The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, March 19, 1880, Image 3
The Huntingdon Journal. MA.RCR 19. li=Bo FRIDAY ith ID[ 8 MATTEh or EVERY %,; Nl r L. FOU LK 1k 4 Agent of ale Pennqvlvania. ()nit ,nd Virginia Assfici:ltiun Is the only person in Pittsbu gh :tuthorizen receive 3.,ivertisqtnents i - or the JottuNAL. tie h our he,t ral es LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ition---llorao-mad9 and Stolen Brief )I:trcil Apples are scarce. Spring begins to-day. Repair the leaky spouts. 'Maple sugar is in market. Wednesday was St. Patrick's Day. Little onions are now offered for sale. Argument Court convened on Monday. The Vernal Equinox is due next Sunday. Some of the country schools have closed. The Johnstown Sunday Tunes lies suspended, It will soon be time for the croquet craze. Some of our denizens are already "flitting.' "Justice" unavoidedly - crowded out this week. The spring . ebicken will soon come to the front. There ate 6,t)27 miles of rsilroftd in, Penn- Sylvania This is over shoe weather, and we are over sure of it. The semi-an.nn:il house cleaning time is drawing near. p the reputation it has March is keepir as a mouth of 5 Lorin The weather now-a-days Wished order. No services were lusld in the First 31. E church on 6uuday. The Plesbyterian supper was well altendea last Thursday night. A poor tramp occasionally puts in a night's lodging at our calaboose. The lumbermen of the Clearfield regi are having their "boom" now. The street crossings were found ou Monday —the mud was cleared away. The rew fi.-e steamer is not to exceed the cost of four thousand dollars. A post-office box will be erectel at the de pot within the next tew days. Boys should not walk across the hand railing, of the Penn street bridge. The Baptist denomination commenced a re vival of religion on Sunday night. The Tinvs wants the Borough Dads of Mt Union to look after the side walks. The Union Temperance Prayer meeting was slimly attended Sunday afternoon. One fool-hardy youth ventured out with a sleigh last Thursday. He still lives. The house wife is racking her brain for something "Et to eat" as she calls it. The Methodists of Saxton will erect a new house of worship the coming summer. Prospecting fur iron ors is being greatly indulged in at and around Mount Union. The Brethren Normal College Faculty is composed of nine live and active teachers. Methodist clergymen are making prepara tions to remove to their new appointments. :Nearly every day a fe•w Chinamen pass through this place, on their wt. - to New York. Howard Womelsdorf came skipping back from the Western country the other day. He likes it. The storm on Friday week wrecked the old Lutheran church at Mechanicsville, Mifflin coauty. Parents should prohibit their children from indulging in the practice of excessive rope jumping. The Lord's supper will he administered in the Lutheran church, in this place, on the 28th inst. 'Tis said that farmers throughout the State are now paying higher wages than fur some time past. Moog Edwin, of Burmah, delivered a free lecture on his native land, in Altoona, the other evening. Major Deru, fore - man of the Altoona Tri bune, will go to Hot Springs, Arkau:sas, for his rheumatics. Rev. A. Nelson Hollifield, of the Presbyterian church, was visiting relatives in West Vir ginia last week. Congressman Fisher's family hare gone to Washington city, where they will spend a month or longer. See advertisement of Wm. Reed in to-day's paper. Mr. Reed has a full line of choice and seasonable goods. The oldest minister of the Central Confer, once is Rev. Elisha Butler, of Tyrone. He is now in the 82d year. During the month of January there were Eve interments in the Hunting - don Cemetery, and two in February. Rev. Brown filled the Preshyterian pulpit last Sunday in lien of Rev. Bullifietd, who was absent from town. James Corboy, of Bedford, inis shipped thir teen car loads of horses to the east since the opening of the new year, Blair county has two pensioners of the war of 1812. Their names are Mrs. Martha A. Robley and Mrs. Mary Hart. During the first week of this month, the farmers of Franklin township were engaged in plowing for their Spring crops. After the Ist of April, our town will lcsr the presence of Mr. Li. Greenberg and as they intend removing 10 Kansas. A Cambria county man bas entered Into a recognizance of $5OO to li.ep the peace to wards his mother-in-law. Poor devil. A few of our farmers were 100 ed into town with their sleds last week, and they bad to be dragged around town through the mud. The new United Brethren preacher for this place, Mr. R. S. Woodward, preached his first. sermons on Sunday morning and evening. Butter is scarce ; so scarce that one of our wide-awake grocers is compelled to import it from Pittsburgh to supply his customvs. It is rumored that a general strike will be inaugurated among the iron mills of this State in the near future. The fools are not all dead yet. Jas. H Clover, who at one time conducted the Morrison House, this place, has purchased and now controls the Warfel Houi,e at Waverly, N. Y. The Auditor General's report for 1879 says Huntingdon county has a population of 30.995, and number of taxable inhabitants, 7.735. In Orhisonia, houses are so scarce that several families who wanted to live there, were compelled to move to some other part of the county. The number of tons of coal shipped over the H. & B. T. R. R. last week were 12,538, an increase of 8,691 tons over the same time last year. Geo. A. Port, esq., slaughtered, on