The Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1871-1904, August 18, 1875, Image 4
The Huntingdon Journal. tarm and *ualitald. Helping Papa and Mamma. Planting the corn and potatoes, Helping to scatter the seeds, Feeding the hens and the chickens, Freeing the garden from weeds, Driving the cows to the pasture, Feeding the horse in the stall— We little children are busy ; Sure there's work for us all, Helping papa. Spreading the hay in the sunshine, Raking it up when 'tis dry; Plucking the apples and peaches, Down in the orchard hard by ; Picking the grapes in the vineyard, Gathering the nuts in the fall— We little children are busy ; Yes, there is work for us all, Helping papa. Sweeping and washing the dishes, Bringing the wood from the shed. Ironing, sewing, and knitting, Helping to make up the bed, Taking good care of the baby, Watching her lest she should fall— We little children are busy; Oh, there is work fur us all, Helping mamma. Work makes us cheerful and happy, Makes us both active and strong; Play we enjoy all the better When we have labored so long; Gladly we help our kind parents, Quickly we come to their call— Children should love to be busy, There is so much work for us all, Helping papa and mamma. • To Measure Land. To aid farmers in arriving at accuracy in estimating the amount of land in differ ent fields under cultivation, the following table is given by at: agricultural paper : 5 yards wide by 968 yards long contain 1 acre. 10 yards wide by 484 yards long contain 1 acre 20 yards wide by 242 yards long con tain 1 acre. 40 yards wide by 121 yards long con tain 1 acre. 80 yards wide by W I yards long con tain 1 acre. 70 yards wide by G9f yards long con tain 1 acre. 60 feet wide by 726 feet long contain 1 acre. 110 feet wide by 369 feet long contain 1 were. 120 feet wide by 363 feet long contain 1 acre. 220 feet wide by 198 feet long contain 1 acre. 240 feet wide by 1811 feet long con: tain 1 acre. 440 feet wide by 99 feet long contain 1 acre A box 24x16 inches, 22 deep, contains 1 barred. A box 16x161 inches, 8 deep, contains 1 bushel. A box 88.1 inches, 8 deep, contains 1 peck A box 4x4 inches, 4} deep, contains peck The standard bushel of the United States contains 2150.4 cubic inches. Any box or measure, the contents- of which are equal to 2150.4 cubic inches, will hold a bushel of grain. In measuring fruit, veg etables, coal and other substances, one fifth must be added. In other words, a peck measure five times even full makes one bushel. The usual practice is to 'heap the measure." Rules for Poultry Raisers. If the following rules are carefully fol lowed, they will lead to the best results: Spinkle sulphur or coarse snuff into the nest, to keep off vermin. Remove your hen daily; let the hens roll in the dust box near by ; feed asd water regularly. Apply a little dry sulphur upon the down Ander each wing of the chicks as soon as they emerge from the nest. Scatter pow dered sulphur through the hen's under feathers, also during the period of setting; she 'lust be kept free from lice. Always set your hens iu the evening, rather than by daylight; they will be more sure to stick to the nest afterward, and for two or three days, at first, be careful that they are kept undisturbed. On the twenty first day, when the chickens are coming out, leave her to herself until all are re leased, then wait twenty-four hours yet for the little ones to get upon their feet. Commence feeding with soaked bread crams, rice and hard-boiled eggs. Follow this up for a week, then cooked soft food and4roken wheat, then cracked corn, ehopptql meat or scraps, and always plenty of green food until the grass starts. Wash your roosts occasionally with spirits of turpentine or kerosene; this prevents the accumulation of lice in the poultry-houses, and the fumes of this pungent oil per meates the feathers of yeur fowls at night, and drives the vermin from their bodies. HOBERLANDT has lately published a table showing the maximum and minimum temperature at which a large number of agricultural seeds will germinate. From this it appears that a minimum of the larg est number, including wheat, barley, rye, oats, buckwheat, sugarbeet, linseed, poppy, clover, peas, mustard, etc., is about 40.55 degrees F. Tho minimum far carrots, sunflower, sorghum, and maize lies between 40.55 degrees F. and 59.90 degrees F. For tobacco and the gourd it is between 50. 90 degrees F. and 60.12 degrees F. For cucumber and melon it is between 60.12 degrees F. and 65.30 degrees F. ASPARAGUS FOR RHEUMATISM.—We know of several cases of relief and cure of severe rheumatism by the free use of as paragus, making it a constant diet, three times a day, using only soda biscuit, a cracker, and tea. No meats, no other food. HEADACHE.—Dr. Brunton tells us that the administration of a brisk purgative, or small doses of Epsom salts, thrice a day, is a most effectual remedy for frontal head ache when combined with constipation.