The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 20, 1880, Image 1

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    VOL. 44.
Ituntingdon Journa
T.:011 S tree,
flf F. ill] \ fL sti LION JOURNAL is pnblkhed every
J. A. NASH, at it'2,oo per annum IN ADVANCE,
;.std lot in six months from date of 1.1111-
F,,iption, if not paid within the year.
N•• pap•r•likieutitiuueti,lll.llPels at the option of the pub
; s her. until all atrrearages are paid.
.No paper, however, wiil be sent out of tho Stale unless
!mid fur in advance.
Transieni advertisements will be inserted at TWELVE
a-iiALP CENTS per line for the ti rat insertion, SEVEN
Ain t-us Ls sears fir the second and ma CENTS per line
for ail insertions.
Regular quarterly and yearly business advertisements
will he iu,erted at the following retell:
9ln 1 1 yr
", 8 00, 1 4c011 9 00.1 s 00 $27 :$ 36
s , 1 ,, 00 12 00 1 , , A,col l lB 00 001 60! 65
~ 0., 10 14 00 IS 00Ncol 34 00 50 11C/1 811
4`• s 14 Ot, IS 00120 0011 c 01136 00,60 001 801 100
All Resolutions of Associations, Communications
limited or individual interest, all party announcements,
and notices of Marriages and Deaths, exceeding five lines,
will he charged TEN CENTS per line.
Legal and ether notices will be charged to the party
Lavin thou inserted.
Advertising Agents must find their commission outside
of these figures.
An ad, etising accounts are due and collectable
Inhen the ade• - rtisement is once inserted.
.108 PRINTING of every kind, Plain and Fancy Colors,
done with neatness 11011 dispatch, Blanks,
Cards, Pamphlets. S:c., of every variety and style, printed
at the shortest notice, and everything in the Printing
line will be executed in the most artistic manner and at
Professional Cards
Tr E. SUAFFER, Attorney-it-Law, Huntingdon, Rt. 7
I 1 . Office, 410 Penn street, (formerly occupied I.y Dri
let Attorney Orlad2•.) [augl3-Iy,
ITTILLTAM W. DO ARTS, Attorney-at-Laic, 402 Pen
IP gtreet, Huntingdon, Pa. [mar.l6,-77y.
11 CALDWELL, Attorneyat-Law, No. 111, 3rd street
1/. Ciilice formerly occupied by Messrs. Woods Si M
7D R. A. B. BRUMBAUGH, offers his professional services
tothecommornty. Office, N 0.623 Washington street,
one door east of the Catholic Parsonage. Ljancil
1) • II VSKILL has. permanently located in Alexandria
to practice his profession. Lian. 4
"i; C. STOCKTON, Surgeon Dentist. Office in Lender's
Li. !lidding, in the room formerly occupied by Pr. E.
J lluntingdon, Pa. [apl2B,
(2 EO. B. 011 LADY, - vi, 405 Penn Street,
linntingd..n, Pa. [n0v17,'75
UL. ROBB, Dentist, office in S. T. Brown's new building
No. 520, Penn Street, liuntingdon, Pa. btpl2:7
st. l
t t i ttzn on cy;:-Law. Office, Noiiip—l4P„Tin
JSYLVANUS BLAIR, Attorney-at-Law, Huntingdon.
.P.t. (nice, Penn Street, three doors went of 3rd
J„ . MATTERS, Attorney-at-I.w and General Claim
. Agent,Huntingdon, Pa. Soldiers' claimsagainst the
Gerernment for bark-pay, bounty, widows' and inralid
psi, ions att,ml,l to with great care and promptness. Of
fiQ, on Penn Street. Ljani,'7l
11TM. P. 1 R. A. ORBISON, Atturney , +-at-Law, No. 31
Perin Strret, Huntingdon, ra. All kinds of legal
promptly attended tu. Sept.l2,'7B.
New Advertisement
U. B.
Mutual Aid Society
Chartered hy the Legislature, March 11, 1569
JOIIN B. STE H AIAN, President
A. MARK, Secretary
Cis% A;sets
Assets eit hject assessment.. $20,000,000
I► e •ath claims raid to Jan. ISSO 51,651,599
2,02:1 certifleates issued in IS7O, aggregating $l,-
1193 CIA insurance,
The class. assessment, and class renewing sys
tem originated and successfully pursued for over
a decade of years by the ti B. Society, hascaused
a radical reform in life insurance, reducing its
cost to the minimum, and thereby placing its
Lenefits within the reach of all. The payment of
$S on application, $5 annually for four years, and
thereafter $2 annually during life, with pro rifta
mortality assessment, graded according to age,
secures to wife, ebiliren or assigns the SUM of one
thousand dollars. Healthy persons of both sexes
may become members. Certificates issued in sums
ranging from :,-;500 to $lO,OOO. Agents wanted.
rend or apply for circulars giving full informa
tion to W. W. WITIIINGTON, Agent,
Petersburg, Pa.
