The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, October 13, 1876, Image 4
The Ilun gdo own al Peabody Medical Institute No. 4 St., Boston, ( Opposite Ri I•Pre IT THE SCIENCE OF LIFE; Or. SELF-PRESERVATION. WILE TITAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD, Gold Medal Awarded to the Author my th, "National Medical Association," March 31st, 187 G. UST published by the PEAUODY MEDIC.% I. INSTI TUTE, a new edition of the whin:tied al work entitled the "TUE SCIENCE OE LIFE; or, SELF PRES ERVATION." It treat upon MAtotoon, bow 10-t, how regained and how perpetuated ; ChIISC and cure of Exhaus ted Vitality, Impotentey, Premature Decline in Man, Spermaterrhcm, or Seminal LoSSeS (nocturnal and dinr nal),Nervous and Physical Debility Hypochondria, Gloomy Forebodings, Mental Depressions, Loss of Energy, Hag gard Countenance, Confusion of Mind and Loss of Memo• ry, Impure State of the blood, and all dieetteee arising from the ERROEs or YOUTu or the indiscretions or exceat of mature yearn. It tells you all about the Morale of Generative Physiol ogy, the Physohigy of Marriage, of Wedlock and Offspring, Physical Contrasts, True 3lortality, Empiricism Perver sion of Marriage, Conjugal Precept and Friendly Counsel, Physical Infirmity, Its Causes and Cure, Relations Be tween the Sexes, Proofs of the Expansion of Tice, The Miseries of Impudence, Ancient, Ignorance and Errors, MEANS OP ConE, Cure of Body tool. Mind. TREE PRINCI PLES OF TREATMENT, Andress to Patients and Invalid Read ers, The Author's Principles. The price of this book is only $l.OO. This Book also contains MORE THAN FIFTY PRESCRIPTIONS for the above named and other diseases, each one Worth more than the price of the book. Also, another valuable medical work treating exclusive ly on MENTAL. AND NERVOUS DISEASES; more than 200 royal octavo }ague, twenty elegant engravings, bound in substantial muslin. Price only $2.00. Direly enough to pay for printing. "The Book for young and middled-aged men to readjust now, is the Science of Life„ ok' Self Preservative. The author has returned from Europe in e ccelleut health, and is again the Chief Consulting Physician of the Peabody Medical Institute, No. 4 Bultinch Street, Boston 14Lass."— Nerds/Wean Journal. "The Science of Life Is beyond all comparison the most extraortlinarY Work on Physiology ever published."—llos telt Herald. "hope neaLksl in the bottom of Pandora's box and hope plumes her wings anew, since the issuing of these valua ble works, pnblished by the Peabody Medical Institute, which aro teaching thousand; how to avoid the maladies that sap the citadel of life."—Philadelpkiit Enquirer. 'lt should he read by the young, the middle-aged ;and even the York Tribune. _ , The first and only Medal ever conferred upon any Med ical Man in this country, as a recognition of skill and profeeefoual services was presented to the author of Untie world, March 3160876. The presentation was noticed at the time of its occurrence by the Boston Press, and the leading journals throughout the country. This magnifi cent Medal is of solid gold set with more than one hun dred India diamonds of mro brilliancy "Altogether, iu its execution and the richness of its ma terials, and size, this is decidedly the most noticeabb. WNW evfr struck in this country for any purpose what 'wet': It is well worth the inspection of Numismatists. It was fairly won and worthily bestowal.".—llassocha eats Plaugkesaa, June Id, 1886.. lnir Catalogue seat on roeetpt of Ge. fur postage. • " Either of th - e above works ;ent by mil onrer, , ipt of price. Address PEABODY MEDICA.L INSTITUTE. (or W. 11. PARKWIL, M. D., Consulting Physician,) No. 4 Bill- Bush EL Boston, Mass., opp. Revere House. W. B. The sullor c►n be eonsulted on the above named disepsce, as well as all disease. requiring skill, secrecy mid experience. (Moe hours, 6 r. Di. [mug. 4-ly Medical VEGETINE Ctrikes st the. root of disease by purifying •the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action, invigorating the nervous system. VEGETINE Js_ppt.a vile nauseous compound, which simply purges the bpwctii,. imt a safe, pleasant remedy which is