The Hiy:t cllu Journal farm aith i9ous0),o11). The happiest men wh : Are tho-e aho cultivate Raise Mora Sheep. Some people claim that it is better to keep sheep Lb in caul... arid c,rtainly we must admit that the shepherd dogs possess advantages over herdsman, as follows: In the first place, a flock of sheep costs less than one of cattle. A farm which will carry twenty cows will carry about eight times as many sheep, and to stock a farm with twenty cows and neces , ary fixtures will require au outlay f u large sum of money. Au equivalent number of abet p— say 150 ctn bo purchased for Itbout half the sum. Again, a flock orsh,,,ep dew ind less care than a herd i•t C.PWS, Tt.e 1 ~ t ei mu-t be d .i'y and tl.e work f' • dairy in making but tee and t heese L. e..ii stant laborious. d. mauling ,d>,.) skid A lugli order to wake it emito otl) •ucer-s ful The sheep will live awl thrice where cows would starve, le.,at wake po returns. These nimble animals will climb over rocks and ledges where cows would not venture, at,d almost every herb that grows, even down to Canada thistles, suffices them for food. Pastures are hene fitted by being cropped by sheep. They not only keep down the weeds, but have more fertilizing material in their droop ings than do cows, besides, the manure of cows and also pigs, resist decomposition for a much longer time than that of the sheep and horse—the latter bein ilryer than the firmer, and decomposing more readily in the eoil. A flock of sheep always multiplies much more rapidly that, a herd of cows, and this is especially true of the large mutton breeds, which often produce twins. Sheep also fatten more easily than cattle, and when siaughted, they furnish not only meat, but wool as well.—Exchange. How to Make Good Coffee. There are two things which should be well considered ; first the coff.e be well washed and tin-el S ,nto keepers leave the grounds and cold toff •e in the coffee pot from day to day ; when they want to use it they only rinse out the grounds. This habit is a very poor one as it wears out the coffee pot and in a short time spoils the coffee. Sec , ind always measure the amount of water ; have a tu3 d.pper or some dish that will h .Id ju.t enou_h water use it every time, U will save waste, for every h.iusewi'e knows how much c-ffee her fimily she can toil h.iw much water to use I have tried waking coffee by every reciie I ever saw, I 'Live made it with warm and hit %valet.; I have s iik , al ed .t, lie o - ay t , I r i' P Ca r - rk i ~a. d 1 4 • Oi e and it is read, fir the table. Tilts is di only wiy I ciu get dom., good coffee. How TO COoK A STEAK.—Fir , t, nev , r fry it. There is no mystery ab ut broil ing a beefsteak. The simple art is to cook a steak without smoking, and to re fain the juices What is needed is siniply to broil with -ut firing or bl. zing. steak can be cooked without watching The fire must be very hot. The outside must be well cooked in order to keep the juice inside; but the outside must have scarce any thickness. The thing to do is to turn a steak from side to side", and to keep doing it. Net er pepper or salt steak until it is on the dish To pepper it might not do so much harm, but to salt it is almost a crime God steaks must, be served instantaneously on a hit p!ate. Butter is admissible uu a sty ai., but. on y in a very minute quantity Cut. au inch and an eighth thick, and the cooking artistic, the juice of the meat follows every cut. WASHING FLrnD —Washing in many families makes a day's hard work every week. It may be made much easier, and quicker done, by using this fluid, without injury to the clothes and with little ex pense. Two quarts of boiling water on a half pound of unslacked lime. Di,sole«. in another vessel one pound of washing soda and one half pound of borax in tw. , quarts of water, then mix with the lime and boil five minutes; let it settle and bottie the clear part of the mixture Ti-e a small teacup of this to two pails of watt.: with a small cup of soft soap or as much hard soap. Soak the clothes first in clear cold water, then put in the boiler, in which the soap and mixture have been stirred in cold water, boil ten minutes. then take out, wash the dirty places, and rinse in plenty of clean water. The fluid saves more than half the work, very little rubbing being required even for clothes very mush soiled. WOOD ASHES AND MUCK.