The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 27, 1880, Image 1

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    VOL. 44.
The Huntingdon Journal.
1 . ,4 hew Jocu.NAL Bui!dim, 1 . 4:;14 Strcet.
TUE iiUXTIYuIONJOURNAL is pobli , lied every
Friday by .1. A. Nesii, at $2,00 per annum IN AI,VANCE,
or i••, t paid fur in six. months from date of eub
•cription, and zi3 if not paid within the year.
No paper discuutinued, unless at the option of the pub
:isher, until all arrearages are paid.
No paper, however, will be cent out of the State unless
absolutely paid for in advance.
Transientadvertisementi will be inserted at TWELVE
AND A-1111.4 CENTS per line for the first insertion, SEVEN
AND A-DA Li cvirs for the second and FIVZ CENTS per line
for all subsequent insertions.
Regular quarterly and yearly btisinese advertisements
will 1..• in-.•'rted tollowinu rates
9m i 1 yr
:%m em
11• I jt.. 45,, 5 501 800 9 ni0;18 1274 36
0., rt 0.1.10 00 12 00 >Cool 18 00 36 50: 65
70010im11 Ou 18 001:Sicol 3-1 00150 00i 65 80
4 " 8 (81 14 00;18 00 20 0011 c 01136 00;60 001 80, 100
All Resolutions of Associations, Communications of
limited or individual interest, all party ann ‘uncements,
and notices of Marriages and Deaths, exceeding five lines,
will he chariot TEN CENTS per line.
Legal and other notices will be charged to the party
having them inserted.
Advertising Agents must fled their commission outside
of these figures.
All advertising accounts are due and collectable
when the advertisement is once inserted.
JOB PRINTING of every kind, Plain and Fancy Colors,
dons with neatness and dispatch. Blanks.
Cards, Pamphlets, kc., of every variety and style, prinfrd
at the shortest notice, and everything in the Printing
line will be executed iu the most artistic manner and at
the lowest rates.
Professional Cards
11 E. SHAFFER, Attorney-it-Law. Huntingdon, PA.-
. Office, 405 Penn street, (toruterly occupied 1:y I)i:
trict Attorney Orlady) [auglVely,
ItrILT.IIII W. DORRIS, Attorney-at-Law. 402 Pen
VT btreet, Huntingdon, Pa. [nutr.l6;77y.
IA CALDWELL, Attorney-at-Law, No. 111, 3rd stree•
LI. Office formerly occupied by Messrs. Woods & \% is
liamson. [apl2;7l
DK. A.B. BRUMBAUG El, offers his professional s,ry ice.
to the commlnity. Office, No.s= Washingt.m street,
one du r east of the Catholic Parsonage. ixn4, 71
DR. HYSK ILL has permanently located in Alexandri ,
to practice his profession.
FC. STOCKTON, Surgeon Dentist. Office in Leister's
. building, in the room formerly occupied by Dr. E.
J Greene, Huntingdon, Pa. kapl2S, '76.
GEO. B. Oil LADY, Attorney-at-Law, 405 Penn Street
Iluntingdon, Pa. Lu0v17;76
GGL. ROBB, Pentist,oftlee in S. T. Brown's new building,
. No. 520, Penn Street, bunting - don, Pa. [apl2;7l
C. M tDDEN, Attorney-at-Law. Penn
11. Street, litinttngdon, Pa. Lapl9,'7l
jSYLVANUS BLAIR, Attorney-at-Law, Huntingdon,
. Pa. Attica, Penn Street, three doors west of 3rd
Street. [jau4,-71
Tw. MATTERS, Attorney-at-Law and General Claim
. Agent, ll untingdon, Pa. Soldiers' claims ;tgainst the
Government tir back-pay, bounty, widows' and invalid
pensiona attended to with great care and promptness. Of
fice on Penn Street. [jun 1,71
rm. P. & R. A. ORBISON, Attorneys-at-Law. No. 3'21
V Penn Street, Huntingdon, Pa. All kind of legal
business promptly attended to. Sept.l2,.7s.
New Advertisement
TT. B.
Mutual Aid Society
Chartered by the Legislature, March 11,1860,
JOHN 13. STEH MA N, President
(31301I;;E A. MARK, Secretary
Cash Assets
Assets sulject to assessment.. $20,000,000
Death claims paid to Jan. IsSO 51,651,599
2,029 certificates issued in 1579, aggregating $l,-
093,C0U insurance,
The class, assessment, and class renewing sys
tem originated and successfully pursued for over
a decade of years by the U B. Society, has caustd
a radical reiortu in life insurance, reducing its
cost to the minimum, and thereby placing its
benefits within the reach of all. The payment of
$S on application, annually for four years, and
thereafter .$2 annually during life, with pro rata
mortality assessment, graded according to age,
secures to wife, children or assigns the sum of one
thousand dollars. Healthy persons of both sexes
may become members. Certificates issued in sums
ranging from $5OO to 510,000. Agents wanted.
