iyom the Oreenville S. C. Mountaineer. DEATH OF GEN. BULL, OF ABBE /VlLliß DISTRICT. Thc death of this'gentleman has occurred in a manner- 'peculiarly distressing to his many warm friends, and shocking to the community in which he lived. "He.was mur dered on die nighty of the 27tU ult.; near his own dwelling, and as circumstances evident ly prove, by some of his own ijegrqes. The following Statement is. taken from a letter, written by a gentleman resident in the neigh borhood of the deceased. l “The murder appears to have been com mitted under these circumstances: At the time of his death, Gen. Bull had no over seer, and as a consequence, hadto give par ticular personal supervision to his plantation ‘ affairs. After sUpper, on the night of the 2"th ult,, he walked to his negro quarter, a mile from his dwelling house. On his re turn, about three hundred yards from his house, he was attacked and murdered by two of his young fellows who were lying in wait for him. They called a negro (Dick) to bring his. horse to the gate, and then car ried the body, a quarter of a mile up the roadj and above the house. They put- the ; right foot, in the ft/V.stirrup, and then fright ened the horse, which ran about forty yards before the stirrup broke. The body was found about 8 o’clock next morning, with ..,thc stirrup on the left foot, and with the ap pcarance of- being- dragged tho-distance I have mentioned. The horse was found in . the cowpcn with the saddle on, and the left stirrup gone. This was all contrived to ■make the impression .that General, Bull had been thrown by his horse, his foot hung in the stirrup, and that he was thus killed; but - the schemes of villains are seldom perfect. . This very circumstance proved the murder instead of an accidental death. A puddle of blood was found where the General was killed, and blood traced all tlie way to where the- body was discovered. All. the wounds Were inflicted on his head, and^ appear to have been made.by six blows with a hard, heavy stick.—The skull was fractured in two places. Eight of the negroes are now in jail., ~Three are supposed, from the circum stances, undoubtedly guilty.—-The tflial is ‘ delayed to give every opportunity to discov er ail that ispossible.” / CANADA. ; OnThursday, the 17-th, Sir John Colbornc took - the baths .and was "installed Gover nor; of British-North-Amcricp-alter which a '. salute was fired and tlie whole regular and volunteer force in the.city was reviewed. " The usual proclamation wasissued-after the.conclusiph. of tlie ceremony. ' Tlie, Montreal Herald,'alluding to tlie re- cent importation of 14 Edenburg paupers to this city, politely gives its opinion that, the C Unlted'‘States ;arc the-common- sewer of , Europe.’ It will grieve, the editor we pre sume, when informed that the paupers are sent back again. MAIIP.ISStos v On the Slstult. by the Rev. 11. Aurand, ytl. Wesley Miles, to Mias Rebecca Cless, all bf Carlisle. v On the S9th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Cum mins, Mr. .lodics Smith, to Miss Matilda Palm, both of West Pennsborough township. V On the same day, by the Rev. J. Sechler, Mr. George Spangler, of Cumberland co., to Miss Nancy Myers, of Adams county. Mil :cted THE ; COBREI Per. bbi. Flour, sup'erfine. Rye Fhair, Corn Meal, Wheat, Rye, Corn, •. Oats, Cloversced, Flaxseed, _____ Plaster, Whiskey Pork, Beef, ' Leather; sole Do. upper u JSltprcntircH > lAhrary tUssoci- ■ -a-.; atton -|WHE Officers, Members