it Lic loat'METAj. lc,:o it-mi he iij l j neon It has for many years been a Brcatoesiderafum ■■ among Europfcan - aiuV American] Dt-ntUIV; to mauufacVur?Teetti fromincorrnptibiematcrials • which should iahithte'thtf - Many'have devoted voart to uiisuccessfui 'c'X: .... perimentsCanil others (n’shaw : lecturing teeth of materials V lain; ware,- but, .genovally anrppaguc white appearance; by whibll'they'.hr&edstly,ah;■ 'til)l'uiahcd,ir<>ql the human teeMh ;j; i After long, and tedious experiments,'the” sub scribei-has succeeded In manufacturing teeth of materials entirely Incorruptible} and perfectly in imitation of human teeth..' They.have a semi transparency, and are made of vafioussizes and shades., 'V' -Ift-Cases where absorption ofjtlio avcoiar. pro cess,or other causes may render it necessary; he ■will cast of the same materials the teeth, artificial gums; which'shall imitnteUic gum and supply the loss' of substance. ; i -It is entirely impossible for these teeth to change their cause foetid breath. . Ife will insert them from one to entire sets, in sufch manner that they' Will make articulation of tha voice perfect, and materially assist in.masti cation, and so that they cannot be - distinguished from the most beautiful natural living teeth -by the most scrutinizingObServcr, He also performs t arioiir.operatiotff In Dental Surgery, according* to the late scientific improvements in the aft. ' • H. K/JV^IP/’, Surgeon fieriJUt. N. W. corner of Charles &.Fayette streets, 1 , 1: 'Baltimore! -Jaom£o® ■ccKoois . OF CARLISLE. IT has been resnWed that the Hoard of Schnol Directors of the Borough of' Carlisle' ,w!ll hereafter meet on the Jirst Monday l of each month, in the Town Hail at nine in , flic winter, and eight o’clock in the 'summer, ,-tqr the admission of scholars into the public schools, ami the transaction of pthcr business. , Teach-, era, parents and scholars, will therefore take notice, that' the next meeting of the Board will be*on Monday the 4ttv day of February next, tlnd on tnefirst Monciayof each month following, ond.that these will be the only opportunities af forded for presenting bills and admitting schol ars, ” ■■■' ■ ' t • • Teachers are informed that the I2th Rule of the published regulations of’the,.Board, which permits a Teacher at his or her discretion,, -to allow a scluilar to attend School, next meeting of the Board , lias reference exclusively to newscholars, who have not been at aiiy school in the borough for the fnreeding six,, months , and of this fact it will, bej expected that the Teacher will require full, and satisfactory , eyi -dence. \By order 'of tile Hoard. I. HAMlLTON,. Secretary,''- -January-31 ,-1839, ~' •- • - 3 1 . „TO, DRUG G ISTS. A Drugstore situated one of the most fertile section's of Pennsylvania, is ottered fov-sale. ..Tea person of tnoflerateiciipital, there are hut few mare .desirable situations. ’ A House and tot will be rented to tiie purchaser, it re quired, ftyd possession thereof ijiv-eu at auv time. For further particulars cnquire.of the Editors of the .Volunteer. Jaanuary 31, 1839 A laeW Xkae ofFrcgglrt Care' rßOlffi 3ARHJ;SBtrRO TO Z>HIL AKDI.PHIA. T ME; Subscriber, grateful for past favors. re spectfully acquaints his friends and, the pub lic, that ho has puc.into operatiou'dn .tlib HAR RISBURG. LANCASTER, and COLUMBIA KAIL HOADivaKne of new UOUBLE CARS) ' which'will tun regularly between 'Harrisburg 8c V Hlilladelphia,, by which. Goods and Produce of all.descriptions and despatch,:nt the lowest rates of Irelßjit. ! .’ • Goods will be received atdhe VV AHEHOUSE of THOMAS J., MAXWELL, N. E.' corner of Broad and Vine streets, Philadelphia, and.fbr warded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, ■Chandievsbarg, and intermediate places, and 'bv.tlre;suhscriher, * '■ / ,OWEN M’CABE. Harrisburg, Jan. 31, KS39. tt7-FISH. SALT and ;PLASTEIC,CON STANTLY ON HA N D.,,,,Q«5h paid hit kinds of country produce. , .... ’ ; % v DISSOLUTION. The partnership‘heretofore existing bet ween the..subscribers, -under the nam? of Jfto.ore.mjd Biddle is-this day dissolved by vn-MtUfilf tjon'Sfedt. All business of the firm wUl.bc settled by John Moore. ' ■lf ■■■ . ~ , 'OTNmooue. • —JC> ■ A * ; . ‘EI>WARD M.;BJDI)LE. > 31,;i839. ■ ... ti> Jl!hu • •■■■ The subscriber wishes; to atul.thapublic that be continues thdmahufactir' , ring ofidl kinds'cr m(ic'liinery, l for| tories,.together, with' '■' ■ ’’ 1 PRESTOSRTJRH WISEIi STONSS. ■■ -,9f nll of which f 'he will best worh ';.;.tnmHlte)me^er^an^.f»ys,rTO* i r‘f*♦ ■ hr,'- tlup, pKicticu of muilicipe, its.,well' as! to give' a \WpJ?»M&iciajss ? t,h\icutton of h’ Ji • C?OO0 3 1 T was informed that Dr. Krtd crick JihrmAh IMPROVEMENT m BHZDtfES. 1 professecLto he skilled iin the eure of cancers: FIIANCIS GOOD, of the township «f New ; this was simiciime in December 1837,;t0 the best London, ill the county of Chester, and state ’of mv recollection. 1 called mi the doctor that of Pennsylvania, obtained letters patent for an ! evening. The next day he called to sec ipe, and impruVt-d plan of e-rc-ctiug Bridges over streams j gave me medicine, whiph was used inwardly.— of water. The plan combines strength and per- jHo would ant allow any oulvjanl application, mnhehey with economy, so m.fich so as not to re- excepting tint lint —anti to my astonishment/ quire, in some siluationsf-more than one half the j there was no lurtlu-r discharge from tiie wijund, expense to erect a Bridge nil this plan, ami when I mnrc (ban hardy saturated the small quantity of built would not he liable to be injured by a fre’iti- | but. which was only sufficient fp cnvci-lt. After et, or rise in the stieani; the Bridge ,being con- 1 bad taken his prescription fur three nr four strutted and secured m’’such a juannerf that if days, 1 found by the sensation in five other side the water should rise so high at to run Over the °f my l-'ce, that it was as highly charged with top of fhAhe Biiidge , thc.capci;ij as,was the sjde 1 had made the ap. ctire<; TXidVplarfj fias.ucyn .submitted’to a’nimi- .plication'rtf thc’nqiv’, aforesaid, and bin- Of JtVe’iittfic'’men,* kvhH'.'aU jirnnotmee ita ha'd'tdso’ghf'ahwnalvei'imy nnder'Jaw into the greatinipvobbment. v . , Olib' ; on l thVs , ‘^lah i ‘ghihdhiof tny iiei-IC/.'- ltalfo .found-.ui cancofoils erected -otrer a hktnriiiof, Wljitecfey'bfeeit.,'iii' 6cifdatthn,onithei'msldtl ofiitiy-rlg)itayin;helwei;n the townshipi df ,I,ondongvo’ve/.whrch veceivodhS!' ll '.'/?! 