Send or apply for circulars giving full informa
tion to W. W. WITHINGTON, Agent,
Petersburg, Pa.
Or to D. S. EARLY. Gen*l. Agt.
Cur. 9th street .t Railroad,
Lebanon, Pa. [may 21, SO-1 y
0 AI 1-7:, SI T.
The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of
Calcimining, Glazing,
Paper Hanging,
and any and all work belonging to the business.
Having had st,eral years' experience, he guaran
tees satisfaction to those who may employ him.
Orders may be left at the JOURNAL Book Store.
March 14th, 1579-tf.
Buy your Paper, Buy your Stationery
Buy your Blank Books,
Fine Stationery, School Stationery,
Books for Children, Games for Children,
Elegant Fluids, Pocket Book, Pass Books,
And an Endless Variety of Xice Things,
Ask your grocer for Aschenbach Miller's cel
ebrated powdered
made from the finest grade chocolate bean a 1..;
grows. and possessing the following advantages :
No scraping required ; no waste as in the case ot
tea, coffee, and chocolate in cakes, is not nausea
ting, but on the contrary agreeable to the weakest
stomach; can be used in warm weather as it con
tains no heating properties : the most economical
as it requires less for a drink than any other:
well adapted to dyspeptics as the oil is extracted,
which fact also enables it to dissolve and impart
its strength immediately upon being placed In
scalding water without the usual process of bail
ing up first. July 2-Iy.
This preparation is made from the roses of the
Valley of Cashmere, and is entirely free from Sul
phur. Lead, and other poisonous and irritating
substances. It is richly perfumed, and renders the
use of powders, hair oils. etc., unnecessary. It
preserves, softens and beautifies the hair and gives
it a rich lustre. It is excellent for an irritating
or inflamed scalp. It never turns rancid. Drug
gists sell it. ASCE EN BACH Sr. MILLER, Pro
prietors, :id and Callowhiil streets, Philadelphia.
Office at the Washington House, corner of Seventh
and Penn streets,
April 4, 1879. 11 UNTING DON, PA.
DR. C. H. 130YElt.
Office in the Franklin House,
Apr.4-y. HUN TING DON, PA.
CHURCII ST., bet. Third and Fourth,
0ct.17,79. HUNTINGDON, PA.
at the Journal Store.
btu cif.). Iyr
.L. 4 ' 9
p t 1.0 FAI in (,r,1 , 2r t•. make room for the
- TA I NT, AIM TN' ( )14' /lilt QT(IIZE I);
IN( ) KiToRE )(
ECIDED jAILGAINS in Black and Colored Silks.
Cashmeres and Alpacas.
Summer Dress Goods.
Decided Bargains iii Percales,Piques,White Goods,
Decided Bargains in Percales,Piques,White Goods,
11111111 u, EtTiillis, Illsortius, Glavris,ilasigq, Parasols, Sushatics,
For Men, Youths, f2-,oys ;and Children,
Now is the Time to Buy at Great
ly Reduced Prices,
T -T 14-1 -4 -IN 2-
'rue L.►rgest .A.r4st,rtnient <►L
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
ATTErTIpNi, Very Large and Var;ed Assortment el
PIM to k Ladies' and Gents.'
Repairing. -l e..
qUIL d ChMIS. •4,
0 11,DERS . k
AttOilgOil To ,
~1;~ ti Jl
3;y tile piece or i!:
Handsome setts of GLASS as low as ets. The place to hey QUEENSWARE by the . piece or in
bats, is at F. U. LANE'S STORE. 11An,lsonie TEA SETTS enn,itting of 46 pieces of White Stone
China, can be bought for $l, at E. li. LANE'S low price store.
A large stock of ehnice Mackerel, consisting of Deep Sea, Extra Shore, New Fat, and all the best ra.-
rieties and numbers known in the market. Also Large Hoe and Lake
• Herring, Cod Fish and shad in se axon.
F. 11. Lane does rot buy or sell short weight packages of Fish. You do not want to buy salt at Fish
prices. CANNED GOODS, including California Choice Fro'. l s, Evaporated and other Dried Fruits.
Green Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. All kinds of choice T EAS, from 15 to 20 cents per quarter,
from, 8 c e nts per pound to the best Maple Sugar in bricks or granulated at 13 cents per
in short, about everything to be found in a first-class Grocer? and Provision Store, can be bought at
F. 11. LANE'S Cash and Exchange Store, near the Catholi n church, on Washington street, Ilunting
.. ......:.
,‘, . .
