The Illnitin7lion joir!h; Peabody 31-,licn! lauMuch St., (Oppi,4, R J! THE SCEIGE 'LATE Or•. SELF.PIit ESELIV Alt T 0:t MORE THAN (INF. Gold Medal A , , , "Nalibnal Jittfc,l TUBT publlslwa !:f rirr I, I', TI gI TUTS, a new d • IllijOil t I-1 ur•rl i.• . entitled the "TIlk: SCII:NCE OF ; ZRVATION." It trot'. npun 31aNerr..e, hr.w regained and how perpetitAted ; and cure ~fl•.Nir.:l ted_ Vitality Inipatent , y, Ptr•rea tut, j,. .apermatorrlicea, or Seminal Lo-'es 4::•! nal),Nervous and Pliysieal liability Ilyi:oeliondria, 4. I. ,iey Forebodings, Mental In.pressiiiiei. if Ener g y. f gard Countenance, Coffin,.ion of Mind and 1.11. Impure State of the liiouil, and all iikeit , ..eatisin: front tha ERRORR of YOUTH or the inditicrot 1011, or ex.,- i.l mature yearn. It tells you all about Ito' notate .4 tl.•rit rativ . Ry, a the l Phy n a tn. oloty y ikon of Marriage, 011ij Ilga I Precept and Fri.totly Physical Infirmity, Its Call•e4 and Coro, tweon the Sexes, Proofs of the Expansion of Miseries of Impudence, Ancient, ignorance and f., KEENS Or CURE, Cure o Body and Mind. Tutu: ! Ptnn TRIATX ENT, Address 'it) I"atienis:rl.l era, The Anther's Principles. The price of this is only $l.OO. This Book also contains MORE THIN FIFTY PRESCRIPTIONS for the ;time named and l,i i, r diseases, each one i!• , 11 . 0 ifn!ii the vice ol the book. A 160„ anoti, r vain ible: . . ly on Mi.NTAL AND : ..... 21,0 royal ocMvo logos, tu ofr ; f110.11 : , ,I, 01,t1 in substantial utnaia. trice on Jime:y to pay for printing. "Tho Book for young and in id;ilc4q,eti Jaen rraki now, is tho Science of Lilo, or Self 'Pr,ervat!on. '1':o• author has returned from Europe in excollent;malth, and J./again the Chief Consulting Physician of the Pc; iauly Medical Institute,-tio. 4 Bulfinc Street, Bo tun Mass."— Republican Journal. "The Science of Lifz is lo.yonti all c0:1ip:16.4.n the most extraordinary work on l'hysiolo,.,:y t for publi•le.l."—h,,s ton Herald. "Hope nestled in the I,:toni of Pand.ra's box and hope plumes her wings anew, since the issuitix of tiiese rwa ble works, published by the Peabody MO kill liist it te, which are teaching thousands how to avid the inala.lies that sap the citadel of lite."—lniladeldha Ehtpti •`lt should be read by the young., the middie-age , l and even the 01d.',--Ne York Tribune. The first and only Medal ever conferred upon any Med ical Man in this country, as a recognition of ski!! and professional services was presented to the author of these works, March 31st, 1576. The presentation was noticed at the time of its occurrence by the Boston Press, and the leading journals throughout the country. This magnifi cent Medal is of solid gold set with Mute than otw hun dred India diamonds of rare brilliancy "Altogether, in its execution and the richness of its Inn ter's]; and size, this is decidedly- the met nobs elite medal ever struck in this country for any purpose what ever. It is well worth the inspection of Numismatists. It was fairly won and worthily bestowed.".—.Mo.s.aniia setts Roughraan, Jung 3d, ISB6. 4a. Catalogue sent on receipt of tic. for postage. Either of the above works sent by mail on receipt of price. