The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, November 03, 1876, Image 1
VOL. 40 Lt , Huntingdon Journal. J. it. DUIZIIOIIROW, I'LIILIAILEUS AND PIiONLIETOP.S. Oilice is new .1 , ,t - w; AL Building, Fifth Street. 11UNTI ; Jot:VAAL ev•ry Friday fy .1. if. it! cowl:writ' and J. A. NAM', Mid, OW 0111 .1. It. Duithoghow A Co., at t 2,41 twr ilrlrelrll IN AI,VAN , !E. fAi it Wit paid for in six month. ft , mi (late of hiL,eripiion, and t 3 if hot paid williit. the . . .tiv paper 411,•111t :7111,1, ULI tem at the option of the pub limber, eta!l arr,irag.,4 are pad. I.:tper, howev , -r, will 110 Sent out of the State tiniest; ato.dut.•:y rail Tratedent aiiverti , enient4 Will Le irisertcrl at Twe.LVE AND A-11ALP cr.N7i per line for the first SEVP.N AND 1-IItLY CE,, for the rtvE (I.NT» per line fir :ill Nithrivgit.•:it ltegiiiar quarterly awl yearly hiwiriesit ailverti.einentl will I.a inAerttql followiug rate,: I ! l yr 9isi Iyr I to' 4 5 50' M Ii. 1,1,1! 9 rOllB 00:527 FiT.lO 2 " 0 S 1•2 lOU ;;I, ti IS (N)::10 0(); 00 ' 65 3.6;7 On 10 It 'I, !; 31 01! 65, 50 4 " S 0.04 0., 1 , ; .001 col,:;o; 00:64 00' 80! 11.0 iu 6rn All lit,oloti , o, of Ag,oviatioilA, Ointlioiyijeations of limin•d or irolivi ival ioter ,, t, all party antionia , nwiltri, and notices of MarriageA I.xceeding five will he charged TEN rears per line. Legal and other notices will In, charged to the party having thou insetted. Advertising Agents must find their cominissionTontside of these figures. All adr,rtiFipg fr,raunts are dae and collectable When Mr tvdrer?i. vaunt ig once intterl44. JOB PRINT Ni: of prci-y kind. Plain and Fancy Colors, done with nertto-ss and di-{itch. 'land-bills, Blanks, Cards, Pamphitts, ar., of every variety and style, printed at the shorteit notice. and everything in tht Printing hue will be executed in the most ertixtic manner and at the lowest miss. Professional Cards. T 1 C.iLDWELL, Attorney-at-Law, No. lil, 3rd street. I/. Office formerly occupied by Messrs. Woods & [ap12,71 11It. A. B. BRU3IBAUGII, offers his professional services / to the conanninty. Office, No. 523 Washington street, one door east of the Catholic Parsonage. [jan4,'7l E.C. STOCKTON, Surgeon Dentist. Office in Leister'e building, in the room furtuerly occupied ley Dr. E. J. Gre , ae, Ilullingdou, Pa. G E'. B. ORLADY, Attorney-at-Law, 405 Penn Street, Huntingdon, pa. [n0v17,75 (I L. ROBB, Lo,ntist, office in S. T. Brown's new building, . 520, l'enn Street, Iluntingdoa, Pa. fap12.71 HW. BUCHANAN, Surgeon Dentist, No. 228, Penn . Street, Huntingdon, Pa. [inehl7,'7s HC. MADDEN, Attorney-at-Law. Office, No.—, Penn . Street, Liuntinktlon, Pa. [apl9,'7l r FRANK r.Dr s CROCK, Attorney-at-Law, Hunting t/ . don, Pa. Prompt attention given to all legal bust nem. Office, '229 Penn Street, corner of Court Howse Square. [dec.l,l2 T SYLVANUS BL4IL, Attorney-at-Law, Huntingdon, 0. Pa. °lnce, Penn Street, three doers west of Street. [jan4,'7l J.WA.7eA„tn,llEußnNtino•Adtotrrea.y -as,ttire-r,?nodaiGmesn.e,graliC,,tlatilmie Government for back-pay, bounty, widows' and invalid pewions attended to with great care and pmmptuess. Of fice ou Penn Street. T R. DUR'BORROW, Attorney-at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., ft) . will practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon county. Particular attention given to the settlement of estates of decedents. Office in the JOURNAL building. LS. GEISSINGER. Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, . Huntingdon, Pa. Office, No. 230 Penn Street, oppo site Court House. [febs,'7l DA. ORIIISON, Attorney-at-Law. Patents Obtained. It. 01Ike, 321 Penn Street, Huntingdon, Pa. [my3l,'7l. SE. FLEMUSIG, Attorney-at-Law, Huntingdon, Pa., . office in Menttor building., Penn Street. Prompt and careful attention given to all legal bneineo. [augs;74-limos • ITTILLIA3I A. FLEMING, Attorney-at-Law, Hunting don,)" Pa. Special attention given to collections, and all other legal business attended to with care and promptness. Office, No. 229, Penn Street. Eapl9,'7l Miscellaneous. MARK THESE FACTS! The Testimony of the Whole World.. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT BAD LEGS, BID BREASTS, SORES AND ULCERS. Ail descriptions of sores are remediable by the proper and diligent use of this inestimable preparation. To at tempt to cure bad legs by plastering the edges of the wound together is a folly ; for should the skin unite. abog gy dis..ased condition remains underneath to break out with tenfold fury in a few days. The only rational and successful treatment, as indicated by nature, is to reduce the inflammation in and about the wound and to soothe the neighboring parts by rubbing in plenty of the Oint ment as salt is forced into meat. This will cause the malignant humors to be drained off from the hard, swol len and discolored parts round about the wound, sore, or ulcer, and when these humors are removed, the wounds themselves will seen heal ; warm bread and water poul t ices applied over the affected parts, after the Ointment has been well bibbed in, will soothe and soften the sense, and greatly assist the cure. There is a description of ulcer, sore and swelltng, which need not be named here, attendant upon the follies of youth, and for which this Ointment is urgently recommended as a sovereign; reme dy. In curingsuch poisonous sort. it never fitils to restore the system to a healthy state if the Pills be taken accord ing to the printed instructions. DIPTIIERIA, ULCERATED SORE THROAT, AND SCARLET AND OTHER FEVERS. Any of the above diseases may be cured by well ruh: bing the Ointment three times& day into the chest, throat, and neck of the patient, it will soon penetrate, and give immediate relief. Medicine taken by the month must operate upon the whole system ere its Pitluence can be felt in any local part, whereas the Ointment will do its work at once. Whoever tries the unguent in the above manner for the diseases named, or any similar disorders affecting the chest and throat, will find themselves re lieved as by a charm. All sufferers from these complaints should envelop the throat at bedtime in a large bread and wale poultice, alter the Ointment has been well rubbed in ; it will , r oatly assist the cure of the throat and chest. To allay the ' haver and lessen the inflammation , eight or ten Pills should be taken night and morning. The oint ment will produce perspiration, the grand essential in all eases of fevers, sore throat, or where there might be an oppression of the chest, either from asthma or other causes. FISTULAS, STRICTURES. The above class of complaints will be removed by night ly fermenting the parts with warm water, and then by most effectually rubbing in the Ointment. Personssuffer tug front these direful complaints should lose not a mo ment in arresting their progress. Itshould be understood that it is not su^i,ient merely to smear the Ointment on the affected parts, but it must be well rubbed in fora con aideraide time two or three times a day, that it may he taken into the system, whence it will remove any hidden sore or wound as effectually as though palpable to the eye. There again bread and water poultices, after the rubbing in of the Ointment, will do greateervice. This is the only sure treatment for females, castes of cancer in the stomach, or where there may be a general bearing down. INDNCRETIONS O 1 YOCTIIi-SORES AND ULCERS Blotches, as also swellings, can, with certainty, b radi cally cue.' if the Ointment be u.sed freely, anti the Pills taken night and inurning, as recommended in the printed inetrnetions. When tented in any other way they only dry up in one place to t,reak ant in another; whereae Chit Ointment will remove the humor front the eystem. and leave the patient A ♦igorone and healthy being It will require time with the use of the Pills to insure a Listing cure. bnopmcAL SWELLING', PARALYSIS, AND STIFF J.ANTS. Although the ;simian rotnplaintis differ widely in their on and own,, y. th•lidl require local treatment.