AMERICAN VOLUNTEER. BY SANDERSON Sc CORNMAN '-' v ',.\»i i!; • j >jjj,/ft . * CARLISLE: tf THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1-1, IBS®. Appointments by the Co romor. John Grayson, Prothonotary of Washing ton county. James Ruple, Clerk Of the several Courts •f Washington county. James Gordon, Register of Washington •ounty. James Brown, Recorder of Washington •ounty. Samuel D. Jordan, Prothonotary, Clerk ‘•f Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions •f Northumberland county. John O: Voungman, Register, Recorder and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of North umberland county. Josiah W. Evans, Prothonotary of Mont gomery county. ' ' * .John Shearer, Register of Montgomery •ounty. . Tobias Sellers, Recorder of Montgomery •ounty. George H. Pawling, Clerk of the several Courts of Montgomery county. , Richard Beeson ; Prothonotary, Clerk of Oyer and Terminer, and Quarter Sessions of Fayptte county. James Piper, Register, Recorder & Clerk of Orphans’Court of Fayette county. . 'John IV- Hetrick, Prothonotary of York •ounty. John Stable, Register of York county. Benjamin Zeigler, Recorder of York co. .George. Augustus Barnitz, Clerk of the #p»reral Courts of York county. James Gibbony, Prothonotary, Clerk of 1 Quarter Sessions and Oyer and ‘Terminer of Mifflin county. “— Enoch Beale, Register, Recorder, and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of Mifflin co. J George Rahn, Prothonotary, Clerk of! Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer of [ Schuylkill county. . ' | . Benjamin TS/son, Prothonotary of Berks •ounty. ■ Joel Ritter, Register of Berks county. John Green, Recorder of Berks couiity. James Bonegan, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court of Berks county. William H. Miller, Clerk of Quarter Ses sions and«Oyer and Terminer of Berks co. FOB PHILADELPHIA CITV AND COUNTY TFxlliom V. Pettit, Prothonotary of t]ie District Court. TFilliam .0. AVinc.JProthonotary of the ©ourt of Common Pleas. James i2?he«,j'ri, Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and, Criminal Court. Robert F. Christy, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. ' Michael Pray, Register of Wills. Appointments bt the Attorney General. James H. Graham, Esq. Deputy Prosecu ting Attorney for Cumberland county. 'John L. D.-Jison, Esq. do. Fayette co. (fA. TP. Acheson, Esq. do. Washington co. McClelland. 'Esq. dQ. Greene cp, A, Grain, Esq. do. Huntingdon co. T. C. McDowell, Esq. do. Cambria co. J. A. Christy, Esq. do. Juniata co. Lewis Durham, Esq. do. Jcffe son co. T. S. Espy, Esq. do. Venango co. |3"»We understand that our townsman, “Jacob 8.-LvoN. Esq., has received the ape. , pointment of Supervisoifton the Eastern Di vision of the Pennsylvania Canal, and has \allCady entered upon the discharge.of his duties. -We. have no hesitation in saying, thiat the• Canal;Commissioners could not have made a better selection in the State, as all who are acquainted with Mr. L’s..busi ness habits, his enterprise and industry, |?ill readily adroit. In such hands we doubt ’not the public improvements, will be profita bly managed during the ensuing'season. Gov. Porter.— This distinguished individ ual arrived in our Borough on Saturday ev ening last, in company with Colonel E. V. Piolet, of Bradford County. On Sunday morning he attended service in the Second Presbyterian Church, and in the afternoon in the-Bpiscopal Church. - He remained in town till Monday at noon when he took the ’ cars for Harrisburg. During his visit great numbers of bur citizens of all parties called; upon, him, and paid their respects to the Chief Magistrate of tins great Common wealth. All who - visited him’ were highly. - pleased with the reception they mot with} and his urbanity of mariners and gentleman-. , ly, deportment have Won for him "golden o ' pinions” even.amongst his political enemies. He is truly and emphatically a man of the . people, and worthy,'the confidence reposed in him by so.large-a portion of his follow ci tizens. ' ■ . - ' j ’■ To-morrow (ISth) is the day fixed upon by the Legislature of Virginia, for electing a United States Senator. ’ , '■ Gov.,Porter and. the Germans. —Govern- or Porter has already appointed'€o two of tyo"highest and most responsible offices in' his gift, citizenalof German descent, viz;—; Frances