Or to D. S. EARLY, Gen'!. Agt.
9ch street S; Railroad,
Lebanon, Pa. [may 21, SO-1 y.
The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of
Calcimining, Glazing,
Paper Hanging,
and any and all work belonging to th% business.
Having had several years' experience, he guaran
tees satisfaction to those who may employ him.
Orders may be left at the Jot:ritual, Book Store.
March 14th, 1579-tf.
Buy your Paper, Buy your Stationery
Buy your Blank Books,
Fine Stationery, School Stationery,
Books for Children, Games for Children,
Elegant Fluids, Pocket Book, Pass Books,
And an Elulless Variety of Rice Tiangs,
Ask your grocer for Aschenbach & Miller's cel
ebrated powdered
made from the finest grade chocolate bean that
grows, and possessing the following advantages :
No scraping required; no waste as in the case of
tea, coffee, and chocolate in cakes, is not nausea
ting, but on the contrary agreeable to the weakest
stomach; can be used in warm weather as it con
talcs no heating properties; the most economical
as it requires less for a drink than any other;
well adapted to dyspeptics as the oil is extracted,
which fact also enables it to dissolve and impart
its strength immediately upon being placed in
scalding water without the usual process of
up first. July2-Iy.
1 his preparation is made from the roses of the
Valley of Cashmere, and is entirely free from Sul
phur. Lead, and other poisonous and irritating
substances. It is richly perfumed, and renders the
use of powders, hair oils, etc.. unnecessary. It
preserves, softens and beautifies the hair and gives
it a rich lustre. It is excellent for an irritating
or inflamed scalp. It never turns rancid. Drug
gists sell it. ASCHENBACII & MILLER, Pro
pri4tore, 3d and Callowhill streets, Philadelphia.
Office at the Washington "louse, corner of Seventh
and Penn streets,
April 4, 1579.
DR. C. H. BO YER,.
Office in the Franklin House,
CHURCH ST., bet. Third and Fourth,
at the Journal Store.
learanee 7 . - -P ale.
gni ran Om !IST
Which must be sold i n n order to Blake room for the
-.L4NLARGING OF kfUR k3I I ORE -1A)0031.
ECIDED ARGAINs in Black and Colored Silks.
ECIDED ARGAINs in Cashmeres and Alpacas.
ECIDED ARGAINS in Summer Dress Goods.
Decided Bargains in ALL-WOOL BUNTINGS.
Decided Bargains in ALL-WOOL BUNTINGS.
Decided Bargains in Percales, Piques, White Goods,
Decided Bargains in Percales,Piques,White Goods,
lladral Ettiugs, lasertim, Gloves, llosiory, Parasols, Sunshades,
For Men, Youths, Boys and Children,
Now Is the Time to Buy at Great
ly Reduced Prices,
I I IH 14
N T C 4 ‘7 , C 0
The Largest Assortment of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
By the piece or in setts, of the newest style 4, in great variety, has been allea to the elegem t stock
Handsome netts of GLASS as low as :15 cts. The place to buy QUEENSWARE by the piece or in
setts, is at F. H. LANE'S STORE. Handsome TEA SETTS consisting of 46 pieces of White Stone
China, can be bought for $4, at F. 11.-LANE'S low price store.
A large ht.ek Mackerel, consisting of Deep Sea, Extra Shore, New Fat, and ell the best va
rieties and numbers known in the market. Also Large Roe and Lake
Herring, Cod Fish and Shad in season.
F. 11. Lane does not buy or sell short weight packages of Fish. You do not want to buy salt at Fish
prices. CANNED GOODS, including C.lifornia, Choice Fruits, Evaporated and other Dried Fruits.
Green Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. All kinds of choice TE AS, from 15 to 20 cents per quarter,
Good Sugar from 8 cents per pound to the best Maple Sugar in bricks or granulated at 13 cents per
in short, about everything, to be found in a first-class Grocery and Provision Store, can be bought at
F. 11. LANE'S Cash and Exchange Store, near the Catholic church, on Washington street, Hunting
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Announce to the public that they will after
American Watches,
Holeard Watches,
Elgin, Watches,
Syr litgfield Watches,
.1 fantpaen JValche
Fine Swiss Watc
Cold & FIRM Challis, RillEs, &c.
it Staple and Fancy Groceries at
New Advertisements
( ) ."--.---
Very Large and Varied Assortment of
Ladies' and Gents.'