and Contributors, of • p" the above InstUutioirare requested to meet in the Lihraryiißonm on Saturday evening the ' 9th'inst. at 6 (Pclock. Punctual Attendance ,is ■ ilf si red, aii officers are to be'elected for the en suing year, And a new constitution will be sub milled. By nrdcrnfthe Managers. ;■ v i tW.S.ROLAND,Secretary. . CHEAPER THAN EVER! THE subscribers beg leave to inform tlie pub lic in ■ general: that they-'have associated themselves under .the firm ofSheafTer & Shultz, for the purpose ol'cqnductingthe mercantile bu siness at this place, where we mtepd constantly . keeping ,on hands a large and g eneral assortment of Dby Goons, Groceries, Bcc. &c. r Wc.in vite all to give us a'call.id. ■' ■ ■ GEORGE-SHEAFFER. - JOSEPH SHULTZ. Mount Rock, Feb. 7, 1839. St., , -N. Bi All those knowing themselves indebted to me can make payment at the store, as'the books aredeftthere. . r. ATTENTIQN MlliliEieSl HENRY FLINCHBAUGH has invented a self-tightening Bush for> Merchant -Mills tor. which he.has a patent. It is superior to any thing,okthektndeyer indented, andcanhe seen - i'n operation atMr. John Agnew’s: Iffiill,. itvthe Bomughof Carlisle. Millers would do well to Ctdl;and';eKa(nipefor,themselves;' -\ - r Februanr ?, t(i39.-.3t.M -r u AT-TENTIGW . • " V«i '[l.,';, YoU are ordered .tb parade bn, •" yonr usual pound on FRIDAY 'the 1 ‘jBBT- 88nd;<)f instant, L at,lo o’- I ffl clncki A; 'M.y .complbteiy equlpt; I fH. ,wilh ; arms'in good firing order. ■ ■■ 1 ¥ '- By order of Cnpt. Biddle. - ... ...yli; ■■■ JOBNR. KERN AN, 0. S: : Febniary 7, 1839.' r>p'- LIST OF LETTERS y Remaining in the Post Office at. Carlisle, • Pa;F£bfitary isr, iBS9. Enquirers will ■plefife say aivertiscd. ■r A ' MAthias Jacob Agunony R Esq Miller Susan Allen Jain M. Mumsu Jacob Aim Chambers Murhy John Askwjth Amie D Moore Mary Ann ■ • B Brennan Micheal ~ Bell Jane ' Bossem an E 2 Bowers Abraham Bevins Christian Bonham J E Brown Ann Boyie Elizabeth.M Blackburn George 2 Brown Elizabeth Barnhart John Brechbill Philip Beaty Nancy W Boilitu Leah Brechbill Elizabeth Beclmnn Christian Beaty Mary Barnhart Margaret Billings Elizabeth Baker William BroNyn'James Biifimgton Anna a Clellen Catharine Craighead John W Crever Augustus Coffman Shariat Coax .David ... Clark William sen Coile John Clendcnin Mary Cromer \Vnu Crowley Miles Clark Win. Clark Jno A Cook David Coalman Henry Cart George W D Dunbar Mary Davis James Depewy William 1 Evans Anna - - - r , Fanwell Jacob Fuller J Frees Micheal • Fields Sarah 1 Fetter Henry G • Shuff Jacoby Greenwood William . Smith Henry Guy Sarah Smith George Go.ld Ann Amelia Sehenbacker Marks Giffin Robert ' Swint Jonas H Shaffer J Hilands-Nancy- - Swigart Catharine Hocker-John —Sphor-William—. Homes Samuel or John Shriver & Welsh Hamilton William Steffey Amos Hetrick John ij SandeHvP I assent Henderson Joseph Smith Sarah E Hart Harney Swigart Micheal Horts Mary Scntman David Hummer Mary Sanno Rebecca Hutton John > Smith Allen .HolLEetcr : Heckman Mrs Hoober Frederick Hemmingcr John Hummer Micheat « ' Irwlu James J t v Jackson Margaret Johnson Christopher Jacoby Philip Jefferson Jane Jones S A Johnson Perry K - Kelly James Kinkadc John Kerr Wm I. Lelb Mary Lockard Jan ■RKETI Lechler D Lieby Johann Georg Lipe-vi Samuel f Love Isabella Lahman Jacob Laughard Jane. I Lamiso'n Conrad xvx Miller David Miller Sarah Mordorf. Abraham _MyeJ s Benjamin , _ H XAMBERXON; p r M, WEEKLi Balt. 3 12 4 50 4 50 I 80 1 00 '■ 8 7 . JO 