American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 07, 1839, Image 1

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    p:« '■'
[ VOIOTWB'26, ; iro,;3d.
Terms of 'PubKchtiph.
The American Volunteer
every Thursday 1 morning, in ’the
white.frame building, (rear of the court house,)
at Two,Dollars per annum, payable hftlf yearly
in advance, or. two dollar* ami fifty cents if . not
paid Ayitbin ...
No’subscription taken for a less term than six
months, and no discontitmancU'permittcd until
all arrearages are paid. 1 At failure to notify a
discontinuance at the expiration of" a term, will
I>e considered a newengagement.
i will be thankfully received,
and published at the rate of S* M P er square
for three insertions, and 25 els. for each subse
quent insertion. Those not specifically ordered
will be inserted till forbid.
Handbills . Blanks , Cards, &c. neatly executed
at short notice, and at moderate prices.
-The following Gentlemen will please act as
agents for this paper? subscript iqnsreceiycd,and
mrtney paid to either of these individuals will be
acknowledged by us.
..JouN-Moon-K, T Esq~- KcavviUc*- ——
. Joseph ,M 7 Means, Esq. Hopewell township.
John Wunderlich, Esq, Shippensburg,
David Glkvkr, Esq. Hoads.
John'Mrhakfy,. Dickinson township*
Abraham H«i*esfmvn. ‘
’ George F. Cain, Esq. Mechnnicsburg,
Frederick Wqnderlicu, ' f do.
Jamf.s Elliott, EsA. Springfield. .
Daniel Krvsiikr, Esq. Church^bwn.
-* • Jacob Eongneckkr, township, {
e®si c m %
Written by Isaac L. Clausin, alter a long ab'?
sence, at the home of his fathers.
1 came but they had passed awayv—
The fair in fqrm. the pure in i l nindv :
And, like a stricken deer, I stray
Where all ai:e strange, and none “are kind—-
Kind to the worn, the - -*
That pants and struggles-for repose, ’ . .
Oh.that my steps had reached the goal
Where earthly sighs and sorrows close!
Years,have passed o’er me like $ dream /
That leave no trace on memory’s page?
-I look around n>c,~an(l I-seem
■ Some relic of a former ,age.
Alone, as in.a stnmgcr.clime\
Where stranger-voices mock my caw
I mark the lagging.gait,bl'time.
Without a wish,—a .hope—a fear!
Yeti had hopes—and they have Hccf;
And fears—and they were all too ttut;
My wishes too—but they are dead,
And what have I with life to do?
*Tis but to wear a weafy load
I may not, dare not, cast away_?
To sigh-for .ono-'smaU, still abode,
WjjereT may-sleep as well as they:
As they the loveliest of their race,
Whose grass'V~ldmbs rjiy sorrows steep,
Whose worth my soul delights to truce,
whose very loss *tis sweet to weep—
To weep benealh the silent moon,
With none to chide, to hear, to see,
Laic can bestow no greater boon
On one, whom death disdains to free.
I leave.the world ijint knows me hot,
.U> hdld communion with the dead,
l And fancy cohsecrates the spot
.Where fancy’s softest dreams are shed
J see each’Khade—all silvery-white—
I hear each spirit’s-melting sigh;
1 turn 'to'hlasp those forms of lights-
And the paid morning chills my eye!
But soon.the,last t dj-ead morn-shall vise— .
of life burns feebly now,-- >. ...
stranger hands shall close jny eyes, : ,
nrty cold and dewy brow. , '
Unknown j lived: so let.pip die; , . .. ,
-; f lfpr nor. monumental cross, ;■ ■ •
his ashes Jie,..
fprgolcl.and found 5t dros>
' J !Bbbjde: Have, (sayfe the ISfeW York Mirror)'
dirtyihinr homes;'their summer
wanderings have c’ea’sfed; arid winter' parties
and festivities are about cornjnencing. Night
arid.dayh^Hl,sboii be" corifoundeil;
urat'brdpf of, things’ invented, bright
diilled," rosy cpriipleSiohs,'fade, the; plhatic
rifctiyj.ty,of, youth,jdcgpperate', into a. listless,
ddHJi^ed f ,‘ail(l s¥e) Seeps
roinjiA 1 aiddafe; fttfursdf h - wilder campaigii.