IRLC) 31:M.M"-114::›1=t0C)
New Mvertisenients
Wa Sa ]Ailij
At the OM Mil ill no Diamond,
Has jut opened on. of the larvst and bf-et as-
sorLtnerat of
of all kinds to be found in any establishment out
side of the large cities, I sell none but. the best,
Always on hand in en.lless variety, and made to
order on short notice and rca.sonal,le tetras.
Roofing and Spouting
tnadc on short notice, and pnt us) in either;town
or country
am prepared to do all kinds of Gls Fitting
and repairin4 at reasonable rates. I am also
Agent for the sale of COLCLESSER'S
Axes, Picks, Mattocks, Etc.,
The public are respectfully invited to call, ex
amine goods, ant hear prices. With a determina
tion to please and render satisfaction, I solicit a
share of public patronage.
Huntingdon, March 1-1, 1879.
discovered, as it is certain in its effects and dues
nut blister. READ PROOF BELOW.
From Rev. P. N. Granger,
Presiding Eller of the St. Albans District.
ST. ALB tNi, VT., Jan. 20th, ISBO.—Dr. B. .1.
Kendall .C• Co.. UffitiN:—la reply to your letter I
will say that my experience with "Kendall's Spay
in Cure" has been very satisfactory indeed. Three
or four years ago I procured a bottle of your
agent, and with it, cured a horse of lameness caused
by a spavin. Last season toy horse became very
lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when
he became better, but when I put him on the road
he grew worse, when I discovered that a ringbone
was forming. I procured a bottle of Kendall's Spay
in Cure, and with less than a bottle cured him so
that he is not lame.neither can the bunch be found.
Respectfully Yours, P. N. GRANGER.
STOUGHTON, MASS., March ldth, 18S0.—B. J.
Kendall & Co., Gents : —ln justice to you and my
self, I think I ought to let you know that I have
removed two bone spavins with "Kendall's Spavin
Cure," one very largo one, don't know how long
the Spavin had been there. I have owned the horse
eight months. It took me four months to take the
large one off and two for the small one. I have
used ten bottles. The horse is entirely well, not
at all stiff, and no bunch to be seen or felt. This
is a wonderful medicine. It is a new thing here,
but if it does for all what it has done for me its
sale will be very great
Respectfully Yours, CHAS. E. PARKER.
. .
KENDALL'S i..ZPAVIN CURE is sure in its effects,
mild in its action as it does not blister, yet it is
penetrating and powerful to reach every deep-sea
ted pain or to remove mot bony growth or other
enlargement, such as spay ins, spl ints,curbs, callous,
sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge
ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man,
and for any 'purpose for which a liniment is used
for wan or beast. It is now known to be the best
liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet
certain in its effects. Send address for Illustrated
Circular which we think gives positiveproof of its
virtues. N o remedy has ever met with such un
qualified success to our knowledge, for beast as
well as man.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. ALL
DREGGISTS have it or eau get it for you, or it will
be sent to any address on receipt of price by the
proprietors, Da. B. J. KENDALL & CO.,
Enosburgh Falls, Vermont.
For sale by J. Read tiz, Sons, Huntingdon . .
Beautiful Campaign Badges of the Republican
and Democratic Candidates.
Garfield. OR Tranecheic
and and
Containing lite-like Photographs of the Candi
dates; encased in pretty Miniature Gilt Frames,
with pin for attaching to coat or vest. Active
agents can make $lO a day selling them, and city
and country merchants can make a handsome
profit. Price 10 cents each ; 2 for 15 cents; 10 for
50 cents, or 100 for $3,50. Photographs same
prlce as Badges. Crayon Portraits on tinted
plate paper. Heroic size 22 by 28, for 25 cents.
Flags all sizes, kinds and prices. Now is the
harvest time for agents and dealers. Send for
samples and full particulars to
Julyl6-3m] 116 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa
Health is Wealth.
a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions,
Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of
Memory, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Pre
mature Old Age, caused by over-exertion self
abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery,
decay and death. One box will cure recent cases.
Each box contains one month's treatment. One
dollar a box, or six boxes for live dollars, sent by
mail prepaid on receipt of price We guarantee
six boxes to cure any else. With each order re
ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five
dollars, we will send the purchaser our written
guarantee to return the money if the treatment
does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only
when the treatment is ordered direct from us. Ad
dress JOHN C. WEST & CO., Sole Proprietors,
181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. Sold by
S. S. Smith Son, Huntingdon, Pa. [june4-Iy.
GOLDGreat chance to make nidney. We
need a person in every town to take
subscriptions for the largest, cheap
ebt and best Illustrated Family Pub
lication in the world. Any one can become a successful
agent. Slit elegant works of art given free to subscribers.
