The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 27, 1880, Image 2

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    The Journal.
- AI7E3I'ST 27, ISSO
Circulation LARGER than any other
Paper in the Juniata Valley.
Entered at the Ojiee, nt P.,.,
Xerouci CI:INR MEI 2114 'ter,
Republican Na. ional Ticket
At Lura , :—Edwiu N. Benson, Henry W. elite'.
1 Samuel C. Porkiaa, ' 11 Nathan C. Entail ire,
2 Edwin H. Faker, i 16 .1.. W. Cochrane,
3 M. Hall Stanton, 1" George M. Heide
IS George B. Wiestling,
19 Michael Schaal,
W. W. Ames,
21 .1. I'. Teagarten,
22 Nekon I'. Heed,
21 A. 11. W. Painter,
21 T. T. M. Melienitan,
L. NVilliatn L. Fox,
4 James Dobllo/1,
b Ge,rge De B. Keil'',
6 David F. Huston,
Muigsn It. ells,
N Jeremiah 11. 11.0. me,
9 tlearge Calder, Jr.,
lo Isaac S. 51,1y..r,
11 Edgar Piaelsot,
1111 (7,. W. I)olituiet,,
27 Calvin W.
13 Conrad F. Shine..l
14 Charles B. Forney,
Republican State Ticket.
Republican County Ticket.
HORATIO G. FISHER, Huntina,don
JOHN STEWART, Franklin county,
JOHN LAPORTE, Franklin twp
JOHN S. LYTLE, Spruce Creek
JAMES HARPER, Shirley twp.
Consider what LEE and JACKSON would
do were th'y alive. THESE ARE THE
Remember the men who poured forth their
life blood on Virginia's soil, and do not
abandon them now. Remember that upon
your vote depends the success of the Dem
ocratic ticket—WADE HAMPTON,at Staun
ton, Va., July 26.
We call the attention of our Republican
friends throughout the county to the fol
lowing important dates :
The election will take place on Tuesday,
November 2nd.
The last day for being assessed or reg
istered, in order to vote thereat, is Thurs
day, September 2nd.
The last day for the payment of taxes is
Saturday, October 2nd.
The attention of Republican voters is
called particularly to these dates. No vote
skould be lost by neglect or oversight of
being duly qualified.
Examine the lists to day, and see that
your own name is on it, and also the name
of your Republican neighbor. Don't wait
until te-morrow; SEE TO IT TO•DAY.
HON. HEIsTER CLYMER was thrown
from his carriage, one day last week, and
sustained a severe fracture of the right
CHAIRMAN CESSNA has called the State
Committee to meet at Franklin, Venango
county, on Thursday, Sept.' 9th, at 2
o'clock, P. M.
IN 1860 the South asked to be "let
alone." In 1880 the same rebel crew ask
to "be reconciled." Both requests mean
the same thing.
THE !Republican voters of this county
have determined that our legislative ticket
shall be properly Marshalled and safely
moored in Port.
FIFTEEN buildings were destroyed by
fire in Edenburg, Clarion county, on Sun
day morning. This makes the third time
that this town has been flame-swept.
THE bribery cases were called in the
Dauphin county courts on Tuesday, and
on application of counsel for defendants,
the cases were continued until November.
GEN. J. A. MEYER, chief signal officer
of the army, died at Buffalo, N. Y., on
Tuesday morning, of Bright's disease of
the kidneys. The deceased was 52 years
of age.
MR. ETNIER, one of the Democratic can
didates for Assembly, will share the same
fate that he did when he ran as a Repub
lican candidate for the same office against
H. J. M'Ateer in 1870.
TUE Democratic conventions of both
Perry and Juniata counties have declared
for Mr. Speer for Congress. We hope all
the counties conposing the district wil l
declare against him on the second Tues-
day in November. •
TIIE notorious Judge Henry M. Spof
ford, of Louisiana, the Democrat who has
baen attempting to steal the seat of ex-
Governor Kellogg, in the United States
Senate, died at Red Sulphur Springs, W.
Va., on Saturday last.
TIIE Raftsman's Journal has just enter.
ed on its twenty-seventh volume. The
Journal was started by our deceased friend,
lion. H. Bucher Swoope, and still con
tittles to be a true and able representation
of Republican principles.
IF the Democrats should carry Maine in
September, is there a Democrat in the
land who wouldn't crow over it as a glori
ous victory for Democratic principles ?
Not one. And it would be ; for the
"fusion" there represents the vital Demo
cratic "principles" of to-day, which being
summed up ;ire : "Get into power some
way, even if yon have to go in like a
burglar !"—Neir, Yin.k
The Republicans of fluntingion county
have just cause to fLel proud of the ticket
named for their Fulfrages. but had the
Convention F..:ket ea any other of the good
Well named in contwetion with the ditter
ent it:: :ic:ion would likewise have
been worthy of r Won. Where all
the candidates wore Food earyible men
it could have made no misk:l:c.
Tn selecting our popular townsman, ii on.
llottATio FisnEti, for another CMn
gressioual term, the C e,vcatii.n -111,10 . y
discharged a duty it owed a u :dale and
faithful public scrvar I. 11 is e. , 111:-,) iu
Congress is one of whieli he may wail by
proud. In him the people have a repre
sentative who will watch their every intrr,
est. and knowing their want 3 as he does, lie
will see that they do low sear for any
lack of attention on his jet , t. I :is unani
mous re-nomination by evely ci.untv in
the district is a corol-line nt rlrely be
stowed in this day of place-hunting, and
it shows that his constituents fully endorse
his course and appreciate his service-i, and
are willing that he shall he continued in a
position he has so worthily tilled. But
Mr. Fisher is too well and favorably known
in this county to need an extended eulogy
at our bands. He has proven himself one
of the ab!est and most active members of
the present Congress, and having been
again selected as our standard-bearer, it is
the duty of every Republican to give him
a warm and hearty support, and if this be
done he will carry the district beyond a
doubt. He has a wily competitor in the
person of Mr. Speer, and one who will not
leave any means untried to secure his elec
tion, but the friends of Mr. F.sher have
but to be true, give no "complimentary
votes," and his election will be assured.
