The 1111-‘i Journal firmirb ‘ 'ioaneffloib t, L. The b.tipi, , t mr, “It Art: th , .1 t• . Preserving E rums Tlie time is Fo vs ILe Fa ni 10 r , when bousew ivt:s become anxi.te. ab-At laying in a stwk or ("mit in an tpi perishable e_nidititnl. This is a pan 4,1 the business or the tarn that all parties are interestel in, an.l a few words here, by the way of advice awl stigg,esti,m, will not be out of place. Technically, "bottling" and "canning" are different. Putting the fruit in glass jars or bottles, with either corks or lids, and fastening than down by atmospheric pressure or otherwise is e tiled while putting the Fruit in tin caul is Call 11111,Z, ternis are oft e ,nrundol or used interelum:,:elbly. Bottling is the more common proccss in domestic opera tion, and for home use - is. more simple, and on the whole, less expensive, as the lot• ties or jars may ho used for several years, and when put up with care the fruits is quite as good as when put into tin cans. The first requisite in bottling is to have a good variety to retain flavor. Strawberries came so early that they are difficult to keep with porf,!et flavor, yet put up with care, air tight., they can be kept. The bottles should be buried in the cool earth, either in a box or simply in the ground, kept from the light and as cool as posrible. In this way they retz:in their flavor niely and make a deiightful chang3 on the tab!c later in the year. Cherries, raspberries, whortleberries, and blackberries come on the order named, and should be lr►t up a;,(1 treated with oqua l care. l'eaelics should not boe)tne s4l be fur putting up. ILde's early retains its flavor as well as any variety, thouzil its doming so early makes it 'woe difficult to keep, but ir buried in th 3 earth, hjoye de scribed, there is intwli lc dan:/cr. The yellow varieties, thouMli delicate flavor po:.seSs Wore of the peculiar peach flavor (hydrocyanic acii), and are gcneral ly preferred as bent retaining the priel, taste. The white varieties shoall all be put up when quite bard. The stone in creases the peach flavor, and hence many prefer to put them up whole. Those who talk of saving the labor of paring by tak • ing off the skin in very strong hot lye or caustic soda, do not know how much of the richness of the fruit is destroyed. Pare them by all means,unlcss for pickling, when the fuzz may be rubbed off with a flannel cloth or crash towel. For domestic use, all the sugar needed to flavor should be made into sy. - rup and put into bottles or cans when the fruit is put up. Cook the fruit in a porcelain lined vessel or brass kettle ; cook until heated thoroughly through, so as to expel the air; put hot into the jars; fill up with the prepared syrup, boiling hot, and put in corks or put ou covers when as hot as possible. A quarter of a pound of sugar to a pound of prepared fruit is about right. If corks are used cover them right a way with a preparation of rosin and tallow, to prevent the Iw-sage of air through th.cui. Well fitting corks are used for two-inch mouth bottles. The melted rosin and tallow should be ready and conveni►:nt, 'and the corks or tops of jars dipped into it while hot. As 'good fruit as we ever ate was kept in this way. Glass jars with covers easily adjusted will keep fruit very nicely, if put on with care. Peaches, pears and plums, als.o Lowa toes, and cucumbers, may be kept perfect. ly by packing thou in file salt, in stone jars, allowing them to wake their own brine. They mint be kept covered with salt until the brine ►node by the salt and extracted juice covers thew ; then kept under this brine till wanted fur use, when they mast be soaked in several waters until fresh enough to put into vinegar. We have eaten fruit kept thus fbr two years. It wakes a change grateful to some appetites, especially to lovers of pickles. Farm Wagons Of the cowmen height, fore wheels 3 feet 8 inches, hind ones 4 feet 4 inches. are too high and heavy for small farm teams, weighin; less th:zn 1;200 pounds apiece. Whatever way he the correct theory on the leverage of kng spokes on solid, level ground, we care not, as our only trouble in hauling farm stuff on the hard roads has been in the uphill and the down. We find fore wheels 3 feet 2 inches, hind wheels 3 feet 8 inches high. much easier to work with fur man am beast. It gives a low teatu a lifting hitch on. the wagon up hill and a lighting one down hill. A brake fur it is unnefts.iary. As they g.) over the sralLs their weigh; is la) pounds less. Climbing over the hills, every extra viund against the owner. If a load is stalled on the road we always lower the hitch to lift the load. and draw down ou the team to increase their ;Ore foothold, and move on without more de lay. The usual size wagon may be just right IT large lift-res and tall non but farmers' boys and teams generally- are neither large Lot- heavy. The pit chit on in the field determines the ant - twit of the day's work. _X low tvag•in is easiar to load, therelbre quicker loaded, with shorter fork handle than common. The hay and grain rack with eight. inch side pieces may be made level by putting a low guard over the hind wheels. This, too,ihelps the man on the ground and will go to the field and bring a given number of shocks as hay or grain quicker than a high built wagon or rack can, thus mak ing make hay while the sun shines. It is lighter on muddy roads; if the team sinks the downward draft is less on the low wheels. If they fill up with dirt they bold less than larger ones. They are not good to back heavy loads—the wheels hug the ground. "You can't make a ham pay with too many legs under the kitchen table." THE average butter yield of the Ayr thire Cow is one pound from twenty to twenty•five pounds of milk ; from the Jer sey it is one pound of butter from eighteen pounds of milk. e .i i \ ... \ ‘';.k . ~... 