Thy .e Huntingdon Journal Peabody Medical Institute. No, 4 Bulfinch St., Boston, (Opposite ,Revercalbuse.) ME SCIENCE OF LIFE; Or. SELF-PRESERVATION. MOBS THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD Gold Medal Awarded to the Author by the "National Medical Association," March 31st, 1876. JUST published by the PBABODY MEDICAL INSTI TUTE, a new edition of the celebrated medical work entitled the "THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; or, SELF PRES =NATION." It treat upon MANHOOD, how lost, how regained and how perpetuated ; cause and cure of Exhaus ted Vitality, Ilupotentcy, Premature Decline in Man, epermatorrlicea, or Seminal Losses (nocturnal and diur nal),Nerrous and Physical Debility Hypochondria, Gloomy Forebodings, Mental Depressions, Loss of Energy, Hag gard Countenance, Confusion of Mind and Loss of Memo ry, Impure State of the blood, and all diseases arising from the Eanoss or Youxu or the indiscretions or excess of atatnre years. It tells you all about the. Morale of Generative Physiol ogy, the Physology of Marriage, of Wedlock and Offspring. Physical Contrasts, True Mortality, Empiricism Perver sion of Marriage, Conjugal Precept and Friendly Counsel, Physical Infirmity, Its Causes and Cure, Relations Be tween the Sexes, Proofs of the Expansion of Vice, The Miseries of Impudence, Ancient, Ignorance and Errors, KHANS Or Cron, Cure of Body and Mind. Taus PRINeI PLAN or TRUTH ENT, AtidreaS to Patients and Invalid Read ers, The Author's Principles. The price of this book is on%moo. • his Book also contains MORE THAN FIFTI PRESCRIPTIONS for the above named and Mei diseases, each one Worth more than the price of the book. Also, another valuable medical work treating exclusive ly on MEIVTAL AND NERVOUS DISEASES; more than 900 royal octavo pages, twenty elegant engravings, bound in substantial muslin. Price only 5'..1.00. Barely enough to pay fur printing. "The Book for young and middled-aged men to readjust sow, is the Science of Life or Self Preservation. The author has returned from iurope in excellent health, and is again the Chief Consulting Physician of the Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bultinch Street, Boston Mass."— Republipan Journal. "The Science of Lie is beyond all comparison the most extraordinary work on Physiology ever published."—Bos ton Herald. "Hope nestled in thi, bottom of Pandora's box and hope plume; her wings anew, since the issuing of these valtia blework.s, published by the Peabody Medical Institute, which are teaching thousands how to avoid the tnaladies that sap the citadel of life"—Philadelphia Enquirer. •'lt should be read by the young, the middle-aged and even the old.',—Ne York Tribune. The first and only Medal ever conferred upon any Med ical Man in this country, as a recognition of skill and professional services was presented to the author of these works, March 31st, 1876. The presentation was noticed at the time of its occurience by the Boston Press, and the leading journals throughout the country. This niagnifi eent Medal Is of solid gold set with wore than one hun dred India diamonds of rare brilliancy "Altogether, in its execution and the richness of its ma- .„, Wish', and size, this is decidedly the mat noticeable medal ever sn uck in this country for any purpose what ever. It is well worth the inspection of Numismatists. It was fairly won end worthily bestowed.".—Massachu- Kia Ploughman, June 3d, 1386. air Catalogue sent on receipt of a-. for postage. Zither of the above works sent by mail on receipt of price. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, (or W. H. PARKER, M. P., Consulting Physician,) No. 4 Bul finch St. Boston, Mass., opp. Revere House. N. B. Th., author can hr coubulted on the Om named diseases, as well as all diseases requiring skill, secrecy sad experience. Odice hours,9 a. N. to GP. at. fang. 4-ly Medical ITEGET [ATE Purges the Blood, Reno vates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICINAL PROPZRTIER ARE 'ALTERATIVE, TONIC, SOLVENT, AND DIURETIC. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. Vegetine MR. H. R. Sray.s Dear Sir—l will most cheerfully add my testimony to the great number you have already received in favor of your great and g od medicine, VZOETINI, furl do not think enough can be said in its praise, fur I was troubled over thirty years with that dreadful disease Catarrh, and had such bad coughing spells that it would seem as though I never could breathe any laore, and VIGETINE Las cur ed me; and I do feel to thank God all the time that there is so good a medicine as Veozvrtre, arid I also think it one of the best medicinesf.ucoughoand week, sink ing feelings at the stomach, and whine everybody to take the VEGLTINE, for I aseere them it ie one of the Le-t medi ciues that ever was. Vege tine