The Huntingdon Journal. tutu and ,titoultotd. Summer Pruning. In the summer of 1862, when a number of Concord vines that were planted in 1861, were growing rapidly, a severe storm eat up the young shoots, completely defoliating them, and breaking the tender and succulent shoots at a height of about two feet. The vines were growing rapid ly, and the dormant buds in the axits of the leaves immediately pushed out laterals, which made very fair sized canes. In the following fell, when we commenced to prune, we found from three to five of these strong' laterals on each cane, and ac cordingly shortened them in to from three to five or six buds each. On these later als we raised as fine a crop of grapes as we ever saw, certainly much finer than we had ever before raised on the strong canes; and we have since learned to imitate hail storms by pinching the leaders of young shoots when they have grown, say two feet, forcing out the laterals, and growing our fruit on the latter, thus meeting with another illustration of the old proverb, "It is an ill wind that blows nobody good." After the second pinching of the fruit bearing branches, as described above, the laterals will generally start once more, and we pinch the young growth again to one leaf, thus giving each lateral two well de veloped leaves. The whole course should be completed about the middle of June here, and whatever grows afterward should be left. In closing, let us glance at the objects we have in view: 1. To keep the vine within proper bounds, so that it is at all times under the eontrol of the vintner, without weak ening its constitution by robbing it of a great amount of foliage. 2. Judicious thinning of the fruit at a time when no vigor has been expended in its development. 3. Developing strong, healthy foliage, by forcing the growth of the laterals, and having two young, healthy leaves opposite each bunch which shade the fruit and serve as conductors of the sap to the fruit. 4. Growing vigorous canes for next year's fruiting and no more, thereby mak ing them stronger ; as every part of the vine is thus accessible to light and air, the wood will ripen better and more uni formly. 5. Destruction of noxious insects. As the vintner has to look over each shoos of the vise, this is done more thoroughly and systematically than by any other mea The Grape Culturig, Dogs as Shoop Protsotors, I used to breed cattle, but having a natural fonduese for sheep, and an oppor tunity to purchase a couple of Scotch eel ley shepherd dogs removing my fears on the score of destruction by mongrel curs, which deters so many from keeping sheep I concluded to try the experiment which' has resulted so satisfactorily. IQ my stock of 100 ewes I have half a doacw bells, sod in case of danger the sheep all run to the dogs for protection. This familiarity between the dogs and sheep, with the watchful ears exercised, is oils of the prettiest sights in the world. Thus faithful guardians of the flock are ever on the alert day and night. The rapid tickling of the bell. at once arouses the dogs; and about three weeks ago, in the middle of the night, I heard an un usual disturbance among the sheep, but was so confident that the dogs would be equal to the emergency, that I did not ume down stairs. In the morning I had the satisfaction of seeing one of the worth less curs which go prowling about at night lying stone dead along the fence, with marks on him of a desperate fight. I should say, however, that I made one cross by putting my shepherd dog to a New foundland slut, and kept the choicest of the litter. He has proveda fine, large dog, about twice the weight of either of the shepherds, and though never interfering in what he seems to consider their especial duty, is always on hand ready for ser vice. It is curious to observe how, when strange, dogs cross the place, the two shep- herd dogs will take a survey, and if they see much business (they are themselves great fighters), by a kind of silent under standia'g and arrangement the three dogs go together ; and although we in this coun try are °senile with all kinds of dogs, there seems toe a general fear of my three dogs, and we are seldom disturbed. I recommend the purchase of one or two good shepherd dogs as the very first step toward keeping sbeep.