Tuesdny morning, the "boss" beef or this section. The bovine, wiled dressed, tipped the scales at 1,230 pounds. Eggs are plenty, and as Easter will soon be here you had better lay in a stock. The present price is a cent a one, with a tendency to go up, up, tip. They say the fruit buds are very forward, and pornologists are afraid tuey will be nipped by Jack Frost during the remaining portion of this mouth and April. Within a short time, two steam sew mills bare been ereeird in Gay' a n d nearly all of the u:th lumher cut by them has been shipped to the east. The Johnstown public schools are in a ter ribly denioraiizto conditioa, ati:d several of the teachers have been asked to ''slep down and out." And they went. The band wagon, at one time owned by the Huntingdon Excelsior Cornet Band, and sold to Boalsburg Baud (Centre county) was con sumed b,y fire the other day. The six weeks' retirement of the wood chuck came to an end on Monday, and now the old fraud, if he has a mind to, can scamper around through slush, mud and snow. A Boston Court has just rendered a decislon that is not. rew to twiny wi‘ - es bereaways. It is this : "If a woman lends her husband toom.y she cannot get it back." We are g!ad to note that. Rev. R. Hinkle has haven returned to this place. a 8 pastor of th. Ist M. E. church. good appoit..ituela, :Lod too, that pieases every one of our eitiZ.2us. Tyrone has a landlord who rents a house to one tenant for a certain sum. and if ,•ffered 10 or 2 per cent more for the same dwelling half an hour afterwards will rent it again. Ex-Sheriff Port, of Iluliiilaysburg, who La'.: bet•it ill for sonic time past is on his pins again, but not feeling as well as be would like to. Be is well known to a number of our diclison, o wit- towp, has ipastered "(;rni Pozzie," and says he cau bring it out. "13, 14, Hi," every time, no matter what the combination may be. lie is at the head of the class. It was a (;.teen-year-old Catfish (Blair county) urchin that knocked the conceit out of a party of Altoona marksmen on a recent occasion. And still they will talk about our marksmen. Dead the new advertisement of our friends, the Messrs. March. These gentlemen are al ways up to the times, and carry a heavy stock of goods for their customers to select from.— Give them a call. The children and friends of Mr. Isaac Piper, of Petersburg, surprised the old couple, the other day, by a surprise party, and the occa sion was commemorated by presents, music and refreshments. Pokers seem to be trump at the Cambria Alms House, as two or three of the inmates have attempted to use them on their asso ciates, since M:►dame Weaklen introduced this innocent diversion. Mrs. Eliza McMillin, a former resident of place. died at her residence in Holli&ivs burg, on Friday. Her maiden name was E'iza Brotherline, and was well known by some of our oiler inhabitants. The almanac may say moonlight nights, consequently the street gas lights were not burning, and pedestrians bad to find their way through the mud as best they could, on Sunday and Monday nights. of the scud The Commissioners are interviewing the citizens of the Ist and 2d wards of this bor ough to-day. To-morrow the 3d and 4th wards will be attended to, thus closing up the appeals fur the year 1880. The repair hands of the Cumberland & Penn sylvania It. It., are out on a strike. The Wages paid them was 81 per day, and they demand iil.sf). An advance of ten cents was offered them but tht y refused to accept it. Since the strike in the Clearfield regions I here is hardly enough coal received at Ty rone to start one train east, daily. Before the misunderstanding between miners and opera tors, six trains left that place daily. Since the 19th of November a Tyrone night watchman, in his rounds, has found thirty three unlocked doors, all within a square of his station. Carelessness of people, or per haps they have nothing worth stealing. Subscribers to the JOURNAL who intend re moving this Spring, are requested to advise us promptly of their new post office address, and the name of the one lhey remove from. This is necessary to insure a prompt change. Some of our people went to Conference at Altoona, Saturday evening, to see and hear the "strong men" of the Pennsylvania Central Conference. They came back perfectly satis fied with what they bad seen and beard. George J. Fee, a native of this county, but who removed to Fairfield, lowa, some twenty four years ago.. died at the residence of his daughter, at the latter place, at the ripe old age of 86 years, on Saturday a week ago. Raftsnian Journal, (Clearfield): "Why not have a regular hour for the closing of bars? If it is in the power of the Judiciary why not upon the granting of licenses command that the bars be closed at 10 o'clock at night ?" The services of a policeman were badly needed, on Penn street, on Saturday after noon, where a drunken blackguard was using the most vulgar language possible for any one to use. Such conduct deserves the severest punishment. Parents, you should pay frequent visits to our public schools, become acquainted with the instructors and observe the methods of teaching, besides learning what strides your children are making with their studies. You will be quite welcome.. ln the near future Huntingdon will have Iwo first-class steam fire engines, whilst Bed ford has none. We pity Bedford, but as long as she will elect old fogies to administer her municipal affairs she cen't expect anything else. Elect live men ! At the Central Conference last week, Rev. S