Surfing lyfflYdtnni;
bouridii&apd ibypusness ofHeiiifH
arid'KpdyaWW'rif gjmU Sydl'haifits' adyejjit
hhyb bid t it ;‘payaj
. -ahy beliejijst
'S coihingoiif; ■tve*s l dy;'be"as cheerful as i yoiiflV
and gaiety can render you; dahcfe as offerras
yO u, A>H e >,.So ,t ( 9.,a3, many parties., as- may
suit ybur mcliiuitiou—but, avoid ' exposure
arid J 'late'hours, ‘
«“£s«'*% c -i' o pfc?,
lady’slti> ;tvas,riol reidhrkable for petshrial
inrfe^i£ ,J! adßok^ J at
frightbriame!’ said the lady. .'Theni/marijiy':
l epliediJoilathAri,': 'I igußsh
oncPthftt^&ln^'gp/^o looking-glass. \
• /-Sh : jHjSb '■ ■n Bw ’./ n; B8 ;t '' :/
j-'.fßk ’ iim^wm^ia »i :jnuy^/’k^bm.-,>.• >^L^/
»* .•' r ,-M
To the Senate an,d,.llouee.of.Representatives
' of the CBmmonivcedth .(f Ppnnsylvunia.
GENTtiKMKN:—Hie nioney in the Treasury
of the Commonwealth: being inadequate to
discharge the’lderaands upon it, now due,
and that will become,due on the Ist Febrjl
nry next, I conceive it to be my imperative
duty, to call the immediate attention of tire
Legislature to this subject. It is almost su
perfluous to remark,' that the credit, the faith,
and the honor of the State, will all Be deep
ly, affected, unless; by the prompt aetinn of
the. Legislature, this deficiency should be
It would, be an everlasting stigma upon
the' fair fame of Pennsylvania, if, with her
hieans - to
perform- all her engagements, she should
permit her creditors, for a single hour, to
knock at the door of an empty Treasury.
Every consideration'of~duty*arid’oC poli
'cy, requires at the hands of the Legislature
and the Executive the most unfaltering fi
delity to the publicengagements. Nothing
is gained'by. postponing the time of action,
for it must eventually arriv ' The r-olicy is
as unwise as the spirit is ui states
men, to surrender. to our si ihe per
forinance of duties that Ive on
1 will proceed to lay bei finah
siaL.CttjssliSlioix of the-Conn 'Sodar,
as it appears to me to be c,,.. ■(! with
your delilrcrations on the subject; premising,,
that I have derived most of my fiscal infor
rnatimrfrmrrthose official documents which
’• aret already before you, and which are pre.
sumed to furnish accurate statements of the
several matters to which they respectively
relate. I have so recently entered upon the
discharge'of the duties' of the office, confor
red upon me by the, people, that’l do not
pretend to possess the familiar practical
I knowledge of thc financial, concerns of the
| Commonwealth, that .can only be acqmred
by an\ac(iv,e official participation in all their
detailed operations. Ilfave, however, de
voted to. the subject, that careful aifd scru
pulous attention due alike to its importance,
and to the just expectation of t)ic Legisla
ture ntliatoio -isxccu live'-coni muni cation - will' ■
be submitted to it, in tile accuracy of which,
implicit confidence may nnt-be reposed.
. lit order to present a fulj and satisfactory
view' of. the finances' of "the "Commonwealth',
I will lay before you, in the first place, the
entire amount of the public debt, composed
of permanent, temporary,. and conditional
loans, together with the estimated value'of
the public property, consistingof stocks, ca
nal s-,-rai|-roa(1 —-ns.-
Debts contracted fot public im
provements by canals and rail
Loans not-relatlng to canals &
rail roads, ■
Loans for Eastern Penitentiary,
by act of 21st March, 1831,
Loan for. Union Canal Compa
ny, by act Ist March, 1833,
Temporary loan by act of 1 Gtli
June, 1836, . • r ■
Temporary loan by act of-141h ’ 1
April, 183 ft, :
Debts* due bn appropriatiottSSto ' ■ ;
■ miscellaneous objects, I ' 1,545,729 86
Debts due by appropriations to
internal improvements, .
Debt due United States, bn ac :
count of conditional-loan''pf
surplus reveipier- . 1;867;514 78
Amount of public <lebt, S3O, I f4i904 9"
'; ; ' Public i’Uoiu'Uty. 1 ,•
Tlie public works, : canals, Tuif 1 '
■roads, &c, • ' "535 > 109;e44;')2
Bank stock,. ' , 1 ’ 2,108,r00 OO
Turnpike & bridge.:stock, 2;726,59G 58
Canal 1 & rmvijnifio.rfWtbck, ,‘s2B;(jdo Ob
Railrba'abtpA,-' '-'- 1 ' :1 ' ! 'iiTS.tffW‘s9
Money (liifc oriunpatcntedlamls X,Od(),a(JDOO
EsUniatfeff.Wluß oFjpublic,’ ; j"
. property, ]' ,'• ' ■ ; 551,G52,506 09
;• jt ! is'ri^lit 1 tolrertiqrk' m : resppct to.-this
stStcmcbt', that I' iiaveinot .the
debit sSde'in'it'eni;of sSSo;bo'o,‘ t'.teum'fyfr
' rowed fi-oni the Bank of thelUhitcil States’, 1
by mV predecessor; übdeit
circumstancjds’explain iji ; - Kis, l meBsa^e‘,. ; pn
: Jot which thd'tejj|sMtaf--e Ira's
n6t'yct’'4fctt>}l',' '-'Arid ihtegatiito'fliii'estihiiit
i* et ky^ u . e „°r>tl>e publjt'Htaffis^clth'aJi', 1 rail'-.