Our county conceded the candidate for
Senator to Franklin, and tbat county
presenting the name of lion. JOHN
STEWART, of Chambersburg, as its choice,
he received the unanimous endersem nt of
our Convention. We have riot the pleasure
of a personal acquaintance with Mr. Stew
art, but those who know him well speak of
him as a gentleman of ability, with a
character above reproach, and a personal
popularity second to no man in his native
county. Public Opinion, published at
the home of Mr. Stewart, says that "the
voters of this district have reason to con
gratulate themselves that they can be rep
resented in the Senate by one so able and
of such unimpeachable purity of character
as Mr. Stewart. Although a young man,
he has for many years been recognized as
one of the most eloquent and effective ad
vocates, as well as one of the safest coun
sellors, at the Franklin county bar. He
has undeviatingly thrown the weight of his
influence, the force of his example, and
the skill of his profession on the side of
the right and the true. Other than worth•
fly occupying a seat in the Convention
which revised the constitution of the State,
Mr. Stewart has not held a representative
office. His candidacy at the present time
is mainly due to the influences exerted in
his behalf by a large nun:-•er of honesty
loving men in the district, e!.:- have felt
the need of such men as Mr. Stewart in
the legislative branches of the Common
wealth. He is a man who has neither
"dough" in his face nor demagogism in
his politics, and has never egotistically
thrust himself before the people and craved
their honors. Cradled in the Republican
fold, at the dawn of his manhood, upon
the battle field, when the ;institutions of
the Nation were assailed by the sword, he
registered his vows of fealty to the party
of freedom and has never swerved from
their support. Wherever and whenever
he felt that he email advance the cause, he
was found at the front, though he has
never sought popular applause. Faithful
to his convictions and steadfast in the ob.
ligations of his citizenship, he possesses to
an eminent degree such elements of char
acter as must commend him to the confi
dence of every voter in Huntingdon and
Franklin counties, who comprehends the
advantages to the district of being repre
sented at the State Capital by a man of
Mr. Stewart's stamp. His voice will be
heard during the present canvass in the
discussion of the issues at stake, and the
people who have not met Mr. Stewart can
judge for themselves as to his qualifica
tions to discharge the duties of the posi
tion for which he has been nominated."—
When Mr. Stewart visits our county, as he
will do in the near future, we bespeak for
him a cordial welcome, and at the polls in
November we ask every Republican in the
county to vote for him.
ALEXANDER PORT, of Huntingdon, and
H. CLAY MARSHALL, of Mt. Union, are
our nominees for Assembly, and both are
gentlemen worthy the cordial support of
the party. 'Squire Port, having served
one term in the Legislature, proved him
self an able, efficient and useful member,
ever watchful of the interests of his peo
ple, and the experience gained during that
session will be of valus to him in securing
any legislation that his constituents may
desire him to procure. Mr. Marshall, his
colleague on the ticket, has no legislative
experience, but he is a gentleman of ability ,
understands the wants of his constituents,
and if elected, as we have no doubt he will
be, will make an excellent legislator. 'ihe
coming session of the Legislature will be
one of great importance.. Amongst other
duties it will be called to perform will be
the districting of the State into Congress
ional, Senatorial, Legislotive and Judicial
Districts, and the election cf a United
States Senator to take the place of Coffee
pot Wallace, who, for the past six years
has misrepresented the Keystone State in
the U. S. Senate. Our nominees are both
worthy and capable gentlemen, and we be
speak for them an old-fashioned Republi
can majority.
ship, the choice of the Convention for
Sheriff, is a gentleman of fine clerical
ability, large business experience, possess
ing in an eminent degree all the qualities
necessary to make a first-class Sheriff.—
There is no nook or corner in this county
where the name of Mr. Geissinger is not
known with favor, and his hosts of friends
everywhere will rally to his support with
an unanimity rarely witnessed. Ho is a
gentleman of the kindest heart, a quality
much needed in an officer whose official
, dirties often associate him with those in
sore distress, and we know that nu word or
act will ever be uttered or performed by
him calculated to add an additional ping
to the already unfortunate. Not being
possessed with an abundance of this world's
goods !litnselr, his sympathies will naturally
go out to those in financial embarrassment,
and in Lim they will fi rd a friend whose
duties will always be templ:cl with
1111.1 fan );armee to the uttn--t ex
tont aitis p mver. Besides these qualifi
cations, Mr. Creissinger has claims on the
Republicans far his party fealty; his Re
publieanism has ever been of the strictest
kind, and he has always been found train
-41-, wit h the party that "carries the flag
and keeps step to the music of the Union."
lie will make one of the best Sheriffs that
Huntingdon county has ever had, and we
ask fo- hint the united support of the
party. His triumphant eleetion is a fore
gone conclusion.
JOIN LAPORTE, of Franklin township,
our candidate for Associate Judge, is known
throughout the county as a gentleman of
fine ability, possessing all the elements
necessary to make a good officer. Mr. La
porte is one of the original Republicans in
this section of the State, and to him be
longs the proud honor of having presded
over the deliberations of the first Republi
can Convention ever held in Huntingden
county. Our candidate has opinions of
his own, with sufficient intelligence to ad
vance and maintain them, and if elected,
as he certainly will be, he will not play
the part of a were figure-head on the
bench. If the people of this county de•
sire a competent A.sociate Judge they will
vote for Juhn Laporte without respect to
party affiliations.
JAMES lIARPER, of Shirley town.shipi a
member of the present board or Directors
of the Poet., was honored by a re-nomina
tion. Mr. harper has proven himself to
have been one of the best guardians of the
poor ever chosen in this county. Under
his skillful management and advice, in the
economic administration of poor house af
fairs thousands of dollars have been saved
to the tax-payers of the county. Mr. Har
per did not ask a re-nomination, and his
candidacy at this time is wholly the result
of the actioa of the people in their desire
to secu-e a co:npetent and careful officer,
and their verdict in November will be,
"well done, pod and faithful servant, con
tinue to guard our interests in the future
as you have in the past."
JOHN S. LYTLE, of Sprue 3 Creek, our
nominee for C.suaty Surveyor, is a prac
tical man, and having had many years ex
perience in his profession as a surveyor)
will be the better qualise.l to discharge
the duties of the offi ie. He is able, com
petent, and deserving, and we predict his
triumphant election by an old time ma
JOSEPH W. MADISON, of Birmingham,
our candidate for Coroner, is a gentleman
of unassuming manners, fulif competent
to discharge the duties of the office, and
as true to his party as the magnet to the
poles. Mr. Madison deserves the hearty
st.pport of every Republican in the county, we believe he will get it.
Now, Republicans, the ticket is before
you. It is composed of good men, every
one of whom ought to be elected, and we
believe will be, if the party does its duty.
