The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, March 26, 1880, Image 2

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    The Huntingdon Journal.
MARCH 26, 1880
FRIDAY, - - -
Circulation LARGER than any other
Paper in the funiata Valley.
Zntered at the Poet Office, at Huntingdon, Pa., ae
Second Class Mail Mutter,
Republican State Ticket.
AN extra session of the Board of Par
dons his been called for Saturday next,
27th inst , to hear the claims of the "roos
ters" who are seeking executive clemency.
ON Friday last Gov Hoyt issued war
&ants for the execution of Henry Wise,
Israel Brandt and Josiah Hummell, the
murderers of poor old Raber, on Thurs
day, the 13th day of May next.
Tun owner of the Gettysburg battle
field has filed a claim before the Congress
ional committee for the rent of the ground
while the battle was being fought. Bar
num should cage that fellow and exbibit
Ex Gov. PALMER., of Illinois, is the
latest aspirant for Presidential honors from
a Democratic standpoint He started his
"boom" a few nights ago at Springfield,
bat, as yet, it has not attained serious
THE colored laborers in portions of
Louisiana have struck for an increase of
wages, and the planters have called out
the troops in St. Charles Parish to protect
them from imaginary violence at the hands
of the strikers.
GEN GRANT and party, on th it home
ward journey, reached Galveston, Texas,
on Tuesday noon. A rumor was current,
for a day or two, that the steamer, "City
of Mexico," which carried the distinguish
ed party, had been wrecked at sea
Tan Democratic State Central Com
mittee met in Pittsburgh, on Thursday last,
and fixed upon Harrisburg as the place,
and the 28th of April as the time for the
holding of the State Convention. This is
looked upon as a triumph for the coffee
pot manipulator.
J. D. HICKS, ESQ., of Tyrone, has au
flounced himself as a candidate for District
Attorney of Blair county, subject to Re
publican usages. From our slight ac
qusintance with the gentleman we bc•
lieve he has the necessary legal ability
to make a good officer.
Tax Rev T. B Miller, a member of
the Philadelphia Methodist Episcopal Con
ferenes, who had been dealing in bogus
medical diplomas, has been boosted from
the ministry for his participation in the
fraud. Another Reverend, named Wm
Major, has been suspended for one year,
for a like offense.
IN San Francisco they have turned the
tables on Dennis Kearney. The popular
ery with that blatherskite was "the Chinese
must go," but the citizens committee, said
that Kearney "must go" and he has gone
six months to the House of Correction.
Exit Dennis. Now let the committee turn
their attention to Kalloch and make him
walk the plank
RHODE ISLAND Republicans held their
State Convention on Thursday of last week,
and unanimously instructed the delegates
to Chicago to vote for Sena tor Blaine. In
the convention of four years ago, but two
delegates from Rhode Island voted for Mr.
Blaine, now the entire delegation, consist
ing of eight votes, will be cast for "that
leader of leaders," James G. Blaine.
Tux Wallace• Randall crntest in this
State for the leadership of the Democracy
waxes warmer and warmer. Up to this
date the Clearfield statesman seems to be
the "big Injin," and if he meets with no
more reverses in the future than he has in
the past, he will go to the Harrisburg Con
vention, on the 28th prox., with his belt
banging full of the scalp locks of Ran
doll's braves.
THE Sage of Gramercy Park is busily
engaged in distributing Bayard's secession
speech through thethe Noith, and in the
South his agents are at work ventilating
Hancock's war record, which is a stench
in the nostrils of the fire-eaters of that
section. Sammy Tilden is a sly old fox,
and he is getting his work in well, so well
that he will capture the Cincinnati con
Tendon and carry off the nomination.
LANCASTER and Somerset counties are
making arrangements to give the Repub
licans of those counties an opportuniry to
express their preference for a Presidential
candidate. A vote was bad in Cumber
land county, and the result was almost
unanimous in favor of Blaine. Will the
Republicans of Huntingdon county have
a chance to express their preference ?
Come, gentlemen of the committee, there
is no time to be lost.
THE Democratic members of the com
mittee on elections have made up their
minds to steal a seat in the United States
Senate, and with this purpose in view they
have decided that Senator Kellogg, of
Louisiana, is not entitled to a seat in that
body, but that Spofford, a secession Dem
ocrat, is entitled to the seat now occupied
by Kellogg. This is only another outrage
added to the long list which that party will
have to answer for before the people at
the coming election.
A COUPLE of employes at the State Cap •
itol, Wm. Delaney and Joseph Hanlan,
have been driving a heavy trade in paper.
They have stolen several tons of Depart
ment Reports, issued the present year,
removed the covers and sold them to a
merchant in Harrisburg as old paper. The
detectives, when looking the matter up,
came across a large lot of envelopes bear
ing the stamp of "Senate of Pennsylvania,"
which they had also stolen and disposed or.
The scoundrels have been arrested.
The Politiphone.
On to Cificinnati. The bead i!; out
Tilden don't proviso to a-k tor a ninui•
nation, he will just take it.
Senator Catneron sap he is confident of
Grant's nt , thiniti.)n. More's the pity.
The Tilden lash is craekkg in all direc
tions, and the Detnocratia shvcs are a w a it.
in„ his orderF.
The Republicans of Alabama will meet
in State Convention at Selma, on the 20th
of May. It is said that Grant leads both
Blaine and Sherman in that State. •
The fight between the Democrats of
Huntingdon county at the present time is
only equaled by what the Republicans used
to indulge in a few years ago.—Johnstown
Tribune. Let the band play.
The Democrat! in Congress, in defend
ing Fitz John Porter, freely quote from
Rebel authority as t() his bravery and ser
vices to the Uuicn cause, and furnish tes
timony from the same source in regard to
the incompetency of McDowell. It is not
hard to see which of the two was loyal and
which disloyal.
The Wjr:'d newspapi,r, to the extent of
its ability, is getting the Democracy into
a first rate position to be blown out of sight
in 'November. It admits that Bayard sym
pathized with secession fivo months after
it had taken place, but argues elaborately
that the whole of the Northern Democracy
did the same. lie was in thorough accord
with Tilden and all the rest. More than
this, it argues that there is nothing to
apologize for in this fact, and that if the
party will brace up and declare that it, like
Bayari, stands in the same position to-day,
all will be well. The Republican party is
solid in the opinion that this is a first-class
idea. It yearns tG see the Democracy ac
cept and act upon Y. Tribune
THE remnant of the Greenback party
in Pennsylvania--one hundred in number
—met in State Convention, at Harrisburg,
on Tuesday last, and went through the
farce of nominating a State ticket, recom
mending a candidate for President, electing
Presidential electors at-large, and adopting
a platform, after which the delegates and
spectators were bored by several harraogues
from a number of windy leaders of that
almost played-out organization. The empty
honor of a nomination for Supreme Judge
was conferred upon F. P. Dewees,. of
Schuylkill county, and A. F. Roberts, of
Crawford county, was nominated for Aud
itor General. Hendrick B. Wright, who
represents the Luzerne district in Con
press, was recommended as the choice of
the convention for President. The dele
gates-at large chosen are Francis W.
Hughes, of Schuylkill, Wm. A. Hines, of
Luzerne, John B. White, of Warren. and
our old friend Samuel Calvin, of Blair
Frank W. Hughes made one of his char
acteristic speeches, in which he denounced
Gen. Grant for his courage and Sammy
Tilden for his cowardice. In discussing
his pet hobby, the financial question, he
got so mixed up that he did not know how
to extricate himself, when he dropped the
subject "like a hot potato" and made an
attack on the Republican and Democratic
parties. At 12, midnight, the convention
adjourned sine die, and the delegates silent
ly stole away.