—Wo d ashes are so xer 1e... applie,toin to apt.l. tree- or .tly th r tr.,s 4., phottz. Sp ing is the beet oul, ,oa t ply tb tn. P. g the qu,intity b ) the lacilitics for obtaining the supply. There is little danger of applying too much, unless the hind is surleited with potash. Asb,s are gu , d for MI or spring u 1), at. Ti.ey w., ) 1:e sow , at ;in% 'lto- though wv won , p el r apt i ;au. lyre i t;. , I 1 tiro wuuh 01 the,,, a , a liberal strengthens the b tra w and enlarges as well as improves the grain. Composting either lime or wood ashes with muck is one of the very best methods of utilizing them for manurial purposes. None of their own fertilizi,ig virtues are then loss, while they help greaily to neutralize the injurious aeids of the tunA, and to render its manurial eletuvnts fit to be readily taken up as plant faki.—Rurnl Xeir Yorker. A ZANESVILLE, Oni, wan a Pitwrt ill; e ago dug up a lut of apples that were buried in sand f'ur years ago, and every apple was as Sound a' the day they were buried. So bury your apples in sand, if 3ou wit t thaw to keep. :Ar0111 1 :0 ,-,II`CSIIt. Mr. Tal7nage, in o:ie of iti4 )e: e•:t -er ramous on the a v tnpio : r gate nf hell, and the chik,f gate, and as wide as all others put together, is the ;;ate of alcoholic beverae. On the nir-ht of ixploratinn I found that everything wari done under the enchantment of' the wine cup. That was what the witnesses carried ou the platter; that was oue of the chief attractions of the illuminated gardens; that staggered the steps of the patrons as they w, nt out. This wine cup is the instigator of all impurity and the patron of all uneleanlinesi Si) far as.G , d may help ;ne, I eh-all be its unending the. It was the testimony or din nfficials on the night of our expl that nearly all rho-e who freq „I' d. nib ao to{l t o'. l jitIOX iC.It ; 1 ;,1 ;Ind SHiritl.l , ll tilt• 'fell uae a yott.... nrin dritsks ar.,l I know Ow re,t. L t him twoom-e., pr of wing cup• b.- i 4 tf,.S va 7 i.ire 1 olicr vices. No man r., r run- drnt,k.-ti . as alone That ie ttle carrion crows that goes in a If that Ithea t y-,u may know the o'-her beak ftill-us. In other words, strot!g Wink nailer balances and dethrone and ntlke% it'Att the prey of all !hi, appetites 111:q. np.IU the 8-111. There is' net a foii:e s:o on this cowl neat but ilia: Gads it:: chief abettor in the places of itiebri:qy. '!'acre is a drinking bar before it, or 'oohind oir a her over it, or a bir uno_:er it. The oie rs. to tue that ni.,;111, —Vont sr- how hey aware legal penalty; the . , are iii::enseol to snil liquor." Then I thou_tht within nivs,.lf. the court which lice:it:s sAle 01' intoxicating iiquors, liaeroseo: heiaes, licenses iohettinistn, licenses death, lic-uses all critiks, ;i tinfietii.g, all disas ter*. all woocs. I e tl.e legislature and eour s who swiqg wide open this grinding, ro ;.:Itc of the luat But you t-a 2.. you have shown us how these gates swing in for the entrance of the do med. Please tell us how the gates swill:T. out for the e.seiope of the penitent . Lt nt uwt r : It is the ,xception when ,ny eine out. I think nii.e hundred and nine , y Lioie out fa !lowland perish Christianity Dying Cut. S.i the ,lirpti-s sly Lot us see The comptrative statistics Jiff , rent dec,lce. lo 1850 the pupa itio:, w.,a 23.191,871;. The number of et 11 , s was 38,0111, veldt propty worth e , 87 328.801 In 1890 the popu!ation r as 31,443,321, an increase of 36 per The nianth r ref churches was 54, 000, 911 of 42 per cent.