15 00 1 56 our 40 Carlisle. S 7 25 5 25 . .1 00 X 50 X 00 1 00 40 15 Q 0 X 12 “ o~oo' 40 A VALUABLE TAN YARD . -f EOIt RENT,- r ' AT HARPER'S FERRY, FA, THE subscribers wil! lease for one or more year?, their valuable Tan .Yard, with* all its appendages. It is one of the best locations in Virginia'for carrying on the business on an extensive abundant" room • and the materials are ample. ' A number of the Vats are under cover, and all the buildings are oLthfc most suitable the grinding of Bark (which can he got convenient and at fair prices,). Is,done by water power. | 1 ' Any quantity 61 Hides can be procured in the neighborhood, as there is no other tannery with hi several miles of the there Is also every facility for getting hides from,’the cities, and sending them to market when tanned, eith* cr by rail road or canal. There is, likewise, a demand, at. ihlsl places for a large, quantity of Leather annuallyi by the Government, . . Pnssession,wilt-bg given immediately; - « For-further particulars enquire of: • - HUQH GILLEECE- -6c CO. ’ Feb;7»-1839. eowtf Estate of John Sheaffer, deceased, ■, ■ . ,W ETTERS of Administration have been is l i Sued to the subscriber on the estate of John bneaffef.latcof.'East Pennsborough tjMmship, deceased/ ‘All, persons having.clainnajigainsf said estnte.wlll present them for adjusttnentjind tbo'sewlibareindebtedarerCquested, totnhki Imniediate'payihent'i; v ■ '■ . - [: . «7 , ■' : JACOB SHEAFFER. Aim’X , East-Pe'nb'sbofdugh township, J ' • - ; V ■'■' February'?, 1839, '. . 6l*. GEO. SHEAFFER. •' V:- .-ATTENTION: v- ' • ’ CUMBERLASD QBBENSj tit) niioura ed"court Of appeal; will be.held'where, all/those Interested jnay attend.' ■ ‘ , , ■ : ;, A. LAMBERTON, Capt. I February 7,1839. V.,. V ,■_, : .... ■! , - Minnich Peter Mell JaViC Miller George Moore Mary J Meredith Cuthcn Miller John Matson Peter Myers Mary Jane Meel Katrina Markwart Jacob Me. _ McVey Milliam D McAlister James McElwee Charles McDonelt Elizabeth McAral Daniel McCarter John McMullen William MoCalinn Neal tylcGulre Patrick iftclntire B Esq McCartnev Nancy McClary Edward McLaughlin-Peter " XT Norris Eliza T Nevius & Mitchell Purkcy.p.ilc Joseplv- Prise Simrlot . Parkson Sarah Paxton Thomas 2 Permen Jacob Phillips S & H R .Roberts Lieut B S } Ist Reg Dragoons,s Ramsey Seawnght Robinson Lewis “ Ramsey Archibald Ueitzel Maf y Ann Reed George W Hitzel Adam R.jitferJrJno Reynolds Hon David 2 Ruby William Scranton William ShaffitTr'Jbhn Tsirickler.Ulrich Snyder Henry .. Simon Lee r Seller John Shoap Agnes a Seiitman David Sipe Samuel Sponingberger <»corgc Spahrreter Smith George Esq 2 T ' Thomas Elizabeth 'Trough William Thompson William 2 Tilford F., R P. Hunt 7 and J Clay S ■. tt - ----- Uhler Adam - f V Van Boskink Richard w Wonder!)’ Georg - Waltman Joseph Wolf John 2 Walker Jacob W,eidman Jacob Wetzel Moses Wilson James Wise Leonard Whislen Sami Woods Richard Esq Weaver Henry it Young John or Joseph t *gf. m tx% "x att otnn t i x x •; Of the Receipts anil Expenditures of Cumberland County, By tile Commissioners of said-county^*from the Ist day of January to’.the 31st day of December, • '• ’ A. D. 1888, inclusive. DR. WILLIAM S. RAMSEY, ESQ,., TREASURER. To balance due county, received from former treasurer $ 503 59J Balance of tax outstanding on the Ist Jab. 1838 4872 684 Amount of taxes assessed for 1838 10105 46 Cash received on loan from J. Stuart, Esq. 00 Do do- Robert Armstrong 500 00 Do do Joseph Clark 665 00 Do for an cstray from David Hume, Esq. 10 00 Fees due county from delinquent collectors 13 37 Do. received on unseated lands, &c. _ 1® 05 Do. (verdicts) received in the Quarter Sessions 4 00 Amount of A..Erb’s note due Feb. 1838, received 50 00 Fees refunded on Coroner’s Inquest 7 85 —— Schedule of outstahdii Due county per return of treasure. 