— Hall's Journo 1. Buckwheat sown with potatoes drives away the potato bug. This is simple and can easily be tried. The bug will not dis turb potatoes on land where buckwheat had been raised the previous year. Miscellaneous THREE POINTS FOR CONSIDER . TION. During the past five years the ViaITTINI: has been stead ily working itself into public favor, and those who were at first most incredulous in regard to its merit, :ire 110 W its most ardent friends and supporters. There are three essential causes for those having such a horror of patent medicines, changing their opinion and lending their influence towards the advancement of VPAIBTINII. let. It is an honestly-prepared medicine trout barks, roool and herbs. 2d. It honestly accomplish es all that 61 claimed for it, without leaving any bad ef fects in the system. 3d. It presents honest vouchers in testimonials front honest, well-known citizens, whose sig !valuer are a sufficient guarantee of their earnestness in the matter. Taking into consideration the vast quantity of medicine brought conspicuously before. the public through the flaming advertisements in the newspaper col ulmus, with no proof of merit or genuine vouchers of what it has done, we should be pardoned for manifesting a small degree of pride, in presenting the following testi monial from Bev. J. S. DICKERSON, D. D., the popu lar and ever genial pastor of the South Baptist Church, Boston : TILE TIRED BODY SITES FOR SLEEP. Dpbros, March 16, 1871. 11. IL STEVENS, Esv. Dear Sir—lt is as much frow a sense of duty as of grat itude that I writs to say that your VEGETINE,—even if it is a patent medicine—has been of great help to me when nothing else seemed to avail which I could safely use. Either excessive mental work or unusual care brings upon me a nervous exhaustion that desperate!, needs sleep, but as desperately defies it. Night after night the poor, tired body sues for sleep until the day-dawn is w.lcomed back, and we begin our work tired out with au alm,ist fruitless chase after rest. Now I have found that a little VEGETINE taken just before I retire gives me sweet and immediate sleep, and without any of the cv effects of the usual narcotics. I think two things would tend to make brain workers sleep. Ist. A little less work. 2d. A little more VEGETINE. This prescription has helped me. Nose I have a particular horror of "patent medicine," but I have a greater horror of heing afraid to tell the straight-out truth. The VEGETINE has helped me, and owu it up. Yours, Ac., J. S. DICKEILSON. VALUABLE EVIDENCE. The following unsolicited testimonial from Rev. 0. T. WALKER, D. D., formerly pastor of the Rowdoin Square Church, and at present settled in Providence, R. 1., 'lust be esteemed as reliable evidence. No ono should fail to observe that this testimonial is the result of two years' experience with the use of VEG. ETINE in the Rev. Mr. Walker's family, who now pro nounces it invaluable : PROVIDENCE, R. 1., 164 Transit street. 11. It. STEVENS, ESQ.: I feel bound to express with my signature the high val . I place upon your VECIETINE. My family have used it for the last two years. In nervous debility it is inval uable, and I recommend it to all who may need an invig orating. renovating tonic. O. T. WALKER, _ . . Formerly !cot, of Bowdoin Sq. Church, Boslim THE BEST EVIDENCE The following letter from Rev. E. S. BEST, pastor N. E. (Jhurch, Natick, Mass., will be read with interest by many physicians. Also those suffering from the same disease as afflicted the son of the 11ev. E. S. BEST. No person can doubt this testimony, and there is nu doubt about the curative powers of VEGETIN E : NATICK,. Mans., Jan. 1,1874. MR. 11. It. Sierras : Dear Sir—We have good reason fur regarding your VEII ETINE a medicine of the greatest value. We feel assured that it has been the means of saving our son's life. He is now seventeen years of ago; for the last two years be has suffered from necrosis of his leg, caused by scrofulous af fection, and was so far reduced that nearly all who saw litui thought, his recovery impossible. A council of able physicians could give us but the faintest hope of his ever rallying, two of the number declaring that he was be yond the reach of human remedies, that even amputation could not save him, as ho had not vigor enough to endure the operation. Just then we commenced giving him VEGE TINE, and from that time to the present he has been con tinuously improving. He has lately resumed his studies, thrown away crutches and cane, and walks about cheer fully and strong. - Tbough there is still some discharge from the opening where the limb was lanced, we have the fullest confidence that In a little time he will be perfectly cured. lie has taken about three dozen bottles of VEGETINE, but lately uses but little, as ho declares that he is too well to be taking medicine. Respectfully yours, E. S. BEST. MRS. L. C. F. BEST. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. 178 Baltic street, Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1874. 