51 - another in piu ( ,fleshy. tp vie.w Jthe,sacpe, T.hbispbgcvihiit.hmvinK. pur- ,fi)y.P”dy., the sc'.osation-\Vas so atlfel) kiiown hy chased'the fights orilfe-slates,'oT,Pci|nWlvania ) meVh'avi’ng'expertdrtced sh'mnclPrtf it, ”-l 'couhf west of the IpuitouehaTmip Nttf.Hwrtfpfhh-fc', Ver i n°t have been mistukent lA'ftdr tnbinglDn Tur in out, I man’s prescription two|-ee,fh')!9,lipl}aerved NortU.tmd l- :> change in all those adectcd parts, Tihove ha- Michigan. Mississippi. I,nui.stami'. Missouri, and | med, and ajtho.wniiod which tlje territories of Wisconsin ami. FlockUr, will; was ope ipplti®ifin7'diYiTcfl' sell single, toulnship, comity,-nr state rights, to- noatheg . wasnnt more than any persoh or persons, and will give evor-y-frxtT t ' w < r or tf. time Dr. EUrmfin plaliation that may he, necessary, at his place of made the first applicatinipunlir my. face:,w‘a,s residence, Kick'd Mills, Lancaster county, Penn- healed completely over, and has, cuntiiniecPso si/lvania, or to the Editors of the Volunteer, ever since, and he sound. ’’ L Carikks.Pa, '■ Erohv.the foregoing facts! feelit a duty! nwg jr>i V- s i,o, rr,rSBA;NeiS::&/FELL. r e' foVHivEiri-man and .tdAhc;'public' at iiifgbi to SepfCniljer'SO/ISjS.; ,M - , ‘ ll —'. i.—r: ~ qe/til'y.that he the cakpek ?r xuLi FHOM MV SYSTEM, by /lis'jirescri/itipn, and that We, the .QMWlSdmieflSJtiftiGligstcr coont j, he not only curetl but has pur •?»X|BB fiy-PCTaß.tf'feetfln tWinodel of Francis tillll V vemored a l'Tiad long t > ater,r,'are Sfc’cidiSlVpi thh 'dpinTon'tha't ,c ' l nf « dyspepliSjaHenSlhoiaVia'-jilssi some finn it.lsTDyery VMaqMi3iln’h(’pvdment'p'etjpet)inUP'Kr Rry oi)sttucti()n,’’£n,thai);lffifflfinifore \vhole and buildingmveTf'RTnail! htrptimsj ibeiiig 'much'.lcS's sound in body tfiShot^-iveiM*'4c.vei I hl yearspast. expensft'e jn'their.'tJbiistruotloTr.Lu'.', (h ; . Cfiven uadei; e ..i’,uo.,f-ur,,i.-.:,:fs-hb A’, lifrland, and lSth day I ■ cnrjii'.-. fin ..n-ii: H -X, W. .Pat Min 0W.,-.’ I’d Of f* fKa Junejldv-jSSS;' n> ■qi-'m-proComhilSsidhefS/ioa '•“<> } J -’-( st-,. m 1 ; r " A' O&SS OP DVSPEPSSiI. - o/f 30. years h 'jvf.(\ urli •: h.l.dnccitiry.lhatlhpve pepsin for the pme;raeiniuiied;.and for.tlie Jftst;ijt;eryea;;ft, very-.&tyitrMyr AHfiptltKl. jyifln a hurpliige!ic)liiiftiiii(|ih,eatiugn|,th(i,stOmnch,-aiul nccasiO|iallyjtH(lgsjjt.BbqfiM(KvoWlltitg.; T J.<;ohld dmcrcil? tuirrii/in IhMiope'bF^t®^4l* saaiffliiiffisfi psfrdfmea-byt.Di'i Bfedbifrcßnßficnmnl'.'Htfino'er dhftthialfhysioinnpnhtli Inanfployedi-filrniiliS the tOIY/iQ bhtnWithOiit'niuchnhdpEXeUehgftvfi-hi'e sonic pleasant medioTnisrandiianitirifibl iMlntr of five weeks, r 9e« I y y pipto f».3£id tat EtiETPfore ineticTtp ,1 hfase^(rfxigted wit) - lion to Dr/Ehrtti.niui'iiosß^toe^Mnqjs'iiotfih cl»«,i®e Jsuncpmnunjlv mfidcrntdi r Npvtfnßbr *’• •rBlj^dSiE^v^i^laSfi^f*fM%rlFreif(miSk Ehrman.'HdmoV'opnt hid Bhysifcinn’i of t odrdditn6'o'£thfcifollAiving simile of James with hsaosiihiltrof sighixtuVc'of'OcWge'ray- Inr, ami also the written signature of All). Qlni stead, G. G. Hand, orOlmsteadtif‘iHaml,iuwith''' the. writtf-ii signature of Agept.i, ovlit?n.,ap;. pointed-- ..:~a . -u. ’ \ -The Pills tire of two kiiuls'—KoT. Vr.iul No. 2, * sold in boxes with cnvelnpcs, af 25 niuV&6'ccnts; and patUag,rs at $1 and $3-.':'F,acir pafcket con- , tains h proportion of abduttwfl toioncrof No'2. 1 , The Ponders arc in> separate ; bo?{j.“s.