—Practicle Farmer. Alderberry Brandy. The following has been furnished as a good recipe for making brandy, which it is said will be found a valuable remedy in cases of dysentery and weakness, with which so many parsons suffer during the months of summer : Select the ripest al derberries you can find, and after picking them from the stems, add two quarts of water to five quarts of berries, and boil well ; then mash and strain through a colander. After the juice is extracted, add two quarts of water, half an ounce of whole cloves, half an ounce of whole all spice, two grated nutmegs, one table-, spoonful of powdered ginger, one of cinna mon, and a little lemon and orange peel ing. Boil all well for three hours over a slow fire, and then add five pounds of su gar. After cooling, strain through a flan nel bag. Then add two quarts of the best Monongahela whisky, or good brandy, according ha bete. The above will keep for yeses,, std will be found a wholesome drink awoken expellent medicine, which few will refuse to accept . To itsuovit STINGS.—In many cases instantaneous relief from the pain can be obtained by. pressing upon the place con taining the sang with .the tube of a small key.. This extracts the sting and then a drop of. aqua azonaoaia will neutralize the acidity of the poison, and allay the smart of the _wound, A little bit of salaratus moistened and laid over the affected part will also heal it. Miscellaneous PUBLIC REPORT OF A POLICEMAN I have not enjoyed good health for several years last, yet have not allowed it to interfere with my labor.— Every one belonging to the laboring class knows the 'ln convenience of being obliged to labor when the body, from debility, almost refuses to perform its daily task.— I never was a believer in dosing with medicines ; Lot having heard the VEGETINZ spoken of so highly, was de termined to try it, and shall never regret that determina tion. As a tonic (which every one needs nt some time) it surpasses anything I ever heard of. It invigorates the whole system ;itis a cleanser sad puritisr of the blood.— There are many of my acquaintances who have tali s-n it, and all unite in praise of its satisfactory sheet. 19spocially among the aged class of people, it imparts to them the one thing most needful in old age—nights of calm, sweet ree thereby strengthening the mind as well as the bo d y . 'One aged lady, who has been suffering through life from Scrofula, and has become blind from its effects, having tried many remedies with no favorable result, was induced by friends to try VLGETINZ. After taking a few bottles, she obtained' such great relief that ehe expressed a wish for her sight, that she might be able to look upon the man who has sent her such a blesAini., Yours respectfully, 0. IL P. HODGE, Police Officer, Station 6. EOSTON. Mass., May 9, 1871. HEARTFELT PRAYER ST. PAUL, Aug. 22,1864. D. B. STLVEIifi, Esq., -9 11 Dear Sir—l should be wanting in gratitude if I failed to acknowledge what the EGETIN E has done for me. I was attacked about eleven months since with Bronchitis, Which settled into consumption. I had night sweats and fever chills; was distressed for Lreath and frequently Spit blood; was all emaciated, very weak, and so low that My friends thought my case hopeless. I was advised to make a trial If the VEGETIN E, which, tinder the providence of God, has cured me. That he may bless the use of this medicine to others, as be has to o, and that his divine grace may attend you, is the heartfelt prayer of your admiring, humble servant, BENJAMIN PETTINtiII.L. P. S. Mine is but one among the many cures your medicine has affected fu this place. B. P. MAKE IT PUBLIC Sat TH BOtiTON, Feb. e, 1871 H. R. STE, INS, Ely : Dear Sir—l have heard from very many sources of the great success of VEGETINE iu cases of Scrofula, Rheu matism, Kidney Complaint, Catarrh and other diseases of kindred nature. I make no hesitation in saying that I know VEGETINE to be the most reliable remedy for Catarrh and General Debility. My wife has been troubled with Catarrh for many years, at: times very badly, She has thoroughly tried every supposed remedy that we could hear of, and with all this she has for several years been gradually growing worse, and the discharge from the head was excessive and very offensive. She was in this condition when she commenced to take VEGKTINE; I could see that she was improving on the second bottle. She continued *king the VEGIETINE until she bad used from twelve to fifteen bottles. I am now happy ia informing you and the public (if you chooae to make It public) that .;he is entirely cured, and VEGE TINE accomplished the cure after nothing else would.