4 -3 F77 ----- ~,,:',! r ,- -T., f , -- - 4 t ,, __ ..,,.. ,_ ~.., „., _., , . .. ~., ._.:„..? .. ••,..- , -r:.f• 't • II ... r., '••-....4- • CARCAIig3 EN EVER , ( DEPARTMENT ;.) Lt. . • Lit:47li: of po,a:ht vs, %%ill (:,.• ; 0104 0 , the tontityg Autui 1111 l h.: ve scer7rtli :t!. 12:4 t!! 4ft . t.t11.14..1 tcaar largo be th.rolvit. into olio Great. Cautis EIARCAENG IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Vefore making, the needed alterations lu this; enlargement, we will sell a large portion of ,or present stork by king . such reductions iit front time to time its will mai, it the as trrt,it of every buyer to personally ?WC the inducements we are olfering, or write us for what you y want,--Our Mail Department looniptly and carefully attending to all tont- Inunications uddresscd to us. BARCAIIIS Hi EVERY DEPARTMENT Many Spzelal Bargains will be shown in every ilepartment, in addition to the full regular mock always shown by our house. We have, and Colored Silks, Satins in Blacks anti Colors, Velvets, Brocades, and many elegant materials now so muck used In combining and rimming. BARCAMIS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT la Dress Goods are the Plain end Figured Materials made by the French and English, also all the desirable American fabrics, the prices of which run from Ge. to 81.25, most of which have been marked away down. In Silks, too, we lu ve some rare bargains. BARCAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Linens, Cottow, and General House- Furnishing Dry Goods, Including Table Linens, Towels, Sheet:Jigs, guilts, Shillings, etc., the assortment Is very full and complete. CARCtrAe-:S I§l EVERY DEPARTIVIENT (:loves, lie' [cry, anti Small 'Wares ri`CCUce their of attention, the stock. being one of the zu:ct active in our stores. Ready-Natio I"itticrlvear is a Specialty, and is growing eon slantly. The second floors are devoted to the sale of I'Vrapix•rs, Dusters, Jackets, Wraps, etc., for ladies, Also Girls' and. Infants' Clothing, Rays' Clothing, etc. CARCAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT lan ‘,,piveviraggf p COark t , v 4. C one EIMT.ii :and WIAMECrT Street:4 l POILADELPEiIa. 2‘1,4,11 • • • -•-• - ••• - ' -~ ' r . _t - , - i -- , - - ,- ., - .., -- -.. - -:.---\ ''• ri:_ --IW• . ...:',N ' ' , ii." , ...,1.: fLi • . '• , k, • 1 : , , - ~. - • pt-- - , ;. - . 7, ~ \l_ - ' ' ' t. • . ',. ':1 '' , _ • - t' ~' nntil you and Easy Running Machine in the Ever Re!iable VICTOR. -VICTOR SIZWINC MACHINE. CO MPANY, - Western Branch ()ace, 235 STATE Sr., CUICACTQ, ice. FiIDDL ET OWN, CONN. S. S. SMITH & SON, Agents, HUNTINGDON , a March I_, ]330-6 nos. tVIOSt NICHOLS,EiIEPARD:IOO.I3attIoCregt is AID ONLY GENUINE „its ‘...1; t•i for vastly superior work In all *Frac 01 • Gra , • • - I, • '':; known as the o n ly successful Thresher • ,••Yer. and all other Seeds. .A.TONIIIIINGLY urn .111 LE and • •.:ta one half the usual gears and belt, roirrA • I o itti special features of Power, Durattility, Safe , Ecullitmv, reality entirely unknown in . Sttutu•rower 1/utli4 and Steam-Power Separator's a }',cur ,i to, of scparatto-, front It to 12 ors , •• e., ; u!•,.. 2 r•ty6 a IlLiprov.i Mounted Ilurse•Powers. 82 Years of Prooperown sand Contistut..lllunlurpm I.c the: loot, oitnuat change of name, location, or lauutui,tes blew, furuishrs a strut; guarantee fur .pv6, g 0 0 ,14 a. 114 huuut.tWc d , ll l . l hg• CAUTION, tnachinee to the wall; hen, arieus ar• c..W to hula palm ult . nth ri• and mongrel iuiltatious . uf car 1 alimus BE NOT DECEIVED from zu, bICHOLS. SHEPA...II) & CO., Bathe Creek, Mich March I a, 1,30-2::t. PERFECTLY SAFE IN THE MOST INEXPERIENCED HANDS! - For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera, AND ALL THOSE NUMEROUS TROUBLES OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS SO PREVALENT AT THIS SEASON, Yo Remedy known to the Medical Profession has been in use so lung and with such uniformly I.,iti•factory results as PERRY DAVIS' Tt has Leen used r Ith snit h ronlerfu I success in all parts of the world in the treatment of these difficulties, that it to 5e considered AN UNFAILING' CURE FOR ALL surf CONIPLAINTf.: and such it really is when taken in time and according to the very plain directions incloing each bottle. In such diseases. the attack is usually sudden and frequently very acute; but with a safe remedy at hand for immediate use, there is seldom danger of the fatal result which so often follows a few days' neglect. The inclination to wait and see if the morrow does bring a better feeling„ not infrequently occasions a vast amount of needles suffering, and sometimes costs a life. A timely dose of Pain Killer will