Vege tin e Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine fifes. L. GORE, Cor. Magazine and Walnut sty., Cambridge, Mara. Vegetine GIVES HEALTH, STILENGTH AND APPETITE Vegetine Vegetine My daughter has received great benefit from the use of VEGETINE. Her declin ing health wan a source of great anxiety to all her friends. A few bottles of V EG FAINT restored her health, strength and appetite. N. IL TILDEN Insurance and Real Estate Agt , No. 49 Rears' Building. Boston, Mass Vegetine Vegetine Vegetine CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Vegetine GHAI.E6TOW,I, Mar. 1..), ISti9 H. R. STP,VENS : _ Vegetine Dear bir—This to certify that I bays used your “Blood Preparation" in my family fur several years, and think that, for Scrofula ur Cankerous Rumors or ghenniatic affections, it cannot be ex celled ; and as a blood purifier or spring medicine, itli the best thing I have ever used, and I hate used alinoarecelything. 1 can cbeerf .fly recommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. Yours respectfully. A. A. DINSMORE, No. 19 Russel street. Vegetine Vegetine Vege tine Vege tine RECOMMEND IT HEARTILY. Vegetine SOUTH 1.106T0N, Feb. 7,1570 MR. En:YENS : _ . Vegetine Dear Sir—l have taken several bottles of your Vitatroty, and ant convinced it ill a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, Kid ney Complaint and general debility of the system. I can heartily recommend it to all suff ering from the above complaints. Yours respectfully. )lee. MUNROE PARKEIt. Vegetine Vegetine Prepared hS 11. R. Stevens, Boston, Mats. - • VE6111177N.e7R SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. rebtiaL.3 COME' TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE FOR YOUR JOB PRINTING If you w.J r,ue bi?i•:, If you we bill heads, If you want fetter heads, If you want vigiting uarfl,4, If you want 1111F . 111,68 cards, If you wart blanks of any kind, If yon want envelopes neatly printed, If you want anything printed in a workman like manner, and at very re4sonal)le rates, leave yonrerders at the above named office. WM. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, &C., HUNTINGDON, PA. PLASTER PARIS CORNICES. MOULDINGS, &C ALSO ;14Ai'n MANTLES FURNISHED TO ORDEF.. Jan. 4. '7l. SEND 25c. to G. P. ROWELL & CO., New York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, con taining lists of 8000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. [mehlO,'7lsy larm ant( oitstiplb. Educating Horses The Yamhill Co. (Oregon) Reporter gives some excellent hints in regard to educating horses which we copy : Horses can be educated to the extent of their understandings as well as children. and "can be as easily damaged or ruined by bad management." We believe that the great difference found in horses as to vicious habits or reliability, comes wore from the different management of men, than from variance of natural disposition in the animals. Horses with high mettle are more easily educated than those of less or duller spirits, and are more susceptible to ill-training, and consequently may be as good or bad, according t.► the education they receive. Horses with dull spirits are not by any means proof against bad management, for in them may often be found the most pro voking obstinacy and vicious habits of different character, that render them al mist entitely worthless. Could the com ing generation of horses in this country be kept from their days of colthood to the age of five years in the hands of good, careful managers there would be seen a vast difference in the general character of noble animals. If a colt is never allowed to get an ad vantage, it will never know that it posess es a power that man cannot control, and if made familiar with strange objects it will not be skittish and nervous. If a horse is accustomed from his early days to have objects hit him on the heels, back, and hips, he will pay no attention to the giving out of the harness or a wagon run ning against him at an unexpected mo ment. We once saw an aged :ady drive a high spirited horse, attached to a carriage down a steep bill, with no hold back straps upon his harness, and she assured us that there was no danger, for her son accus tomed his horses to all kinds of usages and sights that commonly drive the animal into a frenzy of fear and excitement. A gun .can be fired from the back of a horse, an umbrella held over his head, a buffalo robe thrown over his neck, a rail road engine pass close by, his heels bump ed with sticks, and the animal will take it all as a natural condition of things, if only taught by careful management. that lie will not be injured thereby. There is great need of improvement in the management of this noble animal ; less beating wanted, and more of educatiba. How to Have Healthy Pigs Prot'. Law, of Cornell University writes