If any Republican has personal dislikes or
feels sore and disappointed, let him forget
them and turn in and talk and work for
the ticket. Victory is within our grasp,
and we invite every Republican, and every
honest voter in the other rart:es, to join
us in our efforts to secure the election of
good and competent men to office.
Every Republican voter in the county
should examine the registry list to see that
his name is on it. Don't wait for some
one else to do it, but do it in person.—
Thursday, of next week, September 2d, is
the last day on which voters can be legally
registered, and we do hope that no Re
publican will fail to attend to this import.
ant duty at once. The assessor of each
district is required to be at the election
house on Wednesday and Thursday, Sep
tember Ist and 2a, from 10 A. m. to 3 P.
as., and from 6P.asto9 P. M. Give this
matter your immediate and personal at.
tention. The lists will be found posted at
the place of voting.
TILE lloi,. Horatio G. Fisher is again
before the people of the Eighteenth Con
gressional district Co their suffrages, hav
ing after a trial of one term in Congress,
received the unanimous endorsement of
his political friends. Mr. Fisher has prov
en himself an able defender of Republican
principles, and has been faithful to the in.
tere,it of his immediate constituents. He
is recognized in Congress as a man of su.
perior business qualifications, whose opin•
ion has much weight in all questions per
taining to the financial and commercial
relations of the country, and the practical
experience of this class of men is more
valuable than the services of those who are
merely theorists
That the Republicans of Franklin county
will give him their hearty and unanimous
support. there is no more doubt than that
he will have a majority of several hundred
over his competitor, Mr. Speer.—Franle
lin Repository.
THE notorious 'Doctor" John Buchan
an, of Philadelphia, the head and front of
the bogus diploma colleges of that city,
jumped from a ferry boat, into the Dela_
ware river, on Monday night a week ago,
but it seems that the "Doctor" did not
make the leap with the iatentilit of having
his body flihed from the bottom of that
classic stream, for he paddled for the shore,
which ho reached in safety, and the latest
news concerning him is that he has hied
himself away to Canada, the refuge for all
scoundrels fleeing from the heavy hand of
the law.
THE Democrats of New York are ma
king a martyr out of Balbo, the Italian,
who was executed in New York city, a
few days ago, for the brutal murder of his
wife. Because Gov. Cornell refused to
interfere and save the scoundrel's neck
from the noose, the Demccratio leaders
are trying to organize the Italian voters
for Hancock. This is all right for that
party, and the new Democratic slogan for
the campaign will be "Nigger-shooting in
the south and wife-murdering in the North.
fitTublicat,i of Petry 11c:id their
county convention last. week, anti aliWll:4t,:t
a series of resolutions we find the 11,row
ing• relating 0 Mr. 'i,her :
Rcsoired, That this Convention deem,' it un
re,,,,ary to appoint Conterees or to hold a Con
f.:r-uce as a mere matter of foftn, which eent , i not
add to the binding force of the nominal ion already
mole by the people of the District ; and we hereby
&Mere lionttio 4;. Fi,her cur nominee for 0,3-
But is c /. C•,af,ren,d he 4 , 2emcl ne
cessary, the s.til Fish,- i , here .y empowered to
to appoint his own Cocrecce:3 to reFesunt Perry
/les:deed, That our representative in Congress,
lion. 11,ratio Fisher, has by his wise and con
sisteut course. met the approval of his constitu
ents, and therefore we pledge hint corearn,st and
enthusiastic support in this campaign.
Inasmuch aA all the countics composing
the XVlllth Congressional District, co l .
cede the nomination to Mr. Fisher we can
see no occasion for the lidding of a Con
ference, and we the suggestion of
our friends in Perry that none be told.
The Republican leaders of Huntingdon county
are in a bad humor because the Democrats and
ti'reenbackers have united on a eouoty ticket.—
Hollithryst ury .9,,sitla rd.
This will be news to the "Republican
leaders of Huntingdon county," and know
ing as they do, that the Greenback party
in this county has ceased to csist, will
cause Clem to "smile a simile." The ac
tion of the three or four persons in this
town, who have been running that party
in the interest of the Democracy, has
driven every Republican Greenbacker, who
lays any claim to honesty and good sense,
back to their first love. The sell was too
plain, and the would-be leaders were not
able to de'iver the goods. The so called
Greenback convention, of Wednesday a
week ago, was run by one of the most
rabid Democrats in the county, and he
performed the duty assigned l,im by the
"Boss" so well that the Greenback minnow
was swallowed by the Democratic whale.
"Republican leaders" are in a good "hu
mor" over this result, for it has been the
means of opening the eyes of those Repub
licans who had joined the Greenback
movement from honest motives; they don't
propose to be sold "like sheep in the
lion. R. Milton Speer is now certain of Cie
Democratic nomination for Congress in the
Eighteenth district. His competitor will be Hon.
Horatio bates Fisher. There will not be a prettier
race in the State than this one. The district is
close; both candidates are reasonably honest ; and
both deserve better of their respective parties than
of their beloved country. Both are quick to see
a political advantage, and will jump for it with
the nimble voracity of a trout after a bait that
suits it. It will be just a lovely race—pull Dick,
pull Devil—and it doesn't greatly matter who
wins —Phila. Record.
From your stand point it may not
"greatly matter who wins," but with the
majority of the voters of the XVIIIth
District it does greatly matter," and they
have made up their minds that Mr. Fisher
must win, and with this end in view the
Republicans are determined to .give Mr.
Speer the liveliest fight he ever had. We
feel satisfied that everything will be lovely
and that the Republican goose will hang
antidiluvian when the returns come in.
WE had the pleasure of a call, last week,
from Frank A. Burr, esq., travelling cor
respondent of the Philadelphia Press, who
was in our town taking a glance at the
political situation, and what he saw and
learned during his brief visit he told the
readers of the Press in an interesting let
ter, which will 1 - e found, in its entirety,
on the first page of to-day's JOURNAL.-
Mr. Burr is a very clever and companion
able gentleman, and his readable letters
adds much to the growing popularity of
Pennsylvania's best daily paper.
THE Altoona Tritane, in noticing the
action of the Republican County Conven
tion, has this to say of ono of our candi
d Ates for Assembly : "We are especially
pleased with the nomination of 11. C. Mar
shall, esq., for the Legislature, as he is
not only a clever gentleman, but possesses
decided ability, and, if elected, will make
an honest and capable representative. The
flattering vote he received in the conven
tion attests his popularity, and that index
we trust will hold good in November."