— iiany of Ow wor-t of, of Ruch i1i0e4.4-A, will yield in a Cl.llllgtratiVell, ' , pace nr time when thin Ointment 14 diligently rn14,•••! into die parse aff , o7od, ,en left, every ryther 01.0.1)4 has , • ftilwl. in all nerionn the Pill. talon ar-ording to the printed direction~ lnedi box. Both the Ointment and Pitts eltmild be used in the follow:- lay caßez : Ilatl leg 4, ,Cancers, ;Sore Nipple*, 1341 11r2a414, , C ,, itracted . Stiff Sore throats, Nam+, ' Joints, ;Skin 1/Atria', /Mono's, :ElpplusnaTtiA, !ItC.lrvy, jtitp ~f lolopcbetwp Vintages, irporp 11ea44, and eandflieg, ;theft, ting.,,Tutoors, Coco hay, ',wands:liar bwell-, Titers, Ching., foot, , Imusistgo, iWonn,b), Chilblains, ! l'ilp4, I Yaw, ripappwl fiandA, ; kliennuithan, 1 o,rais (Soft/ l'ealslos, CAUTION :—None are genuine nnkfn the pignattlr. of */ •ifA V , OCi , 1.4 Ow the United iitatyp, 10113,111P1A Call , 1 .3( of PElii %1114 Ointment, A Istrolwaite reward wi'd hp given to any Win rendering smelt information as may level to the detection of any party or partite row,- trrleiting the m.l : , :inset or vewling tise Faus., knowing tin :n to be 'purl no. * . 4 add at the Manutsrtory of l'rofPpeor llottowAY .t Co., New York, and I.y all reventable pro7gi4n4 and bat er. I:, 31edicine throughout asp civilly /p 1 world, in pate at V.:, tents, 62 cents, and It mulls. Kt ?titre is conpideral,ltt saving by taking the largPr 16i7,41, N. I:.—Dit..lf , rfo4 for the gnidArice of TratiPrit4 113 ~ v ery , 1;..,t•1er , Wh 104. -1 y WEDDINi; CARDS! WEDDING CARN : j rteeised the !Argon as,ortzterit of iaßfrt. etyleA %YELLING ENVELOPES, ani WEI/DINO PAPERS, ever brought to Huntingdon. We have also bought new fontes of type, fur printing cards, and we defy competition in this line. Parties wanting Cards put up will save money by giving as a call. At least fifty percent cheaper than Philadelphia or New York. DURBORROW CO. . . Election Proclamation :(,L S.\VL THE „: v„-Lereaf, . J. A. NASH, hiy I,f the 1 Aet t. rr,111:0 , tho li. n. :A 1.. :. , , tnon,,alth," it 14 111.1 , ill , ' (NI) ;;.• t! . .t •,1 ;/ county to giv , c,l 1, 1# :ITO the tin, .1,1 , If I : • it'', in (1. , distri , ta, and tl:t. JI LL, 1.; et iltureof : !Sow then tire, I, Tti , alAs K. lIENDLESON, 1101.1v.i"- Ilitittingil.dt c,uut ,do 1.••:eh) k I . ' that the General Electiou Will Igih. , hl ;o1 and ;; ~:try On Tuesday, November 7th, VilG, fir,r M0,,,!•,y o f N,._ seen ~„d clirrdrit IL 4, ' 5 . ! p, :It ti, , I?, fiiiintln! , ltrUut,iy''.•i!it' , t• i.y I ; I !. . . . . , t :1,w,-. all]: , 01 . I! 0.1 , f•:i.•..•.r::.u..i1.•~ trio:p.•,.., •i• t,f - t• , ‘• th , !•ftL:•r• II:10- i l igd o n, 3,tbiata titirly-thint .1 di - it i,t, C,111 , ,ed 01 the o. , llltie, .111 , 1111.:1;.:1 , 11 :1:;.1 k in 014. Seimte of tlu: Cum:uunv:calt6 ol' • TWo per-H a s to rept ownt him the General C• t to fill tia• f thf. et,mity ,tt Until Otic perd. to fill if, 1.1 ~f the comity of ltuutiu~ri~,u. 01le per,ii to fill tke ullicr i.f ' .1lir: comity t,flitirttibpolon. one persurt to liil the (ANC, of Curouir of the C` ty Iluutiii dun. The Ei'etion Pulls iii all tire wantg, and districts of the county 611:111 01...:1,1 at 7 e. xt. and cl,,,ed at 7 tr'Clutli. P. M. 1.. I,ut,aaticv of sid ta.t, I al, ierctytaakokuvwn and rt give nutice. that the plucesot holding •tfore •aid getwrztl eiectiou in the several election district.; comity of Iluutingclon, at t.,4 to Wit : Ist district, ottuiteset.l of the lewtt,,ltiit of 11,.1(.1,11., at the Uniott School 24 district, coniposed of Dublin township, at Pl-asant School House, near Joseph ,Nelson's in said b.wnship. Ltd district, composed of so ~inch of WarrioNnucli town ship, as is not included in the 19th district, at the school house adjoining the town of NVarriorsmark. 4th district composed of the township of llops-well, at the house of Levi lloupt. 9th district, etnpos,d of the townsbip of Barren, at the house of James Livingston, in the town of Saulsburg, in said township. btli district composed of the borough of Shirloysimtg*, and all that part of the township of tsitirley not included within the limits of District N 0.14, as hereinafter men tionwi awl described, at the house of David linker, dee'd, in Shirleyshurg. Tilt district, composed of Porter and part of Walker township, and so much of West township as is included in the following boundaries, to wit : Boginning at the south west corner of Tobias Can finati's Farm on the bank of tho Little Juniata river, to the l o wer end of Jaekson's nar rows, thence in a northwesteidy direction to the most southernly part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north -to degrees west to the top 01 Tussey's moun tain td intersect the line of Franklin towtethip, thence along the mid line to the Little Juniata river, then, down the same to place of beginning. at the toddle school house opposite the liertuan Reformed Church, iu the bor ough of Alexandria. hth district, composed of the township of Frdnlilin, at the public School Houso,.in the village of in said township. 9th district, coml.:led of Tell tusvuship, at Union elmoi home., near the hid!, In 'all tiep. sJth district, composed of Springli,l•l township, at the school house, near thigh Madden's, in said township. 11th district, composed of Union township, at the Railroad netted house, in said township. 11th district, composed of Bratty township, at the Centre school house, in mid township. 11th district, composed of Morris township, at public school 11,,usc No. 2, in said township. 14th district composed of that part of West to nship not included in 7th and 29th districts, at the puld set., d house on the tarn' now owned by Miles Levis O'.,inierly owned by James Eunis,) in said ,township. 19th district, composed of Walker township, at the house of Benjamin Magahy, in McConnelstown. Ithli district, composed of the township of Ted, at the Greco school house, in said township. 17th disttict, composed of Oneida township, at Centre Union School House. [apllB, '76. ldtlt district, composed of Cfuniwifil towwhip, at the Rock Rill School Hume, 19th district, composed of the borough of Birmingham with the several tracts of land near to and attached to the same, now owned and occupied by Thomas 51. Owens, John K. McCahaii, Andrew Robeson, John Gensimer and Gensimer, and the tract of land now owned by George and John Shoenberger, known as the Porter tract, situate in the township of Warriorsmark, at the public school house in said borough. 90th district, composed of the township of Cass, at the public school house in Casioille, in sail township. 21st district, composed of the township ofJacks..n at the public house of Edward Littles, at 31cAleavy's fort, in said township. 22d district, composed of the township of Clay, at the public school house in Scottsville. 151 district, composed of the township of Penn; at the public school house in Grafton, in said township. 21th district, composed and created as follows, to wit : That all that part of Shirley township, Huntingdon coun ty, lying and bent. , Within the following described boun daries, (except the borough of Mount Union,) Namely:— Beginning at the intersection of Union and Shirley town ship lines with the Juniata river, on rho south side there of; thence along said Union township line fir the distance of three miles from said river; thence eastwardly, by a straight line, to the point where the main road front Eby's mill to Germany valley, crosses the summit of Sandy ridge; thence northwardly along the sumntit, of Sandy the river Juniata, and thence up said river to the place of beginning, shall hereafter form a separate election district; that the qualified voters of said election district shall hereafter hob; ;heir general and township elections in the public school house in Mount Union, in said district. 23th district, comp Deed of nli th.o territory lying, north eastward et a line heginniug ;it river:uni run ning thence in a direct line along tile centre nf 4th Street in the borough of Huntingdon, to the tine ship, c•m,titntiug the First Ward of said bor.aigh, at the south east window of the Court 111.0.15 F. .28th district, composed of all that territory lying west of the First Ward and east of the centre of 7th street composing the second Ward at the Engine House in the borough aforesaid. 27th district, composed of all that territory lying north and west id*the Second Ward and s.onh of a hue begin ning at the 'Juniata river, ;mil running thence eastward in a direct line along the centre of street to the in., of Oneida township constituting the Third Ward. and also those of Walker and Porter townships .and attached to the east ward, at the office of James Simpson, No. 831 Washington street, in said borough. _Bth district, composed of all that territory north of the third ward of said borough, constituting the Fourth Ward, at the public School House near Cherry Alley, in said borough. 