— Memo I feel.' notified in saying that V IiGETI NE is the most reliable remedy I and would advi , e all suffering hu manity to try it, for believe it to be a goal, honest, vegetable medicine, and I shall not hesitate to recom mend it. I am, &e„ respectfully, L. C. BARDDLL, Store 451 Broadway. VEGETINZ acts directly upon the cause of these corn plaint!. It invigorates and strengthens the whole eye tern, acts upon the 'emu's, organs, allays inflamation, cleanses and Clll.l ulcercetion, cures confotipation, and regulate 3 the IpoWeill. HAS ENTIRELY CURED D 1 E. 114.4 Tux, 0( tub (Pr, 1870. Mr. StzrzwB Dear ffir—My daughter, atter having a severe aws), of whooping cough was left in a very feeble state of health. Being advised by a friend she tried the Vsoirm, and after using a few bottles was fully restored to health. I have been a great sufferer front Rhenmation. I have taken sonveral bottles of the NI/4E7M for this complaint, and are hAppy to 8,17 it has entirely cured me. I have, recommended the isomer to others with the same good results. It is a great cleanser and purifier of the blood; it I. pleaenat to take; and I can cheerfully recommend It. JAMES MORSE, 361 Athena street. YEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DEvaanyrs. March3,l6-1 yr. X i'7 , ..!'"',", - . 7. ")Li • M ,sei &H A !Atm i CABINET' ORGANS. • unitOIIO2I73IAPYROICIED Is *poky 2•4 aradamer by my edam AMINO 111111 11 I 1111„11„111,111116 AND DIPLOMA OF 31102/01g VIENNICIB73; PARIS;IB67, ONLYis Imps, or whicripr ff mftw" a" n it lay modiMoo •o to ootantood wide Ws gr i t o s il d dLlNSlL PF :Ac it or so ttio t n a l l a i soy other orpas base boon refund. by Ulm& I as, fa both tin cin tglittso, to bop unrived , Bee CISME, An, with opinions of mow tins On. Th u (salt fro) , INSIS T co baring a Kean kifamlfrf, Do not tskssay other. Dealers get treats cox- Swam,for sstling Ntlsrior organs, mut for this 4flos sry wry marl to sell something else, ifigrant§ m made. in l(74; augers am other ca d: ot ssr r z a szar ip b . filmaillETlßGN" EASY PATIN. ittztiZrciertg; PaYmente; ron4 Ms for the organ. Ad= 4 00., 164 Tremont et:~et, 806 s ta trefou Square, lin zONS; or IN h SS St.. CHICAGO. March 24, '75-y THE BRITISH WARTERLY REVIEWS. EDINBURGH REVIEW, ( Whiry.) LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, (Con.verra ave.) WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) BRITISII QUARTERLY REVIEW (Evangelical) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE; REPRINTED BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 FULTON ST., NEW-YORK, By arrangement with the English Publishers, who receive a liberal compensation. These periodicals constitute a wonderful mis cellany of modern thought, research, and criticism. The cream of all European books worth review ing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of the world in masterly articles written by men who have special knowledge of the matters treated. The American Publishers urge upon all intelligent readers in this country a liberal sup port of the Reprints which they have so long and so cheaply furnished, feeling sure that no expen diture for literary matter will yield so rich a re turn as that required for a subscription to these the LEADING PERIODICALS OF GREAT BRITAIN. TERMS. About one-third the price of the originals. For any one Review s4 00 per yr. For any two Reviews 7 00 ir For any three Reviews 10 00 " " For all four Reviews 12 00 " " For Blackweod's Magazine 4 00 " " For Blackwood and one Review 7 00 " " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " " For Blackwood and three Reviews 13 00 " " For Blackwood and the four Reviewsls 00 " " Postage two cents a number, to be prepaid by the quarter at the office of delivery. CLUBS, A discount of twenty per cent. will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: fourcop les of Blackwood or of one Review will be sent to one address for $12.00; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $4B, and so on. ... . _ To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the get• ter up of the club. PREMIUMS, New subseriptions (applying early) for the year 1874 may have, without charge, the last volume foi 1873 of such periodicals as they may subscribe for. Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1873; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1873. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton St., New-York. Feb.18,1874-Iyr. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL. Only $2.00 a year. ao TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE orall kinds of printing. Sewing Machines. WANTED. The Wheeler & Wilson Co., OF PHILADELPHIA, are desirous of securing a namber of Agents to introduce and :ell their New Sewing Machines.— To men who are active, energetic, and willing to work, and can furnish a Horse and Wagon, an entirely new plan of operation will be offered. We are now prepared to supply our New Family No. 6. or 7 Machines, and have them adapted to the ordinary Family use, or to any of the branches of the Shoe or Clothing Manufacture. We consider this a better opportunity than we have ever been able to offer men of ability to do a profitable busi ness. No investment of capital is required, and we are able to give a choice of location from a large amount of territory. Letters addressed, or parties calling on us will receive immediate at tention. Wheeler & Wilson IdrE Co., No. 914 Chestnut Street, PH X LALDELPZZA. IPN'orabt r I L.,1A74, Miscelkneoni. VINEGAR BITTERS. PURELY VEGETABE FREE FROM ALCOHOL. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bit ters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extrac ted therefrom without the use •f Alcohol, The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit ters ?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a lite-giring principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as Tonic, re lieving Congestion or Indentation of the Liver and Viscerol Organs, in Bilious Diseases. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bit ters act on all these C 3486 in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflamma tion (the tubuecular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure Is affected. If men will enjoy good health, let them use Vin egar Bitters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulaute in every form. R. 11. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and General Agents, San Franciseo, California, and cor. Washington and Charlton Ste., New York. Sold by JOHN REED lc SONS, 0ct.8,1873. BOOTS AND SHOES. G. A. JOY & CO., 414 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PENNA., next door below Wharton's Hardware Store. Beat place in town to purchase a good article at a reasonable price. We have just received a good stock of Keystone and City made Boots and Shoes of all descriptions. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Ang.5,1874-Iyr. S L. KIRK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ]3O North THIRD St., Corner of Cherry, PHILADELPHIA, Have in stort and offer for sale, at the lowest market prices, and on the most reasonable terms, a large and well assorted stock of GROCERIES, TEAS, SPICES, FISH. CHEESE, &c. Selected with care in this, New York and Baltimore mar kets. to which the attention of Country Dealers is particularly requested. [aprl-ly. COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE FOR YOUR JOB PRINTING. If you want sale bills, If you want bill heads, If you want letter heads, If you want visiting cards, If you want business cards, If you want blanks of any kind, If you want envelopes neatly printed, If you want anything printed in a workman like manner, and at very reasonable rates, leave yourorders at the above named aide. FOR PLAIN PRINTING, FANCY PRINTING, GO TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE Pianos. p A TENT AR I 0 N PIANO COMBINES MANNER'S FOUR SIMPLIFYING PATENTS, THE MOST VALUABLE FATENTS EVER USED IN PIANO-PORTES. PATENT ARION. REVERSED' WOODEN THE COMPOUND REST TUE FULL IRON AND Till!: SUSTAINING IRON A FEW REASONS WHY THI ARION PIANO IS SUPERIOR TO ALL OTIIERS The ARION PIANO-FORTE hai greater power tbsa say ether Ilene-Forte manufsetured. It will Btand in Tune Longer, and Is its seelssuical construction it is more per feet, and, therefore,more durable, than any instru ment eonetrocted In the usual modern style. The arrangement of the Agratre, the manner of stringing, the peculiar form and arrangement of the Iron Irene SUPERCICDES ALL OTHERS Tito no of s bsr (orbith is a part of the Iron Primo