R. Shonk, Esq. Secretary of-the Commonwealth, and Edward B. Hcblev, Esq. a. Canal Commissioner. ,Hpw admira bly does his friendship for this large and in fluential portion of our population, contrast with the conduct of his predecessor,/who, although a German himself, so far slighted and neglected his German friends and in sultcd the native citizens of this great ’Com monwealth, as to - confer all his important cabinet and other appointments on strolling yunkee adventurers and aristocratic foreign ers! But those were the days of “Ritner and Reform,” and our honest and upright German citizens me hot considered suffi ciently peculiar species of "Reform” which * aid) him in carrying out his ifcasuVes. 'Govern or Porter, on’the wishes to bring back the Government to what it was in the Halcyon days of Simon Snyder, and to aid him in this great work he selects for his counsellors men who are Pennsylvanians by birth and feeling, and whose sole aim is the welfare and happiness of the community. Jlnother Special Election.— The. Speaker of the Senate has at length issued writs, of election to the different Sheriffs of the Ly coming district, directing them to issue pro clamations for the election of a Senator on . the sth of March in the plnc(ToT~Alexaiufer 1 Irwin,' resigned,—about forty day's after the 1 resignation was'received. The democrats [have nominated Col. Anson V. Parsons, of j Lycoming, cofinty, as their candidate, who I will, doubtless, be elected by an ovcrwllel |yning majority. Speaking of Col. P., the | Lycoming Gazette says: “he is a gentleman ! of the most splendid talents, and profound I legal attainments—possesses great assiduity and an uncommon share of persevering in dustry, and is emphaticaPy-dhe poor man’s friend.” • i / We have Tcceived thellst No. of a neat little publication, commenced in Shipp.ens burg, by Mr. John F. Wdishampel, entitled " The Thompsonian Trumpet.” The pre diction,!sOmo time since,'that-our neighbor would turn Doctor, has been verified; for ho gives a long discourse in his “inaugural,” upon the subject of Thompsonianism; prov ing most conclusively,(in his own mind,) that itistheonly true system of medical prao- , tice. “It is true,” says friend Weishampcl, “that every kind of quackery is now-a-days trumpeted forth;” and if we-mistake not, he should have added “and we will sound the trumpet of one,of the greatest humbugs ever invented. Here we-do not wish to be un derstood as'tntcrlaining any unfriendly feel ings towards Doctor W., but on the contrary wish him success in the publication of his new periodical. - ■■ Mississippi, —The Democratic Republi cans of Mississippi have placed in nomina tion Alexander M’Nutt, the present-Qover nor, for., pfe-election, and Messrs. A. G. Brown and J. Thompson, for Congress.— There is no doibt but that this ticket,will succeed by a large majority. Fire on the Rail Road. —-We learn that on Wednesday of last week one of the burthen cars caught fire between this place. apclNew ville, but was not perceived until arriving at the latter place, when,it had got consid erably under way and could not be extin-, guished until the car and goods to the amount of 4 or $5,000 were consumed. . - Ma’.hias Iht Imposter. —This notorious -vagabond is again athis tricks ofimposttion, in Arkansas. . He made his appearance, it is said, in the city of Little Rock, with all the sanctity and' assurance of- a “man of God” and a long black beard. In less than six hours after he entered the city, however, he was shorn by- the unbelieving sons, of Ar kansas. He bore his loss like a martyri-and without attempting to preach took his leave in’two daysTafter. '• The officers of that sink of iniquity. New Orleans, are taking proper measures for the suppression of that famous city. The Attorney' General has rigidly enforced the law against several of the principal adepts in the business, and is taking measures to ferret out others. . . A Legislative Scene., —A letter in the Cin cinnati JJbst, from Indiana; dated at Indian apolis, Jani 15, gives a description of the, scene'at the State House there on that day, which rivals any thing of the kind- we- have heretofore' been made acquainted with. A member named''Judah made a personal at tack on.Evansjthe Speaker—refused to'be called to order, or rather, .in explaining how •he was out of order; was more caustic and severe than-when called to order. ,He-in sulted another member, Mr.'Proffit, and the tferma liar, scoundrel,&c.yrero freely ban died about,; with demonstrations of areal /uticufi'Bght , The Speaker finally adjourn-;- ed the House, and declared tliat he 'would hold Mr. 3. personally -responsible forjhe language he had used in debate. ./ . , iij.'O r Wt xi tdit (uttt t XX* ,?fIIE CASE SETTLED. .