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE. (or W. H. PARKER, M. D., Consulting Physician,) Nu. 4 Dui finch St. Boston, Mass., opp. Revere House. N. B. The author can be consulted on the above named dlseases, as well as all diseases requiring skill, secrecy sad experience. Office hours, 9P.M.toG P. M. lung. 4-ly Medical WHAT IS VEGETINE? It is a compound eltracted from barks, roots and hubs. It is Nature's Remedy. It is perfectly harmless from any bad effect upon the system. It is nourishing and strength ening. It acts directly upon the blood. It quiets the nervous system. It gives you good sweet sleep at night. It is a panacea for our aged fathers and mothers, for it gives them strength, quiets their nerves, and gives them Nature's sweet sleep,—as has been proved by many an aged person. It is the great Blood Purifier. It ie a sooth ing remedy for our children. It has relieved and cured thousands. It is very pleasant to take; every child likes it. It relieves and cures all diseases originating from fin pure blood. Try the VECIETINE. Give it a fair trial for your complaints ; then you will say to your friend, neigh bor and acquaintance, "Try it ; it has cured me." RELIABLE EVIDENCE. The following unsolicited testimonial from Roy. 0. T. Walker, formerly pastor of Etowdoiu Square Church Bos ton, and at present settled iu Providence R. 1., must be deemed as reliable evidence. No one should fail to observe that this testimonial is the result of two years' experience with the use of VEGETINE in the Rev. Mr. Walker's family, who now pronounce it invaluable : PROVIDENCE, R. 1.,164 TRANSIT STRE , .T. STEVENS, ESQ.:- I feel bound to express with my signature the high vslue I place upon your VIWETINE. My family here used it for the last two years. In nervous &baby it is invaluable, and I recommend it to all who may nee:l an invigorating, renovating tonic. • _ 0. T. WALK El Formerly Pastor of Bowdein Church, .11,,tu0. THE BEST EVIDENCE The foilowing letter from Rev. E. S. Best, Pastor of the M. E. Church, Natick, Mass., will be read with interest by many physicians; also those suffering from the came dis ease as afflicted the eon of the Rev. E. S. Rest. No person can doubt this testimony, as there is no doubt about the curative power of VEGETINE. NASICK, MABO., JAN. Ist, 1573. MR. H. R. STEVENS : Dear Sir—We have good reascn for regarding your VEGETINE a medicine of the greatest value. We feel assured that it has been the means of saving our eon's life. Ile is now seventeen years of age; for the last two years he has suffered from necrosis of his leg, caused by scrofu lous affection, and was so far reduced that nearly all who taw him thought his recovery impossible. A council of able physicians could give us but the faintest hope of his ever rallying ; two of the number declared that he was beyond the reach of human remedies, that even amputa tion could not save him as he had not vigor enough to en dure the operation. Just then we commenced giving him VEGETINE and from that time to the present lie has been continuously improving. Ile has lately resumed studies, thrown away his crutches and cane, and walks about cheerfully and strong. He has taken about three dozen battles of VEGETINE, but lately uses but little, as ho declares he is too well to be taking medicine. Respectfully yours, E. S. BEST, YRS. L. C. F. LEST. ruparell by H. R. STEVENS, Do , ton, Miss I'EGETINE IS 561"..1.) ALL DRUGGISTS AM) DEALi.:ils EV ERY VILI R octZ-Im.] COME TO TIIE JOURNAL OFF ICE FOR YOUR JOB PRINTING- If you want sale bilis, If you want bill If you want letter heads, If you want ViFit ing cards. If you want baFin,rs card=, If you want blanks of any kiln], If you want en vel,pcs neatly print,l If you want anything printed in a btorku.a like manner, and nti very reasonable rates, yonrarders at the above named (Mee. WM. WILLIAMS, MANUFACTFRER 61 - MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, HUNTINGDON, PA. PLASTER PARIS CORNICES, _ MOULDINGS, S.:(7_ ALSO ELATE MANTLES BURNISHED TO ORDER. Jaa. 4, It SEND 25c. G. P. ROWEL!. & CO., New York, for Pamphlet of 100 page', con taining bits of 1000 newspapers, and estimates 'bowing omit of advertising. [mchlol,'74 ' 11" 01 - Ct. ; IT .;tr ..1 and foir;,r ( 1 1V1';'.1t:E PUDI,IN4I.