. ,„:„ :.„.
ry-j i —:1-
PH 0
>u~ ~y~
To A 1,111.: IZOOM FOR
1:00 . 11 Foil:
!I - T] - 17
,11-1 N
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MOND / 6 17
- 5
- Decided Barga:mi ALL-WOOL BUNTINGS,
Decided. Bargitin: , . ire ALI.4-WOOL BUNTINGS,
.1 1 )11 e Pi Ca It el I es.
Howard IVatches,
Elgin lirafehes,
Oda liTatcheN,
IThilipden, Watch es
ne ss Wale
ei, in izreat v,triety, 1.: been allel t, the elegaa t etock
Stark', awl Fancy Groceries at
~~ ... -c
lards. ' 0
5. 7,7 74i0111,M1
A. E'S
New Advertisements
, „ , •
JEVROVErsi'lE'll 1 ki...._
. I htl, I rit......
the public that they will after
7jl Y 1 14th,
---.~. ~~'• i
gulp , -
R n
,• r
' ,l / 4 _, e
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(untin.qd )n_
,3. S. 3 AIR,
At Mc olilStßild tin flimoilq,
one of the ]arg•r , t and bes',
~~~.= j• -[ n~
Eortment of
of all kinds to be found in an • ; establishment out•
side of the large eitie , , I sell none but the best
and G A 11:1•41 . M.: SAUSFACTION in every ease.
2rar rid ~, C014.7- 4 PER
Always on hand in endless variety, and made to
order on short rut ice and reasonable terms.
Roofing; and Spoutino
,na!le t.n notice, and put up in either: town
nr eonntry
I aui prepared to do all kinds of Gas Fitting
and repairing at reasonable rites. I :nu also
Agent for the sale of COLCLESSEIt'S
Axes, Picks, Mattocks, Etc.,
The public are respectfully invited to call, ex
amine goods, and hear prices. With a determina
tion to please lin.l render satisfaction, I solicit a
share of pul,lic patronage.
ifuntinglon, Pa., Al'Arch 11, 1879.
discovered, as it is certain in ite effects and dues
not blister. READ PROOF BELOW.
Rev. P. N. Granger,
"ding Eller of the St. Albans District.
Sr. ALBANS, Vr., Jan. 20th, ISSO.—Dr. B. J.
Kendall d:• Cs., (ants:—ln reply to your letter I
will say that my experience with •'Kendall's Spay
in Cure" bas been very satisfactory indeed. Three
or four years ago I procured a bottle of your
agent, and w ith it, cured a horse of lameness caused
by a spavin. Last season my horse became very
lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when
he became better. but when I put him on the road
he grew worse, when I discovered that a ringbone
was forming, I procured a bottle pf .Nendall's Spay
in Cure, and with less than a bottle cured him so
that ho is not lame, neither can the bunch be found.
Respectfully Yours, P. N. GRANGER.
STOUGHTON, MASS., March Nth, ISSO.--11. J.
Kendall rf, Co., Geobi :—ln justice to you and my
self, I think I ought to let you know that I have
removed two bone spavins with "Kendall's Spavin
Cure," one very large one, don't know how long
the spavin had been there. I have owned the horse
eight months. It took me four months to take the
large one off and two for the small one. I have
used ten bottles. The horse is entirely well, not
at all stiff, and no bunch to be seen or felt. This
is a wonderful medicine. It is a new thing here,
but if it does for all what it has done fur me its
sale will be very great
Respectfully Yours, Cuts. E. PARKER.
REND - M.I:S SPA YIN Cues; is sure in its effects,
mild in its action as it does not blister, yet it is
penetrating and powerful to reach every deep-sea
ted pain or to remove any bony growth or other
enlargement, such as spay ins, splints,curbs,callons„
sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge
ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man,
and for any purpose for which a liniment is used
for man or beast. It is now known to be the best
liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet
certain in its effects. Send address for Illustrated
Circular which we think gives positivefroof of its
virtues. No remedy has ever met with such un
qualified success to our knowledge, for beast as
well as man.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. ALL
Davuotsrs have it or can get it for you, or it will
be sent to any address on receipt of price by the
proprietors, DK. .T. KENDALL k CO.,
Enosburgh Falls, Vermont.
For sale by J. Read £ Sons, Huntingdon.
Beautiful Campaign Bulges of the Republican
and Democratic Candidates.
Garfield OR llaneock
and and
Containing life-like Photographs of the Candi
dates; encased in pretty Miniature Gilt Frames,
with pin for attaching to coat or vest. Active
agents can make $lO a day selling them, and city
and country merchants can make a handsome
profit. Price 10 cents each ; 2 for 15 cents; 10 for
50 cents, or 100 for $3,50. Photographs same
price as Badges. Crayon Portraits on tinted
plate paper, Heroic size 22 by 25, for 25 cents.