11. R. BTBVEN S. ESQ. : Dear Sir—From personal benefit recfeved by its nee, as well as from personal knowledge of those whose cures thereby have seemed almost miraculous, I can most hearti ly and sincerely recommend the VECIrTII.I.E for the com plaints for which it is claimed to cure. JAMES P. LUDLOW, Late Pastor Cavalry Bap. Church, Sacramento, Cal. VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. March3,'7s—lyr. - 7"• "": (-r? I- , ‘r \ ' '' ;‘) . • • 7 .4 4- ;7.f . elr\ I 1 ,4 _ _ • "T _ _ - . MASON&HAMLIN CABINET , ORGANS. UNVIDALED=UNAPPROMED in capscity and excellence by any °then. Awarded 111 IN r T 1 iitS AND DIPLOMA OF HONOR -AT VIENNA', 1873 ; PARIS,IB67. ONLYAmerican Organs ever awarded any medal in Europe, or which present such extraordi nary excellence as to command a wide sale there. ALWAYS awarded highest premiums at Inus logtjons,derewmwegm Ma me. Out of hundreds there have not been six in all where any other organs have been preferred. BESTDeclared by Eminent Musicians, in both hemispheres,. to be - unrivaled. See TESTIMONIAL. CIRCULAR, with opinions of more than One Thousand (sent free). 4I INSIS T on having a Mason & Hamlin. Do not take any other. Dealers get LARGER COM MISSIONS for selling inferior organs, and for this reason often try very Aord to sell something else. fIEWITYL with most important improve ments ever made. New Solo and Com i Unation Stops. Superb Etagere and other Cases of new designs. PIANO -HAP CABINET ORGAN qco of these instrument& vt", EASY PAYMENTS . = f o rma thly ala fcr or quarterly payments; or rented until rent pays for the organ. CATALOFUES and Circulars, with full partic ulars, free. Address MASON HAMLIN 0 GAN CO., 154 Tremont Street, ROS TON; 25 Union Howe, NWiT ROB; or 80 di 82 Varna St.. CHIC4CIig: r March 24, '7s—y THE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS. EDINBURGH REVIEW, ( Whig.) LONDON . QUARTERLY REVIEW, ( ConBerva ave.) WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW (Evangelical) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, REPRINTED BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 FULTON ST., NEW-YORK, By arrangement with the English Publishers, who receive a liberal compensation. These periodicals constitute a wonderful mis cellany of modern thought, research, and criticism. The cream of all European books worth review ing is found here, and they treat of the leading events of the world in masterly articles written by men who have special knowledge of the matters treated. The American Publishers urge upoa all intelligent readers in this country a liberal sup port of the Reprints which they have so long and so cheaply furnished, feeling sure that no expen diture for literary matter will yield so rich a re turn as that required for a subscription to these the LEADING PERIODICALS 01 GREAT BRITAIN. TERMS About one-third the price of the originals. For any one Review $4 00 per yr. For any two Reviews 7 00 " " For any three Reviews 10 00 " " For all four Reviews l2 00 " " For Blackwood's Magazine For Blackwood and one Review 7 00 " " For Blackwood and two Reviews 10 00 " " For Blackwood and three Reviews 13 00 " For Blackwood and the four Reviewsls 00 " " Postage two cents a number, to be prepaid by the quarter at the office of delivery. CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent. will be allowed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus: fourcop ins of Blackwood or of oae Review will be sent to one address for $12.00; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $4B, and so on. To clubs of ten or more, in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis will be allowed to the get ter up of the club. PREMIUML New subscriptions (applying early) for the year 1374 may have, without charge, the last volume for 1873 of such periodicals as they infoy subscribe for. Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three, or four of the above periodicals, may have one of the above periodicals, may have one of the "Four Reviews" for 1873 ; subscribers to all five may have two of the "Four Reviews," or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1873. Neither premiums to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted direct to the publishers. No premiums given to Clubs. . Circulars with further particulars may be had on application. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING •CO., 140 Fulton St., New-York. Feb. 15,1874 -Iyr. FOR PLAIN PRINTING, FANCY PRINTING, GO TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE Sewing Machines. WANTED. The Wheeler & Wilsou Mf'g Co., OF PHILADELPHIA, are desirous of securing a number of Agents to introduce and sell their New Sewing Machines.— To men who are active, energetic, and willing to work, and can furnish a Horse and Wagon, an entirely new plan of operation will be offered. We are now prepared to supply our New Family No. 6. or 7 Machines, and have them adapted to the ordinary Family use, or to any of the branches of the Shoe or Clething Manufacture. We consider this a better opportunity than we have ever been able to offer men of ability to do a profitable busi ness. No investment of capital is required, and we are able to give a choice of location from a large amount of territory. Letters addressed, or parties calling on us will receive immediate at tention. Wlioolop & Wilsoll FE Co., No. 914 Chestnut Street, PERM &ADE&P-ZEIlt Docember 15,1874. Miscellaneous. VINEGAR BITTERS PURELY VEGETABE FREE FROM ALCOHOL. Dr. J. Walker's California Vinegar Bit ters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which are extrac ted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit ters ?