os s limo with tisio hoary steel stringing,) giros GREAT STRENGTH when most nee/el, and In this moped all other pianos' talk The eosstrastion of the WREST PLANK, Into whisk the teeing Pins are Ineerted, lamb that it Is Impossible for the pins to sows loosened, or the Wrest Pinsk 'Well to split, 11 IS too often the ease in other Piano-Fortes. The Extraordinary Evenness throughout the scale, the excellent Singing Quell ity, the LENGTH AND PURITY OP VIBRATION, all go to prove what we claim, vis : that the ARION PIANO-FORTE Is the Best Instrument Manufactured. ALSO ESTEYS COTTAGE ORGANS, WITH THE VOX JUBILANT AND VOX HUMANA. THE NE PLUS ULTRA OF REED ORGANS, universally ikoknowledged to be the BEST Organ made for Sunday Schools, Churches, Parlor. and Lodges. Having more power, with a sweeter tone, than any other Organ in the market notwithstanding the representations of agents interested in the sale of other Organs, we do fully warrant every Orga n for the period of five year*, (at our owe expence.) Send your orders to . E. M. BRUCE, No. 18 N. 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or JAMES A. BROWN, Agent for Hun tingdon County, No. 525} Penn street, Huntingdon, Pa. nols Drugs, Patent Medieinoo, Pernimery, Toilet, Soups. and 1),.e Stuffs. Great Reduction in Prices —AT TitE_ Fifth Street Drug Store. DR. J. C. FLEMING & CO. Have now the largest and the most etrefully select. t,.ek ~f. PURE AND ntEsH: DR , 1J GiS IN HUNTINGDON COUNT I". A LsO PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS. PTJJ.,ZE WINES AND LIQUORS il)r medicinal purpose:. CHOICE PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS, and an elegant assortment of HAIR, CLOTHES AND TOOTH BRI7SHES, COMBS, 5H0i . 1,14:11 BR AUES. TRUSSES, INSTRUMENTS, AND ALL ARTICLES FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS AND WELL KEPTDREG STORE. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONB Will receive special attention, and long &perience enables them t,) compound m.'di dines carefully and accurately. The only place in town where the " BOSS" CIGAR can be had. Try them. 11C -2 'IIEIL ZEE OMEN - 'IILT MR_ 11E.011011L7 Huntingdon, August 11, 1875.—y AGRAFFE, PLANK, FRAME, BAR. _AA 4ICD 1116 T Midi rir JIE - 111/ 1 1L - IL_ 21111 9 Old Sol.— "Here, Mother Earth, these Eclipses and Spots have about used me up. Regulate your movements hereafter by this, and don't depend on me." Having xervcd an apprentiecAhip in Philadelphia, and been practically ensra , ;, , --4 fifty years, the public may rest assured they can get their Watches pot in proper order ant at reduced prices. An assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles on hand. Ivo, 412, HUNTINGDON, l'.l JOHN C. MILLER. (Successor to C. U. Miller & Son,) DEALER IN EVERY VARIETY OF LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS AND BELTING. HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA. Jan.1,1873-Iy. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. S. S. SMITH & SON, No. 616 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA Dealers in Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Trusses, Supporters and Shoul der Braces, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Carbon Oil Lamps, hc. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes Also, Agent for The Davis Vertical Feed Sew ing Machine. Best in the world for all purposes. Aug. 20,1873. TO VIE CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA.—Your at tention is specially invited to the fact that the Nation al Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the capital Stock of the Centennial Board of Finance. The funds realized from thiesource are to be employed in the erection of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the same. It is confident ly believed that the Keystone State will be represented by the name of every citizen alive to patriotic commemora tion of the one hundredth birth-day by the nation. Ihe shares of stock are offered for $lO each, and sascribers. will receive a handsome steel engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memo rial. . . . _ . Interest at the rate of six per cent. per Sabine will be paid on all payments of Centennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1878. Subscribers who are not near a National Bonk canre - mit a check or post-office older to the undersigned. FREDK. FIIALEY, Treaourer, A1ut.20;73tuJu1y4,'76.1 UO4 Walnut St.. Phillulelnia. : # . 