ir f pad9/&c:, i it fe'utubtdd vfcty imicltiWhether
i y- The• ’itiSre 'dfly'
%thdl 1 " V thcir
It .isipDshible;ithat 'poifndSdditioiiai
BiibiUtiei’oFthe Stai'c’rriiglit atlle, l iftlie''L’d'- 1
/gislatijrp shpUU.fHWik jiron|erytoi' :tfe'if)ilblic
;adthorfty T oCthi ! B jGdmmbmveaUh, of the. : Torir
Vileges wi!nted‘ by'iildi'’, ’id 'cbhsidirtvbtm o£
ilia fuli-’
liB; 'K-easury;’', : l» fe "ri’-;
jeardcd" as a’ jrfeiudte ’cphUngency; ■’ Of (lie’
ithifejb yedVs,’e'xpjhsivd of the'item si abdve re" 1 :
/dWed tdJ ixnil n'pteharjjqd.""/, ;i r J '■ - <u,,r ' ■
tfiitt hdr/-m’edns a're ample i
ifchVcdmMyii*-' *
3M!iMT'..7 Vi if'/i.'t t:
} ‘l‘* ’T
~,; .(•
, v ... ,FJIOM TJIE M |r-. . ..
Governor ofthe Commonwealth
i!-'■ , rt>' ? it'• *S" -V; i.>. <w.r.if. Mf ■A-l’i• -11.W0' DOIitARS PERf%'NNU’M., <
■’..., <1.1,; . r ’;»KV "JI f'r rr * i ••»; frfui < -,>Tt •« . :.-‘.iCi V.rf t:. T—Lu. ,\::n t« «| >r ?.: -,.1.1 ■ •> ~j. ..f t - r;._-?.,? . .■#* v
vnilable. /1 /.; S
.[■ The;pjrinpipal purposeof‘,thismessage,is (
ca)l your attentipipto; the pres
ent conditjion of the finances/as exhibited by
the following 1 ititcment of inPhies hpW ilue,
of becOpiihg dlie.'dfi the Ist’Februafy next,
anil i'nirtiediately thereafter; viz: ' ■■
Stock loan .per act SOthMarch, • i’
1824, payable Ist Jpo. 1839, $220,000 00
interest oa permanent &jtem-,
porary loans,
Fof ordinary repairs on public
improvements, ’ : 400,000 00
Balance due’ of appropriations 1 ■ ■ ' i
act of 14th April, 1838, 242,864 23
, $1,465,114 33
To which, perhaps, may fee ad 1 ,
dcd the Sum borrowed for re-
pairs of canal on Juniata Dir. • 380,000 00
The Legislature will ,also be required nt
its present sessipn to make provision topa};
die following loans and demands on the
Treasury, due at the times spdcifieil;
Stock' loan per act 30th March,
'1824, due Ist May next,;
Stock loan.per act "th Decem
ber, 1829, and 4th January,
1831,~due Ist May next,-
Stock loan per. act IX th. April,, , . ,
1825, due Ist January 1840, ; 150,000 00
Temporary loan per actt 16th
June, 1836, due in June, 1839,'2015,000 00
Temporary loan pcr : act 14tli
April, IStlST'due at various .
- times, from 18th June to 31st
October, "1839, _
Temporary loin per 3d section
act.l4th April, 1838, due he
lyrc Ist January, 1840,- -
Interest on loans due on or be
fore Ist Apgiist; 1839,
Salases of toll collectors &c.
remainder of year,
Due for repairs.
Expenses of motive power.
All other cxpenditurea/Onciu
dingdeduction,) •_> . 1,129,027 14
Deduct amount of estimated re
ceipts for remaining part of
Total deficit f6r'lBS9,
.I t 'vill be perceiye<l, that the permanent
lintl tcmponu-y loans falling due at the times
mentioned in lhiS..atafeniiiut, constitute _ a
part,of-the State -debt., already-adverted do,
and by providing for their payment .the, agr
gregate amount,is, dot increased. ' - ,
I,have included the necessary appropria
tion (or ordinary repairs, amongithe demands
to be provided fpr on the Ist February, be
cause it is a fund that should beat all times
in readiness,.,and ft great portiuu of if will
he needed as soon as the business bn. 'the
inipfbvements commences in the spring.—
I’rovision must also be made for the loan
falling du.q on.the Ist of January; 1840,, by
the Legislature at its present Session, as by
the amended Constitution'the meeting of the
next, Legislature is .postponed beyond the
day of payment. c t . ,
I will also state on-this subject that, at
the solicitation of a number of gentlemen
deeply interested in the transporting busi
ness on oUr public improvements, in
duced a short time.ago to make a personal
examination of the. portion of the canal and
slack-water navigation recently repaired'in
Huntingdon county, and am satisfied":that
its safety, permanency and'usefulness, alb
depend on its receiving' the .speedy .and
thorough attention of the Canal Commission-:
ers v Unless the. new works be. repaired,
and in some, places rdconstrucited-before tlie
spring, freshets, there is -imminent danger
that a considerable portion of them will be
again,swept awayi . • i • j
h The: estimated-receipts into the treasury
during theipresent year, with the. exception
of, ,t\yo itehisy .amounting to $225 v 000,: are
composed of,-,the. ordinary of the
State alpne. It is rendered certain thdtthe
I fourth'instalnierit-ofi revenue !