■ The Pennsylvanian Kas'the following true remarks in reference to the recent decision of the Supreme Court on the subject .of coun ty appointments. If ever a gang of political' desperadoes were., completely foiledin all , J.hcir attempts against the rights of- the peo ple and the constitution...of. the common wealth, it ts Messrs. Hither, Stevens, Pen rose and Burrowes. The fact is, they have sunk themselves and their party so low that federalism will not again get the ascendency in Pennsylvania for the next half century. "We publish this morning the unanimous opinion of the Supreme Court, delivered on the 4th Inst., in reference to the Recorder ship of Deeds for the county of Philadelphia, deciding the question in favor of the appoint ment made by Gov. Porter. Present, Chief Justice Gibson, and Judges Sergeant, Ro gers and Kennedy. After the decision. Col. Swift who had been appointed by Governor Ritner, conducted Mr.Goorge Smith, who holds the commission from Governor Porter, and in whose favor the decision had been made, to the office, the greatest good humor prevailing between the parties who had brought tliis question to the final settlement, and Mr. Smith accordingly took possession. Thus, the last crookedness of Ritnerism is made strait—for we cannot regard the con duct of the late executive in the matter of 1 new appointments as being otherwise than' , the evidence of -a perverse disposition, and of a desire to cause as much trouble as pos sible. It was r a puny continuation of the grand but abortive scheme to treat elections as if the Ritner party had not been defeated, ■and the“devisers-of'botlrthe big and the lit tle scheme have more reason than ever to say that it never rains but it pours; for cer tainly such a succession of failures ncVer be fore fell to the lot of a set- of politicians in the same space of time. To recapitulate— the federal candidates from Philadelphia county were to be-received in both houses, and a federal.majority was thus to be gained —the’election of David R. Porter was to be net aside—the new' constitution was to - be declared lost—a Senator, Canal Commis sioners, a. State Treasurer, all were to be secured of the right party—the military were invoked to aid'the conspiracy, and yet in each and every point the most signal defeat was experienced. Napoleon’s retreat from, Moscow was nothings in to' theories of disasters recently sustained by Ritnerism. Atevery rally; they have only furnished food for powder—before the peo ple ns in Cassatt’s district,' and before the courts, the result has been of the samephar acter, and we who began the session in the Senate in an almost hopeless minority, now present a vote upon important questions very near equal to that of our opponents, with an .almbdt' certainty place of Irvinvto say nothing of having rout ed Thaddeus Stevens from the other liotise. And now the last solace is taken away—-the posthumous appointments are set aside, as if fate had determined that not a solitary star should brighten the gloom of tho rejected of the people. There is a moral for politicians in the last days of Ritnerism. They may learn from recent events in Pennsylvania, that it is an error to believe with Sam Patch,, that some things can be done as wcll as other things." Saltacious Sam was a philosopher, it is 'true, but his rule was too comprehensive, and in the end he proved an exception in his own person, and partisans have it now plainly demonstrated before their eyes that they who undertake to resist the will of the peo ple, must,fall in the end. And what have Joseph Ritner, Thaddeu's Stevens, and Tho mas H. Burrowes gained by theirinsane fol ly? Nothing but ridicule and disgrace, and the certainty that under no possible circum stances rise again. -He who in .political life, suffers pique and anger to overcome his judgment,' ruins' himself "for ever. ( The history of our country abounds in instances of this, but with none more stri king than that affbrdedJjy the closing hours of Ritiierism. CARLISLE BANK. . From a Report of the Auditor General made to the. Legislature, we make thefollow ing extract which shows the condition of the Carlisle Bank on' the 6th day of November last, the time of its fourth quarterly report for 18S8: ' ' DR. Capita! stocls, 8224,580 00 Notes in circulation, ' 181,552 00 Due to other banks, ' ' .4,662 69 Due to depositors, 72,206 50. Dividends unpaid, 2,695 58. Profit and loss, ' 12,021.15 Discount and interest, . 