25th district, composed of the borough of Petersburg and that part of West township, west and north of a line between 'blenders. and West townships, at or near the Warm Springs, to the Franklin township line on the top of Tuasey's mountain, so as to include in the new district the houses of David Waldsmith, Jacob Isinganecker, Thos. Hamer, James Porter, and John Wail, at the school house in the borough of Petersburg. 30th district, composed of Juniata township at Hawn's school house, in said township. 31st district, composed of Carlsui township, recent7y erected out ofa part of the territory of Tod township to wit: commencing at a chestunt oak, on the summit of Terrace mountain, at the Hopewell township line opposite the dividing ridge, in the Little Talley ' • thence south fitty two degrees, east three hundred and sixty perches to a stone heap on the Western Summit of Broad Top main tain; thence north sixty seven degrees, east three MlD drel and twelve perches, to a yellow pine; thence south fifty-two degrees, east seven hundred and seventy-two perches to a Chestnut Oak; thence south fourteen degrees, east three hundred and fifty one perches, to a Chestnut at the east end of Henry S Green's land; thence south thirty one and a half degrees, east two hundred and ninety-four perches to a Chestnut Oak on the summit of a spur of Broad Top, on the western side of John Terrel's farm south, sixty-five degrees, east nine hundred and thirty four perches, to a obone heap on the Clay township !ine, at the Public School House, in the village of Di 1 .11 ,1- 32d district, omapased of the borough of at the public SCII.I houseinsaid . . . 33;1 district, composed of Lincoln too _iuninZ at a OW! on the summit of Tust , 3 , nnalota , lt on th , flue between Blair and Huntingdon counties, thence ily the division line south, fifty-eight degrees e:L.Ft S,f•Tl and ninety-eight p,rehei to a black oak in middle of township; thence forty-two and one half Ili'gree N eflAI eight hundred and two p. , rchei to a pine on funtioit of Terrace ; thence by lie," or rorner of Penn township; thence hy the, tines of Peon to the .zettlit of Tttssey mountain; there , . said summit with line of Blair county to jibe of begin nine at Coffee Run School . . flbitrict, compoi.ed of the I orongkof Map: ett.ul,lt the public school boon In ail borottzh. ::4th fib.trict, compot.e.l at thy borongli of Mount Cu ion, W. the public wfiool house hu said borough.. compoAed of the 1, , ,r00gh of it t,34.1 To;, City, at the ['aline how , 111 5..;,1 87th di-trio[. compo4,l of the I,ornwth of 1151,e Siir in at the piblic in c0mp0,4,1 of the tr0r0tt , ..,.., of iii.,;.• at 1 . :1.• .1 ifi • ;;;;;•.,, ;. ti;.• f at th ; t : . pu! Gs •, bfp isoplpw in 6,1 , 01g11. 11,3 of Art. h, 4.1 the Con 'err fr.( 13. ,tio penoa rhail b‘• ty•l!fir• ! :• , an olnrt!ort offb . .r who shall hubl or skill viitlllt, tw.l wontl, have 1iz,!,1 an I,Cice, tirrpointmeat ~r emplr , yrtalit ill or 11 , 34,i KOWCrllttle!,it 4.1 th, t'n;t., I•, , thl4 ;. , ,g,,r.• or „„y 'Pr or 1,111111 1, 111141 07 11'774 a7,y • only tu-tk, or tb,. ond 11,1ar, pol4ic 1.11 . ; „NA{ any ..10::;oa b.• e:igibb• to at.y o:fir, to I,n ti!!...1 at an 41.,ti0n at 1411101 IP, 411411 4, ”:14., M . , 4.1 y ji4 xurh potbordini:•• tnntliripal or 1,7%1 off', rite or r:oaty.y 41ml! , I,ig:sato4l by ger,,ral law. Joe a , t r.f A4lPnitrly emit! •1 "eo art t , •7:itio:: .1 ,,, ti0nl ••f t!,i• 10;0.44.0001 LO, prqvide. HA PAWN 4, ViA ••Vicit Inorcv,r, and J•ldt:•M 1118.11 ru•-•tat tiloo appoint..l f,r ht iii.trict at at Web tloi ri•-p,•l;voy!.l , ,tne; 7 in th.• tuomitig ~r 11,” !tit Tis.-vlay rain , r ,hall :1;:1444iti id), 4 krk, voi. ,, r of ku.•t) ili,trict. In ease the per-" , n win...hall have i - ,•1 the secur.l higliestHearer di rubes for itespectur s!ciil Hut attend un the day of the eleettan, then the lier-on vb. shall have received the se,itid highest wisher of %Mk, Judy at the next preceding election shall act as inspector iu his Al e d in ca, the person who rba it have reeeive.l the it Ifliest ufvutel I',r inspeeturslisill Hut atter; 1, the elected „bop, an inspect .r in hi, Ow, in va, the persun Wig , , 1,31 tr•i attend, den the inspector who rec,ised the highest nun,- ier of votes si.all appoint a Judge in hi , filaee; and if any continue in the !Hard for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the epening of the decti:da, the qualified voters of the township, ward 'or di— trict for which such officer shall have been eleetol,prec.ent at such election shall elect one of their mother till the vacancy. It shall he the duty of the beveral as4essurs di-- triet to attend at the place of holding every general, special or nrwtiship decline, during the whole time nail election In kept open, for the purrs,. of giving information te, the inspectors and jodges, when ealled on, in relation to the right of any person assessed Ly them to vote at finch election, or 016 other matters in relation to the Itohiere , . Merit of voters as the said inspectors or 'other of them shall from time to time require. SPECIAL ATTENTION is hereby directed ,to the etli Article of the New Constitution. g/LCTION 1. Every male citizen twenty—one yearn of age, pee/lowing the following ijaalifieatious, shall be entitle& to vote at all elections. h .' .. L 1 ~ . 11.'1 _at-IL" ; ‘: _.*... r1 ,- ' ;:u‘ 11, , 1. , 14,14 . :I) Proclio:latiwi • -1,1; • ; • a I.aal I i••'i lot ,131jyr• • - 5!.7,11• , f a,14 'll,it I- i! ' ‘; • I t'l.• A' I.; I , lit .1i : ; I • : . t.‘ /;.111, /..• /I : , , ;.;:, 6::11 190 , 1 ill , l 3. I; ;I' I. 1' , r '1111 : :t'a 1J341:111 1::,• • ', • 1,.••‘1.1 1,4:. A th.• .0131.11 • :.'.••• • : iliq 411 :.! AI:, at; . tit • - t i .irrt-! ttt to. it , t: tt, :iitt: :tt 1.11 t•ittti .ititt ittty i t: i:ttli • it.' . t• ttl • .f , •1 if S I , • , 1 , 1 , TH.• .. tflit 4 tit iiPt filtiltrat . t. n'l hr-1.• 1/7:11. 11.111 171/0177.117, 1..11,11 1;..r. a.] 1,0 1..• 1,31 1 ,1 I•os:i.o. SiCtioti 1::. • I:Airo.l A t , , , ;do•fic Iy 1 , ,, , 7s • 1 hie, I.y 17 71 1 / 1 1',1, rurvire. of t 1,., r • i 1 ,, LA , "I the ~Atorr. tat , 00 . Voo hi:„1 bil4ll 'lli, •.• r k,•;,1 io ..oy ,o• 2 7 1, 14 , or 1 1 11 11 , a , yl,llllllt. illl . l o:1 , 7 1 ,:.11• 1, .1. _t!i by Ow dtiZotiS Fball Iv, by tut. I.;,!bit ~,,tuborul in the ',pier in it I.e innoor record-,l hy the ob,•ilon on the V,}ter 4 , op!. sit the :2 tit, of tiii. wtii, -a•nt..l Ittu I..ellut. Any icier airy . .t , • tii het or rniow, ihu ouno, 140 lea v.rilten -hureini by .I[l,l or ity, ofbr., Am!! lie 'Mi.., , A ! di:- 11(1, - any t.b...,tar leave r..toil to itLeals‘, in a judioial pri:ceeding'. r...1..,;rai.N 6. \V!itniever auy in * the t.f 1., in a ..•i-nu of ao!bu,ty of tbim arid, right 01 Stilin.A. in aril ~..vriion3 by :;111,al loos are or nitall In. In . folly to; if Wen; at tt,ir plare 7 Ai. 1,,v..-: I. i'u•• I,y di . eftizen.4 ibo .; 1., doci.o, be uuilurnt tbrouglionl •,. i.e 41e of t. his name nut regbtore.l. . . . A:ly 111!.. ~.. 1. ! •• it for office fe gtalty of bribery, viola:lull of any ( r leCti.ll J o. •411}tij l c I.tritV, from hold ing an office of trust or profit in this I.',oliononvvealtb, atel thy pct 011 violation of the eloctioa laws slinlf, to nay punaltn, I)loViti.,l by law, depriv,(l of the rivlit of saffrag. , ai3Olutely for a term of fone veal.;. And also 1 ,, arts of A.embly fureo itt thi4 Stmo. riz - - 6.,71.:Ki S. iqa•iiiiig of the polls at all ele. it <4,11 1 , .• .`oia, duty , if Oat judi., of t , ,caw of the it -!:;,;!!•.• 1.1 littv.• i t (.11,4,..ty ftty i,•..t,aory 11,14, th,ehl Segitit , l 1 , :.; law; :nil it ,hali 11, duty of tlio said inipectors to Et, 1.... iv,. and 111 , 1i1;,, :.:11: ,, I.Srl'unt`Lttai at r.a.i.t eI,,Z 9. .Lll rh.artoo, I,y'tita aitil.aa, Shall Iw by ; Nte,l shall be numbered in the %%hid: it .