-011 , , rid or buttrx; E. up of' ,-7;1 01 oV'':t tdk ; • :10 - d' DAL as (.37,: On , pint of 1, , I , !; 7 i v browii !,tr,zar a Cup hufti. hutinvg. 1; , i1 a Jew .N~;; ~~ .7' . HAVE 1101,1.5 —I:oil out, the ri.cit e. r on , ls with t 1' .'''Ulu . bittter it ',v ti, e Olen fill I moon, privii them loi tle top fl:tt tin to ri-a. When th , ay are very b.tke in a hot ovg2n nvftt shotfA he r•ir,not, v. , ur hand in it and Gaunt 4iver hvciit v. ~,,. ~,~ .`' , 7!N( 1; I > lES.—Buii rre,h Leer tui r ;:Je tender, is it get cold, ::,en elnp it fine, with on,: powad of' suet, one peck of apples, two poundi of eurrant, picked and washed vc.ry care{ ully ; taw pn find of ci trim sliced, half an ounce of (.:w1) 0 1: pow,Jered clwo s, 11 , pice, ei”n.);),.11, :t:.] iiigi•f three pink , (of vect eider, (oil," pint 3ladeira tlbatil; wine, half a pint of brandy, with enough sugar to sweeten to your tas!e. This will make a large jar full. OATMEAL AND COCOANCT.-o..itmial mixed with grated cocoanut produc,n a very attractive cake to Loth old and young. 'fake three heaping teaspoonfuls or grated cocoanut, or two of the prepared des.sicaLd cocoanut, add to it half a pint of the finest oatmeal and two heaping teaspoonfuls of sugar, stir it into one gill of boiling water and mix it thoroughly together ; turn out on the rolling hoard, well floured, and roll it as thin and cut it out as for common cracknels ; put a bit of citron aad a half dozen currants into each eAke, sticking them into the dough. Bake in a slow oven and watch carefully Ic4 they brown a shade too deep. To make them crispy, let them stand a day in an uncovered dish. DRIED PUMPKIN.—To prepare dried pumpkin for use is quite a tedious process. Pare and cut up in small pieces, and dry quickly and thoroughly; then grind it in a coffee-mill. When wanted for use, stir the pumpkin meal into boiling milk, and prepare pies in the usual way. To W.A.i,tt HAIR BRITSIIES.—Do not use soap. Dissolve a teaspoonful of saler atus iu tepid water, and dip the brush up and down in it till it is white and clean. Place it in the warm air to dry, with the bristles down, and it will be as firm as a new brush. Hartshorn in tepid water is quite as efficacious, but not quite as conve nient. To CLEAN BLACK Kin GLOVES.—A good way is to take a teaspoonful of salad oil, drop a few drop of ink in i!, and rub it over the gloves with a tip 4 - 4 . a feather, then let them dry in the sun TO TELL GOOD FROM BAD EGGs.—Pat them in water enough to cover them. Ali that lay flat, as they would out of w:tter on a smooth surface, ai.e good ; those ui which the big- cads rs are bad. The vessel used should hare a smooth, levol bottom. The best way to clean the iaside of old iron pots and pans is to fill them with water in whioh a few ounces or washing soda is dissolved, and set them on fire. Let the water boil until the inside of the pot looks clean. Chemistry of the Fattening Process. A lean cow or ox is in a very different condition, chemically considered, from fat animals of the same kind. In the first place the poor animal consists of about two•thirds water, the fat one of only half, that is in total weight. A fat animal is in a dry condition, a poor animal is like of our bog meadows, very wet. When the fattening process begins, water commences to disappear, and fat or suet takes ith place; and the increase in bulk during the process is largely of adipose . matter. It is a curious circumstance that, during fattening, the proteids, or nitrogen ous compounds, increase only about seven per cent, and the bone material, or inor ganic substance, only