C. Swallow, W. W. Evans. J. C. Clarke. Dr D. S. Monroe and F. B. Riddle were elected delegates to the general conference at Cin cinnati, and Revs. Dr. Thompson Mitchell and John J. Peace tt9 alternates. From the 27th of January up to the 27th of February, John E. Oswald, of Union township, Clearfield county, has lost by death five chil dren from that ilread disease, diphtheria, and is now himself down with the same disease, as well as the only remaining child. G. Barton Armitage, esq., is having his store-rooni,corner of Fourth and 31 Min streets, touched up by the painter's brush, preparatory to its occupancy by Judge Graffius Miller, on the first pros. A new awning, on the Fourth street front, is among the improvements. Cambria county is to have a new Court House. The new structure will be of stone, and work will be commenced at once. It is tri(ir, than likely it will be a fac-simile of the Blair County Temple of Justice, as the Commi:sioners have been viewing that struct- Dr. Hugh Pitcairn, one of the owners of the Alteona Tribune, w:is elected one of the two lay delegates to the Generai•Conference which meets in Cincinnati, May Ist., 1880, at the late session of the Pennsylvania Central Confer ence. The other oaf! is Mr. G. M. 6iloop, of Da vi ie. Ott the 25th inst., after a very successful term, the Brethren Normal Colleife will close its Winter Session. The Spring Session will i , pg•ii on Monday, the 29th, and from the Ares ent ontiook, there will be between 100 and 150 rtttdeuts euroli. (I at its opening. The Normal i$ a grand sch.oi. The strike among miners in the Clear field coal regions, which was inaugurated some three weeks ago, still continues, al! the miters, excepting about thirty, being out of the mines file indications for an early set!leineul of the diffienity is not very flattering, as lion rti kers and operators seem determined not +.O yield to each other. There will be a temperance sermon preach ed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday eve ning next, by Rev. Cyrus Rightmyer, and every evening during the week there will be temperance services held iu Penn Street Hall. These meetings will be held under the au spices • t the Good Templars of this place. Hugh Pitcairn, of the Altoona Tribune, grad uated as a full-fledged M. D. at the Hahnemann Institute of Homeopathy, of Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 10th inst. During the three years past, Dr. Pitcairn has been attending lectures at this Institution as well as at the Jefferson Medical College. Ile will hang out his shingle in Altoona. One of a party of street Arabs, who were indulging in a snow-balling match iu front of the residence of Dr. Jackson, on Penn street, on Saturday afternoon, succeeded in throwing a ball through a large pane of glass in the office window of that gentleman. The young scamp, as soon as be discovered the mischief he had done, went up street like a quarter horse. "Golden Days," a high-toned lite-ary paper for boys and girls, can be had every Tuesday at the JOURNAL Stor!, at six cents per copy. Three weeks ago we made a gratuitous distri bution of eight hundred copies of the first is sue of "Golden Days," and those desiring the succeeding two numbers can obtain them from us. It is a first-class publication in every particular. Froin the State Auditor General's Report for 1879, we learn that Huntingdon County had ill!P the Stare Treasury, during the year, 511 . 641.75, and received from it in divers Iv') vs, $47.058.13. Of the latter amount z;;;35 000 w.Ls for the erection of buildings and expens?s of commission to select a site for the CoMmen Schools of the county received $4,752.05. A we As ngo we published a short ar ticle in the JonaNAL urging the erection of a list ter-box at the depot for the convenience of those of our citizens who bad letters to mail after the closing of the postoffice. We are happy to say this week that the article had the desired effect, and that the Postoffice De has ordered the putting up of a box, which will be in its place in a short time. We .incl•For-ottrid that our next door neighbor. Geo. A. Port, the wide-o.walie Fif h street dealer iu all Linda of touitts,prolio,er, to build i liatiii , :otne residenee for iiiing&f and faintly oil the corner of Seventh and Cluirch streets, Ottrii!r. the coining Mr Port ka3 hail co: :Aerobic experieiwe in bui•iling. soil wiwil he iiiotertakes to buila a reside oce Lii!u , p;cy,u bet your I,utt - ..n tullar Ilia! it will he a handsome one. Io the list of a!ipointments snide by the Ceti:nil Conference. in Altoona. on Tuesday last, we find the folowitia names of Reverend gentlemen who at one tune filed the Meth°. p .Ipit in this (Mace. and the appointments they have just received : J. C. Clarke, Pre- E.der, Hon isnorg District ; A. \l. Bar nitz, Milton: NI. K. Foster, Lewisburg; J. S. NlcNi urroy, B. Bonilla, Altoona, I t church ; P. 11. li.l llc, Tyrone. and R. E. Wilson, Woodland. Rev. 0. D. Pennepacker remains at Ridge Avenue, - Harrisburg, aad G. Guyer, at Logan's Valley. WRECK.