The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, March 26, 1880, Image 3
The Huntingdon Journal. Fit I).‘ 'i ;TTI :t\ 1,. (U(1 LK &gent Peniv,ylvania. Oint. ilti Virgieta Press At;soewtiou Is the only person in Plitshu gh ,utt.orizeo receive adyertisonients for the Joenwst... He ha, hert rates I,OC A f, AND PERSON A I. Brief' MthiLiou—Home-matie and Stela, Sunday E.Lster. Frosty Mornings. :Splendid morning Spring ',oats abound. 11:_bt beds are in or•h 'll,e Inwi i dryitil; to 2. Lent cads next Sunday. Keep your imp locked. Fix up youtliinvements. Flittiags are in full blast. "Cheek" don't always win. Union is talking furnace. am already on the road. The last JOURNAL for March, 1880. Lay in your supply of Easter eggs. Pialit your Spring advertisements. Court convenes on the 12th of April. Altoona is to have a public building. Trout, after the Ist pros., is a legal fry. Our hoys smoke too many cigar "butts." And "winter lingers in the lap of Spring." Some of our people are "flitting" this week. The cows arc on a strike. Butter is scarce. It now costs $ll,OOO to build a locomotive- Samples of new Spring goods are blossom- Fisherinen are already talking about the bass. Norse radish and sassafras tea arc inquired after. Bei!efonte bas au organized "sportsmen club." The strike still continues la Clearfield couuty. Judge Junkin presided at Argument Court last week. An occasional printer puts in a call at this print shop. Geo. B. Oilady, esq., spent Monday ia Hol lidaysburg. Jewish Lent begins to-day, and will last seven days. Vernor predicts snow in April and May for this latitude. It's time for a "moral" show to put in an appearance. Old Borea3 made things crack again on Saturday Ingllt. The snow came down right handsomely Friday forenoon. As yet no solution of the 13-15-14 puzzle has been written. Boatmen will soon begin navigating the "raging canawl." Easter Sunday is two weeks eartkr this year than in 1879. The revival at the Baptist church is attended with solar succes.i. Bellefonte still has some hopes of the glais works. Au idle dreaut. House up the sleighs and get your lieu duster clown off its hooi. No one A.:1,1 fool hardy enough to venture out with it , icigh on Friday. :Mr. J. N. Barr, of Altoona, has been given a patent on a car-wheel chill. ollidays:Jurg people set wolf traps to eat& the boys who steal ben fruit An Altoona man drtrin,g the past sixteen years has walked J 5,040 miles. A countryman was in town Tuesday, offering maple syrup at $1.50 per gallon. Carpenters are buf.y putting repairs on some of the tiwcl;u:g nous,!s in this town. The criminal calendar for the April Term of Court will be an interesting one. Some of the Huntingdon boys are engaged quarry iug stone near Hollidaysburg. Carpenters are engaged in building the new store-room adj:iining the postoffice. Burdette lectured in Johnstown the other Light. Ile didn't draw worth a cent. Daring the year 1879, the P. R. It. CJ, handled 1,070,451 pieces of baggage. The M. E. conference passed a resolution condemning unnecessary Sunday funerals. Several new faces in the business circle of our town will be visible atter the Ist pros. Methodist ministers, who receive new ap pointments, have taken possession of them. Railroaders say that it takes forty-five gal lons of water per mile to run a locomotive. . Evers now and then a tramp slides around to the rear door, and begs somz.-tbing to vat. The flies are buzzinz around our paste pot And, indeed, very Uwe they find to en! in it, 31erchnnt, if sou want to do a thriving business this season, use printer's in liberally. The firemen of Altoona are making• prepara tions for an extensive parade on the Si ofJuly. 'Ti: said that one of the members of the legal fraternity has got himself into trouble. Sunshine, FIIOW, rain, storm, etc., is the way Old Probs. doled out the weather on Alooday. A flarrisburger had the conscience to ask sixty cents prr pound for butter the other day. Services at the Chapel next Sunday morn ine and evoing, by the pastor, Rev. W. IL Dill. The Westbrook storeroom, on Washington street, will be ready for occupancy OD the lst. pros. The scream of the "iron horse" is heard in every coun%y of this Commonwealth except Fulton. An Altoon a. man named Allen has been ar"; rested in that city for maintaining a "lottery' rauche. The Mount Union Times save : "Why not erect glue works in Mount ITilion." Yes, why not. Thuriday night a lot of regular army soldiers passed thri - . , ugh the town en route to Washing ton city. Ilatcatcher Fullerton scored thirty-six dead rats in two nights' work, at the Logau House, Altoona. The portion of the depot boardwalk torn up by the wreck, on Tuesday evening a week age, has been repaired. Communion in the Lutheran church on Easter Sunday. Preparatory service ou Sat urday at 7:30 P. M. The :'_-:pring fashions in the show windows of our business places, are being gazed up , in by our lady friends. A Ufollidaysburger ran a race with a mule the other day. As could he expected the mule came in ahead. The Good Templars ofthis town are holding meetings every evening this week at the Penn Street Opera House. A "cheeky" drummer is a nuisance al:(1 a bore to a business man, and a great hurt to the firm he represents. The temperance people of Altoona are or ganizing to fight the applicants for license :It the April term of Court. An ludiaa was in town Saturday selling beaded moceasions. He was a curiosity to the most of our urchins. About 11 o'clock Tuesday ►norning, Mr. Ber•j. F. Baker, an aged citizen of Tod town ship, died very suddenly. Next Thursday is "get up and dust" day, and those who have to "tear and fix up" have eur sincerest sympathies. The "Gem Puzzle" or the game of I can be had at the JOURNAL Store. Sent upon the receipt it 25 emits. In Berk' county, recently, a calf was ;,oru with two tails. That calf is eviiiinaly a!,le to take care of itself in fly time. 