one and a half per cent. The cost to a farmer of fattening an ox is much greater at the close of the process than at the commencement; that is, in crease in bulk or dry weight at that peri od is much more costly. If it costs three cents a pound for bulk for the first month after a poor animal is put in the fattening stall, it will cost five cents the last mouth. If, then, a farmer consults his money in terest, he will not carry the increase in fat beyond a certain point, provided he can turn his partially flitted animals to fair ad vantage. Farmers have, perhaps, learned this fact from experience and observation, and hence comparatively lean beef abounds in our markets. While this is of advan tage to the farmer, it is very disadvanta us to consumers of the Lief, for the ek.oi of a fat animal in every case is much richer in fixed, nourishing material than that of the lean, and it is never good econ omy to purchase lean beef. It is better to purchase the poorest parts of a fat ani mal than the beit of a lean one. The best piece of a fat ox (the loin.) contains from twenty-one to twenty eight per cent. more fixed matcrit:l than the corresponding picces in a luau one, and curiously enogh the worst piece in the lean animal (the neck), is the richest in nourishing materi al. The flesh of the neck improves.very little in fattening, hence economy consid ered, it is the best portion to purchase, as its value is in a' measure a fixed one Jouniqt. KIIET) MANURE UNDER COVER.—Ma nure in the barnyard properly preserved under cover is worth twice as much as that which is left exposed to the elements. its best constituents being washed away be fore its application to the crops. !! (` Househo;d Hinis I 1)1)1 ,! 4' !, 0:1 I' i E 1 ifi' i ;•;“.. ;, :!;~. Ifiki ..::it h j tql .41M1.•-• , a..-.-- I r. f'..;v:' ':iLe ; /44, e. i 5 - e.s>' , ‘ , .II.I)CHLI:s:Y" Ht .1 11,1, i,lll ;•:1 1 :1h . : v.11 , •n• it , • , !. I I 11, Jai 11, .111111:: 1)11. 1...4yd., liver and Laing lite tiervons atid r,••1 !lA* A...:OTHEre nopl:LEss eAsE CON .;,rivvt CUPED far. Ms - a) ne's Compound rup of Wild Cherry Al. 7.IaIOWN, Lancaster Co., Pa. Dn. SwtYNE i FoN. ri( two years ago ray wile was Failfering front roll ,, her cough at time.; wag very and ,liming sickness had th, he,,t aldrr- n...• in this coun ties. Ilor ease was i.rommured by all or them. I wan holt., I tin . ...;.;11 the . .. of your agidit, Dr. Isaac It. 7 , 1111er, ..I * Wer.4 •4 Berk, raniniy, who yen virrify theme Jar!, hy Dr. Swayne's Conli,tuu , l Sy, un of IVihl Cherry. Actern,ing it for onto she was ent,iely and i.i i,oW ;Li weal no 4,Ver, and frilly peci.rian n-nal lan, I ;nil no hilly it to y:011r rrcp;ll,.tiOU that I ant indebted for her re , toratiou t. health, that I grant you full liberty to gun 11-r ••a-.e pul.iirity, in tlio lope that others now surfed , :, may dela le•mdit from her oX iwrience. Vottro., ronpeetinlly, HENRY EuTTLES FIVE In.LAr.s. Pr;Taro] only 1,- .. .. NZ. SWAYS E & -'.( )N, 11. - )0 < l , -, ,,11i SF".:11, ,5,',..,....'. Ph ii,:l.-.7pfe;(t T! , e ALL A Good Family Medicine. If you are Bilious, take SWAY NES Tau• and Sarsaparilla PILLS If you have a Sirk Headache, take S‘VAYNES Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If your Tongue is Coated, take SWAY NE'S Tar :mil Sarsaparilla PILLS If yon have a Cold, take SWAYNES Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS To pn•cent and core Chills and Fever,take MAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS 113-our Bowels are l'ostire, take SAW:II - NES Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS Perions of a full habit, who are sulject to Headache, Giddiness, Drowsines,:, and