—About ten minutes after 6 o'clock, Tuesday evening, engine No. 445 of the Central Road, was drawing a coal train down the Broad Top track to the M do Line, and as it neared the foot of Fifth street, a rail gave way, causing the engine to jump the track and run over the board walk, ant stri king a rail was turned toward the canal, tear ing up ties and plowing the ground for nearly bd.:3 - feet. The urine was reversed by the engineer, Mr. Chas. Faegbty, awl the sudden stopping of it, swung the tender from the track, knocking its truck out from under it. To the tender was coupled a stock car filled with horses from Bedford county, which was piled upon it, and the weight of the live freight being thrown to one side, the car was over turned. After the wreck whistle had been sounded, a goodly number of our citizens col lected at the place, when the horses were re lieved from their awkward and dangerous position, and removed to the Franklin [louse stable. Fortunately none of them were in jur-d, beyond a few scratches. The wrecking crew promptly cleared away the debris. By the accident the Fast Line west, was delayed about 40 minutes, and the Atlantic did not arrive until about nine o'clock, whilst Broad Top south, did not leave until after the ar rival of the northern train, due here at 7:25, when passengers and baggage were transferred at the Broad Top coal wharf. The fireman, Samuel Clellers, whilst jumplug off, made a narrow escape fr , iin being crushed by the fall ing tender. Considerable excitement was caused by the accident, the population, (even women with babe 3 in their arms) turning out to see what WA:: to be seen, and for the next few days our citizens will have a topic—the might have beens— to talk about. The w reckel engine, No. 445, seems to be un fortunate, as it was the one in the coal oi wreck in November last. CONFERENCE APPOINVoIEN rs —At, the se6sion of the Central Pennsylvania, Confer. ence plat held at Altoona, the following ap point wen Is were made for the JUNIATA DISTRICT. T. AITICIIIML, Prvsiiiing Elder, Huntingdon. II uo West Huntingdon—W. H. Dill. Peter burg—.J. A. M'Kindless. ;itanor M. Ash. E inisrillo—W. A. Clippinger. Mt. Union—J. W. Cleaver. iiton—E. E. A. Deavor. M,JVcytown awl Granville—W. S. Ilatulin. Lowitliown—S. W. Sears. l',.eedom—J. A. Boss. Milroy—J. \V Bell. Mifflintown—W. V. Osnoe. Thoin d sontown—G. A. Singer. Port Royal—G. W. Dunlap, J. D. W. Deavor New Bloomfield—J. M. Johnston. li!aine—J. W. Ely. Concord—A. W. Decker. Burnt Cabins—W. H. Baldwin. Stiirleyshurg.--E. Shoemaker. Three Sprints—J. W. Olewine. Cas , vil:e—W. M. Meminger. MeConnollstown—F. Rogerson. Saxiou—R. Mallalien, C. V. Hartzell. I:verett--W. 0. Ferguson. Ray'a Hill--A. S. Baldwin. Roiodnaville—J. W. Rue. S. Buitkingham. 13: dford Cireuit—M. C. Piper. eliellsburgh—S. A. Crevelieg. P!eavaritville—J. F. Pennington The next session of Conference will be held at York. PEAT II OF A FORMER BUNTINODONIAN. —ln last weeks issue of the JOURNAL we pub lished that our friend and former fellow-citi zen, W. W. Gaither, had been shot in the knee be t ,eoutitirel named Clanes, whom b e had ejecz•-d from his train, on, whit. is kuowo as tho n•i.iule Road," in Clarion county, for reftiiing to pay his fare, and this week we have the unpieasaht duty of announcing his death from the effects of the shot. We cull the following particulars from the Johnstown Tribune of Saturday : On the 27th of last month Clancy took pas sage on Mr. Gaither's train, and the latter asked him for his ticket. Upon being an swered that he had rot purchased one he was the') r.-quested to pay his fare, lint insolently refused to do so. - The conductor then put hint off, and before the train got under head way again Clancy pulled out his revolver and fired several shots, one of which took effect in the joint of one of Mr. Gaith,r's knees.— The trainmen arrested the desperate character, and brought him along as far as Edenburg, where he was lodger: in the lock up, and next morning be was confined in the Clarion jail to await the result of the injury sustained . by his victim. The wound of the conductor was dressed at Edenburg, but it proved more se rious than at first expected, and resulted fa tally, as above stated. The snrgeon who at tended him testified before the Coroner's in quest that death was caused by the hurts re ceived. Clancy will be indicted for murder in the next Over and Terminer of Clarion county. tr can be asserted that Sr. JA COBS Om works wonders. Shortly before the Nr Year, when I visited my family in Mitch ell. I tound my son Edward, a lad little more thin ten years old, very sick. He suffered with Rheumatism, and so terribly that he was per fectly stiff in his limbs, could not possibly walk, and had to to carried from place to place. At once I sent for some ST. JACOBS OIL, u , ed it according to directions, and in a few i l a y 2 e i u ld see evidence of considerable int plovt went. On the tenth of this month I again visited my flintily and was astonished to find him wet and hearty. He once more has fresh color ia iris lace and can go to school again. ‘Vtienevir the old treuble threatens to return, relief is tmmediately securred by the use of the celebrated SST. JACOBS Ott. From sheer j , ,y over this restilt 1 cannot withhold recom ,oend;;;g ST. JAcons Ott to suffering humanity at trt: - . benetaetor. CHARLES METZDORF, Office of the Volksfreund, ;erwan paper of Stratford, Oat ? les—Symptoms and Cure. -yoiptotit :ue moisture, like prespira ion, intense itching, increased by scratching, very distre,sing, parti• tilariy st night, as if pin worms were craw;ing in and about the rectum ; the private parts are sometimes af fected ; if allowed to continue very serious results may follow. Dr. Sw•ayne's All-Healing Ointment is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ery sipelas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all Scaly, Crusty, Cutaneous Eruptions. Price 50 cents, 3 boxes for $1.25. Sent by mail to any ad dress on receipt of price in currency, or three cent postage stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayue & Son, 330 North Sixth street Phila delphia, Pa. Sold by ail prominent druggists. n0v.28 ly. USE DR. VAN DIKE'S SULPHER SOAP, FOR all affections of the SKIN and SCALP ; also, for the Bath, Toilet and Nursery. Soid by Druggists. mil* 2-10 m. Is Your Hair Falling, or Turning Gray? "London [lair Color Restorer," the most cleanly and delightful article ever introduced to the American people. It is totally different from ail others, not sticky or gummy, and free from all impure ingredients that render. many other preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, restores gray hair, gives it new tile, cures dandruff, causing the hair to grow where it ha= fallen off or become thin, does not soil or stain anything, and is so per fectly and elegantly prepared as to make it a lasiing hair dreesing and toilet luxury. Lon don Hair Color Restorer is sold by all drug giots at 75 cents a bottle, or six bottles for $4. Pritv.ipat Depot for United States, 330 North Sixth street. Philadelphia. nor. 28-1 y "MY b ci aches so. and 1. I'vel misera bly," said a hard working man. The doctor questioned him and found that he had been habitually costive for years, that now his kid neys were diqordered and his whole system deranged. Kidney-Wort was recommended and faithfully taken and in a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of this medicine on the bowels and kidneys is wonderful. SEDIMENT or Mtleo in the fire is a cure indica:lon o, &scam Tak. bilney- W WI - UT OUR CORRESPONDENTS SAY SA:JILL°, PA., March 12, 'ISS, qa J. N. NASH —Th'.tr .VTr :-11 .y atteutiar has bren call d to a littleciinuniinicatoiu published in the JonaNAL in Ma ch sth, iced' knit a Jiir..r." in w taco. Iry iiintoido, I L -- Grand or" it evidently itn ik.• a I, ind mule, without knowing wh to hit. i r ; U. 141 W and vontornitt- il,le to writ, ; but for its slanderous charges t would not stoop to notice a. The first false charge Grand Juror makes is toy •unearthing a two year old rape ease." I re f, any one to the rocordsof the court to prove this a false hood. Nest bogeys "I reiused the defendant a hearing or the privil !sp., of • nt,ring bail." I refer to the records of the court to prove this a lie, cut out of the whole cloth Again lie says "1 returned five Commonwealth eases," and again the records Of flit, court will prove him a liar, as I on v retained two eases, sad as for the "farming my office" lam prepared either with docket or by my neigh burs to prove that 1 lam my °nice as little as any Justice in the lower end of the c•imity. Si this is another false charge. The last malicious thrust "Grand Juror" makes is at what he calls my"Saltillii burglary case," and I can not for tit, soul of in, n, :se why he rhould Le offended at the part I took in that else, unless he is connected in some with those burglars himself. In conclusion, I do not want "Lower End Grand Juror" to suppose that I have written the above as an answer to him. but merely to hold hue up to the public as a vile slanderer and a liar. ilumriNeL:os, nach 18, 1880, ED. JOURNAL :—lla.ving heard the questien asked a number of times, viz: "When will Feb 'vary again have five Sundays?" led me to make a little calculation with the following result .- 1920, 1948, 1976, 2004, 2032, 2060 and 2088 are the only years from 1880 to 2100 in which Feb ruary will have five Sundays. We find that in the following years February bad a.lso five Sun daes: 104, 1032, IC6O, /6 4 8, 1728, 1756, 1784, 1824, 1852 and 1080. Thus we find that between the years 1000 and 2100—a period of five hundred years—only seventeen Limes does February have live Sundays. 11.,speet•oily. • FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND STRONG In the past two months there has been more than 500.009 bottles of SHILOH'S CURE SOLD. Out of the vast number of people who have used it, more than 2,000 cases of Consumption have been cured. All Coughs, Croup, Asthma, and Bronchitis, yield at once, hence it is that every body speaks in its praise. To those who have not used it, let us say, it' you have a Cough, or your child the Croup, and you value lite don't fail to try it. Fur Lame Back, Side or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. A STRANGE PEOPLE Do you know that there are strange people in our community, we eay strange because they seem to prefer to stiller and pass their days miserably, made so by lly peps:a. and LiverC'utuplaint, In digestion, Constipation, and General Debility, when SHILOH'S ViI'ALIZEIt is guaranteed to cure mem. e have a sptedy and positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria; Canker mouth and Read Ache, in 5U.11,01r6 CATARRiI REMEDY. A nasal In jector free with each bottle. Use it if you desire health, and sweet breath. Price 50 cents. Sold by all Druggists. Sep t.26,e0 wl y. MAINE NEWS.—Hop Bitters, which are advertised in our columns ' are a sure cure for ague, biliousness and kidney complaints. Those who use them say they cannot be too highly recommended. Those afflicted should give them a lair trial, and will become thereby enthusiastic in the praise of their curative qualities.—Portland Ad. [mch.l2-2t. "An Old Plv..sician's Advice!' Coughs, Colds, Asthma and other pulmonary ,ffections should be looked to and promptly treated in tiu►e, and thus all serious results may be avoided, and for this purpose we know of no better remedy than "Da. SWAYNE'S Coat- POUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY." The first dose gives relief, and it is sure to curs the worst Cough or Cold in a very short time.