almost invariably save both, and wills them the attendant doctor's fee. It has stood the test of forty years' constant use in all countries and climat es , and Is perfectly safe iu any person's bands. It is recommended by Physieians, Nnrres in nosnitals, and persons of all classes an professions who have had opportunity for observing thewondcrful results which have always lolloWed its use. THE BEST EVIDENCE: I hive len.? Irma the medicine known as PERRY Messrs. PERRY DAVIS t SON: DAV 11 - i'VEUETABLE PAIN KILLER in my i.imity 1 know you need no testimonial to convince yen and would not on any aecouut he without it. When that your medicine is all that you claim for it, hut I Cholera was last epidemic here, I used no inedicir, c::anot restrain the impulse to communicate te you of any sort but the Pain Killer,. and although myself the fact that in my family it has truly done wouil,s. and several members of my tinnily were attacked I adroMister it to my children (ono eighteen mouths, severely, lam happy to say that the 'Pain Killer WWI and the other three years old) with perfect success. equal to every ewe - mewl% I consider I should not It regulates their bowels, and stops all di:milli - ea. be doing my duty to the community did I not say Bissell' and wife resort to it in all caws, both for this much. If I were attseked by the eholem internal and external use. I've used it in my family til4i3V. Pain Killer would be the only remedy I for the years. and trill slut lie without it. Feelia_r should use. I have thoroughly tasted it, and know myself under much obligat ion to you, in many times it, can be relied on. being relcvel from pain, I ant very truly yours, F. E. BERGINSEND, Galena, Illinois. L. F. BIOURE, Baugah', Dutch.. Co.,`New York. No family can ath,ril to be without it, and its price brings it within the reach of all. The use of one bottle will go further to convince you of its merits than columns of news paper advertising. Try it, and you will never do without it. Price gke, 30c. and Sl.OO per bottle. You can ob—sin it at any dru ms store or front PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providonce, R. t• New Advertisements COME TO T lIE JOURNAL OFFICI. FOR YOUR JOB PRINTING. If you we sale If you want bill heads, If you want letter hert. If you want visiting ear.i?, If you want business cards., If you want blanks of any kind, If yeu want envelopesneatly printed, BRICK YARD AT COTTAGE If you want anything printed in a workman ike manner, and at very reasonable rates, leave . GROVE, yourorders at the above named office. - - -- v. here T will keep constantly on hand a full assort- CHILDREN TO INDENTURE. went of A number of children aro in the Alms House who will be Indentured to suitable parties upon BUILDING AND PAVING BRICK, application to the Directors. There are boys and of the best quality, which I will cell at the lowest girls from two to eleven years of :pre. Cail I,pon ; cash priePs. JESSE SUMMERS. or address, The Directors of the l't:ur of Hunting don county, at Shirleysburg. foet4,'7S-tf MaY7-IYr• COLORED PRINTING DONE AT j vOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, GO TO the Journal Office at Philadelphiaprioes. IA: IHE JOUR; AL OFFICE. 7) . tt, D r . tt:n • • f t ri M 8., Er. •L= rtiA3 0 . 1 „ tiii A ' ~ r i.i ~ L. 771 sk r 4' . ..r2 ill ;.; z7.7 - zonl:3er, 1878. 1:z:4 Machines Evry Time, r to the trap, Don't buy . . . 4„,,, ~ • ~7.;._,..... -0R)).. .. _. ~ ~. , ..... ....,.,..,.._ ...., i , ... __ 7' Machinery and Portab and Traction Engines. TUE %TA:WARD of excelleuce throughout the Graf. M T i .ESSI for Grain-Saving, Time-Saying, Perfect .11 Th.n . unglt INt it li I ‘i: UtLE in ginsl:ty of Material, Perfection , orkivat,Lip, Elcyant linibh, awl VECETABLZ: PAIN KILLER TTIE COTTAGE BRICK YARD ! I k • • 11,41 c;i" 3 I.IFITTI 5 wilh! .2 101 Z his long been the, in the market fait. •1 • ; • :•:.r tli , S...eti 11OW r it greater simidieity, ; •ci in of frirtinn and a • mien of ineelianhaa, i. hi gliest nehieventent3 ; • rote.—We do not lc rtSO ! : therefore, have no.olil all.l re-varnii.-.h for onr New Advertisements uform•thc public that I have just Opened a ffirtsoc. On Arfier. ,~ ~.,i, o deeill i. hot how-e, ;,, or 41-.ll:.stie be managed a 4 well by quiet f And yet how it moVes ;ihont like coin the tra•ses, and isoo tLe family eirele, from mamma I , :i•iiA:l;_Ai ii wLf , to her sent at the table with a aor disanst ? I-low closely Mrs. ht.1,11 ,, s 1., hi, (.1111;.ell : Witelleti MN. temper. comforts herself wi;11 tli ti.,•112.1it, at kast is not ti f,r the hone piety that preaebes tt A daily by example. (it:et!, w'ven a very young girl, I was itn- I.y lilt. ma niter and wo; tis 44* a good wo•tiatt. Site swaying haek and forth with a puzzled look (tti Il.r sweet face was thinking how to get rid of a petty Arising, site rang the b• ll. 31111 ;:rrvalit, entered in a noisy way. ‘•;-:aca'1, 3ou may sit&Aviv" Tlp 3 ;iii threw herself sullenly on a chair averting her face Put sorry to have to find fault in you, Sarah." 