Singing in the Ear, arising front too great a flow of blood to the head, ,hould never be without them, as mangy• dangerous symidoms will be car ried off by their ti,e. LIVER. COMPLAINT That dreaded disease front which so many persons suffer, is frequently the cause of HEADACH E, INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA, is speedily relieved and often permanently cured 1 , 3' their use. Fevers are prevented by the use of Mood Purifying Pills, as they carry off, through the blood, the impurities front which they arise. For Costiveness there is nothing so effective as Swayne's Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. Pries cents a box; 5 boxes for It. sent by mail. Address let ters and orders to DR. SWAYNE X SON, 330 North Sixth Street, l'hiladelphirt. Fur sale by all Dragsists. ITCHING PILES Is generally preceded by a moisture, like perspiration, distressing itching, us though pin worms were crawling in and about the rectum,particularly at night when undress ing, or in Intl after getting warm. It appears in summer as well as winter, and is not confined to males only, but it is quite as frequent that females are sorely afflicted, par ticularly iu times of pregnancy, extending into the vagi na, proving distressing almost beyond the powers of en durance. Cases of long standing, pronounced incurable, have been pr rmaneutly en red by simply applying SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS, DR. SWAYNE ZiON. Gentloneh:—The box of Ointment Vol sent me by mail cured ine entirely of Itching Piles, which I ,uitiml with for five years. Enclosed find fifty cents for another box for a friend of mine. ANDREW J. BEACH, Fartuwell Station, Loudoun Co., Ye. DI:. SWAS NE R SON :—Eitclosea please find one dollar for two loxes of your Ointment for Itching Piles. These are for some of my friends who are afflicted with this dis tressing complaint. The box you sent me a year ago. (used about one-half of it,) and I am glad, yes I am proud to say, it made a perfect cure. I think its efficacy should be published throughout the length and breadth of the laud. You can publish this if you think proper. DADID GROASICKLE, Ladie6burg, Frederick Co, Md. READER: If you are suffering with this annoying com plaint, or Tetter, any crusty, scaly, itchy, skin disease, go to your druggist and get a box of Sw•ayno's Ointment. It will surely cure yon. Price 5o cents a box. 3 boxes 51.25, 6 boxes 62.50. Sent by mail to any address, on receipt of the price. Prepared only by Dn. SWAYSE & SON, 130 N. Sixth St., Phila. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Life. "London Hair Color Restorer.' -London Hair Color Restorer: -I,lolon Itair Color Restorer.' r th "London Hair Color Restorer.' London - Hair Color Restorer.' London Hair Color Restorer?' Beauty, " London hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair ('odor Restorer." for tile "London Hair Color Restorer." "London Hair Color Rebtorer." - Loudon Hair Color Restorer." -London Hair Color 11,,,t0rer." KEEP Toll: HEAD AND DAM HEALTHY LONDON HAIR RESTORER 1-It will restore gray hair to its original color. —lc will thicken thin hair; cause a new growth. 3-1 t will restore the natural secretiona. 4—lt will remove all d.ndruff and itching. t—lt will make the halr soft, glossy and flexible. 