— Try a 25 cent bottle and be convinced, and you will thus avoid a doctor's bill, and most likely, a spell of sickness. Price 25 cents and $l.OO per bottle, or six bottles $5.00. The large size is the most economical. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne St . Son, 330 North Sixth street, Pitiladelpilia. Sold by all prominent druggists. Nov. 23-Iy. TaE Pennsylvania Stale College offers free tuition to all who enter its classes. Being liberally endowed by the state, it is able not only to make this proposition, but it also provides kitchens and furnishes the fuel for tkern free of charge to those students who wish to lessen their expenses by boarding themselves. For full information, address the President, State College, Centre County, Pa. marchl2-Im. SEIREWDNESS AND .ABILITY.—Hop Bitters so freely advertised in all the papers, secular and religions, are having a large sale, and are supplanting all other medicines. There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprirtars of these Bitters have shown great sitre-wdliess and autlity in compounding a bitters whose virtues are so palpable to every unc's observation.—Bz. rearchl2-2t. FARMERS get fooled when they buy But ter Powders and colored salts, and big bottles of cheap coloring stuff, if they expect to get as good Butter Color, as the Perfected Butter Color made by Wells, Richardson & Co., Bur lington, Vt. The others have tried to imitate the excellence of this, the original color, but hare wholly failed. Farmers should use only the "Perfected" Sold by Druggists and Mer cite ate 'generally. • THE VOLTAIC; BELT CO., Marahail, Michigan, will stud their celebrated Electro• Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They meat' what they say. Write to them without delay. N0v.21 ly. CA) lAEA-EIS CorrectAtt Weekly by 'foul, a Co WthOLISALE Palest HllNtureoorr, Ps.. March 18, 1880. tittlierflue Flour Ti bb1.196115 ss 00 Ell. flour I.lstilb 6 ;AO Fmnily Flour 44 bbl.lUtillt 6 iu tied Wheat Bark per curd B u•1oy Butter _ 26 Brooms per dozen Beeswax per pound Beans per bushel Beet Cloverseed 6 to 7 cte per pound-- Corn V Waite' on ear ..... Corn shelled Corn Meal cwt Gindles V in Dried Apples li lb. Dried Cherries V Dried Beet V lb Eggs V dozen Feathers Flaxseed 41 hush& Bops si it, i1aui5.............».. Shoulder Side Pmeti, 1:1 ton gromid Rye, Nool, vrmiliod 70. lb Wool, n nwashod Timothy Sued, 4 pounds Ray pt ton Lard - tA tb TI hang, Onions - 0 toi3bel . . Patatoopy,i bomb ol Philadelphia Cattle Market PHILADELPHIA. March IS. Cattle market active; receipts, 2,500 head; prime good, 51 ®skc; me ium, 42 ®4ic; common, 4® 4ic. Sheep market active; receipts 6,500 head; prime, 7®74c; good, 6t4(4)620 ; medium, 8® 6le; common, ®slc. Hogs slow; receipts, 4,500 head; prime, 7143; good, 7c; common, 61 ®6lc. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 18, Flour dull ; suiterfinc, $4.00@4.50; extra $5.00 ®5.50; Ohio and Indiana family, $6.50(47.00; Pa. do., $6.2506.75; St. Louis do. $6.75@7.25; Minnesota. 6.00(0.75; patent and high grades, $7.25(0.25. Rye fluur ' $5.00. Wheat steady; No. 2 western red, $1.451 Pennsylvania red, $1.47; author, $1.98. Corn quiet; steamer, 54e; yellow 5712 e; mixed, 550. Oats firm; No. 1, 50 c; No. 2,49 e; 110. 2 mixed, 48e. Rye firm ; western and Penna. 93c. New Advertisements. D. I. C. Is an almolnte and irresistable enre for D UNK- enness, Intemperance and the use of Opium To. bacco, Narcotics, and Stimulants, removing al, taste, desire and habit of using any of them, len• Bering the taste or d esire for an y of them perfectly odious and disgusting. Giving every one perfect and irresistable control of the sobriety of them selves or their friends. It prevents that absolute physical and moral nrostratlon that follows the sudden breaking on Irorn using stimulants or narcotics. Package, prepild, to cure l to 5 persons, $2, or at y ur druggists, $1.75 per bottle. Temperanco societies should recommend it. lit is perfectly harmless and never-failing. Hop Bitters Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Sole Agents Hop Conti' Care destroys all pain, loosens; the cough, quiets the nerves, produces rest, stall never finis to cure. The Hop Pad for Stomach, Liverand Kidneys, is perl or to all others. Cures by absorption. lit is perfect—ask druggists. The Hop Bitters Mfg. Co., of Ttoeheeter, N.Y. mete , rrern . ' these remedies, also the Hop Bitters, which ere in no sense hererage or Intoxivant, but the Purest and Beet Mediae* eye made, making more cures than all other remedies. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Sept.6-Imo. THE BEST GOODS at the LOWEST PRiCE! C. IL McCARTITY. ONE DOOR ARV, March] 9, 1880. W. H. ELIEED.ER. SPIIING - Excellent Stock of Good. Reliable &coEz AND FOR THE SAME QUALITY I WILL NOT BE e-UNDERSOLD ANYWHERE ...wa THE ATTENTION OP CASH BUYERS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY IS INVITED TO TILE ABOVE. STRICTLY ONE PRICE! STRICTLY CASH! W3l. BEEP, HUNTINGDON, PA. Marebl9.3m. March l9, 1880-Iyr. n.r TIM STANDARD of excellence throughout the Graf. axing World. MATCIILESS for Grain-Sating, Time-Saving, Perfect Roirid rind non,'ugh Work. INCOMPARABLE in Quality of 'Material, Perfectho. Ports. Thorough Workmanship, Elegant Finish, and arty of Model. MARVELOUS for vastly superior work In an kinds Of tin, and universally known as the Only successful Thresher in Flan, Timothy, Clover, and all other Scuts. ASTONISHINGLY DURABLE and wonaerildry si,npte, a tu gg less than one half the until gears and belts. PORTABLE, TRACTION, and STRAW-BURNING STEAM-ENGINES. with special feature , . of Power, Durability, Safety Economy, and Beauty entirely unknown in other makes. Steam-Power cluttita and Steam-Pow, Separators a specialty Four sises of Separators, from 6to 12 hors. e-power; also 2 styles Improved Mounted Morse-Powers. SS Years of Prosperous and Continuous Business by chi honer. without change of mune, location, or manage. Meta, furnishes a strong guarantee for superior gouda and honorable dealing. CAUTION ! oar , ew i c . nderful success and popularity . HATOG Machine, has driven nlht ,1 machines to the wall; hence various ntakera are now attemm 35 ins to build and palm oil inferior and mongrel imitations our fatuous goods. 