1838, subject to exonerations, fyc. jasscssed/or 1838, viz. Collectors ., i William Wnodsf Martin Dunlap J. Montgomery!: Nicholas Urichf P. Messersmith Geo. Kinstngcr Daniel' SUavban Daniel Leckcy Robert Clark H.D.Daelbousen David Martin}: /Ulam Reiglef 3ohn Lcijn George Ewing! John rjohnsUm William Mnor< $ William Trill* | John Saxton}: i Thomas Spencer! John Raum! J. Beltzhoover t Totunshifia , tsV Dickinson * Silver Spring VV.Pemisboro’ Allen Carlisle .Dickinson E. Pennsboro* Frank ford Hopewell Mifflin Monroe -Mechanicsbnrg N. Middleton Newton - Newville South Middleton Southampton , 1 Silver Spring ! Shippensb’g boi D,o, township W. Pennsboro* $19105 46 $6317 70J — Mjaawaw&Mf — I Due County by the following persons, viz I M-. Holcomb, Esq. late Sheriff for fines and Jury fees , for 1837 $lO5 1 a «■ J. Myers, Esq. Sli’ff, for jqry fees fort 1837 44 ,06 J.Lo'bacli, as Keeper of penitentiary for 1837 56 49i M. Boyle for costs rz . —36 29 R. Miles do r 22 15 The County stands indebted for balance of loan to W. Bentz, $2OOO 00 To balance due county by Treasurer,* •The balance tlue:connty by '\V v Si., Ratnaeyr Esq-, late Treasurer, since paid to his successor in full. tSince paid in full. tSince paid on account—William Tritt $235- William Moore 100 GeoijgSJSwing ,180 Daviu Martin 263 Jamek Montgomery ITS John Saxton- . 125 Jolm Kaum'—■— 30 CUMBERLAND COUNTY, ss. • We the Oomraissioncrsuf Cumberland county, do cer tify that the above and foregoing exhibits a true and cor rect statement of the Receipts and Expenditures of said county, for .the term above stated, alLalsn of the Taxes assessed, for the use of the county, together with the ag gregate of feps and-exonerations allow ed during the said-term—and also the amount of the seyyrul taxes outstanding and in the hands of'the respective Collectors,, as above stated, according to the- best of our knowledge and judgment. _ ’ ■ Witness’our hands and seal of office, at Carlisle, the 7th day of Januaryp-A* D. 1859. : JAMES WILLIS, 1 • ROBERT C- STERRETT, V Commissioners , JOHN CORNMAN, J Attest— John Irwin, Clerk. . . . . . THRASHING 'MACHINES • ■ , Atfß. .~4j; —f"— »np :< roffmt> call anu examine for Xoorselves! The subscribers, thankful for past favors, take this'method of informing the public that they still continue thebuildingof Thrashing Machine* ~ ■.. ..... . and Horse Porortvattheir old stand, in Louthcr CABINET MANUFACTORY. FARMERS’ HOTEL.. street, Carlisle. where Farmers-and others can : ■ ■ ..; ; ■ . _ — at all limes be supplied. Th?y have inadea subscriber respectfully rinformstbe in- Jit High'tfreet a few:door9-eaat.ofyhe.CoUrt^ rnn «M*nrahlft imnrovemenl on the Dower and' JL habitantsof CarhsleV- and the pubhc gener- , Hout a ally, that he Stm resides at Ins OW Stonrf, ib 1 nr nr vd tivd A fitrvil North Hanover street,- opposite Mr.E. Bullock’s • O A Si la 1 S L B* X Chair Manufactory, where he continues to carry The subscriber Having leased the abovenamed whicU fordurab ility tuid simpleness of construc '°n 'VV'fci ’ , establishment from Mr himon Uunferlich^ ln' the supe- Cabinct .llakttlg Business , having