-6 per cci-it, greater tilt , . that. ofthe p-pulation— •.•,l t; - :e value of the church property was .5.i71 397 932, an :nereasi, of nearly 100 p r .-en in 1870 the po;41•;oinr, w:Ls .7! (:; 22 i,•, p iy . • • tir h zi3353,487,- 601. a crea,, ot t han 1(1(1 ve r t e,t, w i,t:ioding our from abroad and our 6vil war the grown faster than the population, and we have doubled our in vestment in them every ten years ; is there any indication that Christianity is wal— ing ? I believe that ti,' present decade has been more prosrtous :or the church than any previous one in our history. I believe that the census of 1,.:81) will ahem that we have more churches' troportion to ene population than ever beihre. The sttitis will not silo nee f•ktpticq of the Inger soli school They do not care for f,cts But they will encourage Christians woo ly have been troubled I , y the impudent assetti,lis of ungodly wee Our b vas d relig:or, has it , q only n rest Lut a futtinf 5 I s pito• in pr. , :ll;!iy i, , sure as its place in history It sot ou! has ',ten and is the mightiest institution among men, but it is going on ati,adily to the conquest of the world. Let the progress of the present century, with its ever ac c,lerating ratio, continue - f)r. allot her hull. Bred ti ears, and will not the ear: h be filled with tile knowledge of the Lord as the *a tens fill the sea ? - Treating the Wrong Disease. women call . upon their , anti y physiciatis, oi,e with dyspepsia, atioi her viith palpitation, another with trouble of the breast, an her with pain here and there, arid in this way they all I.leseut alike to th •msekes and their easy arid ii:diffe•ent ttietirs, separate and distirrei d:s• tt,r which he prescribes his pills and potiote, as‘uteieg them to be such, when, in reality, they are all aywp tows caused by sonic uterine disorder; and while they are thus oily able perhaps to palliate for a thee, they are ignorant of the cause, and encourage their practice until large bi is are wade, when the suffer ing patients are rio better in the end. but robably wor-e or the &ay, treatment, and other complications wade, and which a proper reediewe directed to the cause would have eutir,ly removed, thereby in stunting health and conittrt ins'.ead of rro!onged SHADE, A thrds. • 0, 1 11,-). 1)11 R V. Pt mum. B.tir:ll,, N. 1.: Your Fa.orue I',e-eription is working h' lik. U :,C:0 on toe. lam better 4lrezidy than I have bee. for over two years. WINDA E. ST. CLAIR YORKVILLE, Toronto, 0 rr. 18 '7g. R. V. PIERCE, A D : Ueai Sir—l write y-u about a nvoit • • warka le cur,- Ott" a !a.fy ulhe Iltoh •i,,. nee r wan i,ge to ~1) :y r ro. 5.,, Ic; sqlf,red great , tr w liter tie which caused ster itny. She tried the moat ewiuent physi wans of this part of the country, who told her she would have to undergo are opera tion with the knife. Being afraid of this, she was induced by reading pur Medical Adviser to take your Fav,.rlte PreFc:.ipti.)u and Peilos She used three hotthls, as a result she entirely reeovft'red her Liraliti and is the havpy a:ot!Jer hea It Very truly :,t , uis JtaiN 3'ICELituY 1 riAvi: found 10.010.: yet Fe quire- wire courage and ind , Tendente tba to l.'s,: even a hid.; but decidedly above ti,r par of the relizi•.us iv.,rll around uta. Surly. the wiiy in which we c•ln monly go 0o t the wad of svir denial an I sa,r fine atid f•roiis which the N w le—am nt 01 —Dt. ir. Ale.raudtr. The Gates of He 71":, New Advertisements . 14 ._. .•, - „. • . . • ;'r i 1 for Illtrtt•ft 4 ei Cirr iar a.n.l Fr until you latvo t;., , • t Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR. •--VECTOR SEWENC: ruIACH:NE COMPANY, Wextera Lrauch Office, 235 STATE ST., CUNAGQ, ILL. MIDDLETOWN, CONN.' S. S. & SON, Agents, HUNTINGDON, Pa March 12, .--1) ez4_, 2-01 *.