sure to purify the blood and thereby re !tore the,health. VEGETINE Is now prescribed in cases of Scrofula and other diseases of the blood, by many of the best physi cians, owing to its great success in curing all dis eases of this nature. VEGETINE Does not deceive invalids into false hopes by purg ing and creating a fictitious appetite, but assists nature in clearing and purifying the whole system, leading the patient gradually to perfect health. VEGETINE Was looked upon as an experiment for some time by sum.) of our best physicians, but those most in eredulbes in re g ard to its :nerit are now' its most ardent friends til supporters. VEGETINE Instead of bell= a puffed-up medicine has worked its way up to its present astonishing success by actual merit in curing all diseases of the blood, of Whatever nature. l i rEGtTINE Says a Boston physician. "has no equal as a bltrod purifier. 4earing of its many wonderful cures, after all other remedies had failed, I visited the labna,tory and convinoed myself of its geanlne merit. It is prepared from barks, roots and herbs, each of which is highly effective, and they are compounded in such a manner as to produce as tonishing resttlo." ' VEGETINE Is apktiowleilgeil and recommended by physic ions :and apothecaries to be the best purifyer and cleans er of &be hb)od yet discovered, and thousands speak In its praise who have been restored to health PROOF. WHAT IS NEEDED. Bosyq4, Feb. 13,1871 . . Mi. II: R. STEVENS Sir,--About one year since I found myself in a feeble condition froin aperal debility. VEGETINE was strongly rec ommended to me by a friend who had been much benefited by its use. I procured the article and after using several bottles, was restored to health and discontinued Its use, feel quite confident that &ere is notnedicinamtperior to it for those complaints for whickh it is especially prepared, and would eheetfully recommend it to those who feel that they need something to restore them to per feet healOt.,- Respectful .yours, V. I. PETTINGILL. Firm of S. 31. Vettingill 4i, Co., 10 State St. Boston. et-mem/n, Nor. 26, 1872 . Mr. H. R. STEVKNB:—DeariSii--The two bottles of VEGETINE furnished me by your agent, my wife 400144 with-great benefit. For a long time she has been troubled with diz ziness and costiveness; these troubles are now en tirely removed by the use of VEGETINE. She was also troubled with Dyspersia.and Gen eral Debility.; and has been greatly benefited. THOS. GILMORE, 229 i Walnut St. FEEL MYSELF A NEW MAN. • NATICK, Mass., June Ist, I 572 MB. H. R. STZVEMS : Dear Sir—Through the advice and earnest per suasion of Rev. E. &Rest, of this place, I . have been taking VEGETENE for Dyspepsia, of Which I have suffered for years. I have used only two bottles and already feel myself a new man. Respectfully, Dr. J.W. CARTER. .Report from a Practical Chemist and Apothecary. IlosToN, Jan. 1, 187 t Dear Sir—This is to certify that I have sold at retail 154 k dozen (1852 bottles) of your. VEIIE TINE sines April 12 1870, and can truly say that it has given the best satisfaction of any remedy for the.oomplaints for which it is recommended, that I ever• sold. Scarcely a day passes without some of my customers testifying to its merits on themselves or their friends. lam perfectly cog nizant of severdl cruses of Scrofulous Tumors be ing cured by VEGETINE alone in this vicinity. Very respectfully yours, A. OILMAN, 468 Broadway. To IL R. STEVENS, ESQ. . - , - rang 25-1 m VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE FOR YOUR JOB PRINTING If you want sale bills, If you want bill beads, If you want letter heads, If you want visiting cards, If you want business cards, If you want. blanks of any kind, If you want envelopes neatly printed, If you want anything printed in a workman like manner, and at ' , cry reaso.pable rates, leave yourorders at the above namea (take. •vITM. WILLIAMS, Vtll .• MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE MANTLES, MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, &C., HUNTINGDON, PA. PLASTIIR PARIS CORNICES, MOULDINGS; &C ALSO SLATE MANTLES FURNISHED TO ORDER. Jaa,. 