'Tie stated that application will be made to the Pardon Board at its next meeting, by titC friends of Alallat, for his release. The frtc;a: liuu,ekceper is bust,staling• Wack 61,1,0,ids cu as to wake them reach mad toe eLci ui We cold seasuu. Judge 1): - :an says Johnstown has a 1:-..ger alarm of fire, a few minutes after six ruini,er of lieente,t, hon=es than nay .ittier ock, on 'limn; _ay morning. caused our tou - ii of it- sizi• rap 7 e :t: it a vis their ! . ..e is " rtther hur . Swo'ay. a Fldr1:::t.1 ~!!!' MAIICiI 26, li;8() 0 .1 S.iturd,y 111 r. Cr,,trnuvrr of this county is en;:,:iged in Of , ntereln!i;e I.llsinei;s• L'lcas int G.ip, Ceti tre c nn %Ve irarn fiat fruni the Beildonte Si.% era 1 0: 11.)rAlly :;1111 thr a,t we saw of Owls' chanoc., - ; were 2',0,1 Cor a 6110. , Ze. iu lock-up. Pre3Ming Elder liilcltcil preached in the First M. E. enureh. zitindly inurning and eve the pastor, Ityr. Einkle, being absent ~i.•Ulhg iri.ttivc., The Good Will Fire Company of Altoona, has received a 568 pound lire signal bell, Avhich wilt be plarel in positiou on the belfry of engine Connty Commissioners were in session C:.f week fixing up the Ilst:=, and in doing, so they had a j , ,i) of huge propor tii n,; on their hands. 'fiz said that seventeen families will leave this town this spring, owing to the scaretty of employment, and that as many more are com ing to fill their places. On June IG, a number of pigeons will be loosed in Altoona. They are to fly to Ilridr,•- rort, Conn., a distance of 2961 miles. So sad s rut Home Pigeon. ::;-rvices appropriate to the thy will lie held on Good Friday in the LTltli?l'Ail church, at 10:31 A. M. A sf:rinon will llc preached Ly Rev. Cyrts Uiz.l:hueyer. Evt•ry scamp you meet now-a-days has a tra , l , —a brick inaker—and he says he can't at 1:. IVini the summer days come ,vill beau izt,sawyer. the W%ly MIC of Oar hardware merchants was handing old iron to the depot the other it looks as if he has a "corner" in the bui.iaess ia this ;3ailiwick. :;!mile of our urellini; "freez, - ou to old iron that th,t,l I,7iong, to thElll. llet.d your ways, boys, t.r you will have a chance to play y our w_4se." A forocions shot t-horned bull, owned by Mr. IEJ a-Ird I!‘psart, at Tipton, gored to death a valuable s%tillou belougiog . to the same gentleman, a few nights ago. pritig is ft had time to ntaiif. application for a ,itnlttion in the enip'oy of the railroad liie which several of our young wen found out to their orrovr. In thi.t mountain town of Ebensburz there are forty nouses, inure or les:t as the adver tisement seyi, that can be secured by tenants who will in:y tile taxes thereon. si , le walks :Ind sire is nri. in our , awl li A 7 , 1:ir:.11 has removed to the Ling is ,;., \v d si i i,ztou street. 0,1 or about pi.ox, Mr. IV iniont IlareU will occupy tiie oil the same street. .'.J floindays!)arg is to be said the liollidar.-iburgers are mad it atol so 111,111 are some of theta that 1•r,p1,4_,e iu Lur the whole concern Thu IL T. li. It train, duti here at 12:10 P. m., was tiehin time nearly two hours "F;o.: .1t , !.1y W.AF oveaiioned by a wri,l; 0 , Cie t'uLilierlati 4; Pennsylvania art, to be believed thdic'Ay contaiu tz,1!“: leaelieroust , :couudreis militia Ler limits, who should be treated to pust and :1 coat of tar and If tlw pper, ti!e wLipping JA.(1•04 Brun;l:augh, tlic railway postal clerk who "went wrong" in handling Uncle Sato's mails some titue ago, has been admitted to bail in 53000 for trial, in tt Pittsburgh Court recently. The first communion cervices were held at tin! lie church Sunday, and it will a green spot Itle111117," id the yonag, who p;irticipat(at ha the cettt::• , :ty 01 ate Lord's Supper, iu .trier years. t. ~ i too+ iikr-inaleh, for a handsome rifle, cnioe o o fair g-onads, of, tilturdly 31- V2rt..,:::;. Toe gain was '%'lll liy NP- Calai!, on an string, five siiult, dis tance one hundred yards. Superintendent Wielteri , liam suggests to 'r.ichool Boards the propriety of passing resolutions requiring all teachers in their em ploy to hold public examimoion or rt•vieW at the end of the school term. Las; eveuing :t leap vcar party was iield at tt,v residence of Mr. Geo. F. Gage, Sifterintenacat of the 11. ere It. T. R. R., en l'emi street. it was a grizod ~ticcess, the doing the honors si.lenditPy. Sam Miller, s..rui of our townsman, J:o.:7;. ‘t 'Ail a squad of cavalry, haul I;r11-311 with a party of hosti!e Sioux. a !ph , and succeeded i i dispersing t;,, their supp.,ios. eto vice and preiching iu St• Jolo.'s i:io,cop.ll church on Goo I Friday t00r,ii.7., 26,h twit, at ttai o'clock. Also on • - .;tilt4;ty worninz at ten o'clock, with th, •:;:L•ralucut of the Lord's Supper. S , ,ine or the pupi•s ()four public schools are rtty Inurit attached to their teachers. This Inn,:t 1,0 very %ratifying as it certainly is very Frien,Lhip between teacher and ; leit4'.2oo hsif nt' lb battle. series (Jr ' , ads! r;a! Ih•awin g Oven ititrotitieed into the public ot•ltouls t ' Ea-re, :et uz remind Our t!.:.:. ‘vi a iti:l supply ur j List the thilig to copy these e.xcreLics upon. 17e was mr-An thif!;' v, - 110 Fto . e a co n y o f ~,,,, Apin, tAbie on S;;!1:I' u • i!..1 rob his In-Cner (A Le: g , ave ;! wi!:1:)ut !:;-1 Llie t-, held a Rss uni;iiird fur vc•.:lA ut: the ground, in the F 7,11,.!.::. titl to reed the new advertkein,ht of Henry to day's paper. They have their store s:. - o:!;41 from garret to cellar witn . seleriion selsointhle g oo d s , w hi c h i are pi•lir:TA to seil ruck-bottom prices. J Kcry, ti - ::u 6.153 he halls from Hun arrested iu .V.tooioi on Frititi ,!.f it rate on the cars of the raPro.d 17,:r his folly he was sent up to at Ilse counly seat of Clair for t%Nenty ?.1 r. Groe;ll)r_ retttroed from Hit (“; .-vt•H;; w o weeh,' Geo. H. I. Wiiiiantsburg, who cot n, Triiiibie N.)vetuiler Ile :Imhof ities, for selling whii ;ie:•ti.,T, has Leon rcmoved to ivgheity ji'l. Ile wee well koowu iu this count\ . li ihe t-it , e,-ral of oar "i-ley gentlemen" and "night blaciqtaards" are cautioned against balloeiug alter gt,ntlemen in company with ladies, or they will wake up the Wrung chap who will make them howl like puppies, as they are.— Wye owing that. since the rumor• has been started that rail rnad men will receive an inerear4e of wages on tht• Ist prix., several landlords in Altoona have sent written notices to their railroading t , nant; that their rents %vitt go after that dat, Prof. Jule :_•f1; ,)f the Altoona City Band, intet.ds 4oiug to l'ittsburgu to see what :a ran:Lenwrits cAn Ite wad.. for the entrance of the baDU tor ti,t, tlizt-r1.:; prize—SW.)o—in the great bead contest to come oil' in that city on May 13th and 14th. ht•,• a 11, a;ci t i Ct•!