4 'o, yer needn't be, r vitg mied to b'arin' yer seuldf. "I don't think I have ever t..eulded you. try to watch myself against that sin lime I ever seold , Al you?" "Well, ma'am, not to say ravin' seoldin' as some do, but yer tell 3 me things and makes me ashamed of meself" "I want to be kind to you ; poor girl, for you are a stranger in a strange land. I was going to ask you to try and be more pleasant to the children. It is now a whole Week since a ;:ritile hos been oriyour lace. Now must I hmso toy go' , d girl or keep her ?" S;trah looked down, and said : "I think 1113:11111, if I Ilk! fly work well, I might look ~ r nve like if it suits me." Don't on sce toy gii catch )UUF sullen N y•tu must tu: a rhotoful, l.!,•:1-;ut :,'i;l If you ate to ,t.:iy; and row 1 wa :t dt eide tor ina • i:iti." And a• r;e tt!ars fi;kel h r ruc a4litud : Vt'i are the best. mistress in the wide world " p::sied and Sarah rewained a ein!crfal sc 'want, till a wise &How tcok her for if Wirt', aDI nt•iny tears fell for the loss of a fairlful servant. Who shall count the value of words filly spoken ? A Few Hints to Parents. Teaeh ,uiu• ehildtan those things they will need when they become men and wo men. As warren they should understand how to cook, how to make a bed, how to preserve cleanliness and order throughout the house, how to ornament their rooms, to renovate and preserve furniture and clothing, how to sing, how to play various games, that they may enliven the house hold. They should be taught how to swim, how to ride, how to drive, how to do bus in:!ss, and how to preserve health. The mother should entrust money to the girl, with which to buy articles for the house hold, that she may learn its value. Think what a man and woman need to know in order to be healthy, happy, prosperous and successful, and teach them that. Teach your children bow to work ; how to obtain a living by their own efforts. Teach them the nobility and dignity of labor, that they may respect and honor the prodtteN.. Explain the leis in why. The chfld is a little w,:lking interrogation p.)int. To it all is new. Explain the reaton. Your biy will some day repay this trouble by teaching some other child. Teach your children the evil of secret vice, and the consequences of using tobac co and spirituous liquors ; teach them to he temperate. orderly, punctual, twat, faith ful and honest. Encourage your children to be careful of personal appearance; to return every tool to its place ; to always pay debts promptly ; to never shirk a duty ; to do an agreement. Give your children your c•,ufidence in the affairs of your business. They will thus take interest and become co workers wtth you. If you enlist their respect, then their sympathy and co-operaticio, they will quite likely remain to take up your work when you have done, and will go ahead perfecting what you have com menced. If you arc a farmer d.) not overwork your children and thus by hard work and dreary lite drive them off to the cities.— Arise at a reasonable hour in the morning, r:zke an hour's rest after meals and quit at live or six o'clock in the afternoon. Let the young people indulge in games and other amusements, and have a happy time during the reinainder of the day. There is uo reason why a farwer's family should he deprived of recreation and a:nusewent any wore than others. I.V hat Better Evidence the pyitpie ask to substantiate the owi its of lfr. Tierce's Fatuity Medicines ti.tit the Gist that they have not only roam L . in popular htvor in this eouuLri, but the f.reign demand fin. them has bi_c,.nw. si gteat as to tieeem,itare the emtabii,hirig a bitineh or the celebrated World's Disponsmy in London, England, that. t be,e Le-sings to the afflicted may be (lisp:itched flout thlt greatest eutinnereial centre of the world to every country and pe , ,ple? hidden Mecial Discovery is a e!etwentratttl, potent, alterative, or 1.):00d remedy, that wins golden opinions of all who use it fir all humors from the common pimple, blotch, or., eruption, to the formidable scrofulous swelling. In ternal Inver, soreness and ulceration yield to its benign influence. Consumption, which is but a forin of scrofulous affection of the lun.4s, may in its early stages . be cured by a free use of this God -given remedy. See article on consumption and its treatment in "Invalids' Guide Book" —lO cents post paid. Address, World's Dispensary Medical A.sweiation, Buffalo, N. Y. 'rat ly WOR CHESTER, Miss., Feb. 3d, 1879. DR. R. y. PIERCE : Dear Sir—With trembling hand, from my extreme age, being eighty five, I write to inform you of the great benefit your Golden Medical Dis covery and Pellets have been to me. Three years ago I was prostrated with pneumonia, and no one thought I would recover. By the use of those medicines I was raised to health, and by the blessing of God and your medicines I have enjoyed pretty good health since, though for years ,before this I suffered from weak lungs and a bad cough. Gratefully yours, MARY B. FISK. .f Miy twt otic SI if UNS' r _:;.I.1:. t iu u, 11,tit,II, health i 4 invariaidy I. I or ‘t.ot 11r:1111011 ill Olt. Li .I:ouidiee, Pam iii iii t-h—C.- •lers, Cough, DiZAille , a, 4t011111.11, t: VA, 111 mouth, hilts:us attach-,palpitation of the hem t,depp• of the t-pitits or the 1.1111.6, awl a hundred l.