as follows in regard to the proper treat - meat of swine for the preventive of disease : Keep your hogs clean. Protect them from the hot, reeking bed of manure and close sleeping place, where the emanations from decomposing dung, urine, straw and other organic matter are added to those of their own skins and lungs when huddled together iii great numbers. See that both fowl and water are clean, in the sense of being free from disew,4! germs, and from the microscopic particles of decomposing organic matter which within the system as well as outside it, furl) h appropriate food for the disease poison, and favor its in crease, while they depress its vital powers, and lessen the chane( s of the virus bein g thrown off. And it is here that the pork raisers are most frequently at fault. Fifty or a hun dred pigs are allowed to crowd together in a filthy manure heap, a rotten straw stack, or under a barn, subjected to the drop pings of other animals as well as their own products. Their feeding troughs awl drinking water are so supplied that they can get into them with their filthy feet, and they must devour the must obnoxious matter or starve. If under this abuse disease is developed, the healthy are left with the sick, as "they will all have it any way," and the result is usually a clean sweep. When hog cholera exists, the sick should be placed by themselves under a special attendant, and the free use of dis infectants; the healthy should be careful ly watched, and on the first sign of illness or increased temperature, as ascertained by the clinical thermometer into the rec tum, they should be at once taken from the herd and carefully secluded. This, with active disinfectiou, will enable the owner to cut short an outbreak, L , nd save, perhaps, the great majority of an already infected herd. Again, the sale of an- from an infected stock, to be remo ved from the premises alive, should be se verely punished, and the disinfection of . the buildings where the sick have been, should be made imperative. We shall ob_ tale the greatest success with this disease when we treat it as a contagious malady, and wherever it is found to exist, give our main attention to prevent the further gen oration and dissemination of the pison. - POT o'rle I'arnzer. PRESERVING APPLES.—AppIes that are designed to he preserved till spring, must be hand-picked, as every farmer pra ably knows. But the question' then comes up, how shall they be packed ? It has been found that apples packed in Barr, is, in ground cbarc:tal can be shipped to Eng land in excellent uwadition, and keep a long time after art iving there, while those sent otherwise packed decay badly on the passage. Buckwheat chaff is probably the best thing for fztrute!s to pack apples in that are designed ftr long keeping, as ground charcoal is not so easily obtained. Sawdust, if perfectly dry, is as good as buckwheat chaff. First put in a layer of chaff or sawdust, then pack in a layer of apples, then put in another layer of saw dust and so on till the barrel is fall . ; then cover and head it up. --1 -.IIM. To MAKE WHITEWASH THAT WILL NOT RUB OUT.—Mix up half a pail full of lime and water, ready to put on the wall, then take a quarter of a pint of flour, mix it up with water, then pour on it boiling water, a sufficient quantity to thicken it, then pour it while hot into the whitewash, stir all well.together, and it is ready Dr. Swayne's Medicines. TO ALE DR. SWAYNE, The Diecuverer and Compounder of the far-famed DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and other valuable preparations, entered upon his profess atonal career with the important advantage of a regular Medical Education in one of the oldest and best schcola in Philadelphia, and, ',Maps in the world. Ile subse quently s•'rved a faithful term of practice in the Philadel phia Dispensary, awl fir many years attended also in the Hospital. In these institutions he enjoyed the most am ple opportunities of obtaining an insight into diaeasee in all their various forms, as well as for ascertaining the best methods of their treatment. In offering, therefore, to the people of the United States the fruits of his extensive pro fessional experience in the medical compounds as the best results of his skill and observation, lie feels that he is but proffering a boon to every foully throughout the land, resting, as he does, confidently, in the merits awl effica cious virtue of the remedies lie herewith commends. The vast amount of testimony from all parts ofthe world has proven "DOCTOR SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY" the most efficacious remedy known,and it is admitted by our most eminent physicians, and all who have witnessed its wonderful healing properties. The WILD CHERRY in all ages of the world, and in all coun tries where it is known, has