~iC ',t'E A r •\ 1 li' i I I .:.tom ti 10r,n4 10 I. tailti wittier atra youtl33 were out on a Irlitioq, :1;A :e aro asked to •-",. to work t!I em repaired ;itt Fun says Mr. Cliarls ziftwart, )r, wa; in t rar eity hunting who. Itie day brfurr, had !ell :) pasnl:-2s new •.Yt• tiouhi on NVin be held iu titnitieg,b,, I!;f• pr , •seTil ha, given up all , ‘t reur,vi ,, g . there. 1! is more than iie in the castz . rn part of ried;y. Tne .tiarrn n-.• I.4joite;i hr a 5t2141 J 1-1, - )11, , e. I .1;:! 4 , 12 , tr tile ,eizhbo”i • ti., ...rnoent gat ispoq Ilie !).r az' . i 1. i; dit•rd county turn n! !!.t. .1 a white rat Iv as TA(' 'l;,ven Stiti‘,V. it has' a little , tl,l pt)..)t• holisr! kris ::! ,iii~~t~.• ~~1 i .i:e Vii A[:&IJ Cl: ThiA troupe con t c 11...;; ti .io l'ocalistP, who wi:l oNicur co, , ttno,t, i,, Wees, BAllads, -If 3:i•I•r-, • 1 . ! . .. - •1 18,. A.l ,::,:► litli t.'!•;;Cos A tt iirew ago.: and much re . otrd eit;/. n of Houtzdale, dropped d _ad on th, oie of the streets a that town, w with friend , , sionlay week. he fri n ly hand, , , and as y 4:s. w:t, his residence t.,r wus airymlt 4:1 years. and ile.irt diSt..t2C is S:ll,ll,tl=tA t , l the cause of dvat it. 11 , v. W. 11. Dill preached his first sermon in the West Huntingdon Chapel, Sunday eve ning, to a large and attentive audience. lie is a courteous gentleman, a good preacher, an , i we congratulate our West. Huntingdon MetitodiAt friends in secdrinr, him as their "parson" for the corning Conference year.— May Le and his conzgegation have a smooth sailing during 1880. A Bedford en inty man, A. L. Ilene!' by name, received an order lately from Ceorge town, British Guinea, South America, for for leather of his own manufacture. The way the order came about was from a piece of leather having Mr. [leach's name -t.ttlitetl upon it, w!,ich had in some manner iato the in.nds of the buyer, anti this sample was seat its the kind wanted. 0:1 Monday forenoon, John Sullivan, City Treasurer ofAltoona, was attacked with hemor rhage of the lungs, on 11th Avenue, and he was at once removed to Dr. Christy's office, where he died in a few moments. He was aged about 32 years, au upright and it true genileman. lie was elected City Treasurer by the Democratic party two years ago, and his time would have expired two weeks hence. Oar friends, Messrs. J. O. Isenberg and J. M. Maguire, are now in New York purchasing their new store, which they expect to have in full blast about the first of April. Both of these gentlemen are (Oil stagers iu the tnercautile bus,ness, and will be able to select such goods as will suit the wants of this bail iwick. You will hear from them thl-ough these columns wlien they fling their banner . to the breeze. After the folj...urnthent, of Cinference last Tue ,, day week, iu Altoona, a rush was made for the telegraph office by the ministers, to telegraph home the final result, when one long-sliced, but out spoken looker-on, insin uated "that there was quite as much 'wire puliing' for the 'fat' places in the conference district as there is among ordinary mortals— the clergymen who could bring the most in fluence to bear secured the desirable places." SLnday is Easter we will give a hint or two wuy it is celebrated and its origin. -The word Easter is of Saxton orii!in, and imports a goddess of the East. This goddess was Astarte, in honor of whom sacrifices are an nually offered about t!ie Passover time of the year, the Spring, and hence the Saxton name . .„ ,ter" became attached by association of ideas to the christian festival of the resurrec tion The christrian church, on this day, commemorates our Savior's resurrection. On Tuesday evening n gentleman alighted from the !nail train. linv:ag in his possession several tin cat::: fluted with smell Kennebm Salmon. After supper he repaired to the river shore, antt removing- the lids emptied the contents of the cans into the waters of the Juniata. We learn that there were in the nciAtborbood of fifteen thousand fish. They belon , ed to the "s nail fry" as none of them were innre than an inch in length. They were hroo4ht to this by o cer of the Fish I:ornutission. 1)orolig:t We learn twin the York Dispatch that our old friend, A. B. Zeigler, esq., proprietor of the Pennsylvania House, in that city, is meeting with unprecedented success. The Caine paper sa:,s Mr. Ziegler, proprietor of the Pennsyl vania !louse, contemplates making some im portant etitoiges in his hotel this spring. It is not quite a rear since Mr. Ziegler has had chars e of the house, but its rapidly increasing patronage is substantial evidence of its popu oirity. lie. Geo. \V. Ziegler, the uffinble and accommodating clerk, is a great favorite with all who know him, and when the hotel is re modeled, painted and papered it will be even more sought than it is now. On Thursday evening of last week, at the residence of their son Johnil., on Washington street, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Westbrook, cele brated their golden w..dding, it being the fiftieth anniversary of that happy event. All the arrang,ements for the oeeisioa were made by the friends of the aged couple, and as they knew nothing of the affair, until invited to the feast of tat things, it was a complete surprise to them. Quite a number of our citizens were invited, and as several of the relatives of the aged pair came from the West the same eve ni nz, a p.oodly number of persons were present and et.j.eyed the evening. Among the invited guests were Gentge G azier, esq., who was present at the wedding a half century ago, Revs. Thompson Mitchell and R Lliukle, the former offering a ye/7 appropriate prayer, whilst the latter made some pertinent remarks suitable l'or the occasion. "Boss" and his aged spouse were the recipients of a number of presents, and we are putting it mild, when we say that they enjoyed the surprise and the occasion hugely. May the happy old pair be spired to celebrate their diamond wedding. Mrs. S:irah McDivitt. mother of our esteemed friend, R. McDivitt, e. , die lat her