Flags all sizes, kinds and prices. Now is the
harvest time for agents and dealers. Send for
samples and full particulars to
Julyl6 3m] 116 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa
Health is Wealth.
a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions,
Nervous Headache, Mental I►^pression, Loss of
Memory, Impotency, Involunt .ry Emissions, Pre
mature Old Age, caused by over-exertion self
abuse, or ovei•-indulgence, which leads to misery,
decay and death. One box will cure recent cases.
Each box contains one month's treatment. One
dollar a box, or six Loxes for five dollars, sent by
bail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee
s. , x boxes to cure any etse. With each order re
c. ived by us for six boxes, accompanied with live
d o ,'lars, we will send the purchaser our ...-itten
gua rar tee to return the money if the ..ea - . t
does not effect a cure. Guarantees Wirt, only
when the treatment is ordered direct from 5. Ad
dress JOHN C. WEST ,fc CO., Sole Proprietors,
ISI aid 133 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Sold by
S. S. Smith & Son, Huntingdon, Pa. [june4-ly.
GOLD Great chance to make money. We
need a person in every town to take
subscriptions for the largest, cheap
est and beat Illustrated Family Pub
lication in :he world. Auy one can become a successful
agent. Six elegant works of art given free to subscribers.
The price is so tow that almost everybody subscribes.—
One agent reports taking 120 subscribers in a day. A
lady agent reports making over $2OO clear profit in ten
days. All who engage make money fast. You can de
vote all your time to the business, or only your spare
time. You need not be away from home over night.—
You can do it as well as others. Full directions and
terms tree. Elegant and expensive outfit free. If yon
want profitable work send us your address at once. It
costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages
fails to make great pay. Address EOIVI I.: STINSON & CO.,
Portland, Maine. j ane2s-Iy.
Roaches, ants, bugs, moths, garden worms, &c.
fall victims to its deadly effects immediately upon
coining in contact with it. It is truly the genuine
Persian, the flowers being imported direct, then
ground and prepared at our laboratory under our
own supervision, so that we can guarantee its ab•
solute freedom from adulteration. Druggists and
country storekeepers sell it. Wholesale depot, N.
W. Corner of 3d and Callowhill sts., Philadelphia.
Special Correspondence of the Pre.s,
HUNTINGDON, August 15.—Hunting
don, the county seat of Huntingdon county,
is one of the oldest towns in the State, and
is a staid, quiet old place, full of good,
substantial people, most of whom are rich
enough to live at their ease. There is,
nevertheless, considerable enterprise here,
and previous to the panic it was quite a
thrifty and rather stirring place. It had
a shoe factory, car works, and was and is
the head of navigation of the Pennsylvania
Canal ; but the panic crippled all its in
dustries and left Huntingdon in a bad way.
It, is picking up, however, and promises to
be a live town in the near future. Its
shoe factory and car works, which have
lain idle for many years. are being put in
operation through the spirit of its own
people, and new improvements of the same
enterprising character are in contempla
tion. Besides its business revival, it is
gaiuidg pretensions as an educational point.
It has a fine college building, sitting upon
an imposing eminence just back of the
town, and now accommodating some 150
students, male and female. It was erected
upon ground donated by the citizens, and
is under the control of the "Tunker"
church, that exclusive religious denomina
tion, which teaches Christianity in a quiet,
practical way, and is secluded and seclu
sive from all other church organizations.
There is quite a membership of that
church in this county, and Huntingdon is
a sort of headquarters of the denomination
in the Middle States. Its special church
organ, the PeNrint and Primitive Christian,
is published here, and has ten thousand
eirculation, reaching into every State where
the Tunkers have a foothold. Their col
lege building here, which is already a
somewhat imposing structure, is to be en
larged so as to accommodate additional
pupils, as its patronage is by no means con
fined to the denomination, for very many
citizens of the State are taking advantage
of the quiet, healthful location, and the
advantages offered by the college, to send
their children here. In addition to this
college a splendid public school building,
just completed at a cost of some $30,000,
adorns the town and desinates the ten•
dencics of the people.
The pride and interest of the people of
Huntingdon are just now centered in the
development of their manufacturing enter
prises and in the completion of the Middle
Penitentiary. For some two years the
work has been progressing upon the founda
tion wall, and it is now about finished. A
beautiful reservoir for this penal institu
tion, fed by the magnificent springs, has
been completed and is ready for use, and
is one of the attractions of the place, to
which visitors are driven by the interested
citizens. The delay in pushing this im
portant work is due to the failure of the
last Legislature to make an appropriation
to continue it, and whatever work is being
or has been done is paid for cut of the first
appropriation made. The people of Hun
tingdon presented the site for the Peni
tentiary and that of the reservoir to the
State at a cost- of about $15,000, and in
other ways are aiding its construction
There is about $33,000 of the first $lOO,-
000 appropriated still unexpended, and it
is the general verdict that the Con-nission
have had a vast deal of work done for the
money expended. The balance of the ap
propriation will probably be expended this
fall in erecting a sample wall, and in other
ways getting ready for contracting ibr the
entire work when the appropriation shall
be made. If the Legislature had made
the appropriation at the last session, the
building might now have been far on its
way toward completion. The citizens of
Huntingdon certainly deserve credit for
the manner in which they have, in every
way, aided the Penitentiary Commission,
and their patience is not so far exhausted
at the delay but that they can be relied
upon to further any measures taken fbr the
prompt completion of the work.