The price is so low that almost everybody sub,ci
One agent reports taking 120 subscribers in a day. A
holy agent reports making over $2OO clear profit in ten
days. All who engage make money fast. You can de
vote all your time to the business, or only your spare
time. You need not be away from home over night.—
You can do it as well as others. Full directions and
terms tree. Elegant and expensive outfit free. If you
want profitable work send us your address at once. It
costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages
fails to make great pay. Address GEOIGGE STINSON & CO.,
Portland, Maine. jane2s-Iy.
Roaches, ants, bugs, moths, garden worms, Lc.
fall victims to its deadly effects immediately upon
coming in contact wi• h it. It is truly the genuine
Persian, the flowers being imported direct, then
ground and prepared at our laboratory under our
own supervision, so that we can guarantee its ab
solute freedom from adulteration. Druggists and
country storekeepers sell it. Wholesale depot, N.
W. Corner of 3d and Callowhill sts., Philadelphia.
DAY, AUGUST 20, 1880.
icijc liillstst Notucr.
Watching the Storm.
Weary, doll and heavy-hearted, on a course of
thought I started
Once, while seated by a window, where a thick
syringe parted :
But while airy castles rearing, with sweet fancies
bright and cheering,
I was startled from my day-dream by a dense,
black cloud appearing.
All the western sky seemed folded in huge heaps
of darkness, moulded
On a sudden, and my heart rebelled, as children
do when scolded,
It was hard to curb the yearning, which arose
without discerning,
That a Father's loving, faithful hand the wheel
of life was turning.
tut I battled back this feeling, which around my
heart was stealing,
And I wheeled to face the window, thus the storm
in full revealing.
Then I watched the grasses quiver, and the oaks
and linden shiver,
While I saw a heavy mist arise above the rushing
Then rough, rude winds came slyly out, and tossed
huge branches round about,
While tufts of pine seemed elfish fingers, beckon
ing me to join the rout.
While a sudden clap of thunder seemed to cleave
the sky thunder,
And the strip of zigzag lightning flashed across
the dark cloud yonder.
Above the tumult rising high, I heard a low and
mournful cry,
Which startled—till I saw a flock of frightened
birds whirl swiftly by.
Blinding grew the lightning flashes, rain upon
the window dashes,
While the very floor of heaven seemed to shake
with thunder crashes.
With a marked, unwavering line, I saw the lurid
lightning twine
'Mid the crooked, impish fingers of the beckon
ing, pointed pine;
With a hiss the bolt descended, with a crash the
tree was rended,
while gray, dappled clouds and lulling winds
"reclaimed the storm near ended.
Such is life, I thought, with sadness—scenes of
hope and scenes of sadness ;
Hearts now sobbing under storm-clouds, then half
wild with bursts of gladness ;
Know we some fair scene of pleasure, wooing us
with dulcet measure,
Some wild tocsin shows its danger, some disaster
spoils the treasure,
When clouds of sin obstruct the view, or woes like
dashing rains pursue,
Faith grasps the hand stretched out to guide the
pilgrim all life's journey through.
Then troubles never make or borrow, neither faint
in deepest sorrow ;
Bear to-day our trials nobly, and let God care
for the morrow.
oje (storg-Etlier.
In a c:.ttage in one of the small Russian
hamlets, not far distant from the great
capital a the empire, there sat an old wo
man in a thoughtful attitude, looking out
of the window upon the snowy waste
sprinkled with houses, out of which spiral
curls of smoke rose in the frosty evening
air. The starlight was clear and bright
without, and within, the evening meal was
spread invitingly; but neither the old
woman nor her young daughter, who was
kneeling at her feet and resting her arm
upon the mother's lap, paid heed to the
one or the other. Ever and anon would
the daughter lift up her beautiful face and
look earnestly, sometimes imploringly, at
her parent. At last she ventured to put
her arm softly about her neck, and to say
in the sweetest and most caressing tone in
the world, 'Thou art thinking,dear mother,
I know that Jarunir will be here to-night."
The old woman smoothed the wavy,
golden locks of the. young girl, and an
swered :
' Nay, my daughter, I was indeed think
ing of Jaromir, but not that he should
come to-night : for I hope he will come
hither no more."
"And why, mother ?" cried the maiden,
starting up, while her bright cheek grew
"Because I have forbidden hie). Ivano-
The young girl looked into her mother's
face a moment with an expression of sur
prise amounting to terror, and then turned
away and covered her face with her hands.
"Thou are not weeping my child ? Nay,
listen to me. Post thou not remember the
prophecy of the ohl gypsy of cave ! I
have often reminded thee of it."
“That I should be the greatest and
highest lady in the land.”
"Even so. Thou was then twelve years
old ; now thou art fifteen, and beautiful,
any Tvanowa."
"And Jaromir loveth inc."
"List. night in my dream I saw again
the gypsy. She held a crown in her hand,
and said to me, "It is for Ivanowa."