residence on Church street, on Tuesday morning, in the 821 year of her age. A short time before her demise she contracted a heavy cold, which would not yield to medical treatment, and from which she died. She will be buried iu toe cemetery to-day, (Thursday) at 10 o'clock, fr.ini the new Baptist dinrcli, ~f which de noadnai ien he VraS a true and devout mem ber. Mother McDivitt we a most remarkable woman, and although four score and two winters had icssed over her head, she had a tetenhive memory and a quick movement. In the daily walks of life she never tattered in performing the duties that devolved upon her, and during her last sickness the innate qual ities of her excellent heart were most fully de veloped. and her passing . away was in the simiiitule of a chill filling to sleep. She iem vet a host cf relatives to mourn her de p titre to tile better land. "After life's fit ful fever, she sleeps weil." le!ellieeere was received at this place, Sun day inort:ing.t,y Mrs. Cont., who came here Ti.ur=dny Ilt to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Levi We:nhro , ,h, that her husband, Mr. Coats, had died vary soddenly the heiore, his recidence in Alliance, Ohi I particittars of this lu•euliarly tre•sing atior are that Mr. Coats retired S:st urday ttigjit itt his usual good ealth. In the he was called to oreakfast, and not as promptly as was usu..l with tl!le west 1U his room to arouse ht,;:, %I.:wu he lounti in the c-ld embrace ‘ies:ll. A physician was called in, aid after at. (xamination was made, pronouncel that the deceased bad died probably about one o'clock, aid that the cause of his death was a paralytic stroke. Mr. Cents was a native of this town, a plasterer by trade, and quite a nuntlier of ye:iri re.m , ved to Ohio. He wa, in his 45;11 year. Nil,. Coats and her cutopanions from Chit', accompanied by her brut tier, Julia 11. Westbrook, of our town, re t urne.t to their home on .Sunday. Thus, one by one, our boyhood chums are dropping from the batik line of life, and their bodies are roasigncd to the "city of the dead." V::1'. EN r A•ss A iiL r.—;nforontion reaches ti, ir,no Worriorsomrk township, that one thriag the latter part of last week a man immed Downing was brutally assaulted by two men named George Cox and illayberry Cox, fither and and father-in-law and hroti,er in law of tie victim. From the meagre aceouot we could obtaiu of the affair it seems Downing and .the Coxes had gone into the npartweuts occupied by Downing and his family, and without giving their victim any warning of their intention pounced upon him and beat him in a shameful and brutal man ner. and so severely that his life is despaired of. After having beaten him until he was un nble to make au effort to defend himself they perpetrated cruelties upon his person that would bring a Hush of shame to the cheeks of tile veriest savage, and which are unfit and too revolting to describe in the columns of a newspaper. Oar informant tells us that in all probability I/Awning will die from the effects of the brutal beating be received, and that in case hip life is spared he will be injured fur life. One of his assailants, George Cox, was brought to town and lodged in jail on Monday last, and it is expected that the other one will be captured in time to get his just deserts at I the coming court. EDITOR OP Tly; - • :;•:41—_),, Sir see in tha inque of the Javitstt, of Marci, sth nn article :doted '.l,wer End Gr.ul in Ja,trneles to to tira4d And d learn fruit! "Lower li:id (te.nd Joror'n", vel.• th.o i m va 1,0u,d ~ 1 11; fi-e, 1 •,•:1 - 1 . 4 • t i)1:4 t1:1;1 - , ,3.71 :111i .:•t 3 ./ .4 3 remark oid I*lt,.tr wt,n- MI • • !qv \V;I •tt ;;.' prt1113371 - 4. Said Ti.i4 time it is the steward v,ho mi,le the lucky X TIS known. w Yo7k, wi Weer`; in the :! t:tt:!.aij~ SINCERE THANKS.-1 suffered for five years with rheumatism. Having been per suaded by friends to try the Sr. JACOBS OIL, I must acknowledge that it is the best remedy I ever used; in fact, it cured me entirely,— Accept my sinccre thanks. THE VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Michigan, will send their celebrated Electro- Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 dap; trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mel what they ray. Write to them without &Ivy. N0v.21.1y. WHAT oat CORRESPONDENTS SAY. : Ut men ••• y•a• ,v•.l c.•-•• • a•-,i; i:•1 em, bat t say •e -prove them, ral ,-• !•••• tilt), wilt t.l g I think ant one reading i:t. ~,, .1 art•cle trill-• •• that I have suc ceeded in rAlSilig I ill! lievll whether f will sneerer i,J,Inl•-•; him .:117. P. fait:re diderotine. I learn co.. :11.1 nattlicimisjitroi' , ar ticle that I. 1.1.1 •red fora know., littl:t it is alwAy s tau., to se!: a:ow - le•las• it, keep quiet, and in deed good pe•Tio a.••• a; way,: tn-oikiiii to be told of tirdr naq !Alio jiar, is ig:anint, and an intelligent would see at t.„, injure ttint , rdf by such low, syurilons juror Writml. lie tiliO , A6 the epirit he is of, and tia..t it is is keeping with the part he has taken te 1: jure an iiil4o,llt one. It was the intention of the writer to holoNtly and fairly expose the grand jory who rntiosed to he, the otittibliiint of a pon. woman who lisel 11 , 1 to them for Invt••ct ion from one who hod injured wlwa....lll3ft•adred. Had by refusing to hear CW150,1 her to Ln impriumed three muntlis in our comity pri•ao. My articles oa this subject are before the nla•!ii-, oatit I leave it to jit•I•4••• of their merits. Lam ti aat all a-hann-1 of the part I have taken to defeud the ri and wh•l•• - I,•wer End (Irani! Jar •r" ignorantly glorie. , 11:a111., I fret iike thanking him fro tit, aid he has given toe id this exposine, and in tho meantime, 1 wilt hint and others wan nine be drawn, eitht.r as licaaa ar Tcaveise Jurors, to know that I will continue to expose injustiee whenever I see it practiced, regardless of the curs who may snarl and snap at my heels. SHIRLEY SHORTS.-- Mr. JAculi R. ikzie, of Wacklog Valley, this township, has .s , )ld his saw mill, with about 500 acres of lan i , to 11. 