# Q 9 'l2 t. • 9 . Cr? t L. - , ,"D r. t. . , _ - t;" o f.Ol rurf ictllnrw 4 - .71 .11. rr we trill - • aICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO., Battle Cree% _ - ' ' - • -'- • - k ---- • . I f rah 19, 1880-22 t, PERRY DAVIS' r -Th i VEC;ETADL.E. ..••• KY! . : ! 7: ...... CZ • -•!. : ;A t•ti ' ....... (12:1 A. Purtrux 'VEGETA ItILE 11E'..../.'EPY L"3 1 1C IWEE.i:AL A:,:a EXTiiIRAL USE, 7 - 7 ..-- 4 4, A , IF; a lint, rl:r:- ".r ::1 C. -,t d's< fr, , s for wh;ch it is roc. o - nrnoutled ..;'..' ' - . 0 LL. , / : :. ~.: ~, : : , .i , ...F.V.:CTLY ,(_; AFL' in the hau,Li • - - - .. t t , . 1, t:o, I.:ost inexperienced perscns. a ...o Jt iv mg:;co:tt m F;NOED by PIIIKICIRSIN, Nts , lonnvics, of Plantations, IV ork-,;hops, anti Factories, Nu; -. is slic,rt by Everybody, Every wLere, isiit) bus evt‘r given it a trial. IT FS WIT HCLIT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It alwn.ys Le ;1.e:: for Pain in the Back and Slaty, and brings si.eetly ~0.1 l trill:went relief in all cases of Eruiacs, Guts, Sprains, Severe Evirns, Scalds, eta. No family can safely be without it. It will annually save many times its cot in doctors' bills, and its price brings it within the reach of all. It is sold at 25c., 50c., and $1 per bottle, and can be obtained from all druggists. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. Marchl9,lBSo 26t—enw-nrin Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches, Gold Chains, JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, Ear Rings, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Necklaces, LOCEETS, CROSSES, 11117 :Ts of all 17.11115, =TABLES, LC NEW (40,4 N, G._ tTba,YIIIIY c~ > ac. s "t' 0 . Store 9 423 Penn Ste, Huntmgcon,Pay C_A_l_ll_, .A_ITD S - ' _ A FULL LINE OF PLATED WARE, SUCH AS Castors, Pickle Stands, Cake Baskets Ice Pitchers, Mugs, Child's Sets, &c. Smiths' - Music Store—Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. 1= D = I\T I\T Music and Sewing Machine Store, "-- " : • We have the largest and best assortment of OE,GANS and SEWING MA CHINES ever brought to Huntingdon, and would respectfully invite all who desire to buy a Musical Instrument or Sewing Machine to call and see our stock. We have styles and prices to suit everybody, and will sell low for cash or monthly payments, and the rent allowed if purchased. We have a wagon running constantly delivering Organs and Sewing Machines. All kinds of Sewing Machines repaired. Piano and Organ Covers and Stools. Don't forget the place, west end of Penn street, near Fisher & Sons' Mill. Apri126,1878. S. S. SMITH & SON. TT ROBLEY, Merchant Tailor, No. irs, 1 locators A MONTH guaranteed. $l2 a . .lit at home by the industrious. Capital not IL.A.• 413 Mifflin street, West Huntingdon , ' required; we will mart you. Men, women, boys and girls make money faster at work Pa., respectfully solicite a share of public pat- tor us than at anything else. The work is light and pleasant, and such as any one can onage 'l-9n , town and ,onntry [oct l 6, go right at. Those who are wise who see this notice will . send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, GO TO Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those THE JOURNAL OFFICE already at work are laying up large sums of money. Ad dress TRUE I CO., Augusta, Maine. J0u56,1.879-Iy. Er.rlq r 77v7, , r, (row- .- • At, • - Every Time, 1nt(1.... Pont' buy r • • It is a sate r 7,1 14,1 Ar. rtsuatuly for rorGrrs, SPT'• r a:ld ,knilar troubles; ;Alford, instant relict , ' in Mist 11.rrn3 Of DIPIITHERIA. and is the 1,-, t r•;:ne , r F'i► , r.:ualism and Neuralgia. Tho ri3st, Molt Wkiety Known F - arnily Nledlc:ino ii tho World. It. bag bern. I;.7,l•Titit such success in el parts of tl: 1.1 r C;IA MPS. CtiOLERA, DIA rat II(EA, - 1 - ;ow EL COMPLAINTS that it is cou.idered tx U...:11;:',!;11:g Cure f..r thest diseases. Has stood no test of Forty Years' Constant Use in ;51 Countries and Climates. FOR TUE p a sla.