"But Jost thou remember, mother, the
day after the gypsy's prophecy how the
cruel eagle swooped upon my pet lamb and
carried him off? What left the eagle in
return for my beautiful lamb ?"
"There is something great in store for
thee, my child," said the old woman, "let
us not thwart destiny."
The young girl only murmured in re
, ply, Jaromir loveth we, and—l love Jaro
mir." And as if the curtless confession
had summoned the object of her thoughts,
the latch was that instant uplifted, and
Jarcmir entered. lle was the handsomest,
the bravest, and the lightest-hearted young
huntsman attendant upon the Grand
Prince. So far was his station above that
of the widow Maria and her fair daughter
that none of the damsels in the hamlet,
who envied her surpassing beauty, would
believe that the prince's huntsman meant
to wed the portionless girl; and many a
meaning smile and scornful taunt were
flung after the lovers when they passed to
and from the church, or when the light in
the widow's dwelling denoted the presence
of a visitor. Rut the ambitious dreams of
the mother, and the simple, loving earnest
ness of the child, kept from their knowl
edoe the envious sneers of the villagers.
The widow was visionary and ambitious,
but she loved her fair daughter beyond
all things on earth ; and when Jaromir and
Ivanow•a knelt at her feet, to own their
love and implore her blessing on their
union. and she saw that heaven had formed
them in their youthful beauty for each
other, her opposition gave way ; she for
got the gypsy's predictions, and stretching
out her hands in blessing, wept tears of,
tenderness on the sweet maiden's head.
The sun was shining brightly on a
morning in early Summer. A procession
of the fliirest damsels in the hamlet at
tended by young men, all in holiday attire,
was on its way to the church where the
solemn betrothal of Jaromir and Ivanowa
was to take place. The bride was dressed
in white, the veil fastened in her hair with
a wreath of snowy flowers, and floating
like a cloud over her delicate and graceful
figure. She leaned on the arm of Jaromir
and walked with eyes fixed on the ground;
but the soft smile of happiness was on her
face, and whenever she looked up to him
who was to be her betrothed, her eyes
were filled with the light of love.
Two young girls at her side bore gar
lands of flowers, and the widow Maria fol
lowed, glancing proudly now and then at
the fair girl and conversing with the
neighbors who walked by her side.
Suddenly the shrill blast of a trumpet
was beard, and the bridal procession stood
still, as the tramp of several horses, sound
ing in the distance, came rapidly nearer.
Four or five horsemen rode up in some
confusion; they were laughing and shout
ing, having outrode their companions in
pursuit of a falcon. The wayward bird
was in advance of them; he wheeled rap-.
idly round several times, and, just as the
pursuers eame up, had alighted on the
wrist of the bride.
Ivanowa was frightened, and strove to
shake off her new acquaintance; but the
bird returned after every repulse, and
looked with his clear, keen eyes, so earn
estly into hers, that she almost fancied
they had a human expression. While her
young companions gathered round her to
admire the noble and fearless creature,
more horsemen joined the group. Silence
instantly prevailed, and every head was
uncovered at the approach of one whom
all recognized as the sovereign.
"Ha, my truant bird !" cried the Grand
Prince ; and alighting, while his attend
ants did the same. he held out his hand,
that the falcon might porch upon his wrist.
But his eyes were fastened on the young
girl so intently, and with such evident ad
miration that her eyes dropped to the
ground, a blush overspread her face, and
at length, abashed beneath his prolonged
gaze, she sank slowly on one knee, half
terrified lest she might have offended a
personage sa exalted.
"Who is this young girl ?" asked the
sovereign, turning from one of his at
tendants to another; but none answered
till Jaromir spoke.
'So please your highness, it is my be
trothed, Ivanowa, the daughter of Maria,
the widow."
"It is well, Jaromir," said the Grand
Prince. "Come with us; we would ques
tion thee farther."
To dispute the will of the sovereign
would have been high treason. The young
huntsman was compelled to leave his bride
and depart with the royal party. The
young men and maidens who had assembled
to witness the betrothal, returned to their
homes, and Ivanowa threw herself into
her mother's arms and wept bitterly, with
a vague sense of impending calamity.
Thr( e days after Ivanowa and her
mother were summoned to court by a
special order from the Grand Prince.—
Jaromir had not returned None save the
secrets agents of the sovereign knew that
he languished in solitary imprisonment,
while his betrothed bride was proclaimed
throughout the city as the chosen wife of
the Grand Prince, pointed out by the will
of heaven itself—indicated flight of the
fideon—as her who was to share the throne
of the empire.