AN esteemed friend of ours, who has
just made a tour of the county, 'visiting
every township and borough in it, informs
us that he was surprised at the unanimous
sentiment prevailing amongst Republicans
in favor of Senator Blaine's nomination
for the Presidency. When he started on
his travels he made up his mind to inter
rogate every Republican he met in regard
to his choice of candidates, and during the
month or more that he was on the road
he conversed with hundreds of voters, and
in all that number be came across but one
man who was outspoken in his preference
for Grant. He is an ardent Blaine man
himself, and he was more than delighted
at the result of his canvass. We believe
as he does, that "everybody's for Blaine."
STRIKES seem to be the order of the
day. The iron workers, from Pittsburgh
to Philadelphia, are on the eve of a maw
moth strike, and unless the advance in
wages which they demand is conceded to
them, thousands of men will stop work on
the Ist of April. In New York city al
ready some four thousand men are idling
awa% their time on account of an unrea
sonable demand made upon their employ
ers being refused them. These strikes are
ruinous to the business of the country,
and generally result in ill to those who
participate in them.
in Harrisburg sent out the report that •
under no circumstances would Col. Quay
he a candidate for United States Senator.
A Philadelphia reporter called upon the
Colonel, at his residence in that city, the
day after this report was published and
interrogated him t:s to its truthfulness
The Colonel denied the report, that he
"would not under any circumstances be
come a candidate, but slid he "might be
any moment." This looks as if be pro
posed to enter the field at the proper time.
FRANCIS MURPIIY, the temperance apos.
tie, is getting himself into trouble, or rath
er making a bad record for himself for
veracity. lie had bargained with the
Pittsburgh people, for a stipulated sum of
money, to visit their city and engage in
the temperance work, but it seems that he
can make more money in Philadelphia,
and this being so he has gone back on his
bargain with the denizens of the Smoky
City. After all, it seems that Murphy
cares more fur dollars and cents than he
does for the reformation of the drunkard
THE decision of the United States Su
preme Court sustaining the constitution_
ality of the Federal election laws, is one
of vital importance, as it will have a
tendency to secure honest elections in
places where the Mudgeon and the
shot gun took the place of argument. A
large majority of the Democratic papers of
the country denounce the decision in the
bitterest terms, fbr they are well aware
that it will be the means of cooking their
political goose.
THE Senate has refused to confirm Rev
Thomas J. Simmons as Supervisor of the
C3usus for the First Georgia district.
AOCORDING to an exchange, Potter conn.
ty is .xit.hoiv eriininals or paupers. At a
rcc:nrit tclin 4-•t' ;11.i co:titer Fessions court
e , unty, Permsylvania, the di, , -
trwt ats•ir , he court that hr
had no iodic tneo!s to prer.ent to
the grand jury ; the sheriff also stated that
he had en hi the prison ; the di
reet , os. ~f the r:ported that they had
tic; one to ir.ef.p at the county's charge or
exp.:K.4c. I t, r coert; ha.; bad ti l tower
for ten )e.trs, and this is given as
thy rc,:, for this lack of court business.
WE had prepired a reply to the article
of "a Ilan , i•-1 4 (1 , ,u (l,eenbacker," publish
ed in xre, k's Ahnitor, but owing to
the dAn.lud no:: our space by our adver
tiFio,, bfen ulable to find room
for writr:r lab 'red hard to contra
di•ct the truth our assertions, but he
utterly failed in the attempt, although he
mi,qultes us in his efforts to do so If we
make up our wind that "the game is worth
the pro.rl.l!r" we 'Nay vow ilate his feeble
eff.rt Its an,:th.r
THAT there is nu punishment in the
South for those who murder Republicans.
was proven \reek by the failure to se
cure • a
jury to try Gully, the man who
brutally shot to death Judge Gilmer, in
Kemper county, Mississippi. In all prob
ability this will be ths last beard of this
case, and the reJ-handed murderer who
thu cseapes the hangman's noose, can go
ou and kill any Republican who may seem
objectionaldo t•t hint. What a mockery of
From Western Pennsylvania.
f.: Vt . EST3I oR ELAND COUNTY, P•. )
March 23; 1350.
EDITOR JOURNAL :—Strikes, strikers
and their doings is now an item of impor
tance in all industrial centres. At a gen
eral mass meeting or the miners and dri
vers employed by the Penn Gas and West
moreland Coal Companies, working at Ir
yin and Penn Stations, Paintstown, Se
wiekley, &e., the follo-ring resolutions were
adopted, cis eNpressing their positions and
Wintardts. We, the miners employed by the
Penn Ga. a;ad Westmoreland Coal Companies.
have been for several months working at from
fifteen to twenty per cent. below the prices paid to
those all around us working in the same vein of
coal, that we might not embarrass our employers
in filling contracts etilered into in a time of de
pression; and
War:as:As, W. have presented a scale for min
ing just and moderate in its provisions, and sim
ple of application that all future trouble might
be avoided and continued agitation cease; and
WHEREAS, Our proposition has been summarily
rejected without anything else being substituted
as a basis for a peaceful settlement; therefore,
Itegolrtcl. That any future trouble in this dis
trict between employers and employee must be
charged to our etnpieyers who refuse to dons jus
tice, and refuse to enter into any peaceful and sat
isfactory arrangement.
licolved, That there is no way loft open to us
but to adopt the old unsatisfactory plan of enforc
ing by means of mikes, what we are justly en
titled to, whenever a favorable opportunity pre
sents itself.
Resolved, That though we claim the present
time inexpedient to suspend work, yet we tiealund
an advance of 10 cents per tun to make our price
for digging abNut equal to that paid in all the
mines near as and io that paid in the mines in
Maryland and West Virginia.
Hes°lrv!, 'that we u rge upon our employers the
favorable detnaud that trouble in the near future
may be avoi,lt.d.
Resolved, That copies of the above be handed
at once to the Superintendents to be transmitted
to the companies. and that copies be sent to the
various papers circulating in the distii.:t and that
we ;;et the aboNe printed and circulated in the
The immediate result of the above was
a suspension of many of the parties con
cerned. The body of the men are not urg
ing an advance, as at the present some
have earned as high as $8 per day. The
average is about $3. There is no prospect
that the above demands will be granted.
Men are plenty, and if necessary, an entire
change of men eau at once be set to work.
Avarice hf , lds sway in the miner as in
other men. Wages are now high and they
want to waste no time in coining the
mighty dollar. As the coal is taken
out the roof must be carefully propped to
avoid falling in This "roof slate" is very
heavy and is the cause of nearly all the
accidents in the bed. Old miners who have
worked many years in the mines, grow
carelesi in propping To prop so ouch
and so close to the '.face" of the coal seems
to them a waste of time. This often is a
fatal mistake. Last week three received
serious injuries from this carelessness. One
will die, or is dead. With all these acci
dents, not only in this, but in other fields
of labor, some men are never taught to
curb their greediness for gain.
G. M. B.
A Cool, HOUSEWIFE.—The good house
wife, when she is`giving her house its spring
rennovating, should bear in mind that the
dear inmates of her house are more precious
than many houses, and that their systems
seed cleansing by purifying the blood, regu—
lating the stow:Leh and bowels to prevent and
cure the diseases arising from spring malaria
and miasma, and she must know that there is
nothing that will do it so perfectly and surely ,
as Hop Bitters, the purest and best of medi
cines. See other column. [inar.26-2t.
TUE Pennsylvania State College offers
free tuition to all who enter its classes. Being
liberally endowed by the state, it is able not
only to make this proposition, but it also
provides kitchens and furnishes the fuel for
them free of charge to those students who
wish to lessen their expenses by boarding
themselves. For full information, address the
['resident, State College, Centre County, Pa.
march] 2-Im.
New To-Day.