been justly celebrated for its wonderful medicinal qualities; but its greatpower to cure some of the worst and most distressing diseases among us was never fully ascertained until the experiments of that skillful physician, Dr. Swayne, had demonstrated its high adoption, in combination with Pine Tree Tar, and in other equally valuable vegetable ingredients, which, chemically combined, renders its action tenfold more certain and ben eficial in curing all diseases of the throat, breast and lungs. DR. SWAYNE'S WILD CHERRY COMPOUND strikes at the root of all diseases by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigor ating the nervous and chattered constitution. ANOTHER HOPELESS CASE CONSUMPTION! CURED BY Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ADAMSTOWN, Lancaster Co., Pa. Da. Swentit a Son. Gentlemen:—About two years ago my wife was suffering from consumption, her cough at times was very distressing, and during her sickness bad the best medical attendance in this and adjoining coun ties. Her case was pronounced hopeless by all of them. I was induced through the recommendation of your agent, Dr. Isaac IL Miller, of West Brecknock, Berko county, Pa., and who can verify these facts, to try Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. After using it for some time, she was entirely cured, and is now as well as ever, and fully able to perform her usual labor. lam so fully satisfied that it is to your preparation that I am indebted for her restoration to health, that I grant you full liberty to give her case publicity, in the hope that others now suffering may derive benefit from her experience. Yours, respectfully, HENRY G. MORN. PRICE ONE DOLLAR—SIX BOTTLES FIVE DOLLARS. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE 8; SON, 380 Korth Sixth Street, Philadelphia SOLD BY ALL PROMINBNT DRUGGISTS. A Good Family Medicine. If you arc Bilious, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If you have a Sick Headache, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If your Tongue is Coated, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If you have a Cold, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS Tn prevent and cure Chills and Fever.take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If your Bowels are Costive, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sareaparjlla PILLS Persons of a full habit, who are subject to Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the Bar, arising from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dangerous symptoms will be car ried off by their use. LITER OOMPLAINT. That dreaded disease from which so many persons suffer, is frequently the cause of HEADACHE, INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA, is speedily relieved and often permanently cured by their use. Fevers are prevented by the use of Blood Purifying Pills, as they carry off, through the blood, the impurities from which they arise. For Costiveness there is nothing so effective as Swayne's Tar and Sarsapiirilla Pills. Price 26 cents a box ; 5 boxes for $l, sent by mail. Address let ters and orders to DR. SWAYNE St SON, 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For sale by all Druggists. ITCHING PILES Is generally preceded by a moisture, like perspiration, distressing itching, as though pin worms were crawling in and shunt the rectnm,particularly at night when undress ing. or in bed after getting warm. It appears in summer as well as winter, and is not confined to males only, but it is quite as frequent that females are sorely afflicted, par ticularly in times of pregnancy, extending into the vagi na, proving distressing almost beyond the powers of en durance. Cases of long standing, pronounced incurable, have been permanently cured by simply applying SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS. La. SWAYNZ & Sox Geitilemen:—The box of Vintment you sent nie by mail cured me entirely of Itching Piles, which I sintered with for five years. Enclosed find fifty coats for another box fur a friend of mine. ANDREW J. BEACH, Farmwell Station, Loudoun Co., Va. Da. SWAYNE & SON :—Enclosed please find one dollar for two boxes of your Ointment for Itching Piles. These are for some of my friends who are afflicted with this dis tressing complaint. The box you sent me a year ago, (used about one-half of it,) and I am glad, yes I am prowl to say, it insole a perfect cure. I think its efficacy should be published threugliont the length and breadth of the laud. You can publish this if you think roper. DAVID GRObSNICKLE, Ladieshurg, Frederick Co , Md. READER: If you are suffering with this annoying corn plaint, or 'fetter, any crusty, scaly, itchy, skin disease, go to your druggist and get a box of Swayne's Ointment. It will surely cure you. Prioe 50 cents a box. boxes $1.25, 6 boxes $2.50. Sent by mail to any address, on receipt of the price. Prepared only by La. V WAYNE SoN, N. Sixth St , HAVE YOU TRIED IT? "London Hair Color Restorer." "Loudon Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." Life, Growth, "London Hair Color Restorer." BeaUty, "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." for the “London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." HAIL. "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." KEEP YOUR HEAT) AND HAIR EIEALTIIT. LONDON HAIR RESTORER I—lt will restore gray hair to its original color. 