Magnificent heynn-1 description was the
next bridal pageant in which Ivanowa
moved as the iiineiple personage, while
the proudest n,i - de4 of the land gazed in
admiration upon her unrivalled and won
drous beauty. Gorgeous music accompanied
the procession, and the shouts and huzzas
of the people rent the air on every side,
mingled with the peal of trumpets, while
banners waved triumphantly, and flowers
strewed the way over which the royal bride
was to pass. But her face was pale as
marble, and the jewels that glittered on
her brow, but marked the sadness of her
downcast eyes. Still she moved on, the
wonder of all who beheld her—the beloved
of the monarch at her side, the victim
adorned for the sacrifice.
The ceremony was at au end; the pro
cession returned to the palace, and long
and loud shouts of "Long live the Grand
Prince ! Long live the princess !" were the
signal of unbridled joy and festivity
throughout the capital
More than a year bad passed. In an
apartment of the royal abode a wasted
fi!rure reclined on a couch, surrounded
with luxury and elaborate adornment which
sometimes seem a more sad mockery of ill
ness and pain than would be the humblest
dwelling of poverty. • Two or three at
tendants moved softly to and fro, and one
had taken her station by the side of the
couch to watch the slumbering sufferer.—
It was the Grand Princess—she who had
been so lately a bride—who now lay upon
the bed of death.
All at once a slight conva,ion passed
over her pallid features ; she opened her
eyes, raised her thin wasted hand slowly,
and pointed to the door. This was opened
a moment after, and an attendant whispered
to the nurse, "It is the priest."
"Let him enter !" was the answer, and
the holy man approached the dying. "He
stood silent for a moment, then bending
over her, whispered in her car the single
A bright flush illuminated for an in-
stant the face of the princess; a light came
into her eyes.
"Thou art come at last, siva murmured
faintly; my spirit summoned thee, Jaro
Without a word more the priest began
and closed the religious service fi. - r the dy
ing. When these were ended and the
blessing betowed, there wa3 a deep silence
for a few moments.
"Jaromir." said the princess at length ;
"thou hast forgiven me ?"
"Speak not thus, Ivanowa," faltered the
priest, in a voice of anguish. "God path
appointed . us both to suffer ou earth. His
will be done :"
"Farewell, Jaromir
"We shall meet in heaven !"
The sufferer strove, but vainly, to rise ;
her eyes were fixed on him who spoke
those words of hope ; and an ecstatic ex
pression to her still beautiful face an ap
pearance almost angelic. "We shall meet
in heaven !" she repeated, in a low mur
mur; and with the words that have calmed
so many breaking hearts—that have
smoothed so many partings—that have
lifted so many sorrowing souls above the
woes of this world—yet trembling upon
her lips—her gentle and innocent spirit
passed away.
0 joiitlCat.
Senator Morton on Gen. Hancock.
Extract of the spe2eb delivered by the Hon. 0.
P. Morton, U. S. Senator from Indiana, before
the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union of Washington,
D. C., Monday evening, January 6, IS6S.
After quoting General Hancock's order
(General Order No. 40), Senator Morton
spoke as follows :
"This order is like the apple or the Dead
Sea, which are fair to the eye, but turn to
ashes upon the lips. The first thing notice
able in it is that it makes no reference to
the work of reconstruction, or the business
for which he was placed in command of
the district. The position to which he was
appointed was created by an act of Con•
gress to enable him to manage the work
of reconstruction for the States of Loni.El•
ana and Texas, and his duties are pre
scribed by law, but in his introduotory or
der he makes no mention of this business,
and seems to contemplate purposes hostile
to it. lie was not ignorant of his busi
ness, nor did he forget it, and his omission
to refer to it is significant of his purpose
to defeat it.
"The body of the order is devoted to the
emphatic recognition of the legality and
binding authority of the existing State
governmc►!t in defiance and contempt of
the declaration of Congress, tr set forth in
the several acts of reconstruction. These
acts of Congress are predicted upon the
idea that the existing State governments
are illegal, unauthorized, ar►d have no
rightful authority whatever to control the
people ; and to show how strongly and fre
quently this is put, I will quote as fol
lows :
"The preamble of the first act, passed
March 9, 1861, reads as follows :
"'An Act to provide for the more effi
cient government of the rebel States :
" 'Whereas, No legal State government
or adequate protection for life or property
now exists in the rebel States of Virginia.
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana,
Florida and Arkansas; and, whereas, it is
necessary that peace and good order should
be enforced in these States, until loyal and
republican State governments can be le
gally established.'
. .
"The sixth and last section of the same
act is in these words :
"That until the people of the said rebel
States shall be by law admitted to repre
sentation in the Congress of the United
States, any civil government which may
exist therein shall be deemed provisional
only, and in all respects subject to the par
amount authority of the United States at
any time to abolish, modify, control, or
supersede the provisional government; all
persons shall be entitled to vote, and none
others, who are entitled to vote under the
fifth section of this act; and no person
shall be eligible to any office under such
provisional governments who would be dis.
qualified from holding office under the
provisions of the third article of said con
stitutional amendment.