I from the general’government wilPnot be. re
ceived,,- jberq,be,-Ipinkbonuses, or
fany oflief of JtlSise ,tecjdcn|{d'>ml-pxtraor- j
replefusliing the; treasury,)
to dqpbiid ‘upon,’ which have pdured'i’nto it
about ,000,000, during tlfolasl three yeaf’si
ely Wenc.ejortlijqn kerfiseS
t 4pf.h'u't;gfdduftlly r }nereaBii
•ify reveiVuei, unless Joans'or;
"decided advisable,, t6‘
bilitles', aridlto.cbmplefe alflier contempla
ted'impmycments.,. rf J,o, do this su ccessTujly,'
rfeveragajn\imppen, nppt
.served gf. .pri.V,ate-individuals,
that tge, su waUh is fiu j
tally.. •injurious., to' the" iprpdghLhablls'aM I
xt ii;‘.ifliore
jtruey^the'pifsc ,‘of goyelnmcnt
cp.rrg.pnpi}.Pl'eeps m.unbgrcc^
;4i fhpusanil ytltiifinelsy, apjd ea,%flut ilia sub'.-.'
'MwfSm. jßßF9ftsp. r .ni^'p::'r.,vvi>
fashionable, ■jj'jncli are .difficult tq eradicate,.
•'% ■ .t^i^ey'aii'oui'd. parsimppipus aiul illiberalr—,
viued-attention to tins branqMjP-om^p^iDlic
$133,229,003 32
1,680,000 00
120,000 00
200,000 00
800,000 00
532,057 V 0
L? ,'J *
H* My
■■ i
602,250 00
* 600,0.00 00
200,000 00
618,250 00
■ rr,080.97
$5,573,036 16
1,644,918 82
93,925;ur 34
•H'.'i'-in .JBSoMB
policy..-Theienormoub. and .unprecedented
uoftciti in ,thpj treasury, ;ooyy,to he,- supplied,
is an.instructive cqmmentayy on its p.ractfcfij
results. If the same, policy that lias brought
iig-info this.coriditibri is pcl'Hi&ted in'.’ifinUst
efl'ectdally paridyzdthe' energies of this'gredt
State; 1 The'public debt! uvustbeswellc'dlo
ah inordinate amount,'. oti theproseciltion bf
our. valuable.system of public. improvements,
must;be suspended. have.,already a
balance iq raise o.f more .than
before ■ ydu. caii make any ’ 'dpp.ropriationß
whatever to. the completion'or' exterisioh of
any 'of 'the- unfinished 1 public imprbvemonts
in which the State has ah'epdy-so much un
productive money invested. ■ -..-j. ;.. ,
The question; is then submitted entirely to
your consideration,, tp jvhat ap
propriations to new works shall be made at
■the present session; ' My predecessor re-1
commends'ih his anhdat messiige; the appro
priation of at hast the Followidg sums, tothe
following named works, viz
To the Erie' extension
No rth B ran clv ct n al l.l . 500,000 0,0
GettysUuyg.rail rgnd, i , .300,000,0$
West Branch canal, . _ , 2(j6,p60‘00
,W i scon is c g,,c an al, j— T / —100,000,00
Allegheny,feeder,,. , pjj t ~ r 100,6p6 00,
The Canal in their report,
recommend'the appropriation of live follow
ing siims'to the works' designated Via: '
To the Erie extension;' - . $l;30p;000 00
North Branch, » ,‘ -1.2()0.000 00
.Gettysburg rail road, 000,00,0 00
Sinnemahoning extension, . 300,000 00
Allegheny feeder, n 2po,ppDK)o
, ; •, _2BG,ppo’OQ
90,000 00
$.’>.786,000 00
;tml they recommend also,' that the furth
er sum of $1,256,1467 77 Should bfe' appro
priated fur .the '.‘current year, as.necessary