„; la 2) - AT -- c.Z. , IT, IR)= =a l t....-: -I- • • ,AR -,: _ : : New Advertisements i- t~ y -, :x:- r- i C" r :=1,77.) =.= c==) cp 0 :E a ° (p FS ' 11 • eJ2 • 0 ime.3 ("3 t 4 • I=l t e d- C'D r/) I==> /..." C.= " 4 • F.- ) Uq (1) 111 cl ✓ X vA 1 o H r • 8 " •-•z 0 ti 0 u • rn,-", New Advertisements rah 1.••• liF Jo:, • •••• cf , k.; .„• 10 ' ig P.' FM. 6,4 moo _•••• ~ ~- *A., ..... n • t rr 4 -4t -- ..,. 1 . 7: 01 ' mil (1 .:. t .. : 0. WO 4 44 0 ~.i i I mk • pew . - X: -Z Imp , imm 04 0 WWI AlbS .r.r7/ ( C :: 1;11: - • PO.- /"" tt L',4 • R Sr Z I V '&• i t .1101. , •"4 k ,14 , 714 1 3447- 9 bi•O Will PI). .1. -.. 1 1.: -..-• :-..: . • 4. 5, tiTZ. • 10'1 * 7'7-: ..,„„lTidge p.... et. ~,,,' ..... ,- ..u:•1 r.z... N. , ©.. vi ..,,,,..4 • te --- - ", - 7i - Ati N ig s .lii. A . - lad " ( ~:,.„........,--.-..,.._ or• rire:•.:} i..: . ;;) W.lll '-; j P., E ... a, .: 1 6;1.-- 0n...- . P.M ~..; . r e :: ::•:: - IL i lOW , ',..... 1 G,, - 4 :•,! (": 0....• .40 .V.? 3 NW ▪ ' irrt p‘• "*", ~,„ •••e :-.-, r•-1 g -,,. i ~ .2 ''..:i3 t L'H''' 1 r: 4 : 1 : ICE. ,4 = h.... 4 tiarigo (ria NM pa L-4 Z i. II ir4Nl ct n q ii vitin = t ~.......„ , it, c" ..:..'' g 414 tr - • -• m--- - L _1 h. ow .--► Mg Cf; O nKa • '.../ .4 . ..:::.," A m, p• - , L . . • W.,.r, ..I ~..J pia... ~-..., .., '',,,, e: 7m ,r 4.44, ( —.. P _-: 3 - , `.. -4 . A -- - - • catr_ - t: . .711, ~ • • IA .4 %F.117;ii3) C ...; i,,,,-..i. t.. .-..• .., k.c.a. „r Mel :Om 'AN (11: u--~ ~~: ..,...:-.2 . ...1".... : i... ,.. ...: - --- • ' ' ,-', . ; • ..4 4 Arm., ` . .. -- -L:. , -40' , u - i "attse "1;0- ow. O= - r 1... . {,MaJ Cg".kAm. 'we) Is") VFAL r'., .2 0 1` (t . : - . A ... . * :... w.f ., . 1 el 1.."011 31 CD ... ' - r .11iM:n t.... ""'-'- - el ,„.. .. ' '.. i . :;:t. - 10 = , tzan r r l ' 44.7/ ( Mil :X :; .. z - 2 ...: z,, , --- ~.1: C .73 Thrmerly Dr. emiry's ladneg reeeta.ble preparation and the affrEy r,ntody in tile world for Bright'a ft - itials...tea. sand ALL Indite.), Liver. i....... t'rinary Difeetrae, ow - Testimonial,. of the highest order in pti•Pf oft he.ettatements._ _ _ -. - For'the cure of Diabetes, call for War- Mate Diabete« Cure._ eur For the cure of Bright's end th.rst::o7. disea...s, call for Warner's Safe kita.;avy and Liver Care. WARNER'S SAFE SITTERO. It is thebest Blood Purifier, and still, tii:• every function to more healthful salon, and Is thus a benefit in all diseases. It cures Scrofulous and other:Clan rra•p. t ions and Diseases, including Causing*. L cern, and other Sores. Dyspepsia. Weakness of the Sttnittlf.b. 4 . 0,111.1 i 'pat ion. Dizziness. General tY, etc.. are cured by the Safe Bitters. h unegrsied as an appetivn and regular Bottles of two sizes ; prices, 50c. and {il.oo. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE. Quickly gives Hest and Sleep to the su iT.- iaires Headache and Neuralgia. pr•. . . Epileptic Fits, and relieves Nervous Pi c,- tration brought on by excessive Min., mental shocks, and other causes. I ,,, vertUl as e. la tO stop pain and 5 , .0 - tin Nerves, it never injures the ‘vle•th er taken in smnll or lame WARNER'S SAFE Pi! L 3 R. W THE JOURNAL.STO:2I:I the place to buy all kind 1 1 ♦ /. 1 + 1 .4. 4. ri.Si 1000411 : 7 ,f; T 1'::1; Dyr- 1 C'.. tiiLi Liti, JJ.i NV pur, the b' :S.l .1. 50 I : New Orkans'M,l i (1:• tai,.. ; 2:recn c , flee 20e per puuol. ••,- 3 Pounds for 50 Cc: ;.s T..,•. , f.... 0 tOe to $1 (10 per ptilnd lee, Hu .onl 12e per pouud, and all other goods equLlly low for Cash or country produce. Will be pleased to have you call and examine and hear prices before purchasing elsewhere. Jan. 3-'79 l G. MILLER. Art. BUY YOUR SuHOOL 800.K.8 -A— , at the Journal Store. New Advertisement& TO TIIE AFFLICTED. SPECIAL NOTICE. fr.^-!-1 1,1) kno4n a. the •t),.i • 7.