2—lt will thicken thin hair; cause a new growth. 3--It will restore the natural secretions. 4--It will remove all dandruff and itchings. s—lt will make the hair soft, glossy and flexible. 6—lt will preserve the original color tool(' age 7—lt will ,revent the hair from falling off. B—lt will cure all dieetiscs of the scalp. It restores both the luxuriance and color of the hair, and is as harmless as water. Premature blanching or fa ding of the hair is greatly to be regretted, and that every body wants to be beautiful is proof enough that it is wise and right to be so, by every proper means; but there is nothing snore important to this end than beautifnl hair. Now to prevent the failing of the natural coloring matter in it, or re-excite the roots of the hair to growth again, nothing has ever been introduced to the Ameriom people that equals the LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER pr. Dalton, of Philadelphia, says of it : The Lo - idon Hair Color Restorer is need very extensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PER IioTTLE ; RIX Barnes FOB 14. Sent by Expreae, to any address, on receipt of price. Address orders to Da. SWAYNB & SON, 330 N. Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa., sole Proprietors. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For sale by JOHN READ et 50N3, Huntingdon. apr 21, '76-sug 26, '76.J New Advertisements. A Solemn Warning ! WE, B. OPENIIEMIER & SONS, in the interest of the people of Hunting don county, see ourselves compelled to pro claim the following caution to all the trust ing people of this county, and to open the eyes of the truth loving : It having come to our knowledge that a certain class of shop-keepers in this town considered them selves smart enough, as they are certa"nly unscrupulous enough in their means to at tain a certain end, to pull the wool over the eyes of their former patrons, under a FALSE PRETENSE of shielding them against us by warning them not to buy an inferior article than they sell, they try to get a high price for their goods. Why do they not act as men of uprightnesi and fairness would do, ac knowledge equality of gods, and by try ing to undersell us, compel people to buy of them ? But they seem to have f; irgot ten, if they ever knew it, that the straight path is the best, and instead they choose to follow the path of crookedness, with its natural consequences of falsehood, and blindness to all that common sense dic tates. We are astonished to hear a man talk of shoddy trash who advertises one of the necessities of life, namely calico, one of the commonest trashes (to use his refin ed expression) the universe can boast of. It has been remarked to us that a man who offers the best Madder prints,an arti cle which would be easily mistaken for a poor imitation of cob-web, must be either a knave, or a fool, or both. He either imagines he can fool his enlightened fel low-citizens with SOFT WORMS and bland smiles, or thinks they are not able to tell the difference, which would bring him under the humbugs. Having probably been living in the city fur a short time and listening to the harrangue of street peddlels, now tries to imitate their style and tricks on an enlightened public, by advertising an article, which he either never kept., or never intends to sell at the advertised price. As they have posted in the city "BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS !" we are to post up in front of such people's houses, BEWARE OF HUMBUGS ! and would do a lasting favor to all our fel low citizens. As a wolf in disguise is dif ficult to detect, except by a practiced eye, but when in his true hide everybody will be forewarned and therefore forearmed. L [STEN ! LISTEN ! ye people, to reason and common sense; trust to your own judgment, SAVE YOUR MONEY by buying any goods you [s ay need of B. OPENHEIM ER & SONS, Mo. 422, Penn St., Huntingdon, Pa. All goods sold from 25 to 50 per cent. cheaper than at any other store in the dis trict. Our stock consists of a large assort ment of DRY & FANCY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, alAo, agents for FRANK LESLIE'S PAPER PATTERNS, OUR STANPARD RULES : All goods warranted as represented. Money refunded on return