—price 25,1;] cents.-* ' • 1 ‘ T No chemical apothecary or druggist is’ever employed to sell these ( ’ ' Respectable persons with'the re quisitions required may be hppdifftlhl 'agenis on liberal terms. • ■ t q , Office’and Gchcral~Drpot y .Ab. 5 South Prpni street t 'Phihdrffihin, > * A. D OIjMSTKAD, General Agent,, ' • • 33,coimtic?, : Pri.vthif '' Maryland and «* ' G. C. HAND, Generali.Ageht, > ~ _,vEor-s;.CQuatics,-H^Ar_.,_aHcL7;.cQiuaic^,;N—J— the public is hereby notified . Jvc have uqitcd our, business;’ and Ivcrenftenif ‘will be con d.ui:t_e.d\>h_(ler the linn of 0.1 instead & Hand. . , "All'orders directed to Olmstead ScT-land, No, .5 south' Front street, Philadelphia,, will receive prompt rtt'teiition . .... OLMSTRAD & HAND. The above medicine is (nr sale by CHARLES OGILBY, Agent for Carlisle Sept 20,-1838. . i v n. rj»ittr jPß&ret/rJjirßt/sim**1 mii [M9 &ov&&teidwpuimkiffsik wPamdetfi tor.Mven’ bV; :Wliich he Was not able to wViie i '-hi^ : a«nieV : "^Jis' ;inlh&ricnil‘!|®^.hfYipiV6Cftcl ? bfttalinlbi{'feVnhe! :b ! Ut r a^BftWaifai :vi§or-6giiiui*|lfBVtlfte^ V of,dhe stomach, im. tpaireif-.appetite, coldness nrtd wcalcttesS ponipi the stomach aifeiscnlmij, (Weat nYcntal .dospon ilcncy,,severelyWgtfMifiS iWhS-chcst.'back and -’flirJ B;liras lpadetHat!4f.rorions intdiciniifi nnwbctbrd-ttraVulbiie, batthne'elTcciiJ [until,- obseiwinflyii n. jfcipirb GamWiile »W?W .-he>«6>M(i& fSfl feiB? v JUrne '^RXttP^tftrirat • enre. ;avmmo?t/ respectfully directed to the above^mentipa.-perv. cni;ncr-,qC~sjpppen',apd“ jß?i w'fltfpsa igSjet ,Hetektebe v-. lirhictK jlestniys the peace and happinefe ofgthodsatiite;j fen *'s rfialteiSliml'; Ujn.uslhfr‘Dr, Ryans’ Camomile,! onto ami f WOlly Vrde medical aUvcr^c^ncnti^ A_ j little success. Sometime a u iSS ?^]pSt?^s generally ter ugffil rhcu/iiatism, ami thc.pnins I sum-red wer?cxcruciating, particularly in my jorntik I» Wils Uy_ the eminent pajns, that laudanum was copiously adminiltbrfd to lull tmV affiiiQtO i)Ut‘A&n>'iSi rary relief:my joint* were swelled ami stiff, my right arm and hand were powerless—l could not-move 11 finger. I had the white swelling in pytfpvfUtjee{{ana fryjajikle joint was slvdlletj Inurßtiffi- purulenU‘3cpccn£ nuion, accompanied with the dysentery. In fact i iwnslleftnljy ffiG'difTorentdisensesrand'thd treaty fpplptj presort bftt »> .a, lining almost* wsh nut anybppe jof, iwyj ttclgHbors whp visited me about this'time, adviseif th'e to £all piVDi-i, Fpd hn ck 'Fdi r nip n‘; ft!idT did so.'on pit*principle‘that a drowning man ivontd'-cutch ivwaiufS-.i&t in.other words, I was wilUrfg to r. 'Elu'lfmu's “treat fment* £tnd ftnm tliut means to get ’relief, j I llicit'employed 'otle'bfoiir most emipent physi* cjaji37 but still got worse dtul wors'c;'nt'length‘ 1 j to bed, Hhd4 very', movement 6f6foi i fc*'a.n&jsflt)4sht€{d» without any hope,howev er of contrary to theA-xpcc fatiHtj'of. my friends, as 'we 1)* As -iny self;i^vViby |\iia treatment',’ soon-able tolU'pve; my/bed-apd pt (tend tn my business as usual, whicltl r believe 1 never jWptO(l Jiave. done, but fop jds medical treat |,mcht; aptl my ylr^hgth'spdfedliy rptuiWd. ProflV jtKatVutot rhhyc'Ohdyotf' hettVh 4 IrrtiUh 1 than f jhad done-for several yenrsbefore. l Nhw( I‘NVnuld Uav-to-thosc. similarly. afUictedi.afid