IN our report of the proceedings of the
Republican County Convention, last week,
we failed to state the fact that Col. Geo.
W. Owens, of Birmingham, who was a
candidate for the nomination of Assembly,
had voluntarily pledged himself, before
that body, to support and work for the
election of the whole ticket. Col. Owens
is always found in the front ranks, battling
for the success of Republican principles,
and his course is worthy of imitation.
WIZEN Col. It. F. Haslet asked, in the
late Democratic convention, "who made
this contract," dc., the tools of Speer were
speechless; they dare not tell who made
it. But we respectfully inform the Col
onel, and the balance of honest Democrats
in the county, that Mr. Speer "made the
contract." Can be deliver the goods
THE Doylestown Democrat is out for
IWr. Speer for Governor. Don't crowd the
mourners, Mr. Democrat, Speer has his
hands full just now, and by the time Mr.
Fisher knocks his Congressional aspira
tions into a cocked hat he will not make
such an available candidate for Governor
as you imagine.
WE would like to embrace a prophecy
on stone to be read of generations in the
OR CEASE TO BE. His sole refuge from
extinction will be in slavery to the white
man.—From the Meridian (Miss) Me r
cur y.
ville, Schuylkill county, died suddenly,
of heart disease, at Atlantic City, on Sun
day last. The deceased was a prominent
Republican, and oue of the most eloquent
and effective speake_ in the State His
place will be hard to fill.
THE re-nomination of lion. 11. G.
Fisher, by the endorsement of the Repub
licans of the six counties comprising the
Huntingdon district, is a compliment which
a faithful, respectable and able representa
tive has honestly earned.—Llarrisburg
The Alabama ° election is important at
this time for severul reasons. It is another
positive assurance to the country that THE
Herald (Dem.)
! I ' 7 1'
iL,II - MI
A !:.•1. an.ll.l..t;ing
th.. cat,.. 1,..i.10rs got e.,n!r...1 f
di4ri , t , :lll•l rt:tte
L.-giAnturt., in tit° tiontlt in the N..rtli, in or
.let to get 1.00:
az..l I a51 , 15 ,. 119L 0 1
lees 111 , ;41,1, iwy t i..•
hitt' alit! Ito nit
i'l,ll t•!!!!! • ,•• "1:!••
oiti.•rtatii,..4 . an ri ; .:11t... - An., I.y ti...y
Ltd:. :• ii. r..y• i.•. 1
lane., was x ilet,tlty I.r 1.:1,1 Loll. :oil t . , 1 .04
when lily last had orenrieti 11.. - .'. 1.i.14,1,
t,t Lucifer, (Kant I.y
illicit au. rstur), elr tilt
thrrle.l notii the elll-1 ,. .t1 y,
vt hi, he starte I hi , rebellion.
'1 . !o•y kit li.;,,•;1•,: I :1
;ow,: b,r pri,teet,i: 1..1 bee.'
lia.l ~.11, 1 1.,1; 'A:I.,. I I*
Oa. b,,ol,riirt, 1 . 1 , 11 t. hag :11,1 ;L
g1g.1.11114 . 4 . 4 .1 / I •lti./11 !slily The, I..‘the I..tcls 111
'bal, to take elurge ul that. :atute goverii1111.1:1 111 it , LWO
legislative bratleieNi. (wind the oid tin tl•tstin_
over every State, atld 1,, It tratinn ti 11 , 1:11 . 1, eX1,11! :ts
1,.,1 by ho/;tile liiil;aloi of the froblier hill still tu tu
hostilt. Dent"erats of the Swill'. They towel ~,,ernh
tent wle,se tmootry after payment "cm.arly ..u.•-third of
the U11101,1..11' rel.-111.m w:i , 11,11,1.• 1-11... , •1
dentatt.l ern it, and ,slaoKeer. , llt 4 - 01, , 1 1 , , 11,1
if 11., ~ 1 11”1. ualiull 011 Ill° krt. (pithy earth.
A great work haul been dame by some party while Goo:
were away. Stavery man abolish. d. They had no part
that work, for they had stood by the blighting, Id isle:
curse bowl. to the hour and article of its lath. The t,,Lt
of the nation to ,ielend its own territorial existeoce I, ,d
been settled. They had no pat in that work Mr they had
utterly denied :my such right. The ditty of the hate,. to
pay its honest debts had been recognized and unforee4.—
Th , y had no part in that work bar they lint catered to the
dishonest demands of blatant deneugocia,, who arg,ie
that a debt of two dollars could be honestly disehar;Le4
a payment of one d ollar.
The great work had been done by a young party. It
Wad male up of men who were not after spoils anal booty,
for the enterprise to which they gay, their ilevoton in
pnimised none. It Was lea by men whose semis of
right bad not been obliterated by the unlimited greed of
power alai thraldom of party, which the slave system had
forced on the comary. It, rank and tile canoe froth the
workshops of the mahufactery and the dusty cells of the
mine. They noun learned that labor had no true friend
in a pa ty whose principal traits were first its persistent
purpose to eneourago slavery by a system of bondage. anal
then to discourage tree labor by a system of free trmle.—
A pat ty, thus made up of the best elements of the old par
ties, and fleshed and sinewed by the sons of tail, Na, lay its
very composition a party of principle, and well titled for
the great achievements which the last twenty years record
as the work of the republican party.
It hi a work which was rot done .
“under a bushel,' nor
in a secret caucus controlled by bad, dangerous Wen. But
from every house top, and hillside, and battle field
where waved the flag, or arose the hand to assail it, could
be heard its voice of strength and soetr its arm of power
attacking the wrong and defending the right. To nullity
this work by the elevation of those who sought to di vioe
and destroy the country, would ho to erase all that is worth
preserving iu our late history. The existence of the na
tion depended on a vigorous prosecution of the war. The
only tarty in favor of that was the Republicau tarty.—
The freedom of every citizen, and the integrityof the peo-
Pie as a whole depended on the abolition of slavery. But
the only tarty in favor of that after 1856, was the Repel.-
lican party. The honor of the nation depended on the
honest payment of its debts, but the only party at all times
in favor of that was the Republican party. The proof of
its integrity and devotion to principle is in the fact that
while some of its strong men as well as it weaker one+,
surrendered to a time-serving pulley, as is 1872, they Ilt',l*
dragged the party along; but with the wrath cloud of its
enemies overhanging its pathway, and the scathing liAt
nings of their persecutions playing i•bent its Ithitsteps, it
kept "on in the even tenor of its way." About ill these
wanderers in search of false grate, worth look trig after, are
now lack with ue. The Hiles are 641,1,1 lip, the time serv
ers weeded out, and the party again moves forward to an
assured victory.