providedb.mself with every thing nwesr bovementionedmach . ne St ,f e nlshed himself with ane w and ’ - hose who may favor him with a call. Persons washing to purehase or examine the SI‘tENOJID HEARSE, , tse SAB ahx> OBX.X.A&S • machine will please..make-application at the &c. to accommodate all those whd-may iavot»w'l' receive hißspeciaUttention.: TKesewillhe shop, or to I> Agent^at_ Macfarlane's him with a call. He vetijrns his sihCerethanks kepl CQnatanUy provided with the best of LIQ- hotel, near theCourtHouse, C^hsl^HFr T to* his friends'and customers tor the liberal eh- W>RS. *■■ -, ’ NEVXUS ec. MITCHELL, couragement bestowed on him, & solicits a con* THE la AKDIhIC. ■, May 3, jejo..- ■*■" : tinuance of their patronage.' He flatters himself will at all timesbe abundantly supplied with all .... .. ... . TnUlkl ODdDCOTV that.by strict attention to business'ahd a dlsposi- the delicacies which.the season aiid market can VALUAtiLClUnlirnUrEll 1.1 . tion to pleasei to merit and receive a shape of afford, and no exertions v?lll be wanting to pleasfc' - \pnj> SALE- ' public patronage. ... > the palate ot the most fastidious. '. ■ / N. ! B. One or FWo Joiifneyfnen.Cabinet Ma- Tni’ STABTjES kk’lHE subscriber wiU dispose of, at private .Kpf^lce^ill'be I tekehtXrethe^ & ; c*s "a£SSSM"S- — ——^desire to please,will, he trusts, ensure him area- jfflniJJSback building 38 by 20 feet, with an POST : PfffflCßi ; ; • fpubr, trS^REtJßAß. Carlisle, :Pa. Nov; 1, i 9 3& Carll S le.Aprii:s.,lB3B. - ~ , Mt ‘ : ffiJS isS‘ *^ a j . weU of ’ exc^ lent *“‘ crnea ' ■■4htidlan4\pefiartuteW-&tll*. . m^VdandTl^Sa*M ‘ /l>e above properlylswellsatuated for public ■ .;■ ,'-T:i-.jfrrii!«. . C/iMfr. Twt.p U ■ ■ A ™ ™ JR' business of any kind, and will be sold low; ns 1 Eastern .'daily about IS m. ■' 7p.m. °_ L. ■■ - '■ ' ' ■ :am determined.™ removing to the west. Tin Western * ' 'lOa.'m‘. 500 BUSHJStS POTATOES!., ffinTdUpitabl^^^^^ Southern • . •• 12 m. 7p. m,- received from Belfast (Maine) and for be had on the first of ApnL.next, For further Mechanicsb'fe : •• 12 m. 7p. m, sale at Walnut Stredt Wharf, 500 bushels partjcu/ars'app/y tt£ .■■ . . ’ T ~ . Newville •• .“12m. 10m m' Musser Potatoes, OWENMcCABE. FRANCIS McMANUS. , ' R. LAMBERTON, P. M., . Harrisburg, Nov. 15,1838. i Carlitle, Sept. 27,1838. .. ; ' STATEMENT We ng Taxes, :r, 31st December, . with the amount Am’nt out standing. $ 202 ft" 729 62 349 794 138 84' 385 97 461 744 687 054 Amt of dw filicatet. 1837 $ 1820 84 1396 974 IBi 1 744 1787 054 519 284 411 16 420 90 1357 83 246 73 1497 955 •946 37 160 434 1835 30 1073 954 1829 874 385 25 173 80 1430 00 1838 381 73 246 364 352 37 1390 13 -431954 454 874 103 80 8264 ITd By cash paid on Commissioners' orders, fyc. viz: For tuition and stationary for poor Children, $ 49S 59 Grand and Traverse Jurors pay, 2244 25 Auditors for settling accounts for 1837, 45 00 Witnesses fees in criminal prosecutions, 475 21i : Justices’ do do 59 04' Constables’, do do 113 24 Printing for county, 132 24 Constables for making quarterly returns, _ _ 80 09 Repairs and incidental expenses qf public buildings, in cluding Court Crier’s fees, stationary for office, &c. 220 6GJ John Miller for road damages, * 75 00 Inquests on dead bodies, , 52 64 E. State Penitentiary for support of convicts, 268 96 Sundries furnished county jail and penitentiary, 201 56. Bridge over Yellow Breeches creek at Lisburn, in full, 666 66 ga’ pay-for 1838, ' •> 572 00 funded, ‘ 51 00 s of General Election, 235 56 ers.Esq. Sh’ff, for support ofprisbners,&c.lB3B, 1084 67 mbach. Esq. salary as Keeper of Penitentiary, 200 00 i of Poor, for support of paupers, -&c. A- 6000 00 no, Esq. salary as Director of the Poor for 1838, 30 00 mminger, Esq. do do do f SO 00 ;oner, Esq. do do ■- - db -SO 00 ig. Esq. pay as Commissioner, in full, . 