Huntingdon is also quite a political
point, and is the centre of one of the most
interesting Congressional fights of the
present year. Heretofore it has not cut
much of a figure in politics, either State
or National, John Scott, ex-United States
Senator, being about the only man for
many years past who has gained national
prominence. It is the home of R. Milton
Speer, who represented the district in
Congress several years and wants to again.
It is also the residence of Horatio G.
Fisher, the present Republican Congress
man. These two men will make the fight
for Congress this fall, and it will be a
memorable contest. At the last election
Mr. Fisher beat Mr. Stenger 214, the
Greenbackers having a candidate who re
ceived 758 votes. Both parties claim that
a majority of it came from their ranks,
but election day only can tell which of the
two is right. My impression is that the
Republicans lost most by the, Greenback
effirt, which may now be considered as
dead, although they are going to hold a'
Convention, and whatever of strength they
have will fuse with the Democrats upon
the local ticket.
Both Fisher and Speer are comparatively
rich, and both able and willing to furnish
the "sinews of war," and each is popular
in his particular sphere. Speer is an at
torney and bank President. Fisher runs
a mill here and mines coal in .the Clear
field region. his father, who is one of'
the most respected citizens of the place,
still lives here, and helps to look after his
own and his son's dollars, while 'the latter
looks after his political future. For many
years the Republican party of this county
was full of factions, all fighting each other.
They have now stopped that and gone to
fighting the Democrats with better results.
Mr. Woods, a prominent attorney in this
place, and Mr. Orlady, a doctor in the
county, led the contending factions, and
each preferred Democratic to the other's
success, and Mr. Woods is credited with
having made Mr. Speer's success possible
when be was a candidate for Congress.—
There is no such factional fight now, and
the party will show a united and deter
mined front in the present contest, and
give from 500 to 600 majority for the Re•
publican ticket.
Of the other counties of the district
Franklin and Snyder are Republican, and
Juniata, Fulton and Perry Democratic, so
that the counties are equally divided in
political complexion, as the district is al
most equally divided between the two
parties. There are many reasons, how
ever, for the conclusion that the Republi
cans will carry the district. As I said,
;.'isher is popular at home and throughout
the district and his party is united upon
him to a man, without a single dissatisfied
element, or individual in it so far as can be
ascertained. II is opponent is by no means
as fortunate, for, besides the points of
difference between the leaders, there is a
bitter contest in this county upon local is•
sues and candidates, which must affect
him more or less. Speer has served three
terms in Congress, each time representing
a Republican district, but he has never
represented the district in its present shape.
When the district was changed to its
present limits John M'Gee of New Bloom.
field, Perry county, editor of the Demo
cratic organ there, was, with Mr. Speer,
thrown into it. Both desired reelection,
and there was a bitter contest for the nom
ination. They divided the Conferees of
five counties equally between them and
ballotted fbr several days without result.
Mr. Stenger of Chambersburg, having the
Conferees of Franklin county, held the
balance of power. Mr. M'Gee and Mr.
Speer wore each other out, and the former's
Conferees went to Stenger and secured
him the nomination with the expectation,
if' not direct understanding, so it is said,
that Stenger would not be a candidate fur
re election, but favor McGee. Speer
dropped out of the fight after this defeat
and gave himself' up to his law and his
When Stenger's term expired he became
a candidate for renomination, and so was
McGee, and the contest between them was
very bitter, each having half of the Con
ferees. After several days of balloting one
McGee's Conferees from Snyder county
suddenly changed to Stenger and nomi
nated him. Fisher defeated him before
the people. McGee gave Stenger a only
half hearted support in this contest, simply
placing his name in his paper as the nomi
nee. He kept his hand off Mr. Stenger,
however, until the present canvass for the
nomination began, when be opened fight
on the Franklin county statesman, charg
ing him with bribing the single Conferee
from Snyder county, who so suddenly
changed his vote to him two years ago
"I am," said he to a friend recently, "out
of public life for the present, seeking only
for vengeance. Stenger cannot be nomi
nated or ele.ed if named." Stenger, dis
regarding McGee's threats and admoni
tions, entered the fight and secured the
Conferees from Franklin, his own, and
Fulton, the adjoining county. Snyder
county, which he expected to get, went
against him and instructed for Mr. Bosler,
a merchant in t hat county, who really rep
resented Mr. Speer's interests and candi
dacy. The day of this action Mr. Stenger
withdrew and handed over the Conferees
which Franklin and Fulton counties had
authorized him to name. Mr. Speer now
gets them, and will be unanimously nomi
nated. McGee has kept out of the fight,
as a candidate to beat Stenger, for the per
sonal reasons I have given, but he is likely
not to give Speer a hearty support on ac
count of old animosities growing out of
the contest which first sent Stenger to
There is also another interesting phase
of this Democratic controversy. Speer, as
is well known, represents the Wallace as
against the Randall interests in the dis
f-riet, and it is said that he and Chairman
Dill fixed the Conferees of Snyder county
in favor of Speer for the purpose of de
feating Stenger, who is credited with rep
resenting the Randall wing of the Demo
cracy. This is another evidence of how
Mr. Wallace takes care of his friends, and
how easily and quietly he disposes of Mr.