9,241 SO Total, CR. Bills discounted, - $266*496 48 Judgments, *23,086 39 Specie, ... 32,229 83 Nptes jSi chccks-of other banks," 15,393 00 banks, .... .54,710 30 Real'eSwttrand other property, 46,403 14 Espehsegi^.'. 278 12 Stocks,'-j .;.} , 48,280 00 Miscellaneous, - 79 96 Total, ■ Hostilities have terminated between France and Mexico. This desirable arrangement lias been. eßectedrthcojigh the intervention of Admiral Douglass, commah3tngJth'e^Brit ish fleet'on the Mexican coast. , . The House of Representatives of. Louisi ana have passed a bill relieving the Banks' of that State from any . presumed forfeiture of their charters by their suspension of sper cie payments. “ : v ' ,f ' Legislative and Military. —Generals Pat terson, Prevost'and Goodwin, with a dum ber of other .officers, have been subpoenaed to give testimony before the (committee of the Senate, to whom was referred the messages of the late and present Executives, touching the recent march of the troops to Harrisburg, in obedience to the orders of Gov. Ritner.—, Wonder whether they won’t send for Gen. Alexander, too! - • The number of pensioners, who receive their annual pay from the pension fund, is 848—the amount paid, $lOB,OOO. The War Department has 41,870 pensioners. This number is caused by the nearest rela tives of the revolutionary soldiers having claims upon the fund after the demise of the original claimants. Auction Duties. —The aggregate amount of Auction Duties paid by the Auctioneers of the city of New York, during the year 1838, was $1,40,532. The greatest amount paid by any one house was $27,772. The aggregate, amount paid in 1857, was 212,775 —and the greatest amount, by one house, $49,508. Wise’s blackwashing committee have clo sed their labors in New York and returned tp-Washington. A one-sided- report may therefore be expected in a few days. gCT*A bill for the armed occupation of Florida,- passed the Senate of U. States on Wednesday last, 25 to 20. The vote, how ever, was re-considered, and the bill laid on the table for future action. Tt is a bill' of great importance, involving a gift of land of the value of more than 81,300,000. Ten thousand men are to have each 320 acres of the Public Land. We recommend the following .from the Harrisburg Keystone, to the attention of those who still persist, with Ritner, in say ing that there has been no increase of the State Debt during his administration suffi cient to justify a resort to taxation: “No INCREASE OF DEBT HAS BEEN MADE TO justify Taxation hereafter.” — miner’s Last Message. No other man except Joseph Ritner could have.made thlswantonly-untrue. assertion;, and its utter falsity may be understood from the fact, that the very message in which it is incorporated, asks tlre.Legislature to grant $147,000 for the payment of the late parade of the Cumberland and Philadelphia volun- cnileft'mit’bj'- Rltncrl.i That crowning piece of folly, the cost of 1 which is staled above, and which is condemn ed by men of all parties, is one of the many instances which could be cited in refutation of the monstrous declaration that, during Ritner’s administration, "No_ increase of Debt had been made to justify taxation .” When Joseph Ritner toolc possession of thO-'Executive chair, he-said,, “There remains to be provided to meet justland unavoidable demands on the treasury tho enormous sum of $348,495 80!”