93 00 ffllis.Esq. pay as do fbrlBoB, 120 00 Sterrett, Esq. do , db 00 ' John Cornraan, Esq*' do from 12th Novem. to 31st December, 1838, _ 28 50 i John Irwin, Esq. salary as Clerk to Commissioners, 260 00 . James H. Graham, Esq. salary as Attorney to do. 50 00 T. Craighead, jr.-Esq. fees as Clerk of Quar. Sess. &c. 119 24 S.DrAdwrrEsq..fee3 aa.Deputy.Atterney Gencral, 53, 00 ., George Plotting, Fsq.Prothonotary’s ftes, ' ", "iS 75 Doctor Stadiger, for apprehending horse thief, 34 40, W.-Bentz, on account-of loan with interest, 1165 00 Hon. John Stuart, do do 303 25 Robert Armstrong, do do , 511 65 Joseph Clark, do do 691 60 J. H. Graham, Esq. fees.in case of writ of error, 7 30 Viewers of Roads and Bridges, 95 45 Fox orders, 10 79 Whole amount paid out; - -817057 50 By commissions allowed Treasurer; 200 00 Exonerations allowed Collectors, ' • ->45 31 Fees do do 1055 34 Balance of taxes due by Collectors, per schedule on ■ debit side. . 6317 ,70i Balance in hands of Treasurer, 826047 01 81093 13J We the Anditora of Cumberland county, having examined the several accounts and vouchers of William S. Ramsey, Esq. Trea surer of said county, from the Ist day of January to the 31st day of December, A. D. 1838, inclusive, do report and certify that we find a balance due said county by said Treasurer, of one thousand and ninety-three dollars and fifteen and a half cents us above stated. Given under our handfe at Carlisle; the 26th January, A. D. 1839; WILLIAM LUSK, 1 GEO. M. GRAHAM, ‘ )■ Auditors. JOHN CLENDENIN. J VALUABLE PnOPBRTT FOR SALE. - The Bell,on\ Wednesday the SXHh of February next, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Saville township. Perry county,, con taining 19 :acres, more'or less, having thereon. - created an elegant , ' WOOLLEN FACTORY nPM'n lig^ o r bwalled in fbbrt county,) MIILIs, the.most!improvcd plan. The htlier buildings are; a .large two story FRAMB. HOUSE, good half Barn, and other nercssaVy buildings. ‘ There is also a SAW MILL oh the property, propelled by Buffalo creek, on which the other machinery.is erected; which Is a never failing stream, sufficient to pro pel a Flutter wheeled Saw Mill till July, togelh- all the other machinery. An indisputa ble title will be given, and terms made known on tho day of sale. CR. FRANCIS ENGLISH. Saville township. Perry county, T January 24, 1389. . 5 4t NEW FJLOVR & FEED STORE. The subscriber respectfully inform s.his friendSK. and the public in general, that be lias open ed a FI,OUR and FEED STORE at his old stand, (corner of Louther andHedford,) where he intends keeping for sale - ■ r WHEAT AND RYE ELOUR by the barrel or'smaller quantity, Buckwheat and Com Mcal % Cfio/i anjl Bran, Corn , Bye & Oats ; all of which he intends keeping constantly on Jiand, and hoppi a sharp of the . public patronage. , . He has also on hand a few bushels of 'S/iring Wheat for seed, which he offers for sale. ' JOHN PROCTER. ■Carlisle, Jan. 24, 1839. if P. S.