- EieW ieit i-11 the unitcriii,Juk., au ag• a•:: :or thc sale of his Invaluable Remedies In the cure of all disease 2 so sueeesEfully treated try him when hero. Hie celebrate,' ROCKY MOUNTAIN TONIC, So unrivaled as an alterative and so efficacious in all dtses,ses of the Liver, will be kept constantly on timid while his remedies for diseases of Kid n,y,4, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Catarrh, 'fetter, etc., etc., will be procured for I,,,rsons ordering them, promptly and at the short est notice. Persons afflicted with disease would do well to avail thetnsels es of this opportunity of procuring relief. Medicines will be forwarded by mail or express to any part of the country, when ordered. Address R. McDIVITT, julys-tr.l Huntingdon,Pa. _2! g.. 0 RELIAt;LE. .. . ~-:;,,,, LI vr.r. INVIGORATOR • , ~I' i .1:'.11-oily It:iniely for ,db . ..f Cie Liver, Stomach +l" , ' ; ' : i: :.•••'. S. --IL IS Purely o t S- 1 "14 ; i :, ~..1 . • 4(4. r • _ :.,... It nrver . ~b ,• :, ~: • :,.:..1 ~,,,, t . „ i t k •; , -,...,,, k 0t t „,....-„. $ .• - ~. ... ... li T-1 sa, - • 6 0" : ; 1 1 ti,,-,...:, OP '.l- E' . CO' ' . G a, et t p, ,\6, .. \\ e ( 0 5 09 4 _ . ~---, . .."4 .e6 0 •\•0 0 ts' • --_-,„.0 ix ‘3l 01 111 s. - - • .'•' -.. ' 0 ' t eS , ‘1 t \a 6o f ail * a k,k ° _ E , A C , % 9 GO n‘ s ce p • - u k.\ ° "or. l. e‘ ( v.'" 5 ' , aC 0 ° tV le ftr•' ' '' ', • 0 • ' -. .\\, e , v 6 0 ,:- , "iv 0 ~ .k 0 o 1 ~ N ESP' -, 4 - 1..4 ✓ \N. •-' 3 ii'' • ; ' " 0 pc::•-•:'.4, 4 '' - -.4° I - * .k. , a\ : r pi • '1- ‘'i,`' , :. * P '", ' 640. 4 !4 % 3 ‘ 9( °- i • ',- " L - 4. i- IT;v'ei ' Lot tic -..-W. ea t. • Of 3 sil l a 1 ..1. - S .1.% , 6 - e , \o , ....-,' 1\ 6 \ 0 1. D es i..:".---•',..- 1,1 ,,61 . A O t ‘l 6 n , cf- , $ ;,..,-. %., v . ic y s u v .....1. to --' , Et I _, \\ .?, 'lx) • t ‘e- 5 , ~ s t' 3l o 0 f t I,SS, -...0 sl -, ka , ks , _ k"..- 4/1 ‘ \-IP ~.. ,- j ,-- AG, \le n,," 6 e , - I , ' A l'' .:.' r'l ' 4* e.' .NA 40 ' 4 The o -....- , ~, • , ._.., a 11 ? a , 4 Live .. .0. • ~,140. . - ..5.1 hl 1 5 - *...'"'lias been -.--;.• - / tk r;, ,. ; .4. •,. ......• in my practic q il ~k.'• and by the public, ... - "i' l V e'l^r more than 35 years, -.-- 74 ...--' - , v.-!th unprecedented results. ":',,'. SEND FOR CIRCULAR.: .I ?! &UFO R D MD e BROADWAY,: : .. , .LICCiT 4\ Y lett-Emir WILL TELL TOIJ ITS REPtiTSTIOS. : I:V:dte'IItVMVWVWarIWVWJI-119SVM~M10 July 11-Iy. 1111MMIESRIN soaas. '1,45 S. B AIR) SUCCESSOR To W. BUCIIANAN, At the old Rad the Dialllolld, HUNTINGDON, PA., llas just opened one of the largest and best as- STOVES of .411 kin,is to be found in any establishment out rte of the large cities, I sell none but the best, GETARANTEM SATISFACTION in every case. PEa.s- 3 SHEET-IRON WARE Always on hand in endless variety, and made to order on short notice and reasonable terms. Roo* and Spouting ucdc on short notice, and put up in either town GAS FITTING. I am prepared to do all kinds of Gas Fitting and repairing at reasonable rates. I am also Agent for the sale of COLCLESSER'S Axes, Picks, Mattocks, Etc., THE BEST IN THE MARKET, The public are respectfully invited to call, ex amine goods, an hear prices. With a determina tion to please and render satisfaction, I solicit a share of public patronage. W. S. BAIR. Huntingdon, Pa., March 14, 1879. New Stock of Clothing WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES, OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE° IS TILE DIAMOND, HUNTINGDON, PA Having ab:inloucd, for the present, my inten t.i.,li of removing my store to Philadelpete, I wt,uli respe4 , tfolly inform my old friends and eus anti the pubilegeneraliy. that I have just tirt•ile, - ,ed an entire New Stock of Winter Clothine for Men and Boys, of the latest style and beet quality, which I propose to sell at prices lower than they can be purchased elsewhere. I feel confident that I can offer greater bargains in Clothing and Furnishing Goods than any oth er dealer in the county. N0v.14. 