Lancaster co.
Pa, completely restored to health* by Dr.
Lv<»us; Chamomile Pills. Her symptoms were*
grt n't pain in her right side,'could not lie on her
left without an aggravation of the pain, disturbed
rest. Extreme debility, pains in the head, loss
appetite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness
and dimness of sight, langojc, with other syn p-*'
toms indicating great derangement in the tunc*
ftions of the liver. Miss Lytle, daughter of the
aforesaid Mrs, Lytle, has also restored Ur
perfect health, by the same invaluable-medicine.
Her symptoms were extreme nervousness, at-v
tended with severe pain in.,h£r sidey sickness on
the stomach, emotions. See, Mrs. Lytle has
the pleasure* of. informing “the public, that nu- ;
merous cases similar to her own, (in her. vicini
ty) have been restored to health by the same
. invaluable'medicine; ' General ’.Office' .-for the
sale of Dr. Wm. Evan*» r Chamomile Tonic Pills,
isatNo. 19 North Eighth st: Philadelphia, a
few doors above Market. " *
Interesting case of Dyspepsia
and Hypoeondriacism,
Cured"by Dr. Evans' ChamopiUe Tonic and
‘ Family jifierient Pills.' '
Mrs., Good*, of Mount Joy, Lancaster co- was
affected for 7>ytar£ with the above distressing
.symptoms of which she wasconfiiried to hcrbed,
tor 9 months. Hgr symptoms were, depression’:
of spirits; .sickness’ at the stomach, head ache;
impaired appetlte, great.pressure and weight at
the stomach after eating,'great mental devpon-*
dency, flyirig pains in the chest, .back and sides,
costiveness, emaciation, coldness and weakness
of the extremities, n dislike for society.or con
versation, and weeping, .and
Jahgdr and" latitude upon the least exercise,—
Mrs. Good was ih the .most desperate situation,
and could obtain no relief until she was advised
by- hdr neighbors to make trial of Dr. Evans*
Chamomile Pill?, of which she-ishappy-td state
that she is now enjoying all the blessings of per-,
feet health. . Persons desirous of further infor
mation will be satisfied of every particular of h*er
astonishing cure,.by applying*! 19 Nprth Eighth
street, Philadelphia, or at her residence. •
The above medicine is foi; sale by. .
Hetahi Office* Carlisle, • "*•
Demutt & Bumgardner, York.
Sept 6, 1838, . ‘ Agents.
.. Chalices and Mouslin De Sdi> Is.
A fine assortment very-low, at
i . ' ifimold & Co's.
Dec. 6.