How stands . the record of the Democratic, party - since
1874, when they first got a new lease of power? Ily its de
feat in 1100, it was shorn of sower. By the bail faith
which led to that defeat, it was also stripped of the bet ter
men who had guided its course in its better days. As a
result, it was teduetsl to a wreck of its former self, and de
prived of all Mil a of power in the future, except t hat giv
en it by the characteristic attempt of its new leackrs to
conceal Its real purpose. Front that day to this its record
has been the history of an unscrupulous scramble for
place and power. Actuated by this purpose, and none
other, loud professioas of reform were made as gOOll as
they got control of tine lower le use. Large reductions to
Uri public expenditures were to be madeat ow,. Nearly
es cry effort in this di ruction was hat a poorly disguised at
tempt to bolster up their political Pimples for the then
approaching presidential campaign. The public buildings
in course of erection throughout the country stood unfin
ished. The light-houses, and beacons, and signals for the
safety of commerce, and involving the protection of thou
sands, of iives, and millions of treasure were insufficiently
provided for. The postal service, the United Stah-s Courts
and the army were all laid under tribute for campaign
purposes. The public business was neglected, and with
the greed of a hungry mob, every energy was devoted to
the collection of garbage and the tuantifitcture of politi
cal capital to assist them in electing a President.
To this end the cry of fraud was raised ! This party
which had committed more crimes against the ballet, and
used more money corruptly in one year, than had ever
been attempted in all the years by all the other parti, of
this country ; this•party proposed to diseuver and punish
fraud ! The methods employed and the results reached
show that no tomtit motive prompted these investiga
tions. Over one hundred resolutions of investigati.,n
were passed, thirty-three committees; were engaged, :old
right months of the 44th Congress expended in this bus
iness. Secret sessiens of the cumulate. s were held, and
many persons charged with crimes were den ied a hearing.
In Sall. cases, sty in Philadelphia, the committees after
hearing their own side adjourned, and refused to hear tes
t' ~ ny on the other side. An amendment to sweeping
resolutions of investigation proposing that charges be pre
sented in writing, specifying the charge, the name of the
official charged with corrupt practices, and that it be
signed by saute member of the House, stating that he be
tiered the charge true, was voted down. The shuns of Ihe
cities were raitcd fur witnesses, and about il,uuu,uutt was
expended in suchone-sided investigations. Iu spite of the
uupriuciplud motive which prompted these inquiries, and
the unfair and unscrupulous methods by which they were
pursued, the result reached was the vindication if Repub
lican officials, and the development of Democratic croek
witless and rascality bel;ire !ill fair-minded unin. One fact
proven was Heals Louisiana Republican elector had been
offered $10.1,000 to cast his electoral vote fur Tilden and
Reform! Another instance was the specific proof of a
high-handed conspiracy to defraud and disfranchise in ef
fect, the people of a groat State by the wholesale corrupt
lion of Courts and the corrupt issue and use by this party
of over *W10) fraudulent naturalization papers.
In 1876, this fraud cry crystalized in the nomination of
Samuel J. Tilden. A man whose responsibility for the
monstrous crimes against the ballot in New York State,
to which reference has just been made, had teen charged
squarely upon him by their last preceding candidate tor
President. After a most desperate, corrupt and 8113110_11a
attempt, shy fraud and bribery to capture the presidential
chair, be was defeated at the polls, and again defeated be
fore a s ec ond and aneumlouti tribunal, created at the in
stance of his friends. His "dark ways and vain tricks"
desebiped so rapidly that lone' ' before !their last nomina
ting convention met, he was denounced publicly by the
leading Democratic politicians of this State as a thief and
a fraud. That conventieu, too, repudiated hint, thereby
anticipating the prompt rebuke the people were eager to
give him, if he had dared come before them. Such was
the man who fitly represented the reform pretentions of
this party ; the man to insure "the fan vote, the tree bal
lot, and the fair count," their present candidate speaks of
in his letter of acceptance.
The most vital issue is whether a State shall be govern
ed at home and represented in the National Congress by
the party which has the majority, or by the party which
has the minority et legal votes therein. It is the gileStll.ll
whether majorities shall govern, and rises above every
other in vast importance. The wrong conservatic, ar all
wrongs, is the suppression of majorities by fraud and vio
lence. That Republican majorities iu many Southern
States and Congressional districts have been suppressed
for years, by such means is an undoubted fact. This is
put beyond question by the record of crime which the
sworn proof of eye-witnesses supplies and which fills thir
teen volumes of Congressional Reports. Independent ‘.l
this, it is evident front the results of so-called elections in
the South. Iu Mississippi where the Republican vote, or
rather that portion of it counted in 1076, was 53,900; in
18T8 it was only 1,200. In South Carolina the vote she'd
in 1876, 91,000 Democratic, and 92,000 Republican ; to 1878
it stood 120,000 Democratic, and 213 votes Republican. In
eleven counties of six Southern States, in 1876, but !.:1
votes were counted for Hayes, and In the same counties,
16,833 votes were counted for Tilden and Retirm. In the
Third Congressional District of Alabama ' where the Re
publican vote ran up front 8,010 to 12s iiiiiduring the years
1869 to 1573, there were but 131 Republican votescounted
in 1878. In more than a dezenCongressienal Districts of
the South represented now by Confederates, the colored
vote exceeds the white. One such is the "shoe-string dis
trict" of Mississippi, where there are over two colored to
every white voter. That district is represented in the
present Congress by J. R. Chalmers, the notorious rebel
general who directed the massacre at Fort Pillow. and
- .rho superintended that carnival of bloodshed and butch
ery, which stands out without a parallel ii) modern times!
Apart from the power obtained by such disfranchisement
of legal voters, there has never been a thus when the
Democratic party could have had a majority in either
house of Congress since ISid. •
To ,ontiuue the suli•t south by such meane, and le ob
tain etiough Northern States to elect a President is their
great purpose. To accomplish this they nowt get rid of
the election laws. The 15th atnendment provides that this
right shall nut be abridged or denied any ,ine, and shall
be enforced by appropriate legislation. The whole con
tention oldie Democrats in Congress was tot effort to get
rid of the legislation which hied been enai•ted in pursu
ance of this organic law by a denial that there wad any
power in the general government to enter., this right.