to. ibeiplublid. !at large, that my firm belief is, if it had not been ifor lhe treatment of Dr. Frederick Ehrman, on •the Homoeopathic principle of medical practice, jl woTHiTiTow'have been numbered w.ith thfc dead, [instead of giving this information for the bim.cfU luf the public, which 1 consider i.t mydutyJto do. I'Oivcn under mv hand at Carlisle, the 7th dav of December, 1833. JOHN COUNMAN. _ - r, O. C. Juuq 20, 1.03 - .... TO I am truly gratified that I-can return my iaiuccre.thahKsto you, who have been the Jxioae | I of my j he>ng;rvßtoi;ccl; to perfect , five i • months past L have been Uibori,v.g binder a severe | jChrtfmc Inflammatory JlHeiimallsm/ j | appetUc/lthvhess of’spirits j &4t* L ’ HaVlht*i frequently heard of the truly ex- j ! ccUcrit-qiialpy of .’-your Camomile Pills, 1 at last ■ determined to make trial of them; although nut x opposition from my physi* j ciaiihm] raipily.. /At last seeing my determina tion tliir6 , in 'tlte'dthoSvji*.wia f tqjyou. r ?Ifl jpy to* s'oii,*.JfpV to *make use of them,'and all TmtVdf) to aid you dpne withI*unbounded 1 *unbounded ■ple«6uroi , '-''i i vi< .• W'- 1 -".i^ Your most truly grutclul and humble serv’t, WILLIAM JoHNSOir. ' Sept 6, 18^- efficifcySif Dr. W. ■ Evmrs’jgafingmilts Toiiir:Family At. pcniMit I 1 ill u a Swaffl’, Cape May coniily, ~N. J, ”dlVctUally isssUiuitUidiu’aUh frum i the fi il lq\vi iig- (listi'tsai ngr-sy m ptons i-rrExlre ni c i debility! constii n t? tSxu'n sin? U e, i ,li iS k giddiness and.dinruifss. of.^jght;,'^ystfjfnaQb,:!^ I neiiUyoty breathing; pycat nresspre. and wriglit;. |--y6't fi Cj’stom ,aH(fr eii l £lQ'g;Xl(:iJrcs>t6n,9^Bi>l|^t%'' ■ if , pmlts m inchest; costivenesS.-and other sypjiprj Items not necessary to enumerate, Mi>_Swaii), , jeal t |j,ljy tljg l ab.9ypJnvol}i;^le^(e invigorate tHcir strength*, .etr-thorrrcnnstituiions,' as-majr withstand the 5n a’deli*, cate state, -are often troubled witlj sickneps, such as vottiftife, hfeavt/bnrtj, JieKil.aphe i io&ihlache, hystcricp, apt! other troublesome symptohislfrom which thev'WilVTihßHtibrnsidV^^elnn : ctf, 'by‘ta kih^ v X)K Erans*'CTd frih mile Pills, .which remove | ( the 1 hkadv l,l itivigoV At e> the fthlh'd,': tht3 bfaefy, improve the memory, and enliven di ie i m affi itWt i oh 1 . Rem edfb eVJ n g *m’itfs the.bnwlHsVmcn with *pcrle« Anthbirtou# Pills. For saldmt f, tlld u (j Til.' ; JVe and(hA'ohllffyloldbbh jrs the weallh'offyi&grieW mass of lh& this os in * Vountrtes.' , ■therefofe? ihat’hf&ilth 'bfNA 7 VWjill -rticaiissrs a grand nlOi'aV- and/PoUtical scheme. & fulfil .svhkh, requires our utifaost attedtibi f . ■ ; THE unparalleled 1 ‘refutation which 1 -'Peters*; Pills liave'acqujrcdasa Medicid'UefetoVMlvfy is the mtet’uhiqUestiCnhhle proof thfttcairbe'gi-f ven of their immenselmportanceldtheafibctedy in almost eVer^'class of diseases. 