6—lt will preserce the original color toold ago 7—lt will ,rereut the hair front falling oil. B—lt will cure all discas,s of the scalp. It restores both the luxuriance and rolor of the hair, and is as tuu•ntless aS water. Prenutture blanching or la ding of the hair is greatly to be regretted, and that eve•ry- Lesly wants to be beautiful is proof enough that it is wise and right to be so, by every proper means; but there is nothing more important to this end than beautiful hair. Now to prevent the failing of the natural coloring matter in It, or re-excite the roots of the hair to growth again, nothing has ever been introduced to the American people that equals the LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Dr. Dalton. of Philadelphia, nays of it: The London pair Col,* Restorer is owed veryextensivelyamong my petients and friends, al well ay by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 CENTS PER BoTTLE ; PIX BOTTLES FOR N. Sent by Exprena, to any adfireteo, on receipt of price. orde. to Dn. SwAsNe k Sox, 330 N Sixth St., PhiLelelplain, Pa., sole Proprietors. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIS'TS For sale by JOHN READ 3c SONS, Hun tingilon. ape 21, '7G-aug 25, '7o.] „.( 1 1 13 i-01- 0 k) 1 - 1 - ,lplTTii - q - 0.1;r;„;) p 170 . , ; ;Ai .: • • _ ,• ; ~~, ~~i -i i I hi:, 1,~~ 1 7 / 7 .2 rrJ s!al,lit}7 thew :1;2-,;11 t 1;:,- , , ,~i P. , ot I.; v.!' Hiwk th,l 7; ; • ..~ I I!, it , •H the !,,t, they to fdlow the path of ero ,kedoes'i, with natural eioisequertet.s of fa l:: , ;00 , 1, a: l d blindness that I k!- ttlt(t. We are astonished to hear a IBA' talk or shoddy trash who advertises ore 61 . the necesities of lifo, namely odic.), one of the commonest trashes (to use his refin• ed expression) the universe can boast of. It has been remarked to us that a man who offers the best Madder prints,an arti• die which would be easily mistaken for a poor imiLition of col, web, must bo either a ktane, or a foul , or bolll. Ho either imagines he e4t, fool with l!I 4)*li,d .%11f, 11, SOFT WOODS and bland smilcs, or thiuks they are a:o able to tell the difference, which would bring hint under the humbugs. Ravin ! , probably been living in the city for a short time and listening to the harrangue of street peddlers, now tries to imitate their style and tricks on an enlightened public, by advertising- an artie!e, which he either never kept,- or never intends to sell at the advertised price. As they have posted in the city "BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS :" we are to post up in front of such people's houses, BEWARE OF HUMBUGS ! and would do a lasting favor to all our fel low citizens. As a wolf in disguise is dig ficult to detect, except by a practiced eye, but when in his true hide everybody will be forewarned and therefore forearmed. LISTEN ! LISTEN ! ye people, to reason and common sense ; trust to your own judgment, SAVE YOUR MONEY by buying any goods you may need of B. OPENIIEDIER & SONS, Mo. 422 , Penn St., Huntingdon, Pa. All goods sold from 25 to 50 per cent. cheaper than at any other store in the dis• trict. Our stock consists of a large assort ment of FRANK LESLIE•'S PAPER PATTERNS, OUR STAN.L'ARD RULES All goods warranted as represented. Money refunded on return-of good!, Oue Price B. OPEN REIMER SONS, Sept. 29] HUNT! NU DON, PA FALL WINT it GOODS. FOREIGN ..:\ ND DOMESTIC NOTIONS. MILLINERY GOODS, LADIES' MISSES' AND CHIL- BO AL SATTEENS, 3101IAIRS, ALPACCAS. POPLIN LUSTERS PLAIDS, BLACK CASHMERES, FELT SKIRTS, WHITE AND RED FLANNELS, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, TICK ING, CORSETS, BLACK BEAVER CLOTHS, )OO yards eheapest gootls for the mon ever brought to this place. 1000 yards Percals, d,ork colors, 10 cents per yard. 2000 yards Pound C.ciwoo prints 4 ets per yard. 100 Quilted Cumforts very cheap, 30 cents per pound. 1000 pairs Men's and Boy's Suspenders IS and 25 cents per pair. 1000 yards Madder prints at old prices. 