1060 304Z5 200123 2 50 13 uo BE NOT DECEIVED by !inch experimental and wort him. machiner " y. if ran btu at all , get the "ORIGINAL " and the GENUDIE' from uo. E7rmLe l rr i tflrine "r lrl eri :lu it to ..,o illustrated aztiv.are.dce, NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO, Battle Creek, Micl March 19, 1860-22 t. New Advertisements. We Sell New tilacillnes EVEY Send for Illustrated Circular and prices. Liberal terns . to the trade. Don't buy until you have seen the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWINC MACHINE COMPANV,- - West4lt Branch Office. 235 STATE ST., CUICAUO, Lw. MIDDLETOWN, CONN, S. S. SMITH & SON, Agents, HUNTIN(.I.I)O., Pa, Mareh 12, 1880-6 mop. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VXI4,;CUTOR'6 Ni _ll'l , [Estate of ROBERT FLEMING, deed.) -LA [Estate of ROBERT BARR, deceas.(l.] Letters of Administration having been granted Letters testamentary, on the estate 01 Robert to the undersigned—whose postotfice address is Barr, late of Jackson township, having been Petersburg—on the estate of Robert Flewing,late granted to the undersigned—whose po6tothee ad of Jackson tp., dec'd., all persons knowing them- dress is Malslevy's Fort—all persons knowing selves indebted are requested to make immediate themselves indebted are requested to make imine payment, and those having claims to present them diate payment, and those having claim , ' to pre duly authenticated for settlement. sent them duly nuthenrioatk,i to; B.ttiewer , HENRY RUDY, T ihiMAS AWA:t.7 11 ELL, !Win. Aditinietrator. Feb 27.[ Zxecutor. New To-Day. New To-Dtty ASIT C, F. YORK & Co. Pay the _Highest Price 111 C. 51. FOR GOOD BUTTER. P. YORIK dm- 00. 0 THE POSTOFFICE, AND 313 PENN Ot,, HUNTINGDON, SPRING WM. HUNTINGDON, -IS NOW READY WITH A FULL LINE OP NEW IN ALL THI4; BRANCHES PERTAINING TO THE DRY GOODS BUSINESS. YOU WILL FIND AN PERRY DAVIS' A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE, Is a sure cure for all the diseases for which it is recommended, and is always PERFECTLIC,,b.AFE in the hands of even the most inexp.rtced persons. It is a sure and quick remedy for COUGHS, SOH: , THROAT, Ch ILLS, and similar troubles: affords instant relief in the most malignant forms of DIPHTHERIA, and is the best known remedy for Rheumatism and Neural :Oa. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors.. March 19, 1880 261-eow-wm. FANCY SILKS, BLACK SILKS, SATINS,VELETS, BROCADES, WEDDING OUTFITS, DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES, BLACK GOODS, PRINTS, PERCALES, LINENS and COTTONS, DRESS MAKING, MANTLES, CLOAKS, SUITS, SHAWLS, INFANTS' WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, GIRLS' WEAR, CLOAKINGS, WOOLENS, HANDS TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Underwear in Muslin us I Merino, etc. XO3 CAMPAIGI •XOX- It F ti rm A Y, 0-001DS, VEGETABLE PAIN KILLE,' The Oldest, Best, and Most Widely Known Family Medicine in the World. It has been used with such wonderful success in all parts of the world for CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARR }REA, DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS that it is considered an unfailing cure for these diseases. Has stood the test of Forty Years' Constant Use in all Countries and Climates. It is RECOMMENDED by Physicians, Missionaries, Ministers, Managers of Plantations, Work-Shops, anti Factories, Norse* in Hospitals—in short by Everybody, Everywhere, who has ever given it a trial. IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. It should always be used for Pain in the Back and Side, and brings speedy and permanent relief In all cab ea of Bruises, Cuts t Sprains, Severe Burns, Scalds, etc. io family can safely be without it. It will annually save many times its cost in doctors' bills, and its price brings it within the reach of all. It is sold at 25c., 50e, and 1111 per bottle, and can be obtained from all druggists. , - • -4.-- BY MAIL OR EXPRESS. OUR MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT is now to systematized, and in charge of such thoroughly competent land experienced hands, that persons unable to visit our , store can do their chopping by writing us for samples or goods, with the assurance of getting them at the same • prices as if buying in person. We carry an a rerage stock of about half a million of dollars, al/bought for prompt • cash in the markets of Europe as well as in this country. ;ii I Try us, and tee how cheaply and quickly you can get J what you want by mail or express. When in town we shall be pleased to have you call on us. SEND FOR CATALOGUE OR SAMPLES. COOPER & COWARD, 1 IMZPORT:I7II-LS AND RE RS,TAILaI Ninth and Market Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Established Mcntion this pk-rsr_s.r. New Advertisements ‘; VfF 1 ;11,; F; g'; r. .. k.4 , tlrte! g';l qMI V71`71.f Ivorr.ents Se7.vit:g 14,I.acii y .titl,•iPlf f'}.i wonavriiit inbination e is a bealitifid t 1), it tams rank Avith th luvc. , ut gPtun.