-1,11 I , r taariV,l, alai rite nunibor re,ortiol by the id,.rhs ett liAt.;if sot :s opp,ite the nails of the elector fr..l Wiwitt ri,eived. And :my voter voting two or taLra rid:A.l4, 111.. ArVar;tl tickets: SO 1 , 1,1,11a1l each Ile With tot., numb,' i.nrro,rotttatg with the w.t ber to tile hanio of ilie Auy elector ulay write hi, Iti.oo laa Or can-e the OlLar fo I•;• written theri3O, a elitznn t i tho .i; tote oat., n.,,w 1.; law to ia... •loi , •ie•tioo Wo,l 111.1e:o., iitiy . t.t.1. , 5, r, C,i11.1 . ,11 t. , di) ••' 111 a itl h,•i:lt ttiel over , of under thi: art, shall, belie en teritoir 1:1 , ..r affirmeti in the pr,eneo other. The shall 100 sworn by the if tin co !t a ll he sttoltininority tor, nu,' jn ea., , • no minority itn=port,or, thrn by a instate of the pe....tra or aidatlllaa. and the inslaador,, iiversi,r,, and clerks shall be SIVC.III I.y the C,rtilicate, of such swearitig or ....if lirtning.:,ll;lll be duly ntado out itinl signed by the elic era ao sworn, and attested by the ollicer who adult ailt , the, ;..ny jiah;rt Or minority inspector rv.fuses or tail, to swear the ollievr, the manner rt,lnirei I,y tliic or if any officer of election shall art Wl'ololl4 Leine fir , t duly sworn, or .if any oiticer of election shall shill the form of oath without !wing duly swore, or if any jialgt, or Elinority iiisiwctor shall (Trtiry Volt any ()Tror was sworn when lie tvas tint, it shall by deemed a turanor, and upon eon virtion, the or i trer of , te r" of tendinz!' be fined not exceoiing, one tharitiehailtirdiars, impri,nett not to eXt7,4 , tl on, year,,,v both, in thy (liS. Crotion of the voila. I also give ntiicial notice to the electors of Huntingdon County, that by an act entitled "An Act further suppli nemmi to the act relative to the election of this Common wealth. approved Jan: JU, A. lb 1674. That it its provided in Section 10, that en theilay of elec tion any person whose name is not on the said list, anti claiming the right to vote at the said tired m, shall pro duceat least one qualified voter of the district as a wit ness to the residence ot the claimmit in the district iu which he claims to be a voter,for a period of at least two months next tirecTiling said election, which witness shall be sworn or attired and subscribe a written or partly writ ten and partly printed affidavit to .the theta stated by which affidavits shall define clearly where the residence is, of the person so clainting to Ist a voter; :slid the person so claiming the rightto vat, small ids° take and subscribe a writtee or partly w•rittea 0191 partly printed alba stating to the best of his knovi..dge 09.1 belief, where and whist, h, e,att horn; that he hits biten a citizen of the Uni ted :tastes for one month, it,. of I!, tManninweialin of Petit,ylvititia; that he has reditisl in the Cmuntatwealth Otte y 0“,., or I,f Mrnieriy quitiitied eltsdor or a native lawn citizen thereof, and has removed tht•refrom and ritturned that he ha , resided therein six months ;text preetteding said election : that he Ills resiffittl in the dirt Het in which lie claims b , Itt• a outer for the period of at least two ,notiths int nositittely prei•ereling said election: that he has not moved into the district for tit: voting th ,,, in; that lit has it *.ra!, year; of age ::ad upwards. pail a sate or t 'outtty tax within M. years, which was assessed at least two months and paid at list , t one month, bEI we said election ; ..11 if a Itatittalized citint. shall also state when, where wail by .what court It , was naturalized, :mil also proilme lei s vortificato of naturalization for ; that said shall al,o state wiael cud where the tax claimed Si be paid liv the latti,nst Iv, as tctsskal, and when, where soil to V..; paid ; a nd the t at , receipt thotefor shal It t protincisl for ex:tit:Mat:am un less the athaut shall shit• that it has it en lost or destroyed, or that he never roAtivoil any : but if the person so claiming the right to vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit, that lie is a native-born citizen of the United States, (or if born elsewhere, shall state the fact in his affidavit, and shall produce evidence that he has been naturalized, or that lie is entitled to citizenship by reason of his f ether s naturalization ;) and shall further state in his affidavit that he is, at the time of making the affidavit, between the airs of twenty-one and twenty-two years ; that he has been a eitizi•tt of the United Stab:swot inonth, and has resided in the state one year, or. if a na tive-born citizen of the State and removed therefrom and returned, that he has resided therein six months next preceding said election, and in the election district imme mediately two months preceding such election, he shall be entitled to vote, although he Shall not have paid taxes ; the said affidavits of all persons making such claims, and the affidavit of the wit la-ses to their reiddence shall be pre-cruel by tit, elitction board, and at the close of the election they shall be enclosed with the list of voters, tally list and other papers required by law to be filed by the Return Judues with the Prothonotary and shall remain on tile within the Prothomitary's ohice, subject to exiuni nation ,as other election papers aro ; if the election officers shall find that the applicant possesses all the legal qualifications of a voter he shall Its pt•raiitted to vote, and bis name shall be adiled to the li=t of taAnbles by the election officers, the word "tax" beim; added where the claimant claims to rate on tax, and the word "age" where he claims to vote on age 7. Cl.• sane., /Phil 1,417 11,111,1 l'y the clerk in catch ea, respect fully 4: the lists of persuas voting at stall election. Also, that f•iection litif of said ,`,•t, it is provided that it shall be Liwfal tr uny qualffit ~on of the dist: irt, thi• the propc,sl voter is CM:- tainud on 1 he list of tho roolte,t taxablos, to clotlieni;e the v:tte ttf such eat,: thi• same liroof :if the right of as rts,cdred by law split iii• pub licly midi. and at't,l cut ht' th, el,tion hoard, and the vote admitted or re:eckl, ite•ordin to the ,aid iot,•• ev ery person rlaitnitr to he a naturalized citizen shall be require,: to pr,lbec iii, ir.ttiratization certili , ate at the elet,t ion lad - , irr• vo: ..•:,(1:t where. Ile has 1,11 for fr,, ycitr", consecutisely. a voter in the district in which ho offitrs his vat, ; auit on the v,t,, of ~ 1 1, 7 11 being re ceived, it shall let the ilc , y of tho ,trite r ?tamp orl Yuch e-rtitiv;te Ilse word "rote.i." With th.• 11;s,ininth and ..tar • an•l if at:y ei , eti on shall reeeiVP ss ,te,401 vote oa the lay, I,;y v:: he• of the ,sno- , ertifie:l:.% , ."ept:n;: wilero ,n, are ent: , . , A vote by virtne of fhn tin,lization of the:: Lather., th,y peraon ' , lt, nl7O 5.24, fPi Vote, a ott;•hdie;r: ,114111 he of /r/ V the:eof,he :40 .lopr,o,sed, or 1•••0:, .1 et or; ; :I • fi not .•x -e„1.1 • 1,, , ,,!,•4 •. nor the . (I. ,0 ,r : •I, !I I. • • v h.• • • ; ' •t ; . j, -. I t:,.4t if : • 7 • jet, !alt' ~ , to • t.,•— , !:...t.:. r•ott A , : I :,! ; • ' • •!:' .al. I.r ••., ';- r , • I • : .• ; .• . • • u•tir•rlit I,11111,1„: r; ; ; • • • u t t:{l j r (viola (; , I.rvict,o,tz, ; • • 7 I• • ,„ VA 14 7 !Plotf - a , .. , 1 r'" , • ; . t•to , .....iirtz five 1,1,4, . , •,, itttl.,, ,, i , notra not two, ti •,, r. • • AL ti/. • I • •, 71• !; „ •••1 ':• ;—:. • : , if. , •game. ti ,;:li a I,mill . so ulf,,lf Hy, t'•.4 • I Ly, uol,lat.,,:sall Le :titre his or her name, av,in in 10;:ar,, att•l 41211 be witmeil by all of ,i).l onkel.") iin.ll vet , tined by overseers, if any, or iris it so certitbil, theover or-rs and any Oliver refusing to si4is or ce,rtify, or either of them, -kill write upon each of tte) returns his or their rea-ori, for not 44;cuitki or ccrtilyitirr them. Ti... rote, as 1,101 Oct, chaff alfur tic yui.iirl j alpi fully .1-eh...A lt ,, ta the window to the .10v-ere pri,ent, and a Lr;ef ”Lft..