—He still continues to carry on the Sil ver Plating at the old. stand, and has constantly on hand a good assortment of plated Saddlery, such as'Stirrups, Hitts," Harness-moyntingand Coach" work. Pfatf fig for "Coach Makers■ dans' in the best manner and with despatch. J.P. FOR RENT. THAT large ami commodious white situate in High _street, iti.the, iborpugh of Carlisle,'opposite tlic Tost Office, haying cxtere sive back buildings thereto_ attached, at present in the occupancy of Capt.' Edward M* Biddle, calculated for any kind of business. Possession given on the Ist of April, next. For terms * ap ply to ISAAC TODD; ~ Jtvent qf L L> ~~ tf ; Jaw. 24,1809. Estate of James BrediHj decedsed. -- N-OT-i ce. -A- Lt pcrsons indehted-to-lhe- c*tatc"df"th e' /% late James Bredip, dec’d, of Carlisle, are respectfully requested to call with the subscri ber and senle their respective'accounts, on qr before the first day of April next, persons who have claims and demands against the estate will present them legally authentica ted for settlement. 824933 85i 1093 154 826047 01 . '• ANNA BREDIN, Adm'x. Gat-lisle, lan. S 4, 1839. 6t Estate Of Mathias Young, deceased. NOTICE. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the subscriber-residing in Mon» roe township, Cumberland county, on the estate of Mathias Young, late of said township, dec’d— this is therefore to notify-all persons' indebted to said estate, to makepayments immediately, and thoseriiaving claims will present them without delay properly authenticated for settlement! ENOC H YOUNG, jld'm'r. January 17, 1839.- 6t EXCH&JV&E JBJIJVK AND SAVINGS ‘I'NSTITVTION,’ No. 66 South Fourth st. Philadelphia. CAPITA!. 250.000 DOLLARS. Often daily for the transaction of business from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. nEPOSITES of money received, for which the following rate of interest will beallowed: 1 year 6 percent, per annum, 6 mos. 6 *■ •• Oh business deposites,tn be drawn at the plea sure ofthe depositor, no interest will be allowed, Unclirrcnt notes of solvent Banks, in every part of the United States, will be received as special deposites, on such terms as ’ may be a greed on ip each particular case, ' ■By order of the Board. ■ • ~ J. DESSAA, Cashirr. Philndelpbia,Dec. -19,11038. X ly, . OR. I. 0. tOOMIS, &JSHTIST. ; '■ ;■ INTENDS residing permanently ih'Garlisle, and wbuld respectfully offer bis professional services to the citizens qf.tllepiace and vicinity.' He has'taken morris at Cbl'.' Ferree’s Hotel, where he may be founds.all hours. ' ■ Persons 1 requesting! twill be waited upon at theirrtsidenc.es. r Dr* Georgt IJt..Foulkc f , \ Dr. Theodore Myers, Kefet ence,- y ßru , rhps. C. Thornton, .■ Dr. JQavid.J'fcMahon. . —Carlisle. Dec, 6, 1838;. , , HOUSE AND LOT FOR RENT. THE'sUhscribei'wiU rent for one'JiegtfL or riiore years the IV/iiie Wea{h* feSHg I tljft erboarded House and Ift of ground, gH I i 5K situate in South Hanover street,antl formerly, occupied.by the Rev. D. McKinley. Possession will be given on the Ist of Anvil next. ■ , .. JOHN^VGNEW. - Carlisle, Jaß-10, 1539. '-tM_l . FOR SALE, ; fll FIRST RATS XATfSSC TEAMS. FOR further particulars endirg_ of_rhe.jnl», senders at Oak . Grove Tunutce, Perry county. -• ■ VLEIS. FCERING & THUDIUM. , January 10, 1839.' . 'Sf " . a3’ , Lancasterlntcl)iscnrcrf , an(l 'Keystone,’ times and'cliarge this office. . ’ ■ Clover Seed for: Sale. ioo Btr&HSZ>s or oi.oveksbe» .received from Chin, and for pate at •B the Warehouse nf tlie’sybsci-i'-erin the'hor imKhdtCaillsle.rAlsoahirgeqimiitliyuf^TVm- otfiy Seed; ' December 20, :i,838i. HENRY RJIOAPS. v ; : ’«'