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recovers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a lite-giving principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as Tonic, re lieving Congestion or Inflamation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bit ters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the oause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflamma tion (the tubuecular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is affected. If men will enjoy good health, let them use Vin egar Bitters as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants in every form. R. 11. McDONALD & CO., Druggists and General Agents, San Francisco, California, and cor. Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. _ Sold by JOHN REED' A SONS, 0ct.8,1873. BOOTS AND SHOES. G. A. JOY & CO., 414 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PENNA., next door below Wbarton'2 Hardware Store. Best place in town to purchase a good article at a reasonable price. We have just received a good stock of Keystone and City made Boots and Shoes of all descriptions. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Au1.5,1874-Iyr. S L. KIRK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, 130 North THIRD St., Corner of Cherry, PHILADELPHIA, Have in store and offer for sale, at the lowest market, prices, and on the most reasonable terms, a large and well assorted stock of GROCERIES, TEAS, SPICES, FISH. CHEESE, Ice. Selected with care in this, New York and Ealtimore mar kets, to which the attention of Country Dealers is particularly requested. Laprl-ly. COME TO THE JOURNAL OFFICE FOR TOUR JOB PRINTING If you want sale bills, If you wait bill heads, If you want letter heads, If you want visiting cards, If you want business cards, If you want blanks of any kind, If you want envelopes neatly printed, If you want anything printed in a workman like manner, and at very reasonable rates, leave yourorders at the above named office. GO TO THE JOURN AL OFFICE orall kinds of printing. COLORED PRINTING DONE AT tke Journal Moe at Philadelphia price,. Pianos. p A T EN T ARI 0 N PIANO COMBINES MANNER'S FOUR ,S7.MPLIITING PATEN7',N, THE MOST VALUABLE PATENTS EVER USED IN PIANO-FORTES. PATENT ARION. RE VERSED' WOODEN TIIE , COMPOUND REST THE FULL IRON AND THE SUSTAINING I RON A FEW REASONS WHY THE ARION PIANO IS SUPERIOR TO ALL OTIIERS The ARION PIANO-FORTE has greater power than any other Piano-Forte manufactured, It will Stand in Tune Longer, and in its mechanical construction it is more per fect, and, therefore, more durable, than any instru ment constructed in the usual modern style. The arrangement of the Agraffe, the manner of stringing, the peculiar form and arrangement of the Iron Frame SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS The use of a bar (which is a part of the Iron Frame on a line with the heavy stool stringing,) gives GREAT_ STRENGTH where most needed, and in this respect all other pianoes The construction of the WREST PLANK, into which the tuning Pins are inserted, is such that it is impossible for the piv to come loosened, or tlse Wrest Plank itself to split, as is too often the case in other Piano-Fortes. The Extraordinary Evenness throughout the scale, the excellent Singing Quali ity, the LENGTH AND PURITY OF VIBRATION, all go to provo what we claim, viz : that the ARION PIANO-FORTE Is the Best Instrument Manufactured. ALSO ESTEYS COTTAGE ORGANS, WITII TILE VOX JUBILANT AND VOX lIUMANA. THE NE PLUS ULTRA OF REED ORGANS, universally acknowledged to be the BEST Organ made for Sunday Schools, Churches, Parlors and Lodges. Having more power, with a sweeter tone, than any other Organ in the market notwithstanding the representations of agents interested in the sale of other Organs, we do fully warrant every Opga * for the period of five years, (at our own expenu.) Send your orders to E. M. BRUCE, No. 18 N. 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or JAMES A. BROWN, Agent for Hun tingdon County, No. 525f:Penn street, Huntingdon, Pa. nols Travellers' Guide. PH ILA DLLI'II [A & READING RA I LIMA D WINTER ARRANGEME.VT Trains !cure Ilarrisbury, as .I,lluirs For New York, at 5.20, 8.10 a. to. and 2.00 and .7.11 p. m. For Philadelphia, nt 5.20, 8.10, 9.45 a. m. 2.00 and 3.5') p. Fur Reading, at 5.20, 8.10, 9.45 a. m. 2.00, 3.Z.0 and 7.40 p. ni• Fur Pottsville, at 5.20, RAO a. tn. and 3.50 p. m. and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 2.40 p. m. For Allentown, at 5.20, 8.10 a. m. 2.00 1.50 and 7.10 p. m. The 5.20, 8.10 a. in. and 2.00 and *7.40 p. m. train, have through care for New York. Thu 8.10 a. in. and 2.00 p. in. train. hay.• through car. for Philadelphia. SUNDA YS For New York, at 5.20 a. tn. For Allentown and Way :cations at 5.'20 a. al. Fur Reading, Philadelphia at d Way St.tti,aie at 1. t. p. Train: Jro Harrisburg, leave as follows Leave New York, at 9.00 a. m. 12.40, 5.15 and *7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, at 9.15 a. in. 3.40 and 7.00 p. m. Leave Reading, at 4.30, 7.40, 11.20 a. in. 1.50 6.1 Z. and 10.15 p. m. Leave Pottsville, at 5.55, 9.