The Huntingdon Journal iarnt anb . 011500th'. Brahmas and Leghorns The farmer's fowl, for most localities is Brahmah. As a rule, farmers eor c.,re t., regs exclusively but uant chickens for market as well. Light Brahmas have one advantage over the light variety, inasmuch as they pick much cleaner—or, rather the small feathers do not show badly. It may be urged that no small feathers should be left on. That may be the case but it is almost impossible to get them all off if a large number of fowls are dressed at once. Light Brahmas com bine egg-production and flesh.forming bet ter than any other breed, and, for both those purposes, they far surpass any grade or cross bred fowl that. can be produced. When the hens of this breed become too o:Ll to be of mach prifir as ?,.7.:4-pr , .ducers, they can be killed and dressed, and will usually bring a good price in the market; and this is more than can be said of sonic b:•eeds. Brahmas require no nest eggs, and will do fully as well without them. When they are on the nest laying. you c:Ji take the ergs from under dieT, and they will not raise a rumpus, and break out a pane of glass from the window in their effort to escape their imaginary foe. 'it' they are handled well they became so tam , that they call he packed up in the y;.rd. All this is vaitutt,l,, in a bred of fowls, because it contribilte.3 to their own. er's pleasure as well as to his purse. If a farmer should happen to live in a goad locality fir eggs—where they will average twenty cents per dozen the year through—he had better keep Leghorns. They will lay more eggs iu a given time than any other bared. In a breed of fowls I egg., eolor is of no importance, conse quently Brown or Black Leghorns are as desirable as the white variety, and they are not so common. We have no trouble to obtain eggs from our Leghorns in the winter. It is well known that Leghorns usually commence t) lay when they are four or five months old. We take advan tag: of this, and set the eggs so as to hatch about the latter part of July. The pullets usually commence to lay about the Ist of December, and continue uninterrupted all winter. If they were hatched early, they would lay until cold weather, and take a vacation till spring. If it is intended to breed from pullets the eggs should of course be set early, so they will be fully matured for the next season. Brahmins usually be gin to lay at eight or nine months old, and their eggs should be set early if the pullets are expected to lay the first winter. The greatest fault of the Leghorns is their wildness; they seem to think every body and everything were purposely made to injure them. If any one expects to make money from Leghorns, he must leave them alone as much as possible, and never let a dog get in sight of them. Our Leghorns are only a "farm flock," however, and perhaps some other flocks are more tracta ble. The widespread popularity of Brah mas and Leghorns among the farmers shows, more than anything else, the esteem in which din,' are held.— Correspondent of the Country • Gentleman. Breeding Fowls When it can be done, mate the best two. year•old hens with a fine, large, vigorous cock, one-year old. Where pullets are used in breeding they should be mated with a cock two years old. A hen's first laying for the season will always give the best chicks. She is then more vigorous than after laying a long while. There is more vitality and thrift in the earlier than in the late batched chicks. Owing to the great strength and vigor of the hen when she first begins to lay, there is more vitality in the germ from which the chick starts,and it is characterized by a greater robustness all through the period of growth and devel opement; therefore, hatch early. When the chicks are old enough to show what they will be, all that do not come up to the mark should be culled and eaten, or marketed; this will leave more room for the good ones. A beginner sometimes thinks that his chicks may come on and outgrow some apparent defect, but, unless he have nerve to use the axe freely, he will make slow progress in breeding. Eve rything that does not the bill" at twelve weeks old should go upon the broil ing spit.