of goods. One price. Respectfully, &c , B. OPENHEIMER & SONS, Sept. 29] HUNTINGDON, PA. Miscellaneous GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP. THOROUGHLY CURES DISEASES OF TliE SKIN, BEAUTIFIES THE COMPLEXION, PREVENTS AND REMEDIES RHEUMATISM AND GOUT, HEATS SORES AND ABRASIONS OF THE CUTICLE AND COUNTERACTS CONTAGION. This Standard External Remedy for Erup tions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL BLEM ISHES arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUI ICLE MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a WHOLESOME BEAUTIFIER is far preferable to any cosmetic. ALL THE REMEDIAL ADVANTAGES OF SUL PHUR BATHS are insured 111 , TILE USE OF Glenn's Sulphur Swap, which in addi tion to its purifying effects, remedies and PRE VENTS RHEUMATISM and GOUT. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY CONTACT with the PERSON. IT DISSOLVES DANDRUFF, prevents "wild ness, and retards grayness of the hair. Physicians speak of it in high tenns. Prices-25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c. and 61.20. N. 13.—The so cent calin are triple the size of those at 25 cents. "BILL'S HAIR AM) WHISKER DYE," Black or Brown, 50 Cents. C. N. CRITTENTON, Prop'r, 7 Sixth iv., N.Y. October 27, 1576-y DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH. A GREAT DISCOVERY 1 By the use of which every family may give their Linen that brilliant polish peculiar to tine laundry work. Saving time and labor in ironing, more than its entire cost. Sold by Grocers, or will be sent postage paid on receipt of 25 cts. [eepl,'76ly DOBBINS, BRO. & Co., 13 N. Fourth St., Phila. For sale by Dr. J. C. FLEMING k CO. April 28,'76-9m] AMERICA AHEAD. WILLIMANTIC NEW SIX CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. •N'-7 ,._. ',,,,utztDl,,V-:=:::\ turf r, t E y ,' 7:'::', 1 1, /;., 4 ;. : • i 4 :- . 3i3r...4.4.. \t,: i. l S r•••!; 77- `.'VoA ; , 1* -7 • ' The Centennial Commission now Decree the fol lowing Award: For Superiority and Economy of Production. For Excellence of Material. For Originality and Completeness of System. For Variety and Colors of Thread. For Rxcellenee of Machinery. [novl9-3m. GEO. ', 1 OODS & CO.'S PARL4OIt ORGANS E.; ~., c ..„ ra .a " C: •-• C. , sw4 C; 'll,:e remarkable in,trura,nts poss,:ss to ~.ts and expression never before attaire, .Adoptrd fcr Amateur 3nd Professional, and an ornament in any parlor. a— Beautiful New Styles, now GEO WOODS , Cai - nbrid (report Mass. ... . AREROO3It.: Washington itssion; 170 State '4.. Chicago; ;IS Ludgate THE VOX : f , 7; t e e c n t i tt a 1 v . : l i e , T r , e , : a r t: contain, from $2 to $3 worth of t r;ius:o. GEO. ‘ l ;6tiD Publisher', Ca . ml:ridgeport, Mass Miscellaneous. TRY IT. F.,/ M. Bixby & Ca, ' 173 & 175 Washington St, N.Y For sale by DR. J. C. FLEMING ,t CO. October 6, IS76—yr The ONLY BLACKING that meets the demand for a quick and brilliant taish. " BIXBY'S BEST" u&soluiety nourishes and pre,terres the leather. S. M. BULLY & Co, 173 h 176 Washington St. N. Y. For sale by DR. J. C. FLEMINO Is CO. October, 6, IS;6—yr Furniture and Carpets SOMETHING NEW' TWO LARGE STORES MERGED IN Lo ONE! ARION PIINO FORTE EXPENSES DECREASED,PRICES EEDITCED i N b— and grestn convenience stcliretl to customers. Estey s Cottage Organs. JAMES A. BRO H'A Takes ph..:11.11:e in announcing to ail who wnnt to buy CARPETS & FURNITURE That having become sole proprietor of the Fur niture store formerly owned by "Brown A-. Tv burst," he has combined with it his large Carpet Store and TILE LADIES Will be pleased now to find the CARPETS, as well as samples of FURNITURE on the first floor, without climbing stairs. My stock comprises a great variety of Kitchen, Chamber and Parlor Furniture, Mattresses, Picture Frames, Brackets, and the largest stock of CARPETS in Central Pennsylvania. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades, Wall Paper, Carpet Chain, all colors; needles for Howe and other machines. Estcy Organs; also Howe sewing machines at cost. I manufacture part of my goods in both the Carpet and Furniture Department, and please NOTICE THIS FACT, That I.; I BUY LOW FOR CASH, and having made this new arrangement. reducing expenses, I Call sell at such low prices AA will make it the in terest oh buyers to call at No. r 525, Penn Street. - U,4_ Until Mardi 10th, I ofrer AT COST, for cash, Wall Paper and a g-eat variety of Carpets. Feb.lo. JAMES A. BROWN. HISTORY OF Huntingdon County, Pa., FROM TIIE EARLIEST TIMES ;'u TI(~I CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF Al.' ERICAN INDEPENDENCE. BY MILTON S. LYTLE, The above work, now in press, will be issued in a few weeks. Canvassers will visit every family in the county for the purpose of soliciting sub scriptions. Persons not residents of the county, who may , desire It, can have it sent