- When David R. Porter took possession of the Executive chair, as successor of Joseph Ritner, there remained to be provided im mediately—the present session of the'Legis lature must do it—THREE MILLIONS, ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOUR DOLLARS AND THIR TY-NINE CENTS!" This sum is equal to, .one-seventh of the entire State Debt when Ritner was elected! < Does this" look as if there “ had been no increase of State Debt to Justify taxation?” When, Joseph .Ritrier took thchchair of State the State Debfwas over Twimty five Millions of Dollars. ■ When he left it it was over Thirty Millions of DoWais—an increase of more than Five Millions of Dollars in three years! And yet there “has been no increase of the Stale Debt to justify taxa tion!” Monstrous! How was this already vast debt increased ? By squandering thousands and thousands of dollars on the Gettysburg Rail-Road. By paying"noarly Four Hundred Thou sand Dollars for the repairing of the ‘‘Hunt ingdon Breach,” when it might have been better done for a little over Two Hundred Thousand Dollars! . , ; Dy the'otitrageous "Missionary Fund” by which contractors were induced to wager money on Ritner’s Election, and to be in demnified, should they lose, from the State "Treasury!,, ,' - Byugross system of Favoriteisni, in which no State Work'was allotted to'any other than,a Ritnerite. And yet weave told by Joseph Ritner that there. “ has been no increase of State Debt to justify Taxation.”- It is well'that there are commentaries, such as the above, upon this system of official falsehood.—ATei/stone. 506,959 22 Henry Jl. ffise. —We publish the follow ing well drawn portrait from the Eastern Argus, in Order that those of our readers who have never been honored vyith a sight of the foul mouthed, miscreant, may have an opportunity of looking at his mora/likeness. The painting is admirably executed. 506,959 22 HENRY A. WISE. “Awed by no shame; by no respect conti oil’ll, "In scruid-ri! busy. in reproivches bold. ■_ •• Mr. Wise .makes rapid' progress in the career of infamy.' He. willj undoubtedly, earn for himself .a notoriety, as disgraceful as'it is general,. No man in more justly entitled than he is, to the con tempt and scorn of .every honest; citizen.— .His-murderous partin .the assassination of Gilley, fixed a burning raark of baseness up-, on his character, which he never will be able to outlive. The public indignation,- which that fatal transaction raised against him; had for a time its influence upon his conduct, and shanied him, during ,a short period, into comparative retirement. It is matter of re gret that he so soon left that retirement, and commenced anew his work of defamation and slander. During the-present session of Congresjj he has exhibited the ferocity of his nature in no common degree. And we are devoutly thankful, when we read his demo niac manifestations, that heaven has not en dowed him with ability , commensurate with his mischievous will,—-His denunciations and calumnies aife only remarkable for the bold ness and presumption with which they are made, and are rendered important, simply from the high place in which they arc Utter ed, and the distinguished persona against whom they are directed. In his recent movement against Mr. Woodbury, he has displayed perfectly the malignity of his tem per, and the weakness of his judgment. His froposed inquiry for materials upon which to found an impeachment of that excellent officer, is' fob absurd to be seriously consid ered, and must end only in bringing addi tional disgrace upon himself. If his resolu tion is treated as it deserves, it will meet a similar fate to that which attended the pro position of Josiah Quincy to impeach Thom as Jefferson, and be voted for only by its depraved.mover. We have ho fears how ever, that Mr. Woodbury’s department will not bear examination. The most searching scrutiny-will be .unable-to-thrbw anyTSuspi cion upon the integrity of its able head, who, notwithstanding the exertions of the opposi tion to embarass the Treasury, lias discharg ed his duties with uniform correctness and success. He deserves and will receive the people’s gratitude. PENN’A. LEGISLATURE. Harrisburg, Thursday, Feb. 7, 1839. In the House, Mr. Brittain presented a petition for an alteration in the election laws. One relative to the Permanent Bridge. 1 Messrs. Ilelf&mstesnisCrispin, Carpenter, Pray and Nesbitt, presented petitions for a Free Bridge ovpr the Schuylkill. )Mr; Carpenter, one relative to the diyi sipiTof roads, and'one for the widening of Broad street. ‘ Mr. Hinchman one (relative to the canal between, Pittsburg and Beaver, aqd one for a State Asylum for the insane poor. • The, committee of conference reported the bill making appropriations to the different canals apd rail roads, with amendments to which they asked the concurrence Of the -House. —The amendments-were agreed- to.