4 11 0 r IA IV O.D E 3 Were again awarded the highest premium over all Makers, at the late Franklin Institute Exhibi tion' and are the only First-class Instrumentsthat can bejobtained at Manufacturer's cost prices. $3OO For an Elegant 71 oct. Rosewood Piano The following are a few of the Principal Medals received : First Prize Medal, (Franklin Institute,) 1874 Silver " (Grand Piano), 185 S " Prize " Crystal Palace World Fair New York 1853 " Gold Medal American Institute, N. Y. 1848 " Prize Maryland " Baltimore, 1848 " Silver " Franklin " Phila., MIS PIANOS ordered by mail, are carefully selected, and remittance is Dot required, until the instru ment has been received and approved. All our styles and classes are built of the same excellent material and workmanship. Every instrument is fully GUARANTEED. Write or send for illustrated catalogue andprice list giving full description of styles, pri ces, etc. SCHOMACKER PIANO MF'G. CO., Warerowns 1103 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. March 3- Watches, Clocks, - Jewelry, Silvvrwnre. ELGIN WATCHES PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Miscellaneous. ~ `~" D ,F ~ ,~ ` r, k+ ~~ ` ~ . ~'v' Boots, Shoes rind leather. E I) To THE Nol:TII 11 Corner of the hiimon.l. CAN'T tie 11F,ATKN JOII.V 11. WISTIII:WIK Respectfully infortns the eitixers of flarstinci,t and vicinity that he has jnat r,reive.l fr , ,re the city a new and splendid stoek of LEITHEIV, BOUTS AND SHOE?, HATS AND CAP , Ho4;ery, Shin F;nerinr, r”rpt Sa-km, T...k., ite., kt. , &c., All of which he is prepared to sell at greatly re duced prices. Don't forget the new etan , l in the Diamond. rtl,l customers and the public generally are in: itsel to call. Jan. 4, '7l. DOWN WITII PRICES. WILLIAM AFRICA has just opened up a !argot savorttnont of BOOTS, SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS, GLOVE KID SHOES, and a large supply of heavy w o rk, suit3l.le f..r men an 3 boys, at very low priers. I have at all times an assortment of HANDSOME BOOTS AN E SHOES on hand, which will be •lisposed of at as reasona ble rates ac the market will admit of. My /I:oeit was selected with great care, and I can confidently recommend all articles in my establishment. Particular attention paid - to the manufacture of customer work, and orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed in all orders. WILLIAM AFRICA, Jan. 4, '7l F RESH ARRIVAL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, AT SHAFFER'S NEW STORE. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his old friends and customers, that he has just re ceived from the East a large and well selec•e.l of BOOTS AND SHOES : For Men, Women and Cii Urine, which be is prepared to sell a trifle lower than any other establishment in town. Being a practical shoemaker, and haying had considerabfe etperi ence, he flatters himself that hiJ stock cannot be surpassed in the county. (live him a call, at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STOiIE, ( }net end of the Diamond) HUNTINGDON. PA Customer work made to order. ins neat and durable manner. Jan. 4. '7l WILLIAM IL KENNEDY KITH GEYER & CARPENTER, witotesALT DZALCRI If TOBACCO, SEGARS. SNUFF, AND SMOKERS' Anver,Es, No. 7 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. J. n. OSTER, 11. C. C.IIIPIiNTEr.. [n05y13,1374-Iyr. arui f ;cm ..r R IIF.MOVAL '—Nrcr Goof* PEN 1. JAMB baviog mooted bit t!tiro FISHERS' MK No. 301 Pm oovot. 0110 diarist , of bit low Weak of DRY GOODS. HATS, CM'S. r:• 4 or= ‘N r, NOW I , TEE TIME T.. an - .111t4P. COMO 11 111 se, 92,, j.t.y rENJ JACr a. P.., like. :4, 1471. • G R.‘sr, DEPOT INFOION THE Tii.Vl MK SPLENDID .iTock N t ;4 N )118 IN CII 1 ,1 ..11'NL- 4 . AND 1.11*.% LITT J OAF S PR IN( ; anti SUMMER at h. 7ftware One tifu,r em,t of the Wa.hingtrwo Hotel. I Sere just ror.i•o4 large suet of Lasawl @lr. gust Dr»of fronds, tOse•ioaissii" Verssisftsag siossls‘ Boots Sheri, Ha.* slot Cori, srf sil isies, is 'oil loos satisfy, uttisse sea rriiiNc. 1)1!. 1•1.1)Tns. I;Res - RRHOI, I . .4reo, r. 1 ~ • = r e.", .1... r 4«estrik wfbahresile aid ree3o. These wri!! 60.14 ebromp. rf inot !Finn any oth,r 144.4.• is b.:, "'VIM, ill lab. god 418:41114,45••. - Ifi Inryttrs. Wis Mfo i G.• ?FA ratrownytv. I ...irrwef Wily a •• qte mine. ape: Iy. GLAzrKi: .1/4 ILPIRS IN eMirttiolr. I , lof* NE 1711)NS W II S , nprt, W e•bieltne .INIII GRocEram. WA 4 111N,37 rF .i•r••• icor -;ive% 1 1 . 