Randall's following wherever he finds it.
Besides these weakening Democratic straws
there are other and more potent reasons
why the Democracy seem to be doomed to
defeat again in this district which they have
heretofore counted upon as their own
Mr.Stenger is popular in Franklin county,
where he lives, and at the last election beat
Fisher 153 votes in that Republican county,
while the year before Fisher carried it for
State Senator against another man by over
200 majority. No one claims that Speer
can get more than his strict party vote in
that county this year, which will give
Fisher 250 majority where he lost last
year by 158, and yet was elected in the
district by 214, getting the greater part
of his majority in his own county. It is
easy then to see that in the fight with
Speer Mr. Fisher is between 400 and 500
votes better off than he would have been
in a contest with Stenger, because he can,
and will, prevent Speer from running
ahead of his ticket in his own county, or
in any county in the district, and will
have the Republican majority in Frank
lin, which he is entitled to, and which he
missed at the last election.
From this history of the situation it can
be clearly seen what an interesting fight is
in on hand in this district. lam going to
set the district down, however, alter a care
ful survey of the field, in the Republican
column, and predict the return of Mr.
Fisher by 400 majority. lie has made an
exceptionally good Congressman,' strength.
ening his primarily strong position with
the people by his consistent course airing
his public life. Both he and Mr. Speer
were born and raised in this county and
have made their place in life among this
people. What is good or bad in them is
well known to the humblest of its citizens,
and it is a fair contest in which neither
can claim advantage or appeal to prejudice
on account of locality or position.
I saw the two contestants to day. Both
are comparatively young men, having bare
ly reached the meridian of life. Mr. 6peer
don't look to be over 40 years of age;
rather tall, of strong and compact build,
with a good face and cheerful expression.
His countenance and manner denote
strength of character and more than ordi
nary intellect. He has a strong, bright
eye, and dark hair and whiskers. He has
a pleasant way in conversation, and when
I greeted him, said :
"Yes, I read the Press every day. It
is the best and fairest Republican journal
I know of, and it is bright and newsy,"
"How about your Congressional con
test ?"
"•I have not been nominated as yet,"
said Mr. Speer, "but as I have most of the
Conferees, I suppose I shall be when the
Conference meets."
"Can you be elected ?"
"I hope and expect to be if nominated,"
replied Mr. Speer, "although this is a very
close district, and there will be a hard and
interesting contest. Mr. Fisher and I are
neighbors and friends, and the canvass will
therefore be relieved of anything personal.
But," continued Mr. Speer, "our party is
in better condition for a sharp contest than
ever before. Hancock's candidacy strength
ens us vary much, for it awakens an en
thusiasm which we often lacked. Besides,
we will get the doubt full vote this year,
here as well as elsewhere."
On the same street, and not mere than
a good stone's throw from Mr. Speer's res
idence, is the elegant home of Mr. Fisher,
where I found him fresh from a week's
fishing excursion with a party of friends
up. the Juniata. He was brown as a berry
from his week of outdoor pleasure, and in
the best of health and spirits. He is a
smaller man than his opponent, and looks
a trifle older on account of his hair being
prematurely gray. He has a strong face,
denoting indomitable energy, great decision
of character and broad intelligence. Ile
has the quick eye and the active manner
of the master business man that he is. He
is here a genial, whole souled man, with a
good heart and level heal.
"I have," he began, "been a week away
from politics and business upon a jaunt I
always take about this season of the year.
I haven't even seea the Press for a week
—my daily reliance for news and opinions
when at home. I can say, however, that
lam pleased with the outlook. Our party
in this district was never stronger, more
united and aggressive than it is this year.
We have no local trouble, and the enthu
siasm for Hancock, which was noticeable
immediately after his nomination, is dying
out, while Garfield is growing in strength
with our people every day."
"But how about your district ?"