'Flit! tfUmbci’ of lettel*s recMvtd ft'oen patients recovering thro* their meansla reallv prodigious, 1 aiiil ‘the com plaints which they Havecuvertiart ntmost as‘vn{ vied aa f they. rfVfi numerous, Untf still-there’ are some hi whicU J they are-more especially’benbfi* cial ‘ Omn 'ih; bthers’;. and amon£ those may be named thU too often ;fnt'ul complaints of the-sto-i mach'nnd tiowijils, suclV/as Choljc, •; Flatulence/' and Indigestjbhi ; fdy j whicldthcy are not only a certain bUtah immediate cure. - 1 • It is well known tHftCjrom t.Uedisarrangement of tlie stomach niuVbowels, arise nine tenths of. all the maladies of adult and declining life; that this is the foundation of-Flatulency, Spasmodic Pains,' lildigestiohy-Loss of A petite-Scp r ., ; and tMit those In their tutn eiyc birth tn J t)i*npsyi .liive ; f and habitual lowness of spiritt-i therefore Peters* PUly being the very best medicine'which' has ever been discovered fur the' Indipienl diseases of the intestines,; «vr necessarily the surest preventives of those dread-, ful, aritTnlab general disorders, which erbbitter inature iite, ahd drng so many’millions to timely graves;'- '. f *,/' f ' In speaking thns Dr; Peters arrogates nothing to himself that has ? hdt been conceded by thtf public. He 1 !? no needy quack or hhknqwn spec ulator, who comes before the world ft's 'His’ o\yif hci-ukVand buV is placed in A\* responsi- Itility of situfttidh by the patronage Wliicli he has enjoyed for years, and which is incVedsing to an extent unprecedented in th’e annftls of rnediciinei that makes him careful; to arrest nothing- wlucl) is not 1 borne out mosl infalible proof, and hence he‘does not J fear-H:o he putto tlie test in any 1 .tiling which he’hWpvbmiscd rekpeCtirfg his PilE. 1 1 "‘.Dr. Peters is most-happy to be able to state, 1 on the-Authority‘rtf'agreat number .of .regular ■ physicians; l that'wherever his Vegetable PUls have beci, ( introduced, they have'almbst; super l ' ceded the adoption’ oFrocrCurml for their peculiar taciilty'in swcL-teiiing the blondj ] and stimulating it toeXpel all noxious jbit'es’, alT>rbg};\stTin TiintVrnove,Pbil-.uitilpU>nvWivsU States* the the WeStJn. .dies, .. rzrjr.-> i JOHN’ J. MYEKS. Carlisle, • V SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Do.'* ’ " Si ’WILSON'& Co., Shippe’nsburg, ;; • GK’O; s OAKLIN, Chatiiberiburg, •*' .LEWIS DEN TO. Do;- - ALEX*IISPEER, Mercerdburg, ; - ’* P.«W. • LITTLE, : dp/; " • ’ * December JW.(vu>‘-h ; ly'-" j-j, UACKS St TfiESR‘ SJESTHTTC 'VIVE NQSTHUMS—'The united t««i l.immy of physiclaniTthrooghout the UnitcdStates I has fully proveV)i'^ ( hnyo been'in the habit 1 of using, as cathartics'or and irri : taring quSck pllls.'so generally advertised, ami which arc at best but slow consumers of the vital functions,- arid .i»uvtlevous agents, £ven-W!th£ most' hukv It. js .true, most of thbrn produce tit purgative cffcQt,*and’sometimes transibni.relief; but in most they-injure the dig'cjlt’iy'e ,ois gims, and dm.habitual yesort to them jnuWter-' luinate m - 1 ; ■’ it is true tlviVjC'itliat’tlp and aperient WicdictncV are often.received, but'Ahe nicest diScriminanba should .n the Selection;'and,; if this be catvreshlt from! their use. r { ‘ : To levs has untde‘it f hk l rt.viqy for sei'bral y’cars 'hnd feelspvhufl'tojsay he has lehgth'jCajr beyond hi* expesatioW. The object’ot'iiis pills 1s to snpprccde tpe necessity qf.a,. freftijent .re ‘course to'*insuVihus- , piii i gMiveB, cJicinc safc,xemiu,£ud pipasantiri’it^’bricrntidn:* , Peters, M, D. No. X29X)b<;rtK.stce s et, New York. Each .box con ■tufa*»D 4 pllK. lFovfeale.rbyf j. X Sg»er»r and CarlfsleT and Samuel Wilson*# Co. fihlppehshur'gv 'Dec. 6. •Vvvl 'VV,.. MORE' than three-millions of boxes ofth esc celebiatct).pills