7 tT G(010:4 F(11: THE TRF wEIiT R.‘z.sit !WM, 'I . ,Vath TrtAiw.jire Mr. This estshlistra•vit by* yto • WIPP 10 0 1r r:•.. 3•7,010,0 , 71... .1 DRY GIY 'lra DY 2:4 :; 3- 7 GROCKRIE. 4 2 , 1 sOiolom zonally f 000.4 at • Seo-.lp+ Arm The peAlio sow roopoorylly to' 0141 owl osonstoo 21,1 prio,o. Poon't forgot the pfineo.oorwor '7:0 , 11/ 04 Womb ioroo .trots. W..t Wvotiaellow. Y. W. JOIIINATAN i 0- 6. rst. I a, 14:3. Ready-mule Clio Wag. G RAND EX POQTTIoN tiIPRINI %ND r own)," NEW r.T.)p. wile !. the P.* 0416 c, Nw tinAwn., ;leo in .f !low mp 4 oust .11eAlrahl. otnAt annr.,elekto that ha- Fret lx , is .p... 11 ii Ihratiorfne. rye CLACK curript. AKM4. KN4ILL 4 II„ ScnTell. FRENrif Dnitagrrte Aso FANCY r 4,I4OItERIA. which will he new.i., up is cbe were .cyle wad us peculiarly seat St ask .iura4lo wisaset. If you Viet 3 :rm." +ea e!eqs O. • C. 411 at N. 0:1111CSBIRWAI. If y., wiot i ido :r. 3 rimer cm) .t U . s; NUN BilitAe.g. If 74u a roul Coy. ',mit. ein at 11. gr. If pm want a rn4 Toetbe suit. Cali at U. tilraiL.Nll24or3 If you want a goo.' Solt tata,io to onior. Call at U. 411SZNIIIIII*V9. If pro oast a ateonso Gents ForniAtoz Coil at U. .; It KEN azzirs. Aldo, Cassicorres oot,l by tbo yarl. At 0. 0111121111111tfil. Tilors Triassikiv ..f foe At U. 011111.1111111415. ALL UfIODS W RANTED as 1111,111t4t1TIID A 1,6:30.1 173- ly. 60 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS! Ra Ch'ir. r: 1 . I.D 1 Ni; LAT 4, ie ToT!,"• tiEO. S. HAFiva. ditivm ••r a et JOHN F. MILLER FOR A LL KINDS OW PRIXII , IO. APO TO TUN JOURNAL OFFICZ FANCY 0:001,S, Rains CIA fill iNG, n• I Prery•hing is = . -• N 16: W e) 6) 1) t' ILL:. Ji . .S'r OrrIYED A :'[l.l: :; T T t'll.l, AND SEE D iw:11 NICHOLAS 4'. lii.I•KEI:. tt 4 rr:i • If .11 .4 AP to p7C.I fit" gEN7rX RM. (;(/‘,P9 1 , 10'..1s TRIMMING 41. NOTIONA "V ,%1,1, KINDS Irlttl V 1. 4 lONA r,iforn 4 %NI) ,giOsIV-4 11.11 .2 . ►i' 4 liir.4lKlT, 11. riREEN BERG'S MEN AND r. ,, y, rfrrit:o! 31 igee ILinenns. APT'Y t.' I,r -`m A PIJffTW JP 'ELLAKAIND rt !CAR f•fts; % t 9 AClEVfivtilltDc ND a11111T311017 • CUI4 AMR , 111 , 111~1111111111111 r 1111 , P i W ri T rT ;P m a r WRIPMIPS TIPW -111 M ii,:iLITTT " PUirre 7.6111.a5i5. ow. smillif VW nut. must sod 1011ViieMIA wmpir aisdassballsoftme J. Illtspf a re', firease el illberninekswz i talr. 11414 Leiheisib b 4 kagiissiaksa w. Waft Waft OM. s. lrli esimmear - hist thoilho V- Sok Ault 111 a lierse, gni lk b. lb, Sim IL Wes Pftsfamot. 7...5.. Itairt. a Peoraib- MEW It llovewmirr ~. . 1, 0...... a le pm a11b11.11111% aIMINP il dmililma , .giosobe. JIM OW .11111.• mp Oft /Pa, Nit 1111 .11.11P1110110.1t Ihnipp• • 0 .111.11.0 bp OSIP ARMY. *OM ...111111 */* Imk • i/assfaft 11. 1.160f01e I .Ime delft ella f - 4M06 4 stop • on. bar ..rips. .r... 1••••••%, .amt a. On Par... • raw -410•K- .4 per 416aimpo illumpollbiovivemi„ Ora, Owillopm iseememelbrieL mew 0•1111" spew arr.. impareiji. Elissa ribrillalikella ounk.airsl.4asim4 ail ear iftir II dB. 4 OD dallialreiliglllegish.4 ilimallmilkmill•mv 4 .0b... OPP% I IND ailed 4ove wt ow! pogo mot ere lit 4. • --4 air! 4......50n 2. lime' MOPE= * soneesp. rra •, ae 7earmen fie! lbw 11111111.11 ms Ity a •-• /tats 4.aftelk.em 111~ spa war se irsimimer. Mr.. Sr 04. wigier 4 _ _ _ 41110 stait disibuilm ilimAle soill 40, noir wawa?. me am* 11.0111.141 swerromilho ..11111.11 lam sr "Oh— eliiiimpm ft.., :T. min I .00DS Tye Per,. 11 ?twat 'mew siniregirWOW •-•- Ur So* orrimaimo.• Ow' IrZ a r :lir-% Swayirsl4l64lllwi Ma t bed lisirr.? • /bow 4114.willmologwo MI 6 ster A. WOW. 1101101.11111 r illowwwwitwo wow w r.o.nroomdltor lbw Iniplia wt fs. sr.+, • Pr.or 011111,11 kw. 0•011100.11 P ▪ assimima smwOIL bp It oar tram ailialms, • wawa* u. Ono War ibillmirdhliMpinew 4otrre— /110110 it Slit tailh. Zomov's ~Pik A. Jim Ifft &moo a Moroi flommogoo, of A 4 gip • ip so, ...row.. oriel porommt aff vow. alyillsylllvonr by lbw .wpwboar• I bov.—tiesp- 4 1bbi11pv1.11111..01.6 ' Moo miry 'rabbis... Sr i•rep v.ryiisbg . Mr ...If AO lib oillb woo . Vag 4111■11011011.0oroolfll so omPthoof ymig•• hob-co supy-ey ••••••••“Spa iftrimem s 4 Mt Illitevt, • 1P.,~ Prow Mum Ms ► ima 011! m Ow Ow ...wawa sof glow Irmo , aildbara Apt 41111114Wholows , voraibeire, Psseura. lit era /erre, • emeillree wow.