- Mr. Brittain offered a resolution making certain enquiriesof the Canal Commission ers; which was adopted. ’ The rest of the day was consumed in dis cussing the Wyoming coal bill; as to the propriety of making the stockholders indi vidually liable forthe debts.. In Senate, the Speaker being absent from indisposition; Mr. Fraley, (city-) again offi ciated as Speaker, pro lem. Various petitions were offered by Messrs. Miller, (city) Stevenson, and Fraley, (city.) Several bills were reported from Commit tees; -' - , —■ - The bill relative to the Juniata Bridge, at Lewlstown, passed the Senate. Mrr“Pearson, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the resolu tion of- the Senate requiring said committee to enquire into the necessity of reporting rules for the regulation,of the Senate on Ex ecutive nominations, reported the foljowing rules:— 1. Immediately after the nomination to (he Sqnate by the Governor of any person to fill a judicial station within this Common wealth. under the provision of the eighth section of the second article of the Constitu tion, the Speaker shall publicly announce the same from the chair, and cause (he.mes sage with any accompanying dooumenta-to be read, and laid on the table. 2. On motion of any five Senators, the Governor shall be requested to communicate tp_the Senate all recommendations received by him in favor of the person nominated, and also, all. remonstrances ngajnst his nomina tion or appointment; said papers shall not be printed or placed on' tlie' journal without an order of Senate, and immediately after final action on such nomination, shall be returned to’ 3. 1 At any time, after the expiration of five days from the time of such nomination, being made and aforesaid, on the chair declaring that original"resolutions are in order, any member may move to go into the consideration of executive business j for the purpose of acting on said nomination; and on the motion being agreed to, said nom-. ination shajl be considered the first order of the day, until finally disposed of, unless the same shall be postponed by a majority of the Senate; but such business when commenced, shall not. be postponed for more thatrfive days, except in case of an adjournment of the ,dqd y for a longer period. Considerable discussion took place rela tive to the propriety of adopting these rules. ■ The first and third ones were adopted.—' The second negatived. . , .' From the Harrisburg Reporter, of Feb, S’. the legislature: ■ In the Senate, on the 7th instant, Mr. Sfrolim from the committee of conference which was appointed by .both houses, upon the subject of the Improvement appropria tions, reported the following its the result of their deliberations: i. ~ ■' To the North Branch entension, • Tunkhannock line, ' '’ $115,000 Tioga line, v ” •. .115,000 Erie extension, Shenatigo line, ■ 150;000 Conneaut line, , 100,000 West Branch, SinnemahOning ex tension,' 30,000 Rail-road to avoid the inclined “ plane, at Columbia, . 30,000 To; fe-pay money, borrowed from \ i the U. States BShk and Har-, risbufg : Banks to repair the breach on the Juniata, Wisconisco canal. Ordinary repairs, ... 81,260,000 The bill authorizes the Governor to bor row 81,280,000 on permanent loan, at a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent, per annum. . Rules for the government of the Senate, on Executive nominations were adopted, af ter some debate, and after passing upon one or two items of but little interest, the Sen ate adjourned. In the House or Representatives, yes terday, a large number of petitions were pre sented, and several bills were reported from committees. The House then took up and passed the joint resolution authorizing the Governor to open a correspondence with the Govejgors* of -the several western states, with a view of obtaining a rail road commu nication between St. Louis and Pittsburg. The House next took op the supplement to the bill to incorporate the "Wyoming coal company,' when a was made to a mend the same so as to make the stockhold ers liable in their individual capacity for the payment of the debts of the Company, and a discussion arising thereon,. the House ad journed .without taking any vote On the bill. From the Harrisburg Ilcporlef of Tuesday. THE,. LEGISLATURE In the House of