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. and via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch at 8.05 a. in. Lease Allentown, at 2.30, 5.50, 8.50 a. tn. 12.25, 4.30, and 8.45 p. ni. The 2.30 a. tn. train from Allentown and the 4.30 a. in. train from Reading do not run on Mondays. AGRAFFK Leave New York at 535 p. in. Leave Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. Leave Reading at 4.30, 7.40 a. in. and 10.15 p. m. Leave Allentown at 2.30 a. in. and 8.45 p. *Via Morris and Essex Railroad. PLANK. Jan.14,1874-tf. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after SUNDAY, Juno 28th, 1874, trains will leave Harrisburg ao follows : FRAME. ERIE MAIL 4.25, a. m., to Erie, Elmira, Conan daigma to the Falls. NIAGARA EXPRESS DIA a. in., to Buffalo and the Falls via. Emporium and via. Canandai gua. 1.20 p, m., to Williamipert and Elmira. 5.00 to Willitunaport an 1 Lock Haven. SOUTHWARD FAST LINE 3.10 a. m., BALT°. ACCOM 6.55 a. m., daily except Sunday. MAIL 3.25 p. tn., daily. NIAGARA EXPRESS 11.05 p. in., daily except Sunday. Trains north leave daily except Sunday. For further information, tickets and baggage check!, apply at the ticket (ace in the Pennsylvania Depot, Har risburg. ELMIRA EXPRESS FAST LINE BAR. D. M. BOYD. Ju., General Pa, Agent, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. TIME OP LEAVING OP TRAINS WESTWARD to 4 1 .1 ;:; .1, 7 I bTATIONS. t ‘ PI 4 I.T. ttr.' :403 Cll A. M. ;A.W 1 11 35 ' 7 07 11 42 7 121 11 49, 11 57 12 10 7 37 12 31 7 53 a 411 12 50 1 05 1 138 24 1 2 6 1 1 32 IC Fain Line Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 8 15 and arrival at Altoona at 9 50 P. Y. The Pacific Express, Eastward, leaves Huntingdon at 8.55, a in, and arrives at Harrisburg 12.25 a m. The Philadelphia Express, Eastward, leaves Hunting don anti.sB p, m, and arrives .et larrisburg at 2.3.5 a m H UNTINGDON AND BROAD RAILROAD. Summer Arrangement. On and after Sunday, MAY '23, 1875, P, Trains will arrive and depart as follows : SOUTH 'ARD. MAIL. SHOUP'S RUN BRANCH, rARD. SOUTH% No. 1. EXP. A. M. 10 25 Saxton Coalmont Crawford Dudley, .73. 10 40 10 45 - Jan.l , STAGE LINE From Spruce Creek to Centre Hall, every day, (except Sunday), leaving Spruce Creek at 9 'clock, A. m., and returning at 3 o'clock, P. Y. jauy,-7013] 11. McM ANIGILL. . kJ ~..,..,411 / 4 .4 '' "''rtt ---o- Ac i , ?thi. (1 q 4.,„ 3P I .A. INT Ct. El Were again awarded the highest premium over all Makers, at the late Franklin Institute Exhibi tion, and are the only First-class Instruments that can be:obtainedjat;Manufacturer's cost prices. $3OO For an Elegant 7} oct. Rosewood Piano. The following are a few of the Principal Medals received : First Prize Medal, (Franklin Institute,) 1874 " Silver " (Grand Piano), 1858 " Prize " Crystal Palace World Fair New York 1853 " Gold Medal American Institute, N. Y. 1818 " Prize " Maryland " Baltimore, 1848 " Silver " Franklin " Phila., 1845 PIANOS ordered by mail, are carefully selected, and remittance is not required, until the instru ment has been received and approved. All our styles and classes are built of the same excellent material and workmanship. Every instrument is fully GUARANTEED. Write or send fur illustrated catalogue and price list giving full description of styles, pri ces, etc. SCIIOMACKER PIANO MF'G. CO., Warerooms 1103 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA March 3- NEW GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS NEW and well selected stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, CHAINS, GUARDS, CHARMS, RINGS, &C., &C., &C., T. W. BLACK'S, GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, AMERICAN and SWISS WATCHES. The ELGIN Watch a SPECIALITY. Seth Thomas clocks con stantly on hand and for sale at a small ad vance on manufacturers' prices. A full line of GOLD, SILVER sad STEEL SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES of the best manufacture are to be found inmy rooms. WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY neatly and promptly repaired. All work and goods WARRANTED. Sign of the BIG WATCH, 4061 Penn Street, Huntingtion. dec.9,'74. PICTURE S I P ICTURE S ICTURE ICTURE A full line of CIIROMOS and other PICTURES, JOURNAL STATIONERY STORE JANVAI:Y 17th 1',73. SUNDAES' J. E. WOOTTEN, General Superintendent. NORTHWARD. A. J. CASSATT, General Manager. Summer Arrangement. EASTWA RD a. -a =, l ~ in x .... co O n-, .Y.a. Xa t. 4.llamil ton Mt. Union Mapleton Mill Creek HONT,IIIODON 'Petersburg Barree Spruce Croek Birmingham 1 Tyrone Tiptoe Fostoria Beige Mills Altoona S 27 . 5 11'. 8 2o 5 05 7 54 S 13 4 56 8 05 4 49 7 52 4 36. : 30 7 36 4 20 7 2714 111. 7 22,4 05' 7 1213 52 7 0413 46 6 45 8 664 36 1 _ 6 6013 30, 16 47 3 261 630 6 303 101 6 15 IA.M. IP.X.! P. N. NORT II MAIL STATIONS. Huntingdon._ Long Siding McConnoll.tovrn Grafton Marklesburg Coffee Run Rough and Ready Cove Fishers Summit Saxton Riddlesburg Hopewell Pipers Run Brallier's Siding. Tatesville B. Run Siding Everett Mount Dallas BEDFORD NORTII WA RD STATIONS, G. F. GAG Miscellaneous. Just received at 4081 Penn Street. vary cheap, at the Boots, Shoes and Leather. Tipp EMOV ED TO THE NORTH E.I: 4 T A-go Corner of the Dieleoad. CAN'T BE BEA TEN ' JOHN 11. 