4, '7l. R,VND 25c. to G. P. ROWELL St CO .144 w 'York, for,Patapidet of 100 pages, con taining Vets of 301T0 newspapers, and estimates allowing cost of advertising. [mehlo,"7fy ann anb' `,ij)Ditsoo. A Midsunimro Song. •;:. : nvirl,l : the 1 . .4,, And •... I tit, 11, , 1 I Will+lllll6 I ,• It 111.. mill. W moth, flotil lltn kit. 1,-ti .1.... r will— ' P.•;ly ! P. rn‘t , :it. in IL A murmur, so. of eaters, from and Irera, and ground, The biiils they sin,.; upon tle• wing, the Lill met coo, 4 1 3 d over the hill and hollow riiiro again the laud halloo : "Polly ! Polly ! the cove are in the rent ! Ith, where's Above the tre,o, the honey swarm by with buzz and boom, Anil in the I'l4l an,l hundmi flow.rql.fnimi NVithin ft Lriner'g meadow a brown,ycd daiml And down at tho .dg, of Ilia 11011155% a red and thorny But "Polly ! Polly ! the cols, are in the corn, 011, wherc'e Polly?" 1,,w arang, at sii,h a time of day tI. aliould stop its clatter! The farmer's wit*, is listening new, and wonders what's . the matter; WI, will the birds are eingiag in this woos! and on thu hill, up the hollow gov. 4 tiles hey that minds the mill. Hut, 1..:ly! U.! curs at, in thy ,orit Olt, WI1(.11..111 . 0ily .1" - - Corn Cribs. Farmers must be prepared to have crib room for their corn. A go.AI vont house costs but little, and every lamer should have one disconnected with ether build ings to keep out rats. There is, probably, no better way to build one than upon du rable posts, about two feet above the ground, placing pieces of zinc on the tops of the pocts, projecting all around about eight inches. Nov Ale steps should be made for the door, to be removed a few feet after coming out. It is quite as well to build a corn house with perpendicular sides as it is to build iu the old style of slanting• at the bottom, to protect the corn from storms. Let the roof project over three or tbur feet, and the corn will be • protected enough. A temporary crib may be made of rails laid upon cross•pieces at the ends, six or eight feet higl , and five or six feet wide, with boards laid upon the top so as to shed rain. The corn should be raised about a foot from the ground by a loose, open flooring. Caro for Sick Animals. The. most of our domestic animals are like human beings, when sick—all they rccluirc is a dose oft:italic* to act prompt ly on the bowels. One of our most ex perienced veterinary surgeons says that sulphate of soda (glauber salts) is cue of the most useful and cheap remedies for sick animals, that fanners can use. This remedy may be given to horses, cattle. sheep, swine or dogs, with equally good results. "Tho dose as a purgative is as follows : Horses, one to two pounds. Cattle, one-half to one pound. Sheep and swine, three to five ounces. Dogs, one to two ounces. In these doses it is always necessary to give it as a drench, dissolved in two or three times its weight of water; but when given to horses in smaller doses, as .a condiment, diuretic of laxative, it is gen erally readily taken dissolved - in - part of a pail of water." . Pennsylvania System of Rotatidn . . _ A correspondent Or the Farnzt;e. 'Boma Journal says: Our rotation of crops is, perhaps, different to that of the west and south. Our system of. rotation is as fol lowv. We put • lime on a sod field, turn down for corn next year,;cover with well rotted *table manure, and turn again for corn; then two crops of wheat. -The second time we sow wheat we also sow clo ver and timothy; then mow or pasture one year ; then we _begin - to turn for corn again. So, we conic around to grass every four or five years. We believe in clover as !the crop to get up the soil. We think the best way to get up a thin soil is to mow a clover field for hay, then when the second growth is.grown about fifteen inches, turn eattle or ,sheep on to trample down the clover. Then put on about seventy-five or eighty bushels of time per acre in the fall ; the following spring, turn the clover and lime down and plant in corn. Clover, with lime and a little manure, will bring quite a thin soil to a good rich soil in a few years. TO DETERMINE THE AGE OF EGOS.