—Exchange. Pennsylvania System of Rotation A correspondent of the Farmers' Home Journal says : Our rotation or crops is, perhaps, different to that of the west and south. Our system of rotation is as fol lows: We put lime on a sod field, turn down for corn next year, cover with well rotted stable manure, and turn again fur corn; then two crops of wheat. The sec ond time we sow wheat we also sow clover and timothy; then mow or pasture one year; then we begin to turn for corn again. So, we come qround to grass every four or five years. We believe in clover as the imp to get up the soil. We think the best way to get up a thin soil is to mow a clover field for hay, then, when the second growth is grown about fifteen inches, turn cattle or sheep on to trample down the clover. Then put on about seventy-five or eighty bushels of lime per acre in the fall ; the following spring. turn the clover and lime down and plant in corn. Clover, with lime and a little manure, will bring quite a thin soil to a good rich soil in a few years. THE Prairie Farmer gives these good rules for farmers : 1. Take • good papers and read them. 2. Keep an account of farm operations. 3. Do not leave imple ments scattered over the farm, exposed to snow, rain, and heat. 4. Repair tools and building.' at a proper time and do not suf fer threefoli. expenditure of time and money. 5. Use money judiciously, and do not attend auction sales to purchase all kinds of trumpery because it is cheap. 6. Do not refuse to make correct experiments, in a small way, of many new things. 7. Practice economy by giving stock shelter during the Winter. Dr. Swayne's Medicines LIFE, GROWTH, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR ItESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not a Dye; makes harsh hair soft and silky; cleanses the scalp from all impurities, causing the hair to grow where it has fallen off or become thin Can be applied by the hand as it does not stain the skin or soil the finest linen. As a llair Dress- ing it is the most perfect the world has over pro duced. The hair is renovated and Ftren gthened, and natural color restored without the application of mineral 2ubstafices. Since the introduction of this truly valuable preparation into this country, it has been the won der and admiration of all classes, as it has proved to be the only article that will absolutely, without deception, restore gray hair to its original color, health, softness, lustre I:nd beauty, and produce hair on bald heads of its original growth and color. This beautiful and fragrantly perfumed article is complete within itself, no washing or prepara tion before or after its use, or accompaniment of arty kirol beiug required to ~ftairi these desirable results. HERE IS THE ,PRoOF OF ITS SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE Read this Home Certificate, testified to by Edward B. Garrigues one of t , ,c moat competent Druggists and Chemists of Philadelphia, a man whose reract ty none can doubt. I am happy to n...1(1 tue t , ,stimorly to th. , great value the •'l,6'anis Mtir Color Reotturer" which restored ear hair to ire original Culur, it r.,1 the hue 4,l,ears t, he r.-rinarient. I aui this pp r,arat;,,,i . uuthin:• iik but uperal es up ,. Cut: :rereti,ns. It is also a beautiful hair ,iressing and 1,1..0121(4es the 7rowth. I purchaeed the Om butt!, tram Edward ti, Garrigu,s, gist, 'reach and Coates street, who can also testify lay hair WilF quite griqlvhen Teoin.tieneel its use. MRS. MILLER, No. 730 North Ninth street, Phila. Dr. Swayne & Ron, Respected friends:—l have the pleasure to inform you that a lady of my ac quaintance, Mrs. Miller, is delighted with the sue et s, of your "London flair Color Restorer." Her hair was falling rapidly, and quite gray. The col or has been rest:wed, the falling off entirely stop ped, and a new growth of hair in the result. E. B. GAttltili DES, Druggist, cur. Tenth and Coutes, Phila, BOSTON TESTIMONY, July 22d, 1871.