SALES.—By virtue of
P'.... 7 6uudry writs of Fieri Facias and Levari Fa
cia= to tue directed, I will expose to public sale,
at the Cuurt House, in Huntingdon, on
FRIDAY. APRIL, 16th, 1880,
at one o'clock, P. the following described Real
Estate, to wit
All defendant's right, title and interest
in all that certain tract of land situate in Spring
field township, Huntingdon county, Penn's.,
bounded end (it scribed a 3 follows: On the north
and east by I:.ndi of Jas. Norris, on the south by
E!ihu Brown. anti on the west by David
Madden, con!aining seven acres, more
Ist • or less, and having thereon erected a
• I
_ tiOU,E and Log B
seized,:taken in execution, and to besold as the
property of Alfred Brown.
ALSO—AII defenuantte right, title and
interest in all that certain tract of land in Cass
township, Huntingdon county, Pa., bounded as
follows: On the north by lands of Jas. Norris, on
the east by lands of John Crotzley, on
the south by Ed. Corselis, and on the
west by Jaminia. Parks, (now Jamima sss
McClain) containing 47 acres, all clear- II:
ed, having thereon erected a TWO _
Stable. _
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of George A. Parks.
ALSO—AII that certain lot of ground,
situate in the borough of Huntingdon, frooti• g
forty feet on the east side of Montgomery (now
Fourth), street, and extending in depth
- Church street, one hundred feet
? ''* t to line of lot now owned by John A.
It;;: Nash, having thereon a TWO-STORY
s s *-
Tenewent House, Ice. . .
Stozoil, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Oliver Cunningham.
MIMS :—The price for which the property Is
sold must be paid at the time of sale, or such
other arrangements made as will be approved,
otherwise the property will immediately be put up
and sold at the risk and expense of the person to
whom it was first sold, and who, in the case of
deficiency at Auto re-sale shall make good the same,
tied in no instance will the deed be presented to
the court for confirmation unless the money is ac
tually paid to the Sheriff. Purchasers who are lien
creditors mast procure a certified list of liens for
the Sheriff, in order to apply the amount of bids,
or any part thereof, on their liens.
March2B,lSSO. Sheriff.
Now To—Day.
et •er- tn .
, 'l,
r!--,•n the eStAtn of liet,eca Pheap,nr 1:;
..f .1 iie,:hutty Furnace. Cen , re vonut,,
Hicrn,elvem es , :tte :Ir
to ma it'nmegiate paylne , t,
70 , r present neat tillo,
Man:l)26*j A‘hvni , t.- .r
t )I!NISIMATOi• - ;
Eotate of MARY.V 0 I.D.S'. c ',l.]
. . . _ . .
Lettcrs a Administration havirg ht•cn granted
to the underaigncd—wlioso i.o4tottee add r e s ais
Cassville—on the estate of Mary alynolds, late
of Coos township, deed., ail petz4ons intichted to
Fart estate are reque , .e.d to make Mit - Firth:ire pa'•-
ment, and those having claitu.i L, pre s ent !nom,
duly authenticated for .ettlemeit
TAKE NOTICE : That the account of Davin
Cal iKell , esq., Assignee fur the benefit of c re ,li
tors of Herman Greenberg, of Huntingdon, has
been tiled in the office of the Prothonotary of the
Court of Common Pleas of the county of Hun•
tingdon, and that it will be presented to the Court
for confirmation and allowance on the Secon•l
Monday. 12th day of April, ISSO, and that it will
then be continued and 111.1
be lit•ti thereto.
Mar h2t; ISSO. Prothonotary
-0 F--
Vaivable Real Estate
[Estate ,f dEORGE AL GREEN, he,
Ily virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court ul
lluutngdon county, Pa., the undersigned trusts.
wily expose at public sale on the premises, in Clay
township. Huntingdon county, Pa., on
.11011IDi1Y, APRIL sth, 1880,
at one o'clock, p. in., the following de: , cribt,l real
estate to Wit
A tract, of land in Clay township, bou,ded by
lan& of G. W. Cohill, Pienry Hudson. and otlwr
kin& of (leo. M. green, containing NINETEEN
A tract of land in Clay township, bounded by
lands of Henry Hudson, C. R. McCarthy and Rev.
Strayer, containing THREE ACRES
PERCHES, and having thereon ifs
erected a GRIST AND SiW MILL •;=v•
with water rights, A DWELLING
HOI , SII, and other necessary outbuildings.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the purchnse
money Lu be paid on confirmation of the sale; one
third of purchase money to be paid in one year
after confirmation, with interest; remainder to be
paid at the death of Antha Green, widow of Geo.
M. Green—interest thereon to be paid to Antha
Green. Payments to be scoured by mortgage and
bonds of purchaser. WM. M. McCLAIN,
March26-ts.j Trustee.
NOTICE.—The following named per
persons have filed their applications fur
license to sell liquor, &c., with the clerk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions. They will he laid be
fore the Court on the Ser.m.d Monday of April
Sessions next, being the third Monday and 19th
day of April, next:
HENRY LEISTER, Inn or Tavern at
Leinter Rouse, Second Ward, borough of Huntingdon.
His voucher. are
Louis AO nkert, IW,
D. P. Coast', Wm. A. P. Wilson,
Rudolph Shafer, I lionry liarsenpflug,
John BIToy, I W. Z. Strickler,
Jacob Attics, ID. R. Major,
Henry nobelium], Leintcr.
Lewis E. Port,
JOHN S. MILLER, Inn or Tavern at
Hiker's Hotel, First Ward, borough of Liantiagdou. Xis
vouchers are :
A. Schm;srmund, iffer . l7 Hazzard,
Pete] 6,,rlch,
J. htlaugblin,
Val. Bro. n, 'Martin Grubs,
W. S. Hallman, Thus. D Newell,
Jass,t, Leeward, • I Martin
frank W. Stewart, ilioury Africa.
JAMES C SWOOI'E. Luis or T:tve rn
at St. James Hotel, Second Ward, borough of Hunting
don. His vouchers ars :
W. L. Bricker, , W. R. Strickler,
M. M. Tate, , A. C. Corbin,
ll . ',cater, B. Minnick,
()surge A. Port, IL A. Greene,
Alex. A. Lung, Ueorge Shafer,
W. Williams, Philip Brown.
J. W. HOUGH, Inn 4.7. Tavern at Wash.
ington House, BiKond Ward, borough of Huntingdon
His vouckers are
John Flenner,
George Shafer,
L. W. Metz,
Jacob Africa,
Ge.,rge A. Port,
Philip Brown,
A. E. McDonald,
T. M. Black,
I J. C. Smiley,
Frederick Millar.
George Ballarityne, M. D.,
C. T. Walter,
U. Loistcr.
ivern, at The Juniats House,
tingdun. His vouc'uors are
A. Johnston,
Jacob L.,nard,
Ira Jenkins,
Peter Gal loch,
Martin Gruba,
.1. S. Miller,
W. Miami.
First Ward, borough et Huni
George flinger,
Am:mauler Miller,
Martin Kiepport,
Frank Bleicher,
Howard Miller,
Magnus Koch,
A. z. , elimiermund,
1). H. Chilcott,
ern at Petersburg Hotel, borough of Petersburg. Ilia
vouchers are:
J 8171635 B. Reed, C. F. Kirkpatrick.
J. T. Nolan, George W. Hardy,,
'Willi - am Kirkpa - trick,
Thomas Brinaiager,
John Eberle,
Martin 64isler.