•r sy ii . . LivEg 14.4 remedy the little miss i• 11, Pr! 1;.I . :,1,1 he'll., a iln tin injury iu mil tkit ii be take.t. It is liii,riulens ut tic. ry Nay; it tuts been timid fur fully years, • :mil 111111111,14 110111 all tarts (it the country will vouch fur its virtues, viz: LIVER A of (;,orgia; .1 Georgia:. Sloo ter, of Alatotos; Gill. John B. ,fordott, L. 31t)it, of Coln tit I of 4, t:.%., art. aratot:g Ow It titi dre4ts to whom wt. ran fel,. Extract of a ktter W., Alex. 11. :41.1.1,04. tlatnl 11:ll `.; :"I ally lISP whet' illy 1,1111.•1, 11, Liver Itegitlatim., with good eirei•t. It is mild, awl snit than actin r in,. It is te.t tho quantity VII that give, sireugth . , 1•:.•. ULATOR RE _U • taki let it he nine'. • • - - • 0, ',tile. There:, cuot ,aimulate lip the stow:telt to crave limit, but rather :ts,,t rii;,estiun after Calllig by taking Simmons' Liver Regulator ORIGINAL AND CENUINE, :11anufactured only hy 14. .A I , SSF I L JESSEKERS , WHOLESALE AM) lIETAEL DEALER IN SVC AP‘-; ,63.711?;111 , ' - 7 - ; sr , a, ,#raiZaiiik> 1-4 i. lliera 11 t‘j' !I t'Ci i / No. 4 15 Penn St. Iluntin2llon, Pa $lOOO REWARD. Catarrh is the most universal anti distressing disease of the present day anti the scores of won derful remedies offered for the cure of this dis gusting disease. which are worse than worthless, has discouraged the millions, who 6utTer and have tried in vain fur relief and cure until theircourage has gone and the victim still suffers in doubt.— Here we are, with 1)r. Josiah Briggs' Catarrh Spe cifics Nos. 1 and 2, and how shall we proceed to convince these deluded sufferers that we have the best and cheapest remedivs known? lst—We will furnish them to responsible parties on condition— '•NO CURE, NO rAY." 2:l—Will pay SlOO tnr a case they will not cure.- 31—Will pay St 00 for their equal as a cure. -1:11—Wiil pay if any thin; poisonous or illeterious found in their composition. 5; h—Wili pay SI,MM if in any par ticular Dr. Josian Catarrh Slte••ilies are found dlnUrent front ‘Varranted to instantly reiieve at:l rattievlly cote Acute. Chronic, Ulcerative au.l Dry Catarrh, Cold in the Head. and all tiffeetions of the eavi tires of tfe head acti threat. Twit hottl e3 in o ne box. Oreatest success of the age. Sold by John Read A: Noun, Huntingdon. Pa. A.blre,.: DR. BRIO,US. Newark, N. J. For sale by all druggists. Use Dr. Briggs' Bunion Balsam, PILES.—What unceasing tortures arise trout Internal Bleeding. External and Itching Piles. The vain endeavors to obtain even partial relief has discouraged the millions who suffer, and they have borne their agany in silence, thinking there was no hope for or even prospect cut a cure. Not withstanding the total failure of the many reme dies heretofore offered for the cure of Piles, and the picture of agony resting on the faces of those who have tried the various remedies, but in vain, yet eagerly sought for and anxiously tried any thing that promised the least relief until their courage has long siLee given place to despondency, let them c.eer tip and allow a smile of happiness t.c illuminate the haggard countenance, and the duties of life will be perfo•med with a degree of happint se and pleasure unknown fir weeks, months or years. BREW:IS' PILE REAIEDIE are the r suit of unceeasing study and expertmenting,the neplus ultra of medical science. and in every res pect sale, rcientitie and reliable for the cure of Piles in every form. Solt I, John Read .t Sens, Huntingdon, Pa. Addr se bit .10:71A Ifif EGGS, Newark, N. J. Fur sale by all dru.!gisfs. Get Dr. Brigg4' Bunion Balsam, Bunions, corns, and other ailments of the feet. cause much swicrin g aurora; all nations by whom shoes are worn. Toone is more than 111,11110 worth of hoots and shoes dastroyed annuaily in the United States kin T• 1 1, re,t of tne world wore than $1,000,000) by con tin . ; while new, or nearly so, to wake ro,n tor pilot ty.rhs, ih groWlng nails, sou, iLsrep, r , si.ics this great sacrifice, there is paid iu Now York to ch•iropo ahnut >a non annialle. Pi the. New ::u_- land State- about . 2. - ainin nily in the West ern and Southern ale ut 7-Oomon, t e tire :his there :::inlitamoin spent annually nor cau-ric- and other worthless compounds for the enre or bunions. corns, sore insteps, tender feet, ere. these great loses Ski expel ditures. Dr. Josiah Briggs' Unflion Bab..uu nirid Corr l'•.rn Cure, which is the only prep :ration U. •,11 t ;ices itntnedince an.: ladies Hy vitro., bard, ~,rt or uleerate.l buoltt,, h. -..ft ni..l festered esee,vocvs, large and small e..,re blistere.l F• et, ja- growing nail,. any pain or ...orene,=. W.trrlid,of ,art• 611, St.ld by John Ri•ad llnntingolon. dress Ncwark, N. J. For ?ale by all druggisl Dr. Briggs' Catarrh Specifics the Best The pains increases from time to time, until your nerves Set:lll3 to snap and crack, jerk and jump and play all sorts of pranks fiont the top of your, head to the tips of your toes, the demon shooting forth like lightning along one unfortu nate nerve, and now trying to tie another into a thousand knots, then attempting to wake a bow string of another, sometimes in the region of the heart, again in the face, neck, etc., in short, if you have neuralgia in its worst form, with all the agony distilled to its excruciating degree, use lilt. BRIUGS' ALLEVANTOR, and in a trice your neuralgia, with all his demands, has departed,und once again you may be happy. For sale by John Read & Sons, 410 Penn St., Huntingdon, I'a• Mayl4-Iy. FREEOUTFIT to agents of 3 dozen fast sellin 7. articles, sent to every person answering this advertisment, and enclosing four 3.cent stamps to pay postage and packing. This is honest. We refer the public to postmaster, or any business house in this place. AMERICAN MANUF'G. CO., Franklin City, Ma s.l. junc2s.3nl New Advertisements. LI VER DISI:Aq::01.1 LI Ii tiou prevail to a greoler t than prolial,ly any other mala dy, anti relief 6 always anx iously sought atter. It the - llott. J. H. ZEILiN & C 0. .; pRHADELrIir, .31 ,; .Y/ TPA CTUREIi, TOMNO CO N Ti N D SC4I(I/%1 (( SplWilll/11 eal PILE REMEDY. BUNION BALSAM. Wi!li NEURALGIA. :•3!,_t_.—Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines r-- • -L. _L_ Music and &wing Machine Store, „ , ~. e: ... .. '~~~. .. n _ . . i ti'• _ „ . • s;?i~rt'" ~~ , We have the largest and best assortment of ORGANS and SEWING MA CHINES ever brought to Huntingdon, and would respectfully invite all who desire to buy a Musical Instrument or Sewink Machine to call and see our stock. - We have styles and prices to snit everybody, and will sell low for cash or monthly payments, and the rent allowed if purchased. We have a wa s .-on running constantly delivering Organs and Sewing Machines. All kinds of Sewing Machines repaired. . Piano and Organ Grecs and Stools. Don't forget the place, west end of Penn street, near. Fisher S.; Sons' Mill. April26,lS7B. S. S. SMITH & SON. Advertisemeri - MRS. LYDIA E, P!NKHAM. Dt.LON LYDIA E. PINKHArrin 71 7 CTILTABLI2 coxPotTND. The Pn , itvo Cnre For all Female Complaints. This preparation, as its narne consists of Vegetal.le Properties that are Larmle.e to the most del icate invalid. Upon coo trial the merits o f this Com • pound will be recognizei, as relief is immediate; anti when its use is continued, in ninety-nine cases in a bun_ red, a permanent cure is effected,asthoussuada will tes tify _ On we tint of its proven nierits, it l 3 to -day commended and prescribed by the beat physielium hi 11, country. It will curs entirely the worst form of falling of the uterus, Leuearrlnea, irregmlar and painful Menstruation, all Ovarian Treuldes, Initammation and Ulceration, Floodings, all Didineementa and the con. spinal weakness, and is especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel turners from the uterus nan early stage of development. Tie tendency to cancerous humors there is checked very speedily by its use. In fact it hos rroved to be the greet est and hest remedy that Las ever been discover ed. It permeates every portion of the system, and gives new life and vigor. It removes faintnese,ilatulency, de stroys all craving fur stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomneh It cures Bloating, nem - ladles, Nerentis rrnstrntl, , General Dehility, Sleeple,ness, Depression and ball gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cared by its use. It will at all times, and under all eircumstam era, act in harmony with the law that governs the female systena. For Sidney Complaints of either sex this cwalpuund Is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at and Western Avenue, Lynn, Slass. Price SLOO. Six bottles for $5.00. Sent by mail In the form of pills, also in the form of Lozenges, on rreipts of price, SLOO, per box, for either. Mrs. PL.NEHANI freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send fur pain. phiet. Address as above Mention this paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKIIA:tP LIVER PILLS. They cure Constipation, Biliousness, Ind Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents per box. . it • IicNTINGDuN, l'A. Junel LISSO-Iy. RISE I A 17 4 .4 ) TO SAY rW . t 44, (:±9 :* :‘,. 1 ., 47(4;e7 Tll P 11. ~ 110 )10 r 1 (I 1 ° 'ld kTr 3RD TILE LATEST STYLES OF P~~s..PE,T PISS, METHODIST HYMNALS, 1.131.,mrs Photo. and Auiograph Albums, SCRM BLANK BOMB, NHS MCTI, IN ENDLaS VAIIIETY FINE POCKET CUTLERY, Pocket Books and Purses, Antl a th.a , anil and one other articles. scrio,aLt STA .TIOURY: qtaient, per cent: cheaper than at Iu larg, BOOK SATCHELS fr,un 13 , :•ctiti , i n .: I:OMPANIONS fr.ou . cents up; fr., 5 e , •:.ts PEN( IL PAD froin 5 cents up: uthor WRITING FLU IDS :in,' INES as low us 3u. per bottle. ALL if.iNDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS I:EDICED •2..1 1•1:li. CENT. A LAtztiF. SrucK OF S I of Chvr!ornil n l Chedierboad for S ds, IF Y./I: WANT i:A10;AIN:, CALL AT THE JOURNAL STORE Manhood; How Lo:it, How Restored! tt,t . a now edition of €:thehrated E.tsty on the r.t.1.e.t1 yore twtthont medicate; ot zsperinatrirli , •l St urinal Weakness, Involun tary -•er . ii ins I Losses, Impotency, Mental and Phys ical luctipaeity. impediments to Marriage. etc. al s o, Coneuteption, Epilepsy anti Fits, induced by net or sexual extrava4ance, The ;:elelra,red author, in this irdmirable Essay, riy dcniant.trateS, fr to a thirty years' success rut praetice, that the alarming consequences of s..ll•aliuse niair be ratlie:iliy cured without the dancerous use of internal med:eine or the appli eat ion of the knife: pointing out a mode of curt at once certain, and etrectual, I,y , means of which every sufferer, no lustier what his con- I dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. -ThiS Lacture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. - cat under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad drei:,, post-paid, on receipt of six centi or two po,ta stamps. Address the PnbliFbers. THE CULVERIV ELL MEDICAL CO., 11 Ann St., New York, N. Y., Post Office Box, Julyl6,lSBo-Iy. e 6,000 AGENTS. WAIg TO IFED TEN S _ S, E II vIu i4 Y E WIfEE I- .4111 One Agent made $52.50 in two days; another, $32 in one day. TRY IT. It 9ive Sole Ageney of Town or County. ("Send 6 ets. for 200 Paces. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mass. Sept. 5, 1579-eow-lyr. A NEW DEPARTURE! BEST PLOW IN THE WORLD: THE SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. of Syracuse, N. Y. Are now putting on the market a Plow that Ls as much superior to any Plow heretofore made as the Plows of the past few years have been superior to those made half a century ago. in usu It obviates MI the objections Made to any other Plow. In addition It embraces several nev.v features of the greatest value, for wiLleli we have ob tained exclusive Patents. Its Ecarn,Clevis, Jointer Standard and Ni;heel Standard will be STEEL, and its mold board will be a composition of Steel and Iron chilled under a process for which we have also obtained an. exeltUvo Patent. It will 100 called CHILLED STEEL PLOW Itslrelglit will be eighteen pounds less than our present styles. A first-class Steel Plow, made In the or dinary way, full rigged, retails for twenty-two dollars. Inferior Steel Plows retail from six teen to nineteen dollars. The price of our new Plow will bo but Seventeen Dollars, and it will be the cheapest Agricultural Implement ever sold. Its moldb ,, ard will otawear three of the very beSt, Muds of the ordinary steel mull boards. It will teour in soils where all steel plows and all other plows %—vo hitlo to proved. a With this Plowlr.tnducc , .: a corm gated Plow Point and Joint •r Point, on which we have also obtained a Patent, and which I. also a great improvement, both as regards strength and wear. The Jointer can be shifted so as to take more or less land, and also more or less pitch, and it can always be kept on a line with the DAV. The wheel will run under the beam or one skle of it as desired, and always kept in line. The beam is adjustable for Spring or Fall Plowing, and also for two or three horses. The handles can be adjusted to accommo date a man or boy, on the same Plow. It is a perfect Plow. Wooden beams are going out of use because they shrink, swell and warp, and never rim two seasons alike. Iron beams are too heavY. Malleable beams become demoralized and bend, which is much worse than to break. A Steel beam is the necessity of the day. It is three times as strong and very much light, - 2r than any other style. When we say a Mold board is chilled, the farmers know it is so. Th neW st..ek .f fine 11.1- . 01'4 re% ceir..4. at thu We do not palm off on them a composition of various metals And call it chilled metal. We want agents for this new Plow in every town in this State. We can give but a very small discount to them, but we will pay the Railroad Freight. We propose to place this Plow in the hands of Farmers as near the cost of manufacture as possible. It will be the bcst Agricultural IMplement ever sold. h lel! are inarkt..l 41,,A% tl Rock-bottom Prices. It shall also be the cheapest. Persons therefore who are not willing to act as agents on the principle that «a nimble six pence is better than a slow shilling," need nut apply for an agency. Plo'a son commission. All sales absolut% C 77 This is the only Steel Chilled Flow la the World. Steel costs several times more than Iron. But this Plow, full rigged, by giving small discounts, can be sold for Seventeen Dollars. compare tills pi ice with that of any Iron Plow ever made. It Is cheaper than any other Plow now made would be at five dollars and a laalL Where there are no agents we will, on re ceipt of Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any Railroad station in the State and pay the freight. Address, SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. Syracuse, N.Y. A. IT. CHUM, Mirklesburg, Huntingion county, P„.. JunelJ•:im, A vozoia11;le . preparation and the onli srare remedy in the world for Bricbt's Diseake. Diabetes. and ALL Wane'', Liver, and Urinary Disienium. f.) - Testinionials of the highest order in proof of these stateinenta EtrFor the cure of Diabetes, call for War ner's Safe Diabetes Cure. 4 , 13 - For the cure of Bright's, end the other diseases, call for \Yankee* Safe li.iducy and Liver Cure. It is th P best Blood Purifier. and stimulatePi every function to more healthful action. aud, is thus a benefit in all diseases. ..Wclir - e.slieraizlo - un and other Mirth lErnp. /lons and Diseases, including Cancers, I. 1- eels. and other Sores. Dyspepsia. Weakness of the Siosniv.h, I Constipation. Dizziness, General Debil ity. etc., are cured by the Safe Bitters. it is unequaled as an appetizer and regular tonic. Bottles of two sizes ; prices, 50e. and 81.00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly gives Rest and Sleep to the stitTering, cures Headache and Neuralgia. Prc ,,, z 3 Epileptic Ells. and relieves Nervous Pros. 11i...11i0n brought on by excessive drink, (W.f. work, mental shocks, and other causes. Powerful as it is to stop pain and soothe dis turbed Nerves, it never injures the system, whether taken in small or large doses. Bottles of two sizes; prices. 