for (lie ,permanent, repair and prosperity of
Che improvements.” I-beg leave to refer
you-to the .message and report for the expla
natory informatio'n accompanying these,spy}
_eral _reGiinmicjidatu)ns. ..Lam .not awaj:e.,o£
having in my power, any cbmriiuhicntiori’ to
make that would matehMly aid' ybti'r'delib
erations bti this head,' excOpftb suggest ilid
propriety and necessity'of providing, by
~su mcjml iciuii's pfdspec tly o, 'legislation. not
only for the paymentuf the appropriations,,
that may -bo raadeattbe,present sessionjbut
for the mpd.e of .obtaining, money hereafter,
when hcedfol, to cpntiuu.e, and complete tpe
works_to whiphlsucli a'pprApmlibn»| araapr
J’lO il. UMic suinij Mpproprli;(< i tl, liav’u usuul
[ ly been exhausted before the rictct meeting
■of the, EegislatnVc.'tipd. those‘enghged'itf the
I construction'.of our.publiowprks, have been
i oOinpeUejd, t Oin!ake:Eaepi,fiees,.to',anable-theip
to prosecute their labors,,or to dismiss, thpir
I workmen, until funds be provided, by lawj
Many months elapse before legislative apfion
i can be had'bn the shbfrtct’, c and ’’before flic
negotiation of ■ the necessary ldan, : when au
thorized, the .work, is .frfcquently .abandoned
by (he contractor,- or Jos -workmen . have
sought,employment clsevyhe,re„ and. by-jthe
timethe requisite, funds are obtained, pper
alions arc to be cpmni'ehced,anew;': and ilms
it may be fairly assumed', that ptii-‘public
improvements have cost'perhaps thirty‘pdi 1
cent;' more than' they;, wbuld have done, I 'if
timely, provision to, continue their prosecu
tion had been made.' ..if-thc contractor. knew
beforehand, what amout Of ippney he might
rely upon, as forthcoming, when wanted, lie
could’ make, his arrangements accordingly (
toJiia awn and the publLcJadyuhtagei y’£ hi
workTWbiilii .progress With greater facility,’
and of consequence-enable contractors to do
it cheaper’and more cvpemtioiisly, 1 than
heretofore. The public faith' wbuld at ’ail
regarded (is. sacred, mn'd 'the con
-1 class’of inch .whd’hayc'tcrtaiiily
| had so,me' cause to complain,) would be es;
sentially behefitfed- by the adojifion.of this
policy, 1 and |alsa the liumerony latibfcrs’aiid Whose ' invaluable services out
great’ impro.Verncnts havV'bech’ cbpstriicfed,’
would, be in a good degrtie secu’nbil’ frbnithc
.suffering and,destitution’ tiib’dftbri’ inflio'tcd
upon them' by-tlic failures of the contrabtbry
bn bur pubUc'wbi-ks.' r '' |: J ' ‘
’ In order td tcthedytlpi'sidtgor things ih
future’, I bCg llmydyo l rfeboininend ! t : oftlih Ee- :
giylature 1 tligbnhethnbntidf a'lawitiiiiicmlzrog
thc'-Goyerti6ih--vnth i tlidyanttiptfbf the Cditi
miysibnpys'bf'thp tiki•
lind •,CdnHi ; 'Cbmm^^^
othfer r chefc’Ky'-ay' fhav be Jfpub'd' dece'S^aryTd
caiiry bn; ; the : shvfeyat Imes'bf
■untlr '•Hid.’. nieettHgof
’tdpth'e' sadi'g
may ‘.happen to tiecoind b'Vliiiu'sfbd .’ 1 ’ 1 Heijlii p?