- fu-nt v. iffg for vol‘of Ly clay:id:Ate f•Ifall I ff‘atle arid hr election ollirers as so-in as the vote is -ted, and the mine innoisliately po-ted up on the ~r the election Maine for ifSfOrlllalioll the The Irgilhate returns shall he ...Oro.; in 0p... aril he .otilod in prioierire of the uflteera, and om- cu rcl pc, wi,h oni.4-altA return 010,t, giro. to tlf,judw, which qlfailt,fitain one li-t of you.r.. tally-paper, undo:aka ofollieers, raid another of said etireloto. , shall he given t o the minority insp , mor. All judges living within twelve ni)les of the protbovotary's Mike, or within twenty-four niiles, if their re"i leo, he in a town, village or city 1111011 11,,• line ~f railroad kelitic to the county meat, shall, be ta, tit., No•ritlatf of the day after theelortion, awl all other hefore twelve Welo , k mei Watt of tho clay after tleo ele,tiom tail retort., will, t, the prothonotary of the court of , atita ,, st I,:eax of the "fluty, which sail return sheet ahnll be tiled, and the day and hour of tiling Mark ed thereon, 611 10.1tre.erred by the prothonotary fur public inspection. At twelve o'clock on the said second day following any election, the prothonotary of the court of common pleas shall present the said retfirns to the said court. In counties svbere there is no resident president President Judge, the associate judges shall perform the dude. impunod 111/011 the court of common plmuf, which stall convene fir said purpose; the returns ',resented by the prothonotary shall be opened by mill court audcom pitted by such of its onkel% and such sworn assistantr as the court shall appoint, in the prmencc of the Judge or A El --,. -,,,::;- - - - - i7,i( r::, Fi NI - 1k 5 e .-...' r Iti -le- i ,x ..i t-A 1 r:', :. ~ El VA : _/ iil Ja._ -Zst_ , i 4-1 --t A.- --,--- --. ‘ 1411 : .1 ! L.i r tfl , i,-..:, ',.,:. ri . : t ( _../ ; HUNTINGDON, PA., 111 jTI mart, awl the rettirn4 rertill , l lr l r,•rtifi rio• ~ ,f inSll,ll ttnl. r thn Earl 4,1 t!, noirt t;') I.e .1ow• I.y return judgi-s ; S. to; e,rtiti...l, r , Ji the -1,11 1, 11, 1.1,i di - . A:sol the rc•iiir!, ~1:‘,•; •I. 41,..; trivt no-ring when the retin pr .',• (#r Or it ,•;;. r f rmil or nii+tak , , 14 4i 4,1 ...1444. • frau-l ii :4 , 111 .41 the, Plum, tie! t., , tlrt ex,tt:ine ; 1 1;11/, i; its tin juolginotit borr•-•:„r3 n. x jean. return, rnu t .1.311 i.4.4tin 1,,11,••A f,111•••is ailf t It Wry, .a tIo• tine it t of, t,• bring rh. .7.llirt • With in thoir ••• ; st,ul it imip•O•le . , • y •!.1 , •11 1:21 • rout I. .. ; . t.i I of. t •.:.. • !..,. :.1; .; , I r T -.. I o:• 1,1,4 • ti• ; • . ; .;:. : • • ;:~ ;;~ 1.. • i.. li llt 1., !•,.. • , , 10 7 1 , “. • • • • , •• lo• d. no ,rt• . ; i I an: ~,11, 1 1 1 f,it ill shall lo• ullicers .Jt• OWl•fg, 11T111'.1,1• 11.0: F. Elect,s . . and ',null or ...ir4.ty 4.1 th.• :• arre,t ditring their :clh : i•... na and in ;ping to anti retllrning therefr,,n, Vie, rloa S. Any pen on . otter 10 give, to an el(wtor, ;toy n , or other v4lnahle e.,,,hleratio:2 for his role ,-,ane, or who 14,11 pron,ko to give m...l.•ratma 1.. any other 1.• •:, {,” sot.;: , •1...•t0C., vote or for the n it .•, ret,iveor ttgme to rt• ,. eiv.,, I 1..5 . .11y lu ssi y , r,vvarti or ()1,‘.-• soVIo Con -I;,r i t rote :it sin eliTtion, or 11,,rphy ts• ofeit tiro rit:ht t., v: , ! • ~.!* ioleh ele.•;;o, ;Ind any ~h.s.ior right to e ena, , . before the el,tton litllbe required. to HWearor affirm that Ili, matt, ;io• chal lenge i., Virus ln•fore iliS vote s.,hall fSrerms 1:t. Any assessor, electi•oi officer or person ap pointed as au o‘ . erseer, who shall neg.act or r. ruse to per any duty enjoined by this act, reasonable or legal cause. shall he subject to a pomillyof ono hundred Iltdiarri; and if any assessor shall knowingly sows ally pers..iti :Li a voter who is not qualified, or shall wilfully refuse to 10,440,1;tny one who IS 4,2.111,i,1, ht• shall be guil ty et a misdennanor in oltico and on I'o:ivied:in be punish ed by a fine not exceeding one t1107,.11:1 lloilarS, or Ili!. prlSOlilllellt list exceeding two years, nr 1.,,tn, at. the di,- cretion of the court, and also be subj• et to an action for damages by the party aggrieved ; and if :Loy person shall fraudulently :titer, add to, deface or destroy any list of voters mmle out as directed by this art, or tear down or remove the same from the place where it has been fixed, with fraudulent or mischiecons intent, or f...r any improp er purpose, the person so 0.:1!I 1, guilty of a misdemeanor, ;nal on conviction ,11:11: pimislied by a line tout exceeding' live hundred d011ar.... or i!.:ill'i401111lent not, exreedl4lil twt, or both, nt 111:• of the court; and if any person s 1,1!, I.y v: , intimida tion, drive, or attempt 1...1. iv,. from ili.• ;• •' :.oy person or p.•rsons,ppointil by the court b. ,--.• •rs of an eloction, in any way 51i1 . 1111y pr", - fn.:a p.'rt..01.: lb.; Ili., duties enjointslti.:.• act. , m•li pers...., shall be godly of ; .• .• •!. upoi, • ' " ". esooo.ling' one tle.,l,ind dollars, or it not ex.. •eiling two years, or Is.lll at t is court. Am: person 41 1 4,4 skill on tee , i • ..• ••• .on, visit a polfing place in any el..ction ; 1..• is nut entitled to vote, amt shall use int"rost:," : for the purpose of preventing' any 0i11 , ...0 it performing the duties requiredf loin : „ for the purpose or pntrelititig - any o 1 1;,.. ,k=- n'i't exereisim; his right to vote. o . ri t .,ht to challenge any person o :.•.:••. • :s•r son shall be doomed guilty . o t 1:6 1. C 01, 1 ,6011 theivor, +41:111 CX• oio. thousand dollars, or by imp -1 —.non( not exceed:n.4 two years, or both.. at the .n of the court. Any clerk, overseer or election cr. , la , shall disclose how ally elector shall ha', rclui rod to do 60 ill :1 judicial proceeding, shall be ;...iillty of it mis demeanor, and upon conviction thereof bo punished by a tine not excc:cling ono thowand ...I. by im prisonment not exceeding two yedis, or both, in the discretion °film court. Sr.c 4. 0:r the pr-litida of five or more citizens of any e•.le•ctiontii setting forth tint tim appointment of overseers is it reasonable to seem, the purity mei flames, or the election in said dist riot ; it shall be the duty of the co,:rt of e , OO, ,m dole• . of the pr,per county, all the law judges of the said court ebb, to act at the time concurring, to appoint two,i officio:L.+, s•ther:oid intelligent citizens of the said district belongim: to dilkTent political parties, ove:,e,rs of ,-lotion to snperviso the proceedings of the election officers thereof; an•l rt maize report of the ntnoe its they may be reolZirva I,t soci, e,;100. Said over seers shall be persons qualineil to •-• opon election boards and shall soave the night b.• H •s• , '••• 7 11, the ob floors of such election during the W , H ',WIC is held, the votes counted, :old the re. MIL and signed by the election officers; to keep a I of the voters, if they see proper; •to challenge any pt —s.f offering to vote, and interrogate hint and his witue, ,, under oath, in regard to his right of suffrage at mid election, and to examine his papers prodneed ; and the officers of said election are required to afford tosaid overseers, at selected and appointed every convenience and Fteility for the dis charge of their duties; and if said election officers shall refuse to permit said overseers to be present, anti perform their ditties as aforesaid; such officer or on - teens shall be guilty of a unsdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be tined not PeCtqping one thousand dollars. or impri,,n ment not exceeding one year, or both, at the iliseretion of the court or if the overseers shall be driven -away front the polls by violence or intimidation, 1,11 the voles polled in such election district may be rejected hy the proper tribunal trying a sour--t under said eb - ,!.,), or a part or portion or such cotes aforesaid too be ~, a nted, as such tribunal may deem necessary to a j1,1:1.114 le,oper dispo sition of the case. If any person shall prevent or attetal.t to prevent toy ollicer of an election under this Oa from holding such election, or use or threaten any violet!, to any such offi cer, and shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his duty, shall block up or attempt to block up the window or avenue to any window where the Faille may be holden, or shall riotously disturb the peace of such election, or shall use or practice intimidation, threats, force or violence, with the iodlienve un duly or overawe any elector, or prec.