- An egg is generally called fresh when it has been laid only one or two days in sum mer, - and two to six days in winter. The shell being porous, the water in the inte rior evaporates, and leaves a cavity of greater or less extent. The yolk of the egg sinks, too, as may be easily seen by. holding it toward a candle or the sun ; and when shaken, a slight shock is felt if the -'egg is not fresh. • To determine the pre cise age of eggs, dissolve about four ounces of common salt in a quart of pure water, and then immerse the egg. If it is one day old, it will descend to the bottom of the vessel; but if three days, it will float in the liquid. If more than five days old, it will come to the surface and project above in proportion to its increased age. PLOWING UNDER CLOVER- When should clover be plowed under to obtain great manurial benefit ? is a query found in our drawer this week. No better an swer can be given than Mr. Low's—when the plants are cowing into flower, for then they contain the largest quantity of read iness soluble matter, and have least ex. hausted the nutritive substance of the soil. If left till the plant matures seed part of the object is defeated, i. e., the recuperation of the soil. The work should be done while the weather is warm, so as to promote the decay of the crop.—Prac tieul Fit rucrr. - - - MILKING Cows.—The milk of cows soon after they have cavled contains more butter and is much • more easily churned than it is afterwards. About five months after calving the milk undergoes a change and the cream is not only less in quantity, but the butter globules arc smaller. The reason why milk froths in churns is, that when it sours, alcohol is formed by the decomposition of the sugar of the milk, and this causes the milk when shaken or beaten, to foam or froth. if this froth exists to a large extent, butter will not come, and the milk is useless for churning purposes. The longer a cow is milked af ter calving the less is the yield ofiitter, and the loss nourishment is there contain ed in her milk. Dr. Swayne's Medicines. TO .Al-41-4 SIVAIIN E, Th- DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry .„.I..ther ,:ulisal,lt• eutcr. , l tipon I. Prof.- -01 MA career wise ini• tut ailvtulago iii regular Etllirmiliout in ume t.f the oldest and [met scissile in and, perhaps in the world. Ile eubar quently s,rvisl a lbithGil term of practice in the Philadel phia Itispeusary, and for many yesrd attendisl also in the Hospital. 19 institutions lie enjoyed the 'met am ide opportunities of obtaining an Insight into diseases in all their various forms, as well as fur ascertaining the best methods of their treatment. hi offering, therefore, to the people of the United Status the fruits of his extensive pro fessional experience in the medical Cilia putincln aim the lest results of his skill and observation, lie feels that he is lint proffering a boon to every fiddly throughout the hind, resting, as he does, confidently, iii the merits and Oliva cious virtu , ' of the remedies his herewith commemla. The vast amount, of testimony from till parbi of tutu world bad proven "DOCTOR. SIVAYNE'S COMPOUND SYBUP OF WILD CHERRY" the most efficacious remedy known,aud it is admitted by our most eminent physicians, and all who have witne,ed its wonderful healing propertied. The WILL/ CHERRY in all ages of the world, and in all coun tries where it is known, has lawn Justly celebrated for its wonderful medicinal qualities; but its great power to cure some of the worst and moot distrersing disease's among us was never bully ascertained until t Ito experiments of that skillful phy N kiwi, Dr. Swayne, hail demonstrated its high ad:stilton, in eonitiination with Pine Tree Tor, and in other equally valuable vegetable ingredients, which, chemically combined, renders its action tenf,dul mature certain and ben eficial in curing all diseases of the timed, breast and lungs. DR. SWAYS ITS WILD CHERRY CO3IPOUND strikes at the root offal disowns by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy a , :tion, invigor ating the nervous and-ehatteml constitution. S~ribne ANOTHER, HOPELESS CASE CONS UMPTION! cumn BY Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry A DAUSTOWN, Lancaster CO., Pa. Du. "Swsvxr. a SON. Gentlemrn:—About two years ago my wife was suffering from consumption, her cough at times was very distressing, and during her sickness had the best medicalattendance in this and adjoining coun ties. Her case was pmnonuced hopeless by all of them. I was induced through the recommendation of your agent, Dr. Isaac 11. Miller, of West Brecknock, Berks county, Pa., and who can verify these facts, to try Dr. Swayne's Compound Syiup of Wild Cherry. After using it fur some time, she was entirely cured, and is now as well as ever, and fully able to perform her usual labor. lam so fully satisfied that it is to your preparation that I am indebted for her restoration to health, that I grant you full liberty to give her case publicity, in the hope that others now suffering may derive benefit front her experience, Yours, respe,tfully, HENRY G. PRICE ONE DOLLAR—EIZ BOTTLE* FIVE DOLLARS. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 3-30 2trorth Sixth Street, Philadelphia SOLI) BY ALL PROIMINLNT DRUGGISTS. A Good Family Medicine. If you are Bilious, take WAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If you have a Sick Headache, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If Vaur Tongue is Coated, take SIVA YNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If you have a Cold, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS To prevent and cure Chills suufFever,take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS If your Bowels are Costive, take SWAYNE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla PILLS Persons of a full habit, who aro subject to Readac he, Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the Ear, arising from too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dangerous symptoms will ha car ried off by their use. LIVER COMPLAINT. That dreaded disease from which so many persons suffer, is frequently the eanse of MADAME, INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA, is speedily relieved and often permanently cared-by their use. Fevers are prevented by the use of Blood Purifying Pills, as they carry off, through the blood, the impurities from which they arise. For Costiveness there is nothing so effective as Swayne's Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. Price '25 cents a box ; 5 boxes for el, sent by snail. Address let ters and orders to DR. MAYNE SON, 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For sale by all Druggists. ITCHING PILES Is generally preceded by a moisture, like perspiration, distressing itching, as though pin worms were crawling in and about the rectnm,particularly at night when undress ing, or in bed after getting warm. It appears in summer as well as winter, and is not confined to males only, but it is quite as frequent that females are sorely afflicted, par ticularly in times of pregnancy, extending into the Vagi na, proving distressing almost beyond the p 'were of en durance. Cases of long standing, pronounced incurable, have been permanently cured by simply applying SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS DR. SWAVNE & Sox. GOZnenta4:—The box of Oiutm<•ut you bent me by mail cured me entirely of Itching Piles, which I suffered with for five years. Enclosed find fifty cents fur another box for a friend of mine. ANDREW J. BEACH, Farms ell Station, Loudonn Co., Vu. Du. SWAYNE & SON :—Enclosed please find one dollar for two boxes of your Ointment for Itching Piles. These are for some of my friends who are afflicted with this dis tressing complaint. The box you sent me a year ago, (used about one-half of it,) and I am glad, yes I ant proud to say, it mule a perfect cure. I think its efficacy should be published throughout the length and breadth of the laud. You can publish this if you think proper. DA DID GROSSNICKLE, Ladiesburg, Frederick Co ,yid. READER: If you are suffering with this annoy!ng com plaint, or Tester, any crusty, scaly, itchy, skin disease, go to your druggist and get a box of Swayne's Ointment. It will surely cure you. Price 50 cents a box. t boxes $1.25, G boxes $2.50. Sent by mail to any address, on receipt of the price. Prepared only by Vu. SW.tsNE SON, 530 N. Sixth St., Phila. HAVE YOU TRIED IT? Life, "London I lair Color Restorer.' Growth, "London Hair Color Restorer.' "Lon Jon Hair COlor Restorer.' "London Hair Color Restorer. I3eaut3r, "London Hair Color Restorer. "London Hair Color Restorer. "London Hair Color Restorer. for the "London Hair Color Restorer. "London Hair Color Restorer. lIAIR. "London Hair Color Restorer. "London Hair Color Restorer. RICE? TOM READ MID HAIR HEALTHY, LONDON HAIR RESTORER I—lt will restore gray hair to its original color. 