to them by mail, by re mitting to the author, at this place, the price: $2.75 for cloth binding, and $3.25 for library or esther. [sep22 Pianos ''Trac BI HENRY A CO C. MUNSON, REAL INDIGO COTTAGEPLANINGIIII CO Made soluble by Patent Promo. Packed in Patent ready•made SASH, DOORS, BAGS sad =ES. Tbo on/ "True Bine " BLINDS, FLOORING, Brachts, Eilliiillis Stair-Railing PLASTERING LATH, For the Laundry. SHINGLES, COMMON AND FANCY PICKETS, FRAME STUFF and all kinds of The member:, of the Cottage Planing Min Co. being largely intereoted in the Lumber inhered in Clearfield and Centre entintie,, they will at all timer , keep eonsran!ly on hail a full of the very hest well sea-wird, and parties fivoring W. with an or der will receive pr-mpt attention, anS all wurli GUAQANTEED to rehler Pariefivrtion. Office r, the present at Henry * ro.l. so .re. s. K HENRY, supt. Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 1, ONE THOUSAND MADE AND SOLD MONTHLY. NEARLY OR QUITE DOITBLE THAT OF ANY OTHER MAKE Till , : SWEETEST AS WELL AS THE MOST PoWERFI'L ORGAN IN PATENT AMON PIANO, WITH FOUR NEW PATENTS, decl 0,75] WATCHES PRICES REDUCED 20 to 50 per cent. New Price Lie jm , t out, giving deaeription and prices of 145 American Watehes of all grades, will be sent free to all. It gives minable infertnation in regard to the ears of a Wateh, also tells you how to get a Wateh without money in advsaee to any part of the Gaited States where there a as express offioe. Address, N. 11. WHITE, 441 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Ju1y14,1876-Iyr.) Planing Mill r). W. HOLT .1 F.STENER MANUFACTUfZEIO ANL DEALERS IN LUMBER WHITE PINE, Pianos and Organs. THE MARKET. Also thc E. M. BRUCE a CO., N. 1308 Cliestoot St., PHILADELPHIA. AMERICAN Boota, Shoes and Leather. PRICES REDUCED SUIT THE TIMES, Nicholas Crum E r--. Living n0wt...1 stto:k BOOTS & SHOES . . .1 ; i. -r • Cron' FIFTH : 4 treet, two t 1...- 3h,)ve the )ST ()FFICE. takes cpp , runity ..1 illt:rtnizig the propli•—e-peo•13:1:: rh e.)llll'ry people-ilk:lt lie 11:11/ 11..Wa much larger r 04,13, h.i: hi+ etoek. pr , pos=e4 keer.r ~!,1 at. 3 r. small 'quilt. In h the getmine 12 i French Kid, Buttoned Shoes. Box Toe] or without. AMERICAN KID OF ALL GRADES. Fine Pebble Goat Grained and in fitet a!I style,* and kind. MEN' BOX TOED BOOTS HAND MADE. Crum has emplored the pop ular and neat workman, band Keith, formerly of 6th St_ to do all kinds of repairing and new work—tir.t class stock used, a !rood tit zuartn teed and price 4 low as elsewhere. Call and Examine our Sto , k. TWO bookts AB , E POZ`TOFF 14 'F. Huntingdon, Pa., Nov. 10-:::no. RE3IOVEI) TO T 11F: NS I AAP c 0.., of !he Li %mond. 0:1 RV J"tl.V .v. 4'6.'TC.Yu'.6 Refspeetfully in,turn a • !h. : nod vicinity that he h:sa just preit.vitl `rem tze city 3 new enJ splendlidi .•f" 1.E.1T11 ER:4 BO4)TS AND SHOK., lIIITS AN CAPS. Hosiery, Fim•irwr, Aria, 1:4 6 .1 0 .. k•.. .1,-. ft, _ _ All of which he is preparr.t to — tea at cm-any re rr,e4. Don't f9rzet the new erzwil ;!) Diamen.f. 61 , 41 clietnmers and the p-t , tl:l Severally are tweitr-li rs cell. Jan. 4. '7 l. FRESH USI) AT'S NEW :4TfIP.E. THE subseriher .rait.l 1....T . ...equity inform his rd.l friends and eu.t.•nlor., that b. Is.. just re etioed from the East a largo eel well seiwoo4 'foci of Boo'," sal for inco. .niew oroaclsiklorn„ which he is prepared to sell a tries. lower thaw any other eoabliohnient in :own. Being a pcset , eall shoemaker, and haring hal considers: '. *nee, he flatters himself !hat hie r,ck cannot Se surpassed in the county. Nise him a call. at the CHEAP ROOT AND : 1 11t/F: STOR:.: I West owl of tae Diowioesti 1111UNTI.7111i Customer work wads to order is a moat s•vs durable ibASIINT. Jan. 4. '7l. - - DOWN %Vali i'lifrE.4 WILLIAM AFRICA bai. juin ..pers.i up a lino fr.• • :.1.4 on.' Mani Of ISINYTB,SHOKS, LADILIE It ID SWAN, mad a lama vappi• amairy wort. tattablo for MA asJ Itnyo, at rory Ina.rametad I bare at all tigress. Opeortoost a II .tNIS& Mk BOOTS AN[ SIII)EA 0o band, wkiels and be dialing... 4 el at as reawew► We rates as the hackie will admit et Illy woe§ was arise,' with great ear•, aad I eon ceolidesitly recommend all articles is sly estabfisitanit. Particular aunties paid to the tusawfortusw el customer work. and , rrlars solicited. Astimintiew in all order,. Jas. 4.74. WILLIAM A /RICA. JOHN C. MILLER. (Stweet.sor to C. li. Miller A Sna ) DEALER EN EVERY LEATHER. SHOE IFINDINfiS t 74 P RVLTTNG HILL STREET J.n./.1471. I • Drnp and Lignor=. S. S. SMITH & SON, Driluisis aid Whom 616 PEY.Y 8 fREP:T. : I-1 TJ /sr - I'l l'..\T 43 DO 2.1" , PA . , are deniers in Drugs, Medicines, CH EMICA TOILET & F.IICI TRUSSES, ST-PPORTERS. SHOULDER BRACES. Paints. Oils,Varnish, Car bon Oil Lamps. &c.. &c. c_~~.