•lll I:int from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such pet sons on con viction shall lie tined in any sum riot eN,` , ..lin . f tier hun dred dollars, to imprisoned for any tin, :t less than one nor more than twelve months, tool is is artil he shown to the court where the trial of such en o• • i, ill be had, that the person so offending was not :1 I e-cOatt of the city, ward or district the said °flew, wa ~,tquitted ;mil not entitled to vote therein, on cim,ict. ti, he sha la, sentenced to pay a line not less than one hundred no ntore then one thousand dollars, and he imprisoned no less than six months norpore than two years. "If any person or persons shall make any bet or wager upon the result of an election within the Commonwealth, or shall oiler to make any such let or wager, either by verbal proclamation thereof or by any written or printed advertisement, or invite any person or persons to make such bet or wager,upon conviction thereof beer they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount so het or offered to be bet. Election officers will take notice that the act entitled "A Further Supplement to the Election Laws of this Com monwealth," disqualifying deserters front the army of the United States from voting, has recently been declared un constitutional by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, is now null and void, and that all persons formerly disqualified thereunder are now lawful voters, if otherwise qualified. Sec. 111. It shall be the duty of every mayor, sheriff: deputy sheriff, ahlenuan,justice of the peace, and constable or deputy constable of every city, county and township or district within this Commonwealth, whenever called upon by any slicer of au election, or by any three qualified electors tbereof, to clear ally window, or avenue to any window, at the place of the general election, which shall be obstructed in such a way an -to prevent voters front approaching the saute, and on neglect or refusal to do on ,tich requisition, said officer shall 1•c deeu:••d guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and on convirtutsy shallbe fined in any stint list less team one hundred nor nt•,re titan one thousand dollars; and it shall be the duty of the respect ive constai,les of each ward, district or township within this 'oniniciwe :kb, tube present in person or by deputy, t!v• place of holding such elections in soil ward, district or tarn-Lip, f . or 6., purpose of pteserv;lig the peace, its SEC. 11'2. It lie the ditty of eccry amer, as aforeFaioi, w'!:.: shan bes ',vomit at any;it an election as ii descrlhed in tilts art, to ri iport the ,ittinWto the next court of quarter sessions, and at , t lii• niwneeof the witne,o, ho Ca, pros , the same; and i I lie the dray of said court to came indictments to be prctcrivil lo.fure the gran i jury awitirt-t it: persons so °free:ling. Si:, 113. It it slrisll Le hustle to appear to any mart of quart, of tliiietaornoliwealth thatany riot or illui t art , o,:arreil at the tinware! plare of hi ng a ny elec tion Tital , r till- , act, and the ois.taiile. v. IT, eirinincri by law to attend °mei, eltietions have teitgivon ivi irritation thereof, in...cur:ling to the this mt, it Hindi he it, duty of cant court to cuitso the vtiiccr or .iliiccrs, so ntr gl , 'lting tho duty ;tr....sail, to Isr, csrainst his tn .lirtrm-nt front misdcrocurior .iiul on con riction tlictcof, said of:kr, I. ia any stun not es cceding tlnfltirCir lit ft ,hall he the 'lily of Ili , ,onrt4 of , In.l-1.• (.70iiiruct,realtis, at I term of -Mil rim rt aftt, any t o held unrhir the ;1' ., . th'• rcis•cti vi• ronstriLlcs is county to be exasiiiii , l (41 oath, its ft, V. lictiicr any iir.schr , of the race 1 .1.4 i, a; thi• election within toWtl - wards or di4triet4, moot it 110111 Ow dirty of said 17 , ,tt-141-1, 7 rolwetiv-ly to rirk- rctors lie-c. , d as part of 0..4' official retort. at iettd roan. Givs•rt ender my hand at 'biotin:4,l,n, ti, 14th day r,f 0.1,4—r. Alin , ' Duroint 1 ei 4ht hundred airol verity-six and of the iffiltpet.ll,ll. , of tbd I::rited ~ no ‘!t;o. 911 Jug, t THOMAS Iti,!IENDEILFON. rt . •••• p't 3,. • 3 T'l -; prepared to 1.1,, • • • : . • . .!oyment at . • .-• • ; r <f•are f:'!-;;;•' ' A lit and I ,r Per sons of -• easily earn from .;I) •::•ritit to 4.*:, per evcrinig, c.:01 u proportional Ylll4l ,:.:sating their whale time to the business. aryl ~iris earn nearly as introit as men. That ail who rice this notice may rend their addresr, aml tent the business we make thisunparallele , l offer: To such as arc not well satiefied we will -rind one dollar to pay I,r the troable of wri:ing. Frill particulars, samples worth several dollars to commence work on, rol a copy of Hoare and Firc.ide, one of the large ,t affl Le,t Illustrated Publications, all sent free by mail. Reader, if you Want permanent, profitable work, adlre,s, GEORG,E sr jN;iON CO., INntlati,l, AGENTS WANTED YOU THE. CENTENNIAL GAZETTEERO.",,. UNITED STATES, showing the grand results of our first 1110 years.-- Everybody buys it, and agents make from $lOO to $2OO a month. Also, for the new historical work, Our WESTERN BORDER, a — hi le*" aw l grapc hlitory of American pioneer life 100 YEARS AGO —its thrilling conflicts of red and white foes, ex citing adventures, captivities, forays, scouts, pio neer wemen and boys, Indian war-paths, camp life and sports. A book for old and young. No competition. Enormous sales. Extra terms. Il lustrated circulars free. J. C. McCURDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. [sep22-6m Election Proclarnati4,n tIDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1876. Sheriff's Sales II I:Ii: I~ i"" ;' al, l?:~ By virtue of .4un , iry hi. I Ven•!. LT: : Ley. FA., to :ee .lirce;ed, I will expese to pub at the C.,:irt ;foe,: in Hun; tai, one o'v; P. f011..wirrA., 1 4.F.-riliv 1 P. , 31 I::etate, 1 , , wit : Allthe r;glit, titli; George 1:. Altatzer, is ail 1:::tt ct•rtnia tr.ort. pate, I of ;awl, ;),1 , ,1:1) linntingtl , ,u county p•ij. Et:AA fornit,ly !I, haring there •n crt , •rt.l hp:, ;tarn att.i on, linnirc,l and t%t at 0, cs,,uti.,n, an 1 to 1, property (;, , n-ge E. Al,7ntzcr. .Lot Llie right., title anti ititetett, of Everts, iu all that certain lot of ground, situate in :-;ltirky township, Huntingdon county, Pa., one-ball mile from Mt. Union, ad,l ,, ining land of it. MOIMIS on north and west, Wilyon ler on thu s‘ottli and it'll:die road on the ca:q, con taining about one-half acre, lotvin4 therein er,2,:t ed a wit toi toty lug !envy, with war in the yard. aril choice peach trees Oil the lot. L„ • • Seizett, taken in ex.rcittioit, anti to I,e :o!,las tfi property of .1102 es Everts. ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of 11. S. Wood, in all that certain lot of ground, eituate on the gauth of Main street, in the borough of A le:ondria, fro ing 1:;ty- t :to I one half feet Cr all.l extending at right angle: thereto Icti 14.0, hp an alley and ht nt hruei i.oionited on the east be I of 3i. Reit:tan, and on the west ty lot of N. C. well, being lot No. 1-;:t in : , aid borough, having thereon a two-otory log house and outhuildin;;,‘. 'Seized, taken in execution, and to be .0111 a.. the property of It. S. Wood. A . LSO—AII the right, title and interest of Winchester J. MeCartny and Henry L. McCar thy, in all that certain lot of ground, situate on the south side of Church street, in the borough of Huntingdon, fronting fifty feet on said street and extending hack in depth one hundred feet, being the northern half of lot No. 213, having thereon a dout . de brick two-z4tory dwelling house. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold a. the property of IVinchester J. AL,Carthy and Ilenry L. McCarthy. ALSO—AIi the right, tithe and interait of A. L. Deitlenhaeher, in all that tract of land in Henders•on township, vontaiiiin; one acre, more or less, hounded on the west by the public road lead ing from Huntington up tone Creek ridge rot I through lands of ' lsatte L.og, and on the south and south-west by la-•d= of D. camw , :ll, °sq., hav ing erected thereon a two•story frame dwellin: ; .