have biien sold in,the -U;i States since J - olnuavy, > lB3s‘'j ;:-. v■! ': : / : ".Hundreds ariffilhOusandsobless'the'eyl bccu'me noquaihted \Vitlt-inters’ Yegitablh’Pitts's which in, consequence’loflheirrextraordinary goodness, hhveraWainodi.n popularity uhprecc - tlcntoiMn-the history ofniediome, nr. When taken according-; to the diroot)nns{io oompan'ying;thera, alloy .are (highly iherejicialf an ; the prevention ytnll ioure;oftßilious‘,Fevtit,;li'k;ven jandiAgue,.Dy^pupsiaa.Liver; Complaintsy Sick! : Heftdachi Jaundice, >AStlima,Propy’,Hhenma-. : -tisDSi Ehlargemeitt-of thfc&pleenjrPileß.'iChoUci; i ‘E-eoiale • Obstructions,’ Heart ,-Bunv (Nansen, , iEurreiliUiqhgueyiDiatKn jion ofjtheißtoma’charid Bowels, Jncipient'Liatrtipen,;lvliUulence,Hab litiial Cnstiyeacs%rlai3Siof/Apctitje,' Bidtched'br Sallow andiiiiinUi cn?ra ibfnTorpor iof Ule’ BaSvUNVivHchi itcatliavtlhlor an aperient •is needed- exceedingly mi hhin; thdir »peiniticaj T -producing-neUlier-nausea, griping nor The efficacy of well known, and their use. so gttiet-aij'flprt ffimher comment 5 ■uhneeessamvd) Aii mfnC h -j-'.KJar, vifl i»-tot!fiatdiie ?ib ■» bone-j^jd JareaOttmepmetf'imk 1. i e/lfi/a'ui S v ujH 1 iIW pnyli av e 1 keen coped in aYdWVdqka, after, lias®uflefed Under this dreadful complaint for‘years. ■ j tliey decidedly su perior to anyWegetableTilla ever yet discover ed; andifiesiaesttbiS ♦ nil thecrtiinen tand leading members of the tnje- eXi- 1 ‘. ' ;-Eof^ie'aSi*E6ve.n.;/l' - .ilia i.l -n A,. , i 2- cttid^oJ , eß , ' , Of , -’s!,Wiplb'i' j 4rtain (mmense ! iiumber of cnses. withoiit.posSeSSihg tlie'ttitaris J to dp injury in : any.3 ,', ( • L>(!' ) th»sMfcHuhmjfo6utfi>£ /S.'.reea&v frifiyiSiciSn ) ,wlio has ma ( \oliispr'?f?®jtiWUJilsi«(lv of his life. V Jj^nSSS^fte&WpjHW u : nto;^}>r nor .ivWto'bponwe. \%, '■■' ' * ,! i«> ■<’ -- ■■ , i oiji Btcduiiethef'hreVccxihmemlcaassttmdbrd • .mcdlcihe/byMie.regolnrifnculty/ n! ■.: > ' -^wvrtibylltßcpWe’th^axlteTOSnftpMtoyaj l‘ ■ e ./?£ «pi>P>J?j*Hq>s, cure, .glippst every disease ■ tJ! J yt isrin r -air* irttife3 + IK' ttilT V t feor, ; ’• m* art V >;:■.! , . T ,i ,oi. :;131. Bebauso dsiwCllas bcingan unrivalled' purifier pf,t,heiger(cral system, they, areia sover eipn,rempdy,for,siclt:hetid/ac()e; , ; ( , ~?a'.Bijcahse tlycy difiivfr6m.,the majority of medidincil,, in' the:fiict; that the' they, niu knmvh th'l-more they n« approved.' •’ •’ 1 14 i Because'as - their'application cVenlcs-no debility ,in .the. system,. they*,may heitaken sHth opt, producing any hmdranije to business op the usual purjuiys ,of-every day )lfe.;, .13 Because when once introduced into k fhm ily. or fl'viltyjy't;, they' almost Iptmeiliately take the preeedcnce'of all.other medicines in general " Complaints. ■■ . ..' _i : •;. ■ c . , :15 ,; .B(-causp a"pum6erof fl\e woriderfuj cure* they .have effected, substantiated without any .undue means being rcsdrtctl 'ib/To procure tnvdntf ' * ■ 1 ■ . ' ‘Ol? -; r ßecause : 'tlfeir 'cdrbpbsitiori ! '!s sSch," that they are equrilly.Applicable to the usual diseases of,w arm;.chid, hr tenipcfnte,climates.,. _ 1?, .Because two.or,are,in general suf uoient.ffiradose—snthat,,as is. the'case with the genbipllfyof patent, mediriheii—the patient is nn’t'cninpelled co make'iyinch] nf them. 19 sßecatis'e each