— WINES AND LIQUORS, :•lrh 11 Whiskies, Baba Win Git Ala ati lirtn, for Mechanical. Med - Irina% :iarra. mental and Family purpmees. pure article warranted in every cape. They areal...) Agonta for the Davis Vertical gat% bdit Best in the world for all purposes. April 214, 1876—y ClIE.11)! effir..tP PAPER FLUID!. N-1 .tTaitit L. y p•ur P•U..T, fli;y jour riaak AT TIIIJurRsAL HO)* .470111 L Fin• Stattowny. Statmsaarr. Books for Chilarva. 'ism. for Chi: Area. Elegant Piaui,. Pocket Cook, Psf. An,/ sin Dulles, Fa-nay ~/ Ste, Twigs, A? 17IZ 10171110 AL 100k4 gr.. rp); r rir Si 9 A DAT st bans. Armes wand. Asia A tad tarsi frac TICS a CO, A Maims. _ _ riOLOILID PRINTING DONE AT NJ the hereal Oleo at To 910. VARIETY .pir Fi I - STING Df PN. i•_t AND ?b. RIMS 1 1 1 .1 1111 .111 4 I I oll4:4llloeiNewit • Illimuilmomp • 4. • • M. Ow? 1111~0. Biome Ompossuo• • p froffweall 1111WINSW. al lUD ...n in"... am -, ..., 164...... OPIITSIN 'so •"wr - ',t ' • ?7 21. F. SAM low EAST MUM D Ti)? RAIL ROA D .he sod seler Nopumber S. Mk Meier ir•l rye sr hillimpe 31n01111111011P ir min; 26 2 lift i ! r si a. a. . 7...... .. : . C 1 .. •11" 1b...... 116 7 41----'.: p 1111-- p i -.. 2 W IWO. i ---- 111 111 se ION& • w .....1 . rime Ayr.... 11 • . • ... • I .... 2ID i 1 ast Illasellsolt it 111 Iso 2srl • jp Warr, rte ls OIT II •••■••••• II IPS S A , • le • s 9 0 Air. IL gams Laws 3is •sr Mi. libilhos. - Dry 41116 -- 111 d Giltalit,. REMOVAL!-NIM Gdy)fj 'MN/. 1.4 0- 1111 bsrw s., 'T.. fejt"' 4* wood. N. Ve I P.,* ••••••• • • •gg. g aro. serer #;of•ps, FAN. T GI0)1r!I 17 1T r Vi'%z B perr 4no•P an :to *W. `'• 4 ' a- TRW MIP: • • t SPIV .4. atttlorse 1•1 ::1-• - ngt..s. P... Jam GOODS AT PANIC FRXES • Kr!' I -X I ..r -. rf a.D•. t' • 'at. .el.rnitgag !Ow • • pr- i p t •• r •40.4 : s• Lot I ow. 2-s. • sod ore pv.7...4 t _4 1. at • g OM. • 0...• L.l:r• •i•ipost Dr••• .1.•••*. N.•• tr. I • ..sp• as... -es. a wr•eiae. 31 P o 1.1111113 'hog. • ; ^• .• ~I 11111.-... • 4 n • S. p a- , LAZIYM .b. RKii kr DF4I.IER:4 lii:T Go•rDS. N4fr to ) N.;_ BO YT :. 1 1(0)F- 4 ift f iYr 1r *4a a 4,, OiReWE:tIF 4 PR/ PV i:*;rg v 4-11:•••T Jmn. ! 4. Gs Fi N . p.. 41 Kt NTI \Woo tS I. ,rxer Nte.tA •ti••; ;10-7,/* nt• draitsMieiliNPW . 111.0 .....nrt.4arr.. - ...resping est.. .40 I)K T 0:0111•IPS. ERE in r:4 dry TRIMICN.. 4 Nirnt)N:4 •pi; wERIES. pR0)V1: 4 1.)N7 4 . Elf*YT:i 4 MPK. 4 . ft_tTN. iffs4l7.R 11114 •:f lie: OS.* " , ....411 .11 a 4•40 rs. pi:« • mint rausaa.tfef I tooll -sai titan' tso riller • .64 -got •%a plow -.row owl 2.0. :sr.. argot.. W sot Ai .a.o . 9widme. 1r ...)111‘ 37n1r I e", ($.1.1,.147? Rea•iv-ma , i.- (Ira hin- GRAND EX OP- IT-I r 11. i;RF.FOiBEIIt-i-.-; NiW Rn RR, *net **v !bur P.* alio, Mao ?ieriors. .simp bee • owe ! ow* inrirakoi• Ninouswitior r.. A ger MEN AND iti)T7l tbst boo •-•7 or uses "wart qi Oust - rt. 3 4MO RLAR A r MVP. Devi all TV 4 . Try•a r.. 3CI)Tt if. ritirsci D011111PT:t: • 1 . - .111R 4 I trs. irteisb rn sad. sip vis lb, bret ets4 Ir. poomirsiey await Si awe lowale orsauw TI *um • .o.ebe .11•4". , a.l as a. •iintywni.r= If rye 'Pre red nolo Call d 411113131110ir ff rim *Nat • g.. 41 limy• wit. r.'aM a PI fry', r_..-11 Tama val. e.'401 a 11. ell If r.s saw: • gim4 4 1re am& 'a ivilop. 'IM es It rin• vine • 4-ses rapre...ll4uir rem as W. 4 4 M a. •! 4....•. T-aromegs a ti? Rear gler of a • LL .111019. 4 3ilt ASTIMiaIIE A1p..1-10. SKIL 1y Traveikri' Oliiip. pIOINSTLY.III.I *AIL tas,mos ♦ •. if • • 111 ZW7III II VP .... . Ara •2 7 -. Ira ... ..- ... 3,,, a... ~,„ ••• . - : re% • 1/ 0 t l'_. ,4 ,1., 4 . • i i I sp : ' 4t • ! ... • • it. • • • • R IL 11 a an•a Ms-.. Ty.. • e ._.. It w' 1• -• R Irodma-... MOM • 41•1 •10 .r. I 1 .1110...• • a • * Ne i lOW *Pi sr _ ..._ .11440.••■••• • I•-• s Al 4 1.11 .114• 11•••••••.... • :s . r••••••.••• • • t Ar .._ sa • ar 4 or ro• ••• •••••11. al• 4 •-• I *r70•11•1/... • *I • 1r P i 19 , I is 9 Alt sr or • m :4 • in- ow. era. +✓] ' 4i • .71. IL•ik s • as •• • • • . /I. Paws awe* all • * IR. *Oa tori**** • 11111*.**** • S • • Th. Pupa. Itarpnost IllarrammlL luirde 1.88022.112 s • IC 22. are urraca2l22 estreillegg Pills is cps .EID 1 1 . F RA 'Lan• 4110. , Paws•••• Pmeiliao If ITI/r•• tII a. , P• I Ilk • ONO 10. 10111•01001.• ...- .- - :at a s 4EP • 111 Owe 04111mit. __ its t. • 4 41- 9 11. Ibrewrillso.... • ..4 MI a S 411* •Mt 04111144.. __ ; X h 0 ' in" 1 NW 41.•••••■••. li a S St . it 14 Claw a.. 0 Illg I/ i 2 /1/i II 1110 lbw* awl &maw •aq if • I• i II 1114 r•na. -- - • 11• I tI a ;:1 I. .10111100.01.11111•111 11 - : all a - a IP IS. gismo ---. •alr_ . .la as • ZI w•• • 1110' • ••••••••• • iwt ow Al "4~ • 211 , It f linabl, 411 Ir. it WP II Om IMMINI. 9 . ti .1 ......• Ilidim 11 , ar ti al 1111/00110111 fillWrill art 11111AICW S. I PT artery. a s. • PP 2 filestr.... I. li Witafry ... R !lATTI rç •a 11111V7 I is • VP • SP • • s 1 sal SIP II sat • • • le • • virersir • as sh. 2 A. 1 II I • te MR. fall