Representatives, on Saturday after a very long debate, the a memlment proposed to be incorporated; into the bill supplementary‘to incorporating the • Wyoming Coal Company —in relation, to the liability of stockholders, was passed. The provision and yeas & nays thereupon follows. ; "Provided, that the stockholders of the said- company shall be liable in their indivi dual capacity for all debts in prqportion to the- amount of stock by them, seve ally held; property of said com pany insufficient to pay the same; | and prcwrawWurthe/;"Hiat this act shall not. fake effect, unless the said company shall accept the provisions thereof, and advise the Governor of the same under their corporate seal within fifty days after its passage.’.’' Messrs. BUTLER and COX, demanded the yeas and nays on this amendment, which weje.ycas 45, nays 43, ns follows: , , YEAS.—-Messrs. Anderson, Andrews,-. [ Beaty, Brittain, Carothcrs, J. Cunningham, IDarc, Douglass, Evans, Fegely, Flcnnikeh, [ Foster, GORGAS, Helfenstein, Heston, Hill of Berks, Huge, Jones, Kcim, Kerr, Lotig liker, Loy, M’Claran, M’Dowell, M’Elwee, M’Kinstry, Morton, Morrison, Park, Pen niman Penrose, Puryiailce, Ramsey, Rey- ■ nolds, Roberts, Schoencr, Shearer,Snowden, {Sprotf, Slrohecker, Wnlborn, Wprk, Yost, fZcilin, Hopkins, Speaker — iS. * - NAYS-—Messrs. Barnard, DnrsfoWj.Bru-- nrr, Butler, Carpenter, CasSell, Chandler, I Cole, Colt, Cdolbaugh, Coney, Cox, C^abb, ! Crispin, Diller, Ehrinnn, Fisher, Gratz, I Hamlin, Hegins, B. G. Herr, Hill of West-' ; moreland, Ilinchman, Hutchins, James, j Kettlewell, Kinfzle, Konigmacher,.Montcl lius, Mortimer, Nesbitt,. Pray, Richardson, | Ritter, Sheriff, Smith of\Frank!in, G. R. , Smith, T. S. Smith, Spackrhan, SlS?devant, I Wcy, Wilcox. WOODBURN-^-43 . {> The section ns itmemled, was than adopt-: cd and the bill was ordered to be transcrib ed for a third reading. • Front the Erie Gazelle—Jan... 2o. r EXTENSIVE FIRE; ■ Last evening, at about 7 o’clock the Barn of Messrs. Hart & Bird, stage proprietors of I this place, was discovered to be on fire, and j so rapid was the progress of the flames, that I e'.'i’en of their horses and seven stage coach- ■ I es, with all the fixtures of fhejr , extensive j establishment were destroyed. The flames ( rapidly extended to-,the Mansion House kept rby-M rs. W; H. Chaplain, and from- thence— to the extensive block of buildings adjoining; j the whole of which are now a mass of smo king ruins. The only building left on the | entire block, being Eagle Tavern and a fire : proof store occujHed.. . | The rapidity with which element spread rendered it to all appearance certain that the flames would cross French street, to the extensive block of stores on Cheap side, tlie occupants of which, without lan exception," removed their whole stocks, ■ j which were very materially damaged by their jsuddep removal and the falling fire and water I upon them. Providentially there was but | little wind, aud the atmosphere so exces i-'sively cold," that the water congealed; the moment it touched the buildings, to which we are indebted for the preservation of the block on the east side of French street. FROM TEXAS." The steamer Cuba arrived at' New, Or leans on the 20th instant, from Galveston, whence she sailed on the 15th inst., bring ing dates from Houston to, the 12th. Two numbers of the Telegraph of the 9th & 12th have come to hand, containing the proceed-' ings of Congress, and a few items of news of a local character. Considerable excite- ■ •ment had been occasioned by an attack made, in the Senate chamber upon a member ofthe Senate, Dr. S. H. by thev surgeon general of the army. Dr. Asabell-Smith,-in which there was a show of pistol and Bowie knife, by the assailant; &displayof pugilism. ■ The, were very indignant at the outrage,-and a resolution was passed unan imously by-the Senate, requestingthe Presi dent to.remove Dr., Smith froth his office as surgeon general. From Bexar a jetter had been received at Houston, conveying the intelligence thata small party of the citizens of that place had recently returned from an expedition’ into the Cammanche country. — They, however, had seen only one small party of Indians.'who fled after a trifling skirmish. lndians have, been j seen near Bexar for several weeks, and the. : Utmost tranquility prevails in that section. 380.000 40,000 300.000