50e. and 61.00. -——- - - WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an . immediate and active stimulus for a Costiveness. Dyspepsia, Bit llovness, Mons Dia, shwa. Malaria, Fever and Ague. and should be used whenever the bowels do not oper.eto freely and regularly. No other Pills require *nets small doses for thurinoth stork. Frit.2a eta. a box. l'arner's Sate Remedies are Tel 1. H. Warner & Co., ran.23,So-Iy. ►---= :~ ~~~ ~~~ ~= 4 04 - 4 J "1 f-J 5 . 0 • :=1 ~---~- ~--- ~..-, ~---: ~~ mL) Miscellaneous It combines all the excellencies of any Plow THE SYRACUSE WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Proprletorp, ROCHESTER, N. Y. ejSract for Pamphlet Id Te+timonial, Drug , and Liquqrs. S. S. SMITH & SON, Mists afl Mothullos, 6 16 PENN STREET, HT_TNT'II\TCI-1710N, fire dealers in Drugs, Medicines, .!^ ('HI EM/ GALS, TOUT FANCY ARTICLES rn % TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, snouLDEll, BRACES, Paints, Oils,Varnish, Car bon Oil Lamps, &c., &c. -A WINES AND LIQUORS, ~?iCI1 ;~ Whiskies, Indies, Willa', Gills, Ales ad Porters, for Mechanical, Medicinal, Sacra mental and Family purposes. A pure article warranted in every case. They are also Agents for the Davis Vertical Feed Sevii4 Machin. Best in the world for all purposes. April 28, 1876—y Travellers' Guide. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OP LILAVINO OF TRAINS Summer Arrangement. WESTWARI, • , ••••• - r^ • I P.M. A. )1 1 11 1 M . 4 id 4 , 5 07' 5 151 5 ~, i2 11 ' Ardenheiut 5 :1'; 1 1,12 Is'7 1:8 HUNTINGDON 5 51 6 11 2 6 lu 11 li, 1 04' : 1 g 1; .. 5 1 1 ;',.: 1 1.) S IS Tyroue 6 3, 6 46 : 1 24 4 ipton 6 ~', 6 5 7 1.15: 7 10 7 20 2 `,45i 1 55 . 1 50, Alwona.. P.M., A M.; P. 51.1 A.ll Tiu Fatht Line Welt.arti, leaves at. G 28 P. M., :vvi a rri vewat A1t....0na at 7 40 P. M. The Pacific Ex prelim, Eastward, leaved Huntingdon a 8.45, a ni, and arrive 4 at Ilarrliburg 11.30 a in. The Philadelphia Express, Eastward, leaved Hunting don at 10.12 p. ni.and arrives •tt Harrisburg at 1.00 a in The Day Express, Eastward, leaved Huntingdon at 1.e5 p. isi. and arrived at Harrisburg at 3.25 p. H UNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RA ILE OAD. Summer Arrangement. On and after JUNE, _let, 158,, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart nOUTII WARD, 61.111tJA6, P. M. A. M :3 ., 9 00 II 4,, 9 i,3 leo4; st0i10; 9 11 Mt C0nne11...0.0.u 9 1., Grafton 9 25 Mat kle,,,burg 1 9 35 Celli, Run I' , 9 50. Rough and Ready • 9 47' Cove 30 9 50 Fishery 4. , 10 00. Saxton 1 10 15 Ft iddlesburg 5 5 , 10 20 Hopewell 10. 10 30 Pipets Rim 15 10 40 Brailier's ▪ 19 47 Talesville '2.5 • 10 50 B. Run Siding 30 57 Everett 11 0.1 Mount Dallas 11EPIORD SHOUP'S I:1:N BRANCH. SOUTHWARD. No. 1 6TATIONS. 10 t. 5 !Saxton__ 10 2 ) !Coaltuoni. lo 21 CrawtOrd. 1' 35 i Dudley,_ EAST BROAD TOP IWL ROAD. On anti after December 4, 1876, trains will run as follows NORTHWARD. )lAIL. MAIL.' No. 3 N. LI P.M. A. M. , 7 45 !Leave tobrrhielale. Arriv ro ok', i 8 1 7 5 ) 5 7 (*.h.', 18 32 4 :11011 , .. 8 3S Three SrrinKi. S 50 .I:eersiville. 3 40 1 9 02 Roekhill. 3 57 19 19 Shirley. 4 06, 9 23 .Aughwiek. STATIONS, 12 5 4u 12 1 , 4 ! 12 09 5 11 A. M j 4 201 942 lAr. Mt. Union. Leave.' 11 55 , 500 *Flag Stations. ARION PIANO FORTE -.'\.,- Estey's Cottage Organs. • 7 . liVerd \ X • •~ ONE THOUSAND MADE AND SOLD -.• MONTHLY. NEARLY OR QUITE DOIT MY, THAT OF ANY OTIIEV, MAKE THE SWEETEST AS WELL AS TUE MUST POWERFUL 4 )RGAN IN THE MARKET. _~l-~) lip PATENT ANION PIANO. WITH r() 'lt NEW PATENT: 4 . E. M. BRUCE & CO., No. 1:108 Chestnut St.. declo,7s] PIIILADEL"I.I lA. S. S. SMITh & SON, At Pena street, Ilunthwilon DRINK ASCHENBACII S 3,III,LEIt'S ~RCJHBE 1E the most delightful beverage of the Pea?on. Cool ing, refre,liii,g mot an excellent preventative of summer complaints. It is a. tonic without any stimulating or intoxicating effects, being a purely vegetable preparation and entirely free from any thing approaching alcohol. It is so very cheap that it is within the means of the poorest. A 2.", c package will make five gallons of beer, All drug gists and country storekeepers sell it. Wholesale Depot, N. W. Corner and Ca.flowhill sts., Phil adelphia. July2-Iy. Dr. Jones' Taraxacum Tonic Or Dyspeosia Medicine, a Vegetable Compound whine virtues have stood a test of .10 years is in fallible in the cure of Dyspepsia and General De bility. Chronic Weakness of Lungs, Spleen, K id neys, Short Breath, heartburn, St. Vitus' Dance, Pain in the Stomach, Back and Chest. Particu larly adapted to all Female Diseases, no matter what the age of the patient may be. Price 75 cents. Sold by druggists. ASA JONES, Pro., 319 N. 3d street, Philadelphia. AND EASTWA R L. IYTi " e r.27i ....;z1 co Mr STATIONS. !"" I 'o.l>" rq e'44 P. 31. P. X 1 u 1 , b 4 3M. 4 2U; 171 7:38 3 68 1 714 3 611. 41... t 7 09 3 41' 3 L 3, 321 6 a 3 3 1: Y 33 3NI 6.33 $ 26 1 03' S2l Sub :WI 6 lE , P.M. jP. X NORTIIWARD 2111.1 L. I?. M. A. M. 1 1 11 11 -0 11 II I i lei 1.. 4 2 19 Is 19 1:: NORTIIWA R I) IA P. p. 3I G. F GAGE, Sc SOCTII AV A ED. .31.‘11.1. NO. 2. N... L, M. P.