2-1 t will thicken thin hair; cause a new growth. 3—lt will restore the natural secretions. 4—lt will remove all dandruff and ttchingu. s—lt will make the hair soft, glossy and flexible. 1-1 t will preserve the original color to old age. 7-1 t will prevent the hair front falling oil. S—lt will cure all diseases of the scalp. It rotores both the luivriance and color of the hair, and is as harmless as water. Premature blanching or fa ding of the hair is greatly to be regretted, and that every body wants to be beautiful is proof enough that it le wise and right to be so, by every proper means; but there is nothing more important to this cud than beautiful hair. Now to prevent the failing of the natural coloring matter in it, or re-excite lie roots of the Lair to growth again, nothing has ever bean introduced to the American people that equals the LONDON HAIR COLOR itESTORER. Dr. Dalton, of Philadelphia, Faye of it : The Loadei Hair Color Rodurer is nsed very extensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 7b CENTS PER BOTTLS ;Six BOTTLES FOR $l. Sent by Express, to any address, on receipt of price. Address orders to Da. SWAYNE & 50N,330 N. Sixth St. Philadelphia, Pa., solo Proprietors. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. apr 21, '76-aug `-'5, '76.] HENRY .t CO C. MUNSON, CUTTAGEPLANING.MILLEIO SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FLOORING, Brackets, Ming Stair-Millis PLASTERING LATH, FRAME STUFF and all kinds of The members of the Cottage Planing Mill Co. being largely interested in the Lumber interest in Clearfield and Centre counties, they will at all times keep constantly on hand a full supply of the very best well seasoned, and parties favoring us with an or der will receive prompt attention, and all work GUAQANTEED to relider satisfaction. Office for the present at Henry & Co's. Store. S. E. HENRY, Supt. Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 1, 137.5. ARLON PIANO FORTE Estey's Cottage Organs. • rii - ink Ai 1 1 1 2 , :filw (.4_, A5 ., 2 , E , --, .--. 1-:-, _ • i-7/44 I . ) jjuk : • tto-Ti 1 ,. ° R L.. . , • r 111-sk •■• _ ONE THOUSAND MADE AND SOLD MONTHLY. NEARLY OR QUITE DOUBLE THAT THE SWEETEST AS WELL AS THE MOST POWERFUL ORGAN IN THE MARKET. PATENT ARION PIANO E. M. BRUCE & CO., No. 1308 Chestnut St., deelo,7s] PHILADELPHIA. FITS !FITS I. flb! MERCHANT TAILOR, would inform his friends in town awl country, that he has opened a shop on four doors West of J. D. Myton's store, and is prepared to furnish everything in his line of bus iness, at the shortest notice, and in the neatest All kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REPAIR. ING done to order, and full satisfaction guaran teed. CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. Oct6-Iy. SOMETHING NEW. TWO LARGE STORES MERGED INTO ONE EXPENSES DECREASED, PRICES REDUCED and greater convenience secured to customers. Takes pkasure in announcing to all who want to buy CARPETS & FURNITURE That having become solo proprietor of the Fur niture store formerly owned by "Brown & Ty horst," be has combined with it his large Carpet Store and "London Hair Color Restorer. "London (lair Color Restorer. Will be pleased now to find the CARPETS, as well as samples of FURNITURE on the first floor, without climbing stairs. My stock comprises a great variety of Kitchen, Chamber and Parlor Furniture, Mattresses, Picture Frames, Brackets, and the largest stock of CARPETS in Central Pennsylvania. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, Win dow Shades, Wall Paper, Carpet Chain, all colors; needles for Howe and other machines. Estey Organs; also Howe sewing machines at cost. I manufacture part of my goods in both the Carpet and Furniture Department, and please NOTICE THIS FACT, That as I BUY LOW FOR CASH, and havini wade this new arrangement, reducing expenses, can sell at such low prices as will make it the in• terest of buyers to call at No. 525 , Penn Street. .tag.. Until March 10th, I offer AT COST, for cash, Wall Paper and a g-eat variety of Carpets. Feb.lo. JAMES A. BROWN. 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25,25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Ltmilttflaall 13PaN:pagan 25 25 25 25 25`25 25 25 25 25 AT TIIE JOURNAL STORE. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Planing Mill 3IANCIACTI. 1:E1i,4 AND id...11-F.l:s IN SHINGLES, COMMON AND FANCY PICKETS, LUMBER WHITE PINE, Pianos and Organs -AND OF ANY OTHER MAKE Also the WITH FOUR NEW PATENTS. Merchant Tailor, WM. M. PARKER, PENN STREET, and most FASHIONABLE STYLES, at prices to suit the times, Furniture and Carpets JAMES A. BRO WX THE LADIES Stationery. SPLENDID As Low as 25cts. a Box, GEO.WOODS CO.'S PARLOE, ORGA_NS D. W. lIOLT .l• P. STENER i..- C..- t Ti,- ,- . 0 5 C p 0 7-6 6, .... These remarkable instruments posses% capacities for musical eff,t; andesression nes, before attairi ,, t Adapted for Amateur and Professional, and an ornament in any par! 1W" Heautful • Now Styles, now ready. GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, Mass. WAREBOOMS: 608 Wsehington St., Boston; 170 State St.. Chicago; 25 Ludgate Hill. Loudon. THE VOX HUMANA — A leading M05i...1 Journal of .clertert att,! valuaLle rvibnd 9 matter. By mail St per ye tr, or ten cents a ni:rn',-r. it 7 ire 1,1 contains from $o to $3 worth of the finest selected music. GEO. WOODS & CO., Publisilert, Cambridgepert, Hass WM. MA Rel 1776. In order to make room ror Fall una 'Winter (i , ,,),,ds offers to close out the lane ortnu or QUEENSWARE J Boots and Shoes, June 16, 1876 An institution for impartin a Practicid Business Education. Younz and meth., aged men fitted for the actual g duties of life. Students can enter at opy In dividual instruction. Large and finely fnrujshed Halls and (thew. cf.n,pretycnsivn course of study. Regular and appropriate Lectures. Th“rottch Training. For Circulars address T. - Purr 4r. 8011:4, P.,. September:6, 1976-4 m "LA PIERRE" HOUSE, CORNER BROAD AND CIIESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. This house,most pleasantly located on Broad and Chestnut streets, has all rmi.iern improvement. including Passenger Elevator, &c. It is first class in all its appointments. l'ri.e per day from MA) to $4, according to length of time and location of room. STREET CARS RCN DIRECT THE CENTENNIAL E.I"I'HsITII)N Sep. 154m] 1430 SOUTH PAWN sQ[ARk,'. SOUTII-WEST CORNER NEW PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Pito M PHILADELPHIA. Offers superior attractions to strangers visiting the Centennial Cthihitb•n. Situate in the very centre of the City, immediately contigitous to Theatre. Ar , I other ..f Amusement, HANDSOME SUMMER (;ARDEN FOR THE USE OF (;('EsTs. Three Lines of Street Cars running direct to and from the Exhilnti , ,n r-un Rooms all new, handsomely furnished and well kept. TI H COOLF.ST PLACE IN Till: • First-class accommodations at popular prices. 'fEß,vs' ti,.'.,;() I'ER n.l }". Special rates to 30 or more visiting, the City in company. Rooms secured in advance by application through mail or otherwise. To reach Rappleye's hotel, take Coaches of Centennial Transfer Co.. or NLv•• R. R. Depot direct to the Hotel : or, ragsengerA arriving by N.,:th l'enn'A It. t cars and get exchange tickets out Market St. 60 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ! . Having ja,t rerriv...l a fin• a.4.,rtnient of Starar. from the eao, I am n...• prepare.' t., In `Stamping for 60 Choice BUILDING LoTs, in Taylor'e Al i BRAIDING AND EMBROIDERING. I aleo tb l'inkinx at the horteet notice. .;. GRIY. No. 41. - / Mifflin Street. 