'-The district, you know, is usually Dem
ocratic," replied Mr. Fisher, "but I think
I can carry it again. It will be a hard
fight, howaver, and a close one. We have,"
continued Mr. Fisher, "a latent strength
in this district which never comes out ex
cept in a national contest; and then those
Republicans who went into the Greenback
movement are coming back. So that we
can count on considerable increase of
strength this year. I, therefore, regard
our chances for carrying the district as very
encouraging. I haven't yet been nomina
ted, and cannot, therelbre, go into details
about myself, but will tell you what we will
do on the national ticket. We gave Hayes
511 majority in this county. We will do
a hundred better for Garfield."
From these statements and expectations
of the two candidates and the history of
political affairs in the district I have tried
to give can be gleaned the prominent points
of what promises to be the most interesting
Congressional contest in Pennsylvania this
year. Each party and each candidate is
upon its and his mettle, and will succeed
because they deserve success by the effi
ciency of management and the vigor with
which each candidate handles and pushes
his forces. Both are men of means and
energy, and that both will do their best
there will be no question. Indeed, they
are doing it even this early.
Order No. Forty in Texas.
Indianapolis Journal.]
The 'ruched,fait, a German paper prin
ted at Austin, Texas, furnishes an inter
esting contribution to the history of Gen
ets' Hancock's order No. 40, on which his
sole claim to statesmanship is based. Texas,
it will be remembered, was part of the
Fifth military district, and was included
in the order. In 1868, about a year after
the order had been issued, the constitu
tional convention of Texas appointed a
committee to investigate and report on the
condition of affairs in that State. The
Jr.iehenlAitt publishes an extract from the
report of this committee, any says editor
ially : "So much has been written by the
Democratic press of the Union but espec
ially by that of Texas, relative to the no•
torious order No. 40, issued by Hancock
on the 29th of November, 1867. and the
letters interchanged in relation thereto be
tween Governor Pease, at that time the
military governor, and General Hancock,
that we can refrain any longer from pub
lishing part of the report of the investiga
ting committee of the constitutional con
vention of the State of Texas, which was,
after exhaustive and thorough examina
tion of the state of affairs, laid before that
convention on the 28th of June, 1868.
The Democratic press, of course, has not a
word to say on the subject. Excepting
the German papers, there are only two
English-American papers which can exist
in Texas as Republican newspapers, and
the latter two have not the information on
hand which stands at our command and
disposition. The follovring are the closing
remarks of that report which. on the above
date, under suspension of the rules, was
unanimously adopted on the motion of
Governor Hamilton, a member of the con
vention. Want of space forbids the pub
lication of the whole report, which can be
found on page 193 of the proceedings of
the reconstruction convention of Texas
held in 186 S. The closing chapter of the
report reads as follows :
"It is by nu means difficult to locate the
responsibility of the increase of crime. Be
fore Gen. Hancock assumed command of
the Fifth military district there existed to
a certain degree somewhat of a regard and
resrect for human life in Texas. The nu
merous arrests of criminals by the military
authorities and the prospect of examina
tion and trial before a military court, im
bued bad men with a wholesome fear. Af
ter the issuing and publication of general
order No. 40, bit the headquarters of the
Fifth military district, dated November
29, 1877, a decidedly different and troub
lesome spirit manifested itself all over the
State. This order was interpreted and ex
pounded as proclaiming military authority
subordinate to civil laws itt the trials of
criminals, and therelbre, it was regarded—
because criminals have little fear and res
pect for civil authority in this State. as we
have already demonstrate)—as a sort of
protection or license for the commitment
of all sorts of outrages and crimes. This
was proven and demonstrated in public
speeches and by the defiant tone of the
rebel press, but far more through the un
opposed perpetration of the most terrible
outrages. During the three months of the
administration of Governor Pease, protect
ed and strengthened by liens. Sheridan
and Mower, before Gen. Hancock took
command of the district, the murders com
mitted in Texas averaged nine per month.