11. Matter, of Brady township, for $l,OOO. Mr. M., we are told, intends removita: to the proprty and putting a steam saw mill on it. This is known as "Valley Point Post Olti,;e." If Mr. M. comes to our township we will then have one live areenbacker, and we will welcome him among us. The dead body of G•e)rge Snack was found in a cornstalk field, on tae McGarvey farm, near Shirleysburg, on the morning of the 23rd inst. Deceased was :to inmate of the alms house, and had wandered away from the house on the morninl of the 18th inst. Dili gent search was made for hint by Mr. Harmon and others, and failing to find him Mr. Har mon went to Mill Creek, his former residence, and other places to search for him, but failed to hear of him. He was found by Mr. Wm. H. Adams and Isaac Kalb, who were sowing clover seed in an adj,,ieing field. An inquest was held by G. W. Cornelius, esq., and the jury reported that he came to his death from exposure to the cold. IL is supposed that he had been lying where found ever since Thurs day last, the day he I.:ft the house, and front all appearance he fell or layed down and died without a struggle. He was a citizen of Brady township, and was aged 82 years. His father is said to he livieg in Ohio, aged 108 years. 808. M'CONNELLSTOWN M ITES Will Lincoln has struck a good vein of ore Hope it will pan out well. Prof. Sanderson did good work teaching the unexpired term of Mr. Moser. M. R. Wsrd intends going to Millersville Normal School this coming summer. The members of the EZerormed chnrOi in tend repairing their church and purcbasing bell, this spring. Rev. Rogerson preAched his first sermon in the Methodist church, on the 290.1 inst., to an attentive audience. Our old-friend, Jns^hlt Dott4lns?, intends en gaging in the mercan lie business in the near future. Wish him success. John Heifner will build an addition to his barn this cowing summer. Bonj. Heifner will also build a new barn, and Jacob A. Fouse an addition to his dwellin7,. ANON. March, with its h tisterouA col , ' weather, occasionally intermitted with a soft summer breeze, is the most trying mouth of the whole year. Those who hays any tendency to rheu matism, sore throat, ;:out or erysipelas, will be particularly re:llia:lt-4 thAt the- winter is breaking up. llost people eat too heartily in cold weather, and thus accumulate morbid matter which produces diAtorbances when un favorable weatuer tetrows the system opt of its ordinary balance. Be not deceived by the soft tweezes of the South, nor the brilliant sunlight. Six hours may bring back the breath of an iceberg; keep on the warm cloth ing, avoid gettiug into a perspiration and sunny exposures, and than going out into the rough wind. Itching P les—Symptoms and Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like prespira tion, intense itching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at night, as if pin worms were craw:ing in and about the rectum ; the private parts arc sometime,s af fected ; Hallowed to continue very serious results may follow. Dr. Swayne's All-Healing Ointment is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ery sipelas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all Scaly, Crusty, Cutaneous Eruptions. Price 50 cents, 3 boxes for $1.25. Sent by mail to any ad dress on receipt of price in currency, or three cent postage stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne & Son, 330 North Sixth street Phila delphia, Pa. Sold by ail prominent druggists. n0v.28 ly. RE-WORKING BUTTER.-11 undreds of tons of white butter are bought every year, worked over by dealers, colored up and sold for double the price paid the farmers. This fact should convince farmers that they should put their own butter into the best shape for market and so realize all they can from it. It must have the bright golden color of June, which noth ing but Wells, Richardson & Co.'s Perfected Butter Color can give. Use this color, pack your butter in the best manner, and you will get the top price. TROUBLESOME CHILDREN. that are al ways wetting their beds ought not to he scolded for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and urinary organs. Such a medi cine is Kidney-Wart. IL has a specific action. Do not fail to try it for them. "An Old Pir - sician's Advice" Coughs, Colds, Asthma and other pulmonary affections should be looked to and promptly treated in time, and thus all serious results may be avoided, and for ibis purpose we know of no better remedy than "Oa. SWAYNE'S COM POUND SYILUP OF WILD CHERRY." The first dose gives relief, and it is sure to cure the worst Cough or Cold in a very short time.— Try a 25 cent bottle and be convinced, and you will thus avoid a doctor's bill, and most likely, a spell of sickness. Price 25 cents and $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles $5.00. The large size is the most economical. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne S S•in, 330 North •Sixth street, Philadelphia. Sold by all prominent druggists. Nov. 28-Iy. WORKINO NI EN —Before you begin your heavy spring work after a winter of relaxation, your system needs cleansing and strengthening to prevent an attack of Agne. Bilious or Spring. Fever, or soave other Sping sickness that will unfit you for a sea son's work. You will save time, much sick ness and great expense it you will use one bottle of hop Bitters in your finally this month. Don't wait. Nee another column. march2ti 2t. A large 38111 irtanc-tit, of fin., cloths, casai• meres, &c., just received at J. fi. Ford's, above the post office. Prices moderate, and fits guarrau teed. inch. 26-2t' Is Your Hair Falling, or Turning Gray ? "London Hair Color Restorer," the most cleanly and delightful article ever introduced to the American people. It is totally different from all others, not sticky or gummy, and free from all impure ingredients that render. many other preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, restores gray hair, gives it new life, cures dandruff, causing the hair to grow where it has fallen off or become thin, does not soil or stain anything, and is so per fectly and elegantly prepared as to make it a lasting hair dressing and toilet luxury. Lon thin Hair Color Restorer is sold by all drug gists at 75 cents a bottle, or six bottles for $4. Principal Depot for United States, 330 North Sixth street, Philadelphia. nor. 28-ly FRANK SCAWARZ, 98 Nineteenth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. The pride ut a usetiter o the lite and joy of a home. Hitt her enildr.2.n, Ilene:, her grief whim sick neaa enter. an i i,.kts3 tiwai a4 - ay Ti.he warning thet cernhie ij,g, tt tip-y ,„; .