200 Shawls assorted, low prices. SOO yarls-Canton Flannel good quality, at low prices. LARGE LINES MEN'S A: 1) BOYS' WEAR AND NOTIONS. Coats and Clarke's 0. N. T. Cutton 5 cents per spool. LADIES', MISSES', AND CHIL DREN'S SHOES, first class work, a small advance above Shodly trash prices. MRS. MARY E. LEWIS' FIRST OPENING OF MILLINERY AND MILLINERY HATS, EON NETS, FLOWERS, RIB- BONS, AND FEATHERS Hats and Bonnets made and trimed to c,rder, if you want to save money go to Lewis'. We have the largest and best stock to select from in the county. 15'e have an agent in Philadelphia always on the lookout for bargains, enabling us to offer to eonsuine-s. All the novelties of the ,eitson Look for our name on Marble Slab T. J. LEWIS, 620 Penn Street, Huntingdon, Pa, Huntingdon, Oot. 6,1876, to Jan. 1,'77. Ariv(l•tic;l:ents W ; i • , ; . : tr . , .:~ i.v •!:; : (-- • I i DRY & FANCY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, flgents for Ilespect fully, &( T. J. LEWIS. iletail I►uule in DAY GOODS StIOES Good valuo for your nac.ney. GOODS GREAT INDUCEMENTB in paVement • z X 1 77, V j flO , „ti (16 0110 .kJ . 1--)Alh,' LO H ORGANS z.,:yodetimx=.o-1 . . • ; • Z• • • - - `7." • I '.:1 4 C. -• . • • • r:: - 1 , i;. I .NOODS P CO., Carnbriclrtnnort, Mass. "1 • : • 1 - ......MPL0 , - 1 :".0,!‘,,; f lq Ch:razr; • ccntai•., ft-(.711 Ad::ptc :~I;- . ................. . \-\\\ X • --- ..------- ----- • . c i . n ~, -.......... \\ \ \ 4 , . - . , q t% , -' ,. ''-,i i r • ..- .. :-*- - . N. 7 - - -- , - .3 ,". • - -..... r .rte.. , - .. , - -- 7 _:.: --‘, -- i•• -'. ------;,---2.--_----;"`"..,-;,,,,/ '• . . -....,-- 7 , N.- p' ...,, ..., ~.. -, •d' ~ , , .., .. . 'C',::Pr--------u(s) \ .-,;'.,.:),'..‘•\ A-:—. l•-•• • • - :_-. ,_.;.„. ) \, t I . . ...C)Li CI ' i s j ...t An :nFI ^c , • , l !nen I )‘i„l, l1 -j) RO.\ D _IN D C; 1•I U1..A.DE1.1)1 lA. to :1,1, STI;I:ET p. 15 :N. - e • -.4 f ‘ xrl2 ‘.2 i I-I _IEI ..22.A 1•3 '•,_l A 41. 1.; , -1 1, NO 1 Tlf ig - iii-tv EST CI)I . :NEIZ, NEW ITi;LIC BUILD1\7(;•-• • vi,iting the Cent, nniiil Situate in the very centre of the City, itatueliate!y coti:t4, Oircr.; superi,r attra Ainueetnent HANDSOME SIMMER GARDEN FO! T 111; CSE OF G Three Lines of Street Cars running direct to and from the I: ;;r " , . Rooms all new, handsomely furri=hei and well kept. THE CoOLEST PLACE IN THE First-elass accomn:odations at popular prices. TERMS ,2;,.0 PER D_l Special rates to :10 or more visiting the City in company. Rooms secured in advance by application through mail or 0;1...rwi,, To reach Itappleye's hotel, take Coaches of Centennial Tram =(r e i. It. Depot direct to the Hotel; or, passengers arrivinz 1 Nor.t. c•tr , ar..l get e::ch:mge tickets out Market St. V M. Bixby & Coi, 173 & 175 Washington St. N.Y. For sale by DR. J. C. FLEMING S; CO. October 6, 1870-yr 'Ol . ,-..,.. .... , :i, ,7,f' ~j.W k, ! i :2 ,- ~, ~~; a 47. 7 T;.f.:,..1;71. Fur Eaie by PIL .i. C. 1 . 1.1:31ING & CO. Octotrer 6 , IS76—yr Furniture and Carpets SOMET IN6 NEW TWO LAM:E STORES 2.11.:10; ED INT,, EXP: and gre:•er convenk nee FC:ured JAMES A. BR° li*X pkasure in atina , uniir:g to all nbo want L buy CARPETS & FURNITURE That ;laving I:ccywo proprivtor fth • Fur niture store formerly owned by “Ilrown W Tv burst," he has combined with it his :arge Carpet Store and THE LADIES will be ',defined now to find the CAP.PETS, a• well as samples of FUlt I Fit Eon the first floor without climbing stairs. My stock comprises great variety of Kitchen, Chamber and Parlor ONE '1';;t)17; AN \j . k A N1 ) ,.: 4 ,r,1 ) Furniture, Slattresses, Picture Frames, Bracket,. .IPINTII!. Y. and the largest 'tack of CARPETS in Ceoti,l Pennsylvania.. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades, 17:11; P.lper, Carpet Chain, all color,: needles for Howe and other machines. E,:eylOlTE THAT Organs: also Howe sewing machines at cost. .' I manufacture part of my goods in both the 11 ANN - 4)THI.:!: Carpet and Furniture Department, and please NOTICE THIS FACT, That as I BUY LOW FOR CASH, and having made this new arrangement, reducing expenses, I can sell at such low prices ar , will make it the in terest ofbuyers to call at _ _ No. - 525 1 Penn Street. ~ er Until Mardi ;oft, T offer AT rosT, for l'l.\ No). '-A r r I,N T .‘ I:I( ): ( melt. Wall I'vter end g-eat variety of Carpete. \ Feb. 10. J Ni ES A. BROWN. 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 '25 25 SPLENDID •,- ...) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25223atVarialli LE ) aaapas•a- 25 LiceDl7s] 25 25 25 25 25 23 , 25 As Low as 25cts. a Box,_ 2 5 25 25 2 251 - 11 - P.OBLEY 3lerchant Tailor, No. 25 AT THE JOURNAL STORE. 251 • 813 Mifflin street, West lisstingtiles, 1 Ps., respectfully solicits a share of pclstic o at_ 2525 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25fronageI som town ant country. ;•)etl 8,72. :~ .. - t- • • 4:4 - r .,„- • • • • - • . _ ..••• _ - ' 4 "- . • _ • • - 12(1U fr, n Prootir,l ' ,;!:•• Br, ( kg...ation L'I . X WI; ECT TO Till: (Jr. 5 i to ztr Miscellaneous Tllo BluP REAL DIGO soluble by 'atent Process. ;ked in Pateut ready-mado az.l :be only !rue Bina" Fur tto Laundry. 'RY IT. • • .• ! •u e.~rrrcr l:rc Stationery GEii. VitY2DS & co., ~ 1 . Z. 2 ; d ~ 2 . :I. I.1;', I'. a'iH ! • U • ' -' . _ :y A ti+'7 ,~_, . .J •.. v_ ,~-,, , r 1 ,~I , L PLASTE7!NG LATH, SHINGLES, COMMON AND FANCY PICKETS, FIZAIE ST 1:1:1: :m it kivoi:: rat !.1:1'‘I1EIZ h being liirqi:l2; intert4tel in tb.• in , er-s , in Cie:trill:hi, an-1 Centre ewiritio , . k.• 11) t.t;y t, I : -•:• WHITE PINE, well +eas l par .lor will rc. I ant,' 1111 U.IQ.ANTEED t.. relvter Office for tho pre,eat at ilenry .k - E. 1112,..,. .! • hunt;,: 1.41, Pa., Sept. I. I , ii _MON !NO FORTE Estei3 Organs. .4,4;-• "',.'.;,,, ' t 414219 ‘ ° AC 11.1k4 !' - . -;:i 1L,,-.w 11 I : • , 1 =- i_ THE TILE SWEKTE: 4 T _%: 4 WEL!. _l-: TIT ('Si' I'OlV EIiFTI. )llc, .1N IN THE 11 Alt N ' I ", Cto 111 D)ri: E. M. BRUCE &. CO., N. 1:108 Chestnut St.. P1111,111)ELY111A. ._ „ y ~~ -s :72 2 - . -5 _-- .- ;-; i . -F. = ; . _~ -~~ ~-: :r :-_i N /' ~ i, . ,E ibil4 :4' rlieSS rHiI I T T J i Ail, T' s ,ri,f~•w.) tip :1,31 :' A"' • . 1.• :•-•- TIZ -Pr. i.. .n he rnt,ri .!•• • it ast STUDENTS CAN ENTER A? lir 71.4. F F •r .:1 n 4 • . • . YALE 3USINE33 COU.EGE, S. S. SMITH SON, llpilaists a - d ADoiliguigs, 1 1 ;11; PE.V.V s fi: E ET. T r.7c; r" .a~rr Drugs, Medicines. cnt...ific. Tul t iaiELE'T; r Paints. Oils.Varnish.Car bon 0,.1 &c. ; t ' 4 r . 'l4°l° P -- krt - , , . IT Dt f • • E • • • .__;11 Foi ilMackiy. •• i•• ,ti CUE C:Fr: Fine Atat gbegAnt A 1 E; die ,ev I , r, - ; , -# 0, ..f ria.lor. rzrz.rnrstyAt *nos csimErsar :rose 64 TO 111* NW - 10 U. .)1714171L t• • •• in 1 1... !•• rrr. non:ir ! 1 YOUNG ME N . - .: ~- - - t 1)r;i, !' It~1.• ~ • . ~ . ~: 1• •. • 1 '-• . . t v.;r7.lTi!' • • - l ,~.i~ ? , hop.:rat • var. fni• r Kr f .; . _1 D. .T.Ei I. N K -X _ - ~ - 7 •r ' • •t is 'iv ►+io. • • if warriors - . r Anr •r - • IKE 1111,DEBRINIIN - r - 7 -- I •-4 7•-•: - ••- l r•- 77 ...s, - :. •TF.I) No. 330, Railroad St., HUNTIN , ;Di )N. BRANDY, 1 1 1-1 ISKEY. WINE, GO, st tam E.F.% BROWN NOTOUT 1)1 - 1;LIN PoRTEI: " . CENTURY WHtSKIES, • _; . ~_ 'T~ ~, 4 ,i .- - - Fine Oki Southern A PPLE JACK. r - 'rrt vrgy Lim a REIM Miss anal, Conk !t - PM . f. tSC.T rionrK • c . • 6 i -; 7 4.11:. ' 1 , 174•1 - (ones 4 Or. Mr 4 imaserliaa gp , ;•4l". lit. 74:n ---+-s os + -r I. t• <-- i&ND ~_ sib • •••• • 1.. .f,vpsisse.. 416.•• •4111 *