'Then again, the first section of the sup
plementary act, passed July 9, 1567, is in
these words :
"That it is hereby declared to have been
the true intent and meaning of the act of
the second day of March, 1 67, notitled
'An act to provide for the more efficient
goverment of the rebel States,' and of the
act supplemental thereto on the 28th day
of March, 1868, that the governments
then existing in the rebel States of Vir
ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana,
Florida, Texas and Arkansas, were not
legal State governments, and that there•
after said governments if continued, sub
ject in all respects to the military corn•
mandors of the respective districts, and to
the paramount authority of Congress.'
"These different sections declare in the
most positive terms that the existing State
governments are illegal and unauthorized;
that they do not furnish protection for life
or property, and that they are made en
tirely subordinate to the military authori
ty, and whatever powers they continue to
exercise will be by the consent of the mil
itary commander. But General Hancock,
in open contempt of these declarations,
assert that the civil authorities do furnish
adequate protection to life and property;
that to preserve peace and quiet is the ob
ject of his mission, and that as a means to
this great end he regards the maintenance
of the civil authorities in the execution of
the laws as the most efficient means under
the existing circumstances.
'He says the war is over, the civil au
thorities are ready and willing to perform
their duties; the military power should
cease to lead, and the civil administration
resume its natural and rightful dominion.
Again he says, pompously : 'Solemnly im
pressed with these views, the General an•
nounces that the great principles of Amer
ican liberty are the lawful inheritance of
the people, and ever should be.' This is a
very startling proposition, and quite as as
tonishing as the news that the 'Dutch
have taken Holland.' Again he says :
'Crimes and offenses committed in this dis
trict must be referred to the consideration
and judgment of the regular civil tribunals,
and those tribunals will be supported in
their lawful jurisdiction. Here he adjures
the military power conferred upon him by
Congress, recognizes the supremacy of the
bogus civil authorities, and declares that
he will support their tribunals in the ex
ercise of their lawful jurisdiction. And
this he says standing upon ground in New
Orleans yet moist with the blood of nearly
two hundred men slaughtered in the pres
ence, and by the contrivance of the civil
authorities, while the tribunals which he
pledged himself to support have never
brought one of the murderers to justice.
If peace prevailed when he went there it
was because of the bold and determined
measures of Generals Sheridan, Griffin
and Mower, and not from any merit of
these civil authorities, which he delights
to honor, for it is a notorious fact that un•
til Gen‘..ral Sheridan took command there
was no security for the life and property of
Union men in Texas or Louisiana. Again
says General Hancock : 'The right of trial
by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of
the press, the freedom of speech, and the
natural rights of persons and the rights of
property must be preserved.' This is a
very pretty saying, but what does it mean
in this connection ? It means that the
lue'n, white and black, shall have the
right to be tried by r,1y.1 jur;cs, which is
like giving the lambs the right to be tried
by the wolves. It means that the rebels
who have murdered Union men shall be
tried by rebel juries; and when, I ask, has
one of them been brought to justice ? It
means that men arrested by military au
thority may be discharged from custody
upon a writ of habeas corpus issued by a
State Judge, which is in direct violation
of the concluding part of the third section
of the Act of March 2, 1.967, which says :
And all interference under color of State
authority with the
. exercise of military
authority under this act shall be null and
"I read this order of General llancock
with unmingled sorrow and felt that he
had committed an error more fatal to his
reputation than the loss of a battle. Gen
eral Hancock is a gallant soldier,
who has
been wounded in the service of' his coun
try, but if he shall now lend himself to the
support of the principles against which he
fought, and become the ally of his enemies
against his friends, his laurels, be they
ever so bright, will wither like the tender
flower beneath the simoon of the desert."
How They Voted.
The Chicago Tribune says : Many Dem
ocratic stompers have the impudence to
tell their audiences that half the soldiers
that fought in the Union armies were
Democrats—Democrats who have stuck to
their party and vote with it yet. While
such a claim is absurdly and ludicrously
falsc, yet it is calculated to deceive some.
Several of the States passed laws allowing
their soldiers in the field to vote and send
hoine the ballots an:l returns, and have
them counted in the State elections. The
soldiers that considered themselves Demo
crats naturally voted that ticket. Each
party sent canvassers to the camps to col
lect and return the votes. Herewith is a
statement of the votes polled by the Fel
diers in the field at the elections of 1861-
'62.'63-'64 from those States which per
mitted their volunteers to exercise the
right of suffrage while in the military ser
vice of the Government :
State. Year. Fop. Dew.