•..,., .ir tV h. , .I.llig Cough, ititwh t o ,••,t •1• lt , ri olittt.l to .t at • ~,,,,LAtt)itt,.N ctilik; lb ", t;t1.1:8 I. 1.1 6tt :3!.0 uy all t a certain cla.s T I 1-; iii E W J. C. pi• .•.i I .Liii.l,lll,ll t• 1 ye ha , l thi I) ) ,pep- Li,- 1 all:: La I:2, i" . • •• ; ..; r::!...C, iitreuaC- e!.l ry tirely ear, I : ev,:r marvel -4,111: Catiker-uiouth, anZt there is an : i .or I ile upire I“leeesslul -•• ' ;•, -r t oi."ftii% ILLS „di' Lim are ui,re prevalent and distressing than bil ious disotdets. The symptoms are low spirits, want of energy, restlesness, head iche, no ap petite, sallow skin, costiveness and other ail ments which show the liver is in a diseased stag: and needs regulating, and the proper way to do it is to Une "DR. SWAYNE'S TAR AND SARSAPARILLA PILLS." Their effect on the liver and blood is wonderful, removing pim ples and all eruptions, leaving the complexion lair and fresh as in youth. Price 25 cents a box of thirty Pills, or five boxes for $1.00, Sent by mail on receipt of price, by Dr. Swayne it, Son, 330 North Sixth street, Phila delphia. Sold by all leading druggists. nov. 28-Iy. JUSTICE. WHAT AILs You ?—la it a disordered liver giving you a yellow skin or costive bowels, which have resulted in distressing Files or do your kidneys refuse to perform their functions ? If so your system will soon be clogged wish poisons. Take a few doses of Kidney Wort and you'll feel like a new man— nature will throw elf every impediusent and each organ will be ready for duty. Why suffer sleepless nights, with a dis tressful; cough, while a quarter of a dollar invested Uou,;u Syrup" will give instant reties'. YA... March 2b, ISSO Superfine Hour la bbi.r.ftiib bxtre Flour i 4 bbl. lAkib Floilt 0 obi. 11.1 wheat r -ark per COI:a . Atzley Hotter llrouws per lort•o per p;iund Deans per oueilet Beet Cloverseed tf to 7 et.; per poa rid Corn p rimi on ear Corn Corn ;wto4 Candles 0 lb Dried Apples is it'. Dried Cherries lb Dried Beef tb Eggs q,4 dozen Feathers Flaxseed - 3.4 I.oshet 11110, Hauls smoked Shoulder Side Plaster 'ft ton ground Rye, Wool, washed 14 lb. Wool, unwashed.... Timothy Seed, 14 45 p0und5..... ... Hay ton Lard - 1 -1 lb new Large unions - 0 bushel I ... potatoes-,-4 Philafielphia Produce Market. Flour du!: ; sat et fine, St 00@4.50; extra $5.00 (e 05.50; 01, - ,) and [noiian3. fatuity , 4ti.25@8.75; P.i,. du , 0; St. Luis du. $ti.50@7.00; Minnesota.. 5 7oopil.f)0; patent and high grades, e ti ur, 65 Olt. • Who Tit steads; N. 2 western red, ti.42i, Peroasylvonia red, $1.13; authe*, 51.43. Corn quiet; steamer, 11o; yellow 57 c; mixed, 55e. .01ts arm ; N:, 1, 494;; No. 2,47 c; No. 2 mixed, 'We firm; western and Penna. 90 Philadelphia Cattle Market. Cattle nrirket xc ive; receipts, 2,904 head; prime 6 LI good, si(ct 51e; common, 4® 46c. Sheep market active; receipts 5,000 head; prim,, 7(,74-e; good, 61 ®6ic ; medium, 6® 6fc; common. 51 slow; receipts, 6,000 head; prime. 7;c; gt.od, 7c; common, 64@6}c. DAWALT—STRINGER.—On March 18th, 1880, at the re,i.lence of the bride's parents, by J. L. Mel Ira inc, esq., George Dawalt of Logan, an•d tfannah Stringer, of Greenwood Furnace, this county. i'MITII—DITRBORi,OW.—On the 16th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents on Wash ington street, by Rev. A. W. Decker, Mr. John C. Smith and Miss May Darburrow. WEAVER—RHINE iIART.—On the 17th inst., by Rev M. G. Boyer, Mr. Isiah Weaver and Mi,s Jennie Ithinehart, both of Markiesburg, this viJiinty. McDIVITT.—At the residence of her son, Robert Mcllivittt, esq , in this place, on Tuesday last, Mn.. Sarah .11 , .:Divitt, in the 82,d year of her age. llor life o ono of unselfish devotion to the good of others. Like the Redeemer she had ong loved and trusted, she "went about doing good," and in her death not only a "Mother in Israel" has fallen, but another evidence afforded of the reality of the religion of Jesus. She "kept the Star of Bethlehem in view," and there was no cloud to obscure the brightness of her declining sun; no shrinking as her, feat pressed the cold d'ws of death's Jordan. ter life work is done, and well done. The hands that toiled for others' welfare have ceased to labor, anil the heart that beat for oiler.' woos has ceased its throbbings now. Farewoll, then, best of inotlers! Thou truest friend man ever knew. We have tried thy con sistency and found thee true when all others were false. The of our childhood; the guide of our youth, and the companion and counsellor of our matirer years! Oh, how stricken the home thou halt left, and how weary will be our pilgrim age till we meet thee again in that land where there is no more parting. and on whose portals thy footsteps ail: still Eager, in waiting for us to come. Dearest of anotber. , , and best of friends! Hail, and farmed ! 4,) DELL.—Oa tue 12h last., it: Vriila township, of di:ilietes, Levi Dull, a;,;ed 41 gars, 11 months and 22 da}s. GREENLAND.—In T:ouzh Creek Valley, on the lost., Nathan Greenland, brother of Sheriff Greenland, of this place, aged about 75 years. New Advertisements. EiE a Ca In Lu ,nd irresistable cure for - ';' NN rt - Eel a !ennesa, Tn:criperanre and the use of Opium, To bacco, hrcotirs, and t - iliottlants, removing al:, taste, desire an d bni,;:, ng any of them, ren-1 deringthe ts,te or d erire fe r any of them perfectly lodiousand disgusting'. (dying every one perfect !and h•re.ll,tible con , rol of the sobriety of them- Piolyes or their fri,dols. , llt prevents that at , solnto physical and moral 'prostration that col lan r the t.ih:d en breaking off from using sti is or narcotics. pr.patl to cure Ito 5 persona, or at your drutltsta, $1.75 per bottle. j Tempera:lcy, troci et les should recommend it ;It Is ptrfectly harmless and never-failing. Hop Bitters t Co., Rochester, N. Y. Sole Agents icon Conch Caro destro7.