ing of course, that the, be
placed in' thc'tFdi’suby ofdie’colrtmrthwbaitb
disburyfcd'ahdaccounted' for in-fhd niaritTci 1
prpvidedibyliiw'.f'i' r'emSll! ■•}.-, 'vooi;
<■ i It would 'be ekpedientdliat the sdra which
loan, shpuld be stfiefc;
ly'defi h'e'd^ 1 ’ It. Seems, to 1 rfb l! thal' t the-adbpp
port df‘'acttbri'tn'fe
latiblito the'piSp’SebUfionnf i ’dU'r' , SySt£iV?"bf
‘ internal ‘.iraprovements.i-cannot i bi, pendent
and salutary. The measures themselyps
must, fluctuate, often,_.the works progress*
tardily, and thd.pxpensnjpfctheir-icoiisttiuc
ti.on bp;much,,increased.,/ Not .jeap ifdinjt
sound policy of, I'opKipg.iii'youc Tegisjatiyq
liney f 'df-improv6m'cnt l, b'etW’e’en' the. ehstbrrr
and.iwibstern fex ttemvticSipf, thtKCdmniod.f
tvealth,’'the Erie extension to theiakeSpond
the North Branch Canal, leading into the
ifloupshing iWfi s tern i: counfie s'.of. the ’ytate? of
rNcw Xpjky, .jj’hp Jumtgnt.tjiase vvorksv.are
30,000 00
. ■aß. 1 , s
o, i
' wr <.v ■ • !§¥■ : mHi ft ; •=-••
I-''-*» ■:^ 4 - W. Idi \ t
• <■ '\j f !mj' i<
mented'in \
already large sums flipm; ,fp>m
whlch ; slic willYealize "rid of .conger
qiiertc'e. till ’they arfe''finished’ I '' 'Other wp'rks■
bf’Uftdoubtcd utility 1 leading directly into
these' 'priiibipal -highways" to' market, will
hebdt.dbserve attention;: but in what respect
the, Gettysburg, rail road claims' to,rank in
the first,; oi; eyep, jtitfie seqpnd.fif these clasr \
sesj is morytljipi I can discover.;‘it is well
worth the Bcripds cortsideratmn lii" the
islfitdre,'wli’bthdr in' the' pfbsfcnt 'cmbaiVasy’d
conditidri of thb finbtices’bf the state, thtit
work ought liot'to: be abdnidonedj -tlll •some
more, auspicious, season, for icsumingi it.'arr
rives. On hp part of; pur system, of .iinprov.e;
ments opimop, been,,inorc, empha
tically pronounced. It completed,."its ad
vantage to' PemiSylvattiii rs
indeed it be'not absolutely Useless—its tom
menccnicnt wasdnjudicioiis-Mbocostcf its
construction is eriOliUhSiifejl'andi shbOld.'it he
abandoned,,.the: only-disadvantage. will 'be
thp.lpssj),f -a ;s Yery jarge.|u]n; 0/ money now
irfefrierably Vonshmed’by; itj whjcTi wiirhe
vastly' increas'eU'if r 'the state"'pfe'sevpres' in
the’prosecution of theWbrk.’ 'T'respectfully
submit ttns:subject - to Mie . candor (tntpgoou
sense of;the: legislature, .'believing that.itS
further,.prosecution, at, present is-not n;ai>
i;autefi : by, cither, prpdeufje ,pr, patriotism. . ;
.■•■ Being decidedly in favor jiaysclf of a. ju
dicious-arid coniprchebsiVe sysjcni of publip!
iihproVcrh'ehts'ifbachihgall practicable points
add accommodating nil- section s' of the coin :
monwealth nliko',-1, happy to cd--
•japerato with thoiLegislatureiii Completing
it, at.the earliest, passing day. and [Would, re
joice to -become' instrumental in carrying
such system into speedy, operation; biiffipjU
ing'thc. Treasuby’T'ir h u sifutUiiln -
XPrbiil 1 all hope of' engaging’ in that uPderta
kinguntil nur fispal concerns-are'ircstored
to; a-Bound-arKHiealthy, State; I .reSpe.ptfuUy,
suggest ;t(). the Lsgisjatur.e
applying-the,'funds of the CiomippipyyaUli,, at
tl\e 'prcScnt!'.‘titne, Vo' J any other works than
. ihp main ; Hgei' ittiil'. their imlnediafe 'trih’uta-.
riesV-'lt canhot fie loiVg’befdfc :th■e;'ilVci,c!is
,ofdinapyirtvcnne’:slHfeißgffro!m'rl'tlus tolls
of the canals and . rail'road's, of the Common
weakli, will defray,all the ( expenses.{neces
sary to Ypep theai m'repair an.d-'jmy.itlifT-iq
,- terest. of the money expended in their con
struciinn. Then will thcStafe'ifoi; jill prac
tical purposes! be free? frblh deb't Hilt! be fully
able to undertake, withoutfear of embn'rnss
ment, the extension, and .completion-.of her
noble improvement system.until it touches
every’ county within her oitensWe, limits*and
returns .citifccns'tlio. entire "sum of
thpir confributiohsj id flic system ip itsedm
menceineht and'progre§kiycadynnce towards
thbihown liohrebl'! T'.cahnot close-this ‘brief
reference to oursystem l of public .itupi%\,o
meets without inviting Die attention pf, the
Legislature to' two subjects, which, though
not immeditaely; connected with the leading
object of ,Uds,communication, ai;yyct po es;
scntially necessary to. the, full’fruition ofjthc
benefits to be derived from our main lines of
canals and rail roads between the eastern and
western seclions“of the Commonwealth, bs to
awiiken the earliest solicitude of every'Penn-
allude to-the removal of .the
obsUiuptionsTd steamboptj.navigatipu,ili the
Allegheny, (Jhioauil Mississippi rivers, from
l*ittsbing r to the 'Giitfcif Mexico, and from
Pit fsbu rg up fhe ARegheiiyUs* fares the sa‘me
may be found practicable by the sbrVey Jiu
thorized under direction dt thetScneral Gbv
ernmentjLajnd_lp m. con
tinuous rail road from, the city of Pittsburg
through or, near, the Capitols pi .Ohio; J iiiliana
antt llliuois; to some point op the Mississippi
river at or near St. Lopis. ,
. By the completion ofjthoSe important un
dertakings, a grentaii)ount ; 9.f business would
be at once ifirdwh upon duf improvements.