• house. Seized, talcen in exe , zut ion. antl to be :sold us she pfoi); , ..ty of A. L. Deilfenbacher. iLzSO—AII the right, title and interest of Jeremiah N orris, in ail that certain lot of w - ottuti, situate in the town of Dudley, Carbon townsh:l•, Huntingdon county, fronting 50 feet on Fultoa street and extending in depth 110 feet. and tieing No. ti in the plan of sail town as laid out, and extended by .J. Slinpson Africa, adjoining bit of clrb'eon en the south, (yes...Tv , : all minerals upon or under the surface of said prem ises, with free Ligess. ogress and regress,) thereon eroet.eil a two-story ir.ure dwelling )souse. Seizcil, taken in execution, art to be sold as the property of Jeremiah Norris. A.1_47,0—A1l the right, titlt and intere.4 of David Ramse, in all that certain parcel of land, situate in the township of Barret!, adjMning lands of W. Ewing and other lands formerly of David Gilliland deceased, of which this was a part. &gintilng at a. post, south 5 degrees west SG C-10 perches to a bust at graveyard; thence north 70 degrees east 501 perches to a post; thence north 281 degrees west 91 perches to a post ; the place of beginning, containing 1 a,re and 122 perches, having thereon erected a two-story frame house and frame stable. ,S:izefl, taken in execui ion, and to be sold as the propertyof David R .amsey. . .. . . . the risht, title and iiitere,t of Jlenry Snyder, in all that certain lot of ground, situate in the village of MeConnelletown, Walker township, Huntingdon county, fronting 66 feet on the northerly side of Main street. in said village, and extending in depth one hundred andsixty-stx feet, having thereon a two-story frame house, frame st., , de (heing the s:une premises which by virtu,. of certain procecdiegs in the Orphans' Court of Hnntingdon county, was in the year sold and conveyed 11 the administrators of John Snyder, deceased, to the said defendant, Henry Snyder.) Seized, taken in execution, anti to be &Ada; the property of Henry Snyder. ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of Thomas S. MeC,bsti, in all that certain tract of land, situate in the township of Warriorsmark, Huntingdon county. l'a., hounded as follows : On the east by lands of Huntimz.lon Furnace Co., on the north by lands of John Weight, on the south by the Little Juniata river, on :be west by lands of Charles Burnham, containing six hundred and forty acres, more or less, having thereon erected a two-story stoi;e iiwelliug house, a water-power grist mill, a frame barn and other improvements, (being the same tract of land mentioned in the will of John :iiceahan, deceased, es the Laurel Spring property adjoining Birmingham, a life es tate in which is devised to J. Kinney McCahan and a fee simple estate at his death to the said Thomas McCahan and John McCall:tn., Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas S. Meeahan. ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of Rebecca A. Erb, in all that certain farm, plan tation and tract of land, situate in Barree town ship, Huntingdon county, Pa.. adjoining lands of Samuel Croyle on the north, lands ofSamuel Mar tin, John and Reuben Rudy on the east, lands of George Hutchison on the south and lands of :4am nel Powell on the west, containing about one hun dred acres, more or less, about 9eacres of which are cleared (known as the "Masseysburg Farm,") having thereon a log house, frame barn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Rebecca A. Erb. ALSO—AII the right, title and interest of John Henderson, in all that certain piece, par— cel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the township of West, county of Huntingdon, Pa., on which the said Jelin Henderson now resides: be ginning at a white oak corner of land of Wm. Oak's heirs, thence along said Oak's land north S degrees west Ifitt perches to a post ; thence along lands of John Johnsiltt and Miles Lewis s , :eth degrees west 11)0 perches to a post ; thence south 16 degrees east 29 perches to a po-t; thence south 29 degrees east 161 perches to a post; and thence along lands of Jacob Smith and Mrs. Harriet Mc- Cracken north 6-1 degrees east 82 perches to the place of beginning, containing 125 acres and al lowance, be the same more or loss, being the same tract of land which was patented in the name of James Irwin, and of which the said James Irwin, died seixed end in possession o and which by the releases of the heirs of sail James Irwin, deem ed, executed at different times and dates,and now in possession of John Henderson, beeline duly vested in him the said John Henderson. together with a!! and singe:LW, ways, 'weer.?, water course,. rig . improvements, here , lit,:• •i -•••; ar tenances whatsoeverthereuntu I,••• • ;., y wise appertaining, and the ; ;;,, • rtaosin ders, rents, issues and profits ticizrl, taken in execution. and to be the property of John Renierson. ALSO—AII the right, title arta interest of John Weist, in all that certain tr::ct of land, situate in the towa. , hip of Tod. beginning at. a eheAnut pair, teen, t.r innd of J rues Miller north s 5 degrees ea-t 2.60 perches to a, hickory; thence by lands of James Hamilton, esti., Berth f t de grees west 1•I8 perched to a black oak north 25 de grees east 22;1 perches to n walnut; thence be land of Dorsey belt north degrees west tilt pere'nes to a black oak ; thence by land of Philip Curfinan south 25 tlegrees west 4 perches to a white oak, south 1.4,i degrees west perehes to a chestnut oak : thenee by land of Eli McClain Foieh 13 de grees west 14 , 1 perches to beginning, containing .103 acres and 27 perches and allowaro.e, excepting about 28 acres therc9f taken off by an older survey in tho IlitMe of Edward Reilly, having thereon a lug dwelling bruise and outbuilding+. !iv; whole true! in underlaid with coal and there is an open ing in good working order. Also, the following tracts of mountain land, sit uate in Tod and Carbon iris, viz: Tract in name of Stephen Moat', containing 4P, acres ; Jas. Moat. containing 431 acres; Richard Moar 432 acre , ; Isaac Moar containing :WI acres; Philip Stria 440 acres; Benjamin Rosh 354 acres, being the same lands conveyed to raid John Weist, by deed of George De Wolf and wife, recorded in the Recorder's Office in Huntingdon county, in Record Look T. No. 2, page 572, ice. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold is property of John Weist. ALSO—AII the right. title and intere of B. J. Dcvor in all that certain lot of ground, situate in the town of Mt. robin, Huntingdon co., Pa., bounded by lot of John Shaver on the north west, lots of Peter Shaver and Susan Boullett on the south-west, being 120 - along said lots and numbered ti according to the plan of that part of said town, laid out by Nicholas Shaver, being the same premises which Nicholas Shaver and Kezish hit wife, by deed, dated the 27th day of December, A. 8., WA, conveyed to John Bars., with fruit, ke., in the yard, having thereon erected a two-and a-half story frame dwelling houle, coal house and stable. Seized, taken in execution, and to be cold am property of B. J. Devon L-i , ) 1 t-4 T iro l a _g . • :.. Side ti:~~l ~' , i ~ i.`L :Ii f WP=• t:,.1! v ! t. ;, , n, ~n~ n I; o.n :.1 4 I I•i - •c+, f~~ \sit ilt.r , r4 w • w:•..r I w !awl rr•rth tract !-4 .u::r;in--..,..:, P. to pia i.e 1111,1 an 1 I ti • t: y• • •;• .. n ,; rthr.u , r • !: th"reOrl .1 FX(",111.071. I t, .14 7re Urorvy f•f ;I. rt. _ _ . )—.lll that crrtai7l pi• °rt., 201 In? • of A. 1 , ! •••• w•••• , t', . i• ‘., ,• 1; . the • ,• . , • . ntor. or h.'s: , t, 1% • •- • • gni TAtint , -.• • • • ; ;,-•,• wide, with a !.. 7 1 ; ; 7,;••• 7 by 411 f .,•• t w ..• . .1. feet Inn •; ! t • •r 1i It tn. and A ! •'. • _ : t known • : : • - • " •1•. - tlP!w:t!or r ,;;it ; T. . ~ • , •t: . • • 7 :,1 ott , _;h of '.%; 0. ! , .. • ~r •• i • r.. : *:•• •r•- , • . • 4,r! t o .. • -, tln.l • • . , • . Cup!.till :::: •• bormi2:ll ••• •:•. i _ Ltel Miikr on 0, • tin the cast. T: •-•.. :LF - 1•1 t • tattling .11 :•.,,••• ;• • • ereetc.l the . • .., • •.;.11,, 1 nery" with Aiso, that ctain apitintitin lan lying tin Jaek", Shir ley, in sail Olt. Matilda l'urnr. , ••• the retri'it, ;and., N. ,steven -B,n or: Li 11.16 u:! :tin on ti - ie e.,nth, anti 1) , . ii3:11113I1 1.1 rho wust. about tw.. s, itn.r• Also. iii ti......• ei•rtain ii,u gr•wi 1. in lioreugh Munn: t.. • h other, ai..l y r•t an d e xt,triiiin...•ii T' i••; feet r n $3 St in ti.n I lit siii•t un urre:e.i tw,story fratnc out ;rni:lines. Aleo, ail thOS, to , , 4):3 utXr..l • 1 . in borlitigh. isajoar:ia,g, ra...1. whir acii .rati feet i.n tiLirler a.trt. , :t avid rtmnin r • - Ceuta it . lett z., in plan o: ; Ale., ;if: i;; • ;ilz 111 ' •r, . • - in 'I _ : . • ing 6j fet: . 160 feet to an N Irl 'LAC ter plot said 1,,,r,;:zh Sjized, taken in es,...eutior.. and to be s.d.l a, the property of .lobe Earo. I—Twu ••, , ..;n•i. if! t ••.rti of Dudley, Carbon , Pa., bolo; lots ; • ,•. . • t . • ; of the sail tivvr, • ; . , .