Pennsylvania 1861 11,3:4 3,173
lowa 1862 14,874 4,115
Wisconsin 1862 8,373 2,016
Colorado 1862 567 11
Wisconsin 1863 9,257 747
Ohio soldiers in Libby_lBll3 162 1
California 1563 4,143 140
Missouri 1863 8,827 777
Pennsylvania .1683 1,302 53
_, 4,590
Pennsylvania 1 Q64 26,712 12.340
lowa 1364 17,310 1,921
Michigan 1661 9,402 2,953
The total vote for the Republican can
didates, according to the above figures,
was 226,437, and 41.803 for the Demo
cratic candidates. This is the best proof
that can be furnished of the politics of the
soldiers in the Union armies. In the
Confederate armies the soldiers were all
Democrats in war and nearly all Democrats
in peace. In the regiments furnished by
the New England States the proportion of
the Republicans would be much larger
than in the Central and Western States,
and is safe to estimate the Union soldiers
as about six or seven Republicans to one
AND now it is Gen. Hancock who has
a son who "talks too mush with his
mouth." This nincompoop contends that
there are no principles at stake in the pres
ent national campaign. Ile views the mat
ter simply as a personal contest between
his father and General Garfield, and is un
able to see anything of those mighty issues
in regard to State sovereignty, the suprem
acy of the national Union, the enforcement
of equal rights, the protection of domestic
industry, the reduction of debt and taxa
tion, the gold basis, the national banking
system and a sound national currency,
about which all the rest of the country
has been ; and still continues to be, so agi
Vanderbilt's Mare.
The record of 2:13k made by the six
year-old Maud S. in the third heat of the
race at Chicago is simply marvelous. Only
those who are thoroughly versed in trot
ting records and turf history can appreci
ate the wonderful performance. That a
mare just past the filly-age, in her second
race, should accomplish what no other trot
ter ever accomplished seems incredible.
The nearest approach to it was by Gold
smith Maid, when she did a second heat
at Rochester, in Angust, 1874, in 2:141;
trotting against Judge Fullerton and
American Girl.
The famous Dexter worked for years to
lower Flora Temple's record of 2:191.
"A wonderful performance," was the
universal exelataation when Dexter touch
ed 2:171. Goldsmith Maid trotted a thous
and times and more before she acquired
the title of Queen of the Turf, by making
a mile in 2:16i. Then the California,
horse Occident, and the speedy mare Lulu,
after many trials earned the same record,
and the Queen went to work again to show
that her title was deserved. She lowered
her record to 2:14i. and finally, in Sep
tember, 1874, at Mystic Park. Boston,
with a running horse at her sulky wheel,
she accomplished the crowning work of
her long life. and finished a mile in the
then unparalled time of 2:14. For four
years Barns strove to lower that record.
At last, when in perfect form, with all
conditions favorable, he trotted against
tame and beat it in 2:121 at Hartford in
August, 1878. In the following month at
Buffalo he knocked off a quarter of a sec
ond. About a year later St. Julian, the
California phenomenon, after about two
hundred trials, trotted a heat against time
in 2:121. Thus it will be seen that every
record lower than -2:141, except Maud S.
at Chicago, has been made in races agekinst
time by old horses that found a day and
track to suit them after hundreds of trials.
In such races a trotter can do from two to
three seconds better than in a contest with
other horses. He can be sent at the start
at his top speed, while competing horses
must come to the stan.l at a much slower
gate to insure a fair start: _ _ .
At Chicago, Maud S. and Trinket
scored at a 2:30 or 2:33 gait, and the great
third heat could have been made in much
better time had the Cincinnati mare gone
under the wire at the start at her best. A
glance at her time for the quarter mile
will prove this. The first was wads in 33
seconds, the second in 32, the third in
32f, and the fourth in 331. Before the
heat wai trotted Captain Stone was reques
ted to have the mare let out, and as the
Judges were willing to take down the dis
tance flag he instructed the driver, Bair,
to let Maud beat her four-year-old record,
but do not try to do better than 2:16.
When Bair reached the distance-post he
looked back and saw Trinket was just
coming into the turn. Knowing be must
be doing better than 2:16, he slowed up
to obey instructions. This accounts for
the time of the last quarter. had he sent
her best on the last quarter, and had she
been allowed to start at top speed, it is
easy to see that her time would have been
2:11 or better, instead of 2:13?,
Captain Stone received a cable dispatch
from Mr. Wm. Vanderbilt yesterday ex
pressing his great satisfaction with the
manner in which the mare had been man
aged, and saying that the world must ac
knowledge now that she is a wonder. She
is entered to trot in fast company at Cleve.
land to day, with such flyers as Charley
Ford, Driver, Hannis, and Bonesetter.—
Cincinnati Commercial, Monday.
NO. 33.