J. W. Wilson,
0. T. Bell,
E. B. Nolan,
Isaac Wall,
WILLIAM DURST, Inn or T.►vern
near Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, borough of ham,
burg. His vouchers are
J. T. Nolan,
J. P. Clark,
Martin bleisler,
James 11. Reed,
Jam es Shively,
Otto Altman,
Levi Hawley,
John Ross,
Thomas Brinninger,
J. E. March,
George T.Bell,
Isaac Wall,
U. Bell
JOHN H DAVIDSON, Inn or Tavern
at the American House, borough of Mount Union. Hi.
vouchers are
John Dougherty,Jacob Flasher,
Charles E ludriss, It. J. Foust,
P. H. Davis, !Jags. Murser,
Henry Mutes, T. h. Biddle,
W. T. Guyton, Harvey Bennett,
Elijah Aultz, Alexander Maxwell,
A. B. Price, John Malian.
ern, in the borough of Shade Gap. Hie vouchers are:
W. C. Caldwell, T. C. MeGowau,
H.H.William Le*, W. M. Morrow,
8. F. Hall, W. Welch,
James Foreman, Asher Drake,
J. W free, A. ere',
J. C. Reddy, H. Zeigler.
ern at Eagle Hotel, borough of Orbieenia. Ma vouchers
are :
William Keefauver,
C. R. Wagner,
Lewis Keetativer,
J. E. Grove,
A. C. Burns,
W. T. Browning,
George Swart'.
Washington M'Gowan,
G. S. Deßroy,
R. G. Montagne
W. B. Gilliland,
G. W . C. James, M. D.,
R. M. Brown,
Hoary Wolf,
la or Tavern, borough
are :
of Coalmont. His Touchers
Carves itiestarer,
Lewis E. Kesse
William Keith,
Amos lie3a,
A. Clary,
William Jackson,
Samna Hew.
1.1, ha W. Lytle,
Je►ee Wright,
John Evau..
.Tames Romine,
G. A. Strohle.
H. F El ASLETT, Inn ft/. Tavern at III!
Keyatolia liotel,l6prucs Creek, in Morris township. ilia
VtollCllrre are:
Thomas M. Banner,
W A. Black
'Daniel Keller,
I?tudrew J. Slack,
Edward Baiale,
Perry aole t' t . t r,
- oaorgu W. Kreps.
b. Russ MK'
A. G. Black,
P K. Llarni.l),
Henry bhultz.
D. F NORTON, Inn or Tavern, in toe
borough of Dudley. His Touchers are
J. M. Dickson, ! Wm. Brown, g
Michael Carroll, IJohn Leery,
P. Harrington,
Levan Cu II ison,
'William Park,
:C. K. Horton
Samuel Wkw,
Wm. E. Nlalter,
Robert Lewis,
Thom" Maher,
Luke Ml'grove,
- -
J. A NORRIS, Inn or Taveru, at the
tnion Ilutel in Mill Creek, Brady township. Il ls Touch
ers are:
Thomas Martin,
Henry Withers,
Isaac Odenkirk,
Porter T. Henderson,
Jo athan K. Melia,
Samuel B. Grove,
W. J. Wagner,
J. M. Holler.
Philip Holler,
A. Robieun,
Henry 11. NlAteel,
Aaron Kelly,
Tavern, at Sissler House, in the borough of Alexandria.
His vouchers are:
Samuel [lamer,
N. Isenberg,
William McMahon,
B. IC. Taylor,
Emory G. Piper,
J. H. Cross,
Harris L. Foetar,
Samuel Work,
Alfred Spylier,
Alfred MePhernin,
°purge H. Fleming,
William W. Jones.
Tavern, at the Warrioramark Exchange, in the village of
Warriorsmark, Warriorsmark tp. His vouchers are
David Geist, Diller Buck,
Thomas Wilson, Jerry Beck,
Amos Harper, it. L. Henderson,
John Knaown, S. C. Henderson,-
C. Humberg, 'David Grazier,
Cl.utchison,. G. Hutchison, James 11. Chamberlin.
Thomas Goats,
- E. F. GOULD, lan or Tavern. at the
Exchange Hotel, borough of Dudley. Hip vouch era are :
P. Ilarriugton, Samuel Wise,
William Leary, Patrick Dougherty,
John Lewis, E. C. Moorman,
Jerry Leary, Luke Hiligrove,
S. It. Miller. William tiros n,
J. H. Dickson, :Michael Carroll.
G. T. SIMONTON, for License to tied
Liquor, &e., by wholesale in quantities not lens than on*
quart, at the Hiller Brewery, corner of sth sad Moore
streets, iu the Second Ward, borough of Huntingdon.
MARTIN {}RUBE, for License to sell
Liquor, de., In quantities not leas than a quart, at the
Jarluson House, on Allegheny street, is Second Ward,
borough of Huntingdon.
Preth'y. 0113 es. Maroh Clerk.
1 giR
;rill 1 1 it if , t s
- 1 „--, i. , , ; 1 -n i rinroun ., i )
I •-: f) H-:. : r
k r lb . 1 ii 1 Lii -
at 414,, , , '‘'.l' iu , i ill a :VA .' 0 • l'• t, i
t h 7 i. 71:7 ) ri 7 , 7 p. 4. ► F,7 . T
!,11.11' ..-.l,,td4v i & .1410Ta..2.
T217477_,V5 Sp
• r.. 3 , r 3 ULU 4: t 4 4., 1 ;'; - _
'i •~„
1: 4 e. fri ! 1 . t7
4 is tkirl/44,311,!7.0.
ti B.:
a bt)% t
B. th
hy the Cario.mi, sack or MrOa
51 ;- 1-1„
5 - j r
\V•J r
hitu.ictz j3st r tw,) cal load.; we are Prepared to fi l orders promptly by railroad
and canal.
cAFTE) rrin B. I CARP" TS
g , • e; ig
BODY Bal - ELS, . TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, 3-PLY, (Extra Super,)
:4nd HEAP vra blve ever Ltd ('all and examine.
F` i
.; t rill i.4 n
caLz:l,6 'l :wt. ..N.4 , 1 1E1a act. eT: 7. 11 „ . ... ,, 1 .f.. 2 4, -- fr -- %r --.4
'2nsciAii ' 6 4-,distod 1 / 4 Q•1g0 04 .- - .....--• I= l . 1
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po t o r rc - 4 sH
_i_ii oli .0„11:1 0, !ti __y , . 1-) 1 i , . 0 ES,
I'LT' eM" ii
-r7 ,
• • A de l %din p mass .) •'" 4214.:31 - 33
i want ffrr the FARM, SHOP, or FAMILY can be had at
. -
G.{.ND Jußon.s.
Adams Thomas, merchant, Mt. Union.
Africa J Sanpson, surveyor, Huntingdon.
Britge J. A., tanner, Tell.
lteit lie aauoi. carpenter, Barrie.
Cogley Ilittry, fat nittr,
Pe.-tier N. C., gritti,mAtt, H mann:A.)li.
Entriken %I. i 4., farmer, Lincoln.
Fisher T C.. coal
Gch.ett J. C., ;:,:unsmilh,
1414'11 A.
ii! Jo-eph, farmer, %Vc. ,- tt.
it .ss John, I,cm:in, Litc-i.ln.
itysson g •e E. It. : is.' ter. Cassvill,
Kinah ULlckrlnith,
Esp. teJohu, firmer, Fran
littler A.. 1 , farmer,
Morningstar %Vim, fartnor, Hunt:m.lor.
Martin Isaac, farmer, Porter.
Slattern Gen. %V.. gentlen.ll, WatriorSahle,
Aiexatel..r, carpenter, Lincola,
tzlaitli.t , din P., farmer, 1:111.1.
line-trer ii. It , t. Curb n.
61: Jop cat - p..lller, Union.
..I , l4ans John Q., farmer. Franklin.
Ale D. Scott, laborer, ‘Varriorsturark.
Iretalte Easton, foundrynnin, Huntingdon,
Bartell Elias. gentleman, Huntingdon.
if Hak Samuel, farmer. Tell.
them Albert, painter Itrady.