The irtcrchbndiie'of varibtri' kinds from ' the
eastern stated, and the agricultural and min
eral productidns-of 'tlie-ridh and flourishing
southern and western states, that would pass
through Pennsylvania", must be fur, beyond
any .pres,enlieomputatipn. Tim rapidly , in-,
cfcasihg trade ot.thejlakes too, which is fast
outstripping the hopes of the most sanguine,'
Would desc'enil the'AlleghenyriVer and fcoti;
tribufe’lafgely td : 'sWe'll s the. !i bilslncss df dm* |
caMals andrailyroads;- - The tolls on ouPmain
lines would beidftimuoh inciieased na .to ;aint
ply sustain the less profitable portions of our j
systptn; yvitliout, rendering pi necessary,- to I
piakje,thp slightest additfpu-ipTlip.,statc debt, j
dr to any of t{ic‘ buriheps jnipbgea ujpoh the
pcdpl'e/ [The’irStfd .6f’the grmnng anti'prds- j
pefous 'cities'bf Plflladeiphiif‘h'rtdr TittSbiirg
would ' be .initn’priseiy- ihultipli(id,%!ahd;vfhe
fdSlit>giih® -JsOWt Q? l^cd|,mns.,o f-.q?ni j
'munkatiom.tQ sn: exput.. would [
febeive an pnpulsc ofjnp ordinary influence
upon thei?' , 'aiia f^^rdatness,'1 A'
glance at the map of the Union, will convince
ebery 'man -oftlloy'impbrranco‘'of theso im
prdvenients;toiPeHdsylvania ns well as -to'
: the, v.agt!,,epunfiW pfi.,unsurpassed
find .the canals, and rail, roods of this Stale
tli'eir direct" to ,) .Vnai'kci. iA'. dfder
istp’fcss -;
ed, .I resjjectfitlly.refcoirtmeird thfe ' propriety I
oT'adbptingitHek pfopof? stops-tW ohlisti tl\p j
General Ge.verpnjbnt;in th.e,priflec>.dfcloag-;.]
.inginut.thoobstract^pns ftayjgatioh.of
tlie Cihio and Mississippi rivers by steamhbais I
from - Pittsburg - up the- tb ' s’ttclr may.bu-fixcil Iri tljc survey, ,a\i HiQr :
izSd byitfctcfi GoW^bSsfaS^hb^ttrirtiiiation.
ierpm.cnt, ifnll.S: directly-andipi-oporlyi, w.ißiig
■csflufei'preSlioh br'fhe 'cohs’tiluftph. And,
HEW SEMES.—V<JI.. 3, HO. 3“3.
• i.'ilj.Tv!-''!
I would 'aldb'fecbinmend the adoption of
measures, either by Appointing a committee'
of by such other efficient
mode aa majr bethought expedient to sccunv
the joint and united action of the several
statcs.iri teres ted inTtlie. project of const™ c-
rail road cbnimunicatioi:
betwhcn -Pittsburg ;ahd, St. Louis'. This
may be effected by a joint incorporation of a
company; orbfaeveral companies, with au
thority for the .purpose,,,or by the states
through whiclrthe road..would pass, under
takiiigjt themselves,, upon flips’,mutually
assented to'by all. ‘ Iljwould afford frie great
jildasurc" to tfAhsihit t'o'(life''Legislature's of
as will tehd tu tlds liSppy result.
It miy. hot v bo- aibiss i; to' add. that 'the - bold
and • sagacious: ■ policy of ■ our. southern Inml
northern neighbors, to 1 Hecure the trade of
theSbuth & West, is well calculated totul
moniak, Pennsylvania to he -on the - alert.—;
Whep:the countless advintages, to which I
haVe barely adverted, may be firmly an,d sea
cufely grasped without the sligfest expense
or inconvenience to the pebplej let themimt
be surrendered by legislative procrastination.
The day foi'ac.tiou has alreadyamved.-
In reference to the niode of obtaining funds
tbsupply the preseht wants of -the'Treasury,
I am in possession oftioTUrtlW information .
tlian is already before you, in.the .’report of
the -andTn the message of
myiprcdfcceßsor;...No other alternative seems
to be presented, than taxation or loans—of
the two,-the latter, appears least objectiona
ble, because productive of least hardship to
•the people—is less expensive; and ean' be
carried into efteot'twith. greater facility.—
That th'e'creditand'Veßburces of (lie State,
are' ample to'.extricntc hcr, 'ih'thb ’present
crisis from embarrassment;; is a fact which
no intelligent citizen can doubt. It-is in no ,
Spirit of self-ilunicie,nc.y or empty graf illation,
that_cvery citizen of ‘Pennsylvania justly
looks Upon this Oommonweallh as second to
rionb.of the sister states, in the ihdustry„.fru
gality nnd,intcgrity_(*f her citizeiia-rr4ii thc_
extent,: rjualitj’ l and’accessibilityuf (he bound
less resources, which nature has scattered-.
throughout her borders with a prodigal hand
—in her coal fields—her iron oaf—heragri-. -
cHttu'ral-pvniluctionsfaUd inherstuperidolm
system of internal improvements, connect- .