They made the desperate attempt to starve the govern
ment into submission to a repeal of this legislat ion by
tacking such repeal on the appropriation bills. Failing
in this they attempted to c aunty these laws by refusing
to appropriate money to carry them out. All kinds of
trickery and jugglery were resorted to to get rid of this
legislation, and the bold threat was made that an "war
measures" were to be wiped tint. The interpretation of
this is that the new amendments which they cannot get
rid of by a simple act of repeal. are to be nullified I.iy a
repeal of all laws passed to enforce the rights which tLey
In view of this disfranchisement of legal voters in the
South by whole congressional districts, and by whole
States, and in view of their settled purpose, as shown by
their record in Congress, to continue this state of things
there, and extend its baneful influence North by repeal
ing [or nullifying the election laws, what de they
mean by declaring in their platform, as they do, for "free
elections?" They mean simply that they are still ready
to say anything to obtain a oontinuanee of power. They
mean that they arc still true to the only prmeiple char
acterizing them for twenty years, greed for power obtain
ed iu any way, and by any means. They know too well
the temper of the people on this vital question to dare
state their real purpose. They pursued the same course
in 1876, and no one ought to be misled by it now. They
then went farther, and on August 10th, lei?, just in time
for campaign purposes, introduced and passed a resolutioe
in Congress, declaring that the provisions of the loth
amendment should he enforced, :wit that the right iifsul
&age shiodd be protected, witheet distinction of rate er
color, and that all persons offendieg should Is brought to
."certain condign and effectual punishment." That reso
lution was telienl on in ilea C311111;6;01 to satisfy the pee
ple that they were truly in favor of • - tree elections." But
that election over, and the eery power inserted by that
resolution .hey utterly denied. They went bad:, "Like
the dog to his vomit and the sow to her wallow in ti n •
mire." By their conduct then we can justly estimate the
value of their present ilecla rat imi fur "tree elections." It
is only of value to illustrate their utter lack of fidelity to
their own record and their utter abauduunient of truth
e - hen solemnly addressing the people whom they are ask
.ing to support them.
Such, in t,rief review, is the record of the Democratic
party since 1874. This record, including all of good they
could find in themselves, and all of evil they email fuel in
their adversaries, is what they have to offer as a Ten./11
why the people should again trust them. It is all they
have to make them better now than they were in Iseo.
We maintain that it not only demonstrates their total un
fitness for place and power, but also establishes these
things: . .
Firstly. That while wearing the "sheep's clothing" of
innocence and honesty, their practices proclaim them to
be the "ravening wolves," of front and dishonor.
Secondly, That their boasted inve.tigations, corrupt in
their inception, unlair and dishonest iu thetr prosecution,
have resulted mainly in vindicating their adversaries,
and exposing their own bad purposes and practices.
Thirdly, That they have only had opportunity to make
this record, bad as it is, by fraud, violence and murder,
and every hour they have controlled the legislation of
either house of Congress has been a continuing menace
to the sanctity of the ballot and the safety of our iustitu
Fourthly, That their only hope of success in this con
test arises from the possibility of such an aggregation of
wrong against the ballot, us will deprive the nation of its
choice, and carry up by a way of blood and of crime, to
the highest place of the people, a man who can get there
no other way.
The nomination of Gen. Hancock is a very poor answer
to this record. The better part of Hancock is that which
1' , .11 - 414 at r:vt tyslawg. That ig part we honor, hut it
i, the part ics new frien,k di , liwior. other part i 4
that Whiell ehtl ., b4 at the head, tho i ffl, a army, hest
the filen seek, in Gaizieqs, 'I.!, Ow forms of
I tit they vid:t t.., mid in the Dan, of a ~,l istitatiOli they
tramplo upon, t, wipe out the roolltg of tit,' war—Getty.-
i.ri argil 1111! That i 4 tt, part hig mete friends honor,
! , ot it ii the rut tli,hoo,.r! Tkot.tli , t Artit•lii told it
it it , . ov,•t• ,t0t . ,1...1 to Attier iC:I, they
r-114.11,,try 14 , hich ua, woliteted S;tratog:, , ,
thahtis ar,ah.l Itathz the re4t of 111.1.
n. , - 1 1 i wrong IN characterized Arnold is impi,4,l
1 , 1 Ilannock, while we lionured inn' who. , tood
tint ift• guru ;IA till' 111.1+k Gar
I , lnuera..y :01.1 t., ale. W., fought and
till fight on 11, side. lie •Il i.e I.nri.d so de.', that
110 r,1131 . . , 4 - 1,011 will ev,r
en Ow tie! , l to ',ix Ile i<a charter
ineeth, et that 1. ti Iv. lie i..ato to the irant in the main—
ea, tim, wh , •ta it tarot lw in, a fiet, iu Anit•rjr.n
I•een with it is and in all
I t lit rtery dark it has leaned alba' his
e,,•ry h 14111.1 he has 5t”,..1 en dr. k with
Ime , l.m the wheel. There i, , theret ,, a lithean in
c.atelhlaey. Ile la. intiewl, the rit ht man to carry into
tim great relative' wea'.th I Ito
liara.•tor, hit!. pitrii,aei able!: have mark
, J hi , !,at at it: -11.. rt hat a ,iifertal hi,..tery. With
4,,ti.•141:tfel rt Liir, the am ~.11 114 . 11.1.. :" a ll,ader, :mil ~0 ill , t.. a 111, IV, di-Ailey, vady
auspiciously under Itepulilicail
1,111 I,ll'lllll, 111111/ thr time all people
will li:quire el a eauiliilitte tlicir lriyhr-1 h is r., ant
enly thai ha he true to his C./1111i ry's 113.; au,l her 11"am';
but al,. it like lILIVOtiUII 1•111,1/C1,17.P 'l/1 .1,1.