• • . -10 feet tin l..k:th str..,.' , • ! to an .7: •• • " . .• ..:!)- grann,d. by warrnia, • • . •.• .". vet by gar. l •. , ed in Lewis T. Wat. • . coal, iron ore, . , . -•. • • tl, '..• in awl • that can 1•, i - • :end .• I ' •-. •I,•• •• •-• rough-casted •i I. A all thor • situate in the v: • ••• ..• ...arked-res ....• I• • . , r ,•r the east. Locust street ;.. . on the went, and a ;.....,..•• •r: I:, feet (roil:. t/,1• • r. -,•. i ,:.• feet deep to Fourth , •0:-t by 1, , feet deep, sold i.. I. it tr I e ii, to Mr.. being part of ,1 ' we rr.ente,l in the name of Gi•leon Hyatt, an i by etioiry convey - ;knees, duly recorded, beca•ne rested in Lewis Watson, who, with his wif•. 1.. th.•ir .ire I. dated the 21th day of Deeenstorr, and rc , nr.led at Huntingdon in Heed 1:oek, r, No. ::, ;20, ,tc., conveyed the above describe:l iot to said John Whitehead. having thero,a creetsl a two atory tto.,e dwciling it •use and frrule st.ride. Also. al! thlt tract or parcrl totter land, sitt,ate irl earto.n t. utshif, ',mud.' on the north by tile tract. on to • cae ;:y the John Musser Ira.-', on the south the Wia. Sheath tract, and on :lin west by survey+ in :he Littl e V,,Hey, :13:: acres and allowance, surveyed in pursnanee of a warrant graate-i to Philip IVager, dated the 3let .1.. y of .Marcb. anti patented on the day of July, 1:4ett.....-m -veyed by :3. Miner wife, R. lir tre e pe triken and wife, and .1. simps+.n Africa and wife to the Said James, by deed ,late.l :he -- day of April, 1075. Also, all that certain tract or pared ..7 timber land, situate in Carbon township. hounded t•n the north-east b 7 Hip Jonathan Jones tra,:, en the cast by the Philip Stein traet . ...e, the ~oi tt h by +ha Philip tr anJ ors thr west by sorveys in the Little Valley, containing :117 aceee. I 1; perches an.l 311,,V.111 ,. .....tti - . , :i 0 •1 in roil...lane, -4 warr,int Erwin, da:ed the -Ast day of :Havel., 179 i, and patenre,i on t h e of July, c,nycyc.t by John S. •Itlrier and t:. Itruce Petrikti, o.f, .irt.l•l.:!lrriresesi Africa and wife to the ,ii, llooper. by deed dated the day or I,; takr.n in ev•cuti , .n. tt. i t.. 1 property of .lArnes ALSO—AII t:es••ribo.l four lot , . v ..,1 1. in Cyrus .1, s 1.1 ; ~; Union, bound, t It. , • •:,•• north-we,t, corn-r t - . thence alooz, :41irlPy orry , •. • ! i • feet to a themro p . ost : I . ihPn •••• Ayr: , • •. , ••• t • • W:11S1! • : r, , fret to 1,13, •,f , Z. :r r • ereete,l two 10 • • an,l ehr,ice fruit trees or, ti.e i •r. Also, all that certain r 3reet : I. situate in the bor,,,gh of Mount I ui.m, and tl,seribed As follows : A r ••• the west side of Washington street In fret n, , e• h east of the north elbow of Wa.shington and Shi,l , , Stre , s; •:tt 51! d•Trees, re, p, on the line between I ,ts IMP io.l ; ; in thy rer ,, eled town plot or ti one,;. I a,n, ►G W. a;,:•Pr 1) , •m•bo-t therwP n"rth-ea•t 3i .I.lree4 Ift fee! . I. and thence W;.h+inYh•n , tees green t 0 fret to the pia, of ►v•ltieninr,. takrn in etecti,i-r.. ie.l :. Iv = la. ;le pr,operty of groanti, Aihiate at,y,ve the Warm rlpring read. scot fe , ,nr..n.4 ti lath and seventh Atreets, in the' horatt4n ilanoito:- ‘l , ,h, commencing .t a Jbotance of VA fret from the northerly Ilse of Richter's lot at s dist-pro. , .f 3 feet shove the fence, awl •atenoi:n.: feet parstlel to, ,aia rosoi, are I throe. it t4llt an gles thereto and along an alley 10, tier wok on the northerly line 220 feet, o,r I ,os, r.a,il it inter see:t the line of Hon. John "ri, ,, • , "s !Tn.% en i depth along the Patiheriy line, riet , fo Paid road, until it acct. The said line of Scotus land 4:,0 feet, more or lets. hounded on the *orb by lot of lion. John Scott, on :he south by btt 4 John Zick, having thereon a two-story tram. dwel ling house, stable an.l out buildings. Also, a lot of ground, beginniag at tite northerly side of an Miley, which rune along the northwes terly side of Michael Nail's lot, st a distaste. of 200 feet from Dorland street. and estendisg tismsere up by n line parallel to and 16 feet dismal from the rear end of lots of Luke Reillry, James Fos. - Wagner, Mrs. Gilbert and Mary lbrpp, to opposite the line between said Mary Popp and Rebecca White; thence due north-west to within 12 feet of lion. John Scott's line; thence parallel to and 12 feet distant from grounds of said Scott, John Ziek and John Yingling. to a lot of Motel:est ?rimer, as the same is exten , le•l by an a.f.lition thereto sold him; thence by said lots of Trion, and Richter at a distance of 21 1 0 feet from Ivo, land street; thence by a line parallel to said Dor lend street t 3 feet, more or less, tv place of hegis ming. . E! ' ~':r:!:.~~i, ,: • i. . 7* • : Vak!abe Real Estate. r .1 . • - h vTj i.~ :' • ; . P.A.-ree • . :thar,r4 f• of r: •n I rts.-- • r. hctr9, •••• Urn-, v- ..- hnr-ngh KIP^. Rd!. 'n • wns• an I • 1.11•• sr. •i•••••: - : Ir . _7• • 1.1: rt. •••s io , .~. _. ` . “3 Ow , Iry oth•r an , l ,n. r . r r.~.• .~r.. .. _ ,•,r 3 bev.J. :Arm ? , tr. ~, i•A•r, T.•iai.t••• in circa: ~! . f • t ri 14.•!: J. n"c7. 1..; rr•r• r • 01.• re , . a F.R5l'.- I :h. fly , . vt;iF •n•+r ~t. : 1,1h..r k .I . 3711 .state. 1 7: - LEI:: • , • • •• • ;••• !1. !'!'. . 1• , • i s • ••asz 14.1111,1 '4lor.Orl, Eh* 1 , ..1:;! or • are J.:fb:At AND ,N.P , • . .1 . Nra , iv • r Stline ari•i *II 1 4.. ej• ,• tot ,•:.• Artt ..9 I.•••stst.s... I 'O.l o o.l' rt. t IVRAMI: K It 111. . .1; '11}". I. N / 411141,. *as, ing.. 3n.i II %P.!, •.. (.••4* Vet.saoltra t.. W ••• zLtrer,,, spr, r/4/.4. and st , •.Ys R., p 3.• , ts.- • . Us. •.• 41. • 'MP / 1 MI :41/ 4. 1.. P41,4,4/1 0 .1r4 awe ell =pry., o're , -; .) Peo firrritiey 47 ,, t5n.i 33.1 -*.ns-,t,rwe T.. ••••uirr.4. •••.r.-4 ;ea i 1,10.-.lllle, us.seve • 71,4 proprr, T. The 1:44-tivtiled h , ;! . 3 i..t ~f gr"...1. iss,!nz .s the It.roo et • le in•:nvems. I Janie/ t• 7 141,1. .;/".. Tart , r' e bars sort other., On, herr" sit t oor-h , •.„ oP , V* or tem. 3. T'- on thir I ..rtur, tr-irre of !sm.!. 'Le • rt ::r 'Top 111.,,f.u5. .a tovre4hip. t: •-mes•y. •.r, ./1•01,31 taints 3r , •• 3.1 •:•-•-t4n,.... ttse 1,111, , y...1 Wlrrelet fiv .:Sst .6w •4 I: trt.• ▪ I »ere, aro.i 3. 4 ma.* mix* .orr ▪ 41,1 a afarT:llat tot .11,,a ,tai .1,, ;7,, 'toy r.f 31 .r•-ft 17/i. It" , 10 of thew ,rsr• parrs:U..4 .:r.•i , •••• , or-.1 a•tb Ef:3r < - • hie thir; of tbor partf%aft. , 5e”04.7 • be papi • •rf •-•ftirafa.:••n ..f 'al. sup; •Ibo w. .”.•••• in r w p.iorrn.w. fbersaf!ifr, •b.• • f.• . N. 4.41. .4 • ?I. • •.. i I 1 • ?,:rlr. )':rU .''-• ' 'rRT I t I ' T I I p t i4A.I-1) 11 0 T: a: •• ne 4,1 :n•ere.: M n, " isrn pvr n 'fins of 9 . • t:yet eo‘iflin ftl4. o .rirttr4 of rrwr in t nuT t !: -. •••• • - -.T. smil s Thor:To,. ,f•••••••• , t •r•ttt t , • • ' 4 •••• ~,A liflß4l, 1401 Sys i.f .n this. rr,e: 4 i , lf'hltif N. • 4,1 h.isti.l,4 ny F•lo4* .f .1/s4 r • iv iii Stmree• !Mir. Awl .the .4 1. Ft E. -4 . nor. 41 T... AN. ). 3 I,:me ',pair y. .ssair A , it K. no , , fop.. le»errJ •-• Lego' in r .44 I• fl.4rit-en, vs-11 1. .owile,e. :e1.,. 1111.roto iorn•••••• Ittitym••••*e lir pie , . •.f Ply.fty f . 1111.1 , S 0 1 1101 X Ramp . •.. loffrfor. 1.•19. ime4 is •h. ;iv .•.•••• ••• •eriv• of 1.0.1ri• 41•••?, .% • taa•••• ha on romefti.•l 104 Pr Js a r*i Ti11:8 - -five Tr-sir •So , viry , -Its«. bo poi 4 "a ..f tbr• tat... sm. rh. ••.‘ sae• in if / Nine! 44 fillaMilinlirr. fib rstew.w • • 'to terser..4l by ffoo jnJOS.PSt "ff fb. 11.9"46""*- FPUPI4III net :1 • • A hoe* -verwr. 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Immo gesi r-if* taw. -*Pier litrwrys sit 4 lON 111 IP Awe Illayro and libirtair y s meillbse tis wilbairiast at ss 4to age..., Illmo dom• dire earn grawire i. NNW "Op, reasik sal to Iwo ti"f i • .1. . ,: ,~ r" ,- *l6 , • . 1 • - •' i .. '^~.qji.' ~~. . -4e. ~Inge -40 ws P.t. _ s • r.o•r -eibp4 Is - se it* , - •-;~ .t ws~ 7 0 1' AMP , 4 2r Y • ,--• —1 " 7 7 wets* • —rater • lot ast a «ago - • - Amme Moe - v,fr IP.Ort gelage. am' be - o"ie NW!! d!",_ 4 - ova ..reffert r • -:.—wripips - gm* imam • ar-. ~,~a .r . .. . roopt • wriOir tatter rum - eir otko 1 75.0 , - gririvit osia. _ *Nib tr. - ..141r1 .rijr V " 1 y• !UP 411 , 1 t • .lbsp J" -Ow • :0 owe la. • 40,,, • MP* .1' M- it * ' • ' mop.* -'t •