25 25 25 25 dition to West lluntingdon,'' for Edie 25 25 IVilliarn - March 8 Bro.'s Stoo CENTENNIAL WM. MARCH & BRO., Dl-Y GOO7DE4, NOTIONS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, CLOTHING, The greatest iii(ltivement.; CAS IT I=IT_TB.,CI-IA_SIZ,S in the la-lt 100 vea t - Our stock is all well assorted. Nearly S: , 1)41t) •Aorth of g•oods Will be forced off at prices that wit! astonish the pur;hasers. Kes Give IN a eall find we AVM try im,l:nti-fy y, Two Houses for Rent Cheap. For sale cheap One Two-Horse Wagon, 1 TOP PTIC4-0-Y, Two Trotting Buggies, ONE SPRING WAGON, ,11so, a tine !f)t cat Lap and Shaved Shingles, 'fellow and White Pine Flooring, Roofing Lathe, Hemlock Lumber of all kind•, belonging to OSC.A.R) Neill he offorol for C.1..11 At A roductiim Miscellaneous RAPPLEYE'S HOTEL, TT ROBLEY, Merchant Tailor, No. 11• 813 Mifflin street, West Huntingdon, Pa., respectfully solicits a share of public pat- JOHN F. 'MILLER ronage from town and country . [n,t14.72. Apply to ! ' i , ;II _ - 'viz( if TINWARE ) Hats and Caps, I',' 11. 11.11:C11 1:i;1► \VNI. :discellanenti , 1. IWTTEILIVI dal!. Propri. ' ,r STAMPING ! MAy3, I 575, N~~it- k•' ' k ; • t, FRi.-i TIN.: .1 , 14 !"-•••••••1 ~-;:Pi irta i , h A. , oh. r ~ns'~rt..n.s •n " 1. 111": i • i.(111.1 ~, furl 1. D` ". -:1 n- v• v tto r • v, • •••••••firiii I i Rt If )TS A .41 an: .. ...Dn. ,- 1 . 74• 40' 1876.•n•f af; • Jal. JOTIN Mit,l.r.i DE .1 r:N; sT 11E Jan.l.l YALE Business [moil Thi4 1 1 44ralri at Now the Yelebrate.i Ni: •-f !yarning. ift•l . 4,4 prii-yminyntly elas . raii4t y 41.1 -.- • tical ~ I:t4 ',in.{ :a :hi. ...untry t.t • ia TR.IINING rh st we •.1 tarp prtr••tn when tii-•tf men... }:y i thor..nzh ...war. , .4 Kari! In by letial 01. flr4. ,/per Prof. R C. Loveridge. E. H Parkhurst. Tit El )1:f 4111 - 11:q.:. }:..i 7 Ke. F ln t • • r.ssisss., si 1••rmo. Le-tures ..n U•i•tne•-. iss.l••••st.s, cl•si VTl'll. IW: 4 IN ES'S I)FI'ARTMENT 110 W T.) IP) nr-4iNv..44 The •ra.lrn• rr.agy fs4tir• 4 in.' cp,rn I • f•j! • • fir raake4 an.l t,-rp•a . in the note .1 war. lie fives tent.* sa.i .J.,-"unt 4. za.l aft.? , ntertst ,at. pee aer , hip .n,l,iviriet :a •of he eater. dm. haisse.4 ~, t rtee• awl marks Ma way t • je . ••••• . r ••• .; • • • . pow, • • STUDENTS CAN EME AT DT TIE. !..r•iber I , gamisag r • •.f ott•r-sn.-o. prim .1 it, S. S. SMITH & SOW, DroilEists olld ANthicarits, I- ILT NT 'l' IN"G.D 0 N , PA . , Drugs, Medicines. TOILET & Fllll Paints,OilaNarnish. Car ' bon Oil Lamps. &c. &c. WINES AND LIQUORS, -7-";* 1..• Bra PIA , „ 1 .\11•.'11:011. 31. • ; 111.11t31 3114 1; pm... article w3r-anteil in ev..ry Tii..v Azi.lo4 r;rl , 7 iv" Vethral Fed Southern Bt,t rig.. 1 ,, r APPLE JACK. : K 11 " 711111 D ~ iTSI . i . F1 " w igt 4 h ; • "" 114 Win I slur Toms illftisily Cask ...►n from Penn ike h .t .•F.t.fw-.:m I STAMPING 1 rifle =::sti.•nrc. glozant Id.' 'I F H .. . .f T rrtir r.►.! 1;; %F. 7." se,' ►j•in.~ in { t ;; . r;1 1!..;0 4 )N. P.l HU:, 1%)11,-. YOUNG MEN. 111)W Ti' INI IT YALE BUSINESS CULLUM NEV 111%EN. uNN I)ritg- , GB; PEN.% sIREET. ell EilfC. I LB. rto - ssEs. st ~IIUFLUEI: I:i:.~' E -- ••Ir n tl I •',. - • . t I' L T ik bit: er " y .f 'I t~ tl - - rfo•K wit I SW'T Tit . G ~••~ ~I~f1i.: (" I 611) r 1!:ib.~ S~ f) - .1:+ I► !: CL ?:w':t !s Fa #1.7; PK: 4 . Ii lT eArta. gwagiaree sr.& soil • h. 7 . a.... w-i% : +- Titthrft ,, I .1. rti I:P.\ ;ii'.li'r i , 1e f argrmiratiriet rev Wpm, . • •Ir ►a' a aL't• f! 7- t• M .1t11111Miti.: t W VrrilD ralrirTv, %0rd.A.: 4 7; ; IKE HUCK-Pin 1TT.4 . , - ,1.F.3A12153 7:7IiLAUR irr7 7 - No. 330, Railroad St.. iii - VriNiiiN)N. BELNDY, WHISKEY. IN nu. Gl3. ENGLisii BROWN STOUT 1)1 - 1;1.IN l'utal..l: y.F.\ Pit :Ai: CENTURY WHISRNES. - • he .-...gerzi rert ir' --tfrattrwys, ENT' 17 Writ 4 lE fr - .- --'i«•~ "a' ~...s7 v 4 tL LAI 151.141/MNIIMair wit raw* VI 0 T 111 rirlinftr 4f err 11, rI 'S IR WILIPTICS gift . ass. !tempo rt awl Sof Irror#lllll 1/.4 • - s yew.. .p. • • Vat 11 41140.1Nft 0114 .110.0 41.0.6. • %We 11110 PIP 6.1111 SO ~VP. f , -. 1 0, • 1,. ',v../ ...ter•111 sig4 qmsorimig 0.1%..... , ni- I .font f••••••• •... ...• .9 ..ion, frkwalisave 1 .. • kip., 11111......111 YMIP.IIIIIIIIIOII 4 !bow" Vim Ir.- • 50.4 Hip ......rvey V'tesisors .. 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