Coulter James, tamer, Tell.
Crouse Adam, c'eepenter. &ley.
Qthill (leo. ti ~ fi oiler,
Coral Jacob, miner, Orbs .nia.
Chi:coin John 8., ulasterer, Ortibmnia.
Davie Henry Sr, tarmer. West.
Decker A lexamler, teamster, Huntingdon.
Getyt,in W oi. C., foreman, Mt. Union.
Gond:then 15m..., carpenter, Huntingdon.
Garner John G. farmer, Lincoln.
Henry S. E., merchant, Huntingdon.
Harrison Andrew, tinner, yhirleyahut
Holtzinger John, Wok agent, Huntingdon.
leenlierg Milton, farmer, Shirley.
Kyt , er M. 11. , farmer, Shirley.
Locke Philip, farmer, Springfield.
Metz Jonathan K., merchant, Brady.
.Myers H ichael, termer, Walker.
Mears Ephraim, carpenter, Carbon.
:.I , .rti-uu Salami, farmer. liarrem
Myerly Abram, tamer. Cass.
hic.Cluce Juhn, farmer, Porter.
Madden Newt, r, ft it r,
Mcia,l4ipa blacksmith, Lligan.
Samuel, tarmer, Hai ree.
Nett Benjamin, i4entleman, Porter.
Nearhuoit John It., lkborer, Warrairsinark,
N41.1,1i, 'West.
Neff Henry, fa.aner, West.
I ott Noah, shoemaker, ortdsunia.
Itusseli l adio s forewarn Hopewrat.
Kinney Elliott, farmer, Sp, o,i:cid.
Beady Jed. K., farmer, ban.
Reed G. :Va. - Jong, al. f...,:ue,„
Shearer Andrew, tartnef, Tea
Sweepe James. ft: me%
rani.l..Mi,•ha-1, t,rnor,
it. D, t T:.d.
NV lot,. A. P.. mer.
P. iamb,.
• ~ . c.9S JU
. •,., I.•ic
. ,
I..tant, Jom, turn,
Go,,d,adi Joh., teacher, firmly'
Jonai hon. ino;,,Ter, Multi ult.
11,4 Va•l iccper,
I I0.1(.1i Job?), 14,11,mitla, Jackson.
Date:llion I*.trit,r, ar: iorsinalk
1,111a.r,r, H., I ,r,cr, Penn.
larmer, Myrrh,
Keith Eli P., farmer, Tod.
Kcat icy C,., Fritnklin.
311..ic,er tat/nor, Duldiu.
Madthoi farmer. filo tapfit.l.l.
?dim: le David, eoactimaker, Huntingdon.
Henry 11., farmer, Brady.
3lct'ulMeu Samml, rico chaut, El dlititigdou
lllcWilliams IV. B, nwr,
Mark , 11•tity t irrn , r, .1 alt
Myely John. farm , r, Cos,
.dell;;;.th Ethr.rd. lionitittinh , ll
IS•tt A. C ,,
S ith xurr.ltnnt, fluitttrig.kat.
Sill., thorn .I..hit. turner.
Thott.l.,mt D. ,
' firmer, Spring th•! , l.
(.o. P., fat !nor, Fbitioy.
Witg,ll, %V. J., butch,, Brady.
p °CI. A AT 1:() N .-11 - liert•as, by a
me di rcet«i by the Judges of the
Connumi Pleas of epur.ty of lin. tingdon, bcal:ing test
the kith city of M:irb, 15,0, I aTil commanded to make
public pluelema , ion llaroutthont toy whole bailiwitck, that
a Court ,d Comm, Pita, w^ll be it: td at thoCouil Howie
an the bonalt w Ifuntio,roon., on than 3rd Mond ny land
19th day) of A. for the trial of all
issucii ha unit( Coin a hid a ra.r,ti:a ulidortettaint.or before
the Maid .1.1ge4, aml whero all juror., el tneesea,
and suitori, in Me trial,: of all ierrca tare required.
Detz,l at !tun tined‘m, ale 1911, day el Marcia, in the
year 111e.11 , 31, leaght hundred and eighty,
and Fatalllnerf•
Mar h U IRVIN, rheriff.
MA !Al Bnok. $2lO to $l6OO. OR
; GANS, 13 ~ 3 i:eedo 21ineo Swells
..o!3 - $9B. 44-111u,trated
F rea. iianie F. Beatty, Washington,
NO GUILE, NO PAY For sale by Druggists and Shoo
Dealers CAIN BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa, Osn'). Agents.
7* - 7,7 A SCAR and expenses to Agents. Outfit Fres
/ Address P. 0. VICKERY, Augusta. Maine
New Tt.Day.
- -•„, ,
• 1
T 7- TT ,
Tt 1
`1: 0 o' l 1
. _ •
..•:1-: - L - -zoufr-;! c%i - zoc; En i-;:c.--,:::--2
; ; ; ; • • ; I ) _ 3 IC iS
1; ; t. t• ;,tt !;' b 7
A C •
c : 1111,0.1!) 01' CHOICE 31CKEREL
',-:. FA),lll,i, DEEP SEA AND MESS,
, ,
Q.l:rter Barrels, Kitt aqd 51b cans. We recommend the
!lite awl fit, and we are confident of their pleasing in
every p.irtcular.
IVe seeltrel the :Ig. , ,ticy ll,r the sale of ONONDAGO
to uil eril.•rs protholy at, fltir prices.
SO/ I.C.:ted.
I r
‘\.‘l-3,r-. CHILLED PLOW I
ck i !: ,l to be the moit economical, best made and bebt
N•ttwithstanding the great advance in material we offer
them at the 01,-1
i ~ . ..,, ti :: 1 • ~
r=a.- ..
We }hate the largest and most emapleti line of
c'JL,Orn E-1
I) CULL at prices that def'y competition
-C2 cp-Arym
- • t7..7__,4+ t
New To-Day.
New To-Dfty.
New Advertisements
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias
Lrvari Facies and Venditioni Exponas, to me
directed, f will expose to public sale, at the Court
House, in Huntingdon, on
FRIDAY, APRIL 9th, 1880,
at one o'clock. p. in., the following described Real
Estate, to wit
ALL defendant's right, title and inter
est in all that certain lot of ground in the borough
of Mount Union, Iluntingdon county, Pa., front
ing 120 feet on south side of Water street, %Arpin
iilg lot on the eart. of J. B. Garver, and on the
west 1-y Priscilla Appleby, and extend-
A''''' back 120 feet to an alley, having there
in i ! - , on ereote,l a large two-story FRAME
!l1, 11 :' it UILDING. :-ttla-42, used as aLW EL
Also, a — lut of ground in the borough of
Mount Union, fronting 100 feet on Shirley st.,
and extending back 160 feet Washington
street, thence along the west side of Small street
100, and adjoining lot of Pennsylvania Railroad
on the east.
Also, a lot of ground fronting 50 feet on
Holey street, and extending back 160 feet to an
alley, adjoining lot on the eat of E.ll.Vancourt,
:tiid lot on the west of John Morgan, being lot Nu
-;fi in llarshbure,er's addition to the borough of
Mount Union.
in Shirley town3hip fronting 60 feet
on south side of Haley st., and extend• „
ing back 160 feet along Washington /-
street, and adjoining lands on the south IN 74:
and west of Eliza Smalley, having P I
thereon erected a two-story FRAME -
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Brice X. Blair and Thomas A. Apple
by, partners, doing business as Blair it Appleby.
ALSO, all that certain lot of ground in
~ the borough of Shade Gap. Huntingdon
1 ;
-I*---- - .. - - county, Pa., situated on the corner of
tie ,
I 4 , 1 K Main street and Tuscarora avenue, and
„41 '.., having thereon e: acted a large FRAME
-"'----- HOUSE and FRAME STABLE. and
heretofore and now occupied as a hags! by Wil
liam Welch.