-8 all pain, loosens' the culzgh,q.liers tiro nerves, pruduccu rest, and never fails 1...) cure. 1 The :Flop Pad for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, ;tq mnptqi rto PI! others. Cured by absorption. a is perfect—ask druggists. ! !Urn Ritter!. Mfr. fn., of Ro..heatPr, N.Y. ear, prepare a: 0 to z t r i. 11;itrrr, whal are in nu seam a 7 11,1,.1 1, t: , mrt. I nt hnrnrert and liePt Malicia* 'Ter • FALF. 7.7,Y ALL DRUCCISTSj Sept.s-Imo. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. [Estate of ROBERT BARI?, deceased.] Letters testamentary, on the estate of Robert Barr, late of Jackson township, having been granted to th« undersigned—whose postollice ad dress is McAlevy's Fort—all persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims to pre sent them duly authentif•a . ted for settlement. THOMAS MITCHELL, Feb.27.f Exeoutor. A MOTHER'S GRIU. c ur Ch:st, a , ver, .it.o U haS CO- t. 1 LA:Wetly S. • : Soi,l i,c druggi;to. cltra, LnU,.,;;;,Sti aIARKETS Correct.•d Weekly by Henn• W.,:oLESA LE paicKs PHILADELPHIA, March 25. Pll ILA DI: LYE I . Mural 25, Zile ;Attar. ze Zputb. .+.a a:l ut6o: ire. New Advertisements M=- SILKS :LACK Si I :IKS, S.A.TrAig: VEI:VETfA, I;RCre_) r• WEEDENG Dii.ESS GOODS, CASHMERES, BLACK GOODS, PRINTS, PERCALES, LINENS and COTTONS, DRESS NAILING, PIANTLES, CLOAKS, SUITS, SHAWLS, INS'ANTS , WiTEA BOYS. WEAR, GIRLS' WEAR, CLOAEINGS, BLANKETS, WOOLENS, RANDKERCIIIEFS, ~~ :! h~•1 TRIMMINGS, - GLOVES HOSIERV, Underwear In Aladin o.L I Merino, et c. ici , u 1 . ,. r tu THE BEST GOODS at the LOWEST PRICE! 77 . v le" 011 at. • ONE DOOR ABV. THE POSTOPFICE, AND 313 FENN St., HUNTINGDON. Marebl9, 1880. *5 00 ti 50 HUNT:NCIDON, IS NOW READY WITH A I' r I,T, ILINi , ; OF NEW- SPHI - Ner IN ALL THE BRANCHES PERTAINING TO THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS. YOU WILL FIND AN Excellent F. 4 )tock of Good Reliable Goo .s ... • 1 0, AND FOR THE SAME QUALITY I WILL NOT BE itrUNDERSOLD ANYWHERE. THE ATTENTION OP CASH BUYERS THROUGHOUT THE CO UNTY 13 INVITED TO THE ABOVE • 30@S5 • 2:)(tA2B .... 2 50 STRICTLY ONE PRICE! STRICTLY CASH ! MI. REED, HUNTINGDON, PA. lifarchlo.3m, r WE WANT THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT FOR THE COMING SPRING WE ARE PREPARING A GREATER STOCK THAN EVER BEFORE. OUR NEW GOODS REQUIRE MUCII ROOM AND WE ARE THEREFORE OFFERING Great Bargains in Winter Clothing. THE BUYER'S BEST OPPORTUNITY COMES BETWEEN THE SEASONS', NEW YORE CLOTHING HALL, Atarchs • E • 1 , I W. W. tiE J. C. XIAZIAMT have purchased S. Wolf's Clothing store, No 414 Penn st., consisting of _PA 13) OLi 0 7E4 - INT GENTSe' -- .711V SUM SallS) Hats acid CaPs, Trunks, Valises, &c. Fall and Winter Clothing AT COST We intend to SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER CLOTIIING HOUSE IN HUNTINGDON, believing that we can suit you both in goods and prices, and, therefore, we would solicit a share of the pub lic patronage. Everybody is invited to call and examine goods and learn pr Ices W. W". feb2o P l . 11. DEALER, IN STAPLE AND PINE GRCCERIES, WOOD AND WILLO v.,' WARE, CONFECTIONS, NOTIONS, &c., &c,, No. 603 WASHINGTON - STREEI, Jan 9 1 tt3o HUNTINCDON, PA. MINING STOCK FOR SALE. The Carbonate Gold and Silver Miulut; Cunipa ny of Leadville, Col., own more valuable Gold and Silver Mines than any other Company in the State. The stock is ten dollars per Aare, fully paid up, and nonassessable. They now offer a limited number of shares for sale through the un dersigned, at $2.00 per share. References and information cheerfully given. Direct il orders and communications to S. M. BOYD, 114 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., P. 0. Box 1084. [f6-Iy. USE DR. VAN DYKE'S SULPHER. SOAP, FOR all affections of the SKIN and SCALP; also, for the Bath, Toilet and Nursery. tiuid by Druggists. may 2-10 m. -. rrlf.j Vyr . :rec. 01,4 4-1 v•I 3 • • Te? Ok T fmr , 71 , C 42 rfi. ors • a 07:711 D.7.PARTMENT is now so syste:nat:ze3, and in c' ^ go of but h thorou:;hly competent an t cx - rerieu(T.l ham:s, that penons nnal.:lo to visit our store can do slior,p;:k: by wrhino us for ramples or pools, ‘11 , .11 a crau,o of tlicrn at the same prices as !f buyinu in person. We carry an creragesteek of abouthalfa million of dollars, aabought for prompt emh in the markets of Europe as we'll as in this country. Try us, and see how cheaply and quickly you can set what you want by mail or exprer , . When in town we shall be pleased to have you call on us. SEND FOR CATALOGUE OR SAMPLES. COOPER & CONARD, 11;nth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Mention thir; paper. : o : __________ ‘ - *-'lOO OO IN GOLD FOR BUTTER. xox WE WILL PAY Tug HIGHEST MARKET • PRICE, IX GOLD, FOR GOOD FRESH BUM. ) In lib PRINTS or lib and 21b Rob Ls. ;,''THE BUTTER MUST BE vi'A UNI FORM YELLOW COLOR. SPRING WAL REPEATED. HARRY COHEN, Agent. 418 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. 111.12 LET & O. New Advertisements. CAMPAIGN, .X 0 X- R PA., GOODS, r 0- T 6 SPRINGUATe I SP3IUG STYLES %, TILES THE SQUARE-DEALIAG -- CLOTHING HOUSE now receiving a full hue of LATEST ,STYLES FIATS for Men, Young Men . and Children. Also, a splendid assortment of SAMPLES Air Dress & Business SUITS. Suite mule to order a specialty. Good Ft!, Guaranteed. Store nearly epl.onite the l• "SJ.VH 531A.1.S ONIUdS, New Advertisements. Fty 4P-E 7 7r . r - 13 re tim Pab'ic !y 1., 1 t4 . e most pleas efficncioug remedy now in use, ' r: 7 .11' , 7) of +2,a - a7fos, Colds, Croup, 2- of the . (7,1.d], Etc. Over a A . '''. 7'7 t ;; Did within the last relief wherever used, ; ~.• •, I.) I,i.p,rt benefit tbst : .• 0 C. 11 2 -1) 11'.xtures !)1 at 25 S S' LIVER P 1-21 71 Lig:fly recommended • l f, Constipation, •••,. Acme, and all . and Liver. Sold ~! ,•prits per Lox. SELLL'RS ed, 1 , 1 - I"I'SI3URGH, PA, ity ASSIGNEE'S SALE. ii nn satr tnn ()Her of the Court of Com mon Ilea; uC liantingdo9 eaunty, the tradersign- A F IL Brumbaugh and Martha P., hi= wire, will exp,se to sale. at public vendee nr tAitcry, at Marldc6l)urg, Penn township, Hunt l'eliasy Ivarii4, on ~.1TC,71):1 Scd, 1380, al telt o'• I , ,rk in the forenoon, it errairt fronts or pieces of land • r•- A , siL:nt - •ra, situate on both I' Cre,k, in the townships of t-.;,,,w a as the "Savage Forge .t• a+ follows, to wit: t . t h otttl by lands of Mrs. Pat t;tt the southwest by lands of the %12,:t and northwest by Branch, Janda of John Donaldson, ni•3 STPICe othera, and on the northwest by a tr.ict of land, now or lately owned by 4; ate', containing about EIGHTEEN in N DEED ACIL LS, le! the Mlle more or less, ttz , re , n et, et,' a TWO-STO- . DIVEI..I.INt; HOUSE. A )ItY Elf ERDOARDED :•.N ANT BOUS 1 . ..5, 1 aty ut. 