-;. consiga ;es to patuh itu stoners. IE3BO. PAZ, a. ~ ~~fc t:_< <'lC' :ur Gur New Advertisements in :_._ , , A ...-. , i : w , \ , L , \ iol,. WE WANT THE PUBLIC TO KNOW THAT FOR THE COMLNG SPRING WE ARE PREPARING A GREATER STOCK THAN EVER BEFORE. OUR NEW GOODS REQUIRE MUCH ROOM AND WE ARE THEREFORE OFFERING Great Bargains in Winter Clothing. THE BUYER'S BEST OPPORTUNITY COKES BETWEEN THE SEASONS. iN797 Ironic HARRY COHEN, Agent. 418 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. Marc I . 1 1 ~ .. .... . i iR. 1 _____.,,„ \,. • -... 14 tr- - \/ ! : i 1 , I - Il V, f ' 1 . Will E° I \ r \„4 ~,, 1 \- ""2 1 ' r W. W. tic* J. C. HAZLET have purclied S. Wolf's Clothing store, No 414 Penn st., consisting of rA.131.3c, "SF XASE.Z.A. 3C) I 1\1 ". C÷ M a r 5, 3 FURNISHING GOODS) Hats and CaPs, Trunks, Valises, &c. Fall and Winter Clothing AT COST ! We intend to SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER CLOTHING HOUSE IN HUNTINGDON, believing that we can suit you both in goods and prices, and, therefore, we would solicit a share of the pub lie patronage. Everybody is invited to call and examine goods and learn prices. W. 1'0;20 LA-I\TM V,•ln ; 1,0 F AND -P G.I6CERIES, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE) CONFECTIOV‘ NOTIONS, if., . 9 Ce r ,ig y MI. A.J. 1o 6'0.7 11 7 AS LUNG TON STREET. Jail. 9, 19,i0 SOUND TRU THS AND SOLID FACTS CONCERNING OUR PRESENT MAGNIFICENT ST.CN. OF For Mens', Youths', Boys', and Children's N% ear. We determined to excel all our previous efforts in producing fur this season the most desirable stack of Goccic ever placed before the public. Guided by our long practical experience of over thirty years—aided by Large eesh espitsl rated by all the latest and most approved appliances—supported by a full corps of skilled artists and reliable workmen—we have prepared A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Buying everything Cash down, keeping a shq.rp lookout for advantagcoas purchases and a chits watch over oxpctise.4, we have been enabled to effect a complete revolution of nld prices, and 'noting, a new era of IJW rates, much lower than heretofore, and than those ;LILA elsewhere for infogior goodm NO MATTER WHAT GARMENT IS WANTED. NO MATTER WLLAT THE STYLE WANTED, - . NO MATTER WHAT THE MATERIAL WANTED. NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE WANTED, NO MATTER WHETHER FOR MEN, NO MATTER WHETHER FOR YOUTHS, NO MATTER WHET • Hit FOR BoYS, NO MATTER WILE fliElt FOR CHILDREN ' We have Clothing of every tirade, to fit everybody, of the most reliable quality, at prices to suit everybody. We are fully determined that no one shall leave oar store without being perfectly satisfied. Our well established reputation is a guarantee of this, and we will see that it is fulfilled. Each gar ment we sell is fully guaranteed, and :15 we are determined not to be undersold by any one, we prem ise ey.ry purchaser a genuine bargain. We only ask a trial. Come, tee, compare, examine. Test our goods and prices. Be perfectly satisfied before buying. Remeinoer the place. Samples with plain rules for self measurement sent to any part of the United St.te on application. GARITEE, MASTEN & ALLEN , Successors to BENNETT CO. TOWER HALL CLOTHING BAZAiii i , 518 and 520 Market Street. and 511 and 513 Minor Street. PHILADELPHIA Aprillfith. 1879 1, Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches, Gold Chains, oi/4W( OF ALL KINDS, Ear Rings, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Necklaces, LOCKETS, CROSSES, RIN:TS of all KINDS, THIMBLES, &C Ca- HOLIDAY TRADE, Black's Jewelry Store, 423 Penn St., Huntingdon, Pa. A FULL LINE OF PLATED WARE, SUCH AS CasLors, Ice Pitchers, )c.ll s s T P yTtif HATS ! ssPTIINs ralF. SQUARE-DEALING C 0 THING HOUSE 11 ,, W l eeiring a fuli line of LATEST STYLES PATS till Y n and enddrri. A 1,, a eplendiii ams,tment of 3AMPLES r Drf,s & SUITS. wade to order a !specialty. Good Vita Guaranteed. Stern nearly opposite the Pat Office. "SIVH S3 - 1A.1.8 Foil SA LE THE FARM FORM erly owned by Levi Ridenour, situated on the uptown Branch, fire miles booth of Hunt ingdon: It is a very desirable place of IZ9 acres i n good condition. Terms, $3 000; one-third cull% nulanee in easy annual payments. Addros , or inquire of March 12-4 t. aEPEATED. CLOTEING HALL, W. HAZLET & BRO. DEALER, IN rf.ILOTHI N C CLOTHING WHICH IS CERTAINLY UNEQUALED, NEW GOODS FOR THE -1 t - CAT_II.J AND S_-th'.. Pickle Stands, Cake Baskets, Mugs, Child's Sets, &c. JOHN R DEAN, Huntingdon, Pa. New Advertisements. _ y HUNTINCDON, PA. MINING STOCK FOR SALE. MO I.: !if. ~ ,ce 41 awl Silvt r 'Cuing Cutups.- ny of Lea.ivili• • ihure valuable Lloid and Silver ar , :i ether Company in the State. The StUOA i 4 ten per %hare. folly paid up. I;id T Ley Bow ofror * limireii vutuber ed.i.l :wrong% ti . en. eriigne,l. and I . tr.:, ' z•ven ;.: . rtiere :WI. , 114 le, , th I'4 , 11 8., 1 , 61. id ly- n• 1 AVcrine, rill. .A 1)%1IN S NtYrICE. [E.gure AAI L'EL RID Eli. Dee'cl.:;. Letters of Astutini, , ratiGn haring been granted to the undersigned—whoee postAllee address is Wa! - riorstnark—on tho estate of Semis! Rider, late Gf Warriursmark, dee'd., all persons knowing themselves inde.hted are retreated to make im mediate payment a i , d h.,s hacineclaimstot,re "d' 111. • • , . • 7 .ett•sment t.AMULL RALSTON, Administrator , 1 CD CL, M DA 7C-