—Dr. Stvagne f Son: Last win• ter while in Trenton, N. J.. I procured six bottles "London flair Color Restorer." which I like very inu,b, in fact better than anything I have used in the last nine years. If )ou please, send me one dozen bottles C. O. D., care of W. S. Fogler & Son, Druggists, No. 723 Tremont street, Boston. Respectfully yours, ADA BAKER, No. 59 Rutland Square. "London Hair Color Restorer and Dressing," Has completely restored my hair to its original color and youthful beauty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. MRS. ANNIE MORRIS, No. 616 North Seventh Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Dalton, of Philadelphia, says of it: The "London Hair Color Restorer" is used very ex tensively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 75 cents per bottle; six bottles t 4. If not sold by yonr druggist or storekeeper we will send it by Express, to any address, on receipt of price. Address orders to Dr. SWAYNE tt SON, 330 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a, sole Proprietors. SOLD 13Y ALL DRUGGISTS.' THE LUNGS. CONS EMIPTION! This distressing and dangerous complaint, and its premonitory symptoms, neglected cough, night d wears, hoarseness, wasting flesh fever—perma nently cured by " DOCTOR SWAYYE'S COM— POUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY." BRONCHITIS—A preu3onitor of Pulmonary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or in flammation of the mucus membrane of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short boarsencse, pains in the chest. For all bronchial affections, fore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry IS A SOVEREIGN REMEDY Hemorrhage, or Spitting of Blood, may proceed from the lyrynx, trachia, bronchia or lungs, and arises from various causes, as undue physical ex ertion, plethora, or fullness of the vessels, weak lungs, overstraining of the voice, suppressed evac nation, obstruetioa of the spleen or liver, dm Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry strikes at the root of disease by purifying the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy action and invigorating the nervous system. The only standard remedy for hemorrhage, bron chial and all pulmonary complaints. Consump tives, or those predisposed to weak lungs, should not fail to use this great vegetable remedy. Its marvelous power, notonly over consumption, but over every. chronic disease where a gradual alterative action is needed. Under its use the cough is loosened, the night sweats diminished. the pain subsides, the pulse returns to its natural standard, the stomach is improved in its power to digest and assimilate the food, and every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, out of which new recreative and plastic ma terial is made. Price One Dollar ; six bottles Irs. If not sold by your druggist or storekeeper we will forward la half dozen, freight paid, to any address, on receipt of price. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 330 North, Sixth Street, Philadelphia SOLD BY ALL PROMINENT DRUGGISTS ITCHING PILES ! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES 1 POSITIVELY CURED by the Use Of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. HOME TESTIMONY. I was sorely afflicted with one of the most dis tressing of all diseases Pruritus or Prurigo, or more commonly known as Itching Piles. The itching at times was almost intolerable, increased by scratching, and not unfrequently become quite sore. I bought a box of "S'toayne's Ointment," its use gave quick relief, and in a short time made a perfect cure. I can now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering from this dis tressing complaint to procure "Swayne's Oint ment" at once. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without finding any permanent re lief. JOSEPH W. CHRIST, (Firm of Roedel do Christ,) Boot and Shoe House, 344 North Second Street, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Stcayne's AV-healiny Ointment is also a specifie for 'letter, Itch, Salt Rheunt, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all Scaly, Crusty, Cutaneous Eruptions. Perfectly safe and harmless, even on the most tender infant. Price 50 cents.— Sent by mail to any address on receipt of prier. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. Prepared only by DR. SWAYNE & SON, 330 North Sixth Street, I'hiladelphia. SOLE PROPRIETORS AND MANPFACTURERS or SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over the world for its remarkable cures of Scrofula, Mercurial and Syphiltic Com plaints, and in cases where Syphiltic virus of the parent, causes a development of Syphilis or Scrof ula in the child, nothing has ever proved so effect ual in completely eradicating every vestige of these dangerous complaints, and all diseases arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD Describe symptoms in all communications, and address letters to DR. SWAYNE & SON, Phila delphia. No charge for advice. SENT BY Ex- I RIM TO ANY ADDRESS, On receipt of price. $2 00 per bottle; three bottles $5. [april 21, IS7G. Lumber, Flooring, Carriage and Wagon-makers' Stock Q j k. 1- _d %/ 1 0 E OF ALL KINDS OF lATT2/132MIRJ AT SACRIFICE PRICES for CASE Oscar Birnbaum, of New York, has bought nearly all the Lumber, at Sheriff's Sale, of • the late firm of Stewart, March & Co., and left it with Jos. March to be disposed of at ANY PRICE to suit the buyers, there fore all in need of such articles will please call at the old stand of Wm. March & Bro. and see for themselves, where they will find a large lot of GOOD AND DRY FLOORING, such as Hemlock, White and Yellow Pine, Poplar and Ash, and a large lot of Weather-boarding, Doors of different sizes, plain and moulded, a large lot of different sizes of Sash, Blinds, Shutters, Brackets, Handrails, Newals, Ballasters, and Fancy Pickets. An immense lot of Mouldings, of different patterns and sizes, which will be offered at half-price from the regular price charged at the mills. A fine lot clean surface Yellow and White Pine Boards and Plank, all seasoned. A lot of Shingles, Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Plastering and Roofing Lath, Scantlings, Chestnut Posts, Palings and Fencing Boards. A lot of White and Yellow Pine; Walnut and Ash in the rough, at a great reduction. The attention of Cabinet Makers is called to the large lot of Trimming tam Bedsteads, Stands Ta bles and other furniture, at prices to snit themselves. Wagonmakers, if you want to save money, come and see the late lot, of f lubs, Feilocs, and Spokes for Wagons and Buggies which will be offered. cheap. A lot of Broom Handles to be retailed at less than wholesale prices. A fine lot of Furniture to b.. 3 offered at retail which will be less than usual wholesale prices, such as different styles of Bedsteads, Wash Stands, Tables, Dough Trays, Sinks, Chairs, Rockers, &c., &c. PICK and SLEDGE HANDLES WILL BE SOLD VERY LOW. ALSO, THREE TWO-HORSE 'W'AGONS, One nearly new, TWO TROTTING BUGGIES, ONE TWO-SEATED FAMILY CARRIAGE, AND ONE FINE BAY MULE, that will work anywhere. To satisfy yourselves that great bargains can be obtained, call at IVIARC S' STORE. The Planing• Mill of STEWART, can be bought or rented at reasonable fig ures. A rare chance to make money. April 14, 187 G. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, and Dye Stuff Great Reduction in Prices Fifth Street Drug Store. DR. J. C. FLEMING & Have now the largest and the most elrefully selectild stock or PURE MTh FRESH DRUGS ALSO PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS CHOICE PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS, and an eiegant assortment of HAIR, CLOTHES AND TOOTH BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER BRACES, TRUSSES, INSTRUMENTS, AND ALL ARTICLES FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS AND WELL-KEPT DRUG STORE. PHYSICI (it' Ns' PRESCRIPTIONS Will receive special attention, and long experience enables them to compound medi dines carefully and accurately. The only place in town where the " BOSS" CIGAR can bo had. Try them. 31E°' lIER. I 11C — vaCT AEA ®ZIT up Huntingdon, August 11, 1875.—y Fashionable Boot and Shoe Emporium THE GREAT CENTRE FOR BOOTS &SHOES CRUM & CHILOOTT, No 334 RAILROAD STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. We feel justified in praising our new SPRING and SUMMER stock, and believe it is worthy of all the "blowing" we can give it. An inspection of our many styles and qualities, will convince any one that we certainly have as comlete a stock as the most fastidious could wish to select from. As for PRICES, we have got down just as low as we can possibly afford to sell at, and honestly believe that we are under all competition. GIVE US A TRIAL. MENS'BOY'S & YOUTH'S ENGLISH KIP BOOTS HAND-MADE and WARRANTED. A FULL LINE OF WOMEN'S ) MISSES ) ) AND CHILDREN'S BUTTON AND LACED SHOES OF ALL STYLES. Men's, Boy's, Mtlfs, Won's, 'Wisps', aid Childroll's RUBBERS OF ALL THE LEADING STYLES The only place in town where, you can get the celebrated BURT MHO H.S. A LARGE LOT OF MARCH & CO., -AT THE IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY. for medicinal purposes. A COMPLETE STOCK OF , Dry Goods. Notions. :.:1 ! ~,.. o pp E NNE' , HAVING R TO NO 42 0 ' - e)FNN SI i 4 . ..., WILL ALWAYS KEEP ON I DRY GOODS , FANCY GOODS, • All Goods will be sold from 25 to 50 FOR INS Best. Calicoes, 6 ornis per yard. Del.kine?, 1 , o,ritl per )ard. Men's Coarse Boots, $2.50 a pair. trood Yar,t Wi,:r :1114! n, 9 eert , per yard. Good Kentucky Jean, 1S e,.nis yard. Women's Coarse 5hi;e , ..i , !. 00 pair. OUR RULES ARE : One Pric ., ! t:i. E7..rybcdy. i Mu)! i!il-n, l';, , Arlii '2I. U;;G. • GEO. WOODS & CO.'S PARLOR ORGANS 60 ' •• C.) 4.1 These remarkable instruments possess capacities for musical effects and expresftien never before ,rtta;red. Adapted for Amateur and Professional, and an ornament in any parlor. FP" Beautiful New Styles, -eady. GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport, Mass. WAREROOMS; 608 Washington St., Boston; 170 State St.. Chicago; 28 Ludgate Hill, Lemke. THE VOX HUMANA —A leading Musical Journal of selected music and valuable rendin2; 9 matter. By mail for $T per year, or ten cents a numbs. Ea. h numb, contains from $2 to $3 worth of the finest selected music. GEO. WOODS & CO., Publishers, Cambridgepee, 'as The Celebrated Kentucky Tobacco. GIANT TOBACCO WORKS ! VIITSSLEMAIT & CO., Louisville, Ky., Manufacturers of all kinds of CHEWING TOBACC( . , the eciel,rated GIANT AND IRONSIDE NAVY. Tobc had in Pittsburgh at R. & W. Jenkinson's. Jr,hn Fit;lerlon h dun. J. W. T:tybir. M3rtin Hey', T. J. Wallace, J. M. Sichel & Co., Poerstell A. Co.. Carter lirother..L. rtilwi•r!ll Droller.. T. C. Jenkins, Knox & Orr, C. Atwell & Co., S. F. Picking. Herzog t Pretzre;,l Rro.. Ilenry Dallmaycr, also all other Tobacco and Grocery 'jar' Rm. Planing Mill. HENRY & CO, C. MUNSON, COTTAGEPLANIKIMILCO MANtileACTUltliii.i AND PEAL:A:B IN SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FLOORING, Brachts, Mogiilp Stair-Railillgs PLASTERING LATH, SHINGLES, COMMON AND FANCY PICKETS, RA.ME STUFF and all kinds of LUMBER The members of the Cottage Planing Mill Co. being largely interested in the Lumber interest in Clearfield and Centre counties, they will at all times keep