'i' r ~ t ,•i Un tis iFC_"C l~' n ~,• ,•. , t•. . H ••,:ire! l^u.l. This trsot ie tom • or parts of original sur vey,. pUr,tI:LIC, of five warrants, dated th.l IS7ii day of March, 1791, granted respectively T ~,,,,,,, i'havr.r, Peter Shaver, lie,rge Prr ugh, Miller, arid Nancy Davis, and of a et rvey on a warrant dated the 1 4 th day of Febru ary,gritnil to orge Thompson, being t !,„ c•inyeyed by J. Simpson Africa u2:.1 iieiirce li. I;rutnbaugh, by deed dated 21,t ilay Jo: % 1;71. An undivided half AI! minerals in anii upon the land is reserved in 1880. _ 4i,n , a tract, c 1 timber land situated on 1ti,4,)", ny.,!int.,in, in the township of Lincoln, ,•;) ;l,t of Henry Boy t land of Theobald Fonse, •!.!•ik r.:'r.,i. v lak ,1 of Henry Brom ;i:. 4 i t'l\ll ACRES, be tn.) ~r that certain lot of ground of Alarklesburg, being ;N on the plan thereof, front i!. x. - y Nei, on the H untingdon and ! ; ;', lord and running southeast right angles therefrom 180 •-•a t t , , a!hy, bounded on the north (l.l the southwest by lot No. 14, vreoce,l a LARGE TWO-STO II:P. • iLii;.I)EDDIVELLING HOUSE au.! rather outbuildings. 4. all th;it certain lot ground Arl,Lrkle.iburg, bPin; ..tint 27 ,•:1 t!, it,. thereof, fronting sixty t. et oa an•i, Uedford road. and run ;, 0 ,, at right angler, ther , tr , one ant sixty feetV o i , to an ai.„ ug on the southeast by I`,“ i:y ti.orze John- I _ stop, sea on Cr, north Ist by lot No. 27, fi .Sl,lli:Z. having thereon erie •-.. y At FIiA:IIE DWELL- s' Uattl iti ►..' :•l. ). A I.=nds of :•.:atu net Johnston on the Bondi and lands of Daniel Harris on ;;,t 1 4 , t•., ,outhe , 4t, northeast and northwest, ONE ACRE, more or less, i;aving zh , leon erected a DWELLING HOU:SI; :• nd other oethui;dinp. A!..eti, all chat ceitain lot of ground borough of liuntingdotZ being corn' • r- 17. t•b,e', "B." on the plan of Wharton, • addition, fronting fifty feet ~„ i ,;! • I 1 -treat, :till extending west , • . , ; • • thore•from, to the right of tb , Railroad Company. Tit e "So, va.,le Traet," (No. 1), is believed to cant - Rio large deposits of hematite iron ore. sit:l:di:4 TER3I6 .4./k..LE.—Oae third of the pure!, b, paid on confirmation of ak , . on.' re;i , ue in two cqual annual bo secured by the juclg ,,l 1 6! =,,•- HENRY BRUMBAUGH, Atsignee of George B. Brumbaugh. Nell DISSOLUTION.—The co-partnership t,r,,tef•pre exieing under the firm name of Henry 1 , ig thig day diesnlved by mutual con :.rut, Jo , . G. liir.uers baying withdrawn. All ,!,,- firm will he to. and all ao eow:•, firm wi.l be s.ttled by the nvw firm vi ry Co. hltt (of the late firm of Henry & ii ay formed a co-partnership and will cootiouc the Imeiness of Forwarding and bianuta.eturers of and Seedy and Grain of all ; 1 1,_ , ;, • !: Retail Dealers in General G.o.s. and Bituminous Githrs, Parlr, and 'Lumber of G.e old stand, No:. 732 and 734 t, tht, II:ur name of Henry a Co. S. E. HENRY, 'IIIOS. S. JOHNSTON, I:. F. ISENBERG. Hunting:4,n, Pa., :larch Bth, 1880. Coal, 1' ::11 Pet.n TO THE PUBLIC. t, notices, we take pleasure in intormio,t , 100 !hat et small seep a lull and complete er,rytl.iog I,n-raining 14) our husint•se, dud purpose, by eau:Li:o4,u treatment, (seiliag oar g:; 1, at the very lowest pricoed to merit a Aare of your patronage and eontdenee. We shall tiptke a sTeeialry to tiU all orders en trost*-d to us with promptness. Mar .11 12 -:It. Valuable Rea! Estate A . e i 4 , ..,iueitr,t,.:i::.-.. n L., I- ,itta at private sale, itua,:e ub •tit t•tc.e i:t) utiles nortn-east of Peters burg, liuntingdan county, Pa., etAstaiulng 107 acre, neut, ;il.: i in a ,;,:c,l state of cultivation. "i'' •• : • , :: • •:t- ,re a - goad BRICK. -..-. I.:', ..,i,• :,-,i t.:;t :,.}.:, FRAME BANK !Rai' '' :..... ~ .:, '.% . uu .'!'11,.1 and Corn !lil. ... !: a • • •:, ,t, iirit:it Stuoke and Spring - - • tt . ,. od tiouse, Large Frame Hog :',,, a•• • '•Il ~: , - 11- , t,, , iry outbutidttigs,a never .. , ',Air,. spring. oi'r< 4 water within thirty feet of he L ver-taittng streams pas* .1!,o. two A OPLE tRefIARDS btarir.g, and one Young Ap le Orchard of abut 40 trees of choice ,caned fruit commencing to bear, with i•canr, Peaches, Plums and Cherries in abundance. The faun i.a ti ;ea tetl_about three-fourths of a mils rrom ebumh, ,cfnovi and smith shop, and in a gJod coturn till ity. I , ,kr litzttivr it.rorm:.tion call on, or addrenn the auler,ii . „;cca ru E4e preiniee., or at hip poetoffice. J. 11. DAVIS, nontinplon co., Pa. XT - OTICE i 1 hereby given to all persons I. irterc4tc•t that the following Inventories of the goods and chattels set apart to widows, under :he provi.sion of the Aet of 1•lth of April. A. D., Sal, have been tiled in the office of the Clerk of is 4.),Than6 . Court of Huntingdon county, and ,viii tx presi•nt' , l for "approval by the Court," on 11:1)N is:LAF, APRIL 14th, 1880: I. Inventory of the personal property of George Sipes, late of Shade Gap Boro., as taken by his wi : tow, N. A. Sipes. 2 Inventory of the property taken by litarga t. Cunningham, widow of William Cunningham, Ate of cat, borough of Birmingham, deceased. ::.. In% entory of the personal property of Perry Lt. Moore, late of Jackeoa tp., deceased, as taken oy his a idow, Martha Moore. 4. Ir.vect , ,ry of the personal property of Sam "et h ider , fate (4 Warriorsmark tp., deceased, as 6 ken by his wiclow, Mary itttler. ir !no property of An t•,. rp as taken .:.• .. 1 .-rty taken by Sarah :.• , • : n P . 7t.rt Fleming, Lite of Jack- n .. i:. ~ • tLe pereanal property of Jacob ;,, ,• • T 1 1 , ,e:tse,1041ected to be re . • Buyer. ;. al property of Abram 4,4 I,,,ugh. deceased. 1W MArtha A- T. ‘;:••ri: 91 Orr fill rib . Court. ()Than,' Court Office, Mar. 19, 1390, ro:11.•rs. • " ^• '7 11.1. 3i: + jut gionnd Penn, buunded by S. E. HENRY, s..qMNSTON, I;. ISENEVRG, G. ISENIiERG. C. • ..114naGhh , ISstt. NOTICE. HENRY it CO. t, he re- Stewart. Rose, tic•