3eized, taken in execution and tube sold as the
property of B. N. Blair.
ALSO, all that certain lot of ground
situate in West township, Huntingdon county, Pa.
hounded by lands of Robert Moore on
the wet, Shurb, Stewart It Co. on the., i „
north, and by Huston Ewing on the t i i - ,1,77
,outh and east, containing two acres, ; jk
more or tesi, and having thereon erect- '
ed a one and a-half story LOG HOUSE and LOG
_ ...., ....._
S..ized, akrn in execution and to be sold as the
property el' ',Lary L. MAtitt.
ALSO, all those pieces, parcels, tract or
ph.ntot ion of land situate in the township of Tell,
in iluntingd• - oi county, adjoining lands of John
1 J0n.,.5, Thonna i;arver, Joseph Rich
e-Vei. archon, Jonathan Hockenberry, John
1N,, ,
Vii,, Perry and William Lerver, containing
egr .me hundred and sixty-three acres, more
ur less, and havi - ...g thereon erected a
z,eizod, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of William L. Parsons.
ALSO, all the right, tide and interest
af defendants in all tilos() too certain adjoining
vacant lots of ground situate in the borough of
:4ni,leysiturg, county of Huntingdon, and State of
, enn,)lvania, ea,ll fronting 60 feet on the Main
.a.reet in said borough, and running back 170 feet
to an alley.
Aiso. all the right, title and interest of de
:end.,nts in all that certain lot of ground sit
uate in the borough of Shirleystoir„, , r, Huuttngdon
,00nty, Iniislrania, fronting 60 feet,
tr.Gre or less, on Main street, and run a .
.. t a
sing hack 160 feet, more or less, to an ii:l4
a 1,1., haying thereon erected a two-sto- i
7 , 110 P and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Catharine Pergrin, intermarried with
David Smith, David W. Pergrin, Edward J. Per
grin. John li. Pergrin, Sarah Pergrin, and David
Sui Db. Sarni-heel of John Long. - . ; . .
ALSO. all that certain - tract of land in
Chty township, Huntingdon county, Pt., bounded
and cicsoribed as follows: On the north by lands
of William Shape; on the east by lands of Ocorge
Rucker and Ephraim Walker; on the south by
lands of Rev. E. :-'hoeniaker and Sam
nel Moreland; and on the west by Saw
;■;Pk tie! Moreland, containing about ipo acres
mare or less, about 13 acres of which is
( --- 4- =' - '`` in timber, and the balance cleared, thy.
I:ern:cements thereon being a two story LOG
110 UNE, LOG BARN and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be 5,1t1 as the
property of David B. Ruuk.
ALSO, all that certain tract of land sit
uate in Shirley township, Iluntingdon county, Pa,
bounded on the north by lands of Henry Taylor;
on the south by lands of Thomas E. Orbis
on; on the east by lands of Jacob Harmon,
and on the west by Jacob Harmon, con
taining 590 acres, more or less, all of which in
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as th“
property of William Rinker.
New Advertisements.
AI ~i; ;I)
• •
1 ", • •
! 1r) . •
iit !• , • .
property iii Narey t 0..•
ALSO, all that c. ute“.l 1.. t. Or rlitiliod
e;',,c , in . .;() t•-•-,
0 1 . tVaNhin • t... 11 . \ • •-•
i• pt 6 at. right atig;,..s to
Let to a 15 foGr •. 14
in block I; in plan of !,,sakS4
and Anderson'd addi•ion to 6 .;• Wei'
Ilowinodon.havinq; thereon a 1.
Ali), all that separm"e and laid off half Part
of a lot of gr , ,tzt,d t the lioronzh of
ilunt - ttg,iort, with the boildir,gi. as., thei-e. , n, Fit
uate between Hill ant Washing , on etrects, it I.
ing the north one-half part of a lot of ground No.
ti 2 in the recorded plan of said borough.boundeil
on be We:4 ley lot ~r.r,,h,1
the eAst liv lot of C.
Crud' iuu: Lu let t on Washington 6 , Tter
extending J 2, feet iu the direction
of Penn street to line heiween this and
other Lail of said lot. having thereon a FR 'ME
Also, that Certain lot of ground situate on
VLGIa street, West Huntingdon. known as the
F. ter property, fronting 50 feet on Mittlin street.
ond running back at tight angles 150 feet to an
:alley. joined on the south by lot of A. Dunsworth,
on the north by lot of C. 11. Cavender. .
being lot No. 193 in the town p:ot of
West Hu ntiogdon, having thereon erect- • ,
ed a two-story FRAME DWELLIN4 B
HOUSE, a two-story FRAME STORE
1109N1 anti other improvements, subject to $l7l 611
purchase money on articles of agreement, with in
terest from October 19, 1574.
AIR°. that certain lot of ground situ tte on
Mifflin street, West Huntingdon, known as Vie
Cob'. j ropert 7, all joining lot of Salw,ei
Clement ou the south, being north half
I NF" , •,f lot No. 8, Block 8, in Wharton, Mil
ler and Anderion's addition to the bar
ough of Huntingdon, having thereon a
Also, all that certain lot of ground situate
in West Huntingdon, fronting 50 feet on the
west side of Oneida street, and extending in depth
130 feet to an alley, being lot N 0.15 in Block No.
9 of Wharton, Miter and AnderAon's addition.
The lust three described properties being pur
ek,,,d f r ,,n 2 Wiltiazu andJo,eph Marela by sgree
rnent recorded in .Aliszellaneous 11 , Jok, No.-1. page
AL.,. all that certain lot of groun 1 situate
uate in the hue-cob of Huntingdon. Pa.. on the
north side o. ),1111iti street. fronting 50 -
feet on said street, and extending back
at right an; es thereto 100 tact toward I
Church street, and being sou:he,n one- _
half part of lot No. 213 in the plan 01
said borough, having thereon erected is good two
(for two families) and outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of David Mingle.
A LSO, all that. c,l.rain hit of ground sit
uate in Franklin township. Huntingdon county,
l'a., bounded as follows: Beginning at a limestone:
thence by old township road south 76i degrees
west 29, 1 1 rods to a post of John Ewing; thence by
John Ewing south one-sixth rod to post of John
Ewing, south 11 &glees east 11A rods to turnpike;
thence by Spruce Creek and Waterstreet turnpike
north 611 degrees east 22 rods; thence by same
north 841 degrees east 8 2-5 rods; thence by James
Oliver north 13 degrees west 101 rods to begin
ning, containing two acres more or less, (it being
part of a tract of land containing eleven acres and
forty perches, which Thomas Johnston,
High Sheriff of said county, by deed
polled dated 13th April, 1832, conveyed
u - s , . to James M. Bell.) The improvement+
thereon being a two-story S'l ONE
Seized, taken in execution anti to be sold as the
property of William A. Carter.
TERMS—The price for which the property is
sold must be paid at the time of sale, or such other
arrangements made as will be approved, othei wise
the property will immediately be put up and sold
at the risk tend expense of the person to whom it
wa' first sold, and who in case of deficiency at
such resale shall make goul the same. and in no
instance a ill the deed li;;iiresenteit to the court tot
eonlirmation UfileFS the motley is actual!, paid to
the Sheriti. Ptirehasors woo are lien et,iitors
unlit procure a list of liens for the :'.i.terifY,
in order to apply the amount of bids, or any part
thereof, on thair
Mar. 19, ISSO.t : 4 heriti
EGISTER'S N OTIC E.—Not ice is
hereby given,
to all persons interested, that
the following named persons have settled their ac
counts in the Register's Office, at Huntingdon, and
that the said accounts will be presented for con
firmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court, to
be held at Huntingdon, in and for the emint., of
Huntingdon, on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day '1
APRIL next, (1880,) to wit:
1. Account of Richard CoPrate, Admini,trator
d. c. n of the estate of Asaph Price, late of Crom
well tp., deceased
2 Account of Richard Colg-te, Administrator
of the estate of John F. Price, late of Cromwell
tp., deceased.