constantly on hand a full supply of the very best WHITE PINE, well seasoned, and parties favoring us with an or der will receive prompt attention, find all work GUAQANTEED to rehder satisfaction. Office for the present at Henry Co's. Store. S. E. HENRY, Supt. Huntingdon, Pa., Sept. 1, 1875. Pianos and Organs. ARION PIANO FORTE -AND Estey's Cottage Organs. T HE "Esivzi- - -» • I ' l \ Il uct% WORDL ADS k ONE THOUSAND MADE AND SOLD MONTHLY. NEARLY OR QUITE DOUBLE THAT OF ANY OTHER MAKE, THE SWEETEST AS WELL AS THE MOST POWERFUL ORGAN IN THE MARKET. Also the PATENT AMON PIANO, WITH FOUR NEW PATENTS, E. M. BRUCE & CO., No. 1308 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA declo,7s] FRENCHS' HOTEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Opposite City llall, Park, _10:lit House and New • Post-Olfice, NEW YORK. All Modern Improvements, including Elevator. Rooms $1 per day and upwards. T. J. FRENCH .t BROS, Proprietors. July2S-lyr Pianos D. W. 110 LT .J• F. STEN ER T. WILDI BLACK, PR ICTIC W IT( Ills th EU. Watches ; Clocis l Jewelry aid Sloctades, Yo. 4081 11,,, 1 Huut;py,h,,, Gold and Silver prig,' WAteh•• • f; )1.1 plain and with sets-144.i an•l :4fiver Chain.. and an kinds of .►ewolrr. VERY CHEAP. Klein Watch,' and Seth Th..tnas a At All kind,. of repairing done at ,hort rp.tiee. and on rea,otinble terine. Lo , k for the :him" on 'he BIG WA,Trif, No. ioql P.-nn FITS! FID!HTS! WIC. M. PARKER, MERCHANT TAILOR, would inform his fricnos in town and , !oentry, that he has ',coed a shop on PENN STREET, four oloorg , Wee .r. C. prepared to furnish everything in hi. line ..t hos inesis, at Coe sh , uteg. notice. an•l in n•earest FASHIONABLE STYLES, at price Ail kinds of CUSTOM WoRK and LEPAIR INt; done to order, And fall s3tiofisetion teed. CALL AND EXAMINE Fol: tooitSELV Oct6-Iy. CHEAP !p PAPERS. %.f FLUIDS. A lAA . MS. Buy your PAper. P!:y :von: Stationer, L'uy your B:ank RookA. T THEJOrR.V.IL coox d 5T.177 1. oNFR XP ' Fine Stationery. Sehool Stationery. Hooks forChillren, dames for Children. Elegant Fluide, Pocket hook. P 399 r. 044., 11111 (111 Elif 1 - ara . riy .r; •' T11:10:111, AT THE A) URSA L BOOK X N'TA TRINE!: P STORE 2 25 25 25 23 23 23 25 25 23 25 25 25 SPLENDID 0- _a 25 25 25 23 aUlttaaMl:l i..rr- o ,ll:pcSotr. 25 25 25 25 As Low as 25cts. a Box, 25 12 5 ' AT THE JOURNAL STORE. 25 125 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 .1e weir; AND DEALV.R rf Merchant Tailor. an i na,,t StationierV P" 4 , J -. 0 , - Dry - rmo4fq NER & SONS, EMOVED T. I-1 N TIN GDON, PA. HAND A FULL LINE OP MILLINERY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES per ct. cheaper than any place in tow:. TAX( ' E .I.•talOis wl,:• t • 'Mks • r.erep bore. Se I 1 . ..1. 0 . 0. if • 91 ••• .• •P' ' • Wong' • 10 wt.", ?ow rel.. ONO. 21P G•2X51.111•. 4 •• , t• • - a.i. ti. L • :.' 0 01:*. fl tIMT Gcolz Fachan7cci time. X:71.7 rerzled it= i 1:.„,. L;",, , .y .r► fTeS fte • p.rfitliole ;2 ~ I do 3,'. k."C ~i• A • tryv, ... I ..1 Iri~'r tii•: a -~ Voitr :Vogt •••.11 .• ,arc•oe •r •r•.r r i.e. 4. 71. lIYIWN WIT ii _ _ _ WILLI :r►NC X DO 4 nps I iier• srai # seen.tll4l4l . ..t BOirT, L %DIEN ie.% • , 11.80 , 1 X KID Mt) EA. sti.l 4 !WV* Appft if bomry irnft. quits/4o rnr gams and boys. st very Iniramou.4 r se .11 rim... m e mf b 311.7. ROOM' ANL g Fit IE 4 heed, ebi,b will he *0 r ...4 of et ge hie rat', as qve market will admit of. 3111 y eteeir 4itrrn 4trow, V aolioisappas mak. II wRt oeterted with mei I ewe GifieniTim reromseed In whole, is wry oefolblliehopest. Pertieelar sttesties paid te the sseefeeter• ,noomer grim serieteml. Auttelheftee ruirentee.l ;et ail ne4frre. J '7 I . J MIN T •v7;,".°: Sorer:44lr ;f. Mi r A 14.3 n DE “,ER IN Elli:.!IY LEAHER, Sift*" FINEFINI. 4 '4) Nur Goon*, I.ITS;',. PRIM 601100.. 41E 4 :is TWIWIFIIk;.4. ryiz-s *Pr %U. It 17: 4 ; Writ* f IDS PILOT t 4 Ut7i BOORS • 4 113•40 1 . 