4'ESTRRrior Respectfully informs the eitisene of ligntinirdee and vicinity that be has jest received from the city a new and splendid stock LEATH ERS BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Hosiery, Alor Findings, Crisp's :fork*, T•aulks, if , ., etc., All of which he is prepared to sell •t greatly re duced prices. Don t forget the new stand in the Diamond. Old customers and the public generally are invited to call. Jan. 4, '7l. DOWN WITH PRICES. WILLIAM AFRICA has just opened up a large and varied asiortinent of BOOTS, SHOES, LADIES' GAITERS. and a large supply of heavy work, guital.le for saga and boys, at very low prices. I have at all times an assortment u! HANDSOME BOOTS ANL SHOES on hand, which will he disposed of at KS reasona ble rates as the market will admit of. My !toe' was selected with great care, and I can confident,/ recommend all articles in my establishment. Particular attention paid to the manufacture customer work. and orders solicited. Satiotactio guaranteed in a!1 orders. WILLIAM AFRIcA. Jan. 4, '7l. FRESH ARRIVAL 01' EPOTS AND rHOES, AT SHAFFER'S NEW STORE. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPE,,T. THE subscriber would respectfully informs his old friends and cnstoincrs, that he has just re ceived from the East a large and well feierted stork of BOOTS AND SHOES •For Nen, Worn,. notri Children, which he is prepared to sell a trifle lower than any other establishment in town. Being a practical shoemaker, and having had considerable experi ence, he flatters himself that his stork cannot be surpassed in the county. Give hint a call, at the CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE, 1 0, ( West .11 of tiff Diaamod) HUNTINIIDON. PA Customer work made to °Mot. in nett anJ durable ni:►nner. Jan. 4. '7l. JOHN C. MILLER (Siteetwor to C. IT. Miller & :ion,) DEALER IN EVERY LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS AND BELTING HILL STREET, Jan.1,1973-ly. singer Ready-made Clothing. [WARD I KXP. OLD BROAD TOP CORNER COMES TO THE RESCUE! CLOTHING FOR THE 3IILLON! FOSTER & CARMON, On Allegheny Street, two doors East of 1" Dion Depot, Have jest received one of the largest assortin of Clothing ever brought to Huntingdon. Their stock consists of all the NEW STYLES of SPRING 20 , 1 SUMMER CLOTHING, No. 2. xx P. P. M. 5 10 4 55 4 50 4 40 Gentleman's F U It N I S II I N G Goods, HATS AND CAPS, TRUNKS AND SATCHELS, And everything pertaining to Clothing Cosi nese. They sell everything RY LOW rOR CASH. Give then) a call, and ascertain for your self. May2o-61noe. SUPT. GRAND EXPOSITION SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS .;t * CTIREENBERG'S NEW STORE, next door to the Post Office, Ifea tingdon, who has now in store the largest sad most desirable stock of Pessonsble goods, for MEN AND BOYS that has ever been opened in Huntingdon. Tbe stuck consist of BLACK CLOTHS, DOB SKINS, ENGLISH, SCOTCH, FRENCH. DOMESTIC AND FANCY CASSIMERES, which will be made up in the best style and in his peculiarly neat lit sail durable manner. If you want a good suit of cloths cheep. Call at 11. GREENSICKLYS. If you want a good Childs suit (from 3 years up.) Call at H. t/ RE:F.N Cf.:RW:4. If you want a good B,:y1 suit, Call at 11. GREENBERG'S_ II you want a good Youth. suit, Call at H. tatEZNBERG'S If you want a good Suit made to order, Call at H. GRUPIBBRO'S. If you want a nice line (lents Furnishing Goods, Call at H. ORKENBERO'S. Also, Cassimervs sold by the rani, , ' At 11. GREENBERG'S. Tilors Trimmings of all kinds for sale. ALL GOODS WARRANTZD sa AZ, Apri130.1873-Iy. Miscellaneous. DRUGS. DRUGS, DRUGS S. S. SMITH k SON, No. 616 PENN STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA Dealers i■ Drugs, Medioines, Chemicals, Toilet sail Peary Articles, Trusses, Supporters ash Shoul der Braces, Paints, Oils, Vanish, Carbon Oil Lampe, all. Pure Wines and Liquors tor Modiensal Purposes Also, Agent for The Davis Vertiesl Teed Sew ing Machine. Best in the world for all purposes. Aug. 20,1873. rro TAX CITIZIAIII Or PICIINSTLVIII.II.II.--Tene ea teatime is epeeist!, invited to tbe bell aid al Banks an now d to revel's seemilpileas la the capital Stock of tia CwtowNal %awl of Pluiesa /be funds realized fro= tbinsenree are le be lirjadl in lie erect ion of the bailee', 6r 1110 liNereallabel and the ez peens imanseled 1016 Ow NR i 61111161inh l bt lieved that the gayeties* Bleep will be rarneamesd by the tame of every citizen slim. to patriotic cenmineseome tics of the (ewe hundredth birth-day by she mediae lb. shares of stock are offered for SIO seek sad sediserthers o 11 receive • handsome steel engraved Carters!" of Reek, suitable for framing sod preservation a. a 111161111111 mease rial. Interest at the rate of •ix per rent. per amino will h. paid ‘ni all paynsonto of Ceatennial Ptork frk,so Oioso of payment to January 1, 11170. Saborribors who are not near • Nauoaal Dank norm mit a chock or poet-ofitro coder to t►. tiodorsicaod. FRIED!. 11119 LET, Troamtree, Aug.20:71t0Ja1y4,76.1 504 Widest It, PkiWeb*.,•—Nglir ro;rfrofs E!./. JArrrii irav,se t.f%,g4 y.• obwr* 11A N. Sal /►llw oraet. 