The number of murders during the other ,
months of the same year averaged eighteen
per month, and if we base our estimate on
the official report of the Freedmen's Bu
reau, the average number of murders corn- ~
nutted in Texas since the first of December,
1867, reached the astonishing figure of
thirty two per month. During the first
month of Ilancock's administration (De
cember, 1567), thirty murders were re
ported by the bureau. In other words, the
"peace administration" of Generals Han
cock and Buchanan has to be held respon
sible for double the amount of murders
that were committed under the Sheridan-
Throckmor ton administration and for three
times as many as were committed during
the Sheridan-Pease administration. Be
sides this, the reports show that since the
inauguration of the policy of Gen. Han•
cock, supported by President Johnson,the
murders committed in Texas have reached
the average of fifty five per month and that
during the last five months they have
reached the average number of sixty. And
it is the commander of the Fifth military
district who is responsible to the people
for at least two thirds of the 330 murders
which have been committed in Texas since
the Ist of December, 1567 Authorized
by law to uphold the peace and to protect
life and property, having at his disposi
tion the army of the United States to up
hold the authority of the laws, Hancock
has neglected to perform his duties. He
has refused to punish murders ; he has
refried the requests of the Governor and
the general commanding in Texas for the
creation of stronger courts, and was deaf to
the wail of terror-stricken, persecuted and
defenceless loyal men. And, knowing
what we assert and maintain in the face
of the civilized world, we place the cause
and the responsibility for the death of
hundreds of loyal citizens of Texas upon
his (Hancock's) shoulders. It is a re
sponsibility which should cover his name
with infamy and his memory in years to
come with curses and execrations. The
responsibilities of the government and of
the citizens are mutual and corelative. If
the latter promise loyalty and obedience,
the former is obliged to protect him. And
for us individually, and in the name of all
white and black loyal men, we proclaim
that we have always been true and stead
fast in our attachment to the government
of the United States. In the face of all
persecution ; in the face of social proscrip
tioa ; in the face of the rope and in the
face of all conceivable and inconceivable
dangers, we stand true in our fidelity to
the Union. If there are people on earth
who have a right to claim the protection
of the government they are certainly the
loyal citizens of Texas. And particularly
now while the government has the power
to grant us protection, we demand it
against the wrath of those who persecute
us because of our fidelity to the Union
cause. May the responsibility rest wher
ever it will, we say openly and freely that
this protection has not been granted us.—
The committee recommends the passage of
the following resolution :
"Res„ teed, That the President of this
convention is requested to cause a copy of
this report to be forwarded to the Presi
dent of the Senate and the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, so that Congress
may grant us such assistance and protec
tion to which we under the circumstances
arc entitled.
(Signed), ('. ('ALDwELL, Chairman
1). P. COLE,
A. J. EvANE,
J. W. Sum:vEs."
Nothing more damaging than this has
appeared against General Hancock. In
order to understand its importance it must
be remembered that this investigating
committee was appointed by the highest
representative body known to free govern•
went--a constitutional convention. It
consisted of seven members, every one of
whom, says the Torhenblatt, had lived in
Texas from fifteen to thirty-one years.--
They knew what they were talking about.
They knew what the effect of Order No.
40 had been on their State. The report
was signed by every member of the com
mittee, and was adopted by the conven
tion. It is a terrible commentary on
Haocock's perce policy, as formulated in
Order No. 40. We doubt if in the histo
ry of the world there is a document ema
nating from so hie,h an authority, directly
charging on a military commander the
personal responsibi.:tv fir so much lawless
ness and crime. '1 :lese Texans did not
mince matters. They charged General
Hancock directly with being responsible
fir the murder of hundreds of loyal citizens
of Texas and they sustained the charge by
showing that under his administration and
since the issuing of Order No. 40, the
number of murders in Texas had in-
creased from an average of nine per
mouth to an average of fifty five per
month. On the strength of these
facts, the committee charged Hancock
with gross neglect of duty. They charged
that being "yuthorized by law to uphold
the peace and to protect life and property,
having at his disposition the army of the
United States to uphold the authority of
the law, Hancock has neglected to perform
his duties." This report was written twelve
years ago. It is an important part of the
contemporaneous history of the times, and
it shows how General Hancock and his
order No. 40, which is now paraded as an
evidence of his statesmanship, were regard
ed by the loyal men who were personally
cognizant of its operation. This voice from
the pest comes like a protest from the
hundreds of dead victims of order No. 40
against the elevation of its author to the
highest office in the govecoment whose
laws he refused to execute and whose cit
izens he refused to protect.
---.0- ...iis.---41.---
THE F.tcr that $200.000 have been
raised in the South and contributed to the
Democratic National Committee to be used
in the attempt to debauch voters in the
Northern States, should convince the peo
ple of the North that the whipped rebels
expect to profit largely by Hancock's elec
tion. The l►emocrats have no use for
campaign funds in the South ; they du
their campaigning by the aid of the shot.
gun and bludgeon, and count their tissue
ballots by the tens of thousands when ne
cessary, hence their liberal contribution to
the Democratic campaign fund in the
North. In case of Hancock's election they
will get their money back, with compound
interest, in the shape of war claims and
pensions to the lousy hordes who attempted
to shoot the Union to death. Loyal men,
of all parties, will you give your support
to such a party ?
-.0.- • 4011..-....-
New York Tribune : Ninety thousand
majority in Alabattia seems to be enough
of a victory for a "full vote, a free ballot,
and a fair count," to jast:fy a sort of ju
bilating bulletin from the superb defender
of the Constitution.
EVERY Republican in the county should
go to work Ibr the ticket, and do their
level best to insure its success.
NO. 34.