1,111111.1111.• 111, ir. Let uvery iine who liattied fer the old
whii believed that kittle was right,
~.;‘• 111•.3. then f"tight ait.l ire 11w04 lia.Ye
The 1. st political meeting and Most enthu
siastic 1 1 1teeketration ever held in this city, took'
place en Thursday evening the Itith inst. It was
a ral y of the representatives of forty-two States
and Territories of the Union, to the number of
fifteen or twenty thousand, to ratify the nomina
tion of Gat field and Arthur. No less than forty
clubs and political associations paraded and par
ticipated in the grand torchlight march from New
York Avenue via Fifteenth street, to Pennsylvania
Avenue, up to Fourteenth street, theme to the
grand sterol, in front of the City Hail, where the
entire square wa, illuminatrd with thousands of
gas-jets, e,lored lauterns and flaming torches.—
Hon. A. M. Clap, editor of 77,e Repub
lican, was selected as presiding officer, who, upon
assuming the positien, delivered an excellent ad
dress, at the conclusion of which he introduced
the lion. John Sherman, secretary of the Treasury,
who said, "No portion of the people of the United
Steele; arc more deeply interested in th, section
of a Republican President than were the people
of Washington." After referring to the growth,
prosperity arid c hat imye ovement of the whole eoun
try—under Republican rule—he ruceeded to bring
out the contrast bee ween the Republican and the
Democratic party. "The Repuilican party is a
national party. It covers the is lei:e country. It
loves every roan, woman anti child in it, whatever
is the color of his skin." "It is" said ho "the
Democratic party th•e: seel, , s to degrade. Ours is
a national party, with hearts broad enough to
cover the whole couniiy. Their's is a sectional
party. We would melte a national government,
they would make a cenlederecy of States. When
this country was in danger and rebels sought to
break up this Union of ours the F.epublicaa party,
to a man, rallied around the tl,g. '1 here was not
one Republican in the rebel army. 1-low marked
is the contrast ! There was nut a Democrat in the
South but went into the robe! army, and the dem
ocrats of the North synipa,thized with them. When
the question arose whether this country should be
a free country, it was the hand of the martyred
President that struck off the eheekles and said,
"All men shall be tree." When the life of the na
tion was at stake, and the Union in danger, the
Republican party rallied around the Union's stan
dart!. f The Democratic party had
shinplasters issued by State banks, and when the
question of honest money arose it was the Repub
lican party that protected the interest of the na
tion, but the Deineerate would not have national
money because they r•+tid anything national was
unconstitutional. Notwithstanding the Republi
can party gave the country national money, and
now that national money is as good as gold. Our
bonds are worth more than those of any other
country in the world. How was it in Democratic
times ? Our bonds then paid l'lper cent. interest,
and twenty years' bonds sold for 85 to 90 cents
on the dither. The heart of the Republican party
beats fer liberty, for national honor, and national
glory. The Demeera tie party is in favor of state's
rights, opposed to everythingnational and in favor
of State banks and everythine bad." Of the I'e
publican candidate for President, Mr. Sherman
;:aid ''he had known him for twenty odd years.
lie sprung from the people, was educated in a
hard school, and has traveled on step by step un
til he now occupies a. place of tne greatest dis
tinction. Ile is Loneq and brave, a good soldier,
and what is still better, a true ',publican and
Statesman." lie c!wed i y slyitg, "Now give
three good rot,' western ehe,rs for tiartield
and Arthur." It is ne-dleis to say, the cheers
were given with a will and the 'lll,6'3i:tam lasted
for minutes.
The Secretary wa.; ;;I:eechem from
Iron. 11. A. Irvin: in of Terit,cs-ee, Mr. Jerome
Carly, of rrof. t: ucaer. of the Dis
trict of oeti Maj. A. C.
Richards, Col. O. D. 1: 1% Purvis,
General Ilirney. Jr. r. (i. 7. li. Wall
and .Ithi4e i:. 111 r• is. o. who call
ed on tha y e the ecun
try from the han.1.:‘,1th.,...! 1.11 , r i:a.l tried to des
troy it. and wilt. woubi seek to ii. it .14. tin if they
get the pow , ..r. The w . t4 foll)we..l by Mr.
J. J. No.. ii, 11 , in. M. G. L. rnt r, :)laryland, and
Lette:s were read from prominent Inca all over
the country signifying their inability to be pres
ent, but their hearts were in the cause.
The people from Old Huntingdon County, of
which there are quite a number employed in this
city, arc enthusi.nstie and highly pitased with the
result of the Republieau County Convention, all
admitting that tire ticket is au eaexceptionable
one in es'. cry re: peer. mid composed of men entirely
worthy of the eentidenee and support of every
true loan, be . he a Republican, Democrat or Creen
backer. The head ui the county ticket, Hon. 11.
hl. Fisher, no doubt meets with the approval of
every Rept/bile:in in the entire district. his ser
vices to his county, his country, and his party,
have beemso satisfactory in his past public life,
that no other guarantee is required for his future
course. Ile is in full harmony and sympathy with
the people, and faithful alike to the true interest
of his con stituedts, be they Republican, Demo
crat or Greenbacker. He will do stalwart service
in the general battle at the proper time, without,
perhaps, mingling in the dress-parades of politics.
Yet he is a worker and will deriver his district to
the Republicans in the pending contest and de
termine the question of saving his county and
district from Speer and his domineering party.
None arc more determined than he to save the
district. So let no Republican be disturbed by
the taunts and dings of the Speer element, but
work faithfully fur succes.
The lion. John Stewart, our candidate fur State
Senator; is one of the best selections that could
have been made. An honest man and a true Re-
publican he is a great strength to the ticket.
lion. Alexander Port and Henry Clay Marshall
are too well known to the entire county as honest
and faithful men to require any eulogy, and
the mention of Messrs. Laporte. Geissinger. Lytle,
Harper and Madison meets with the hearty wishes
of the people, and shows the full scope of intelli
gence, and faithful duly i ell ',error:nett oy the
And now let every friend to good governmett
go to work to help the ticket ! As aglanee at the
past, laying partisanship aside, the people who
have any interest at stake in the general welfare
of the country lino* that the defeat of the Demo
eratia party in le: ti was a great piece of good
fortune to the nation. the condition of our finan
ces was then most delicate. The Democratic party
announced that the only way to save the business
interests of the country Irvin utter ruin was the
repeal of the Resumption act, and they made that
a prominent and effective issue in the campaign.
The Republican party, although it lost a great
deal of popular strength through the apprehen
,eions excited iy the eAi nest protestations of the
Democratic leaders, etoed firm, and the Resump
tion act was executed in the teeth of thedesperate
resistance of the Democratic party, the money of
the people was raised to the value of gold, and all .
the wheels of industry went whirling around. In
s.ead of pilling iii financial quagmires, the nation
14 on the solid ground of specie payments and
enjoying the bleseiegs of peace and prosperity.
'the Damocrate, this campaign, have abandoned
their opposition to the Resumption act and to
specie payments, thus impliedly admitting that
they were wrong in idi ti, and hence it will be
manifest to every one, be lie Republican, Demo
crat or Greenl,neker, that it was a good thing for
the whole nation that Tilden was not "counted in."