individual pill is putnp un de».the. immediate .superintendence bf the pib prictor,,so tlilit no mistake in the Quantity,paii|,pp.Bsibfy ,;<)qcur through the carc -1 yssiiess'ofa less ihterekted agent. ■ISOi' Bcdause they'.puji'fj^thc.frame without debilitatiiig'the system: ■ " ,2171 ■ Becattscrnatwithstanding : their immense popularity,|no person has over ventured to raise against them the breath of censure, which would not have been the case.if envy could have dis covered in them a single flaiv to cavil at. -22 this fact islof the utmost importance-ladics-in-a certain situation may take them; (nnt more -than two nr three at a time however!) wUlmut-in the slightest degree incurving . the hazard'df abortion. Were the virtues tip Peters’ 1 , inestimable pills,'confined, to thik desirable end alone; it ‘woind'givViiffemra" dccnlcdhdyimtHgeaverihu medicTiiesofhll cbm- ~ petitors; as in no cases is there more danger to :he..apprehended, or fot-which-sn.-few-liave-becii discovered, as the one referred to, ; 23 .Because ttftjle they are so efficient in their opdriißoiWtMflradultstTiey thiiylit ,tftesanie ; Bin«s be administered to children anrtevehto infants, in: small'Quantities, half a pill for instance; with out the .slightest danger.: . - ' ■ 'M. virtues, are acknowledged •iPS'api? pre-eminent, for (heir soothing influence upon yhimfr Indies while snfferingifrorn the usual changes of life, as directed by -the laws of Nils ture.; . Bee.. 6. " M-SlXSfiti’s ■ J>O’T7BLS' LIPTiITG TUUT'/. rgIHE subscribers having purchased the put -S. of Meixsell’s Double Lifting Pump f(.r Glfmberl.iml,'Perry.; Juniata & Mifflin coun ties, hereby.give notice that they are now pre3 par j . , M , . , , . .• > .'^AIiUA®OS- PUMP; ' ' * and nhsm reasonable a rate that almost nnyper son wjll,J>e JiWe, to procure one. From the knowledge the.imbacrjbyrs have of the great mil ity ot the 1 wfnj?, 'vtiich is constructed on the principle of the fire engine,' thcy'brtzari’ nothing m saying that it will fully conic up to public ex pectation.l The public are requested to call at thocfe/ior ndjoitmig Mr. Anghitibaugh's Hotel in Carlisle, where one-’of the pumps cun be seen in tiilPopeiatmft m theirourse of a few days ■ ■ ■: J /^£?f£ K£ ; UB . i !SP- l! !}’ a HP n dfbh.e.pgin, disturbed reSt.-vExtremo debility, pains iri the head,’ triss of appetite, palpiWtinmbt ;the heart, giddiness With other syrww tpms niduuUing great derangement inf the fulic - I!.V « ,>P.,Mis s ,.Lyt| C( dapgiuyr of the afoiesnid Mrs. f.ytie, line also-been restored to perfect u ealtli, ,by,the mill cin valuable medicine, nervousness,.,aG tended with seyoye.jiaiii, in her side, sickness on* «cc.-,. .Mb. Lytle has the pldrtSure ’of informing the public, thatmu-,. mcrmis ritfps.sinuhirjq lier.owUeCin hen vicini ty) hnvf been restored to'healtb'bytflc same :ui«eju, t W?nWf);«Un-C.r Gehcrah Office frofftbe salerof Dj;, Wnw Rvahs’iCJmmomileToliicTills; is -Eighth. at.:Philadelphia, a ■OW dpoys abnye .Market.-!.r 1 I • - 1 * 'li>t^estlng. r case llvsjicpiiii : I ® '•&' • ! CO- «VaS a it?rfe* -WtT ;yfeava wtli- the above distressing : symptoms of which she w.ns'.cqufimcdito her bed •*' Swiff ropfbrns were, depression head ache, »si3sew.tpsa«s iiiUhe tliVs''tj back Srfrt Wdeii (oqsfMeoßasJoeijttciatior,-Wjldr»sS’'dn