11 tr 4 P 4 if. 1017 7 HILT. I i f-N-17N4;DP).71. Jan.:.1.17 :- ly 1;!;.-tinv- , 4 YALE Business 1•Nil 1 , 11. Tht• inolieekeer n. • RES #:" 4 the , mqebrefo4 C , ,liver. F. N . " age - 11t11 of it+ '4144 is Mr omeiver; fmr t fXVV +lna .vir lbw pia" gam, 0.0. •ego *-s• surer AD eftio, 114, lairwor ise4 WRCANTILE TR.MIS G b ea " 64 . ift". "..."1.66. t YOUNG N. ••T•le y• tbst airy • 1 1 , • ••••• AV T 1 1:111 By thyirinizS .111.nrwt mrsi .; . V. trig euringe. ism figamipte, by seteal ham' pioneers is 4ptinl. w' Tv 11 , 111111111.111 111.1111111.1111 . MIS Prof ft C. Loverido. ) - Priaripaia. E. IL Parkhurst. trim; argil ••••••40 f•• 1. lame oPylie sod pp.• 6•017 seatlt Nee ••••••••••••• TITEORT COV - It; 7( r“s . • yea MN/ if 1111•1111. 4 = somre !•101 ill E. , •' , 10 Entry E 4.11; "E. P. , 131/41,- rittin•dwer... r.imapermsei pig *qr. fornito. •••• Frtvie• C..•••••••• 'an at 41111111r4 1 11111a.4' • riai Livr. .11 - 11". ti . 1 sTN E.7 4 :11 PE P.% aT F.NT oesi ***-* Bois tan IIOW To reg) BUSINF.S.a. TT" Irro'r` ?"';':;:" ~.....••••• N. if emir • Teorlsa aims, amt **IN In t N- • WIWI, oirapir.. eau es IL Ile sonitee awl Arr.,' • , hat*.. He essft " *erects' in the evtai fte tree serge — 7"" i "" " Z." .11.1 amil. 1"... " ae IR 4111W101111.: 4 eter , 4 the. iitsto. 114 'diet were - lIDE rare's' by**, "temeserit, e as e a ;1 , op lOW, 1.. . 1 0. n ate I,•:see• qlfteee a 44 week* ire way &•• pp in p +e:rt..w:••••••i. PS I after A , AsrrisK psear4 • rt,•••••....,1 • r al. a INVINIP.II his iliplewis. STUDEIT3 CAI EMIR if Al Tsai ' e r """ . " . i ne itagaiw. F.r firrtber 7-z.rtiges sormr.r. ins- ALL 4ones fly trl of entrain..., pi,. mf 1... •44rea• ' tw os . l ift_ 67_ YALE MISNIESS MUM, NEW IV tVEN. f*Wi'i N0v.1.73.-y iscei ;let TrITIZIENI .4 rirCitioiLy v h st . s.—T.,... s o. I kostaais la :a..4 tire tit, %es.. iLblV•i 4.1 4 . 3L Toptime • t I 4 Iftwillwas• 14.4 p 4.14 4 ,41 Ow 4.441, 4464419111144, Abet 4Or 4,4wewohei Low. 4 Inwilew 1%. Aiwa* watt rmuit tbiownwe aro it• Ike 4.416,14 la Ow minims a th. be Imltirmseiww. iftaimarik •-• 73 . 0 16 • 100 • 11 . e. 'v. , mi. , owl the rtrpsowe litelb dr wow II r eimillifte. le h.1t...41 that the Vom••••• Ilitem .il to roprwolooll iy tit. .any. 4 awry ctS* lOW 0.1110111•1111•6‘. 14441r,•4111, WI/0/4147 %• flaw eirimo 114 .lane .f awls aro .45.44/ 11,4011.440, mad 4.1444114444 , 11 r-r•-iv.• a humwir.ise..t•.l nownr44ll e.5.r.1.-414 4/ !lark frunisig awl promPwilim am s 50114441 orar. tt I ntrtmet at t!:. SI p•••• pl. swim* IMO p - u.II MI pay/area" .f • ealsrmewel .411 arr. rr 4 payment t. Jan...try 1. 1.74. Pe516....,11v/...11.• yr- Iwo emir I Illaeb.ana 11.111 :sift ..r zwdrowipmewli. TITAN mimic,. lit I 10111I#4. ME 6. 4 tng..7 , ...7.1b4.171C7. pal Wpil ft. iMJrbA.a coin.: To) Til .IM - RN IL • PFFWE VOIR 1.. t TOI: Pr:INTINi. If y.. 11 w-ant .Ibllll ‘,1;14. If 7..11 waat hal 3rad•. If v.* want letter newt, It y. want venting earls. if y.. 0 want tossinee. If you want h:anle* of say kiwi. If yea want ewirelepes namely prnitiwt. If y.,, waits saytinag printed in s w+skatas• like manner. awl at very tesesesiiin revs. ;env* !.•renters at the share smis.ll WM. WILLIAMS. mAxrr %eTt!LE3 .7 MARBLE MANTLE'S. 3N.): 4 117311LITTA. IigADOTONES. Ac.. II I - NTINGDON. PA PLASTER PARIS CI)R.NICIL4. Gs) r) TII K M.WLDINGS. *4 ALSO SLATE x 01 - 71.7.4 Tr gyrtsiggi. rn ORDER. Jsa. 1. • . • Dry any( Ciprorry;,...... " r: fr oPais4. !It 4 Pw; co ins- . 0• Urrl:i: :I 1 - 7. 4 R wer.7l 4n. •--..rychotte 1 11.. W 7. .•a2 /TIM TO MY ri11... •nie. awl millaree /or ir 0-2••••r•-•.r. . 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AFF qr =lvry ...v..... tw► 47N1 Pot bar - W.. 4 a Awe' war .111110 , 110•441 P gprois. eig r.... a w -Ir. ...• irid ^iv R •2•1 -Mario.O :,4118.6. t• A" 1117E3 •so-• %F.S A3P RDT.4 Ilherromplima • AP faSel C .411. rm.& as it .1 lksihiag las.. I-, '. poiN r II I LIAR Ainni I :4011 'mime Ili 1 NTES4 /Orin Ai.' outlaw's