* lbw amp ow.. se •••44 ee r orerammus♦ aNONP s•Il test olhe• dle awry & Ist AM +Oft. iwarimirs. HMI 11•11•1"14611111111111111. amity leing, • /UM 41111111140. WV NNW ullgiF nor lbw • a 111111Millim•tiNOR am. imago vuellit OP AMP sem 4 lhe tniretvw •ibr 1011. OMR 01WWW OW OPHOWO ....Oft ID 410.1. .I.lllooolllllla Igge a/ft .1.••• 41 ... 11 . 4 .W.. 4 .0Ww ow • OwNlasai TOWNIIMP RiMa•Pliase r. • jp pep 1 tete. aim* —V. .41 slibilakili• fib 4. 1 " , 4 MEW l 11.4111, tt awe.. owe of 4110 pew lam demo as MI , 411.4.• ....wl4l iblIP gpaff ipmeleor 4 , 1~ .111111.411110.1 ft UM ale NIP lig. - +Mb.* iloP• emame amp, frip enrimismix.--. • 0.0 - OINIANPV 84111. k It eller. Po, Apar' We. 1ftr.,.1 arm mosiore 41" elm 9•1114 Is awry Ana I -bre Ow. w Iowa" Alliersift 111= I OW/ win., ilikr ara Mow or girrunglir !l- •rr orrwrin. 11. I+x. "OW dolma rfr ge 1111011.111rik tr." areprollik M Ml.•+• 11 MT I se it i ra l lroollaapar‘ Oar JlNeve Avon*. r" I. blip. I ill M"! 41111RWA:f CTr,LOII•I.% vire Mr MN, ININPVIIIIIIL Ravi* ay dem 11111111111110 dowiev .041.4. Alm*ll Owe go, "pit asli art a.cora ltiserswe impssertip toe esp. Tl** Imo* 444.1111, pillbillseerar Orel* .0 Tn. Tow 4111.11141.. Co*SPIP/1110 Ow is P• 01. .4 moo *Ws* 1111111 ISt AO eV." * sreatitof Is ill 4Or Ilksaw• 1w0... •••• 10 , .iii 411110 asp. • I . '?. pro it *RPor, Mme ONIOUNII6IIBBB/Ww. .... *vt. bor. ire Or MON. sile •••••me a top or icier we opmemp... ••4 .. -... • env 44141.10 AMMO. 1W MEW , fro ev , sar MN*. 4 1• Uls am 'NOP 411buirr • fry . warp lr e lr soar • ilew ~lt 4=l EOM Tir orraimillt oWlir tM 41amtwers d ohm* NA 411111= ft• 10r isessillifte sat twatlill sr fit t.p.....5m5. sit stiossamt 1110► iwr evisr sad ansavipmen Ammaliling Rim werga... morionst demppe elf pinaa, mss. 711.. Awl Pew of wor aw. Nlr alb= 1110 wilmOw Ow .60 owe apron* ism Iffiply asepossiti p•sss own csormststil 1111.0111, Woe dramormill law smenslwar or der limorkselp bow. Ames sate my Or wrOismir afirtma Thy irws pollikeelhwallidiervellhollotaiweip sift •by award ommee w oe• de AIR la.- low• Oft We OW vim • aim see lobate ammo ape it erai, •••• Monk ••• glom a,., every est is aslarisr Sr low Or pir floullara. Amyl WNW bow row entilli mot ••- roars dew asllolo=l6 et Okla illipaimerw is yet possurawi war is olio ismognoil, • i• Imadref a xillislaise elf IMP lor. we ~I onstry owe f• 1111.+v Amp if" porsoing mr• imarbw•- •• Ittreftery. _ _ _ iw pepasive lbw AM imv pan.. it bar .n-opfleilly Um Mr slap at An is avtaimilima sr 1r 111111010 doom awl av fairei. maiNativ anowill leamovwesio is miessit. 4 awry Illowal pv.i.ritw r itouravv. oaf 4 tar olvalle Wow Soo. Illoptivalmoll at" av Ore wine sot avOillart mative Ob. piper at pm art loiresowail ..rwavo. Am ow% it ammo lig= tent bog uneiewfts aim. sod in* Or awn ..w•.. ./Iryief wit 11111.011111111. tire. 5.... .4 Ow oreijog omougoeippo 0111111atemoo soak lose 4er ery pop boo low /id our ape "pr, ibormaise is itoot aam trolly/Mk dile lap ammo plow mod ~gam se me piedimbet. Moto s f•r soiroftc riossimi few orb illooppooroompos gro osorriallos or ism sisopor.4l by :000gor bagesltios• obi bidoPip• boolorioidir. Tloir iilloorrosionso irikdb Orr lior arm erne do. rums maim ltre Inee ea for *IP ale at fir eski NB ire fruit And herr Ale amplbrillesp ft asst tot ilmry orlormr 411 bur 05.41, ire rearm. pal lassey. dietet ast awe him re ft. soadailais hear ossirry, to +r so. • tria rAr smear proomp eV aceisair Era isiber dies trenti r liorie their rodeo& essaiimir: *merit et their esererf.e ii 0111.111WOR me • is kiwi *try 11•4 s esteems, remplint maw adisiss. bar mew or the eiwepirdlift sssi ewer et sr bit w elierseer► it wee feeteeeelese map. pogibe. ee EsSeerry 4 fee* w/ra 111 lieeeesirbeme staleme tar' ease* swim eeeillibebses is* NO pipe. 1111misiorill swera• timussoll Ibroollsoui mil MID setaw... Ropy, PIM* ASV MIA frlf 314. Is sifts Oink hLarT eseer . per we-- alii Ilistames. rep 7 Is I. ihellie.diagaililt. par . •e• Is MI 111••••••• sehrmk # "wiper vie. NI • Me Illoseek par •vi IS es ram Ishonse oes/A. Istiraidiaiveitar. used isompissiook its' Voltpaplows paw of as IhrailM~ "wry • ▪ is/se gyp*, Iniemieset all is sips genelo4, es spiplissles. Clew eassetabe I 1115.4, hallosor s. 141111\im D. AIPPLIPMP • eak., ba • 364 Illosaftwa e 1 Sc.-M.71. ; WS. WILLIAM. sas i t=ra; X AIWAIll= w at, IITTYTIR•1111111 IPA PLASM PAHi ALIO ILM6I/1/ 111111111111111 10 oarnra. J_ 4.11. W. Alm" //14. Mit 41 an go Pine DEMO sow