3. Fiat account of Asaph Price, Executor, of
the last will anti testament of James Fleming. late
of Cromwell township, deceased, as filet by Rich
ard Colgate, Administrator d. c. n. of Asaph
Price, deceased.
4. First and final account of Alfred L. Caroth
ers, Aduain'szrator of the estate of Lewis Caroth
ers, late of Cromwell tp., deceased.
5. First and final account of Joseph Grubb, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Abraham
Grubb, late of Penn township, deceased.
. . . .
6. Account of Robert ooshorn. Administrator
of the estate of Abraham Bollinger, late of Tell
township, deceased.
7. Account of F. L Drake, one of the Ex?eu.or,
of the last will and testament of Mary M. Holler,
late of Barree township, deceased.
. . . . .
8. Final account of‘J. t Schock, Ailutinistra
tor of the estate of Lewis M. Stewart, late of Mor
ris township, deceased.
9 Guardianship account of Samuel Ralston,
Guardian of Mary Ella Devore, daughter of Josi
ah Devore, deceased.
10. First and final account of Curtis G. Carr.
Administrator of the estate of Reuben Smith, late
of Huntingdon borough. deceased.
11. The ccond and final account of Jonatirtn
Evans, Trustee to sell the real estate of Benjamin
Boilers, deceased.
12. %ccount of Samuel Weight, Administrator
and Trustee to sell the real estate of Samuel
Green, late of Springfield township decease
13. Account of W. 11. M'Crutn, Atiministra'or
tf the estate of James Crum, deceased, with dis
tribution annexed.
14 Account of Henry Wilson, Administrator of
the estate of Alfred W. Kenyon, late of Barrec tp.,
15. Final account of James Miller and A. B.
Miller, Administrators, and Trustees to sea the
real estate of Samuel Sillcnitter, late of Barree
township, deceased.
16. Final account of Hugh Lindsay. surviving
Administrator of the estate of George W. Swartz,
late of Huntingdon borough, deceased, with a dis
tribal ion annexed.
17. Account of Wm W. Stryker, Executor of
the will of Elizabeth Stryker, late of West town
ship, deceased.
18. Second and final account of George W. Cor
bin, Trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court to
sell the real estate of Daniel Price, late of Clny
tuvrosbip, dec,tiscd.
19. Filial neeount of Samuel ]3. Gros,,
of Charles R. Hampson, deceas.ed, minor sou of
James K. Ilatopson, deceased.
20. First and final account of Je , se (3.,odrnan,
Administrator ut thr cstaie of Thomas M.
late of Huntingdon Hdrongh, deceased.
21. Account cl . Wui. W. Johnston, Admin;stra
tor of the estate a 'Nm. Johnston. late a Thir
riorsmark . . . .
22. Accoun , . of Win. w. Johnston, Ache ini.!r4.
tor tic I,,ntiv non c t. a. of the estate of Wm. Cole
burn, lade of Franklin dczeast.l.
2:4. Onareliarsliin account of Williant W. SrrY
ker, Gnat-di:in of Florence Stryker, interinarried
with - Sliwvalter,suil now of full age, hot
nie Striker and W. 11.,wird Striker, minar chil
dren of Striker.
1. 1). IiI..NTZELMAN,
Iluntingtion, Mar. ll',
April Term hex', the Second Mon lay and
12,11 day of Aril. 1:480.
Eliza Staawley vs. John S. Bare, et al.
Win. S. Shue v.. Levi Anderson.
John Bare .s. John 31'Cornb et al.
Levi Wright et al vs,Orbison& Co,
William rtiuker vs. E. P. eKittriek et .4L
Ellen I:srnsey vs. Rebereft Shue.
tr. Fishres use vs. S. Wulf.
L. J. I►csura vo. Ist National B r of Iluntingan
Anthony H. Thoman for use vs Nicholas Pi or.
Jarn , •s Dr•vore Dr. G. W. Thompson.
Mrs. M. J. De..'oro vs Same.
D,tvirijrvin vs. GeorgeCrouitsel!
John 7,..fitin . er VP. TT K. Hender‘on
Ewing's adult's. vs J M. Oaks' oduirs.
Henry Wilt vs. lobo Dougherty.
J-teott M'Colvttt's use vs. Mdinda A. Ow.ots.
CA:harine L t al vs J Law's titllilr.
Alichnet Boring vs. A. F. Rupert.
Union BAIA ui Iluntingdon vs. W.P Orhis'n et al
David MAlarvey's aaturs. vs. M. B. M,..-soy's ex
B liirttnati et al es. W. S. Morrison's adat . rs.
Ketiditr a r t ilost,tter vs. John S. Ra.iud.
B,nger 314. Co. calin I enuer.
cxnewrix V. B. F. Dut4litsa,
Saine VS.
Proty's. Of j
1 Pruth'y.
Mar. 19, 1880.
erly owned by Levi Ridenour, situated on
the ft aynff , wn Brsneh, fire mites south of Hunt
ingdon. It is a Tery dcsiiatile place f 139 acres.
in good condition. Terms, $3 000:
cash ; belanee in easy nnntinl y II) cr.. •
4;1 J 0 N
Month 12-4 t. Huntingdon,
New Advertisements.
K-1 „
wt. ~ ! i,
- •
. :
~:~. ,
' •,9U heads cabbage, 6
- • • •.. nt bay, 13 four-borne
- • • poi k. 360 pounds
p.,unils tobacco, 2
, , • • , .rn 1 12 gallons of
1,0. 1 1e1, rye, 276 bush
.,?s, 7 1,,,;51, Is ei,o, 1200 laufr te is afro,
ilia c,/rd 3;5 1,11: 1;e:: 1 tatuee, ins :ell beans. 15
turnip.. cans Wiilatoct. 1S bur.h. Is
be,qs, luur-h9rse loai!s eornlod.
der, 110 tuns nea I e.:61, age. 6 barrels of
a raur, 15 S bushels onions, 2400
pounds I,,er, :mart po -k, 141 1 0 pounds lard,
S an;leh cow=. I hurl, 4 imiters, S sautes, 1 sow, 4
horse,, (.:I.::•+1. I I, pitiagest 7 years),
111 pairA Pen , B, 1i flyiiits, I roar wagon, 1 farm
wag.)n, I rirg i rAij,gy, 2 wagon beds, 1
flinaing :rail, 1 e.n p!aiit,r, 1 grain drill, 2 mow
ing ,ey:;,.: 4 . 2 w Irr,ws, 1 threshing machine,
3 plows, i c•,to nova, 3 cultivators, 2 harrows, 1
pair bay lai4ere. 1 hty Cork and tackle, 9 hay
larks, 4 ellaking forks, 8 hand rakes, 2 scoops, 3
shovels, 2 pink 2 mattocks, 2 crowbars. 5 axes,
1 cutting-box, 1 reaper aril mower, combined, 2
grin4stones, 3 iron and 2 copper kettles, and 175
ina•t poultry.
- - 7
7 ,z"-
.1: 14 : • 7 7.±
= -
-7 ,44 — er 7 it.• 77 , 7•• .7 • •• '7! •ac there are 7 in
sare-4 7 .! .; 7,1i1711 0 77 ; one of the !Male:
In testimony a the co:wetness of the above a&
count. a ntl sr, wr do hereunto set ourbandi
t!,is diy tAry. A D. ISSO.
.1 .3. NI E. 4 11 RP ER Directors
.1. 1: 14
.1. 11. 1 . IFLY, the Poor.