11. ROMAN. sortment of or country. -AT THE Miscellaneous ARION PIANO FORTE -AND-- Estey'sCotLge Organs, '-- - .• ':' • , I ' . —it.,, , • . c4_ ii, • .' O — T4 L , - i-- - ; •I; 1 •'" it• -"1--,444-„..." 1 11 ::: -*,.: • ,,-1 • -,--;, - ~!-;,--n s,-,•-• • •• 1 ;. _ .'•!. '-.. .• , k • F', - • - ,;....,,-,-•:-.,:' -7,,,v7e.=.117,,,,u ONE THOUSAND MADE AND SOLD MONTHLY. NEARLY OR QUITE DOUBLE THAT OF ANY OTHER MAKE THE SWEETEST AS WELL AS THE MOST POWERFUL ORGAN IN THE MARKET. Also the PATENT ARION PTANO. WITH FOUR NEW PATENTS. E. M. BRUCE & CO., No 13(18 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA decl 0,75) S. S. SMITH & SON, Agents. Penn street, Huntingdon, Pa. CLIMAX BINDER. ATTENTION, EASINESS MEN! 331 C Yourt, Note and Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Receipts, Orders, Etc., Printed at the Journal Job Rooms, You can have thcra hound. in The Climax Binder, The Best Invention of the Kid of this Age, It knocks the Hodder patent "sky-high," and the oth er "small fry," seeking public patronage, cannot come within scenting distance. Just to Thilla fo? idy Ellsillsss 'Moll. THE CLIMAX BiNDER Has regularly bound blank book backs, made neatly, and of good strong material, which, with ordinary cure, will last a business man a life time—a self-adjusting blotter, and a removable tablet. it Never Gets Out of Repairs ! Is Always Ready for Use ! To ADDro,iato It, You till hate to Soo It. Samples can be seen at the JOURNAL BOOK STORE, Huntingdon, Pa. J• A. Nash has exclusive right of sale in Huntingdon Co JESSE R. _AKERS, UFA ACT Uri ER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN SEGA_RS, rroi3_,A_c C 0, SNUFFS AND SMOKERE," AriTiCLES. Havana j• Connecticut Seed Selars a Specialty. No. 408 , 1 Penn St. Huntingdon, Pa Nov.S-1v 3,6 1 :Ja0.0 - L :BOOKS. (I "Vr . ' Jit)V,A33). SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL' Geographies, i' BOOKS SCHOOL I ; eog rap ilieS, : BOOKS SCHOOL' Geographies, BOOKS SCHOOL Aril huieties. BOOKS SCHOOL Arithuietic,, BOOKS SCHOOL . Arithweties,. BOOKS SCHOOL Grammars, i BOOKS SCHOOL. Gra mmars, ' BOOKS SCHOOL' Gram wars, !: BOOKS SCHOOL Beaders, BOOKS SCHOOL';' • Readers,!' BOOKS SCHOOL! Readers,! BOOKS SCHOOL] Spellers, 1, BOOKS SCHOOL'Spellers, ii BOOKS SCHOOL, Spellers, II BOOKS Dictionaries.!! SCHOOL BOOKS Dictionaries,' SCHOOL. BOOKS Dictionaries,!! SCHOOL BOOKS Copy Books, SCHOOL BOOKS Copy Books, SCHOOL BOOKS Copy Books, SCHOOL BOOKS Drawing Books,' SCHOOL BOOKS Drawing Books,,'; SCHOOL BOOKS Drawing Books If SCHOOL BOOKS Drawing Cards, '!! SCHOOL BOOKS Drawing Cards, j SCHOOti BOOKS Drawing Cards, ! SCHOOL BOOKS Teachers' Keys.,; SCHOOL BOOKS Teachars' Keys,!; SCHOOL BOOKS Teachers' Keys. SCHOOL BOOKS And every other kind of BOOKS used in the schwls or the county. together with a full and ognplete line of SCHOOL STATIONERY. at prices to suit the chats, at the JOURNAL STORE. JOURNAL STORE. COLORED PRINTING DONE AT the Journal Office at Philadelphlapriem Dry-Goods and Groceries. _ GLAZIER & BRO. DEALERS IN GENEP.A L Ml' RCHANDIr,IC • 1: )1)1)!,. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, • tt::• SMITH Street, between Washington and Mit in GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. QUEENSWAP - WASHINGTON" Street. near Saoll Pi, Drugs and Liquors. S. S. SMITH & SON, DHEEists 111111 hotliocarics, 616 PENN STREET, KT..7I\TTII.rCi-JDO TNT, are dealers in Drugs, Medicines, CHEM/ CA L. 5. TOUT & Filar ARTICLES TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, AND snouLDEB. BRA CE S. Paints, Oils,Varnish, Car bon Oil Lamps, &c.. &c. WINES AND LIQUORS, sued as Whiskies, Brandies, Winos, Gills, Ales and Porters, tbr Mechanical, Medicinal, Sacra mental and Family purposes. A pure article warranted in every case. They are also Agents for the Dads Vertical Feed Seim Machine. Best in the world for all purposes. April 28, 1876—y Travellers' Guide. P6NASYLY AMA RAIL !COAL►. TIME OF IaItAVING OF TRAINS Summer Arrangement, WESTWARD , , : 4,T - 72 , ' `. , , .. : : : 1 71.: ~..,....: :-.. 