And now, it is noticeable . to every one, who reads
and thinks, that they have defined no policy on
the present issues, and after next November it will
be generally admitted that it was a good thing
that they were beaten again.
But the work has get to ho done in the North
and West. We have no hopes from the South, as
Attorney cileneral Doyens has practically decided
that ho will not authorize the appointment of any
special election deputy marshals in the South for
next election. lle reearils it as impossible to se
cure fairness in the election in these States, and
does not think the appointment of special depu
ties would de any geoid. Anil further there is no
money to pay siren officials for duty in any part of
the eeuntry thanks to Oar Democratic Congress
for this little piece of engineering. Should any
app o intments be made they would have to serve
gratis, or leek for their pay elsewhere than to the
government. VIATOR.
ilos. 11. i F[SHER delivered an able
and spirited speech before the Garfield
and Arthur clubs of Altoona and L)gan
township, on Thursday evening of last
week. The press of that city speak in
the highest terms of Mr. Fisher's addiess•
TEIEY had a swimming match at Atlan-
tic City, on Saturday last, between Capt.
Paul Boyton and G2O. Fearn of London,
for $lOOO a side, which resulted in the
defeat of Capt. Boyton, who swam two
and a half n.iles to Fearn's two.
The best liniment for human flesh is Ken
dall's Spaviu Cure. Sec Advertisement.
;he cau,:i , itd.• of 111. rpriy
10 ;WO t..../illOl, ill 14, -.•1 VA .1011 1,,.
T;te N2ticr.a;
1;,-.LIINGToN, D. C., u:, - „ust 21, ISSO,
...A,,/ r4
.5.015121 g kJ • osuf--,
Tin 1
.71 1 2 g Concluded Pc sitivoly
Close Out my Business
1;y tp-st Sp! : 0r,2, , r to di:po,c , of lily I . tilil'! ; ;0.1.4 B.n I.:ma
t NOW (il2l:it FV‘lMh:lt i,t)Oi);
Ready -7 Made Clothing,
For Men, Youths, Bays and Children, --
I have a large ❑nutter of eeprate c , al4, sumo of them out or style, at one-half wha
tt.ey cost.
3111 L MEL 137 - 4-1211LINDIT MelE.TMillill®Tll g 444
And if persons in need of any art c 1: of Clothing in Summer Goods will give me a
call I will prove what I say. I still keep
Of the latest styles of Sumner:Goods, for suits made to older
Prices very reasonable
Huntingdon, July 2, 1880.
WADE HAMPTON, in his Staunton, Va.,
speech, uttered the Democratic Keynote of
the campaign when he said that "this
party was fighting for the same principles
for which Lee and Jackson. Aught fur font
friend of mine was cured of an insatiable
thirst. for Liquor, which had so prostrated
him that be was unable to do any business.
He was entirely cured by the use of Hop
Bitters. It allayed all that burnicg thirst :
took away the appetite for liquor; made his
nerves steady, and he has remait.ed a sober
and steady man for more than too years, and
has no desire to return to his cit:is; I know
of a number of others that have been eared
of drinking by it."--From a leading IL 11.
Official ; Chicago, Ills. [ang.2o-2t.
"No CURE, NO PAY."—We authorize
onr Agents to guarantee that our Medicine, if
taken according to directions, will relieve
constipation and the diseases incident to a
torpid liver; and if any one will show by
positive proof that it has not produced what
we guarantee, they are entitled a return of
their money, provided they take the genuine
Simmon's Liver Regulator by the directions.
New To-Day.
r R. 1.1.:1:1t.)R1:0W. Attorueput-Law, Huntingdon, Va.
. °thee with James esq., 4th 5ir...4. over the
Union D a nk, a few dom, stbove the Uuion Depot. All
hnsinegs eat ru4te.l to hint will t ere ive careful and prompt
"I take w•ent pleasure in recommentlint; to parent:4
the Academy of Mr. Swithi n C. Shortlidge."
Says "I cheerfully consent to the use of my a+ ref
erence. My boys will return to you [fur their fourth
year] after vacation."
For new Itlus , ratt , tl Circular address SWITHIN C.
Media, l';t. August:C-lin.
w 467011
Clover Machlno
• t r
1. the only tr.:Lt maA ,ry
" to 6101 ' d a 0
i ' t) l ;t h' 4l:lo
strivir : feud
Par .rntoG : t Agrlctiltdryl Tu.g. Co.
Aug 27—Ut
For Lighting anti Keeping Clean the
will be received by the Committee on Public Prop
erty. Proposals will state the price for t as Lamps,
also for Oil Lamps, at so much per lamp per night.
Bids to bo received for each ward separate, also,
for the whole borough.
Sealed Proposals tobe handed to Chairman of
Committee on or bef, re the lot day of September
next. SAM L. A. STEEL, Chairman.
[Estate of JOHN P. ANDERSON, Dced.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or
phans' Court of lluntingdon County, to make dis
tribution of the balance in the hands of Sarni. T.
Brown, Admr. d. b. n. c. t. a. of the estate of Jno.
P. Anderson, late of the borough of Huntingdon,
dec'd., will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at the office of Myton do Schock, in Hunting
don, Penn'a , on MONDAY, THE 13TH DAY OF
SEPTEMBER, 1880, at one o'clock, p. m., at
which time and place all persons are required to
present their claims before said Auditor or be de
barred frum coming in for a shara of the fund.
aug27-3t. Auditor.
-A N I)-
The under,igne‘l have opened up iu
in the Di.znond tt tine stock of
Ii I.:A 1)-V-34A.131i;
We will constantly keep en hand a full assortment
of said Good., and won't be undersold by any competi
tion in the State.
We will Take Country Produce in Exchange for Goods.
Every article of Clothing sold by us will be warran
ted to be as represented, or your money refunded. Our
place .1 . I.ll.inese will be known as the
Clothing all
*l3l_,We intend ours to he the leillitv4Clothinz
in the c„nuity, and have established it as a pcimanent
enterprise. Give us a call and examine p.ods and pri-
COS. We deem it no trouble to show
Respectfully, 3:c.,
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THE FALL TERM of 15 weeks will open on
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Founded in the year 1819, abaft passed through
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paying dollar for (lunar, and a,king no favors.
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By his personal friend, MAJOR BUNDY, Editor
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tifully illustrated, printed and bound. Full
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