•itfg tdgbthprdier'remotest- extremities, lin- '
locking her richest resources; and'dnarked,
in its conception; by the comprehensive reach
of, mind,, which entitles its.projectprs.' and. .
fouhdcvsji to rank with the first 'Statesmen
of fhe ago. dThe' credit of Pennsylvania,
resting on-fhis' foundation, can be sluikch-'by
, no convulsion that does not overturn the go-,
vernment itself; and dissolve society iitto lts '"
original/ element?;? Peruniury
'.meats, it is true, may nrise ffom ill-judged
expenditures; or short
sighted 'polfcyjbut theytnust of necessity be
<>f temporary duration. • Time soon detects
fal lad ds —exposererrof a ate sTj era nge -
meats','and corrects’ mis-govertimeht; One
failure to comply’with'her engagements,-on
the part ol the Hfate, becomes tTic parent of
future precautions like bccurrences, •
and serves but to show the faithful fidelity
rtf the people to their obligations', because it
is stamped with the seal of universal con
demnation or regrets" ■
It is with po ordinary feylihgs of state
pride| ami satisfaction,'that I express my firm
confidence in the abundant means now pos
sessed by the Conimbiiwealth, to pay her
public, debt by the sale of the public improve
meats, in tJm construction of which that debt
w'S^'fhainjy • conf (Acted; if such measure was
deemed necessary. 6r wise; and also my pon
yictibn,' eqtlally. firm .and grafifydngi iii 'tlie' •'
iqc^sine l vldae'o'r'-liSt‘ : iiieati8 > - to,meet-all
futuVeliaoililieS'treaicd 1 by the,'entire com
pletion bfnlir sybleiii of improvements, ?f,
in thg achievement of this greatUndertnkihg,
wefollow.the dictates of prudence and ’ex
perience.- Nothing blit the improvident of
corrupt mismanagement bf heryulers, can'
mar the, bright prospect-tlfat is opening on
the destiniesofPennsylvania. ', , ’
liaViagl recently-jidsscd 1 through ii period
of unexampled excitement add ngi|atibn,tht:
people’of this'grcht comnibnwealth.are anx
ious for reposp. SbdiU''gqihmoiionyprodiH'
ceU'by'pijliticnl', .pefchninfyof'anjf'othei' ciu- •
s.eS, l arb J ilestrh'cth'e : fb' thc best interests a'nd
substantial welfare ofthe community. They
cripple bu'sineS' bf all’Kinds; 'public 1
improvements; -deprive'the ‘laboring portion
of'bUf'fellbtv;'citizcn3 r 'oFtheir ifte'ans of Sup->
porf.-'akd‘tend'directlytd unsettle-tin?'Toun
datibn’rtf’'efu f Republican institutions; Let
usdiope'fhat' this condition of-things is ait an
end; that henceforth, a spirilbPundeviiiting
reg&'d'frtr the public weal, nht}’ of- UnsU'erv
itig respe'btTbr the InwUof the'Sfatb,'maybe
cteribhed bofh’by licKruJerSand By hef pipV
ple.n Public opinion, the’ unfailing corrective
of all abuses in a ftbVgoveriimcntfcalls loiid
ly tni- direct,
their strotigeatmlßrts-.'
that stat3ibr' : tyan'quillily ahtl^cqUfidehCeyin
the intelligencc aiiti jiati iotisin of the peojde,
tnat-ttisfingnished tlie
e&'ly*t3]niblicailjpredcce ; ssofsi •
dbn'e,.-kUd fepnscs- ! i»ro'Sperity‘a'nd 'patriotic •
concord will again and foreVe'r AbidUin'.btif
beloved..CoininoniVS'al tlti
/- rn cnnnccuon-w.i(li thcutatement I hUv« & :
felj, iti jn v,d u lo,gye: »f- : the liuanc ial jcoiif,
'cUtLmiofjtlip'‘%jLs,,Jl,ljaye tlwoglit, Oiesenoji-;
sidcraiion's,.resp'ecfing I hercr'edii (^
idfcsi , ifiS:h^fy s a'6d';|lsjfe4r fit Wlsapf.
;shukeu;npp;j.mpavt6idfp ; o ,■; ,:
' — >l6tl rJu nu a ry,-V 83 5. --- .■ .
V I’.