4i4p010 of ►i• Isere et.dit of iILOVX KID AIIOKA, OEO. SHAFFER. VARIETY OF HUNTINGDON, PA. At 11. GREENBERG'S. elitism to Wart Iltatotiarine. • r.. .st• 1 4 101 t ALL IC VEDA OF PRINTI7II4. file TUE JoITINAL 01/11tit ,Z roscRIBE FOR TII g .101 - RN AL LY Only MN year. Dry-Gromis an.l Groreri....' DR Y Goorr.4. FAN('Y i;irOfri I' .1 R PIT? i3'orr.4 %ND 4110E4 as.' •verryth.a* :a it,• sow I. rum TIME To Et T (*Mgt? Couto se4 ow, e•. witbmirt iiehiy. RCN/ J Irr ft ra.. Jsr. I:. T 471 GRANT) DV.P4 VT von N W o; 0 I) I) P GRIN INFORMA THAT UK 11,1 N JI:ST oI'ENKI) SPLENDID: 4 Tow K OF NEW essorrA THAT CAN'T RE i:F. A I IN Cif E.II'NK:I:4 ANI) tar %LITT rALI ANP ?EV Jae. 4. '7l FRE: 4 II A}:1;11 ',I.- SPRING:thiISUMMIEK P(r4 a: •h. chr-sp NIC1101,.1.; IPEI•KFIC One finewr ea.., of rho Wi.hinviot T have . :,airt reeeive,l 4rem. V 1. 0 4: ipsnt Dry.* 4.rieflomwee Unsiobivre goof,. Abnow, flat. an.ll rap, 41411 -3 ...I -1..4 Taney. f..- „r5tr1.•....../. ebliarys. cLoTHING. r'Llfrfis Xll ig -"mum. 4yrwr. Apices •noi frrsr.. 31.4 retsil. These if int -br,prr. than any other 'awls, in t.sirss. ••tfSvti Bed small prsfits." is any insotto. Thanisfal f.►r pane Isattnn.». i ... p ,,,..r a ,,., ti: -.1 • !i. .r•. ' G LAZIF:II s 111::) DEA 1.F.R.; IN , ;ENv7 !it/ ;;PINGT ;T. 14:V Goof): Yrif )SS. SHOES. it Ars A,. A, SMITH Strert, Itetiwievio Waebiertmo rd hill CROCE r.n.:s. PROVISIONS KENSW RK. WASHINOTON :krone. sear Julia. Jan. 11. GOODS FOR THE MiLLION AT Tlllt W EST HUSTINGDON 13.11.18. l'orner iv' NiatA ,sbul Irts4;oojimo Tie estatifixtimeat has jest reprived a !aria sad varied same MCA t .f seaseashki -.sweet iag is part of DRY GOODS DRESS GOMM, DRESS TRIMMINGS, NI.YTIONS OY ALI. KINDS. GROCERIES PRI)V 1:411)N:4 BOOTS AND SIIOES 11.1 TS, e.IPS. lIIx4IFRT, awl all artiste.. amity 6.12.4 is a incelaaa se.vo. palhie ara rearestrally ;avoid is ,rall aad azaleas* goody alai pewee. Deal forget tho platy, rorast N4tb sa.S Wiese iagtoa Ora•ta. West Haatisiiikra. Pa. O. W. JOHNSTON * CO. Oet.ll. I 71. M iscellaneoses SOMETIIING NEW. FIR. 4 T NATIONAL RAKF.RY omen's Tin NWT lIATIFENAL MANZ ie tbe place to boy poor 1111.11 a. RIP and ti ROC It IL IRS, and to get the yogi& of .Imor wormy. Trait, r, end eannod. tt. Boot COTTIBI. SUGAR, SYRUPS, rump: CENTENNIAL SArCE. CENTENNIA L CELERY CONFECTIONARIES REST cir rrT JELLIM, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. Whist, Bran sad Rye Broad. lobed Ante. Cobra tor parties, baked t. order. .lil orders 001 ao livered if rejoired. Olive a• a wall_ jalyWisnoia.) WILLIAM !MITI. WILLIAM 11. KENNEDY wrra GEYER .E CARPF.NTF:R. woo LL • LLL *receive ty TOBACCO. SEGA It . : 4 711 r VV. *1 S3llO k ERN ARTICLE-;. No. 7 North Third ,ttrort. IPHILAPIMPTIIIJI. J. N. {•T**. 111111111•111. f0r5y13.1 , 74-Ipr. AIARIII.EIIEA WINMEN Ir!C- T.PRT NEM WELF.VT'4 lisatist.los Poetry. Ps. esloseriher takes pleasure !a6 ielleruoeir llo• :666.1 tho srusrolly list If turT• BLANK u vryvrrts. Josef. 1/lisasol• tlemimae OgiMPV T,rwa. and 'morphine aurally araamitarivvisi4 ilea Cu.- try lsotary. which N will rubes*, fsm Wso4 "sr Cash. at fair priori C. .01. 411111ANKT A0g.19. 74-Iyr. 60 CHOICE 1W1LD1744; UM! Cboiee Rl' ILD LOTS, is tryler' • A.l. forty !. .IMIN V MILLER 13E., - TIT ITT- PLOV.S-1 410 .5 45- I . iP 4 W 11 1 01" Wirri.. CA NT intrirrirr fir 4 , 0 1.41N4 $ t0t 40 11714r11.11111111 , .v Winn In its liar 1.11411Pre.; Ilr 4- 7111 , 111/MY 11101. tr 4 lll -Mr/ 4C: e Nom. RE VITT It PLCITY4' • it .1 a •7g , i I smil 101111"1111.4 4rar roma nifty Ibir.'arbmite awry Rs, toil se Laliglisme. Pr_ 4,0•401b.r. 4.4.-0 • A.... 1.71_ e Pr..f obstatim Mara 1..0f .nor. t. 4 11. /10 /11.1r4v. I! Itswa. L Views. Ilawn, F know •• ••• Soma w -no am* to* f .I•Missit 11,- *••••• " .00. '0 ar r-ts limo- • • -4201asers• 4••412. Par. •• %Owl, ••• Om Unit ••••••• •1•110. OW 1 ill.l. 0.11111111.1... S. mai ter .1•• %ark 44•111n0w.., ••4 4/•••/**Wm. , •••• mok *ea , 11W1.1 , 1, r ••• • • e••••••• ,••• lipeb Y r Wigan .- ~:'.. AttAIMWs, Pt Ott .2. lir: 401.1111 16041. INNi *no 14,01119 P 311461. AMMO ar 41 elliMibir wet. .11.40/ Irlbro .....41~011/a/ /90 Om 0 slab dbmer. • 414 sae Irnippr 1.44, /at 4 toogoottiVitilloolso .4o owl 4 d.,./fa/ /ow s 1 34/0. 0.4 1 / I .P. aysB dwoll sys.olol, 4 01/. .441 •vd. it. EOlll sent 411 AMP a* s ow Om asumborMilf ewe. Ibraorlbut Illt 71111•40 .11• 4111111 MP.. 4 44/./dre vromme bor. rat rdelk..dro giserilme sus T ins" poiliadb Mb. I - wlt r aro dews --ow •dt.d. s/7/ apt /401/ ./Iwee .../4 4 dab/ S A amsagor r-s.dodder , wormd./. !MP 4 114110//00 " .rT Ilea* • ' •••••-•• maliparm ~, grar..4* or- ...OM% 4,4 0111.41 01•81 M. /%0 .4 4. *vow. .411 4 sil4 Oft* 4410 moilinaismp dir. ...soros ••••• .0 4. :`.7• • .0.44 • v.* T ~ ~r I mark e .11wr kir r.rf ArAipp. I 47= " • +raw. a wo--: 11 vow. 4••• Or .r- • r.....••••' ~•••••• dor+ sp•ipas leo rie • rardiropr olle. INF imP.4.11.110 *Sof • 1.11. .....•••••••••-• lbw OM "'Amur. ITT • .b•••••• 48.••••• 408‘pop lASIMPININ.4 'woo two ••• 111111•1•1•6 ,•••, •01110 Viiirow Ira -emiarns , irmit lissmin, firm di ~ID .• ..• ag,sia• 4 , 411..„ weep,- ••••••••• Pa liv.ilarrm lA* • • ewhow tl . kw Sr . 1116.1.7 • ?W.." 'Warm. 4 • I, s•. 4,111 ow! rirripmeir ••••••• .041 ll,awort Taw ...sfireares• I .4 .1. 4 111.11. 11.11 211. w. ....l. . . ....111111.0.