A tt , ,,!--.f; . Wit rr ...,n, Cleric.
tlareh 12. 1!•11.
/•:.7'_-1 77: OF J. o'. LUPFER 4. CO.)
5476 Acas of Lui for Salo
By order oF the Cvu: t Oi L,.tornou Pleas of Hen•
tinc , ion the un,irvign , tl will expose to
,ftle. t.t Sl•ttf.te G in die county of Runt•
login arta State of P,,no4clrania, on
TEESDA I'. NARCIT 30th, 1880,
AT In 0: I,f K. A. M ,
ill that cr•rta.o , to lot' land situate i
(',..,,,•• :! 1.),D,1iii., Huntingdon co.,
1 1 . ..., P•L ..:!111 , , .. t t,, ianti6 of Caldwell'A
::: 1;!
..1, .... ,a . .., ! 1. - 17 ,• W ii3.,:ie. Michael Stair,
V W ,11,:tio i'ri , ,, W. A. Bodeen, and
-o: h.. r'. I•ci• 4 parts of three differen!
and interf . et ing ~ , ,rvr ~ ta the names of Joseph
lltit ivu. D‘ v i• 1 It: uw n , a.,. , 1 Rich4rd Cromwell.
ktr , wn as the lisp,ry Tract, containing
a boo 90 ee-e4 or IPPA, having thereof
en sled : L W ELI.; Ni; HiIITSR -4 , 2 LARGO
STABLES, i L ~ 1.,•• II iTil :-. 110 P, SAW MILL
and other outhuild 'mg,.
2. Al,o, a tract of hind adjoining said
Taiinery tract called the "Swartz Improvement,'
containing 29 acres. ti :re 4.r lesw.
3. Also, a tract or unseated land, aituata
in said township of Cromwell, warranted in the
names ,fJ.,hu Mcli!wee, Brice X. and Ja•,,
cobLdetts, and returned to land office as eon,,
tainirg .111 acres ;:nd r 9 nercheg.
4 Ako. a tract fit ut:seated land in
C,anwell irr ,nted in the name of El,
!tort C. Th,,t• c $2 acres ant 61
5 Also, a tr•t: anrieated land in thil
name of ita , 11 ivv• y. A.uate in Dublin townshipi
Huntingdon count., 416 acres, more
6. ult.,: •.1 tract adjoittint; tho
above iu Duh!in to,,,,hip, surveyed on warran
iu the I:an:0 a ..i•din Fotrrat, containing 42 ,
aeres, more or 1. Si
7 Also. a tract cf Lust:ate/I land la
Teti town-hip, iurvvy...l on a warrant to Georg
Truman. eontainin! :195 sere., more or less.
S. a frac , u :seated land, ad.:
jo4,lng the last no". t •i. Surveyed on Warrittr,
t , Adam Claw, eont.,nm.: 431 a:3re*. Maw or le
9. Also , , a tral r unseated land a
joining the !aft i;. Ten township, warrank.„
red in the nine vi Jo!in Peas. ooutaining 41
acre;, more or
10. Also, ::::e; or unseated land ,
sail town Aiip of Toii, ,iainz the last 'Death)*
ea. warran:e4 in the flue of Si won Porter,
survei , 'd auil ~r:,, 4 ,:outa:ning 355 aereC
an-I 129 perehc:4.
11. Also, a tract (..f 'un ,, cated land, i - •
the town-hip -of Spr;figtiehi, warranted in tbk
name of 8., X., containing 150 acre '
Ili or It: ,
12. a tract of unseated Laid, i
th e S. warran?ett in th
mune 0: . S,:iey c•. 40 scree. too
or leEt.
1:;. rz .
:aid •
nu we GI
inure or ie.,.
1 L a t , ::ct t•:' ila:-.:at(-41 land, lt • :
~! . 4 :•- , :el.l. warranted in Tsg
ri•C I. ••• .1 •:. 400 aareit, :no
15. tr , ct un,rnttd laud, i
'.."*. , ;( .1 .1. warranted in ill
Lam , of 1.; 1! .•u. . il4/ acres, mo
tr Ic s.
Al6o, 111.-..;0ckl laud, i
the ..()%51-!lo.
17 Also. a tr.:et ,r unseated land.
••• in the LIMOS
John Gard•ner. et.ntaintng 2.!5 :mores, more or lad
Ms. , . a tiaet
nuscated laud,
the :olenf.hi, , n 7, warr.inrc,l in the 111101
or .SAILLIIICI 2i r re. c•• t 11 l; acres
Thtt abovu )awls are chirik
raltialAtt It.r the hArk i timber thereon.
wilt he Fifi.l a- a wit.•!••. or in peparate tracts
oared?. 17r in ,a,•it •:11 IL. rent, as w
the :he creditors of t
TENMS ...A.l.E.—()rie•third of tk:
pUrdliLif! it3,l, Ir. hi! l 4,;.i When the property
struek anwit,nt..l the rt. Hue in two equal awn
pa) in,nts ;;,e cr., p inentz to he sreured
rile Jot4:ther.t 1.01 mortgages ut the tr:
Atts•: t:ce in ty
7.l.:rvit 1'•:. 4 0 Is
"pp ROC LA3IAT 1 0 N hereas ,by a
cept to the directed, , late ...1 at Huntingdon,
IS.thday oi March. A. D., is6n, under the hands and
of ilie lion. Julio Drat, icre-ideot Judge of the CourtsT
CO,lllOll , Oyer 4,1 lerminer, audgeneraljail de
cry i.f the:Zito of Pennsylvania, rout
veil of llinitinitdoo. lilair aut . . Calabria counties; and
HOWL lira:lns Miller nod Adam heeler. his allW
aten, Judges of the ClVlluty ot II ilutingtioujustiers ass:
ed, appinoted to hear, try end iteterndue all .
r.ury inifictuertit made. or takeu for or Col)..erll
all crimes. wit:eh by the Iso s of the Mate are ill
.capital, or of dt-ittit .cud other ..iifeu
i`:'lines ails! uxordettleauore. M bo•li bone been
shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated,
crime. aforesaid-1 am 001111Malltit.1 to make public pro
nation throughout my whole Istiiiwirk. that a Cour
Oyer and Tertaluer,Common Pleas and Quarter Sessi
and general jail .ielirery will be hold at the Court
the borough of Iluntingdon, on the Second Monday
12th , las) „ r A pr il isso, and these who wilt prosecute
said prtmniern, be then and there to prosecute them I!
shall be lust, and it.. all J usticeis of the Peace, Coroner
Constables viithis said county, toe then and there in t
proper perilous, at 10 o'clock, a. is, or said day, with tlik
records, in.ini ,, itisam, examinations and remembrance*
d„ t h,,.th i i,,. whirl, to :beim respectively *linen..
Eiy! „,l 4 hi. tJLtt day of March, is tie
•dour Lori , one thonastoi eight lion red sod ma k,
and thelthlth year of Atuerican Initependenm
nviN. Seazir
t uttl. :he
it, • tat ,ef
• :~
~, :~(
t i;ED.
.1 , , 27 sheets,
, 2, ,• , ,•eque., 27
~• I ngs, 23 bed
.., t 15 I,ol:ters, 9
r, •
h 17 pains
; • :.f
I 11,:,
• . v: ,v , -r,ve.l, 13 bushels
h,,laels beaus, 75
_ .
•r beets, 25 buabels tur
(0: RIND.
's uoluodoi:
9' ••••••punou uaapllqo
'• ^ aaK
~..~~o y
*lmam y I
10•:11 E,rate, to wit:
unso,ted land,
warranted in tt
ntaueiva 4 0 Acre,:
r..rrantcl in r
....!;,4 SO acre P, WO
a ,1
- g
3 g
i 1