1 7,_ - = i trATION:. R. ♦. Y A. X j A. X.. lA. X..P. X. P. K. 11 3i; 11 48;7 0)6;31t. Union 11006 1 4 48! b 06 11 ;041..—. :Mapleton 12 031 ...-131iil Creek. l9 6014 30........ 12 12 1 „.....Ardenheint 1 14 18 , 0 28 LIUSTINGDON '9 39 4 171 7 38 12 3517 44' Petersburg :9 22 3 581 7 24 12 44 'llarree '9 15 3 511 ,12 10 55'Spruce Creek 9 10 3 45' 7 09 112 56 1 ....—' Union Furnace . 9 03 341 1 0.141 • .... , 110riniugL•em 3 1.6 3 .1:3 1 1 15,8 liityrone 1 IS! 'Grazierville ( 18 44 3 Tl; 1 24 1 30, Fostoria ,8 36 3 14 1 34'8 33 Bell's Mins !to 33 3 08: 6 33 1 41 .-- Elizabeth Furnace 8 26 3 1131. .... 1 46 .... Blair Furnace 8 21.'2 581. . 1 55 850 AltoonaB 15 2 WI 6 15 I P. X. A. X. A.X.I A.N.P.N. P. X a 07 I Sl.) ;111 1 131 331 6 I+llsl 1 0 34 1 53 6 ag ti 46 6 5:3 6 56 7O , 7 2Ui2 25, PALI k Y.' The Fast Line Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 628 P. m., and arrives at Altoona at 7 40 P. M. The Pacific Express, Eastward, leaves Huntingdon & 8.36, am, and arrives at Il rrisburg 11.30 a m. The Philadelphia Expre..., 1..a , t ward, leaves Huatiag don at 10.02 p. m and arrives at Harrisburg at I'..s' a in The Day Express, Eaetward, leaves Huntingdon at 1.20 p. in. and arrives at Harrisburg at 3.55 p. m. LJUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RA ILROAD. Winter Arrangement. On and after OCT., 13, 1178, Pa.enger Train , will arrive and depart as f011 ,, w1 SOUTHWARD, MAIL. I ZZP. 1 I OTATION3 6 40 9 125 Huntingdon 6 45; 9 101 Long 8 55; 9 2051cConnellltown.... 7 O 4) 9 a Grafton 7 151 9 35, uarklestinig 7 251 9 45 ;Cones Hun 7 3121 9 :iiiilluu6ll uuil Beady_ 7 07 I 9 57 Cure 7 401 10 00iFislier:4 Summit ..... . 7 55 10 15 Saxton Bld 10 30! Riddlesburg 8 151 10 35 Hopewell 8 28, 10 53 Piper. Run 35 , 11 00 Bradlee. Siding. 8 40 11 84i Tatenville 845 11 10: B. Run Siding 8 52 11 17 Everett 855 11 201 Mount Dallas 10 15 11 45111E1:WORD SHOUP'S RUN BRANCH. SOUTHWARD. No. 1 LIP. ,STATIONS. . _ A. M. I 10 Le Saxton, ....... 10 36 !Coftlmont.i to 40 !Crawford.. ...... 10 60 j Dudley EAST BROAD TOP RAIL ROAD On and after Deeember 4, 1878, trill's will run as follows NORTHWARD, MAIL: No. 3 P.M MAIL.! No. 11 , A M. I STATIONS. 7 45 'Leave Robertsdale. Arrive. 7 55 C001e... 1 S 07 Cole . , ...... .. g 3 , 2 s"oino. g 3g I Three Springs S 5u , 11. er,viil.. i 40 9 i. 2 Ho. khill. . 12 35 357 919 I F•birley. 1 12 IS 405 9 2 *Aughwiek. 13 1)9 .1. Di 4201 9 42 lAr. Mt.Unioe. Lear ... 11 65 *Flag Stations. KIDNEY CO V. 1 . 4i4 PI EASES, FEMAI.x WEAK -S.EStiES, AND 24EaTOUS DISORDEUS, by eausfag free act:on of these organs and restoring their power to army off disease. Why Suffer Kilian% pains and aches I Why tormented e i th Piles. Constipation I Why frlo;litened orerdisordered Kidneys Why e-.. 1 eire nervous or sick headaches) have sleepless ni;lits r KIDNEY Wo7:l' c.-:d njoZce in lt,c:Lt. It it a (171,regete.le co,,To.irtlend One packsice renege six qtosor 3ied:oine. Got rrtr - 12.. , ordir it le you. P,;ce,0.u0.• k CO., Preprietart• • .end pet raia.) illiarthiat... Vt. febffl,lB79- yl. CHILDREN TO INDENTURE. A number of children are in the Alma House who will be Indentured to suitable parties upon application to the Directors. There are boys and girls from two to eleven years of age. Call upon or address, The Directors of the Peor of Hunting don county, at Shirleysburg. [eet4,'7B-tf EA6I'W A I. b. rc • g > z•-• NORTHWARD EXP. ! 3IAIL P. A. 31. 7 25 , 12 1 7 201 IL II 7 1 0 i 11 5 7051 11 5 6 561 11 4 616 113 640 11 2 6 3.1 11 1 6 11 0 i 11 1 6 lb 11 0 8 00 10 4 855 104 6 43 10 2 53;1 102 b 30 10 1 6 30 10 1 518 100 5 15 100 4 50 9 NORTHWARD No. 2. I sir._ M. 6 00 5 45 b 46 b ;;0 I G. 7 GAOL Sun SOUTHWARD. MAIL. M AIL. No. 2.1 No. 4. P. M. j P. M. 7 (4 13 33 6 46 6 10 6 04 5 62 5 40 623 5 14