- r ...Of .tl- - 0 gifts ► gmdi eallholimirvt trit 44,n• mr.• • -..-••• "'loom i••••• vir • ansis, Ad ...mot So ire,. ism.* 11.1: so as - arrawormilt 111.4 • 4. .3•• 111.•Pqr • 441••• NA N. •ontoore 3.•••••• •••••••• 4•00018.1.• la* !re • •°•••. grorminwes •••• At Li • • I . lZerllrMirr ••••••••• itimaireNer, • Pinurre, 4 11160issimik, M. lap"? lbw* 1.. AI a., oremsfirirrlmimisr Orr 4.4041 INA Arabi% 41•1111•00. dir weressot. .4, Air imar4Mbi err dr is. WO 0014.0. zed 0.1101.1•01111 1411,11.P.INIMMINImft NOS *WM, llirripariligpso ems swirrary m -- Arr.. Pit him., !Mae 4111111110160 sm.* fare.. MA.. sirisenaliMesiso4.Bo womb. poet of Or pope Ilitab OW.* Or lair 410 womi•dill Arr ewe 4.0111.... r.••••• mime* grow epowilli_ '-'l,—. brebliP ▪ ownwrp —asM,orPr T. 11.,.0. Own, —I IWO oOlime apip• TWO MOO. I moirgeboolop.pior yo! Owe i..nw ONOOlbo ISONIM OOP iplonol. biome Mooll ollOom .ost Maw dm! s ors.- tot .85.. Or Wm OP allowOr Argreme ail Aftwee, One .85.. , 4 ~.fie. yr, iZP. vica. :yr, PPLETI AMERIt'AN CTCLOPIEDI t &stirs4yr rrorrerves bt lbw shim* wan* amerr se.port. Timed twos sow lippt awl dialimmind anti 4 .-vers4 Tbammesse isqpirwrsqp and Mop. aharlb Tee tai Imamor mar sass /am wasiglaliaa ,a MM. *are aPlirrlb tar for isbea alroadmasa slaw* et bow altsimad is all pone 4 swir4 Aegis., mod .lawr mipei taboo Owe * bereelb et aulksiot 1111olleal. Nal are. bs'. aolairail pis oliarme r. rebus le ND SO WININ4 WWI Seam 11.1111110*. 80.0 1.1 .1101110' s ft.. raw Itsalaw e - v.-1.1. ago 6. • taboos Alte 1.. Imo yews lbw revere effliorso wry ros 'very • lowelledlipt boy mei sir* ~Si of =":• ingamille••• amt. The aprooelmost of r Irosi aims Sr bye pre illoweorereee aplomrek. aid Tear Amalie+ eftliellriel afiel erellal see twee der easeeepossoo sod sit ewe* Sao 4fgrail .. •ers , sea •.male -erv...11. arr./yews iminomme eimipir 4 poplar. swat. Vim Alm. war 4 asp seeremerr. sue at pet Mi., skis do Imo ,U .4 tler .64 saA nortare_ Inr lappoly ismandoll, ammil s ire MINIM evassissorwat awl imartriall strifiv-fly b. bow weampareal Low sepoodose ~ ......or pripispairsi b0.a11.4. brag+ hem um& by tile :samaiiilar owlistsw• .4 Atria. rh. pool -4 imp beet swilimi mown if ?be *sr. .4' Ohm I. • 11•8141111 mew pitillot 'iits , spoltsawit of sow 11.• *lmo - aro ettry Ise • sessib. mot • Now limo *Pm"? ear amitost s limpur Ity paw tittelere. *me WNW bow Iwo Ibeillf M 4111- 10111“1110. *WO ONNIMNInt et elope **Alamo. es yet pettorttd - ibit fortomigagart AP r •Imv tiptistroot ribillootiour d lbw air,. bat tibia wept nem Ns , t.. !'per pimps prouromst sad arlibro ti. _ _ let pr.irrts* Hr romPlipt 4• is poiro. Ys arrevaboretip boos ello arab Ihro • • biros ewes Au; awl ti Npreirlb no asweelbe sessurel *if lbw are surge irrowslar irwrw of swim Oro prshorriso To Oftwroro rod at thy wore is.. Owe nr thr rovers/ arr. r roe or is ipso • foromort srf surf woof .1 qb. 11,,50i sod Isseermi wroto lb.r *eel b.. two Isom taffy tare wadi prellarissry era trio! Ow swot wog.. inee.rit ,arryase «a ft. s amposofist ammonia tins. Sawa .4 dim arsvaal aareetypr ploarainge %wow aimal. bat every pap taw praaall type. Ihrumag taut a any erlagamils, 'Aft A. mow rr.l ~arria. OS c t• rallmemer. rut *alb a lb, gragailler rwiliMairprirredlOWO. votb sorb imporworropor • woorrierms sr low. i t. Uorsre rirpoolme rairrir. Tim yllhostratirar sr* orliwareoll ihr ter Sow *ow my ob. }rouse Miro boss slap* fre Tfor orb* -4 'worry*. oaryt. bet •• lesiallity seal form or lb* eslarartarra -or -11 m. W inm r , wow.. sot Wserirryy 4 erworry rod 4 wry not Worry. surd avert •br roe Ilowyrow ow' usrliaM* trotoorro -4 myworry. swestrarhoor sad r. as ima . tbe rai,mir IPAISPIIIMP 44 OMPOlsiallwrir. Mil galle . 11101 • 0 41. ismodhal Ow taiever...• ostbare eb griile4 .r••• !beer firftiii• 414.11111.011.. 4111 P 41•01 tbrrir 4.1110.1.5.4. 01.0111•410. INIMS sr i APO% Awl, sal 401 • ••••••••••0 swelpilme a• allairs. teeleure !be evirempedis. amid ~Sy s 1 a. rirr are Abeemeror. tbs. r• .•44 eafeeeefibrese sell; premeri.,. rre 4.4hrery 444m0i eeleele. MO be Emeripeser.4 re ailleme kelp ereere vellome. Neva seeesourrerz eiliee4 IMpoem hay illimenoraik ova 0P.44#4 timesmad Wood legrawbripro gull OW% emore... 1111.011111 i LiMbwirepitir P$W AN. rni a 01111111•11141114. he "stirs M0b. ..... fir ?mi.- Is Oaf Tiorbry per Is Self seam silk per sec... Is MI Ilkoss...asawsk OD olOstpprvat :0 re M Illoolsk. por 01111. » 400 - - - Thor vsealaia asar asap. 111 wisp Apairipsirs. Melo WINIIII14•11.• natio* immaira. ...Ibytobirm• pewit of ? 111•1119•0111 s•.. 4frtrament fype. •Ilappepeeira.. or.. # 1..... erst.•. ge spiptimetwe 20 6 , Pivot - nate see- et Irmo • V rfe.-41 Miaow vamp Iftalkairce. IP FrillTsll 1 , 40 a .0 fit - I ler. 12.71 • WM WILLIAM. WANT' Y tielr* - -t .11/ I.‘RRIA 11.15TUDI. ItrYsr nom.. RrsTtgaDox P t PLASTICS P.M , roIICTICO BI A 0 DTs 11 /o.lrTtails "IL .I**. I, r. 0.1 # ELERICATFI) 1:4••••••yr • A , J4. :T. - ,llllrllll 4,1911111111r11 .m4Ol. „if.? PM/ 1.0 ADO - , salr IPMAINII 114 lltit ”.0 4 ,1100 /balm. MEM. Pr lir rime oupiNerir • Appit 7 V" assn asarrir a rcsirrs. arlimoVes. IVI aiT TAMP ESPITOON. I* .fiar. 4 Iho NM Woe poimilia. so piliNle bum Iwo *f Imre or. ♦ JO t , •